The Project Gutenberg EBook of Game and Playe of the Chesse, by Caxton
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Title: Game and Playe of the Chesse
A Verbatim Reprint Of The First Edition, 1474
Author: Caxton
Release Date: January 11, 2004 [EBook #10672]
Language: English
Character set encoding: UTF-8
Produced by Jonathan Ingram, Debra Storr and PG Distributed Proofreaders
"And ther was founde by clerkes full prudent
Of the chesse the play most glorious."
[Transcribers Note: This is a reprint of Caxton's 1474 original.
"Englifh" long s's which look very similar to f's have been transposed
to s's for readability; yogh (looks like a mutated 3) has been rendered
as a 3; thorn, þ, has been left as such and macrons over letters
are given as e.g. [=o]. Otherwise the text has been left as is.
The original punctutation has been preseved. Virgula suspensiva, shown
here as / was in common use from the thirteenth to the seventeenth century.
Often used for short pauses (such as the cæsura in the middle of
a line of poetry), but sometimes was used as equivalent to the punctus.
'9 represents a superscripted 9 and is an ancestor to the modern apostrophe.
It usually indicates the omission of a terminal -us.
A small amount of text in this edition is in Blackletter, which was
used in the Caxton original, and these sections have been marked up as
The book contains many attractive illustrations copied from the Caxton
original and an HTML version exists to give a better representation of

Jonathon Oldbuck
on the Game of Chess, 1474
The First Edition: copies in libraries and at sales
Where was it printed?
Caxton's account of the translation
The Second Edition: copies in libraries and at sales
Ferron and De Vignay's "Jeu d'Echecs"
Jacques de Cessoles: "Liber de Moribus hominum"
Sermons on Chess
Ægidius Romanus, his life and his book: "De Regimine Principum"
Occleve's imitation
William Caxton as a translator
Bibliography of the Chess Book:
Ferron and De Vignay
Conrad van Ammenhaufen
Heinrich von Beringen
The scope and language of the Chess-book
Authors quoted and named
Biblical names and allusions
Xerxes the inventor of Chess!
John the monk
Truphes of the Philosophers
Classical allusions
Mediæval allusions and stories
John of Ganazath
St. Bernard
The dishonest trader
The drunken hermit
A violent remedy
Murder of Nero
Theodorus Cyrenaicus
Democritus of Abdera
Socrates disguised
Didymus and raised letters for the blind
Shaksperean etymology
Caxton at Ghent
The history of Chess
The ethical aim of the writer of the Chess-book
This booke conteyneth. iiii. traytees/ The first traytee is of the Invencion
of this playe of the chesse/ and conteyneth. iii. chapitres.
The first chapitre is
under what kynge this play was founden.
The .ii. chapitre/ who fonde
this playe.
The .iii. chapitre/ treteth
of. iii. causes why hit was made and founden.
The seconde traytee treteth of the chesse men/ and conteyneth
.v. chapitres.
The first chapitre treteth of
the forme of a kynge and of suche thinges as apperteyn to a kynge.
The .ii. chapitre treteth of
y'e quene & her forme & maners.
The .iii. chapitre of the forme
of the alphins and her offices and maners.
The .iiii. chapitre is of the
knygth and of his offices.
The .v. is of the rooks and
of their maners and offices.
The thirde traytee is of the offices of the comyn peple
And hath .viii. chapitres.
The first chapitre is of the
labourers & tilinge of the erthe.
The .ii. of smythis and other
werkes in yron & metall.
The .iii. is of drapers and
makers of cloth & notaries.
The .iiii. is of marchantes
and chaungers.
The .v. is of phisicyens and
cirugiens and apotecaries.
The .vi. is of tauerners and
The .vii. is of y'e gardes of
the citees & tollers & customers.
The .viii. is of ribauldes disepleyars
and currours.
The .iiii. traytee is of the meuyng and yssue of them
And hath .viii. chapitres.
The first is of the eschequer.
The seconde of the yssue and
progression of the kynge.
The thirde of the yssue of the quene. [Transcribers
note: Original mislabels 3rd chapter as a second 2nd chapter]
The fourth is of the yssue of
the alphyns.
The fifth is of the yssue of
the knyghtes.
The sixty chapitre of the yssue
of the rooks.
The seuenth is of the meuynge
& yssue of the comyn peple.
And the eyght and laste chapitre
is of the epilegacion and of the recapitulacion of all these forsaid chapitres.

The readers
of the "Antiquary" will remember the anecdote told with so much effusion
by Jonathan Oldbuck. '"Davy Wilson," he said, "commonly called Snuffy Davy,
from his inveterate addiction to black rappee, was the very prince of scouts
for searching blind alleys, cellars, and stalls, for rare volumes. He had
the scent of a slow-hound, sir, and the snap of a bull-dog. He would detect
you an old black-letter ballad among the leaves of a law-paper, and find
an editio princeps under the mask of a school Corderius. Snuffy
Davy bought the 'Game of Chess, 1474,' the first book ever printed in England,
from a stall in Holland for about two groschen, or two-pence of our money.
He sold it to Osborne for twenty pounds, and as many books as came to twenty
pounds more. Osborne re-sold this inimitable windfall to Dr. Askew for
sixty guineas. At Dr. Askew's sale," continued the old gentleman, kindling
as he spoke, "this inestimable treasure blazed forth in its full value
and was purchased by Royalty itself for one hundred and seventy pounds!
Could a copy now occur, Lord only knows," he ejaculated with a deep sigh
and lifted-up hands, "Lord only knows what would be its ransom; and yet
it was originally secured, by skill and research, for the easy equivalent
of two-pence sterling."'
Sir Walter Scott in a footnote adds:--"This bibliomaniacal anecdote
is literally true; and David Wilson, the author need not tell his brethren
of the Roxburghe and Bannatyne Clubs, was a real personage." Mr. Blades,
whose iconoclastic temper is not moved to mercy even by this good story,
says that although it "looks like a true bibliographical anecdote," its
appearance is deceptive, and that "not a single statement is founded on
Jonathan Oldbuck did not venture to estimate the sum that would ransom
a copy of the "Game of Chesse," and the world of the bibliomania has moved
even since his days, so that prices which seemed fabulous, and were recounted
with a sort of awe-struck wonder, have been surpassed in these latter days,
and the chances of any successor of "Snuffy Davy" buying a Caxton for two
groschen have been greatly reduced.
According to Mr. William Blades, our latest and best authority on the
subject, there are but ten copies known of the first edition of the "Chesse"
book.[2] There
is a perfect copy in the King's Library in the British Museum. This is
what ought to be Snuffy Davy's copy. A previous owner--R. Boys--has noted
that it cost him 3s. The copy in the Grenville Library has the table
and last leaf supplied in facsimile. The copy in the Public Library at
Cambridge is defective to the extent of five leaves. The Bodleian copy
wants the last leaf. The Duke of Devonshire's copy formerly belonged to
Roger Wilbraham, and the first and eighth leaves are supplied in facsimile.
The exemplar belonging to the Earl of Pembroke is perfect, "but on weak
and stained paper." Earl Spencer's copy is perfect, clean, and unusually
large. Mr. H. Cunliffe's copy came from the Alchorne and Inglis Libraries,
and wants the first two printed leaves, two near the end, and the last
two. Mr. J. Holford's copy is perfect and in its original binding. It was
once in the library of Sir Henry Mainwaring of Peover Hall, as his bookplate
shows. On a fly-leaf is written, "Ex dono Thomæ Delves, Baronett
1682." The copy belonging to the Rev. Edward Bankes is imperfect, and wants
the dedicatory leaf and is slightly wormed.
The book, when complete, consists of eight quaternions or eight leaves
folded together and one quinternion or section of five sheets folded together,
making in all seventy-four leaves, of which the first and last are blank.
The only type used throughout is that styled No. 1 by Mr. Blades. The lines
are not spaced out; the longest measure five inches; a full page has thirty-one
lines. Without title-page, signatures, numerals, or catch-words. The volume,
as already mentioned, begins with a blank leaf, and on the second recto
is Caxton's prologue, space being left for a two-line initial, without
director. The text begins with a dedication:--"(T)o the right noble/ right
excellent & vertuous prince George duc of Clarence Erl of Warwyk and
of Salisburye/ grete chamberlayn of Englond & leutenant of Ireland
oldest broder of kynge Edward by the grace of god kynge of England and
of France/ your most humble servant william Caxton amonge other of your
servantes sendes unto yow peas. helthe. Joye and victorye upon your Enemyes/
Right highe puyssant and." The text ends on the seventy-third recto, thus:--"And
sende yow thaccomplisshement of your hye noble. Joyous and vertuous desirs
Amen:/: Fynysshid the lastday of Marche the yer of our lord god. a. thousand
foure honderd and LXXIIII. *. *. *. *." The seventy-fourth leaf is blank.
It is unnecessary to say that this book seldom comes into the market.
The recorded sales are very few. In 1682 R. Smith sold a perfect copy for
13s. 2d. In 1773 J. West's copy was bought by George III. for.£32
0s. 6d. Alchorne's imperfect copy was bought by Inglis for £54 12s.,
and at the sale of his books found a purchaser in Lord Audley for £31
10s., and was again transferred, in 1855, to the possession of Mr. J. Cunliffe
for £60 l0s. 0d.[3]
Mr. J. Holford's copy was bought at the Mainwaring sale for £101.
The last copy offered for sale was described in one of Mr. Bernard Quaritch's
catalogues issued in 1872, and the account given by that veteran bibliopole
is well worth reproduction.
folio, 65 LEAVES (of the 72), bound in old ruffia gilt, £400.
[Blackletter: Fynyshid the last day of Marche the yer of our Lord God,
a thousande, foure hondred and lcciiiii...]
An extremely large, though somewhat imperfect copy of
Mr. Blades quotes 9 copies (4 perfect, 5 imperfect), the present is
the 10th known copy, and is TALLER than even the Grenville--hitherto the
tallest known copy; my copy measures 11-1/8 inch in height by 8 in width,
whilst the Grenville copy (also imperfect) is only 11 inches high.
COLLATION of my copy:
[Blackletter: This Booke conteyneth iiii traytees] |
1 leaf |
[Blackletter: This first chapiter of the first tractate] |
1 leaf |
[Blackletter: The trouthe for to do Justice right wysly,] etc. to the
end |
62 leaves |
The last leaf with the date:
[Blackletter: In conquerynge his rightful inheritance,]
ending: [Blackletter: fynyshed], etc. 1474 |
1 leaf |
65 leaves. |
My copy wants therefore 7 leaves, the two blank ones being out of question.
The imperfections include the first leaf, and two leaves in the second
chapitre of the fourth tractate, the end is all right. I should be glad
to hear of any IMPERFECT COPY of this work, which would supply me with
what I want. In the mean time this precious relic of the Infancy of Printing
in England can be feen by BUYERS of Rare books.
See Dibdin's Bibl. Spenc. IV. p. 189.
No copy of this edition has been sold for years; in 1813, Alchorne's
copy, wanting first two leaves, the last two leaves and two leaves in the
second chapter of the fourth tractate, fetched at Evans', £54. 12s.
The value of this class of books has much risen since then, and may now
be considered, as ten times greater.
In comparing the first edition of "Caxton's Game of Chess" with the
second, one perceives many variations in the spelling. I confider the
edition to be the more interesting, for a variety of reasons:
1. It is the first book printed in England. 2. It is the Editio princeps
of the English version. 3. It shows the Art of Printing in its crudest
form. 4. It has a Post-script not in the second edition.
Both editions run on together to the passage on the last page of the
second edition:

[Blackletter: And a mon that lyvyth in thys world without vertues
lyveth not as a man but as a beste.]
The first edition ends thus:

[Blackletter: And therefore my right redoubted Lord I pray
almighty god to save the Kyng our soverain lord to gyve him grace to yssue
as a Kynge tabounde in all vertues/ to be assisted with all other his lordes
in such wyse yn his noble royame of England may prospere/ habounde in vertues
and yn synne may be eschewid justice kepte/ the royame defended good men
rewarded malefactours punyshid the ydle peple to be put to laboure that
he wyth the nobles of the royame may regne gloriously.
In conquerynge his rightfull inheritaunce / that verraypeas and charitie
may endure in both his royames and that marchandise may have his cours
in suche wise that every man eschewe synne/ and encrese in vertuous occupacions
/ Praynge your good grace to resseyve this lityll and symple book made
under the hope and shadow of your noble protection by hym that is your
most humble servant in gree and thanke. And I shall praye almighty god
for your long lyf & welfare / which he preserve And sende now thaccomplishment
of your hye noble joyous and vertuous desirs Amen:|:
Fynysshid the last day of marche the yer of our lord god a. thousand
four hondred and lxxiiii. *.:.:.*.]
The second edition ends thus:

