Project Gutenberg's Treatise on the Diseases of Women, by Lydia E. Pinkham

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Title: Treatise on the Diseases of Women

Author: Lydia E. Pinkham

Release Date: August 5, 2009 [EBook #29612]

Language: English

Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1


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  This Treatise on the Diseases of Women
  Is Dedicated to the Women of the World.

  Yours for Health
    Lydia E. Pinkham

This entire book copyrighted in 1901 and 1904 by the Lydia E. Pinkham
Medicine Co., of Lynn, Mass., U. S. A. All rights reserved and will be
protected by law.

List of Lydia E. Pinkham's Remedies.

+Illustration of Products+

     Put up in three forms: Liquid, Lozenge, and Pills    Price, $1.00
  LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S LIVER PILLS, per Box                   "      .25
  LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S BLOOD PURIFIER                         "     1.00
  LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S SANATIVE WASH, per Packet              "      .25




=Experience a Perfect Teacher.=--Do you know what it is to suffer pain?
Have you had your body racked and torn with intense suffering? Have you
ever experienced that indescribable agony which comes from overworked

Have you ever felt the sharp, stinging pain, the dull, heavy pain, the
throbbing, jumping pain, the cramping, tearing pain, the sickening,
nauseating pain? Then you know all about them. Nobody can tell you
anything more. Experience is a perfect teacher.

=Book-Learning Alone Not Sufficient.=--Suppose you had never experienced
pain, but had just read about it in a book, do you think you would have
any kind of an idea of what genuine suffering was? Most certainly not.

Book knowledge is valuable. It teaches the location of countries, the
use of figures, and the history of nations; but there are some things
books cannot do, and the greatest of these is, they cannot describe
physical and mental suffering. These are things that must be

=Personal Experience Necessary.=--After you have once suffered, how ready
you are to sympathize with those who are going through the same severe
trials. If a member of your own home or a friend is passing through the
trying ordeal of motherhood, and you have suffered the same, how you can
advise, suggest, comfort, guide! If you have had a personal experience
of intense agony once every month, do you not think you are in a far
better position to talk with one who is suffering in the same way than
you would be if you had never gone through all this?

=You Best Understand Yourself.=--But let us go a little farther in this
study. When you listen to an eminent orator, you have but little idea
whether he is nervous or not, but little idea whether he is undergoing a
severe strain or not; for you have never been in his place, cannot
understand just that condition.

Men become greatly interested in political matters; perhaps it often
seems to you that they become too much disturbed; and yet how can you
judge, for you have never been in their place? And so we might go on,
giving illustration after illustration as additional proof to this one
great fact.


=Man Cannot Know Woman's Suffering.=--What does a man know about the
thousand and one aches and pains peculiar to a woman? He may have seen
manifestations of suffering, he may have read something about these
things in books, but that is all. Even though he might be exceedingly
learned in the medical profession, yet what more can he know aside from
that which the books teach? Did a man ever have a backache like the
dragging, pulling, tearing ache of a woman? No. It is impossible.

=Even Medical Men Cannot Understand These Things.=--To a man, all pain
must be of his kind; it must be a man-pain, not a woman-pain. Take, for
instance, the long list of diseases and discomforts which come directly
from some derangement of the female generative organs; as, for instance,
the bearing-down pains, excessive flowing, uterine cramps, and
leucorrhoea. Do you think it possible for a man to understand these
things? Granting that he may be the most learned man in the medical
profession, how can he know anything about them only in a general way?
You know, we know, everybody knows that he cannot.


=Relief First Offered in 1873.=--Away back in '73 these thoughts came to
Lydia E. Pinkham. She saw the most intense suffering about her on every
hand, and yet no one seemed able to give relief. Her thorough education
enabled her to understand that nearly all the suffering of womankind was
due to diseases and affections peculiar to her sex.

The whole question resolved itself into just this: If a remedy could be
made that would relieve all inflammations and congestions of the
ovaries, Fallopian tubes, uterus, and other female organs, the days of
suffering for women would be largely over.

=First Made on a Kitchen Stove.=--Could this be done? Mrs. Pinkham
believed with all her heart that it was possible. So on a kitchen stove
she began the great work which has made her name a household word
wherever civilization exists. Without money, but with a hopeful heart,
she made up little batches of this remedy to give to neighbors and
friends whom she felt could be relieved by it.

The story soon spread from house to house, from village to village, from
city to city. Now it looked as if a business might be established upon a
permanent basis, a basis resting upon the wonderful curative properties
of the medicine itself.

="We Can Trust Her."=--By judicious advertising the merits of this
remarkable remedy were set forth; and before she was hardly aware of it,
she found herself at the head of one of the largest enterprises ever
established in this country.

That face so full of character and sympathy, soon after it was first
published, years ago, began to attract marked attention wherever it was
seen. Women said, "Here is one to whom we can tell our misery, one who
will listen to our story of pain, one whom we can fully trust." And so
the letters began to arrive from every quarter. Now hundreds of these
letters are received every day. More than a hundred thousand were
written in a single year. Everyone is opened by a woman, read by a
woman, sacredly regarded as written strictly in confidence by one woman
to another. Men do not see these letters.

=Men Never See Your Letters.=--Do you want a strange man to hear all about
your particular disease? Would you feel like sitting down by the side of
a stranger and telling him all those sacred things which should be known
only by women? It isn't natural for a woman to do this; it isn't like
her, isn't in keeping with her finer sense of refinement.

=No Boys Around.=--And then, how would it be when some boy opens the
letters, steals time to read a few before they are handed to some other
boy clerk to distribute (and probably read) around the office to the
various departments? It makes one almost indignant to think how light
and trivial these serious matters are so often regarded.

=You Write to a Woman.=--But when you know your letter is going to be seen
only by a woman, one who sympathizes with you, feels sorry for you,
knows all about you, how different all this seems.

=Confidence Never Violated.=--Although there are preserved in the secret
files of Lydia E. Pinkham's laboratory many hundreds of thousands of
letters from women from all parts of the world, yet in not a single
instance has the writer accused Mrs. Pinkham of violating her

=The Largest Experience in the World.=--The one thing that qualifies a
person to give advice on any subject is experience--experience creates
knowledge. No person can speak from a greater experience with female
ills nor a greater record of success than Mrs. Pinkham. Thousands of
cases come each month, some personally, others by mail; and this has
been going on thirty years, day after day, and day after day, thirty
years of constant success--think of the knowledge thus gained. Surely
women are wise in seeking advice from a woman with such an
experience--especially when it is free. If you are ill get a bottle of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound at once--then write Mrs. Pinkham,
Lynn, Mass.

What medical man has ever lived who has prescribed for so many women?
What whole corps of physicians in any hospital or medical college has
answered so many letters, or treated in any way so many patients?

=She Helps Everyone.=--No woman ever writes to her for advice without
getting help. No matter how rare you think your case may be, she is
almost certain to find letters on file asking advice for other cases of
the same kind. By special permission of the writers I print a few of the
letters showing what cures have been effected. But if the reader could
go through these secret files which are never shown, she might hour
after hour, day after day, week after week, spend her whole time reading
letters, each one telling some special story of rescue from serious
illness, intense suffering, or impending death.

=The Largest Record of Cures.=--The writers of these letters are found in
every clime and there is hardly a country in the world without its
multitude of grateful women cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's medicines. They
have the largest record of absolute cures from female ills known to have
been effected by any physician or his medicines.



=Important to the Nation.=--It is impossible to fully comprehend how
important to us as a nation is the health of the young women of to-day.
We fail to realize that these women are to be the mothers of the next
generation, and that in their hands will lie, in large measure, the
power to form the characters and direct the destinies of the boys and
girls of the future.

=Woman Must Be Strong.=--We may educate our young men all we wish, yet we
cannot have national power through their strength alone. The women of
the country must have this physical education if we are to have a people
that is strong and hearty.

Upon the sound health and vigor of the young women of to-day will
depend, to a large extent, the health and capacity of the future

=What are Girls Worth?=--It is estimated that there are about twelve
million young women in the United States between fourteen and
twenty-eight years of age. What are these young women worth to the home,
to the State, to the nation, to the human race? This is largely a
question of physical health.

It is the stern duty of the mother to make this clear to her daughter,
and it is the solemn duty of every young woman to thoroughly study the
subject herself.

=Not Prepared for Motherhood.=--But largely through ignorance, often
through indifference, these young girls become mothers when little
prepared to do so, and they find not only their own health shattered
thereby, but also that they are the mothers of weak, delicate, and
perhaps deformed children.

=Women Desire Children.=--We read a great deal in the newspapers about how
American women are doing everything they possibly can to prevent having
children. This is not in accord with our experience. It is a slander on
American womanhood,--it is an outrageous falsehood.

In not one letter in a thousand which we receive do wives ask how
childbearing may be prevented, while every day brings us many, many
letters asking if something cannot be done in order that there may be a
baby in the house.

=A Healthy Mother and Child.=--If you desire a child, you wish a healthy
child; and you certainly desire to be a strong mother, one capable of
caring for her infant in every way, and able to direct it all through
its young life. Then let us give you some advice.

=Why Some Women Do Not Have Children.=--The reason why some wives do not
have children may be entirely the fault of the husband; but if this is
not the case, then in all probability there is some inflammation of the
generative organs. This may be of recent or of old standing. It must be
thoroughly removed before the impregnated egg from the ovary can become

=The Cure for this Condition.=--That these changes can be brought about in
a vast number of cases I have the most positive testimony. I have
advised such wives to continually use Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound; and, with this treatment alone, such a healthy condition of
the generative organs has been brought about that pregnancy has very
soon followed. This is precisely according to nature's laws, as I have
indicated before.

Therefore, I say to every wife who desires a child, "Give Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a thorough trial. If the fault is yours,
the Compound will surely remove it, and the longing of your heart will
be satisfied."



=The Reproductive Instinct Strong.=--The reproductive instinct is very
strong in the human race, as is indicated by the large amount of energy
the woman expends in the bearing of children, and by both sexes in the
care and education of their young. As we know, it is only by the
production of new individuals that the continuance of the race is

=Problems of Reproduction.=--The problems of reproduction are extremely
broad, involving not only the immediate questions of individual
reproduction, but also those broader and deeper ones which relate to

=A New Life, By Chance.=--It is a most astonishing fact that nearly all
persons born into the world are given life as the result of chance
rather than by careful design. "If my parents had only known!" is the
frightful wail of many a wretched life.

=To Create is Divine.=--At no time does man come so near being omnipotent
as when, by the tremendous powers given him, a new life is called into
existence. And yet, whether strong or weak, refreshed or exhausted,
healthy or diseased, sober or intoxicated, sweet or ill-tempered,
yielding or resisting, a new life is begun which may be either of two
extremes. How great are such questions! The human mind seems appalled
when asked to consider them.

=Education on These Subjects Necessary.=--It is not the purpose of this
book to moralize upon these themes, or to say what should and should not
be done; but knowing something of the wretchedness of womankind, and the
fearful slavery she often has to endure, I can only hope, with all my
heart, that the coming generation may be better educated on these most
important topics. It is with a thought or two of this kind in mind that
I append the following brief outline of this subject:--

=Two Sexes Necessary.=--In the higher animals two sexes are necessary for
the reproduction of the race, the male and the female. Each contributes
some particular element toward the beginning of a new life; this is
known as the germ-cell.

=The Germ-Cells.=--The germ-cells of the male are called spermatozoa, and
those of the female, ova. The reproductive process is simply a fusion,
or union of these male and female germ-cells.

=The Male Elements.=--The spermatozoa are exceedingly delicate and minute;
they constitute the greatest part of the semen, or sperm. They are
peculiar shaped bodies, having a head, body, and tail, as illustrated in
the accompanying figure, and they can only be seen by powerful
magnifying glasses. (Fig. 1.)

~FIG. 1. At the left are six spermatozoa, or male-elements, male
germ-cells. At the right is an ovum, egg, female germ-cell. All
highly magnified.~

They have the remarkable property of moving about with considerable
activity, and their number is almost beyond computation.

=Only One Male Element Necessary.=--Although this number is so vast, yet
only a single one is required to endow the female cell, or egg, with
life. It is another illustration of how nature does everything possible
to increase the chances of perpetuating the race, for without such
immense numbers, the chances of the female egg being fertilized would be
much less.

=May Live for Days.=--Although these male elements can live but a few
hours outside of the body, even when especial precautions are taken to
make every thing favorable to their existence, yet they have been known
to maintain their full life in the vaginal canal for more than eight
days after their discharge; another remarkable provision of nature, for
the prolonged existence of these cells increases the probability of the
fertilization of an egg, and thus increases the chances of producing a
new life.

=The Female Element.=--As I have already said, the female germ-cell is
also known as the ovum, or egg. A single ovum is shown in Fig. 1.

If not fertilized by the male elements, the egg passes off into the
outside world; if fertilized, it stops in the cavity of the uterus,
where it forms an attachment. Here it remains until perfectly developed,
when, at the end of nine months, it is brought forth to the outside
world as a perfect infant.

=One Female Element; Many Male Elements.=--The human ovum is often said to
be a miniature of the egg of the common fowl, although there are some
quite marked differences between the two. It is a very interesting fact
to note that there is only one egg given off at a time; while there are
many thousands of the male elements. This is in harmony with the larger
size of the egg, and the fact that while this egg awaits fertilization
it is most carefully protected within the body of the mother.

=Where is Life First Made?=--Where the wonderful union of the male and
female elements takes place is not definitely known, although it is
generally believed that it is upon the surface of the ovary, itself.

If this be true, then it is necessary for the male element to traverse
the whole length of the uterine cavity, out along the course of the
Fallopian tube, and there be deposited on the surface of the ovary.

=The Fertilized Egg.=--When a fertilized or impregnated egg is set free
from the surface of the ovary, it follows the same course that the
unimpregnated egg does until it reaches the uterus. Here some most
remarkable changes immediately take place whereby the egg is held firmly
to the inner wall of the uterine cavity; while the unimpregnated egg, as
I have said, passes down the uterine cavity into the vagina, and thus
out of the body. In other words, the fertilized egg is retained within
the body, while the unfertilized one is cast off.

=One Egg Discharged Each Month.=--An ovum, or egg, is discharged during
each menstrual period. It cannot be seen because of its minute size, a
magnifying glass being necessary to detect it, even under favorable
conditions. At just what time during this period the ovum is cast from
the body is not definitely known, but it is generally thought to be
toward the latter part.

=Time When Fertilization is Most Probable.=--From this it is seen that but
one egg fully develops and ripens ready to be fertilized each month. As
it is the ripened egg which is thrown off at each menstrual period,
therefore it follows that the fertilization of this egg would be most
probable at about the time of menstruation.

=Times When Ova Do Not Ripen.=--As a rule, these ova do not ripen, or
develop, either during pregnancy, or during the nursing of the child,
although there are certain exceptions to this rule; for menstruation
occasionally takes place during lactation and pregnancy, and pregnancy
itself may occur while the mother is nursing her child.



=A Vegetable Compound.=--I hardly think it necessary to mention in detail
the separate ingredients of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. We
wish to call your attention, however, to that word "Vegetable."

I do not believe in mercury, arsenic, and the host of mineral poisons
which are found in so many remedies. When taken into the system they
disturb every function, interfere with the most vital processes, and
produce the most disastrous consequences.

=The Purest and Best.=--Knowing these things, Mrs. Pinkham was exceedingly
careful to put only the purest and choicest of products of the vegetable
kingdom into her Compound. Each of the roots and herbs is selected with
the most extreme care, and all are prepared under the personal
supervision of the most thoroughly trained specialists.

=One Secret.=--One great secret of the success of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound is that each vegetable is so treated that all useful
elements are retained, and all useless discarded.

=Highly Concentrated.=--For instance, it is possible for the expert
workmen in our laboratory to condense all the medicinal power that
exists in a pound of the coarse root into a mass no larger than could be
held on the point of a knife. In this way it is possible for a
teaspoonful of the Vegetable Compound to represent all the curative
properties usually found in eight or ten times that quantity; in other
words, it is highly concentrated.

=Acts Upon Female Organs.=--Mrs. Pinkham knew from the very first that she
was on the right track. She knew that her Vegetable Compound contained
medicines which act directly and naturally upon the female organs.

She knew that one ingredient produced certain effects on the uterus,
while other ingredients tended to relieve pain in the ovaries. She knew
that one remedy would heal an inflamed uterine cavity, while another
ingredient would cause better circulation in the blood-vessels of this
part of the body. Having the theory all worked out most carefully, she
awaited the practical test, feeling confident as to the result.

=Success Was Immediate.=--But she did not have to wait long. Immediately
the cures began, and her neighbors and friends told each other what had
been done for them. Soon letters came by the hundreds from all parts of
the world. Thousands upon thousands have written to Mrs. Pinkham telling
her their story, and giving to her, also, full permission to use their

=It Bridges the Gulf.=--I am sure you would be delighted, as well as
surprised, if you could see the immense difference between the first and
last letters received from women. The first is the story of suffering,
of extreme agony with prolonged misery and abandoned hope. The last is a
song of gratitude, of great love, of joy and peace. The first tells of
disease, the last of health. But what an immense gulf between these
two!--a gulf, however, I am glad to say, that can be bridged with Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.

=You Cannot Possibly Doubt.=--I do not believe you can possibly doubt for
one moment the power of this marvelous remedy to cure the diseases of
women. How can you doubt it? For a quarter of a century it has gone into
every city, village, and hamlet in our land, and into almost every
country home.

Across the water it is finding its way among the rich and the poor. No
remedy was ever known that was so generally used. Wherever there are
women, there are suffering women; and wherever there are suffering women
you are sure to find Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.

=The Testimonials Are True.=--Do you think there are hundreds of thousands
of your own sex who would wilfully falsify? Do you think that any could
be found who would deliberately do this, and without hope of gain or
reward? Yet I could point you to hundreds of thousands of letters
received from women who write from the fulness of the heart to thank us
for what we have done for them.

=We Speak Strongly.=--Then am I not justified in speaking strongly to you?
Don't you think we feel sure of our position? I certainly know what we
have done for others, and that makes us feel sure we can do the same for

=We Can Cure You.=--I believe our Vegetable Compound will cure you. I
believe it will cure every case where a cure is among the possibilities.
You need not be particular whether the soreness in the lower part of
your body is in the right side or the left side; whether the pain is
sharp, or dull and heavy; whether you suffer terrible agony each month
with local pain, or whether it is mental depression; whether the flow is
too scant or too profuse.

=It Corrects the Wrong.=--You need not be particular about these things,
for they all show that something is wrong, and Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound corrects this wrong. That is what it was made for;
that is precisely the work it does.

=Have Faith in Us.=--Don't purchase a bottle thinking you will "see what
it will do," having made up your mind that you will "try the
experiment." Don't come in this spirit, for there is no need of it. Come
with the feeling that has inspired so many thousands of your
sisters,--come believing that you have at last found a remedy that will
relieve you from this terrible slavery to suffering.

I am anxious to have you enjoy all the robust health that is your right.
I am anxious to make you happy, hopeful, healthy. Put your confidence in
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. You will never be disappointed.



=The Pelvis.=--The pelvis is the bony framework which forms the lower part
of the body. On each side it forms a union with the hip bone to make the
hip joint.

The female pelvis contains the reproductive organs (uterus, vagina, and
ovaries), and also the bladder and lower bowel.

Fig. 2 gives a very good idea of the shape and general structure of this
bony framework; while a careful study of Fig. 3 will enable one to form
a very correct idea of the relative size and position of the various
parts contained in this framework.

~FIG. 2. The female pelvis. The flanging sides form the hips. The union
of the bones in front forms the pubic arch which is felt at the front of
the lower part of the body. The lower end of the spinal column, or
backbone, is seen at the back of the figure.~

=The Vagina.=--The vagina is a membranous canal extending from the surface
of the body to the uterus, or womb. Its posterior wall is about 3-1/2
inches long, and its anterior about 3 inches. A careful study should be
made of our illustration, in order that the relation of the vagina and
uterus to the rectum behind and the bladder in front may be thoroughly
understood; also the angle which is formed by the vagina and the uterus.

Notice should be taken, also, of the opening of the uterus into the
upper part of the vagina; as inflammation of the uterus often causes a
discharge which passes into the upper part of the vagina and finally out
of the body. This gives rise to the belief that the only trouble is in
the vagina itself, whereas the real seat of the disease may be high up
in the uterus.

~FIG. 3. A lateral view of the contents of the female pelvis. 1. the
vagina; 2. uterus; 3. bladder; 4. lower bowel; 5. bone forming the pubic
arch; 6. the spinal cord, with bone in front and back of it.~

=The Uterus.=--The uterus, or womb, is a hollow organ formed of muscular
tissue, and lined with a delicate mucous membrane. The bladder is in
front, the rectum behind, and the vagina below.

=Three Parts.=--Physicians divide this important organ into three
parts,--the fundus, body, and neck. The fundus is all the upper rounded
portion; the body all that portion between the fundus and the neck; and
the neck all the rounded lower part.

=The Cavity of the Uterus.=--This is divided into the cavity of the body
and the cavity of the neck. By consulting our illustration it is seen
that these cavities differ greatly in shape; that of the body being
triangular, while that of the neck is barrel-shaped.

By referring again to Fig. 4 it will be seen that the cavity of the body
has three openings, one on either side at the top going to the Fallopian
tubes, and an opening at the bottom passing into the cavity of the neck.
A constriction exists between these two cavities; but after childbirth
this is largely done away with, and there is not that marked difference
which existed formerly.

=Glands in Uterus.=--In the mucous membrane lining the uterus are vast
numbers of minute glands which secrete mucus. It has been asserted that
in the cavity of the neck alone there are from ten to twelve thousand
of these glands. It is in this mucous membrane that such remarkable
changes occur each month during menstruation, and still more wonderful
changes during pregnancy.

=The Ligaments of the Uterus.=--By referring to Fig. 5 it will be seen
that there are on each side of the uterus flat bands of tissue known as
"broad ligaments." These ligaments are attached to the sides of the
pelvic cavity, and aid greatly in holding the uterus firmly in place.
There are also other ligaments concerned in this same work, although the
broad ligaments are most important. The illustration also shows the
walls of the vagina cut open, in order that the position of the mouth of
the uterus may be easily seen.

~FIG. 4. This illustration shows the cavities in a uterus which has been
pregnant. 1, the vagina; 2, cavity of the neck of the uterus; 3, cavity
of the body, above which is the fundus of the uterus; 4, Fallopian
tubes, extending to the ovaries.~

~FIG. 5. The female generative organs. 1, the vagina; 2, uterus; 3,
broad ligament of left side; 4, a smaller ligament; 5, Fallopian tube;
6, ovary; 7, fringed end of Fallopian tube.~

=Blood-Vessels Surrounding Uterus.=--The uterus is well supplied with
blood-vessels, as Fig. 6 shows. Indeed, there is all over the walls of
the uterus and through its tissue a vast network of these vessels.
Whenever, for any reason, the circulation of the blood through the
pelvis is disturbed, these blood-vessels are likely to become engorged,
over-filled, producing congestion and inflammation.

~FIG. 6. The blood-vessels of the right side of the uterus. 1, blood
vessels; 2, end of the Fallopian tube; 3, ovary; 4, right edge of

=All Parts Closely Related.=--The close relation of these blood-vessels to
the blood-supply of the bowels, liver, etc., makes it possible for most
serious disturbances to take place even from slight causes.

=Study the Illustrations.=--By studying these illustrations it can be
readily seen how an over-distended rectum may produce such an impediment
to the circulation that there will be congestion of all the neighboring
parts. Or, the intestines themselves may become over-distended with
fæcal matter, or gas, from dyspepsia, and the pressure induced thereby
may be sufficient to interfere with the free circulation of these parts,
and thus uterine congestion produced.

