Books about Tolstoy, Leo, graf, 1828-1910 (sorted by popularity)
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Displaying results 1–24
The great masters of Russian literature in the nineteenth century Ernest Dupuy 296 downloads
Vidas Ejemplares: Beethoven—Miguel Ángel—Tolstoi (Spanish) Romain Rolland 265 downloads
Erinnerungen an Leo N. Tolstoi (German) grafinia A. A. Tolstaia 231 downloads
Reminiscences of Tolstoy, by His Son graf Ilia Lvovich Tolstoi 226 downloads
Autobiography of Countess Tolstoy S. A. Tolstaia 212 downloads
Das Leben Tolstois (German) Romain Rolland 204 downloads
Leo Tolstoy G. K. Chesterton, Edward Garnett, and G. H. Perris 196 downloads
Ma confession (French) graf Leo Tolstoy 187 downloads
Prophets of Dissent : Essays on Maeterlinck, Strindberg, Nietzsche and Tolstoy Otto Heller 184 downloads
Tolstoy Romain Rolland 183 downloads
The Life of Tolstoy: First Fifty Years Aylmer Maude 181 downloads
Tolstoi's leven (Dutch) Pavel Ivanovich Biriukov 177 downloads
Tolstoy's interpretation of money and property Milivoy S. Stanoyevich 174 downloads
Vie de Tolstoï (French) Romain Rolland 173 downloads
The New Spirit Havelock Ellis 164 downloads
Tolstoï (French) Stefan Zweig 156 downloads
Tolstoy Lilian Winstanley 148 downloads
Tolsztoj (Hungarian) Stefan Zweig 144 downloads
The Last Days of Tolstoy V. G. Chertkov 133 downloads
Talks with Tolstoi Aleksandr Borisovich Golʹdenveĭzer 130 downloads
Reminiscences of Leo Nicolayevitch Tolstoi Maksim Gorky 123 downloads
The Russian novelists vicomte de Eugène-Melchior Vogüé 121 downloads
"My Visit to Tolstoy": Five Discourses Joseph Krauskopf 113 downloads
Päiväkirja matkaltani Venäjällä, ja käynti Leo Tolstoin luona keväällä 1899 (Finnish) Arvid Järnefelt 109 downloads
Displaying results 1–24