The Project Gutenberg EBook of A Little Book of Filipino Riddles, by Various This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at Title: A Little Book of Filipino Riddles Author: Various Release Date: December 15, 2004 [EBook #14358] Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK A LITTLE BOOK OF FILIPINO RIDDLES *** Produced by Jeroen Hellingman and the PG Distributed Proofreaders Team, from scans kindly made available by the University of Michigan. Philippine Studies I A Little Book of Filipino Riddles Collected and Edited by Frederick Starr World Book Co. Yonkers, New York 1909 Copyrighted 1909 by Frederick Starr The Torch Press Cedar Rapids, Iowa This Little Book of Filipino Riddles Is Dedicated To Gelacio Caburian Casimiro Verceles Rufino Dungan of Agoo, Union Province INTRODUCTION Although I had already inquired for them from Ilocano boys, my first actual knowledge of Filipino riddles was due to Mr. George T. Shoens, American teacher among the Bisayans. He had made a collection of some fifty Bisayan riddles and presented a brief paper regarding them at the Anthropological Conference held at Baguio, under my direction, on May 12-14, 1908. My own collection was begun among Ilocano of Union Province from whom about two hundred examples were secured. Others were later secured from Pangasinan, Gaddang, Pampangan, Bisayan and Tagal sources. My informants have chiefly been school-boys, who spoke a little English; they wrote the text of riddle and answer in their native tongue and then we went over them carefully together to make an English translation and to get at the meaning. Many Filipinos know how to read and write their native language, although few have had actual instruction in doing so. There is no question that errors and inconsistencies exist in the spelling of these riddles, due to this lack of instruction and to the fact that the texts have been written by many different persons. I am myself not acquainted with any Malay language. I have tried to secure uniformity in spelling within the limits of each language but have no doubt overlooked many inconsistencies. The indulgence of competent critics is asked. It has been our intention throughout to adhere to the _old_ orthography. Thus the initial _qu_ and the final _ao_ have been preferred. The _word_ for riddle varies with the population. In Ilocano it is _burburtia_, in Pangasinan _boniqueo_, in Tagal _bugtong_, in Gaddang ----, in Pampangan _bugtong_, in Bisayan _tugmahanon_. Riddles are common to all mankind. They delighted the old Aryans and the ancient Greeks as they do the modern Hindu and the Bantu peoples of darkest Africa. Many writers have defined the riddle. Friedreich in his _Geschichte des Räthsels_, says: "The riddle is an indirect presentation of an unknown object, in order that the ingenuity of the hearer or reader may be exercised in finding it out.... Wolf has given the following definition: the riddle is a play of wit, which endeavors to so present an object, by stating its characteristic features and peculiarities, as to adequately call it before the mind, without, however, actually naming it." The riddles of various Oriental peoples have already been collected and more or less adequately discussed by authors. Hebrew riddles occur in the Bible, the best known certainly being Samson's: "Out of the eater came forth meat, And out of the strong came forth sweetness." Arabic riddles are many and have been considerably studied; Persian riddles are well known; of Indian riddles at least one collection has been printed separately under the name _Lakshminatha upasaru_, a series of Kolarian riddles from Chota Nagpur has been printed as, also, an interesting article upon Behar riddles; Sanskrit riddles are numerous and have called for some attention from scholars; a few Gypsy riddles are known; two recent papers deal with Corean riddles. We know of but two references to Malayan riddles; one is Rizal, _Specimens of Tagal Folk-Lore_, the other is Sibree's paper upon the _Oratory, Songs, Legends, and Folk-Tales of the Malagasy_. This is no doubt an incomplete bibliography but the field has been sadly neglected and even to secure this list has demanded much labor. It suffices to show how deeply the riddle is rooted in Oriental thought and indicates the probability that riddles were used in Malaysia long before European contact. To what degree Filipino riddles are indigenous and original is an interesting but difficult question. So far as they are of European origin or influenced by European thought, they have come from or been influenced by Spain. Whatever comparison is made should chiefly, and primarily, be with Spanish riddles. But our available sources of information regarding Spanish riddles are not numerous. We have only Demofilo's _Collecion de enigmas y adivinanzas_, printed at Seville in 1880, and a series of five chap-books from Mexico, entitled _Del Pegueño Adivinadorcito_, and containing a total of three hundred and seven riddles. Filipino riddles deal largely with animals, plants and objects of local character; such must have been made in the Islands even if influenced by Spanish models and ideas. Some depend upon purely local customs and conditions--thus numbers 170, 237, etc., could only originate locally. Some, to which the answers are such words as egg, needle and thread, etc., (answers common to riddles in all European lands), may be due to outside influence and may still have some local or native touch or flavor, in their metaphors; thus No. 102 is actually our "Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall;" the Mexican form runs: "Una arquita muy chiquita tan blanca como la cal todo lo saben abrir pero ninguno cerrar." But the metaphor "the King's limebox" could only occur in a district of betel-chewing and is a native touch. Many of the Filipino riddles introduce the names of saints and, to that degree, evidence foreign influence; but even in such cases there may be local coloring; thus, calling rain-drops falling "rods," "St. Joseph's rods cannot be counted," could hardly be found outside of the tropics. Religious riddles, relating to beads, bells, church, crucifixes, are common enough and are necessarily due to outside influence, but even such sometimes show a non-European attitude of mind, metaphorical expression or form of thought. Everywhere riddles vary in quality and value. Many are stupid things, crudely conceived and badly expressed. Only the exceptional is fine. Examine any page of one of our own riddle books and you may criticize almost every riddle upon it for view-point, or form, or flavor. We must not demand more from Filipino riddles than from our own. Some knowledge of local products, customs, conditions, is necessary for the understanding of their meaning; when understood, they are fully equal to ours in shrewdness, wit and expression. Krauss emphasizes the fact that everywhere riddles tend to coarseness and even to obscenity and discusses the reasons. What is true elsewhere is true here; a considerable number of Filipino riddles are coarse; we have introduced them but emphasize the fact that any scientifically formed collection of German or English riddles would contain some quite as bad. Probably few of our readers have considered the taxonomy of riddles. Friedreich offers a loose and unscientific classification as follows: I. The Question Riddle. II. The Simple Word Riddle (with seven sub-divisions). III. The Syllable Riddle or Charade. IV. The Letter Riddle. 1. With reference to sound. 2. With reference to form. V. Punctuation Riddles. VI. The Rebus. VII. Complex Riddles; combination of two or more simple types. VIII. Number Riddles. Several of these forms occur in our collection. More scientific than Friedreich's work is Petsch's _Studien über das Volksrätsel_. His analysis and dissection of riddle forms best enable us to test the indigenous content of our Filipino riddles. He recognizes two fundamental riddle types. He says: "Two groups of riddles have long been distinguished in the collections, the true rhymed riddles and the short 'catch-questions' expressed in prose. The difference is not only in form but in content. 'True riddles' have as purpose the describing of an object in veiled, thought-arousing, perhaps misleading, poetical clothing, which, from this presentation of its appearance, its source, its utility, etc., shall be recognized by the intelligence, i.e., can and shall be guessed. 'Catch-questions,' on the contrary, are not to be guessed, the questioner intending himself to give the solution; at their best they are intended to trick the hearer, and since their solution is impossible to the uninitiated are not 'true riddles' but false ones. Since I propose to divide the total riddle material of each single nation between these two great chief groups, may I not somewhat extend the scope of the latter, including some things which are rejected from most collections as having little to do with actual riddles--those questions which are generally insoluble and such tests of wisdom as appeal not to wit and understanding, but to knowledge--which are certainly not true riddles. Thus, in the group here characterized as 'false' different classes of things are brought together, the characteristics of which I shall investigate later." It would be interesting to quote the author's discussion further. We can, however, only state that he recognizes three classes of "false riddles," to which he gives the names "wisdom tests," "life-ransoming riddles," and "catch-questions." Of "true riddles" there is a vast variety of form and content. Most typical is the descriptive riddle of a single object to be guessed. In its complete and normal form Petsch claims that such a riddle consists of five elements or parts. 1 Introduction; 2 denominative; 3 descriptive; 4 restraint or contrast; 5 conclusion. 1 and 5 are merely formal, trimmings; 2 and 3 are inherent and essential; 4 is common and adds vigor and interest. Such complete and "normal" riddles are rare in any language. Usually one or more of the five elements are lacking. It is only by such an analysis of riddle forms that a comparative study of riddles can be made. Any single riddle is best understood, by the constant holding before the mind this pattern framework and noting the degree of development of the case in hand. The Filipinos themselves recognize several classes of riddles. An old Tagal lady told us there were three kinds: 1. _Alo-divino_: concerning God and divine things 2. _Alo-humano_: concerning persons 3. _Parabula_: all others There is no science in this classification, which embodies considerable corrupted Spanish. Another informant recognizes six classes: 1. _Alo-divino_ 2. _Historia-vino:_ history of God and saints 3. _Alo-humano_ 4. _Historia-mano_: history of persons. 5. _Karle-mano_: God and saints and persons together. 