[Blackletter: Thenne late every man of what condycion he be
that redyth or herith this litel book redde. take therby ensaumple to amend
hym. Explicit per Caxton.]
This copy came from the library of Mr. L.M. Petit.[4]
It will be noticed that Mr. Quaritch calls the editio princeps
of Caxton's "Game and Play of the Chesse" the first book printed in England.
This was the general opinion of bibliographers before the investigations
of Mr. Blades. Dibdin, although he seems to have had some doubt, pronounced
in favour of that view. Yet it is clearly erroneous. The only materials
for judgment are those afforded by the colophon and the prologue to the
second edition, with the silent but eloquent testimony of typography. Caxton
ends the first edition with the words:--"Fynysshid the last day of Marche
the yer of our lord god a thousand four hondred and LXXIIII." The word
"fynysshid," as Mr. Blades observes, "has doubtless the same signification
here as in the epilogue to the second book of Caxton's translation of the
Histories of Troy, 'Begonne in Brugis, contynued in Gaunt and finysshed
in Coleyn,' which evidently refers to the translation only. The date, 1475-6,
has been affixed, because in the Low Countries at that time the year commenced
on Easter-day; this in 1474 fell on April 10th, thus giving, as the day
of the conclusion of the translation, 31 March 1475, the same year being
the earliest possible period of its appearance as a printed book." Then
there is Caxton's own racy account of the circumstances under which the
book first appeared:--
"And emong alle other good werkys It is a werke of ryght special
recomendacion to enforme and to late vnderstonde wysedom and vertue vnto
them that be not lernyd ne can not dyscerne wysedom fro folye Th[=e]ne
emonge whom there was an excellent doctour of dyuynyte in the royame of
fraunce of the ordre of thospytal of Saynt Johns of Jherusalem which entended
the same and hath made a book of the chesse moralysed whiche at suche tyme
as I was resident in brudgys in the counte of Flaundres cam into my handes/
whiche whan I had redde and ouerseen/ me semed ful necessarye for to be
had in englisshe/ And in eschewyng of ydlenes And to thende that s[=o]me
which haue not seen it/ ne [=v]nderstonde frenssh ne latyn J delybered
in my self to translate it in to our maternal tonge/ And whan I so had
achyeued the sayd translacion/ J dyde doo sette in enprynte a certeyn nombre
of theym/ Whiche anone were depesshed and solde wherfore by cause thys
sayd book is ful of holsom wysedom and requysyte vnto euery astate and
degree/ J haue purposed to enprynte it/ shewyng therin the figures of suche
persons as longen to the playe."
It is clear from this that both the translation and printing belong to
the period of Caxton's residence in Bruges. From the use of the instrumental
form "dyde doo sette en enprynte" it might be thought that Caxton employed
the services of some printer, but although commonly so employed, there
are instances which will not bear this interpretation of its intention.[5]
He either employed a printer or made some partnerfhip with one, and there
are various indications that confirm Mr. Blades' theory that the book came
from the press of Colard Mansion.
The second edition is undoubtedly the work of our first English printer.
"Explicit per Caxton" is the unambiguous statement of the colophon. It
is a much more advanced specimen of typography than the first edition.
It has signatures, of which a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, are quaternions,
and l are terternions, making in all eighty-four leaves, of which
the first is blank. There is no title-page, and the type used is that which
Mr. Blades reckons as No. 2*. The lines are spaced out to an even length.
There are twenty-nine lines to a full page, and the full line measures
4-7/8 inches. The prologue begins on a ij., and the table of chapters
begins on the next page. The text begins on the recto of a iii.
The text ends on the recto of l 6, the last page being blank. There
are sixteen woodcuts in the volume, which are used twenty-four times. There
has been some diversity of opinion as to the year in which this "Game of
the Chesse" came from the press of Caxton. The book is not dated. Dibdin
thought it one of the printer's earliest efforts. Figgins regarded it as
the earliest issue of the Westminster press, and further believed that
it was printed from cut metal types. This is not the view of Mr. Blades,
who says: "An examination of the work, however, with a typographical eye
does not afford a single evidence of very early workmanship. All Caxton's
early books were uneven in the length of their lines--this is quite even.
Not one of the early works had any signatures--this is signed throughout.
These two features alone are quite sufficient to fix its date of impression
at least as late as 1480, when Caxton first began the use of signatures;
but when we find that every known copy of this edition of the 'Chess-Book'
presents a thicker and more worn appearance than any one copy of any other
book, there is good reason for supposing that this may have followed the
'Tulli' of 1481, and have been the last book for which Type No. 2* was
Mr. Blades describes nine known copies, so that even fewer exemplars
remain of the second edition than of its predecessor. The copy in the King's
Library in the British Museum is imperfect, wanting several leaves, and
is mended in many places. The copy in the Pepysian Collection at Cambridge
wants one-half of the last leaf. Trinity College, Cambridge, has a perfect
copy, "but a bad impression." The Bodleian copy is defective in not having
the last leaf. St. John's College, Oxford, has a copy, from which one-half
of d iii. has been torn away. The Imperial Library at Vienna has
an imperfect copy. The Duke of Devonshire's copy is perfect, but it is
"a poor impression, and slightly stained." The Earl of Pembroke's copy
is very imperfect. Earl Spencer's is only slightly imperfect. The prices
fetched by the second edition have a sufficiently wide range. In 1698,
at Dr. Bernard's sale, a copy fold for 1s. 6d. Farmer's copy in 1798 fetched
£4 4s. Ratcliffe's copy was bought at his sale for £16 by Willett;
and when his books came to the hammer in 1813, it was purchased by the
Duke of Devonshire for £173 5s.[7]
It is interesting to know that the copy of the second edition in the Bibliotheca
Spenceriana formerly belonged to Laurence Sterne, who bought it for a few
shillings at York![8]
In the present reprint, the text followed is that of the first edition,
transcribed from the copy in the British Museum; but the variations, alterations,
and additions made in the second issue are all recorded in footnotes. The
reader has, therefore, before him the work in all its fulness. The same
reasons that have led to the adoption of this course have also decided
the publisher to include facsimiles of the curious woodcuts which appeared
in the second edition. These, although necessarily reductions in size,
reproduce the quaint vigour of the originals.
Caxton, we have seen, translated the "Game of the Chesse" from the French.
There were in effect two, if not three, from which he may have taken his
version. One of these is by Jean Faron, Perron, or Feron (as the name is
variously spelled), a monk of the order of St. Dominic, of whom the notices
are exceedingly scanty.[9]
La Croix du Maine styles him "de l'Ordre des Frères Prescheurs ou
Jacobins du Paris." La Monnaye says that the translation was made from
the Latin of Cessoles, and was begun in the year 1347. It has not been
The translation is considered a literal version of the Latin of Cessoles.
The prologue of Perron's version is as follows:--"Chy ensuit le geu
des Eschas moralisé, ouquel a plusiers exemples bien à noter.
A noblehomme, Bertrand de Tarascon, frere Jehan Perron, de l'ordre des
Freres precheurs de Paris, son petil et humble chappelain soy tout. Le
Sainte Escripture dit que Dieux a fait a chascun commandement de pourchassier
à tous nos prochains leur sauvement. Or est-il ainsi que nos prochains
ne sont pas tout un, ains sont de diverses condicions, estas et manieres,
sy comme il appert. Car les uns sont nobles; les aultres non: les aultres
sont de cler engin; les aultres, non: les aultres sont enclins a devocion;
les aultres, non. Et pour ce, affin que le commandement de Dieu soit mis
à execution bien convenablement, il convient avoir plusiers voyes
et baillier à chascun ce qui lui est plus convenable; et ainsi pourroit
il le commandement de Dieu accomplir; .... Pour tant je, vostre petit chappelain,
à vostre requeste, que je tieng pour commendement, vous ai volu
translata de latin en français le Gieu des Eschas moralisé,
que fist l'un de nos freres, appelé frere Jaques de Cossoles, maistre
en divinité, si que vous l'entendés plus legierrement; et
à exemple des nobles hystoires qui y sont notteés, veuillés
maintenir, quant à vous, honnestement, et quant aux autres justement....
Or prenés done ce petit present, comencié le 4'e jour de
May, l'an 1347."[11]
That Caxton made use of Perron's version is clear. Thus Mr. Blades mentions
the description of Evilmerodach as "un homme joly sans justice" as peculiar
to Ferron, whose version he regards as the basis of the first and third
chapters of Caxton's work.
Dr. Van der Linde mentions a number of MSS.; in some the date is given
as 1357, and in one as 1317. This version remains unprinted, but there
are MSS. of it in the Bibliotheque Nationale, at Aosta, Cambrai, at Brussels,
in the British Museum, Chartres, at Bern, and at Stockholm.[12]
Dr. Van der Linde also describes a MS. on parchment of the fifteenth
century, forming part of the national library at Paris, which contains
the Game of Chess in verse.
"Mès si d'esbat te prent tallant,
Pren ton esbat déuement;
Mès si à jouer vieulx attendre,
Un noble jou te faulte attendre,
C'est des echecs qui est licite
Et à touz bien les gens incite."
The author has concealed his name with an ingenuity that has so far
defied penetration.
"Nommez mon nom et mon surnom,
Je ey escript tout environ,
A vingt et dous lettres sans plus,
Sera trouvé cy au dessus
En enscript, et sans plus ne moins."
On this it is only necesiary to quote the remarks of a French critic:--"Ou
ne nous dit pas si c'est dans la suite même de la phrase, ou seulement
en acrosticke, que se trouvent les vingt-deux lettres de ces nom mystérieux.
Nous ne saurions former aucun nom avec les initiales des trente vers qui
précèdent ceux que nous venons de citer; et le merite de
l'ouvrage ne nous encourage pas à faire des longues recherches pour
découvrir un nom que l'auteur a pris plaisir à nous cacher."[13]
The bulk of Caxton's work is undoubtedly from the French translation
of Jehan de Vignay, whose dedication to Prince John of France has simply
been transformed into a similar address to the Duke of Clarence. He styles
De Vignay "an excellent doctor of the order of the Hospital of St. John's
of Jerusalem." This is the only authority we have for supposing De Vignay
to be connected with that order. He styles himself "hospitaller de l'ordre
de haut pas," which was situated in the Faubourg St. Jacques of Paris.
It is curious that two members of the same order--for Ferron was also a
Jacobin--should independently have occupied themselves with the same work.
The version by De Vignay was probably the later of the two, and it was
also the most popular, for whilst Ferron's is still unprinted, that of
De Vignay has been frequently re-issued from the press. The work is dedicated
to Jean de France, Duc de Normandie, who became king in 1350. It will be
seen from this that these two French versions were practically contemporaneous.
The prologue to the book is as follows:--"A Tres noble & excellent
prince Jehan de france duc de normendie & auisne filz de philipe par
le grace de dieu Roy de france. Frere Jehan de vignay vostre petit Religieux
entre les autres de vostre seignorie/ paix sante Joie & victoire sur
vos ennemis. Treschier & redoubte seign'r/ pour ce que Jay entendu
et scay que vous veez & ouez volentiers choses proffitables & honestes
et qui tendent alinformacion de bonne meur ay Je mis vn petit liuret de
latin en francois le quel mest venuz a la main nouuellement/ ou quel plussieurs
auctoritez et dis de docteurs & de philosophes & de poetes &
des anciens sages/ sont Racontez & sont appliquiez a la moralite des
nobles hommes et des gens de peuple selon le gieu des eschez le quel liure
Tres puissant et tres redoubte seigneur jay fait ou nom & soubz vmbre
de vous pour laquelle chose treschr seign'r Je vous suppli & requier
de bonne voulente de cuer que il vo daigne plaire a receuvoir ce liure
en gre aussi bien que de vn greign'r maistre de moy/ car la tres bonne
voulente que Jay de mielx faire se je pouoie me doit estre reputee pour
le fait/ Et po'r plus clerement proceder en ceste ouure/ Jay ordene que
les chappitres du liure soient escrips & mis au commencement afin de
veoir plus plainement la matiere de quoy le dit liure pole."[14]
It will be seen that this is the foundation of Caxton's dedication of
the Chess-book to the Earl of Warwick. The "Golden Legend," printed by
Caxton in 1484, was in effect a translation from "La Legende Dorée,"
made before the year 1380 by Jehan de Vignay, who in his prologue mentions
that he had previously translated into French "Le miroir des hystoires
du monde," at the request of "Ma dame Jehanne de Borgoigne, royne de France."[15]
This preface Caxton, as usual, adopted with some changes of name and other
alterations, amongst which is a reference to "the book of the chesse" as
one of his works. The "Legenda Aurea" of Jacobus de Voragine is, of course,
the original source of De Vignay's "Legende Dorée," and Caxton's
"Golden Legend."
Ferron and de Vignay were avowedly translators. Their original was Jacques
de Cessoles. The name of this author has been tortured into so many fantastic
forms that one may almost despair of recovering the original. Cæsolis,
Cassalis, Castulis, Casulis, Cesolis, Cessole, Cessulis, Cesulis, Cezoli,
de Cezolis, de Cossoles, de Courcelles, Sesselis, Tessalis, Tessellis,
de Thessolus, de Thessolonia, and de Thessolonica are different manners
of spelling his surname, and the two last are certainly masterpieces of
transformation. Prosper Marchand has amused himself by collecting some
vain speculations of previous writers as to the age, country, and personality
of Jacques de Cessoles. Some counted him a Lombard, some an Italian, whilst
others again boldly asserted that he was a Greek!
He lived towards the end of the thirteenth or beginning of the fourteenth
century, and having joined the Dominican order, was a "Maître en
Théologie" of that brotherhood at Reims. Various works are attributed
to him, and his learning and piety had many eulogists.
It is more than probable that his name would have been much less widely
known but for the happy accident that turned his attention to the game
of chess. It was a popular diversion, and in the moralizing spirit of the
age he saw in it an allegory of the various components of the commonwealth.
The men who were merely killing time were perhaps flattered at the thought
that they were at the same time learning the modes of statecraft. Then,
as now, the teachers of morality felt that a song might reach him who a
sermon flies, and they did not scruple to use in the pulpit whatever aids
came handy. The popular stories, wise saws, and modern instances, were
common enough on the lips of the preachers, and such collections as the
"Gesta Romanorum show what a pitch of ingenuity in unnatural interpretation
they had reached. An appropriate instance is furnished by it in the following
quaint fashion of moralizing the chess play:--
"Antonius was a wys emperour regnyng in the cite of
Rome, the which vsid moche to pley with houndis; and aftir þat pley,
all þe day aftir he wolde vse þe chesse. So yn a day, as he
pleide at þe chesse, & byheld the kyng fette yn the pley, som
tyme hy and som tyme lowe, among aufyns and pownys, he thought þerwith
þat hit wold be so with him, for he shuld dey, and
be hid vndir erth. And þerfore he devided his Reame in thre
parties; and he yaf oo part to þe kyng of Ierusalem;
þe secunde part vnto þe lordis of his Reame or his empire;
and the thrid partie vnto the pore people; & yede him self vnto
the holy londe, and ther he endid his lyf in peas.
Seth now, good sirs; this emperour, þat lovith so wele
play, may be called eche worldly man þat occupieth him in vanytes
of the world; but he moste take kepe of the pley of the chesse, as did
the emperoure. the chekir or þe chesse hath viij. poyntes
in eche partie. In euery pley beth viij. kyndes of men, scil.
man, woman, wedewer, wedowis, lewid men, clerkes, riche men, and
pouere men. at this pley pleieth vj. men. the first man, þat
goth afore, hath not but oo poynt, but whenne he goth aside, he takith
anoþer; so by a pouere man; he hath not, but when he
comyth to þe deth with pacience, þen shall he be a kyng in
heuen, with þe kyng of pore men. But if he grucche
ayenst his neighbour of his stat, and be a thef, and ravissh þat
wher he may, þen he is ytake, and put in to the preson of
helle. The secund, fcil. alphyn, renneth iij. poyntes both vpward
and douneward; [he] betokenyth wise men, the whiche by deceyuable eloquence
& takyng of money deceyueth, & so he is made oonly. The iij. scil.
þe kny3t, hath iij. poyntes, & goth þerwith; [he]
betokenyth gentilmen þat rennyth aboute, & ravisshith, and ioyeth
for her kynrede, & for habundaunce of richesse. The fourth, scil.
þe rook, he holdith length & brede, and takith vp what so is
in his way; he betokenyth okerers and false merchaunt3, þat
rennyth aboute ouer all, for wynnyng & lucre, & rechith not how
thei geten, so that thei haue hit. The fifthe is þe quene, that goth
fro blak to blak, or fro white to white, and is yset befide þe kyng,
and is ytake fro the kyng. This quene bytokenyth virgyns and damesels,
þat goth fro chastite to synne, and beth ytake by the devill, for
glovis or such maner yiftis. The vj. is to whom all owe to obey
and mynystre; and he goth forth, and bakward ayen, & in either side,
& takith ouer all; so sone discendith in to þe world, and ascendith
to god by praiers; But when he takith [no] kepe of god, and hath no meyne,
þan is hit to þe man chekmate. And þerfore let
vs not charge of oure estatis, no more þan is with
þe men, when þei be put vp in þe poket; then hit is no
charge who be above or who be byneth; and so by the Spirit of loulynesse
we may come to þe ioy of heven. And þat graunt vs, qui viuit
It is not, therefore, surprising to learn that Jacques de Cessoles found
texts for sundry sermons on the game that formed so favourite a diversion
of clergy and laity. The favour with which these discourses were received
no doubt gratified the worthy Dominican father. At the request of some
of those who heard them he began to write down the substance of his sermons.
The result was the "Liber de moribus Hominum et officiis Nobilium ac Popularium
super ludo scachorum," which immediately attained great popularity. This
is shown by the bibliography of Dr. A. Van der Linde in a striking manner,
for he has described two hundred codices to be found in the various public
libraries of Europe.[16]
The difficulties in the way of forming any clear conception as to the
life and personality of Cessoles, Ferron, and De Vignay are well shown
in an article by M.C. Leber.[17]
Dr. Ernst Köpke, who has reexamined the evidences as to Cessoles,
holds that he was a Lombard.[18]
The chief source from which Cessoles took his material was the treatise
"De Regimine Principum" of Egidius Romanus.
He was of the great Neapolitan family of the Colonna, and his Christian
name appears to have been Guido, but his designations have undergone some
curious transformations. Born at Rome, 22nd Sept., 1216, Guido Colonna
went at an early age to Paris, where, from the name of his birthplace,
he became known as Ægidius Romanus, with the French form of Gilles
de Rome. He was an ardent and enthusiastic disciple of St. Thomas Aquinas,
and his familiarity with that great doctor of the Church led him to desire
admission to the Dominican order, but a difficulty intervened from the
circumstance that he had already contracted ties which bound him to the
order of St. Augustine. To this untoward accident may probably be attributed
no little of the extension of the philosophical doctrine of Aquinas; for
Colonna, unable or unwilling to be relieved of the vows that bound him
to the Augustinians, preached eagerly amongst them the Thomist speculations
of his friend and master. In the controversy with the Franciscans, those
whom he had indoctrinated were valuable allies to the Thomists, for their
aid, coming from an independent organization, appeared to carry the weight
of impartiality, and to be unassailable on the plea of partisan interest.
In the year 1287 there was a general convocation of the order of St. Augustine
at Florence, and at this assembly it was decreed that the doctors of the
order should teach in conformity with the decisions arrived at by Colonna.
To him is largely due the success of the Thomist scheme, of which he was
an able, persistent, and vigorous exponent. Many tracts by him remain in
print and MS. on these subjects. The fame he had thus acquired gained him
the name of doctor fundamentarius and doctor fundatissimus.
His lectures at Paris attracted to him the attention of Philippe le Hardi,
who thought him a fitting person to be entrusted with the education of
his son, who was afterwards known to hiftory as Philippe le Bel. It was
whilst occupied with this royal youth that the thought of composing or
compiling--and the terms were in practice interchangeable in those days--occurred,
and the result was the treatise "De regimine Principum libri iii." Philippe
le Hardi, if not an educated man himself--and there are doubts as to whether
he could write his own name--was laudably anxious that his heir should
have the best instruction that could be obtained. It cannot well be claimed
that the able, handsome, and unscrupulous Philippe was any great credit
to his preceptor. The despotic and perfidious character of the king probably
owed more to the influence of Nogaret and other defenders of the "right
divine of kings to govern wrong," than to the soberer precepts of Colonna.
That Philippe had some tincture of literary feeling may be inferred from
his employment of Jehan de Meung to translate the military treatise of
Vegetius Flavius Renatus, a compilation of the second century of the present
era, which was so popular in the middle ages that it was translated by
Caxton into English. Still better evidence is the translation made for
the king by the same poet of Boethius, whose stoical philosophy must have
had a special appropriateness for those times of political storm and stress,
when the fickleness of fortune must have been a matter of only too common
repute. Guido Colonna was elected by his admiring brethren the general
of the order in 1292, and took up his residence at Bourges, its metropolitan
In this honourable office he continued his literary labours, and to
this period are assigned the greater part of his numerous works. He died
at Avignon in 1316. His body was translated to Paris, where his effigy
in black marble, with his epitaph, remained until the French revolution.[19]
It would be superfluous to enumerate his philosophical writings, for they
would have no interest in the present day. His commentary on Aristotle
"De Anima," it may be observed, was dedicated to Edward I. His name is
now chiefly remembered because his work on the rule of princes formed the
basis of the treatise in which Jacques de Cessoles moralized the fashionable
game of the chess.
One interesting instance of the popularity of Colonna's work is the
translation of it made into English verse by Thomas Occleve.[20]
He wrote it in 1411 or 1412, and its object was to obtain the payment of
an annuity from the exchequer which had been granted to him, but the payment
of which was very irregular. The book was dedicated to the Prince of Wales.
After mentioning his purpose to translate from the (apocryphal) letter
of Aristotle to Alexander and "Gyles of Regement of Prynces," he proceeds:--
"There is a booke, Jacob de Cessoles,
Of the ordre of Prechours, made, a worthy man,
That the Chesse moralisede clepede is,
In whiche I purpose eke to labour ywis
And here and there, as that my litelle witte
Afforthe may, I thynke translate it.
And al be it that in that place square
Of the lystes, I meane the eschekere,
A man may learn to be wise and ware;
I that have avanturede many a yere,
My witte therein is but litelle the nere,
Save that somewhat I know a Kynges draught,
Of other draughts lernede have I naught."--(p. 77.)
"In those days," says Warton, "ecclesiastics and schoolmen presumed
to dictate to kings and to give rules for administering states, drawn from
the narrow circle of speculation, and conceived amid the pedantries of
a cloister. It was probably recommended to Occleve's notice by having been
translated into English by John Trevisa, a celebrated translator about
the year 1390.[21]
Having thus traced the stream back to its fountain, we return to Caxton.
The story of his life has been told by Mr. Blades, and only the most essential
facts of his busy and useful career need be recapitulated here. He was
born in the Weald of Kent, and it has been conjectured that the manor of
Caustons, near Hadlow, was the original home of the family. He was apprenticed
to Alderman Robert Large, a mercer, who was afterwards Lord Mayor. The
entry in the books of the Mercers' Company leads to the inference that
Caxton was born about 1422. Probably on the death of Large, in 1441, Caxton
went abroad, for he tells us that in 1471 he had been resident outside
England for thirty years. About 1462 or 1463 he was Governor of the English
Nation or Merchant Adventurers at Bruges. This was a position of great
influence, and it is thought to have enabled the loyal mercer to give good
service to Edward IV., who was an exile in 1470. Caxton's marriage was
not much later than 1469, and it is conjectured that this led him to enter
the service of the Duchess of Burgundy. She had literary tastes, and at
her request he translated the "Recuyell des Histoires de Troyes" of Raoul
Le Fevre. It was the demand for copies of this that exhausted Caxton's
calligraphic patience, and led to his employment of a printer. The incident
may have been casual, but it led to great results. It has been said that
he learned the printers' art at Cologne, but Mr. Blades supposes that he
entered its mystery at Bruges under Colard Mansion, with whom he appears
to have had some partnership. Probably towards the end of 1476 Caxton returned
to England. He had the favour of Edward IV. and of his sister, Duchess
of Burgundy, and the friendship of the King's brother-in-law, Earl Rivers.
Ninety-nine distinct productions issued from Caxton's press, he was printer,
publisher, translator, and something of author as well. He set in good
earnest about the work that is still going on--of making the best accessible
literature widely and commonly known. This useful career was only ended
by his death. The exact date is not known, but it was probably late in
1491. He left a married daughter. Caxton was a good business man. He was
also a sincere lover of literature, and he was at his favourite work of
translation only a few hours before the final summons came.
The quality of Caxton as a translator is not a matter of much doubt.
It may be that the archaic forms give an additional flavour to his style,
since they present few difficulties to the modern reader, and yet sound
like echoes from the earlier periods of the language. Generally he is content
to follow his author with almost plodding fidelity, but occasionally he
makes additions which are eminently characteristic. His author having remarked:--"Il
nest an Jour Duy nulle chose qui tant grieue Rome ne ytalie com~e fait
le college Des notaires publiques Car ilz ne sont mie en accort ensemble"--Caxton
improves the passage thus:--
"For ther is no thynge at this day that so moche greueth rome
and Italye as doth the college of notaries and aduocates publicque. For
they ben not of oon a corde/ Alas and in Engeland what hurte doon the aduocats.
men of law. And attorneyes of court to the comyn peple of y'e royame as
well in the spirituell lawe as in the temporall/ how torne they the lawe
and statutes at their pleasir/ how ete they the peple/ how enpouere they
the comynte/ I suppose that in alle Cristendom ar not so many pletars attorneys
and men of the lawe as ben in englond onely/ for yf they were nombrid all
that lange to the courtes of the channcery kinges benche. comyn place.
cheker. ressayt and helle And the bagge berars of the same/ hit shold amounte
to a grete multitude And how alle thyse lyue & of whome. yf hit shold
be vttrid & told/ hit shold not be beleuyd. For they entende to theyr
synguler wele and prouffyt and not to the comyn/"
Another addition is the brief passage in the first chapter of the fourth
tract in which the "good old times" are lamented and contrasted with the
decadence of the then present--now the four centuries past.
"Alas what haboundance was some tymes in the royames. And what
prosþite/ In whiche was Iustice/ And euery man in his office contente/
how stood the cytees that tyme in worship and renome/ how was renomed the
noble royame of Englond Alle the world dredde hit And spack worship of
hit/ how hit now standeth and in what haboundance I reporte me to them
that knowe hit yf ther ben theeuis wyth in the royame or on the see/ they
knowe that laboure in the royame And sayle on the see I wote well the same
is grete therof I pray god saue that noble royame And sende good true and
politicque counceyllours to the gouernours of the same &c./"
The concluding paragraph of the book is also due to Caxton.
"And therfore my ryght redoubted lord I pray almighty god to
saue the kyng our souerain lord & to gyue hym grace to yssue as a kynge
& tabounde in all vertues/ & to be assisted with all other his
lordes in such wyse y't his noble royame of Englond may prospere &
habounde in vertues/ and y't synne may be eschewid iuftice kepte/ the royame
defended good men rewarded malefactours punysshid & the ydle peple
to be put to laboure that he wyth the nobles of the royame may regne gloriously
In conquerynge his rightfull enheritaunce/ that verray peas and charite
may endure in bothe his royames/ and that marchandise may haue his cours
in suche wise that euery man eschewe synne/ and encrece in vertuous occupacions/
Praynge your good grace to resseyue this lityll and symple book made vnder
the hope and shadowe of your noble protection by hym that is your most
humble seruant/ in gree and thanke And I shall praye almighty god for your
longe lyf & welfare/ whiche he preferue And sende yow thaccomplisshement
of your hye noble. Ioyous and vertuous desirs Amen:/: Fynysshid the last
day of marche the yer of our lord god. a. thousand foure honderd and lxxiiii"
This was struck out in the second edition, and the following briefer farewell
"Thenne late euery man of what condycion he be that redyth
or herith this litel book redde take therby ensaumple to amend hym.
Explicit per Caxton."
The alteration may perhaps be received as an evidence of our first English
printer's fastidiousness as an author.
The bibliography of the editions, translations, and imitations of Cessoles
is long and intricate. Details of MSS. have not been thought necessary.
They have been amply described by Dr. Van der Linde. The treatise on the
rule of princes of Colonna has been taken as furnishing the matter which
Jacques de Cessoles afterwards re-arranged under the attractive form of
a description of the game of chess. The editions of the Latin text are
followed by particulars of the translations into French, English, Spanish,
Italian, and other languages. Each title has appended the name of the bibliographer
on whose authority it is given.
These are as follows:--
Hain.--Repertorium Bibliographicum ... opera Ludovici Hain. Stuttgart,
Ebert.--A General Bibliographical Dictionary, from the German
of Frederic Adolphus Ebert. Oxford, 1837. 4 vols.
Græsse.--Trésor de Livres rares et précieux:
par Jean George Théodore Græsse. Dresde, 1859-67. 6 vols.
Brunet.--Manuel du Libraire par Jacques-Charles Brunei. Paris,
Linde.--Geschichte und Literatur des Schachspiels von Antonius
van der Linde. Berlin, 1874.
Das erste Jartausend der Schachlitteratur (850-1880) zusammengestellt
von Dr. A.v.d. Linde. Berlin, 1881.
Dr. van der Linde's work is so complete that, for the most part, it
has been thought sufficient to give his name, even when older authorities
have been consulted.
(See antè, p. xxviii.)
Ægidius Romanus de regimine principum L. III. s. l. 1473. Folio.
This Ebert and Græsse conjecture to have been printed by G. Zainer.
They describe it as the first edition of a work frequently reprinted, and
say that the last edition appeared at Lugd. Batav. in 1643, and had on
the title-page the name of St. Thomas Aquinas as author. Hain mentions
editions at Rome--Stephanum Plannck, 1482, folio; Venetiis, 1498.
(French translation.)
Miroir exemplaire, selon la compilation du Gilles de Rome du regime
et gouvernement des rois etc. (by Henri de Gauchy or de Gauchay) et avec
est compris le secret de Aristote appellé le secret des secrets,
et les noms des rois de France com bien de temps ils out regné.
Paris, 1517. Folio.
This was printed by Guillaum Eustace: "On les v=et au palais au Tiers
pillier Et a la me neufue nostre dame a lenseigne de Lagnus dei" (Brunef).
Ebert mentions a French translation as having been printed at Paris, in
1497; but Brunet, in the article on Aristotle, gives a somewhat minute
account of the book, to show that it is not that of Colonna.
(Spanish translation.)
Regimi[=e]to de los principes sechs y ordenado par Don fray Gil de Roma
de la orden de s[=a]t Augustin. E fizolo trasladar de latín en rom[=a]ce
do Bernardo obispo de osma etc. Suilla--a espenses de Mæstre Conrado
aleman. & Melchior gurrizo, mercadores de libros, fue impresso per
Meynardo Ungut alememo: & Stanislas Polono compañeros. Acabaron
se a veynte dias del mes de octubre Año del señor de Mill
& quarto cientos & nouenta & quarto [1494] folio.
(Hain, Brunet, Græffe.)
Ebert notes that there was an edition under the name of Th. Aquino at
Madrid, 1625, 4to.
(Catalan translation.)
Regiment des Princeps. Barcelona per Mestre Nicolau Spindaler emprentador.
1480. Folio.
Regiment del Princeps. Barcelona per Johan Luchner. 1498. Fol.
(Brunei, Græffe.)
(Italian translation.)
Ebert mentions an Italian version by Val. Averoni. Firenze, 1577, 8vo.
(English translation.)
De regimine Principum, a poem by Thomas Occleve, written in the reign
of Henry IV. Edited for the first time by Thomas Wright, Esq., M.A., F.S.A.,
&c. Printed for the Roxburghe Club. London, J.B. Nichols. 1860. 4to.
(See antè, p. xxxii., for notice of another Early English
(See antè, p. xxiv.)
Incipit solati[=u] ludi schacor. Scilicz regiminis ac morum nominu=
et officium viror' nobili[=u] quor' si quis formas menti impresserit bellum
ipsum et ludi virtutem cordi faciliter poterit optinere. (E)Go frater iacobus
de thessolonia multor' fratru= &c. Ends: Explicit folaci[=u] ludi schacor'.
Folio. 40 leaves.
There is neither date, place, nor printer's name given; but it is considered
to have been the work of Nic. Ketelær and Ger. de Leempt, at Utrecht
(Ultrajectus), about 1473.
(Linde, Græsse.)
Incipit libellus de ludo Scaccorum, et de dictis factisque nobilium
virorum, philosophorum et antiquorum. Explicit tabula super ludum Scacchorum.
Deo gratias. 4to. 29 leaves. Sign. A--H.
This is in black letter, and has neither date nor place.
Incipit libelles de ludo Schaccorum.... Explicit doctrina vel morum
informatio, accepta de modo et ordine Ludi Schaccorum. 4to.
Incipit liber quem composuit frater. Jacobus' de cessolis ordinis fratr[=u]
predicatorum qui intitulatur liber de moribus hominum et officiis nobilium
super ludo scacorum. Impressum Mediolani ad impensas Paulini de suardis
Anno a natali christiano. MCCCCLXXviiij. die xxiij. Mensis augusti. Folio.
24 leaves.
(Linde, Græsse.)
Jacobi de Cessolis Ord. Præd. Informatio morum, excerpta ex modo
et ratione ludi Scacchorum; sive de moribus hominum officiisque nobilium
et super eo commentarius. Mediolani. 1497. Folio.
(Linde, Græsse.)
Tractatus de Scachis mistice interpretatus de moribus per singulos homin[=u]
status. 4to. Anno 1505.
On leaf 31b:--
"Ad lectorum
Qum paucis rigidos possis compescere mons
Accipe: quod offert hiberna ex arce Johannes
Scacherii munus: sapiens Philometer et illud
Tradidit. ut regis babilonis crimina mergat
Hunc tibi si soties capiet te lectio frequens
Noveris et iuste que ius moderamina vite."
No place or date, but supposed to be printed at Vienna, by Joh. Winterburg.
(Linde, Græsse.)
Jacobus de Cessoles. Von Prof. Dr. Ernft Köpke, Mittheilungen,
aus den Handschriften der Ritter. Akademie zu Brandenburg. Brandenburg
a.d. Havel, 1879, 4to.
(Linde, "Jartausend.")
(French translation.)
Les jeu des Echez moralisé, nouvellement imprimé à
Paris (ends). Cy finist le livre des Echez et l'Ordre de Chevalerie, translaté
de latin en françois, imprimé nouvellement à Paris;
et fut achevé le vendredy, VI'e jour de septembre, l'an MVC et IIII,
pour Anthoine Verart, libraire juré en l'université de Paris,
demourant à Paris, à l'imaige Sainct Jehan l'evangeliste,
devant la rue neufve Nostre Dame, &c. Folio, 102 leaves.
"On trouve an f. LX un autre traité de Morale et an f. lxxxij
celui de
Melibee et de Prudence. Il y a à la bibl. imp. un
exempl. de cette éd. tiré sur vélin et orné
de 4 Miniatures."
Le Jeu de Echets moralisé ... Cy finist le liure des eschecz
et lordre de cheualerie, translattée de latin en françoys
imprimé à Paris: et fut acheué le xiiii iour de nouembre
mil cinq cent et cinq. Par Michel le noir libraire ... demourant deuant
Saint Denys de la chartre à limaige nostre dame. 90 leaves.
On trouve à la fin du Livre de l'ordre de chevalerie le
même Dialogue entre Melibée et Prudence sous le titre: Ung
petit traictie a lenseignement et au prouffit de tous princes barons &
aultres que le vouldront entendre & garder lequel fut fonde & extrait
d'une fiction trouvee en escript. Ce qui a induit Du Verdier
(vol. i. p. 556) en erreur de croire que cette traduction, publiée
en 1505, diffère de celle de 1504.
{Italian translation.}
Libro di Giuocho di Scacchi intitulato de costumi degli huomin et degli
officii de nobili. 4to.
"Ohne Angabe des Druckortes und des Jahres. Ausser dem Titelblattbildchen
bringt das Buch dreizehn Abbildungen, welche die von Cessoles auf dem Schachbrett
statuirten Würden und Gewerke darstellen."
Libro di givocho di scacchi intitulato de costumi degl huomini &
degli offitii de nobili. (Fol. 2a:) In comincia un tractato gentile &
utile della uirtu del giuocho degli scachi cioe intitulato de costumi deglhuomini
& degli ufitii denobili: composto pel Reu[=e]redo Mæstro Jacopo
dacciesole dellordine de fratri predicatori. Fol. 67b: Impresso in Fir[=e]ze
per Mæstro Antonio Miscomini Anno M.CCCCLXXXXIII. Adi primo di Marzo
"Cette ed. bien incorrecte quant an texte (comme les reimpressions:
f. l. 1534, in 8vo. [56 ff.] I 1. 206, Gallarini) est recherchée
pour ses belles gravures en bois, don't une partie a été
copiée par Dibdin, Aedes Althorp, vol. ii. p. 5-13. II y a une nouvelle
édition: Mil. tipogr. di Giulio Terrario, 1829, gr. in 8°,
avec des copies de ces mêmes figures et des corrections du texte
d'après des de Florence. On a tiré de cette dernière
édition 24 exempl. in carte distinte, 1 sur peau velin d'Augsbourg
et 1 in capretti di Roma."
Opera nvova nella quale se insigna il vero regimento delli huomini &
delle do[=n]e di qualunqu grado, stato, e condition esser si voglia:, Composta
per lo Reuerendissimo Padre Frate Giacobo da Cesole del ordine di predicatori
sopra il giuoco delli Scacchi, Intitulata Costvme delli hvomini, &
vfficii delli nobeli, nuouamente Stampata. M.D. XXXIIII. Stampata in Vineggia
per Fransesco di Alessandro Bin doni & Mapheo Pasini compagni: Nelli
anni del Signore, 1534. del mese di Zenaro 8vo. 56 leaves.
Volgarizzamento del libro de' costumi e degli officii de' nobili sopra
il giuoco degli scacchi di frate Jacopo da Cessole tratto nuovamente da
un codice Magliabechiano. Milano, 1829. Dalla tipografia del dottore Giulio
Ferrario Contrado del Bocchetto al No. 2465 8vo. Pp. xx and 162, and 1
Catalan translation.
This does not appear to have been printed. There is a codex in the Vatican
and another at Barcelona. They are described by Linde. See ante, p. xxviii.
Spanish translation.
Dechado de la vida humana. moralmento Sacado del juego del Axedrez.
tradizado agora de nuevo per el licenciado Reyna Vezino della Villa de
Aranda de duero. En este año M.D.XLIX. 4to. 56 leaves.
Printed at Valladolid by Francifque Fernandes de Cordoue.
German translation.
Ich bruder Jacob von Caffalis prediger ordens, bin überwunder worden
von der bruder gebet ... (Ends.) Hie endet sich das buch menschlicher sitten
vnd d'ampt der edeln. Folio. 40 leaves.
Without place or year, but printed before the year 1480.
I (Ch) bruder Jacob von Cassalis prediger ordens bin vberwunden worden
der brüder gebet wegen vn(d) der weltlichen studenten vn(d) andern
edlen leut die mich haben horen predigen das spil das do heysset schachzabel.
Das ich davon gemacht hab ditz buch. vn(d) hab das pracht zenutz menschlichs
geschlechts. Vn(d) hab es geheissen das buch menschlicher sitten vnnd der
ampt der edlen ... (Ends.) Hie endet sich das buch menschlicher sitten
vnd der ampt der edeln I.4.7.7. Folio. 40 leaves.
This is believed to have been printed with the type of G. Zainer at
(I)ch bruder Jacob vo(n) Cassalis prediger ordens bin vberwunden worden
von der brüder gebet ... (Ends.) Hie endet sich das Buch menschlicher
sitten vnd der ampt der edlen. Gedruckt zu Augsburg in der Kayserliche(n)stat
anno dni MCCCC LXXX IIJ. am osterabe(n)t geent. Folio. 36 leaves.
Dis buchlein weiset die aufzlegung des schachzabel spils, Vnd menschlicher
fitten, Auch von den ampten der edeln. (Leaf Aiia)
(I)ch bruder Jacob vo(n) Cassalis prediger orde(n)s ... (Leaf 39b) Getruckt
vnd volendet von henrico knoblochzern in der hochgelobten stat Strassburg
vff Sant Egidius tag In dem LXXX iij Jor. &c. Folio. 39 leaves.
Jacobus de Cessolis, de moribus hominum et officiis nobilium ac popularium;
oder, Das Schachwerk des Cessolis, von den Sitten der Menschen und den
Pflichten der Vornehmen und Niedern. Von Heydebrand v. d. Lafa. (Schachzeitung,
(German rhyming version of Conrad von Ammenhausen.)
Ueber das Schachzabelbuch Konrads von Ammenhausen und die Zofinger Handsschrift
desselben, von Wilhelm Wackernagel (Beitrage zur Geschichte und Literatur
vorzuglich aus den Archiven und Bibliotheken des Kanton Aargau. Herausgegeben
von Dr. Heinrich Kurz ... und Placid Weissenbach. Erster Band. Aarau 1846.)
Dr. van der Linde gives particulars of various MSS. of this rhyming
version of Cessolis.
(German rhyming version of Dr. Jacob Mennel.)
Schachzabel. (Ends.) Getruckt vund vollendet in der loblichen statt
Costentz vo Hanfen schäffeler. Vf zinftag vor sant Vits tag Anno M.
cccc vn vii iar. 4to 13 leaves. Sig. a ii--c ii.
In the prologue Jacob Mennel, doctor, claims the paternity of this rhyming
treatise, but he is supposed to have taken much of his material--ready
made--from Ammenhausen.
Schachtzabel Spiel. D Esz Ritterlich[=e] kunst lich[=e] Schachtzabel
Spiels vnderweygung, erclärung, vn(d) verstant, wo here das kommen,
were das am ersten erfunden, vund ausz was vrsach es erdacht sey, Auch
wie man das künstlich lernen ziehen vn(d) spielen solle, sampt etlich[=e]
kunstlich[=e] geteylten spielen &c. [Illustration: hand] Zu dem Schachtzieher.
"Dein Augen scherpff, nicht uberseh
Dem wyderteyl, sleiszlich nach speh,
Wie fich gebürt, im Feld und Heer,
Dein volck das schich an zu der weer,
Vnd orden das recht an dem streyt,
Ders überlicht, gern vnden leyt."
Getruckt zu Oppenheym. 4to.
This second edition was issued by Jacob Köbel, who printed about
Des Altenn Ritterlichenn spils des Schachzabels, grüntlich bedeutung
vund klarer bericht, dasselbig künstlich zuziehenn vund spilen. Mit
ein newenn zusatz ettlicher besonderen Meisterstück, nach der Current,
welfchen art, vn(d) von Hutten, deszgleichen ettlichener besondern Regeln
des Schachziehens, vormals nie auszgangen. Franckfurt, 1536. 4to.
Vnderweifzung, erklärung, vund auszlegung desz Ritterlichenn, kunstlichenn
spielfz des Schachzabels, durch den Hochgelartenn Doctor Jacob Mennel...
auff dem heiligen Reichsztag zu Kostentz, Anno &c. 1507 in Rheimen
gedicht, vund desselbinn spiels Vrsprung vn(d) wesenn, Auch wie man das
auff das aller kurtzest zu ziehenn vund spilen begreissen mag, offenbart.
Frankfurt, 1536, 4to.
This is given on the authority of Massmann by Dr. van der Linde.
Das Schachzabelspiel. Des alten ritterlichen Spiels des Schachzabels'
gründlich Bedeutung... Frankf. 1536. [Reprint.]
Dr. van der Linde does not speak well of this reprint which appeared
in:--Schaltjahr, welches ist der teutsch Kalendar, durch J. Scheible. Dritter
Band. Stuttgart, 1847.
(German rhyming version of Heinrich von Beringen.)
There is a third rhyming version of the Chessbook by Heinrich von Beringer,
of which a MS., dated 1438, is in the Stuttgart library. (Linde.)
(Low German rhyming translation by Stephan.)
Van dogheden vnde van guden zeden fecht dyt boek wol dat valen ouer
left de wert ok des schackspeles klock. (Lubeck, about 1489.) Small 4to.
or large 8vo.
"Hir gheyt vth ghemaket to dude
Dat schackspil der eddelen lude
Des bokes dichter het stephan."
(Dutch Translation.)
(D)It is die tafel van desen boeck datmen hiet dat scæcspel (Fol.
2'a) (H)Ier beghint ee suuerlyc boec vanden tytuerdryf edelre heren ende
vrouwen. als vande scæc spul. dær nochtant een ygherlyck mensche
van wat stæt dat hi si. vele scoenre en(de) saliger leren wt neme(n)
mach. næ welcken hi syn leuen sal regieren tot profyt ende salicheyt
synre sielen (Fol. 67'b), ghebruyken Amen In iær ons heren dusent
vierhondert ende neghentseuentich. opten anderden dach van october, soe
is dit ghenoechlycke boeck voleynt en(de) Ghemæct ter goude in hollant.
by my gherært leeu. Lof heb god Folio.
Tractat van den Tydverdryf der Edele Heeren ende Vrouwen, genoemt dat
scækspel, verciert met veele schoone historien (Ends:) Int iær
ons heren M.CCCC.LXXXIII. opten veertienden dach van februario: so is dat
ghenoecklike bock volmæckt te Delff in hollant. 4to.
Hier beghint een suyuerlijck boeck vande(n) tytuerdrijf edelre heere(n)
ende vrouwen, als vanden scæck spel, dær nochtans een ieghelijck
me(n)sche va wat stæt dz by sy, vele scoonre en(de) saligher leerighe(n)
wt nemen mach, næ welcken hy sijn leuen sal regeren tot profijt ende
salicheyt synre sielen. (Ends.) Gheprint tot Louen in de Borchstrate in
den Lupært by my Anthonis Maria Bergaigne ghesworen boecprinter.
Int iær ons Heren. M.CCCCC. ende LI. den VI. dach van Augustus. 8vo.
120 leaves.
(Scandinavian rhyming translation.)
De ludo Scacchorum seu de moribus hominum et officiis nobilium ac popularium.
Poema suecanum vetustum. e codice manuscripto biblioth. Reg. Universitatis
Havn. nunc primum editum. quod consensu ampl. ord. phil. Lund. p.p. Ernestus
Rietz et Augustus Ludovicus Sjöberg, scanus in Academia Carolina die
vi Decembris MDCCCXLVIII. Lundæ, Typis Berlingianis. MDCCCXLVIII.
Fourteen dissertations, of which there is a set in the Jena Library.
There is a MS. of this Scandinavian poetical version of Cessolis dated
1492, and another dated 1492 in the Kopenhagen University Library.
(English translation.)
The Game and Playe of the Chesse. folio. E. P.
The Game and Playe of the Chesse. Explicit per Caxton. folio.
The Game at Chesse, a metaphorical Discourse shewing the present Estate
of this Kingdome. London. 1643, 4to.
This title is given by Lowndes, but examination only would show whether
it is in any way an imitation of Caxton.
The Game of the Chesse by William Caxton. [Facsimile reprint of the
second edition, with remarks by Vincent Figgins.] London: J. R. Smith,
1855. folio.
The Game of the Chesse by William Caxton. Reproduced in facsimile from
a copy in the British Museum. With a few remarks on Caxton's Typographical
Productions. By Vincent Figgins. London: John Russell Smith. 1860.
The Game of the Chesse by William Caxton. A facsimile reproduction of
the first work printed in England, from the copy in the British Museum.
London: Trübner and Co. 1862. fol.
Caxton and the Spelling Reform. [Signed] Isaac Pitman, Bath, 10th March,
1877. 4to. Pp. 4.
This contains an extract from the "Game of the Chess" in four columns:--i.
Caxton's spelling. 2. The supposed pronunciation of the same represented
by the Phonetic alphabet. 3. Modern spelling. 4. Phonetic spelling.
The Game of the Chesse: a moral treatise on the duties of life. The
First Book Printed in England, by William Caxton in the year 1474. Reprinted
in Phonetic spelling, with a preface and contents in Caxton's orthography,
and a fac-simile page of the original work. Second edition. London, F.
Pitman. Bath, Isaac Pitman, James Davies. 1872 [1879].
The printing of this book began in 1872, when the title-page and earlier
sheets were worked, but it was not finished until May, 1879. This is the
second time that Mr. Pitman has printed the Chess-book in his reformed
orthography. The first issue was in 1855. Although the title-page repeats
the old belief that "The Game of Chess" was the first book printed in England,
and gives the date of 1474, it is really a reprint of the second edition
of Caxton.
(Sloane's version.)
The Buke of the Chesse. Auchinleck Press. 1818. 4to.
This is printed from a MS. which is believed to have been written about
the beginning of the sixteenth century. The work is in verse, and ends:
"Heir endis y'e buke of y'e Chess, Script per manu Jhois Sloane." Only
forty copies were reprinted by Sir Alexander Boswell at the Auchinleck
(Linde. Lowndes.)
The "Game and Play of the Chess" is an interesting specimen of mediæval
English literature. It is so near our own time that the language prefents
few difficulties, in spite of its many Gallicisms, and yet it is so remote
as to seem like the echo of an unknown world. The distinctly dogmatic portions
of the book are but few, and their paucity is indeed a matter of some surprise,
since it is in effect a detailed treatise on practical ethics, and is,
in part if not wholly, systematized from the discourses of one distinguished
preacher, who had borrowed much of his matter from another eminent ecclesiastic.
The author aims not at the enforcement of doctrine, but at the guidance
of life, though he no doubt assumes that his hearers are all faithful and
orthodox sons of the Church.[22]
The ideal of the commonwealth of the middle ages finds an interesting
expression. The sharp lines of demarcation between class and class are
stated with the frankness that comes of a belief that the then existing
social fabric was the only one possible in the best of worlds. There is
no doubt in the author's mind as to the rightful position of king and baron,
of bishp and merchant. The "rights of man" had not been invented, apparently,
and the maxim that the king reigns but does not govern, would have perplexed
the souls of Cessoles and his translators. They had no more doubt as to
the divine right of the monarch, than the Thibetan has of the divine right
of the grand lama. The Buddhist thinks he has secured the continuous re-appearance
of supernatural wisdom in human form, and the regular transmission of political
ability in the same family was the ideal for which the devotees of mediæval
despotism had to hope. Nothing could be further from the aspirations of
our author than a race of mere palace kings seeking enjoyment only in self-indulgence.
The king was to be the ruler and leader of his people. The relation and
interdependence of the several classes is emphatically proclaimed, and
the claims of duty are urged upon each.
The book enables us to gauge the literary culture of the thirteenth,
fourteenth, and fifteenth centuries. Poor as it may now seem, it belonged,
in those days, to the "literature of power," and had great influence. The
form is one which lent itself readily to poetic and historic illustration,
and indeed demanded such treatment. The authors and translators were chiefly
learned and distinguifhed ecclesiastics. Caxton, the representative of
the new time when literature was to be the common heritage, was filled
to overflowing with the best literature then accessible. A writer of the
present century, probably borrowing his sentiment, has defined originality
to be undetected imitation. Such refinements were unknown to Cessoles and
his contemporaries. A writer took whatever suited his purpose from any
and every source that was open to him. A quotation was always as good as
an original sentiment, and sometimes much better. Why should a man take
the trouble of laboriously inventing fresh phrases about usury or uncleanness
when there were the very words of St. Augustine or St. Basil ready to hand?
Why seek modern instances when the great storehouse of anecdotes of Valerius
Maximus was ready to be rifled? Very frequently the author is given, mostly
it may be imagined from a sense of the value of the authority of the names
thus cited. Whatever the intention of the writer, the effect is to show
us what were the authors known, studied, and quoted in the middle ages.
The authors named are:--Saint Ambrose (2 references), Anastasius (1),
Avicenna (2), Saint Augustine (9), Saint Basil (1), Saint Bernard (2),
Boethius (3), Cassiodorus (1), Cato (5), Cicero (6), Claudian (2), "Crete"
(1), Diomedes (1), Florus (1), Galen (1), Helinand (4), Hippocrates (4),
Homer (1), Saint Jerome (3), John the Monk (1), Josephus (4), Livy (2),
Lucan (1), Macrobius (1), Martial (1), Ovid (6), Paulus Diaconus (1), Petrus
Alphonsus (2), Plato (4), Quintilian (3), Sallust (1), Seneca (15), Sidrac
(1), Solinus (1), Symmachus (1), Theophrastus (1), "Truphes of the Philosophers"
(2), Turgeius Pompeius (1), Valerius Maximus (23), Valerian (7), Varro
(1), Virgil (2), "Vitas Patrum" (2).
It will be seen that the great classical writers are but poorly represented,
and the main dependence has been upon the later essayists, and chiefly
upon Valerius Maximus, who has pointed many of the morals enforced in this
book. It may, perhaps, be doubted if the writer had more to work from than
Valerius, Seneca, and St. Augustine, with occasional quotations such as
memory would supply from other sources. The verification of all these quotations
would not repay the labour it would involve; but in most cases where the
experiment has been tried, the result has been fairly creditable to the
old author.
The biblical allusions may be taken as typical. There are references
to the "bible," "holy scripture," "Ecclesiastes," and "Canticles." There
also occur the names of Adam, Eve, Abel, Cain, Noah, Ham, Lot, David, Abner,
Joab, Abishai, Solomon, Isaiah, Evilmerodach, Belshazzar, Darius, Cyrus,
Tobias, John the Baptist, and Paul. The citations are not all literally
exact. Solomon had not a very good opinion of his fellow-men; but the comprehensive
estimate of the number of fools with which he is credited on p. 3 is not
to be found in the writings canonically attributed to him. The quotation
from the Canticles on p. 25 may be compared with the translation in the
Wicliffite verfion made by Nicholas de Hereford, A. D. 1380. This passage
is rendered: "His left hond is vndur myn heed; and his ri3t hond shal biclippe
me" ("Song of Solomon," ii. 6). Clip is still current in Lancashire, in
the sense of embrace.
The extract from St. Paul, with which the prologue to the second edition
opens, is no doubt intended for the following passage: "All Scripture is
given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof,
for correction, for instruction in righteousness" (2 Tim. iii. 16).
In the reference to the Athenians (p. 16), we seem to hear an echo of
the words: "For all the Athenians and strangers that were there spent their
time in nothing else, but either to tell or to hear some new thing " (Acts
xvii. 21).
The most curious reference to a biblical personage is that relating
to Evilmerodach (p. 10). Cessoles seems to have been the first to associate
the name of the son of Nebuchadnezzar with the invention of the game of
chess. The biblical references to Evilmerodach are few; they throw no light
on the reason of his selection by the mediæval scribe for a bad pre-eminence
of parricide. The epithet of joli applied to the king has an odd
effect, followed as it is by the narrative of his most unfilial conduct.
Dr. Van der Linde shows how widely the legend spread. Lydgate evidently
hesitates between the divided authority of Guido--that is, Colonna, the
author of the Troy book--and Cessoles, whom he quotes through Jacobus de
Amongst the authors not identified are "Crete" (p. 133), and Diomedes
(p. 10). The account of the origin of chess attributed to the last is amplified
a little further on. The legend that Palamedes invented a game of this
kind at the siege of Troy is emphatically rejected by our author, who pins
his fame on Xerxes, a Greek philosopher! This became the received opinion,
as may be gathered from the unhesitating language of Polydore Vergil in
a passage which is thus rendered by John Langley:--"The chesse were invented
the year of the world 3635, by a certain Wise man called Xerxes, to declare
to a Tyrant, that Majesty or Authority without strength, assistance &
help of his subjects, was casual feeble & subject to many calamities
of fortune; his intent was to break the fierce cruelty of his heart, by
fear of such dangers as might come to passe in the life of man." [24]
The curious treatise which contains the supposed conversations of King
Bocchus and the philosopher Sidrac (p. 171) was a favourite science book
of the middle ages. It is probably of oriental origin, but there are editions
in Latin, French, German, Flemish, Dutch, Italian, and English. By way
of question and answer very decided statements are made on a wide variety
of topics of which the author was profoundly ignorant. The particular part
referred to by Cessoles is chap, cclxxxi: "Pourquoy sacostent les hommes
charnellement aux femmes grosses et les bestes ne le font pas?"[25]
John the Monk (p. 70) is the noted canonist Giovanni Andrea, who died at
the plague of Bologna in 1347. His learning gained him such titles as rabbi
doctorum and normaque morum. His commentaries on the decretals
were frequently reprinted. He gave the name of "Novellæ" to this
work after the name of his mother and daughter. His code of morality contained
no prohibition of literary theft, for his additions to the "Speculum Juris"
of Durand are said to have been taken bodily from Oddrale. In the same
magnificent manner he appropriated the treatise "De Sponsalibus et Matrimonio"
of Anguissola. His daughter Novella was a learned woman, and became the
wife of Giovanni Calderino, a jurist of Bologna. Their son, Gaspard Calderino,
wrote a commentary on the decretals. Father, daughter, son-in-law, and
grandson appear to have all been experts in the canon law.[26]
The reference to the "first book of the Truphes of the Philosophers
by figure" does not convey a very definite idea as to the particular work
intended. It must have been somewhat miscellaneous in character, for one
extract describes the fountain of the syrens (p. 122), and the other is
an anecdote, which though told here of Julius Cæsar (p. 71), is really
the story of the soldier who had fought at Actium with Augustus Cæsar.
It occurs also in the "Gesta Romanorum," where the emperor is named Agyos.
"Helmond" (p. 33, &c.) is intended for Helinand, who died some time
after 1229. After a brilliant period at the court of Philip Augustus, where
he is represented as reciting his heroic verses before the king and his
surrounding, he became a monk of the Cistercian Abbey of Froidmont. One
of his surviving poems deals with the melancholy subject of death. The
"Flores Helinandi" are said to have been popular as well as his "Chronique."
He is also the reputed author of some sermons, and of the life of St. Gereon,
published by the Bollandists, and of other works still inedited. He is
sometimes confounded with another French monk of the same name, who lived
in the eleventh century, and was an inmate of the monastery at Persigne
in Maine. This second Helinand was the author of commentaries or glosses
on the Apocalypse and Exodus.[27]
The first-named has been credited with the authorship of "Gesta Romanorum."
The grounds for this are very slight. "On a longtemps ignoré le
nom de l'auteur de cette compilation, mais un passage du 68^e dialogue
du livre intitulé 'Dialogus creaturarum' nous le révele par
ces mots: Elimandus in gestis romanorum."[28]
But, as Sir F. Madden and Mr. Herrtage have pointed out, the name of "Gesta
Romanorum" was given to any book treating of Roman affairs. A French translation
of Livy, by Robert Gaguin, has been catalogued as a version of the "Gesta."
The reference cited by Brunet is to the Chroniques of Helinand.[29]
Many of the stories and anecdotes are the commonplaces of ancient history,
such as the friendship of Damon and Pythias, the sword of Damocles, the
chastity of Scipio, the magnanimity of Alexander, the fable of the Dog
and the Shadow, &c. Others current in the middle ages had great popularity,
and even in our own days occasionally renew their youth. The story of John
of Ganazath (p. 48) is to be found in Occleve's translation of Colonna.
Mr. Thomas Wright remarks: "This story, under different forms, was a very
common one in the middle ages. One version will be found in my 'Latin Stories,'
p. 28. It will hardly be necessary to remark that the story of King Lear
and his daughters is another version."[30]
The story appears also in some modern compilations. In one instance
it is given as the will of Jehan Connaxa, of Antwerp, about 1530.[31]
The incident is given in the following form in the popular collection known
as the "Percy Anecdotes":[32]--
"An eminent trader at Lyons, who had acquired an easy fortune, had two
handsome daughters, between whom, on their marriage, he divided all his
property, on condition that he should pass the summer with one and the
winter with the other. Before the end of the first year, he found sufficient
grounds to conclude that he was not a very acceptable guest to either;
of this, however, he took no notice, but hired a handsome lodging, in which
he resided a few weeks; he then applied to a friend, and told him the truth
of the matter, desiring the gift of two hundred livres, and the loan of
fifty thousand, in ready money, for a few hours. His friend very readily
complied with his request; and the next day the old gentleman made a very
splendid entertainment, to which his daughters and their husbands were
invited. Just as dinner was over, his friend came in a great hurry; told
him of an unexpected demand upon him, and desired to know whether he could
lend him fifty thousand livres. The old man told him, without any emotion,
that twice as much was at his service, if he wanted it; and going into
the next room, brought him the money. After this, he was not suffered to
stay any longer in lodgings; his daughters were jealous if he stayed a
day more in one house than the other; and after three or four years spent
with them, he died; when, upon examining his cabinet, inftead of livres,
there was found a note containing these words: 'He who has suffered by
his virtues, has a right to avail himself of the vices of those by whom
he has been injured; and a father ought never to be so fond of his children
as to forget what is due to himself.'"
Amongst other versions of the story is a novelle by Giovanni Brevio,
published as part of his "Rime" in 1545. Piron's comedy of "Les Fils Ingrats,"
also known as "L'Ecole des Pères," appeared in 1728. "The story,"
adds Dunlop, "is also told in the 'Pieuses Recreations d'Angelin Gazée,'
and is told in the 'Colloquia Mensalia' of Luther, among other examples
to deter fathers from dividing their property during life among their children--a
practice to which they are in general little addicted."[33]
There is yet another verfion of the story in John of Bromyard's "Summa
Predicantium." After describing the discovery of the club it says, "in
quo Anglice scriptum erat"--
"Wyht fuyle a betel be he smetyn,
That al the werld hyt mote wyten,
That gyfht his sone al his thing,
And goht hym self a beggyn."
Mr. Wright gives another version, and adds that he is inclined to think
that the story and verses had some connection with "a superstition not
yet forgotten, which is thus told by Aubrey in his 'Remains of Gentilism'"
(Thorn's "Anecdotes and Traditions," p. 84)--"The Holy Mawle, which they
fancy was hung behind the church door, which when the father was seaventie,
the sonne might fetch to knock his father in the head, as effete and of
no more use."[34]
Herodotus has attributed the same unfilial conduct to some Indian tribes.
The incident of St. Bernard playing at dice for a soul (p. 151), is
in the "Gesta Romanorum." The anecdote how a son induced his father to
become a monk (p. 81) which is quoted from the "Vitas Patrum" is also in
the "Gesta Romanorum," and has so much of the Buddhist flavour as to give
rise to the suspicion that it comes from an Oriental source.[35]
The story of two merchants quoted from Petrus Alphonsus is also in the
"Gesta Romanorum." It is the foundation of Lydgate's "Two Friends," and
is beyond doubt an Eastern importation. In a MS. of the "Speculum Laicorum,"
described by Prof. Ingram, the writer has transformed one of the merchants
into an Englishman.[36]
The story quoted from "Paul, the historiagraph of the Lombards" (p.
46), is also given in the "Gesta Romanorum." Mr. Herrtage says it is "evidently
founded on the classical legend of Tarpeia." The narrative in the chess-book
is taken from Paulus Diaconus.[37]
The stratagem by which deposited money was recovered from a dishonest
trustee (p. 114) is told by Petrus Alphonsus, and is also in the "Gesta
The story of the danger of drunkenness (p. 129) was a favourite with
our forefathers. It is given by John of Bromyard, and is the subject of
a fabliau which is given by Meon.[38]
The somewhat violent remedy recorded as having been adopted by Demosthenes
(p. 103) will remind some readers of a passage in the life of St. Francis
of Assisi. "He had given up," says Mrs. Oliphant, "without hesitation,
as would appear, all the indefinite sweetness of youthful hopes. But, nevertheless,
he was still young, still a man, with human instincts and wishes, the tenderest
nature, and an imagination full of all the warmth and grace of his age
and his country. It does not appear that he ever put into words the musings
which caught him unawares--the relics of old dreams or soft recollections
which now and then would steal into his heart. But one night suddenly he
rose from the earthen floor which was his bed, and rushed out into the
night in an access of rage and passion and despair. A certain brother who
was praying in his cell, peering, wondering, through his little window,
saw him heap together seven masses of snow in the clear moonlight. 'Here
thy wife,' he said to himself; 'these four are thy sons and daughters,
the other two are thy servant and thy handmaid; and for all these thou
art bound to provide. Make haste, then, and provide clothing for them,
lest they perish with cold. But if the care of so many trouble thee, be
thou careful to serve our Lord alone.' Bonaventura, who tells the story,
goes on, with the true spirit of a monkish historian, to state how, 'the
tempter being vanquished, departed, and the holy man returned victorious
to his cell.' The piteous human yearning that is underneath this wild tale,
the sudden access of self-pity and anger, mixed with a strange attempt,
not less piteous than the longing, at self-consolation--all the struggle
and conflict of emotion which stilled themselves, at least for a moment,
by that sudden plunge into the snow, and wild, violent, bodily exertion,
are either lost upon the teller of the tale, or perhaps he fears to do
his master injustice by revealing any consciousness of the possibility
of such thoughts. But it is a very remarkable peculiarity of Francis's
history, that whereas every saint in the Calendar, from Antony downwards,
is sometimes troubled with visions of voluptuous delight, only Francis,
in his pure dreams, is tempted by the modest joys of wife and children--the
most legitimate and tenderest love."[39]
The reader must not expect any historical exactitude or critical spirit
from our author. For his purpose a narrative was just as useful whether
true or false, but it probably never occurred to him to question the exact
truth of any statement that he found written in a book. The murder of Seneca
(p. 9) is certainly not the least of the many crimes which stain the memory
of Nero, but the circumstances of his death are not exactly described by
the mediæval scribe. Whether the philosopher and former tutor was
implicated in the conspiracy of Piso may be doubted, but some ambiguous
phrases he had used were reported to the Emþeror, whose messenger
demanded an explanation of their meaning. The reply of Seneca was either
unsatisfactory or the tyrant had decided to be rid of his former guide.
As in more recent times in Japan the condemned man was expected to be his
own executioner, and Seneca opened his veins and allowed the life to ooze
from them with a stoicism that was certainly heroic if not untainted by
theatrical display. The character of Seneca will ever remain one of the
puzzles of history, for the grave moralist was accessory to the murder
of Agrippina, and not unsuspected of licentiousness, and of the accumulation
of an enormous fortune of three hundred million sestertii by injustice
and fraud. The statements of Dion Cassius as to the misdeeds of the philosopher
must be weighed against the absence of any condemnation of his proceedings
in the pages of Tacitus.
The Theodore Cerem named on p. 12, is Theodorus Cyrenaicus, who was
probably a native of Cyrene, and a disciple of Aristippus. He was banished
from the (supposed) place of his birth, and was shielded at Athens by Demetrius
Phalerus, whose exile he is assumed to have shared. Whilst in the service
of Egypt he was sent as an ambassador to Lysimachus, whom he offended by
the directness and plainness of his speech. The offended monarch threatened
him with crucifixion, and he replied in a phrase which became famous, "Threaten
thus your courtiers, for it matters not to me whether I rot on the ground
or in the air."[40]
The king's threat was not executed, as Theodorus was afterwards at Corinth,
and is believed to have died at Cyrene. That he was condemned to drink
hemlock is a statement cited from Amphicrates by Diogenes Lærtius
(Aristippus, xv.). The anecdote of his colloquy with Lysimachus
would easily be perverted into a belief that he had been put to death for
the freedom with which he exercised his biting wit.
The Democreon mentioned at pp. 12 and 16 is Democritus of Abdera, of
whom the anecdote is told. He was a man whose knowledge and wisdom won
even the respect of Timon, the universal scoffer. The tradition that he
deprived himself of sight with a view to philosophic abstraction is mentioned
by Cicero, Aulus Gellius, and others, but it is hardly necessary to account
for a too uncommon calamity by a supposition so remarkable.
The transformations of some of the names are peculiar. At p. 12 we read
of Defortes. The philosopher disguised under this strange name appears
to be Socrates. The story is told in the Apology of Socrates attributed
to Xenophon. The person to whom the saying was addressed was not Xanthippe,
but was a disciple named Apollodorus, whose understanding was not equal
to his admiration.
The statement that Didymus voluntarily blinded himself is made both
by Jerome (Ep. 68) and in the Ecclesiastical History of Socrates
(iv. 29). Didymus was born 309 or 314, and became blind at the age of four,
as the result of disease. He learned the alphabet by wooden letters, and
by application and force of character became learned in all the learning
of his time. Is this a real anticipation of the use of raised letters for
the blind? What would be the use of a knowledge of the alphabet so acquired
in obtaining that skill in geometry, rhetoric, arithmetic, and music for
which he was famous? He owed to Athanasius his position as head of the
Catechetical School of Alexandria.
The readers of "Cymbeline" will remember the passage in the concluding
"The piece of tender air, thy virtuous daughter,
Which we call mollis ær; and mollis ær
We term it mulier; which mulier, I divine,
Is this most constant wife: who even now,
Answering the letter of the oracle,
Unknown to you unsought, were clipp'd about
With this most tender air."
This quaint piece of etymology will be found at p. 123 of the present volume.
There is an interesting personal reference in the following passage
which has not, it is believed, been pointed out:--
"And also hit is to be supposyd that suche as haue theyr goodes comune
& not propre is most acceptable to god/ For ellys wold not thise religious
men as monkes freris chanons obseruantes & all other auowe hem &
kepe the wilfull pouerte that they ben professid too/ For in trouth I haue
my self ben conuersant in a religious hous of white freris at gaunt Which
haue all thynge in comyn amonge them/ and not one richer than an other/
in so moche that yf a man gaf to a frere .iii.d or iiii.d to praye for
hym in his masse/ as sone as the masse is doon he deliuerith hit to his
ouerest or procuratour in whyche hows ben many vertuous and deuoute freris
And yf that lyf were not the beste and the most holiest/ holy church wold
neuer suffre hit in religion."
This description by the busy merchant of the "best life" might serve
to point anew the distinction between the real and the ideal, and perhaps
not to the advantage of the latter.
Nothing has yet been said as to the place of this book in the history
of chess, and, indeed, it must be confessed that it has very little practical
bearing on the game. The learned dreams by which the chess of to-day was
connected with the latrunculi and with the amusement said to have
been invented by Palamedes, have been dissipated by the cool air of modern
criticism. The student of the history of chess may now follow its fortunes
under the safe guidance of Dr. van der Linde, who rejects unhesitatingly
the claim made for it, and admitted even by Forbes, of an antiquity of
5,000 years.[41]
The game of chess, which, whilst remaining an amusement, has acquired the
dignity of a science, is one that Europe owes to India, where it was probably
invented not earlier than five centuries before Christ; the triumphant
progress of Islam aided in the extension of this oriental pastime. It was
known at the courts of Nicephorus at Conftantinople and his contemporary
Haroun-al-Rashid at Bagdad. One would like to add that Charlemagne also
was acquainted with it, but there is no good evidence for that legend.
It was known in Spain in the tenth century, since the library of the learned
caliph Hakam II. of Cordova contained some Arabic MSS. on the game. By
the middle of the eleventh century it was common in the western world.
In 1061 a Florentine bishop is said to have been ordered by Cardinal Damiani
to expiate the offence of playing chess in public by three recitations
of the Psalter, by washing the feet of twelve poor persons, and by giving
them liberal alms. The gradual developments of the game in Europe are illustrated
in detail by Dr. van der Linde. Chess in its prefent form is comparatively
modern, and refults from the enlargement of the powers of the Queen (originally
the Vizier or minister) and of the Bishop (formerly the Alfil or Elephant).
The greater powers of these pieces came into play between 1450 and 1500,
but the period of transition was prolonged to a much later date in some
cafes, and the Portuguese Damiano may be regarded as the founder of the
modern school. The player of to-day on consulting the elementary directions
given in this book (p. 159, et seq.), will see how greatly the present
play exceeds in complexity and scientific interest the moves that excited
the enthusiasm of Jacobus de Cessoles, and led him to the composition of
the book of the chess which has had such long and widespread popularity.
Incidentally his book is a monument in the history of chess, but it
was never intended to make its primary object that of teaching the game.
The author's aim was almost exclusively ethical. It was to win men to a
sober life and to the due performance of individual and social duties,
that the preacher exhausted his stores of learning, and invoked alike the
reproofs of the fathers of the Church, the history and legend of chroniclers,
pagan and Christian, and the words of prophets and poets. As a memorial
of the literature and learning of the middle ages, it must always possess
a permanent value. From it we may learn, and always with interest, what
was the literary taste and social ideal of the thirteenth, fourteenth,
and fifteenth centuries. There is, doubtless, ample room for dissatisfaction
with that ideal, but it is not without some bright aspects. Possibly there
are modern realms that are not any happier now than they would be if governed
in strict accordance with the rules laid down by the earnest author of
the game and play of the chess.
It only remains for the editor to thank the friends who have interested
themselves in his work. Mr. J.E. Bailey, F.S.A., has shown his usual scholarly
courtesy and liberality in the communication of books and references. To
Mr. R.C. Christie, the Chancellor of the Diocese of Manchester, a similar
acknowledgment is due. Mr. C.W. Sutton, and Mr. W.R. Credland, of the Manchester
Free Library, on this, as on many other occasions, have not only given
the editor many facilities for his work, but some suggestions by which
he trusts he has profited. The index is chiefly the work of the editor's
eldest daughter.
the right noble/ right excellent & vertuous prince George duc of Clarence
Erle of warwyck and of salifburye/ grete chamberlayn of Englond & leutenant
of Irelond oldest broder of kynge Edward by the grace of god kynge of England
and of france/ your most humble servant william Caxton amonge other of
your seruantes sendes unto yow peas. helthe. Joye and victorye upon your
Enemyes/ Right highe puyssant and redoubted prynce/. For as moche as I
haue understand and knowe/ that y'e are enclined unto the comyn wele of
the kynge our sayd saueryn lord. his nobles lordes and comyn peple of his
noble royame of Englond/ and that y'e sawe gladly the Inhabitants of y'e
same enformed in good. vertuous. prouffitable and honeste maners. In whiche
your noble persone wyth guydyng of your hows haboundeth/ gyuyng light and
ensample unto all other/ Therfore I haue put me in deuour to translate
a lityll book late comen in to myn handes out of frensh in to englisshe/
In which I fynde thauctorites. dictees. and stories of auncient Doctours
philosophes poetes and of other wyse men whiche been recounted & applied
unto the moralite of the publique wele as well of the nobles as of the
comyn peple after the game and playe of the chesse/ whiche booke right
puyssant and redoubtid lord I haue made in the name and under the shadewe
of your noble protection/ not presumyng to correcte or enpoigne ony thynge
ayenst your noblesse/. For god be thankyd your excellent renome shyneth
as well in strange regions as with in the royame of england gloriously
unto your honour and lande/ which god multeplye and encrece But to thentent
that other of what estate or degre he or they stande in may see in this
sayd lityll book/ yf they gouerned themself as they ought to doo/ wherfor
my right dere redoubted lord I requyre & supplye your good grace not
to desdaygne to resseyue this lityll sayd book in gree and thanke/ as well
of me your humble and unknowen seruant as of a better and gretter man than
I am/. For the right good wylle that I haue had to make this lityll werk
in the best wyse I can/ ought to be reputed for the fayte and dede/ And
for more clerely to procede in this sayd book I haue ordeyned that the
chapitres ben sette in the begynnynge to thende that y'e may see more playnly
the mater wherof the book treteth &c.

