*** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK 46667 *** HENRIE THE THIRD, the eldest sonne of king Iohn. [Sidenote: An. Reg. 1.] [Sidenote: 1216.] Henrie, The third of that name, the eldest sonne of K. John, a child of the age of nine yeres, began his reigne ouer the realme of England the ninetéenth day of October, in the yeare of our Lord 1216, in the seuenth yeare of the emperour Frederike the second, and in the 36 yeare of the reigne of Philip the second king of France. [Sidenote: William Marshall earle of Penbrooke.] Immediatlie after the death of his father king John, William Marshall earle of Penbroke, generall of his fathers armie, brought this yoong prince with his brother and sisters vnto Glocester, and there called a councell of all such lords as had taken part with king John. Anon after it was once openlie knowne, that the sonnes and daughters of the late deceassed prince were brought into a place of safetie, a great number of the lords and chéefe barons of the realme hasted thither (I meane not onelie such as had holden with king John, but also diuerse other, which vpon certeine knowledge had of his death, were newlie reuolted from Lewes) in purpose to aid yoong king Henrie, to whome of right the crowne did apperteine. [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] Thither also came Vallo or Guallo the popes legat (an earnest defender of the kings cause) with Peter bishop of Winchester, & Jocelin bishop of Bath: also Ranulph earle of Chester, William Ferrers earle of Derbie, John Marshall, and Philip de Albenie, with diuerse other lords and péeres of the relme, and a great number of abbats and priors, who by and by fell to councell togither what waie should be best to take, for the good order of things now in so doubtfull and perilous a time as this. The péeres of the realme being thus assembled, William earle of Penbroke, bringing the yoong king into their presence, and setting him before them, spake these words following. The earle of Penbroks short and swéet oration as it is borrowed out of maister Fox. Behold Right honourable and well beloued, although we haue persecuted the father of this yoong prince for his euill demeanor, and worthilie, yet this yoong child whome héere you sée before you, as he is in years tender, so is he pure and innocent from those his fathers dooings. Wherefore, in so much as euerie man is charged onelie with the burthen of his owne works and transgressions, neither shall the child (as the scripture teacheth vs) beare the iniquitie of his father: we ought therefore of dutie and conscience to pardon this yoong and tender prince, and take compassion of his age as yée sée. And now, for so much as he is the kings naturall and eldest sonne, and must be our souereigne king, and successour in this kingdome, come and let vs appoint him our king & gouernour, let vs remoue from vs this Lewes the French kings sonne, and suppresse his people, which are a confusion and shame to our nation: and the yoke of their seruitude let vs cast from off our shoulders. * * * * * When the barons had heard this earles words, after some silence and conference had, they allowed of his saiengs, and immediatlie with one consent, proclaimed the yoong gentleman king of England, whome the bishops of Winchester and Bath did crowne and annoint with all due solemnities at Glocester, vpon the day of the feast of the apostles Simon & Jude, in presence of the legat. Being thus crowned he was committed to the gouernance of his brother in law, the foresaid William Marshall earle of Penbroke, who to win the good will of the people towards the yoong king, sent foorth messengers with letters into all parts of the realme, to signifie the newes of the kings coronation, with an offer also of pardon to all such of the barons side as would turne to his part: and likewise of great rewards to those which hauing hitherto continued faithfull, would so remaine vntill this trouble should be ouerpast. By this means it came to passe, that his fréends greatlie reioised at these newes, and manie of those which till that time had aided the Frenchmen, reuolted from them, and in hope of pardon and reward turned to king Henrie. [Sidenote: The pride of the Frenchmen procureth them hatred.] It is reported by writers, that amongst other things, as there were diuerse which withdrew the hearts of the Englishmen from Lewes, the consideration of the confession, which the [1] viscount of Melune made at the houre of his death, was the principall. The order whereof, in the later end of the life of king John, yée haue heard. Truelie how little good will inwardlie Lewes and his Frenchmen bare towards the English nation, it appéered sundrie waies. And first of all, in that they had them in a manner in no regard or estimation at all, but rather sought by all means to spoile and kéepe them vnder, not suffering them to beare anie rule, nor putting them in trust with the custodie of such places as they had brought them in possession of. Secondlie, they called them not to councell, so often as at the first they vsed to doo, neither did they procéed by their directions in their businesse, as before they were accustomed. Thirdlie, in all manner of their conuersation, neither Lewes nor his Frenchmen vsed them so familiarlie, as at their first comming: but (as their maner is) shewing more loftie countenances toward them, they greatlie increased the indignation of the English lords against them, who might euill abide to be so ouer-ruled. [1] Sée pag. To conclude, where great promises were made at their entring into the land, they were slowe inough in performing the same, so as the expectation of the English barons was quite made void: for they perceiued dailie that they were despised & scoffed at for their disloialtie shewed to their owne naturall prince, hearing now and then nips and tawnts openlie by the Frenchmen, that as they had shewed themselues false and vntrustie to their owne lawfull king, so they would not continue anie long time true vnto a stranger. Thus all these things laid togither, gaue occasion to the English barons to remember themselues, and to take iust occasion to reuolt vnto king Henrie, as before we haue mentioned. But now to the purpose of the historie. Ye haue heard how Lewes had spent long time in vaine about the besieging of the castell of Douer, for although he plagued them within verie sore, yet Hubert de Burgh and Gerald de Sotigam bare themselues so manfullie, and therewith so politikelie, that their aduersaries could not come to vnderstand their distresse & danger within the castell, in so much that despairing to win it in anie short time, euen before the death of king John was knowne (as some write) Lewes was contented to grant a truce to them that kept this castell, till the feast of Easter next insuing: but (as it appeareth by other) this truce was not concluded till after the death of king John was signified to Lewes, who greatlie reioising thereat, supposed now within a short time, to bring the whole realme vnder his subiection: and therefore raising his siege from Douer, in hope to compasse enterprises of greater consequence, he came backe vnto the citie of London. [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: Hertford castell deliuered to Lewes.] [Sidenote: The castell of Berkehamstéed surrendred.] When they within the castell of Douer saw the siege remooued, they came foorth, and burnt such houses and buildings as the Frenchmen had raised before the same castell, and comming abroad into the countrie, got togither such vittels and other necessarie prouision, as might serue for the furnishing of their fortresse for a long season. After that Lewes was returned vnto London, he remained not long there, but with a great armie marched foorth vnto Hertford, where he besieged the castell, which was in the kéeping of Walter de Godardule seruant in household vnto Fouks de Brent, who defended the place from the feast of S. Martine, vntill the feast of S. Nicholas, and then deliuered it by composition, that he and his people might depart with all their goods, horsse and armour. From thence Lewes went vnto Berkehamstéed, and besieged the castell, which was valiantlie defended by a Duch capteine named Waleron, who with his people behaued himselfe so manfullie, that a great number of Frenchmen and other of them without, were left dead in the ditches. At an issue also made vpon the side, towards the north where the barons lay, they spoiled the carriage and trusse of the said barons, and tooke therewithall the standard of William Mandeuile. Finallie about the 20 day of December, they yet yéelded the place vnto Lewes, bicause they were no longer able to kéepe it; their liues, goods, horsse and armour saued. [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: _Bernewell._] [Sidenote: A truce.] Lewes hauing furnished this castell with a sufficient garrison, returned backe towards London, and comming to S. Albons, constreined the abbat to giue vnto him foure score marks of siluer, for a fine, in recognisance of dooing his homage till the feast of the purification of our ladie next insuing. Which poore abbat was made to beléeue, that he ought to take this dealing to be an act of great courtesie, the earle of Winchester being an earnest meane for him that he might so easilie escape. About the same time was a generall truce taken betwixt the king and Lewes, and all their partakers, till the 20 day after Christmasse, for the obteining of which truce (as some write) the castell of Berkehamstéed was surrendered vnto the same Lewes, as before ye haue heard. [Sidenote: 1218.] [Sidenote: _Polydor._] After Christmasse, and whilest the truce yet dured, Lewes and the barons assembled at the councell which they held at Cambridge, & the lords that tooke part with the king met likewise at Oxford, and much talke there was, and great trauell imploied to haue concluded some agréement by composition betwixt the parties, but it would not be, nor yet anie longer truce (which was also sought for) could be granted: wherevpon Lewes besieged the castell of Hidingham, the which togither with the castels of Norwich, Colchester, and Oxford, were surrendered vnto him, to haue a truce granted vntill a moneth after Easter next insuing. And so by this meanes all the east part of the realme came vnto the possession of Lewes. For the Ile of Elie was woon by his people a litle before the last truce, whilest he himselfe lay in siege at Berkehamstéed, except one fortresse belonging to the same Ile, into the which the souldiers that serued there vnder the king were withdrawen. But yet although Lewes might séeme thus partlie to preuaile, in hauing these castels deliuered into his hands, yet being aduertised that dailie there reuolted diuerse of the barons of England vnto king Henrie, which before had taken part with him: he stood in great doubt and feare of the rest, and therefore furnished all those castels which he had woone with conuenient garrisons, and namelie the castell of Hertford, and after went to London, there to vnderstand what further trust he might put in the rest of the English lords and barons: for as diuerse had alreadie forsaken him, as it is said, so the residue were doubtfull what they were best to doo. [Sidenote: The perplexitie in which the barons stood.] For first they considered, that the renouncing of their promised faith vnto Lewes, whome they had sworne to mainteine as king of England, should be a great reproch vnto them: and againe they well saw that to continue in their obedience towards him, should bring the realme in great danger, sith it would be hard for any louing agréement to continue betwéene the French & Englishmen, their natures being so contrarie. Thirdlie, they stood somewhat in feare of the popes cursse, pronounced by his legat, both against Lewes and all his partakers. Albeit on the other side, to reuolt vnto king Henrie, though the loue which they did beare to their countrie, and the great towardnesse which they saw in him greatlie mooued them; yet sith by reason of his yoong yeares, he was not able either to follow the wars himselfe, or to take counsell what was to be doone in publike gouernement they iudged it a verie dangerous case. For whereas in wars nothing can be more expedient than to haue one head, by whose appointment all things may be gouerned: so nothing can be more hurtfull than to haue manie rulers, by whose authoritie things shall passe and be ordered. [Sidenote: S. Albons destroied.] Wherefore these considerations staied and kept one part of the English lords still in obedience to Lewes, namelie, for that diuerse of the confederats thought that it stood not with their honours so to forsake him, till they might haue some more honorable colour to reuolt from their promises, or that the matter should be taken vp by some indifferent agréement to be concluded out of hand betwixt them. Hervpon they resorted in like maner vnto London, and there with Lewes tooke councell what was to be doone with their businesse touching the whole state of their cause. ¶ Here ye shall note, that before the concluding of this last truce, Fouks de Brent the capteine of the castell of Bedford gat togither a number of souldiers out of the garrisons of the castels of Oxford, Northampton, Bedford, and Windsor, and coming with them, to S. Albons the 22 of Februarie, he spoiled the towne & abbie, in like maner as he had doone all the townes and villages by the way as he passed through the countrie, from Bedford vnto S. Albons. The messengers which Lewes had remaining in the court of Rome, signified vnto him about the same time, that except he departed out of England, the sentence of excommunication, which Gualo or Walo the legat had pronounced against him, should be confirmed by the pope on Maundie thursdaie next insuing. Wherevpon Lewes was the more inclined to yéeld to the truce before mentioned, that he might in the meane time go ouer into France to his father, who had most earnestlie written and sent in commandement to him, that in any wise he should returne home to talke with him, and so about midlent after the truce was concluded, he prepared himselfe, and sailed ouer into France, and as Polydor saith (but with what authoritie I know not) the king of Scots went also with him. [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: Noble men reuolting fr[=o] Lewes.] After his departure ouer, William earle of Salisburie, William earle of Arundell, William earle Warren, and diuerse other reuolted to king Henrie. Moreouer, William Marshall earle of Penbroke so trauelled with his son William Marshall the yoonger, that he likewise came to take part with the yoong king: whereby the side of Lewes and his Frenchmen was sore weakened, and their harts no lesse appalled for the sequele of their affaires. Lewes returned yet into England before the truce was expired. The lords that held on the kings part in the absence of Lewes, were not forgetfull to vse opportunitie of time: for beside that they had procured no small number of those that before time held with Lewes to reuolt from him to the kings side, they at one selfe time besieged diuerse castels, and recouered them out of their aduersaries hands, as Marleborough, Farneham, Winchester, Cicester, and certeine other, which they ouerthrew and raced, bicause they should not be taken and kept againe by the enimie. For ye must vnderstand, that the going ouer of Lewes now at that time, when it stood him most vpon to haue béene present here in that troublesome season (which he ought to haue regarded with singular circumspection, and warilie to haue watched, for Virtus est, vbi occasio admonet, dispicere) brought no small hinderance to the whole state of all his businesse, in so much that he was neuer so highlie regarded afterwards among the Englishmen as before. [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: The earle of Chester.] [Sidenote: The castell of Mountsorell besieged.] [Sidenote: Henrie Braibroke.] [Sidenote: Saer de Quincie erle of Winchester.] About the same time Ranulfe earle of Chester, William earle of Albermarle, William earle Ferrers, Robert de Veipount, Brian de Lisle, William de Cantlow, Philip de Marc, Robert de Gaugi, Fouks de Brent, & others assembled their powers, and comming to Mountsorell beside Loughborough in Leicestershire, besieged the castell there, the capteine whereof was one Henrie de Braib. Henrie defended the place right manfully, and doubting to be in distres by long siege, sent with all spéed to the earle of Winchester, Saer de Quincie as then being at London with the Frenchmen, requiring him to send some succour to remoue the siege. Herevpon the earle of Winchester, to whom that castell belonged, required Lewes that some conuenient power might be sent, whereby the siege might be remooued. Wherefore vpon councell taken with deliberate aduise, it was ordeined that an armie should be sent thither with all spéed, not onlie to raise the siege, but also to subdue that countrie vnto the obedience of Lewes. Herwith there went out of London 600 knights, and with them aboue twentie thousand men in armour, gréedie (as it séemed) to haue the spoile of other mens goods. [Sidenote: The earle of Chester raiseth his siege.] Their chiefe capteins were these: Saer de Quincie earle of Winchester, Robert Fitzwater, and others, and they did set forward vpon the last of Aprill, which was the mondaie before the Ascension daie, passing through S. Albons, where they lodged the first night, and so to Dunstable, and by the waie such souldiers as were vsed to spoile and pillage, plaied their parts, not sparing to rob and ransacke as well religious houses as other. From Dunstable kéeping on their iournie northwards, at length they came to Mountsorell, but the earle of Chester and the other lords, aduertised of their approch, were retired before to Notingham, determining there to abide, till they might vnderstand what waie the enimies would take. [Sidenote: _Bernewell._] [Sidenote: The poore estate of the French soldiers.] In the meane time the earle of Winchester and the other barons, finding their enimies departed and the siege raised, determined foorthwith to go vnto Lincolne, where Gilbert de Gaunt and other had kept siege a long time before the castell, but yet in vaine. For there was a noble ladie within that castell named Nichola, who demeaned hir selfe so valiantlie in resisting all assaults and enterprises, which the enimies that besieged hir could attempt by anie meanes against hir, that they rather lost than wan honour and estimation at hir hands dailie. Therefore Robert