6. _Parabula_ or _biniyabas_. These names call for little comment and the classification they embody is of the loosest. The word _parabula_ is Spanish in source and equivalent to our parable; _biniyabas_ is Tagal. Some features of our riddles call for comment. Filipino riddles, in whatever language, are likely to be in poetical form. The commonest type is in two well-balanced, rhyming lines. Filipino versification is less exacting in its demand in rhyme than our own; it is sufficient if the final syllables contain the same vowel; thus Rizal says--_ayup_ and _pagud_, _aval_ and _alam_, rhyme. The commonest riddle verse contains five or seven, or six, syllables, thus: Daluang balon hindi malingon or Bahay ni San Gabriel punong puno nang barel. Just as in European riddles certain set phrases or sentences are found frequently at the beginning or end of the riddle. In Ilocano and Pangasinan a common introductory form is "What creature of God" or "What thing made by Lord God," the expression in reality being equivalent to a simple "what." These pious forms do not at all necessarily refer either to animals or natural objects; thus, a boat or a house is just as good a "creature of God" as a fowl is. A common form of ending is "Tell it and I am yours," "Guess it and I am your man." Quite analogous to calling inanimate or artificial things "creatures of God" is the personification of all sorts of things, animate and inanimate; thus, a rat is "an old man," a dipper is "a boy." Not infrequently the object or idea thus personified is given a title of respect; thus, "Corporal Black" is the night. Akin to personification is bold metaphor and association. In this there may or may not be some evident analogy; thus a crawfish is "a bird," the banca or canoe is "rung" (like a bell.) Not uncommonly the word "house" is used of anything thought of as containing something; thus "Santa Ana's house," "San Gabriel's house;" this use is particularly used in speaking of fruits. "Santa Ana's house is full of bullets" is rather pretty description for the papaya. The word "work" is often used for a thing made, or a manufactured article. Saints' names are constantly introduced, generally in the possessive case; examples are "Santa Ana's house," "Santa Maria's umbrella," "San Jose's canes." Less commonly the names of other Bible worthies occur; thus "Adam's hair." There is not always any evident fitness in the selection of the Saint in the connection established. San Jose's connection with rain is suitable enough. One would need to know a good deal regarding local and popular hagiography in order to see to what degree the selections are appropriate. Sometimes words without meaning, or with no significance in the connection where they occur are used. These may serve merely to fill out a line or to meet the demands of metre. Such often appear to be names of the style of "Humpty Dumpty;" these may be phonetically happy, as similar ones often are in European riddles, fitting well with the word or idea to be called up. _Marabotania_ is probably meaningless, merely for euphony. Place names with no real connection with the thought are frequently introduced, as Pantaleon, Mariveles. "_Guering-guering_" and "_Minimin_" are merely for sound. Particularly interesting and curious are the _historia-vino_ given in numbers 312-317. No doubt there are many such. Those here given were secured from one boy at Malolos. When first examined, I believed the boy had not understood what I was after. He assured me that they were _bugtong_ and _bugtong_ of the best and finest class. The idea in these is to propound a statement in a paradoxical form, which calls for some reference to a bible story or teaching; the answer is not immediately clear and demands a commentary which is quite often subtle and ingenious. Friedreich gives examples of similar expository religious riddles from Europe. A curious group are the relationship riddles, numbers 286-289, which closely resemble trick questions among ourselves. The evidence of outside influence is here conclusive in the fact that the ideas and terms of relationship in them are purely European, in nowise reflecting the characteristic Malayan system and nomenclature. Some of the riddles are distinctly stupid. "I let the sun shine on your father's back" seems to mean no more than that the house roof is exposed to the solar rays. It is doubtful whether this means much even in the original Tagal. Of course many of the riddles demand for their adequate understanding a knowledge of native customs, which the outsider rarely has. Thus, until one knows a common method of punishing naughty children, the riddle "I have a friend; I do not like to face him" means nothing. Perhaps the most difficult to adequately present are some plays on words. These frequently need a considerable explanation. In some of these the parts of the word to guess are concealed in or are suggested by the form of the statement and one must extract them and combine them; such are "_iscopidor_" and "_sampaloc_." In others the play depends upon homophony, the same sound or word have different meanings. In yet a third class the answer is a smart Aleck sort of an affair, "How do you take a deer without net, dogs, spear, or other things for catching?" "Cooked." Most inane of all, but with plenty of analogues among ourselves, are those where the answer itself is introduced into the question with the intention to mislead; "Its skin is green and its flesh is red like a watermelon." "Watermelon." Filipino riddles are mostly given out by young people. When several are gathered together they will question and answer; they are much in vogue when a young gentleman calls upon his sweetheart; among Tagals and Pampangans at least the chief occasion for giving _bugtong_ is when a little group are watching at night beside a corpse. In propounding a riddle it is not uncommon to challenge attention by repeating as witty a rhyme, which is quite as often coarse as witty. One Tagal example runs: Bugtong co ka Piro! Turan mo ka Baldo! Pag hindi mo naturan Hindi ca nang iwang; Pag maturan mo May tae ang puit mo. I have a bugtong compadre P! Guess it compadre B! If you cannot guess it You have not cleaned yourself; If you do not guess it You are dirty. We have mentioned two references to Malay riddles. Of the eight given in Rizal's paper five have been given us by our informants. As Rizal's entire paper will be reprinted in another volume of this series we have not copied the other three. Sibree's paper is important for comparison, since it presents matter drawn from the uttermost point of Malaysia, Madagascar, which has been unaffected by Spanish influence. Sibree's article is translated from a little book by another missionary, the Rev. Louis Dahle. Dahle's book is entitled _Specimens of Malayasy Folklore_ and its material is presented in Malagasy only. Mr. Sibree translates twenty of his riddles. They are in character and flavor like many of the Filipino riddles. As Sibree does not give the native text and I have not seen Dahle's book, I cannot know whether they are rhymed. They are all of the type of true riddles to be guessed, descriptions wherein one or two characteristics or striking features are presented, either directly or figuratively. Examination of this little series deepens an impression already made by study of our own collection, namely, that the true riddles in our series are largely original Filipino while the insoluble riddles, the catches, the plays on words, are those where foreign influence is most evident. Although Sibree's article is easily accessible, we quote a few of these Malagasy examples for comparison. "Cut and no wound seen?" "Water," is our number 231. "The mother says let us stand up, but the children say let us lie across?" "A ladder." and "At night they come without being fetched and by day they are lost, without being stolen?" "The stars." are quite in the style and spirit of Filipino riddles. Compare "Coarse rafia cloth outside and white robe inside?" "Manioc root" with the "Poor outside; rich within," "Langca" of the Ilocano. The order of presentation of these riddles has been a considerable problem. To arrange them rigidly in Petsch's order of development might have been fairly satisfactory but would have rendered the finding of any desired riddle difficult. We have struck out a crude arrangement in alphabetical order of the English answers, with subdivisions under some general headings. The arrangement is not scientific nor completely developed, but it will perhaps work fairly well in practice. The original text is first given for riddle and answer; the English translation of both follows; then are given such explanation and comment as are necessary. When a riddle occurs in different languages, the text of the question is given in one, but the fact of its occurrence in others is indicated. We are indebted to many for assistance. The list is too long for individual acknowledgment. To our original Ilocano helpers this little book is dedicated. To Messrs. George T. Shoens, Francisco A. Santos (Calumpit), Rufino Santos (Arayat) and Conrado Benitez (Pagsanghan), we are so deeply indebted that their names must be mentioned. To school boys in Agoo, San Fernando (Union), Malolos, Manila and Tayug, we owe many thanks. Would that the publication of this imperfect collection might lead to their greater interest in a neglected section of their folklore. Some Malay worker ought to perfect and complete the work here begun. This volume is the first number of a series of little books which the undersigned plans to bring out under the general title of _Philippine Studies_. Each number will treat of a distinct and separate subject; each will be independent. The extent to which the series will be developed, will depend upon the reception given to it and the degree in which it appears to respond to a real need. Two numbers at any rate are already arranged and the second should appear within a year. Frederick Starr. September, 1909. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WORKS MENTIONED IN THE INTRODUCTION Bernheisel, K. Korean Conundrums. Korean Review. 1905, pp. 81-86. Bloomfield, M. Religion of the Veda, pp. 215-218. (Sanskrit Riddles.) Journal American Oriental Society, Vol. X, p. 172. Dahle, L. Specimens of Malagasy Folk-Lore. Atananarivo, 1877, 8vo, pp. 457. Del pequeno Adivinadorcito. Mexico. Five chap-books, 16mo each, 16 pp. Demofilo. Colleccion de enigmas y adivinanzas. Sevilla, 1880. 8vo, pp. 495. Friedreich, J. B. Geschichte des Rätsels. Dresden, 1860. 8vo, pp. viii, 248. Führer, A. Sanskritische Rätsel. Zeitschrift der Deutsch. Morganländer Gesel. 1885. pp. 99-102. Haug. Vedische Rätselfragen und Rätselspruche. Trans. Munich Academy, 1875. Krauss, F. S. Allegemeine Methodik d. Volkskunde 1891-97, p. 112. Korean Conundrums. Korean Review. Seoul; 1906. pp. 59-60. Lakshminatha upasaru. Collection of Riddles. Patna, 1888. 32mo, pp. 32. Ludwig. Der Rig Veda. iii. pp. 390. Mitra. Sarat Chandra. Riddles current in Bihar. Journal Asiatic Society, 1901, 8vo, pp. 33-58. Petsch, R. Studien über das Volksrätsel. Berlin. 1898, 8vo, pp. 139. Phillott, D. C. Persian Riddles. Calcutta, 1906. Journal Asiatic Society of Bengal, pp. 86-94. Rizal, J. Specimens of Tagal Folk-Lore. London, 1889, Trubner's Record, pp. 45-46. Sibree, Jr., J. The Oratory, Songs, Legends and Folk-Tales of the Malagasy. London, 1883, Folk-Lore Journal, pp. 38-40. Two Gypsy Riddles. Journal Gypsy Folk-Lore Society, 1907, pp. 92. Wagner, P. Some Kolarian Riddles. Calcutta, 1904. Journal Asiatic Society of Bengal, pp. 62-79. FILIPINO RIDDLES Animals: mammals. 1. Ania iti pinarsua iti Dios a balin suec a maturog? (Iloc.) Panniqui What thing that God made sleeps with its head down? Bat 2. Pantas ca man, at marunong bumasa at sumulat, aling ibon dito sa mundo ang lumilipad ay sumususo ang anak? (Tag.) Kabag Although you are wise and know how to read and write, which bird in this world flies and yet suckles its young? Bat 3. Uppat iti adiguina, maysa iti baotna, dua iti paypayna, dua iti boneng. (Iloc.) Carabao Four posts, one whip, two fans, and two bolos. Carabao 4. Apat na tukod langit at isang pang hagupit. (Tag.) Kalabao Four earth posts, two air posts and whip. Carabao 5. Saquey so torutoro duaray quepay-quepay a patiray mansobsoblay. (Pang.) Dueg One pointing, two moving, four changing. Carabao The head points, the ears move, the legs change position. 6. Nu mat-tut-lud ay atanang udde; nu mat-tadag ay ibbafa. (Gad.) Atu If he sits down he is high; if he stands up he is low. Dog 7. Adda maysa nga parsua ni Apo Dios nga adda uppat a sacana, ipusna quen maysa nga ulona nga aoan ti imana. (Iloc.) Caballo There is one creature of our Lord God which has four legs and a tail and one head; but it has no arms. Horse 8. Carga nang carga ay ualang upa. (Tag.) Babuy Always working and no pay. The pig He is ever eating garbage and waste. 