Books about Maine -- Juvenile fiction (sorted by popularity)
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The Rover Boys Down East; or, The Struggle for the Stanhope Fortune Edward Stratemeyer 261 downloads
When Life Was Young: At the Old Farm in Maine C. A. Stephens 260 downloads
Camp and Trail: A Story of the Maine Woods Isabel Hornibrook 245 downloads
The Launch Boys' Adventures in Northern Waters Edward Sylvester Ellis 238 downloads
Rosin the Beau Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards 217 downloads
The Cruise of the Sally D James Otis 198 downloads
The Boy Patrol Around the Council Fire Edward Sylvester Ellis 187 downloads
A Daughter of the Forest Evelyn Raymond 182 downloads
Now or Never; Or, The Adventures of Bobby Bright Oliver Optic 182 downloads
Ruth Fielding Down East; Or, The Hermit of Beach Plum Point Alice B. Emerson 181 downloads
Running to Waste: The Story of a Tomboy George M. Baker 178 downloads
Jim Spurling, Fisherman Albert Walter Tolman 174 downloads
The Golden Boys Rescued by Radio L. P. Wyman 168 downloads
Woodcraft Boys at Sunset Island Lillian Elizabeth Roy and May Folwell Hoisington 162 downloads
Little Prudy Sophie May 158 downloads
Aunt Madge's Story Sophie May 157 downloads
The Haunted Ship Kate Marion Tucker 153 downloads
The Golden Boys With the Lumber Jacks L. P. Wyman 152 downloads
The Outdoor Chums in the Big Woods; Or, Rival Hunters of Lumber Run Quincy Allen 150 downloads
The Launch Boys' Cruise in the Deerfoot Edward Sylvester Ellis 143 downloads
Two young lumbermen : or, From Maine to Oregon for fortune Edward Stratemeyer 139 downloads
The Secret of Steeple Rocks Harriet Pyne Grove 139 downloads
Arthur Brown, The Young Captain Elijah Kellogg 139 downloads
Mary Christmas Mary Ellen Chase 137 downloads
Jack the Hunchback: A Story of Adventure on the Coast of Maine James Otis 133 downloads
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