It is also seen how improper dress may compress the organs about these
parts, and thus interfere with the circulation. Again, it is easily
understood, simply from studying the illustrations alone, how any of
these causes might produce dislocation of the uterus itself.

=Object of Uterus.=--The uterus is the source of the menstrual discharge,
a place for the foetus during its development, and the source of the
nutritive supply of this foetus. It is the uterus which contracts at
full term and expels the child.

=Uterus Not Rigidly Fixed.=--In a perfectly normal condition there is
considerable mobility to the uterus; in other words, it is not fixed
firmly by the ligaments already mentioned. It is rather simply
suspended, or hung in the pelvic cavity, by these broad flat bands of

A full bladder will push it backward, while a distended rectum will move
it forward; as the body changes its posture, so will the uterus change
its position by force of gravity.

=Cannot Be Bent Upon Itself.=--The uterus cannot be bent upon itself
without producing injury; neither can it be pushed too far forward or
backward, nor crowded down too far without causing great distress and
actual disease.

=Fallopian Tube.=--Figs. 4 and 5 show that there is given off from each
side of the upper part of the uterus a tube. This is called the
Fallopian tube.

Each tube is about four inches long. Near the uterus its cavity will
just admit an ordinary bristle; but near its free end, at the ovary, it
is as large as a goose-quill.

It is a peculiar tube in that it terminates in a number of fringe-like
processes, one of which is always attached to the ovary itself.

~FIG. 7. Part of an ovary, showing a ripe ovum, or egg, about to be cast
off, as occurs at each menstrual period. It is here this egg may be
fertilized or impregnated by the male elements.~

=Object of This Tube.=--The Fallopian tube conveys the sperm of the male
from the uterus to the ovary, and also takes the germ-cell (or ovule, or
egg) from the ovary to the uterus.

When a ripe egg is about to be discharged from the ovary, one of these
fringe-like processes of the Fallopian tube grasps it and receives it
into the mouth of the tube, whence it is conveyed directly into the
uterine canal.

=Ovary.=--On each side of the uterus and in each side of the pelvic cavity
is an ovary. It is about one and a half inches in length, three-fourths
of an inch in width, and one-third of an inch in thickness. It weighs
from one to two drachms, and is an elongated, oval-shaped body.

~FIG. 8. This figure illustrates the course followed by an ovum. The
ripened egg leaves the ovary (1), passes down the Fallopian tube (2),
and thence into the uterine cavity (3).~

~FIG. 9. An exceedingly minute piece of an ovary, highly magnified. It
shows eight ova or eggs.~

=Object of Ovaries.=--The ovaries are the essential organs of generation
in the female. In each ovary are large numbers of cells, ovules, or
eggs, one of which, at least, is supposed to pass into the uterine
cavity with each menstruation. Anatomists tell us that each human ovary
contains as many as 30,000 of these ovules, or eggs.


=It Makes One Indignant.=--When I recall the terrible and almost horrible
treatment which women have had to undergo in the past, I cannot help but
become deeply indignant. It seems as if all medical study had gone for
naught, as if the teachings of nature had been forgotten, and most of
all, as if no such thing as delicacy and modesty existed.

=This Makes Confirmed Invalids.=--It is only necessary for a woman to
complain of discomfort in the back, a bearing-down pain, or some
unnatural discharge, when some physician says that local treatment, and
local treatment only, must be taken.

Women so thoroughly understand what their physician is going to say that
they do not consult him, but go on suffering more and more until they
become almost confirmed invalids. Others, after they are told what must
be done, return home and become gloomy and melancholy over the outlook.

=Specialists Are Crazy for Work.=--The specialists are so crazy for this
kind of work that it seems as though they would gladly scrape and burn
the inside of the stomach for dyspepsia, if they could do so! Or, they
would take a long probe and go down into the interior of the lungs and
apply strong caustics, if such a thing were possible!

=The Patient Is Deceived.=--If the ache, or the pain, or the discharge was
on the back of the hand where it could be seen, and where these
"treatments" could be watched, the specialists would have a hard showing
indeed, for the patient herself would then see that little good came
from these local applications.

But being situated within the body, so that only the physician himself
can examine the parts, the patient has to rest content, not knowing
whether a little pure water is applied (and the fee collected), or
whether the strongest acids which burn deep into the tissues are used
(and the fee collected).

=Local Treatment Unnecessary.=--Now all of this is almost invariably
unnecessary. It is not showing ordinary common-sense, not in accord with
nature, and not in keeping with the best medical science of to-day.

Yet thousands upon thousands of women are undergoing the worst kind of
mental and physical torture in taking these local treatments, while all
the savings of the household have to go toward paying the enormous bills
of the specialist.

=The True Doctor Not Blamed.=--_Do not misunderstand me, please. I am not
talking against doctors, not against the real, true, genuine, noble
physicians and surgeons._

There is no nobler profession than that of the physician, none practiced
more faithfully than the good old family physician of this country
practice theirs. The best of them are glad to help their patients in any
way they can, and in spite of professional prejudice, many have tried
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound upon their patients and have been
delighted at the wonderful success of the trial.

=Nature the Best Teacher.=--The trouble with so many of these physicians
who call themselves "Specialists on Diseases of Women" is that they get
it into their head that they know more than nature. They map out a
course of their own, and pay no attention whatever to the laws of
health. Just as if a dog barking at the moon would make it shine less

Now any one who has given any thought to the preservation of the health
can readily understand how impossible it would be to cure an
inflammation of the uterus or ovaries, or check an unnatural discharge
from the vagina, by applying strong acids, nitrate of silver, pure
carbolic acid, strong tincture of iodine, or other destroying, caustic,
irritating, and dangerous drugs.

All of these must be injurious, must postpone recovery, and if their use
be continued for any great length of time must make a cure quite

=A Good Medicine Needed.=--Of course what is needed in these cases is
something that will restore the natural circulation of the blood through
the tissues of the uterus, something that will relieve congestion and
cure inflammation. When the swelling and irritation have subsided, then
the nerves are no longer irritated, and all pain disappears.

=What This Will Do.=--Then all these parts become better nourished, the
weakened and diseased tissues take on new strength, and all unnatural
discharges cease.

When the relaxed ligaments are properly fed and toned up, then they hold
the uterus in its natural position, and all bearing-down pains and other
symptoms of displacement quickly disappear. Of course this
constitutional treatment with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is
hastened by keeping the parts perfectly clean, which can be easily done
with Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash.

=A Hearty Welcome to the Perfect Cure.=--A hearty welcome to the most
scientific treatment; a hearty welcome to the most natural, the most
easy, and the most perfect method of cure; a hearty welcome to Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound; a hearty welcome to the remedy that never
fails to restore the uterus to perfect health and natural position.



=Occurs Monthly.=--Once every twenty-eight days very remarkable changes
occur in the uterus, giving rise to that peculiar monthly periodicity
called menstruation, monthly sickness, monthlies, or being unwell.
Although this usually occurs once in about four weeks, yet it may be a
week less or a week longer; or, indeed, the variation may be even
greater than this.

=Symptoms of its Approach.=--As a perfectly natural menstrual period
approaches, there is a certain degree of discomfort and lassitude, a
sense of weight in the lower part of the body, and more or less
disinclination to enter society. These symptoms may be slightly
pronounced or very prominent, for it is quite unusual to find a person
who does not have at least some general discomfort at this time.

=Its Appearance.=--First there is a slight discharge of mucus which soon
becomes of a rusty brown or yellow color from the mixture of a small
quantity of blood. By the second or third day the discharge has the
appearance of pure blood. The unpleasant sensations which were so marked
at first now gradually subside, and the discharge, after continuing for
a certain number of days, grows more and more scanty. The color changes
from a pure red to a rusty tinge, and finally disappears altogether.
Then the ordinary duties are resumed.

=The Age of Puberty.=--Menstruation begins at about fourteen or fifteen
years of age, this period being known as "the age of puberty." It is
preceded and attended by peculiar signs. The whole figure becomes more
plump and round, the hips increase in breadth, and the breasts rapidly
develop. The more striking changes, however, occur in the inclinations
and emotional susceptibilities.

=Age Modified.=--A great many circumstances modify the age at which the
first menstruation takes place. In hot climates this takes place
earlier, the difference between hot and cold countries being as great as
three years; yet heredity has more to do with this than anything else.
"As was the mother so is the child" is a common saying among women.

=Continues About Thirty Years.=--The menstrual function continues active
from this age until about the forty-fifth year, although this may be
extended even ten years later. During all these years the woman is
capable of bearing children, because at each month there has been a
fully developed ovum, or egg, ready to be fertilized.

=The Change of Life.=--When the menstrual function ceases, then the period
of childbearing is over. The time of its disappearance is known as "the
change of life, or menopause."

=Amount of Monthly Loss.=--The amount of blood lost during menstruation
varies greatly with different individuals, and it would be quite
impossible to give anything like an accurate rule. It varies, normally,
from one to eight ounces, the average being probably about five ounces.

=Duration of Period.=--The duration of the period is from one to eight
days, the average being five days. Hence it will be seen that the
average loss of fluid per day would be about one ounce.

=Loss Should Be Small.=--It should be stated here that, as a rule, those
enjoy the best health who lose but a small quantity of blood at this
time. Some persons seem to think that a very free discharge is
necessary, and that they feel better at such times; but there is no
possible reason why this should be the case.

=The First Menstruation.=--The appearance of the first menstruation is a
most critical time in the life of every young girl, and the mother
should be prepared to give her daughter the best of advice. Some slight
inattention, some undue exposure, some thoughtlessness due entirely to
ignorance on these great subjects, may change the whole future from a
life of comfort and good health to prolonged days of misery and intense

=Menstruation and Childbearing.=--It is the belief at the present time,
among all who have studied this subject, that menstruation is closely
connected with the function of childbearing. The changes which take
place each month within the uterine cavity are of precisely the proper
character to prepare this tissue for the reception of the fertilized

=Rules to be Observed.=--A few rules should be carefully followed during
each menstruation, in order that future trouble may be prevented. First
of all, it is necessary to avoid taking cold; yet a person should not
stay in the house by the side of a fire, or in a warm room all the time,
for this would increase the susceptibility to cold.

Care should be taken to avoid undue exposure, for nothing will disturb
the menstrual process quicker than the sudden chilling of the body,
especially when moist with perspiration.

Intense mental excitement should be avoided, also. If the young girl is
at school, she should be told to study more lightly at this time; while
any great excitement of any kind, as giving way to anger, or extreme
merriment, should be avoided.

The feeling of debility and depression which usually accompanies this
time is a gentle warning by nature that the body should remain quiet and
at rest.

It is natural for many persons to be especially depressed at this time;
an effort should be made by those who understand the situation to make
everything as agreeable and pleasant as possible to the sufferer.

=Danger to School Girls.=--Without the slightest doubt, many women are
suffering intensely to-day who might be enjoying the best of health had
they not been obliged to study so intensely while in school. A moderate
amount of study does no harm at this time, but the dread of
examinations, with our modern system of cramming at certain times of the
school year, has, without doubt, so worked upon the nervous system that
many a life has been made miserable as a result.

=Danger to Office Girls.=--It is astonishing, when one fully understands
the processes of menstruation, how so many girls and young women can
remain all day behind the counter in the store, or at the work-table,
during these few trying days, and even escape without serious illness.
Employers never think of the subject, and there is a natural delicacy on
the part of those most concerned to mention the subject.

There should be in all such establishments some woman to whom these
girls could confide their condition. This woman, or overseer, could
easily be made responsible for the apparent neglect of duties by these
girls at such times.

=Criminal Carelessness.=--How often is it true that young ladies attend
balls, skate, and otherwise recklessly expose themselves at this most
critical time. One is almost inclined to call such exposures really
criminal, because of the terrible consequences so sure to follow.

A simple wetting of the feet, or resting quietly in a draught after
exercise, during menstruation may impose upon the person a life-long
injury. How carefully, then, should mothers watch their daughters at
these periods, and how strongly should they impress upon them the
necessity of special care.

=Condition of Bowels Important.=--The condition of the bowels should also
be carefully looked after at these times. Indeed, this is so important
that it should never be neglected. There should be at least one good
movement of the bowels each day. Nothing can more certainly derange the
menstrual function than persistent constipation.

=Regularity Important.=--Every mother should make careful inquiry into the
exact frequency of the menstrual period with her young daughter, at
least during the first two years of the menstrual function.

If there is pain at this time, then something is certainly wrong, and
treatment should be taken at once. If there is irregularity, this also
requires most prompt attention, as it will surely develop into something
serious sooner or later. If the flow is too free, or not free enough, or
if there is any deviation from the standard of health, the mother should
be acquainted with it, and should proceed at once to correct the

=First Two Years Very Important.=--If a girl can get through the first two
years of her menstrual life without serious disease, she stands a very
good chance of enjoying good health during the rest of her life; while a
slight mistake at this time may produce the most serious disease in
later life. If you do not understand your ailments write to Mrs.
Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free and always helpful.



=Amenorrhoea.=--This is a condition in which the monthly flow is
suspended. It can hardly be called a disease, as it is rather a symptom
of some disorder of the uterus, or of some constitutional defect. This
may occur at the time when menstruation should normally appear, namely,
from fourteen to fifteen years of age.

=Danger of a Decline.=--If the young girl does not menstruate at sixteen,
seventeen, or eighteen, something is certainly wrong, and treatment
should be taken at once in order to correct the difficulty before the
girl goes into a decline. It is not wise to trust too much to nature in
these cases.

Such girls are generally thin and pale, with a peculiar sallow, or
yellowish-green color to the skin which has given rise to the term
"green-sickness," or "Chlorosis." They fall easy victims to scrofula,
consumption, nervous prostration, insomnia, and other diseases.

=Treatment.=--When the time for menstruation arrives, and the flow does
not appear, the mother should give her daughter regular doses of Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. This remedy acts strictly according to
the laws of nature, and simply brings about natural conditions.

For some reason nature may not succeed in beginning this important
change in the girl's life, but with the help that comes from the
Vegetable Compound, this is sure to come to pass.

=How Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Acts.=--A better circulation is
established, the condition of the blood is improved, the nervous system
is greatly invigorated, and, as a result, the menstrual flow is

This should set at rest a great deal of worry on the part of the mother,
and it means a great deal to the daughter, as well. Now, the mother can
be assured that one great danger is passed, and, with proper care and
attention, there need be no more trouble.

Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, however, should be taken for some
weeks or months until the habit is well established and menstruation
appears regularly every twenty-eight days.

=Delicate Girls.=--If the young girl menstruates, and yet is not in good
health, then she should certainly take the Vegetable Compound for a week
before the time when menstruation is expected; the great object being to
establish regularity in the menstrual function.

=Keep the Bowels Regular.=--In all these cases attention should be given
to the condition of the bowels, which are usually constipated. To
correct this, the girl should take laxative doses of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Liver Pills, just enough each night so that there may be one good,
natural movement the day following.

=Look Well to the Diet.=--A great deal can be done, also, in the way of
diet. Girls, especially at this time, have a most perverted appetite,
preferring pickles, olives, rich pies and cakes, and other indigestible
foods. These are all bad, of course, as they disturb the digestion and
keep the blood thin.

Let the diet consist principally of rich milk, eggs, lamb chops,
beefsteak, chicken, and good bread and butter. If the milk rests heavy
on the stomach, then add a tablespoonful of lime water to each glass of

Daily exercise in the open air is also of value, and the sleeping-room
should be well ventilated, especially at night.

=Menstruation Suspended During Pregnancy.=--During pregnancy menstruation
is usually suspended, although the regular monthly flow may continue for
two or three months. Of course, suspension at this time is natural, and
nothing should be done to bring on the flow.

If menstruation appears when there is a strong probability that
pregnancy exists, then the person should remain quietly in bed and eat
only light food, and every precaution should be taken lest a miscarriage
be brought on.

=Should a Mother Nurse Her Child While Menstruating?=--Menstruation is
also usually suspended during nursing, although not infrequently this
function is resumed again three or four months after childbirth. The
question here arises whether the mother should continue to nurse her
child while menstruating.

If the child remains healthy, keeps steadily gaining in weight, and
seems to be well nourished, and if the mother is not losing ground in
any way, then there is no reason why the mother should not keep on
nursing her child. If, however, the mother's health fails, or if there
is evidence that the child is not prospering, then weaning should take

As a rule, a menstruating mother does not have good milk for her child;
it is usually thin and watery; although, as I have said, under certain
conditions nursing may continue.

=Sudden Suppression.=--Sudden suppression of menstruation is most
generally due to a cold, mental shock, or undue exposure of some kind.
It is always accompanied with pain in the back, headache, more or less
fever, and other unpleasant symptoms. It should generally be considered
as a dangerous condition, and every effort should be made to restore the
menstrual function. Sometimes when menstruation is suddenly suppressed
in this way, a so-called "vicarious" menstruation occurs, and there is
hemorrhage from the lungs, the nose, the gums, the bowels, or from some
other source.

=Treatment of Suppression.=--The treatment of sudden suppression consists
of a hot foot-bath, or sitting in a tub of hot water. At the same time
the person should drink a bowl of hot ginger tea, or hot lemonade, be
covered well with blankets, and every effort be made to bring about a
profuse sweating. Then have the person go to bed, and apply hot cloths
across the lower part of the bowels. Place at the feet bottles of hot
water, or hot bricks, and keep up the perspiration in this way for an
hour or two. This is all that need be done in the great majority of

=Only One Medicine to be Taken.=--As the shock to the system tends to
disturb the menstrual function for some time to come, the person should
begin at once with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and should
continue it through the coming month, in order to insure that the next
menstruation may be normal in every way.

=Scanty Menstruation.=--Often menstruation appears with perfect regularity
and yet is greatly deficient in amount. As we have stated elsewhere,
there is no rule about this, and yet when the menstrual function is
scanty, it is almost invariably a symptom of anæmia, or poverty of the

=Anæmic Girls.=--Such girls are listless, easily tired, nervous, with
little appetite, poor digestion, and with no resistive power.

By taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Blood Purifier regularly a most remarkable
change is brought about; and by the use of an easily digested and very
nourishing diet, as just given in this chapter, together with plenty of
outdoor exercise, this condition can be corrected before serious trouble

=Dysmenorrhoea.=--This is better known as "painful menstruation." It is
due to a large number of causes, and yet can almost invariably be
relieved by proper treatment.

=Two Great Causes.=--In the great majority of cases the cause is two-fold:
Weakness of the nerves and congestion of the uterus. These are so
closely allied that it is often quite impossible to tell which is the
ruling factor; indeed, one seems to be largely dependent upon the other.

It is certainly true that congestion of the uterus almost invariably
produces neuralgia of different parts of the body; while nervous
exhaustion, nervous prostration, neuralgia, and general nervousness
often show themselves by this increased pain at the menstrual period.

=Symptoms of Dysmenorrhoea.=--Usually the most marked pain is before the
flow is well established. The person has a heavy pain in the lower part
of the bowels, with sharp, darting pains extending down the back of the
limbs. Then the pain becomes more concentrated in the uterus itself, or
sometimes in an ovary at the side.

The pain may begin as a dull, heavy ache, which gradually changes into a
sharp, darting pain, and which culminates at last in distinct and
positive attacks of uterine colic, or cramps.

The person suffers such intense pain that a chill may be produced which
is followed by a high fever. Often the pains are of a bearing-down
character, and are not unlike those in the last stages of ordinary

=Often Make a Complete Wreck.=--These attacks of uterine cramps tell
severely on the general health of the person, and if they are allowed to
continue without treatment, they almost invariably make a complete wreck
of the constitution.

=Can Be Cured.=--This most distressing and most agonizing complaint may be
quickly and entirely cured by a thorough course of treatment with Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. This remedy should be taken
continuously; not a day should pass without the regular dose.

=Old Cases Cured.=--If the disease has existed for some time, it must not
be expected that it can be cured in a month, but by perseverance the
cure will certainly come and will be perfectly satisfactory.

=A Valuable Aid.=--In the meantime, the person who suffers from painful
menstruation, a day or two before menstruation is expected, should take
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, being careful to keep the bowels
in good condition.

=Additional Treatment.=--If possible, the person had better remain in bed,
or recline upon a sofa, for at least a day before the expected
menstruation, certainly as soon as the first uncomfortable symptoms
appear. Then have her take a hot foot-bath, get into bed and cover with
warm blankets, with bags or bottles of hot water, or hot bricks at the
feet and back, and with warm cloths over the lower part of the abdomen.

=Temporary Relief.=--If the pain is exceedingly severe, and is not
relieved by these simple measures, then wring out flannel cloths from as
hot water as can be borne and place these over the lower part of the
bowels, directly over the uterus, covering them with dry flannels. As
soon as these become cool, change for hot cloths again, using care, of
course, that the cloths be not hot enough to burn. It is often
surprising what instant relief from pain this simple procedure will

=Do Not Take Opium.=--No one should think for a moment of taking opium in
any form at these times, as the opium habit is very easily contracted
and is almost impossible to break up. This is also true of other anodyne
remedies. By carrying out the suggestions given above, it will be found
that their use will not be necessary.

=Thousands of Grateful Letters.=--If the readers of this book could only
see the thousands of letters from grateful women the world over telling
how this Vegetable Compound relieved them from the fearful torture which
they had been enduring for years once a month, they would use every
endeavor possible to spread the good news to every suffering friend that
at last there is a perfect and absolute cure for this most distressing
and most frightful complaint.

=Reasons for these Startling Cures.=--The reason why Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound works so admirably in these cases is easily
understood when we call to mind the fact that some of its ingredients
are the strongest of nerve tonics, building up, strengthening, and
giving tone to the whole nervous system; while other ingredients have
the remarkable property of relieving congestion of all the female
generative organs.

=To Illustrate "Congestion."=--If a string be tied around the base of the
finger snugly, but not too tightly, the finger soon becomes darkened
from the obstructed circulation. We say the finger is "congested." All
that has to be done, in this case, is to cut the string and the
congestion is promptly relieved.

=Cures Congestion.=--In cases of congestion of the uterus, Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound removes obstruction to the circulation as
effectually as cutting the string relieves the congestion of the finger.
When the circulation is perfectly natural through these parts, then the
congestion and inflammation must disappear and the uterus itself must
again resume its natural position.

=Menorrhagia.=--This is better known as "profuse menstruation." Just what
constitutes an unnatural loss of blood cannot be stated, as each woman
is a rule to herself. From experience she knows just about what is the
normal amount she should lose each month and retain her health and

When this amount is more than natural, especially when sufficient to
produce weakness and prostration, then it becomes "profuse."

=Occurs in the Full-Blooded.=--Profuse menstruation may occur in those who
are very full-blooded, or in those who are extremely weak and pale. When
occurring in the former, the person usually complains of a dull, heavy,
throbbing headache, pain in the back, and other symptoms of fever. Such
persons recover from an excessive flow of blood quite promptly, and do
not suffer severely from it.

=Occurs in the Pale.=--On the other hand, when this condition occurs in
those who are very weak, pale, and thin, there is usually great
prostration, which may even become most alarming.

=Treatment for the Former.=--When profuse menstruation occurs in those who
are full-blooded, the diet should be quite simple and plain. Indeed, it
would be better if the person should take but two meals a day and should
eat but little or no meat. Immediately upon the appearance of
menstruation she should go to bed and remain there as quiet as possible,
for in this way the pain and fever will be less and the amount of the
flow greatly diminished.

=Treatment When Pale and Debilitated.=--It is a much more serious matter
when this excessive loss occurs in those who are pale and debilitated.
Often the most energetic measures are necessary even to preserve life
itself. The following rule should be observed when possible:--Just as
soon as menstruation appears, the person should go to bed and remain
there quietly until the flow is nearly over.

