(Uniform with FRIENDS)
BATTLE (1915).
FIRES (1912).
He's gone.I do not understand.I only knowThat as he turned to goAnd waved his handIn his young eyes a sudden glory shone:And I was dazzled by a sunset glow.And he was gone.23rd April, 1915.
Rupert Brooke
William Denis Browne
The Old Bed
The Orphans
The Pessimist
The Sweet-Tooth
Girl's Song
The Ice Cart
To E. M.
For G.
Your face was lifted to the golden skyAblaze beyond the black roofs of the square,As flame on flame leapt, flourishing in airIts tumult of red stars exultantly,To the cold constellations dim and high;And as we neared, the roaring ruddy flareKindled to gold your throat and brow and hairUntil you burned, a flame of ecstasy.The golden head goes down into the nightQuenched in cold gloom--and yet again you standBeside me now with lifted face alight,As, flame to flame, and fire to fire you burn...Then, recollecting, laughingly you turn,And look into my eyes and take my hand.
Once in my garret--you being far awayTramping the hills and breathing upland air,Or so I fancied--brooding in my chair,I watched the London sunshine feeble and greyDapple my desk, too tired to labour more,When, looking up, I saw you standing there,Although I'd caught no footstep on the stair,Like sudden April at my open door.Though now beyond earth's farthest hills you fare,Song-crowned, immortal, sometimes it seems to meThat, if I listen very quietly,Perhaps I'll hear a light foot on the stair,And see you, standing with your angel air,Fresh from the uplands of eternity.
Your eyes rejoiced in colour's ecstasyFulfilling even their uttermost desire,When, over a great sunlit field afireWith windy poppies, streaming like a seaOf scarlet flame that flaunted riotouslyAmong green orchards of that western shire,You gazed as though your heart could never tireOf life's red flood in summer revelry.And as I watched you little thought had IHow soon beneath the dim low-drifting skyYour soul should wander down the darkling way,With eyes that peer a little wistfully,Half-glad, half-sad, remembering, as they seeLethean poppies, shrivelling ashen grey.
October chestnuts showered their perishing goldOver us as beside the stream we layIn the Old Vicarage garden that blue day,Talking of verse and all the manifoldDelights a little net of words may hold,While in the sunlight water-voles at playDived under a trailing crimson bramble-spray,And walnuts thudded ripe on soft black mould.Your soul goes down unto a darker streamAlone, O friend, yet even in death's deep nightYour eyes may grow accustomed to the dark,And Styx for you may have the ripple and gleamOf your familiar river, and Charon's barkTarry by that old garden of your delight.
Night after night we two together heardThe music of the Ring,The inmost silence of our being stirredBy voice and string.Though I to-night in silence sit, and youIn stranger silence sleep,Eternal music stirs and thrills anewThe severing deep.
Suddenly, out of dark and leafy ways,We came upon the little house asleepIn cold blind stillness, shadowless and deep,In the white magic of the full moon-blaze.Strangers without the gate, we stood agaze,Fearful to break that quiet, and to creepInto the home that had been ours to keepThrough a long year of happy nights and daysSo unfamiliar in the white moon-gleam,So old and ghostly like a house of dreamIt seemed, that over us there stole the dreadThat even as we watched it, side by side,The ghosts of lovers, who had lived and diedWithin its walls, were sleeping in our bed.
Wind-flicked and ruddy her young body glowedIn sunny shallows, splashing them to spray;But when on rippled, silver sand she lay,And over her the little green waves flowed,Coldly translucent and moon-coloured showedHer frail young beauty, as if rapt awayFrom all the light and laughter of the dayTo some twilit, forlorn sea-god's abode.Again into the sun with happy cryShe leapt alive and sparkling from the sea,Sprinkling white spray against the hot blue sky,A laughing girl ... and yet, I see her lieUnder a deeper tide eternallyIn cold moon-coloured immortality.
All day the mallet thudded, far belowMy garret, in an old ramshackle shedWhere ceaselessly, with stiffly nodding headAnd rigid motions ever to and froA figure like a puppet in a showBefore the window moved till day was dead,Beating out gold to earn his daily bread,Beating out thin fine gold-leaf blow on blow.And I within my garret all day longUnto that ceaseless thudding tuned my song,Beating out golden words in tune and timeTo that dull thudding, rhyme on golden rhyme.But in my dreams all night in that dark shedWith aching arms I beat fine gold for bread.