9. Eto na si "Nuno," may sunong na guinto. (Tag.) Babuy Here comes "Nuno" with gold on his head. Pig The pig is a constant scavenger and frequents the space below latrines and privies; it is a common thing that his snout is yellow as result of his search. 10. Magmagna ni inam sangsangitam. (Iloc.) Burias While the mother is walking the child is crying. A little pig 11. Adda maysa nga lacay gomogoyod ti oay. (Iloc.) Bao There is an old man, who always drags rattan. Rat i.e. his tail. 12. Kahoy cong Marigundong, na sangay ualang dahon. (Tag.) Sungay My tree in Marigundong (town in Cavite) has branches but no leaves. Horn The branching horn of a deer. 13. Maco ca quian, yacu naman ing quian. (Pamp.) Ding bitis daring animal a tiapat a bitis nung lalacad ya. Away! let me have your place. The forward legs of an animal The hind feet tread in the prints of the forefeet. Bell. 14. Nang hataken co ang baging nagkagulo ang matsing. (Tag.) Batingao When I pulled the vine the monkeys came around. Bell 15. Tinugtog co ang bangca nagsilapit ang isda. (Tag.) Campana sa misa I rang the banca and the fishes came. Bell Banca is the canoe or boat; to strike it as with the pole is to ring it. People called to mass by the ringing bell are likened to fishes. 16. Togtoquec ti teppang agarayat ti bagsang (Iloc.) Campana I strike upon the washout and the _bagsang_ come for help. Bell The curved side of the bell is compared to a washed out slope or curve of the bank; the _bagsang_ are small fishes; the bell is the church bell--the little fishes are the people. 17. Otin nen laquic Tapal ni baleuet ed corral manaquis, ya agnaecal. (Pang.) Campana Tapal's ---- hanging within the corral is crying to get out. Bell Tapal is a nickname for an old man. Betel. 18. Adda tallo nga babbalasang quet no mapanda maquimisa; iti caoes ti maysa ata berde, quet dadiay maysa ata porao, quen dadiay maysa ata lomabaga; quet norommuardan ata malabaga amin iti caoesdan. (Iloc.) Mamabuyo There are three ladies who went to mass; the dress of one was green, of another white, of the other red; when they came out together the dresses of all were red. Betel 19. Nasatiyan pa nang kanyang ina, kinuha at pinapagasawa. (Tag.) Ang bungang isinasama sa itso Still in his mother's body was taken and made to marry. Betel The areca nut is first taken out of its covering before being united with the betel leaf and lime. 20. Bulong tiptipparo; puso balasang baro. (Iloc.) Mama A _tiptipparo_ leaf; the heart, a young man and a young woman. Betel 21. Papel a berde sinoratac ti purao quet intedco iti sangaili dina insubli. (Iloc.) Gaoed I wrote a green paper with white: I gave it to my visitor and he did not return it. Betel-leaf White lime is smeared upon the green leaf, which is then used to enwrap a bit of areca nut for chewing. Birds. 22. Nagcapa dimet nagpadi; Nagcorona dimet nagari. (Iloc.) Manoc Gown but not priest; crown but not king. Cock 23. Nancorona agimiet ari; nan capa agmuet pari. (Pang.) Manoc The king's crown but not king; the priest's cope, but not priest. Cock 24. Ania ti pinarsua ni Apo Dios nga ag-gungon ti maquimbaba quet agpidot ti maquin ngato? (Iloc.) Manoc What thing that Lord God made sifts below and picks up above? Fowl 25. Dinay pinalsay Dios ya managtay carne? (Pang.) Manoc What creature of God is with meat on its head? Cock 26. Ania a parsuo ni Apo Dios ti nagsusoon ti carne nga aoan ti imana? (Iloc.) Tapingar What creature of our Lord God carries meat but has no hands? Cock The meat is the cock's comb. 27. Uyana-uyana mamuntuk yang baya! (Pamp.) Manuc Here he comes with glowing charcoal on his head! A cock 28. No umayac idiay balayo agtuptupuaccayo. (Iloc.) Manoc If I come to your house you will jump away. Fowl Boats. 29. Ania ti pinarsua ni Apo Dios nga ipagnana ti bocotna? (Iloc.) Baloto What creature made by Lord God walks on its back? Boat 30. Oalay asoc ya quisquis no onbatic tirakiang. (Pang.) Baloto I have a hairless dog, who goes belly upward. Boat 31. Naligo ang capitan hindi nabasa ang tian. (Tag.) Banca The captain took a bath without his belly getting wet. Banca 32. Adda impatacderco a caoayan no agbolong intan. (Iloc.) Parao I set up a bambu; if it leafs out we shall go. Prao The bambu set up is the mast; the leaf is the sail. 33. Nano nga cahoy nga con may dahon may gamut, pero eon ua-ay gani dahon ua-ay man sing gamut? (Bis.) Parao What tree is it, that when it has leaves it also has roots, but when it has no leaves it also has no roots? Parao Sail, rudder and oars. 34. Nagalacat nagahayang. (Bis.) Sacayan He walks with his back. A ship 35. Manica maco tana, tipa ca queti tana. (Pamp.) Ancla Come up and let us go, go down and here we stay. Anchor Body: parts. 36. Ania ti pinarsua ti Dios a masicog ti licudan? (Iloc.) Botoy What thing created by God has the fullness of pregnancy (_masicog_) behind? The calf of the leg Masicog is the swollen abdomen of the pregnant woman. 37. Bulong ti cappa-cappa nagtalicud nagpada. (Iloc.) Lapayag _Cappa-cappa_ leaves placed back to back. Ears 38. Daluang balon hindi malingon. (Tag.) Tainga Two wells, of which you cannot catch sight. (Your) ears 39. Pito iti taoana; taltallo iti requepna. (Iloc.) Lapayag, agong, mata, ngioat There are seven windows; only three shut. Ears, nostrils, eyes, mouth 40. Sipac nga sipac, saan nga mangeg ti caaroba. (Iloc.) Mata Claps and claps, but the neighbors do not hear. Eyes 41. Tepac cac tan tepac agnereguel na ybac. (Pang.) Mata Clapping and clapping but my companions cannot hear me. Eyes 42. Dalaua cong cahon bucsan ualang ugong. (Tag.) Mata I open my two boxes noiselessly. Eyes 43. Dalawang batong maitim malayo ang dinarating. (Tag.) Mata Two black stones which reach far. Eyes 44. Dalawang tindahan sabay na binubucsan. (Tag.) Mata Two stores are open at the same time. Eyes 45. Adda dua nga Princesas quet nagseng nga tan da iti dua nga bantay; no agsangit iti maysa agsangit danga dua. (Iloc.) Mata There are two princesses, who live on the two sides of a mountain; when one cries both cry. The eyes 46. Adda dua nga pisi agtongpal idiay langit. (Iloc.) Mata There are two halves; they go toward the sky. Eyes 47. Malaon nang patay hindi maibaon at buhay ang capit bahay. (Tag.) Bulag ang isang mata It is a long time since it died, yet it can not be buried for its neighbor is still alive. One blind eye 48. Señora a samsamping addai ti uneg ti sarming. (Iloc.) Taotao ti mata A _samsamping_ is in the middle of the mirror. The pupil of the eye 49. Daluang balahibuhen masarap pag daiten. (Tag.) Mata at kilay Two hairy things, it's pleasant to have them meet. Eyelids 50. Adda dua nga Princesa quet nagbaetanda ti maysa nga bantay quet daytoy a bantay adda met dua nga oaig quet no agsangit daguitoy a Princesa agayos met daytoy nga oaig ngem no saanda nga agsangit mamagaan daguitoy nga oaig. (Iloc.) Mata quen agung There are two princesses with a mountain between them. In this mountain are two brooks and when the princesses cry these brooks flow and when the princesses do not cry the brooks dry up. Eyes and nose 51. Isang biyabas pito ang butas. (Tag.) Mukha One guava with seven holes. Face 52. Limang puno nang niog; isay matayog. (Tag.) Dalire Five cocoanut palms; one is higher. Fingers 53. Adda lima nga Principes nagcallogongda amin ti pisi. (Iloc.) Ramay There are five princes and their hat is one half. Fingers The nails are the hats. 54. Adda maysa nga ealapati nga nagna ti tinga ti ili manocayo cona ti ari no adda mainayon nga pisi justo nga dua polo cami. (Iloc.) Ramay There is a dove that walked in the middle of the town. How many are you said the king. If there is a half added we shall be twenty. Fingers 55. Ni ni conconana aoan ti matana (Iloc.) Tammodo Here, here, he says, but has no eyes. Forefinger It points here and there, touching the things in question, but it cannot see. 56. Tata baculud ay ain-mena maita na ut-tunna si catanang-nga. (Gad.) Quiray A mountain the summit of which cannot be seen, being very high. Forehead 57. Tubo sa punso, ualang buko. (Tag.) Buhoc Sugar-cane on clay, with no joints (knots). Hair 58. Cahoy nga tambalisa, tapson indi malaya. (Bis.) Buhoc A plant which does not fade when cut down. Hair 59. Iclog iti calao bolig iti lima. (Iloc.) Ima The calao's egg is five-parted. Hand The _calao_ is the hornbill; the egg here in question is perhaps his strange head-excrescence. 60. Isang bayabas peto ang butas. (Tag.) Ulo One guava with seven holes. Head 61. Isa ca bungsud nga pito ang iya buho. (Bis.) Olo A small hill having seven holes. Head 62. Sica a tao ti yan ti minuterum. (Iloc.) Puso You are the man who has the minute-beater. Heart _Minuterum_ the pendulum beating. 63. No agtacderac ania ngata ti omona a ipagnae? (Iloc.) Mocod If I stand, what will be the first that steps? Heel 64. Daluang bangiasan nag hahagaran. (Tag.) Binte Two fence stakes chasing each other. Legs 65. Atian na ing gulut; ing gulut na ya ing atian. (Pamp.) Bitis Its front is the back, and its back is the front. The lower leg (below the knee) 66. Adda oaig a bassit napnut bucbucaig. (Iloc.) Ngioat There is a small brook filled with shells. Mouth 67. Isang balong malalem, punong puno nang patalem. (Tag.) Bibig A deep well is filled with chisels. Mouth 68. Isa ca cahon-cahon nga punu sang tiguib. (Bis.) Baba A box full of chisels. Mouth 69. Dua nga bobon napnot allid quen dagum. (Iloc.) Agung Two wells filled with wax and needles. Nose 70. Baston ti Ygorot dica maparot (Iloc.) Bato The cane of the Igorot, you cannot pull up. Penis 71. Mapatar ya dalin tinoboay garing. (Pang.) Ngipuen Plain earth has grown ivory. Teeth 72. Umona nga aglaguis sa agdareedec. (Iloc.) Ngipen First place the bars and then the posts. The teeth The comparison is with fence-building. Here the posts are first set, and then the cross-pieces. The babe has first smooth, horizontal gums; then the upright teeth appear. 73. Nagapanilong apang basa. (Bis.) Dila He is under the shed but is always wet. Tongue 74. Enlongon empantion onbangon mansermon. (Pang.) Dila Coffin in graveyard wakes up sermon. Tongue 75. Na manantang ay maccatua udde na mannam ay malussao. (Gad.) Attut He who loses it rejoices, but he who finds it gets mad at it. Bad odor; breaking wind 76. Iti nacapocao agayayat quet iti nacabiroc agong onget (Iloc.) ottot Who loses it is glad; who finds it is mad. Bad odor; Breaking of wind 77. Magna sirirquep no nacalucat madi met. (Iloc.) Mucat It walks while it is shut; when it is open it does not care to walk. Secretion from eye corner 78. Aso cong pute inutusan co, ay hindi na umue. (Tag.) Lura I sent out my white dog and he did not return. Spittle The practice of spitting, even unrelated to betel-chewing or tobacco-chewing, is far commoner among the Filipinos than among ourselves. Book. 79. Tinadtad a root insenpen a panonot. (Iloc.) Libro Chopped grass hidden in the mind. Book Fodder or "food for thought." 80. Nagbulong nagbunga nanganac diay nangala. (Iloc.) Pagbasan It has leaves and fruits, Godfather took it. Book Candle. 81. Ania iti anac a pooranna iti baguis ni inana? (Iloc.) Candela What son burns his mother's intestines? Candle 82. Tite nang pare, mapute. (Tag.) Candela The priest's ---- is white. Candle 83. Kung babayaan mong ako ay mabuhay yaong kamatayay dagli kong kakamtan, ngungit kung akoy pataing paminsan ay lalong lalawig ang ingat kong buhay. (Tag.) Kandilang may sindi If you let me live I shall soon die; if you kill me I shall live long. A lighted candle 84. Masondug a cayu talaque na donna. (Gad.) Candela A slender tree which bears only one leaf. Lighted candle 85. Isang butel na palay punong puno ang bahay. (Tag.) Ilao A grain of rice fills the whole house. Light The flame of a candle is a little thing, comparable to a rice grain; yet it gives light to the whole house. Cardinal Points. 