Of course it is an easy matter to give these directions, and exceedingly
hard, often quite impossible, for them to be carried out. Many women
have work that must be done, or children who must be cared for during
these days just as well as any other time, and it is almost out of the
question for them to remain quiet.

Yet the question seems to be whether they will remain in bed two or
three days at this time, and then have far better health for the rest of
the month, or whether they will drag along through all the month. We
would certainly urge that this suggestion be carried out as often as
possible, and that for one or two days the person keep as quietly in bed
as possible.

=When Very Excessive.=--If the flow is very free, then the foot of the bed
may be raised three or four inches by placing blocks of wood under each
lower corner. This will tend to check the flow.

=Wonderful Cures Possible.=--Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has
made some most startling and almost miraculous cures in just these
conditions. An immense number of letters are on file from women who have
despaired of relief, given up all hope, and who were confirmed invalids
until after taking this famous remedy. Its continued use heals the
inflammation in the cavity of the uterus, causes a better circulation
through that organ, makes the blood richer, strengthens the digestion,
and thus greatly improves the general health.

=Relief is Prompt.=--The very next month after beginning its use the flow
is diminished, the next month it is still less, and so on, until soon
there is only a regular, natural menstruation.

=A Happy Change.=--And what a change this means to suffering women! It
means new life, new hope, new ambition, new courage. It means work
better done, children better cared for, and all social and domestic
duties better performed. I am indeed most happy in being able to tell
suffering women what prompt relief Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
is sure to bring them.

In these cases I always recommend the use of the Vegetable Compound in
the form of Lozenges, or Pills.

=Metrorrhagia.=--When there is great loss of blood at other times than
during the menstrual period, it is given the technical name of
metrorrhagia. It means "uterine hemorrhage."

Keep the person quietly in bed, and have the foot of the bed raised as
suggested above. If the hemorrhage is at all severe, a physician should
be summoned in order that a careful examination may be made and the
cause of this unusual occurrence thoroughly understood. =If you do not
understand your ailments write to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. Her advice
is free and always helpful.= All such letters are strictly confidential;
only women assist her in answering them.



=Inflammation of the Uterus.=--Inflammation of the uterus may be either
acute or chronic. When acute, as following an abortion, taking cold
during menstruation, etc., there is considerable fever, pain in the
lower part of the bowels, nausea, and sometimes vomiting, tenderness on
pressure over the uterus, pain when passing the urine and general

=Treatment of the Acute Form.=--The treatment consists in having the
person remain quietly in bed, applying bottles of hot water to the feet,
if they are cold, and keeping cool cloths over the head if hot from the
fever. In this way the circulation may be better balanced, and the
tendency to congestion relieved.

Then take a flannel cloth about six inches square, dip it in hot water,
and wring as dry as possible with the hands; now sprinkle ordinary
spirits of turpentine freely over one side, and place this side directly
over the centre of the lower part of the bowels, that is, just over the
uterus. Cover this flannel with another warm, dry flannel, and allow it
to remain on until the smarting is quite pronounced, or the skin red.
Then remove this, and apply hot cloths wrung from hot water. Use the
turpentine cloth again in four or six hours, if the tenderness and pain
still persist.

=Only One Medicine Needed.=--Begin at once with Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, in order that the attack may be cut short. This the
Compound will certainly do if taken faithfully according to directions.

After the acute attack is over, if there is any constipation, this
should be relieved by Lydia E. Pinkham's Liver Pills; and if there is
any discharge from the uterus, Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash should
be used once or twice each day, in order to hasten recovery all that is

=Chronic Inflammation.=--It is not exaggerating in the least to say that
probably 75 out of every 100 women in the world have more or less
chronic inflammation of the uterus.

=Causes.=--The causes of this are many, as improper dress, which
constricts the waist, and presses down upon the delicate organs in the
pelvis; improper attention to the health at each menstruation;
over-work; anxiety; miscarriages; unskillful treatment at childbirth,

=Lives of Suffering and Sorrow.=--What miserable lives women have to
endure who go about from day to day with a chronic inflammation of the
uterus. Each hour there is that dragging, pulling, bearing-down pain;
that heavy weight; that terrible depression; and that feeling of
abandoned hope. Yet hundreds of thousands, I might say millions of women
have had all this suffering and sadness turned to joy and comfort,
simply by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.

=Stories Almost Beyond Belief.=--The stories received from our friends
seem almost beyond belief. The most striking of them cannot be printed
because I fear my readers would think such cures were quite impossible.
The letters tell as terrible stories, as frightful conditions as could
possibly exist, and yet all this has quickly and promptly changed to
robust health by the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. So
often has this been reported that there is not the least room for doubt.

=I Speak Positively.=--I am not guessing in this matter; it is altogether
too serious; there is too much at stake. So I urge upon you to give
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a thorough trial, feeling
positive, without the slightest question of a doubt, that you will be
quickly and permanently cured.

=Leucorrhoea.=--This is also known as "the whites, or the female
weakness." It is a symptom of inflammation of the uterus; and that this
disease is so prevalent is again proved by this almost universal ailment
among women.

It is characterized by a white discharge from the vagina which often
becomes very irritating, and is especially bad just before or after
menstruation. It is a symptom that should not be allowed to go
untreated, for it shows that there is serious trouble which may bring
about an incurable condition. Yet when properly treated, it may be
quickly remedied, and all danger removed.

=Treatment.=--First of all, it is necessary to remove the inflammation
that exists in the uterus itself. This is done by the persistent use of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. As I have described elsewhere,
this will remove all congestion, heal the inflammation, and bring about
a healthy circulation. For this I strongly recommend that Lydia E.
Pinkham's Sanative Wash be also used with a syringe for local

This should be used each night as a vaginal injection, according to
directions, thus thoroughly cleansing the parts, and entirely relieving
all irritation which these acrid secretions are sure to set up.

If this discharge has been irritating enough to cause any chafing,
eruption, itching, or uncomfortable sensation of any kind about the
external parts, then the Sanative Wash should be used for bathing the
parts; the relief will be immediate, and the cure very prompt.

=May Be Quickly Cured.=--I speak with great positiveness here, because of
vast experience and because of the universal success of this treatment.
I do not believe there is a case of leucorrhoea which cannot be
relieved and soon permanently cured by this treatment. There is no
delay; relief comes at once. A great improvement in all the symptoms is
very marked, even after the second or third day of treatment.

=Neglect Causes Ulceration.=--I would add a word of caution here to women
who are afflicted in this way, as the retention of these discharges is
likely to produce an irritation about the mouth of the uterus which will
result in serious ulceration, and even be the means of producing the
most serious and most incurable diseases.

=Ulcers on the Uterus.=--Because of the low condition of the system, thin
blood, and the local inflammation in the uterus itself, ulcers may form
about the mouth of the uterus. These are accompanied by more or less
pain, a sense of heaviness and weight in the lower part of the bowels,
and a whitish discharge similar to that of leucorrhoea only frequently
streaked, or tinted, with blood. The discharge continues about the same
all through the month between the days of menstruation. This condition
should have the same treatment as that mentioned above for
leucorrhoea, and the recovery will be equally prompt.

=Early Treatment Necessary.=--If women only understood better how easy a
matter it is for these ulcerations to widen and deepen until some
incurable and terrible disease results, they would be more prompt in
taking treatment, especially when this is sure to be followed by a
perfect cure.

When the blood is thin and poor, and when the weight is reduced, Lydia
E. Pinkham's Blood Purifier should be used regularly.

The Blood Purifier, the Vegetable Compound, and the Sanative Wash, have
done as great work in preventing serious disease as in curing it.

=Displacement of the Uterus Forward.=--The uterus may be displaced either
forward, backward, or downward. By referring to the illustration in the
first part of this book, it will be noticed that the uterus naturally
tips slightly forward, so that when it is displaced forward, the
condition is simply an exaggeration of its natural state.

=Causes Bladder Trouble.=--By referring to this illustration again, it is
at once apparent that this tipping forward must bring about some
difficulty with the bladder, and such is the case. The most marked
symptom is painful and frequent passing of the urine, with a dull and
heavy pain across the lower part of the bowels. Often this weight is so
increased by walking that the person can be upon the feet only a short
time without causing discomfort and pain.

This condition may be brought about by some unusual effort at lifting,
jumping, or straining, or especially by wearing too tight clothing about
the waist, tight lacing being probably the most frequent cause of all.

=The Cure.=--The general treatment here consists in taking a thorough
course of treatment with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, in order
to strengthen the ligaments of the uterus which hold this organ in
place. When the condition of the system is improved, the nerves
strengthened, and the blood made more rich by the use of this Compound,
then these ligaments partake of this general improvement, and by
becoming more tense, bring the uterus back into position.

=Displacement Backwards.=--The uterus may be tipped backward, in which
case it will rest against the lower bowel. The principal symptom here is
pain in the lower part of the back, as if a movement of the bowels were
necessary. There is great discomfort in walking, because of this sense
of pressure. The pain is always increased when the bowels move, and is
associated with a sense of obstruction, and painful menstruation is very

=The Treatment.=--Here the same treatment should be followed as mentioned
for the opposite condition above. In the first place, the bowels should
be kept in good condition by the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Liver Pills,
taking these in just sufficient amount to cause a free movement of the
bowels daily. Then thorough and prolonged treatment with Mrs. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound will give such strength and tone to the ligaments
about the uterus that they will again bring back this organ to its
proper position.

=Falling of the Womb.=--The most distressing of all these displacements is
that known as "prolapsus, or falling of the womb."

The most frequent cause of this condition is complete relaxation of the
ligaments which naturally support this organ. When the ligaments become
weak, they easily stretch, and thus allow the uterus to fall down into
the vaginal canal, even nearly to the surface of the body.

=Symptoms.=--This displacement causes irritation of the bladder and lower
bowel, discomfort in walking, painful menstruation, leucorrhoea, a
dragging pain in the back, and most marked bearing-down pain in the
lower part of the body.

=The Cure Is Certain.=--The treatment of this most distressing affection
is usually followed by prompt and permanent results. Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound should always be taken, because of its great power to
relieve all inflammation and give strength and tone to the ligaments
which hold up the uterus. Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash should be
used, also, for its cleansing and strengthening properties, on the local
parts. If a sitz bath-tub is in the house it may be used to great
advantage in these cases. A single pail of water will be sufficient, and
should be as hot as can be comfortably borne. If a tub of this kind is
not at hand, then an ordinary bath-tub may be used, having in it
sufficient water to come well over the hips when the person sits in it.

=The One Permanent Cure.=--By taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound, these relaxed ligaments are given strength and tone so that
they assume their former power. As they gain strength they contract,
pulling the uterus up into its natural position, and holding it there

I can most positively assure every woman who is suffering from all the
discomfort and terrible distress which always accompany falling of the
womb, that she may be promptly and most perfectly cured if she will only
follow my advice.

=An Abundance of Proof.=--So many letters have come from women who have
suffered and have been cured that it is not possible for a reasonable
person to doubt what they say. I can only urge all affected with these
complaints to give Lydia F. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a good trial,
feeling perfectly assured that they will be abundantly satisfied in
every way. If you do not understand your ailments write to Mrs. Pinkham,
Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free and always helpful. Such letters are
strictly confidential communications from one woman to another who will
never betray the confidence.

Footnote: [1] Every woman suffering from uterine or vaginal troubles
should own and use a syringe. I would recommend the use of Ruth Paxton's
Improved Fountain Syringe. I believe it is the only one that will convey
the solution to every part of the vaginal cavity. The ordinary syringe
is inadequate. It can be obtained by sending to The R. Paxton Company,
221 Columbus Ave., Boston, Mass. Price $1.75, postpaid--registered
letter or postal note. It will repay you a thousand times to take the
trouble to send for it, as the recoveries from disease are quicker when
it is used. Anyway, send two-cent stamp for her little book of
information. You will see by the letters it contains how the syringe is
regarded by those who are using it.



=Ovaries, Congestion of.=--This disease usually comes from taking cold
during menstruation, from some injury, extra strain during lifting, or
from some slow inflammatory process.

The symptoms are pain and tenderness in one or both sides of the lower
part of the body. There is more or less continuous pain, which is always
worse in standing or walking. The tenderness in the sides is increased
during menstruation, especially if pressure be made over the part.
Sometimes the pain is quite severe when the bowels move. There is always
a feeling of distress, frequently associated with nausea, and often more
or less fever.

=Treatment.=--For treatment the person should have as good surroundings as
possible, and should take complete rest during menstruation.

In order to relieve the congestion in these parts and thoroughly control
the pain, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound should be taken at once.

=Removal of Ovaries.=--This condition of the ovaries gave rise to the
practice of removing these organs. Just as soon as a woman consulted a
physician and complained of tenderness over the ovaries, he was sure to
advise her to have these organs removed.

=Less Operating Than Formerly.=--But this practice is rapidly passing
away, and the very surgeons who were so anxious to operate a few years
ago are now found advising against it. This is because of the serious
results which follow this operation. While the pain and tenderness in
these parts would be relieved, yet the profound and overwhelming
impression made upon the nervous system, by producing such a remarkable
change in the life of the woman, was even worse than the disease itself.

=Results of Removal of Ovaries.=--Women who have had their ovaries removed
are frequently the victims of hysteria, melancholia, extreme nervous
prostration, insomnia, and other distressing and dangerous complaints.

=Surgical Operations Unnecessary.=--Then, again, it is becoming well known
over the whole country that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound can
relieve congestion and pain so thoroughly that the surgeon's knife is
unnecessary. I am so confident in this belief that it hardly seems
possible that any woman would continue to suffer in this way, when it is
so useless. I know we can make every woman perfectly comfortable and at
rest, no matter how long she may have suffered, if she will only follow
our simple directions.

=The One Certain Cure.=--All she has to do is to keep her bowels in good
condition by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Liver Pills, and at the same time
take a thorough course of treatment with the Vegetable Compound. If you
have any friends or neighbors who are suffering from this disease, and
who fear that it will lead to ovarian tumors, which must ultimately
necessitate a dangerous surgical operation, I urge upon you to tell them
the story of this Vegetable Compound.

=Always Brings Good Cheer.=--It has brought happiness to so many homes,
has relieved so much suffering, and has cheered and comforted so many
thousands of women, that I am sure you will be doing a great deed of
charity if you will only aid in spreading this glad news.

=Tumors of the Uterus.=--The uterus is subject to tumors, or growths, the
symptoms of which are much like those of chronic inflammation. As a
rule, the person suffering from these tumors knows nothing whatever of
their existence until some competent physician has told her such is the

=Fibroid Tumors.=--The most common tumors are known as fibroids. They are
often small, and yet sometimes attain a considerable size.

Until within a few years surgeons were always anxious to operate upon
these tumors; but this is now largely done away with, for they are not
fatal in themselves, and only become serious when they attain an
exceedingly large size, or, what is more frequently the case, cause
excessive flowing during or between the menstrual periods.

=Tumors Cured Without the Knife.=--In these cases Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound shows its remarkable power to great advantage. By
establishing a better circulation through the uterus, and relieving the
congestion in the surrounding parts, and by giving strength and tone to
the smaller blood-vessels, the hemorrhage is controlled and the
inflammation is reduced. The tumors cease to grow, diminish in size, and
disappear altogether under its influence.

=Vagina, Inflammation of.=--Occasionally there is an acute and most
intense inflammation of the vagina caused by exposure to cold,
irritating discharges from the womb, the use of pessaries, supporters,
or some contagious disease.

Many women suffer from this complaint towards the close of menstruation,
when the discharges are acrid and most irritating.

=Promptly Cured.=--This inflammation can be promptly cured by the frequent
use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash. Prepare this strictly according
to the directions on each package, and use it as a vaginal injection two
or three times a day. The cure will be hastened by employing a sitz-bath
(sitting in a tub of hot water, or in a bath-tub).

=To Prevent Extension of Disease.=--In order to prevent the inflammation
from extending into the uterus, it is always wise to take Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for a few days after an attack of this

=Pruritus, Itching.=--Pruritus, or itching of the external parts, is a
most annoying affection, which often renders life itself almost
unendurable. Its most frequent cause is due to irritating discharges
from the uterus or vagina. Quite a large per cent of the women who are
passing through the "change of life" are troubled in this way.

It is also a marked symptom of diabetes, or "sugar in the urine;" and if
the itching is associated with an unusually large flow of urine,
together with dryness of the mouth and extreme thirst, there is a
probability that the person is suffering from diabetes. In such a case a
specimen of the urine should be taken to a competent physician, and he
should be asked to make a thorough examination of it in order to
definitely determine this point.

=Treatment.=--The treatment of pruritus consists in keeping the parts
thoroughly cleansed by frequent vaginal injections of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Sanative Wash, even three or four injections daily; and also bathing the
external parts with the same solution.

=Can Be Promptly Controlled.=--Although medical writers so generally claim
that this disease is almost impossible to relieve, and although they
recommend the application of severe caustics, yet I have never found any
difficulty in promptly controlling and curing this affection by the
faithful and persistent use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash as a
local application and the Vegetable Compound for its constitutional

=Constitutional Treatment Necessary.=--Although this disease shows itself
in only one place, yet the difficulty is in the whole system, and can
only be thoroughly removed by the internal use of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound. Thousands of letters from women tell that their life
of agony, distress, and sleeplessness was changed to one of perfect
comfort almost immediately upon the use of these remedies.

=Bladder, Inflammation of.=--Sometimes the inflammation of the vagina and
uterus is so severe that it involves the bladder; or an irritable
condition of the bladder may be produced by a pregnant uterus pressing
forward against it; or the uterus may be tipped forward a trifle more
than natural, and thus press against the bladder sufficient to cause

=Symptoms.=--The principal symptom of congestion or inflammation of the
bladder is a frequent desire to pass the urine. This act is almost
always painful, and is sometimes accompanied with spasmodic contractions
of the walls of the bladder, causing severe straining.

=May Become Chronic.=--If treatment be neglected, this condition easily
becomes chronic, when it is very difficult to cure. Prompt treatment in
these cases is strongly urged because it can be cured in every instance,
and thus an immense amount of suffering avoided.

=Treatment.=--If possible, the person should remain in bed or recline on a
couch. The diet should consist largely of liquids, nothing being better
than good milk. Meats, rich soups, and all pastries should be avoided.

Mrs. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound should be taken at once, because of
its most happy effect in relieving congestion and inflammation of all
the pelvic organs. Indeed, here is one instance where the Vegetable
Compound is alike useful to both sexes. The most flattering testimonials
have come from men who have tried this remedy "because it was in the
house," and who were most happily surprised to find that the relief was
prompt and the cure speedy. For all irritable conditions of the bladder,
whether of recent or old standing, I do not believe there is a remedy in
the world that holds out such great promises of complete relief equal to
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.

=The Menopause, or "Change of Life."=--This is a cessation of
menstruation. It usually occurs between the ages of forty and fifty
years, although frequently before and even after this time.

=Symptoms.=--The person first notices that although menstruation had
previously been regular, yet now it has become irregular, not appearing
more frequently than once every six weeks or two months; or possibly
passing over a month, and then appearing regularly again for the
following two or three months; or the flow may be less and less month
after month, until gradually it disappears altogether; or, not
infrequently, menstruation ceases abruptly, without any warning

=A Natural Condition.=--The change of life should be a perfectly natural
condition, not associated with any unpleasant symptom whatever. Yet this
is rarely the case, while often the suffering at this time is most
intense in every way.

=Affects Nervous System.=--The most severe effects are frequently produced
on the nervous system. These are known as "heat flashes." It is a marked
symptom with a great many women, and is described as a sensation of
waves of heat passing over the body. Sometimes these are very severe,
causing the face to become very red, producing dizziness and intense

Often there is melancholia, great depression, and not infrequently
complete prostration of the nervous system. The digestion may be
disturbed, producing constipation, diarrhoea, dyspepsia, loss of
appetite, offensive breath, biliousness, etc. Most marked changes are
certainly taking place in the whole system, and it is but natural that
every part of the body should be profoundly impressed.

=Not Expensive Treatment.=--I cannot urge too strongly upon my readers the
necessity of their taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound all
through these remarkable changes. It is not a great expense to take
this Vegetable Compound in moderate doses four times a day for weeks, or
even months, during these changes.

=A Critical Time.=--If this period of life be passed over in safety, then
there may be years and years of robust health remaining; while if it be
not attended to properly, the remainder of the life may be one prolonged
day of agony. Even when persons have suffered during all their menstrual
life, they can now have perhaps a score or more of years of complete
relief if they properly care for themselves during this change.

=Keep Under Its Influence.=--Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is a
great tonic in itself, bracing up the whole nervous system, aiding
digestion, and causing all the forces of the body to act more in accord
with nature.

Then it has a special influence over the uterus and ovaries; indeed, so
marked is its power to correct disease that all the trying days of the
"change of life" may be passed over in perfect safety, if only the
system be continuously kept under its influence.

=May Be Made Easy and Natural.=--Women who have been dreading this change,
and who have been made to look upon it as something horrible to pass
through, may now lay all such anxiety aside, for Mrs. Pinkham long ago
solved the problem of making this time of life as healthy and natural as
any other.

It is not claiming too much to say that if women everywhere will only
take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound through this trying time,
they will come out of it feeling better in every way than they have felt
for many years. =If you do not understand your ailments, write to Mrs.
Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free and always helpful. Such letters
are strictly confidential and answered with the help of women only.=



=Sometimes Difficult to Tell.=--Even the most skilled physicians sometimes
make mistakes in stating that pregnancy exists when it does not.

=The First Sign.=--The most valuable and striking sign of pregnancy is the
cessation of the monthly periods; yet even this is not always reliable.
Sometimes menstruation continues for three or four months, especially
during the first pregnancy, although this is exceedingly rare. As a
rule, to which there is hardly an exception, if menstruation ceases in a
married woman who has previously been regular, she is, in all
probability, pregnant.

=Other Signs.=--Another important sign is the enlargement of the abdomen,
although this cannot be detected much before the fourth month. A
valuable sign, also, is the enlargement of the breasts, with a widening
and browning of the pink ring around the nipples. Enlargement of the
breasts often begins as early as the second month, and is quite marked
by the fourth or fifth month.

=Morning Sickness.=--Morning sickness is a symptom present in the majority
of cases. It usually consists of a marked nausea upon rising, and
perhaps vomiting. This may last only a few hours in the early morning,
or continue through the greater part of the day. It generally appears in
the second month and lasts only through the third month, although, in
bad cases, it may continue through the whole period, and very seriously
affect the health.

=Treatment.=--There are any number of remedies recommended for the
treatment of this morning sickness. What will cure one case seems to be
perfectly useless in another.

It has been my experience that the best way to manage these cases is as
follows: Have the person take a slice of toasted bread, or a toasted
cracker, with a little coffee if desired, while in bed, remaining there
at least half an hour after eating. Or, the person may take a glass of
milk to which two tablespoonfuls of lime water have been added. Then, by
rising slowly and moving about carefully, it is often possible to go
through the day without any sickness whatever. I have known many cases
to be entirely relieved by eating a little ordinary pop-corn.

=The Morning Meal.=--The morning meal may consist of milk to which a
little lime water has been added; or a poached or soft-boiled egg.
Sometimes scarped beef, lean and rare, salted and spread on very thin
bread, quiets the stomach at once, while it is highly nourishing.

=Only One Medicine Needed.=--It is surprising what happy changes Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound brings about in this condition. The
irritability subsides, the digestion is greatly improved, the nervous
system is strengthened, and all these uncomfortable and disagreeable
symptoms pass away. The Compound should be taken in small doses three
times a day, after meals.