The holy appostle
and doctour of the peple saynt Poule sayth in his epystle. Alle that is
wryten is wryten unto our doctryne and for our lernyng. Wherfore many noble
clerkes haue endeuoyred them to wryte and compyle many notable werkys and
historyes to the ende that it myght come to the knowlege and vnderstondyng
of suche as ben ygnoraunt. Of which the nombre is infenyte/ And accordyng
to the same saith Salamon. that the nombre of foles. is infenyte/ And emong
alle other good werkys. It is a werke of ryght special recomendacion to
enforme and to late vnderstonde wysedom and vertue vnto them that be not
lernyd ne can not dyscerne wysedom fro folye. Th[=e]ne emonge whom there
was an excellent doctour of dyuynyte in the royame of fraunce of the ordre
of thospytal of Saynt Johns of Jherusalem which entended the fame and hath
made a book of the chesse moralysed. which at suche tyme as J was resident
in brudgys in the counte of Flaundres cam in to my handes/ which whan J
had redde and ouerseen/ ne semed ful necessarye for to be had in englisshe/
And in eschewyng of ydlenes And to thende that s[=o]me which haue not seen
it/ ne understonde frenssh ne latyn I delybered in my self to translate
it in to our maternal tongue/ And whan I so had achyeued the sayd translacion/
I dyde doo sette in enprynte a certeyn nombre of theym/ Whiche anone were
depesshed and folde. wherfore by cause thys sayd book is ful of holsom
wysedom and requysyte unto every astate and degree/ J haue purposed to
enprynte it/ shewyng therin the figures of suche persons as longen to the
playe. Jn whom al astates and degrees ben comprysed/ besechyng al them
that this litel werke shal see/ here/ or rede to have me for excused for
the rude & symple makyng and reducyn in to our englisshe/ And where
as is defaute to correcte and amende/ and in so doyng they shal deserve
meryte and thanke/ and I shal pray for them/ that god of his grete mercy
shal rewarde them in his everlastyng blisse in heven/ to the whiche he
brynge us/ that wyth his precious blood redemed us Amen

his booke conteyneth
.iiii. traytees/
The first traytee is of the Invencion of this playe of the chesse,/
and conteyneth .iii. chapitres
The first chapitre is under what kynge this play was founden
The .ii. chapitre/ who fonde this playe
The .iii. chapitre/ treteth of .iii. causes why hit was made and founden
The second traytee treteth of the chesse men/ and conteyneth .v. chapitres
The first chapitre treteth of the form of a kynge and of suche thinges
as apperteyn to a kynge
The .ii. chapitre treteth of y'e quene & her forme & maners
The .iii. chapitre of the forme of the alphins and her offices and maners
The .iiii. chapitre is of the knyght and of his offices
The .v. is of the rooks and of their maners and offices
The thirde traytee is of the offices of the comyn peple And hath .viii.
The first chapitre is of the labourers & tilinge of the erthe
The .ii. of fmythis and other werkes in yron & metall
The .iii. is of drapers and makers of cloth & notaries
The .iiii. is of marchantes and chaungers
The .v. is of phisicyens and cirugiens and apotecaries
The .vi. is of tauerners and hostelers
The .vii. is of y'e gardes of the citees & tollers & cuftomers
The .viii. is of ribauldes disepleyars and currours The .iiii. traytee
is of the meuyng and yssue of them And hath .viii. chapitres
The first is of the eschequer
The seconde of the yssue and progression of the kynge
The thirde of the yssue of the quene
The fourth is of the yssue of the alphyns
The fifth is of the yssue of the knyghtes
The sixty chapitre of the yssue of the rooks
The seuenth is of the meuynge & yssue of the comyn peple
And the eyght and laste chapitre is of the epilegacion.
And of the recapitulacion of all these forsaid chapitres.


monge all the euyll
condicions and signes that may be in a man the first and y'e grettest is
whan he feereth not/ ne dredeth to displese and make wroth god by synne/
and the peple by lyuyng disordynatly/ whan he reccheth not/ ner taketh
hede unto them that repreue hym and his vices/ but fleeth them/ In suche
wyse as dide the emperour Nero/ whiche dide do slee his maister seneque
For as moche as he might not suffre to be repreuid and taught of hym In
lyke wyse was somtyme a kynge in babiloine that was named Evilmerodach
a Jolye man with oute Justice and so cruell that he dyde do hewe his faders
body in thre honderd pieces/ And gaf hit to ete and deuour to thre honderd
birdes that men calle wultres And was of suche condicion as was Nero/ And
right well resemblid and was lyke unto his fader Nabogodonosor/ whiche
on a tyme wold do flee alle the sage and wyse men of babylonye/ For as
moche as they coude not telle hym his dreme that he had dremed on a nyght
and had forgoten hit lyke as it is wreton in the bible in the book of danyell/
Under this kynge than Evilmerodach was this game and playe of the chesse
founden/ Trewe it is that some men wene/ that this playe was founden in
the tyme of the bataylles & siege of troye But that is not soo For
this playe cam to the playes of the caldees as dyomedes the greek sayth
and reherceth That amonge the philosophrs was the most renomed playe amonge
all other playes/ And after that/ cam this playe in the tyme of Alixandre
the grete in to Egipte And so unto alle the parties toward the south/ And
the cause wherfore thys playe was so renomed shall be sayd in the thirde


Thys playe
fonde a phylosopher of Thoryent whiche was named in Caldee Exerses or in
greke philometor/ which is as moche to saye in english as he that loveth
Justice and mesure/ And this philosopher was renomed gretly amonge the
grekes and them of Athenes whiche were good clerkys and philosophers also
renomed of theyr connynge. This philosopher was so Juste and trewe that
he had leuyr dye/ than to lyue longe and be a fals flaterer wyth the sayd
kynge. For whan he behelde the foull and synfull lyf of the kynge/ And
that no man durst blame hym. For by his grete cruelte he putte them alle
to deth that displesid hym/ he put hym self in paryll of deth/ And louyd
and chees rather to dye than lenger to lyue: The euyll lyf and diffamed
of a kynge is the lyf of a cruell beste/ And ought not longe to be susteyned/
For he destroyeth hym that displesith hym/ And therfore reherceth valerius/
that ther was a wise man named theodore cerem whom his kynge dyde do hange
on the crosse for as moche as he repreuyd hym of his euyll & fowll
lyf And all way as he was in the torment he said to y'e kynge/ upon thy
counceyllours & them that ben cladd in thy clothynge & robes were
more reson that this torment shold come/ For as moche as they dar not saye
to the The trouthe for to do Justice right wysly/ of my self I make no
force whether I dye on the lande or on the water or otherwyse &c as
who sayth he recched not to dye for Justice/ In lyke wyse as democreon
the philosophre put out his owen eyen be cause he wold not see that no
good myght come to the euyll and vicyous peple wyth out right And also
defortes the philosophre as he went toward his deth/ his wyf that folowed
after hym saide that he was dampned to deth wrongfully/ than he answerd
and sayd to her/ holde thy peas and be styll/ hit is better and more merytorye
to dye by a wronge and unrightfull Jugement/ than that I had deseruyd to

he causes wherfore
this playe was founden ben thre/ the first was for to correcte and repreue
the kynge .For whan this kynge Evilmerodach sawe this playe And the barons
knyghtes and gentillmen of his court playe wyth the philosopher/ he meruaylled
gretly of the beaulte and nouelte of the playe/ And desired to playe agaynst
y'e philosopher/ The philosopher answerd and sayd to hym that hit myght
not be doon. But yf he first lerned the playe/ The kynge said hit was reson
and that he wold put him to the payne to lerne hit Than the philosopher
began to teche hym and to shewe hym the maner of the table of the chesse
borde and the chesse meyne/ And also the maners and condicions of a kynge
of the nobles and of the comun peple and of theyr offices and how they
shold be touchid and drawen. And how he shold amende hymself & become
vertuous And whan this kynge herde that he repreuyd hym/ He demanded hym
upon payne of deth to tell hym wherfore he had founden and made this playe/
And he answerd my ryght dere lord and kynge/ the grettest and most thinge
that I desire is that thou haue in thy self a gloryous and vertuous lyf
And that may I not see/ but yf thou be endoctrined and well manerd and
that had/ so mayst thou be belouyd of thy peple Thus than I desire y't
thou haue other gouernement than thou hast had/ And that thou haue upon
thy self first seygnorye and maistrye suche as thou hast upon other by
force and not by right Certaynly hit is not ryght that a man be mayster
ouer other and comandour/ whan he can not rewle ner may rewle himself and
that his vertues domyne aboue his vices/. For seygnourye by force and wylle
may not longe endure/ Than thus may thou see oon of the causes why and
wherfore I haue founden and maad thys playe/ whyche is for to correcte
and repent the of thy tyrannye and vicyous lyuynge/ .For alle kynges specyally
ought to here her corrygeours or correctours and her corrections to hold
and kepe in mynde/ In lyke wyse as Valerius reherceth that the kynge Alixandre
had a noble and renomed knyght that sayd in repreuynge of Alixandre that
he was to moche couetous and in especyall of the honours of the world/
And sayd to hym yf the goddes had maad thy body as greet as is thy herte
Alle the world coude not holde the/. For thou holdest in thy right hand
alle the Oryent/ And in thy lyfte hande the occident/ syn than hit is so/
or thou art a god or a man or nought/ yf thou be god doo than well and
good to the peple as god doth/ And take not from them that they ought to
haue and is theyres. yf thou be a man/ thinke that thou shalt dye/ And
than thou shalt doo noon euyll/ yf thou be nought forgete thy self/ ther
is no thynge so stronge and ferme/ but that somtyme a feble thinge casteth
doun and ouerthrowe hit How well that the lyon be the strengest beste/
yet somtyme a lityll birde eteth hym/ The seconde cause wherfore this playe
was founden and maad/ was for to kepe hym from ydlenesse/ whereof senecque
saith unto lucylle ydlenes wyth oute ony ocupacion is sepulture of a man
lyuyng/ and varro saith in his sentences that in lyke wise as men goo not
for to goo/ the same wyse the lyf is not gyuen for to lyue but for to doo
well and good/ And therfore secondly the philosopher fonde this playe for
to kepe the peple from ydlenes/. For there is moche peple. Whan so is that
they be fortunat in worldly goodes that they drawe them to ease and ydlenes
wherof cometh ofte tymes many euyllys and grete synnes And by this ydlenes
the herte is quenchid wherof cometh desperacion/ The thirde cause is that
euery man naturelly desireth to knowe and to here noueltees and tydynges.
For this cause they of atthenes studyed as we rede/ and for as the corporall
or bodyly fight enpessheth and letteth otherwhyle the knowleche of subtyll
thinges/ therfore we rede that [48]
democrion the phylosopher put oute his owen eyen/ for as moche as he myght
haue the better entendement and understondynge/ Many haue ben made blynde
that were grete clerkis in lyke wyse as was dydymus bisshop of Alixandrye/
that how well that he sawe not yet he was so grete a clerk/ that gregore
nazan & saynt Ierome that were clerkes and maystres to other/ came
for to be his scolers & lerned of hym And saynt Anthonie The grete
heremyte cam for to see hym on a tyme/ and amonge all other thynges/ he
demanded hym yf he were not gretly displesid that he was blynde and sawe
not. And he answerd that he was gretly abasshid for that he supposid not
that he was not displesid in that he had lost his sight/ And saynt Anthonye
answerd to hym I meruayle moche that hit displesith the that thou hast
lost that thynge whiche is comyn betwene the and bestes. And thou knowest
well that thou hast not loste that thynge that is comyn bitwene the and
the angellis And for thise causes forsayd the philosopher entended to put
away alle pensisnes and thoughtes/ and to thinke only on this playe as
shall be said & appere in this book after.


The kynge must
be thus maad. For he must sitte in a chayer clothed in purpure/ crowned
on his heed in his ryght hand a ceptre and in the lyfte hande an apple
of gold/. For he is the most grettest and hyest in dignyte aboue alle other
and most worthy. And that is signefyed by the corone/. For the glorye of
the peple is the dignite of the kynge/ And aboue all other the kynge ought
to be replenysshid with vertues and of grace/ and thys signefieth the purpure.
For in lyke wyse as the robes of purpure maketh fayr & enbelysshith
the body/ the same wise vertues maketh the sowle/ he ought alleway thenke
on the gouernement of the Royame and who hath thadmynystracion of Justice/
And thys shuld be by hym self pryncipally. This signefieth the appell of
gold that he holdeth in his lyfte honde/ And for as moche as hit apperteyneth
unto hym to punysshe the rebelles hath he y'e sceptre in his right hand
And for as moche as mysericorde and trouthe conserue and kepe the kynge
in his trone/ Therfore ought a kynge to be mercyfull and debonayr For whan
a kynge or prynce desired or will be belouyd of his peple late hym be gouerned
by debonarite And valerius saith that debonairte percyth the hertes of
straungers and amolisshith and maketh softe the hertes of his enemyes/
wherof he reherceth that philostratus that was due of athenes had a doughter/
whom a man louyd so ardantly/ that on a tyme as he sawe her wyth her moder/
sodaynly he cam and kyssed her/ wherof the moder was so angry and soroufull
that she wente and requyred of her lord the duc/ that his heed myght be
smyten of/ The prynce answerd to her and sayde/ yf we shold slee them that
loue us/ what shall we doo to our enemyes that hate us/ Certaynly this
was thanswer of a noble & debonair prynce That suffred that villonye
don to his doughter and to hymself yet more This prince had also a frende
that was named Arispe that sayd on a tyme as moche villonye unto the prynce
as ony man miht saye And that might not suffise hym/ but he scracchid hym
in the visage/ The prynce suffryd hym paciently in suche wyse as thowh
he had doon to hym no vilonye but curtoysye And whan his sones wold haue
auengid this vilonye/ he comanded them that they shold not be so hardy
so to do The next day folowyng arispe remembrid of the right grete vilonye
that he had don to his frende and lord wythoute cause. He fyll in dispayr
and wold haue slayn hym self/ whan the duc knewe and understode that/ he
cam to hym and sayd ne doubte the nothynge And swore to hym by his fayth/
that also well he was and shold be his frende fro than forthon as euery
he had ben to fore yf he wold And thus he respited hym of his deth by his
debonairte. And in lyke wyse rede we of the kynge pirre to whom was reported
that they of tarente had said grete vilonye of hym. For whiche cause he
maad alle them to come to fore hym And demanded of them yf they had so
sayd. Than oon of them answerd and sayd/ yf the wyn and the candellys had
not fayllyd/ thys langage had ben but a Iape/ In regarde of that we had
thought to haue doon/ Than the kynge began to lawhe/ for they had confessid
that suche langage as was sayd and spoken was by dronkenship/ And for this
cause of debonairte the peple of tarante toke for a custome that the dronken
men shold be puuysshyd/ And the sobre men preyfed. The kynge than thus
ought to loue humylyte and hate falsite after the holy scripture that speketh
of euery man generally/ For the kynge in his royame representeth god/ And
god is verite/ And therfore hym ought to saye no thynge but yf hit were
veritable and stable. Valerius reherceth that Alixandre wyth alle his ooste
rood for to destroye a cyte whyche was named lapsare/ whan than a phylosophre
whiche had to name Anaximenes which had ben to fore maistre & gouernour
of Alixandre herd and understood of his comyng Cam agayn Alixandre for
to desire and requyre of hym. And whan he sawe Alixandre he supposid to
haue axid his requefte/ Alixandre brake his demande to fore and swore to
hym to fore he axid ony thynge by his goddes. That suche thynge as he axid
or requyryd of hym/ he wold in no wyse doon/ Than the philosopher requyred
hym to destroye the cyte/ whan Alixandre understood his desire/ and the
oth that he had maad/ he suffrid the cyte to stande and not to be destroyed
For he had leuer doo his wyll than to be periured and forsworn and doo
agaynst his oth/ Quyntilian saith that no grete man ne lord shold not swere/
but where as is grete nede/ And that the symple parole or worde of a prynce
ought to be more stable than the oth of a marcha[=u]t/ Alas how kepe the
prynces their promisses in thise dayes/ not only her promises but their
othes her fealis and wrytynges & signes of their propre handes/ alle
faylleth god amende hit &c. A kynge also ought to hate alle cruelte/
For we rede that neuer yet dyed ony pietous persone of euyll deth ne cruell
persone of good deth Therfore recounteth valerius that ther was a man named
theryle a werke-man in metall/ that made a boole of coppre and a lityll
wyket on the side/ wherby men myght put in them that shuld be brent therin/
And hit was maad in suche manere/ that they that shold be put and enclosid
therin shold crye nothinge lyke to the wys of a man but of an oxe. And
this made he be cause men shold haue the lasse pite of them. Whan he had
made this hole of copper/ he presented hit unto a kynge which was callyd
philarde that was so cruell a tyrant that he delited in no thinge but in
cruelte And he told hym the condicion of the bole/ Whan philarde herde
and understode this/ he alowed and preysed moche the werke/ And after sayde
to hym/ thou that art more cruell than I am/ thou shalt assaye & prove
first thy þsente and yeft/ And so made hym to goo in to the boole
and dye an euyll deth/ Therfore faith Ouide ther is no thinge more raisonable
than that a man dye of suche deth as he purchaseth unto other Also the
kynge ought souerainly kepe Iustice/ who maketh or kepeth a royame with
oute Iustice/ of verray force ther muste be grete robberye and thefte Therfor
reherceth saint Augustyn in a book which is intituled the cyte of god/
that there was a theef of the see named diomedes that was a grete rouar
and dide so moche harme that the complaintes cam to fore Alixander whiche
dide hym to be taken & brought to fore hym/ and he demanded hym wherfore
he was so noyous & cruell in the see And he answerd to hym agayn/ for
as moche as thou art oon a lande in the world/ so am I another in y'e see/
but for as moche as the euyll y't I doo is in oon galeye or tweyne therfore
I am callyd a theef/ but for as moche as thou dost in many shippis and
with grete puyssance and power/ therfore art thou callyd an emperour/ but
yf fortune were for me in suche wyse/ I wold be come a good man and better
than I now am/ but thou/ the more richer and fortunat that thou art/ the
more worse art thou/ Alixander sayd to hym I shall change thy fortune in
suche wyse as thou ne saye/ that thou shalt doo hit by pouerte/ but for
euyll and mauaiste/ And so he made hym ryche/ And thys was he that afterward
was a good prynce and a good Iusticyer/ The kynge ought to be soueraynly
chaste/ And this signefyeth a quene that is only on his ryght syde For
hit is to be beleuyd and credible that whan the kynge is a good man Iuste.
trewe & of good maners and condicions/ that his children shall folowe
gladly the same/ for a good sone & a trewe ought not to forsake &
goo fro y'e good condicions of his fader. For certes hit is agaynst god
and nature in partie whan a man taketh other than his propre wyf/ And that
see we by birdes/ of whom the male and female haue to gyder the charge
in kepynge and norisshinge of their yonge fowlis and birdis/. For some
maner of fowlis kepen them to theyr femeles only/ As hit appereth by storkes
dowues and turtils/ But tho fowles that norisshith not their birdes haue
many wyues and femelles/ As the cock that no thynge norisshith his chekens/
And therfore amonge alle the bestes that been/ Man and woman putteth most
theyr entente and haue moste cure & charge in norisshyng of their children/
And therfore doon they agaynst nature in partye whan they leue theyr wyues
for other women/ Of this chastete reherceth valerius an example and faith
that ther was a man of rome which was named scipio affrican. For as moche
as he had conquerd affricque how well that he was of rome born. Whan he
was of .xxxiiii. yer of age he conquerd cartage And toke moche peple in
Ostage/ Amonge whom he was presented wyth a right fair mayde for his solas
and playsir whiche was assurid and handfast unto a noble yong gentillman
of cartage whiche was named Indiuicible/ And anon as this gentill scipio
knewe that Notwythstandyng that he was a prynce noble & lusty Dyde
do calle anon the parents and kynnesmen of them And deliuerid to them their
doughter wyth oute doyng of ony vilonye to her/ and y'e rænsom or
gold that they had ordeyned for their doughter/ gaf hit euery dele In dowaire
to her And the yong man that was her husbonde sawe the fraunchise and gentilnes
of hym/ torned hymself and the hertes of the noble peple unto the loue
& alliance of the romayns/ And this suffiseth as towchynge the kynge


Thus ought
the Quene be maad/ she ought to be a fair lady sittynge in a chayer and
crowned wyth a corone on her heed and cladd wyth a cloth of gold &
a mantyll aboue furrid wyth ermynes And she shold sytte on the lyfte syde
of the kinge for the amplections and enbrasynge of her husbonde/ lyke as
it is sayd in scripture in the canticles/ her lyfte arme shall be under
my heed And her ryght arme fhall[49]
be clyppe and enbrace me/ In that she is sette on his lyfte syde is by
grace gyuen to the kynge by nature and of ryght. For better is to haue
a kynge by succession than by election/ For oftentymes the electours and
chosers can not ne wyll not accorde/ And so is the election left/ And otherwhyle
they chese not the beste and most able and conuenyent/ but hym that they
best loue/ or is for them most proffytable/ But whan the kynge is by lignage
and by trewe succession/ he is taught enseygned and nourrishid in his yongth
in alle good & vertuous tacches and maners of hys fader/ And also the
prynces of the royame dar not so hardily mene warre agaynst a kynge hauynge
a sone for to regne after hym And so a Quene ought to be chaste. wyse.
of honest peple/ well manerd and not curyous in nourisshynge of her children/
her wyfedom ought not only tappere in feet and werkes but also in spekynge
that is to wete that she be secrete and telle not suche thynges as ought
to be holden secrete/ Wherfore it is a comyn prouerbe that women can kepe
no counceyle And accordyng therto Macrobe reherceth in the book of the
dremes of Scipio. That ther was a child of rome that was named papirus
that on a tyme went with his fader whiche was a senatour into the chambre
where as they helde their counceyll And that tyme they spak of suche maters
as was comanded and agreed shold be kept secrete upon payn of their heedes
And so departed And whan he was comen home from the senatoire and fro the
counceyll with his fader/ his moder demanded of hym what was the counceyll
and wherof they spack and had taryed so longe there And the childe answerd
to her and sayd he durst not telle ner saye hit for so moche as hit was
defended upon payn of deth Than was the moder more desirous to knowe than
she was to fore/ And began to flatere hym one tyme And afterward to menace
hym that he shold saye and telle to her what hit was And whan the childe
sawe that he might haue no reste of his moder in no wife He made her first
promise that she shold kepe hit secrete And to telle hit to none of the
world/ And that doon/ he fayned a lesing or a lye and sayd to her/ that
the senatours had in counceyll a grete question and difference whiche was
this/ whether hit were better and more for the comyn wele of rome/ that
a man shold have two wyuys/ or a wyf to haue two husbondes/ And whan she
had understonde this/ he defended her that she shold telle hit to none
other body And after this she wente to her gossyb and told to her this
counceyll secretly/ And she told to an other/ And thus euery wyf tolde
hit to other in secrete And thus hit happend anone after that alle the
wyues of rome cam to the senatorye where the senatours were assemblid/
And cryed wyth an hye voys/ that they had leuer/ and also hit were better
for the comyn wele that a wyf shold haue two husbondes than a man two wyues/
The senatours heerynge this. were gretly abasshid and wist not what to
saye/ ner how to answere/ tyll at laste that the child papire reherced
to them all the caas and feet how hit was happend And whan the senatours
herd & understood the mater they were gretly abasshid/ and comended
gretly y'e Ingenye & wytte of the child that so wisely contriued the
lye rather than he wolde discouere their co[=u]ceyll/ And forthwith made
hym a senatour/ and establisshid & ordeyned fro than forthon that no
childe in ony wise sholl entre in to y'e counceyll hous amonge them with
their faders exept papirus/ whome they wold y't he shold alwey be among
them/ also a quene ought to be chaste/ for as she is aboue all other in
astate & reuer[=e]ce so shold she be ensample to all other in her liuyng
honestly/ wherof Ierome reherceth agaynst Ionynyan/ that ther was a gentilman
of rome named duele/ and this man was he y't first fond y'e maner to fight
on y'e water/ and had first victorie/ this duele had to his wif one of
the best women & so chaste/ that euery woman might take ensample of
her/ And at y't tyme the synne of the flesshe was the grettest synne y't
ony might doo agaynst nature/ And this sayd good woman was named ylye/
and so it happend that this duele becam so olde that he stowped & quaqued
for age And on a tyme one of his aduersaries repreuyd & reprochid hym
sayng that he had a stynkynge breth/ And forthwyth he wente home to his
wyf alle angry and abasshid and axid her why and wherfore she had not told
his defaulte to hym that he myght haue founden remedye to haue ben purgid
therof/ And she answerd that as for as moche as she supposid that euery
man had that same faute as well as he. For she kyst neuer ony mannes mouth
but her husbondes/ O moche was this woman to be preysed & haue a singuler
lawde wenynge that this defaulte had not ben only in her husbonde/ wherfore
she suffrid hit paciently in suche wyse that her husbonde knewe his defaute
sonner by other than by her/ Also we rede that ther was a wedowe named
anna/ whiche had a frende that counceyllid her to marye/ For she was yong
fayr and riche/ to whom she answerd that she wold not so doo in no wise
For yf I shold haue an husbond as I haue had and that he were as good as
he was/ I shold euer ben a ferd to lose hym/ lyke as I lost that other/
And than shold I lyue all wey in fere & drede/ whiche I wyll not And
yf hit happend me to haue awors/ what shold hyt prouffite me to haue an
euyll husbond after a good. And so she concluded that she wold kepe her
chastete. Saynt Austyn reherceth in the book de Civitate dei that in rome
was a noble lady gentill of maners & of hyghe kynrede named lucrecia/
And had an husbonde named colatyne/ whiche desired on a tyme the Emþours
sone named Torquyne thorguyllous or the proude and he was callid sixte
for to come dyne and sporte hym in his castell or manoir And whan he was
entrid amonge many noble ladyes he sawe lucrecia/ And whan this Emþours
sone had seen & aduertised her deportes. her contenance. her manere.
and her beaulte/ he was all rauysshid and esprised wyth her loue forthwyth
And espyed a tyme whan her husbonde collatyn wente unto the ooste of themþour/
and camm to the place where as lucresse was with her felawship/ whom she
receyuyd honorably/ and whan tyme came to goo to bedde and slepe she made
redy a bedde ryally for hym as hit apperteyned to the emperours sone And
this sixtus espyed where lucresia laye. And whan he supposyd & knewe
that euery body was in his first sleep/ he cam to the bedde of lucresse
and that oon hand sette on her breste and in that other hand a naked swerd/
and sayd to her/ lucresse holde thy pees and crye not/ For I am sixte tarquynus
sone/ for yf y'u speke ony worde thou shalt be dede/ And for fere she held
her pees/ Than he began to praye and promise many thinges And after he
menaced & thretenyd her that she shold enclyne to hym to do his wyll/
And whan he sawe he coude ner might haue his entent he sayd to her yf thou
do not my wyll/ I shall slee the and o[=o]n of thy seruantes and shall
leye hym all ded by thy syde And than I shall saye that I haue slayn yow
for your rybawdrye/ And lucresse that than doubted more the shame of the
world than the deth consentid to hym/ And anone after as the Emþours
sone was departid/ the ladye sente l*res to her husbond her fader her brethern
& to her frendes/ and to a man callid brute conceyllour & neuewe
to tarquyn/ And sayd to them/ that yesterday sixte the emp*ours sone cam
in to myn hous as an enemye in likenes of a frende/ & hath oppressid
me And knowe y'u colatyn that he hath dishonorid thy bedde And how well
y't he hath fowled & dishonored my body/ yet myn herte is not/ wherfore
I beseche the of pardon foryfnes & absolucion of the trespas but not
of the payne/ and he y't hath doon this synne to me hit shall ben to his
meschance yf y'e doo your deuoir/ And be cause no woman take ensample of
lucresse and lyue after the trespaas/ but that she in lyke wyse take ensample
also of the payne And forthwyth wyth a swerd that she helde under her gowen
or robe/ she roof her self unto the herte And deyde forthwyth to fore them/
And than brute the counseillr And her husbond collatyn and alle her other
frendes swore by the blood of lucresse that they wold neuer reste vnto
the tyme that they had put out of rome tarquyn and and alle his lignee/
And that neuer after none of them shold come to dignite/ And alle this
was doon. For they bare the dede corps thurgh the cyte and meuyd the peple
in suche wyse/ that tarquyn was put in exyle And fixte his sone was slayn/
A Quene ought to be well manerd & amonge alle she ought to be tumerous
and shamefast/ For whan a woman hath loste shamefastnes/ she may ner can
not well be chaast/ Wherfore saith symachus that they that ben not shamefast
haue no conscience of luxurye/ And saynt Ambrose saith that oon of the
best parements and maketh a woman most fayr in her persone/ is to be shamefast/
Senecque reherceth that ther was oon named Archezille whiche was so shamefast
That she put in a pelow of fethers a certain some of money/ and put hit
vnder y'e heed of a pour frende of heeris/ whiche dissimyled his pouerte
and wold not ner durst not be a knowen of his pouerte For for shame she
durst not gyue hit openly/ but had leuer that he shold fynde hit/ than
that she had gyuen hit hym/ Wherfore otherwhile men shold gyue & helpe
her frendes so secretly That they knowe not whens hit come/ For whan we
kepe hit secret and make no boost therof/ our deedes and werkes shall plese
god and them also/ A Quene ought to be chosen whan she shall be wedded
of the most honest kynrede and peple/ For oftentymes the doughters folowen
the tacches and maners of them that they ben discended from/ Wherof Valerius
maximus sayth that ther was one that wold marye/ whiche cam to a philosopher
and axid counceyll what wif he might best take He answerd that he shold
take her that thou knowe certaynly that her moder and her grauntdame haue
ben chaast and well condicioned/ For suche moder/ suche doughter comunely/
Alfo a quene ought to teche her childern to ben contynent and kepe chastite
entyerly/ as hit is wreton in ecclesiastes/ yf thou haue sones enseigne
and teche them/ And yf thou haue doughters kepe well them in chastite/
For helemonde reherceth that euery kynge & prynce ought to be a clerke
for to comande to other to studye and rede the lawe of our lord god/ And
therfore wrote themperour to the kynge of france that he shold doo lerne
hys children sones the seuen sciences lyberall/ And saide amonge other
thynges that a kynge not lettryd resembleth an asse coroned/ Themperour
Octauian maad his sones to be taught and lerne to swyme. to sprynge and
lepe. to Iufte. to playe wyth the axe and swerde/ And alle maner thynge
that apperteyneth to a knyght/ And his doughters he made hem to lerne.
to sewe. to spynne. to laboure as well in wolle as in lynnen cloth/ And
alle other werkis longynge to women And whan his frendes demanded wherfore
he dyde so/ he answerd how well that he was lord & syre of alle the
world/ yet wyste he not what shold befalle of his children and whether
they shold falle or come to pouerte or noo/ and therfore yf they conne
a good crafte they maye alleway lyue honestly/ The Quene ought to kepe
her doughters in alle chastyte/ For we rede of many maydens that for theyr
virginite haue ben made quenes/ For poule the historiagraph of the lombardes
reherceth y't ther was a duchesse named remonde whiche had .iii. sones
& two doughters And hit happend that the kynge of hongrye cantanus
assaylled a castell where she behelde her enemyes And amonge all other
she sawe the kynge that he was a well faryng and goodly man/ Anone she
was esprised and taken wyth his loue/ And that so sore/ that forthwith
she sent to hym that she wold deliuere ouer the castell to hym yf he wold
take her to his wyf and wedde her And he agreed therto/ and sware that
he wold haue her to his wyf on that condicion/ whan than the kynge was
in the castell/ his peple toke men and women and alle that they fonde/
her sones fledde from her/ of whom one was named Ermoaldus and was yongest/
and after was duc of boneuentan/ And syn kynge of the lumbardis. And the
two susters toke chikens And put hem vnder her armes next the flessh and
bytwene her pappes/ that of the heete & chaffyng the flessh of the
chikens stanke. And whan so was that they of hongrye wold haue enforcid
& defowled hem anone they felte the stenche and fledde away and so
lefte hem sayng/ fy how these lombardes stynke/ and so they kept their
virginite/ wherfore that one of them afterward was Quene of france And
that other Quene of Aleman/ And hit happend than that the kynge Catanus
toke acordynge to his promyse the duchesse/ and laye with her one night
for to saue his oth And on the morn he made her comune unto alle the hongres/
And the thirde day after he dyde doo put a staf of tre fro the nether part
of her/ thurgh her body vnto her throte or mouthe/ for be cause of the
lust of her flessh she betrayed her cyte and sayd suche husbond/ suche
wyf &c And this sufficeth of the Quene.


