Books about Children's plays (sorted by popularity)
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Alice in Wonderland Lewis Carroll and Alice Gerstenberg 1629 downloads
Children's Classics in Dramatic Form, A Reader for the Fourth Grade Augusta Stevenson 313 downloads
The Rescue of the Princess Winsome: A Fairy Play for Old and Young Annie F. Johnston 282 downloads
Children's Classics in Dramatic Form, Book Two Augusta Stevenson 262 downloads
Miscellanea Juliana Horatia Ewing 239 downloads
Dramatic Reader for Lower Grades Florence Holbrook 229 downloads
The Peace Egg and Other tales Juliana Horatia Ewing 215 downloads
Up the Chimney Shepherd Knapp 191 downloads
Little Dramas for Primary Grades Ada M. Skinner and Lillian Nixon Lawrence 179 downloads
Christmas Candles: Plays for Boys and Girls Elsie Hobart Carter 172 downloads
The Dramatization of Bible Stories Elizabeth Miller Lobingier 168 downloads
History Plays for the Grammar Grades Mary Ella Lyng 166 downloads
The Christmas Dinner Shepherd Knapp 165 downloads
The Cat and Fiddle Book Lady Florence Eveleen Eleanore Olliffe Bell and Lady Florence Elsa Bell Richmond 159 downloads
Robert E. Lee: A Story and a Play Ruth Hill 156 downloads
Nursery Comedies: Twelve Tiny Plays for Children Lady Florence Eveleen Eleanore Olliffe Bell 151 downloads
Down the Chimney Shepherd Knapp 136 downloads
Uncle Sam's Right Arm: A Patriotic Exercise Effa E. Preston 135 downloads
Dr. Hardhack's Prescription: A Play for Children in Four Acts Harriet Beecher Stowe and K. McDowell Rice 135 downloads
St. Nicholas Book of Plays & Operettas (Second Series) Various 132 downloads
A Troublesome Flock: A Mother Goose Play for Children Elizabeth F. Guptill 130 downloads
A Party in Mother Goose Land: A One Act Play for Primary Children Effa E. Preston 123 downloads
In a Toy Shop: A Christmas Play for Small Children Effa E. Preston 105 downloads
The Dolls on Dress Parade Effa E. Preston 102 downloads
A Strike in Santa Land: A Play in One Act Effa E. Preston 100 downloads
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