The Project Gutenberg eBook, Extracts from the Diary of William Bray,
Esq., by William Bray

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Title: Extracts from the Diary of William Bray, Esq.
       1756-1800, and his Subsequent Memoranda

Author: William Bray

Release Date: December 18, 2014  [eBook #2140]
[This file was first posted on July 30, 1999]

Language: English

Character set encoding: UTF-8


Transcribed from the 1876 Spottiswoode & Co. edition by David Price,

                          [Picture: Book cover]

                                 FROM THE
                       DIARY OF WILLIAM BRAY, ESQ.


                       AND HIS SUBSEQUENT MEMORANDA

                      [Picture: Decorative graphic]

                                Printed by

                                * * * * *

These extracts are printed for the gratification of Mr. Bray’s
descendants; who will see in them a remarkable instance of a life of
sociability and amusement, combined with great and successful industry.

More extracts would have only shewn the same activity and pursuits.


MR. BRAY was born at Shere, on the 15th of November, 1736.  He was the
youngest of the three sons who survived their father Edward Bray, Esq.
George the eldest, who was in the Church, and the second son Edward, who
was in the Army, both died unmarried; and, on the death of George the
survivor, in 1803, Mr. Bray succeeded to the possession of the Manors of
Shere and Gumshall, which had belonged to his ancestors from the reign of
Henry the Eighth.  When ten years old he was placed at Rugby, where he
remained until he was articled to Mr. Martyr, an Attorney of Guildford.
In 1761, he was appointed a Clerk of the Board of Green Cloth, at St.
James’s, through the patronage of Sir John Evelyn.  His attendance at the
Board did not prevent his practising as an Attorney, and it introduced
him to many clients.  In 1777, he published a ‘Tour in Derbyshire and
Yorkshire,’ and a second edition of it in 1783.  In 1797, he was chosen
one of the Council, and a few years afterwards Treasurer, of the Society
of Antiquaries, many of his communications to which are printed in the
‘Archæologia.’  In 1801, on the death of the Revd. Mr. Manning, who had
been engaged for some years in compiling the ‘History of Surrey,’ Mr.
Bray undertook to complete the work.  The first volume was published in
1804, the second in 1809, and the third in 1814.  His next and last
literary undertaking was the editing of the ‘Evelyn Memoirs,’ which he
completed in 1817. {6}  Although in his 80th year, he transcribed in his
own handwriting nearly the whole of Mr. Evelyn’s Journal.

He died from weakness, and without any disorder, on the 21st of December,
1832, having entered his 97th year on the 15th of the preceding month.

His habits before marriage did not promise either an industrious or a
very long life.  He spent almost every night at cards, and many of his
mornings in other amusements.  After his marriage he became more
attentive to his professional business; but he continued for many years
to live more like a bachelor than a married man, spending most of his
evenings in the society of his numerous friends, or at a coffee-house.
He was very hospitable both in bed and board, but in the plainest way.
His surplus income was laid out in purchases at Shere and in planting,
and he left no personal property except his life insurances.  The family
estate devolved on his death to his grandson Edward, who lived at Shere,
and died in 1866, at the age of 72.


1756, _Jan._ 1_st_.—Called on Miss Stevens {7a} this morning.  With Mr.
Boughton and Shotter to Mr. Shrubb’s at Shalford, to spend the evening.
We played at loo, came home a little after 11.

7_th_.—Drank tea at Mrs. Westbrook’s.  Mr. and Mrs. Fortery there: they
played at quadrille.  I went home for an hour, and went again, played and
supped there.  Home a little before 12.

9_th_.—Carried Mr. Haydon his appointment as a Trustee of the Turnpike;
he gave me 5_s._  After the meeting the trustees went to Mr. P.
Flutter’s; {7b} they sent for me about 8, to play at cards. {7c}  I
played at whisk with Mr. Flutter, Mr. J. Martyr, and Mrs. Flutter: won
every game.  Home about one; won 3_s._ 6_d._

10_th_.—Mr. Duncumb {7d} dined here.  He and I went to Mrs. Wilpley’s,
{8a} but she not being at home, we went to the ‘White Hart’ and spent the
evening, and supped there.

12_th_.—With Mr. Martyr in his postchaise to London, to Clare, and drank
tea with him.  To Drury Lane playhouse, but could not get in, so we went
to the Robin Hood Society, and stayed till after 10.  The question was,
whether the increase of unmarried people was owing to the men’s greater
bashfulness, or women’s greater coyness, than formerly.

13_th_.—Went to Drury Lane house: ‘Tancred and Sigismunda.’  Garrick,
Tancred; Mrs. Cibber, Sigismunda.

14_th_.—To Covent Garden, ‘Orpheus and Euridice.’

15_th_.—Drank tea at Mrs. Emily’s {8b}; played at cards.  Home at 11.

16_th_.—Came home with Mr. Martyr in his new chaise by 6.

18_th_.—Dined at Mr. P. Flutter’s; walked up Berry Field with Miss
Flutter’s, Miss Nancy Steere, and Miss Parson.

22_nd_.—To Mr. Bullen’s to dinner, played at quadrille.  Came home about

24_th_.—Between 6 and 7 with Mr. Duncumb and Mr. Wakeford, to the ‘Tuns’
to drink a glass of wine.  Mr. Punter, came in afterwards, Mr. Hallamby,
Mr. Stovold and Harry Stovold.  Home at 10.

29_th_.—To the Assembly, but there not being enough to dance, Miss Sally
Flutter, Miss Parson, Mr. Ford and I sat down to loo, till between 11 and

31_st_.—A man having taken a shop in Stoke, sometime ago, and selling
goods vastly under the usual price, Mr. Haydon set up a shop against him,
of whom I bought this morning four pair of gloves, at 7_d._ a pair;
riding gloves, 9_d._; and a pair of other gloves, 8_d._

_Feb._ 2_nd_.—An hour after dinner, Miss Stevens came in.

6_th_.—This day being appointed for a public Fast on account of the great
earthquake at Lisbon, to Middle Church.

9_th_.—I was bled this morning for the first time.  Mrs. Martyr being
about to inoculate Master Jacky, {9a} and I intended to be inoculated at
the same time.  Drank tea with Mrs. Wilpley, and read the new farce of
‘The Apprentice’ to her.  Gave Mr. Haydon for three pair of white silk
stockings, 7_s._ 6_d._ a pair, being 4_s._ a pair cheaper than common.

12_th_.—Turnpike meeting.  We all dined and spent the evening at Mr.
Flutter’s.  Played at Pope Joan till 12.

27_th_.—This is evening, I, Master Jacky, and the maid were inoculated.

_March_ 5_th_.—Master Jacky was taken with the symptoms, and did not come
out of his chamber for a week.

7_th_.—I was quite easy this morning, when the smallpox began appearing;
a restless night, a slight fever.

12_th_.—I was blind to-day, and continued so till the 16th.

_April_ 2_nd_.—Master Jacky and I went for an airing round the course, in
the chaise, to-day.

17_th_.—To Bramley, breakfasted at the ‘Jolly Farmer,’ paid for
breakfast, 6_d._

21_st_.—Walked with Miss Molly Flutter and Miss Parson, beyond Cross

29_th_.—Drank tea at Mrs. Leeves’, with Miss Lavant and Miss More.
Walked with them and Miss Leeves up Warwick’s Bench and part of Velvet
Walk; then played at quadrille.  Home 11.

_May_ 1_st_.—Drank tea there again.  Quadrille.

20_th_.—Richard the man went for a week to the Peasemarch to be aired; he
catched the smallpox coming to us.  Paid for a cheesecake for Jacky,

22_nd_.—War with France proclaimed at Guildford; the soldiers drawn up in
arms, and with music went before the Mayor, &c.  Went to see the
wire-dancer; he tossed the straw very well, he laid a board on the wire
and sat on it himself with three children and a dog in full swing; on the
whole quite silly.

23_rd_, _Sunday_.—To Stoke Church, afterwards to the Bowling-green, and
had a syllabub with Rawlins, Ford, Mellersh, Mersing, W. Parson,
Hallomby, and Elkins.  Walked up the Velvet Walk with them.

25_th_.—Sir Charles Howard reviewed his regiment in the Artillery Ground.
With Parvish to the ‘White Hart,’ and gave him a bottle of wine, which I
owed him for teaching me on the flute.

_June_ 6_th_, _Sunday_.—To Lower Church; to the ‘White Hart,’ with
Stares, Harbroe and Mellersh, had some cold tankard.  Mellersh and I
walked up Warwick Bench; and in the hop-ground at the bottom of Velvet
Walk, met Rawlins and Ford, who went with us.

9_th_.—To the Assembly.  Danced with Miss Fanny Yalden, who dances very
well.  Paid Assembly 2_s._ 6_d._; negus, 1_s._

10_th_.—Lost at bowls, 6_d._  Called on Miss Yalden, at Miss Roker’s.
Paid for a lobster for my supper, 3_d._

21_st_.—Went a fishing, with Mr. Adderley and Mr. Mellersh; Miss Sally
Flutter went with us; little sport.  I got none out of the water.

26_th_.—Drank tea and supper at Mrs. Leeves’.  Played at whisk; I won
every game.

28_th_.—To the Bowling-green.  Played seven games.  Paid for a scarlet
waistcoat, £1. 1_s._

_July_ 11_th_.—To Shalford Church.  Afterwards a syllabub.  Miss Flutter,
Miss Gardner and I walked to Woodbridge.

_Aug._ 2_nd_.—After dinner, asked Miss Jeale and Miss Westbrooks to come
and drink a syllabub with me, (Mr. and Mrs. Martyr were gone to
Chichester{11}), but afterwards Miss Jeale sent me word they could not
come, and I must go thither; I did and played at quadrille.

15_th_, _Sunday_.—To the Lower Church.  Afterwards walked with Mellersh
and Ford, Miss Molly and Sally Flutter, and Miss Parson, up Catherine
Hill, opposite Mr. Arnold’s; then came back, went up town, Mr. Mersing
met us, and walked with us as far as Ganghill Common.

_Aug._ 29_th_, _Sunday_.—To Middle Church.  Afterwards to Mr. Weston’s,
at West Horsley, to dinner.  Gave Mr. Weston’s servants, 2_s._

_Sept._ 3_rd_.—Mr. Martyr set out at 8 this morning for London.  Walked
with Miss Molly Flutter and Miss Parson to Chilworth, and fished there.
Mrs. Street made us a syllabub.

22_nd_.—To Mr. Street’s at Chilworth, with Miss Molly and Sally Flutter
to dinner.  They finished their hopping to-day.  About six we began
dancing, two Miss Grenville’s, Miss Betsey Smallpeice, Miss Hall, two
Stovolds’s, and young Hall, Mr. Street and us; there being one woman too
many, we changed our partners, and one woman always sat down.  We danced
till 3 or 4.  All lay there.

