The Project Gutenberg EBook of Up the Chimney, by Shepherd Knapp

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Title: Up the Chimney

Author: Shepherd Knapp

Release Date: January 24, 2005 [EBook #14786]

Language: English

Character set encoding: ASCII


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Up The Chimney





This play is intended, not only for acting, but also for reading.
It is so arranged that boys and girls can read it to themselves, just
as they would read any other story. Even the stage directions and the
descriptions of scenery are presented as a part of the narrative.
At the same time, by the use of different styles of type, the speeches
of the characters are clearly distinguished from the rest of the text,
an arrangement which will be found convenient when parts are being
memorized for acting.

The play has been acted more than once, and by different groups of
people; sometimes on a stage equipped with footlights, curtain, and
scenery; sometimes with barely any of these aids. Practical suggestions
as to costumes, scenery, and some simple scenic effects will be found
at the end of the play.

What sort of a Christmas play do the boys and girls like, and in what
sort do we like to see them take part? It should be a play, surely, in
which the dialogue is simple and natural, not stilted and artificial;
one that seems like a bit of real life, and yet has plenty of fancy and
imagination in it; one that suggests and helps to perpetuate some of
the happy and wholesome customs of Christmas; above all, one that is
pervaded by the Christmas spirit. I hope that this play does not
entirely fail to meet these requirements.

Worcester, Mass.


The Introduction

_Before the curtain opens_, MOTHER GOOSE _comes out, and this is
what she says_:

Good evening, dear children. I see you are all expecting me to show you
a Christmas Play. Well, I have one ready, sure enough. And now let me
see, what shall I tell you about it? For one thing it will take place on
Christmas Eve, and then it will be all about Christmas, of course. The
first scene will be in the house, where a little girl and a little boy
live, with their father, who is a doctor, and their mother. It is
evening and the weather is very cold outside. The little girl and boy
are writing letters--can you guess to whom they are writing?--and the
mother is knitting, and the father is reading his newspaper; as you will
see in a moment for yourselves. So be very quiet, for now it is going to

Up The Chimney

The First Scene

_The curtain opens, and you see a room in a house and four people,
just as Mother Goose promised. On one side is a fire-place, and notice
the stockings hanging by it. At the back is a window, looking out into
the street, but you cannot see anything there, because it is dark out of
doors. The little girl's name is Polly, but the first one to speak is
her brother, named_ JACK, _who looks up from his letter and

Mother, how do you spell "friend"?

MOTHER _answers_: F, r, i, e, n, d. Have you nearly finished your
letter, Jack?

Yes, _says_ JACK, _still writing. Then he stops, straightens up
and says_, There! It's all done. Shall I read it to you, Mother?

Do, MOTHER _answers. And Father puts down his newspaper to listen, and
Polly stops writing. Mother goes on knitting, because she can knit and
listen at the same time_.

_So_ JACK _reads_: "Dear Santa Claus, I have been very
good this year--most of the time; and I wish you would
bring me a toy soldier. I am very well and I hope you are.
Your loving little friend, Jack." Is that all right, Mother?

It is a very good letter, _says_ MOTHER; only I thought you were
going to speak about that pair of warm gloves for Father.

Oh, I forget that, _says_ JACK, _looking a little bit
ashamed_. I'll put it in a postscript. _So he goes on writing, and
so does Polly_. JACK _says his words aloud while he writes
them_: "P.S.--Fa--ather--would--like--a--pair--of--warm--gloves."

MOTHER _looks over at Polly, who seems to have finished, and says_:
Polly, let us hear your letter.

_So_ POLLY _reads_: "Dear Santa Claus, I am so glad that
tomorrow is Christmas. We have all hung up our stockings, and I think I
would like best to have a doll in short dresses. I love you very much.
Your little friend, Polly. P.S.--I think Mother would like a ball of
white knitting cotton." I had to put that in a postscript, Mother,
because I forgot, too.

_And now_ FATHER, _who has been listening all this time,
says_: Where will you put the letters?--on the mantel-piece or in the

Oh, on the mantel-piece, _answers_ JACK. We always put them on the
mantel-piece. Don't you remember that, Father?

Yes, I believe I do, now that you speak of it, _says_ FATHER.