86. Adda uppat a nga amigos; idi naparsua toy lubong inda naisigud. (Iloc.) Uppat aturong There are four friends; they have existed since the beginning. The four directions Clock: Watch. 87. Aldao rabii agririaoac. (Iloc.) Reloj Day and night I cry. Clock 88. Amanu na mararamdam, dapot masaquit yang intindian, nung ing lupa na ing quecang lauan a usta mu ing qucang sasabian. (Pang.) Relos His words are audible but difficult to understand; when you look at his face you will understand what he says. Clock 89. Ania ti parsua ni apo Dios nga aoan ti imana nga aoan ti sacana quet ammona ti agsao? (Iloc.) Leros = reloj What creature of God has no arms and legs, but can talk? Clock Coffin. 90. Ang nagapahimo nagahibi; ang nagahimo indi iya; ang tag-iya uala sing calibutan. (Bis.) Longon The one who orders it made is crying; the one who has it, it is not his to give; the one who owns it does not care anything about it. Coffin Disease. 91. Taong buhay inaanay. (Tag.) Bulutong A living person being eaten up by "anay." Smallpox Anay, termites or white ants. 92. Ania ti pagayatan na a mabalud. (Iloc.) Ti masaquit Why does he wish to be in prison? Pain Dress. 93. Dadiay adalem agassiquet; dadiay ababao agatengngned. (Iloc.--also Pang., Bis.) Calzon; bado What is deep reaches only to the waist; what is shallow comes to the neck. Drawers; jacket 94. Daluang pipit nag titimbangan sa isang siit. (Tag.) Hicao Two _pipits_ balancing on a bambu stick. Earrings The _pipit_ is a small bird. 95. Bumili ako nang alipin mataas pa sa akin. (Tag.) Sambalilo I bought a slave, taller than myself. Hat 96. Aniat aramid a canennaca, (Iloc.) Bado What work devours you. Camisa The word work is used in several of these riddles with the meaning of a thing made, a manufactured article. The camisa is a shirt. 97. Nacaquitaac iti dua a sasacayan; maymaysat naglugan. (Iloc.) Zapatos I saw two boats; only one person was on board. Shoes 98. Dala mo siya, dala ca niya. (Tag.) Bakia You carry it it carries you. Shoe 09. Dalan mucu, dalan da ca, mipa quinabang cata. (Pamp.) Sapin Carry me, I will carry you; let us share alike. Shoes Drinks. 100. Con aga naga lapta, pero con hapon naga tipon. (Bis.) Tuba In the morning it is scattered in many places, but in the evening it is united into one place. Tuba An intoxicating drink made from cocoapalm sap; it is gathered daily. In the morning it is at the trees which yield; at evening it is brought in and stored. 101. Adda maysa a balasang conana toy maysa a baro no ayatennac dacquel ti pagdacsam. (Iloc.) Arac There was a lady said to a gentleman "If you love me it will harm you." Wine Egg. 102. Yti pagapugan ti Ari; no maluctan saan nga maisubli. (Iloc.) Itlog The limebox of the king; if you open it you cannot restore it. An egg 103. Adda bayabasco idiay Manila aoan ti pamorosanna. (Iloc.) Itlog I have a guava in Manila that has no stem. Egg 104. Ang balay sang encantadora ua-ay ventana ua-ay puerta. (Bis.) Itlog The house of an enchantress which has neither window nor door. Egg Fishes. 105. Lindus ne enetiran, dapot king asbuk ya milulan. (Pamp.) Balulingi Harpooning at it he missed it, but it went into his mouth. Balulungi The shovel-nosed shark. In aiming at food, if it really enters his mouth which is below the long and projecting snout, he must seem to miss it. 106. Adda maysa nga lacay; puqiiis nga oacray. (Iloc.) Corita There is an old man; his hair cut short, the hair hangs. Corita It is a fish, with slender, pendent, feelers. 107. Asino ti nabiag a togtogaoanna ti ngeoatna? (Iloc.) Corita What living thing sits on its mouth? Corita 108. Ania iti parsua ni Apo Dios nga pispisi iti baguina? (Iloc.) Dadali What creature of our Lord God is but a half-body? Flounder 109. Nag saeng si pusong, sa ibabao ang gatong. (Tag.) Bibingca The clown cooked rice with the fire above. Cake 110. Tignan, tignan, bago ngiuitan. (Tag.) Mais Look at it first, before making a face at it. Corn Refers to eating it from the cob. 111. Piña piña marabotinia no aoan dayta matayca. (Iloc.) Bagas _Piña piña marabotinia_, If there is none you will die. Rice 112. Siasino ngata ti nagbuniag a daga? (Iloc.) Asin What earth has been baptised? Salt 113. Aniat cangatoan a recado? (Iloc.) Asin What is the best spice? Salt 114. Perlas yang maningning a ibat qung mina, nung mibalic ya qung penibatana matda ing ningning na. (Pamp.) Asin A sparkling pearl that came from the mine, in going to its source loses its brilliancy. Salt The original source was the sea; but in water salt dissolves. Fruit. 115. Matebtibonec malimtimbocol bagobagooay tapuco anbalbalangay dalem. (Pang.) Atsuete Round, plump; hairy outside; red inside. Atsuete A red fruit used for seasoning fish. 116. Ulo ng principe tinadtad ng ispile. (Tag.) Bunga ng bangcol Head of a prince stuck full of pins. Bangcol It is like a round ball stuck with pins. 117. Dinan yan penalsay Dios ya loab tod tabla it say paoay toel equet. (Pang.) Cabatite What creature of God is smooth inside but like a net outside? A fruit. Cabatite 118. Agbibitin a sinanlagangan. (Iloc.) Damortis Hanging like a pot-rest. Camachilis (fruit) 119. Balay ni Santa Ana nalicmut ti caramba. (Iloc.) Niog Santa Ana's house is surrounded by a jar. Cocoanut 120. Langit ngato, langit baba, danom ti tengana. (Iloc.--also Pang., Tag.) Niog Sky above, sky below, water in the middle. Cocoanut 121. Danum sadi Minimin, di mastrec ti angin. (Iloc.) Niog The water of Minimin, the wind cannot reach it. Cocoanut 122. Sang bata pa maniuang, anay sang tigulang na matamboc. (Bis.) Lubi When young he is lean, but when he becomes old he is fat. Cocoanut The meat of the cocoanut grows in thickness. 123. Tatlong bundok ang tinibag bago dumating nang dagat. (Tag.) Niog Three mountains were blown down before they reached the sea. Cocoanut The husk, the shell, and the meat are passed to reach the water within. 124. Pispisi a dalayap nagcatlo nagcapat. (Iloc.) Buquel ti capas A half-lemon divides into three or four. Fruit of cotton 125. Adda maysa nga banga nga bassit; Napno ti bato nga babassit. (Iloc.--also Pang.) Bayabas Here is a little pot; it is full of small stones. Guava 126. Aling cacania dito sa mundo ang nacalabas ang buto? (Tag.) Kasoy Which of his brothers in this world has his bones outside? Kasoy A fruit, the hard seed of which projects entirely beyond its outer surface. 127. Isang ungoy nakaupo sa lusong. (Tag.) Kasoy One monkey sitting on a mortar. Kasoy The seed of the _balubad_ or Kasoy suggests the figure. 128. Babuy sa pulo, ang balahibu ay paco. (Tag.) Langca Wild hog, whose hairs are nails. Langca 129. Pobre ti rabaona mayaman ti onegna. (Iloc.) Langca Poor outside, rich within. Langca 130. Tinadtad ti rabaona, lauya ti onegna. (Iloc.,--also Pang.) Langca Minced outside; _lauya_ within. Langca _Lauya_; meat on bones, thoroughly cooked in water with vinegar and spices. Langca is a large sort of breadfruit. 131. Agbibitin nga oging. (Iloc.,--also Pang.) Longboy Charcoal hanging. Longboy A plum-like fruit. 132. Adda inbitin co nga langdet tangtangaden ti baboaquet. (Iloc.) Longboy I hang up a chopping-block: the old women look up at it. Longboy 133. Hindi hayop, hindi tao, Nag dadamit ng de pano. (Tag.) Mabalo Not an animal, not a man, Yet it is clad in velvet. Mabalo A fruit somewhat like a peach. 134. Agbibiten a puso. (Iloc.) Manga A heart hanging. Mango 135. Isang cabang señorito, pulus may sombrero. (Tag.) Bunga A group of little gentlemen, all with their hats. Palmnuts 136. Bahay ni Santa Ana punong puno nang bala. (Tag.) Papaya Santa Ana's house is full of bullets. Papaya The papaya contains abundance of round, shining, black seeds the size of buckshot or larger. 137. Metung a bulsa mitmu yang paminta. (Pamp.) Kapaya A pocket full of peppercorns. Papaya The round black seeds of the papaya are the peppercorns. 138. Abongnin Doña Maria alictob na botilla. (Pang.) Apayas Doña Maria's house is surrounded by a bottle. Papaya 139. Balay ni Santa Maria nalicmut ti espada. (Iloc.,--also Pang., Gad., Bis.) Piña Santa Maria's house is surrounded by swords. Pineapple 140. Señora a nasam-sam-it addat oneg ti siit. (Iloc.) Piña A sweet lady among the thorns. Pineapple 141. Isang dalagang may corona at caloob saan ay may mata. (Tag.) Piña The lady with a crown has eyes everywhere. Pineapple 142. Agbibiten a danog. (Iloc.) Santol A fist hanging. Santol 143. Bahay ni Sang Gabriel, punong puno nang barel. (Tag.) Lucban San Gabriel's house is full of guns. Shaddock Furniture. 144. Con adlao naga uba, pero con gabi naga saya. (Bis.) Catre; mosquitero During the day she is naked, but at night she puts on her skirt. Bed; mosquito bar Games. 145. Aso co sa pantalan, lumucso nang pitong balon, umuli nang pitong gubat, bago nag tanao dagat. (Tag.) Sungkahan My dog from the wharf jumped over seven wells, jumped again over seven forests, before it saw the sea. Mancala This well-known game is played upon a board in which a number of round pits are scooped out; two lines of seven of these are placed side by side. Greeting. 146. Bumile ako nang bigas, bigas din ang ibinayad. (Tag.) Ang pagbibigay nang magandang arao o gabi sa kanino man. I bought rice with rice. The exchange of greeting--good morning or good night. Hammock. 147. Taray nga taray di met macaalis. (Iloc.) Indayon Running and running, but it cannot go away. Hammock 148. Adda caballoc a labang agsinanpontol panalian. (Iloc.) Indayon I have a gray horse; I can halter him at both ends. Hammock Heavenly bodies. 149. Kabac na niog magdamag na kinayod. (Tag.) Buan Half-a-cocoanut, retreating slowly all night. Moon 150. Kabiac na niog, magdamag na ipod nang ipod. (Tag.) Buan A half-cocoanut, scraped the whole night. Moon The moon keeps freshly white, like cocoanut meat just scraped. 151. Sancagalip a rabong sila oanna amin a lobong. (Iloc.) Bulan A half section of a bambu shoot illuminates the whole world. Moon 152. Adda pisi a dalayap nga incalic; tal-lo a papadi dina macali. (Iloc.) Bulan I planted a half-lemon; three priests cannot dig it up. Moon 153. Letrang C a maging O, O maging C. (Pamp.,--also Tag.) Bulan The letter C becomes O, O becomes C. The Moon 154. Sim-migpatac ti tanobong silaoco a nagodong; sim-migpatac ti alodig, silaoco nga nagaoid. (Iloc.) Bulan quen bituen I chop a _tanobong_ for light when I go to town; I chop an _alodig_ for light when I go home. Moon and stars A _tanobong_ is a sort of bambu; _alodig_ is a small bush. 155. Adda maysa nga dalayap imporoac co idiay tayac no may bagam cucuanac. (Iloc.) Bulan There was a lemon which I threw out into the wide plain. Guess it and I shall be yours. Moon 156. Ako ay naghasik nang mais, pagka umaga ay palis. (Tag.) Bituin I sowed maize grains; in the morning they were swept away. Stars The stars, grains of maize, disappear with the dawn. 157. Sangaplato nga busi maoarasanna amin ti inilinili. (Iloc.) Bituen A plate of roasted rice can be spread all over the town. Stars 158. Mayaquit alila nung ing sumbu macaslag ya, dapot nung capilan milaco ya carin la paquit. (Pamp.) Batuin at aldo When the lamp is shining they can scarcely be seen, but when it is taken away they become visible. Stars and sun 159. Abong nen Don Juan agnalocasan. (Pang.) Aguco Don Juan's house, you cannot open. Sun 160. Caoayan queling agnataquiling. (Pang.) Agueo You cannot look directly at _caoayan queling._ Sun A sort of bambu, of great diameter. 161. Isbu ti andidit di masirip. (Iloc.) Ynit _Andidit's_ urine cannot be looked at. Sun The _andidit_ is a cricket. 162. Kung ako ay iyong pakatitigan pagkita sa akiy di mapapalaran. (Tag.) Arao If you look at me, you cannot see me. Sun 163. Nagmulaac iti saba idiay daya saan a nagbunga ta naabac ti cuenta, nagmulaac iti niog idiay laud saan a nagugut ta naabac iti panonotna. (Iloc.) Ynit quen bulan I planted a banana in the east and it did not fruit for it lost the count and I planted a cocoanut in the west and it did not sprout because it lost its mind. Sun and moon Hole. 164. Tapat nga guindadugangan tapat nga nagamag-an. (Bis.) Buho The larger it grows, the lighter it becomes. A hole House: and parts. 