=A Bandage May Relieve Nausea.=--An abdominal bandage will sometimes
relieve the morning sickness, if placed snugly, but not too tightly,
about the body. It need be worn only a week or two, for a trial, and
should always be taken off at night. If the nausea persists during the
day, then let the food be light and taken in small amounts, at frequent

="Quickening."=--This is another sign of pregnancy. The word refers to the
detection by the mother of the movements of the child. Although, without
doubt, the child moves within the mother at a much earlier period, yet
these movements are too feeble to be noticed until pregnancy has
advanced four or four and a half months.

=Other Symptoms of Pregnancy.=--Other symptoms are morbid longings for
unusual articles of food, as sour apples, vinegar, charcoal, clay, slate
pencils, etc. These longings, however, should not be satisfied, as they
do not represent the demand of nature for these substances. They belong
to the same class of changes which are shown by a marked difference in
the disposition of a person whereby the lively and cheerful woman
becomes melancholy, gloomy, and irritable.

=Diet During Pregnancy.=--The diet during the whole of pregnancy should be
generous, yet easily digestible. A great many women do not change their
diet at all, and if the person is in good health and does not suffer in
any way, there is no reason whatever why the diet should be changed,
unless the evening meal be made somewhat lighter.

=Eat Sparingly of Meat.=--It is always wise not to eat meat more than once
a day. This is because a meat diet throws more work upon the kidneys,
and any failure of the kidneys increases the probability of serious
trouble at childbirth.

So far as is known, there is no foundation for the belief that any
special article of diet has any particular effect upon the development
of the child.

=Care of the Breasts.=--The care of the breasts during pregnancy must be
commenced early. All pressure of the clothing should be removed, in
order to give them full opportunity to develop. They should be kept
warm, however, and well supported, if the size renders them

=Mothers Should Nurse Their Children.=--Statistics show that the summer
diarrhoeas and dysenteries, which carry off such immense numbers of
children each year, are almost unknown among babies that nurse. It is
the artificially fed child which suffers from wasting diseases and
disturbances of the digestion which are so fatal to life. Therefore,
every prospective mother should do everything in her power to prepare
for the proper nursing of her child.

=Care of the Nipples.=--If the nipples are flat, they can be pulled out
gently each day with the fingers, and thus the difficulty entirely
remedied. At the beginning of the last month of pregnancy, the nipples
should be hardened in order that nursing may be painless, and that all
fissures, or cracks, may be avoided.

Every morning and night apply the following solution to the nipples with
a piece of absorbent cotton:--

  Glycerite of Tannin,  1 fluid ounce.
  Water,                1 fluid ounce.

Allow this to remain on the nipple. This cannot be used after
confinement, for the bitter taste would be objectionable to the child.

=Can Sex Be Foretold?=--Mothers often wish to know if it is possible to
determine the sex of the child before it is born. Although a great deal
has been written on this subject, and a number of so-called rules have
been made, yet it is absolutely impossible to tell whether the child
will be a boy or a girl; and it is also equally impossible to do
anything that could in any way exert an influence in producing a child
of the desired sex.

=To Tell Time of Confinement.=--For two hundred and eighty days, or forty
weeks, the prospective mother has been conducting herself in the best
way she thought possible, that all good might be exerted upon the new
life. The question now comes, When may the day of confinement be
expected? I give here a table for calculating this day, which I am sure
will be found very convenient.


  January | 1 2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
  Oct'r   | 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
  Feb'y   | 1 2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
  Nov'r   | 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
  March   | 1 2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
  Dec'r   | 6 7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
  April   | 1 2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
  Jan'y   | 6 7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
  May     | 1 2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
  Feb'y   | 5 6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
  June    | 1 2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
  March   | 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
  July    | 1 2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
  April   | 7 8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
  August  | 1 2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
  May     | 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
  Sept'r  | 1 2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
  June    | 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
  October | 1 2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
  July    | 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
  Nov'r   | 1 2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
  Aug     | 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
  Dec'r   | 1 2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
  Sept'r  | 7 8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

  17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 |
  24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31  1  2  3  4  5  6  7 |Nov.
  17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28          |
  24 25 26 27 28 29 30  1  2  3  4  5          |Dec.
  17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 |
  22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31  1  2  3  4  5 |Jan.
  17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30    |
  22 23 24 25 26 27 28 20 30 31  1  2  3  4    |Feb.
  17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 |
  21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28  1  2  3  4  5  6  7 |Mar.
  17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30    |
  24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31  1  2  3  4  5  6    |April.
  17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 |
  23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30  1  2  3  4  5  6  7 |May.
  17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 |
  24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31  1  2  3  4  5  6  7 |June.
  17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30    |
  24 25 26 27 28 29 30  1  2  3  4  5  6  7    |July.
  17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30    |
  24 25 26 27 28 29 30  1  2  3  4  5  6  7    |Aug.
  17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30    |
  24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31  1  2  3  4  5  6    |Sept.
  17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 |
  23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30  1  2  3  4  5  6  7 |Oct.

     As labor occurs in the larger proportion of cases between 270 and
     290 days from the first day of the last menstruation, 280 days is
     the average. The table presents at a glance the beginning and end
     of 280 days for every day in the year. Find the date of
     menstruation in the upper line of the horizontal column, and the
     figure below, with the corresponding month, will indicate 280 days.

=To Avoid Miscarriage.=--The pregnant woman must be very careful as the
usual time for menstruation approaches. It is then that any undue
effort, unusual lifting, excessive grief, or shock to the system, may
bring on a miscarriage. This is especially true if such a misfortune has
previously occurred.

=A Great Preventive.=--The most abundant testimony shows that Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is an almost certain preventive to
miscarriage or abortion. It gives strength to the uterine walls, quiets
the first approach of pain, controls any spasmodic contractions, and
brings about such a healthy condition that all danger is averted. I
cannot speak too strongly of this Vegetable Compound for these cases. So
many mothers have written us that they are now happy in the possession
of a child, when, for time and time again, they would have a miscarriage
at the third or fourth month.

=Keep it in the House.=--Every pregnant woman should always keep in the
house a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. She does not
know the day when she will need it, and when that day comes she will
require it promptly.

At any time when there is soreness, tenderness, unusual pain, any
unnatural discharge, or any symptom whatever that shows pregnancy is not
pursuing a perfectly natural course, she should begin to use the
Vegetable Compound at once. It should be taken in small doses two or
three times a day, just enough to produce its strengthening, quieting,
and healing effects.

If she finds she has been overdoing, has strained herself in any way, or
fears that some unfortunate result will follow an extra hard day's
labor, let her take a few doses of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
as a certain preventive to future trouble.

=The One Universal Cure.=--In other words, I repeat what I have already
said so many times, that whenever there is trouble of any kind with any
part of the female generative organs, whenever these do not act in a
perfectly natural manner, then the Lydia E. Pinkham Vegetable Compound
is indicated; for it is the one great, universal and never-failing cure
for all the affections which fall to the lot of womankind.

=Makes Mother and Child Strong.=--Many thousands of wives owe the fact
that they are mothers to-day to this grand remedy, and thousands upon
thousands of children are happy, strong and robust because their
mothers were wise enough to use it. Keep it in the house. Do not be a
day without it. Have it where you can reach it at any time. Put your
confidence in it. 'Twill prove a never-failing friend to you in time of

=Mothers' Marks.=--There is a wide belief among women that any strong
impression made at a certain time during pregnancy will exert a powerful
influence in producing some defect or deformity in the child. The
opposite is also held, to the effect that beautiful objects, delightful
music, and everything elevating and ennobling will have a favorable
effect upon the body or mind of the child.

An immense amount of testimony can be produced on both sides of this
question. The weight of evidence, however, is rather in favor of these
so-called "maternal impressions." In other words, it seems possible that
under very unusual conditions the mother may affect her unborn child
because of some powerful impression made upon the system.

Yet hundreds of thousands of mothers become frightened and undergo the
most terrible experiences without having the slightest unfavorable
effect upon the child; while other mothers give birth to deformed
children when they have been surrounded with every comfort and have not
been disturbed in any way. No one understands this subject, and but
little can truly be said about it.

=Hereditary Influences Are Strong.=--On the other hand, we all know how
strong is heredity. Therefore it is only acting the part of ordinary
wisdom for every pregnant woman to avoid all disagreeable things
possible and cultivate everything that is good and true.

=Early Training Necessary.=--When we come to study the theory of heredity,
we see that it is impossible for any mother to completely change her
course of life simply during pregnancy and have a corresponding effect
upon her child. To produce the best results on the offspring it is
necessary that the mother should have cultivated her own mind and body
through many years of training.

=Were Cured Early in Life.=--Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has
done untold good to the present generation. There are hundreds of
thousands of children living to-day who are healthy and happy because
years before they were born their mothers, when young girls, took this
grand household medicine. They were restored to health, a great load was
lifted, and things again looked cheerful and bright, and in this
condition a happy baby was born into the world. =If you do not understand
your ailments write to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free and
always helpful. Such letters are strictly confidential and answered with
the help of women only.=



=Diet During Nursing.=--Many mothers believe that it is necessary to eat
only certain articles of diet while nursing their baby, for fear the
child may be given the colic. While this may be true in certain cases,
yet it is the exception. As a rule, mothers may eat nearly everything
digestible without fear of affecting the baby.

=Exceptions.=--Sometimes raw fruits or acid substances may change the milk
in some way so that it will disagree with the baby, but as I have said,
this is not the rule. Occasionally, however, when such articles of diet
as onions, cauliflower, and cabbage have been eaten, these will impart
such an odor and taste to the milk that the child will refuse to nurse.

=Must Be Guided By Experience.=--The only precaution the mother need take
is that if she finds some article of diet disagrees with her, or if she
knows a certain article always causes pain or discomfort in the child,
then these should be avoided.

It is true that certain medicines, especially purgatives, may be taken
by the mother which will affect the child very quickly. Here the same
rule should be the guide as should always govern one, namely, no article
of diet should be used which is known to disturb the digestion.

=Insufficient Supply of Milk.=--When a mother knows that the chances of
her child's life are greatly increased if it has its natural food, she
will certainly make unusual efforts to supply all the food necessary.

Mothers are too likely to think that an increase in the quantity of the
milk answers every purpose; but this is of no use unless the quality is
increased as well. The free use of soups and some malt extracts may
increase the quantity, but this does the child no good. It too much
resembles the example of the milk-man who uses the well-pump to increase
his supply of milk.

=How Increased.=--However, the supply of milk can easily be increased in
quantity and correspondingly improved in quality if the mother will
drink freely of cow's milk, and use other substantial foods at the same
time. If the milk is constipating, or rests heavy on the stomach, then a
little lime water may be added to it in the proportion of one or two
tablespoonfuls to a glass of milk. Regular exercise in the open air is
also necessary in order that the general health may be kept in the best
possible condition.

=Anger May Poison Milk.=--It is a fact that if the child nurses after the
mother has had a severe fright, or has become violently angry, the milk
will sometimes act as an intense poison. In such cases the mother had
better empty the breasts with a breast-pump, and not nurse the child for
ten or twelve hours afterward, substituting some artificially prepared

=Extra Supply of Milk.=--Sometimes the secretion of milk is so great that
even a strong child cannot take it all. This produces a distention of
the breasts, causing what is known as "caked breasts," or "milk cake."
This should be promptly attended to, as there is great danger of an
abscess forming.

=To Prevent Caked Breasts.=--The way to relieve this condition is to
gently but firmly rub the breasts with warm sweet-oil, continuing this
for fifteen or twenty minutes at a time. An occasional use of the
breast-pump is necessary also.

=How to Diminish Supply.=--When weaning-time comes, the question arises
how the secretion of milk may be diminished. This is best done by having
the mother take as little liquid as possible, whether of water, tea,
milk, soup, or anything of this kind. She should also take a gentle
laxative each day, as a little Hunyadi Water, or laxative mineral water
of any kind.

Then support the breasts by passing a broad band beneath them, and
carrying it over the shoulders, compressing the breasts slightly, but
not too greatly.

The breast-pump should be used as soon as any distention becomes
painful, and the breasts should be diligently rubbed with warm
sweet-oil. =If you do not understand your ailments write to Mrs. Pinkham,
Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free and always helpful. Such letters are
strictly confidential and answered with the help of women only.=



=Work of the Kidneys Most Important.=--The kidneys are constantly engaged
in removing from the body certain poisonous substances which are held in
solution in the urine. If they should fail to do this work, or if no
urine should be secreted for even a few hours, most serious consequences
would follow.

=Cause of Convulsions.=--When these poisons are retained in the system to
a sufficient degree they cause convulsions and unconsciousness, and are
frequently fatal. The convulsions which some women have at childbirth
are caused by this imperfect action of the kidneys.

=To Tell If Danger Is Present.=--An examination of the urine at any time
will tell whether the kidneys are acting well or not, and thus it is
possible to determine whether there is danger of having these
convulsions during confinement. Therefore I urge upon all pregnant women
the necessity of having their urine examined once or twice during the
course of pregnancy, and certainly during the eighth or ninth month.

=Albumen in the Urine.=--Imperfect action of the kidneys is shown by the
appearance of albumen in the urine. Any competent physician can easily
determine whether this albumen is in the urine or not, and if present he
can take such prompt measures as to remedy the evil before any serious
danger occurs. Of course I know that hundreds of thousands of women pass
safely through childbirth and have no unfavorable symptom at all; yet I
also know that now and then a most valuable life is lost when it might
just as well have been spared as not, if these simple suggestions had
been carried out.

It is the teaching of all the best medical authorities in the world that
this precaution should be taken by every expectant mother.

=Symptoms of Kidney Trouble.=--When the kidneys are not performing their
work properly, the mother may know it, herself. If she finds her feet
and ankles swelling at night, if she has a puffy look under the eyes,
and especially if the amount of urine passed in twenty-four hours is not
so great as formerly, then there is probably albumen in the urine. In
this case she should stop eating meat of all kinds, and live largely
upon milk, keeping the bowels in laxative condition by using Lydia E.
Pinkham's Liver Pills, and bathing the skin well once or twice a day.
She should also begin at once the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound, resting assured that this will remove the congestion in the
kidneys, and will cause a more free secretion of the urine.

=Self-abuse (Masturbation).=--This is a cause of many of the diseases of
women, also men. Small girls learn the practice from larger ones, and
through ignorance continue it often to maturity without knowing that it
is bringing upon them a physical and moral injury.

_If mothers instructed their daughters on this subject there would be
fewer broken lives._

SYMPTOMS.--The main symptoms are wakefulness, restless nights, headache,
indolence, melancholy, indisposition to study, forgetfulness,
despondency, weakness in the back and private organs, no confidence in
one's own abilities, a desire for seclusion from society; whites,
hysterics, and inability to look any one in the face. Sometimes the
muscles are relaxed, limbs tremble, the skin is sallow and dry, with
pain in the womb.

=REMARKS. Write to Mrs. Pinkham in perfect confidence, and she will tell
you exactly what to do. Delay is dangerous in this matter.=



=Dyspepsia, Acute.=--Acute dyspepsia is usually caused by some improper
diet, as the eating of an unusual article of food or of a larger amount
than necessary. Such articles of diet as cucumbers, unripe or overripe
fruit, an excessive amount of sweets, rich salads, heavy puddings, etc.,
may so irritate the stomach that an acute attack of dyspepsia follows.

=Nature Often Cures.=--Nature often makes a prompt cure in these cases by
causing a sharp attack of vomiting or diarrhoea. If a cure is not made
in this way, then we can imitate nature by giving an emetic, or by
taking a laxative, in order to rid the body of the indigestible material
as soon as possible.

=Treatment.=--If there is much pain in the stomach, a mustard plaster
should be placed directly over the pit of the stomach, or cloths wrung
out in hot water. For the next day following the attack the diet should
be restricted to milk, or poached eggs on toast, or something of this

=Chronic Dyspepsia.=--It is chronic dyspepsia, however, which is so
annoying because of its persistence. It has been called "The American
Disease" because so many people are troubled with it.

=Symptoms.=--Persons suffering from chronic dyspepsia complain of a bad
taste in the mouth, dry throat, nausea, and a feeling of great weight in
the stomach for an hour or two after each meal.

Frequently there is no appetite whatever, or it may be even more
ravenous than natural because of the irritation and inflammation in the
stomach. When the latter is the case, food does not satisfy, and it
becomes necessary to eat every two or three hours in order to quiet the
gnawing and empty feeling in the stomach. The chronic dyspeptic suffers
greatly from nervousness and depression of spirits; indeed, it seems
almost impossible to maintain the usual cheerfulness.

=Thought to be the Heart.=--Many persons go to their family physician
thinking they have a serious form of heart disease, when the whole
trouble is with the stomach, the violent beating of the heart being
simply a nervous manifestation caused by the irritable condition of the

=Two Diseases Closely Associated.=--Chronic dyspepsia is almost invariably
associated with the diseases of women. Indeed, the two seem almost
inseparable, for whenever you find a woman complaining of soreness
across the lower part of the bowels, irregular menstruation, ovarian
irritation, inflammation of the bladder, leucorrhoea, etc., you will
find a confirmed dyspeptic. The blood is thin and watery, the bowels are
constipated, and the whole nervous system seems to be upset.

=Which Disease Is the Cause?=--The question comes whether the disease in
the pelvis causes the difficulty with the stomach, or whether the
stomach produces the inflammation in the uterus and surrounding parts.
Probably one is true at one time and another at another time. The fact
is that both conditions need correcting, and there is one remedy which
answers perfectly in each case.

=Both Must Be Cured.=--The digestion certainly cannot be perfect while
there is this inflammation in the pelvic organs; while the latter can
hardly maintain a healthy condition if the stomach fails to do its work.

=Both May Be Cured.=--By paying attention to a few rules of diet, and by
taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for a short time, I believe
every case will promptly yield to treatment.

=Cures Dyspepsia of Men.=--Indeed, strange as it may seem, a great many
men who have taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Compound because they have seen
its good action on the stomach in cases of other members of the family
have written reporting good results. It certainly has a most soothing
and strengthening power on this organ, while its gently stimulating
effect on the whole alimentary canal brings about the most desirable

=Regular Action of the Bowels.=--I would recommend that Lydia E. Pinkham's
Liver Pills be taken each night in just sufficient doses to cause a
regular action of the bowels each day. Then if Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound be taken, it will not only allay all inflammation in
the stomach and impart great strength, but it will at the same time
remove the soreness and pain in the pelvic organs.

=A Simple but Valuable Aid.=--All such persons will obtain relief by
drinking a cupful of hot water at least half an hour before breakfast
each morning; and if the case is very bad, then the hot water may be
repeated before each meal. The water should be as hot as can be
comfortably taken.

=Useful Hints.=--I would strongly urge the necessity of thoroughly chewing
the food and eating slowly. If this rule alone were observed there would
be far less dyspeptics in the country. Drink should be used sparingly at
meal-time, also, for while the body requires a great deal of liquid
during the day, yet this should be taken between meals rather than
during meals.

The stomach should certainly have time to rest from its work of
digesting the food, hence nothing should be eaten between meals. The
habit so many girls have of eating before retiring is very injurious to
the health, and should be corrected at once. Meals should be taken at
regular intervals and not at any time when most convenient.

=Diet for Dyspeptics.=--The chronic dyspeptic should use soups sparingly,
for, as a rule, they are quite difficult of digestion, while they do not
contain much nourishment. Plain mutton and beef soup without much fat
are the least harmful. Such fish as pickerel, trout, shad, and white
fish may be used moderately; while oysters, especially when raw, are
easily digested. The best kinds of meat are roasted or broiled beef,
lamb chops, and some fowl, as chicken.

Eggs are easily digested, and are exceedingly valuable as an article of
diet for the dyspeptic. They may be cooked in almost any form except
hard-boiled. They are highly nourishing, can be prepared in many
delicate ways, and are, as I have said, as valuable an article of diet
as the dyspeptic can have.

Persons with chronic dyspepsia do not digest vegetables well, as a rule,
although such green vegetables as lettuce, green peas, asparagus,
celery, and spinach may be used. Potatoes often ferment in the stomach,
producing gases, and should be used sparingly.

Toast is always well borne, but should never be buttered while hot.
Bread should not be used until it is at least a day old. Rolled oats,
cracked wheat, etc., may be taken, although with many they cause
fermentation. Nearly all cooked fruits are well borne by the stomach,
and so are nearly all ripe fruits. Puddings made from rice and custard
are easily digested.

Milk is valuable at all times, and if the chronic dyspeptic bears it
well, this diet alone will frequently make a marked cure. If it rests
heavy on the stomach, a little lime water may be added to it in the
proportion of a tablespoonful of lime water to a cupful of milk.

=Forbidden Diet.=--There are certain articles of diet which the dyspeptic
should not use under any circumstances. Among such are fried foods of
all kinds, pork, liver, veal, rich soups, turkey, goose, duck, mackerel,
lobster, cucumbers, cabbage, turnips, parsnips, string beans, pies and
cakes, cheese and nuts.

=Constipation.=--As we have already stated, constipation is productive of
the most serious evils. When the lower bowel is distended, pressure is
made upon the surrounding blood-vessels, and thus the circulation
seriously interfered with.

=Causes Inflammation of Uterus.=--As a result, there is congestion in the
blood-vessels of the ovaries and uterus, and inflammation of these
organs is likely to follow with its long train of ailments.

Constipation also seriously interferes with the general health,
producing nausea, indigestion, headache, backache, nervousness, general
debility, etc.

=Daily Movements Necessary.=--Nature intended that the alimentary canal
should be relieved of its contents at least once every twenty-four
hours, and if this is not done, then certain poisons are absorbed into
the blood which produce the most undesirable effects.

=To Cure Constipation.=--For constipation I strongly recommend Lydia E.
Pinkham's Liver Pills. I know they give the most prompt and satisfactory
relief. I have received letters from hundreds of women who have been
cured of the most distressing ailments of the uterus and bladder simply
by using these Liver Pills, and all because constipation was cured and
in this way the cause of the suffering removed.

=Diarrhoea.=--Diarrhoea, as a rule, is an effort of nature to get rid
of some offensive material. While this may be the first reason for its
existence, yet if it is allowed to go on, it produces such an irritation
in the bowels that serious results may easily follow.

=Treatment.=--If the person is conscious of having eaten something
indigestible, as unripe or overripe fruit, then it is best to aid nature
by taking some gentle laxative, as a laxative dose of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Liver Pills, thus hastening the removal of the indigestible substance.
If, however, there have been a number of movements of the bowels, until
the offending material is probably all removed, then the following plan
is all that will be necessary to make a cure:

Let the person rest at full length upon a couch or bed, remaining as
quiet as possible. For the diet nothing should be taken but hot milk. A
glass of hot milk can be slowly sipped once every three hours, and
nothing else whatever should be taken into the stomach for a day, at
least, or until the diarrhoea is checked.

If the pain is quite severe in the stomach or bowels, then a mustard
plaster may be placed over the most painful part, or cloths wrung from
hot water; or a poultice of linseed meal or slippery elm may be applied.
I have seen the good results of this treatment of "rest and hot milk" in
so many cases, and it is so exceedingly simple, that I earnestly
recommend its trial.

=General Debility, Exhaustion, Anæmia.=--Many women go about suffering
from great debility, being hardly able to drag themselves through the
day. When night comes they are too tired to sleep, and when morning
comes it seems they are more tired than they were at night. All parts of
the body partake of this general weakness.

There are great discomfort and suffering through the lower part of the
body, difficulty in passing the urine, constipation of the bowels,
leucorrhoea, and all other affections which naturally come from an
impoverished condition of the blood.

=May Be Promptly Cured.=--To all women who are suffering from this general
debility, exhaustion, and nervous prostration I earnestly recommend
Lydia E. Pinkham's Blood Purifier. If the inflammation in the uterus and
surrounding organs is quite marked at the same time, then the Blood
Purifier may be taken before meals and the Vegetable Compound after. If
the female generative organs are not much involved, then the Blood
Purifier may be used alone.

