Books about Man-woman relationships -- Fiction (sorted alphabetically)
tenderfoots Francis Lynde
Ten-foot Chain; or, Can Love Survive the Shackles? A Unique Symposium Max Brand, Achmed Abdullah, E. K. Means, and Perley Poore Sheehan
Tenterhooks Ada Leverson
Terriford mystery Marie Belloc Lowndes
Terror Out of Space Dwight V. Swain
Tessin tarina (Finnish) Thomas Hardy
Tess of the d'Urbervilles: A Pure Woman Thomas Hardy
Tess of the d'Urbervilles: A Pure Woman Thomas Hardy
That's Not Love Elisabeth Sanxay Holding
The Beauty Mrs. Wilson Woodrow
They Looked and Loved; Or, Won by Faith Mrs. Alex. McVeigh Miller
Thing Beyond Reason Elisabeth Sanxay Holding
Third Window Anne Douglas Sedgwick
Thirteenth Man Mrs. Coulson Kernahan
Thirty Howard Vincent O'Brien
Thread of Flame Basil King
Three Cities Trilogy, Complete Émile Zola
Three Cities Trilogy: Paris, Complete Émile Zola
Three Cities Trilogy: Paris, Volume 1 Émile Zola
Three Cities Trilogy: Paris, Volume 2 Émile Zola
Three Cities Trilogy: Paris, Volume 3 Émile Zola
Three Cities Trilogy: Paris, Volume 4 Émile Zola
Three Cities Trilogy: Paris, Volume 5 Émile Zola
Three Furlongers Sheila Kaye-Smith
Three Lovers Frank Swinnerton