23_rd_.—Went to see the paper-mills.  Dined at Mr. Flutter’s.  Between 3
and 4 to Mrs. Wilpley’s; played at cards till 12.

28_th_.—A Turnpike meeting.  Dined there with Mr. Edwards, Mr. Skrine,
Mr. Fullerton, Mr. John Vincent, Mr. Henry Flutter and Mr. Pinkney.

29_th_.—Dined at Mr. Mabanke’s.  Played at Pope Joan till 12.

_Oct._ 8_th_.—Miss Flutters, Miss Parson, Ford and Mellersh supped with
me.  Very merry till 11, had punch, Miss Molly brought rum.

13_th_.—Drank tea at Mr. Jeale’s (the Rector), and Mr. and Mrs. Sibthorp
there.  Played at whist till 11.

19_th_.—Went to see Farnham Castle, which is very badly furnished, the
Bishop never being there.

29_th_.—Walked, with Miss Sally and Fanny Whitehead, to Ganghill Common.

22_nd_.—At 7, went with Ford, Mellersh and H. Parson to the Mayor’s
(Savage’s) to drink the King’s health.  We were too late for any place,
but by the door.  Paid 1_s._

_Nov._ 14_th_, _Sunday_.—To Middle Church.  Then to the coffee-house for
half an hour.  Paid at coffee-house, 1_d._

21_st_.—General Blakeney landed yesterday at Portsmouth, and came this
evening to the ‘White Hart.’  A bonfire and illuminations.  The mayor and
magistrates went to pay their respects to him.  I went into the room with
them, and had two glasses of claret.  Afterwards sat in the next room
with Mellersh, Harbroe, Shotter, Horsenell, Elkins, Clifton, H. Parson,
and Buckle, to drink his health, from 8 to half-past 10.  Paid reckoning,
1_s._ 6_d._  Bonfire, 1_d._

23_rd_.—To London with Mr. Martyr.  To Covent Garden Theatre; in the pit,
paid 3_s._

24_th_.—To Covent Garden Theatre: ‘Henry IV.’—Falstaff, Mr. Shuter;
Hotspur, Barry.

26_th_.—Set out at 6 in the Guildford Machine.  Breakfasted at Cobham; in
about 2.  Breakfast, 1_s._ 1_d._  Gave the coachman, 6d,

_Dec._ 22_nd_.—Byng went through the town this morning on his way to
Portsmouth to take his trial.  They tolled the bell, and burnt his effigy
on the churchyard-steps.

1757, _Jan._ 27_th_.—Rode the black horse to London.  Covent Garden
Theatre: ‘Richard the Third,’ Barry.  Could not get in at Drury Lane.

_Feb._ 11_th_.—A Fast: no breakfast.  To Middle Church.

17_th_.—Mr. Ford and Miss Sally Flutter were married this morning.

18_th_.—Mr. and Mrs. Ford dined here.

24_th_.—Dined at Mr. Ford’s with all the Flutters.

27_th_.—To Middle Church.  Mrs. Ford made her appearance.

28_th_.—To the Artillery Ground, to see the Hessians {14a} exercise, and
one of them run the gauntlet.

_May_ 7_th_.—Some people got together at Petworth and thereabouts, and
seized some corn belonging to engrossers.

11_th_.—Wheat £20. 15_s._ a load.

_June_ 21_st_.—Paid for half-a-pint of strawberries for Master Jacky and
myself, 1½_d._

_Aug._ 6_th_.—Wheat, under £10.

_Sept._ 11_th_, _Sunday_.—A brief for the repair of the groins at
Brighthelmstone; paid 6_d._

27_th_.—Miss Molly Flutter married to Mr. Chandler. {14b}

_Oct._ 6_th_.—Miss Jeale married to Mr. Maxhill.

_Nov._ 7_th_.—Paid earnest of coach, {14c} 2_s._ 6_d._  Wine at the
‘White Hart,’ 6_d._

10_th_.—Paid remainder for coach, 2_s._ 6_d._, coachman, 6_d._; dinner at
chop-house, 10_d._; breakfast on the road, 9_d._; coffee in the
afternoon, 4_d._

12_th_.—To Drury Lane Theatre: ‘King Lear,’ by Garrick.  Agreed with the
barber for shaving me at 6_s._ a quarter.

14_th_.—To the theatre: Garrick as Don Felix, in ‘The Wonder.’

23_rd_.—At 4 to Drury Lane; the King being there to-night, very much
crowded.  Miss Gunning and her two sisters and a number of people of
quality.  ‘The Tempest,’ and ‘Harlequin Ranger’; both very foolish to
see.  Home at 10.

28_th_.—I was sworn in to-day in the King’s Bench as an Attorney of that
Court.  Paid Judges’ clerk, when I went to be examined, 7_s._; servant,
1_s._  Admission on stamp, £6. 6_s._  At 8 with Jenkins and James {15a}
to the Robin Hood Society.  Stayed there till past 9, then went into a
room below and stayed till 11.

30_th_.—Paid 10_s._ 6_d._ for entering as a pupil of Mons. Prieur, a
French master. {15b}

_Dec._ 1_st_.—To Covent Garden Theatre.  Paid for a fortnight’s board and
lodging, £1. 4_s._; for a bushel of coals, 1_s._ 2_d._  Tea at Prosser’s
coffee-house, 4_d._; wine after dinner, 3_d._; a pound of candles, 7_d._

7_th_.—To chambers (Mr. Adderley’s) till near 7, then James came home
with me.  At whist till 11.

9_th_.—To chambers.  Home to dinner.  At 4 to Drury Lane Theatre: ‘The
Careless Husband’—Lord Chalkstone, Mr. Garrick.

10_th_.—To Mr. Adderley’s till dinner.  Thither in the afternoon.  At 6
drank tea with Jenkins.

11_th_.—To chambers; after dinner there again.  Home at 7; at 9, Jenkins,
James, and Mersing, at whist till 11.

_Dec._ 12_th_.—To chambers.  Paid for cyder with James, after dinner,
3_d._; wine with Mersing at night, 3_d._

14_th_.—At whist with Jenkins, James, and Mersing.

17_th_.—Jenkins and James came home with me at 7; played at draughts with
Jenkins.  Afterwards Boughton came and took us to his lodgings; at whist
till 11.

21_st_.—With Boughton and James; mobbed it for the first row of the upper
gallery at Drury Lane, which we got.

22_nd_.—To Drury Lane; an old play of Shirley’s, ‘The Gamesters,’

23_rd_.—To chambers; after dinner to do.  At 7, home; Jenkins, James, and
Boughton, to whist till 11.

25_th_.—To the Temple Chapel, at the Sacrament.  In the afternoon with
James and Boughton to the Romish Chapel in Lincoln’s Inn Fields; then to
Mrs. Emily’s and drank tea.  Home at 8.

27_th_.—With Boughton to St. Michael’s Church, Cornhill, and heard part
of a sermon; afterwards to St. Mildred’s, and heard part of the prayers.
At whist with Sibthorpe, Boughton, and Jenkins till near 11.

28_th_.—To an auction of books {16} at the ‘Robin Hood.’

31_st_.—Between 9 and 10 Mrs. Mouling sent for me, to play at whist with
her son and daughter till 11.

1758, _Jan._ 2_nd_.—To chambers at 4 till past 7; then home; Boughton,
Daniel, and Mersing came, and played at whist till 12.

The following is written on a slip of paper:—‘_Jan._ 1_st_, 1758.—In my
pocket, £1. 5_s._ 5_d._; purse, £17. 9_s._ 6_d._; money laid out for my
brother, &c. £2. 7_s._ 7½_d._; due from my mother at Christmas, £2.
2_s._; in my card purse, {17a} 12_s._ 2_d._; Bank 3 per cent.  Reduced
Annuities, £100.

‘Of wife and children, debts and taxes clear, £123. 16_s._ 8½_d._’

_Jan._ 29_th_, _Sunday_.—Between 2 and 3 to the Speaker’s to dinner; sat
an hour before dinner; paid the servant, 2_s._

_Feb._ 19_th_, _Sunday_.—To St. Dunstan’s Church.  After dinner called on
Mr. Maxwell; then to church at St. Andrew’s, Holborn; called on Mersing;
soon after 4 Sam Ford came in; I stayed with him till past 7; then went
home and got my fire lighted, and at 9 they came and stayed till 12.

21_st_.—Took a place in the Godalming Machine.

22_nd_.—To the ‘New Inn,’ Western Bridge, soon after 6; waited till 7;
there being eight passengers, they sent a chaise in which I and a
gentleman came; stopped at Cobham; arrived at Guildford {17b} between 3
and 4.  Paid coach, 5_s._; breakfast at Cobham, 18. coachman, 1_s._

_April_ 17_th_.—At 6 set out in the coach for London.  Dined at Kingston;
in about 5.  With James and Jenkins to Mr. Boughton’s; at whist till 11.
Paid coach and man, 5_s._ 6_d._; dinner, 2_s._

18_th_.—To the play: ‘The Provoked Husband,’ Mr. Garrick.

19_th_.—Breakfasted with James at Johnstone’s Coffee House, Charing
Cross.  Paid for chocolate and muffin, 2½_d._

23_rd_, _Sunday_.—To St. Dunstan’s Church; walked in Lincoln’s Inn
Gardens; to Mr. Emily’s to dinner; to the chapel in Russell Court; walked
in the Park; at Slaughter’s Coffee House for half-an-hour; at 8 called on

25_th_.—To Don Saltero’s at Chelsea; paid for breakfast there, 13½_d._;
to Marylebone, played at bowls there; at 5, Ford came; he stayed till 7;
then I went to the ‘Crown and Rolls.’  Home about 12.

_May_ 1_st_.—I catched a great cold yesterday; James and I went home with
Jenkins; at cribbage till 11.

8_th_.—Dined in Butcher Row, 9_d._; went to hear Green, the Methodist,
dispute in Fetter Lane—shameful.  With Jenkins at cribbage till past 11.

10_th_.—Breakfasted with Mr. Street; at 11 to the Bank, and sold £25
stock; {18} at 4 dined with Mr. Adderley at the ‘White Lion,’ in Wych
Street; drank tea with Clare; between 7 and 8 Gordon and I went to Covent
Garden: ‘Miss in her teens,’ &c.  Fribble, Mr. Shuter.

11_th_.—With Jenkins to Marylebone Bowling green, at bowls.  Home at 9;
then an hour at the ‘Bell.’

