Books about Sisters -- Juvenile fiction (sorted alphabetically)
Laughing Last Jane Abbott
Lena Graham Cecilia Selby Lowndes
Lilac Lady Ruth Brown MacArthur
Little Miss Moth : The story of three maidens: Charity, Hope, and Faith Amy Le Feuvre
Mary: A Nursery Story for Very Little Children Mrs. Molesworth
Mean-Wells Mabel Quiller-Couch
Melody : The Story of a Child Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards
Molly and Kitty, or Peasant Life in Ireland; with Other Tales Olga Eschenbach and Maria Burg
Mostly Mary Mary Edward Feehan
Nancy of Paradise Cottage Shirley Watkins
new graft on the family tree Pansy
On Adventure Island Bess Moyer
Opportunities Susan Warner
Palace Beautiful: A Story for Girls L. T. Meade
Peggy in Her Blue Frock Eliza Orne White
petites filles modèles (French) comtesse de Sophie Ségur
petites filles modèles (French) comtesse de Sophie Ségur
Philippa Mrs. Molesworth
Phyllis: A Twin Dorothy Whitehill
Rainbow Hill Josephine Lawrence
Ranch Girls and Their Great Adventure Margaret Vandercook
Randy's Summer: A Story for Girls Amy Brooks
Red Rose and Tiger Lily; Or, In a Wider World L. T. Meade
Seven daughters Amanda M. Douglas
Sisters Grace May North