=A Grand Medicine.=--This grand medicine has done great good, and I am
confident it will build up the system, purify the blood, and greatly
improve the general health.

Persons suffering from general debility of this kind do not prosper well
on a milk diet alone. They need more hearty food, such as rare
beefsteak, rare roast beef, lamb chops, and eggs.

=Sleeplessness.=--Sleeplessness is frequently the result of a too liberal
use of tea or coffee. Many persons cannot take a cup of coffee at any
time during the evening without lying awake many hours to pay for it.
It is a strong stimulant to those who have a sensitive nervous system,
and should be used only sparingly at all times and never after the
midday meal.

Strong tea acts in this way upon a great many, and if any of my readers
are troubled with sleeplessness, and yet at the same time use tea and
coffee freely, I would suggest that they try, first of all, to do
without these drinks and note the effect.

=Treatment.=--A warm (not hot) foot-bath taken just before retiring will
often cause a good night's rest, as it draws the blood from the head,
makes the circulation more evenly distributed, and in this way induces
sleep. Frequently a baby or young child may be made to sleep all through
the night if a warm bath be given just before retiring.

When the sleeplessness is due to nerve exhaustion, as is frequently the
case, the very best results will follow the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, because of its great nerve tonic properties.

=A Hard Cold.=--Whenever any one has taken a hard cold, it can often be
speedily and completely broken up in the following manner: Take a hot
foot-bath for at least half an hour. While the feet are still in the hot
water throw a blanket completely about the limbs and body, in order to
retain all the heat possible. At the same time drink one or two cupfuls
of hot lemonade, or hot ginger tea. Then retire to bed, having the bed
previously well warmed, if during the wintertime. Put on plenty of
covering, keeping a hot flat-iron or a hot water-bottle at the feet, and
in every way try to induce free perspiration.

After an hour or two, gradually remove the extra clothing. Be careful
about going out the next morning, for the body will be especially
susceptible to the cold. In this way it is possible to break up a hard
cold at once. If there is any tendency to cough, or any tightness or
soreness in the chest, place a mustard plaster directly over the chest,
and allow it to remain on until the skin is quite red.

=Sore Throat.=--An old-fashioned remedy for sore throat, and a very good
one, too, is to bind on each side of the throat a piece of salt pork.
The surface of the pork may be slightly covered with black pepper, in
order to increase its drawing power. This is allowed to remain on all
night, but should be taken off in the morning. During the day a flannel
is worn about the neck.

A gargle for sore throat may be made by dissolving half a teaspoonful of
chlorate of potash in a cupful of warm water. Gargle the throat with
this every hour or two during the day, but do not swallow the mixture.
After this has been used for a day or two, then a solution may be made
by adding a teaspoonful of pulverized alum to a cupful of warm water;
this is applied to the inflamed sides of the throat by means of a swab.
Gargling the throat with a solution of ordinary extract of witch hazel,
one part, and water two parts, also very useful.

=Croup.=--As a rule, croup may be quickly cured by the use of either hot
or cold water. Immediately the child begins to breathe hard and cough
with a dry, hollow, barking cough, wring out a towel from cold water and
apply around the throat, covering this with a dry towel. The wet towel
should be changed in a few minutes, just as soon as it becomes a little
warm. Often before the second cloth is removed the spasm will be broken,
and the danger passed. _Cool_ water will not answer; it must be _cold_.
If the spasm does not break, and the breathing does not become easy
within fifteen or twenty minutes, then change to hot water. Wring out
the cloth from water as hot as can be borne and apply about the neck,
changing in a few moments, and so on.

=How to Lose Flesh.=--I have often been asked whether it were possible to
have the flesh reduced without in any way affecting the general health.
If the person be only slightly heavier than usual, and is in the best of
health, it certainly seems wrong to experiment in any way to reduce the
weight, especially when this is done only to better follow the dictates
of fashion.

If, however, the excess of flesh is becoming so great as to be
uncomfortable, to interfere with the regular work, or to cause weak
action of the heart, etc., then something should be done. There are a
few rules which a person may follow to advantage in such cases, although
the change should be made gradually.

So long as a person continues to gain in flesh, it is positive evidence
that more food is being taken than necessary. Therefore the first rule
is that the quantity of food should be gradually diminished.

The second rule is that exercise should be taken regularly. This will
keep up the general health, while it will cause the fat to be more
evenly distributed over the body. Another rule is to keep the bowels
well open, so that there may be at least two movements daily. For this
special purpose the mineral laxative waters are best.

=Diet for Reducing the Flesh.=--Fatty foods should be avoided, and so
should all drinks in excess. Foods containing sugar or starch should be
taken sparingly, as oatmeal, potatoes, rice, cakes, sweetened tea and
coffee. Milk is very fattening to many, hence should not be used. The
eminent Dr. Mitchell, of Philadelphia, instituted a course of treatment
for reducing the weight, which is quite rigid, but nevertheless
effective. The regular diet should be changed gradually until it meets
Dr. Mitchell's demands.

He prescribes outdoor exercise, and a diet of one cupful of milk and one
egg every three hours when awake. No other food or drink is allowed for
twenty days, when the list of foods is gradually extended. There are a
number of anti-fat remedies upon the market, but many of them depend for
a cure upon their power to disturb digestion, and thus interfere with
the general health.

=How to Gain Flesh.=--When it is natural for persons to be thin, it is
quite impossible for them to gain in weight under any kind of diet or
treatment. Many persons, however, are thin simply because some of the
digestive organs do not perform their work properly; or because the diet
is not the right kind.

Thin persons need good meats and some vegetables. If the digestion is
all right, then such meats as mutton, chicken, broiled bacon, broiled
ham, etc., may be used; also rare broiled steak, rare roast beef, etc.
Eggs may be used in any way except hard-boiled. Good bread, oatmeal,
cracked wheat, hominy, etc., are good.

Such indigestible foods as pork and veal, thin soups, cabbage, turnips,
pickles, pies, and pastries of all kinds should not be used.

Often a good preparation of cod-liver oil will increase the weight; and
this is also true of many of the extracts of malt. It is useless,
however, to try to increase the weight by using a generous diet, unless
the digestion is in good order. When the digestion is weak, the person
should take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound because of its power
to strengthen the digestion and enable the system to obtain all the good
possible from the food.

=Pimples, Rashes, Eruptions.=--Many persons, especially young girls, are
afflicted with pimples on the face, rashes, blackheads, etc. To cure
this condition it is necessary that the bowels be made to act regularly
each day, which is easily done by the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Liver

Then a good course of treatment should be taken with Lydia E. Pinkham's
Blood Purifier in order to make the blood perfectly pure in every way.
Attention should also be paid to the diet, and such indigestible
articles as pork, pickles, rich pies and cakes, and rich sauces,
sweetmeats and nuts should be avoided.

For local treatment, the face should be washed each day in warm, soapy
water, using the best Castile soap. Then with a sponge or wash cloth
wash off this water with as hot water as can be borne. It is best to
keep up this sponging with the hot water for at least five minutes in
order that the face may become thoroughly steamed.

The face should then be wiped dry and rubbed briskly for a few minutes.

=Burns.=--Burns are likely to occur at any time in the household, and one
should always know what to do promptly. The best treatment is to add a
teaspoonful of ordinary baking-soda to a cupful of water. Saturate some
cloths in this solution and lay them over or loosely bind them about the
burned part. This will take out the pain and sting at once. As the
cloths become dry, more of the solution should be poured over them, and
they should not be removed from the burned parts. After a few hours,
these wet cloths may be replaced by cloths well covered with vaseline.
=If you do not understand your ailments write to Mrs Pinkham. Her advice
is free and always helpful. Such letters are strictly confidential; they
are never shown without the writer's express permission; women only
assist in answering them.=

Free Medical Advice to Women


+Lady with Raised Hand+

In addressing Mrs. Pinkham you are confiding your private ills to a
woman--a woman who speaks from a greater experience in treating women's
diseases than can any living physician--male or female.

You can talk freely to a woman when it is revolting to relate your
private troubles to a man--besides, a man does not understand--simply
because he is a man.

Many women suffer in silence and drift along from bad to worse, knowing
full well that they ought to have immediate assistance, but a natural
modesty impels them to shrink from exposing themselves to the questions
and probably examinations of even their family physician. It is
unnecessary. Without money or price you can consult a woman, who can
speak from a greater actual experience than can any local physician in
the world.

Every one will agree that there are the strongest of all reasons why, if
we are ill, we should appeal to the person who knows the most about the
kind of illness with which we are afflicted--one who has had the
greatest experience in treating just such cases and meeting just the
symptoms that are manifest in our particular case.

What confidence does one gain by consulting one who has occasionally met
a case just like ours, but has had no great experience? None whatever.
All treatment under such a person must of necessity be experimental. But
in writing Mrs. Pinkham you consult one who has, actually filed in her
office for ready reference, an immense correspondence with patients
suffering from female ills which has been constantly going on for more
than twenty-five years; and it is safe to say there is not a case or
complication of female derangements with which she is not familiar. It
is a positive fact, easily verified, that within the last few months
she, with her corps of trained women assistants, has advised in over one
hundred thousand cases, and that a vast number of the women of this
country owe the restoration of their health to her advice and Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.

Now, if a woman is ill and miserable, it seems to us only simple justice
to herself that she should avail herself of the help of a woman of such
enormous experience.


Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to promptly
communicate with Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. She asks nothing in
return, except their good will, and her advice has relieved thousands.
Surely any woman, rich or poor, is very foolish if she does not take
advantage of this generous offer of assistance.

=Address simply Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., U. S. A.=

El Compuesto Vegetal de Lydia E. Pinkham es un remedio seguro para
     todas las enfermedades de las mujeres, incluyendo la caída del
     útero, leucorrea, menstruaciones irregulares y dolorosas,
     inflamaciones y ulceraciones de la matriz y del ovario, para toda
     clase de afecciones de los órganos de la generación, así como
     también para las enfermedades de los riñones de ambos sexos. Este
     remedio está compuesto de las raíces y yerbas mas puras y
     escogidas, que se encuentran en la naturaleza para las enfermedades
     de las mujeres.

=Menstruación.=--Las menstruaciones tempranas no son deseables, aunque
muchas menstruaciones aparecen de los trece á los quince años; sin
embargo mucho depende de la constitución de la muchacha. Si habiendo
llegado á esta edad no ha menstruado todavía, la madre deberá prestar
singular cuidado á la hija; esta probablemente crecerá delgada y pálida
con una complexión lívida, que hará de ella una víctima fácil y segura
de la tisis y de la nevrastenia. Nada hay comparable para estos casos al
Compuesto Vegetal de Lydia E. Pinkham. Ayuda y promueve los cambios
importantes que han de verificarse en la vida de la muchacha en esa edad
previniendo largos años de padecimientos los cuales son resaltados
seguros de la negligencia. El Compuesto deberá tomarse siguiendo
estrictamente las direcciones hasta que la menstruación ocurra
regularmente cada veinte y ocho días. Si hay propensión á estreñimiento,
las Píldoras de Hígado de Lydia E. Pinkham deberán tomarse juntamente
con el Compuesto Vegetal. Estas píldoras han sido hechas especialmente
para mujeres y obran in perfecta harmonía con el Compuesto Vegetal.

=Supresión de las Reglas= es la suspensión de la menstruación.

Si la supresión de las reglas ocurriese, excepto en los casos de preñez
ó de amamantamiento, el Compuesto Vegetal de Lydia E. Pinkham deberá
tomarse hasta que la menstruación vuelva á producirse regularmente.
Curará todas las irregularidades.

=Menstruaciones dolorosas.=--Muchas mujeres sufren dolores terribles
durante la menstruación. El Compuesto Vegetal de Lydia E. Pinkham curará
esos martirizantes dolores. Nada importa que el caso sea reciente ó que
haya existido durante muchos meses, si el Compuesto Vegetal se toma
regularmente y siguiendo las instrucciones, la cura será un hecho

=Menstruaciones abundantes= ocurren á menudo en las personas sanguíneas y
en las pálidas y linfáticas. El Compuesto Vegetal de Lydia Pinkham ha
hecho algunas de las curas más asombrosas precisamente en esas
condiciones. Para las menstruaciones abundantes avisamos que se tome el
Compuesto Vegetal de Lydia E. Pinkham en forma seca, es decir en
píldoras ó pastillas.

=La inflamación y la ulceración del útero= es la causa de casi todas las
enfermedades de las mujeres. El Compuesto Vegetal de Lydia E. Pinkham ha
curado más de un millón de casos de enfermedades uterinas. El número de
relaciones recibidos de mujeres que han estado enfermas á punto de morir
y han sido curadas por este remedio es casi increíble. Una mujer puede
conocer perfectamente si padece de alguna enfermedad del útero, porque
estas enfermedades vienen acompañadas de terribles dolores en el
abdomen, espalda etc., desmayos, pesadez en las extremidades, y de toda
clase de otros dolores. Una cura segura se encuentra en el Compuesto
Vegetal de Lydia E. Pinkham.

=Leucorrea (ó Flores Blancos).=--Uno de los primeros síntomas de la
inflamacíon del útero es la leucorrea, familiarmente conocida bajo el
nombre de Flores Blancos, la cual consiste en una secreción blancusca de
la vagina la cual debilita muchísimo el sistema y produce una irritación
de la membrana mucosa que reviste el canal vaginal. El uso regular del
Compuesto Vegetal, por sus efectos en la constitución, y la Loción
Sanativa de Lydia E. Pinkham usada en inyecciones curará positivamente
los casos más graves de leucorrea. La negligencia de esta dolorosa
enfermedad originará úlceras, flujos excesivos, estableciendo los
cimientos para la más terrible de todas las enfermedades--el Cancer.

=Caída del Utero.=--Existen muchos desplazamientos del útero, pero el más
principal es él conocido generalmente con el nombre de la Caída del
Utero. Esto es debido muchas veces á la flojedad de los ligamentos que
soportan este órgano. El Compuesto Vegetal de Lydia E. Pinkham fortalece
lás ligamentos, alivia todas las inflamaciones y gradualmente restaura
los órganos á su propia condición. El Compuesto Vegetal de Lydia E.
Pinkham removerá los tumores del útero en su temprano desenvolvimiento
tan seguro como el sol brilla.

=La Inflamación de los ovarios= es una de las enfermedades más
desesperantes que atacan á las mujeres de 20 á 40 años. Esta enfermedad
va siempre acompañada de algunos dolores de la región de los ovarios y
de una sensación de pesadez especialmente durante la menstruación. A
menudo el dolor extiéndese por el costado y la espalda, especialmente en
el lado izquierdo produciendo continuos deseos de orinar. A menos que
esta enfermedad se ataque prontamente nada curará á la paciente que no
sea la cuchilla del cirujano. El Compuesto Vegetal de Lydia E. Pinkham a
curado miles de mujeres que sufrían enfermedades del ovario, salvándolas
de los riesgos de una seria operación.

=La Esterilidad= es á menudo debida á la extrema debilidad e inflamación
crónica del útero; frecuentemente el uso regular del compuesto Vegetal
de Lydia E. Pinkham ha restaurado los órganos reproductivos de la mujer
á sus condiciones normales quitándolas la idea de que su esterilidad era
imposible de curarse.

=Cambio de Vida= es el período peligroso por el cual pasan todas las
mujeres que han cumplido 45 años; durante este período las mujeres
sufren toda clase de dolores y enfermedades, pero si el Compuesto
Vegetal de Lydia E. Pinkham se toma regularmente este cambio importante
puede ser pasado sin peligro de enfermedades ó muerte.

=Las Enfermedades de los Riñones y de la Vejiga= son comunes en ambos
sexos, generalmente de difícil curación, pero pueden curarse si se
atienden á tiempo; nada sin embargo es tan fatal como el no atenderlos
debidamente á su tiempo, siendo la muerte el resultado inevitable. El
Compuesto Vegetal de Lydia E. Pinkham no reconoce rival entre los
remedios que para estas enfermedades han sido descubiertos. Es digno de
absoluta confianza tanto por hombre como por mujer.

=Los Dolores de la Espalda= no son una enfermedad pero son uno de los
principales síntomas; cuando existe una enfermedad de los órganos de la
generación, ésta es telegrafiada, como si dijeramos, al gran nervio
simpático que tiene uno de sus principales centros en la parte mas baja
de la espalda. El Compuesto Vegetal de Lydia E. Pinkham curando las
enfermedades del útero y de los riñones hará desaparecer los dolores de
la espalda.

=Dispepsia é Indigestión.=--Nada en el mundo será descubierto que pueda
compararse al Compuesto Vegetal de Lydia E. Pinkham, para las
enfermadedes del estómago.

=Preñez.=--Muchos dolores y sufrimientos que ocurren al dar á luz á un
niño podrían evitarse enteramente, si la madre fortificase su sistema
durante dos meses antes del nacimiento con el Compuesto Vegetal de Lydia
E. Pinkham.


Una cucharada del Compuesto Vegetal de Lydia E. Pinkham deberá tomarse
cada 4 horas al día para cualquiera de las enfermedades arriba

       *       *       *       *       *

Empápese un cuarto del paquete le la Loción Sanativa de Lydia E. Pinkham
en cantidad suficiente de agua para hacer una pinta después de haberse
filtrado; cuando los flujos son profusos, úsese la mitad de esta
cantidad, añadiendo una pinta de agua caliente.

       *       *       *       *       *

Para estreñimiento, dolores de cabeza, biliosidades tómense tres
Píldoras de Hígado de Lydia E. Pinkham la primera noche, dos la segunda
y una la tercera, y á menos que se obtenga una saludable flojedad de los
intestinos deberá seguirse tomando una cada noche, hasta concluir la

       *       *       *       *       *

Cuando la sangre es pobre y el paciente se sienta débil y cansado, y
desganado, nada en el mundo es tan bueno como el "Purificador de la
Sangre" de Lydia E. Pinkham. Una cucharada tres veces al día curará el
reumatismo, scrófula, erupciones de la piel, etc. etc.

       *       *       *       *       *

De venta por todos los farmaceúticos y droguistas.

Preparado por The Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Company,

Lynn, Mass., E. U. de A.


ar ett säkert botemedel för alla qvinnosjukdomar, såsom lifmoderns
nedfallande, hvitsot, oregelbunden och smärtsam rening, inflammation och
sårnad på lifmodern och äggstockarne, samt alla andra svagheter uti de
qvinliga skaporganen, äfvensom njurlidande hos båda könen. Det är
sammansatt af utvalda och renaste slag af rötter och örter, såsom
naturen sjelf fråmställt dem för botandet af qvinnans lidanden.

=Rening.=--För tidig rening är icke önskvärd, ehuru densamma vanligen
börjar vid omkring tretton intill femton års ålder; emellertid beror
dervid mycket på flickans kroppsbyggnad. Om hon nått denna ålder och
ännu icke haft rening, bör modren fästa särskild uppmärksamhet dervid;
hennes dotter blir antagligen mager och blek, med en egendomlig gulblek
hy och hon blir ett säkert och lätt offer för lungsot och nervös
nedslagenhet. Ingenting i verlden när upp till Lydia E. Pinkhams
Vegetable Compound i dylika fall.

Det bidragar att åstadkomma den vigtiga förändring uti en flickas lif,
som bör ega rum vid omkring denna ålder och förebygger sålunda åratal af
elände, som är en säker följd af uraktlåtenhet. Medicinen måste tagas
bestämdt enligt föreskrift, intill reningen inträffar regelbundet hvarje
tjuguåttonde dag. Om inelfvorna äro benägna att hoptränga sig, borde
Lefver-Piller (Lydia E. Pinkhams Liver-Pills) begagnas, hvilka blifvit
särskildt sammansatta för qvinnans bruk och verka i fullkomlig harmoni
med Vegetable Compound.

=Förhindrande af Flytningen= är ett uppharonde sedan reningen
vederbörligen börjat. Om ett upphörande eger rum, så framt det icke är
en följd af hafvandeskap eller gifvande af di, är det ett allvarligt
fall och Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound bör tagas tills reningen
åter blir regelbunden. Den förbättrar säkert alla oregelbundenheter.

=Smärtsam Rening.=--Många qvinnor lida marterande smärta under reningen.
Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound botar säkert denna smärtande
känsla. Det inverkar ej om detta förhållande nyligen inträdt eller om
det egt rum under många månader; om Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound
tages regelbundet och enligt föreskrift är ett botande säkert.

=För Ymnig Rening= förekommer ofta hos dem, som äro blodfulla, liksom hos
dem som äro bleka och svaga. Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound har
åtstadkommit åtskilliga af de mest förvånansvärda botaden i just dylika
fall. För för ymnig rening eller flytning rekommendera vi alltid Lydia
E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound i torr form, antingen som piller eller

=Inflammation och Sårnad på Lifmodern= är orsaken till nästan alla
qvinnosjukdomar. Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound har botat mera än
en million fall af Lifmoderfel. De skildringer, som erhållits från
qvinnor, hvilka varit dödsjuka och som botats genom Lydia E. Pinkhams
Vegetable Compound äro nästan otroliga. En qvinna vet säkerligen om hon
har något slags lifmoderfel, enär dylikt nästan alltid åtföljes af en
nedtyngande känsla uti underlifvet, ryggvärk, svimmingsanfall, styfhet i
lederna och all annan tänkbar värk och smärta. Ett aldrig svikande
botemedel är Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound.

=Leucorrhea eller Hvitflytning.=--En af de första symptomerna af
lifmoderns inflammation är leucorrhea, vanligen kallad "hvitt," hvilken
består af en hvit flytning från moderslidan och som är mycket
kraftnedsättande för systemet och retande för moderslidans känsliga

Ett regelbundet begagnande af Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound på
grund af dess inverkanpå kroppsbeskaffenheten och Lydia E. Pinkhams
Läkande Medel för insprutning uti moderslidan, botar säkert de
allvarligaste fall af hvitflytning. Försummande af denna ledsamma
sjukdom förorsakar sårnader, öfverdrifven flytning och lägger grunde för
den forskräckligaste af alla sjukdomar nemligen Kräfta.

=Lifmoderns Nedfallande.=--Det finnes många olika rubbningar hos
lifmodern, den vanligaste känd under namn af lifmoderns nedfallande.
Detta beror hufvudsakligast på förslappning af de band som uppbara detta
organ eller hålla det på sin plats. Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound
starker dessa band, lindrar inflammation och återställer så småningen
delarne uti deras behöriga läge. Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound
borttager svullnad uti lifmodern i dess tidigare stadium lika säkert som
solen skiner.

=Inflammation uti Äggstockarne= är en särdeles allvarlig sjukdom, som
angriper qvinnan mellan 20 och 40 års ålder. Den åtföljes alltid af
ömhet och hårda smärtor i trakten af äggstockarne och en känsla af
uppfyllnad isynnerhet under reningen. Ofta utstracka sig smartorna till
sidan och ryggen, isynnerhet till venstra sidan, med ett ständigt begår
att urinera. Sä framt icke denna sjukdom genast häfvas, kan ingenting
rädda patienter från operationsknifven. Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable
Compound har emellertid botat tusentals qvinnor för sjukdomar uti
äggstockarne och räddat mångfaldiga från hospitalet och en allvarlig

=Ofruktbarhet= har often sin orsak uti ytterlig svaghet och kroniskt
inflammeradt tillstånd af lifmodern. Regelbundet begagnande af Lydia E.
Pinkhams medicin har ofta återställt lifmoderns fruktbara organer till
deras normala tillstånd och lindrat från den bekymrande tanken att
ofruktbarheten var obotlig.

=Förändring I Lifvet= ar en farlig period för alla qvinnor, som hunnit
till 45 års ålder. Under denna tid har qvinnan all slags sjukdom och
smärta, men om Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound tages regelbundet,
kan denna vigtiga förändring i en qvinnas lif passeras utan fara för
sjugdom eller död.

