Books about Spanish-American War, 1898 -- Juvenile fiction (sorted by popularity)
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Displaying results 1–9
The Girls of Silver Spur Ranch Grace MacGowan Cooke and Anne McQueen 216 downloads
"Forward, March": A Tale of the Spanish-American War Kirk Munroe 193 downloads
A Little Dusky Hero Harriet T. Comstock 184 downloads
A Gunner Aboard the "Yankee" Russell Doubleday 159 downloads
Young Glory and the Spanish cruiser : or, a brave fight against odds Walter Fenton Mott 150 downloads
Under the Star-Spangled Banner: A Tale of the Spanish-American War F. S. Brereton 131 downloads
Off Santiago with Sampson James Otis 121 downloads
When Santiago Fell; or, The War Adventures of Two Chums Edward Stratemeyer 115 downloads
Elsie's Young Folks in Peace and War Martha Finley 92 downloads
Displaying results 1–9