The Alphyns
ought to be made and formed in manere of Iuges syttynge in a chayer wyth
a book open to fore their eyen/ And that is be cause that some causes ben
crymynell/ And some ben cyuyle as aboute possessyons and other temporell
thynges and trespaces/ And therfore ought to be two Iuges in the royame/
one in the black for the first cause/ And that other in whyte as for the
seconde/ Theyr office is for to counceyll the kynge/ And to make by his
comandements good lawes And to enforme alle the royame in good and vertuous
maners/ And to Iuge and gyue sentence well and truly after the caas is
had/ And to counceyll well and Iustely alle them that are counceyll of
hem/ wyth oute hauynge of ony eye opene to ony persone/ And to estudye
diligently in suche wyse and to ordeygne alle that/ that ought to be kept
be obseruyd be faste and stable/ So that they be not founde corrupt for
yeft for favour ne for lignage ne for enuye variable And as touchynge the
first poynt Seneque sayth in the book of benefetes that the poure Dyogenes
was more stronge than Alixandre/ For Alixandre coude not gyue fo moche
as Diogenes wold reffuse.
Marcus cursus a romayn of grete renome sayth thus. That whan he had
besiegid & assayllyd them of amente And boneuentans whiche herde that
he was poure/ they toke a grete masse and wegghe of gold and ended hit
to hym prayng hym that he wold resseyue hyt and leue his assault and siege/
And whan they cam with the present to hym they fonde hym sittynge on the
erthe and ete his mete oute of platers and disshes of tree and of wode
and dyde than her message/ to whom he answerd and sayde that they shold
goo hoome and saye to them that sente hem that marcus cursus loueth better
to be lord and wynne richesses than richesses shold wynne hym/ For by bataylle
he shall not be ouercome and vaynquysshid Nor be gold ne siluer he shal
not be corrupt ne corompid Often tymes that thynge taketh an euyll ende
that is vntrewe for gold and siluer/ And that a man is subgett vnto money
may not be lord therof/ helimond reherceth that [50]
demoncene demanded of aristodone how moche he had wonne for pletynge of
a cause for his clyent/ And he answerd a marck of gold. [51]
Demoscenes answerd to hym agayn that he had wonne as moche for to hold
his pees and speke not Thus the tonges of aduocates and men of lawe ben
þyllous and domegeable/yet they must be had yf thou wylt wynne thy
cause for wyth money and yeft thou shall wynne And oftetymes they selle
as welle theyr scilence/ as theyr vtterance/ Valerius reherceth that the
senatours of rome toke counceyll to geder of two persones that one was
poure/ And that other riche and couetous/ whiche of hem bothe were moft
apte for to sende to gouerne and Iuge the contre of spayne/ and scipion
of affricque sayd that none of them bothe were good ner prouffitable to
be sente theder/ For that one hath no thynge And to that other may nothynge
suffise And despised in his saynge alle pouerte and auerice in a Iuge/
For a couetous man hath nede of an halfpeny For he is seruant & bonde
vnto money/ and not lord therof. But pouerte of herte & of wylle ought
to be gretly alowed in a Iuge Therfore we rede that as longe as the romayns
louyd pouerte they were lordes of all the world For many ther were that
exposed alle their goodes for the comyn wele and for that was most prouffitable
for the comynaulte that they were so poure that whan they were dede they
were buryed & brought to erthe with the comyn good/ And theyr doughters
were maryed by the comandement of the senatours/ But syn that they despised
pouerte/ And begonne to gadre rychesses/ And haue maad grete bataylles/
they haue vsed many synnes And so the comyn wele perysshid/ For there is
no synne but that it regneth there/ Ther is none that is so [52]
synfull as he that hath alle the world in despyte/ For he is in pees that
dredeth no man/ And he is ryche that coueyteth no thynge/ Valere reherceth
that he is not ryche that moche hath/ But he is ryche that hath lytyll
and coueyteth no thynge/ Than thus late the Iuges take hede that they enclyne
not for loue or for hate in ony Iugement/ For theophrast saith that alle
loue is blynde ther loue is/ ther can not ryght Iugement by guyen/ For
alle loue is blynde And therfore loue is none euyn Iuge For ofte tymes
loue Iugeth a fowll & lothly woman to be fayr And so reherceth quynte
curse in his first book that the grete Godaches sayth the same to Alixandre
men may saye in this caas that nature is euyll For euery man is lasse auysed
and worse in is owne feet and cause than in an other mans/ And therfore
the Iuges ought to kepe hem well from yre in Iugement/ Tullius sayth that
an angry & yrous þsone weneth that for to doo euyll/ is good
counceyll/ and socrates saith y't .ii. thinges ben contraryous to co[=u]ceyll/
and they ben haftynes & wrath/ and Galeren sayth in Alexandrye/ yf
yre or wrath ouercome the whan thou sholdest gyue Iugement/ weye all thinge
in y'e balance so that thy Iugement be not enclyned by loue ne by yeste/
ne fauour of persone torne not thy corage. Helemond reherceth that Cambyses
kynge of perse whiche was a rightwys kynge had an vnrightwys Iuge/ whiche
for enuye and euyll will had dampned a man wrongfully and agaynst right/
wherfore he dide hym to be flain all quyk/ and made the chayer or fiege
of Iugement to be couerid wyth his skyn/ And made his sone Iuge and to
sitte in the chayer on the skyn of his fader/ to thende that the sone shold
Iuge rightwysly/ And abhorre the Iugement & payne of his fader/ Iuges
ought to punysshe the defaultes egally And fullfille the lawe that they
ordeyne/ Caton sayth accomplisshe and do the lawe in suche wyse as thou
hast ordeyned and gyuen. Valerius reherceth that calengius a consull had
a sone whiche was taken in adwultrye. And therfore after the lawe at that
tyme he was dampned to lose bothe his eyen The fader wold y't the lawe
shold be acc[=o]plisshid in his sone with out fauour/ but all the cyte
was meuyd herewyth And wold not suffre hit/ but in the ende his fader was
vaynquysshid by theyr prayers/ And ordeyned that his sone shold lese oon
eye whiche was put oute And he hymself lost an other eye/ And thus was
the lawe obserued and kept/ And the prayer of the peple was accomplisshid
We rede y't ther was a counceyllour of rome that had gyen counceill to
make a statute/ that who some euer that entrid in to the senatoire/ &
a swerd gyrt aboute hym shold be ded/ Than hit happend on a tyme that he
cam from with out and entrid in to the senatoyre & his swerd gyrt aboute
hym/ wherof he took n[=o]n heede/ and [=o]n of the senatours told hym of
hit/ and whan he knewe hit & remembrid the statute/ he drewe oute his
swerd & slewe hymself to fore them/ rather to dye than to breke the
lawe/ for whos deth all the senatours made grete sorowe/ but alas we fynde
not many in thise dayes that soo doo/ but they doo lyke as anastasius saith
that the lawes of some ben lyke vnto the nettis of spyncoppis that take
no grete bestes & fowles but lete goo & flee thurgh. But they take
flyes & gnattes & suche smale thynges/ In lyke wise the lawes now
a dayes ben not executed but vpon the poure peple/ the grete and riche
breke hit & goo thurgh with all And for this cause sourden bataylles
& discordes/ and make y'e grete & riche men to take by force and
strengthe lordshippis & seignouries vpon the smale & poure peple/
And this doon they specially that ben gentill of lignage & poure of
goodes And causeth them to robbe and reue And yet constrayned them by force
to serue them And this is no meruayll/ for they that drede not to angre
god/ ner to breke the lawe and to false hit/ Falle often tymes by force
in moche cursednes and wikkidnes/ but whan the grete peple doo acordinge
to the lawe/ and punysh the tr[=a]nsgressours sharply The comyn peple abstayne
and withdrawe hem fro dooyng of euyll/ and chastiseth hem self by theyr
example/ And the Iuges ought to entende for to studie/ for y't yf smythes
the carp[=e]ntiers y'e vignours and other craftymen saye that it is most
necessarye to studye for the comyn prouffit And gloryfye them in their
connyng and saye that they ben prouffitable Than shold the Iuges studie
and contemplaire moche more than they in that/ that shold be for the comyn
wele/ wherfore sayth seneke beleue me that they seme that they do no thynge
they doo more than they that laboure For they doo spirytuell and also corporall
werkis/ and therfore amonge Artificers ther is no plesant reste/ But that
reson of the Iuges hath maad and ordeyned hit/ And therfore angelius in
libro actiui atticatorum de socrate sayth That socrates was on a tyme so
pensyf that in an hole naturell daye/ He helde one estate that he ne meuyd
mouth ne eye ne foote ne hand but was as he had ben ded rauyshyd. And whan
one demanded hym wherfore he was fo pensyf/ he answerd in alle worldly
thynges and labours of the fame And helde hym bourgoys and cytezeyn of
the world And valerius reherceth that carnardes a knyght was so age wye
and laborous in pensifnes of the comyn wele/ that whan he was sette at
table for to ete/ he forgate to put his hande vnto the mete to fede hymself.
And therfore his wys y't was named mellye whom he had taken more to haue
her companye & felawship than for ony other thynge/ Fedde hym to thende
that he shold not dye for honger in his pensifnes/ Dydymus sayd to Alix-andrie
we ben not deynseyns in the world but stra[=u]gers/ ner we ben not born
in the world for to dwell and abyde allway therein/ but for to goo and
passe thurgh hit/ we haue doon noon euy dede/ but that it is worthy to
be punysshid and we to suffre payne therfore And than we may goon with
opon face and good conscience And so may we goo lightly and appertly the
way that we hope and purpose to goo This suffiseth as for the Alphyns.

The knyght
ought to be made alle armed upon an hors in suche wyse that he haue an
helme on his heed and a spere in his ryght hande/ and coueryd wyth his
sheld/ a swerde and a mace on his lyft syde/ Cladd wyth an hawberk and
plates to fore his breste/ legge harnoys on his legges/ Spores on his heelis
on his handes his gauntelettes/ his hors well broken and taught and apte
to bataylle and couerid with his armes/ whan the knyghtes ben maad they
ben bayned or bathed/ that is the signe that they shold lede a newe lyf
and newe maners/ also they wake alle the nyght in prayers and orysons vnto
god that he wylle gyue hem grace that they may gete that thynge that they
may not gete by nature/ The kynge or prynce gyrdeth a boute them a swerde
in signe/ that they shold abyde and kepe hym of whom they take theyr dispenses
and dignyte. Also a knyght ought to be wise, liberall, trewe, stronge and
full of mercy and pite and kepar of the peple and of the lawe/ And ryght
as cheualrye passeth other in vertu in dignite in honour and in reu[=e]rece/
right so ought he to surmounte alle other in vertu/ For honour is no thing
ellis but to do reuer[=e]ce to an other þsone for y'e good &
vertuo'9 disposicion y't is in hym/ A noble knyght ought to be wyse and
preuyd to fore he be made knyght/ hit behoued hym that he had longe tyme
vsid the warre and armes/ that he may be expert and wyse for to gouerne
the other For syn that a knyght is capitayn of a batayll The lyf of them
that shall be vnder hym lyeth in his hand And therfore behoueth hym to
be wyse and well aduysed/ for some tyme arte craft and engyue is more worth
than strengthe or hardynes of a man that is not proued in Armes/ For otherwhyle
hit happeth that whan the prynce of the batayll affieth and trusteth in
his hardynes and strength And wole not vse wysedom and engyne for to renne
vpon his enemyes/ he is vaynquysshid and his peple slayn/ Therfore saith
the philosopher that no man shold chese yong peple to be captayns &
gouernours For as moche as ther is no certainte in her wysedom. Alexandra
of macedone vaynquysshid and conquerid Egypte Iude Caldee Affricque/ and
Affirye vnto the marches of bragmans more by the counceyll of olde men
than by the strength of the yong men/ we rede in the historye of rome y't
ther was a knyght whiche had to name malechete that was so wyse and trewe
that whan the Emþour Theodosius was dede/ he made mortall warre ayenst
his broder germain whiche was named Gildo or Guye For as moche as this
said guye wold be lorde of affricque with oute leue and wyll of the senatours.
And this sayd guye had slayn the two sones of his broder malechete/ And
dide moche torment vnto the cristen peple And afore that he shold come
in to the felde ayenst his broder Emyon/ he wente in to an yle of capayre
And ladde with hym alle the cristen men that had ben sente theder in Exyle
And made hem alle to praye wyth hym by the space of thre dayes & thre
nyghtis/ For he had grete truste in the prayers of good folk/ & specially
that noman myght counceyll ne helpe but god/ and .iii. dayes to fore he
shold fight saynt Ambrofe whiche was ded a lityl to fore apperid to hym/
and shewde hym by reuelacion the tyme & our that he shold haue victorie/
and for as moche as he had ben .iii. dayes and .iii nyghtes in his prayers
& that he was assewrid for to haue victorie/ He faught with .v. thousand
men ayenst his broder y't had in his companye .xxiiii. thousand men And
by goddes helpe he had victorie And whan the barbaryns y't were comen to
helpe guion fawe y'e disconfiture they fledde away/ and guion fledd also
in to affricque by shiipp/ and whan he was ther arryued he was sone after
stranglid/ These .ii. knyghtes of whom I speke were two bredern germayns/
whiche were sent to affricque for to defende the comyn weele/ In likewise
Iudas machabe'9 Ionathas & symon his bredern put hem self in the mercy
and garde of our lord god And agayn the enemyes of the lawe of god with
lityll peple in regard of the multitude that were agayn them/ and had also
victorye/ The knights ought to ben trewe to theyr princes/ for he that
is not trewe leseth y'e name of a knight Vnto a prince trouth is the grettest
precious stone whan it is medlid with Iuftice/ Paule the historiagraph
of the lombardes reherceth that ther was a knight named enulphus and was
of the cyte of papye that was so trewe to his kynge named patharich/ that
he put hym in parill of deth for hym/ For hit happend that Grymald Due
of [53]
buuentayns of whom we haue touched to fore in the chapitre of the Quene/
Dyde do flee Godebert whiche was kynge of the lombardes by the hande of
Goribert duc of Tauryn/ whiche was discended of the crowne of lombardis
And this grimald was maad kynge of lombardis in his place/ and after this
put & bannysshid out of the contrey this patharych whiche was broder
vnto the kynge Godebert/ that for fere and drede fledd in to hongrye/ And
than this knyght Enulphus dide so moche that he gate the peas agayn of
his lord patharich agaynft the kynge grymalde/ and that he had licence
to come out of hongrye where he was all wey in paryll. and so he cam and
cryed hym mercy And the kynge grymalde gaf hym leue to dwelle and to lyue
honestly in his contree/ allway forseen that he toke not vpon hym and named
hymself kynge/ how well he was kynge by right This doon a litill while
after/ the kynge that beleuyd euyll tonges/ thought in hymself how he myght
brynge this patharich vnto the deth And alle this knewe well the knyght
enulphus/ whiche cam the same nyght with his squyer for to visite his lord
And made his squyer to vnclothe hym & to lye in the bedde of his lord
And made his lord to ryse and clothe hym wyth the clothis of his squyer/
And in this wyse brought hym oute/ brawlynge and betynge hym as his seruant
by them that were assigned to kepe the hows of patharik y't he shold not
escape Whiche supposid that hit had ben his squyer that he entretid so
outragiously/ & so he brought hym to his hous whiche Ioyned with the
walles of the toun/ And at mydnyght whan alle men were asleepe/ he lete
a doun his maistre by a corde/ whiche toke an hors oute of the pasture
And fled vnto the cyte of Aast and ther cam to the kynge of fraunce/ And
whan hit cam vnto the morn. Hit was founden that Arnolphus and his squyer
had deceyvyd the kynge and the wacchemen/ whom the kyng comanded shold
be brought to fore hym And demanded of them the maner how he was escaped
And they told hym the trouthe/ Than the kynge demanded his counceyll of
what deth they had deseruyd to dye that had so doon and wrought agayn the
wylle of hym/ Some sayde that they shold ben honged/ and some sayd they
shold ben slayn And other sayd that they shold be beheedid. Than sayd the
kynge by that lord that made me/ they ben not worthy to dye/ but for to
haue moche worship and honour/ For they haue ben trewe to theyr lord/ wherfore
the kynge gaf hem a grete lawde and honour for their feet And after hit
happend that the propre squyer and seruant of godeberd slewe the traytre
Goribalde that by trayson had slayn his lord at a feste of seynt Iohn in
his Cyte of Tauryn wherof he was lord and duc/ Thus ought the knyghtes
to love to gyder/ And eche to put his lyf in aventure for other/ For so
ben they the strenger And the more doubted/ Lyke as were the noble knyghtes
Ioab and Abysay that fought agaynst the syryens and Amonytes/ And were
so trewe that oon to that other that they vaynquysshid theyr enemies And
were so Ioyned to gyder that yf the siryens were strenger than that one
of them/ that other helpe hym/ we rede that damon and phisias were so ryght
parfyt frendes to gyder that whan Dionisius whiche was kynge of cecylle
had Iuged one to deth for his trespaas in the cyte of syracusane whom he
wold haue executed/ he desired grace and leue to goo in to hys contre for
to dispose and ordonne his testament/ And his felawe pleggid hym and was
sewrte for hym vpon his heed that he shold come agayn. Wherof they that
sawe & herd this/ helde hym for a fool and blamed hym/ And he said
all way that he repentid hym nothynge at all/ For he knewe well the trouth
of his felawe And whan the day cam and the oure that execusion shold be
doon/ his felawe cam and presented hymself to fore the Iuge/ And dischargid
his felawe that was plegge for hym/ wherof the kynge was gretly abasshid
And for the grete trouthe that was founden in hym He pardonyd hym and prayd
hem bothe that they wold resseyue hym as their grete frende and felawe/
Lo here the vertues of loue that a man ought nought to doubte the deth
for his frende/ Lo what it is to doo for a frende/ And to lede a lyf debonayr
And to be wyth out cruelte/ to loue and not to hate/ whiche causeth to
doo good ayenst euyll And to torne payne into benefete and to quenche cruelte
Anthonyus sayth that Julius Cesar/ lefte not lightly frenshippe and Amytye/
But whan he had hit he reteyned hit faste and maynteyned hit alleway/ Scipion
of Affricque sayth that ther is no thynge so stronge/ as for to mayntene
loue vnto the deth The loue of concupiscence and of lecherye is sone dissoluyd
and broken/ But the verray true loue of the comyn wele and prouffit now
a dayes is selde founden/ where shall thou fynde a man in thyse dayes that
wyll expose hymself for the worshippe and honour of his frende/ or for
the comyn wele/ selde or neuer shall he be founden/ Also the knyghtes shold
be large & liberall For whan a knyght hath regarde vnto his singuler
prouffit by his couetyse/ he dispoylleth his peple For whan the souldyours
see that they putte hem in paryll. And theyr mayster wyll not paye hem
theyr wages liberally/ but entendeth to his owne propre gayn and proussryt/
than whan the Enemyes come they torne sone her backes and flee oftentymes/
And thus hit happeth by hym that entendeth more to gete money than victorye
that his auaryce is ofte tymes cause of his confusion Than late euery knyght
take heede to be liberall in suche wyse that he wene not ne suppose that
his scarcete be to hym a grete wynnynge or gayn/ And for thys cause he
be the lasse louyd of his peple/ And that his aduersarye wythdrawe to hym
them by large gyuynge/ For oftetyme bataylle is auaunced more for getynge
of siluer. Than by the force and strengthe of men/ For men see alle daye
that suche thynges as may not be achieuyd by force of nature/ ben goten
and achieuyd by force of money/ And for so moche hit behoueth to see well
to that whan the tyme of the bataylle cometh/ that he borowe not ne make
no tayllage/ For noman may be ryche that leuyth his owne/ hopyng to gete
and take of other/ Than all waye all her gayn and wynnynge ought to be
comyn amonge them exept theyr Armes. For in lyke wyse as the victorie is
comune/ so shold the dispoyll and botye be comune vnto them And therfore
Dauid that gentyll knyght in the fyrst book of kynges in the last chapitre
made a lawe/ that he that abode behynde by maladye or sekenes in the tentes
shold haue as moche parte of the butyn as he that had be in the bataylle/
And for the loue of thys lawe he was made afterward kynge of Isræll/
Alexander of Macedone cam on a tyme lyke a symple knyght vnto the court
of Porus kynge of Inde for to espye thestate of the kynge and of the knyghtes
of the court/ And the kynge resseyuyd hym ryght worshipfully/ And demanded
of hym many thynges of Alexander and of his constance and strengthe/ nothynge
wenynge that he had ben Alexander But antygone one of his knyghtis and
after he had hym to dyner And whan they had feruyd Alexander in vayssell
of gold and siluer with dyuerce metes &c. After that he had eten suche
as plesid hym he voyded the mete and toke the vayssell and helde hit to
hymself and put hit in his bosom or sleuys/ wherof he was accusid vnto
the kynge After dyner than the kynge callid hym and demanded hym wherfore
he had taken his vayssell And he answerd/ Syre kynge my lord I pray the
to vnderstande and take heede thy self and also thy knyghtes/ I haue herd
moche of thy grete hyenes And y't thou art more myghty and puyssant in
cheualrye & in dispensis than is Alexander/ and therfore I am come
to the a pour knyght whiche am named Antygone for to serue the/ Than hit
is the custome in the Courte of Alexandre/ that what thynge a knyght is
seruyd wyth all is alle his/ mete and vayssell and cuppe And therfore I
had supposid that this custome had ben kept in thy court for thou art richer
than he/ whan the knyghtes herd this/ an[=o]n they lefte porus/ and wente
for to serue alixandre/ and thus he drewe to hym y'e hertes of them by
yeftes/ whiche afterward slewe Porus that was kynge of Inde/ And they made
Alexandra kynge therof Therfore remembre knyght alleway that wyth a closid
and shette purse shalt thou neuer haue victorye. Ouyde sayth that he that
taketh yeftes/ he is glad therwyth/ For they wynne wyth yeftes the hertes
of the goddes and of men For yf Iupiter were angrid/ wyth yestes he wold
be plesid/ The knyghtes ought to be stronge not only of body but also in
corage. Ther ben many stronge and grete of body/ that ben faynt and feble
in the herte/ he is stronge that may not be vaynquysshid and ouercomen/
how well that he suffryth moche otherwhile/ And so we beleue that they
that be not ouer grete ne ouer lityll ben most corageous & beste in
batayll. We rede that cadrus duc of athenes shold haue a batayll agayn
them of polipe/ And he was warned and had a reuelacion of the goddes/ that
they shold haue the victorie of whom the prynce shold be slayn in the batayll/
And the prince whiche was of a grete corage and trewe herte Toke other
armes of a poure man/ And put hymself in the fronte of the batayll to thende
that he might be slain And so he was/ for the right trewe prince had leuer
dye Than his peple shold be ouercomen/ And so they had the victorye/ Certes
hyt was a noble and fayr thynge to expose hym self to the deth for to deffende
his contrey. But no man wold doo so/ but yf he hopyd to haue a better thynge
therfore/ Therfore the lawe sayth that they lyue in her sowles gloriously
that ben slain in the warre for the comyn wele A knyght ought also to be
mercifull and pyetous For ther is nothynge y't maketh a knyght so renomed
as is whan he sauyth the lyf of them that he may slee/ For to shede and
spylle blood is the condicion of a wylde beste and not the condicion of
a good knyght Therfore we rede that scylla that was Duc of the Romayns
wyth oute had many fayr victoyres agaynst the Romayns wyth Inne that were
contrayre to hym/ In so moche that in the batayll of puylle he slewe .xviii.
thousand men/ And in champanye .lxx. thousand. And after in the cyte he
slewe thre thousand men vnarmed And whan one of his knyghtes that was named
Quyntus catulus sawe this cruelte sayd to hym/ Sesse now and suffre them
to lyue and be mercyfull to them wyth whom we haue ben victorious And wyth
whom we ought to lyue/ For hit is the most hyest and fayr vengeance that
a man may doo/ as to spare them & gyue hem her lyf whome he may slee
Therfore Joab ordeyned whan absalom was slayn/ he sowned a trompette/ that
his peple shold no more renne & slee theyr aduersaryes. For ther were
slayn aboute .xx. thousand of them/ and in lyke wyse dide he whan he faught
ayenst Abner And Abner was vaynquysshid and fledde. For where that he wente
in the chaas he comanded to spare the peple The knyghtes ought to kepe
the peple/ For whan the peple ben in theyr tentes or castellis/ the knyghtes
ought to kepe the wacche/ For this cause the romayns callyd them legyons
And they were made of dyuerce prouynces and of dyuerce nacyons to thentente
to kepe the peple/ And the peple shold entende to theyre werke/ For no
crafty man may bothe entende to his craft & to fighte/ how may a crafty
man entende to hys werke sewrely in tyme of warre but yf he be kept And
right in suche wyse as the knyghtes shold kepe y'e peple in tyme of peas
in lyke wise the peple ought to pourveye for theyr dispensis/ how shold
a plowman be sewre in the felde/ but yf the knyghtes made dayly wacche
to kepe hem/ For lyke as the glorye of a kynge is vpon his knyghtis/ so
hit is necessarye to the knyghtes that the marchantis craftymen and comyn
peple be defended and kepte/ therfore late the knyghtes kepe the peple
in suche wyse that they maye enioye pees and gete and gadre the costis
and expensis of them bothe/ we rede that Athis sayd to dauid whiche was
a knyght/ I make the my kepar and defendar alleway. Thus shold the knightes
haue grete zele that the lawe be kept/ For the mageste ryall ought not
only to be garnysshid wyth armes but also wyth good lawes/ And therfore
shold they laboure that they shold be well kept Turgeus pompeyus reherceth
of a noble knyght named Ligurgyus that had made auncyent lawes the whiche
the peple wold not kepe ne obserue/ For they semed hard for them to kepe
And wold constrayne hym to rapele & sette hem a part whan the noble
knight sawe that He dyde the peple to vnderstande that he had not made
them/ but a god that was named Apollo delphynus. had made them/ And had
comanded hym that he shold do the peple kepe them/ Thise wordes auayled
not/ they wold in no wyse kepe them/ And than he sayd to them that hit
were good that er the said lawes shold be broken that he had gyuen to them
that he shold goo and speke wyth the god Appollo/ For to gete of hym a
dispensacion to breke hem/ And that the peple shold kepe & obserue
them tyll that he retorned agayn/ The peple acorded therto & swore
that they shold kepe them to the tyme he retorned Than the knighte wente
in to grece in exyle & dwellid ther alle his lyf/ And whan he shold
dye he comanded that his body shold be cast in the see/ For as moche as
yf his body shold be born theder/ the people shold wene to be quyt of theyr
oth/ And shold kepe no lenger his lawes that were so good & resonable/
& so the knight had leuer to forsake his owne centre & to dye so
than to repele his lawes And his lawes were suche/ The first lawe was that
y'e peple shold obeye & serue the princes/ And the princes shold kepe
the peple & do Iustice on the malefactours The second lawe that they
shold be all sobre/ For he wiste well that the labour of cheualrye is most
stronge whan they lyue sobrely/ The thirde was y't noman shold bye ony
thynge for money but they shold change ware for ware & one marchandyse
for an other/ The fourthe was that men shold sette no more by money ner
kepe hit more than they wold donge or fylthe/ The fyfthe he ordeyned for
the comyn wele alle thynge by ordre/ that the prynces myght meue and make
bataylle by her power, to the maistres counceillours he comysid the Iugementis.
And the Annuell rentes/ to the senatours the kepynge of the lawe/ And to
the comyn peple he gaf power to chese suche Iuges as they wold haue/ The
sixte he ordeyned that all thinge shold be departid egally & all thinge
shold be comyn And none richer than other in patry-monye/ The seuenth that
euery man shold ete lyke well in comen openly/ that riches shold not be
cause of luxurye whan they ete secretly/ The eygthe that the yonge peple
shold not haue but o[=n] gowne or garment in the yere/ The nynth that men
shold sette poure children to laboure in the felde/ to thende that they
shold not enploye theyr yongthe in playes and in folye/ but in labour/
The tenthe that the maydens shold be maryed wythoute dowayre/ In suche
wyfe that no man shold take a wyf for moneye/ The xi. that men shold rather
take a wyf for her good maners and vertues than for her richesses/ The
twelfthe that men shold worshippe the olde and auncyent men for theyr age
and more for theyr wysedom than for her riches this knyght made none of
thyse lawes/ but he first kepte hem.


The rooks whiche
ben vicaires and legats of the kynge ought to be made lyke a knyght vpon
an hors and a mantell and hood furryd with meneuyer holdynge a staf in
his hande/ & for as moche as a kyng may not be in alle places of his
royame/ Therfore the auctorite of hym is gyuen to the rooks/ whiche represent
the kynge/ And for as moche as a royame is grete and large/ and that rebellion
or nouelletes might sourdre and aryse in oon partye or other/ therfore
ther ben two rooks one on the right side and that other on the lifte side
They ought to haue in hem. pyte. Iuftice. humylite. wilfull pouerte. and
liberalite/ Fyrst Iustice for hit is most fayr of the vertues/ For it happeth
oftetyme that the ministris by theyr pryde and orgueyll subuerte Iuftice
and do no ryght/ Wherfore the kynges otherwhyle lose theyr royames with
out theyr culpe or gylte/ For an vntrewe Iuge or officyer maketh hys lord
to be named vnIufte and euyll And contrarye wyse a trewe mynestre of the
lawe and ryghtwys/ causeth the kynge to be reputed Iuste and trewe/ The
Romayns therfore made good lawes/ And wolde that/ that they sholde be Iufte
and trewe/ And they that establisshid them for to gouerne the peple/ wold
in no wyse breke them/ but kepe them for to dye for them/ For the auncyent
and wyse men sayd comynly that it was not good to make and ordeygne that
lawe that is not Iuste Wherof Valerius reherceth that ther was a man that
was named Themistides whiche cam to the counceyllours of athenes and sayd
that he knewe a counceyll whiche was ryght prouffytable for them/ But he
wolde telle hyt but to But to one of them whom that they wold/ And they
asligned to hym a wyse man named Aristides/ And whan he had vnderstand
hym he cam agayn to the other of the counceyll And sayd that the counceyll
of Themystides was well prouffitable/ but hit was not Iuste/ how be hit
y'e may reuolue hit in your mynde/ And the counceyll that he sayd was this/
that ther were comen two grete shippis fro lacedome and were arryued in
theyr londe. And that hit were good to take them/ And whan the counceyll
herde hym that sayde/ that hit was not Iuste ner right/ they lefte hem
alle in pees And wold not haue adoo with alle/ The vicarye or Iuge of the
kynge ought to be so Iuste/ that he shold employe alle his entente to saue
the comyn wele And yf hit were nede to put his lyf and/ lose hit therfore/
we haue an ensample of marcus regulus wherof Tullius reherceth in the book
of offices And saynt Augustyn also de ciuitate dei/ how he faught agayn
them of cartage by see in shippis and was vaynquysshid and taken/ Than
hit happend that they of cartage sente hymm in her message to rome for
to haue theyr prisoners there/ for them y'e were taken/ and so to cha[=u]ge
one for an other And made hym swere and promyse to come agayn/ And so he
cam to rome And made proposicion tofore the senate And demanded them of
cartage of the senatours to be cha[=u]ged as afore is sayd And than the
senatours demanded hym what counceyll he gaf Certayn sayd he I co[=u]ceyll
yow that y'e do hit not in no wise For as moche as the peple of rome that
they of cartage holde in prison of youris ben olde men and brusid in the
warre as I am my self/ But they that y'e holde in prison of their peple
is alle the flour of alle their folke/ whiche counceyll they toke/ And
than his frendes wolde haue holde hym and counceyllyd hym to abide there
and not retorne agayn prysoner in to cartage/ but he wold neuer doo so
ner abide/ but wold goo agayn and kepe his oth How well that he knewe that
he went toward his deth For he had leuyr dye than to breke his oth Valeri9
reherceth in the sixth book of one Emelye duc of the romayns/ that in the
tyme whan he had assieged the phalistes/ The scole maystre of the children
deceyuyd the children of the gentilmen that he drewe hym a lityll and a
lytyll vnto the tentys of the romayns by fayr speche. And sayd to the duc
Emelie/ that by the moyan of the children that he had brought to hym/ he
shold haue the cyte/ For theyr faders were lordes and gouernours. Whan
Emelie had herde hym he sayd thus to hym Thou that art euyll and cruell
And thou that woldest gyue a gyfte of grete felonnye and of mauuastye/
thou shalt ner hast not founden here Duc ne peple that resembleth the/
we haue also well lawes to kepe in batayll & warre As in our contres
& other places/ and we wole obserue and kepe them vnto euery man as
they ought to be kept And we ben armed agaynst our enemyes y't wole defende
them And not ayenst them y't can not saue their lyf whan their contre is
taken/ as thise lityll children/ Thou hast vaynquysshid them as moche as
is in the by thy newe deceyuable falsenes and by subtilnes and not by armes/
but I that am a romayn shall vainquysshe them by craft and strengthe of
armes/ And anon he comanded to take the said scole maister/ And to bynde
his handes behynde hym as a traytour and lede hem to the parentis of the
children And whan the faders & parentis sawe the grete courtosie that
he had don to them They opend the yates and yelded them vnto hym/ we rede
that hanyball had taken a prince of rome whiche vpon his oth and promyse
suffrid hym to gon home/ and to sende hym his raunson/ or he shold come
agayn within a certain tyme And whan he was at home in his place/ he sayde
that he had deceyuyd hym by a false oth And whan the senatours knewe therof/
they constrayned hym to retorne agayn vnto hanyball/ Amos florus tellyth
that the phisicien of kynge pirrus cam on a nyght to fabrice his aduersarye
And promyfid hym yf he wold gyue hym for his laboure that he wold enpoysone
pirrus his maister/ whan fabricius vnderstode this He dyde to take hym
and bynde hym hande & foote/ and sente hym to his maistre and dyde
do saye to hym word for worde lyke as the physicien had sayd and promysid
hym to doo/ And whan pirrus vnderstode this he was gretly ameruaylled of
the loyalte and trouth of fabrice his enemye/ and sayd certaynly that the
sonne myghte lighther and sonner be enpesshid of his cours/ than fabrice
shold be letted to holde loyalte and trouthe/ yf they than that were not
cristen were so Iuste and trewe and louyd their contrey and their good
renomee/ what shold we now doon than that ben cristen and that cure lawe
is sette alle vpon loue and charyte/ But now a dayes ther is nothynge ellys
in the world but barate Treson deceyte falsenes and trecherye Men kepe
not theyr couenantes promyses. othes. writynges. ne trouthe/ The subgettis
rebelle agayn theyr lorde/ ther is now no lawe kepte. nor fidelite/ ne
oth holden/ the peple murmure and ryse agayn theyr lord and wole not be
subget/ they ought to be pietous in herte/ whiche is auaillable to all
thinge ther is pite in effecte by compassion/ and in worde by remission
and pardon/ by almesse/ for to enclyne hymself to the poure For pite is
nothynge ellis but a right grete will of a debonaire herte for to helpe
alle men/ Valerius reherceth that ther was a Iuge named sangis whiche dampned
a woman that had deseruyd the deth for to haue her heed smyten of or ellis
that she shold dye in prison/ The Geayler that had pite on the woman put
not her anone to deth but put her in the pryson/ And this woman had a doughter
whiche cam for to se and conforte her moder But allway er she entryd into
the pryson the Iayler serchid her that se shold bere no mete ne drynke
to her moder/ but that she shold dye for honger/ Than hit happend after
this that he meruaylled moche why this woman deyd not/ And began to espye
the cause why she lyuyd so longe/ And fonde at laste how her doughter gaf
souke to her moder/ And fedde her with her melke. whan the Iayler aawe
this meruaill/ he wente & told the Iuge/ And whan the Iuge sawe this
grete pite of the doughter to the moder he pardoned her and made her to
be delyuerid oute of her pryson what is that/ that pite ne amolisshith/
moche peple wene that it is agaynst nature and wondre that the doughter
shold gyue the moder to souke/ hit were agayn nature but the children shold
be kynde to fader and moder/ Seneca sayth that the kynge of bees hath no
prykke to stynge with as other bees haue. And that nature hath take hit
away from hym be cause he shold haue none armes to assaylle them And this
is an example vnto prynces that they shold be of the fame condicion/ Valerius
reherceth in his .v. book of marchus martellus that whan he had taken the
cyte of siracusane. And was sette in the hyest place of the cyte/ he behelde
the grete destruction of the peple and of the cyte/ he wepte and sayde/
thou oughtest to be sorofull/ for so moche as thou woldest haue no pite
of thy self/ But enioye the for thou art fallen in the hande of a right
debonaire prynce. Also he recounteth whan pompeye had conqueryd the kynge
of Germanye that often tymes had foughten ayenst the romayns And that he
was brought to fore hym bounden/ he was so pietous that he wold not suffre
hym to be longe on his knees to fore hym/ but he receyuyd hym cortoysly
And sette the crowne agayn on his heed and put hym in thestate that he
was to fore/ For he had oppynyon that hit was as worshipfull and fittynge
to a kynge to pardone/ as to punysshe. Also he reherceth of a co[=u]ceyllour
that was named poule that dide do brynge to fore hym a man that was prisonner
And as he knelid to fore hym he toke hym vp fro the ground & made hym
to sytte beside hym for to gyue hym good esperance and hoope And sayd to
the other stondynge by/ in this wyse. yf hit be grete noblesse that we
shewe our self contrarye to our enemyes/ than this fete ought to be alowed
that we shew our self debonair to our caytyfs & prisonners Cesar whan
he herde the deth of cathon whiche was his aduersarye sayde that he had
grete enuye of his glorye. And no thinge of his patrimonye/ and therfore
he lefte to his children frely all his patrimonye Thus taught vyrgyle and
enseygned the gloryus prynces to rewle and gouerne the peple of rome. And
saynt Augustin de ciuitate dei saith thus Thou emperour gouerne the peple
pietously And make peas ouerall/ deporte and forbere thy subgets/ repreue
& correcte the prowde/ for so enseyne And teche the the lawes/ And
hit was wreton vnto Alexander/ that euery prynce ought to be pyetous in
punysshynge/ and redy for to rewarde/ Ther is no thynge that causeth a
prynce to be so belouyd of hys peple/ As whan he speketh to hem swetly/
and co[=u]ersith with hem symply/ And all this cometh of the roote of pyte/
we rede of the Emperour Traian that his frendes repreuyd hym of that he
was to moche pryue and familier wyth the comyn peple more than an emperour
ought to be/ And he answerd that he wold be suche an emperour as euery
man desired to haue hym/ Also we rede of Alixander that on a tyme he ladde
his oost forth hastely/ and in that haste he beheld where satte an olde
knight that was sore acolde Whom he dide do arise and sette hym in his
owne sete or siege/ what wondre was hit though y'e knightes desired to
serue suche a lord that louyd better theyr helth than his dignite/ The
rookes ought also to be humble & meke After the holy scripture whiche
saith/ the gretter or in the hier astate that thou arte/ so moche more
oughtest thou be meker & more humble Valerius reherceth in his .vii.
book that ther was an emperour named publius cesar/ That dide do bete doun
his hows whiche was in the middis of y'e market place for as moche as hit
was heier than other houses/ for as moche as he was more glorious in astate
than other/ Therfore wold he haue a lasse hous than other And scipion of
affrique that was so poure of vol[=u]tarie pouerte y't whan he was dede/
he was buried at y'e dispencis of y'e comyn good/ They shold be so humble
y't they shold leue theyr offices/ and suffre other to take hem whan her
tyme comyth/ & doo honour to other/ for he gouerneth wel y'e royame
y't may gouerne hit whan he will Valeri'9 saith In his thirde book that
fabyan the grete had ben maistre counceyllour of his fader his grauntsire/
And of his grauntsirs fader & of alle his antecessours And yet dide
he alle his payne and labour/ that his sone shold neuer haue that office
after hym/ but for nothynge that he mystrusted his sone/ For he was noble
and wise and more attemprid than other/ but he wold that the office shold
not all way reste in the familye and hows of the fabyans Also he reherceth
in his seuenth book that they wold make the sayd fabyan emþour/ but
he excused hym and sayd that he was blynde and myght not see for age/ but
that excusacion myght not helpe hym/ Than sayd he to hem/ seke y'e and
gete yow another/ For yf y'e make me your emþour I may not suffre
your maners/ nor y'e may not suffre myn/ Ther was a kynge of so subtyll
engyne That whan men brought hym the crowne/ to fore that he toke hit/
he remembrid hym a lityll and saide/ O thou crowne that art more noble
than happy For yf a kynge knewe well and parfaytly how that thou art full
of paryls of thoughte and of charge/ yf thou were on the grounde/ he wolde
neuer lyfte ner take the vp/ Remembre the that whan thou art most gloryous/
than haue some men moste enuye on the/ and whan thou haste moste seignourye
and lordships than shalt thou haue moste care. thought and anguysshes/
Vaspasian was so humble that whan Nero was slayn alle the peple cryed for
to haue hym emþour/ and many of his frendes cam & prayde hym
that he wold take hit vpon hym/ so at the last he was constrayned to take
hit vpon hym. And sayd to his frendes Hit is better and more to preyse
and alowe for a man to take thempire agaynst his wil/ than for to laboure
to haue hit and to put hym self therin/ Thus ought they to be humble and
meke for to resseyue worship/ Therfore sayth the bible that Ioab the sone
of Saryre that was captayn of the warre of the kynge Dauid/ whan he cam
to take and wynne a Cyte/ He sente to Dauid and desired hym to come to
the warre/ that the victorye shold be gyuen to Dauid/ And not to hym self/
Also they ought to be ware that they chaunge not ofte tymes her officers/
Josephus reherceth that the frendes of tyberyus meruaylled moche why he
helde hys offycyers so longe in theyr offices wyth oute changynge/ And
they demanded of hym the cause/ to whom he answerd/ I wold chaunge them
gladly/ yf I wyste that hit shold be good for the peple/ But I sawe on
a tyme a man that was roynyous & full of soores/ And many flyes satte
vpon the soores and souked his blood that hit was meruaylle to see/ wherfore
I smote and chaced them away. And he than said to me why chacest and smytest
away thyse flyes that ben full of my blood/ And now shallt thou late come
other that ben hongrye whiche shall doon to me double payne more than the
other dide/ for the prikke of the hongrye is more poyngnant the half/ than
of y'e fulle And therfore sayde he I leue the officiers in their offices.
for they ben all riche/ and doo not so moch euyl & harme As the newe
shold doo & were poure yf I shold sette hem in her places/ They ought
also to be pacyent in herynge of wordes & in suffrynge payne on her
bodyes/ as to the first One said to alisander that he was not worthy to
regne. specially whan he suffrid that lecherie and delyte to haue seignoire
in hym/ he suffrid hit paciently/ And answerd none otherwyse but that he
wolde corrette hym self. And take better maners and more honeste Also hit
is reherced that Iulius cezar was ballyd wherof he had desplaysir so grete
that he kempt his heeris that laye on the after parte of his heed forward
for to hyde the bare to fore. Than sayd a knyght to him Cezar hit is lighther
And sonner to be made that thou be not ballid/ than that I haue vsid ony
cowardyse in the warre of rome/ or hereafter shall doo ony cowardyse/ he
suffrid hit paciently and sayd not aword/ Another reproched hym by his
lignage And callyd hym fornier/ he answerd that hit is better that noblesse
begynne in me/ than hit shold faylle in me/ Another callid hym tyraunt/
he answerd yf I were one. thou woldest not saie soo A knight callid on
a tyme scipion of affricque fowle & olde knyght in armes And that he
knewe lityll good And he answerd I was born of my moder a lityll child
and feble and not a man of armes. And yet he was at alle tymes one of the
best and moste worthy in armes that liuyd. Another sayd to vaspasian/ And
a wolf shold sonner change his skyn and heer/ than thou sholdest cha[=u]ge
thy lyf For the lenger thou lyvest the more thou coueytest And he answerd
of thyse wordes we ought to laughe. But we ought to amende our selfe And
punysshe the trespaces. Seneque reherceth that the kynge Antygonus herde
certayn peple speke and saye euyll of hym/ And therwas betwene hem nomore
but a courtyne/ And than he sayde make an ende of your euyll langage leste
the kynge here yow/ for the courtyne heereth yow well[54]
I nowhe. Than as towchynge to the paynes that they ought to suffre paciently
Valerius reherceth that a tyrant dide do tormente Anamaximenes & thretenyd
hym for to cutte of his tonge. To whom he sayd hit is not in thy power
to doo soo/ and forthwyth he bote of his owne tonge/ And shewed hit wyth
his teth and casted hit in the visage of the Tyrant Hit is a grete vertu
in a man that he forgete not to be pacyent in corrections of wronges/ Hit
is better to leue a gylty man vnpunysshyd/ than to punysshe hym in a wrath
or yre Valerius reherceth that archita of tarente that was mayster to plato
sawe that his feldes & lande was destroyed and lost by the necligence
of his seruant To whom he sayd yf I were not angry with the I wold take
vengeance and turmente the/ Lo there y'e may see that he had leuer to leue
to punysshe/ than to pugnysshe more by yre & wrath than by right And
therfore sayth seneque/ doo no thynge that thou oughtest to doo whan y'u
art angry/ For whan thou art angry thou woldest doo alle thynges after
thy playsir/ And yf thou canst not vaynquysshe thyn yre/ than muste thyn
yre ouercome the/ After thys ought they to haue wylfull pouerte/ lyke as
hit was in the auncyent prynces/ For they coueyted more to be riche in
wytte and good maners than in moneye/ And that reherceth Valerius in his
.viii. booke that scipion of Affryque was accused vnto the Senate that
he shold haue grete tresour/ And he answerd certes whan I submysed affryque
in to your poeste/ I helde no thynge to myself that I myght faye this is
myn save only the surname of affryque/ Ner the affryquans haue not founden
in me ner in my broder ony auarice/ ner y't we were so couetouse that we
had ne had gretter enuye to be riche of name than of rychesses/ And therfore
sayth seneque that the kynge Altagone vsid gladly in his hows vessels of
erthe/ And some sayde he dyde hit for couetyse/ But he sayde that hit was
better and more noble thynge to myne in good maners than in vayssell And
whan some men demanded hym why and for what cause he dyde so/ he answerd
I am now kynge of secylle/ and was sone of a potter/ and for as moche as
I doubte fortune. For whan I yssued out of the hous of my fader and moder/
I was sodaynly made riche/ wherfore I beholde the natiuyte of me and of
my lignage/ whiche is humble & meke/ And alle these thynges cometh
of wilfull pouerte/ for he entended more to the comyn prouffyt than to
his owen/ And of thys pouerte speketh saynt Augustyn in the booke of the
cyte of god That they that entende to the comyn prouffyt. sorowe more that
wilfull pouerte is lost in rome/ than the richesses of rome/ For by the
wilfull pouerte was the renomee of good maners kept entierly/ thus by this
richesse pouerte is not only corrupt in thyse dayes ner the cyte ner the
maners/ but also the thoughtes of the men ben corrupt by thys couetyse
and by felonnye that is worse. than ony other enemye And of the cruelte
of the peple of rome speketh the good man of noble memorye Iohn the monke
late cardynall of rome in the decretall the syxte in the chapitre gens
sancta where he sayth/ that they ben felo[=u]s ayenst god. contrarye to
holy thynges. traytres one to that other. enuyous to her neyghbours. proude
vnto straungers. rebelle and vntrewe vnto theyr souerayns Not suffringe
to them that ben of lower degree than they and nothinge shamfast to demande
thinges discouenable and not to leue tyll they haue that they demande/
and not plesid but disagreable whan they haue resseyuyd the yeft They haue
their tonges redy for to make grete boost/ and doo lityll/ They ben large
in promysynges/ And smale gyuers/ they ben ryght fals deceyuours/ And ryght
mordent and bitynge detractours/ For whiche thynge hit is a grete sorowe
to see the humylite the pacyence And the good wisedom that was woute to
be in this cyte of rome whiche is chief of alle the world is peruertid
& torned in to maleheurte and thise euylles/ And me thynketh that in
other partyes of crestiante they haue taken ensample of them to doo euyll/
They may saye that this is after the decretale of seygnourye and disobeysance/
that sayth That suche thynges that the souerayns doo/ Is lightly and sone
taken in ensample of theyr subgets/ Also thise vicayres shold be large
and liberall/ In so moche that suche peple as serue them ben duly payd
and guerdoned of her labour/ For euery man doth his labour the better and
lightlyer whan he seeth that he shall be well payd and rewarded/ And we
rede that Titus the sone of vaspasian was so large and so liberall/ That
he gaf and promysyd somewhat to euery man/ And whan hys moste pryuy frendes
demanded of hym why he promysid more that he myght gyue/ he answerd for
as moche as hyt apperteyneth not to a prynce that ony man shold departe
sorowfull or tryste fro hym/ Than hit happend on a day that he gaf ner
promysid no thynge to ony man And whan hit was euen auysed hymself/ he
sayd to hys frendes/ O y'e my frendes thys day haue I lost for this day
haue I don no good,' And also we rede of Iulius Cefar that he neuer saide
in alle his lyue to his knyghtes goo oon but all way be sayde come come/
For I loue allway to be in youre companye/ And he knewe well that hit was
lasse payne & trauayll to the knyghtes whan the prynce is in her companye
that loueth hem & c[=o]forted hem And also we rede of the same Iulius
cesar in the booke of truphes of phylosophers/ that ther was an Auncyent
knyght of his that was in paryll of a caas hangynge to fore the Iuges of
rome so he callyd cefar on a tyme and said to hym to fore all men that
he shold be his aduocate And cesar deliueryd and assigned to hym a right
good aduocate And the knyght sayd to hym O cesar I put no vicaire in my
place whan thou were in parill in y'e batayll of assise/ But I faught for
the. And than he shewed to hym the places of his woundes that he had receyuyd
in the batayll And than cam cesar in his propre persone for to be his aduocate
& to plete his cause for hym/ he wold not haue the name of vnkyndenes/
but doubted that men shold saye that he were proude And that he wold not
do for them that had seruyd hym They that can not do so moche/ as for to
be belouyd of her knyghtes/ can not loue the knyghtes And this sufficeth
of the rooks.



