Books about Short stories (sorted alphabetically)
Count's Chauffeur William Le Queux
Course of Empire Richard Wilson
Course of Logic Lester Del Rey
Courtship of Susan Bell Anthony Trollope
courts of Jamshyd Robert F. Young
cowboy and the lady and her pa : A story of a fish out of water Irvin S. Cobb
Crash Beam John Barrett
Creature Inside Jack Sharkey
Creepin' Tintypes W. C. Tuttle
Crime of the Under-seas Guy Boothby
Criminal Negligence J. Francis McComas
crimp Henry Leverage
Crimson Gardenia and Other Tales of Adventure Rex Beach
Crisis! C. M. Kornbluth
Crisis on Titan James R. Adams
Crónicas de Marianela (Spanish) Angélica Palma
Cronus of the D. F. C. Jr. Lloyd Biggle
Cross Purposes and The Shadows George MacDonald
Crossroads of Destiny H. Beam Piper
Crowded Colony Jerome Bixby
Crucial Moment Charles Egbert Craddock
Cry from a Far Planet Tom Godwin
Cry Snooker Andrew Fetler
Crystal Crypt Philip K. Dick
crystal ray Raymond Z. Gallun