Fitzwater and the other leaders of this armie, to the end they might get that castell out of hir and other their enimies hands, tooke their iournie forward, and passing through the vale of Beauuere, all things there that came to sight fell into the hands of the gréedie souldiers. For the French footmen, which were as it had béene the scum & reffuse of their countrie, leaft nothing vntouched that they might lay hands vpon, not sparing church or churchyard, nor hallowed place more than common or prophane. For they were so poore and ragged, that they had scarse anie tatters to couer their priuie parts withall. Finallie comming vnto Lincolne, they assaulted the castell with all maner of engins, and assaied by all waies possible whereby they hoped to aduance their purpose. [Sidenote: Summons to raise an armie for the king.] Thus whiles the barons with the Frenchmen were much busied about the siege of Lincolne castell, W. Marshall earle of Penbroke, by the aduise of the legat Gualo or Walo, and of Peter bishop of Winchester, and other of the councell with king Henrie, caused summons to be giuen to all capteins and chateleins on the kings part, to be at Newarke vpon mondaie in Whitsunwéeke, with such power as they might make, from thence to march to Lincolne, there to raise the siege, and deliuer the countrie from imminent oppression. Wherevpon there assembled at the daie and place prefixed, a great puissance of people desirous to fight for the defense of their countrie against the Frenchmen and other aduersaries, rebels to the pope, and excommunicated persons, so that when the muster was taken, there was numbered 400 knights, 250 crossebowes, besides demilances and horssemen in great numbers, which for néed might haue supplied and serued in stéed of men of armes, being verie well furnished for the purpose, and armed at all points. [Sidenote: The capteins of the kings armie.] The chiefe capteins of this companie were these: William Marshall earle of Penbroke, and his son William Marshall the yonger, Peter bish. of Winchester, a man right skilfull in feats of warre, Ranulph earle of Chester, William earle of Salisburie, William earle of Ferrers, William earle of Albemarle, besides barons, as William de Albenie latelie released out of captiuitie, Iohn Marshall, William de Cantlow, and William his sonne, Fouks de Brent, Thomas Basset, Robert de Veipount, Brian de Lisle, Geffrey de Lucie, Philip de Albenie, with manie other chateleins and constables of sundrie castels. [Sidenote: The legat accurseth Lewes & his complices.] The legat being there present also on the fridaie in the Whitsunwéeke aforesaid, reuested in a white albe, accompanied with the clergie, accursed in solemne wise Lewes the French kings sonne, with all his fautours and complices, & especiallie those which held siege before the castell of Lincolne, with all the citie: and the more to incourage all those that should passe foorth in this armie, to raise the siege, he granted to them frée remission of all their sins, whereof they were trulie confessed, and by authoritie which he had from almightie GOD, and the apostolike sée, he promised to them the guerdon of euerlasting saluation. Herewith when the armie had receiued absolution, and the legats blessing, euerie man marched foorth in his order and place appointed, and comming to Stow, an eight miles from Lincolne, they lodged there all night. In the morning they passed foorth towards Lincolne, vnder the conduct of the said earle of Penbroke as generall of the whole armie, who being come thither, compassed about the citie with his armie. And to cause the enimie the sooner to leaue the siege of the castell, he assaulted the gates of the citie, inforcing his power to beare downe and breake them open. The Frenchmen perceiuing all the danger to be about the gates, withdrew a little from the assailing of the castell, and resorting to the walles of the citie, did their best with shooting and casting of stones and other things, to driue their aduersaries from the gates. [Sidenote: Fouks de Brent.] [Sidenote: The Frenchmen put to flight at Lincolne.] Thus whiles they were occupied on both parts, Fouks de Brent entered into the castell by a posterne gate on the backeside, and a great number of souldiers with him, and rushing into the citie out of the castell, he began a fierce battell with the citizens within the citie: which when the Frenchmen perceiued, by the noise and crie raised at their backs, they ran to the place where the skirmish was, dooing their best to beat backe the aforesaid Foukes de Brent with his companie. But in the meane time the Englishmen, vnder the leading of Sauerie de Mauleon, a Poictouin (of whom you haue heard in the life of king Iohn) brake open the gates and entred the citie. Then the fight was sore increased and mainteined for a time with great furie: so that it was hard to iudge who should haue the better. But at length the Frenchmen and those English lords that were with them, being sore laid at on ech side, began to retire towards the gates, and finallie to turne their backs and so fled awaie but being beset round about with the kings horssemen, they were streightwaies either slaine or taken for the most part of them. [Sidenote: The earle of Perch slaine.] [Sidenote: Noble m[=e] taken prisoners.] [Sidenote: Gilbert de Gaunt by the gift of Lewes.] Amongst other that were there slaine, the earle of Perch a Frenchman was one, who being gotten into a churchyard manfullie defended himselfe till his horsse was killed vnder him, and lastlie himselfe was also beaten downe and slaine. There were taken of Englishmen, Saer de Quincie earle of Winchester, and Humfrey de Bohun earle of Hereford, Gilbert de Gaunt earle of Lincolne by the gift of Lewes, Richard de Montfichet, William de Mowbraie, William de Beauchampe, William de Manduit, Oliuer de Harecourt, Roger de Cressie, William de Coleuill, William de Roos, William de Ropeley, Ralfe Chanduit, and diuerse other: so that of knights there were taken to the number of foure hundred, beside such multitude of demilances, and other horssemen and footmen, as could not well be numbered. Moreouer, all the prouision, trusse, and baggage loden in carts, clothsackes, and males belonging to the barons and Frenchmen was taken, and the citie was spoiled, rifled and sacked. [Sidenote: Lewes his faire.] [Sidenote: The K. commandeth ye castell of Mountsorell to be raced.] This enterprise and discomfiture at Lincolne, which was in derision called Lewes his faire, chanced the 14 kalends of Iune, being saturdaie in the Whitsunwéeke. Manie honest matrons of the towne were drowned, as they were got into boates to auoid the danger of their persons, wanting skill how to guide the same boates. The earle of Penbroke the same daie before he receiued any repast, rode backe in post to the king, whom he had left at Stow, and there declared the ioifull newes of his good spéed, in vanquishing of the enimies. On the next morrow, newes came to the king, that they which had kept the castell of Mountsorell were fled out of the same, and had left it void. Wherevpon immediatlie he sent in commandement vnto the shiriffe of Notinghamshire, that going thither in his owne person, he should ruinat the said castell, & make it plaine with the ground. [Sidenote: Milites.] The Frenchmen which escaped with life from the slaughter of Lincolne, as the Marshall of France, the chateleine of Arras, with others, made towards London with all possible spéed, in hope to escape so well as they might: but manie of them, and namelie the footmen were slaine by the countrie people where they passed, and that in great numbers: for the husbandmen fell vpon them with clubs and swords, not sparing those whom they got at aduantage. Two hundred knights or men of armes (as we may call them) getting to London, presented vnto Lewes the sorowfull report of their misaduenture, and were of him not moaned, but blamed and sore rebuked, for that they had fled, and shamefullie left the residue of their companies to be distressed, taken, and slaine by the aduersaries, where if they had manfullie stood to it, they might happilie haue saued their fellowes, and obteined victorie. [Sidenote: _Chr. Dunstab._] ¶ The chronicle of Dunstable sheweth indéed that Simon de Peschie and Henrie Braibroc, perceiuing that Fouks de Brent was entered into the citie, and that they were now assailed both afront, and on the backes, they withdrew, and getting togither 80 French knights or men of armes (if we shall so call them) departed out of the citie, and fléeing through the countrie by Lin and saint Edmundsburie, at length got through to London. Howsoeuer they were welcomed of Lewes, certeine it is, that the lords that tooke part with king Henrie, were put in no small hope by the atchiuing of this so great a victorie, to bring within a short time all the realme to the obedience of king Henrie: and herevpon marching foorth into the countrie, put the people in such feare, that they submitted themselues vnto the gouernment of king Henrie in all places wheresoeuer they came. [Sidenote: Lewes sendeth to his father for aid.] [Sidenote: An armie prepared in Fr[=a]ce to come to the succour of Lewes.] On the other part, Lewes who all this season remained at London, being sore dismaied for the losse of his people, began to feare euerie daie more and more, least by some practise he should be betraied and deliuered into his enimies hands. Therefore he went about to make himselfe as strong as was possible, & fortifieng the citie, sent messengers into France, to require his father to send him more aid. His father sorie to heare of his sons distress, and loth that he should take the foile, caused his daughter the wife of Lewes, to prepare a power of men, that the same might passe with all spéed ouer into England to the aid of hir husband. For the French king himselfe would not séeme to aid his sonne, bicause he was excommunicated: but his daughter in law, hauing licence and commission thereto, gat togither thrée hundred knights, or men of armes, whome with a great number of other souldiers and armed men, she sent downe to Caleis, where Eustace the moonke had prouided a nauie of ships to conueie them ouer into England. But how they sped you shall heare anon. [Sidenote: _Polydor._] [Sidenote: The diligence of the earle of Penbroke.] In the meane time the earle of Penbroke approched towards London, purposing to assaile the citie now in this opportunitie of time, letting passe no occasion that might further his procéedings, night and day studieng how to recouer the realme wholie out of the Frenchmens hands, and to set the same at libertie: so that what was to be deuised, he did deuise, and what was to be doone, that he did, not forslowing anie occasion or opportunitie that might be offered. The English barons also calling to mind the benefit which they had receiued at the Frenchmens hands in time of their most néed, sought now by all means possible, some waie how to procure a peace betwixt king Henrie and the said Lewes, thinking by that means to benefit themselues, and to gratifie him in lieu of his former courtesie bountifullie shewed in a case of extremitie, which bicause it was obteined in a wished time was the more acceptable, whereas being lingered it had béene the lesse welcome, as one saith, [Sidenote: _Auson. in epig._] Gratia quæ tarda est ingrata est, gratia námq; Quùm fieri properat, gratia grata magis. [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: Hubert de Burgh assaileth the French fléet.] [Sidenote: The French fléet is vanquished.] Hervpon they caused dailie new articles of agréement to be presented in writing vnto the said Lewes, as from king Henrie. But while these things were a dooing, the earle of Penbroke and other the lords that tooke part with king Henrie, hauing aduertisement, that a new supplie of men was readie to come and aid Lewes, they appointed Philip de Albenie and Iohn Marshall to associat with them the power of the cinque ports, and to watch for the comming of the aduersaries, that they might kéepe them from landing, who on saint Bartholomews day set forth fr[=o] Caleis, in purpose to arriue in the Thames, and so to come vp the riuer to London. Howbeit Hubert de Burgh capiteine of the castell of Douer, togither with the said Philip de Albenie and Iohn Marshall, with other such power as they could get togither of the cinque ports, hauing not yet aboue the number of 40 ships great & small, vpon the discouering of the French fléet, which consisted of 80 great ships, besides other lesser vessels well appointed and trimmed, made foorth to the sea. And first coasting aloofe from them, till they had got the wind on their backs, came finallie with their maine force to assaile the Frenchmen, and with helpe of their crossebowes and archers at the first ioining, made great slaughter of their enimies, and so grapling togither, in the end the Englishmen bare themselues so manfullie, that they vanquished the whole French fléet, and obteined a famous victorie. [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: Eustace the moonke taken and beheaded.] [Sidenote: Richard base sonne to king Iohn.] [Sidenote: Eustace the moonke what he was.] Eustace the moonke was found amongst the capteins, who although he offered great summes of gold for his ransome, so that he might haue had his life saued, and also to serue king Henrie, yet the English capiteins would none of that: but Richard the bastard sonne of king Iohn, tooke him, and cut off his head, and sent it vnto king Henrie his brother, as a witnesse of this their atchieued victorie. This Eustace was a Fleming borne, and somtime a moonke, but renouncing his cowle to receiue such heritage as fell to him by the death of his brethren, deceassing without issue, he became a notable pirat, and had doone in his dais much mischéefe to the Englishmen, and therefore was now rewarded according to his demerits. For [Sidenote: _Hor. lib. 3. car. od. 2._] Rarò antecedentem scelestum Deseruit pede poena claudo. [Sidenote: A rich spoile.] [Sidenote: An accord betwixt K. Henrie & Lewes.] [Sidenote: The English chronicle saith a thousand pounds.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris_.] The spoile and prey of the French ships was verie rich, so that the Englishmen being loden with riches and honour, vpon their safe returne home were receiued with great ioy and gladnesse. But Lewes, after he vnderstood of this mischance happening to his people that came to his aid, began not a litle to despaire of all other succour to come vnto him at any time héerafter: wherfore he inclined the sooner vnto peace, so that at length he tooke such offers of agréement as were put vnto him, and receiued furthermore a sum of monie for the release of such hostages as he had in his hands, togither with the title of the kingdome of England, and the possession of all such castels and holds as he held within the realme. ¶ The French chronicle (to the which the chronicle of Dunstable and Matthew Paris doo also agrée) affirmeth that he receiued fiftéene thousand marks. Moreouer, the popes legat absolued Lewes and all those that had taken his part in the offense of disobedience shewed in attempting the warre against the popes commandement. Then Lewes with all his complices that had bin excommunicated sware vpon the holie euangelist, that they should stand to the iudgement of holie church, and from thencefoorth be faithfull vnto the pope and to the church of Rome. Moreouer, that he with his people should incontinentlie depart out of the realme, and neuer vpon euill intent returne againe. And that so farre as in him laie, he should procure his father king Philip, to make restitution vnto king Henrie of all the right which he had in the parts beyond the sea: and that when he should be king of France, he should resigne the same in most quiet manner. On the other part, king Henrie tooke his oth togither with the legat, and the earle of Penbroke gouernour of the realme, that he should restore vnto the barons of his realme, and to other his subiects, all their rights and heritages, with all the liberties before demanded, for the which the discord was mooued betwixt the late king Iohn and his barons. Moreouer, all prisoners on both parts were released and set at libertie, without paieng anie ransome: yea and those which had couenanted to paie, and vpon the same were set at libertie before the conclusion of this peace, were now discharged of all summes of monie which then remained vnpaid. This peace was concluded on the eleuenth day of September, not farre from Stanes, hard by the riuer of Thames, where Lewes himselfe, the legat Guallo, and diuerse of the spiritualtie with the earle of Penbroke lord gouernor of the realme, and others, did méet and talke about this accord. Now when all things were ordered and finished agréeable to the articles and couenants of the peace, so farre as the time present required, the lords of the realme (when Lewes should depart homeward) attended him to Douer in honorable wise, as apperteined, and there tooke leaue of him, and so he departed out of the realme about the feast of saint Michaell. [Sidenote: The prelats are fined.] [Sidenote: Anno Reg. 2.] [Sidenote: What cheuance the legat made.] King Henrie by this meanes being put in full possession of the relme, according to the prescript of that article conteined in those conditions of the peace latelie specified, pardoned all those that had aided his aduersarie Lewes during the wars, except certeine of the spiritualtie, which were put to such fines, that they were compelled to laie all that they had to pledge, to leuie such summes of monie, as they might with the same obteine the kings fauour again: and beside that, to sue to Rome for their entier absolution at the popes owne hands. Amongst other, Hugh bishop of Lincolne returning into England, was compelled to paie a thousand marks to the popes vse for recouerie of his bishoprike, & an hundred marks also to the legat of good and lawfull monie. Such cheuance made the legat amongst them of the church, as well persons secular as regular, that he got togither twelue thousand marks towards his charges, whereby it appeared, that he lost no time in England. But to procéed. [Sidenote: Fouks de Brent.