=Njurlidande och Blåskatarr= hos båda könen aro vanliga och svåra
sjukdomar, men de kunna botas om de tagas itu med i rätt tid. Ingenting
ar emellertid så olycksbringande som symptomerna till dessa sjukdomar om
de ej gifvas akt på i tid och döden är oundviklig. Lydia E. Pinkhams
Vegetable Compound öfverträffas ej af något annat botemedel, som
någonsin uppståckts för botande af alla sjugdomar i njurarne och blåsan.
Det är fullt tillförlitligt både för män och qvinnor.

=Ryggvark= är icke en sjukdom utan en tydlig symptom da sjukdom förefinnes
uti skaporganen och ger sig tillkänna som om det vore uti den stora
sympatiska nerv, som har ett af sina förnämsta lägen i lägre delen af
ryggen. Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound, som häfver lifmoders-,
äggstocks-, och njurlidanden, botar tryckande ryggvärk.

=Magsyra och Dålig Matsmåltning.=--Ingenting verlden har någonsin
uppstäckts, som uppnår Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound for

=Hafvande Tillstand.=--Vid barnsbörd intraffer mycken smärta och lidande,
som kunde helt och hållet undvikas om den blifvande modern stärkte sitt
system genom regelbunden behandling med Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable
Compound under en period af två månader före barnsbörden.


En matsked af Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound hvarje fjerde timma
under dagens lopp för hvilken som helst af förutnmände sjukdomar.

Lägg ett fjerdedels paket af Lydia E. Pinkhams Läkande Medel i
tillräckligt med vatten för att utgöra en pint sedan det silats. Då
flytningen är för riklig, tag hälften deraf och tillsätt en pint varmt
vatten. Begagna dagligen för insprutning i moderslidan.

För föstoppning, hufvudvärk och gallsjukdom tages tre Lydia E. Pinkhams
Lefverpiller första natten, två den andra och en den tredje och såvida
ej en regelbunden och helsosåm förändring inträdt uti underlifvet,
fortsätt att taga ett hvarje afton så länge de räcka.

När blodet är fattigt och patienten är svag samt alltid känner sig
trött, är mager och ej har appetit, så är intet i verlden så välgörande
som Lydia E. Pinkhams Blodrenare. En matsked tre gånger dagligen botar
rheumatism, skrofler, hudsjukdomar m. m.

Säljes hos Apotekare, prepareradt af Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Company,

Lynn, Mass., Förenta Staterna.


=Le Remède Végétal de Lydia E. Pinkham= est un remède absolument sûr pour
toutes les maladies de femme telles que le prolapsus de la matrice, la
leucorrhée, les menstrues irregulières et douloureuses, l'inflammation
et l'ulcération de la matrice et des ovaires, ainsi que pour toutes les
autres affections des organes génitaux de la femme, et les maladies des
reins et du foie des deux sexes.

Il se compose des herbes et racines les plus pures, telles que les
pourvoit la nature elle même.

=Menstrues.=--Il n'est pas à désirer que les règles aient lieu a un âge
trop jeune, quoiqu'en général les menstrues commencent entre la 13e et
la 15e année, la constitution de la jeune fille y jouant un certain
rôle. Si la fille a atteint cet âge et qu'elle n'ait pas encore ses
règles, la mère ne saurait être trop soigneuse; il est probable que la
fille est pâle et maigre, et que son teint montre cette couleur livide
qui nous fait craindre qu'elle ne devienne sous peu la victime de la
phthisie et qu'elle ne devienne fortement neurasthénique. Pour empêcher
un tel malheur rien n'égale "Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." Il
produit d'une manière salutaire et prompte le changement qui devrait
alors avoir lieu, en prévenant ainsi de longues années de souffrances,
résultat inévitable de tout manque de précaution. Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound doit être pris strictement selon les instructions,
jusqu'à ce que les règles aient lieu tous les 28 jours. Si, de plus, il
y a de la constipation, on se servira des Pilules de Foie de Lydia E.
Pinkham, faites exprès pour l'usage des femmes et opérant entièrement
d'accord avec le remède.

=L'Absence des Règles= après qu'elles ont commencé une fois, à moins
qu'elle ne soit due à la grossesse ou à l'allaitement, est une affaire
de la plus grande importance et personne ne devrait manquer de se servir
de Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound jusqu'à ce que de nouveau les
menstrues se montrent regulièrement.

=Règles Douloureuses.=--Il y a bien des femmes qui, pendant le temps de
leurs règles, souffrent des douleurs tout à fait terribles. Notre remède
guérira d'une maniere sûre cette affection n'importe si c'est un cas
récent ou vieux de plusieurs mois. On peut s'attendre à une guérison
sûre et efficace pourvu que le remède soit pris regulièrement et suivant
les instructions.

=Les Règles Excessives= se montrent d'abord chez des personnes sanguines
et chez les personnes affaiblies et pales. Notre remède, Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, a obtenu des résultats tout à fait
merveilleux dans ces cas. Pour guérir l'excès ou l'hémorrhagie des
règles nous conseillons l'emploi du remède dans sa forme sèche, c'est à
dire en pilules ou en pastilles.

=L'Inflammation ainsi que L'Ulcération de la Matrice= peuvent être
regardées comme cause de presque toutes les maladies de la femme.
Cependant Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a guéri plus d'un
million de maladies de la matrice. Les rapports que nous recevons des
femmes qui ont failli en mourir et qui ensuite ont été gueries, sont
presque incroyables. La femme peut s'assurer assez facilement, si elle
est atteinte ou non d'une affection de la matrice, vu le fait
qu'ordinairement elle est sujette à des tiraillements d'estomac, à des
peines dans les reins, à des évanouissements, à l'engourdissement des
membres et à une foule d'autres douleurs. Le seul remède infaillible
pour guérir toutes ces affections est Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable

=La Leucorrhée= que nous connaissons plus familièrement sous le nom de
"Fleurs Blanches," représente un des premiers symptômes de
l'inflammation de la matrice. Le mal se montre sous la forme d'une
secrétion blanchâtre du vagin, enfaiblissant le système et exerçant un
irritation très sérieuse sur la muqueuse du vagin. L'emploi régulier de
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, grâce à son effet sur le système,
ainsi que de la Lotion Sanitaire de Lydia E. Pinkham (Lydia E. Pinkham's
Sanative Wash) appliquée sous forme d'injections dans le vagin, ne
tardera guère de guérir les cas les plus obstinés de leucorrhée. En
négligeant cette maladie désastreuse on est sûr de donner lieu à des
secrétions excessives, à des ulcères ainsi qu'a la plus dangereuse de
toutes les maladies--le Cancer.

=Prolapsus de la Matrice.=--Il y a un grand nombre de déplacements dont le
plus important est appelé "le prolapsus de la matrice." Celui-ci est
produit d'abord par une relaxation des ligaments qui, dans leur état
normal, maintiennent cet organe à sa place. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound fortifiera ces ligaments, l'inflammation disparaîtra et peu à
peu l'organe sera remis dans sa condition normale. Notre remède aura de
plus un succès indiscutable pour guérir toutes les tumeurs de la
matrice pourvu qu'on commence à s'en servir dès leurs première phases.

=L'Inflammation des Ovaires= est une des maladies les plus désastreuses
atteignant les femmes entre la vingtième et la quarantième année. Les
personnes qui en souffrent s'aperçevront vite d'une sensibilité
extraordinaire dans la région des ovaires, de plus des sensations
d'enflements désagréables, surtout dans la période des règles. Souvent
la douleur s'étend aux flancs et au dos, surtout au flanc gauche, et il
se fait sentir un désir incessant d'uriner. A moins que cette affection
ne soit arrêtée promptement rien ne pourra sauver la malade d'une
opération. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, cependant, a guéri les
maladies d'ovaires de milliers de femmes et bien de femmes ont été assez
heureuses, par conséquent, pour échapper à un long traitement à
l'hôpital ainsi qu'à une opération des plus sérieuses.

=La Stérilité= est très souvent une conséquence directe d'une inflammation
chronique de la matrice et d'une faiblesse extrême. L'emploi régulier de
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a souvent rétabli les fonctions
normales de l'organe générateur, et a ainsi détruit cette idée fatale
que la stérilité etait incurable.

=La Période Climatérique ou Changement de Vie= est une période très
importante et assez dangereuse pour toute femme qui a passé l'âge de 45
ans. Pendant cette période les femmes sont atteintes de toute espèce de
maladies et de peines; l'emploi régulier de Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound cependant va leur garantir une immunité parfaite contre tout
accident dangereux qui pourrait leur survenir dans cette période.

=Les Maladies des Reins et de la Vessie=, chez les deux sexes, sont très
frequentes et très obstinées. Aussi peuvent-elles devenir très
dangereuses et même fatales, si l'on manque de s'en occuper dès
l'apparence des premiers symptômes. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound, que nous conseillons d'employer le plus tôt possible, est la
=médicine par excellence= qui dans tous les cas de maladies du foie et de
la vessie produira un résultat simplement merveilleux chez l'homme et
chez la femme, et qui ne manquera guère de sauver une vie trop souvent
menacée fatalement.

=Le Mal de Dos=, quelque fréquent qu'il soit, n'est guère une maladie
proprement dite, mais plutôt un symptôme de la plus haute importance,
comme il indique par le centre dorsal du grand nerf sympathique, qu'il y
a une affection des organes générateurs qu'on fera bien de ne point
négliger. Aussitôt que ces affections ou utérines, ou ovariennes ou
rénales sont guéries par l'emploi de Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound,
ce mal de dos tourmentant va cesser tout seul.

=Dyspepsie et Indigestion.=--Rien au monde n'égale la force guérissante de
notre remède pour toutes les maladies de l'estomac.

=Grossesse.=--Une grande partie des douleurs et des souffrances qu'en
général les femmes doivent endurer en accouchant pourraient être
evitées, si elles se préparaient convenablement en fortifiant leur
système par l'emploi de Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, à peu
près deux mois avant l'accouchement.


Prenez une cuillerée de Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound toutes les
4 heures pendant la journée pour guérir chacune des maladies décrites

Trempez le quart d'un paquet de Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash (Lotion
Sanitaire) dans assez d'eau pour obtenir une pinte après la filtration;
la secrétion étant très forte on doit employer la moitié de cette
quantité à laquelle on ajoutera une pinte d'eau chaude. Employez la
lotion chaque jour en l'injectant dans le vagin.

Pour guérir la constipation, la migraine, les attaques bilieuses, prenez
trois pilules la première nuit, deux la suivante et une la troisième et
continuez jusqu'à ce que la boîte soit vide, à moins qu'il n'y ait pas
une évacuation regulière plus tôt.

Quand le sang est appauvri et que le malade est toujours fatigué, bien
amaigri et sans appétit, rien au monde ne lui fera autant de bien que le
remède purificateur Lydia E. Pinkham's Blood Purifier. Une cuillerée
trois fois par jour guérira les rhumatismes, la scrofule et toutes
sortes d'éruptions de la peau.

Vendu chez tous les pharmaciens.

Préparé par Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Company,

Lynn, Mass., E. U.

Lydia E. Pinkham's Kräutermittel, unter dem Namen "Vegetable Compound"
auf den Markt gebracht, ist ein absolut zuverlässiges Heilmittel für
sämmtliche Frauenkrankheiten, einschließlich Vorfall der Gebärmutter,
Leukorrhoe, unregelmäßige und schmerzhafte Menstruation, Entzündung und
Geschwürbildung in der Gebärmutter und den Eierstöcken, ferner für alle
sonstigen Schwächezustände in den weiblichen Geschlechtsorganen und für
Nierenkrankheiten bei beiden Geschlechtern. Das Mittel ist aus den
reinsten und erlesensten Wurzeln und Kräutern, wie sie Mutter Natur zur
Heilung aller Frauenleiden selbst geschaffen hat, zusammengestellt.

=Menstruation.= Eine übermäßig frühe Menstruation ist keineswegs
wünschenswerth; obwohl die Monatsregel oder Menstruation im Allgemeinen
in der Zeit vom dreizehnten bis zum fünfzehnten Jahre aufzutreten
pflegt, wobei jedoch viel von der Constitution des betreffenden Mädchens
abhängt. Hat sie jedoch dieses Alter erreicht, und sollte sich die
Menstruation noch nicht eingestellt haben, so muß die Mutter sich um die
Sache bekümmern. Wahrscheinlich ist das junge Mädchen mager und blaß,
wobei der Teint ein besonders, gelbliches Aussehen hat, so daß es nur zu
leicht ein Opfer der Auszehrung und allgemeiner Nervenschwäche wird. Für
solche Fälle ist Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound geradezu
unvergleichlich. Es trägt vor allem dazu bei, daß der Wechsel im
Mädchenleben, der um diese Zeit eintreten sollte, auch richtig
stattfindet, und es verhindert somit jahrelanges Leiden, das in der
Regel eine sichere Folge einer Vernachlässigung in diesem Sinne bildet.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound sollte genau nach Vorschrift
eingenommen werden, bis die Regeln regelmäßig sich alle 28 Tage
einstellen. Zeigt sich Anlage zu Verstopfung, so muß man auch Lydia E.
Pinkham's Leberpillen brauchen, die speciell für den Gebrauch von Frauen
zusammengestellt worden sind und in jeder Beziehung harmonisch mit dem
"Compound" zusammenwirken.

=Ausbleiben der Regeln.= Mit diesem Ausdruck bezeichnet man das
Nichterscheinen der Menstruation, nachdem dieselbe einmal zu erscheinen
angefangen hat. Ein derartiges Ausbleiben, sofern es nicht der
Schwangerschaft oder dem Stillen zuzuschreiben ist, ist eine ernsthafte
Angelegenheit, und Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound muß eingenommen
werden, bis die Menstruation wieder regelmäßig eintritt. Durch den
Gebrauch dieses Mittels kann man zuverlässig alle Unregelmäßigkeiten

=Schmerzhafter Monatsfluß.= Bei vielen Frauen verursacht der Monatsfluß
überaus große Schmerzen, und alle, die daran leiden, sollten ja nicht
verfehlen, sich durch den Gebrauch von Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound von dieser wahrhaften Geißel zu retten. Dabei ist es
gleichgültig, ob der Fall ein akuter ist oder ob er schon viele Monate
gedauert hat. Vorausgesetzt, daß das Vegetable Compound regelmäßig und
genau nach Vorschrift genommen wird, darf man zuverlässig eine Heilung

=Zu starker Monatsfluß.= Sowohl vollblütige als auch besonders
bleichsüchtige und schwächliche Personen leiden häufig unter zu starker
Menstruation. Gerade mit Bezug auf derartige Zustände vermag Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound außerordentlich günstige Resultate
aufzuweisen. Doch empfehlen wir bei zu reichlich auftretender Blutung
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound in seiner trockenen Form, d. h. in
der Form von Pillen oder Pastillen einzunehmen.

Beinahe alle Frauenkrankheiten haben ihren Ursprung in =Entzündung und
Geschwürbildung in der Gebärmutter=, und es ist daher nicht genug
hervorzuheben, daß Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound schon mehr als
eine Million Fälle von Gebärmutteraffektionen glücklich geheilt hat.
Fast unglaublich klingen die Berichte vieler Frauen, die todtkrank
waren, und die dem Vegetable Compound ihre Rettung verdanken. Es ist
nicht schwer für eine Frau zu erkennen, ob sie an einer Affektion der
Gebärmutter leidet, da eine derartige Erkrankung fast stets von
ziehenden, äußerst empfindlichen Schmerzen im Unterleib,
Rückenschmerzen, Ohnmachtsanfällen, Erstarrung »Einschlafen« der
Gliedmaßen, sowie von einer Reihe anderer Schmerzen begleitet ist. Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ist ein unfehlbares Mittel gegen alle
derartigen Erkrankungen.

=Die Leukorrhoe oder der weiße Fluß.= Eines der allerersten Symptome, die
eine Entzündung der Gebärmutter anzeigen, ist die Leukorrhoe, oder wie
man sich gewöhnlich ausdrückt: Der weiße Fluß. Derselbe zeigt sich als
eine weißliche Absonderung aus der Vagina oder Mutterscheide, die den
Körper auffallend angreift und schwächt und besonders die empfindliche
Schleimhaut des Scheidekanals irritiert. Aber selbst die hartnäckigsten
Fälle von weißem Fluß lassen sich positiv kurieren durch den Gebrauch
von Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound in Verbindung mit Lydia E.
Pinkham's "Sanative Wash" oder »hygienischem Waschwasser.« Das erstere
stärkt das System und das zweite heilt die lokalen Erscheinungen, da es
direct in die Scheide eingespritzt wird. Man hüte sich ja, diese Art von
Krankheit zu vernachlässigen, da sich sonst leicht Geschwüre und
übermäßige Absonderung einstellen können, die oftmals den ersten Grund
zu der schrecklichsten aller Krankheiten -- dem Krebs legen.

=Gebärmuttervorfall.= Es giebt eine Reihe von Fällen, wo die Gebärmutter
eine Veränderung ihrer normalen Lage erleidet; von diesen ist der
wichtigste der sogenannte Gebärmuttervorfall. Derselbe kommt
hauptsächlich von einer Erschlaffung der Bänder her, die dieses Organ
stützen und in seiner richtigen Lage erhalten sollen. Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound stärkt diese Bänder, vermindert die Entzündung und
verleiht nach und nach den erkrankten Theilen ihren früheren, normalen
Zustand wieder.

Die =Entzündung der Eierstöcke= ist eine äußerst schwere Erkrankung, die
Frauen im Alter von 20 bis 40 Jahren befällt. Sie ist stets von großer
Empfindlichkeit und scharfen Schmerzen in der Gegend der Eierstöcke
begleitet, wozu sich ein Gefühl der Völle, besonders zur Zeit der
Menstruation, gesellt. Die Schmerzen erstrecken sich auch häufig auf die
Seite und den Rücken, mit Vorliebe aber auf die linke Seite, in
Verbindung mit fortwährendem Verlangen das Wasser abzuschlagen. Wird
nicht prompt gegen diese Erkrankung eingeschritten, so vermag nichts den
Kranken vom Messer des Chirurgen zu retten. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound hat aber tausende von Fällen von Eierstockerkrankungen geheilt
und hat viele Frauen der Nothwendigkeit enthoben, sich im Hospital einer
gefährlichen Operation auszusetzen.

=Unfruchtbarkeit= ist oft weiter nichts als der Folgezustand ausnehmender
Schwäche, sowie einer chronischen Entzündung der Gebärmutter.

Der regelmäßige Gebrauch von Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound hat
schon in vielen Fällen die weiblichen Zeugungsorgane wiederum ihrer
normalen Thätigkeit zurückgegeben und eine anscheinend gänzliche
Unfruchtbarkeit glücklich gehoben.

Die sogenannten =Wechseljahre= oder die =Menopause= sind eine Zeit
wirklicher Gefahr für alle diejenigen Frauen, die das 45. Jahr
überschritten haben. Während dieser Zeit sind die Frauen allen möglichen
Beschwerden und Erkrankungen ausgesetzt, die sich aber alle vermeiden
lassen, ohne ernstliche Krankheit oder sogar den Tod fürchten zu müssen,
wenn man während dieser sehr wichtigen Periode des Frauenlebens
regelmäßig Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound einnimmt.

=Nieren- und Blasenbeschwerden= sind häufige und hartnäckige Leiden beider
Geschlechter. Sie sind alle heilbar, vorausgesetzt, daß man sich bei
Zeiten um sie kümmert; werden sie aber vernachlässigt, so können sie
leicht verhängnisvoll werden und sogar den Tod nach sich ziehen. Sicher
ist aber, daß Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound als ausgezeichnetes
Mittel zur Heilung aller Nieren- und Blasenkrankheiten von keinem
anderen bisher erfundenen Mittel übertroffen wird. Männer und Frauen
können volles Vertrauen in dasselbe setzen.

=Rückenschmerzen= sind nicht eine Krankheit, sondern sind vielmehr nur
ein, gewisse Krankheiten anzeigendes, Symptom. Bei Krankheiten der
Geschlechtsorgane wird der große sympathische Nerv, dessen Hauptcentrum
im unteren Theil des Rückens liegt, in Mitleidenschaft gezogen und
verkündet sozusagen das Vorhandensein einer derartigen Krankheit.
Dadurch, daß Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound alle Affektionen der
Gebärmutter, der Eierstöcke und der Nieren heilt, heilt es auch das so
sehr peinigende Rückenweh.

=Verdauungsbeschwerden.= Es giebt in der ganzen Welt kein besseres Mittel
gegen alle Störungen der Magenthätigkeit als gerade Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound.

=Schwangerschaft.= Oftmals ist die Geburt eines Kindes mit vielen
Schmerzen und Beschwerden für die Mutter verbunden, und doch könnten
alle diese zum großen Theil vermieden werden, wollte nur die Mutter
ungefähr zwei Monate vor der Entbindung anfangen, ihren Körper durch den
regelmäßigen Gebrauch von Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound zu


Für sämmtliche oben erwähnte Beschwerden nehme man alle vier Stunden
während des Tages je einen Eßlöffel voll von Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound ein.

       *       *       *       *       *

Man weiche ein Viertel Packet von Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash in
genügend Wasser, um nach dem Durchseihen ein Pint zu haben. Ist die
Absonderung sehr bedeutend, so brauche man die Hälfte der so erhaltenen
Flüssigkeit, füge noch ein Pint warmen Wassers dazu und benütze diese
Flüssigkeit, um täglich Einspritzungen in die Scheide zu machen.

       *       *       *       *       *

Gegen Verstopfung, Migräne, sowie Gallendrang nehme man drei von Lydia
E. Pinkham's Leberpillen die erste Nacht, zwei die zweite Nacht und eine
die dritte Nacht; tritt auch dann noch kein regelmäßiger Stuhlgang ein,
so nehme man eine Pille jede Nacht soweit der Vorrath reicht.

       *       *       *       *       *

Befindet sich das Blut in schlechtem Zustande und ist der Patient immer
müde, abgemagert und angegriffen, und leidet er dazu noch an
Appetitmangel, so benütze er Lydia E. Pinkham's Blood Purifier
(Blut-Reiniger), das beste Mittel auf der Welt für diesen Zweck. Dreimal
im Tage ein Eßlöffel voll heilt zuverlässig alle Fälle von Rheumatismus,
Skropheln, Hautausschläge, &c. &c.

In allen Apotheken zu haben.

Hergestellt von der


=Lynn, Mass., V. S. von A.=

Read the following


Dear Mrs. Pinkham:

I wish all women suffering from female troubles might know what you have
done for me. A year ago last June I was very sick, and on examination my
physician said I had Polypus of the womb and that I would not stop
flowing until I had an operation. I always had a horror of operations
and could not bear the thoughts of having one, as I am a nervous person.
I wrote to you and followed all your directions faithfully, and all the
while I prayed that I might not have to have one. At that time I could
hardly walk across the floor and I was pale and thin. Now I weigh one
hundred and thirty-five pounds, do all my work, and my husband and
children say that I am growing young. I am still taking your medicine
and will do so until after the turn of life.

  West Hartford, Conn.

Dear Mrs. Pinkham:

I suffered for over three years with female weakness brought on by
falling on an icy pavement. I had frequent backache and fearful
headaches, blinding me with pain. I also had intense pains at the
menstrual period. My family physician prescribed several remedies, but
although he was considered an excellent physician, he was unable to
relieve me. A cousin who visited me had a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound with her and spoke so highly of its efficacy that I
took a few doses of it. I was pleased and surprised to find that it
seemed to relieve my pains in twenty-four hours. I took it regularly,
and within twenty-four hours more I felt like a different woman, and two
weeks continued use of it restored me to health and strength such as I
had not known in years. I consider Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
the only medicine on the market which is reliable for the ills of the

  408 Lanwee West, Lansing, Mich.

  Grand Recorder, Daughters of
  American Independence.