Streaming beneath the eaves, the sunset lightTurns the white walls and ceiling to pure gold,And gold, the quilt and pillows on the oldFourposter bed--all day a cold drift-white--As if, in a gold casket glistering bright,The gleam of winter sunshine sought to holdThe sleeping child safe from the dark and coldAnd creeping shadows of the coming night.Slowly it fades: and stealing through the gloomHome-coming shadows throng the quiet room,Grey ghosts that move unrustling, without breath,To their familiar rest, and closer creepAbout the little dreamless child asleepUpon the bed of bridal, birth and death.
The flames half lit the cavernous mysteryOf the over-arching elm that loomed profoundAnd mountainous above us, from the groundSoaring to midnight stars majestically,As, under the shelter of that ageless treeIn a rapt dreaming circle we lay aroundThe crackling faggots, listening to the soundOf old words moving in new harmony.And as you read, before our wondering eyesArose another tree of mighty girth--Crested with stars though rooted in the earth,Its heavy-foliaged branches, lit with gleamsOf ruddy firelight and the light of dreams--Soaring immortal to eternal skies.
Near the great pyramid, unshadowed, white,With apex piercing the white noon-day blaze,Swathed in white robes beneath the blinding raysLie sleeping Bedouins drenched in white-hot light.About them, searing to the tingling sightSwims the white dazzle of the desert waysWhere the sense shudders, witless and adaze,In a white void with neither depth nor height.Within the black core of the pyramidBeneath the weight of sunless centuriesLapt in dead night King Cheops lies asleep;Yet in the darkness of his chamber hidHe knows no black oblivion more deepThan that blind white oblivion of noon skies.
Broken, bewildered by the long retreatAcross the stifling leagues of southern plain,Across the scorching leagues of trampled grain,Half-stunned, half-blinded, by the trudge of feetAnd dusty smother of the August heat,He dreamt of flowers in an English lane,Of hedgerow flowers glistening after rain--All-heal and willow-herb and meadow-sweet.All-heal and willow-herb and meadow-sweet--The innocent names kept up a cool refrain--All-heal and willow-herb and meadow-sweet,Chiming and tinkling in his aching brain,Until he babbled like a child again--"All-heal and willow-herb and meadow-sweet."
A blue-black Nubian plucking orangesAt Jaffa by a sea of malachiteIn red tarboosh, green sash, and flowing whiteBurnous--among the shadowy memoriesThat haunt me yet by these bleak northern seasHe lives for ever in my eyes' delight,Bizarre, superb in young immortal might--A god of old barbaric mysteries.Maybe he lived a life of lies and lust:Maybe his bones are now but scattered dustYet, for a moment he was life supremeExultant and unchallenged: and my rhymeWould set him safely out of reach of timeIn that old heaven where things are what they seem.
Vesuvius, purple under purple skiesBeyond the purple, still, unrippling sea;Sheer amber lightning, streaming ceaselesslyFrom heaven to earth, dazzling bewildered eyesWith all the terror of beauty; thus day diesThat dawned in blue, unclouded innocency;And thus we look our last on ItalyThat soon, obscured by night, behind us lies.And night descends on us, tempestuous night,Night, torn with terror, as we sail the deep,And like a cataract down a mountain-steepPours, loud with thunder, that red perilous fire...Yet shall the dawn, O land of our desire,Show thee again, re-orient, crowned with light!
At five o'clock one April mornI met them making tracks,Young Benjamin and Abel Horn,With bundles on their backs.Young Benjamin is seventy-five,Young Abel, seventy-seven--The oldest innocents aliveBeneath that April heaven.I asked them why they trudged aboutWith crabby looks and sour--"And does your mother know you're outAt this unearthly hour?"They stopped: and scowling up at meEach shook a grizzled head,And swore; and then spat bitterly,As with one voice they said:"Homeless, about the country-sideWe never thought to roam;But mother, she has gone and died,And broken up the home."
His body bulged with puppies--little eyesPeeped out of every pocket, black and bright;And with as innocent, round-eyed surpriseHe watched the glittering traffic of the night."What this world's coming to I cannot tell,"He muttered, as I passed him, with a whine--"Things surely must be making slap for hell,When no one wants these little dogs of mine."
Mooning in the moonlightI met a mottled pig,Grubbing mast and acorn,On the Gallows Rigg."Tell, oh, tell me truly,While I wander blind,Do your peepy pig's eyesReally see the wind--"See the great wind flowingDarkling and agleam,Through the fields of heaven,In a crystal stream?"Do the singing eddiesBreak on bough and twig,Into silvery sparklesFor your eyes, O pig?"Do celestial surgesSweep across the night,Like a sea of gloryIn your blessed sight?"Tell, oh, tell me truly!"But the mottled pigGrubbing mast and acornsDid not care a fig.
