Books about Short stories (sorted by popularity)
Main Street Nathaniel Hawthorne 226 downloads
Stories of Intellect Nathaniel Hawthorne, Charles Dickens, Rebecca Harding Davis, Edgar Allan Poe, Baron Edward Bulwer Lytton Lytton, Thomas De Quincey, and Harriet Elizabeth Prescott Spofford 225 downloads
The Dynamiter Robert Louis Stevenson and Fanny Van de Grift Stevenson 225 downloads
Alonzo Fitz, and Other Stories Mark Twain 225 downloads
Bad Medicine Robert Sheckley 224 downloads
The Holes Around Mars Jerome Bixby 224 downloads
The Three Brides, Love in a Cottage, and Other Tales Francis A. Durivage 224 downloads
Top-of-the-World Stories for Boys and Girls 223 downloads
Tales of the Fish Patrol Jack London 223 downloads
Cost of Living Robert Sheckley 221 downloads
Back Home Eugene Wood 221 downloads
Elegy Charles Beaumont 221 downloads
The Haunted Mind (From "Twice Told Tales") Nathaniel Hawthorne 220 downloads
Friends and Neighbors; Or, Two Ways of Living in the World 217 downloads
Holiday Romance Charles Dickens 217 downloads
In Exile, and Other Stories Mary Hallock Foote 217 downloads
Historias Sem Data (Portuguese) Machado de Assis 216 downloads
Stories and Pictures Isaac Loeb Peretz 216 downloads
The New Adam and Eve (From "Mosses from an Old Manse") Nathaniel Hawthorne 216 downloads
Flood waters Leland Jamieson 216 downloads
Modern Essays and Stories 216 downloads
The White Old Maid (From "Twice Told Tales") Nathaniel Hawthorne 214 downloads
Atom Drive Charles L. Fontenay 212 downloads
Every Man for Himself Norman Duncan 212 downloads
Short Stories of the New America 211 downloads