Books about Love stories (sorted alphabetically)
- Chain of Evidence Carolyn Wells
- Chalice Of Courage: A Romance of Colorado Cyrus Townsend Brady
- Chance: A Tale in Two Parts Joseph Conrad
- Chance: A Tale in Two Parts Joseph Conrad
- Chance: A Tale in Two Parts Joseph Conrad
- Charles Rex Ethel M. Dell
- Charterhouse of Parma, Volume 1 Stendhal
- Charterhouse of Parma, Volume 2 Stendhal
- Chartreuse De Parme (French) Stendhal
- Chartreuse of Parma Stendhal
- châteaux d'Athlin et de Dunbayne (1/2), Histoire arrivée dans les Montagnes d'Écosse. (French) Ann Ward Radcliffe
- châteaux d'Athlin et de Dunbayne (2/2), Histoire arrivée dans les Montagnes d'Écosse. (French) Ann Ward Radcliffe
- Childerbridge Mystery Guy Boothby
- Children of the Whirlwind Leroy Scott
- Christina L. G. Moberly
- Christmas on Wheels Willis Boyd Allen
- Chronicles of Count Antonio Anthony Hope
- Chronicles of the Imp: A Romance Jeffery Farnol
- City of Numbered Days Francis Lynde
- City Schoolgirl and Her Friends May Baldwin
- Claverings Anthony Trollope
- Clever Betsy: A Novel Clara Louise Burnham
- Cloister and the Hearth Charles Reade
- Cloister and the Hearth: A Tale of the Middle Ages Charles Reade
- Coast of Adventure Harold Bindloss