Taking a turn after teaThrough orchards of Mirabelea,Where clusters of yellow and redDangled and glowed overhead,Who should I seeBut old Timothy,Hale and hearty as hearty could be--Timothy under a crab-apple tree.His blue eyes twinkling at me,Munching and crunching with glee,And wagging his wicked old head,"I've still got a sweet-tooth," he said."A hundred and threeCome January,I've one tooth left in my head," said he--Timothy under the crab-apple tree.
I saw three black pigs ridingIn a blue and yellow cart--Three black pigs riding to the fairBehind the old grey dappled mare--But it wasn't black pigs ridingIn a gay and gaudy cartThat sent me into hidingWith a flutter in my heart.I heard the cart returning,The jolting jingling cart--Returning empty from the fairBehind the old jog-trotting mare--But it wasn't the returningOf a clattering, empty cartThat sent the hot blood burningAnd throbbing through my heart
Perched on my city office-stool,I watched with envy, while a coolAnd lucky carter handled ice...And I was wandering in a trice,Far from the grey and grimy heatOf that intolerable street,O'er sapphire berg and emerald floe,Beneath the still, cold ruby glowOf everlasting Polar night,Bewildered by the queer half-light,Until I stumbled, unawares,Upon a creek where big white bearsPlunged headlong down with flourished heels,And floundered after shining sealsThrough shivering seas of blinding blue.And as I watched them, ere I knew,I'd stripped, and I was swimming, too,Among the seal-pack, young and hale,And thrusting on with threshing tail,With twist and twirl and sudden leapThrough crackling ice and salty deep--Diving and doubling with my kind,Until, at last, we left behindThose big, white, blundering bulks of death,And lay, at length, with panting breathUpon a far untravelled floe,Beneath a gentle drift of snow--Snow drifting gently, fine and white,Out of the endless Polar night,Falling and falling evermoreUpon that far untravelled shore,Till I was buried fathoms deepBeneath that cold white drifting sleep--Sleep drifting deep,Deep drifting sleep...The carter cracked a sudden whip:I clutched my stool with startled grip,Awakening to the grimy heatOf that intolerable street.
TO E. M.
The night we saw the stacks of timber blazeTo terrible golden fury, young and strongHe watched between us with dream-dazzled gazeAflame, and burning like a god of song,As we together stood against the throngDrawn from the midnight of the city ways.To-night the world about us is ablazeAnd he is dead, is dead ... Yet, young and strongHe watches with us still with deathless gazeAflame, and burning like a god of song,As we together stand against the throngDrawn from the bottomless midnight of hell's ways.10th June, 1915.
Going my way of old,Contented more or less,I dreamt not life could holdSuch happiness.I dreamt not that love's wayCould keep the golden heightDay after happy day,Night after night.
Red roses floating in a crystal bowlYou bring, O love; and in your eyes I see,Blossom on blossom, your warm love of meBurning within the crystal of your soul--Red roses floating in a crystal bowl.
All night under the moonPlovers are flyingOver the dreaming meadows of silvery light,Over the meadows of June,Flying and crying--Wandering voices of love in the hush of the night.All night under the moon,Love, though we're lyingQuietly under the thatch, in silvery lightOver the meadows of JuneTogether we're flying--Rapturous voices of love in the hush of the night.1915
Under the brown bird-haunted eaves of thatchThe hollyhocks in crimson glory burnedAgainst black timbers and old rosy brick,And over the green door in clusters thickHung tangled passion-flowers, when we returnedTo our own threshold: and with hand on latchWe stood a moment in the sunset gleamAnd looked upon our home as in a dream.Rapt in a golden glow of still delightTogether on the threshold in the sunWe stood rejoicing that we two had wonTo this deep golden peace ere day was done,That over gloomy plain and storm-swept heightWe two, O love, had won to home ere night.
Where through the open window I could seeThe supper-table in the golden lightOf tall white candles--brasses glinting brightOn the black gleaming board, and crockeryColoured like gardens of old Araby--In your blue gown against the walls of whiteYou stood adream, and in the starry nightI felt strange loneliness steal over me.You stood with eyes upon the candle flameThat kindled your thick hair to burnished gold,As in a golden spell that seemed to holdMy heart's love rapt from me for evermore...And then you stirred, and opening the door,Into the starry night you breathed my name.