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] The realme now being quiet and in all outward felicitie, a number of vnrulie persons, such as delighting in idlenesse, knew not how to liue in time of peace, assembled themselues togither and (appointing Fouks de Brent, who was a man of great stomach and more rashnesse, to be their capteine and ringleder) began to make warre against the king, and to spoile the townes and countries about them, so that their euill dooings might haue caused no small perill to haue insued by some great ciuill sedition, if the earle of Penbroke had not in time preuented their attempts. For he assembling the kings power, hasted towards the rebels, and what by his owne authoritie, and by the reuerend regard of some bishops in his companie; more than by vsing any force of armes, he staid the matter for that time, so that no further mischéefe followed of this mutinie. [Sidenote: The castell of Newarke restored to the bishop of Lincolne.] Besides the foresaid Fouks de Brent, there were other of the Nobilitie also which practised the like disorder, as William earle of Albemarle, Robert de Veipount, Brian de Lisle, Hugh de Balioll, Philip de Marc, and Robert de Gaugi, the which Robert withheld the castell of Newarke that belonged to the bishop of Lincolne, and would not deliuer it, till the king with William Marshall erle of Penbroke had laine at siege before it an eight daies, in the end of which terme by mediation of fréends the matter was taken vp, and the bishop recouered his castell, paieng to the said Robert de Gaugi an hundred pounds sterling for the victuals which he left within the same castell. [Sidenote: _Matt. Paris._] [Sidenote: The earle of Chester goeth into the holie land.] [Sidenote: Sonne to K. Iohn belike.] Soone after this, Ranulph earle of Chester was sent into the holie land by king Henrie, with a goodlie companie of souldiers and men of warre, to aid the christians there against the infidels, which at the same time had besieged the citie of Damieta in Aegypt, in which enterprise the valiancie of the same earle after his comming thither, was to his great praise most apparant. There went with him in that iournie Saer de Quincie earle of Winchester, William de Albenie earle of Arundell, besides diuerse barons, as the lord Robert Fitz Walter, Iohn constable of Chester, William de Harecourt, and Oliuer Fitzroie sonne to the king of England, and diuerse other. [Sidenote: Anno Reg. 3. 1219.] [Sidenote: The deceasse of the earle of Penbroke.] [Sidenote: He is buried in the temple church.] [Sidenote: Pandulph made bishop of Norwich.] The next yeare, which was after the birth of our lord 1219, William Marshall the foresaid earle of Penbroke died, gouernour both of the realme and also of the kings person, a man of such worthinesse both in stoutnesse of stomach and martiall knowlege, as England had few then liuing that might be compared with him. He was buried in the new temple church at London vpon the Ascension day. The same yeare also Wallo or Guallo the legat returned to Rome, and Pandulph, who (as before is expressed) did the message so stoutlie from pope Innocent to king Iohn, was also made bishop of Norwich. [Sidenote: The bishop of Winchester gouernour to the king.] [Sidenote: Quéene Isabell married to the earle of Marsh.] Moreouer, the gouernement of king Henrie after the death of William Marshall the elder, earle of Penbroke, was committed vnto Peter bishop of Winchester: for the yoong king was almost destitute of any of his kindred that were worthie to haue the rule of him: forasmuch as his mother quéene Isabell was latelie maried to Hugh Brune the earle of Marsh in France, vnto whome she was promised before king Iohn tooke hir to wife, as in the life of the same king Iohn is mentioned. [Sidenote: A parlement and a subsidie.] [Sidenote: _R. Fabian._] The bishop of Winchester being now in the possession of the kings person, doubting least he had taken a greater charge vpon him than he might well answer, caused diuerse sage and honourable personages to be admitted of the kings councell, to assist him in the administration of the common-wealth and good gouernance of the realme. Which being doone, a parlement was holden at London, wherein a subsidie was granted to the king of two shillings to be gathered and leuied of euerie ploughland within his dominions, towards the relieuing of the great charges which he had susteined by the warres against the foresaid Lewes. [Sidenote: The new church of Westm. begun.] [Sidenote: Anno Reg. 4.] [Sidenote: _Matth. West._] [Sidenote: The earle of Chester returneth home.] [Sidenote: _Polydor._] [Sidenote: 1220.] [Sidenote: The K. crowned the second time.] About the same time also he began the building of the new worke of the church at Westminster. In which meane time the citie of Damieta afore mentioned, was woone by the christian princes, and Ranulph earle of Chester returned home, leauing the earle of Arundell with a great number of souldiors behind him there in aid of the christians against the Saracens, which dailie attempted the recouerie of the same. Moreouer, in the yeare insuing, which was of our lord 1220, and vpon the seauentéenth day of Maie being Whitsunday, the king was eftsoones solemnelie crowned at Westminster, to the end it might be said, that now after the extinguishment of all seditious factions, he was crowned by the generall consent of all the estates and subiects of his realme. [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: _Ran. Higd._] [Sidenote: A proclamation to auoid strangers.] [Sidenote: The castles of Chartley & Béeston built.] [Sidenote: _Ran. Higd._] The same yeare also was the bodie of Thomas archbishop of Canturburie translated and Hugh bishop of Lincolne canonized for a saint. In like manner in the vigile of Peter and Paule, the king finding the castels of Rokingham and Sauueie at that present vnpurueied of victuals, tooke the same into his hands against the will of William of Albemarle which before held the same. ¶ This yeare also was a proclamation made in London, and throughout all the realme, that all strangers should auoid the land before the feast of saint Michaell then next following except those that came with merchandize. Furthermore Ranulph earle of Chester, after he was come from the holie land, began to build the castels of Chartleie and Béeston, and afterward he also builded the abbeie of Dieu Lencresse, commonlie called Delacresse of the white order. Toward his charges susteined about the building of which castels and abbeie, he tooke toll throughout all his lordships of all such persons as passed by the same with any cattell, chaffre or merchandize. [Sidenote: An. Reg. 5. 1221.] [Sidenote: Salisburie.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: The earle of Albemarle.] [Sidenote: The castell of Biham.] This yeare deceassed Henrie de Boun earle of Hereford, and Saer de Quincie earle of Winchester in their iournie which they made into the holie land. Also the same yeare the préests or canons that inhabited within the kings castell of old Salisburie, remooued with the bishops sée vnto new Salisburie, which by the king was made a citie. The bishop Richard procured this remoouing, through the kings helpe, who was verie willing therevnto, as it séemed by his charters largelie granted in that behalfe. After this, king Henrie held his Christmasse at Oxenford, at what time William de Fortz earle of Albemarle meaning to trouble the kings peace, and to set things in a new broile, departed from the court in the night season, without leaue or licence, and hasted with all spéed vnto the castell of Biham, where he assembled a sort of youthfull persons, giuen to lewd demeanor, and wearie of quietnesse (as to whome theft and robberies were verie pleasant) by whose helpe he spoiled diuers townes and villages about him, as Tenham and Deping, with others. There were of counsell with him also (as was thought) Fouks de Brent, Philip de Marc, Peter de Mauleon, Engellard de Athie, and manie other, who priuilie sent men to his aid, and furthered him in his tumultuous affaires, that they might participat with him the swéetnesse of the spoile, which is the marke whereat euerie one shooteth that is ----iners & inops, qui viuere luxuriosè Vult quamuis nequeat, non respondente crumena, Proinde animam vendit pretio, seséque periclis Objicit, vt raptis alienis victor ouánsque Ad proprios referat prædam & spolia ampla penates. [Sidenote: The castell of Fodringhey.] [Sidenote: The castell of Biham yéelded.] In the meane time the countrie people withdrew to the churches, and gat their goods into the churchyards. Moreouer, the péeres of the realme assembled themselues in councell at Westminster where the king was present, whither the earle of Albermarle was summoned to come, who faining as though he had meant to haue gone thitherward directlie, turned suddenlie his waie to the castell of Fodringhey, and tooke it vpon the sudden, furnishing it also with a garrison of souldiers, to be kept hereafter to his owne vse. That castell was in the kéeping of the earle of Chester, who at that instant had but few souldiers there in garrison, wherby it was the sooner surprised. When these newes were brought to the king, he raised a power and came with all spéed to the castell of Biham, vpon the wednesdaie next after the feast of Candelmasse, and then compassing the same about with a strong siege, he constreined them within by force of such engins as they vsed in those daies, that finallie on the eight daie of Februarie they came foorth, and submitted themselues and all that they had vnto the kings pleasure. Who caused them to be safelie kept, till he might take further aduisement what should be doone with them. [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: Old seruice remembred.] [Sidenote: The Welshm[=e] begin to stur.] [Sidenote: _Polydor._] In the meane while also came the earle of Albemarle, who by the helpe & means of the archbishop of Yorke, and the legat Pandulph, purchased peace at the kings hands, the rather indéed bicause he had faithfullie serued both the king and his father king Iohn in their wars, before that time. All those men of armes & souldiers also, which had submitted themselues and remained as prisoners were pardoned. Which ouer-great clemencie caused other vnrulie persons to attempt the like offense of rebellion shortlie after. At the very selfe same time the Welshmen began to sturre, and vnder their prince and leader Leolin they entered vpon the English marshes, and with great crueltie spoiled and robbed the same, wherevpon it was determined by the councell, that the king (as he was comming toward the castell of Biham) should diuide his armie, and so he did, sending one part thereof against the Welshmen: whervpon Leolin, after he vnderstood that the kings power came toward him, as one not able to resist the same, cast off his armour, and submitted himselfe to his mercie. [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: Reginald de Breuse.] [Sidenote: Mountgomerie castle built.] [Sidenote: Escuage paid.] There be which write, that where prince Leolin had besieged the castell of Buet belonging to Reginald de Breuse, the same Reginald besought the K. to helpe to remooue that siege. The king contented with his request, came with a puissant armie into those parts, and therewith the siege was raised, for the Welshmen (according to their accustomed maner) fled. The king then entring further into the countrie, came to the place where Mountgomerie now standeth, and perceiuing the site of the same to serue well for fortification, he caused a castell to be builded there, to restreine the Welshmen from their accustomed trade of harrieng the countrie. And so after he had foraied those quarters, and taken order for the full accomplishment of that castell, he returned, the Nobles granting to him of euerie knights fée two markes of siluer. [Sidenote: _Polydor._] [Sidenote: K. Henrie requireth restitution of his right of the Fr[=e]ch king.] Things being thus in quiet, the king (who by dailie experience of matters grew to more knowledge from time to time) began now of himselfe to order his affaires for his owne behalfe, namelie touching the estate of his kingdome: and bicause he was minded to assaie the recouerie of those places which his father had lost in France, he ordeined Sauerie de Mauleon to be his lieutenant in Guien, whereof a great part as yet remained in his hands, and moreouer sent ambassadours vnto the French king, requiring of him restitution of those places which he had taken from his father. [Sidenote: The French kings answer.] These oratours being come into France, and admitted to the kings presence, receiued answer, that nothing ought to be restored, which by law of armes was rightlie conquered: and other redresse at that time would none be granted. ¶ But a maruell it was to consider here at home, in how short a space the state of the English common-wealth was changed, and from a troubled fourme reduced to a flourishing and prosperous degrée: chiefelie by the diligent héed and carefull prouision of the king himselfe. So much auaileth it to haue him that ruleth, to attend that which belongeth to his office. [Sidenote: _Matt. Westm._] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: Marriages concluded.] [Sidenote: An. Reg. 6 1222.] [Sidenote: A councell or synod at Oxford.] [Sidenote: Two dissembling persons apprehended.] [Sidenote: _Matt. Westm._] [Sidenote: They are executed.] [Sidenote: Two women counterfeiting themselues to be, the one our ladie, the other Marie Magdalene.] [Sidenote: _Ralfe Cog._] After this, to the intent that whiles he might be occupied in warres abroad, he should not be troubled with ciuill discord at home, he deuised to ioine in affinitie with the Scots, giuing his sister Ione in mariage vnto Alexander the king of Scotland, and Hubert of Burgh on the other side married the sister of the same Alexander called Margaret. These marriages were solemnized at Yorke on the morrow after the feast of S. Iohn Baptist, in the presence of a great number of the Nobles both of England and Scotland. A councell also was holden by the archbishop of Canturburie at Oxford for reformation of the state ecclesiasticall and the religion of moonks. ¶ In which councell two naughtie felowes were presented before him, that of late had béene apprehended, either of them naming himselfe Christ, and preached manie things against such abuses as the cleargie in those daies vsed. Moreouer, to prooue their errour to haue a shew of truth, they shewed certeine tokens and signes of wounds in their bodies, hands and féet, like vnto our sauiour Iesus that was nailed on the crosse. In the end being well apposed, they were found to be but false dissemblers, wherefore by doome of that councell, they were iudged to be nailed vnto a crosse of wood, and so those to whom the execution was assigned, had them foorth to a place called Arborberie, where they nailed them to a crosse, and there left them till they were dead. The one of them was an Hermophrodite, that is to say, both man and woman. Also there were two women condemned, of whom the one had taken vpon hir to be that blessed virgine Marie, and the other fained hir selfe to be Marie Magdalene. Ralfe Coghshall sheweth this matter otherwise, and saith, that there were two men and two women brought before the archbishop at this councell, of the which one of the men being a deacon, was accused to be an apostata, & for the loue of a woman that was a Iew, he had circumcised himselfe: & being herof conuicted & disgraded, he was committed to the secular power, & so burnt by the seruants of Fouks de Brent. The other being a yoong man, was accused of contemning the sacraments of the church, & that he suffered himselfe to be crucified, hauing the prints of the fiue wounds appearing in his bodie, and counterfeiting himselfe to be Christ, reioised to haue the two women giue out and spread the rumour abroad, that he was Christ in déed, one of the which women being verie aged, was also accused of witcherie, hauing with hir sorcerie and witchcraft brought that yoong man vnto such wicked follie and madnesse. They two being hereof conuicted, were closed vp betwixt two walles, where they remained till they died, the other woman being sister to the yoong man, was pardoned and let go, bicause she had reuealed the diuelish practise of the other. [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: _Matt. Paris._] [Sidenote: _Matth. West._] [Sidenote: A bell-wedder some saie.] This yeare also was the building of the stéeple belonging to the church of S. Paule in London finished. And this yeare also vpon saint James day the citizens of London kept a plaie of defense and wrestling at the hospitall of saint James, against other their neighbours of the suburbes, and the quarters next adioining. In the end whereof it so fortuned, that the Londoners had the vpper hand: and amongst other that were put to the foile, the steward of the abbat of Westminster with his folkes went awaie with the worst, to their great gréefe. Wherevpon the same steward deuised an other game of wrestling to be holden at Westminster on Lammas day next following, and that whosoeuer could get the vpper hand there, should haue a ram for the price, which the steward had prepared. [Sidenote: A riot committed vnder pretense of wrestling.] [Sidenote: Robert Serle maior of London.] [Sidenote: Constantine, a citizen of London procureth the citizens to reuenge their cause by waie of rebellion.