_Then the children put the two letters on the mantel-piece, standing
them against the clock, so that they can be easily seen. While they are
doing this, some one passes the window, walking along the street, and
there comes a knock at the door_.

Come in, _says_ FATHER; _and in comes a little woman, rather old,
and rather bent, and rather lame_.

Why, if it isn't little Nurse Mary, _cries_ FATHER, _and they all
rise up to greet her. She kisses both the children, and shakes hands
with Father and Mother._

Here's a chair for you, Nurse Mary, _says_ JACK.

Let me take your cloak and hood, Nurse Mary, _says_ POLLY.

_When they were all seated again_, FATHER _says_, I am afraid
I shall have to give you a little scolding, Mary, for coming out on such
a cold night. It really don't do, you know.

Now, Doctor John, NURSE MARY _answers_, What do you expect?
Haven't I seen you every Christmas Eve since you were half the size of
Master Jack here, and didn't I knit with my own hands the first little
stocking you ever hung up for Santa Claus, and don't I remember how
frightened you were that time when we heard the reindeers on the roof,
and when the handful of walnuts came tumbling down the chimney? And do
you expect me to stay away on Christmas Eve, like some lonely old woman,
who never was nurse to any children at all, let alone two generations of
them? What are you thinking of, Doctor John?

I am thinking, _says_ FATHER _smiling_, that if you hadn't
come, we should have missed you dreadfully. But tell me, Nurse Mary, how
are you feeling?

Well, _answers_ NURSE MARY, to speak the truth, Doctor John, I
think you must give me some medicine.

Medicine? _cries_ MOTHER.

Are you sick, Nurse Mary? _asks_ POLLY.

Yes, Miss Polly, sick, and very sick, too, NURSE MARY _answers_.

But how? _asks_ FATHER. What's wrong? Where is the trouble?

First of all, in my back, Doctor John, _says_ NURSE MARY. Today,
after sweeping and scrubbing a little, and baking a Christmas cake, I
just ironed out a few pieces, my best cap and apron, and the likes of
that, and before I had finished, I give you word my back began to ache.
Now what do you make of it? And then, my joints--stiff! Yes, Dr. John,
stiff! How am I to do my work with stiff joints, I'd like to know?

I see, _says_ FATHER, _shaking his head._ This is a serious
matter. But cheer up, Nurse Mary; I believe I have the very thing that
will help you. _He opens his medicine case, which stands on the table,
and takes out a little bottle._ Here it is, _he says_, and let
me tell you how to take it; for with this medicine that is the most
important part. You must find some children to give it to you. If you
take it from grown-up people, it will do you no good at all, so you must
find a child somewhere, or two would be better, one to pour it out and
one to hold the spoon--

Oh, let me pour it out, _cries_ JACK.

And let me hold the spoon, _cries_ POLLY.

Why, that will do finely, _says_ FATHER, _and hands Jack the
bottle._ And now I must go out, _he continues_; for old Mrs.
Cavendish is sick and has sent for me. It may be quite late, when I come
home. _He begins to put on his overcoat._

And I, _says_ MOTHER, have some Christmas bundles to tie up. If
Nurse Mary goes before I come back, will you both go quietly to bed like
good children?

Yes, Mother, _cry_ POLLY _and_ JACK _together._

Well, good night, then, Mary dear, _says_ MOTHER.

Good night, Nurse Mary, _says_ FATHER. _Then Mother and Father
both go out, the one to her own room and the other to the street._

Come, Nurse Mary, _says_ JACK, you must take your medicine.

Do you suppose it is very bitter? _asks_ NURSE MARY.

I think it is, _says_ JACK, _looking into the bottle and smelling
it_. It looks bitter and it smells bitter.

But you mustn't mind that, Nurse Mary, _says_ POLLY; because it
will make you well.

All right, _says_ NURSE MARY. Pour it out.

_Then Polly holds the spoon, and Jack carefully pours the medicine
into it. Nurse Mary opens her mouth, swallows the dose, and makes a wry
face, shuddering._

Was it horrid? _asks_ JACK.

Horrid! _answers_ NURSE MARY.

Do you feel better? _asks_ POLLY.

I can't tell yet, _answers_ NURSE MARY. I suppose I must wait a
little for the medicine to work.