165. Dinan yan penalsay Dios ya say quenantoit maengal? (Pang.) Abong What creature of God, having eaten makes a noise? House 166. Ama iti pinarsua ni Apo Dios nga agtagtagari ti quin nanna? (Iloc.) Balay What creature of Lord God has talking its food? House 167. Ama iti parsua ni Apo Dios nga umona nga agsilia sa agap-ap. (Iloc.) Balay What creature of Lord God puts the saddle first and then the blanket? House The roof of a house is built before the walls. 168. Naligo ang Kapitan hindi binasa ang tiyan. (Tag.) Sahig The Captain took a bath, but did not wet his belly. Floor When being scrubbed with water, the bambu is as promptly dry as a duck's back. 168. Hindi hayop, hindi tao nag ngangalan nang Tranquilino. (Tag.) Trangk'a nang pinto Not animal, not man; its name is Tranquilino. Lock of door Mere resemblance in sound between Tranquilino, a personal name, and Trangka--a lock. 169. Kung sino ang naunang umakiat siyang nahuli sa lahat. (Tag.) Pagaatip He who climbed first became the last. Nipa thatching In roofing the work begins at the lower part and ends at the ridge. 170. Adda ay ayatec nga gayyem (amigo) ngem saanco a cayat a casango. (Iloc.) Adigi I have a loving friend but I do not wish to face him. Post A post in the house construction. Mothers punish naughty children by standing them in the corner facing the post. 171. Quimmali siramari quimmagat. (Iloc.) Adigi Set into the ground, breaks through, and bites. Post A post in house construction meets the requirement. It is firmly planted, penetrates flooring, and clutches and holds a rafter or other pole. 172. Atin cung metung a caballero pabanua yang makakabayo, dapot eya mamako. (Pamp.) Pakabayu ning bubungan I have a horseman who has been riding for a year but has not gone a bit. Rider of bambu, over the ridge to keep the nipa from being blown away. 173. Balubog nang ama mo, pina arawan co. (Tag.) Palupo nang babay I let the sunshine on your father's back; i.e. the sun shines on your father's back. The long poles at the roof crest of the house. These poles are the "father's back;" they are directly exposed to the sun's rays. 174. No omoli baro, no omolog balo. (Iloc.) Atep When it ascends it is new (young); When it goes down it is a widow. Roof 175. Minalemae nga agtacop binigatac met nga agpiguis. (Iloc.) Tandoc I mend it every evening, I tear it every morning. Window 176. Na labi mansacabac; no agueo manpilatae. (Pang.) Ventana At night closed; in day open. Window 177. Abosta kippit, Comalcalipkip. (Iloc.) Riquep Although thin, it can slide. Window shutter Implements. 178. Ypacapetco toy colisipeo dita bocotmo maimbagan ta nasaquitmo. (Iloc.) Tandec I place my _colisipco_ upon your back and it cures your illness. Cupping-horn _Colisipco_ is a slender bambu sucking tube. _Tandoc_ is a piece of horn for blood-letting. 179. Adda maysa nga amigoc no icaraed cod toy olic, maornos datoy booc. (Iloc.) Sagaysay I have a friend and when I arrange my head, my hair is in order. Comb 180. Aniat ina ni saba? (Iloc.) Ni daga Quet ania met ti amana? Barrita What is the mother of the banana? The earth And what its father? Digging-stick 181. Tombong con tombong manpilicay gustum. (Pang.) Agniob Intestine (gut) choose what you want. Fire-blower It is a simple tube of bambu. 182. Magdala ya laman mete, mamita yang laman mabie. (Pamp.) Mamaduas ing apana ating asan a dumamit. He carries the flesh of the dead, but seeks the flesh of the living. Fishline 183. Banga sadi Sinait, naapinan ti nangisit. (Iloc.) Tintiroan A pot from Sinait, lined with black. Ink bottle 184. Adda bassit nga quita nga casla tisa ngem mabalinna nga ayoanan ti maysa nga balasang nga casla mangayoan a cas maysa nga leon. (Iloc.) Tulbec There is a little thing like a piece of crayon, but it can guard a lady like a lion. Key 185. Hindi madangkal, hindi madipa, pinag-tutuangan nang lima. (Tag.) Carayom You can not span it, you cannot measure it by your outstretched arms, and it is being carried by five. Needle 186. Begut nc ing andang tinuki ya ing ubingan. (Pamp.) Carayum ampong sinulad. He pulled out a stick and it was followed by a snake. Needle and thread 187. Na una ang trozo sa manghihila. (Tag.,--also Bis., Pang.) Carayom The log comes first, then the hauling cable. Needle (and thread) 188. Tinoduc ni ampalocneng ti obet ni ampatang quen. (Iloc.) Dagum The soft one is thrust through the anus of the hard one. Needle and thread 189. Ania nga abut iti tacopan iti iapadana nga abut? (Iloc.) Iquet What hole do you mend with holes? Net 190. Magmagnaac mangibatbatiac ti magnaac agbalbalicas. (Iloc.) Pluma I am walking leaving tracks where I walk. Pen 191. Mangipatacderac ti adigi madomadoma a corte. (Iloc.) Pluma I set up a post variously cut (fashioned). Pen The pen of this riddle is the old-time quill pen. 192. Con uyatan naga lacat; con buhi-an naga liguid. (Bis.) Pluma When held it goes; When let loose it lies down. Pen 193. Bolong na unas mancancanioas. (Pang.) Catli Sugarcane leaves moving crisscross. Scissors 194. Pukeng payat nangangagat. (Tag.) Gunteng A narrow vagina bites. Scissors 195. Maysa nga colibangbang tinaoentaoen nga mangan. (Iloc.) Raquem There is a butterfly which is eating every year. Rice knife The small knife used to cut rice. Its shape suggests that of a butterfly. 196. Diac maquita nacamolagatac; no abbongac maquitac. (Iloc.) Anteojos I cannot see although my eyes are wide open; if I cover, I can see. Spectacles Insects: and other invertebrates. 197. Diotay pa si compare cahibalo na mag saca sa lubu. (Bis.) Subay My _compadre_ is tiny, yet he knows how to climb up a cocoanut tree. Ant 198. Bahay ni Man Tute haligue ay bali-bali. (Tag.) Alimango House of Mr. Tute, whose rafters are twisted. Crab 199. Nano nga pispis nga ua-ay pag lupad, may pac-pac cag may bala-hibu, cag naga butu. (Bis.) Ulang What bird is it, having wings cannot fly, which makes its nest and hatches its young under its wings? Crayfish 200. No umolog maturog; no umoli tomacqui. (Iloc.--also Pang.) Alinta When it goes down, it sleeps; when it goes up it drops waste matter. Earthworm 201. Magmagna mamingpingqui. (Iloc.) Colalanti Walking, it strikes fire. Makes a spark. Fireflies 202. Con sa latagon palanacal; con sa balay magansal; pero con sa mesa in a ugdang. (Bis.) Lango Out in the field she talks too much; In the house she makes much noise; But when at table she is quiet. Fly 203. Ang patay nag bata sing buhi, ang buhi nag bata cag ang iya bata iya guin bilin sa patay, cag ang patay amo ang nag buhi sang bata sang buhi. (Bis.) Langao, uhid, carne A living thing left its young to a dead thing; this dead thing gave nourishment to the young of the living thing. Fly, maggots, meat 204. Siasino iti parsua ni apotayo nga Dios nga casla agropropa a caballo quet iti payacna casla bulong iti caoayan? (Iloc.) Dudon What creature of our Lord God has a face like a horse and wings like bambu leaves? Grasshopper 205. Adda maysa nga tumatayal yanna amin nga lugar uray no tayac quen cabaquiran, quet iti rupana rupa iti baca, iti tengnguedna tengngued iti caballo, iti barocongna barocong iti tao, iti payacna casla bolong iti caoayan iti ipusna casla uleg, iti sacana casla saca iti tocling. (Iloc.) Oasay-oasay There is a flying thing, which stays anywhere,--even in the forest and tayac; its face is the face of a cow, its neck the neck of a horse, the breast the breast of a man, the wing is like the leaf of a bambu, his tail resembles a snake, and his feet look like the feet of a bird. Grasshopper 206. Madilim na bundoc hayop na walan buto. (Tag.) Cutu Dark mountain--boneless animal. Louse 207. Atimon sa cagulangan ua-ay alipopo-an. (Bis.) Lusa Melon of the wilderness without a stem. Nit 208. Ating metung a cacanan ing queang pengan marayu ya qung atian. (Pamp.) Paro There is a certain thing to eat; its fleshiness is far from its belly. Shrimp 209. Ing labuad nang quebaitan yang ena na buring balicad, uling ing hie na carin mipalamang. (Pamp.) Yamuc He does not like to return to the land where he was born for there he will meet his fate. Mosquito Born of water; he drowns in water. 210. Aling hayop dito sa mundo, ang inilalakad ay ulo? (Tag.) Suso What animal in this world walks with his head? Snail 211. Maysa a naparato ti catayna pagsilona. (Iloc.) Laoalaoa A joker uses his spittle for a snare. Spider 212. Ating palacio mitmu yang cuartu, balang metung a cuartu maqui metung yang curatu. (Pamp.) Calaba ning tainumu, o panilan. There is a palace full of rooms, each containing a priest. Honeycomb 213. Aroi Dom Pedro, hindi macolabas sa carcel? (Tag.) Tinik Oh! Don Pedro, why don't you get out of prison? Sting Tinik means either a sting of an insect or the thorn of a plant. It is the sting or thorn which here is considered in prison and exhorted to escape. Lamp. 214. Metung a butil a pale kitmu ne ing bale. (Pamp.) Sumbu A single grain of rice, filled the whole house. A lamp 215. Memala ya ing labak meto ya ing tugak. (Pamp.) Sumbu The swamp dried up and the frog died. An oil lamp 216. Adda lognac quen adda met agtaytayab daytoy nga agtaytayab aggiyan ditoy nga lognac quet no mamamagaan daytoy nga lognaquen matay met datoy agtaytayaben. (Iloc.) Lamparaan There is a pond and a bird; this bird lives in the pond. When the pond dries up, the bird dies. Lamp Love. 217. Aniat casam itan ti nasamit? (Iloc.) Ayat What is the sweetest of the sweet? Love 218. Ania ti ayat nga agmalmalem? (Iloc.) Ti apagcascasar What love lasts all day? Of those just married 219. Ramaycot panagaladco luac ti panagsibugco. (Iloc.) Panangasaoa I fence with my fingers; I water with my tears. To marry 220. Nag molaac iti masetas ditoy locong iti dacolapco iti pinag si bogco toy loac quet iti pinamorosco toy matac. (Iloc.) Nagayanayat I planted a plant in the midst of the palm of my hand, I watered it with my tears, I gathered it with my eyes. Loving each other 221. Acoi nag tanim nang dayap sa gitna nang dagat marami ang nahanap, iisa ang naka palad. (Tag.,--also Iloc.) Dalaga I planted a lemon tree in the middle of the sea many sought it only one found it. Girl 222. Oalay saquey ya dalayap temmobod puegley na dayat amayamay ya manped peraod sac sacquey so acagaoat. (Pang.) Panangasasa There is a lemon-tree growing in the middle of the sea; many people desire to take it, but cannot; only one person can succeed. Your sister To be married. Mat. 223. Mig quera cu babo ebus, lalam sasa cu me tudtud. (Pamp.) Dase I lay down upon the buri, under the nipa I slept. Petate The sleeping mat is laid down upon the floor (of _buri_); the roof is of _nipa_. 224. Sa gabey dagat sa arao ay bumbong. (Tag.) Baneg At night it is a sea, in the day it is the bambu carry-tube. Petate The _petate_ is the sleeping mat of rushes; in the day-time it is rolled up and set away; at night it is unrolled and spread upon the floor. The word sea is often used for any extended or flat surface. 225. No aldao tubong no rabii dadali. (Iloc.) Icamen If day a tube; if night a flounder. Sleeping mat=petate Mirror. 226. Quitquitaec quet quitaennac; no cataoaac cataoaan nac. (Iloc.) Espejo I am looking at it, and it looks at me; if I laugh, it laughs. Mirror Musical Instruments. 227. Guerret nga agpucpuc-cao, agpucpuc-cao a guerret. (Iloc.) Tambor _Guerret_ crying, crying _guerret_. Drum _Guerret_ is a section cut transversely from a fish. It has somewhat the shape of a drum. 228. Ania ti pinarsua ni Apo Dios nga iti ngioat na adda ti tian-na maymaysa taequiag na, quen ti ramay na adda ti bocot ti dacolapna, quen naquinruar ti baguisna. (Iloc.) Guitarra There is a creature made by Lord God whose mouth is in his belly; he has one arm and his fingers are in his back; and his intestines are outside. Guitar 229. Secal que batal legari que atian, ginulisac yang masican. (Pamp.) Dibil I choked him, I sawed him across the belly, he screamed furiously. Violin Nature Elements. 