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] At the day appointed, there was a great assemblie, and the steward had got togither out of all parts the best wrestlers that might be heard of, so that there was hard hold betwixt them and the Londoners. But finallie, the steward vpon desire of reuenge, procured them to fall togither by the eares without any iust cause, so that the Londoners were beaten and wounded, and constreined to flée backe to the citie in great disorder. The citizens sore offended to sée their people so misused, rose in tumult, and rang the common bell to gather the more companie to them. Robert Serle maior of the citie would haue pacified the matter, persuading them to let the iniurie passe, till by orderlie plaint they might get redresse, as law and iustice should assigne. But a certeine stout man of the citie named Constantine Fitz Arnulfe, of good authoritie amongst them, aduised the multitude not to harken vnto peace, but to séeke reuenge out of hand (wherein he shewed himselfe so farre from true manhood, that he bewraied himselfe rather to haue had a womans heart, ----quòd vindicta Nemo magis gaudet quàm foemina) still prosecuting the strife with tooth and naile, and blowing the coles of contention as it were with full bellowes, that the houses belonging to the abbat of Westminster, and namelie the house of his steward might be ouerthrowne and beaten downe flat with the ground. [Sidenote: The lord chéefe iustice taketh inquisition of the riot.] [Sidenote: Constantine apprehended.] [Sidenote: He is executed.] This lewd counsell was soone receiued and executed by the outragious people, & Constantine himselfe being chéefe leader of them, cried with a lowd voice, Mount ioy mount ioy, God be our aid and our souereigne Lewes. This outragious part comming to the notice of Hubert de Burgh lord chéefe iustice, he gat togither a power of armed men, and came to the citie with the same, and taking inquisition of the chéefe offendors, found Constantine as constant in affirming the déed to be his, as he had before constantlie put it in practise, wherevpon he was apprehended and two other citizens with him. On the next day in the morning Fouks de Brent was appointed to haue them to execution: and so by the Thames he quietlie led them to the place where they should suffer. Now when Constantine had the halter about his necke, he offered fiftéene thousand marks of siluer to haue béene pardoned, but it would not be. There was hanged with him his nephue named also Constantine, and one Geffrey, who made the proclamation deuised by the said Constantine. The crie also which Constantine vsed to the setting forward of his vnlawfull enterprise in the name of Lewes most of all offended the kings fréends, as the lord chéefe iustice and others, who not satisfied with the death of the thrée before remembred persons, but also entring the citie againe with their bands of armed men, apprehended diuerse of those whome they tooke to be culpable, not onelie putting manie of them into prison, but also punishing other of them, as some with losse of a foot, some of an hand, and other of their eie-sight. The king furthermore to reuenge this matter, deposed all the magistrats of the citie, and ordeined new in their roomes. Which caused great hartburning against diuerse of the Nobilitie but chéefelie the lord Hubert and Fouks de Brent, on whome in time they hoped to haue reuenge. [Sidenote: Great tempest.] [Sidenote: A generall thunder.] [Sidenote: Great dearth of corne.] [Sidenote: An other tempest of thunder.] [Sidenote: _Polydor._] [Sidenote: A comet or blasing star.] [Sidenote: The losse of the citie of Damieta.] [Sidenote: William de Albenie earle of Arundell departed this life.] As this broile vexed the citie of London, so in this yeare there chanced great tempest of thunder, lightning and raine, whereby much hurt was doone in diuerse parts of the realme, and at sundrie times, as by throwing downe of stéeples, churches, and other buildings, with the rootwalting of trées, as well in woods as orchards, verie strange to consider, chéefelie on the eight day of Februarie at Grantham in Lincolneshire, where there chanced (beside the thunder) such a stinke and filthie sauour to follow in the church, that the people fled out, for that they were not able to abide it. Likewise in the day of the exaltation of the crosse, a generall thunder happened throughout the realme, and thervpon followed a continuall season of foule weather and wet, till Candelmas next after, which caused a dearth of corne, so as wheat was sold at twelue shillings the quarter. Likewise on the day of saint Andrew an other terrible tempest of thunder happened through the realme, throwing downe and shaking buildings in manie places, in so much that at Pillerdeston in Warwikeshire, in a knights house, the ladie thereof and six other persons were destroied by the same. And a turbarie thereby compassed about with water and marresse was so dried vp, that neither grasse nor mire remained, after which insued an earthquake. Moreouer on the euen of saint Lucie, a mightie wind raged, which did much hurt in sundrie places of the realme. Furthermore, about this time there appeared in England a woonderfull comet or blasing starre. The sea also rose with higher tides and springs than it had béene accustomed to doo. All which woonders were afterward iudged to betoken and signifie the losse which the christians susteined the same yeare in Aegypt, when they were constreined to surrender the citie of Damieta into the Saracens hands, which latelie before (as yée haue heard) they had woone with long and chargeable siege. After the yéelding vp of Damieta, William de Albenie earle of Arundell (whome Ranulfe earle of Chester left behind him in the holie land) with manie souldiers and men of warre (when he returned from thence) came now homewards towards England, and died by the waie. [Sidenote: An. Reg. 7.] [Sidenote: Iohn Scot marrieth the daughter of Leolin prince of Wales.] [Sidenote: 1223.] [Sidenote: A councell at London.] [Sidenote: Note the redinesse of this bish. to broch new contention.] About the same time Iohn the sonne of Dauid earle of Anguish in Scotland, sisters sonne vnto Ranulfe earle of Chester, married the daughter of Leolin prince of Wales, as it were to procure a finall accord betwéene the said Leolin and Ranulfe. After which marriage, king Henrie held his Christmasse at Oxenford, and shortlie after the twelftide came to London: where assembling a councell of his barons, he was earnestlie required by the bishop of Canturburie and other péeres, to confirme the liberties, franchises, and frée customes of the realme, for which the warres in his fathers time had béene mooued: which to denie (as the archbishop séemed to alledge, & shuld haue béene ashamed so to open his mouth, to the disaduantage of his souereigne, but that it is likelie he forgat the old posie, namelie that, Imago rex est animata Dei.) he might not with anie reason, sith he had couenanted (and all the baronage with him) to sée the same obserued, by the articles of the peace concluded with Lewes, when the same Lewes departed the realme. [Sidenote: The answer of William Brewer to the archbishops demand.] [Sidenote: Ahab accuseth Helias.] [Sidenote: An inquisition.] Herevpon William Brewer one of the kings councell, hearing the archbishop so earnest in these matters, told him, that sith these liberties were procured & extorted rather by force than otherwise, of the king being vnder age, they were not to be obserued. Wherevnto the archbishop replied, that if he loued the king, he would be loth to séeke to trouble the quiet state of the realme. The king perceiuing the archbishop to be chafed, & taking the tale himselfe, made a courteous answer, and further aduise had in the matter, sent foorth writs to the shiriffe of euerie countie, commanding them by inquirie of a sufficient iurie impanelled, to make certificat within the quindene of Ester, what were the liberties in times past of his grandfather K. Henrie, vsed within the realme of England. [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: The earle of Penbroke recouereth his castels taken by the prince of Wales.] [Sidenote: The prince of Wales discomfited.] [Sidenote: A conspiracie against the lord chiefe iustice.] The same yeare, whiles William Marshall earle of Penbroke was busie in Ireland in war against Hugh Lacie, Leolin prince (or king) of Wales, as some haue intitled him, tooke by force two castels that belonged to the same earle: whereof when he was aduertised, with all spéed he returned out of Ireland, raised an armie, and recouered the said castels, putting to death all such as he found in the same, to requite Leolin with the like damage as he had shewed him before in his absence. This doone he entered into the land of Leolin, wasting and spoiling the same, whereof when the said Leolin was informed, he assembled an host of Welshmen, and comming into the field gaue battell, but the victorie rested on the earle of Penbroks side: so that there were taken and slaine in this bickering to the number of 9000 Welshmen. There was in this yeare a conspiracie also begun by the earle of Chester, and other Noble men, against Hubert de Burgh lord chiefe iustice of England, by whose counsell (as it was thought) the king was more streict towards the nobilitie and other his subiects, in staieng his grant to confirme the charter of liberties, than otherwise he would haue béene, if the same Hubert and other had not aduised him to the contrarie. [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: The king of Ierusalem commeth into England.] In this season also Iohn de Bren king of Ierusalem, and the lord great maister of the knights hospitallers came into England, where they were honorablie receiued of king Henrie, and liberally rewarded. The cause of their comming was to require aid of the king for the recouerie of the holie land out of the possession of the Saracens. In like maner about the same time Leolin prince of Northwals, with certeine English lords, as Hugh Lacie and others, vpon an hatred which they bare towards king Henrie for his fathers sake, supposing that so euill a stocke as they tooke him to be, could not bring foorth anie good branch, sought by open warres to bring William Marshall earle of Penbroke and other barons that were faithfull friends to the king vnto their purpose: but the whole countrie rising against them, they were disappointed to their owne confusion, and so they could neuer bring that to passe which they so earnestlie intended. [Sidenote: The death of the French king.] [Sidenote: Ambassadors sent into France.] In this yeare Philip the French king departed this life, and after him succéeded Lewes his sonne, vnto whom king Henrie sent in ambassage the archbishop of Canturburie with thrée other bishops, to require, that (according to his oth made and receiued at his returne out of England) he would restore and deliuer vp to him the dukedome of Normandie, with other such lands and possessions as his father in times past had taken from king Iohn, and still did wrongfullie withhold. K. Lewes answered herevnto, that he held Normandie & the other lands by good right and iust title, as he could well prooue and iustifie, if king Henrie would come to the parlement in France to hear it. And as touching the oth which he had sworne in England, he affirmed that the same was first broken by king Henrie, both in that his men which had béene taken at Lincolne were put to gréeuous ransoms, and also for that their liberties for which the warre first began, were not obserued, but denied to the English subiects, contrarie to that which was concluded at the agréement betwixt them at the same time made. [Sidenote: An. Reg. 8] Moreouer, king Henrie sent other ambassadours to Rome, who purchased a bull of the pope, whereby he was adiudged to be of age sufficient to receiue the gouernement of the kingdome of England into his owne hands, thereby to order and dispose all things at his pleasure, & by the aduise of such councellours as he should elect and choose to be about him. Wherevpon after the said ambassadours were returned, all those earles, barons and nobles, which held anie castels, honors, manors or places apperteining to the king, were commanded to deliuer and resigne the same to his vse, which caused much trouble, as after shall appeare. For diuerse Noble men, whose harts were filled with couetousnesse, would not obeie the popes order herein, but sore repined; yet not so much against the king as against the lord Hubert de Burgh, by whose councell the king was most led and ruled. And therefore they did put him in all the blame, as one that should set the king against them, and staie him from suffering them to inioy those liberties, which they from time to time so much laboured to haue had to them granted and confirmed. [Sidenote: _Polydor._] [Sidenote: The king giueth a gentle answer to his lords.] Vpon this occasion therfore, they sued to the king for the restitution of the ancient lawes according to his promise, who to pacifie them for the time, gaue them a gentle answer, assuring them, that he would perfourme all that he had promised, so soone as opportunitie would permit and suffer him so to doo. Howbeit, afterwards by the aduise of certeine old councellours, which had béene of the priuie councell with king Iohn his father, he found a shift to disappoint them of their demands, by requiring them on the other side, to restore vnto him those things which they had in times past receiued of his ancestors. Furthermore, bicause he would the more easilie obteine his purpose, and make the residue afraid to follow a suit so displeasant and irkesome, he thought best to begin with the chiefe authors and first procurers of the said petitions, and to take from them whatsoeuer they held belonging to his crowne. [Sidenote: 1224.] [Sidenote: The king demanded restitution of parcels of inheritance belonging to the crowne.] Herevpon therefore assembling a great power about him, he demanded of Ranulph earle of Chester the restitution of certeine lordships which ancientlie apperteined to the crowne of the realme, which earle not being as then able to resist, readilie obeied the kings pleasure, and resigned them all. By this entrance of the king into the execution of his purpose, diuerse of the rest of the barons were brought into such feare, that they were contented also to doo the like, so that by this meanes the lords being cut short and weakened in power, surceased as then from molesting the king anie further with the demand of other lands or liberties. The archbishop of Canturburie also threatened them with the dart of excommunication, if they went about to disquiet the realme with anie ciuill commotions, though no man was more desirous to haue that matter go forward than he, as appéered by his diligent trauell therein (hoping as now in short processe of time, and that by courteous meanes, to persuade the king to his purpose) but the king droue him off with faire words, and minded nothing lesse than to alter anie one of the lawes which he knew to be profitable to himselfe and his successours after him. Wherevpon diuerse misliking his dealing herein, withdrew themselues secretlie, some into one place, and some into an other, to the intent they might auoid the dailie sight of such abuses, as they for the most part could not well abide to beare. [Sidenote: Discord betwixt Sauerie de Mauleon and the earle of Salisburie.] Whilest king Henrie thus politikelie prouided for his affaires at home, Sauerie de Mauleon made prouision in Guien to withstand such perils and dangers as he saw most likelie to issue by the practises of the Frenchmen. But as he was most busilie occupied about the purueiance of such things as should be verie necessarie for his dooings, there sprang a great dissention betwixt him and William the earle of Salisburie, who was sent ouer into that countrie with commission to surueie the state thereof, and by colour of the same commission, tooke vpon him to order all things at his owne pleasure. Whereas the foresaid Sauerie de Mauleon (being a man of high parentage in those parts where he was borne) iudged it to be a matter nothing standing with his honour, that another man should order things at his will and commandement within the countrie, whereof he himselfe had the chiefe charge, as the kings lieutenant; and therefore determined not to suffer it anie longer. [Sidenote: Sauerie de Mauleon reuolteth to the French king.] Herevpon verelie arose the contention betwixt them, which the English souldiers that were there, did greatlie increase, fauouring the earle as the kings vncle, and contemning the lieutenant as a stranger borne, by meanes whereof the foresaid Sauerie doubting least if he should fight with his enimies, and through such discord as was now amongst them, be put to the worse, the fault should be laid wholie on his necke: he secretlie departed and fled to Lewes the French king, who was latelie come to the crowne of France by the death of his father king Philip, as you before haue heard: wherein he dwelt wiselie in respect of safetie. For Quid poterit iusta tutius esse fuga? [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: _Matt. Westm._] [Sidenote: Fouks de Brent an enimie to rest and quietnesse.] About the same time Fouks de Brent, being a man of an vnquiet mind, readie to mischiefe and loth to liue in peace (as some saie) conspired against the king of England, and aduertised the king of France that if he would boldlie begin the warres against king Henrie in France, he would not faile but raise warre against him here in the middest of his realme of England, hauing diuerse noble men in a readinesse, that would willinglie take his part. But howsoeuer it fell out, certeine it is that this Fouks hauing fortified his castell of Bedford, attempted manie enterprises greatlie to the preiudice of the kings peace, as well in robbing and spoiling the countrie about him, as otherwise. [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: Henrie Braibroke taken by Fouks de Brent, and imprisoned.] And now fearing to be punished therefore by order of law, he shewed his malice against such as had the execution of the same lawes chieflie in their hands. Herevpon he tooke prisoner Henrie Braibroke, one of the kings iustices of his bench, and led him to his castell of Bedford, and there shut him vp close as his lawfull prisoner. Indéed the said Henrie de Braibroke, with Martine de Pateshull, Thomas de Multon, and other of the kings iustices were come to kéepe their circuit at Dunstable. Where, vpon information giuen and presented before them, Fouks de Brent was condemned to the king in great summes of monie. Wherewithall this Fouks tooke such indignation and displeasure, that he commanded his men of warre which laie in the castell of Bedford, to ride vnto Dunstable, and there to apprehend the said iustices, and to bring them vnto Bedford, where (as he said) he meant to commen further with them. But they hauing knowledge of his purpose, fled quicklie out of the towne, séeking to escape euerie man which waie he might best deuise. Howbeit, the souldiers vsed such diligence, that Henrie de Braibroke fell into their hands, & and so was brought captiue to Bedford as their maister had commanded them. [Sidenote: Bedford castell besieged.] The king aduertised hereof by the gréeuous complaints of his subiects, was as then at Northampton (where he had assembled his parlement) and thervpon hauing gathered spéedilie a power, with all expedition he hasted towards Bedford. At his comming thither, he besieged the castell on ech side, and at length after two moneths, though not without much adoo, he wan it, and hanged them all which taken within, being in number 80 or aboue: and amongst other William de Brent, the brother of the said Fouks was one. There were but thrée that escaped with life, who were pardoned, vpon condition they should