For as moche
as the Noble persone canne not rewle ne gouerne with oute y'e seruyce and
werke of the peple/ than hit behoueth to deuyse the oeuurages and the offices
of the werkemen/ Than I shall begynne fyrst at the fyrst pawne/ that is
in the playe of the chesse/ And signefieth a man of the comyn peple on
fote For they be all named pietous that is as moche to saye as footemen
And than we wyll begynne at the pawne whiche standeth to fore the rooke
on the right side of the kinge for as moche as this pawne apperteyneth
to serue the vicaire or lieutenant of the kynge and other officers vnder
hym of necessaryes of vitayll/ And this maner a peple is figured and ought
to be maad in the forme & shappe of a man holdynge in his ryght hande
a spade or shouell And a rodde in the lifte hand/ The spade or shouell
is for to delue & labour therwith the erthe/ And the rodde is for to
dryue & conduyte wyth all the bestes vnto her pasture also he ought
to haue on his gyrdell/ a crokyd hachet for to cutte of the supfluytees
of the vignes & trees/ And we rede in the bible that the first labourer
that euer was/ was Caym the firste sone of Adam that was so euyll that
he slewe his broder Abel/ for as moche as the smoke of his tythes went
strayt vnto heuen'/ And the smoke & fumee of the tythes of Caym wente
downward vpon the erthe And how well that this cause was trewe/ yet was
ther another cause of enuye that he had vnto his broder/ For whan Adam
their fader maried them for to multyplie y'e erthe of hys lignye/ he wolde
not marye ner Ioyne to gyder the two that were born attones/ but gaf vnto
caym her that was born wyth Abel/ And to Abel her that was born with caym/
And thus began thenuye that caym had ayenst abel/ For his wyf was fayrer
than cayms wyf And for this cause he slough abel with the chekebone of
a beste/ & at that tyme was neuer no maner of yron blody of mannes
blood/ And abel was y'e first martier in tholde testament/ And this caym
dide many other euyl thinges whiche I leue/ for hit apperteyneth not to
my mater/ But hit behoueth for necessite y't some shold labour the erthe
after y'e synne of adam/ for to fore er adam synned/ the erthe brought
forth fruyt with out labour of handes/ but syn he synned/ hit muste nedes
be labourid with y'e handes of men And for as moche as the erthe is moder
of alle thynges And that we were first formed and toke oure begynnyng of
the erthe/ the same wyse at the laste. she shall be the ende vnto alle
vs and to alle thynges/ And god that formed vs of the erthe hath ordeyned
that by the laboure of men she shold gyue nourysshyng vnto alle that lyueth/
and first the labourer of y'e erthe ought to knowe his god that formed
and made heuen & erthe of nought And ought to haue loyaulte and trouth
in hymself/ and despise deth for to entende to his laboure And he ought
to gyue thankyngis to hym that made hym And of whom he receyueth all his
goodes temporall/ wherof his lyf is susteyned/ And also he is bounden to
paye the dismes and tythes of alle his thynges And not as Caym dyde. But
as Abell dyde of the beste that he chese allway for to gyue to god &
to plese hym/ For they that grucche and be greuyd in that they rendre and
gyue to god the tienthes of her goodes/ they ought to be aferd and haue
drede that they shall falle in necessite And y't they might be dispoyllyd
or robbed by warre or by tempeste that myght falle or happen in the contrey
And hit is meruayll though hit so happen For that man that is disagreable
vnto god And weneth y't the multiplynge of his goodes temporell cometh
by the vertu of his owne co[=u]ceyll and his wytte/ the whiche is made
by the only ordenance of hym that made alle. And by the same ordenance
is soone taken away fro hym that is disagreable/ and hit is reson that
whan a man haboundeth by fortune in goodes/ And knoweth not god/ by whom
hit cometh/ that to hym come some other fortune by the whiche he may requyre
grace and pardon And to knowe his god/ And we rede of the kynge Dauid that
was first symple & one of the comyn peple/ that whan fortune had enhaunsed
and sette hym in grete astate/ he lefte and forgate his god/ And fyll to
aduoultrye and homicyde and other synnes/ Than anon his owne sone Absalom
assaylled & began to persecute hym And than whan he sawe that fortune
was contrarye to hym/ he began to take agayn his vertuous werkis and requyred
pardoun and so retorned to god agayn. We rede also of the children of ysræl
that were nyghe enfamyned in desert and sore hongry & thrusty that
they prayd & requyred of god for remedy/ Anon he changed his wyll &
sente to hem manna/ & flessh &c./ And whan they were replenesshid
& fatte of the flessh of bestes & of the manna/ they made a calf
of gold and worshippid hit. Whiche was a grete synne & Inyquyte/ For
whan they were hongry they knewe god/ And whan theyre belyes were fylde
& fatted/ they forgid ydoles & were ydolatrers. After this euery
labourer ought to be faythfull & trewe That whan his maystre delyuereth
to hym his lande to be laboured/ that he take no thinge to hymself but
that hym ought to haue & is his/ but laboure truly & take cure
and charge in the name of his maistre/ and do more diligently his maisters
labours than his owen/ for the lyf of y'e most grete & noble men next
god lieth in y'e handes of the labourers/ and thus all craftes & occupacions
ben ordeyned not only to suffise to them only/ but to the comyn/ And so
hit happeth ofte tyme that y'e labourer of the erthe vseth grete and boystous
metes/ and bringeth to his maister more subtile & more deyntous metes/
And valerius reherceth in his. vi. book that ther was a wife & noble
maistre y't was named Anthoni9 that was accused of a caas of aduoultrye/
& as the cause henge to fore the Iuges/ his accusers or denonciatours
brought I labourer that closid his land for so moche as they sayde whan
his maistre wente to doo the aduoultrye/ this same seruant bare the lanterne.
wherof Anthonyus was sore abasshyd and doubted that he shold depose agaynst
hym But the labourer that was named papirion sayd to his maister that he
shold denye his cause hardyly vnto the Iuges For for to be tormentid/ his
cause shold neuer be enpeyrid by hym/ ner no thynge shold yssue out of
his mouth wherof he shold be noyed or greuyd And than was the labourer
beten and tormentid and brent in many places of his body But he sayd neuer
thynge wherof his mayster was hurte or noyed/ But the other that accused
his maister were punysshid And papiryon was deliuerid of his paynes free
and franc/ And also telleth valerius that ther was another labourer that
was named penapion/ that seruyd a maister whos name was Themes which was
of meruayllous faith to his maystre For hit befell that certain knyghtes
cam to his maisters hows for to slee hym And anone as papiryon knewe hit/
he wente in to his maisters chambre And wold not be knowen For he dide
on his maisters gowne and his rynge on his fynger/ And laye on his bedde
And thus put hym self in parill of deth for to respite his maisters lyf/
But we see now a dayes many fooles that daigne not to vse groos metes of
labourers. And flee the cours clothynge And maners of a seruant Euery wise
man a seruant that truly serueth his maister is free and not bonde/ But
a foole that is ouer proude is bonde/ For the debilite and feblenes of
corage that is broken in conscience by pryde Enuye. or by couetyse is ryght
seruytude/ yet they ought not to doubte to laboure for feere and drede
of deth/ no man ought to loue to moche his lyf/ For hit is a fowll thynge
for a man to renne to the deth for the enemye of his lyf/ And a wyse man
and a stronge man ought not to flee for his lyf/ but to yssue For ther
is no man that lyueth/ but he must nedes dye. And of this speketh claudyan
and sayth that alle thoo thynges that the Ayer goth aboute and enuyronned.
And alle thynge that the erthe laboureth/ Alle thyngys that ben conteyned
wyth in the see Alle thynges that the floodes brynge forth/ Alle thynges
that ben nourysshid and alle the bestes that ben vnder the heuen shall
departe alle from the world/ And alle shall goo at his comandement/ As
well Kynges Prynces and alle that the world enuyronned and gooth aboute/
Alle shall goo this waye/ Than he ought not to doubte for fere of deth.
For as well shail dye the ryche as the poure/ deth maketh alle thynge lyke
and putteth alle to an ende/ And therof made a noble versifier two versis
whiche folowe Forma. genus. mores. sapi[=e]cia. res. et honores/ Morte
ruant subita sola manent merita/ Wherof the english is Beaulte. lignage.
maners. wysedom. thynges & honoures/ shal ben deffetid by sodeyn deth/
no thynge shal abide but the merites/ And herof fynde we in Vitas patrum.
that ther was an erle a riche & noble man that had a sone onely/ and
whan this sone was of age to haue knowlech of the lawe/ he herde in a sermone
that was prechid that deth spareth none/ ne riche ne poure/ and as well
dyeth y'e yonge as the olde/ and that the deth ought specially to be doubted
for .iii. causes/ one was/ y't noman knoweth whan he cometh/ and the seconde/
ner in what state he taketh a man/ And the thirde he wote neuer whither
he shall goo. Therfore eche man shold dispise and flee the world and lyue
well and hold hym toward god And when this yong man herde this thynge/
he wente oute of his contrey and fledde vnto a wyldernesse vnto an hermytage/
and whan his fader had loste hym he made grete sorowe/ and dyde do enquere
& seke hym so moche at last he was founden in the hermitage/ and than
his fader cam theder to hym and sayde/ dere sone come from thens/ thou
shalt be after my deth erle and chyef of my lignage/ I shall be lost yf
thou come not out from thens/ And he than that wyste non otherwise to eschewe
the yre of his fader bethought hym and sayde/ dere fader ther is in your
centre and lande a right euyll custome yf hit plese yow to put that away
I shall gladly come out of this place and goo with yow The fader was glad
and had grete Ioy And dema[=u]ded of hym what hit was And yf he wold telle
hym he promysid him to take hit away and hit shold be left and sette aparte.
Than he sayde dere fader ther dyen as well the yong folk in your contrey
as the olde/ do that away I pray yow/ Whan his fader herde that he sayde
Dere sone that may not be ner noman may put that away but god only/ Than
answerd the sone to the fader/ than wylle I serue hym and dwelle here wyth
hym that may do that. And so abode the childe in the hermytgage & lyuyd
there in good werkes After this hit apperteyneth to a labourer to entende
to his laboure and flee ydlenes/ And thou oughtest to knowe that Dauid
preyseth moche in the sawlter the treve labourers and sayth/ Thou shalt
ete the labour of thyn handes and thou art blessid/ and he shall do to
the good And hit behoueth that the labourer entende to his labour on the
werkedayes for to recuyell and gadre to gyder the fruyt of his labour/
And also he ought to reste on the holy day/ bothe he and his bestes. And
a good labourer ought to norysshe and kepe his bestes/ And this is signefied
by the rodde that he hath. Whiche is for to lede and dryue them to the
pasture/ The fiste pastour that euer was/ was Abel whiche was Iuste and
trewe/ and offryd to god the bestes vnto his sacrefice/ And hym ought he
to folowe in craft & maners But no man that vseth the malice of Caym
may ensue and folowe Abel/ And thus hit apperteyneth to the labourer to
sette and graffe trees and vygnes/ and also to plante and cutte them And
so dyde noe whiche was the first that planted the vygne after y'e deluge
and flood For as Iosephus reherceth in y'e book of naturell thinges Noe
was he that fonde fyrst the vygne/ And he fonde hym bitter and wylde/ And
therfore he toke .iiii. maners of blood/ that is to wete the blood of a
lyon. the blood of a lamb, the blood of a swyne. and the blood of an ape
and medlid them alto geder with the erthe/ And than he cutte the vygne/
And put this aboute the rootes therof. To thende that the bitternes shold
be put away/ and that hyt shold be swete/ And whan he had dronken of the
fruyt of this vygne/ hit was so good and mighty that he becam so dronke/
that he dispoylled hym in suche wise y't his pryuy membres might be seen/
And his yongest sone cham mocqued and skorned hym And whan Noe was awakid
& was sobre & fastinge/ he assemblid his sones and shewid to them
the nature of the vygne and of the wyn/ And told to them the caufe why
y't he had put the blood of the bestes aboute the roote of the vygne and
that they shold knowe well y't otherwhile by y'e strength of the wyn men
be made as hardy as the lyon and yrous And otherwhile they be made symple
& shamefast as a lambe And lecherous as a fwyn/ And curyous and full
of playe as an Ape/ For the Ape is of suche nature that whan he seeth one
do a thynge he enforceth hym to doo the same/ and so doo many whan they
ben dronke/ they will medle them wyth alle officers & matiers that
apperteyne no thynge to them/ And whan they ben fastynge & sobre they
can scarfely accomplisshe theyr owne thynges And therfore valerian reherceth
that of auncyente and in olde tyme women dranke no wyn for as moche as
by dronkenship they myght falle in ony filthe or vilonye And as Ouide sayth/
that the wyns otherwhyle apparaylle the corages in suche manere that they
ben couenable to alle synnes whiche take away the hertes to doo well/ They
make the poure riche/ as longe as the wyn is in his heed And shortly dronkenshyp
is the begynnynge of alle euyllys/ And corrompith the body/ and destroyed
the fowle and mynusshith the goodes temporels/ And this suffyseth for the


The seconde
pawne y't standeth to fore the knyght on the right side of the kynge hath
the forme and figure of a man as a smyth and that is reson For hit apperteyneth
to y'e knyghtes to haue bridellys sadellys spores and many other thynges
made by the handes of smythes and ought to holde an hamer in his right
hande. And in his lyfte hand a dolabre and he ought to haue on his gyrdell
a trowell For by this is signefied all maner of werkemen/ as goldsmithes.
marchallis, smithes of all forges/ forgers and makers of monoye & all
maner of smythes ben signefyed by[55]
the hamer/ The carpenters ben signefyed by the dolabre or squyer/ And by
the trowell we vnderstande all masons & keruars of stones/ tylers/
and alle them that make howses castels & tours/ And to alle these crafty
men hit apperteyneth that they be trewe. wise and stronge/ and hit is nede
y't they haue in hemself faith and loyaulte/ For vnto the goldsmythes behoueth
gold & siluer And alle other metallys. yren & steel to other/ And
vnto the carpenters and masons/ ben put to theyr edifices the bodyes and
goodes of the peple/ And also men put in the handes of the maronners body
and goodes of the peple/ And in the garde and sewerte of them men put body
& sowle in the paryls of the see/ and therfore ought they to be trewe/
vnto whom men commytte suche grete charge and so grete thynges vpon her
fayth and truste. And therfore sayth the philosopher/ he that leseth his
fayth and beleue/ may lose no gretter ne more thynge. And fayth is a fouerayn
good and cometh of the good wyll of the herte and of his mynde And for
no necessite wyll deceyue no man/ And is not corrupt for no mede. Valerius
reherceth that Fabius had receyuyd of hanybal certayn prysoners that he
helde of the romayns for a certayn some of money whiche he promysid to
paye to the sayd hanyball/ And whan he cam vnto the senatours of rome and
desired to haue y'e money lente for hem They answerd that they wold not
paye ner lene And than fabius sente his sone to rome & made hym to
selle his heritage & patrimonye/ and fente the money that he resseyuyd
therof vnto hanibal/ And had leuer & louyd better to be poure in his
contrey of herytage/ than of byleue and fayth/ But in thyfe dayes hit were
grete folye to haue fuche affiance in moche peple but yf they had ben preuyd
afore For oftentymes men truste in them by whom they ben deceyuyd at theyr
nede/ And it is to wete that these crafty men and werkemen ben souerainly
prouffitable vnto the world And wyth oute artificers and werkmen the world
myght not be gouerned/ And knowe thou verily that alle tho thynges that
ben engendrid on the erthe and on the see/ ben made and formed for to do
prouffit vnto the lignage of man/ for man was formed for to haue generacion/
that the men myght helpe and prouffit eche other And here in ought we to
folowe nature/ For she shewed to vs that we shold do comyn prouffit one
to an other/ And y'e first fondement of Iustice is that no man shold noye
or greue other But that they ought doo the comyn prouffit/ For men saye
in reproche That I see of thyn/ I hope hit shall be myn But who is he in
thyse dayes that entendeth more to the comyn prouffit than to his owne/
Certaynly none/ But all way a man ought to haue drede and feere of his
owne hows/ whan he seeth his neyghbours hous a fyre And therfore ought
men gladly helpe the comyn prouffit/ for men otherwhile sette not be a
lityll fyre And might quenche hit in the begynnyng/ that afterward makyth
a grete blasyng fyre. And fortune hath of no thinge so grete playsir/ as
for to torne & werke all way/ And nature is so noble a thynge that
were as she is she wyll susteyne and kepe/ but this rewle of nature hath
fayllid longe tyme/ how well that the decree sayth that alle the thynges
that ben ayenst the lawe of nature/ ought to be taken away and put a part
And he sayth to fore in the .viii. distinction that the ryght lawe of nature
differenceth ofte tymes for custome & statutes establisshid/ for by
lawe of nature all thinge ought to be comyn to euery man/ and this lawe
was of old tyme And men wene yet specially y't the troians kept this lawe
And we rede that the multitude of the Troians was one herte and one sowle/
And verayly we fynde that in tyme passid the philosophres dyde the same/
And also hit is to be supposyd that suche as haue theyr goodes comune &
not propre is most acceptable to god/ For ellys wold not thise religious
men as monkes freris chanons obseruantes & all other auowe hem &
kepe the wilfull pouerte that they ben professid too/ For in trouth I haue
my self ben conuersant in a religio'9 hous of white freris at gaunt Which
haue all thynge in comyn amonge them/ and not one richer than an other/
in so moche that yf a man gaf to a frere .iii. d or .iiii. d to praye for
hym in his masse/ as sone as the masse is doon he deliuerith hit to his
ouerest or procuratour in whyche hows ben many vertuous and deuoute freris
And yf that lyf were not the beste and the most holiest/ holy church wold
neuer suffre hit in religion And acordynge thereto we rede in plato whiche
sayth y't the cyte is well and Iustely gouernid and ordeyned in the whiche
no man maye saye by right, by cuftome. ne by ordenance/ this is myn/ but
I say to the certaynly that syn this custome cam forth to say this is myn/
And this is thyn/ no man thought to preferre the comyn prouffit so moche
as his owen/ And alle werkemen ought to be wise & well aduysyd so that
they haue none enuye ne none euyll suspecion one to an other/ for god wylle
that our humayne nature be couetous of two thynges/ that is of Religion.
And of wysedom/ but in this caas ben some often tymes deceyued For they
take ofte tymes religion and leue wisedom And they take wysedom and reffuse
religion And none may be vraye and trewe with oute other For hit apperteyneth
not to a wyse man to do ony thynge that he may repente hym of hit/ And
he ought to do no thynge ayenst his wyll/ but to do alle thynge nobly,
meurely. fermely. and honestly And yf he haue enuye vpon ony. hit is folye
For he on whom he hath enuye is more honest and of more hauoir than he
whiche is so enuyous/ For a man may haue none enuye on an other/ but be
cause he is more fortunat and hath more grace than hym self/ For enuye
is a sorowe of corage y't cometh of dysordynance of the prouffit of another
man And knowe thou verily that he that is full of bounte shall neuer haue
enuye of an other/ But thenuyous man seeth and thynketh alleway that euery
man is more noble/ And more fortunat that hymself And sayth alleway to
hymself/ that man wynneth more than I/ and myn neyghebours haue more plente
of bestes/ and her thynges multiplye more than myn/ and therfore thou oughtest
knowe that enuye is the most grettest dedely synne that is/ for she tormenteth
hym that hath her wythin hym/ wyth oute tormentynge or doyng ony harme
to hym/ on whome he hath enuye. And an enuyous man hath no vertue in hymself/
for he corrumpeth hymself for as moche as he hateth allway the welthe and
vertues of other/ and thus ought they to kepe them that they take none
euyll suspec[=o]n For a man naturally whan his affection hath suspecion
in ony man that he weneth that he doth/ hit semeth to hym verily that it
is doon. And hit is an euyll thynge for a man to haue suspecion on hymfelf/
For we rede that dionyse of zecyll a tyrant Was so suspecionous that he
had so grete fere and drede For as moche as he was hated of all men/ that
he putte his frendes oute of theyr offices that they had/ And put other
strangers in theyr places for to kepe his body/ and chese suche as were
ryght Cruell and felons/ And for fere and doubte of the barbours/ he made
hys doughters to lerne shaue and kembe/ And whan they were grete. He wold
not they shold vse ony yron to be occupied by them/ but to brenne and senge
his heeris/ and manaced them and durst not truste in them/ And in lyke
wyse they had none affiance in hym And also he dyde do enuyronne the place
where he laye wyth grete diches and brode lyke a castell/ And he entryd
by a drawbrygge whiche closyd after hym/ And hys knyghtes laye wyth oute
wyth his gardes whiche wacchid and kept straytly thys forteresse/ And whan
plato sawe thys Dionyse kynge of cezille thus enuyronned and set aboute
wyth gardes & wacche-men for the cause of his suspecion sayd to hym
openly to fore all men kinge why hast thou don so moche euyll & harme/
that the behoueth to be kept wyth so moche peple/ And therfore I saye that
hit apperteyneth not to ony man that wylle truly behaue hym self in his
werkis to be suspecyous/ And also they ought to be stronge and seure in
theyr werkes/ And specyally they that ben maysters and maronners on the
see/ for yf they be tumerous and ferdfull they shold make a ferde them
that ben in theyr shippis/ that knowe not the paryls/ And so hit might
happene that by that drede and fere alle men shold leue theyr labour/ And
so they myght be perisshid and despeyred in theyr corages/ For a shippe
is soone perisshid and lost by a lityll tempest/ whan the gouernour faylleth
to gouerne his shippe for drede/ And can gyue no counceyll to other than
it is no meruayll/ thangh they be a ferd that ben in his gouernance/ And
therfore ought be in them strengthe force and corage/ and ought to considere
the peryls that might falle/ And the gouernour specially ought not to doubte/
And if hit happen that ony paryll falle/ he ought to promyse to the other
good hoope/ And hit apperteyneth well/ that a man of good and hardy corage
be sette in that office/ In suche wyse that he haue ferme and seure mynde
ayenst the paryls that oftetymes happen in the see/ and with this ought
the maroners haue good and ferme creance and beleue in god/ and to be of
good reconforte & of fayr langage vnto them that he gouerneth in suche
paryls/ And this sufficeth to yow as touchynge the labourers.

The thirde
pawne whiche is sette to fore the Alphyn on the right side ought to be
figured as a clerk And hit is reson that he shold so be/ For as moche as
amonge y'e comon peple of whom we speke in thys book they plete the differencis
contencions and causes otherwhile the whiche behoueth the Alphins to gyue
sentence and Iuge as Iuges And hit is reson that the Alphin or Iuge haue
his notarye/ by whom y'e processe may be wreton/ And this pawne ought to
be made and figured in this mamere/ he muste be made like a man that holdeth
in his right hand a pair of sheres or forcetis/ and in the lifte hand a
grete knyf and on his gurdell a penuer and an ynkhorn/ and on his eere
a penne to wryte wyth And that ben the Instrumentis & the offices that
ben made and put in writynge autentyque/ and ought to haue passed to fore
the Iuges as libelles writtes condempnacions and sentences/ And that is
signefied by the scriptoire and the penne and on that other part hit appertayneth
to them to cutte cloth. shere. dighte. and dye/ and that is signefied by
the forcettis or sheres/ and the other ought to shaue berdes and kembe
the heeris/ And the other ben coupers. coryers. tawiers. skynners. bouchers
and cordwanners/ and these ben signefyed by the knyf that he holdeth in
his hand and some of thise forsayd crafty men ben named drapers or clothmakers
for so moche as they werke wyth wolle. and the Notayres. skynners. coryours.
and cardewaners werke by skynnes and hydes/ As parchemyn velume. peltrye
and cordewan/ And the Tayllours. cutters of cloth, weuars. fullars. dyers/
And many other craftes ocupye and vse wulle/ And alle thyse crafty men
& many other that I haue not named/ ought to doo theyr craft and mestyer/
where as they ben duly ordeyned Curyously and truly/ Also ther ought to
be amonge thyse crafty men amyable companye and trewe/ honest contenance/
And trouthe in their wordes/ And hit is to wete that the notaries ben right
prouffitable and ought to be good & trewe for the comyn And they ought
to kepe them fro appropriynge to themself that thynge y't apperteyneth
to the comyn And yf they be good to them self/ they ben good to other.
And yf they be euyll for themself/ they ben euyll for other And the processes
that ben made to fore the Iuges ought to ben wreton & passid by them/
and hit is to wete that by their writynge in the processis may come moche
prouffit And also yf they wryte otherwyse than they ought to doo/ may ensewe
moche harme and domage to the comyn Therfore ought they to take good heede
that they change not ne corrumpe in no wyse the content of the sentence.
For than ben they first forsworn And ben bounden to make amendes to them
that by theyr tricherye they haue endomaged/ And also ought they to rede
visite and to knowe the statutes. ordenances and the lawes of the cytees
of the contre/ where they dwelle and enhabite/ And they ought to considere
yf ther be ony thynge therein conteyned ayenst right and reson/ and yf
they fynde ony thinge contraire/ they ought to admoneste and warne them
that gouerne/ that suche thynges may be chauged into better astate/ For
custome establisshid ayenst good maners and agaynst the fayth/ ought not
to be holden by right. For as hit is sayd in the decree in the chapitre
to fore/ alle ordenance made ayenst ryght ought to be holden for nought
Alas who is now that aduocate or notaire that hath charge to wryte and
kepe sentence that putteth his entente to kepe more the comyn prouffit
or as moche as his owen/ But alle drede of god is put a back/ and they
deceyue the symple men And drawen them to the courtes disordinatly and
constrayned them to swere and make othes not couenable/ And in assemblyng
the peple thus to gyder they make moo traysons in the cytees than they
make good alyances And otherwhile they deceyue their souerayns/ whan they
may doo hit couertly For ther is no thynge at this day that so moche greueth
rome and Italye as doth the college of notaries and aduocates publicque
For they ben not of oon a corde/ Alas and in Engeland what hurte doon the
aduocats. men of lawe. And attorneyes of court to the comyn peple of y'e
royame as well in the spirituell lawe as in the temporall/ how torne they
the lawe and statutes at their pleasir/ how ete they the peple/ how enpouere
they the comynte/ I suppose that in alle Cristendom ar not so many pletars
attorneys and men of the lawe as ben in englond onely/ for yf they were
nombrid all that lange to the courtes of the channcery kinges benche. comyn
place. cheker. ressayt and helle And the bagge berars of the same/ hit
shold amounte to a grete multitude And how alle thyse lyue & of whome.
yf hit shold be vttrid & told/ hit shold not be beleuyd. For they entende
to theyr synguler wele and prouffyt and not to the comyn/ how well they
ought to be of good wyll to gyder/ and admoneste and warne the cytes eche
in his right in suche wise that they myght haue pees and loue one with
an other And tullius saith that frendshippe and good wyll that one ought
to haue ayenst an other for the wele of hym that he loueth/ wyth the semblable
wylle of hym/ ought to be put forth to fore alle other thynges/ And ther
is no thynge so resemblynge and lyke to the bees that maken honye ne so
couenable in prosperite and in aduersite as is loue/ For by loue gladly
the bees holden them to gyder/ And yf ony trespace to that other anone
they renne vpon the malefactour for to punysshe hym/ And verray trewe loue
faylleth neuer for wele ne for euyll/ and the most swete and the most confortynge
thynge is for to haue a frende to whom a man may saye his secrete/ as well
as to hym self/ But verayly amytye and frendship is somtyme founded vpon
som thinge delectable And this amytye cometh of yongthe/ in the whiche
dwelleth a disordinate heete.
And otherwhile amytie is founded vpon honeste/ And this amytie is vertuouse/
Of the whiche tullius faith y't ther is an amytie vertuous by the whiche
a man ought to do to his frende alle that he requyreth by rayson For for
to do to hym a thynge dishonneste it is ayenst the nature of verray frendshipe
& amytie/ And thus for frendshipe ne for fauour a man ought not to
doo ony thinge vnresonable ayenst the comyn prouffit ner agaynst his fayth
ne ayenst his oth/ for yf alle tho thynges that the frendes desire and
requyre were accomplisshid & doon/ hit shold seme that they shold be
dishoneste coniuracions/ And they myght otherwhile more greue & hurte
than prouffit and ayde/ And herof sayth seneque that amytie is of suche
wylle as the frende wylle/ And to reffuse that ought to be reffusid by
rayson/ And yet he sayth more, that a man ought to alowe and preyse his
frende to fore the peple/ and to correcte and to chastyse hym pryuyly.
For the lawe of amytie is suche For a man ought not to demande ner doo
to be doon to his frende no vyllayns thynge that ought to be kept secrete
And valerian sayth that it is a fowll thynge and an euyll excufacion/ yf
a man conffesse that he hath done ony euyll for his frende ayenst right
and rayson/ And sayth that ther was a good man named Taffile whiche herde
one his frende requyre of hym a thynge dishonnefte whiche he denyed and
wold not doo And than his frende sayth to hym in grete dispyte/ what nede
haue I of thy frendship & amytie whan thou wylt not doo that thynge
that I requyre of the And Taffile answerd to hym/ what nede haue I of the
frendship and of the amytie of the/ yf I shold doo for the thynge dishonefte
And thus loue is founded otherwhile vpon good prouffitable/ and this loue
endureth as longe as he seeth his prouffit And herof men faye a comyn prouerbe
in england/ that loue lasteth as longe as the money endureth/ and whan
the money faylleth than there is no loue/ and varro reherceth in his smmes/
that y' riche men ben alle louyd by this loue/ for their frendes ben lyke
as y'e huse whiche is aboute the grayn/ and no man may proue his frende
so well as in aduersite/ or whan he is poure/ for the veray trewe frende
faylleth at no nede/ And seneque saith y't some folowe the empour for riches/
and so doon y'e flies the hony for the swetenes/ and the wolf the karayn
And thise companye folowe the proye/ and not the man And tullius saith
that Tarquyn y'e proude had a neuewe of his suster which was named brutus/
and this neuewe had banysshid tarquyn out of rome and had sente hym in
exyle/ And than sayd he first that he parceyuyd & knewe his frendes
whiche were trewe & untrewe/ and y't he neuer perceyuyd a fore tyme
whan he was puyssant for to doo their wyll/ and sayd well that the loue
that they had to hym/ endured not but as longe as it was to them prouffitable/
and therfore ought till the ryche men of the world take hede/ be they Kynges
Prynces or ducs to what peple they doo prouffit & how they may and
ought be louyd of theyr peple/ For cathon sayth in his book/ see to whom
thougyuyst/ and this loue whiche is founded vpon theyr prouffit/ whiche
faylleth and endureth not/ may better be callyd and said marchandyse than
loue/ For yf we repute this loue to our prouffit only/ and nothynge to
the prouffyt of hym that we loue/ It is more marchandyse than loue/ For
he byeth our loue for the prouffit that he doth to vs/ and therfor saith
the versifier thise two versis Tempore felici multi murmerantur amici Cum
fortuna perit nullus amicus erit/ whiche is to saye in English that as
longe as a man is ewrous and fortunat he hath many frendes but whan fortune
torneth and perisshith, ther abideth not to hym one frende/ And of this
loue ben louyd the medowes, feldes, Trees and the bestes for the prouffit
that men take of them/ But the loue of the men ought to be charyte, veray
gracious and pure by good fayth/ And the veray trewe frendes ben knowen
in pure aduersite/ and pers alphons saith in his book of moralite that
ther was a philosophre in arabye that had an onely sone/ of whom he demanded
what frendes he had goten hym in his lyf. And he answerd that he had many
And his fader sayd to hym/ I am an olde man/ And yet coude I neuer fynde
but one frende in alle my lyf/ And I trowe verily that it is no lytyll
thynge for to haue a frende/ and hit is well gretter and more a man to
haue many/ And hit appertayneth and behoueth a man to assaye and preue
his frende er he haue nede And than comanded the philosopher his sone/
that he shold goo and slee a swyne/ and putte hit in a sack/ and fayne
that hit were a man dede that he had slayn and bere hit to his frendes
for to burye hit secretly/ And whan the sone had don as his fader comanded
to hym and had requyred his frendes one after an other as a fore is sayd/
They denyed hym/ And answerd to hym that he was a vylayne to requyre &
desire of them thynge that was so peryllous And than he cam agayn to his
fader and sayd to hym how he had requyred alle his frendes/ And that he
had not founden one that wolde helpe hym in his nede And than his fader
said to hym that he shold goo and requyre his frende whiche had but one/
and requyre hym that he shold helpe hym in his nede And whan he had requyred
hym/ Anone he put oute alle his mayne oute of his hows/ And whan they were
oute of the waye or a slepe he dide do make secretly a pytte in the grounde/
And whan hyt was redy and wold haue buryed the body/ he fonde hit an hogge
or a swyne and not a man/ And thus thys sone preuyd thys man to be a veray
trewe frende of his fader/ And preuyd that his frendes were fals frendes
of fortune/ And yet reherceth the sayd piers Alphons/ That ther were two
marchantes one of Bandach and that other of Egipte whiche were so Joyned
to gyder by so grete frendshippe that he of Bandach cam on a tyme for to
see hys frende in Egipte/ of whom he was receyuyd ryght honourably And
thys marchant of Egipte had in his hows a fayr yonge mayden whom he shold
haue had in maryage to hymslf/ Of the whiche mayde thys marchant of Bandach
was esrysd wyth her loue so ardantly that he was ryght seeke/ And that
men supposid hym to dye. And than the other dyde doo come the phisicyens
whiche sayd that in hym was none other sekenes sauf passyon of loue/ Than
he axid of the seeke man yf ther wer ony woman in hys hows that he louyd
and made alle the women of his hows to come to fore hym/ And than he chees
her that shold haue ben that others wyf and sayd that he was seek for the
loue of her/ Than hys frende sayd to hym Frende conforte your self/ For
trewly I gyue her to yow to wyf wyth alle the dowayre that is gyuen to
me wyth her/ And had leuer to suffre to be wyth oute wyf than to lese the
body of his frende And than he of Bandach wedded the mayde. And wente wyth
his wyf and wyth his richesse ayen in to his contrey And after this anone
after hit happend that the marcha[=n]t of Egipte be cam so poure by euyll
fortune/ that he was constrayned to feche and begge his brede by the contrey
in so moche that he cam to bandach. And whan he entrid in to the toun hit
was derke nyght that he coude not fynde the hows of his frende/ but wente
and laye this nyght in an olde temple/ And on the morn whan he shold yssue
oute of the temple/ the officers of the toun arestid hym and sayd that
he was an homycide and had slayn a man whiche laye there dede And an[=o]n
he confessid hit wyth a good wylle/ And had leuyr to ben hangid/ than to
dye in that myserable and poure lyf that he suffrid And thus whan he was
brought to Iugement And sentence shold haue ben gyuen ayenst hym as an
homicide/ his frende of bandach cam and sawe hym and anone knewe y't this
was his good frende of Egipte And forthwyth stept in and sayde that he
hymself was culpable of the deth of this man/ and not that other/ and enforced
hym in alle maners for to delyuer and excuse that other/ And than whan
that he that had don the feet and had slayn the man sawe this thynge/ he
considerid in hym sels that these two men were Innocente. of this feet/
And doubtynge the dyuyn Iugement he cam to fore the Iuge and confessid
alle the feet by ordre/ And whan the Iuge sawe and herd alle this mater/
and also the causes he considerid the ferme and trewe loue that was betwene
the two frendes And vnderstode the cause why that one wold saue that other/
and the trouth of the fayte of the homicide And than he pardoned alle the
feet hoolly and entierly/ and after the marchant of bandach brought hym
of egipte wyth hym in to his hous/ and gaf to hym his suster in mariage/
and departid to hym half his goodes/ And so bothe of hem were riche/ And
thus were they bothe veray faythfull and trewe frendes/ Furthermore Notaires.
men of lawe and crafty men shold and ought to loue eche other And also
ought to be contynent chaste & honeste/ For by theyr craftes they ought
so to be by necessite/ For they conuerse & accompanye them ofte tyme
with women And therfor hit apperteyneth to them to be chaste and honeste
And that they meue not the women ner entyse them to lawhe/ and Iape by
ony disordinate ensignees or tokens/ Titus liuyus reherceth that the philosopher
democreon dyde do put oute his eyen for as moche as he myght not beholde
the women wyth oute flesshely desire/ And how well hit is said before that
he dide hit for other certayn cause yet was this one of the pryncipall
causes/ And Valerian telleth that ther was a yonge man of rome of ryght
excellent beaute/ And how well that he was ryght chaste/ For as moche as
his beaute meuyd many women to desyre hym/ in so moche that he vnderstode
that the parents and frendes of them had suspecion in hym/ he dyde his
visage to be cutte wyth a knyf and lancettis endlonge and ouerthwart for
to deforme his visage/ And had leuer haue a fowle visage and disformed/
than the beaute of hys visage shold meue other to synne/ And also we rede
that ther was a Nonne a virgyne dyde do put oute bothe her eyen For as
moche as the beaute of her eyen meuyd a kynge to loue her/ whyche eyen
she sente to the kynge in a presente/ And also we rede that plato the ryght
ryche and wyse phylosophre lefte hys owne lande and Contre. And cheese
his mansion and dwellynge in achadomye a town/ whiche was not only destroyed
but also was full of pestelence/ so that by the cure and charge and customance
of sorowe that be there suffrid/ myght eschewe the heetes and occasions
of lecherye/ And many of his disciples dyde in lyke wyse/ Helemand reherceth
that demostenes the philosopher lay ones by a right noble woman for his
disporte/ and playnge with her he demanded of her what he shold gyue to
haue to doo wyth her/ And she answerd to hym/ a thousand pens/ and he sayd
agayn to her I shold repente me to bye hit so dere/ And whan he aduysed
hym that he was so sore chauffid to speke to her for tacc[=o]plissh his
flesshely defire/ he dispoyled hym alle naked and wente and putte hym in
the middes of the snowe And ouide reherceth that this thynge is the leste
that maye helpe and moste greue the louers And therfore saynt Augustyn
reherceth in his book de Ciuitate dei that ther was a ryght noble romayne
named merculian that wan and toke the noble cyte of siracuse And to fore
er he dyde do assaylle hit or befyghte hit/ and er he had do be shedde
ony blood/ he wepte and shedde many teeris to fore the cyte And that was
for the cause that he doubted that his peple shold defoyle and corrumpe
to moche dishonestly the chastyte of the toun And ordeyned vpon payne of
deth that no man shold be so hardy to take and defoylle ony woman by force
what that euer she were/ After this the craftymen ought to vnderstond for
to be trewe/ and to haue trouthe in her mouthes And that theyr dedes folowe
theyr wordes For he that sayth one thynge and doth another/ he condempneth
hymself by his word Also they ought to see well to that they be of one
Acorde in good, by entente, by word, and by dede/ so that they ben not
discordant in no caas/ But euery man haue pure veryte and trouth in hym
self/ For god hym self is pure verite/ And men say comynly that trouthe
seketh none hernes ne corners/ And trouthe is a vertu by the whyche alle
drede and fraude is put away/ Men saye truly whan they saye that they knowe/
And they that knowe not trouthe/ ought to knowe hit/ And alleway vse trouthe/
For Saynt Austyn sayth that they that wene to knowe trouthe/ And lyuyth
euyll & viciously It is folye yf he knoweth hit not/ And also he sayth
in an other place that it is better to suffre peyne for trouthe. Than for
to haue a benefete by falsenes or by flaterye. And man that is callyd a
beste resonable and doth not his werkes after reson and trouthe/ Is more
bestyall than ony beste brute/ And knowe y'e that for to come to the trouthe/
Hit cometh of a raysonable forsight in his mynde/ And lyenge cometh of
an outrageous and contrarye thought in his mynde/ For he that lyeth wetyngly/
Knoweth well that hit is agaynst the trouthe that he thynketh/ And herof
speketh Saynt Bernard and sayth/ That the mouthe that lyeth destroyeth
the sowle/ And yet sayth Saynt Austyn in an other place For to saye ony
thynge/ And to doo the contrarye. maketh doctryne suspecious/ And knowe
y'e veryly that for to lye is a right perillous thynge to body and sowle
For the lye that the auncyent enemye made Eue & adam to beleue hym/
made hem for to be dampned wyth alle theyr lignage to the deth pardurable
And made hem to be cast oute of Paradyse terrestre/ For he made them to
beleue that god had not forboden them the fruyt. But only be cause they
shold not knowe that her maister knewe But how well that the deuyll said
thise wordes yet had she double entente to hem bothe For they knewe ann
as they had tasted of the fruyt that they were dampned to the deth pardurable/
And god knewe it well to fore But they supposid well to haue knowen many
other thynges And to belyke vnto his knowleche and science And therfor
fayth saynt poule in a pistyll/ hit ne apperteyneth to saure or knowe more
than behoueth to saure or knowe/ but to fauoure or knowe by mesure or fobrenes/
And valerian reherceth that ther was a good woman of siracusane that wold
not lye vnto the kynge of *ecylle whiche was named dyonyse And this kynge
was so full of tyrannye & so cruell that alle the world defired his
deth and cursid hym/ Saauf this woman onely whiche was so olde that she
had seen thre or .iiii. kynges regnynge in the contre/ And euery mornynge
as sone as she was rysen she prayd to god that he wold gyue vnto the tyrant
good lyf and longe And that she myght neuer see his deth/ And when the
kynge dyonise knewe this he sent for her And meruayllid moche herof For
he knewe well that he was fore behated/ And demaunded her/ what cause meuyd
her to pray for hym. And she answerd and said to hym Syre whan I was a
mayde we had a right euyll tyrant to our kynge of whom we coueyted fore
the deth And whan he was ded ther cam after hym a worse/ of whom we coueyted
also the deth/ And whan we were deliueryd of hym/ thou camst to be our
lord whiche arte worste of alle other. And now I doubte yf we haue one
after the he shall be worse than thou art/ And therfore I shall pray for
the And whan dionyse vnderstod that she was so hardy in sayynge the truthe/
he durste not doo tormente her for shame be cause she was so olde.