And while we are waiting, _says_ JACK, tell us about when Father
was a little boy.

_So Nurse Mary sits down, and takes Polly on her lap, while Jack sits
on a stool at her feet, and then_ NURSE MARY _begins_, When Dr.
John was a very little boy--

But, Nurse Mary, JACK _says, interrupting_, he wasn't named "Dr.
John" then, was he?

No, _answers_ NURSE MARY, he was just "Master John" then. Well,
when he was a very little boy, so that I could carry him upstairs to bed
without any trouble at all, he was the most beautiful boy you ever saw.
He had fat rosy cheeks, and fine big eyes, and stout little legs.

Was he big enough to walk, when you first took care of him? _asks_

No, indeed, _answers_ NURSE MARY; and the first time he ever went
to a Christmas tree, I had to carry him. I held him up to see the

Did he like it? _asks_ JACK.

I think that he was just a wee bit frightened, _says_ NURSE MARY,
but I'll tell you what he did like. You know the little figures of Mary
and Joseph and the Christ Child in the manger, that you always set out
on Christmas Day, with the cows and the sheep standing all about? _The
children both nod_. Well, when your father saw that, and heard your
grandparents and all the older brothers and sisters singing "The Carol
of the Friendly Beasts"--just as you will sing it again tomorrow--he
held out his hands and danced up and down in my arms. I tell you, I
could hardly hold him.

Nurse Mary, _says_ POLLY, won't you sing us "The Carol of the
Friendly Beasts" now?

In my old cracked voice? _says_ NURSE MARY. Well, if you will both
help me, I'll try.

_So the three of them together sing_:


  Jesus our brother, strong and good,
  Was humbly born in a stable rude,
  And the friendly beasts around him stood.

  I, said the cow, all white and red,
  I gave him my manger for his bed,
  I gave him my hay to pillow his head.

  I, said the camel, yellow and black,
  Over the desert, upon my back,
  I brought him a gift in the wise man's pack.

  I, said the donkey, shaggy and brown,
  I carried his mother uphill and down,
  I carried her safely to Bethlehem town.

  I, said the sheep, with the curly horn,
  I gave him my wool for his blanket warm,
  He wore my coat on Christmas morn.

  I, said the dove, from my rafter high,
  Cooed him to sleep that he should not cry,
  We cooed him to sleep my mate and I.

  And every beast, by some good spell
  In the stable dark, was glad to tell
  Of the gift he gave Immanuel.

[Footnote 1: By Robert Davis.]

_When the carol is finished_, NURSE MARY _looks at the clock, and
says_, My dears, it is time we were all in bed, or Santa Claus when
he comes, will find us awake, and that would never do. So I must be
going home.

But how do you feel? _asks_ POLLY. Has the medicine done your back

My back? _says_ NURSE MARY. Why, I had forgotten all about my
back--not an ache in it.

And your joints? _asks_ JACK.

I wouldn't know I had any joints, _answers_ NURSE MARY. I declare,
I believe I could dance the Highland Fling. But where is my cloak?

_Then Polly gets the cloak and hood, and helps her put them on, and as
Nurse Mary goes out at the door_,

Good-night, Nurse Mary, _cry_ JACK _and_ POLLY.

Good-night, my dears, NURSE MARY _answers. And the door closes behind

_Now while the children had their backs turned, a funny thing
happened, for out of the fire-place there stepped, without making a
sound, a little man dressed all in green. Jack and Polly, when they turn
about, see him standing there._

Why, who are you? _asks_ JACK, _standing still, but very bravely
keeping in front of Polly._

_The little green man says never a word, but after waiting a moment
with his finger on his lips, he beckons to them to come forward, and
slowly, for they are a little frightened, they obey him. When they are
quite close, he looks cautiously around, and then draws a large white
letter out of his pocket, and hands it to Jack. Jack looks at it, and
shows it to Polly. Then he looks at the little green man, who nods his
head with a funny little jerk._

Shall I open it? _asks_ JACK. _And the little green man nods
again. So Jack opens it._