Against the curtained casement wind and sleetRattle and thresh, while snug by our own fireIn dear companionship that naught may tireWe sit--you listening, sewing in your seatHalf-dreaming in the glow of light and heat,I reading some old tale of love's desireThat swept on gold wings to disaster direThen rose re-orient from black defeat.I close the book, and louder yet the stormThreshes without. Your busy hands are still;And on your face and hair the light is warm,As we sit gazing on the coals' red gleamIn a gold glow of happiness, and dreamDiviner dreams the years shall yet fulfil.
Between the midnight pillars of black elmsThe old moon hangs, a thin, cold, amber flameOver low ghostly mist: a lone snipe wheelsThrough shadowy moonshine, droning; and there stealsInto my heart a fear without a nameOut of primæval night's resurgent realms,Unearthly terror, chilling me with dreadAs I lie waking wide-eyed on the bed.And then you turn towards me in your sleepMurmuring, and with a sigh of deep contentYou nestle to my breast and over meSteals the warm peace of you; and, all fear spent,I hold you to me sleeping quietly,Till I, too, sink in slumber sound and deep.
* * * * * * * *
By Wilfrid Wilson Gibson
BATTLE. Crown 8vo. 1s. net. [Third Thousand]
Some Extracts from early Press Notices
"With the exception of Rupert Brooke's five sonnets, '1914,' 'Battle' contains, we think, the only English poems about the war--so far--for which anyone would venture to predict a future on their own merits."--The Athenæum.
"Among the many books which the war has drawn forth it may safely be said that none contains more concentrated poignancy than the tiny pamphlet of verses which Mr. Gibson entitles 'Battle.' Sympathy and irony strive for the palm throughout. The little book is a monument to the wantonness of it all, to the cheapness of life in war, the carelessness as to the individual, the disregard alike of promise and performance, the elimination of personality. When war is declared, said Napoleon, there are no longer men, there is only a man. Napoleon spoke for the clear-sighted general in command; Mr. Gibson speaks for the perplexed soldier under orders, and, doing so, illustrates the other side of the medal. In war, he says, in effect, there are no longer men, there is no longer man, there are only sports of chance, pullers of triggers, bewildered fulfillers of instructions, cynical acceptors of destiny."--The Times.
"Each separate vision, though realised in the particular case, has universal range--that is where the greatness of the art lies."--GERALD GOULD in The Herald.
"They are extremely objective; a series of short dramatic lyrics, written with the simplicity and directness which Mr. Gibson chiefly studies in his exceptional art, expressing, without any implied comment, but with profoundly implied emotion, the feelings, thoughts, sensations of soldiers in the midst of the actual experiences of modern warfare. The emotion they imply is not patriotic, but simply and broadly human; this is what war means, we feel; these exquisite bodies insulted by agony and death, these incalculable spirits devastated. What all this destruction is for is taken for granted. Modern warfare is not beautiful, and Mr. Gibson does not try to gloss it in the usual way, by underlining the heroism and endurance it evokes. All that is simply assumed in these poems, just as the common soldier himself assumes it. An almost appalling heroism is unemphatically revealed in them as the fundamental fact of usual human nature. This is the ground-bass, and above its constancy plays the ever-varying truth of what fighting means to some individual piece of human nature. The poems are moments isolated and fixed out of the infinite changing flux of human reaction to the terrible galvanism of war. But that thrilling galvanism does not alter human kind; and sometimes Mr. Gibson forces us to realise the vast unreason of war by bringing into withering contact with its current a mind still preoccupied with the habits of peace."--MR. LASCELLES ABERCROMBIE in The Quarterly Review.
"Mr. Gibson's 'Battle' is the first considerable attempt (and we may easily expect that it will remain by far the most important attempt) to look at the war through the main plane, the basic facet, of the crystal of English war-spirit."
"Are they true? Does experience vouch for them? As a matter of fact, the veracity of these poems has been already vouched for from the trenches; we make no doubt that the more they are known, the more experience will endorse them."
"But, though these poems would have failed if their psychology had been plainly faulty, their worth as psychological documents is not the main thing about them. The main thing about them is just that they are extraordinary poems; by means of their psychology, no less and no more than by means of their metre, their rhyme, their intellectual form and their concrete imagery, they pierce us with flashing understanding of what the war is and means--not merely what it is to these individual pieces of ordinary human nature who are injured by it and who yet dominate it, but, by evident implication, what the war is in itself, as a grisly multitudinous whole. It seems to us beyond question that Mr. Gibson's 'Battle' is one of the most remarkable results the war has had in literature."--The Nation.
STONEFOLDS. Crown 8vo. 2s. 6d. net
(Uniform with 'Thoroughfares' and 'Borderlands')