18_th_.—Breakfasted at home; James dined here; he fetched a pigeon pye;
afterwards to Prosser’s, where Pitts came to me; at 6 Emily came; we took
boat at the Temple, landed at Lambeth, and walked to Vauxhall; supped
there.  Home about 12; very pleasant evening; paid for supper at
Vauxhall, 2_s._; going in, 1_s._

19_th_.—Breakfasted at New Exchange Coffee House; dined at Betty’s with
Mr. Gordon; then to Drury Lane—‘The Rehearsal,’ Bayes, Mr. Garrick; paid
for breakfast, 6_d._; a letter, 3_d._; dinner and wine, 1_s._ 4_d._

20_th_.—Jenkins, James, and I walked to Marylebone; at bowls till 8; then
we went to the ‘Sugar Loaf’ in Bell Yard; wine at Marylebone, 6_d._;
supper, 4½_d._

22_nd_.—Boughton, James, and I to Islington, to a bowling-green there;
paid for cyder, ham, &c. 7½_d._

26_th_.—Dined with Mr. Adderley at the ‘White Lion,’ there till 6.

27_th_.—To the Bowling-green beyond the Foundling Hospital.

29_th_.—James and I walked to Marylebone, bowls there; between 4 and 5 we
went to see ‘Hamlet,’ by Mr. Garrick.

_June_ 6_th_.—Got up between 4 and 5; Jenkins and James breakfasted with
me at the ‘Angel’; at 6, set out in the coach for Guildford; stopped at
Kingston; dined at Cobham; in about 4; to Miss Stevens’.

7_th_.—To the Bowling-green; to Miss Stevens’. {20a}

9_th_.—Walked with Miss Stevens up Marrow Lane.

_July_ 10_th_.—Miss Stevens and I drank tea at Mrs. Greenley’s; sat in
her pavilion.

_Aug._ 24_th_.—Dined with my uncle, Duncumb, at Shere; at 5 to Sir John
Evelyn’s, drank tea there; paid my uncle’s servant, 1_s._; Sir John’s,

28_th_.—Dined with the Mayor at the ‘White Hart.’  A great many gentlemen
from all parts of the country; there till 6; received of Mr. Fawkes,
making his will, 3_s._ 6_d._

_Sept._ 2_nd_.—Dined at the ‘Tuns,’ paid 9_d._; drank tea and supped with
Miss Stevens; Mrs. Ford came in, and afterwards Miss Adee {20b} and Miss

7_th_.—Walked with Miss Stevens to Mr. Emily’s at Clandon; dined there,
cards in the evening.

8_th_.—To Mr. Engelstoft’s; Mr. Cunningham and Mr. Mellersh there; at
whist till 12.

12_th_.—To Sir John Evelyn’s, to breakfast.

17_th_.—Between 4 and 5 to the Green; played three games, lost two;
between 7 and 8 sat down to whist there with Mr. Englestoft, Mr.
Mellersh, and Mr. Hunt.  Home before 11.

18_th_.—To the Artillery Ground, to see a pony race; to Mrs. Wilpley’s
for half an hour; at 7 to the Bowling-green, Mellersh, Gorman, and
Engelstoft there; at whist till 11.

19_th_.—The Militia sworn in quietly; soldiers ready, but no occasion; to
Mr. Engelstoft’s, played at backgammon; then to Mrs. Wilpley’s; fetched
Miss Stevens at 4; at quadrille till near 8.

20_th_.—To Middle Church {21a}; to Mr. Shrubb’s; their home, at whist
till near 1.

21_st_.—To Busbridge, Mr. Webb {21b} not at home; sat an hour with Mrs.
and young Mr. Webb; cards at Mr. Brewer’s till past 9.

22_nd_.—The Visitation; at 7 to Miss Stevens.

23_rd_.—Dined at the ‘White Lion,’ paid 1_s._ {21c}; between 3 and 4 to
Miss Stevens; Mrs. Wright came in; at quadrille till 9.

24_th_, _Sunday_.—To Middle Church.  (He did not visit Miss Stevens this

25_th_.—Walked to Mr. Emily’s at Clandon; called on Mrs. Wilpley; between
7 and 8 to Miss Stevens.

26_th_.—To Mr. Brewer’s, Mr. Thomas there; after tea at Pope Joan till 7;
then to Miss Stevens.

27_th_.—Mr. Brewer came at 10 with a licence; Mr. Martyr bound with me to
Mr. Burdett; walked to Mr. Stevens’ at Worplesdon, he not at home, back
between 5 and 6; called on Mr. Ralph Ford to bespeak his attendance
to-morrow; between 7 and 8 to Mrs. Norwood’s, Betsy Stevens there.

28_th_.—At 8 went to Mrs. Norwood’s, Miss Adee and Betsy Stevens
breakfasted there; they went down the backway to Mr. Brewer’s; I went
home and down town; was married; {22a} sent Mr. Brewer’s man for a chaise
and came away directly; went afterwards to Mr. Brewer’s and drank
chocolate; dined at Epsom; to Mrs. C.’s {22b} at 5; I walked to Hatton
Garden and with Mr. Boughton to Lincoln’s Inn Coffee House; then home; at
quadrille before supper. {22c}

1758, _Sept._ 29_th_.—Called on Adderley; dined at home.  Clare and
Jenkins came at 5, stayed till 7; at quadrille till 8.

30_th_.—We went to New Bond Street to the milliner; home to dinner.  I
drank tea with Mr. Potts, Clare, and Marshall, then home at 8.

_Oct._ 1_st_.—To Lothbury Church.  Mr. and Mrs. Barrow drank tea with us.

3_rd_.—Drank tea with Clare, home to supper; after supper quadrille.

4_th_.—Bolton called; with him to the Antigallican Coffee House till 10.

5_th_.—Set out in a chaise for Guildford at 1; arrived between 6 and 7.

16_th_, Monday.—Lady Martha and Mrs. Fitzgerald, Mrs. Spooner, Mrs. and
Mr. Burdett drank tea with us. {23a}

_Nov._ 6_th_.—Set out at 8 in the Godalming Machine; dined at Esher; in
at 5.  Called on Mersing; Boughton there; then to Jenkins’, and played at
whist till near 11.  Coach and man, 5_s._ 6_d._; a glass of capillair,

8_th_.—Dined at Prosser’s Coffee House; between 4 and 5 to the
play—‘Zara,’ Lusignan, Mr. Garrick.

9_th_.—With Mersing and Jenkins to the ‘Feathers’ Tavern, where we
supped; home at 11.

10_th_.—Set out at 7 in the Godalming coach; home at 5.

15_th_.—To the Bowling-green between 6 and 7; at whist there till 10
{23b}; then home.  Won 4_s._ 6_d._; paid reckoning at the green, 1_s._

17_th_.—To Mrs. Emily’s to dinner; played at quadrille before dinner;
home at 5; then went after my wife and Mrs. Norwood to Mr. Shrubb’s at
Shalford; then to the Bowling-green.

1759, _Feb._ 21_st_.—To Middle Church.  My wife and I walked with Dr. and
Mrs. Mitchell in their garden till past 1.  At 6 Mr. Ford, Mr. Gorman,
and Mr. Mellersh came; at whist till 12.

_March_ 21_st_.—On Stephens’s horse to London; met Mersing and Jenkins;
dined at Betty’s.  To Covent Garden—‘The Busybody,’ Marplot, Shuter.
{24a}  At 10 to the ‘Angel,’ where I lay.  Mersing and Jenkins came; we
drank one bottle.  They went a little after 12.

_April_ 9_th_.—Having a cold, with a difficulty of breathing, I was
bleeded this morning, and found benefit by night.

10_th_.—At whist till past 11.

_May_ 7_th_.—On Stephens’s horse to London.  To Mr. Adderley’s; at 5 with
him to the ‘Feathers’ Tavern, and dined.  Away at 8; at 9 Jenkins,
Mersing, and Boughton came to me at the ‘Angel’ and stayed till past 12;
paid for dinner and wine, 2_s._ 6_d._

9_th_.—Walked about; called on Adderley; dined with Jenkins; home by
Epsom; paid for breakfast at the ‘Angel,’ 8_d._; two nights’ lodging,
1_s._ 6_d._ maid, 1_s._; horse and hostler, 3_s._ 2_d._; turnpike, 4½_d._
horse hire, 6_s._

_June_ 13_th_.—On Stephens’s horse to Chertsey; breakfasted with Ford,
Heath, and wife; to Ascot Races.

22_nd_.—To the green, and thence with Mr. Russell to the ‘Tuns’ to drink
the King’s health; paid drinking, 1_s._

27_th_.—To London; called on Adderley.  With him to Clement’s Coffee
House till 10; then to the ‘Angel.’  Jenkins came at 11, stayed till 1.

_July_ 6_th_.—To Sir John Evelyn, at Wotton.  Paid horse hire, 2_s._

23_rd_.—To Sir John Evelyn, with him Colonel Evelyn and young Mr. Budgen.
{25a}  To the ‘Hatch’ to dinner; Mr. Evelyn, Mr. Godschall, {25b} Mr.
Bridges, Mr. Steere, Mr. Spence, {25c} Mr. Courtenay, and Mr. Walsh
there; left at 7; paid for dinner and wine, 4_s._ 6_d._

_Aug._ 6_th_.—To Wotton Hatch to dinner.  Mr. Evelyn, Mr. Bisshop, Mr.
Godschall, Mr. Deane, Mr. Carr, Mr. Spence, Mr. Courtenay, Mr. Walsh, and
Mr. Hull. {25d}

9_th_.—To see the fireworks on the good news: Russians and French
defeated.  The Judges came in the evening.

11_th_.—The assizes finished.

13_th_.—To Mr. Brewer’s; at whist; home by 10; won 7_s._ 6_d._

14_th_.—My wife brought to bed this morning, about five of a boy.  Paid
Mr. Burdett, 10_s._ 6_d._; midwife and nurse, 10_s._

20_th_.—To Wotton Hatch. {25e}  Mr. Talbot, Mr. Spooner, Mr. Bridges, Mr.
Walsh, and Mr. Spence.  Home about 8.

_Sept._ 3_rd_.—Being wet, did not go to Wotton Hatch.

10_th_.—My wife sat up for company.

11_th_.—Company again.

_Oct._  1_st_.—To Wotton Hatch: Mr. Budgen, {26a} Mr. Godschall, Mr.
Tucker, {26b} Mr. Talbot, Mr. Dormer, Mr. Steere, Mr. Courtenay, Mr.
Kerr, Mr. Spence, and Mr. Spooner.

22_nd_.—With Sir John Evelyn to Milton Court: held court there.  Mr.
Evelyn with us.  To Wotton at 6; danced till past 10.  Colonel Evelyn,
Mr. Harcourt, the butler, Miss Mary Evelyn, Miss Clark, Miss Duncumb, and
three maids.  I danced with Miss C. and Miss D.

28_th_.—Paid for a thing to hang my wig on, 1_s._ 2_d._; a hutch for the
child, 8_s._

_Nov._ 26_th_.—Went to town; spent the evening at Mr. Adderley’s chambers
with him and Miss A.