passe into the holie land, there to serue among the Templers. The siege began on the Ascension éeuen, and continued till the 15 daie of August, being the feast daie of the assumption of our ladie. [Sidenote: He was in the borders of Wales, where the earle of Chester was lord.] Fouks himselfe, whilest the siege continued, laie aloofe in Cheshire, and on the borders of Wales, as one watching to doo some mischiefe: but after the castell was woone, he got him to Couentrie, and there was yer long apprehended, and brought to the king, of whom he obteined pardon of life, but yet by the whole consent of the nobles and péeres of the realme, he was exiled the land for euermore, and then went to Rome, where he knew to purchase his pardon easilie inough for mony, of crime whatsoeuer he should be iudged culpable. His wife, bicause she neuer consented to his dooings, nor yet willinglie to the marriage had betwixt hir and him, was acquited of all blame, and so likewise was his sonne Thomas. [Sidenote: The end of Fouks de Brent.] Howbeit at length the foresaid Fouks, hauing obteined his purpose at Rome (by meanes of his chapleine Robert Paslew an Englishman, who was his sollicitor there) as he returned towards England in the yeare insuing, was poisoned and died by the waie, making so an end of his inconstant life, which from the time that he came to yeares of discretion was neuer bent to quietnes. Which may be reported of him not to his honour or renowme (for alas what fame is gotten by giuing occasions of euill) but to his euerlasting shame and infamie, for the same shall neuer die, but remaine in perpetuall memorie, as one saith right well, [Sidenote: _Plaut. in Persa._] Hominum immortalis est infamia, Etiam tunc viuit cùm esse credas mortuam. But now to leaue these things and returne to the dooings in France where we left. Ye shall vnderstand, that after Sauerie de Mauleon was reuolted to the French king, the said king with all spéed determined to make warre vpon king Henrie, and to win from him certeine townes and fortresses within the countrie of Poictou. [Sidenote: _Dunstable._] The French writers affirme, that king Lewes recouered out of the Englishmens hands the townes of Niort, S. Iohns d'Angeli, & Rochell, before Sauerie de Mauleon reuolted from the French part. In déed, the chronicle of Dunstable saith, that after the truce tooke end, this yeare the French king raised an armie, and tooke Niort, and after they of S. Iohn d'Angeli submitted themselues vnto him. From whence he went to Rochell, within the which at that present was the said Sauerie de Mauleon with seuentie knights, and Richard Graie, with Geffrey Neuill, who had in their retinue sixtie knights. These with the forces of the towne sallied foorth, & encountring with the French armie, slue manie of their aduersaries, and lost some of their owne people. Yet after this, the French K. besieged the towne, and in the end wan it, whilest the king of England being occupied about the besieging of Bedford castell, neglected to send them within Rochell necessarie succours. [Sidenote: The Poictouins send to king Henrie.] [Sidenote: Rochel woon.] But Polydor Virgil writeth, that now after that Sauerie de Mauleon was become the French king his man, the Poictouins sent vnto king Henrie, signifieng, that they were readie to reuolt from the French kings subiection, and yéeld themselues vnto him, if he would send vnto them a power of men to defend their countrie from the French men. Now king Henrie hauing receiued these letters, interteined them that brought this message verie courteouslie, and promising them to send ouer aid with all expedition, he caused his nauie to be made readie for that voiage. In the meane time the French king sent foorth an armie vnder the leading of Sauerie de Mauleon, who then tooke Niort and Rochell, placing in the same sundrie garrisons of souldiers, but chéefelie he fortified Rochell, which had béene long in the Englishmens hands, and alwaies serued them to verie good purpose, for the handsome landing of their people, when any occasion required. The French king therefore hauing got it, fortified it, and meant to kéepe it, to the intent the Englishmen should not haue hereafter in time of warre, so necessarie a place for their arriuall in those coasts. [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: An. Reg. 9.] [Sidenote: A parlement.] [Sidenote: 1225.] [Sidenote: A fiftéenth granted to the king.] [Sidenote: Magna Charta and Charta de Forresta confirmed.] King Henrie holding his Christmasse at Westminster, called his high court of parlement there the same time, and demanded a reléefe of monie, toward the maintenance of his warres in France, and had granted to him the fiftéenth penie in value of all the mooueable goods to be found within the realme, as well belonging to the spiritualtie as temporaltie, but vnder condition that he should confirme vnto his subiects their often demanded liberties. The king vpon desire to haue the monie, was contented to condescend vnto their requests, and so the two charters were made, and by the king confirmed, the one intituled Magna Charta, & the other Chart de Forresta. Thus at this parlement were made and confirmed these good lawes and laudable ordinances, which haue béene from time to time by the kings and princes of this realme confirmed, so that a great part of the law now in vse dependeth of the same. The same charters also were directed and sent foorth into euerie countie within the realme to be proclaimed. [Sidenote: Forrests.] It was moreouer decréed, that at a certeine daie after Easter, there should be an inquisition taken by the inquest of a substantiall iurie, for the seuering of forrests, the new from the old, so as all those grounds which had béene made forrests, since the daies of king Henrie the grandfather of this Henrie the third, should be disforrested. And therevpon after Easter, Hugh de Neuill, and Brian de Lisle, were sent foorth as commissioners, to take that inquisition. By force whereof, manie woods were asserted and improoued to arable land by the owners, and so not onelie men, but also dogs, which for safegard of the game were accustomed to lose their clawes, had good cause to reioise for these confirmed liberties. [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: _Polydor._] [Sidenote: Thrée hundred saith Gaguin.] [Sidenote: Townes woon by the Englishmen.] [Sidenote: The earle of Marsh, saith _Matth. Paris._] In the meane time, and about the feast of the purification, king Henrie (hauing iust occasion to pursue the warre, for recouerie of those townes taken, as before you haue heard by the Frenchmen) sent ouer his brother Richard, whom he had made earle of Cornewall and Poictou, with a mightie nauie of ships vnto Gascoigne. This earle, hauing in his companie the earle of Salisburie, Philip de Albenie, and others, with prosperous wind and weather arriued at Burdeaux with foure hundred sailes, and there landing his men, went straight vnto the towne of saint Machaire, situated vpon the banke of Garon, where, vpon his first comming, he gat the castell, and sacked the towne, and then passing further, wan diuerse other townes, as Longuile, Bergerat, and other, and after went with great diligence to besiege and recouer Rochell, or rather Rioll. The French king aduertised of the earls arriuall, and of these his atchiued enterprises, sent foorth by and by the earle of Champaigne with a mightie armie into Guien to aid his people there. [Sidenote: The Frenchmen taken at aduantage.] [Sidenote: The earle of Cornewall raiseth his siege from the Rioll.] [Sidenote: The death of the earle of Salisburie.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] The earle of Cornewall vnderstanding of the comming of that French armie, tooke a part of his host, and therewithall went to méet his enimies, and lieng in ambush for them by the way, had them at a good aduantage, and slue great numbers of them. After this, the earle of Champaigne kéeping his men within their trenches and campe, without attempting anie other exploit, the earle of Cornewall thought it sufficient, if he might kéepe the Gascoignes in obedience, which had alreadie practised a rebellion, by sending letters and messengers for the same intent vnto the French king, and therefore breaking vp his siege before the Rioll, he staied a while from exploiting any further enterprise. About the same time, the earle of Salisburie returning homwards out of Gascoigne, was so tossed and turmoiled on the seas by tempests of weather, that he fell sicke therof, and within a few daies after his arriuall died. [Sidenote: Préests concubines forbidden christian buriall.] ¶ This yeare also, there came foorth a decrée from the archbishop of Canturburie, and his suffragans, that the concubines of préests and clearkes within orders (for so were their wiues then called in contempt of their wedlocke) should be denied of christian buriall, except they repented whilest they were aliue in perfect health, or else shewed manifest tokens of repentance at the time of their deaths. The same decrée also prohibited them from the receiuing of the pax at masse time, & also of holie bread after masse, so long as the préests kept them in their houses, or vsed their companie publikelie out of their houses. Moreouer, that they should not be purified when they should be deliuered of child, as other good women were, vnlesse they found sufficient suertie to the archdeacon, or his officiall, to make satisfaction at the next chapter or court to be holden, after they should be purified. And the préests should be suspended, which did not present all such their concubines as were resident within their parishes. Also, all such women as were conuict to haue dealt carnallie with a préest were appointed by the same decrée to doo open penance. Where the question may be asked, whether this decrée was extended to préests wiues or no? Wherevnto answer may be made, that as a quadrangle in geometrie compriseth in it a triangle, and a quaternion in arithmetike conteineth a ternion; so in logike a vniuersall proposition comprehendeth a particular. But it is said here, that all such women as had carnal knowledge with a préest, were to be punished, therefore some, and consequentlie all préests wiues. But yet this séemeth not to be the meaning of that decrée, for préests were allowed no wiues, naie Sericius the pope iudged that all such of the cleargie as had wiues could not please God, bicause they were in carne, which words he and the residue of that litter restreined to marriage, admitting in no case that churchmen should inioy the rights of matrimonie. Wherin they offer God great iniurie, in séeking to limit that large institution of wedlocke, wherein all estates are interressed; and they séeme likewise to bridle nature, and to compell hir within certeine precincts, wherein they offer intollerable iniurie to all mankind, considering that ----ad venerem compellimur exercendam Non modò nos, verùm omne animal, terræq; marísq; Naturæ imperio: facias peiora necesse est, Si non foeminei sorberis ab ore barathri. [Sidenote: An. Reg. 10.] [Sidenote: A legat from the pope.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] This yeare, or (as some saie) in the next, the king granted to the citizens of London frée warren, that is to saie, libertie to hunt within a certeine circuit about London, & that all weires in the Thames should be plucked vp and destroied. Also in this tenth yeare of his reigne, king Henrie granted to the citizens of London, that they might haue and vse a common seale. About the time of the making of which ordinances, Otho the cardinall of S. Nicholas in Carcere Tulliano came as legat from pope Honorius into England to king Henrie, presenting him with letters from the pope. The tenour whereof when the king had well considered, he declared to the legat, that without the whole assent of the estates of his realme, he could doo little in that which the pope as then required. [Sidenote: A parlement called.] Herevpon therefore he caused a parlement to be summoned at Westminster, there to be holden in the octaues of the Epiphanie: this legat also mooued the king in the behalfe of Fouks de Brent, that he might be restored to his possessions, and inioy his wife as before time he had doone: but the king declared that for his manifest treason committed he was iustlie exiled, and not onlie by his, but by the sentence of the nobles and other estates of the whole realme: which answer when the legat had heard, he left off to solicit the king for Fouks, and from thencefoorth talked no more of that matter. Shortlie after by waie of proxie, the said legat gathered a dutie which he claimed of the spiritualtie, that was of euerie conuentuall church within the realme two markes of siluer. [Sidenote: 1226.] [Sidenote: The king is sicke.] In this yeare the king held his Christmasse at Winchester, and after comming to Marlebridge, chanced there to fall sicke, so that he laie in despaire of life for certeine daies togither. In the meane time also came the daie appointed for the parlement to begin at Westminster, where the legat and other of the spiritualtie and temporaltie being assembled, the said Otho shewed the popes letters, and according to the tenour and purport of the same, was earnestlie in hand to haue the priests to grant the yearlie paiment of a certeine pension or tribute to the pope, towards the maintenance of his estate, which they generallie denied. When he saw that this bait would not take, he onelie demanded a tenth part of all their spirituall liuings for maintenance of the wars against the Saracens, which was easilie granted, as more reasonable than the first. [Sidenote: _Matt. Westm._] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: The cardinals request.] ¶ Here by diuerse credible writers of good credit, it should appeare, that the pope demanded to haue assigned vnto him out of euerie cathedrall church two prebends, one out of the portion belonging to the bishop, & an other out of the portion belonging to the deane and chapiter: and likewise of the abbeies, where there were seuerall portions, that is to saie, so much of the conuent as belonged to the finding of one moonke, and as much also of euerie abbats liuing as should counteruaile the same. The cardinall vsed iollie persuasions to induce the prelats to assent to this grant, alledging that the church of Rome was run in great slander for taking of monie in dispatch of suiters causes, which arose by meanes there was no maintenance of liuing sufficient for the churchmen there: and therefore he added, how it was the parts of naturall children to reléeue the necessitie of their louing mother, and that except the charitable deuotion of them and other good and well disposed persons were shortlie extended, they should want necessarie maintenance for the sustentation of their liues, which shuld be altogither an vnséemlie thing for the dignitie of the Romane church. [Sidenote: The answer of Iohn the archdeacon of Bedford.] The clergie resorting togither to take aduise what answer they should make, at length vpon their resolute determination, Iohn the archdeacon of Bedford was appointed to tell the tale for them all: who comming before the cardinall, declared boldlie vnto him, that the demand which he had proponed, touched the king especiallie, and generallie all the nobilitie of the realme, which were patrons of anie churches. He added furthermore, how the archbishops and bishops, and manie other of the prelats of England (sithens the king by reason of his sicknesse could not be there) were also absent, so that they which were there present, being but as it were the inferiour part of the house, neither might nor ought to make anie resolute answer as then in this matter. Immediatlie herewith also came the lord Iohn Marshall, and other messengers from the king vnto all the prelats that held anie baronies of the king, streightlie commanding them, that they should in no wise bind and indanger his lai fée vnto the church of Rome, whereby he might be depriued of his due and accustomed seruices, and so euerie man herevpon departed and went home. [Sidenote: _Fabian._] [Sidenote: A grant to the citizens of London.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] This yeare, the plées of the crowne were pleaded in the tower of London. And on the sixtéenth daie of March in this tenth yeare of his reigne, the king granted by his charter insealed, that the citizens of London should passe toll frée through all England, and if anie of them were constreined in anie citie, borough or towne within the realme, to paie toll, that then the shiriffes of London might attach anie man of the said citie, borough or towne, where such toll was exacted, being found within the liberties of London, and him reteine with his goods and cattels, till the citizens that paid such toll were satisfied, by restitution of the same, with all costs and charges susteined in the suit. Howbeit, about the same time, the king constreined the Londoners to giue vnto him the summe of fiue thousand marks as a fine, for that they had aided and succoured his aduersarie Lewes against him, and lent to the said Lewes at his departure out of the realme a like summe. But it may rather be thought they gaue vnto the king the said fiue thousand marks for his fauour shewed in granting vnto them the aboue mentioned fréedome and liberties. At the same time, he had also twelue hundred pounds of the burgesses of Northampton, besides the fiftéenth, which not onelie they, but also the Londoners, and all other generallie through the realme, paid accordinglie as it was granted. [Sidenote: An. Reg. 11. 1227.] [Sidenote: A parlement at Oxford. The king of lawfull age.