Books about United States. Navy (sorted by popularity)
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Displaying results 1–8
The Interest of America in Sea Power, Present and Future A. T. Mahan 823 downloads
Naval battles of the world : Great and decisive contests on the sea ... with an account of the Japan-China war and the recent battle of the Yalu; the growth, power, and management of our new Navy. Edward Shippen 230 downloads
The U-boat hunters James B. Connolly 184 downloads
Our Navy in the War Lawrence Perry 176 downloads
Ordnance Instructions for the United States Navy. United States. Navy Department. Bureau of Ordnance 164 downloads
The Yankee mining squadron : or, laying the North Sea mine barrage Reginald Rowan Belknap 142 downloads
The American Navy and Liberia Robert Wilson Shufeldt 107 downloads
Full Speed Ahead: Tales from the Log of a Correspondent with Our Navy Henry Beston 105 downloads
Displaying results 1–8