The fourth pawn is sette
to for the kynge And is formed in the fourme of a man holding in his ryght
hand a balance/ And the weyght in the lifte hand/ And to fore hym a table
And at his gurdell a purse fulle of monoye redy for to gyue to them that
requyre hit And by this peple ben signefied the marchans of cloth lynnen
and wollen & of all other marchandises And by the table that is to
for hym is signefied y'e changeurs/ And they that lene money/ And they
that bye & selle by the weyght ben signefyed by the balances and weight
And the customers. tollers/ and resseyuours of rentes & of money ben
signefied by the purse And knowe y'e that alle they that ben signefied
by this peple ought to flee auaryce and couetyse/ And eschewe brekynge
of the dayes of payement/ And ought to holde and kepe theyr promyssis/
And ought also to rendre & restore y't/ that is gyuen to them to kepe/
And therfor hit is reson that this peple be sette to for y'e kynge/ for
as moche as they signefie the resseyuours of the tresours royall that ought
all way to be redy to fore y'e kynge/ and to answere for hym to the knightes
and other persones for their wages & souldyes And therfore haue I sayd
that they ought to flee auarice. For auarice is as moche to say as an adourer
or as worshipar of fals ymages/ & herof saith Tullius that auarice
is a couetise to gete y't thing that is aboue necessite/ & it is a
loue disordinate to haue ony thynge And it is one of the werst thyngis
that is And specially to prynces and to them that gouerne the thynges of
the comunete And this vice caufeth a man to do euyll/ And this doynge euyll
is whan hit regneth in olde men And herof saith Seneque That alle wordly
thynges ben mortifyed and appetissid in olde men reserued auaryce only/
whiche alleway abideth wyth hym and dyeth wyth hym But I vnderstande not
well the cause wherof this cometh ne wherfore hit may be And hit is a fowle
thynge and contrarie to reson That whan a man is at ende of his Iourney
for to lengthe his viage and to ordeyne more vitayll than hym behoueth
And this may well be lykened to the auarycious wolf For the wolf doth neuer
good tyll he be dede And thus it is sayd in the prouerbis of the wisemen/
that thauaricious man doth no good tyll that he be ded/ And he desireth
no thynge but to lyue longe in this synne For the couetouse man certaynly
is not good for ony thynge For he is euyll to hymself and to the riche
and to the poure. And fynde cause to gayn saye theyr desire/ and herof
reherceth seneque and sayth that Antigonus was a couetous prynce/ &
whan Tinque whiche was his frende requyred of hym a besa[=u]t/ he answerd
to hym that he demanded more than hit apperteyned to hym And than tinque
constrayned by grete necessite axid and requyred of hym a peny/ And he
answerd to hym that hit was no yefte couenable for a kynge and so he was
allway redy to fynde a cause nought to gyue For he myght haue gyuen to
hym a besa[=u]t as a kynge to his frende/ And the peny as to a poure man
And ther is no thynge so lytyll/ but that the humanyte of a kynge may gyue
hit Auarice full of couetyse is a maner of alle vices of luxurye And Josephus
reherceth in the book of auncyent histories/ that ther was in rome a ryght
noble lady named Paulyne/ And was of the most noble of rome/ right honeste
for the noblesse of chastete/ whiche was maryed in the tyme that the women
gloryfied them in theyr chastete vnto a yonge man fayr. noble. and riche
aboue alle other/ and was lyke and semblable to his wyf in alle caasis/
And this paulyne was belouyd of a knight named emmerancian And was so ardautly
esprysed in her loue that he sente to her many right riche yeftes/ And
made to her many grete promissis/ but he might neuer torne the herte of
her whiche was on her side also colde and harde as marbill But had leuer
to reffuse his yeftes and his promisses. Than to entende to couetise &
to lose her chastete/ and we rede also in the historyes of rome that ther
was a noble lady of rome/ whiche lyuyd a solitarye lyf and was chaste &
honeste/ And had gadrid to gyder a grete some of gold/ And had hid hit
in the erthe in a pytte wyth in her hous/ And whan she was ded/ the bisshop
dyde do burye her in the churche well and honestly/ And anone after this
gold was founden & born to the bisshop/ And the bisshop had to caste
hit in to the pytte wher she was buryed. And .iii. dayes men herd her crye
& make grete noyse/ and saye that she brennyd in grete payne/ and they
herd her ofte tymes thus tormentid in y'e chirche/ the neighbours wente
to the bisshop & told hym therof/ and y'e bisshop gaf hem leue to open
the sepulcre/ and whan they had opend hit/ they fonde all the gold molten
with fyre full of sulphre/ And was poured and put in her mouth/ and they
herd one saye/ thou desiredest this gold by couetyse take hit and drynke
hit/ And than they toke the body out of the tombe And hit was cast oute
in a preuy place Seneque reherceth in the book of the cryes of women that
auarice is foundement of alle vices/ And valerian reherceth that auarice
is a ferdfull garde or kepar of rychessis for he that hath on hym or in
his kepynge moche money or other rychessis/ is allway a ferd to lose hit
or to be robbid or to be slayn therfore/ And he is not ewrous ner happy
that by couetyse geteth hit/ And alle the euyllys of this vice of auarice
had a man of rome named septemulle For he was a frende of one named tarchus
And this septemulle brente so sore and so cruelly in this synne of couetyse/
that he had no shame to smyte of the hede of his frende by trayson/ For
as moche as one framosian had promysed to hym as moche weyght of pure gold
as the heed weyed And he bare the sayd heed vpon a staf thurgh the cyte
of rome/ and he wyded the brayn out therof and fyld hit full of leed for
to weye the heuyer This was a right horrible and cruell auarice Ptolome
kynge of the Egipciens poursewed auarice in an other manere For whan anthonie
emperour of rome sawe that he was right riche of gold and siluer/ he had
hym in grete hate and tormentid hym right cruelly And whan he shold perishe
be cause of his richessis/ he toke alle his hauoyr and put hit in a shippe
And wente wyth alle in to the hye see to thende for to drowne and perishe
there the shippe and his rychesses be cause Anthonie his enemye shold not
haue hit/ And whan he was there he durst not perisshe hit ner myght not
fynde in his herte to departe from hit/ but cam and brought hit agayn in
to his hows where he resseyuyd the reward of deth therfore. And wyth oute
doubte he was not lord of the richesse but the richesse was lady ouer hym/
And therfore hit is sayd in prouerbe that a man ought to seignorye ouer
the riches/ and not for to serue hit/ and yf thou canst dewly vse thy rychesse
than she is thy chamberyer/ And yf thou can not departe from hit and vse
hit honestly at thy playsir/ knowe verily y't she is thy lady For the richesse
neuer satisfieth the couetouse/ but the more he hath/ the more he desireth/
And saluste sayth that auarice distourblith fayth poeste honeste and alle
these other good vertues/ And taketh for these vertues pryde. cruelte.
And to forgete god/ And saith that alle thynges be vendable And after this
they ought to be ware that they leue not to moche/ ner make so grete creances
by which they may falle in pouerte/ For saynt Ambrose saith upon tobye.
pouerte hath no lawe/ for to owe hit is a shame/ & to owe and not paye
is a more shame/ yf y'u be poure beware how thou borowest/ and thinke how
thou maist paye & rendre agayn yf y'u be ryche y'u hast none nede to
borowe & axe/ & it is said in the prouerbes y't hit is fraude to
take/ that y'u wilt not ner maist rendre & paye agayn/ and also hit
is said in reproche/ whan I leue I am thy frend/ & whan I axe I am
thy enemye/ as wo saith/ god at the lenynge/ & the deuyll at rendrynge/
And seneque sayth in his au[*c]torites/ that they y't gladly borowe/ ought
gladly to paye/ and ought to surmonte in corage to loue hem the better
be cause they leue hem & ayde hem in her nede/ For for benefetes &
good tornes doon to a man ought to gyue hym thankinges therfore/ And moche
more ought a man to repaye that Is lente hym in his nede/ But now in these
dayes many men by lenynge of their money haue made of their frendes enemyes/
And herof speketh Domas the philosopher and sayth that my frende borowed
money of me/ And I haue lost my frende and my money attones/ Ther was a
marchant of Gene & also a chaungeour/ whos name was Albert gauor/ And
this albert was a man of grete trouth and loyaulte/ for on a tyme ther
was a man cam to hym and said & affermed that he had delyueryd in to
his banke .v. honderd floryns of gold to kepe whiche was not trouth for
he lyed/ whyche fyue honderd floryns the said Albert knewe not of/ ner
coude fynde in all hys bookes ony suche money to hym due And this lyar
coude not brynge no wytnessis/ but began to braye. crye and deffame the
said albert And than this Albert callid to hym this marcha[=u]t and sayd/
Dere frende take here v. honderd florins whyche thou affermest and sayst
that thou hast deliuerid to me And forthwyth tolde hem and toke hem to
hym And lo this good man had leuer to lose his good than his good name
and renome And this other marchant toke these florins that he had wrongfully
receyuyd/ and enployed them in diuerce marchandise in so moche that he
gate and encresid and wan with them .xv. thousand florins And whan he sawe
that he approchid toward his deth/ and that he had no children He establisshid
albert his heyr in alle thingis And sayd that with the .v. honderd florins
that he had receyuyd of albert falsely/ he had goten all y't he had in
the world And thus by dyuyne pourueance he that had be a theef fraudelent/
was made afterward a trewe procurour and attorney of the sayd albert/ But
now in this dayes ther ben marcha[=u]s that do marchandise with other mens
money whiche is taken to hem to kepe/ And whan they ben requyred to repaye
hit they haue no shame to denye hit appertly/ wherof hit happend that ther
was a marchant whyche had a good & grete name and renome of kepynge
well suche thynges as was delyueryd to hym to kepe/ But whan he sawe place
and tyme/ he reteynyd hyt lyke a theef/ So hyt befelle that a marchant
of withoute forth herd the good reporte & fame of this man/ cam to
hym and deliuerid hym grete tresour to kepe/ And this tresour abode thre
yer in his kepynge. And after this thre yer thys marchant cam & requyred
to haue hys good deliueryd to hym agaym/ And thys man knewe well that he
had no recorde ne wytnes to preue on hym this duete/ Nor he had no obligacion
ne wrytynge of hym therof/ In suche wyse that he denyed alle entyerly/
And sayd playnly he knewe hym not. And whan thys good man herde and vnderstode
thys. he wente sorowfully and wepynge from hym so ferre and longe that
an old woman mette wyth hym/ And demanded of hym the cause of hys wepynge/
And he sayd to her/ woman hit apperteyneth no thynge to the Go thy way/
And she prayd hym that he wold telle her the cause of hys sorowe/ For parauenture
she myght gyue hym counceylle good and prouffytable. And than this man
told to her by ordre the caas of his fortune/ And the old woman that was
wyse & subtyll demanded of hym yf he had in that cyte ony frende whiche
wold be faythfull and trewe to hym And he sayd y'e that he had dyuerce
frendes/ Than said she goo thou to them and saye to them that they do ordeyne
and bye dyuerce cofres & chestis/ And that they do fylle them with
som olde thinges of no value/ and that they fayne And saye that they be
full of gold, siluer & other Iewels and of moche grete tresour/ And
than that they brynge them to this sayd marchant And to saye to hym that
he wold kepe them/ For as moche as they had grete trust and affiance in
hym And also that they haue herd of his grete trouthe and good renome/
And also they wold goo in to a fer contre And shold be longe er they retorned
agayn And whilis they speke to hym of this mater/ thou shalt come vpon
them and requyre hym that he do deliuere to the/ that thou tokest to hym/
And I trowe be cause of tho good men that than shall profre to hym the
sayd tresour/ And for the couetise to haue hit/ he shall deliuere to the
thy good agayn/ But beware late hym not knowe in no wyse that they ben
thy frendes ner of thy knowleche This was a grete and good co[=u]ceyll
of a woman And verily hit cometh of nature oftentymes to women to gyue
counceyll shortly and vnauysedly to thynges that ben in doute or perillous
and nedeth hasty remedye/ And as y'e haue herd/ this good man dyde And
dyde after her counceyll And cam vpon them whan they spack of the mater
to the marchant for to deliuere to hym the sayd cofres to kepe whyche his
frendes had fayned and requyred of hym that he had taken to hym to kepe/
and than an[=o]n the sayd marchant sayd to hym I knowe the now well. For
I haue auysed me that thou art suche a man/ And camst to me suche a tyme/
And deliuerest to me suche a thynge whiche I haue well kept/ And than callyd
his clerck/ and bad hym goo fecche suche a thynge in suche a place/ and
deliuere hit to that good man For he deliuerid hit to me/ And than the
good man receyuyd his good. And wente his way right Ioyously and gladd/
And this marchant trycheur and deceyuour was defrauded from his euyll malice/
And he ne had neyther that one ne that other ony thynge that was of value/
And therfore hit Is sayd in prouerbe to defraude the beguylar is no fraude/
And he that doth well foloweth oure lord And seneke faith that charyte
enseygneth and techeth that men shold paye well For good payement is sometyme
good confession/ And this marchant trycheour & deceyuour resembleth
& Is lyke to an hound that bereth a chese in his mouth whan he swymmeth
ouer a watre For whan he is on the watre He seeth the shadowe of the chese
in the watre/ And than he weneth hit be an other chese/ And for couetyse
to haue that/ he openth his mouth to cacche that/ And than the chese that
he bare fallyth doun in to the watre/ And thus he loseth bothe two/ And
in the same wise was seruyd this marchant deceyuour/ For for to haue the
coffres/ whiche he had not seen/ He deliueryd agayn that he wold haue holden
wrongfully & thus by his couetise and propre malice he was deceyuyd/
And therfore hit apperteyneth to euery good & wyse man to knowe &
considere in hym self how moche he had resseyuyd of other men/ And vpon
what condicion hit was deliuerid to hym And hit is to wete y't this thinge
apperteyneth to resseyuours & to chaungeours And to alle true marchans
and other what som euyr they bee/ and ought to kepe their bookes of resaytes
& of payements of whom & to whom and what tyme & day. and yf
y'e demande what thynge makyth them to forgete suche thynges as ben taken
to them to kepe I answere & saye that hyt Is grete couetyse for to
haue tho thynges to themself and neuer to departe from them/ And it is
all her thought and desire to assemble alle the good that they may gete
For they beleue on none other god/ but on her richessis theyr hertes ben
so obstynat/ and this sufficeth of the marchantes.


The paw[=o]n that is sette to fore the quene signefyeth the phisicyen/
spicer and Apotyquaire/ and is formed in the figure of a man/ And he is
sette in a chayer as a maystre and holdeth in his right hand a book/ And
an ample or a boxe wyth oynementis in his lyft hand/ And at his gurdell
his Instrumentis of yron and of siluer for to make Incysions and to serche
woundes and hurtes/ and to cutte apostumes/ And by thyse thynges ben knowen
the cyrurgyens/ By the book ben vnderstanden the phisicyens/ and alle gramaryens.
logicyens/ maistres of lawe. of Geometrye. Arismetryque. musique and of
astronomye/ And by the ampole/ ben signefyed the makers of pigmentaries
spicers and apotiquayres/ and they that make confections and confytes and
medecynes made wyth precyous spyces And by the ferremens and Intrumentis
that hangen on the gurdell ben signefied the cyrurgyens & the maistres
And knowe y'e for certain that a maystre & phisicyen ought to knowe
the proporcions of lettres of gramayre/ the monemens the conclusions and
the sophyms of logyque. the gracio'9 speche and vtterance of rethorique/
the mesures of the houres and dayes/ and of the cours and astronomye/ the
nombre of arsmetryk/ & the Ioyous songes of musyque And of all thyse
tofore named/ the maistres of rethorique ben the chyef maistres in speculatyf/
And the two laste that ben practisiens and werkers ben callyd phisicyens
and cyrurgyens/ how well they ben sage and curyous in thyse sciences/ And
how well that mannes lyf is otherwhile put in thordonance of the phisicyen
or cyrurgyen/ yf he haue not sagesse and wysedom in hym self of dyuerce
wrytynges and is not expert/ And medlyth hym in the craft of phisique/
He ought better be callyd a slear of peple than a phisicyen or cyrurgyen.
For he may not be a maystre but yf he be seure and expert in the craft
of phisike that he sle not moo than he cureth and maketh hoole/ And therfore
sayth Auycenne in an Enphormye/ yf thou curest the seke man. And knowest
not the cause/ wherof the maladye ought to be cured/ Hit ought to be sayd
that thou hast cured hym by fortune and happe more than by ony comynge.
And in alle thyse maner of peple/ Ther ought to be meurte of good maners/
Curtoysie of wordes/ Chastite of the body promysse of helthe/ And as to
them that ben seke contynuell visitacion of them/ And they ought to enquere
the cause of theyr sekenessis and the sygnes and tokens of theyr maladyes/
As is rehercid in the bookes of the au[ct]ours by ryght grete diligence/
And specially in the bookes of ypocras galyene and of Auycene And whan
many maysters and phisicyens ben assemblid to fore the pacyent or seke
man/ They ought not there to argue and dispute one agaynst an other/ But
they ought to make good and symple colacion to geder. In suche wyse as
they be not seen in theyr desputynge one agaynst an other/ for to encroche
and gete more glorye of the world to them self/ than to trete the salute
and helthe of the pacyent and seke man/ I meruayll why that whan they fee
and knowe that whan the seke man hath grete nede of helthe wherfore than
they make gretter obiection of contraryousnes for as moche as the lyf of
man is demened and put amonge them but hit is be cause that he is reputed
most sage and wise that argueth and bryngeth in moste subtyltes/ And alle
this maner is amonge doctours of lawe that treteth no thynge of mannes
lyf. But of temporelle thynges/ that he is holden most wyse and best lerned/
that by his counceyll can beste acorde the contencions and discencions
of men And therfore ought the phisicyens and cyrurgyens leue whan they
be to fore the seke men all discencions and contrariousnes of wordes/ in
suche wyse that hit appere that they studye more for to cure the seke men
than for to despute And therfore is the phisicien duly sette to fore the
quene/ So that it is figured that he ought to haue in hymself chastite
and contynence of body For hit apperteyneth somtyme vnto the phisicien
to visite and cure Quenes duchesses and countesses and alle other ladyes
and see and beholde some secrete sekenessis that falle and come otherwhile
in the secretis of nature And therfore hit apperteyneth to them that they
be chaste and followe honeste and chastite/ and that they be ensample to
other of good contynence/ For valerian reherceth that ypocras was of meruayllous
contynence of his body/ For whan he was in the scoles of Athenes/ he had
by hym a ryght fayr woman whyche was comyn And the yonge scolers and the
Ioly felaws that were students promisyd to the woman a besa[=u]t/ yf she
myght or coude torne the corage of ypocras for to haue to doon wyth her/
And she cam to hym by nyght and dyde so moche by her craft that she laye
wyth hym in his bedd/ but she coude neuer do so moche y't she myghte corrumpe
his chaste liuynge ne defoule the crowne of his conscience/ and whan the
yonge men knewe that she had ben with hym all the night And coude not chaunge
his contynence/ they began to mocque her/ And to axe and demande of her
the besant that they had gyuen to her. And she answerd That hit was holden
& gaged vpon an ymage/ For as moche as she might not change his contynence
she callyd hym an ymage/ And in semblable wyse reherceth Valerian of Scenocrates
philosopher that ther laye with hym a woman all night And tempted hym disordinatly/
but that ryght chafte man/ made neuer femblant to her/ Ner he neuer remeuyd
from his ferme purpoos/ In fuche wyfe as fhe departid from hym alle confufid
and fhamed/ Cornelius fcipion that was fent by the romayns for to gouerne
fpayne/ as fone as he entryd in to the caftellis & in to the townes
of that lande He began to take away all the thynges that miht ftyre or
meue his men to lecherye wherfore men fayd that he drof & chaced oute
of the ofte moo than two thoufand bourdellys/ And he that was wyfe knewe
well that delyte of lecherye corrupted and apayred the corages of tho men
that ben abandonned to that fame delyte/ And herof hit is fayd in the fables
of the poetes in the first book of the Truphes of the Philofophers by figure.
That they that entryd in to the fontayne of the firenes or mermaydens/
were corrumpid and they toke them away with hem/ And alfo y'e ought to
knowe that they ought to entende diligently to the cures of the enfermytees
in cyrugerye/ They ought to make theyr playfters acordynge to the woundes
or fores/ yf the wounde be rounde The enplaftre muft be round/ and yf hyt
be longe/ hyt mufte be longe/ and otherwhile hit mufte be cured by his
contrarye/ lyke as it apperteyneth to phifique/ For the hete is cured by
cold/ and the colde by hete/ and Ioye by forowe/ and fbrowe by Ioye/ and
hit happeth ofte tymes that moche peple be in grete paryll in takynge to
moche Ioye and lefe her membris/ and become half benomen in the fodayn
Ioye/ And Ioye is a replection of thynge that is delectable fprad a brode
in all the membris with right grete gladnes And all men entende and desire
to haue the sayd ryght grete Ioye naturelly/ But they knowe not what may
ensue and come therof And this Ioye cometh otherwhile of vertue of conscience/
And the wyse man is not wyth out this Ioye And this Ioye is neuer Interrupt
ne in deffaulte at no tyme For hit cometh of nature And fortune may not
take a waye that nature geueth. And merciall saith that Ioyes fugitiues
abide not longe But flee away an[=o]n And valerian reherceth that he that
hath force and strengthe raysonable/ hath hit of verray matier of complection
and that cometh of loue And this Ioye hath as moche power to departe the
sowle fro the body/ as hath the thondre/ wherof hit happend that ther was
a woman named lyna whiche had her husbonde in the warre in the shippis
of the romayns/ And she supposid verily that he was ded/ But hit happend
that he cam agayn home And as he entryd in to his yate/ his wif met wyth
hym sodeynly not warned of his comyng. whiche was so glad and Ioyous/ that
in enbrasynge hym she fyll doun ded Also of an other woman to whom was
reportid by a fals messanger that her sone was ded/ whiche wente home soroufully
to her hows/ And afterward whan her sone cam to her/ As sone as she sawe
hym/ she was so esmoued wyth Ioye y't she deyde to fore hym/ But this is
not so grete meruaylle of women as is of the men/ For the women ben likened
vnto softe waxe or softe ayer and therfor she is callid mulier whyche Is
as moche to saye in latyn as mollys ær. And in english soyfte ayer/
And it happeth ofte tymes that the nature of them that ben softe and mole/
taketh sonner Inpression than the nature of men that is rude and stronge/
Valerye reherceth & sayth that a knyght of rome named Instaulosus that
had newly conquerid and subiuged the yle of Corsika/ And as he sacrefyed
his goddes/ he receyuyd lettres from the senate of rome In whiche were
conteyned dyuerse supplicacyons/ The whiche whan he vnderstood he was so
glad and so enterprysed wyth Ioye/ that he knewe not what to doo And than
a great fumee or smoke yssued out of the fyre In whiche he dispayred and
fyll in to the fyre/ where he was anone ded/ And also it is sayd that Philomenus
lawhed so sore and distemperatly that he deyde alle lawhynge/ And we rede
that ypocras the phisicien fonde remedye for thys Ioye/ For whan he had
longe dwellyd oute of his contreye for to lerne connynge and wysedom/ And
shold retorne vnto his parentis and frendes/ whan he approchid nyghe them/
He sente a messanger to fore for to telle to them his comynge/ and comanded
hym to saye that he cam/ for they had not longe to fore seen hym/ And y't
they shold attempre them in that Ioye er they shold see hym/ And also we
rede that Titus the sone of vaspasian whan he had conquerd Iherusalem and
abode in y'e contrees by/ he herde y't his fader vaspasian was chosen by
alle the senate for to gouerne the empire of rome/ wherfore he had so right
grete Ioye that sodaynly he loste the strength of all his membres And be
cam all Impotent And whan Iosephus that made the historye of the romayns
ayenst the Iewis/ whiche was a ryght wyse phisicien sawe and knewe the
cause of this sekenes of the sayd Titus/ he enquyred of his folk yf he
had in hate ony man gretly so moche that he myght not here speke of hym
ner well see hym And one of the seruantes of Titus sayd that he had one
persone in hate so moche. That ther was no man in his court so hardy that
durste name hym in his presence/ and than Iosephus assigned a day whan
this man shold come/ and ordeyned a table to sette in y'e sight of Titus/
and dide hit to be replenysshid plenteuously wyth alle dayntees/ and ordeyned
men to be armed to kepe hym in suche wyse that no man shold hurte hym by
the comandement of Titus/ and ordeyned boutellers. Coques/ and other officers
for to serue hym worshipfully lyke an Emþour/ and whan all this was
redy/ Iosephus brought in this man that tytus hated and sette hym at the
table to fore his eyen and was seruyd of yonge men wyth grete reuerence
ryght cortoisly/ And whan titus behelde his enemye sette to fore hym wyth
so grete honour/ He began to chauffe hym self by grete felonnye And comanded
his men that this man sholde be slayn/ And whan he sawe/ that none wold
obeye hym But that they all way seruyd hym reuerently/ he waxe so ardante/
and enbrasid wyth so grete yre/ that he that had lost alle the force and
strengthe of his body and was alle Impotent in alle his membres/ Recoured
the helthe agayn and strengthe of his membris/ by the hete that entryd
in to the vaynes and sinewis And Iosephus dide so moche that he was recouerid
and hole/ And that he helde that man no more for his enemye/ but helde
hym for a verray true frende/ And afterward made hym his loyall felawe
and compaignon And the espicers and Apotecayres ought to make truly suche
thynges as Is comanded to them by the physicyens/ And they ought taccomplisshe
theyr billis and charge curyously wyth grete dilygence/ that for none other
cause they shold be ocupied but in makynge medicynes or confections truly.
And that they ought vpon paryll of theyr sowle not to forgete/ by negligence
ne rechelesnes to gyue one medecyne for an other/ In suche wyse that they
be not slears of men/ And that they do putte no false thynges In her spyces
for to empayre or encrecynge the weyght. For yf they so doo they may better
be callyd theuys than espiciers or apotecayris/ And they that ben acustomed
to make oynements they ought to make hyt proprely of true stuf and of good
odoure after the receptes of the auncyent doctours/ And after the forme
that the phisicyens and cyrurgyens deuyse vnto them/ Also they ought to
beware that for none auayle ne gyfte that they myght haue/ that they put
in theyr medicynes no thynge venemous ner doynge hurte or scathe to ony
persone of whom they haue none good ne veray knowlege/ to thende that they
to whom the medicynes shold be gyuen/ torne not to them hurte ne domage/
ne in destructions of theyr neyghbours/ and also that they that haue mynystrid
tho thyngis to them/ ben not taken for parteners of the blame and of the
synne of them The cyrurgyens ought also to be debonayr. amyable. &
to haue pytye of their pacyents. And also they ought not be hasty to launse
and cutte apostumes and soores/ ne open the heedes/ ner to arrache bones
broken/ but yf the cause be apparant/ For they myght ellys lose theyr good
renome And myght better be callyd bouchers than helars or guarisshors of
woundes and soores And also hit behoueth that alle this maner of peple
foresayd that haue the charge for to make hole and guarisshe alle maner
of maladyes and Infirmitees that they first haue the cure of themself/
and they ought to purge themself fro alle apostumes and alle vices/ In
suche wyse that they be net and honeste and enformed in alle good maners/
And that they shewe hem hole and pure & redy for to hele other And
herof sayth Boecius de Consolacione In his first booke that the sterres
that ben hid vnder the clowdes maye gyue no light. And therfore yf ony
man wole beholde clerly the verite. Late hym wythdrawe hym fro the obscurete
and derkenes of the clowdes of ignorance/ for whan the engyne of a man
sheweth in Ioye or in sorowe/ The pensee or thought is enuoluped in obscurete
& vnder the clowdes.