Shall I read it? _asks_ JACK. _And the little green man nods
again. So Jacks begins to read:_ "My dear Children all over the
world, I, who write you this letter, am your old friend Santa Claus,
and how shall I tell you the sad news, for tonight is the night when
I ought to get into my reindeer sleigh and go about filling your precious
stockings with Christmas gifts, and I cannot do it because I am sick.
My back aches like a tooth ache, and every joint in my whole body is
so stiff that I can hardly move. Old Father Time, who pretends to be
something of a doctor, says the trouble is that I am growing old--the
idea of it! I sent him packing about his business, I can tell you. But
all the same I do feel mighty queer, and that's a fact. And the worst of
it is that this is Christmas Eve, and here I am shut up indoors in my
house at the North Pole, and every stocking in the world is hanging
empty. I cannot bear to have Christmas come and go without any word at
all from me, so I have gotten my good little friends the gnomes and
fairies and elves to help me out. They had some old fairy toys, that are
almost as good as new, and these they are going to carry about to all
the children; and although these gifts are rather different from what
you usually receive from me, I hope they will at least keep you from
forgetting poor old Santa Claus."

_Jack and Polly look sadly at one another, and then at the little
green man. He reaches out his hand, takes the letter, folds it up,
replaces it in the envelope, and tucks it away in his pocket. Then he
brings out two little packages, all in green paper, tied with green
string, and gives one to Polly and one to Jack. Then, quick as a flash,
he has disappeared in the fire-place._

Where did he go to? _asks_ POLLY, _after a moment of

Up the chimney, _says_ JACK.

But what has he given to us? _says_ POLLY, _looking at the little
green package in her hand._

Let's open them, _says_ JACK.

_So the two children untie the strings, and open the papers, and soon
hold up the things they have found inside. Jack has a pair of spectacles
with large round glasses and black rims. Polly has a curious little
brown cap. They look at them in perplexity._

Oh, there is some writing fastened to mine, _says_ POLLY.

And to mine, too, _adds_ JACK.

POLLY _reads:_

  "A fairy wishing-cap am I;
  So put me on, and away you fly.
  Wherever you wish, 'tis there you'll be,
  And quicker than saying three-times-three."

_Polly puts the cap on her head. Then_ JACK _reads_:

  "Fairy spectacles are we;
  Put us on, and you shall see
  Things you never saw before,
  Easy as saying four-times-four."

_Jack puts the spectacles on his nose, and begins to go about the room
looking at everything through them_.

Oh, Polly, _he exclaims_, I can see all sorts of queer things. I
can see what is in the table drawer without opening it, and I can see
the pictures in the books right through the covers. And oh, Polly, look
here. _He is looking into the fire-place, when he says this_. I can
see now how the little green man went up the chimney, for there are
steps in the side, all the way up. Look at them.

POLLY _looks. Then she says_, I don't see any steps, Jack.

It's the fairy spectacles, Polly, _cries_ JACK. Isn't it wonderful?

Jack! _says_ POLLY _suddenly_, do you know what we must do?
We must go to Santa Claus, and carry him the medicine that cured Nurse
Mary's back and joints. You will go first up the chimney, and I will go
after, stepping just where I see you step, and then at the top I will
take tight hold of your hand, and with my wishing cap on I will wish to
be at Santa Claus' house at the North Pole.

Splendid! Let's start this minute, _cries_ JACK.

_Polly takes the spoon, and Jack takes the medicine bottle, and one
after the other they go up the chimney._

_A moment later_ MOTHER _comes in._ Children, _she begins,
looking about; but then she continues_, Oh, I see: they have gone to
bed. _She goes across to the other door and listens. Then she
says_: Not a sound! They are fast asleep already.

_So she takes the lamp from the table, and carries it out with her,
leaving the room all in black darkness._

_And that is the end of the First Scene._

       *       *       *       *       *


_While the curtain is closed_, MOTHER GOOSE _comes out, and this
is what she says:_

Children, did you see Jack and Polly go up that chimney? Well, as soon
as they got to the top, Polly took fast hold of Jack's hand and wished
to be at the North Pole, and away they went flying through the air. They
have gotten there already, I think. Hark! Yes, they are just going in
at the gate that leads up to Santa Claus's house, and soon they will be
knocking at his door. Then you will see them come in, for you will be
there before they are; and when the curtain opens, as it will in just a
moment, you will see the inside of the house where Santa Claus lives.
You must be very quiet for Santa Claus is sick, remember, and a noise
might make his head ache. Hush! It is going to begin.