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: _Polydor._] [Sidenote: The charters cancelled.] In Februarie, the king called a parlement at Oxford, in the which he made open declaration vnto all the assemblie, that he was now of lawfull age to gouerne of himselfe, without anie to haue rule ouer him, and so whereas before he was gouerned first by the earle of Penbroke lord protectour, whilest he liued, & after by the bishop of Winchester and others, he now remooued them from him by the counsell of the lord chéefe iustice, taking the regiment wholie to himselfe, & to such as should please him from thencefoorth to appoint. Also in the same parlement, he did cancell and disanull the two charters before mentioned, after that the same had béene vsed through the realme for the space of two yeares, pretending them to be of no value sith they were sealed and signed whilest he was vnder age. This déed of the king was gréeuouslie taken, and all the blame put in the lord chiefe iustice. Herewith all such also as claimed anie manner charters of liberties, were appointed to remooue the same (a practise onelie to get monie) and to get them confirmed with the kings new seale, the old being made void and pronounced of none effect. [Sidenote: The death of Lewes the French king.] [Sidenote: The earle of Marsh commeth ouer to the king and offereth him his seruice.] [Sidenote: _Polydor._] In this yeare died the French king Lewes the eighth, and his son Lewes the ninth sucéeded him, a child of twelue yeares of age, by reason of whose infancie diuerse péeres of the realme began to withdraw their obedience from him, as Theobald earle of Champaigne, Hugh earle of Marsh, and Peter duke of Britaine. Howbeit, the earle of Champaigne was easilie reduced againe to his former obedience, by the high wisedome and policie of the quéene mother, who had the gouernement of hir sonne the yoong king and his realme committed vnto hir. But the earle of Marsh constant in his purpose, came ouer to king Henrie, whose mother he had married, and declared vnto him, that now was the time for him to recouer those places, which king Philip had vniustlie taken from his father king Iohn: and to bring the same to passe, he offered himselfe and all that he could make, in the furthering of this voiage. The K. being thus pricked forward with the earle of Marsh his words, determined without delaie to take in hand the warre. [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: Ambassadors sent into France.] [Sidenote: _Polydor._] ¶ Here authors varie, for some write, that king Henrie sent ouer certeine persons, as the archbishop of Yorke, the bishop of Careleill, and the Lord Philip Dalbenie, to vnderstand the minds of the Normans, the Britains and Poictouins. And for that those that were sent, brought word againe that the said people were not greatlie minded to forsake the French gouernment, he surceassed from attempting any exploit at that time. Others write, that gathering a great summe of monie of his subiects, towards the maintenance of his charges, he prepared a nauie of ships, and sailed ouer with the said earle of Marsh into Britaine, and there wasted the confines of the French dominions, and that when the French king was readie with an armie to succour his subiects, he suddenlie retired to his ships, and returned into England, without atchiuing anie enterprise worthie of remembrance, so that whether he went himselfe or sent, it forceth not: for certeine it is that he profited nothing at that seson, either by sending messengers to procure him fréendship, or by going ouer himselfe to make an entrie to the warres. [Sidenote: The earle of Cornewall returneth home.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: The earle of Cornewall.] When the French affaires were thus at a staie, within a few moneths after, Richard earle of Cornewall returned foorth of Gascoigne into England, and shortlie after, bicause he heard and was crediblie informed, that a certeine manour place which Walerane the Duchman, capteine of Berkhamstéed castell held, by the gift and assignement of king Iohn, apperteined to his earledome of Cornewall, he seized the castell into his hands. So that Walerane being thus dispossessed, exhibited his bill of complaint to the king, who incontinentlie sent to the earle, commanding him to make restitution, which he vtterlie refused to doo. But foorthwith, comming to the king, and without reteining any aduocate, he declared his right which he offered to auerre in open presence, & in any of the kings courts, before whatsoeuer péeres of the realme should be there assembled. [Sidenote: He departeth from the court secretlie.] [Sidenote: He ioineth himselfe with the earles of Chester and Penbroke and others.] [Sidenote: They méet at Stamford with an armie.] This addition [the péeres of the realme] nothing pleased the king and his councell, namelie the lord chéefe iustice, by whose aduice the king meant to haue apprehended the earle the same night, after he was withdrawne to his lodging. But the earle warned thereof, secretlie departed, accompanied onelie with one man, and neuer drew bridle out of his horsses mouth, vntill he came to Reading (whither his seruants resorted to him) and from thence he rode straight to Marlebridge, where he found his deare fréend William earle Marshall, to whome he did impart the danger likelie to haue befallen him. Then they drew to the earle of Chester, & taking order with him for the raising of an armie, there met shortlie after at Stamford the persons whose names hereafter insue; Ranulfe earle of Chester, William Marshall earle of Penbroke, Richard earle of Cornewall the kings brother, Gilbert earle of Glocester, William earle Warren, Henrie earle of Hereford, William earle Ferrers, William earle of Warwike, and diuerse barons, lords and knights, hauing there with them a great puissance of warlike personages. [Sidenote: A day appointed to méet at Northampt[=o], for a treatie of pacification.] [Sidenote: The kings grant to his brother.] The king hauing vnderstanding as well of their demeanor, as also what they required by their letters and messengers to him dailie sent, thought good for a time to pacifie their furie, and therevpon appointed a day at Northampton, where he would méet, and minister such iustice vnto them, as should be thought reasonable, and to stand with their good willes and contentation. Wherevpon, the parties comming to Northampton at the day assigned, he granted to the earle his brother (at the instant desire of the lords) all his mothers dowrie, with all those lands which belonged to the earle of Britaine within England, and withall, those lands also that apperteined to the earle of Bullongne deceassed. Thus the matter being pacified, euerie man departed to his home, whereas if the king had béene froward (as he was mild and patient, knowing that [Sidenote: _Val. Flac. lib. 4._] ----non solis viribus æquum Credere, sæpè acri potior prudentia dextra) warres had immediatlie béene raised betwixt them, namelie, bicause manie of the lords bare a secret grudge towards the king, for that he had reuoked certeine liberties which in the begining of his reigne he had granted to be holden, though now to take awaie the enuie which might be conceiued towards him for his dooing, he alledged, that he did not infringe any thing that he had then granted, but such things as his gouernours had suffered to passe whilest he was vnder age, and not ruler of himselfe: he caused them therefore to redéeme manie of the same priuileges, whereby he gained great finance for the setting to of his new seale (as before yée haue heard declared.) [Sidenote: The pope exhorteth the christians to make a iournie against the Saracens.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._ sixtie thous[=a]d.] [Sidenote: _Polydor._] Moreouer, in this yeare there were sent certeine persons from pope Gregorie the ninth (that succéeded Honorius) into all the parts of Europe, to mooue by preaching the christian people to make a iournie into the holie land against the Saracens. Such a multitude by means hereof did assemble togither from all parts, and that within a short time, as the like had sildome times béene heard of. It is said, that amongst them there should be to the number of fortie thousand Englishmen, of whome Peter bishop of Winchester, and William bishop of Excester were the chéefe. Capteins also of that great multitude of crossed souldiers that went foorth of sundrie countries were these, Theobald earle of Champaigne, and Philip de Albenie, through whose negligence the sequele of this noble enterprise came but to small effect. But to procéed. [Sidenote: An. Reg. 12. 1228.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: Weights and measures.] [Sidenote: _Polydor._] [Sidenote: Hubert de Burgh created earle of Kent.] About this time the king minding the benefit of the common-wealth, caused the weights and measures generallie within the land to be reformed after one standard. Furthermore, he created Hubert de Burgh earle of Kent, the which Hubert how much praise so euer he got at the beginning for his valiancie shewed in the defending of Douer castell, and in vanquishing the French fléet that was comming to the succour of Lewes by battell on the sea, it is certeine, that now he purchased himselfe double as much hatred and euill will, bicause that being of secret councell with the king, and thereby after a sort sequestred from the lords, he was knowne to dissuade the said prince from restoring of the ancient lawes and customes vnto the people, which the barons oft required: whereby it came to passe, that the more he grew in fauour with the prince, the further he came into the enuie of the Nobilitie, and hatred of the people, which is a common reward to such as in respect of their maister doo little regard the profit of others, as the prouerbe saith, Plus quis honoratur hostis tum multiplicatur. [Sidenote: Stephan archbishop of Canterburie departed this life. Richard Wethersheid elected in his place.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: Walter Helmesham.] Furthermore, vpon the ninth of Iulie Stephan the archbishop of Canturburie died, after he had gouerned that sée the terme of 21 yeares, after whome succéeded Richard Wethersheid deane of Paules, who was the thrée and fortith archbishop of that sée. The moonks of Canturburie had first elected one of their owne conuent, named Walter Helmesham: which election was made by the same moonks the third daie of August next insuing the death of their said archbishop Stephan, but the king would not consent that he should haue the place for diuerse causes, which he obiected: as first, for that he knew him to be such a man as should be vnprofitable, both to him and to his kingdome. Secondlie, bicause his father was a théefe, and thereof being conuict, suffered death vpon the gallowes. Thirdlie, for that he himselfe had stood against king Iohn in time of the interdiction. [Sidenote: A new trouble about the election of the archbishop of Canturburie.] [Sidenote: _Fabian._] On the other side, the bishops suffragans to the church of Canturburie obiected also against him, that he had vsed the familiar companie of a nunne, and begot of hir certeine children. Moreouer they alledged, that no election without their consent, could be good, nor ought to take place. But the moonke making his appeale, stood in it, and taking with him certeine of his fellow moonks of Canturburie, went to Rome, and there made supplication to the pope, that his election by his authoritie might be ratified and confirmed. Whereof the king and the other bishops being aduertised, did put their objections in writing vnder their seales, & sent the same to Rome to be exhibited to the pope by the bishops of Westchester and Rochester, and Iohn the archdeacon of Bedford, who vsed such means, that his election was iudged void, & then the said Richard Wethersheid was out of hand elected & confirmed. In that yeare also, a grant was made to the citizens of London, that they should haue and vse a common seale. [Sidenote: _Polydor._] [Sidenote: The earle of March worketh to induce the Normans & Poictouins to fauour the king of England.] [Sidenote: The Normans write to the king of England.] In this meane while, Hugh the earle of March so laboured with the Normans and Poictouins in the behalfe of the king of England, that they began to incline to his purpose: wherevpon he sent his letters by secret meanes vnto king Henrie, signifieng to him, that if it would please him to come ouer with an armie to make warre against the French king, they would be readie to turne vnto his side, and receiue him as their souereigne. King Henrie taking aduise what to answer and doo herein, with his welbeloued councellour Hubert of Burgh, thought it not good to attempt anie thing rashlie in this matter, bicause the dealings of the Normans were neuer without some fraud: but yet to satisfie the request of his fréends, he promised to come ouer shortlie vnto them, if in the meane time he might perceiue that they remained stedfast in their purpose, giuing them furthermore manie great and hartie thanks for their good meaning and singular kindnesse towards him. [Sidenote: _Matt. Paris._] [Sidenote: The Welshm[=e] besiege the castell of Montgomerie.] Now things beyond the sea standing in this order, it happened in the moneth of August, that the soldiers which laie in garrison within the castell of Mountgomerie, tooke in hand to stocke vp a wood not farre from the said castell, through which lay an highwaie, where oftentimes manie fellonious robberies and murders were committed by the Welsh. As the souldiers were busie at worke in stocking vp the wood, there came vpon them an ambushment of Welshmen, which not onlie draue them awaie from their worke, but also tooke and slue diuerse of them, constreining the residue to flée into the castell, which immediatlie the Welshmen inuironed also about with a strong siege, thinking to find the defendants vnprouided. [Sidenote: The king with an armie commeth to the succour of them within the castell.] They within aduertised Hugh de Burgh, the lord chéefe iustice (to whome the castell belonged by the kings late gift) of the exploit and enterprise attempted by their enimies, with all possible hast: wherevpon the king at request of the said Hubert leuied a power, and came to raise the siege. But the Welshmen hearing of the kings approch, fled awaie like shéepe, so that comming to the castell, he found no resistance: howbeit, for so much as he saw the foresaid wood to be troublesome and an annoiance to the said castell, he willed it to be destroied. True it is, that the same wood was verie thicke and rough, and further it conteined also fiue leagues or fiftéene miles in length: yet by such diligence as was vsed, the same was wasted, stocked vp, and quickelie rid out of the waie by fire and other means, so that the countrie was made plaine a great waie about. [Sidenote: The abbeie of Cride burnt.] [Sidenote: The king beginneth to build a castell.] [Sidenote: He is c[=o]streined to agrée with the Welshmen.] After this, the king departed foorth into the Welsh confines, and comming to an abbeie of the white moonks called Cride, caused it to be burnt, bicause it serued as a refuge for his enimies. Then by the aduise of the lord chiefe iustice Hubert de Burgh, he set in hand to build a castell there, bicause the place séemed verie fit for fortification. But after the king with his armie had laine there thrée months, through lacke of vittels (the Welshmen still cutting the Englishmen off as they went abroad to fetch in forrage and other prouision) he was constreined to fall to agréement with Leolin their prince, and receiuing of the said prince the summe of thrée thousand marks, he was contented that so much of the castell as was alreadie builded, should be raced and made flat againe with the ground, before his departure from thence. Herevpon, manie men tooke occasion to iest at the lord chiefe iustice and his dooings about this castell, who at the beginning named it Huberts follie. [Sidenote: The lord Willi[=a] de Breuse taken prisoner.] [Sidenote: _Matt. Paris._] [Sidenote: Strange sights in the aire.] [Sidenote: _Polydor._] Amongst other also that were taken prisoners by the Welshmen, whilest the king thus vainelie spent his time about the building of that fort, William de Breuse a right valiant man of warre was one, who being taken by Leolin prince of Wales, was by him cruellie put to death (as after shall appear) for the which act, and other such iniuries receiued at the same Leolins hands, king Henrie at length gréeuouslie punished him. ¶ For the most part of this summer season, great thunders happened in England: the element also séemed as though it had burned with continuall flames: stéeples, churches, and other hie buildings were striken with lightning, and the haruest was sore hindered by continuall raine. Also in the middest of the day there came a woonderfull darknesse vpon the earth, that the brightnesse of the aire séemed to be couered and taken awaie. [Sidenote: An. Reg. 13. 