The sixthe
pawn whiche standeth to fore the Alphyn on the lyfte syde is made in thys
forme. For hit is a man that hath the right hande stracched oute as for
to calle men/ And holdeth in his lyfte hande a loof of breed and a cuppe
of wyn/ And on his gurdell hangynge a boudell of keyes/ And this resembleth
the Tauerners. hostelers. and sellars of vitaylle. And thise ought proprely
to be sette to fore the/ Alphyn as to fore a Iuge For ther sourdeth ofte
tymes amonge hem contencion noyse and stryf/ whiche behoueth to be determyned
and trayted by the alphyn/ whiche is Iuge of the kynge/ And hit apperteyneth
to them for to seke and enquyre for good wyns and good vitayll for to gyue
and selle to the byers/ And to them that they herberowe/ And hit apperteyneth
to them well to kepe their herberowes and Innes/ and alle tho thyngis that
they brynge in to their loggynge and for to putte hyt in seure and sauf
warde and kepynge/ And the firste of them Is signefyed by the lyfte hande
in whiche he bereth brede and wyn/ and the seconde is signefied by the
right hande whiche Is stracched oute to calle men/ And the thirde is representid
by the keyes hangynge on y'e gurdell And thyse maner of peple ought teschewethe
synne of glotonye/ For moche peple comen in to theyr howses for to drynke
and to ete for whyche cause they ought resonably to rewle them self and
to refrayne them from to moche mete and drynke/ to thende that they myght
the more honestly delyuere thyngis nedefull vnto the peple that come vnto
them/ And no thynge by oultrage that myght noye the body/ For hit happeth
ofte tymes that ther cometh of glotonye tencyons. stryfs. ryottes. wronges.
and molestacyons/ by whiche men lese other while their handes. theyr eyen.
and other of their membres/ And somtyme ben slayn or hurt vnto the deth/
As it is wreton In vitas patrum As on a tyme an heremyte wente for to visite
his gossibs/ And the deuyll apperyd to hym on the waye in lykenes of an
other heremyte for to tempte hym/ and saide thou hast lefte thyn heremitage
And goost to visyte thy gossibs/ The behoueth by force to doo one of y'e
thre thynges that I shall saye to the/ thou shalt chese whether thou wylt
be dronke/ or ellys haue to do flessly wyth thy gossib or ellys thou shalt
sle her husbond whiche is thy gossip also/ And the hermyte that thought
for to chese the leste euyll chace for to be dronke/ and whan he cam vnto
them he dranke so moche that he was veray dronke And whan he was dronke
and eschaussed wyth the wyn/ he wold haue a doo wyth hys gossib/ And her
husbonde withstode hym. And than the hermyte slewe hym/ And after that
laye by his gossib and knewe her flessly/ And thus by this synne of dronkenship
he accomplisshid the two other synnes/ By whyche thynge y'e may vnderstande
and knowe y't whan the deuyll wyll take one of the castellis of Ihesu cryst/
that is to wete the body of a man or of a woman/ he doth as a prynce that
setteth a siege to fore a castell that he wold wynne/ whiche ent[=e]deth
to wynne the gate/ For he knoweth well whan he hath wonne the gate/ he
may sone doo hys wylle wyth the castell. And in lyke wyse doth the deuyll
wyth euery man and woman For whan he hathe wonne the gate/ that is to wete
the gate of y'e mouth by glotonye or by other synne He may doo wyth the
offices of the body alle his wylle as y'e haue herd to fore/ And therfore
ought euery man ete and drynke sobrely in suche wyse as he may lyue. And
not lyue to ete glotonsly & for to drynke dronke. y'e see comunly that
a grete bole is suffisid wyth right a lityll pasture/ And that a wode suffiseth
to many olefauntes And hit behoueth a man to be fedde by the erthe or by
the see/ neuertheles it is no grete thynge to fede the bely/ no thynge
so grete as is the desire of many metes Wherof Quyntylian sayth/ That hit
happeth ofte tymes in grete festes & dyners/ that we be fylde wyth
the sight of the noble and lichorous metis and whan we wolde ete we ben
saciat and fild/ And therfore hit is sayd in prouerbe/ hit is better to
fylle the bely than the eye/ And lucan sayth that glotonye is the moder
of alle vices/ and especiall of lecherye/ and also is destroyer of all
goodes And may not haue suffisance of lityll thynge/ A couetous honger
what sekest thou mete and vitayllis on the lande & in the see/ And
thy Ioye is nothynge ellis but to haue playnteuous disshes & well fylde
at thy table lerne how men may demene his lyf with lityll thynge/ And Cathon
sayth in no wyse obeye to glotonye whiche is frende to lecherye/ And the
holy doctour saynt Augustyn sayth/ the wyn eschausseth the bely that falleth
anone to lecherye/ The bely and the membrers engendreurs ben neyghebours
to lecherye/ And thus the vice of glotonye prouoketh lecherye/ wherof cometh
forgetenes of his mynde and destruction of alle quyk and sharp reson And
is cause of distemþance of his wittes/ what synne is fowler than
this synne and more stynkynge ne more domageous For this synne hath taken
away the vertue of the man/ his prowesse languisshed/ his vertue is torned
to diffame/ the strengthe of body and of corage is torned by the/ And therfore
sayth Basille le grant/ late vs take hede how we serue the bely & the
throte by glotonye lyke as we were dombe bestes/ and we studye for to be
lyke vnto belucs of the see/ to whom nature hath gyuen to be alleway enclined
toward the erthe & ther to loke for to serue theyr belyes/ And herof
saith Boecius de consolacione in his fourth book/ that a man that lyuyth
and doth not the condicions of a man/ may neuer be in good condicion/ Than
muste hit nedes be that he be transported in nature of a beste or of a
belue of the see. How well that ryght grete men and women full of meruayllous
sciences and noble counceyll in thise dayes in the world ben kept and nourisshid
in this glotonye of wyns and metes/ and ofte tymes ben ouerseen/ how suppose
y'e/ is hit not right a perillous thinge that a lord or gouernour of the
peple and c[=o]mun wele/ how well that he be wyse/ yf he eschauffe hym
sone so that y'e wyn or other drynke surpryse hym and ouercome his brayn.
his wisedom is loste/ For as Cathon sayth/ Ire enpessheth the corage in
suche as he may not kepe verite and trouthe And anon as he is chauffed/
lecherye is meuyd in hym in suche wyse that the lecherye maketh hym to
medle in dyuerse villayns dedes/ For than his wyfedom is a slepe and goon/
And therfore fayth Ouide in his booke De remedio amoris/ yf thou take many
and dyuerce wyns/ they apparylle and enforce the corages to lecherye And
Thobie witnessith in his booke/ that luxurye destroyeth the body/ and mynussheth
richesses/ she loseth the sowle/ she febleth y'e strengthe she blyndeth
the syght/ and maketh the wys hoos & rawe/ Ha A ryght euyll and fowle
synne of dronkenship/ by the perissheth virginite/ whiche is suster of
angellis possedynge alle goodnes and seurte of all Ioyes pardurable/ Noe
was one tyme so chauffed with wyn/ that he discouerd and shewid to his
sones his preuy membres in suche wyse as one of his sones mocqued hym/
And that other couerd hem/ And loth whiche was a man right chaste. was
so assoted by moche drynkynge of wyn/ that on a montayne he knew his doughters
carnelly/ And had to doo wyth them as they had ben his propre wyues. And
crete reherceth that boece whiche was flour of the men/ tresor of rychesses/
singuler house of sapience myrour of the world/ Odour of good renome/ and
glorye of his subgettis loste alle thyse thynges by his luxurye We haue
seen that dyuerce that were Ioyned by grete amyte to geder whiles they
were sobre/ that that one wolde put his body in paryll of deth for that
other/ and whan they were eschauffed with wyn & dronke/ they haue ronne
eche vpon other for to fle* hem/ And somme haue ben that haue slayn so
his frende/ Herodes Antipas had not doon saynt Iohn baptist to ben beheded/
ne had y'e dyner ben full of glotonye and dronkenship/ Balthazar kynge
of babilone had not ben chaced out of his kyngdom ne be slayn yf he had
ben sobre amonge his peple whom tyrus and dares fonde dronken and slewe
hym The hostelers ought to be well bespoken and courtoys of wordes to them
that they receyue in to their loggynge For fayr speche & Ioyous chiere
& debonayr/ cause men to gyue the hostelyer a good name/ And therfore
it is said in a comyn prouerbe/ Courtoyse langage and well saynge is moche
worth and coste lityll/ And in an other place it is said that curtoysie
passeth beaulte/ Also for as moche as many paryls and aduentures may happen
on the wayes and passages to hem that ben herberowed with in their Innes/
therfore they ought to accompanye them whan they departe and enseigne them
the wayes and telle to them the paryls/ to thende that they may surely
goo theyr viage and Iourney/ And also they ought to kepe their bodies,
their goodes. And the good fame and renomee of their Innes/ we rede that
loth whan he had receyuyd the angels in to his hous right debonairly whiche
he had suppofid had ben mortall men and stra[=u]gers/ to thende that they
shold eskape the disordinate and vnnaturell synne of lecherye of the sodamites/
by the vertu of good fayth/ he sette a part the naturell loue of a fader/
and proferd to them his doughters whiche were virgyns/ to thende that they
shld kepe them and defende them fro that vyllayne and horrible synne/ And
knowe y'e for certayn that alle tho thynges that ben taken and delyueryd
to kepe to the hoste or hostesses they ought to be sauf and yelden agayn
wyth out a payringe For the ooste ought to knowe/ who that entryth in to
his hous for to be herberowhed taketh hit for his habitacion for the tyme/
he hymself and alle suche thynges as he bryngeth wyth hym ben comysed of
ryght in the warde and kepynge of the hoost or hosteler And ought to be
as sauf as they were put in his owen propre hous And also suche hoostis
ought to hold seruantes in their houses whiche shold be trewe and wyth
oute auarice In suche wise that they coueyte not to haue the goodes of
their ghestes And that they take not away the prouender fro theyr horses
whan hyt is gyuen to them/ that by thoccasion therof theyr horsis perisshe
not ne faylle theyr maister whan they haue nede/ and myght falle in the
handes of theyr enemyes/ For than sholde the seruantes because of that
euyll/ wherfore theyr maisters shold see to For wyth oute doubte this thynge
is worse than thefte Hit happend on a tyme in the parties of lomberdye
in the cyte of Iene y't a noble man was logged in an hostelerye wyth moche
compaignye/ And whan they had gyuen prouendour to their horses/ In the
first oure of the nyght, the seruant of the hous cam secretly to fore y'e
horses for to stele away their prouender/ And whan he cam to the lordes
hors/ The hors caught wyth his teth his Arme and helde hit faste that he
myght not escape/ And whan the theef sawe that he was so strongly holden/
he began to crye for the grete payne that he suffryd and felte/ In suche
wyse that the noble mannes meyne cam with the hooste/ But in no maner/
ner for ought they coude doo They coude not take the theef out of the horses
mouth vnto the tyme that the neyghbours whiche were noyed wyth the noyse
cam and sawe hit/ And than the theef was knowen and taken and brought to
fore the Iuge And confessid the feet and by sentence diffinytyf was hanged
and lost his lyf/ And in the same wyse was an other that dyde so/ And the
hors smote hym in the visage/ That the prynte of the horse shoo and nayles
abode euer in his visage/ Another was right cruell and villaynous fylle
at tholouse/ Hit happend a Ionge man and his fader wente a pilgremage to
saynt Iames in Galyce And were logged in an hostelrye of an euyll hoost
and full of right grete couetyse/ In so moche that he defired and coueyted
the goodes of the two pilgrimes And here vpon auysed hym and put a cuppe
of siluer secretly in the male that the yonge man bare/ And whan they departed
oute of their loggynge/ he folowed after hem and sayd to fore the peple
of the court that they had stolen and born away his cuppe/ And the yonge
man excused hym selfe and his fader/ And sayde they were Innocent of that
caas/ And than they serchid hem and the cuppe was founden in the male of
the yonge man And forthwyth he was dampned to the deth and hanged as a
theef/ and this feet doon all the goodes that langed to the pilgrym were
deliuerid to the ooft as c[=o]fisqued And than the fader wente for to do
his pilgremage/ and whan he cam agayn he muste nedes come & passe by
the place where his sone henge on the gibet And as he cam he complaygned
to god and to saynt Iames how they might suffre this auenture to come vnto
his sone,' Anone his sone that henge spack to his fader And sayde how that
saynt Iames had kepte hym with out harme And bad his fader goo to the Iuge
and shewe to hym the myracle/ And how he was Innocent of thot fayte/ And
whan this thynge was knowen the sone of the pilgryme was taken down fro
the gibet/ and the cause was brought to fore the Iuge And the hooste was
accused of the trayson/ and he confessid his trespaas/ and sayd he dide
hit for couetyse to haue his good And than the Iuge dampned hym for to
be hanged on the same gibet where as the yonge pilgryme was hanged And
that I haue sayd of the seruantes beynge men/ the same I saye of the women
as chambriers and tapsters For semblable caas fille in spayne at saynt
donne of a chamberier/ that put a cup in lyke wyse in the scrippe of a
pilgryme/ be cause he wold not haue a doo wyth her in the synne of lecherye/
wherfore he was hanged And his fader & moder that were there with hym
wente and dyde her pilgremage/ And whan they cam agayn they fonde her sone
lyuynge/ And whan they wente and told the Iuge/ whiche Iuge sayd that he
wolde not byleue hit tyll a cok and an henne which rosted on the fyre were
a lyue & the cok crewe. And anon they began wexe a lyue & the cok
crewe and began to crowe and to pasture/ and whan the Iuge sawe this miracle/
he wente and toke doun the sone/ and made the chamberyer to be taken and
to be hanged/ wherfore I saye that the hoostes ought to hold no tapsters
ne chamberyers/ but yf they were good meure and honeste/ For many harmes
may be falle and come by the disordenat rewle of seruantes.

The gardes and kepars
of of cytees ben signefied by the .vii. pawn whiche stondeth in the lyfte
side to fore the knyght/ And is formed in the semblance of a man holdynge
in his right hande grete keyes And in his lifte hande a potte & an
elle for to mesure with And ought to haue on hys gurdell a purse open/
And by the keyes ben signefyed the kepars of the cytees and townes and
comyn offices/ And by the potte and elle ben signefyed them that haue the
charge to weye and mete & mesure truly And by the purse ben signefyed
them that reseyue the costumes. tolles. scawage. peages/ and duetes of
the cytees & townes And thyse peple ben sette by ryght to fore the
knyght/ And hit behoueth that the gardes and offycers of the townes be
taught And enseygned by the knyghtes/ And that they knowe and enquyre how
y'e cytees or townes ben gouerned/ whiche apperteyneth to be kept and defended
by the knyghtes. And first hit apperteyneth that the kepars of the cyte
be dilygente. besy. clere seeynge and louers of the comyn prouffit &
wele/ as well in the tyme of pees as in the tyme of warre/ They ought allewaye
to goo in the cyte and enquyre of all thynges and ought rapporte to the
gouernours of the cyte suche thynge as they fynde and knowe And suche thynge
as apperteyneth and to the seuerte of the same/ and to den[=o]nce and telle
the defaultes and paryls that ther bee/ And yf hit be in tyme of warre
they ought not to open the yates by nyght to no man/ And suche men as ben
put in this office/ ought to be of good renome. & fame, trewe. and
of good conscience/ In suche maner that they loue them of the Cyte or town/
And that they put to no man ony blame or vilanye with out cause by enuye.
Couetyse ne by hate/ but they ought to be sory and heuy whan they see that
ony man shold be complayned on for ony cause. For hit happeth ofte tymes
that diuerce officers accuse the good peple fraudulently/ To thende that
they myght haue a thanke & be preysed and to abide stille in theyr
offices And trewly hit is a grete and hye maner of malyse to be in will
to doo euyll and diffame other wyth oute cause to gete glorie to hymself
Also the kepars and officers of cytees ought to be suche that they suffre
no wronges ne vylonyes to fore the Iuges and gouernours of cytees wyth
out cause to be doon to them that ben Innocents/ but they ought to haue
theyr eyen and regarde vnto hym/ that knoweth the hertes and thoughtes
of alle men/ And they ought to drede & doubte hym wyth oute whos grace
theyr wacche and kepynge is nought And that promyseth to them that doubte
hym shall be ewrous & happy/ And by hym ben alle thynges accomplisshid
in good/ Hit is founden in the historyes of rome that Temperour Frederik
the seconde dide do make a gate of marble of meruayllous werke and entayll
in the cyte of capnane vpon the watre that renneth aboute the same/ and
vpon this yate he made an ymage lyke hymself sittynge in his mageste/ and
two Iuges whiche were sette/ one on the right side and that other on the
lifte side. And vpon the sercle aboue the hede of the Iuge on y'e ryght
side was wreton/ Alle they entre seurly that will liue purely/ And vpon
the sercle of the Iuge on the lifte side was wreton/ The vntrewe man ought
to doubte/ to doo thynge that he be put to prison fore/ and on the sercle
aboue thempour was wreton/ I make them live in misery/ that I see lyue
dismesurably/ And therfore hit apperteyneth to a Iuge to shewe to the peple
for to drede and doubte to doo eyull/ And hit apperteyneth to the gardes
and officers to doubte the Iuges and to do trewly their seruyces and offices
And hit apperteyneth to a prynce to menace the traytours and the malefactours
of right greuous paynes. And herof we fynde in the auncyent historyes of
cecylle that the kynge denys had a broder whom he louyd sore well/ But
allway where he wente he made heuy and tryste semblant/ And thus as they
wente bothe to gyder on a tyme in a chare/ ther cam agayn hem two poure
men wyth glad visage but in foule habite/ And y'e kynge anon as he sawe
them/ sprange out of his chare and resseyuyd them worshipfully with grete
reuerence/ wherfore his barons were not only ameruaylled but also angry
in their corages/ notwithstandynge fere and drede letted them to demande
hym the cause/ But they made his broder to demande the cause and to knowe
the certaynte/ And whan he had herde his broder saye to hym the demande/
and that he was blessyd & also a kynge whiche was ryche and full of
delites & worshipis/ he demanded hym yf he wold assaye & knowe
the grace and beneurte of a kynge And his broder answerd y'e/ And that
he desired and requyred hit of hym/ and than the kinge comanded vnto alle
his fugettis that they shold obeye in alle thynges only vnto his broder
And than whan the oure of dyner cam and alle thynge was redy/ the broder
was sette at the table of the kynge And whan he sawe that he was seruyd
wyth right noble botelliers and other officers. And he herde the sownes
of musicque right melodious The kynge demanded hym than/ yf he supposid
y't he were benerous and blessid. And he answerd I wene well that I am
right well blessid and fortunat/ and that I haue well proued and fele and
am expert therof And than the kynge secretly made to be hanged ouer his
heed a sharp cuttynge swerde hangynge by an hors heer or a silken threde
so small that no man myght see hit where by hit henge/ and whan he sawe
his broder put no more his hand to the table/ ne had no more regarde vnto
his seruantes/ he sayd to hym why ete y'e not/ ar y'e not blessid/ saye
yf y'e fele ony thynge otherwyse than blessid and well/ And he answerde
for as moche as I see this sharp swerde hangynge so subtilly and parillously
ouer my hede I fele well that I am not blessid for I drede that hit shold
falle on my hede/ and than discouerd the kynge vnto hem alle wherfore he
was allway so heuy cherid and triste For where he was/ he thought alleway
on the swerde of the secrete vengeance of god/ whiche he behelde alleway
in his herte/ wherfore he had all way in hymself grete drede And therfore
he worshipid gladly the poure peple wyth glad visage and good conscience
And by this sheweth the kynge well/ that what man that is all way in drede
is not all way mery or blessid. And herof fayth Quyntilian that this drede
surmounteth alle other maleurtees and euyllys/ For it is maleurte of drede
nyght and day/ And it is verite that to hym that Is doubtid of moche peple/
so muste he doubte moche/ And that lord is lasse than hys seruantes that
dredeth hys seruantes/ And truly hit Is a ryght sure thynge to drede no
thinge but god/ And sumtyme right hardy men ben constrayned to lyue in
drede/ Drede causeth a man to be curyous and besy to kepe the thynges that
ben commysed to hym that they perisshe not/ But to be to moche hardy &
to moche ferdfull/ bothe two ben vices The comyn officers ought to be wise,
discrete. and well aduysed in suche wyse that they take not of y'e peple
ne requyre no more than they ought to haue by reson/ ne that they take
of the sellars ne of the byars no more than the right custom and toll/
for they bere the name of a c[=o]mun þsone/ and therfore ought they
to shewe them c[=o]mune to all men/ and for as moche as the byars and sellars
haue somtyme moche langage/ they ought to haue with them these vertues/
that is to wete pacience and good corage with honeste/ for they that ben
despiteus to the c[=o]mun/ ben otherwhile had in vilayns despite/ therfore
beware y't thou haue no despite to the poure mendicants/ yf thou wilt come
and atteyne to thingis fouerayn/ for the Iniurye that is don wyth oute
cause/ torneth to diffame hym that doth hit/ A Iogheler on a tyme beheld
socrates and sayd to hym/ thou hast the eyen of corrumpour of children
& art as a traytre. And whan his disciples herde hym/ they wold auengid
their maister/ But he repreuyd hem by suche sentence saynge/ Suffre my
felaws for I am he and suche one as he saith/ by the sight of my visage/
But I refrayne and kepe me well from suche thynge/ This same socrates hymself
was chidde and right fowll spoken to of his wyf/ and she Imposid to hym
many grete Iniuries with out nombre/ and she was in a place a boue ouer
his heed And whan she had brawlid I nowh/ she made her watre and pourid
hit on his heed And he answerd to here no thynge agayn/ sauf whan he had
dryed and wypid his heed he said/ he knewe well that after suche wynde
and thonder sholde comen rayn and watre And the philosophres blamed hym
that he coude not gouerne two women/ that was his wyf and his chambrere/
And shewde hym that one cokke gouerned well .xv. hennes He answerd to them
that he was so vsed and accustomed wyth theyr chydynge that the chydynges
of them ne of estrangers dyde hym no greef ne harme/ gyue thou place to
hym that brawleth or chydeth/ and in suffrynge hym thou shalt be his vaynquysshour/
And Cathon fayth whan thou lyuyst ryghtfully recche the not of the wordes
of euyll peple/ And therfore it is sayd in a comyn prouerbe/ he that well
doth reccheth not who seeth hit/ & hit is not in our power to lette
men to speke. And prosper sayth that to good men lacketh no goodnes/ ner
to euyll men tencions stryfs and blames And pacience is a ryght noble vertu/
as a noble versifier sayth That pacience is a ryght noble maner to vaynquysshe.
For he that suffreth ouercometh. And yf thou wylt vaynquysshe and ouercome/
lerne to suffre/ The peagers ner they that kepe passages ought not to take
other peage ne passage money but suche as the prynce or the lawe haue establisshid/
so that they be not more robbeurs of moneye than reseyuours of peage and
passage And hit apperteyneth to them to goo out of the paryllo*9 weyes
and doubteuous for to kepe their office and they ought to Requyre theyr
passage of them that owe to paye hit wyth oute noynge and contencion/ And
they ought not to loue the comyn prouffyt so moche/ That they falle in
the hurtynge of theyr conscience/ For that shold be a manere of robberye
And herof sayth ysaye Woo to the that robbest/ For thou thy self shalt
be robbed/ The gardes or porters of the gates of cytees and of the comyn
good ought to be good and honeste. And alle trouthe ought to be in them
and they ought not to take ne withdrawe the goodes of the comyn that they
haue in kepynge/ more than apperteyneth to them for theyr pension or ffee/
So that they that ben made tresorers and kepars ben not named theuys/ For
who that taketh more than his/ He shall neuer thryue wyth alle/ ner shall
not enioye hit longe/ For of euyll gooten good the thyrde heyr shall neuer
reioyce/ And this suffisith &c.


The rybaulders, players
of dyse and of messagers and corrours ought to be sette to fore the rook/
For hit apperteyneth to the rook whiche is vicayre & lieutenant of
the kynge to haue men couenable for to renne here and there for tenquyre
& espie the place and cytees that myght be contrarye to the kynge/
And thys pawn that representeth thys peple ought to be formed in this maner/
he must haue the forme of a man that hath longe heeris and black and holdeth
in his ryght hand a lityll monoye And in his lyfte hande thre Dyse And
aboute hym a corde in stede of a gyrdell/ and ought to haue a boxe full
o lettres And by the first/ whiche is money is vnderstand they that be
fole large & wastours of theyr goodes/ And by the seconde whiche is
the dyse Ben represented the players at dyse/ Rybauldes and butters/ And
by the thyrde whiche is the boxe full of lettres ben representid the messagers.
corrours/ And berars of lettres/ And y'e shall vnderstande that the roock
whiche is vicaire of the kynge whan he seeth to fore hym suche peple as
ben folelarge and wastours. He is bounden to constitute and ordeyne vpon
them tutours and curatours to see that they etc not ne waste in suche maner
theyr goodes ne theyr heritages/ that pouerte constrayne hem not to stele/
For he that of custome hath had haboundance of moneye and goth and dispendith
hit folily and wasteth hit away/ whan he cometh to pouerte and hath nought/
he must nedes begge and axe his breed, orellis he must be a theef/ For
suche maner of peple/ yf they haue ben delicyous they wyll not laboure/
for they haue not lerned hit And yf they be noble and comen of gentilmen/
they be ashamed to axe and begge/ And thus muste they by force whan they
haue wasted theyr propre goodes yf they wyll lyue they muste stele and
robbe the goodes of other And y'e shall vnderstande that folelarge is a
right euyll vice/ for how well that she dooth good and prouffyt somtyme
to other yet she doth harme and domage to hym that so wasteth. Caffiodore
admonesteth the fole larges to kepe theyr thynges/ that by no necessite
they falle in pouerte/ And that they be not constrayned to begge ne to
stele of other men For he faith that hit is gretter subtilte to kepe well
his owne goodes/ than to fynde strange thynge/ and that it is gretter vertue
to kepe that is goten than to gete and wynne more/ and claudian saith in
like wise in his book that hit is a gretter thynge & better to kepe
that is goten Than to gete more And therfore hit is sayd y't the poure
demandeth and beggeth er he felith/ and also hit is sayd that he y't dispendith
more than he hath/ with oute strook he is smyten to the deth/ Ther was
a noble man named Iohn de ganazath whiche was ryght ryche/ And this man
had but two doughters whom he maryed to two noble men/ And whan he had
maryed them/ he loued so well his sones in lawe their husbondes/ that in
space & succession of tyme/ he departed to them alle his goodes temporell/
And as longe as he gaf to them they obeyed hym & were right diligent
to plese and serue hym/ so hit befell that on a tyme that he had alle gyuen
in so moche that he had ryght nought/ Than hit happend that they to whom
he had gyuen his goodes/ whiche were wonte to be amyable & obeyssant
to hym as longe as he gaf. Whan tyme cam that he was poure and knewe that
he had not they becam unkynde Disagreable and disobeyssant/ And whan the
fader sawe that he was deceyuyd by his debonayrte and loue of his doughters/
He desired and couetyed fore teschewe his pouerte/ At laste he wente to
a marchant that he knewe of olde tyme. And requyred hym to lene to hym.
x. thousand pound for to paye and rendre agayn wyth in thre dayes/ And
he lente hit hym/ and whan he had brought hit in to his hows/ Hit happend
that hit was a day of a solempne feste/ on whiche daye he gaf to his doughters
and her hufbonde a right noble dyner/ and after dyner he entrid in to his
chambre secretly wyth them/ And drewe out of a coffre that he had do make
all newe shettynge with iii. lockis/ the menoye that the marchant had lente
hym And poured out vpon a tapyte that his doughtres and theyr hufbondes
myght see hit/ And whan he had shewid hit vnto them he put hit vp agayn
and put hit in to the cheste saynynge that hit had ben all his And whan
they were departed he bare the money home to the marchant that he had borowed
hit of/ And the next day after his doughters and theyre hufbondes Axid
of hym how moche moneye was in the cheste that was shette wyth. iii. lockis/
And than he fayned and saide that he had therein. xxv. thousand pound/
whiche he kepte for to make his testament and for to leue to his doughters
and hem/ yf they wolde here hem as well to hym ward as they dyde whan they
were maried/ And than whan they herde that/ they were right Ioyous and
glad And they thoughte and concluded to serue hym honorably as well in
clothynge as in mete and drynke & of alle other thynges necessarye
to hym vnto his ende And after this whan the ende of hym began tapproche/
he callyd his doughters and her husbondes and sayd to hem in thys mauere/
y'e shall vnderstande that the moneye that is in the chest shette vnder.
iii. lockes I wylle leue to yow Sanynge I wyll that y'e gyue in my prefence
er I dye whilis I lyue to the frere prechours. C. pound and to the frere
menours. C. pound/ And to the heremytes of saynt Augustyn .I. pound to
thende that whan I am buryed and put in the erthe y'e may demande of them
the keyes of y'e cheste where my tresour is Inne/ whiche keyes they kepe/
and I haue put on eche keye a bille & writynge In witnessinge of the
thynges abouesayd/ And also y'e shall vnderstande that he dyde do to be
gyuen whilis he laye in his deth bedde to eche churche and recluse and
to poure peple a certayn quantyte of moneye by the handes of his doughters
husbondes/ whiche they dyde gladly. In hope to haue shortly the money that
they supposid had ben in the cheste/ And whan hit cam to the last day/
that he deyde/ He was born to churche and his exequye don and was buryed
solempnly/ And the eyght daye the seruyse worshipfully accomplisshid/ They
wente for to demande the keyes of the Religious men that they had kept/
whiche were deliueryd to them/ And than they wente and opend the coffre
where they supposid the money had ben Inne/ And there they fonde no thyng
but a grete clubbe/ And on the the handlynge was wreton/ J Iohn of canazath
make this testament/ that he be slayn wyth this clubbe/ that leuyth his
own prouffit. And gyuyth hit to other/ as who sayth hit is no wysedom for
a man to gyue his good to his children and kepe none for hym self/ And
y'e shall vnderstande that it is grete folye to dispende and waste his
good/ In hope for to recoure hit of other/ be hit of sone or doughter or
ryght nyghe kyn/ For aman ought to kepe in his hande in dispendynge his
owen goodes/ to fore he see that he dyspende other mennys/ And he ought
not to be holden for a good man/ That hath lityll renome and spendeth many
thyngys/ And I trowe that suche persones wold gladly make noueltees as
for to noye and greue feignories and meue warres and tencions agaynst them
that habounde in rychesses and goodes/ And also make extorcyons clamours
& trybulacyons ayenst theyr lordes to thende to waste the goodes of
the peple. lyke as they haue wasted theyris And suche a wastour of goodes
may neuer be good for the comyn prouffit. And y'e shall vnderstande that
after these wastours of goodes we saye that the pleyars of dyse and they
that vse bordellis ben worst of alle other For whan the hete of playnge
at the dyse/ And the couetyse of theyr stynkynge lecherye hath brought
hem to pouerte/ hit foloweth by force that they muste ben theuys and robbeurs
And also dronkenship. glotonye. And alle maner of euyllis folowe them and
myschief/ And they folowe gladly the companyes of knyghtes and of noble
men whan they goon vnto the warre or batayllis And they coueyte not so
moche the victorye as they do the robberie And they do moche harme as they
goo And they brynge lityll gayn or wynnynge/ wherof hit happend on a tyme
that fsaynt bernard rode on an hors aboute in the contrey And mette wyth
an hasardour or dyse-player/ whiche sayd to hym/ thou goddes man wilte
thou playe at dyse wyth me thyn hors ayenst my sowle/ to whom saynt Bernard
answerd/ yf thou wilt oblige thy sowle to me ayenst my hors/ I wolle a
lighte doun & playe wyth the/ and yf thou haue mo poyntes than I on
thre dyse I promyse the thou shalt haue myn hors/ And than he was glad/
and an[=o]n cafte. iii. dyse/ And on eche dyse was a fyfe/ whiche made.
xviii. poynts And anone he toke the hors by the brydell/ as he that was
fewr that he had wonne/ and said that the hors was his And than saynt Bernard
sayde abyde my sone For ther ben mo poyntes on the dyse than. xviii. And
than he caste the dyse/ In suche wyse that one of the. iii. dyse clefte
a sonder in the myddes/ And on that one parte was fyfe and on that other
an Aas/ And eche of that other was a fyfe/ And than Saynt Bernard sayde
That he had wonne hys sowle for as moche as he had caste on thre dyse.
xix. points/ And than whan thys player sawe and apperceyuyd thys myracle/
He gaf hys sowle to saynt Bernard and be cam a monke and finysshid his
lyf in good werkes/ The corrours and berars of lettres ought hastely and
spedily do her viage that comanded hem/ with oute taryenge/ For their taryenge
might noye and greue them that sende hem forth/ or ellis them to whom they
ben sent too/ And torne hem to ryght grete domage or villonye/ for whiche
cause euery noble man ought well to take hede to whom he deliuere his lettres
and his mandements/ and otherwhilis suche peple ben Ioghelers & dronkelewe/
And goon out of their waye for to see abbayes and noble men for to haue
auantage And hit happeth ofte tymes/ that whan suche messagers or currours
ben enpesshid by ony taryenge/ That other currours bere lettres contrarye
to his/ And come to fore hym/ of which thinges ofte tymes cometh many thinges
discouenable of losse of frendes of castellys & of lande & many
other thinges as in the feet of marchandise &c. And otherwhile hit
happeth that a prynce for the faulte of suche messangers lefeth to haue
victorye vpon hys enemyes/ And also ther ben some that whan they come in
a cyte where they haue not ben to fore/ that ben more besy to visyte the
Cyte and the noble men that dwelle theryn/ Than they ben to doo theyr voyage/
whyche thynge they ought not to doo/ But yf they had specyall charge of
them that sente hem forth so to doo. And also whan they be sente forth
of ony lordes or marchauntes they ought to be well ware/ that they charge
hem not wyth ouer moche mete on morenynges ne with to moche wyn on euenynges/
wherby her synewis and vaynes myght be greuy/ that they muste for faute
of good rewle tarye But they ought to goo and come hastely for to reporte
to their maistres answers as hit apperteyneth And this suffisen of the
thynges aboue sayd.



Ze haue deuised aboue
the thinges that apperteyne vnto the formes of the chesse men and of theyr
offices/ that is to wete as well of noble men as of the comyn peple/ than
hit apperteyneth that we shold deuyse shortly how they yssue and goon oute
of the places where they be sette/ And first we ought to speke of the forme
and of the facion of the chequer after that hit representeth and was made
after/ For hyt was made after the forme of the cyte of Babyloyne/ In the
whiche this same playe was founden as hit is sayd afore/ And foure thinges
The first is/ wher y'e shal vnderstande that y'e ought to consydere here
in fore that. lxiiii. poyntes ben sette in the eschequer whiche ben alle
square/ The seconde is wherfore the bordeur aboute his hyher than the squarenes
of the poyntes/ The thirde is wherfore the comyn peple ben sette to fore
the nobles/ The fourthe wherfore the nobles and the peples ben sette in
their propre places Ther ben as many poyntes in y'e eschequer wyde as full
And y'e shall first vnderftande wherfore that ther ben. lxiiii. poyntes
in the eschequer/ For as the blessid saint Iherome saith/ the cyte of babilone
was right grete and was made alle square/ and in euery quarter was. xvi.
myle by nombre and mesure/ the whiche nombre foure tymes told was. lxiiii.
myles/ After the maner of lombardye they be callid myles/ and in france
leukes/ and in englong they be callid mylis also/ And for to reprefente
the mesure of thys cyte/ In whiche thys playe or game was founden/ The
philosopher that fonde hit first ordeyned a tablier conteynyng .lxiiii.
poynts square/ the which ben comprised wyth in the bordour of the tablier/
ther ben xxxii. on that on fide &. xxxii. on that other whiche ben
ordeyned for the beaulte of the playe/ and for to mewe the maner &
drawynge of the chesse as hit shall appere in the chapitres folowynge/
and as to the seconde wherfore y'e bordour of theschequyer is hyher than
the table wyth in. hit is to be vnderftande y't the bordour aboute representeth
the walle of t'e cyte/ whiche is right hyghe/ And therfor made y'e philosopher
the bordour more hyghe than y'e tablier. And as y'e blessid saint Iherome
saith vpon y'e prophesie of ysaye/ that is to wete vpon a montayne of obscurete.
whiche wordes were said of babilone whiche standeth in chaldee and nothinge
of that babilone that stondeth in egipte/ for it is so y't babilone whiche
standeth in chaldee was sette in a right grete playne/ & had so hyghe
walles that by the heyghte of them/ was contynuell derkenes environed &
obscurete/ that none erthely man might beholde and see the ende of y'e
hyghnes of the walle/ And therfore ysaye callid hit y'e montaigne obscure/
And saint Iherome sayth y't the mesure of the heyght of this walle was
thre thousand paas/ whiche extendeth vnto y'e lengthe of thre myle lombardes/
hit is to wete that lombarde mylis and english myles ben of one lengthe
And in one of the corners of this cyte was made a toure treangle as a shelde
wherof the heyght extended vnto the lengthe of .vii. thousand paas/ whiche
is .vii. myle english And this tour was callyd the tour of Babell/ The
walles aboute the tour made a woman whos name was semiranus as sayth virgilius/
As to the thirde wherfore the comyn peple ben sette to fore the nobles
in the felde of the bataylle in one renge First for as moche as they ben
necessarye to alle nobles For the rooke whiche standeth on the ryght syde
and is vicaire of the kynge what may he doo yf the labourer were not sette
to fore hym and labourid to mynystre to hym suche temporell thynges as
be necessary for hym/ And what may the knyght doo yf he ne had to fore
hym the smyth for to forge his armours. sadellis. axis and spores and suche
thynges as apperteyneth to hym/ And what is a knyght worth wyth oute hors
and armes/ certaynly nothynge more than on of the peple or lasse pauenture
And in what maner shold the nobles lyue yf no man made cloth and bought
and solde marchandyse/ And what shulde kynges and quenes and the other
lordes doo yf they had no phisicyens ne cyrurgiens/ than I saye that the
peple ben the glorye of the Crowne And susteyne. the lyf of the nobles
And therfore thou that art a lord or a noble man or knyght/ despise not
the comyn peple for as moche as they ben sette to fore the in y'e pleye
The seconde cause is why the peple ben sette to fore the nobles and haue
the table wyde to fore them/ is be cause they begyn the bataylle/ They
ought to take hede and entende to do theyr offices and theyr craftes/ In
suche wyse that they suffre the noble men to gouerne the cytees and to
counceylle and make ordenances of the peple of the batayll how shold a
labourer a plowman or a craftyman counceylle and make ordenance of suche
thynges as he neuer lerned/ And wote ne knoweth the mater vpon what thynge
the counceylle ought to be taken/ Certes the comyn peple ought not to entende
to none other thynge but for to do their seruyse and the office whiche
is couenable vnto hem/ And hyt apperteyneth not to hem to be of counceyllys
ne at the aduocacions/ ne to menace ne to threte noman/ for ofte tymes
by menaces and by force good counceylle is distroublid/ And where good
counceyll faylleth/ there ofte tymes the cytees ben betrayed and destroyed/
And Plato sayth That the comyn thynges and the cytees ben blessid whan
they ben gouerned by wyse men/ or whan the gouernours studye in wisedom/
And so hit apperteyneth to the comyn to lerne to vttre the maters &
the maner of procuracion to fore they be counceyllours/ For hit happeth
oftetymes that he that maketh hym wyser that he vnderstandeth is made more
foole than he is/ And the fourth cause wherfore y't ther ben in the tabler
as many poynts wyde as ben full. hit is to wete for that they what euer
they be that haue peple to gouerne/ ought tenforce to haue cytees &
caftellis & possessions for to sette his peple theryn/ And for to laboure
& doo their ocupacion/ For for to haue the name of a kynge with out
royame is a name voyde/ and honour with oute prouffit/ And alle noblesse
wyth oute good maners/ and with out suche thinges as noblesse may be mayntenyd/
ought better be callid folye than noblesse. And shamefull pouerte is the
more greuous whan hit cometh by nature of an hyhe and noble burth or hous.
For noman gladly wole repreue a poure man of the comyn peple/ But euery
man hath in despite a noble man that is poure yf he haue not in hym good
maners and vertuous/ by whiche his pouerte is forgoten/ and truly a royame
with oute haboundance of goodes by whiche hit may be gouerned and prospere/
may better be callyd a latrocynye or a nest of theeuys than a royame/ Alas
what haboundance was some tymes in the royames. And what prosþite/
In whiche was Iustice/ And euery man in his office contente/ how stood
the cytees that tyme in worship and renome/ how was renomed the noble royame
of Englond Alle the world dredde hit And spack worship of hit/ how hit
now standeth and in what haboundance I reporte me to them that knowe hit
yf ther ben theeuis wyth in the royame or on the see/ they knowe that laboure
in the royame And sayle on the see I wote well the fame is grete therof
I pray god saue that noble royame And sende good true and politicque counceyllours
to the gouernours of the same &c./ And noblesse of lignage wyth oute
puyssance and might is but vanyte and despite. And hit is so as we haue
sayd to fore that theschequer whiche the philosopher ordeyned represented
and figured the sayd cyte of Babilone And in lyke wyse may hit figure a
royame and signefye alle the world And yf men regarde and take heed vnto
the poyntes vnto the middes of euery quadrante and so to double euery quadrant
to other the myles of this cyte all way doublinge vnto the nombre of .lxiiii.
The nombre of the same shulde surmounte alle the world/ And not only the
world but many worldes by the doublinge of mylis/ whiche doublinge so as
a fore is sayd shuld surmounte alle thynges/ And thus endeth the first
chapitre of the fourth booke.


We ought
to knowe that in this world/ the kynges seygnourye and regne eche in his
royame. And in this playe we ought to knowe by the nature of hit how the
kynge meueth hym and yssueth oute of his place/ For y'e shall vnderstande
that he is sette in the fourth quadrante or poynt of theschequer. And whan
he is black/ he standeth in the white/ and the knyght on his ryght side
in white/ And the Alphyn and the rooke in black/ And on the lifte side
the foure holden the places opposite/ And the rayson may be suche/ For
be cause that the knyghtes ben the glorye & the crowne of the kynge,'
They ensiewe in semblable residence/ that they doo whan they ben sette
semblably on the ryght side of the kynge & on the lyfte side of the
quene/ And for as moche as the rook on the ryght syde is vicayre of the
kynge he accompanyeth the quene in semblable siege that the Alphyn doth
whiche is Iuge of the kynge/ And in lyke wyse the lifte rook & the
lyfte Alphyn accompanye the kynge in semblable siege/ In suche wyse as
they ben sette aboute the kynge in bothe sides wyth the Quene in manere
of a crowne/ That they may seurely kepe the royame that reluyseth and shyneth
in the kynge and in the Quene/ In suche wyse as they may conferme and diffende
hym in theyr sieges and in theyr places. And the more hastily renne vpon
his enemyes And for as moche as the Iuge, the knyght/ and the vicaire.
kepe and garnysshe the kynge on that one syde/ They that ben sette on the
other syde kepe the Quene/ And thus kepe they alle the strength and fermete
of the royame/ And semblably otherwhile for to ordeyne the thynges that
apperteyne to the counceyll/ and to the besoygne of the royame/ For yf
eche man shold entende to his owen proper thynges/ And y't they defended
not ner toke hede vnto the thingis y't apperteynen to the kynge to the
comyn and to the royame/ the royalme shold an[=o]n be deuided in parties
And thus myght the Iuge regne/ And the name of the dignyte royall shold
be lost/ And truly for as moche as the kynge holdeth the dignyte aboue
alle other and the seygnourye royall/ therfore hit apperteyneth not that
he absente hym longe/ ne wythdrawe hym ferre by space of tyme from the
maister siege of his royame/ For whan he wele meue hym/ he ought not to
passe at the first draught the nombre of .iii. poynts/ And whan he begynneth
thus to meue from his whyt poynt/ he hath the nature of the rooks of the
right syde and of the lifte syde for to goo black or whithe/ And also he
may goo vnto the white poynt where the gardes of the Cyte ben sette And
in this poynt he hath the nature of a knyght. And thyse two maners of meuynge
apperteyneth otherwhile to the quene/ and for as moche as the kynge and
the quene that ben conioyned to geder by mariage ben one thynge as one
flessh and blood/ therfore may the kynge meue on the lifte side of his
propre poynt also wele as he were sette in the place of the quene whiche
is black/ and whan he goth right in maner of the rook only/ And hit happen
that the aduersarie be not couered in ony poynt in the seconde ligne/ The
kynge may not passe from his black poynt vnto the thirde ligne/ And thus
he sortisith the nature of the rook on the ryght syde and lyfte syde vnto
the place of the knyghtes and for to goo ryght to fore In to the whyte
poynt to fore the marchant/ And the kynge also sortyst the nature of the
knyghtes whan he goth on the ryght syde in two maners/ For he may put hym
in the voyde space to fore the phisicyen/ And in the black space to fore
the tauerner/ And on the other side he goth in to other two places in lyk
wise that is to fore the smyth/ and the notarye/ And thus as in goynge
out first in to .iiii. poynts he sorteth the nature of knyghtes/ and also
the kynge sortiseth the nature of the alphins at his first yssu in to .ii.
places And he may goo on bothe sides vnto the white place voyde/ that one
to fore y'e smith on that on side/ and that other to for the tauerner on
that other side/ All these yssues hath y'e kyng out of his propre place
of his owen vertue whan he begynneth to meue. But whan he is ones meuyd
fro his propre place/ He may not meue but in to one space or poynt/ and
so from one to an other/ And than he sortiseth the nature of the comyn
peple/ and thus by good right he hath in hymfelf the nature of alle/ For
alle the vertue that is in the membres cometh of the heed and all meuyng
of the body/ The begynnynge & lyf comen from the herte/ And all the
dignyte that the subgettes haue by execucion/ and contynuell apparence
of their meuynge & yssue/ The kynge deteyneth hit & is attribued
to hym/ the victorye of the knightes/ the prudence of y'e Iuges/ the auctorite
of the vicaires or legates The c[=o]tynence of the quene/ the c[=o]corde
& vnyte of y'e peple Ben not all thise thinges ascribed vnto the honour
and worship of the kynge Jn his yssue whan he meuyd first The thirde ligne
to fore the peple he neuer excedeth/ Fro in the .iii. nombre alle maner
of states begynne to meue For the trynary nombre conteyneth .iii. parties/
whiche make a perfect nombre/ For a trynarye nombre hath. i. ii. iii. Whiche
Ioyned to geder maken .vi. Whiche is the first parfyt nombre And signefieth
in this place/ vi. persones named that constitute the þfection of
a royame That is to wete the kynge. the quene. Iuges, knyghtes. the vicaires
or legats/ and the comyn peple And therfor the kynge ought to begynne in
his first meuynge of .iii. poyntes/ that he shewe perfection of lyf as
well in hym self as in other After that the kynge begynneth to meue he
may lede wyth hym the quene/ after the maner of his yssue For why the quene
foloweth vnto two angularye places/ after the maner of the alphyn/ and
to a place indirect in the maner of a rook in to the black poynt to fore
the phisicien/ herin is signefied that the women may not meue neyther make
vowes of pylgremage ner of viage wythoute the wylle of theyr husbondes/
For yf a woman had a vowed ony thynge/ her husbonde lyuynge/ and agaynsaynge/
she may not yelde ne accomplisshe her vowe/ yf the husbond wyll goo oughwer.
he may well goo wyth oute her And yf so be that the husbond wyll haue her
wyth hym/ she is bounden to folowe hym/ And by reson For a man is the heed
of a woman/ and not econuerso/ For as to suche thingis as longe to patrymony/
they ben lyke/ but the man hath power ouer her body/ And so hath not the
woman ouer his And therfore whan the kynge begynneth to meue. the Quene
may folowe/ And not alleway whan she meuyd it is no nede the kynge to meue/
For why four the first lignes be with in the limytes and space of the royame/
And vnto the thirde poynt the kynge may meue at his first meuynge out of
his propre place/ And whan he passith the fourth ligne he goeth oute of
his royame. And yf he passe oon poynt late hym beware/ For the persone
of a kynge Is acounted more than a thousand of other/ For whan he exposeth
hym vnto the paryllis of bataylle/ Hit is necessarye that he goo temperatly
and slyly/ For yf he be taken or ded/ or ellis Inclusid and shette vp/
Alle the strengthes of alle other faylle and alle Is fynysshid and loste/
And therfore he hath nede to goo and meue wysely/ And also therfore he
may not meue but one poynt after hys fyrst meuynge but where that euer
he goo foreward or bacward or on that one syde or that other or ellis cornerwyse/
He may neuer approche hys aduersarye the kynge nerrer than in the thirde
poynt/ And therfore the kynges in batayll ought neuer tapproche one nyghe
that other/ And also whan the kynge hath goon so ferre that alle his men
be lost/ than he is sole/ And than he may not endure longe whan he is brought
to y't extremyte/ And also he ought to take hede that he stande not soo
that a knyght or an other saith chek rook/ than the kyng loseth y'e rook/
That kynge is not well fortunat that leseth hym to whom his Auctoryte delegate
apperteyneth/ who may doo the nedes of the royame yf he be priuyd taken
or dede/ that was prouisour of alle the royame/ he shall bere a sack on
his hede that Is shette in a cyte/ And alle they that were theryn ben taken
in captiuite and shette vp &c.