       *       *       *       *       *

The Second Scene

_When the Curtain opens, you again see a room, but quite different
from the first one. There is a door on one side, and at the back is
a sort of tall box with closed doors in the front of it, a kind of
cupboard. On shelves at the sides of the room are some toys and
packages, and a bag, nearly full, leans against the wall. There are two
people in the room. One of them, of course, is Santa Claus, but oh, how
sick he looks. The other person is a woman, you will see, and she must
be Mrs. Santa Claus. There are two other figures that look a good deal
like people, but they are only big toys that Santa Claus and his wife
have been making, a soldier on one side, and a doll on the other._

SANTA CLAUS, _who is sitting, wrapped up in a great blanket wrapper,
and is leaning his head on his hand, while he holds a cane in the other
is saying_, What is the use of working any longer, for if I can't
carry the presents to the children, what is the good of finishing them?

But you might feel better at the last moment, _says_ MRS. SANTA
CLAUS, _who is tieing a sash on the big doll that stands beside

That's true, _says_ SANTA CLAUS. Well, I believe I'll finish this
soldier, then. He's the last one I need to make, and he's all done
except to have his cheeks painted. I'll get my paint out and finish him.

_So Santa Claus rises up very stiffly and painfully, and hobbles
across the room to get his paint and paintbrush. Then he sits down again
in front of the big toy soldier, and paints both its cheeks a fine
bright red. Just as he is finishing, there comes a knock at the

Come in, _says_ MRS. SANTA CLAUS. _And in walk Jack and Polly,
hand in hand, wearing the fairy spectacles and the wishing cap, one
holding the bottle and the other the spoon._

Donner and Blitzen! _exclaims_ SANTA CLAUS, _laying down his
brush,_ if it isn't Polly and Jack!

Oh, Santa, _cries_ POLLY, we got your letter and the wishing-cap--

And the fairy spectacles, says JACK.

And we've brought you some of father's medicine, _continues_ POLLY,
because it made Nurse Mary quite well--her back, you know.

And her joints, _adds_ JACK.

And you have to take it from children, POLLY _goes on._ One of them
holds the spoon--_Here_ POLLY _holds out the spoon._

And the other pours out the medicine, _says_ JACK, _and with that
he pours it out._ It's very bitter, _he adds, as Polly holds it out
for Santa Claus to take._

_Then Santa Claus opens his mouth, and swallows the dose, with a wry
face and a shudder._

Is it horrid? _asks_ POLLY.

Horrid! _says_ SANTA CLAUS.

But it will make you well, you know, _says_ POLLY _encouragingly._
Only you have to wait a little for the medicine to work.

And you came all the way to the North Pole, to bring me this medicine?
_says_ SANTA CLAUS, _looking from Polly to Jack and back to Polly
again_. How did you get here?

First, we went up the chimney, _says_ JACK, I saw the steps with
the fairy spectacles, you know.

And then, _says_ POLLY, I held fast hold of his hand, and wished.
I had the wishing-cap, you see.

But weren't you afraid? _asks_ SANTA CLAUS. When you climbed up the
black chimney, and when you stood on the top, in the black night under
the stars, and when you came flying through the air, weren't you

Well, it wasn't much fun, _says_ POLLY, but we didn't know how else
to get here.

And we knew you were sick, _says_ JACK.

But, _asks_ SANTA CLAUS, what difference did it make to you
children whether an old man like me was sick or not?

Why, Santa Claus, _answers_ POLLY, we all just love you, you know.

Well, well, _says_ SANTA CLAUS. _Then he lays down his cane on
the floor, and stretches himself, and stands up, and walks across the
room without hobbling at all._

How do you feel now? _asks_ JACK.

Feel? _answers_ SANTA CLAUS, _moving more and more briskly_. I
feel as young as a snow flake; I feel as strong as a northeast blizzard.
Quick, Mrs. Santa Claus, bring me my fur cap and gloves. There's time
yet to fill the children's stockings.

_While Mrs. Santa Claus is out of the room_, JACK _says_:
Santa, I didn't even know there was a Mrs. Santa Claus.

Have you ever been very sick? _asks_ SANTA CLAUS.

We've had chicken pox, _answers_ JACK.