September 22, 1902.

I would like to have your advice as I am a married woman and would be
pleased to have children. I cannot tell what is the trouble, but I lose
them and I am as careful as I can be. It happens just when I am on the
fourth month. I have just had my third miscarriage and been flowing over
two weeks and have much pain in back and womb. My menstruation is very
painful and some months I have it twice. My stomach bothers me. I suffer
with indigestion and dyspepsia.


August 25, 1903.

I will let you know that I have a son, and if it had not been for Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I would not have my baby. Your medicine
kept me well until the last minute. I did not know what an ache was. I
used fourteen bottles of the Compound and three boxes of your Liver
Pills. I cannot thank your medicine too much as it has done me more good
than the doctors.

  43 Orange St., Bloomfield, N. J.

June 26, 1903.

I have been a sufferer for seven years with womb trouble, ever since my
child was born. My doctor says my ovaries are affected also and will
have to be taken out. I suffer with pains in my back and left side and
at times cannot rest day or night. I have leucorrhoea and menstruation
is very irregular and very free with a good deal of pain. I was told to
write you for advice.


September 25, 1903.

I am still taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and have
improved wonderfully, have gained ten pounds and feel like a new woman.
I will recommend your medicine to all women suffering from female
trouble for it has done me more good than the doctors have for three
years. You are perfectly welcome to use my name and statement for the
good of others for everyone ought to know of your wonderful medicine.

  Box 262, Monaca, Pa.

January 15, 1901.

I was reading to-day in a paper of the recovery of a lady after writing
to you and as her case seemed to be very much the same as mine, I was
impressed with the desire to write to you to see if I could not get
relief. I am the mother of two children and have never had any weakness
of any kind until the past year. I am pregnant at present, my back pains
me nearly all the time and left side of abdomen. My back pains so
sometimes I cannot stand on my feet or straighten up. My appetite is
poor and my friends tell me I look badly. I hope that you will be able
to give me some advice.

  MRS. D. D. EDDY.

June 27, 1903.

About one year and a half ago, I wrote you in regard to my taking your
medicine. I was pregnant at the time and in perfect misery. I suffered
everything. You very kindly wrote to me advising your Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound which I began to take at once and when my baby was
born, I was sick only half an hour and the sixth day I was upon my feet
and felt as well and strong as I ever felt in my life. My baby is a
strong healthy boy.

I wish to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind letter to
me. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is the grandest medicine in
the world for women. I shall recommend it as long as I live.

  MRS. D. D. EDDY,
  243 East Ave., Saratoga Springs, N.Y.

Dear Mrs. Pinkham:

I am very grateful for the good Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound did
for me. I began using it when I thought there was no help for me and
that I would be an invalid for life. The doctor said that I would not
get well unless I underwent an operation for ovarian and female
difficulties. I was afraid that my health would not stand the strain and
so when a friend who was similarly afflicted told me of the good Lydia
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound did her, I immediately began to use it and
I am glad that I did so, for in less than four months I could report as
she did a perfect cure. Words fail to express my thankfulness.

  Very truly yours,
  Hotel English, Indianapolis, Ind.

  St. Andrews Society.

Dear Mrs. Pinkham:

Last Spring my health seemed gradually to decline, until I finally felt
so weak I thought I would have to give up entirely. I lost my appetite,
had headaches, and bearing down pains with cramps so that I was in
perfect misery. I became wakeful and extremely nervous.

Reading of the value of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound in our
paper here, I decided to try it, and am pleased to state that I derived
immediate benefit, and soon enjoyed permanent relief. Within eight weeks
I was restored to normal health, and felt refreshed and strengthened as
though I had enjoyed a lengthy vacation. Since that time I have
recommended your Compound to a number of my lady friends suffering with
female irregularities, and those who have used it report great benefit
from its use.

  965 College Ave., Appleton, Wis.

  Social Economic Club.

+Lady on sofa with head obscured by pillows; child sitting on floor crying+


  Don't wait until your suffering have driven you to despair, with
  your nerves all shattered and your courage gone.

Help and happiness surely await you if you accept Mrs. Pinkham's advice.
Disease makes women nervous, irritable, and easily annoyed by children
and household duties; such women need the counsel and help of a woman
who understands the peculiar troubles of her sex; that woman is Mrs.
Pinkham, who with that famous medicine, =Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound=, has restored thousands upon thousands of sick and discouraged
women to health and happiness. Her address is Lynn, Mass., and her
advice is free. Write to-day, do not wait.

=Will not the volumes of letters from women who have been made strong by
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound convince others of the virtues of
this great medicine?=

=When a medicine has been successful in more than a million cases, is it
justice to yourself to say, without trying it, "I do not believe it
would help me?"=

=Surely you cannot wish to remain weak and sick and discouraged,
exhausted with each day's work. If you have some derangement of the
feminine organism try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It will
surely help you.=

I am firmly persuaded after eight years experience with Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound that it is the safest and best medicine for
any suffering woman to use.

Immediately after my marriage I found that my health began to fail me. I
became weak and pale with severe bearing down pains, fearful headaches
and frequent dizzy spells. The doctors prescribed for me and yet I did
not improve. I would at times bloat after eating and have frequent
vomiting. I had acrid discharge and pains down through my limbs so I
could hardly walk. It was as bad a case of female trouble as I have ever
known. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound cured me within four months
and since that time I have had occasion to recommend it to a number of
patients suffering with all forms of female difficulties and I found
that while it is considered unprofessional to recommend patent
medicines, I could honestly recommend your Vegetable Compound for I have
found it cures where other medicines fail. My mother and two sisters
have used it also and their health has been restored and their strength
renewed. It is a grand medicine for sick women.

  55 Chester Ave., Newark, N. J.

Graduate nurse from Blockley Training School at Philadelphia and for
6-1/2 years the chief clinic nurse at the Philadelphia Hospital.

March 31, 1902.

Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done me a great deal of good.
When I first had my monthly period I suffered very much. I would have
such headaches, also pain in abdomen and side. Was not able to go to

After taking several bottles of your medicine I was relieved of my
trouble and I am now well and enjoying good health.

  Kipton, Ohio.

October 8, 1901.

It gives me great pleasure to tell what your Vegetable Compound has done
for me for the benefit of other suffering women. I would have been a
total wreck and probably not living to-day had I not taken your
medicine. My legs were so stiff and my back so sore that I could not be
on my feet and at times I would have the sick headache so bad that I did
not know what I was doing. I also had leucorrhoea all the time which
caused me to feel very weak. I lost in flesh until I weighed only
ninety-eight pounds.

I was unable to carry babe to maturity. My first child being born in
seven months. Since taking your medicine I have had two little girls
which are pictures of health and which I owe to Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound. I have taken twelve bottles of the Vegetable
Compound, used one box of Liver Pills which I found excellent to
regulate the bowels. I am now in good health and weigh one hundred and
twenty-five pounds.

I cannot praise your medicine enough for the benefit I have derived from
its use. What a blessing it is that women can consult with a lady and if
every woman feels as I do, they would all consult you far and near.

  Center Oak, Pa.

April 18, 1901

I will now write you a letter of gratitude for what your medicine has
done for me. I suffered with very painful menstruation and could not
become pregnant which was my great desire. I began the use of your
medicine and after taking sixteen bottles I found myself pregnant. I
continued the use of your Vegetable Compound and felt well all the time.
Last October my baby was born, it was a girl and weighed eleven and
one-half pounds. It is my belief that I would never have had my baby if
I had not used your medicine.

I recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to all, believing
there is no better medicine for women.

  621 Vine Street, Peoria, Ill.

I have intended for some time to write to you and tell you what Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done for me. I had been feeling weak
and nervous, very easily tired and had much backache.

I took two bottles of your Compound and felt so much better that I
enjoyed, instead of dreading my household duties.

I can and do gladly recommend your medicines to anyone suffering from
female troubles.

  17 Amesbury Place, Cleveland, Ohio.

Household Cares

+Top right: Lady sitting in chair with large broom in the backgroud;
Bottom left: Lady standing with forefinger on cheek+

A Sick Woman's Devotion to Duty is a Heroism which a Well Person Cannot

How distressing to see a woman struggling with her daily round of
household duties, when her back and head are aching, and every movement
brings out a new pain.

One day the poor woman is wretched and utterly miserable; in a day or
two she is better, and laughs at her fears, thinking there is nothing
much the matter after all; but before night the deadly backache
reappears, the limbs tremble, the lips twitch--it seems as though all
the imps of Satan were clutching her vitals; she "goes to pieces" and is
flat on her back.

No woman ought to arrive at this terrible state of misery, because these
symptoms are a sure forerunner of womb troubles. She must remember that
=Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound= is almost an infallible cure for
all female ills, such as irregularity of periods, which cause weak
stomach, sick headache, etc., displacements and inflammation of the
womb, or any of the multitude of illnesses which beset the female
organism. Read how Mrs. Frake wrote to Mrs. Pinkham when she was in
great trouble. Her letter tells the result, and how a cure was effected
by the use of

Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.


"DEAR MRS. PINKHAM:--I have read of your medicine making so many cures,
and have been advised to write to you, but I feel that it is of no use.
The doctor says that I have womb trouble, but he does not seem to help
me a great deal. I have such a weakness across me most of the time--have
backache, am very nervous, and am troubled with leucorrhoea. I am very
weak, cannot walk any distance or stand long unless I ache all over. I
would like to know it you think your medicine would do me any
good."--MRS. SAMUEL FRAKE, Prospect Plains, N.J.

"DEAR MRS. PINKHAM:--I cannot thank you enough for what =Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound= has done for me. When I first wrote to you
I had suffered for years. The doctor said I had congestion of the womb,
was troubled with my kidneys and bladder, my back ached dreadfully all
the time, and I suffered with bearing-down feeling, could scarcely walk
about to do my own housework. I stopped doctoring with the physician and
took your medicine, and am now able to do my own work, have no more
backache or weakness across me, and can do all my own work. I cannot
praise your medicine enough, and would advise all suffering women to try
it."--MRS. SAMUEL FRAKE, Prospect Plains, N.J.

The Medicine that has Restored a Million Women to Health is Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.

June 10, 1901.

My daughter sixteen years old, has been in very poor health ever since
the change to womanhood a year ago. She had the best of doctors but they
did her little good. She complained of feeling tired all the time, did
not care for anything, pain in her back, very nervous, poor in flesh and
so pale. It made her tired to ride or walk any distance, could not go to
school. Some thought she could not live long. Through the use of Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound she is now in the best of health. I feel
that your medicine saved her life.

  Altmar, N. Y.

December 12, 1902.

About a month ago I took a very bad cold and it was at time of
menstruation and it stopped my menses. I began to have pains in my
ovaries and at last I had inflammation of the ovaries and pain in my
kidneys and bladder. I got over that but did not flow hardly any. The
last time I came around I began to have that pain in my right ovary and
it lasted a week and I have been flowing for a week. I would like some
advice as I do not know what to think of my case.


July 22, 1903.

About three months ago the doctor turned the X-ray on me to see what was
the matter and found that I had an abscess near my ovary and in a place
that if it had broken would have killed me right away.

The doctor's medicine did me no good, so Mama went to the store and got
me a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I am now so well
that I can work, thanks to your medicine. It has saved me from an

  East Chicago, Ind.

February 10, 1902.

As I have heard and read so much about your medicine, I have decided to
write you and tell you my trouble and ask your advice. I am completely
run down, am a widow, twenty-five years old, and have one boy five years
old. I have never been strong since the birth of my child. Menstruation
is irregular and scanty and am always in such distress, pain in lower
abdomen and limbs, pain and dizziness in head, cold hands and feet, poor
appetite, sick headache, nervous, have leucorrhoea badly, bearing down
pains in small of back, pain in both sides, also have catarrh of head
and throat. I have had different doctors but they do not help me and I
am discouraged. I will be glad to hear from you. Would like to feel well
once more.


June 1, 1902.

I think it is my duty to let everyone know what Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound has done for me. It has made me well and happy. Five
months ago I could hardly walk across the room, I was so full of pain. I
could scarcely step. I now feel like a new woman. I sleep well and have
a good appetite. I used to get such awful sick headache spells, but now
I have them no more. Also would be troubled with awful bearing down pain
at time of menstruation but have also been relieved of this. I cannot
praise your medicine enough. I think it is the best thing made for
women. I advise, everyone who suffers with female trouble to try Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.

  Bellwood, Blair Co., Pa.

October 10, 1901.

I think it is my duty to let you know the good that Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound has done for me. I think it is the best medicine in
the world. I was well until I weaned my baby and then I began to bloat
and had bearing down pains. I took to filling up with water in my
abdomen. I had the doctor and he said it was abdominal dropsy and that
not having menstruation was the cause of it. He said I would have to be
tapped. He tapped me once and took eleven quarts of water from me and in
a week I began to fill up again and he was waiting to tap me again. I
wrote to Mrs. Pinkham and began to take the Vegetable Compound and the
water began to leave me. When I had taken two bottles it had all left me
and menses appeared. I now feel as well as I ever did and am able to do
all my work. I feel very thankful to you.

  Waterford, Ohio.



The ordinary every-day life of most of our women is a ceaseless
treadmill of work. How much harder the daily tasks become when some
derangement of the female organs makes every movement painful and keeps
the nervous system all unstrung. One day she is wretched and utterly
miserable; in a day or two she is better and laughs at her fears,
thinking there is nothing much the matter after all; but before night
the deadly backache reappears, the limbs tremble, the lips twitch--it
seems as though all the imps of Satan were clutching her vitals, she
"goes to pieces" and is flat on her back.

No woman ought to arrive at this terrible state of misery, because these
symptoms are a sure indication of womb diseases, and backache is merely
a symptom of more serious trouble. Women should remember that an almost
infallible cure for all female ills, such as irregularity of periods,
which cause weak stomach, sick headache, etc., displacements and
inflammation of the womb, or any of the multitudes of illnesses which
beset the female organism may be found in

Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound

=When a medicine has been successful in more than a million cases, why
should you say, "I do not believe it will help me?" If you have some
derangement of the feminine organism try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound. It will surely help you. If there is anything in your case
about which you would like special advice, write freely to Mrs. Pinkham,
Lynn, Mass.; her advice is given free and will greatly help you.=

"DEAR MRS. PINKHAM:--About two years ago I consulted a physician about
my health, which had become so wretched that I was no longer able to be
about. I had severe backache, bearing-down pains, pains across the
abdomen, was very nervous and irritable, and this trouble grew worse
each month.

"The physician prescribed for me, but I soon discovered he was unable to
help me, and I then decided to try =Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound=, and soon found that it was doing me good. My appetite was
returning, the pains disappearing, and the general benefits were well

"You cannot realize how pleased I was, and after taking the medicine for
only three months, I found I was completely cured of my trouble, and
have been well and hearty ever since and no more fear of the monthly
period, as it now passes without pain to me. Yours very truly, MISS
PEARL ACKERS, 327 North Summer St., Nashville, Tenn."

March 10, 1902.

I now write to tell you what your medicine has done for me. After my
first child was born, my womb came down so far that the doctor had to
replace it and it was always weak and would never stay in place.

A friend told me about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I got one
bottle of it without any faith at all for I was so bad, I did not think
it would do as much good as she said. Well, I took seven bottles and now
I am entirely well.

I have used the Vegetable Compound right along when pregnant and found
it a great help, child-birth being almost painless. I have had four
children and have always been able to do my work even the washing until
the child was born. It certainly is a wonderful medicine for pregnant
women and I would not be without it at that time.

  Port Kennedy, Pa.

June 9, 1901.

I had falling of the womb and such an aching across my pelvis bone could
hardly walk as the least jar hurt so. I was better before I had finished
the second bottle and after taking six bottles was entirely cured.

I can recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to any one.

  1006 Brandywine St., Phila., Pa.

August 19, 1902.

I take great pleasure in writing to thank you for what Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done for me.

I suffered for years with painful menstruation, pains in the back,
leucorrhoea, dizziness and nervous prostration.

Since taking your medicine, I feel like a new woman. I never will be
without your Vegetable Compound and will recommend it as long as I live.

Hoping my testimonial may be of benefit to others, I remain, Yours

  1929 Dumaine St., nr. Prieur,
  New Orleans, La.

July 16, 1901

I have been taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for the past
eight months and it has done me a great deal of good.

Before taking it, I suffered with my head and pains in my back and when
I had my changes I suffered agony, could hardly stand on my feet. I have
taken twelve bottles of the Compound and to-day I am a well woman. I
weighed one hundred and twenty pounds before taking it and now I weigh
one hundred and forty-five. I keep a laundry and recommend your medicine
to my customers.

  530 E. 84th St., New York, N. Y.

April 29, 1902.

I write this letter so that all suffering women may know what your
wonderful medicine has done for me.

Before I began taking your medicine I was very weak and not able to do
anything. I had had a miscarriage and a bad flooding spell and my
husband had given up all hopes of my ever getting strong again.

Some of my friends told me to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
I was in bed at the time. After taking a few doses I began to feel
better. I have taken now three bottles and am telling my friends what it
has done for me.

My husband would not have me do without the medicine.

  Box 52, Fort Gibson, Ind. Ter.

June 14, 1901.

When I wrote to you for advice a year and a half ago, I was confined to
my bed and had just about given up hopes of ever being well again. I had
heard so much about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I told my
husband I would like to try it. He got me a bottle and after taking two
bottles I was able to get up and walk a little.

My trouble was enlargement of the womb, also had ovarian trouble. I had
spells of flooding nearly losing my life at monthly periods. Altogether
I was sick and discouraged. The pains and aches I suffered I cannot
explain. I took seventeen bottles of your Vegetable Compound and was
cured. In due time I gave birth to a nice baby girl. My baby is now six
months old and so fat and healthy and I am so well, no more female
trouble or pain in back.

  Mayoworth, Wyo.

Fibroid Tumors Cured.

A distressing case of Fibroid Tumor, which baffled the skill of Boston
doctors. Mrs. Hayes, of Boston, Mass., in the following letter tells how
she was cured, after everything else failed, by =Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound=.

=Mrs. Hayes' First Letter Appealing to Mrs. Pinkham for Help:=

     "DEAR MRS. PINKHAM--I have been under Boston doctors' treatment
     for a long time without any relief. They tell me I have a fibroid
     tumor. I cannot sit down without great pain, and the soreness
     extends up my spine. I have bearing-down pains both back and front.
     My abdomen is swollen, and I have had flowing spells for three
     years. My appetite is not good. I cannot walk or be on my feet for
     any length of time.

     "The symptoms of Fibroid Tumor given in your little book accurately
     describe my case, so I write to you for advice."--(Signed) MRS. E.
     F. HAYES, 22 Ruggles St., (Roxbury) Boston, Mass.

=Note the result of Mrs. Pinkham's advice--although she advised Mrs.
Hayes, of Boston, to take her medicine--which she knew would help
her--her letter contained a mass of additional instructions as to
treatment, all of which helped to bring about the happy result.=

     "DEAR MRS. PINKHAM--Sometime ago I wrote to you describing my
     symptoms and asked your advice. You replied, and I followed all
     your directions carefully, and to-day I am a well woman.

     "The use of =Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound= entirely expelled
     the tumor and strengthened my whole system. I can walk miles now.

     "=Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound= is worth five dollars a
     drop. I advise all women who are afflicted with tumors or female
     trouble of any kind to give it a faithful trial."--(Signed) MRS. E.
     F. HAYES, 99 Ziegler St., (Roxbury) Boston, Mass.

=Mountains of gold could not purchase such testimony--or take the place
of the health and happiness which Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
brought to Mrs. Hayes.=

Woman's Kidney Troubles.

Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is Especially Successful in Curing
this Fatal Woman's Disease.

Of all the diseases known with which the female organism is afflicted,
kidney disease is the most fatal. In fact, unless early and correct
treatment is applied, the weary patient seldom survives.

Being fully aware of this, Mrs. Pinkham, early in her career, gave
exhaustive study to the subject, and in producing her great remedy for
woman's ills--Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound--was careful to see
that it contained the correct combination of herbs which was sure to
control that fatal disease, woman's kidney troubles. The Vegetable
Compound acts in harmony with the laws that govern the entire female
system, and while there are many so-called remedies for kidney troubles,
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is the only one especially
prepared for women.

The following letters will show how marvellously successful it is.

Oct. 17, 1901.

I have noticed your advertisement in the papers of your wonderful
medicine, and I wish to consult you in regard to my sickness.

I have been a sufferer of female weakness for the past six months; have
doctored a great deal, but it has done me no good. I have _kidney_ and
_bladder_ trouble, backache, constipation, headache, terrible pains in
my left side, have leucorrhoea, painful menstruation, which compels me
to take my bed for two and three days; also have falling of the womb.
Blood is very thin. I hope to hear from you soon.

  548 W. Jefferson St., Springfield, Ill.

April 15, 1902.

I am almost ashamed to acknowledge the receipt of your letter received
last Fall. After I had doctored for a year without receiving any relief,
I then wrote you for advice in regard to my sickness and began the use
of your medicine.

I am happy to say that I never felt better in my life than I do now. I
can eat hearty, sleep well, and feel like a new woman.

Many thanks for your kind and highly appreciated letter. I wish every
suffering woman would try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.

  548 W. Jefferson St., Springfield, Ill.

June 15, 1901.

It affords me great pleasure to give you my testimony in regard to the
value of Lydia E. Pinkham's valuable remedies. I suffered for some time
with internal trouble, being at times unable to walk across the floor. I
had weakness of the bladder and was very nervous.

After taking one bottle Vegetable Compound I felt better. I continued
its use, and after taking five bottles could walk two miles without
difficulty. My health is now good and I am sixty years old.

I think your Vegetable Compound the best medicine I have ever taken.

  1004 N. 6th St., Reading, Pa.

June 26, 1901.

I will write and let you know how much good Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound has done me.

I cannot express the terrible suffering I have had to endure. I was
taken last May with nervous prostration; also had female trouble, liver,
stomach, _kidney_ and _bladder_ trouble. I was in a terrible condition.
The doctor attended me for a year, but I kept getting worse. I got so I
was not able to do any work. Was confined to my bed most of the time,
and thought I would never be able to do anything. People thought I would
not live.

I decided to try your medicine. I have taken twelve bottles Vegetable
Compound and cannot praise it too highly, for I know it will do all and
even more than it is recommended to do. I tell every suffering woman
about your medicine and urge them to try it.

  Conyers, Ga.

~Change of Life~

A Danger Period Through Which Every Woman Must Pass.

Owing to modern methods of living, not one woman in a thousand
approaches this perfectly natural change without experiencing a train of
very annoying and sometimes painful symptoms. At this period a woman
indicates a tendency towards obesity or tumorous growths.

Those dreadful hot flashes, sending the blood surging to the heart until
it seems ready to burst, and the faint feeling that follows, sometimes
with chills, as if the heart were going to stop forever, are only a few
of the symptoms of a dangerous nervous trouble. The nerves are crying
out for assistance. The cry should be heeded in time. =Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound= was prepared to meet the needs of woman's system at
this trying period of her life, and all women who use it pass through
this trying period with comfort and safety.

August 6, 1902.

My trouble was Change of Life and cramping. No human tongue can describe
what I suffered with the cramp. I dreaded from one time to another so
much that I almost wanted to die.

Our family physician did everything he could for me, but I got no
relief. He said if I lived to get through with the other trouble it
would wear away after a time, but I had it six years, and could not walk
or exercise in any way without bringing on an attack of the cramp, and I
would suffer untold misery until I would be perfectly exhausted and

I read in one of your little books about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound being good for female trouble and Change of Life, and thought
there was no harm in trying it. So I did, and it helped me, and I was
able to take walks and work some.