Whan the Quene
whiche is accompanyed vnto the kynge begynneth to meue from her propre
place/ She goth in dowble manere/ that is to wete as an Alphyn whan she
is black/ fhe may goo on the ryght syde & come in to the poynt to fore
the notarye And on the lifte syde in the black poynt and come to fore the
gardees of the cyte And hit is to wete that me sortiseth in her self the
nature in .iii. maners first on the ryght syde to fore the alphyn/ Secondly
on the lifte syde where the knyght is/ And thirdly indirectly vnto the
black poynt to fore the phisicyen And the rayson why. Is for as moche as
she hath in her self by grace/ the auctrorite that the rooks haue by c[=o]myscion/
For she may gyue & graute many thynges to her subgetts graciously And
thus also ought she to haue parfyt wisedom/ as the alphyns haue whiche
ben Iuges/ as hit sayd aboue in the chapitre of the Quene/ And she hath
not the nature of knyghtes/ And hit is not fittynge ne couenable thynge
for a woman to goo to bataylle for the fragilite and feblenes of her/ And
therfore holdeth she not the waye in her draught as the knyghtes doon/
And whan she is meuyd ones oute of her place she may not goo but fro oon
poynt to an other and yet cornerly whether hit be foreward or backward
takynge or to be taken/ And here may be axid why the quene goth to the
bataylle wyth the kynge/ certainly it is for the solace of hym/ and ostencion
of loue/ And also the peple desire to haue sucession of the kynge And therfore
the tartaris haue their wyues in to the felde with hem/ yet hit is not
good that men haue theyr wyuys with hem/ but that they abyde in the cytees
or within their owne termes/ For whan they ben oute of theyr cytees and
limytes they ben not sure/ but holden suspecte/ they shold be shamfast
and hold alle men suspect/ For dyna Iacob's doughter as longe as she was
in the hows of her brethern/ she kept her virginite/ But assone as she
wente for to see the strange Regyons. Anone she was corrupt and defowled
of the sone of sichem/ Seneca sayth that the women that haue euyll visages
ben gladly not chaste/ but theyr corage desireth gladly the companye of
men/ And Solynus saith that no bestes femellys desyre to be towched of
theyr males whan they haue conceyuyd/ Exept woman whyche ought to be a
best Raysonable/ And in thys caas she lefeth her rayson/ And Sidrac wythnesseth
the same And therfore in the olde lawe/ the faders hadd dyuerce wyues and
Ancellys to thende whan one was wyth childe/ they myght take another/ They
ought to haue the visage enclyned for teschewe the fight of the men/ that
by the fight they be not meuyd with Incontynence and diffame of other/
And Ouyde sayth that ther ben some That how well that they eschewe the
dede/ yet haue they grete Joye whan they ben prayed/ And therfore ought
the good women flee the curyositees and places wher they myght falle in
blame and noyse of the peple.


The manere
and nature of the draught of the Alphyn is suche/ that he that is black
in his propre fiege is sette on the right side of the kynge/ And he that
is whyt is sette on the lifte side/ And ben callyd and named black and
white/ But for no cause that they be so in subftance of her propre colour/
But for the colour of the places in whiche they ben sette/ And alleway
be they black or white/ whan they ben sette in theyr places/ the alphyn
on the ryght syde/ goynge oute of his place to the ryght sydeward comyth
to fore the labourer/ And hit is reson that the Iuge ought to deffende
and kepe the labourers and possessions whiche ben in his Iurisdiction by
alle right and lawe/ And also he may goo on the lyste syde to the wyde
place to fore the phisicien/ For lyke as the phisiciens haue the charge
to hele the Infirmites of a man/ In lyke wyse haue the Iuges charge to
appese alle stryues and contencions and reduce vnto vnyte/ And to punyfshe
and correcte causes crymynels/ The lyste alphyn hath also two wayes fro
his owen place oon toward y'e right syde vnto the black space voyde to
fore the marchant/ For the marchants nede ofte tymes counceylle and ben
in debate of questions whiche muste be determyned by the Iuges/ And that
other yssue is vnto the place to fore the rybauldis/ And that ys be caufe
that ofte tymes amonge them. falle noyses discencions thefte and manslaghter/
wherfore they ought to be punysshid by the Iuges/ And y'e shall vnderstande
that the alphyn goth alleway corner wyse fro the thirde poynt to the thirde
poynt kepynge all way his owne fiege/ For yf he be black/ he goth all way
black/ And yf he be whyte he goth alleway whyte. the yssue or goynge cornerly
or angularly signefieth cautele or fubtylyte/ whiche Iuges ought to haue/
The .iii. poyntes betoken .iii. thynges that the Iuge ought to attende/
A Iuge ought to furder rightfull & trewe causes. secondly he ought
to gyue trewe counceyll/ and thirdly he ought to gyue and Iuge rightfull
sentences after tha legeances/ And neuer to goo fro the ryghtwisnes of
the lawe/ And it is to wete that the Alphyn goth in fix drawhtes alle the
tablier round aboute/ and that he cometh agayn in to his owen place/ And
how be hit that alle rayson and good perfection shold be in a kynge/ yet
ought hit also specially be in them that ben conceyllours of the kynge
and the Quene And the kynge ought not to doo ony thynge doubtouse/ tyll
he haue axid counceyll of his Iuges And of the sages of the royame And
therfore ought the Iuge to be parfaytly wyse and sage as well in science
as in good maners/ And that is signefied whan they meue from thre poynts
in to thre/ For the fixt nombre by whiche they goo alle theschequer/ And
brynge hem agayn in to her propre place in suche wyse that thende of her
moeuynge is conioyned agayn to the begynnynge of the place frowhens they
departed/ And therfore hit is callid a parfayt moeuynge.


After the yssue
of the Alphyns we shall deuyse to yow the yssue & the moeuynge of the
knyghtes/ And we saye that the knyght on the right syde is whyt/ And on
the lifte syde black/ And the yssue and moeuynge of hem bothe is in one
maner whan so is that the knyght on the ryght syde Is whyt/ The lyfte knyght
is black/ The moeuynge of hem is suche/ That the whyte may goo in to the
space of the alphyn/ as hit apperyth of the knyght on the right side that
is whyte. And hath thre yssues fro his proper place/ one on his ryght syde
in the place to fore the labourer/ And hit is well reson that whan the
labourer and husbonde man hath laboured the feldes/ the knyghtes ought
to kepe them/ to thentent that they haue vitailles for them self and their
horses/ The second yssue is that he may meue hym vnto the black space to
fore the notarye or draper. For he is bounden to deffende and kepe them
that make his vestementis & couertours necessarye vnto his body. The
thirde yssue is that he may go on the lifte syde in to the place to fore
y'e marchant whiche is sette to fore the kynge/ the whiche is black/ And
the refon is for as moche as he ought and is holden to deffende the kynge
as well as his owen persone/ whan he passith the first draught/ he may
goo foure wayes/ And whan he is in the myddes of the tabler he may goo
in to .viii. places fondry/ to whiche he may renne And in lyke wise may
the lyste knyght goo whiche is black and goth oute of his place in to white/
and in that maner goth the knyght fightynge by his myght/ and groweth and
multiplieth in hys poyntis/ And ofte tymes by them the felde Is wonne or
lost/ A knyghts vertue and myght is not knowen but by his fightynge/ and
in his fightynge he doth moche harme for as moche as his myght extendeth
in to fo many poyntis/ they ben in many peryllis in theyr fightynge/ And
whan they escape they haue the honour of the game And thus is hit of euery
man the more vailliant/ the more honoured And he that meketh hym self ofte
tymes shyneth clerest.

The moeuynge
and yssue of the rooks whiche ben vicairs of the kynge is suche/ that the
ryght rook is black and the lifte rook is whyte/ And whan the chesse ben
sette as well the nobles as the comyn peple first in their propre places/
The rooks by their propre vertue haue no wey to yssue but yf hyt be made
to them by the nobles or comyn peple/ For they ben enclosed in their propre
sieges/ And the refon why is suche That for as moche as they ben vicaires
lieutenants or comyssioners of the kynge/ Theyr auctoryte is of none effecte
to fore they yssue out/ And that they haue begonne tenhaunce theyr office/
For as longe as they be within the palais of the kynge/ So longe may they
not vse ne execute theyr commyssion/ But anon as they yssue they may vse
theyr auctorite/ And y'e shall vnderstande that their auctorite is grete/
for they represente the þsone of the kynge/ and therfore where the
tablier is voyde they may renne alle the tablier/ In lyke wyse as they
goon thurgh the royame/ and they may goo as well white as black as well
on the right side & lifte as foreward and backward/ And as fer may
they renne as they fynde the tablier voyde whether hit be of his aduersaryes
as of his owen felowship/ And whan the rook is in the myddell of the tablier/
he may goo whiche way he wyll in to foure right lignes on euery side/ and
hit is to wete that he may in no wyse goo cornerwyse/ but allway ryght
forth goynge & comynge as afore is sayd/ wherfore all the subgettis
of the kinge as well good as euyll ought to knowe by their moeuynge that
auctorite of y'e vicaires and comyssioners ought to be verray true rightwis
& Iuste/ and y'e shall vnderstande that they ben stronge and vertuous
in bataylle For the two rooks only may vaynquyfshe a kynge theyr aduersarye
and take hym/ and take from hym his lyf and his royame/ And this was doon
whan chirus kynge of perse And darius kynge of medes slewe baltazar and
toke his royame from hym. Whiche was neuew to euylmoradach vnder whom this
game was founden.

One yffue and
one mouynge apperteyneth vnto alle the peple/ For they may goo fro the
poynt they stande in at the first meuynge vnto the thirde poynt right forth
to fore them/ & whan they haue so don they may afterward meue no more
but fro one poynt ryght forth in to an other/ And they may neuer retorne
backward And thus goynge forth fro poynt to poynt They may gete by vertue
and strengthe/ that thynge that the other noble fynde by dignyte/ And yf
the knyghtes and other nobles helpe hem that they come to the ferthest
lygne to fore them where theyr aduersaryes were sette. They acquyre the
dignyte that the quene hath graunted to her by grace/ For yf ony of them
come to thys sayd ligne/ yf he be white as labourer draper phisicyen or
kepar of the cyte ben/ they reteyne suche dignyte as the quene hath/ for
they haue goten hit/ and than retornynge agayn homeward/ they may goo lyke
as it is sayd in the chapitre of the quene And yf ony of the pawns that
is black/ as the smyth the marchant the tauerner and the rybaulde may come
wyth oute domage in to the same vtterist ligne/ he shall gete by his vertu
the dignyte of the black quene And y'e shall vnderftande/ whan thyse comyn
peple meue right forth in her ligne/ and fynde ony noble persone or of
the peple of their aduersaries sette in the poynt at on ony side to fore
hym/ In that corner poynt he may take his aduersarye wherther hit be on
the right side or on the lifte/ And the cause is that the aduersaries ben
suspecyous that the comyn peple lye In a wayte to Robbe her goodes or to
take her persones whan they goo vpward right forth. And therfore he may
take in the right angle to fore hym one of his aduersaries/ As he had espied
his persone/ And in the lifte angle as robber of his goodes/ and whether
hit be goynge foreward or retornynge fro black to whyte or whyte to black/
the pawn must allway goo in his right ligne/ and all way take in the corner
that he findeth in his waye/ but he may not goo on neyther side tyll he
hath ben in the furdest ligne of theschequer/ And that he hath taken the
nature of the draughtes of the quene/ And than he is a fiers/ And than
he may goo on alle sides cornerwyse fro poynt to poynt only as the quene
doth fightynge and takynge whom he findeth in his waye/ And whan he is
thus comen to the place where y'e nobles his aduersaries were sette he
shall be named white fiers or black fiers/ after the poynt that he is in/
and there taketh he the dignyte of the quene &c. And all these thinges
may appere to them that beholden y'e play of the chesse/ and y'e shall
vnderstande that no noble man ought to haue despite of the comyn peple/
for hit hath ben ofte tymes seen/ that by their vertu & witte/ Diuerce
of them haue comen to right highe & grete astate as poopes bisshoppes
Emþerours and kynges/ As we haue in the historye of Dauid that was
made kynge/ of a shepherd and one of the comyn peple/ and of many other
&c. And in lyke wyse we rede of the contrary/ that many noble men haue
ben brought to myserye by their defaulte As of gyges whiche was right riche
of landes and of richesses And was so proude that he wente and demanded
of the god appollo/ yf ther were ony in the world more riche or more happy
than he was/ and than he herde a voys that yssued out of the fosse or pitte
of the sacrefices/ that a peple named agalaus sophide whiche were poure
of goodes and riche of corage was more acceptable than he whiche was kynge
And thus the god Appollo alowed more the sapience & the seurte of the
poure man and of his lityll mayne/ than he dide the astate and the persone
of giges ne of his ryche mayne/ And hit is more to alowe a lityll thynge
seurly poursiewed than moche good taken in fere and drede And for as moche
as a man of lowe lignage is by his vertue enhaunsed so moche the more he
ought to be glorious and of good renomee/ virgile that was born in lombardye
of y'e nacion of mantua and was of lowe and symple lignage/ yet he was
souerayn in wisedom and science and the moste noble of alle the poetes/
of whome the renome is and shall be durynge the world/ so hit happend that
an other poete axid and demanded of hym wherfore he setted not the versis
of homere in his book/ And he answerd that he shold be of right grete strength
and force that shold pluck the clubbe out of hercules handes/ And thys
suffyceth the state and draughtis of the comyn peple &c.


For as moche
as we see and knowe that the memorye of the peple is not retentyf but right
forgetefull whan some here longe talis & historyes whiche they can
not alle reteyne in her mynde or recorde Therfore I haue put in this present
chapitre all y'e thynges abouesayd as shortly as I haue conne/ First this
playe or game was founden in the tyme of euilmerodach kynge of Babilone/
And exerses the philosopher otherwyse named philometer fonde hit/ And the
cause why/ was for the corre3tion of the kynge lyke as hit apperith in
thre the first chapitres/ for the said kynge was so tyrannous and felon
that he might suffre no correction/ But slewe them and dide do put hem
to deth/ that corre3tid hym/ and had than do put to deth many right wyse
men Than the peple beynge sorowfull and ryght euyll plesid of this euyll
lyf of the kynge prayd and requyred the philosopher/ that he wolde repryse
and telle the kynge of his folye/ And than the philosopher answerd that
he shold be dede yf he so dide/ and the peple sayd to hym/ Certes thou
oughtest sonner wille to dye to thende that thy renome myght come to the
peple/ than the lyf of the kynge shold contynue in euyll for lacke of thy
counceyll/ or by faulte of reprehension of the/ or that thou darst not
doo and shewe/ that thou faist/ And whan the philosopher herd this he promisid
to the peple y't he wold put hym in deuoyr to correcte hym/ and than he
began to thynke in what maner he myght escape the deth and kepe to the
peple his promesse/ And than thus he made in this maner and ordeyned the
schequer of. lxiiii. poynts as Is afore sayd/ And dide doo make the forme
of chequers of gold and siluer In humayne fygure after the facyons and
formes as we haue dyuysid and shiewid to yow to fore in theyr chapitres/
And ordeyned the moeuynge and thestate after that it is said in the chapitres
of theschesses And whan the philosopher had thus ordeyned the playe or
game/ and that hit plesid alle them that sawe hit/ on a tyme as the philosopher
playd on hit/ the kynge cam and sawe hit and desired to playe at this game/
And than the phylosopher began tenseigne and teche the kynge the science
of the playe & the draughtes. Saynge to hym fyrst how the kynge ought
to haue in hymself pytie. debonairte and rightwisnes as hit is said to
fore in the chapitre of the kynge And he enseygned to hym the estate of
the queue and what maners she ought to haue And than of the alphyns as
connceyllours and luges of the royame And after the nature of the knyghtes/
how they ought to be wise. trewe and curtoys and alle the ordre of knyghthode
And than after/ the nature of the vicaires & rooks as hit apperyth
in theyr chappitre And after this how the comyn peple ought to goo eche
in his office/ And how they ought to serue the nobles. And whan the philosopher
had thus taught and enseigned the kynge and his nobles by the maner of
the playe and had rephended hym of his euyll maners/ The kynge demanded
hym vpon payne of deth to telle hym the cause why and wherfore he had made
& founden thys playe and game And what thynge meuyd hym therto/ And
than the philosopher constrayned by fere and drede answerd/ that he had
promysid to the peple whiche had requyred hym that he shold correcte and
reprise the kynge of his euyll vices/ but for as moche as he doubtid the
deth and had seen that the kynge dide do flee the fages & wyse men/
That were so hardy to blame hym of his vices/ he was in grete anguysshe
& sorowe/ how he myght fynde a maner to correcte & reprehende the
kynge/ And to saue his owen lyf/ and thus he thought longe & studyed
that he fonde thys game or playe/ Whiche he hath do sette forth for to
amende and corre3te the lyf of the kynge and to change his maners/ and
he adioustyd with all that he had founden this game for so moche as the
lordes and nobles habondynge in delyces & richessis/ And enioynge temporell
shold eschewe ydlenes by playnge of this game/ And for to gyue hem cause
to leue her pensisnes and sorowes/ In auysynge & studyynge this game.
And whan the kynge had herd alle thyse causes/ He thought that the philosopher
had founde a good maner of correction/ And than he thanketh hym gretly/
and thus by thenseygnement and lernynge of the phylosopher he changid his
lyf his maners & alle his euyll condicions And by this maner hit happend
that the kynge that to fore tyme had ben vicyous and disordynate in his
liuyng was made Iuste. and vertuous. debonayre. gracious and and full of
vertues vnto alle peple/ And a man that lyuyth in this world without vertues
liueth not as a man but as a beste[56]/
And therfore my ryght redoubted lord I pray almighty god to saue the kyng
our souerain lord & to gyue hym grace to yssue as a kynge & tabounde
in all vertues/ & to be assisted with all other his lordes in such
wyse y't his noble royame of Englond may prospere & habounde in vertues/
and y't synne may be eschewid iustice kepte/ the royame defended good men
rewarded malefa3tours punysshid & the ydle peple to be put to laboure
that he wyth the nobles of the royame may regne gloriously In conquerynge
his rightfull enheritaunce/ that verray peas and charite may endure in
bothe his royames/ and that marchandise may haue his cours in suche wise
that euery man eschewe synne/ and encrece in vertuous occupacions/ Praynge
your good grace to resseyue this lityll and symple book made vnder the
hope and shadowe of your noble protection by hym that is your most humble
seruant/ in gree and thanke And I shall praye almighty god for your longe
lyf & welfare/ whiche he preserue And sende yow thaccomplisshement
of your hye noble. Ioyous and vertuous desirs Amen:/: Fynysshid the last
day of marche the yer of our lord god. a. thousand foure honderd and lxxiiii

[1] Blades' "Life
of Caxton," ii., 12.
[2] Mr. Blades enumerates
only ten, but between the publication of his work in 1863 and the appearance
in 1880 of a more popular one, an eleventh copy turned up. It is described
further on. As both editions of Mr. Blades' book are frequently cited,
it may be stated here that where the reference is to the page only, the
one volume edition of 1880 is meant.
[3] Blades, ii., 12.
[4] Van der Linde,
"Geschichte und Literatur des Schachspiels," Berlin, 1874, ii., 125.
[5] Blades, ii., 48.
[6] Blades, ii., 97.
[7] Blades, ii., 95.
[8] Dibdin's "Bibliotheca
Spenceriana," iv., 195.
[9] See Prosper Marchand,
"Dict. Hist.," t. i., p. 181.
[10] "Les Bibliothéques
Françoises de La Croix du Maine et de Du Verdier." n. e. Paris,
1782, t. i., p. 493.
[11] Dr. Van der
Linde, "Geschichte," 114.
[12] Cf. Van der
Linde, "Geschichte," and his "Jartausend."
[13] Jaubert, cited
by Van der Linde, "Geschichte," t. i., p. 122.
[14] Blades' "Caxton,"
[15] Blades, i.,
[16] "Geschichte,"
i., 29. There is a manuscript copy in the Chetham Library, Manchester,
which he does not name. It came from the Farmer Collection, and is in a
volume containing a number of fifteenth century Latin tracts. See account
of European MSS. in the Chetham Library, Manchester, by James Orchard Halliwell,
F.R.S., Manchester, 1842, p. 15.
[17] "Bulletin du
Bibliophile," 1836-1837, 2ième serie, p. 527.
[18] "Academy,"
July 12, 1881.
[19] Blades' "Life
of Caxton," vol. ii., p. 9.
[20] "De regimine
Principum," a poem by Thomas Occleve, written in the reign of Henry IV.
Edited, for the first time, by Thomas Wright, Esq., M.A., F.S.A., &c.
Printed for the Roxburghe Club. London: J. B. Nichols, 1860, 410.
[21] Warton's "History
of English Poetry," 1871, iii., 44.
[22] The fires of
purgatory are finely and amply illustrated in the story at p. 110, whilst
the power of the saints and the value of pilgrimages would be impressed
upon the hearers by the narrative of the miracles wrought by St. James
of Compostella (p. 136)
[23] "Hist. of Siege
of Troye."
[24] "Works of Polidore
Virgil." London, 1663, p. 95.
[25] Græsse:
Trésor, s.v. Sydrach. See also Warton's "History of English Poetry,"
1871, vol. ii., p. 144, Hazlitt's "Handbook of Early English Literature,"
p. 43.
[26] Hoeffer: "Nouvelle
Biographie Universelle."
[27] Hoeffer, "Nouvelle
Biographie Générale," xxxiii. 818.
[28] Brunei, "Manuel
du Libraire," s. v. Gesta.
[29] "Gesta Romanorum,"
edited by Herrtage. London, 1879, p. vii.
[30] Occleve, "De
Regimine Principum," p. 199.
[31] "Curiosities
of Search Room." London, 1880, p. 32.
[32] "Percy Anecdotes:
Domestic Life," iv. 446.
[33] Dunlop, "History
of Fiction," 1876, p. 259.
[34] "Latin Stories,"
edited by Thomas Wright. Percy Society, 1842, p. 222.
[35] See "Gesta
Romanorum," edit, by Herrtage, p. 364.
[36] "On Two Collections
of Mediæval Moralized Tales," by John K. Ingram, LL.D. Dublin, 1882,
p. 137.
[37] Muratori: "Rerum
Italicarum Scriptores," t. i. p. 465.
[38]ight, "Latin
Stories," p. 235.
[39] "Francis of
Assisi," Mrs. Oliphant. London, 1874, p. 87.
[40] "Valerius Maximus,"
vi. 2, 3.
[41] It will be
sufficient here to refer for further details to the following works:--"Geschichte
und Literatur des Schachspiels," von Antonius van der Linde, Berlin, 1874,
2 vols.; "Quellenstudien zur Gefchichte des Schachspiels," von Dr. A. v.d.Linde,
Berlin, 1881.
[42] This dedication
is omitted in the second edition.
[43] Second edit.
reads "Thossyce of notaries/ aduocates scriueners and drapers and clothmakers
capitulo iii"
[44] Sec. edit.
reads "The forme of phisiciens leches spycers and appotycaryes"
[45] Sec. edit.
"Of tauerners hostelers & vitaillers"
[46] Sec. edit.
"Of kepers of townes Receyuers of custum and tollenars"
[47] Sec. edit.
"Of messagers currours Rybauldes and players at the dyse"
[48] "democrite"
in the sec. edit.
[49] "beclyppe"
in sec. edit.
[50] "demotene"
in sec. edit.
[51] "demostenes"
in sec. edit.
[52] "blisful" in
the sec. edit.--The reading of the first edition is evidently a misprint.
[53] Sec. edit.
[54] sec. edit,
"y nough."
[55] sec. edit.
"by the martel or hamer."
[56] "And therfore
&c." to the end, is wanting in the second edition, and, instead thereof,
the treatife concludes in the following manner--
"Thenne late euery man of what condycion he be that redyth or herith
this litel book redde take therby enfaumple to amende hym.
Explicit per Caxton."

Aas; ace.
Aduocacions; Latin advocationis, assembly of advocates, the
Agaynesaynge; gain-saying.
Alphyns. The alphin, or elephant, was the piece answering to the bishop
in the modern game of chess.
Ameruaylled; astonished.
Ample, ampole; Latin ampulla, vessel for holding liquids.
Ancellys; Latin ancilla, handmaids, concubines.
Appertly; openly.
Appetissid; satisfied, satiated.
Ardautly [ardantly]; ardently.
Arrache; French arracher, to pull, to pluck.
Auenture; adventure.
Axe; ask.
Barate; trouble, suffering.
Beaulte; beauty.
Benerous; French bénir, blessed.
Besaunt; besant, a Byzantine gold coin.
Beneurte; French bonheur, good fortune.
Bole; bull.
Bourdellys; brothels, stews.
Butters; freebooters.
Butyn; French butin, plunder, spoils.
Chamberyer; Chambrere; woman servant, concubine.
Chequer; chefs-board.
Chauffed; French échauffer, to warm.
Compaignon; French compagnon, companion.
Connynge; cunning, knowledge.
Corrompith; French corrompre, to corrupt.
Couenable; French convenable, proper, fit.
Courrours; French coureurs, runners, messengers.
Curatours; guardians, trustees.
Dampned; condemned.
Debonairly; debonairte, French de ban air, in a good manner, with good
Depesshed; French depecher, defpatched.
Deporte; deport.
Devour; French devoir, duty.
Dismes; Latin decimal, tenths, or tithes.
Disobeyfance; disobedience.
Difpendynge; spending.
Distemprance; intemperance.
Dolabre; Latin dolabra, axe, pick-axe.
Doubted; redoubted, of doughty.
Drawhtes; draughts, movements.
Drof; drove.
Dronkelewe; drunkenness.
Dronkenshyp; drunkenness.
Dyse; dice.
Enbrasid; embraced.
Enpessheth; French empécher, to forbid.
Enpoigne; French empoigner, to take in hand.
Enfeygned; French enfeigner, to teach.
Eschauffed; French échauffer, to warm.
Esmoued; French émouvoir, to move.
Espicers; French epicier.
Espryfed; French epris, taken.
Ewrous, in; French heureuse, happy.
Feet; French fait, act, feat.
Ferremens. See Serremens.
Flessly; fleshily.
Folelarge; prodigal, extravagant.
Fumee; French fumee, smoke, vapour.
Garnyfche; garnish, adorn, set off.
Genere; general.
Goddes man; godsman, saint or religious person.
Gossibs; gossyb; gossips, gossip.
Gree; French gré, liking.
Grucche; grudge.
Guarisshors; French guèrir, to cure.
Hauoyr; French avoir, possessions.
Herberowe; harbour.
Historiagraph; historian.
Hoos; hoarse.
Iape; jape, trick.
Jolye, lvii; fine (French joli).
Keruars; carvers.
Langed; belonged.
Latrocynye; Latin latrocinium.
Lecherye; lechery.
Letted; prevented.
Male; mail, trunk.
Maleheurte; French malheur, misfortune, sorrow.
Maronners; mariners.
Martel; hammer.
Meure; French moeurs, manners.
Mordent; biting.
Mortifyed; mortified, deadened.
Mufyque; mufic.
Nonne; nun.
Noye; annoyance.
Oeuurages; French outrages, works.
Oftencion; show.
Olefauntes; elephants.
Oughwer; over.
Oultrage; outrage.
Pardurable; everlasting.
Parfyt; French parfait, perfeft.
Pawon; pawn.
Payringe; "without a pareing," i.e. undiminished.
Peages; peagers; French péage, péager. A local tax on
merchandise in
paflage for the maintenance of roads and bridges. A gatherer
the péage.
Pensee; French pensée, thought.
Pourueance; providence.
Rawe; rough.
Renomee; renown.
Roynyous; ruinous.
Rybauldes; ribalds.
Saciat; satiated.
Sawlter; þsalter.
Scawage; scavage, toll or tax.
Semblant; French sembler, to appear, to seem.
Serremens; cerements.
Siege; feat.
Slear; slayer.
Spores; spurs.
Spyncoppis; spiders.
Stracched; stretched.
Supplye; French supplier, to supplicate.
Syfe; fix.
Tacches; gifts, bequests. A. S. tacan, having the double meaning of
giving and taking.
Tapyte; carpet.
Tencyons; temptations.
Trycheur; tricker.
Tryste; sad.
Tutours; tutors, guardians.
Vignours; vine-dresser.
Wetyngly; knowingly.
Yates; gates.
Yre; ire.

Accusation, false,
Ægidius Romanus. See Colonna.
Albert gauor,
Alchorne library,
Ambrose, St.,
Amos florus,
Andrea, Giovanni,
Anthony, St.,
Aquinas, St. Thomas,
Aubrey, John,
Audley, Lord,
Augustine, St.,
Augustus, Cæsar,
Aulus Gellius,
Austyn, Saynt. See Augustine.
Babylon and the Chess-board,
Baldness of Cæsar,
Bankes, Rev. Edw.,
Barbers, women,
Bafille le grant,
Basil, St.,
Bearers of letters,
Beauty and chastity.
Beringen, H. von,
Bernard, W.,
Bernard, St.,
Biblical allusions,
Bibliography of the Chess-book,
Blades, William,
Blindness, philosophical,
Blind, raised letters for,
Bodleian Library,
Body of Man a castle of Jefus,
Boys, R.,
Breath, stinking,
Brevio, Giovanni,
Bromyard, John of,
Brudgys. See Bruges.
Brunet, J.C.,
Burgundy, Duchess of,
Bull of copper,
Cadrus, duc of athenes,
Cæsolis. See Cessoles.
Calderino, Giovanni,
Cambridge Public Library,
Cassalis. See Cessoles.
Castle of Jesus Christ,
Castulis. See Cessoles.
Casulis. See Cessoles.
Caxton, William,
prologue of Chess-book, epilogue, finished in 1474, his
account of
the translation, printed at Bruges, translated from the
adapts De Vignay's dedications, translates Vegetius, chief
dates of
his life, opinion of lawyers, epilogue to Chefs-book,
editions of
it, representative of a new time for literature, at Ghent
Cesolis. See Cessoles.
Cessole. See Cessoles.
Cessoles, Jacques de.
Cessulis. See Cessoles.
Cesulis. See Cessoles.
Cezolis, de. See Cessoles.
Cezoli. See Cessoles.
copies of first edition described; prices at which it
has sold; where
printed; second edition described; when printed; prices
at which it
has sold; translated from the French; Ferron's version;
version in
French verse; De Vignay's version.
Chess, game of.
-- how the board is made.
-- manner of its invention.
-- moralized.
-- movements of pieces.
Chetham Library.
Child hostages.
Children, ungrateful.
Cities, guarding.
Clarence, George, Duke of.
Cloth cutters.
-- merchants.
-- workers.
Colonna, Guido.
Common life.
Common people;
not to be despised; not to be at councils; those who have
-- profit.
-- weal.
Community of goods.
Connaxa, Jehan.
Cossoles, de. See Cessoles.
Council, women apt in.
Courcelles, de. See Cessoles.
Crime and punishment.
Crown apostrophized.
Cunliffe, H.
-- J.
Cures, accidental and scientific.
Curtius Marcus.
Curtius Quintus.
Customary and natural law.
Dacciesole. See Cessoles.
Damiani, Cardinal,
Dares (Darius),
Daughters and their ancestresses,
Daughter, dutiful,
from joy,
Defence of the people,
Delves, Sir Thomas,
Demetrius Phalerus,
Democritus of Abdera,
De Vignay. See Vignay.
Devonshire, Duke of,
Dialogus creaturarum
Dibdin, T.F.,
play for a foul,
Diogenes Lærtius,
Diomedes, a "theefe of the see,"
Dion Cassius,
Disobedient children,
Divine right,
Dog and the Shadow,
Draughts of the Chess,
danger of,
Dunlop, J.,
Du Verdier,
Edward I.,
Edward IV.,
Education of kings,
Education of physician,
Egidius Romanus. See Colonna.
Election, or hereditary succession?
England's good old times,
Eustace, Guillaum,
Faron. See Ferron.
Fears of a tyrant,
Feron. See Ferron.
Ferron, Jean,
Fevre, Raoul le,
Figgins, V.,
Forbes, D.
Fortune misdoubted
Francis of Assisi
Frederick II.
Friend in need
Friends, many and few
and enemies
Gaguin, Robert
Game at Chesse
Ganazath, John of
Gauchay, H. de
Gauchy, H. de
Gazée, Angelin
Gereon, St.
Gesta Romanorum
Ghent, White-friars
Gilles de Rome. See Colonna.
Golden Legend
Good old times
Government of wise men
Græsse, J.G.T.
Gregory Nazianzen
Grenville Library
Guards of cities
Guests and hosts
Guilt not to be punished in wrath
Gyles of Regement of Prynces
Hain, Ludovici
Hakam II.
Halliwell, J. O.
Hazlitt, W. C.
Helemand. See Helinand.
Helemond. See Helinand.
Helemonde, See Helinand.
Helimond. See Helinand.
Helmond. See Helinand.
Heredity, influence of
Hereford, N. de
Herodes Antipas
Herrtage, S. J.
Holford, J.
Holy Mawle
Holy Scripture
Horse and the thief
Hosts, duties of
Hound and the cheese
and piety
Iene (Genoa)
Inglis Library
Ingram, Prof.
Inns, thievish servants
James of Compostella
Jean II. of France
Jehanne de Borgoigne
John Baptist
John of Ganazath
John the Monke (Giovanni Andrea)
Joy, its dangers
Jherome. See Jerome.
Judas Machabeus
Judges' duties
Julius Cæsar
Keepers of towns
King, estate and duties of
should take council
unpleasantness of the office
Kings, unlettered
Knight, education
estate and duties
Knight's followers
Köpke, Dr. E.
Labourers' office and duties
La Croix du Maine
Langley, John
Large, Alderman Robert
like cobwebs
Law courts
Lear and his daughters
Leber, C.
Legenda Aurea
Legende Dorée
Liber de Moribus Hominum. See Cessoles.
Lineage, high and low
Linde, Dr. A. van
Love of the commonweal
Love of nature
Lowndes, W. T.
Madden, Sir F.
Mainwaring, Sir H.
Mansion, Colard, teacher and partner of Caxton
Marchand, Prosper
Meats and Drinks
Mennel, Dr. J.
Merchant, anecdote
Merchant, dishonest
Merchant who valued his good name
Merchants of Bandach and Egipte
Meung, Jehan de
Mollis Aer
Money, its force
Mulier, derivation of
Natural laws
Nature, rule of
Normandie, Duc de
Notaries, office of
Nun, anecdote of a
Oaths of princes
Office no inheritance
Oldbuck, Jonathan
Osma, Bishop of
Paradise lost
Pardoning a mother for the daughter's sake
Passage money
Paul, St.
Paul, the historiagraph
Paulus, Diaconus
Pembroke, Earl of
Percy Anecdotes
Pers Alphons. See Petrus Alphonsus
Petit, L. M.
Petrus Alphonsus,
Philip Augustus,
Philippe le Bel,
Philippe le Hardi,
Phisias. See Pythias.
Pitman, Isaac,
Polygamy or polyandry?
Porters of gates,
Princes' oaths and promises,
Publius Ceser,
Quaritch, Bernard,
Queen, estate and duties,
Quintus Catullus,
Regimine Principum. See Colonna.
Religious communities,
Renatus, Vegetius Flavius,
Reyna Vezina,
Romanus, Egidius. See Colonna.
Romans, character of,
Rome, Gilles de. See Colonna.
Rook, chess-piece,
Rooks, form and manners,
Schoolmaster who betrays the children,
Scott, Sir Walter,
Sesselis. See Cessoles.
Scheible, J.,
Ships and shipwrecks,
Sloane, John,
Smith, office and duty of,
Smith, R.,
Snuffy Davy,
Speculum Laicorum,
Spelling reform,
Spencer, Earl,
Stars and clouds,
St. James of Compostella,
Syrens, Fountain of the,
Tarascon, Bertrand de,
Tartar women go to the wars,
Tessalis. See Ceffoles.
Tessellis. See Ceffoles.
Theodorus Cyrenaicus,
Thessolonia, J. de. See Cessoles.
Thessolonica, J. de. See Cessoles.
Thessolus, J. de. See Cessoles.
Thievish inn servants,
Thorn's Anecdotes and Traditions,
Treachery, 60, 61.
Trevisa, John,
Troy, and the invention of Chess,
Truphes of the Philosophers,
Trustee, dishonest,
Tullius. See Cicero.
Turgeius Pompeius,
Tyrus. See Cyrus.
Valere. See Valerius Maximus.
Valerius Maximus,
Valerye. See Valerius Maximus.
Vergil, Polydore,
Vessels, earthen,
Vignay, Jehan de,
Vine legend,
Vitas Patrum
Vow of a woman
Wages should be paid punctually
Warton, T.
Warwick, George, Earl of
Weft, J.
White Friars at Ghent
Wilbraham, Roger
Wilson, "Snuffy Davy"
Wine forbidden to women
Wine, origin of
Woollen merchants
Workmen, office and duty
and lawyers
dangers abroad
forbidden to drink wine
going to the wars
Women barbers
Wright, T.
Xerxes the philosopher
Youth and government

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