1229.] [Sidenote: A parlement or a counsell holden.] [Sidenote: The temporal lords refuse to aid the pope with monie.] In the thirtéenth yeare of this king, Stephan the popes chapleine and his Nuncio came ouer vnto king Henrie, requiring to haue towards the maintenance of the popes warres against the emperour Frederike, a tenth part of all the mooueable goods within the realmes & countries of England, Wales, and Ireland, as well of spirituall persons as temporall. Wherevpon, a parlement or assemblie of the lords was called at Westminster, on the second sundaie after Easter, which was the 29 of Aprill. At which parlement, when the popes buls were read, and the matter therein conteined plainelie opened and examined, to the end it might appeare vpon what necessarie causes the pope was constreined to pursue the said wars, and to aske reléefe of faithfull christian people, being members of the holie church: the king, bicause he had by his procurators at Rome aforehand promised & bound himselfe to such paiment of tenths, sate still, and answered not to the contrarie (whereas the hope of a great number was reposed in him, that by his deniall the popes request shuld haue béene frustrat) so that when by his silence he was adiudged to consent, yet the temporall lords & laie men vtterlie denied to agrée vnto such paiment, not willing in any wise to bind their baronies and temporall possessions vnto the church of Rome. [Sidenote: Stephan de Segraue. The tenths of the spiritualtie granted to the pope.] Howbeit, the bishops, abbats, priors, and other ecclesiasticall persons, after they had shewed themselues to rest doubtfull (not without great grudging and murmuring in the meane time, for the space of thrée or foure daies togither) at length, for feare of excommunication, consented to be contributorie, but in such sort, as they had escaped for a farre more reasonable summe, if Stephan Segraue one of the kings councell had not by compact (as was thought) made with the Nuncio, wrought so in the matter, that the tenths were finallie granted, to the great impouerishment and inestimable damage of the church and realme of England. After this, the Nuncio shewed the procuratorie letters, whereby he was authorised to gather those tenths, and that not after a common manner, but by a verie straight and hard valuation. [Sidenote: Vsurers.] And for the more sure waie of procéeding herein, he had letters of authoritie from the pope, to excommunicate all such as should withstand him or his deputies in procéeding with those affaires. He shewed himself moreouer verie extreame in collecting of this monie, and namelie towards the prelats of the church, insomuch that appointing him a certeine day in the which vnder paine of excommunication they should make paiment, diuers for want of readie monie, were compelled to make shift with the chalices, and other vessels and ornaments belonging to their churches, and other were glad to take vp monie vpon interest, and for that shift there were come ouer with the Nuncio diuerse wicked vsurers vnder the name of merchants, which when they saw those that stood in néed like to be excommunicate for want of readie monie, they would offer themselues to lend vnto any that would borow, after the rate of one noble for the loane of twentie by the moneth, so bringing the néedie into their snares, to their irrecouerable losses and vndooing. Hereby the land was filled with bitter cursings (though in secret) by those that wished such vnreasonable exactors neuer to sée good end of the vse of that monie. [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: The earle of Chester wold not permit the tenths to be gathered within his land.] From that day forward there wanted not in England certeine vsurers called Caursini, which sought nothing else but the wealth of such persons as they might get into their snares, namelie those whome the church of Rome dooth vex and put to trouble with hir exactions and paiments. The earle of Chester onlie stood manfullie against the paiment of those tenths, insomuch that he would not suffer his lands to be brought vnder bondage, neither wold he permit the religious men and préests that held of his fée to pay the same, although the rest of England, Wales, Ireland, and Scotland were compelled to be contributorie thereto, hauing onelie this comfort, that not they alone, but also other forren regions were driuen to doo the like. Thus did the locusts of Rome from time to time sucke the swéetnesse of the land, and all to mainteine the pompe and pride of the same, wherein what other practises did they vse, than as one truelie testifieth: Cuncti luxuriæ atq; gulæ, furtísq; dolísq; Certatim incumbunt, &c. [Sidenote: King Henrie prepareth to passe ouer into France.] [Sidenote: The earle of Kent fallen into the kings displeasure.] But to let this passe: king Henrie purposing to saile ouer into Britaine and inuade France, came to Portsmouth about Michaelmasse, with such an armie assembled out of England, Wales, Ireland, and Scotland, as the like for number of people had not béene knowne to haue passed ouer with any of his ancesters: howbeit when he should come to the verie point of imbarking his people, with vittels, armor, and other prouision, there were not ships sufficient to passe ouer the one halfe of the armie: wherefore when the king saw this default, he was sore offended, but chéefelie with Hubert the earle of Kent, lord chéefe iustice, insomuch that he openlie called him old traitor, and laid to his charge how he had thus vsed the matter of purpose, onelie to pleasure the quéene of France, of whome (as he said) he had receiued fiue thousand marks to hinder his procéedings. In this heat if the earle of Chester and other had not béene at hand, he had suerlie slaine the chéefe iustice euen there with his drawne sword, who was glad to auoid his presence, till his angrie mood was somwhat ouerpassed. [Sidenote: Henrie earle of Britaine.] [Sidenote: The kings iournie deferred.] [Sidenote: An. Reg. 14. 1230.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: The king of Scots kept Christmasse with the king of England at Yorke.] In the meane time there arriued Henrie earle of Britaine on the ninth of October, which should haue conducted the king in his countrie. But sith winter was come vpon them, he aduised him to stay till the next spring, and so he did. Then euerie man was licensed to depart home, and the earle of Kent reconciled againe into fauour. The erle of Britaine in like maner did homage to the king for Britaine, and the king restored him to all his rights in England, and further giuing him fiue thousand marks to defend his countrie against the enimies, sent him home againe in most courteous and louing maner. In this yeare of our Lord 1230 king Henrie held his Christmasse at Yorke, togither with the king of Scots, whome he had desired to come thither at that time, that they might make merrie: and so for the space of thrée daies togither, there was great banketting and sport betwéene them. On the fourth day they tooke leaue either of other, the king of Scots with rich gifts returning towards his countrie, and the king of England towards London. [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: A strange tempest at London. Sée Iohn Stow. pag. 261. of his large collecti[=o] printed 1580.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] Vpon the fiue and twentith day of Ianuarie also, while the bishop of London was at high masse within the church of S. Paule in London, a sudden darknesse ouershadowed the quiere, and therewith such a tempest of thunder and lightning, that the people there assembled thought verelie the church and stéeple had come downe vpon their heads. There came moreouer such a filthie sauour and stinke withall, that partlie for feare, and partlie for that they might not abide the sauour, they voided the church, falling on heapes one vpon another, as they sought to get out of the same. The vicars and canons forsooke their deskes, so that the bishop remained there onelie with one deacon that serued him at masse. Afterward, when the aire began to cleare vp, the people returned into the church, and the bishop went forward and finished the masse. [Sidenote: The king gathereth monie towards his iournie into France.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: The Lord W. de Breuse hanged.] [Sidenote: The king saileth ouer into France.] In the meane time the king leuied a great summe of monie of the prelats of his land towards his iournie into France: he had also a great reléefe of the citizens of London. And the Iewes were constreined to giue to him the third part of all their moueable goods. In the moneth of Aprill, Leolin prince of Wales caused William de Breuse, whom he had taken prisoner long before (as aboue is mentioned) to be hanged on a paire of gallowes, for that he was taken (as was reported) in adulterie with the wife of the said prince. And on the last day of Aprill, the king with a puissant armie tooke the sea at Portesmouth, and landed at saint Malos in Britaine on the third day of May, where he was right ioifullie receiued of Henrie earle of that countrie. After he was thus arriued in Britaine, he entered into the French dominions, with the said earle, and the earle of Marsh his father in law, dooing much hurt within the same. His armie dailie increasing by the great numbers of Normans and other, which at the fame of the king of Englands arriuall in those parts, came flocking from diuerse places to aid him. [Sidenote: Two brethr[=e] of the Paganels or Painelles.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: The earle of Kent beginneth now to beare ye blame for euerie thing amisse.] Amongst other, there were two brethren that were Normans, Fouke and William, of the familie and surname of the Paganelles or Painelles, being men of great birth and estimation in their countrie, which brought with them thréescore knights or men of armes, right worthie and valiant in feats of war. These Noble men would faine haue persuaded the king to haue entred into Normandie, for that (as they affirmed) it should be an easie matter for him to subdue the whole countrie: whereto the king would gladlie haue consented, if the earle of Kent had not aduised him otherwise. After this, they besought him at the leastwise to grant them two hundred knights or men of armes of his armie, with whose aid they doubted not to be able (as they said) to expell all the Frenchmen out of Normandie, but neither would this be obteined, so that those Norman lords remained without comfort, whilest the French king caused their castels and manours to be seized vnto his vse. [Sidenote: _Polydor._] [Sidenote: He tooke the towne and castell of Angiers, saint Jame, Bonneroy, & Belesme. The annales of Aquitaine.] [Sidenote: Poictou and Xantonge.] [Sidenote: The French get the vpper hand.] During this time, king Lewes (who a few daies afore had taken from the duke of Britaine the townes of Ardone, Campanell, and Belesme) being now certified by his espials, of the landing and inuasion made by the king of England, hasted foorth with his armie into the countrie of Aniou, and there by the side of the Loire, incamped, to staie the king of England, that he should not passe ouer the same riuer into Poictou, suspecting least the Poictouins (whom he had alwaie in some gelousie) would revolt vnto him. But the king of England aduertised of his approch, passed that riuer sooner than anie man would haue iudged, and incamped first in the countrie of Poictou, and after drew into the confines of Xantonge, the French king still following, and by the waie destroieng the townes of Fountney, and Villars, perteining to one Guie de Rochfort, a capteine belonging to the earle of March. Afterward also he passed the riuer of Charent, and wasted all the countrie of Xantonge. Where (if we may belieue some writers) the two kings ioined battell, which continued a long time right fierce & cruell: but at length the Englishmen giuing backe, the victorie remained on the French side, a great number of their aduersaries being slaine and taken. [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: Mirabeau.] After this battell, they saie also that a peace was concluded betwixt them. But other writers haue recorded, that the matter was first taken vp by a truce without anie battell, bicause both the kings being yoong men, and as yet not verie skilfull in martiall affaires, were content to giue eare vnto quéene Blanch, to Philip erle of Bollongne, and to Ranulfe earle of Chester, which thrée tooke vpon them to intreat a peace, and prescribe the couenants of agréement, by which meanes they were at the last accorded. Amongst other things which were concluded at this present time, the duke of Britaine, and the earle of March were made fréends againe with the French king, and receiued eftsoones into his fauour. Thus ceassed the warres for that time betwixt the kings of England and France, as some haue witnessed. ¶ Howbeit if we shall beléeue other, which wrote and liued in those daies, there was no peace at that time concluded: but after that king Henrie had passed through Aniou and Poictou without battell, he came into Gascoigne, where he receiued the homages and fealties of manie noble men in those parties, and returning into Poictou, not onelie had the like also of sundrie lords and men of honour in that countrie, but also tooke the castell of Mirabeau by assault, thorough the manhood of the Englishmen, who chose rather with desperat aduentures to make entrance to honour, than by timorousnesse or want of courage to purchase reproch; for they knew verie well, that Qui cupiunt fortes fieri, discrimina oportet Multa pati, & multos coguntur ferre labores, and therefore they made triall of their valiantnesse euen with obteinement of victorie to the discomfiture of the enimie, who gaped after the conquest. [Sidenote: King Henrie returneth into Britaine.] [Sidenote: He saileth home into England.] [Sidenote: The earle of Chester left the kings lieutenant in Britaine.] [Sidenote: What feats he wrought.] [Sidenote: Pontorson burnt.] This doone, and order taken for the safe kéeping of those quarters, he returned into Britaine, & comming to the citie of Naunts, remained a while there, spending the time vainlie in pleasure and banketting. Finallie in the moneth of October he tooke the sea, and returning into England after manie perils, landed at Portesmouth, the 27 of October, leauing behind him in Britaine 500 knights or men of armes, a thousand yeomen or stipendarie souldiers, for defense of the countrie against the Frenchmen, and appointed for their capteine the earle of Chester, the earle Marshall, and the earle of Albemarle, with certeine other valiant and approued warriours, who after the departure of the king, made two rodes into the French countries, but first into Aniou, where they remained 15 daies without battell, taking and destroieng the castell of Gonner, also Newchatell vpon the riuer of Sart, and finallie laden with plentie of rich spoiles, they returned into Britaine, from whence they set foorth. Shortlie after they entred into Normandie, destroieng the castell of Pontorson, & burning the towne: which enterprise when they had accomplished at their wils, they returned eftsoones into Britaine, where they were ioifullie receiued. [Sidenote: S. James de Bewmeron.] [Sidenote: A strange eclipse.] [Sidenote: An. Reg. 15.] The erle of Chester in this meane while strengthened & fortified the castell of S. Iames de Bewmer[=o], which (bicause it belonged to the right of his wife) the earle of Britaine had (sith the kings comming ouer) restored vnto him. ¶ In this yeare vpon the 14 of Maie, a maruellous eclipse of the sunne chanced immediatlie after the rising thereof, so that the earth séemed as it had béene couered againe with shade of night. On the 22 daie of Nouember the moone was likewise eclipsed, being as then 13 daies old. [Sidenote: The duke of Saxonie c[=o]meth into England.] [Sidenote: The king of Connagh.] [Sidenote: Geffrey de Maurish lord chiefe iustice of Ireland.] [Sidenote: Walter de Lacie, Richard de Burgh.] Furthermore, whilest the king was in France, there came ouer into England the duke of Saxonie coosen to the king, and of the citizens of London was honourablie receiued. He was a man of such high and tall stature, that men tooke great pleasure to behold him. In the same yeare also in the moneth of Iulie, an Irish king that was gouernour of Connagh, vnderstanding that both the king of England, and the earle Marshall were gone ouer into France, and so Ireland left without anie great aid of men of warre on the English part, raised a mightie armie, and with the same entered into the marshes of the English dominion, spoiling and burning the countrie before him. Whereof when Geffrey de Maurish lord chiefe iustice of Ireland was aduertised, he called to him Walter de Lacie and Richard de Burgh, assembling therewithall a mightie armie, which he diuided into thrée parts, appointing the said Walter de Lacie, and Richard de Burgh, with the two first parts, to lie in ambush within certeine woods, thorough the which he purposed to draw the enimies, and marching foorth with the third, which he reserued to his owne gouernement, he profered battell to the Irishmen, the which when they saw but one battell of the Englishmen boldlie assaied the same. [Sidenote: The Irishm[=e] vanquished by ye Englishmen in battell.] The Englishmen according to the order appointed, feigned as though they had fled, and so retired still backer and backer, till they had trained the Irish within danger of their other two battels, which comming foorth vpon them, did set on them egerlie, whilest the other which séemed before to flée returned backe againe, and set vpon them in like maner, by meanes whereof the Irishmen being in the midst, were beaten downe on all parts, and vtterlie vanquished, with losse of 20 thousand men (as it was crediblie reported.) The king of Connagh was also taken and committed to prison. [Sidenote: 1231.] [Sidenote: A fiftéenth and tenth granted to the king.] [Sidenote: _Polydor._] [Sidenote: Englishmen sent to Spain against the Saracens.