230. Bibingca nang hari, hindi mo mahati. (Tag.) Tubig The king's cake, you cannot divide it. Water 231. No tinagbat, nagpiglat. (Iloc.) Danom If you chop it, it heals at once. Water 232. Ing inda maging anak ya, ing anak maging inda ya. (Pamp.) Yelo The mother becomes the daughter and the daughter becomes the mother. Water, ice 233. Siac nacaquitaac iti siam abilit quet pinaltogac iti lima mano iti natedda? (Iloc.) Lima I saw nine birds; I shot five of them; how many were left? Five The dead ones: the rest flew away. Occupations. 234. Ang madamu guina dugangan, pero ang diotay guina buhinan. (Bis.) Ang pag limas sang tubi sa sulod sang sacayan. The greater is increased, the smaller is diminished. When water is pumped out of a boat. 235. Ang iya olo sapat, ang iya lanao cahoy cag ang iya icog tauo. (Bis.) Carabao arado cog tauo. His head is an animal, his body is wood and his tail is man. Plowing 236. Adda tallo nga caquita; dadiay immona magmagna nga aoan tagarina; dadiay maicadua mangmangan quet; dadiay maicatlo magmagna nga tomanagari. (Iloc.) Agarado There are three things; the first is walking without talking; the second is eating; the third is walking and talking. Plowing The carabao, the plow, and the man. 237. Manoc cong pute, nag talon sa pusale. (Tag.) Hugas bigas My white chicken jumped into the puddle. Rice-washing The water that runs from rice washing is white; it falls from the kitchen down into the accumulated water under the house. 238. Ania ti aramid ti babay a dina malpas? (Iloc.) Abel What woman's work is never finished? Weaving There is always a lower edge which cannot be woven. Persons. 239. Acoi nag tanem nang sile sa tabe nang catre, ang idinileg coi, puro ang ibinungay diamante. (Tag.) Bata I planted a pepper near a bed, I watered it with honor, it yielded a precious jewel. Baby 240. Con mag atubang si tatay; apang con mag talicud si nanay. (Bis.) Insik If it faces you it is your father; but if it turns its back it is your mother. Chinaman Seen from before the general appearance is that of a man; from behind, a woman. 241. Taung inucul dang loco, dapot ing dapat na mibulalag quing yatu. (Pamp.) Cristobal Colon One whom they thought a fool, his work beeame world-known. Columbus 242. Nag habla ang may sala nag tago ang justicia. (Tag.) Nagevemupisal The culprit appears in court, the justice is hidden. The Confessional The person confessing is plainly seen; the priest receiving the confession is out of sight. 243. Nagmolaac iti pipino idiay arisadsad ti convento dimet nagbunga ti pipino no di Sto. Cristo. (Iloc.) Natay I planted a pip near the convent but it did not produce a squash but Sto. Cristo. A dead person 244. Ania ti ringgor nga saan nga agtaud ti dila? (Iloc.) Umel What quarrel is not made with the tongue? A dumb man's 245. Sin-o ang napatay nga guin lubung sa tiyan sang iya nanay? (Bis.) Pari Who died, who was buried in his mother's bosom? Friar He was buried in the church. 246. Duro co nga dalagan pero ua-ay aco dinalaganan? (Bis.) Naga sacay sa duyan Who was running fast but did not move from where he started? One in a hammock 247. Ing makalub makalual ya, ing makalual makalub ya. (Pamp.) Ing inda ampo ing anak. What was exposed is inside, what was inside is exposed. Mother and babe, when the latter is baptized. The mother stays at home in the house. 248. Pinonggosco a pinongos bino caycayan iti Dios. (Iloc.) Masicog I grasped and grasped and God loosed it. Pregnant woman 249. Ania ti anac a mangisquis quen mana. (Iloc.) Ti mangrarit ti piracna. What child shaves his mother? Who spends her money 250. Aniat baybay a di aglippias? (Iloc.) Ti Quinaquirmet What sea does not overflow? The stingy man Though he has abundance he gives out none. 251. Con tulcon nimo uala sia pag pahuay sang lacat apang uala man sing limacatan. (Bis.) Manoghabol She appears to be always walking, but after all is still in her place as before. A weaver Plants. 252. Deli queenteng kaballero rianu mang tiknang an nang palacio, agad yanag malaso. (Pamp.) Balite A gallant horseman causes any castle in which he is to crumble to pieces. The Balite This is the great parasitic fig, which encloses other trees in its embrace. 253. Adda maysa nga cayo nga bulong nga bulong di met agsabong; sanga nga sanga dimet agbunga. (Iloc.) Caoayan There is a plant that produces leaves after leaves, but no flowers; branches after branches, but no fruit. Bambu 254. Siroc iti balay ti bacnang di macaycayan. (Iloc.) Bulong ti caoayan Under the _bacnang's_ house it cannot be clean. Bambu leaves 255. Nab-barnasi sin accab-bing-nga udde sicuana. (Gad.,--also Iloc., Pang., Bis.) Ufud. When newly-born, well dressed, but when he gets old he is naked. Bambu shoot The bud is covered with a down, which disappears. 256. Nang munte ay may tapis, nang lumaki ay bulisles. (Tag.) Caoayan When young she wore a tapis; when grown she is unclad Bambu shoot The _tapis_ is the most characteristic part of the woman's dress. It is a wide band of dark cloth (black or brown) worn over the other clothing, around the whole middle part of the body. 257. Nanganak ang virgen itinapon ang lampen. (Tag.) Sagueng The virgin gave birth to a child and threw away the blanket. Banana 258. Nanganak ang asuang sa tuktok nagdaan. (Tag.) Sagueng An asuang gave birth to a child from the top. Banana 259. Naguit-log ni cannaoay inocopan ni teg-gaac idi cuan guiaoen ni oac ti nagtaraquen. (Iloc.) Saba A stork laid an egg; the crane hatched a lark from it; the crow took care of the young. Banana 260. Sancadaoa sangalabba. (Iloc.) Sangcabulig a saba A seed-bearing stem; one fills a basket. Bunch of bananas 261. Macagto sa simbahan si Mary, pito o ualo ang iya saya. (Tag.) Puso Mary is going to church having seven or eight shirts. Banana bud The bud is wrapped or folded within a number of bracts. 262. Adda puso a maysa dagat nag apuanna alupasit naglasatanna. (Iloc.) Puso ti saba There is a heart that came from the earth and pushed up through _alupasit._ The heart of the banana _Alupasit_ is banana fibre. 263. Caballo moreno umosoc idiay ngato. (Iloc.) Sabonganay ti saba The red horse comes out upward. Banana flowers 264. Isda co sa Sapa-sapa sapin-sapin ang taba. (Tag.) Saha nang saguing My fish in Sapa-sapa has manifold layers of fat. Stem of banana The stem of a banana cut through shows in wrapping layers, not unlike fat. 265. Dasug ca kaka, libutad ya y inda. (Pamp.) Saging ampo ding sui na Move on my brother, let mother be in the middle. A banana plant and its suckers The new ones displace the older ones, pushing them outward. 268. Ang puno lubi; ang dahon espada; ang bunga bala. (Bis.) Cahoy ngaburi The trunk cocoanut; the leaves swords; the fruit bullets. Buri palm 267. Angibitinac na liquen tangtanga yey mamasiquen. (Pang.) Camantilis I was hung by a potring; the old men looked up at me. Camachili The pendent fruit suggests the riddle. 268. Nano nga sapat nga ang iya palod hayang pero ang iya tudlo culub? (Bis.) Packing sang lubi What animal is it which has its palm upside up but its fingers upside down? Cocoanut leaves 269. Payung y Santa Maria amena mabata. (Gad.) Tafal Saint Mary's umbrella cannot be wetted. Gabi This is the cultivated plant commonly known as _taro_. Its great leaf sheds water perfectly. 270. No malipatam maca-alaca; quet no malaguipmo dica maca-ala. (Iloc.) Poriquet=amorsico If you do not remember, you get; but if you do remember, you do not get. Grass-burs 271. Agsabong dina met bonga agsanga isut bongana. (Iloc.) Mais It produces a flower but it is not its fruit; it produces branches which are its fruit. Maize 272. Nag tapis nang nag tapis nacalitao ang bulbolis. (Tag.) Mais She wore and wore her _tapis_ yet her pubic hair was displayed. Maize The green husks are considered the _tapis_, or wrap about the mid-body; the silk appearing from the husk wrapping is the pubic hair. 273. Alo-divino de gracia malayo ang bulaklak sa bunga. (Tag.) Mais Of all divine gifts it is the only plant whose flower is far from the fruit. Maize 274. Tite nang Ingles, puno nang gales. (Tag.) Mais The Englishman's ---- is full of pustules. Maize; ear 275. Siasino iti pinarsua ni Apo Dios nga umuna nga matay santo agbonga? (Iloc.--also Pang.) Sarguelas What thing our Lord God made dies first and then fruits? Plum tree 276. Uala sa langit, uala sa lupa, ang dahon ay sariwa? (Tag.) Quiapo It is not in heaven, it is not on earth, its leaves are fresh. Quiapo The water-lettuce; it covers the surface of quiet spots in rivers. 277. Cung hindi lamang si tagabundok si tagalati ay mahuhulog. (Tag.) Iyantok at parvid But for the one living in the mountain the one living in the swamp would fall. Nipa and rattan The rattan (growing in the mountain) is used to lash on the nipa (growing in the swamp) to the house framework. 278. No colditenca matayea quet no adayoanca mabiagea. (Iloc.) Bainbain If I touch you you will die; but if I get away from you you will live. Sensitive plant 279. Adda maysa a cayo idiay toctoc adda bobonco. (Iloc.) Silag There is a tree up there and I have a well on it. Silag A sort of palm, the bud is cut out and a sweet sap secured. 280. Tagbatec ta sacam: inomec ta daram. (Iloc.) Unas I chop your feet; I drink your blood. Sugarcane 281. Lalabas cu, tindus dacn. (Pamp.) Sulput I was going out into the field, they pierced me. A grass with slender and sharp seeds. 282. Pinagsakitan kong aking matuklasan ang bagay na isang ninais makamtan at nang sa pagkita ay hindi mapalaran tinaglay-taglay ko hangang kamatayan. (Tag.) Tinik I sought a thing I wished to get, and as I could not find it I kept it until my death. Spine 283. Adda tal-lo a Princesas sag-gaysa ti coartoda ngem saan da nga agquiquita. (Iloc.) Tagunbao There are three princesses; each has a separate room and they cannot see each other. _Tagunboa_ A shrub used for hedges, with a tripartite pod or capsule. 284. Ania iti mula a uray bolding mailasinna? (Iloc.) Siit What thing is blind but can select? Thorn Qualities. 285. Aniat cala-adan ti bomaro atao? (Iloc.) Ti quinasuquer What is the worst disfigurement for a young man? Disobedience Relationship. 286. Ano ang itatawag mo sa biyenang babayi nang asawa nang kapatid mo? (Tag.) Ina What will you call the mother-in-law of your sister's husband? Mother 287. Ang amain kong buo ay may isang kapatid na babayi, ngunit siyai hindi ko naman ali. Sino siya? (Tag.) Aking ina My uncle has a sister but she is not my aunt. Who is she? My mother 288. Ang mga babaying A at B ay nakasalubong sa daan ng dalawang lalaki; at nagwika si A; naito na ang ating mga ama, mga ama nang ating mga anak; at mga tunay nating. (Tag.) Ang ama ni A ay napakasal kay B at ang ama ni B ay napakasal kay A at nagkaroon sila nang tigisang anak. Ladies A and B met two men and said, "There come our fathers, fathers of our sons and our own husbands." A's father married with B and B's father with A, and each of them had a child. 289. Nang malapos nang madalao nang isang lalaki ang isang bilango ay tinanong nang bantay; ano mo ba ang tawong iyon? Kapatid mo ba o ano? Ang sagot nang bilango ay ito; akoy ualang kapatid, ni pamangkin ni amain, ni nuno, ni apo, ni kahit kaibigan; ngungit ang ama nang tawong iyan, ay anak nang anak nang aking ama. Ano nang bilango ang tawong iyon. (Tag.) Anak After a man visited a prisoner, the guard asked him--"is that man your brother, or what?" The prisoner's answer was, "I have no brother, no uncle, no nephew, no grandfather, neither grandson nor friend; but that man's father is my father's son. "Who was that man? Son Religious. 290. Oalayan pinalsay Dios ya amayamay iran sanaagui et sacsaquey so pait da. (Pang.