27_th_.—Jenkins came, and stayed till 12.

28_th_.—With Boughton and Jenkins; they stayed till 1.

29_th_.—Home in the Portsmouth fly.  Thanksgiving for taking Quebeck.

_Dec._ 1_st_.—Illumination for Sir Edward Hawke beating Conflans.

13_th_.—Ford, Mellersh, and Vincent the clergyman sent for me to the
‘White Hart’ to play at whist.

1760, _Jan._ 14_th_.—At 6 to the ‘Red Lion’: Mr. Cunningham, Mr. Russell,
Mellersh, and Ford; home at 11.

15_th_.—Lord Onslow sent for me to dinner; home at 8.  Paid Mr. Wilpley
bleeding my wife, 2_s._ 6_d._

_Feb._ 11_th_.—On Upperton’s mare to London; dined with Adderley at the
‘Feathers.’  At 5 to Covent Garden, ‘Comus,’ singing by Miss Brent.  To
Clare’s for half-an-hour; then to the ‘Angel’; Jenkins came at 10, stayed
till 12.

_April_ 13_th_.—Paid a man going beyond Ripley to get some leeches to
bleed the child.  A labourer in the garden one day, 1_s._ 3_d._

_July_ 7_th_.—To the Club at Wotton Hatch; reckoning, 4_s._ 6_d._

28_th_.—Mrs. Norwood and my wife drank tea with Mrs. Hole.  I went to the
Green till past 8.  Englestoft came after; played backgammon till near

_Nov._ 14_th_.—Between 6 and 7 to the ‘White Lion’ by invitation from the
Mayor on the King of Prussia’s success.  Stayed till past 11.

17_th_.—To London; called on Jenkins, dined with him; drank tea with
Clare, then to the ‘Angel.’  Jenkins came and stayed till 1.

19_th_.—In a coach to the Speaker’s; dined at Dr. Adee’s; drank tea with
Clare, then to the ‘Angel.’  Jenkins came and stayed till 12.

_Dec._ 15_th_.—Mr. Robert Austen {27a} drank tea here, and at 6 went with
me to the ‘Red Lion’: Mr. Russell, Mr. Ford, Captain and Mr. C., and Mr.
Webb; cards; home at 11. {27b}

_June_ 8_th_.—Mr. Lane {28a} and Mr. Godschall made a cricket match
to-day on Albury Heath.  Mrs. Skurray and my wife went in a postchaise,
and dined with my mother, and then went to see it.  I walked.  We drank
tea in Mr. Godschall’s tent, Mr. Lane, Mr. King, Mr. Vincent, Mr.
Dickinson, Lord Ossory, &c.

_July_ 19_th_, _Sunday_.—On Upperton’s horse to London.  Dined at Dr.
Adee’s.  In the afternoon, walked, with Mr. Adderley, Miss Sally Adderley
and Miss Williams, to the ‘White Conduit House.’  Jenkins spent the
evening with me at the ‘Angel’ till 12.

20_th_.—Breakfasted with Dr. Adee, dined and drank tea with Adderley;
with him and Jenkins to Vauxhall; they supped with me at the ‘Angel,’ and
did not go till near 2.

27_th_.—To Wotton Hatch Club.  Paid, 5_s._ 6_d._

_Sept._ 22_nd_.—The Coronation.  To the Green, played four games.  At 7
to the ‘Red Lion,’ to drink the King’s health.  To the Mayor at the
‘Tuns.’  Home at 12.

28_th_.—To Wotton Hatch.  Home between 7 and 8.

_Oct._ 2_nd_.—To London, to talk with Mr. Evelyn {28b}; called on

3_rd_.—Breakfasted with Mr. Evelyn.

9_th_.—Bleeded to-day.

27_th_.—To London, with Mr. Evelyn to the Board of Green Cloth.  There
till 3, dined at Clifton’s Chop House.  Paid for dinner, 1_s._

28_th_.—Breakfasted at Dr. Adee’s.  The Miss Adee’s walked with me to
look for a house.  Mr. Jenkins supped with me.

29_th_.—To the Green Cloth at 11; at 3 to the ‘Angel,’ and dined there.
To Covent Garden Theatre, but could not get in.  Drank tea at Adderley’s;
quadrille.  Paid for dinner, 1_s._ 6_d._; rum, 1_s._ 2_d._; orange chips,
3_d._; cakes, 2_d._

1762, _Jan._ 18_th_.—Queen’s Birth-day.  We all dined at St. James’s.  At
11 home in a chaise; paid for chaise, 1_s._ 6_d._

_March_ 12_th_.—The General Fast.  My wife brought to bed of a boy. {29}

_April_ 24_th_.—Much out of order with a cold.

25_th_.—Bled this morning.

26_th_.—Mr. Stephenson and I, with Mr. Selwyn, at 2, to the Exhibition.
Paid for catalogue, 6_d._

27_th_.—At home this morning, taking Jessop’s water.  In the afternoon
drank tea with Jenkins.  Home at 8.

_July_ 29_th_.—Dined at the ‘King’s Head,’ Dorking, paid for dinner and
wine, 2_s._; Lord Midleton’s man for venison, 2_s._ 6_d._

_Aug._ 21_st_.—To St. James’s with Mrs. Norwood, and three Miss Adee’s to
drink caudle. {30a}  Went into Kensington Gardens; gave the boy who let
us in, 2_d._

_Sept._ 1_st_.—To Mr. Walters, {30b} called on Mr. Malthus; {30c} dined
at Mr. Evelyn’s.  Home at 6.

_Oct._ 2_nd_.—Dined and lay at Lord Midleton’s; at quadrille, from 4 in
the afternoon.  Paid servants in the house, 5_s._

_Nov._ 5_th_.—In the Guildford coach to Guildford.  Went to the ‘Tuns’ to
drink the King’s health.  Home at 12; paid at the ‘Tuns,’ 1_s._; coach
and man, 6_s._

13_th_.—Dined at Mr. Burdett’s; at whist won 6 rubbers out of 7; won
15_s._  Home past 12.

1766, _Sept._ 6_th_.—Paid for a horse, bought of a Welchman, £6. 6_s._
0_d._; saddle, bridle, and cloth, £1. 17_s._ 6_d._

_Oct._ 4_th_.—With Mrs. N. and Miss Kerr to Drury Lane; ‘Romeo and

5_th_.—Sunday to Church.  To the Coffee-house for half-an-hour.  Paid for
wine, 6_d._

6_th_.—To Mundy’s Coffee-house, and supped.

7_th_.—Drank tea with Jenkins.

10_th_.—With Mrs. Kerr to Drury Lane: ‘Provoked Husband’ and ‘Devil to
Pay:’ Mr. Garrick.

11_th_.—Drank tea with Adderley.  To the Coffee-house for half-an-hour.

12_th_.—Drank tea at Dr. Adee’s.

13_th_.—With Jenkins to Mundy’s Coffee-house.  Paid reckoning, 2_s._

14_th_.—To the Coffee-house half-an-hour; wine, 6_d._

15_th_.—Drank tea at Mrs. Emily’s, at quadrille.

1767, _March_ 18_th_.—It pleased God to release my William from his
sufferings, when half a year old he was seized with convulsions which
never left him.

_June_ 9_th_.—With Mr. Hollingworth to the Downs Guildford Races.  Sir
John Evelyn being taken ill, went off the Downs to Wotton.

19_th_.—Jack was taken with the smallpox, and on the 28th the dear soul
died.  Polly was taken on the 1st of July, I sent for Mr. Kerr who gave
her Sutton’s powders, and she recovered.

_Dec._ 22_nd_.—With Mr. Waddington to Drury Lane: ‘Suspicious Husband,’
Mr. Garrick.

23_rd_.—Mr. Jenkins dined.  Coffee-house half-an-hour.  Paid for wine,

24_th_.—Coffee-house, wine, 6_d._; 25th, do.; 26th, do.

1768, _Jan._ 30_th_.—My wife brought to bed of a boy. {31}

_Feb._ 24_th_.—Dined at Penneck’s, Mr. Astle, Col. Webb, Dr. Solander,

_March_ 1_st_.—Mr. Penneck, Dr. Solander and Col. Webb, dined here. {32a}

31_st_.—To Captain Brodrick’s, {32b} and dined; Lady Midleton’s, and Sir
Francis Vincent there.

1768, _Sept._ 9_th_.—To Neville Court, and had the nerve in both ears cut
for the toothache, and received relief in an hour.

1769, _Oct._ 11_th_.—To New Inn {32c} till dinner; at 4 again till 6.

19_th_, _Sunday_.—To Church; to the Buffalo Coffee House for an hour;
paid for wine, 6_d._

22_nd_.—Sir Joseph Ayloffe, Dr. Ducarrell, and Mr. Astle dined here.

_March_ 7_th_.—To the House of Commons till 3.

10_th_.—To the House of Commons till 4.

_May_ 15_th_.—Dined at Lord Onslow’s; to the race. {32d}  I paid his
servants, 4_s._

16_th_.—With Mr. Powell, curate of Abinger, to the race.

_July_ 30_th_, _Sunday_.—Mr. Woods came to tell me that Mr. Sturt {32e}
died yesterday.  To Dorking to Mr. Budgen, Mr. Talbot, and Mr. Scawen.

_Aug._ 28_th_.—Meeting of Mr. Smith’s trustees.  I was appointed clerk
and treasurer, in the place of Mr. Sturt.

_Oct._ 16_th_.—In a chaise with Mr. Jenkins to Reading. {33a}

1770, _July_ 27_th_.—Mr. Jenkins, Mr. Adderley, and Mr. Pacey dined with
me.  To the Percy Coffee House for an hour; won 15_s._ {33b}

_Aug._ 4_th_.—We set out at 6 with Mr. Jenkins and Mr. Adderley to Shere;
dined at Cobham; saw Claremont and Painshill.

5_th_, _Sunday_.—To Church; afterwards by Lonesome {33c} to Leith Hill.

6_th_.—To Lord Aylesford’s house and garden (Albury Park).

_Sept._ 6_th_.—Lord Talbot, at the request of Mr. Gray and Mr. Sacker,
gave me the place of Clerk of the Verge.  I was sworn in this day.

_Nov._ 19_th_.—To New Inn: to Mundy’s Coffee House; {33d} reckoning,

20_th_.—At 6 with Ford to the Turk’s Head Coffee House; whist; home at 2;
reckoning, 6_s._; won 10_s._

21_st_.—Mr. and Mrs. Ford drank tea and supped here; Jenkins and Mersey
supped; whist, won 2_s._ 6_d._

23_rd_.—To the Percy Coffee House; home at 10; reckoning, 1s, 9_d._; won,

30_th_.—To the Percy Coffee House; reckoning, 2_s._ won 18_s._

1771, _Jan._ 1_st_.—At Shere {34a}; drank tea and supped at Mr. Botham’s.