Oh, that doesn't count, _says_ SANTA CLAUS, but some times, when
children are very sick indeed--or, for days and days--and when they are
very good and patient, and take their medicine, and never kick the bed
clothes off, then Mrs. Santa Claus comes in the night, and brings them
a present, and when they wake up, they find it beside the bed.

Oh, _says_ POLLY, I think she must be almost as good as you, Santa

And besides that, _says_ SANTA CLAUS, who do you suppose dresses
all the dolls that I put into the stockings? She does, of course. Look
here at this fine one that she has just finished. To be sure, I make the
doll part myself, and this one here is a very fine one, if I do say it:
it can talk. Would you like to hear it, Polly? Just pull that string

_Polly pulls the string and the_ DOLL, _in a very squeaky voice,
says_, Ma-ma.

And, by the way, SANTA CLAUS _goes on_, I must put this doll and
that soldier into the shrinking-machine.

Why, what is that, Santa Claus? _asks_ JACK.

The shrinking-machine? _says_ SANTA CLAUS. That is it, over there.
_He points to the tall cupboardy thing at the back. Then he goes
on_. You see it's easier to make toys big, but I couldn't carry them
that way, for the sleigh wouldn't hold them, and besides they wouldn't
go into the stockings. So after they are made, I put them into the
machine, and shrink them. Open the doors, Polly, and we will shrink
these two.

_So Polly opens the doors, and at a signal from Santa Claus the doll
and the soldier walk in; but they move in a funny stiff way, because
they haven't any joints at their knees or elbows._

_Then_ SANTA CLAUS _shuts the doors_. Jack, _say he,_ you
may turn the crank, if you want. _So Jack turns the crank._

_After a little_ SANTA CLAUS _says_: Stop! _Then he opens
the door and out walk, in the same funny stiff way, the doll and the
soldier, only now they are about half as big as they were before. They
walk down to the front._ SANTA CLAUS _looks at them, shakes his
head, and says,_ No, you must be much smaller than that. Go back into
the machine.

_So back the doll and soldier go; and Jack again turns the crank and
this time, when_ SANTA CLAUS _cries,_ Stop, _and the doors are
opened, the toys have grown very small indeed, as you can see, when
Santa Claus holds them up. He puts the soldier into a box, and then puts
the box and the doll into his bag._

_And now Mrs. Santa Claus comes in with the cap and gloves; and Santa
Claus puts them on. At the same time sleighbells are heard outside, and
a stamping of hoofs._

We're off! _cries_ SANTA CLAUS, _taking up his pack._ Come,
Polly! Come, Jack! I'll stow you away as warm as toast down under the
buffalo robe.

Good-bye, _cries_ MRS. SANTA CLAUS as _they go out at the door._

Good-bye, good-bye, _they_ ALL _call back._

_Then there is more stamping of hoofs outside, and a great jingling of
sleighbells, which grow fainter and fainter, as they drive away._

_And that is the end of the Second Scene._

       *       *       *       *       *


_Again while the curtain is closed_ MOTHER GOOSE _comes out, and
this is what she says:_

My dears, we must hurry back to the house where Jack and Polly live, for
Santa Claus's sleigh is going so fast through the sky, that it will be
there before us, unless we are quick about it. It is still dark night
there, and nothing has happened since we were there before, except that
Dr. John has come home from seeing sick old Mrs. Cavendish, and he has
let himself in with his key, and has felt his way in the dark to his own
door, and has gone to bed. He and Mother are both fast asleep, and they
haven't an idea but that Jack and Polly are fast asleep in their beds
too. But you and I know that they are in the reindeer sleigh with Santa
Claus. And all the time they are coming nearer and nearer. Listen for
the sleighbells, for now it is going to begin.

       *       *       *       *       *

The Third Scene

_When the curtain opens you can see nothing at all at first, for the
room is all dark, just as Mother left it, you remember, when she went
out and took the light with her. But after a moment you can hear
something--the sleighbells far away. Nearer and nearer they come; then
there is a stamping sound on the roof; then a sort of scrambling sound
in the place where you know the chimney is; and then Santa Claus, who by
this time is crouching down in the fire-place, turns the light of his
lantern into the room. He steps out carrying his pack, and then down the
chimney come Jack and Polly._

Hush! _says_ SANTA CLAUS, _with his finger at his lips._ Off
to bed with you both! And don't you dare to open your eyes until the
day-light comes. It won't be long.

