Books about Clergy -- Fiction (sorted alphabetically)
Joseph Andrews, Vol. 2 Henry Fielding
Landprediger (German) Jakob Michael Reinhold Lenz
Last Chronicle of Barset Anthony Trollope
Legacy of Cain Wilkie Collins
letra escarlata (Spanish) Nathaniel Hawthorne
Little Minister J. M. Barrie
Little Minister J. M. Barrie
Lourdes (French) Émile Zola
Love of Azalea Onoto Watanna
Luke's wife Evelyn R. Garratt
Mediterranean mystery Fred E. Wynne
Militants Mary Raymond Shipman Andrews
Minister's Charge; Or, The Apprenticeship of Lemuel Barker William Dean Howells
Minister's Wooing Harriet Beecher Stowe
My New Curate Patrick Augustine Sheehan
Neville Trueman, the Pioneer Preacher : a tale of the war of 1812 W. H. Withrow
New Abelard: A Romance, Volume 1 (of 3) Robert Williams Buchanan
New Abelard: A Romance, Volume 2 (of 3) Robert Williams Buchanan
New Abelard: A Romance, Volume 3 (of 3) Robert Williams Buchanan
Notre-Dame de Paris (French) Victor Hugo
Notre-Dame de Paris Victor Hugo
Notre-Dame de Paris - Tome 1 (French) Victor Hugo
Notre-Dame de Paris - Tome 2 (French) Victor Hugo
Pariisin Notre-Dame 1482 (Finnish) Victor Hugo
Paris (French) Émile Zola