3_rd_.—Dined at Mr. Godschall’s.

6_th_.—Walked to Sir Frederick Evelyn’s, and dined.

_April_ 12_th_.—To Wood Street to see a horse; rode the horse to
Islington; paid for it, £25. 4_s._ {34b}

_Nov._ 5_th_.—Dined at the Percy Coffee House, and stayed till 10; whist;
lost £1. 3_s._ 6_d._

_Dec._ 2_nd_.—To the Percy till 10; won 18_s._

1772, _Jan._ 23_rd_.—Paid admission fee at the Antiquary Society, £5.

_Feb._ 28_th_.—Dined at Mr. Penneck’s {34c}: Sir Joshua Reynolds, Dr.
Stebbing, Mr. Lort, and Mr. Astle.  At half-past 5, with Mr. Adderley, to
Drury Lane: ‘Much Ado about Nothing,’ Mr. Garrick.

_April_ 6_th_.—With Jerkins to the meeting of the Laudable Society; dined
there; dinner, 5_s._

_Aug._ 24_th_.—Set out with Mr. Jenkins in a postchaise for Wales.

27_th_.—Being the races at Hereford, could get no chaise, but got horses,
and rode to Monmouth.

31_st_.—To Llandilo, an excellent inn, and dined; and Mr. Pennoyre
Watkins telling us the ford at Llandovery was dangerous, lay there.
Whist with him; won 12_s._

1773, _July_ 24_th_.—Rode to the Downs; saw part of a great cricket

26_th_.—Dined at Mr. Godschall’s: General and Mrs. Evelyn and Colonel
Molyneux there; drank tea with Mr. Berwick.

_Oct._ 31_st_, _Sunday_.—To Church; to Mr. Talbot (of Chart Park), and
dined; drank tea at Mr. Tucker’s {35a}; lay at Mr. Kerr’s.

_Nov._ 13_th_.—With Jenkins to Covent Garden: Macklin played Macbeth.

1774, _June_ 7_th_.—Rode with Mr. Jenkins by Highgate, &c.

9_th_.—Rode with Mr. Jenkins by Stamford Hill, &c.

10_th_.—Rode with Dr. Osborn to Dr. Price, {35b} Newington Green.

24_th_.—Rode with Mr. Penneck and Mr. Austen to Mr. Walpole’s, Strawberry
Hill; saw that; {35c} dined at the ‘Toy,’ Hampton.

_Dec._ 7_th_.—Dr. Solander and Omiah, the native of Otaheite, Mr.
Pennock, and Mr. Planta {36a} dined and drank tea here.

8_th_.—To Drury Lane: ‘The Country Girl.’

1775, _Sept._ 28_th_.—To the ‘King’s Head’ at Derby, {36b} and lay.

1776, _April_ 3_rd_.—Paid subscription to the Laudable Society, £2.
12_s._ 6_d._ {36c}

_May_ 3_rd_.—Paid for a grey horse, five years old, 15 guineas.

27_th_.—Paid labourers planting firs in the Hurtwood, £1. 12_s._ 3_d._;
stakes, &c., for fencing, £2. 17_s._ 3_d._ {36d}

_Aug._ 23_rd_.—To Loughborough, with Mr. Jenkins.

1777, _Oct._ 30_th_.—To Loseley to breakfast; to East Horsley, and dined
at Mr. Fox’s; supped at Mr. Duncumb’s.

31_st_.—General Evelyn and Mr. Lomax dined.

_Nov._ 19_th_.—Paid Mr. Chaubert, for monument in Shere Church, 6
guineas. {36e}

_Dec._ 21_st_.—Paid Mr. Lomax, for half an acre of land, £7. {36f}

1778, _Jan._ 16_th_.—To Leicester; dined with Mr. Parr, {36g} and supped;
whist; lost 3_s._

_Feb._ 26_th_.—To the play with Miss Catherine Adee and Kitty: ‘School
for Scandal’ and ‘The Quaker.’

_March_ 19_th_.—Antiquary Society; supped at the ‘White Hart,’ with Mr.
Gough, Mr. Lort, Mr. Grose, and Mr. Topham. {37a}

_April_ 25_th_.—Lord Midleton came; rode with him to Pitland Street; he
and Mr. Lomax dined.

_June_ 8_th_.—Mr. Jenkins and Mr. J. Martyr {37b} dined.

9_th_.—To Guildford; dined at Mr. Martyr’s; Mr. Jenkins and Mr. Hawes
there; to the horse race.

10_th_.—General Evelyn, Mr. Dyson, and Captain Williams dined; to the

_July_ 19_th_, _Sunday_.—To Church; walked in the Museum Gardens with Mr.

26_th_, _Sunday_.—To Church at Shere; dined at Mr. Duncumb’s; drank tea
at Mr. Godschall’s.  Lord and Lady Onslow and Mr. and Mrs. Onslow there.

1780, _Jan._ 16_th_.—In a chaise to the Speaker at Wonersh, and dined; to
Loseley in the evening.

27_th_.—Antiquary Society, supped with Mr. Waddilove at Mundy’s Coffee
House in Maiden Lane; paid 1_s._

_Feb._ 8_th_.—To Drury Lane, with Mrs. Gardiner and Polly, ‘Plain Dealer’
and ‘Fortunatus.’

_March_ 28_th_.—To General Evelyn’s, and breakfasted; to Turnpike meeting
at Guildford; dined at the ‘White Hart,’ with Mr. Page and Captain
Onslow; to Loseley and lay.

_April_ 2_nd_.—Dined at Mr. Lomax’s.

15_th_.—Breakfasted at Mr. Lomax’s; rode with him to the Hurtwood.

17_th_.—To the race.


_June_ 6_th_.—Lord Mansfield’s house burnt, up all night.

_Nov._ 22_nd_.—Drank tea with Mr. Jenkins.  To the Rolls Coffee House,
and supped; quadrille.

_Dec._ 11_th_.—Mr. and Mrs. Eyre and Mr. and Mrs. Meux supped here;

1781, _Jan._ 8_th_.—Edward went to the Guildford Ball.

11_th_.—To the first meeting of the Antiquary Society in Somerset House;
supped at Coffee House, with Mr. Gough, Mr. Topham, &c.

_March_ 22_nd_.—To Kingston Assizes; dined with the Grand Jury; Mr.
Budgen’s cause tried.

_May_ 11_th_.—Supped at Mr. Meux’s; whist, won 9_s._

_June_ 16_th_.—To Sir Edward Evelyn in Piccadilly, and with him in his
phaeton to Leatherhead.

_July_ 2_nd_.—With Dr. Osborne in his coach to Mr. Rice at Tooting, and

_Aug._ 3_rd_.—To Mr. James at Enfield, and lay.

4_th_.—Rode to Mr. Jenkins, at Hampstead.

16_th_.—Mr. Manning supped and lay here.

17_th_.—With Mr. Manning {38} to Ansted Camp; he dined and lay here.

18_th_.—Dined at Mr. Pollen’s; drank tea at Mr. Polhill’s (Albury).

23_rd_.—Mr. and Mrs. Shaw and Mr. Polhill drank tea here.

24_th_.—To Colonel Clarke at Stanestreet, and breakfasted; dined and
supped at Mr. Duncumb’s.

25_th_.—To Loseley, and breakfasted; dined at the ‘White Hart’ with the

_Sept._ 14_th_.—To Mr. Page {39a} at Cobham to breakfast; to Shere to

15_th_.—General Evelyn, Mr. and Mrs. Lomax, and Mr. Duncumb dined with
us. {39b}

16_th_, _Sunday_.—Dined at Mr. Godschall’s.

17_th_.—Breakfasted at Wotton; dined at the ‘King’s Head,’ Epsom.

1782, _Feb._ 10_th_.—Walked to Hampstead; dined at Mr. Jenkins’s; thence
walked home with him. {39c}

_March_ 31_st_.—My brother and I drank tea at Capt. Finch’s (Albury

_Sept._ 15_th_.—Breakfasted at Lord Grantley’s; dined at Mr. Shurlock’s;
drank tea with my brother; to Wotton, and lay at Sir Frederick’s.

1783, _June_ 7_th_.—Set out at 7 for Shere; breakfasted at Epsom; dined
at the ‘White Horse,’ Dorking {39d}; paid for breakfast, 1_s._; barber,
6_d._; horses, 10_d._; at Dorking, dinner and wine, 3_s._ 8_d._; horses,

_July_ 3_rd_.—To Harrow speeches {39e}; breakfasted at the ‘King’s Head,’
dined with Dr. Heath.

_Dec._ 30_th_.—Mrs. Evelyn and Hugh dined here.

1784, _March_ 11_th_.—To the Antiquary Society; supped at Holylands
Coffee House, with Mr. Gough {40a}, Mr. Ord, Mr. Turner, Dr. Hamilton,
Mr. Grose, Dr. Nash, and others.

22_nd_.—To Bath by coach, set out at 4, arrived at 8.

_July_ 24_th_.—Rode with Mr. Topham {40b} to Tunbridge Wells; Mr. Gough,
Mr. Ord, and Mr. Brooke, in a chaise; we all saw Knowle, and dined at the
‘White Hart,’ Sevenoaks.

_Aug._ 19_th_.—Dined at the Club at Dorking; Duke of Norfolk, Sir Wm.
Gray, &c.

_Dec._ 26_th_.—At home; physick. {40c}

1785, _Jan._ 3_rd_.—Mr. and Mrs. Polhill and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Duncumb
and John Duncumb dined here.

4_th_.—Edward and I rode to Sir Fredk. Evelyn’s; dined at Mr.

5_th_.—The tenants dined here.

6_th_.—Edward and I rode to Mr. Polhill’s, and dined.

7_th_.—Edward and I dined at Captn. Finch’s; Lady Aylesford and two
daughters, Captn. Edward Finch, and Mr. Morden there.

_Feb._ 19_th_.—To Drury Lane; ‘Macbeth’ Mrs. Siddons.

_June_ 26_th_ (_Sunday_).—Edward and I walked to Albury Church; dined at
Mr. Polhill’s; with him in his chaise to Shere Church; {41a} went to
Captn. Pitt’s; {41b} drank tea at Sir Frederick’s.

_July_ 13_th_.—Attended the Sessions; dined with the Justices at the
‘White Hart;’ lay at Loseley.

14_th_.—Breakfasted with Mr. Mellersh; dined at Loseley; drank tea at Mr.

1786, _Jan._ 7_th_.—Edward and I rode to Guildford, and then in a chaise
to Pepperharrow, and lay there.  To Church at Pepperharrow.  Chaise came.
I dined at Mr. Webb’s; drank tea at Mr. Manning’s, and lay at the ‘White
Hart,’ Guildford; Mr. Mellersh supped with me.

