Books about Satire (sorted alphabetically)
Home Life in Russia, Volumes 1 and 2 Nikolai Vasilevich Gogol
How Doth the Simple Spelling Bee Owen Wister
H. R. Edwin Lefevre
Île Des Pingouins (French) Anatole France
Incubator Baby Ellis Parker Butler
Ingénu (French) Voltaire
In the Sweet Dry and Dry Christopher Morley and Bart Haley
I Pose Stella Benson
island : or, an adventure of a person of quality Richard Whiteing
Jeudis de Madame Charbonneau (French) comte de Armand Pontmartin
Kontrovers-Predigt über H. Clauren und den Mann im Mond (German) Wilhelm Hauff
Kuolleet sielut (Finnish) Nikolai Vasilevich Gogol
Lecture On Heads George Alexander Stevens
Londoners : an absurdity Robert Hichens
Love and Mr. Lewisham H. G. Wells
Lumley Autograph Susan Fenimore Cooper
Magic Christian Terry Southern
Main Street Sinclair Lewis
Majstro kaj Martinelli (Esperanto) Jorge Camacho
Martin Chuzzlewit Charles Dickens
Martin Chuzzlewit Charles Dickens
Marvellous Adventures and Rare Conceits of Master Tyll Owlglass
Meeting of the Board Alan Edward Nourse
Messiah Gore Vidal
meunier d'Angibault (French) George Sand