--also Bis.) Colintas Many of them, brothers--but they have only one bodytube. Beads 291. Adda tal-lo gasut a bacac maymaysat nanglidingac. (Iloc.) Cuentas I have three hundred cattle, with a single nose cord. Beads 292. Nacno agapaldua. (Pang.) Simbaan Only half full. Church 293. Napuno pero ua-ay mag tunga. (Bis.) Simbahan They said it was full but it was half-full. Church 294. Idi nagcasar ni Ina quen ni Ama avanac pay a dara ngem idi nagbuniag ni Apo siac ti namadrino. (Iloc.) Cristo When my father and mother were married I was not yet in the womb, but when my grandfather was baptized I was his godfather. Christ 296. Dua ti taquiagna, maysat sacana, adda olo aoan matana. (Iloc.) Cruz Two arms, one leg and a head, but no eyes. Cross 297. Tatlo ang botones, apat ang ohales. (Tag.,--also Bis.) Cristo Three buttons, four holes. Crucifix 298. May isang batang lalaque, umakyat sa camachile nang hindi ma ca puede, likod ang idinale. (Tag.) Si Cristo There is a boy climbed up a _camachili_ tree; when he could not stand it he climbed on his back. Crucifix 299. Maysa a cayo nagango idiay poona nabasa idiay tingana, nagango met ti ngodona. (Iloc.) Sto Cristo A tree dry at the foot, wet in the middle, dry also above. Christ, i.e, crucifix 300. Aramid ti masirib canen ti nalaing. amin a macaquita pasig amin a logpi. (Iloc.) Ostia Work of a wise man, eaten by a wise man; all who see are lame. The host 301. Akoi nag tanim nang sicolo sa gitna nang convento, ibinunga ay si Cristo. (Tag.) Hostia I planted a _sicolo_ in the midst of the convent; it bore Christ for fruit. The host A _sicolo_ is a small piece of money; it here relates to the contribution made at communion service. 302. Isang tubong sinanduyon, abut sa langit ang dahon. (Tag.) Panalangin A sugarcane without joints, whose leaves reach heaven. Prayer 303. Nang maitayo na yaong hangang baywang nagbitiu ng pawang kalunkut lunkutan. (Tag.) Ang pitong wikang iniaaral nang pari sa Viernes Santo. After he hid from his feet to his waist he gave very sad things. The preaching in the pulpit by a priest about the seven utterances of Christ on Good Friday. 304. Aquinngatot cadsaaran, aquinbabat bobengan. (Iloc.) Polpito The floor is higher, the roof lower. Pulpit i.e. than that of the building in which it stands. 305. Sag magkakapatid na pitong sin liyag ako ang naunang nagkitang liwanag. At ako rin naman yaong nagkapalad na tawaging bunso sa kanilang lahat. (Tag.) Ang pitong linggo nang Cuaresma. Seven brothers are we; the firstborn was I but I am the youngest of all. The seven weeks of Quaresma. 306. Asin ti yanti espiritu iti bagui? (Iloc.) Aquincatiquid nga abaga. Where is the spirit in the body? In the left shoulder In making the sign of the cross the word spirit comes when the left shoulder is pointed to. 307. Adda pitu a botonisco; maymaysat pinat pategco. (Iloc.) Domingo I have seven buttons; I like one best. Sunday 308. Pitu casiglot maymaysat nairut. (Iloc.) Domingo Seven twined ("twisted"), only one tight. Sunday 309. Contirad contibong; bandera ti lobong. (Iloc.) Torre Sharp and long; flag of the world. Tower 310. Caoayan bayog ag nayogayog. (Pang.) Torre _Caoayan bayog_ [1] you cannot shake it. Tower 311. Mayroon akong pitong bunga nang kohol ibinigay co sa iyo ang anim at ang isang natira sa akin ay ibig mo pang kunin. (Tag.) Ang pitong arao nang isang linggo. I have seven oranges. I gave you six and you want to take the remaining one. The seven days of the week 312. Minagaling pa ang basag cay sa baong ualang lamat. (Tag.) Ang sabi sa evangelio ni Cristo ay ganito. Hindi rao sia naparito o nanoag dito sa lupa para sacupin ang mga banal cung di ang macasalanan. Better the broken piece than the whole without crack. In the gospel Christ said that he did not come upon earth for the righteous but for the sinner. 313. Cung uala cay magbigay ca at cung meroon ay huagna. (Tag.) Nung ang nga fariseo ay nacahuli nang mangangaluniang babae ay i ni habla cay Cristo, at ang canilang sabi, Hindi po ba maestro na sabi sa ley ni Moises na sino mang mahuli sa pangangalunia ay pupuculin nang bato hangan sa mamatay. Ang isinagot ni Cristo; sino mang ualang sala ay cumuha nang bato at puclin na. Give if you have none; if you have don't give. When the Pharisees caught a woman in adultery, they took her before Christ. They said, "what sentence do you give to those taken in adultery, since in the law of Moses it is commanded that the woman taken in adultery shall be stoned until she die." Christ answered, "Let him which is without sin among you cast the first stone." 314. Humiling ang hari sa canyang alagad nang uala sa kanyat di pa natatangap, ang hiningan naman ay dagling nag-gaoad nang sa boong yatu'y di pa natutuklas. (Tag.) Ang pagbibinyag ni San Juan Bautista cay Cristo. The King asked from his soldier what he had _not_, and the soldier gave him what was not in the world. The Baptism by St. John Baptist of Christ. 315. Nang mabasag ang bote lalong na paka buti. (Tag.) Mahal na Virgen The bottle became better when broken. The Virgin Mary "When Mary was yet unmarried and Christ had not yet been born she was not considered very sacred; we say the bottle was not yet broken. When she was married to Joseph and Christ was born she became very sacred; so we say that when the bottle was broken the better it became." 316. Nang pitasin ang hinog hilas ang siang nahulog. (Tag.) Noong magpapugot si Herodes nang mga bata dahilan sa gusto niang mapatay si Cristo. Napatay ang meroon 1000 bata data puat si Cristo hinde napatay. Sa macatuid napitas nia ang hilao at ang hinog ay hindi. Si Cristo sapagcat puno nang carunungan ay ipinalagay na hinog at ang mga bata ay hilao sapagcat sila ualapang carunungan. When he plucked the ripe, the unripe fell. When King Herod wanted to kill Christ, he ordered to kill all children; he thought that if all the children in his country were killed, Christ could not escape. But he did not know how powerful Christ was. So the children who knew nothing (were unripe) fell and Christ (ripe) because he knows everything escaped. 317. Ipinalit ang guinto sa bibinga. (Tag.) Ito i nauucol sa pagsacop ni Cristo sa ating casalanan na hindi cailangan sia mamatay masacop lamang ang ating casalanan na siang catulad ng bibinga at ang caniang pagca Dios na catulad ang guinto. Sand is changed to gold. This applies to Christ, when he redeemed our sins. He did not value his life but gave it that we might be saved from our sins. His life is gold because he was full of knowledge; he died on account of our sins which are like sand. Reptiles, etc. 318. Nang munti ay may buntot nang lumakiy napugot. (Tag.) Palaca When he was little he had a tail but when he was grown he had none. Frog 319. Adda maysa nga ubing nga adda idiay danum ngem di met uminom. (Iloc.) Tocak There is a boy living in the water who does not drink. Frog 320. Baston ti bacnang saan mo nga maiganan. (Iloc.,--also Pang.) Uleg The _bacnang's_ cane, you cannot hold it. Snake _Bacnang_, a man of wealth. 321. No nacariing nacamulagat; no nacaturog nacamuldagat. (Iloc.) Uleg If awake, his eyes wide open; if asleep, his eyes wide open. Snake 322. Anano nga sapat nga con maglacat, dala nia ang iya balay? (Bis.,--also Pang.) Ba-o What animal carries his house wherever he goes? Turtle 323. Tata a tolay icacangcalinna na balena. (Gad.) Dagga A man who always carries his house along with him. Turtle 324. Magmagna itugtogotnat balayna. (Iloc.) Pag-ong Walking and walking and carrying his own house. Turtle 325. Eto na si caca may sunong na dampa. (Tag.) Pagong Here comes brother with a house over his head. Turtle 326. Magma nagcal-logong no maibagam pag-ong. (Iloc.) Pag-ong Walking, wearing his hat. Turtle Road. 327. Bulong ti saba umac-acaba; bulong ti niog umat-atid-dog. (Iloc.) Calzada Leaf of a banana become wider; leaf of a cocoanut become longer. Road 328. Nagmolaac iti carabosa iti santac na macada non idiay Manila. (Iloc.) Calzada I planted a calabash; its branches can reach to Manila. Road Also has for answer, telegraph line. 329. Nan ta ne mac na laver ed Dagupan angad diay lanioto. (Pang.) Calzada I have planted a betel-tree in Dagupan but its roots reach to here. Road Shade, Shadow, etc. 330. No aoan sapolsapolen ngem no adda saan mo met nga alaen. (Iloc.) Linong Tf there is none you are seeking it; if there is some you do not take it. Shade 331. Ania ti umona nga aramiden diay vaca no lumgac ti in it? (Iloc.) Quitaenna diay anninioanna What is the first thing the cow does when the sun rises? Looks at its shadow 332. No magnaac iti nasipnget aoan caduac quet no magnaac iti nalaoag adda caduac. (Iloc.) Anninioan If I walk in the dark I have no companion; if I walk in the light I have one. Shadow 333. No tilioec tilioennac; no itarayac camatennac. (Iloc.) Aninioan If I catch, it catches; if I run away it chases me. Shadow 334. Diad ogtoy agueo oalay mapalit con anapuen no na anap co agco alaen. (Pang.) Serom At noon I must depart to find; if I can find it, I will not take. Shadow 335. Milub yang alang liban, linual yang alang liualan. (Pamp.) Anina tamu a mayayaquit quing salamin. He came in through no door and went out through no door. Reflection in a mirror Smoking. 336. San Fernando at Bakulod sabay na nasunog. (Tag.) Cigarillo San Fernando and Bacolor were burned at the same time. Cigarette The paper and the tobacco are consumed together. Storm, Sky, etc. 337. Daluang dahon nang pinda-pinda, sing lalapad sing gaganda. (Tag.) Langit at lupa Two leaves of pinda-pinda equal in width and beauty. Sky and earth 338. Quinosicus a barraas; no maib-agam cucuanac. (Iloc.) Quimat Twisted like a _barraas_; tell it and I am yours. Lightning The word _barraas_ is local. Perhaps the name of some vine. 339. Baston ni San Josep indi ma isip. (Bis.) Ulan Saint Joseph's canes cannot be counted. Rain Drops of rain in a tropical storm may well suggest rods or staves. 340. Buhoc ni Adan, hindi mabilang. (Tag.) Ulan Adam's hair cannot be counted. Rain 341. Isbu ti guelang-guelang di mabilang. (Iloc.) Todo Guelang-guelang's piss, you cannot count. Rain 342. Vaca co sa Maynila, hangang ditoi, dinig ang unga. (Tag.) Culog My cow in Manila, whose mooing is heard here. Thunder 343. Aniat magna a saan a maquita? (Iloc.) Angin What walks that cannot be seen? Wind 344. Etuna-etuna hindi mo pa naqui-quita. (Tag.) Hangin Here it comes, yet you do not see it. Wind 345. Picabaluan de ding malda alang maca ibic uaga. (Pamp.) Angin He is known everywhere but no one can explain what he is. Wind Stove. 346. Tal-lo a pugot natured ti pudut. (Iloc.) Dalican Three ghosts endure much heat. Stove The three supports for the pot are meant. It seems that the _pugot_ (ghost) is black. 347. Tatlong magkakapatid nagtitiis sa init. (Tag.) Tungko nang calang Three brothers suffering from the heat. Pot rests 348. Tatlong mag kakapitid sing pupute nang dibdib. (Tag.) Calan Three sisters with equally white breasts. Stove They are equally white--i.e. they are all three black from the fire. 349. Nagcal-logong nag pica nagcaballo tallot sacana. (Iloc.) Dalican It has a hat and a spear, a horse and three feet. Stove 350. Malaki ang namahay cay sa bahay. (Tag.) Calang at ang bahay nang Calang. The inhabitant is larger than the house. Stove and its lower part (called its house.) 351. Na upo si ca Item, sinulot nica Pula. (Tag.) Pallot at apoy Compadre "Item" (black) sat down, Compadre "Pula" (red) poked him. Pot and flame 352. Ing caballero cung negro makasake yang attung cabayu dapat kikiak yang anting loco. (Pamp.) Balanga ampong nasi. My black horseman rides three horses but he is crying like a fool. A pot of cooking rice The three horses are the firestones or the three supports of the pot in the pottery stove; the bubbling is the crying. Time. 353. Ania nga aldao ti caatid-dagan? (Iloc.) Ti aldao a saan a panangan. What day is the longest? The day on which you do not eat 354. Nag daan si Cabo negro, namatay na lahat ang tao. (Tag.) Gabi The black Corporal passed, all the people died. Night Died, here, is slept. Tools. 