_June_ 6_th_.—Guildford races.  Very unwell; did not go up to the Downs.

_July_ 14_th_.—To Tooting, and held a court; dined and drank tea at Mr.
Rice’s. {41c}

_Aug._ 2_nd_.—To Eaton Bray. {41d}

31_st_.—To Canterbury.

_Dec._ 28_th_.—Dined and lay at Mrs. Tucker’s, Sir Henry and Lady St.
John; {41e} whist, won 9_s._

1787, _Jan._ 10_th_.—To Quarter Sessions in Borough; dined with the
Justices; whist, Sir Joseph Mawbey, {42a} Pardon, Lawson, and others,
till 10, won 10_s._ 6_d._

_Aug._ 28_th_.—Dined at home.  Miss Malthus, and Miss Menzies, Mr. R.
Malthus, {42b} and Mr. John Duncumb, drank tea.

29_th_.—Dined at Mr. Godschall’s; Mr. and Mrs. Polhill and Mr. Wollaston
there; whist till 10; won 8_s._

30_th_.—Dined at the Club at Dorking, Sir Fredk. Evelyn, &c.; paid for
dinner, 4_s._ 6_d._

31_st_.—Set out at 6; breakfasted at Epsom; home at 1; paid for
breakfast, 1_s._; bait of horses, 1_s._

_Oct._ 26_th_.—Dined at Mr. Godschall’s, between 8 and 9; received by
express Mrs. Oglethorpe’s death; sent for a chaise from Dorking; set out
at 2, got to Russell Street past 7 {42c}; breakfasted; to Mr. Sharp
{42d}, with him to Cranham.

1788, _June_ 9_th_.—Drank tea at Mr. Ruding’s. {42e}

10_th_.—With Miss Adees, Mary and Caroline, to Vauxhall; home at 12.

_Aug._ 25_th_. {42f}—Mr. and Mrs. Shurlock dined.

26_th_.—Dined at Mr. Taylor’s.

27_th_.—Mr. Godschall dined with us.

28_th_.—To Mrs. Haynes, and dined.

29_th_.—Mr. Prickett, Mr. Woodroffe; and Mr. T. Duncumb dined with us.

30_th_.—To Reigate, and lay at the ‘White Hart.’

31_st_.—Dined with Mr. Barnes; to Mr. Fanshawe, {43a} and lay.

_Oct._ 24_th_.—We all dined and supped at Mrs. Malthus’s; whist, won
3_s._ 6_d._

1789, _Feb._ 10_th_.—Council at the Society of Antiquaries; {43b} to the
House of Commons.

_April_ 28_th_.—Drank tea at Mr. Malthus’s.

29_th_.—Drank tea at Mr. Shurlock’s.

30_th_.—Dined at Mr. Webb’s. {43c}

_May_ 1_st_.—To Mr. Leech, at Witley; lay at Mr. Webb’s.

2_nd_.—After breakfast, to Mr. Manning; dined at Mr. Mellersh’s.

3_rd_.—Dined at Mr. Duncumb’s; to Mr. Malthus; drank tea at Mr.

14_th_.—Miss Adees, Mr. Robert Malthus, and Mr. Martyr, dined with us;
supped at Lincoln’s Inn Coffee House (with his antiquary friends).

_June_ 18_th_.—Dined with the Duke of Norfolk; {43d} home at 8.

_July_ 3_rd_.—Called at Mr. Eckersall’s; {43e} drank tea at Dorking.

_Aug._ 10_th_.—To Hazlegrove; lay there (Sir Hy. St John Mildmay’s).

_Nov._ 7_th_.—To Sir H. Mildmay, at Dogmersfield, and lay.

_Dec._ 25_th_.—My dear daughter Caroline died this morning, after a fever
of a few days. {44a}

1790, _July_ 24_th_.—Dined at Sir Fredk. Evelyn’s.

25_th_, _Sunday_.—Dined at Captn. Finch’s; drank tea at Mr. Malthus’s.

26_th_.—Dined at Mr. Duncumb’s.

27_th_.—Mr. R. Malthus and the Misses dined here, with Cath. and Mr. and
Mrs. Polhill, and Mr. S. Godschall.

28_th_.—Dined at Mr. Shurlock’s.

29_th_.—Dined at Mr. Thompson’s.

30_th_.—Mr. Duncumb and Mr. Thos. and Robt. Duncumb supped here.

31_st_.—Drank tea at Mr. Malthus’s. {44b}

_Sept._ 1_st_.—To Mr. Jenkins’, at Putney, and dined; home at 8.

3_rd_.—Took up Mr. Clutton, at Walworth, and went with him to Sir Peter
Burrell’s, {44c} at Beckenham.

1791, _June_ 9_th_.—Dined at Sir Charles Gould’s, with the directors of
the Equitable Society.  Supped at the Coffee House, Brand, Turner, and

_Sept._ 29_th_.—Dined at Sir Wm.  Hillman’s, Lord Say and Sele, Mr.
Jenkinson, Mr. Fanshawe, sen.; drank tea at Mrs. Molyneux’s.

30_th_.—Sir William Hillman, Mr. Willis, Mr. Jenkinson, and Mr. Saml.
Dyson, dined here.

_Oct._ 16_th_, _Sunday_.—Dined at Captn. Finch’s, Mr. Onslow there.

23_rd_, _Sunday_.—Dined at Capt. Finch’s.

1792, _Jan._ 2_nd_.—Set out ground to widen Sherborne Lane.  In the
evening rode to Capt. Onslow’s, at Ripley, and lay there.

3_rd_.—Breakfasted there, and to town in the Godalming coach.

_Feb._ 8_th_.—Dined at Edward’s, with Mr. Malthus and family; child
christened; whist, won 3_s._; paid nurse, &c., £3. 3_s._

18_th_.—To Lord Sydney, and with him to Frognal, and lay there.

19_th_, _Sunday_.—Returned at 2.

_March_ 1_st_.—Mr. Willis dined here; with him to the Antiquary Society;
supped at the Coffee House, Lord Leicester, &c., there.

_April_ 12_th_.—To Mr. Strode, at Loseley, and dined; to Mr. Webb, at
Milford, and lay.

1796, _Dec._ 14_th_.—My wife died about 5 in the afternoon; the most
affectionate of wives, tenderest of parents, and most sincere of
Christians; to her great prudence and discretion I owe the prosperity
with which God has blessed me.

24_th_.—Very hard frost. {45}

1797, _Feb._ 25_th_.—Dined at Edward’s, Mr. Godschall, senior, &c.;
Reginald christened; paid Edward Duncumb for a drawing of Combe Bottom,
£2. 2_s._; frame and glass, 10_s._ 6_d._

_March_ 21_st_.—Dined at the ‘Crown and Anchor’ (Antiquaries’ Club), Dr.
Hamilton, Sir Wm. Musgrave, Mr. Charles Townshend, Mr. Weston, Seward,
Brand, Ord, Lysons; tea at the Coffee House (Holyland’s) paid, for
dinner, 2_s._; tea, 11_d._

_Aug._ 14_th_.—In Southampton long coach to town at 6; breakfasted at
Alton; dined at ‘Catherine Wheel,’ at Egham; drank tea at Hatchett’s.

24_th_.—Rode with Edward to Mr. Jenkins’s, at Putney, dined and drank
tea.  Home at 8.

_Oct._ 13_th_.—To Leatherhead to Mr. Cooper’s; to Shere; no dinner.

14_th_.—Dined at the ‘White Hart,’ Guildford; drank tea at Mr. Polhill’s

15_th_, _Sunday_.—To Albury Church; dined at Mr. Malthus’s.

22_nd_.—To Mr. Currie at East Horsley; dined and lay there.

_Nov._ 3_rd_.—To Mr. Austen’s; he died about 9.

11_th_.—With Mr. Halsey and Dr. Benamore at 1; from Mr. Austen’s house
with the funeral; dined at Kingston; lay at the ‘White Lion,’ Cobham.

12_th_.—Mr. Coussmaher and Mr. Martyr met us at the ‘Green Man’; got to
Shalford by 1.

16_th_.—With Master Austen to Harrow.

_Dec._ 16_th_.—To Guildford; dined at the Club; whist; paid 5_s._; won

17_th_.—Dined and lay at Mr. Martyr’s.

20_th_.—With Edward in coach to Lord Grantley’s, in Sloane Street, and
dined; paid coach and turnpike, 4_s._ 2_d._

1798, _Jan._ 19_th_.—To Lord Grenville, the Duke of Portland, {47a} &c.;
dined at Mr. Harrison’s.

23_rd_.—Dined at the ‘Crown and Anchor’ with the Antiquaries’ Club, Dr.
Hamilton, Sir Wm. Musgrave, Dr. Halifax, Topham, Brand, Lysons, Charles
Townshend, &c.

30_th_.—Dined with the Antiquaries’ Club, Weston, Townley, &c.

_Feb._ 18_th_.—Inflammation in the eye; paid for golden ointment, 1_s._

_March_ 4_th_, _Sunday_.—To Church; Mr. Bayley {47b} and Mr. Baxendale

1799, _Jan._ 14_th_.—Supped at Mr. Baxendale’s; whist.

15_th_.—Dined at Mr. Ord’s, Brand, Sabine, &c.

16_th_.—Mr. Hogarth and Mr. and Mrs. Harrison dined here.

17_th_.—Dined at General Rainsford’s, Sir George Osborn, Colonel Sloane,
and Mr. Rose Fuller.

_Feb._ 19_th_.—Dined at the ‘Crown and Anchor,’ Sir Joseph Banks, Lysons,

_July_ 2_nd_.—Mr. Waddilove {47c} and Salter dined here.

3_rd_.—Mr. Peach, Dealtry, {47d} Brand, and Mrs. Davis dined here.

4_th_.—Drank tea at Mrs. Austen’s.

5_th_.—Dined at Mr. Dealtry’s, Mr. James Farrar, Mr. Blake, &c.

6_th_.—To Mr. Ruding’s (at Maldon), and breakfasted; dined at Mr.
Filewood’s; drank tea at Dr. Taylor’s.

12_th_.—Mr. and Mrs. Duncumb and Mr. T. Duncumb dined here.

13_th_.—Breakfasted with Mr. Currie; dined and lay at Sir John

14_th_, _Sunday_.—After breakfast, to Peto, {48a} at Stoke D’Abernon, and
to Church there; dined and drank tea at Mr. Cooke’s.

31_st_.—Drank tea at Mr. Malthus’s; walked through his coppices, Miss
Dalton there.

_Sept._ 19_th_.—To Lord Sydney (in Grosvenor Square), and dined; drank
tea at Mr. Andrewes’s. {48b}

_Nov._ 17_th_, _Sunday_.—To Church; Dr. Willis and Serjeant Bayley

19_th_.—Mr. Jebb dined here.