I am very thankful for the relief your medicine has been to me.

  Deep Water, W. Va.

Dear Mrs. Pinkham:

I began to dread the approach of Change of Life some years ago, as so
many of my friends had been miserable for five or six years during that
period and as I was not very strong and being subject to headaches and
weakness, I felt that I did not have the strength to carry me through
this dangerous period and had it not been for Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, I feel that I would not have been alive to-day.

I began to take it about three years ago when I felt the change coming
on and continued taking it for three months, then I did not take any for
a couple of months, and began to feel so badly that I started to use it
again, and then continued to take it for about six months out of every
year for three years and am pleased to state that it has kept me free
from sickness.

  Very truly yours,
  Berlin, Wis.

  Vice-President Mothers' Club.

June 28, 1902.

I thought I would write and state my condition to you and ask if you
think you can do me any good. I am fifty-five years old, never had any
children. I came here from Brooklyn for my husband's health, he having
consumption. I have always had good health, never any trouble with my
menses, always regular until two or three months before my husband died,
which was March 25, 1901. As soon as he died, I commenced and flowed
constantly ever since. I know it must be the Change of Life. I did not
worry about it for four or five months, then I had a doctor but he did
me no good. I had another with the same result. Last May I had to go to
New York and traveling I think was too much for me as I have been worse.
I saw a doctor there and he wanted me to go to the hospital and have my
womb curetted, but I did not feel like having that done. I never have
any pain only once in a while a little backache. Please let me know if
you think you can do me any good.


January 18, 1903.

I feel that I must write and thank you for the good you have done me. I
wrote to you my case last summer. I flowed constantly for sixteen months
so badly that I dared not go any where and the doctors all said an
operation. Nothing did me any good. As a last resort I appealed to you.
I had no faith in your medicine, but thought I would try it and if it
did me no good I would go to the hospital. I took two boxes of the Lydia
E. Pinkham's Compound Pills and started on the third and now I am all
right. I was run down, nervous, could not sleep, no appetite, but Lydia
E. Pinkham's Compound has cured me entirely. I am very grateful to you
and wish that everyone afflicted as I was would try it.

  Milford, Pa.

November 20, 1901.

Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound did wonders for me during the
_Change of Life_.

I was troubled with backache and headache, hot flashes and cold chills,
pains in my hips, and at times would have such pains under my shoulder
blades that I could hardly move for a while. I hope that other suffering
women will take your medicine.

Many thanks for what you have done for me.

  Dundee, Ohio.

+Ladies in Profile+


=A nervous, irritable mother, often on the verge of hysterics, is unfit
to care for children; it ruins a child's disposition and reacts upon
herself. The trouble between children and= their mothers too often is due
to the fact that the mother has some female weakness, and she is
entirely unfit to bear the strain upon her nerves that governing a child
involves; it is impossible for her to do anything calmly. She cannot
help it, as her condition is due to suffering and shattered nerves
caused by some derangement of the uterine system with backache,
headache, and all kinds of pain, and she is on the verge of nervous
prostration. When a mother finds that she cannot be calm and quiet with
her children, she may be sure that her condition needs attention, and
she cannot do better than to take

Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound

It builds up her system, strengthens her nerves, and enables her to
calmly handle a disobedient child without a scene. The children will
soon realize the difference, and seeing their mother quiet, will
themselves become quiet.

_=Read what the Vice-Pres. of the Mothers' Club, at Hot Springs, Ark.,

     "DEAR MRS. PINKHAM--=Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound= will
     make every mother well, strong, healthy and happy. I dragged
     through nine years of miserable existence, worn out with pain and
     weariness. I then noticed a statement of a woman troubled as I was,
     and the wonderful results she had obtained from your Compound, and
     decided to try what it would do for me, and used it for three
     months. At the end of that time I was a different woman, and the
     neighbors remarked it, and my husband fell in love with me all over
     again. It seemed like a new existence. I had been suffering with
     inflammation and falling of the womb, but your medicine cured that,
     and built up my entire system, till I was indeed like a new
     woman."--Sincerely yours, MRS. CHAS. F. BROWN, Vice-Pres. Mothers'
     Club, Hot Springs, Ark.


=From a vast experience in treating female ills, extending over 20 years,
Mrs. Pinkham has gained a knowledge which is of untold value.=

=If there is anything in your case about which you would like special
advice, write freely to Mrs. Pinkham. Address is Lynn, Mass. Her advice
is free, always confidential and helpful.=


+Lady Gazing Upwards+

=Has Cured More Women Than Any Other Medicine in the World.=

Its annual sales are greater than those of any other medicine
exclusively for women. It holds the record for the greatest number of
actual cures of woman's ills. This fact is attested by hundreds of
thousands of letters from grateful women which are on file in the
Pinkham laboratory, and which are constantly being published. Merit
alone can produce such results. Good advertising serves to call
attention for a time, but merit alone can stand the test of time.

The ablest specialists now agree that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound is the most universally successful remedy for woman's ills
known to medicine.

All sick women should note these facts, and placing all possible
prejudices aside, should realize the truthfulness of these statements,
and that a cure for their troubles actually exists.

Wise is the woman who has faith in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound, for health and happiness is sure to follow its use.

=YOU CAN GET HELPFUL ADVICE FREE.--If there is anything about your
illness you do not understand, Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass., will be
glad to receive a letter from you telling her all the details. She will
send you promptly a reply which may save you years of suffering and
pain. She has helped thousands of women. For all this she will not
charge you a cent; besides, she will keep your letter strictly
confidential. Write her to-day.=

October 14, 1902.

I suffer something terrible with flooding every month and pass large
clots of blood. The pains are excruciating. I can hardly stand them. The
doctor says my ovaries are decayed and my womb needs to be scraped. I do
not wish to go under the operation if I can possibly avoid it. I hope
you can relieve me.


September 16, 1903.

After giving Lydia E. Pinkham's wonderful remedies a thorough trial, I
am very anxious to send in my testimonial that others may learn of their
great value. I have been a great sufferer for the last eight years, the
trouble first originating from painful menstruation, and I also had
inflammation and ulceration of the womb. The doctor told me I must have
an operation or I could not live. I then wrote you telling all my
ailments. I followed your advice very carefully and am now entirely
well. I can walk miles without an ache or pain and can safely say I owe
my life and health to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I cannot
speak too highly of its merits. My friends all look at me in
astonishment, for my case was very serious and it seems almost a miracle
that I am cured. I wish suffering women could read this testimonial and
realize the value of your remedy. I shall take much pleasure in
recommending it to all.

  59th and E. Capitol St., Benning P. O.,
  Washington, D. C.

July 14, 1901.

Words cannot express the gratitude I feel towards you for what Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done for me.

My trouble was misplacement of the womb, also womb was lacerated, and
had inflammation of the ovaries. I went away for treatment to a
specialist on female diseases and passed through twelve operations. Was
gone from home eight weeks and gradually grew worse and returned home to
die, having given up all hope of ever getting well. My heart would stop
beating at times and I became very weak, could not sit up in bed.

A friend of mine brought me a bottle of the Vegetable Compound and I
began its use and by the time I had taken half a bottle I could see that
I had improved. I used in all twelve bottles of the Compound and am now
able to do all my house work and enjoy better health than I have in six
years. I owe my life to you, for I believe I would have been in my grave
to-day had it not been for the Vegetable Compound. Your medicine is a
God-send to suffering women.

  Canoe Station, Ga.

March 3, 1901.

Dear Mrs. Pinkham:

I would like some advice from you as I have such very bad pains in
ovaries, falling of the womb, and every time I have my monthlys I have
the cramps very bad, and seem to be getting worse. I always have it a
week and I am so very nervous. I don't want an operation.

Every time I become pregnant I carry the child only seven months, and
then it is born and lives only a week or two. I have lost four children
this way and hope you will tell me what to take as I know you have
helped others.


August 26, 1902.

Dear Mrs. Pinkham:

Over a year ago I wrote you a letter asking for advice how to carry my
babes to full time as I had lost four children between five and seven

I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and did as you instructed
me, and now I have a beautiful baby girl about six months old and we are
both healthy.

I advise all suffering women to call on you for help and I tell every
one of the good you have done me.

  412 N. 54th St., West Phila., Pa.

June 13, 1901.

Last summer I had terrible pains in my back and head. I went to the
doctor and he told me I had a touch of Bright's disease and gave me some
medicine but it did me no good. My mother advised me to take some of
your medicine, and after taking eight bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound I can say that I am feeling well.

  263 Grand Street, Rahway, N. J.

+Ladies with Children+


=Requires Treatment which acts in Harmony with the Female System.=

A great many women suffer with a form of indigestion or dyspepsia which
does not seem to yield to ordinary medical treatment. While the symptoms
seem to be similar to those of ordinary indigestion, yet the medicines
universally prescribed do not seem to restore the patient's normal
condition. =Mrs. Pinkham= claims that there is a kind of dyspepsia that is
caused by derangement of the female organism, and which while it causes
disturbance similar to ordinary indigestion cannot be relieved without a
medicine which not only acts as a stomach tonic, but has peculiar
utero-tonic effects as well; in other words, a derangement of the female
organs may have such a disturbing effect upon a woman's whole system as
to cause serious indigestion and dyspepsia, and it cannot be relieved
without curing the original cause of the trouble, which seems to find
its source in the pelvic organs. As proof of this theory, we call
attention to the letter from Mrs. Maggie Wright, who was completely
cured by the use of

Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.

"MY DEAR MRS. PINKHAM--For two years I suffered more or less with
dyspepsia, which so degenerated my entire system that I was unfit to
properly attend to my daily duties. I felt weak and nervous, and nothing
I ate tasted good or felt comfortable in my stomach. I tried several
dyspeptic cures, but nothing seemed to help me permanently. I decided to
give =Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound= a trial, and was happily
surprised to find that it acted like a fine tonic, and in a few days I
began to enjoy and properly digest my food. My recovery was rapid, and
in five weeks I was a different woman. Seven bottles completely cured
me, and a dozen or more of my friends have used it since."--MRS. MAGGIE
WRIGHT, 12 Van Voorhis St., Brooklyn, New York.

=Many women were utterly discouraged, and life lacked all joy to them
when they wrote Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. They received advice which
made them strong women again.=

+Lady sitting in chair with elbow on table and hand propped on chin+


=Don't Wait Until Your Sufferings Have Driven You To Despair, With Your
Nerves All Shattered and Your Courage Gone.=

When a cheerful, brave, light-hearted woman is suddenly plunged into
that perfection of misery, the BLUES, it is a sad picture. It is usually
this way:

She has been feeling "out of sorts" for some time; head has ached, and
back also; has slept poorly, been quite nervous, and nearly fainted once
or twice; head dizzy, and heart beats very fast; then that bearing-down
feeling. Her doctor says: "Cheer up; you have dyspepsia; you will be all
right soon." But she does not get "all right." She grows worse day by
day, till all at once she realizes that a distressing female complaint
is established. Her doctor has made a mistake. She has lost faith in
him; hope vanishes; then comes the brooding, morbid, melancholy,
everlasting BLUES. =Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound= instantly
asserts its curative powers in all those peculiar ailments of women, and
the story recited above is the true experience of hundreds of American
women, whose letters of gratitude we constantly publish.

=Surely you cannot wish to remain weak, and sick and discouraged,
exhausted with each day's work. If you have some derangement of the
female organism try the remedy that has restored a million women to

Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.

"DEAR MRS. PINKHAM--I cheerfully recommended =Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound= to my suffering sisters as a perfect medicine for
all female derangements. I was troubled with displacement of the womb
and other female weakness. Had headache, backache, and such bearing-down
pains I could hardly walk across the floor, and was very nervous. A
friend advised me to try your medicine, which I did, and after using the
first bottle I began to improve. I took in all twelve bottles of
Vegetable Compound, one box of Liver Pills, also used the Sanative Wash
and was cured, and have no return of my troubles. I am as well now as I
ever was. I am more thankful every day for my cure. I know that your
medicine will do everything that it is recommended to do for suffering
women."--MRS. DORA ANDERSON, North Muskegon, Mich.

"DEAR MRS. PINKHAM--I want to tell you what your remedies have done for
me. Before taking them I used to have a continuous headache, would be
very dizzy, would have spells when everything seemed strange, and I
would not know where I was. I went to our local doctor. He gave me some
medicine, but it did not seem to do me any good, but after taking =Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound=, I began to improve at once. I can
honestly recommend your remedies to all suffering women and advise all
to give it a trial."--MRS. HENRY SELL, Van Wyck, Wash.


=If there is anything in your case about which you would like special
advice, write freely to Mrs Pinkham. She will hold your letter in strict



Such as Leucorrhoea, and all Inflammation of the Vaginal Passage by
local application, experience has proven that nothing excels




Every woman will find this a most valuable assistant whenever a =Vaginal
Injection= is desirable. It is soothing, cleansing and healing. In
connection with the VEGETABLE COMPOUND it hastens the cure.

We are permitted to publish on this page several testimonials which
demonstrate the virtue of the SANATIVE WASH, and should convince every
woman that she should place complete reliance on any statement made by
Mrs. Pinkham in regard to the virtue and reliability of any of these


Steep one-fourth of the package in sufficent water to make one pint
after it is strained. When the discharge is very profuse, use one-half
of this, adding to it one pint of warm water, daily, as a VAGINAL

=25 Cents per Package. Sold by Druggists Everywhere.=

Sanative Wash.

I feel that I neglect a duty in not writing you that others may know
what your Vegetable Compound has done for me.

Before taking it I was almost an invalid, could not walk any distance
and suffered pain all the time. After taking nine bottles I was very
much better, and can now do my house work and ride a wheel. It would
take too much space to tell you all of its merits but I must not forget
to speak of the Sanative Wash for it simply acts like magic.

Trusting that this may help some other sufferer, I remain.

  Yours truly,
  Port Jefferson, N. Y.

Sanative Wash.

It affords me great pleasure to tell you of the benefit I have derived
from taking your Vegetable Compound and Sanative Wash. I can hardly find
words to express my gratitude to you for the boon which you have offered
suffering women in your excellent remedies. Before taking your Compound
I was thin, sallow and nervous. I was troubled with leucorrhoea, and
my menstrual periods were very irregular. I tried three physicians and
gradually grew worse. About a year ago I was advised by a friend to try
your Sanative Wash and Vegetable Compound, which I did. After using your
Vegetable Compound and Sanative Wash I am now enjoying better health
than I ever did, and attribute the same to your wonderful remedies. I
cannot find words to express What a godsend your remedies have been to
me. Whenever I begin to feel nervous and ill, I know I have a never
failing physician at hand. It would afford me pleasure to know that my
words have directed my suffering sisters to the road to health and
strength through your most excellent remedies. I thank you again for
what your remedies have done for me.

  205 E. Town St., Columbus, Ohio.

Sanative Wash.

I am glad to state that through the use of your Vegetable Compound and
Sanative Wash, etc., I am cured from the worst form of female weakness.
I was troubled very much with leucorrhoea, bearingdown pains and
backache. It seemed that I had no strength at all. I was in pain all
over. I began to feel better after taking the first dose of Vegetable
Compound, and am now like a new woman. I know if other suffering women
would only try it, it would help them.

  Box 127, Boonville, N. Y.



Is far superior to any other known Remedy for the Cure of all Diseases
arising from Impurities of the Blood, such as

Scrofula, Cancerous Humor, Erysipelas, Rheumatism, Canker, Salt Rheum
and Skin Diseases.


There is no condition of the human system so uncertain or so deceptive
as the condition of the blood. Other disease makes itself known by aches
or appearance, but the blood courses on with no sign of vitiation,
carrying its poison to every nerve and fibre of the body. Suddenly comes
the awakening; pains that were never thought of before, ulcers or
eruptions where never a pimple existed, make you ask in wonder, if not
in agony, the cause. This effect may come in various ways, but the cause
is always impure blood. This impurity or blood poisoning produces
_Rheumatism_, _Debility_, _Neuralgia_, _Scrofula_, _Mercurial or
Syphilitic Ulcers_, _Fistula_, _Eruptions_, _Consumption_, _Scurvy_,


These two complaints are closely akin and generally exist together.
_Dyspepsia, or Chronic Indigestion_, is more prevalent in this country
than anywhere else on the face of the earth, the chief reason being that
we eat with intemperate haste, and consequently do not, as a rule,
properly masticate our food. The work that should be done by the dental
mill we remit to the stomach; and, as it cannot accomplish the task, the
_food-grist_ is not properly ground up and applied, and the whole
body--aye, every fibre and tissue of it--suffers. We need not here
describe the pains and penalties of _Dyspepsia_. They are within the
personal experience of two-thirds of the adult population of the United
States. _Biliousness_ is a somewhat indefinite term, but it means, in
its common acceptation, an _unnatural determination of bile to the
channels of circulation_. The yellow tinge of the skin and of the white
of the eyes in bilious cases is caused by the undue presence of bile in
the superficial blood-vessels.

A proper course of Lydia E. Pinkham's Blood Purifier, together with her
celebrated Liver Pills, will purify the blood and drive off the bile,
making you happy and pleasant, instead of grouty and disagreeable.


Is as great a success as her celebrated Vegetable Compound, and may be
used with great benefit in all diseases caused by impurities of the
blood. Do not class it with bitters of any kind. It is not a drink or an
appetizer, but a _strictly medicinal preparation_. It is a powerful
alterative, but a purely vegetable preparation, and may be taken without
fear by any invalid. The dose is small and with good nutritious diet of
any kind, avoiding highly seasoned or greasy food, you will be free from
the tortures of rheumatism, clear of scrofulous sores or ulcers, and
eradicate every taint, whether inherited or contracted. You will have a
beautiful complexion and a soft, smooth skin, and rejoice in a healthy
body and pure blood.

=For Sale by your Druggist, $1.00 per bottle.=

Sept. 15, 1902.

I feel it my duty to send you a testimonial and tell you how much good
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Blood Purifier has done my
daughter. She feels like a different person. Her menstruation was
irregular; did not come around for two months. She took some medicine
from the doctor which did not help her, and he thought she would have to
take treatments. She took some of your Vegetable Compound and now her
menses are regular again and she rests well nights, which she had not
been able to do for about a year. Her friends all wonder at her improved
looks as well as health.

I never fail to recommend your medicine when I know of any woman who has
female troubles.

  Washington, Ill.

Jan. 21, 1902.

I will tell you what your remedy has done for me. I was in a very bad
condition with scrofula swellings around my neck. It started with a
bunch on the side of my neck, and it kept growing until the whole side
of my face was swollen.

I had tried everything in the shape of patent medicines for five years.
I had gone under an operation in one of the hospitals in Boston and had
them cut out. I had thirty little tubular glands taken from back of my
ear down my shoulder. They looked like a bunch of grapes, and about the
same size. After the cuts healed over they started to come again worse
than before.

After suffering so much I thought I would try Lydia E. Pinkham's Blood
Purifier, and before I had taken two bottles there was a great change in
the swellings. I continued its use and to-day I am a well woman. Every
word of this is true.

I cannot speak too highly in praise of your Blood Purifier.

  38 Adams Ave., Everett, Mass.

Lydia E. Pinkham's Liver Pills

Are especially adapted to the needs of the stomach and liver, the
derangement of which they prevent and cure. They are purely vegetable
and perfectly harmless. They do not purge, gripe or weaken, but are a
gentle effective laxative which stimulates the natural action of the
bowels. They are excellent in conjunction with the Vegetable Compound;
especially in those cases when the complaints that are peculiar to women
are attended with constipation and sluggishness of the liver. In such
cases these Pills enable the Vegetable Compound to do its work more
speedily and effectively. The enormous sale of Lydia E. Pinkham's Liver
Pills has been attained purely on their merit. During the last 25 years,
we have found nothing to excel them. One box contains more than three
times the number of pills ordinarily sold for 25 cents and we therefor
justly claim superiority both in quantity and quality.

January 12, 1901.

I write you these few lines to see if you can suggest some means to cure
me. A little more than a year ago, I was sick with menstruation for the
first time and since then I am sick all the time in some way or other. I
have painful and irregular menstruation. I went to summer resorts for my
health and was doctored all summer, but to no effect. I have not flowed
for two months and thought I would see if you could do me any good.


May 25, 1903.

About two years ago I wrote to you for advice, being troubled with
irregular menstruation and womb disease. I began taking Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills and using the Sanative Wash
and I am glad to say I am completely cured and have not had any sickness

I wish to thank you for your kind advice and shall recommend your
medicine to my lady friends.

  101 Bracewell Ave., North Adams, Mass.

I am passing through the Change of Life, am suffering from extreme
nervousness and depression of spirits, am very constipated and blood
impoverished. I have heard so much about Lydia E. Pinkham's Medicine I
wish to give it a trial. Please advise me.

  14 George Street, Providence, R. I.

June 29, 1900.

Six months ago I wrote to you stating my case. You advised me to take
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, Blood Purifier and Liver Pills. I
followed your instructions.

I never used anything in my life that benefited me so much. They are
wonderful medicines. I cannot say enough in their praise. I know I
should have been insane if I had not taken them.

  14 George Street, Providence, R. I.


When writing to Mrs. Pinkham for advice and counsel, it is highly
important that you should answer the following questions:

=Is your menstruation regular?=

=Is your menstruation profuse?=

=Is your menstruation scanty?=

=Is your menstruation painful?=

=Are you married or single?=

=If married, have you borne children?=

=Have you any discharge from the vagina other than the courses?=

=Have you a free movement of the bowels daily?=

=Are you constipated?=

=Is your blood in good condition?=

Write out plainly all symptoms you do not understand.

Be sure of the strictest confidence. Mrs. Pinkham never betrays a trust.
You can rely on her help implicitly. Address your letters to "Mrs.
Pinkham, Lynn, Mass."

A Word of Warning.

No other medicine in the world has received such widespread and
unqualified endorsement as has Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.

No other medicine has such a record of cures of female troubles or such
hosts of grateful friends.

Do not be persuaded that any other medicine is just as good. Any dealer
who asks you to buy something else when you go into his store purposely
to buy Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, has no interest in your
case. He is merely trying to sell you something on which he can make a
larger profit. He does not care whether you get well or not, so long as
he can make a little more money out of your sickness. If he wished you
well he would, without hesitation, hand you the medicine you ask for,
and which he knows is the best woman's medicine in the world.

Follow the record of this medicine, and remember that these thousands of
cures of women whose letters are constantly printed in this paper were
not brought about by "something else," but by

=Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, The Great Woman's Remedy for
Woman's Ills=.

Those women who refuse to accept anything else are rewarded a hundred
thousand times, for they get what they want--a cure. Moral--Stick to the
medicine that you =know= is Best.

=When a medicine has been successful in restoring to health more than a
million women, you cannot well say without trying it, "I do not believe
it will help me." If you are ill, do not hesitate to get a bottle of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound at once, and write Mrs. Pinkham,
Lynn, Mass, U. S. A., for special advice. It is free and helpful, and
will cost you nothing.=

This entire book copyrighted in 1901 and 1904 by the Lydia E. Pinkham
Medicine Co., of Lynn, Mass., U. S. A. All rights reserved and will be
protected by law.

  LYNN, MASS., U. S. A.~

Transcriber's Notes:
  Passages in italics are indicated by _underscore_.

  Passages in bold are indicated by =bold=.

  Illustration captions are indicated by ~caption~.

  Illustration descriptions added by the transcriber are indicated by

  The obstetrical table on page 26 was split in half for this text file.

  Misprints corrected:
    "grea" corrected to "great" (page 16)
    "ryggväkr" corrected to "ryggvärk" (page 38)
    missing "to" added (page 60)

End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of Treatise on the Diseases of Women, by 
Lydia E. Pinkham


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