Books about Life (sorted by popularity)
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Meditations Emperor of Rome Marcus Aurelius 10562 downloads
The Meditations of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Emperor of Rome Marcus Aurelius 3951 downloads
Creative Evolution Henri Bergson 976 downloads
Thoughts of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Emperor of Rome Marcus Aurelius 434 downloads
What I believe Bertrand Russell 390 downloads
Selbstbetrachtungen (German) Emperor of Rome Marcus Aurelius 387 downloads
The Book of Life Upton Sinclair 373 downloads
Thoughts on Art and Life da Vinci Leonardo 342 downloads
Is Life Worth Living? W. H. Mallock 225 downloads
Man's Place in the Universe Alfred Russel Wallace 203 downloads
The Philosophy of Spiritual Activity Rudolf Steiner 192 downloads
We Moderns: Enigmas and Guesses Edwin Muir 191 downloads
The Secret of Life, Death and Immortality Henry Fleetwood 181 downloads
The Complex Vision John Cowper Powys 180 downloads
Die Philosophie der Freiheit: Grundzüge einer modernen Weltanschauung (German) Rudolf Steiner 178 downloads
Dream Life: A Fable of the Seasons Donald Grant Mitchell 173 downloads
Human Life Sherwood Sweet Knight 172 downloads
The philosophy of life, and philosophy of language, in a course of lectures Friedrich von Schlegel 163 downloads
Thoughts on Life and Religion F. Max Müller 133 downloads
The Forest Giant Adrien Le Corbeau 129 downloads
Father Payne Arthur Christopher Benson 129 downloads
Der Sinn und Wert des Lebens (German) Rudolf Eucken 122 downloads
Life's Basis and Life's Ideal: The Fundamentals of a New Philosophy of Life Rudolf Eucken 119 downloads
Az élet könyve (Hungarian) Géza Kenedi 106 downloads
Az élet értelme és értéke (Hungarian) Rudolf Eucken 102 downloads
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