Books about Villages -- Fiction (sorted alphabetically)
In a Quiet Village S. Baring-Gould
Jenny: A Village Idyl M. A. Curtois
Judith Moore; or, Fashioning a Pipe Joanna E. Wood
Keeping up with Lizzie Irving Bacheller
Lady William Mrs. Oliphant
Lost Dryad Frank R. Stockton
Love of Ulrich Nebendahl Jerome K. Jerome
Master's Violin Myrtle Reed
Miss Esperance and Mr Wycherly L. Allen Harker
Miss Primrose: A Novel Roy Rolfe Gilson
Morning Glory Club George A. Kyle
Mrs. Tree's Will Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards
Neighborhood Stories Zona Gale
Our Town Jerome Bixby
Pembroke: A Novel Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman
post-girl Edward Charles Booth
Seth's Brother's Wife: A Study of Life in the Greater New York Harold Frederic
Slanderers Warwick Deeping
Sowing and Sewing: A Sexagesima Story Charlotte M. Yonge
Squire Phin Holman Day
Starling: A Scottish Story Norman Macleod
Sysmäläinen: Kyläinen tarina (Finnish) Berthold Auerbach
The Village in the Jungle Leonard Woolf
Three Brothers Eden Phillpotts
Three Sisters May Sinclair