The Deserted Village
Oliver Goldsmith
Poems, &c. (1790)
Joanna Baillie
Gebir, and Count Julian
Walter Savage Landor
The Poetical Works of Addison; Gay's Fables; and Somerville's Chase
John Gay, Joseph Addison, and William Somerville
Poems (1786), Volume I.
Helen Maria Williams
The Rowley Poems
Thomas Chatterton
Lyrical tales
Mary Robinson
Poems: Containing The Restropect, Odes, Elegies, Sonnets, &c.
Robert Southey and Robert Lovell
Elegies and Other Small Poems
Matilda Betham
An elegy written among the ruins of an abbey
Mr. Jerningham
The first of April; or, The triumphs of folly
William Combe
English Poets of the Eighteenth Century
Poetical Works
Charles Churchill