355. Nung eminuna ing malati, ing maragul emituqui. (Pamp.) Barrenang espiral If not preceded by the smaller the larger one will not go. Auger 356. Adda pinarsua iti Dios natanquen ti pammaguina madi a mangan no di matoen ti olona. (Iloc.) Paet There is a creature of God whose body is hard; it does not wish to eat unless you strike its head. Chisel 357. Adda babay a labang di mangan no diai paculan. (Iloc.) Paet There is a woman who does not eat unless you strike her. Chisel 358. Ing damulag cung dapa, quing gulut ya ta tacla. (Pamp.) Catam My crawling carabao excretes its feces upward. Plane 359. Taot ngato, taot baba, cayot tingana. (Iloc.) Ragadi Man above, man below, wood in middle. Saw Below the horizontally placed timber to be sawed a pit is dug; one sawyer is below in the pit, the other above, each holds a handle of the great saw, which works up and down. Toy. 360. Enbontayog coy ecnol quinmocaoc ya tampol. (Pang.) Bibintarol I throw the eggs; they crow immediately. Firecracker 361. Adda abalbalayco a sinam granada rineppetco a binastabasta imbarsacco diay daga nasay sayaat ti cancionna, (Iloc.) Sunay I have a toy like a granada; I tied it around and around and threw it on the ground and it sang sweetly. Top Trunk. 362. Pusipusec ta pusegmo ta iruarco ta quinnanmo. (Iloc.) Lacaza I turn your navel to take out what you have eaten. Trunk 363. Adda pay maysa nga quita diay balay a naaramid iti cayo quet adda met uppat nga sacana nga babasit quet adda met innem nga acaba quencuana rupano quet agngiao saan nga magna. (Iloc.) Baol I have something in my house made of wood; it has four short legs and six flat faces; it squeaks, but cannot walk. Trunk Umbrella. 364. No umulog ti señora augucrad ti sampaga. (Iloc.) Payong When the lady comes down the _sampaga_ [2] opens. Umbrella 365. Con butongon pasoc; con induso payog. (Bis.) Payong When pulled it is a cane; when pushed a tent. Umbrella Utensils, etc. 366. Hindi tayop, hindi tao, apat ang suso. (Tag.,--also Pang.) Buslo Not animal, not man. She has four breasts. Basket 367. Hindi hare, hinde pare, nag dadamet nang sari-sari. (Tag.) Sampayan Not king, not _padre_, it wears many kinds of clothes. Clothes-line 368. Adda maysa nga ubing a natured ti lammin. (Iloc.) Sudo There is a boy, who does not shiver with the cold. Dipper This dipper is made from the half of a polished cocoanut shell. 369. Nang isoot coi, tuyo, nang bunuten coi natulo. (Tag.) Tabo When I plunged it in it was dry; when I drew it out it was dripping. Dipper 370. Sacay sino balay ina nga puno sang ventana? (Bis.) Puluguan Whose house is that, which is full of windows? The hen house 371. No adda ti lenong agcalcal logong. (Iloc.) Caramba If it is in the shade it wears its hat. A jar full of water 372. Aniat aramid a nagbaticuling ti sabut. (Iloc.) Pagbagasan What work has a gizzard like a _sabut_? Storage jar for rice The _sabut_ is the cocoanut cup or bowl: in the _pagbagasan_, there is always a _ganta_ for measuring rice. This _ganta_ is the gizzard here meant. 373. Pusepusec ti bato tumbog carayan Veto. (Iloc.) Gilingan I turn the stone and there flows out like the Veto river. Mill 374. Hiniguit co ang yantok, nag bibiling ang bundoc. (Tag.) Guilingan I pulled the rope and the mountain turned. Mill 375. Hiniguit co ang Caguin, nag kakara ang maching. (Tag.) Guilingan I pulled the rope and the monkey began to howl. Mill Refers to the creaking of the mill, when grinding. 376. Isang malaking babai, sa likuran tumatae. (Tag.) Guilingan A big woman, who excretes at the back. Mill The meal is here considered as excreted. 377. Dinalas nang dinalas mapute ang lumabas. (Tag.) Guilingan Somebody got busy and something white appeared. Mill The ground rice pours out from the mill as a white meal. 378. Aldo at bengi macanganga ya, manena ya yang parusa. (Pamp.) Asung It gapes day and night awaiting punishment. Mortar 379. Isa lamang ang sapin, duha ang batiis apat ang pa-a, isa ang lauas, isa ang baba apang uala sing olo. (Bis.) Luzong He has but one shoe, two shins, four legs, one body, one mouth, but no head. Mortar 380. No igamac ta siquet mo lagtoca a lagto. (Iloc.) Al-o If I hold your waist you jump and jump. Pestle In pounding rice, the great wooden pestle is taken by the middle, which is more slender than the pounding ends. 381. No magna ni arodoc agparintomeng amin a root. (Iloc.) Arado When the creeper passes all the grass kneels. Plow 382. Cobbo ni amam quiad ni inam sica nga anacda daramodum ca. (Iloc.) Arado The father is bent over, the mother is bent back and the son is bent forward. Plow This has reference to the different sticks, or pieces, of which the plow is composed. 383. Sa palacol nabuhay at sa untog namatay. (Tag.) Palayoc Produced by hammering but destroyed by a jar. Pot Clay for pottery is prepared by pounding it with a light hammer; it is also beaten into shape in the process of giving it form. 384. Pegarenco abot pegarenco abot. (Pang.) Liquen I turn over completely, I turn over completely. Pot ring support 385. Adda abal-balayco a pusipusac a pusipus mabalbal-cut. (Iloc.) Pudonan I have a thing, which I twine and twine and it is covered. Weaving spool 386. Nano nga sapat nga baba ang naga caon, mata ang nga pamus-on? (Bis.) Ayagan What animal is it, which takes its food through its mouth and excretes it through its eyes? Sieve 387. Bahay ni Guiring-guiring butas-butas ang sinding. (Tag.) Bithay "Guiring-guiring's" house is full of holes. Sieve 388. Adda maysa a caballo; tal-lot sacana; no dica sacayan di magna. (Iloc.) Egad There is a horse; he has three legs; if you do not ride on him, he never walks. Copra shredder 389. Limma ac ed Dagupan dugduaray bacatco. (Pang.) Sali I went to Dagupan but I left only two footprints. Sled 390. Aniat aramid a duduat tugaona inganat panacaparsuana? (Iloc.) Pasagad What work has two seats since its creation? Sled 391. Ania ti uppat ti sacana dudua ti tugotna? (Iloc.) Pasagad What has four feet but only two foot-prints? Rice-sled The sled for hauling rice has four supports or legs, which end in two runners. 392. Pusepusec ti pengan tum-bog carayan Vigan. (Iloc.) Dadapilan I turn the plate and water flows out like the Vigan River. Sugarmill 393. Oalay baboy con baleg son laben nga libngaleb. (Pang.) Darapitan I have a large pig; during the night he grunts. Sugarmill Vegetables. 394. Tite nang ama mo, isinubsob co sa abo. (Tag.) Camote Your father's ---- I place in the ashes. Camote The _camote_ is a sort of sweet potato; it may be baked in the ashes. 395. Nagsabong ti sinan malucong nagbunga uneg ti daga. (Iloc.) Camote It produces a flower like a cup; fruit underground. Camote 396. Sirad _mirabilis_ oalad dalem so sicsic. (Pang.) Cete The _mirabilis_ (fish) has his scales inside. _Cete_ The _cete_ ("_piquante_") is the pepper. 397. Otin nen laquic Duardo batil ya anga ed ngoro. (Pang.) Palia My grandfather Eduardo's ---- is covered with pimples. Cucumber 398. Oquis nan bagasnan. (Iloc.) Lasona Its bark is its seed. Onion 399. Binili ang isang minithi kong bagay at ang hinahangad ay pakina-bangan, pagdating sa amin ang pinangyarihan, nang gagamitin luha koy bumakal. (Tag.) Sibuyas I bought a thing I wished to use; when I tried to use it my tears fell. Onion 400. Isda co sa Mariveles sapin-sapin ang caliskis. (Tag.) Sile My fish in Mariveles has manifold scales. Pepper Scales laid upon one another; the seeds of the pepper are flat and stacked against one another. 401. Mahanghang hindi naman paminta; maputi hindi naman papel; verde hindi naman suha; turang mong bigla. (Tag.) Rabanos It is sharp but not pepper; white but not paper; green but not shaddock; guess what that is. Radish 402. Ang iloy naga camang ang bata naga pungco. (Bis.) Calabaza The mother creeps, and the son sits. Squash The mother is the vine; the child is the fruit. The riddle gains point, by suggesting a reversal of the natural conditions. 403. Ania iti parsua ni Apo Dios nga aoan ti matana aoan ti ngioatna quen aoan ti obetna quet mangan ti ladoc-ladoc? (Iloc.) Tabungao What creature of Lord God has no eyes, no mouth, no anus--and eats _ladoc-ladoc_? A white squash _Ladoc-ladoc_ is rice flattened in the mortar by the blows of the pounder. The seeds of the _tabungao_ resemble it. 404. Berdi ya balat, malutu ya laman anti mo ing pacuan. (Pamp.) Pacuan Its skin is green and its flesh is like a watermelon. Watermelon The riddle is poor, in that it introduces the answer as a term of comparison, in a way to mislead. Similar cases occur in other lands. 405. Verde ang balat pula ang laman espectorante cung turan. (Tag.) Pacuan Green skin, red meat, _espectorante_ they call it. Watermelon Vision. 406. Limocsoac alabasco agco asabi. (Pang.) Pacanengneng I jumped further but I did not reach. To see Waves. 407. Naga dalagan nga ua-ay sing ti-il cog naga ngurub nga ua-ay sing baba. (Bis.) Balod It runs having no feet and it roars having no mouth. Waves Word plays. 408. Ania iti mainaganan ari ditoy bagui? (Iloc.) Aripoyot What king (_ari_) do you name in your body? _Ari_poyot This is the great inner muscle of the upper leg. 409. Cung hindi lamang ang tatlong letra t, o, at s ay kinakain sana siya. (Tag.) Asintos But for the letters t o s we would be eating it. (String) The word _asintos_ means string; dropping the letters _tos_ we have _asin_ left, meaning salt. 410. Bugtong pasmiasa, puno at duloi may bunga. (Tag.) Calamias Bugtong pas"mias"a, whose trunk and branches have fruit. Calamias Bugtong is a riddle: the word pas"mias"a has no meaning. There is here a mere play on the sound of words. "Pas"mias"a suggests the answer. 411. Casano iti panangtiliu iti ugsa a di masapul iti silo, aso, gayang, oen no a aniaman a paniliu? (Iloc.) Urayec a maloto How do you take a deer without net, dogs, spear, or other things for catching? Cooked 412. Laguiung tao, laguiung manuc, delana ning me tung a yayup. (Pamp.) Culassisi The name of a man, the name of a chicken, were carried by a bird. _Culas_ is a man's name; _sisi_ the name of a chicken. Combined they make a bird's name. 413. Indi sapat indi man tano apang, ang ngalan nia si "esco." (Bis.,--also Tag.) Escopidor, Escopeta. Neither animal nor man but its name is "esco." Escopidor, Escopeta A mere play on the words. _Esco_ is a nickname for Francisco. The _escupidor_ is a cuspidor, the _escopeta_ a broom. The meaning of the words goes for nothing. The words are both of Spanish origin. 414. Macatu ti poonna, rugac iti ngo-duna. (Iloc.) Macaturugac Macatu = cloth Rugac = old, rotten clothing Cloth is the beginning; tatters the ending. i.e. _Macatu_ is the beginning, _rugac_ the ending. The whole word means I am sleeping. 415. Salapi iti poona; ngao ti ngodona. (Iloc.) Salapingao (Fifty cents) _Salapi_ is the beginning; ( ) _ngao_ the end. The _Salapingao_ is a bird "like a swallow." 416. Sinampal co bago inaloc. (Tag.) Sampaloc I slapped before I offered. Sampaloc There is simple word play here; the beginning and end of the riddle give the word S(in)ampal-oc. The Sampaloc is a fruit tree. NOTES [1] A species of bambu; firm, slender and high. [2] a flower. End of Project Gutenberg's A Little Book of Filipino Riddles, by Various *** END OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK A LITTLE BOOK OF FILIPINO RIDDLES *** ***** This file should be named 14358-8.txt or ***** This and all associated files of various formats will be found in: Produced by Jeroen Hellingman and the PG Distributed Proofreaders Team, from scans kindly made available by the University of Michigan. Updated editions will replace the previous one--the old editions will be renamed. 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