20_th_.—Charity School Meeting.

21_st_.—Major Molyneux, Captain Vincent, Mr. Fanshawe, Mr. Willis, Mr.
Andrewes, and Mr. Ruding dined here.

22_nd_.—Mr. and Mrs. Godschall dined here; paid for lottery tickets, £8.

23_rd_.—Dined and supped at Mrs. Davis’s, Sir Nash Grose, &c.; whist.

24_th_.—To Church; Dr. Willis, Mr. Penneck, and Mr. Baxendale called.

_Dec._ 22.—Not well. {49}

Mr. Bray left notes of his travels bound together, and making a large
book.  Most of the houses he saw are fully described.  He was never on
the Continent or in Ireland.

His first excursion after his tour in Wales in 1769, was in 1774, into
Leicestershire and the adjoining counties, when he visited the Field of
Bosworth, where it is said that Sir Reginald Bray picked up King
Richard’s crown, and gave it to Lord Stanley, who presented it to the

In the same year 1774, he went twice to the Lakes.  Number of miles
travelled, 703 and 657.

1775.—The tour of which he published an account.

1776.—Gloucestershire, &c., 506 miles.

1777.—Northamptonshire, Leicestershire.

1778.—Wales, 637 miles.

1779.—Matlock, Buxton.


1781.—The Peak.

1782.—Bath, Worcester, Malvern, 406 miles.

1783.—Hastings, Tunbridge Wells, Isle of Wight, 659 miles.

1784.—Brighton, 225 miles.

1785.—Bristol, 302 miles.

1786.—Cambridge, Dover, Ramsgate.

1787.—Essex, 410 miles.

1788.—Luton, Dunstable, 346 miles.

1789.—Glastonbury, Weymouth, Lyme, 520 miles.



1793.—Colchester, Lowestoft, 312 miles.  Woburn, Eton, Bray, Wales.


1795.—Arundel, Petworth.

1796.—Ross, Ledbury, 392 miles.

1797.—Shrewsbury, Dovedale, 614 miles.

1798.—Norwich, Ipswich, 285 miles.

1799.—Brecon, Llandovery, 441 miles.


1806, _Nov._ 15_th_.—This day, I completed my 70th year, without having
ever met with any accident of consequence and with very little
interruption to my health, except in January last, when I had a very
serious attack by an inflammation in my lungs, but from which I am
perfectly recovered.  My eyesight is so good that I can and generally do
use my eyes in reading or writing from the time of getting up in the
morning till 10 at night.  My hearing is in no way impaired.  I have not
lost one front tooth and very few others.  I am able to walk or ride 4 or
5 hours together, but I do not ride fast.  My memory is perhaps not so
good as it has been.  On the whole I seem to be in a perfect good state
of health, thanks be to God.

1808, _Nov._ 15_th_.—This day I completed my 72nd year; and thanks to
God’s mercies I find myself in as perfect health as I ever enjoyed in my
life, and the only perceivable difference in any of my senses that I am
aware of is a little degree of deafness in my right ear, but as the other
is perfect, I do pretty well.  My left eye I think has not perfectly
recovered the severe inflammation which I had two or three years ago, but
the other being sound, I read and write as well and as much as ever.  My
teeth remain perfect in front and without any additional loss to those
which decayed some years ago.

1810, _April_ 5_th_.—I quitted the Board of Green Cloth, after having had
a place there for 49 years and a half.  I was put on the superannuation
list at my request, the Lord Steward having kindly procured leave for it.
He also, unsolicited, gave me leave to resign my place of Clerk of the
Verge to my son.

_Nov._ 14_th_.—After dinner, I found a giddiness in my head making me
unable to walk, and a kind of dumb confusion in my head.  I wrote to Mr.
Heaviside to come, which he did and ordered immediate cupping. {51}  The
next morning my complaint was gone.

1814, _May_ 30_th_.—Received from Mr. Sydenham Malthus the melancholy
news of my son’s death at Exmouth, from the rupture of a blood-vessel in
the lungs.

1817, _Feb._ 15_th_.—My grandson Henry died this morning.

1826, _June_ 16_th_.—In chaise to Guildford, the County election, voted
for Mr. Sumner and Mr. Denison. {52a}

_Sept._ 19_th_.—With Mary and Miss Davis, in a chaise, by Horsham and
Henfold to the ‘Albion’ at Brighton.  Dined and lay there; walked on the
Chain Pier.

20_th_.—To Seaford, Eastbourne.  Dined and lay at the ‘Hope’ in the

21_st_.—To the Castle Hotel, Hastings; through Winchelsea to Rye; New
Romney, dined and lay there.

22_nd_.—To Hythe, through Folkestone to Dover; saw the harbour; returned
to Hythe, the ‘Sun,’ dined there.  To Ashford, and lay there.

_Sept._ 23_rd_.—To Lenham ‘Star’ at Maidstone; Wrotham Heath; Sevenoaks;
Godstone to Reigate; Called on Mr. Glover; Dorking; Shere before 7. {52b}

1828, _Dec._ 24_th_.—Such has been the decay in my eyesight the whole of
this year that I have not been able to read either print or MS., though I
have continued to write letters, as I am writing on this 24th of
December.  I cannot read it when written.  I have also lost my hearing in
one ear in a great degree; subject to this, my bodily health has been
what may be called good.  I have been obliged to pay more than £1,100 by
the treachery of a clerk, and the malice of one who had been long
attempting, and at last effected a loss of long friendship with Mrs.
Wigzell. {53a}

1832, _July_ 5_th_.—Mr. Linnell, a portrait painter was sent by my
grandson Reginald to paint a portrait of me.  I had five sittings.

_Oct._ 18_th_.—I sent my curious MS. of the Bishops’ estates seized and
sold by Cromwell to Mr. Ellis, {53b} to be presented to the Trustees of
the British Museum.


_Dec._ 17_th_.—A little rain; at home.  Paid Higgins {53c} 8_s._ 3_d._

                                * * * * *

                            LONDON: PRINTED BY
                          AND PARLIAMENT STREET

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{6}  It appears from his account of the Evelyn Family, in the second
volume of the ‘History of Surrey,’ that he had read these Memoirs as long
before as 1809.

{7a}  Whom he afterwards married.  She was the daughter of Mr. Stevens,
of Perry Hill, Worplesdon, and lived with her aunt, Mrs. Norwood, at
Guildford.  She was two years older than Mr. Bray, who was then only two
months past 19.

{7b}  Mr. Flutter and his brother were Mayors of Guildford more than
once, and the name of Flutter appears twice in the list of Mayors in the
reign of Charles II.

{7c}  A lad of nineteen.

{7d}  Mr. Duncumb was Rector of Shere.  His father had purchased the
advowson from Mr. Edward Bray, and was a connexion by marriage.

{8a}  Mr. Wilpley was what was then called an Apothecary.

{8b}  Mr. Emily was his cousin, their grandfathers having married the
daughters of Vincent Randyll, of Chilworth.

{9a}  Jacky was Mr. Martyr’s son.  He was called to the Bar, and lived at
Guildford to an advanced age.

{9b}  The medical charge for the inoculation was £4 4_s._

{11}  He had very little to do at Mr. Martyr’s.  In the summer he was
often at the Bowling-green, and took long walks with his friends, male
and female.  It was not required that any married lady should join the
walking parties.

{14a}  A Hessian regiment was quartered at Guildford for some time.
Their band was a great attraction.

{14b}  An attorney at Guildford.  Grandfather of the Rev. John Chandler.

{14c}  Being of age and out of his articles to Mr. Martyr, he went to
London, and took lodgings there.  Mr. Adderley, of New Inn, received him
in his chambers for instruction in his profession, but his attendance
there was not regular.

{15a}  Mr. Jenkins was in Mr. Adderley’s office, and afterwards entered
into partnership with Mr. Bray.  Mr. James was also in the same office.

{15b}  He went to his French master for some months, an hour at a time;
not regularly.

{16}  About this time he bought many books, all at low prices, at stalls
and auctions.

{17a}  Playing at cards almost every night, and always for coin, he had a
purse on purpose.

{17b}  Whilst at Guildford he lodged at Baptist’s for 7_s._ a week.  He
dined at the ‘White Hart,’ for 10_d._

{18}  He sold this stock to pay £23. 12_s._ 6_d._ for Viner’s ‘Abridgment
of the Law.’

{20a}  He visited Miss Stevens almost every day, but he was not much less
in other society than formerly, and he was seldom alone at any time of
the day or evening.

{20b}  Daughters of Dr. Adee, a physician, who afterwards went to Oxford
and practised there.

{21a}  He went to the morning service on Wednesdays in most weeks,
usually to the Middle Church.

{21b}  Mr. Webb was Solicitor to the Treasury.  This appointment is now
given to barristers.

{21c}  He only paid 10_d._ for his dinners (without wine) at the ‘White
Hart’ and the ‘Tuns,’ and 6_s._ a week for his lodgings in the town.

{22a}  Miss Adee and Betsy Stevens were the bridesmaids.

{22b}  Mrs. C.’s was the lodging Mr. Jenkins had taken for him in

{22c}  He left a particular account of his expenses on his marriage.  The
following are some of them:—

                                                     £    _s._    _d._
Licence                                              1      11       6
Pair of gloves                                       0       1       0
Mr. Burdett’s fee                                    1       1       0
The clerk                                            0      10       6
Mrs. Norwood’s maid                                  0       7       6
Middle Parish ringers                                1       1       0
Dinner at Epsom                                      0       5       6
Chaise from Epsom to London                          0      14       0
Driver and hostler                                   0       2       0
Two bottles of Lisbon at the ‘White Hart’            0       3       4
For fifty oysters                                    0       0      7½
A pound of cheese                                    0       0      3½
A pound and a half of salmon                         0       1       0
Paid Jenkins for the ring                            0       6       6
[Jenkins got the ring and sent it to him with
a humourous letter.]
Mr. Shrubb for a tabby nightgown                     7      14       0
Ear-rings and necklace                               0      14       0
Coffee with Boughton at the Lincoln’s Inn            0       0       5
Coffee House (on the afternoon of his wedding)

{23a}  They received friends to tea every evening this week.  They lived
in a house with a garden, in which Mr. Bray planted fruit trees and
shrubs, but where it was does not appear in the Diary.

{23b}  He went to the Bowling-green to play at whist in the winter, and
at howls in the summer.

{24a}  He had been the first performance of Marplot by Garrick.

{24b}  When he took the horse as far as Dorking it was 2_s._ 6_d._

{25a}  The son of the Member for the County.

{25b}  Mr. Godschall, of Weston House, Albury.  An accomplished
gentleman, LL.D. of Oxford, cousin of Lady Palmerston, the mother of the
late Lord Palmerston.

{25c}  Of Parkhurst, where Rousseau was his guest for some time.