_On tiptoes Polly and Jack go out at the door. Then Santa Claus turns
to his work. First he reads Polly's letter by the light of his lantern,
and fills Polly's stocking and Mother's; then he reads Jack's letter and
fills Jack's stocking and Father's; then he puts out the light so that
the room is all dark again. You hear him climbing up the chimney, then
there is a jingling of sleighbells on the roof, which grows fainter and
fainter, and then all is still once more._

_After a little while you notice that you can see faintly through the
window at the back, because it is beginning to be daylight. Very, very
slowly it grows brighter. Then the door, that Jack and Polly went out
by, opens, and in come the two children in their wrappers._

Is it daylight now? _asks_ JACK, _but he is looking toward the
fire-place instead of toward the window._

Yes, I think it is, _says_ POLLY, _and she is looking in the same

_Then they go on tiptoe to the door of the other room, where Father
and Mother sleep; they open the door and shout:_

Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!

_Two rather sleepy voices, from_ MOTHER _first and then from_
FATHER, _answer:_ Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. _And_ MOTHER
_continues,_ All right, children; we'll be there in a moment, as soon
as we have put our wrappers on.

_The children go over to the fire-place, and feel the lumpy stockings;
and then in come Father and Mother in wrappers and nightcaps._

Oh, _says_ FATHER, old Santa Claus hasn't forgotten us, has he? And
candy canes are still in fashion, I see; I'm glad of that. Bring Mother
her stocking, Polly; and Jack, get mine for me. We'll sit down and take
our time about it.

No fair, Jack, _cries_ POLLY. You're peeking into your stocking.
I've only felt of mine.

But my thing is in a box, _says_ JACK, so that I can't see anything
anyway. Oh, let's begin quick.

All right, _says_ FATHER, and ladies first. Mother, you lead off.

Shall I? _says_ MOTHER, _feeling her stocking_. Oh, I know
what this round thing is: it's an orange. No, it isn't either: it's a
ball of knitting cotton. Just what I want, and the very kind I use. Now,
Polly, it's your turn to see what is in the top of yours.

I'm sure I know what mine is, _says_ POLLY, _and then as she
draws it out._ Yes, it is: it's a doll.

Why, Polly, _cries_ JACK, it's the very same doll that we--

Hush! _says_ POLLY _quickly_. Yes, it's the very same kind of
a doll I asked for. See, Mother, she has a pink sash. Isn't she lovely?

Now, Jack, _says_ FATHER, I think it is your turn next. What is in
that box of yours? Slate pencils, probably.

Slate pencils! _says_ JACK, _indignantly_. You know I didn't
want slate pencils.

But are you sure you will get just what you want? _asks_ FATHER.

Yes, indeed I am, _answers_ JACK, _pulling out the box and
opening it_, and there it is--a soldier. I knew it would be that,
because I saw it when--

Hush! _says_ POLLY _quickly_. Father, it is now your turn at last.

And I know all about mine, _says_ FATHER. It is soft and squashy,
so of course it's a sponge. Now why do you suppose Santa Claus brought
me a sponge? for my old one is quite good enough.

But it isn't a sponge at all, _cries_ JACK, _who has been peeking
into the little bundle_.

Not a sponge? _says_ FATHER. But what is it, then? _He opens the
paper_. A pair of warm gloves, I declare--just what I need. Well,
Santa Claus is a great old fellow, and no mistake.

_Mother has been turning her head toward the window, as though she
were listening to something, and now she says:_

Hush! Is that singing that I hear, far away?

_They all listen, and sure enough from some distance can be heard the
sound of singing voices. The children, nodding their heads, show that
they hear it._

What can it be? _says_ MOTHER. Why, I know; it's the Christmas
Waits, of course, singing carols from house to house.

Oh, I wish they would sing in our street, _cries_ POLLY, _and
runs to the window. Then she exclaims,_ There they are: they are
coming around the corner.

_The others all go toward the window, and_ JACK _says
delightedly._ One of them has a fiddle. Oh, I do hope they will stop

_Then outside the window the Christmas Waits can be seen, all in warm
caps and mittens and mufflers. They stop just in front of the window,
hold up their music before them, and begin to sing the dear old carol,


  God rest you merry, gentlemen,
  Let nothing you dismay.
  Remember Christ our Saviour
  Was born on Christmas Day.

