Books about American wit and humor (sorted by popularity)
Light interviews with shades Robert Webster Jones 236 downloads
Grimm Tales Made Gay Guy Wetmore Carryl 233 downloads
That Reminds Me: A Collection of Tales Worth Telling 226 downloads
Among the Humorists and After Dinner Speakers, Vol. 1 223 downloads
Peck's Bad Boy and His Pa George W. Peck 220 downloads
Humorous Hits and How to Hold an Audience 215 downloads
Postscripts O. Henry 208 downloads
The American Credo H. L. Mencken and George Jean Nathan 205 downloads
Reflections of a Bachelor Girl Helen Rowland 203 downloads
English as She is Wrote Anonymous 201 downloads
Bill Nye's Red Book Bill Nye 200 downloads
The Grocery Man And Peck's Bad Boy George W. Peck 198 downloads
A laugh a day keeps the doctor away Irvin S. Cobb 198 downloads
The American Joe Miller: A Collection of Yankee Wit and Humor 197 downloads
Mark Twain's Burlesque Autobiography Mark Twain 197 downloads
Bill Nye's Cordwood Bill Nye 194 downloads
The Foolish Almanak for Anuthur Year Various 193 downloads
The Humorous Poetry of the English Language; from Chaucer to Saxe 193 downloads
Peck's bad boy abroad : Being a humorous description of the bad boy and his dad in their journeys through foreign lands George W. Peck 192 downloads
The Old Soldier's Story: Poems and Prose Sketches James Whitcomb Riley 191 downloads
Ade's Fables George Ade 191 downloads
Peck's Sunshine George W. Peck 188 downloads
Treat 'em Rough: Letters from Jack the Kaiser Killer Ring Lardner 186 downloads
Little Masterpieces of American Wit and Humor, Volume II 182 downloads
Peck's Uncle Ike and The Red Headed Boy George W. Peck 180 downloads