{25d}   Who built the Leith Hill Tower, and was buried there.

{25e}  It is remarkable that a young attorney of 22 should have been
invited to the social meetings of elderly and middle-aged gentlemen of
the highest position in the neighbourhood.  His grandson, the late Mr.
Edward Bray, inherited his companionable qualities, and was welcome in
every house he visited.

{26a}  The Member for the County.

{26b}  Of Betchworth Castle.  The author of ‘The Light of Nature.’

{27a}  The father of the late Sir Henry Austen.  He had been articled, as
well as Mr. Bray, to Mr. Martyr.  He afterwards purchased a Clerkship in
the Six Clerks’ Office in Chancery.

{27b}  Mr. Bray’s marriage made little difference in his habits this
year.  He was almost every night with his friends at cards or backgammon;
in the summer evenings at bowls; frequently at the morning services on
week days at the Middle Church.  He had very little to do at this time in
his profession.

{28a}  Mr. Lane, of East Horsley Park.

{28b}  Mr. Evelyn, afterwards Sir John, then M.P. for Helstone, had
offered him an appointment at the Board of Green Cloth, which he at
first, by the wish of his wife, declined to accept; but a few days
afterwards, being better advised, he was glad to find that he could still
have it.  The following note was among the Memoranda which he left of his
early life.—‘Nothing could be pleasanter than our situation at the Board
of Green Cloth.  The Principals were all members of the House of Commons.
We sat in the same room, at the same green cloth table, with them, by
whom we were treated rather as associates than as clerks.’  Mr. Bray was
at first only an assistant, together with Mr. Selwyn, a barrister,
afterwards in large practice; Mr. Blenman, also of the Bar, and Mr.
Fanshawe, but they rose to be chief clerks.  His usual attendance was
from 11 to 3.  He took a house in Holles Street, and settled there
December 14th, but in the following year he moved to Great Russell

{29}  This child died in July,

{30a} After a Royal birth caudle was given to the Clerks of the Green
Cloth and others in office at St. James’s.

{30b}  Of Bury Hill, now Mr. Barclay’s.

{30c}  Of the Rookery, now Mr. Fuller’s.  His son, Thomas Robert Malthus,
was the great writer on Population.  His youngest daughter married Mr.
Bray’s son Edward.

{31}  His son Edward, who married Miss Malthus, and left a large family.
His other sons died in childhood.  Mr. Bray had no collateral relations
of his name after the death of his uncle and brothers within many
generations.  His ancestor, Sir Edward Bray, was the heir male of Edmund,
Lord Bray, and succeeded to the family estates; but the title descended
to Lord Bray’s daughters, and was in abeyance until obtained by the late
Baroness Bray.  Mr. Bray was one of the few descendants then living of
Sir Thomas More, whose granddaughter, the daughter of Margaret Roper,
married Sir Edward Bray.  His two daughters, Mary and Catherine, were not

{32a}  He was now getting into the society of literary men.

{32b}  Afterwards Admiral Brodrick.

{32c}  He had entered into partnership with his friend Mr. Jenkins, whose
chambers were in New Inn.

{32d}  The Guildford Races were then in May.

{32e}  Mr. Sturt was a barrister, and a relation of Mr. Bray’s.  Mr.
Budgen, Mr. Talbot, and Mr. Scawen, were trustees of the charity.

{33a}  A tour with Mr. Jenkins to Oxford, Bath, Gloucester, Salisbury,
Blenheim, Fonthill, Longleat, Chepstow, &c.  They hired a carriage and
horses for the journey; and, in a rhyming letter to his wife, he writes:—

    ‘We hired from friend Bryant a very good chaise,
    Intending thus travelling quite at our ease.
    James was mounted behind on a fine prancing steed,
    To take care of the baggage and help us if need.’

Mr. Bray wrote a particular description of Fonthill, Stourton, and other
houses visited.

{33b}  Some of his intimate friends dined with him every week.  The
dinner was over at 5 or 6, and he often went afterwards to a
coffee-house.  He also went frequently to the theatres, and sometimes in
the summer to Vauxhall.  His mornings were spent at the Board of Green
Cloth or in New Inn.

{33c}  The house which Mr. Jacobson built, called ‘Lonesome,’ has been
pulled down.

{33d}  Mr. Bray went to many different coffee-houses, but most frequently
to the Percy and Mundy’s.  On Sundays he went for an hour to the Buffalo.

{34a}  He had a house at Shere, which his mother lived in, and made a
home for him during his frequent visits, and at little expense, for
riding round in the neighbourhood he got his dinner at one house and tea
at another.  To general information he could now add the gossip of St.
James’s, and he was welcome wherever he went.

{34b}  He kept what he called a chaise or whisky, and two horses.

{34c}  Mr. Penneck was Keeper of the Reading-room at the British Museum
and Rector of Abinger.

{35a}  Betchworth Castle.

{35b}  He had become acquainted with Dr. Osborn and Dr. Price on the
institution of the Equitable Assurance Office, of which he was a
director.  He frequently rode with his friends, sometimes a party of six.

{35c}  He wrote a most particular description of it.

{36a}  Mr. Planta, Principal Librarian at the British Museum.

{36b}  This was the tour that he published an account of.  He rode on
horseback 1,800 miles this year.

{36c}  This was a society which met at St. Paul’s Coffee House.  The
subscription was five guineas a year.

{36d}  This plantation sowed all the fir trees between the Windmill and
Pislake.  Another plantation adjoining to the West Churt, sowed all the
ground west of the road to Cranley.

{36e}  This was for his father.

{36f}  For a piece of land at the top of the plantation of beeches above
Picket’s Hole.

{36g}  Dr. Parr.

{37a}  Distinguished Antiquaries.

{37b}  Formerly Jacky.

{38}  The Rev. Mr. Manning, who began the ‘History of Surrey.’

{39a}  Mr. Page had bought the Manor of Cobham, and lived at Pointers.

{39b}  When he was in the country he seldom dined at home unless he had
friends with him.

{39c}  His partnership with Mr. Jenkins was dissolved in 1774, but
without any interruption of their friendship.

{39d}  To near the end of his life he would often stop to dine, and
sometimes to sleep, at the inn at Dorking, or Guildford, instead of going
home to Shere.

{39e}  His only surviving son Edward was at Harrow.

{40a}  These were all eminent antiquaries.

{40b}  He was one of the Trustees of the British Museum.

{40c}  He was subject all his life to inflammatory disorder, and
frequently took physic.

{41a}  He went to Church every Sunday, but he did not think it wrong to
use his carriage and horses, or to travel on that day.  Mr. Polhill, the
Rector of Albury, used to go to church in his carriage.

{41b}  Abinger Hall.  Afterwards Lady Donegal’s.

{41c}  Mr. Rice was lord of the Manor of Tooting.

{41d}  The Eaten Bray estate was inherited by Mr. Bray’s ancestor, Sir
Edward Bray, as heir male of Lord Bray, and sold by him.

{41e}  They became clients, and the family have remained among the best
clients of Mr. Bray’s firm.

{42a}  Sir Joseph Mawbey was member for Surrey;made a fortune by a
distillery.  Mr. Briscoe derived the manor of Epsom from his daughter.

{42b}  Mr. Malthus had left the Rookery, and was living at Albury, in the
house afterwards Colonel Clive’s.

{42c}  An instance of Mr. Bray’s activity.

{42d}  Granville Sharp.  General Oglethorpe lived for some years at
Westbrook, Godalming.

{42e}  The author of ‘The Coinage of Great Britain.’

{42f}  His engagements for a week.

{43a}  Of Shabden, father of the Miss Fanshawes.

{43b}  He had been chosen one of the Council.

{43c}  One of his usual rounds of visiting.

{43d}  The dinner hour in London was getting later.

{43e}  Of Burford Bridge.

{44a}  For the following nine days there is no entry but ‘At home.’

{44b}  These eight consecutive days were spent in society.  When in
London he dined every week at the ‘Crown and Anchor’ with his antiquary
friends, and often received them to dinner.  He played at whist still,
but not so often.

{44c}  Sir Peter Burrell married the Baroness Willoughby of Eresby, and
was made Lord Gwydir.  He and his descendants were among the best clients
of Mr. Bray’s office.

{45}  The thermometer fell one and a half degree below zero.

{47a}  As one of the Clerks at the Board of Green Cloth he had to collect
the land tax from the Officers of State.  He received £520 from Lord
Grenville for four quarters’ land tax, at 4_s._ in the pound; from the
Duke of Portland, £923.; Mr. Pitt, two quarters, £456. 15_s._; Lord
Thurlow, do., £1,425. 17_s._ 9¾_d._

{47b}  Afterwards a Judge and a Baronet.  He was a very frequent Sunday
visitor, as well as Mr. Baxendale.

{47c}  Afterwards Dean of Ripon.

{47d}  Rector of Clapham.

{48a}  Father of the great builder.

{48b}  Afterwards Dean of Canterbury.

{49}  He was confined to the house for more than a week by a bad cold,
which was followed by inflammation in one of his eyes.  The inflammation
was subdued with difficulty by the great oculist Mr. Phipps, afterwards
Sir Watken Waller.  The eye affected became gradually weaker, and the
sight of it was entirely gone for some years before his death, although
exactly when he did not notice.  At the beginning of the 19th century he
was 64; and his son’s attention to the business of the office in Great
Russell Street enabled him to live more at Shere, but when in London his
habits were little changed.  He dined with the Antiquaries’ Club almost
every week during the season until he was 90.  He did not so frequently
take his meals at the houses of his friends, but at his own table they
were always welcome, and many came.

{51}  He was frequently bled according to the usual practice in those
days.  He was bled the last time when he was 84.

{52a}  Mr. Bray cared very little for politics, but he was not a Tory,
and would not have voted for Mr. Summer if he had not represented the
county for many years and been much respected.

{52b}  Mr. Bray was within a few weeks of 90.  He took no servant with

{53a}  After this shameful affair, neither Mr. Taylor his clerk, nor Mr.
Wigzell had any communications with Mr. Bray or his partners; but as a
mark of repentance Mrs. Wigzell left Mr. Bray’s grandson a legacy of
£100, and Mr. Taylor left £100 to the firm of Bray and Warren.

{53b}  Principal Librarian at the British Museum; afterwards Sir Henry
Ellis.  He was Mr. Bray’s oldest friend then living.  He died in 1868 at
a very advanced age, having during his long life rendered most valuable
services to the public, and particularly by his contributions to English

{53c}  Mr. Higgins was employed by Mr. Bray in writing for him.  His last
guest at Shere was his old friend Mr. Carlisle, one of the Secretaries of
the Antiquary Society, who came to Shere on Saturday, the 28th of
October, and remained till Monday.  His grandson Reginald was with him
for a day or two every week, and played at piquette with him three days
before his death, which took place on the 21st.


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