_When the carol is finished_, POLLY _and_ JACK _and_
MOTHER _and_ FATHER _wave to the Waits, and cry,_ Merry
Christmas! Merry Christmas!

_And the_ WAITS _wave back and cry_: Merry Christmas! Merry
Christmas! Merry Christmas!

_And this is the end of the Play._

       *       *       *       *       *

Characters and Costumes

MOTHER GOOSE--The conventional costume; full skirt, peaked hat, cane,
spectacles, mits. It is effective for her to draw her lips tight over
her teeth so that her speech is that of a toothless old woman.

POLLY--A little girl } first in ordinary indoor clothes;
JACK--a little boy   } afterwards in wrappers.

DOCTOR JOHN--Their father; indoor clothes; also overcoat and hat;
medicine case; afterwards in a dressing gown.

MOTHER--Doctor John's wife; indoor clothes; afterwards in kimono or

NURSE MARY--A little old woman; first dressed for outdoors, in cloak and
hood; simple dark dress underneath.

AN ELF--Acted by a very little boy, dressed all in green; he does not

SANTA CLAUS--At first in heavy wrapper, preferably white; underneath
this his conventional costume; later he puts on fur cap and gloves.

MRS. SANTA CLAUS--Indoor clothes of red and white, corresponding to the
conventional costume of Santa Claus.

DOLL--Acted by two girls, one much smaller than the other, but both
exactly alike as to dress, stockings, sash, hair ribbons, and color and
arrangement of hair.

SOLDIER--Acted by two boys, one much smaller than the other, but
corresponding as closely as possible in uniform and appearance, except
that the small one has bright red cheeks from the beginning.

CHRISTMAS WAITS--Boys in outdoor clothes; warm caps, mufflers, gloves or
mittens; one carries and plays a violin; others hold copies of the carols.

       *       *       *       *       *

Scenery and Scenic Effects


The stage should contain a table, a little at one side, opposite the
fire-place, and five chairs, one for each of the family, and the fifth
for Nurse Mary when she arrives. On the table a lighted lamp. For
safety, it may be lighted by an ever-ready electric torch. The lighting
of the stage must, of course, be otherwise provided for.

There should be two doors on opposite sides of the stage, and a
practicable window at the back, through which in the last scene a view
of houses or landscape is visible, and the Waits at the close.

As the fire-place is at the side, it is easy to arrange steps by which
the elf and the children appear to climb up and down the chimney. A box
or small step ladder, just out of sight on the side toward the front,
will serve the purpose.

The Carol of the Friendly Beasts may be sung to the following tune:

[Illustration: Music]

There is also another tune composed by Clarence Dickinson. A different
carol may, of course, be substituted, if desired.


The Shrinking Machine stands at the back of the stage, and must be
accessible from behind, for the changing of the doll and the soldier.
There should be doors in front which can be opened wide. At one side
should be the crank. For this an ice cream freezer will serve, well
secured in place, only the handle showing through the cambric side wall
of the Machine. The sound is effective, even though the children in the
audience will announce its identity at once.

For painting the soldier's cheeks, cranberry juice is both brilliant and

If gifts or candies are to be distributed, Mother Goose may enter again
immediately after the final curtain, and say something like this:

Well, my dear children, it is all over, and I hope it has pleased you.
I heard you laugh once or twice, and that makes me think that you must
have liked it. But there is one more thing to tell you, and this you
are sure to like very much indeed. You will remember that they had only
looked at the first things, in the very top of their stockings. Well,
after the curtain closed, they had time to look at what was left. And
what do you suppose Father found in the bottom of his stocking, down in
the very toe of it? A little note from Santa Claus, telling him that
if he would look into the fire-place he would find there some boxes of
candy, one for every child in this audience: And sure enough, there they
were: and if you will sit very still, the curtain will open again, and
they will be brought out and given to you. And so, my dears, as I bid
you Good-night, I wish you all (or, I hope you have had) a very Merry
Christmas and (wish you) a Happy New Year.

End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of Up the Chimney, by Shepherd Knapp


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