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: Escuage demanded.] In the meane time king Henrie hauing spent a great deale of treasure in his iournie made into France, there was granted vnto him a fiftéenth of the temporaltie, with a disme and a halfe of the spiritualtie, towards the furnishing out of a new power of men to be sent into Spaine against the Saracens, which made sore warres vpon the christians in that countrie, wherevpon king Henrie being required of the K. of Aragon to aid him with some number of souldiers, he sent a great power thither with all spéed, and so likewise did the French king. By means whereof the Spaniards, being ioined with Englishmen and Frenchmen, obteined a noble victorie, in vanquishing those their enimies. Thus saith Polydor. But other write that the king on the seauen and twentith of Ianuarie, holding a parlement at Westminster (where the Nobles both spirituall and temporall were assembled) demanded escuage of all those that held any baronies of him, that is to saie, forren knights fée, fortie shillings, or thrée marks. [Sidenote: The archb. of Canturburie standeth against the K. in defense of his cleargie.] [Sidenote: Contention betwixt the archb. and the earle of Kent.] Moreouer, the archbishop of Canturburie (as they say) stood against the king in this demand, mainteining that the cleargie ought not to be subiect vnto the iudgment of laie men, sith this escuage was granted in the parts beyond the seas without their consent. Wherevpon the matter as touching the bishops was deferred till the quindene of Easter, albeit that all the laitie, and other of the spiritualtie consented to the kings will. ¶ About this time also there chanced to rise a great strife and contention betwixt Richard the archbishop of Canturburie, and Hubert the earle of Kent, who as gardian to the yoong erle of Glocester had got into his hands the castell of Tunbridge, with the towne, and certeine other possessions which belonged to the archbishops sée, and therefore did the archbishop complaine to the king of the iniurie which he susteined. [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] Now when he perceiued no hope likelie to come for any redresse at the kings hands, he tooke an other way: and first by his pontificall authoritie accursed all those that withheld the same possessions, and all their mainteiners (the king excepted) and therewith appealing to the pope, he went to prosecute his appeale at Rome, whither the king and the earle sent also their procurators, and made the pope their arbitratour to iudge of the matter. In the end pope Gregorie hauing heard the whole processe of the controuersie, iudged the right to remaine with the archbishop, who hauing then obteined his desire, hasted toward England: but as he was returning homewards, he died by the way, not farre from Rome, whereby the popes iudgement tooke no place: for whilest the sée was void, there was none that would follow the suit: and such was the end of this controuersie for this time. [Sidenote: Ralfe Neuill elected arch. of Canturburie.] After the deceasse of this archbishop Richard, the moonks elected Ralfe Neuill bishop of Chichester the kings chancellor, an vpright man, and of iust dealing in all his dooings. In whome also it is to be noted, he would not giue one halfepenie to the moonks towards the bearing of their charges in their iournie to Rome, which they should take vpon them from thence to fetch his confirmation, according to the manner, least he should burthen his conscience with the crime of simonie which he greatlie abhorred, although some imputed this to procéed rather of a cloked spice of couetousnesse. Which practise of his maketh greatlie to the confounding of the indirect means now vsed to aspire vnto promotions, for the obteinment whereof no remedie is forborne; no, though the same be repugnant to reason, and vtterlie against conscience and honestie. But this is the temptation of auarice and ambition, which poison the minds of men in such sort, that rather than they will want their wished aduancement, they will vse these meanes that may further them most, namelie, fréendship, monie, and mightie mens countenance; which one noteth verie well in a distichon of neat deuise, saieng, Artis, honestatis, recti, præcepta, decus, vim, Conculcat, superant, spernunt, fauor, æra, potentes, [Sidenote: Sim[=o] Langtons report of the conditions of Ralfe Neuill.] But to the purpose from whence we are digressed. When the moonks came to the popes presence, vpon inquirie made, and chéefelie by report of Simon Langton, who (as some thinke) gaped for the dignitie, he vnderstood that the said Ralfe Neuill should be a man vnlearned, a courtier, hastie and short of word, and that which most displeased the pope, it was to be feared, that if he should be preferred to that roome, he would go about to deliuer the realme of England from the thraldome of the pope, and the court of Rome (into the which being made tributorie by king Iohn it had latelie béene brought) that (as he should alledge) it might serue God and holie church in the old accustomed libertie. [Sidenote: Sée before in pag. 307.] [Sidenote: The Pope maketh void the election.] To bring this to passe (hauing the king thereto greatlie inclined, and all the realme readie to assist him in the same) he would not sticke to put his life in ieopardie, namelie vpon confidence of the right and appeales of Stephan the late archbishop of Canturburie, made in solemn wise before the altar of S. Paule in the cathedrall church of London, when king Iohn resigning his crowne into the hands of the legat, made that writing obligatorie most execrable to the whole world. When the pope had heard this tale told, he streit disanulled the election and request of the confirmation of the said Ralfe Neuill, granting libertie to the moonks to chose some other which might proue a wholsome shéepheard for the soule of man, profitable to the church of England, and a faithfull sonne to the sée of Rome, and so the moonks returning home, made relation to the couent how they had sped. After this, the moonks elected the prior of their house named Iohn to be their archbishop, who going to Rome for his confirmation, was persuaded in the end to renounce his election: so that at length one Edmund that was treasurer of the colledge of Salisburie, was elected, confirmed, and consecrated, a man of great zeale, being the foure & fortith archbishop that had gouerned that sée. [Sidenote: The earle of Cornewall marrieth the countesse of Glocester.] [Sidenote: The earle of Penbroke departeth this life.] [Sidenote: _Polydor._] [Sidenote: Leolin prince of Wales inuadeth the English borders.] This yeare the kings brother the earle of Cornewall married the countesse of Glocester, widow to the late earle Gilbert, and sister to William Marshall earle of Penbroke, the which erle of Penbroke shortlie after the same marriage departed this life, and was buried on the fiftéenth day of Aprill, in the new temple at London, néere vnto his father. Moreouer, Leolin prince of Wales about this season enterprising to inuade the English confines, burned and wasted the countrie in most cruell wise. Whereof the king being aduertised, hasted foorth by great iournies, with purpose to reuenge such iniuries. But the enimies hearing of his comming (according to the custome of their countrie) withdrew into the mounteins, bogs, and marishes. Wherefore the king (séeing that he could not haue them at his pleasure, and least he should be thought to spend time in vaine) came backe, and left behind him a small troope of souldiers to resist their attempts, if they should happen to rise vp any more. [Sidenote: The Welshmen put to flight.] [Sidenote: The king goeth against the Welshmen.] The Welshmen hauing intelligence that the king was returned home, brake foorth againe as before into the English marshes, and not onelie tooke preies and booties, but went about to destroie with fire and sword all that stood in their way. Howbeit in their returne, and as they ranged abroad somewhat vnaduisedlie, they were intrapped by the souldiers which the king had left there for the defense of the countrie, and put to flight néere the castell of Mountgomerie, with great slaughter & losse of their people. But Leolin nothing dismaied therwith, assembled a greater power than he had before, and began foorthwith to rob and spoile within the English marshes with paganish extremitie. Which thing when it came to the vnderstanding of the king, he was verie sore displeased, that so meane a man as Leolin was, should put him to so much trouble, therefore he raised a farre greater armie than he had doone at anie time before, and with the same came to the citie of Hereford. [Sidenote: _Matt. Paris._] [Sidenote: The Englishmen distressed.] [Sidenote: Mawds castell repaired.] In the meane time Leolin comming néere vnto the said castell of Mountgomerie, by the practise of a traitorous moonke, trained foorth the English souldiers which laie in garrison there, and counterfeiting to flée, till he had laid them vp in bogs and mires with their horsses, so as they could not helpe themselues, he fell vpon them, and so slue and tooke a great number of them euen as he could haue wished. The king aduertised hereof, hasted the faster forward, and comming into those parts, as he passed by an abbeie of the Cisteaux order (of which house the moonke was that had betraied the Englishmen of Mountgomerie) he burned a grange that belonged to the same abbeie, and further spoiling the same abbeie it selfe, he had set it on a light fire also, if the abbat therof had not redéemed it with the summe of thrée hundred marks of siluer. After this, he caused Mawds castell to be repaired and fortified, which the Welshmen in times past had ouerthrowne, and when the worke was finished, he left there a strong garrison of souldiers to kéepe backe the Welshmen from making their accustomed incursions. [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: Henrie earle of Britaine, and the earle of Chester distresse the French kings cariages.] [Sidenote: A truce taken.] Whilest the king was thus occupied in Wales, there was some busines in France: for in the moneth of Iune, the French king with an armie came to inuade the countrie of Britaine, but earle Henrie with the earle of Chester and the other English capteins found meanes to take and destroie all the cariages and wagons which came with vittels and other prouision to serue the French armie. When the Frenchmen perceiued they could not haue their purpose, by mediation of the archbishop of Reimes, and the earle of Bollongne on the French part, and by consent of the earles of Britaine and Chester on the English part, a peace was concluded, or rather a truce to indure for thrée yeares betwixt the two kings of England and France. This agréement was made the fift daie of Iulie, and then the earles of Britaine and Chester, with Richard Marshall, came ouer into England, and rode to the king, whom they found at Mawds castell, where he remained till the worke was finished, and then in the moneth of October returned into England. [Sidenote: An. Reg. 16. 1232.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: An vnorderlie & presumptuous attempt.] In this meane time no small grudge arose among the people, by reason that their churches were occupied by incumbents that were strangers, promoted by the popes and their legats, who neither instructed the people, nor could well speake anie more English than that which serued for the collection of their tithes, in somuch that for the insolencie of such imcumbents as well the Noble men and those of good reputation, as other of the meaner sort, by an vndiscréet presumption attempted a disorderlie redresse, confederating themselues togither, and taking vpon them to write and direct their letters vnto bishops and chapters, commanding them by waie of inhibition, not to séeme to interrupt those that should seize vpon the beneficed strangers, or vpon their reuenues. [Sidenote: The superscription of their letters.] They also tooke vpon them to write vnto such religious men and others, which were farmers vnto anie of those strangers, forbidding them to stand accountable vnto the said strangers, but to reteine the rents and profits in their hands to answer the same vnto such as they should appoint for the receipt thereof. The superscription of their letters was this. ¶ "Tali episcopo, & tali capitulo, vniuersitas eorum, qui magis volunt mori quàm à Romanis confundi, salutem." That is to say, "To such a bishop and chapter, all those which had rather die than be confounded by the Romans, send gréeting." In the seale wherewith the said letters were sealed, were two swords ingrauen. [Sidenote: Masking threshers.] [Sidenote: The pope complaineth to the K. in blaming him.] This matter went so farre foorth, that there were sundrie persons armed and disguised like mummers, which enterprised not onelie to take diuerse of those strangers that were beneficed men, but also came to their barnes, threshed vp their graine, and either made sale therof, or gaue it awaie for God his sake, shewing counterfeited letters vnder the kings seale, which they had procured for their warrant, as they did pretend. At length the pope vpon complaint made vnto him of such violent doings, wrote to king Henrie, blaming him not a little for suffering such disorders to be committed within his realme, commanding him vpon paine of excommunication to cause a diligent inquirie to be had of the offenders, and to sée them sharpelie punished, to the example of others. [Sidenote: The pope c[=o]mandeth the offenders to be accursed.] [Sidenote: Inquisitions taken.] Moreouer he sent letters to the bishop of Winchester, and to the abbat of saint Edmundsburie, to make the like inquisition, and to accurse all those that should be found culpable within the south parts of England, as he did to the archbishop of Yorke, to the bishop of Durham, and to an Italian named Iohn a canon of Yorke, to doo the like in the north parts, so that the offenders should remaine accursed, till they came to Rome, there to fetch their absolution. Herevpon therefore a generall inquisition was taken, as well by the king as by the bishops, and manie found guiltie, some in fact, and some in consent: amongst which number there were both bishops and chapleins to the king, with archdeacons and deanes, knights, and manie of the laitie. [Sidenote: The earle of Kent put in blame.] [Sidenote: Sir Robert de Twing.] There were some shiriffes and bailiffes also, which by the kings commandement were arrested and put in prison, and diuerse of all sorts did kéepe themselues out of the waie, and would not as yet be found. In like maner, Hubert earle of Kent, lord chéefe iustice, was accused to be chiefe transgressour in this matter, as he that had giuen foorth the kings letters patents to those disguised and masking threshers, who had taken vpon them so to sequester other mens goods, whereto they had no right. There came also to the king one sir Robert de Twing, a knight of the north parts, (which named himselfe William Wetherse, and had led about a companie of the foresaid maskers) protesting that he had doone it vpon iust cause to be reuenged vpon the Romans, which went about by sentence of the pope, and manifest fraud to spoile him of the parsonage of a certeine church which he held, and therefore he said he had rather stand accursed without iust cause for a time, than to lose his benefice without due iudgement. Howbeit the king and the other commissioners counseled him in the end to go to Rome to purchase his absolution, sith he was fallen in danger of excommunication, and there to sue for his pardon in the popes consistorie. And to incourage him the better so to doo, the king wrote also in his fauour to the pope, testifieng the right which he claimed to the church, whereby at length he obteined his suit (as after ye shall heare.) [Sidenote: _Polydor._] [Sidenote: A parlement.] [Sidenote: A subsidie demanded, and denied.] [Sidenote: The bishop of Winchesters counsell giuen to the king.] The king called a parlement at Westminster, wherein declaring what charges he had béene at diuers waies, he required to haue a subsidie granted him, for the reléefe of his want, which was flatlie denied, the Nobles and other estats excusing the pouertie amongst all degrées of men, by manie euident reasons. Herevpon the bishop of Winchester being a verie eloquent and faire-spoken man, openlie counselled the king to fauour his people, whom he had alreadie made poore and bare with continuall tributes and exactions. And if it were so that he stood in such néed as was alledged, that then he should take into his hands againe such possessions and things, which during the time of his yoong yéeres he had bestowed vpon his seruants, without any good aduised consideration, for lacke of ripe iudgement and discretion, and againe to take from certeine couetous persons, who now were become horsseleches and caterpillers in the common-wealth, all such offices as they held, and had verie much abused, causing them to yeald vp their accounts, and to vse them after the manner of sponges, so that where he had in times past made them full of moisture, he might how wring them drie, following herein the example of Vespasian. And by this means it was not to be douted but he should haue inough of his owne, without dooing iniurie to any man. [Sidenote: The king followeth the bishop of Winchesters counsell.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: Ranulfe Briton, Peter de Riuales.] The king gaue verie good eare to the bishops words, and following his counsell, caused his receiuers, treasurers, and other such as had medled with anie of his receipts to come to a reckoning. And vnderstanding by the auditors appointed to take their accounts, that the most part of them had receiued much more and by other means than they had entered into their reckoning, he compelled them to restore it out of hand with interest. Also he caused the magistrats to be called to a reckoning, and manie of them being conuicted of fraud, were condemned to make restitution. And among other Ranulfe Briton treasurer of his chamber was put beside his office, and fined at a thousand marks, in whose place was set Peter de Riuales, or after some copies de Oruiales, a Poictouin, nephue or rather sonne to the bishop of Winchester, by whose aduice the king tooke a more strait account of his officers, and often remooued such as he iudged guiltie. [Sidenote: The earle of Kent discharged of his office of chéefe iustice.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: The earle of Kent taketh sanctuarie.] [Sidenote: The citizens of London their good deuotion towards the earle of Kent.] At the same time also, Hubert earle of Kent was deposed from the office of high iustice, and Stephan Segraue appointed in his roome. The said Hubert (bicause he refused to answer a certeine dutie which was demanded of him to the kings vse) ran so farre into his displeasure, that he durst not abide his sight, but for safegard of himselfe got him to the abbeie of Merton, and there tooke sanctuarie. The king hearing of this his demeanor, was so highlie offended withall, that he sent to the Londoners, willing them to go thither and fetch him to his presence. The Londoners, which in no wise loued him, bicause of the death of their citizen Constantine, were verie readie to accomplish this commandement, insomuch that where the maior ouernight late declared to them the effect of the kings commission, there were twentie thousand of them in armor gotten forward earlie in the morning towards Merton, in full hope now to be reuenged of him, for the small good-will that he had borne, vnto their citie heretofore. But the king being informed by the earle of Chester and others, that if the Londoners being thus in armor, and in so great a number, should commit any other outrage by the way, the matter might grow to some such inconuenience as would not easilie be staied, he sent to them a countermand to returne backe to the citie againe, which they did, though sorie in their hearts that they might not go through with their desired enterprise. Furthermore (sée héere the mutabilitie of fortune and hir inconstancie, whereof complaint hath béene made by our forefathers time out of mind, saieng, [Sidenote: _Ouid. lib. 2. de trist. 5._] Passibus ambiguis fortuna volubilis errat, Et manet in nullo certa tenáxq; loco; Sed modò læta manet, vultus modò sumit acerbos. Et tantùm constans in leuitate sua est.) now that the erle of Kent was thus out of the kings fauour, there were few or none of those whome he had before béene beneficiall vnto, that shewed themselues as fréends and louers vnto him, but all forsooke & were readie to saie the worst of him, the archbishop of Dubline excepted, who yet obteined of the king respit for him to make answere vnto such things as should lawfullie be obiected against him, both for the debt which should be due to the king, and also vpon points of treason, which were now laid to his charge. ¶ Wherin we may sée what hath béene the course of the world in former ages touching fréends, who in the spring of a mans felicitie like swallowes will flie about him; but when the winter of aduersitie nippeth, like snailes they kéepe within their shels: wherevnto the poet verie well alluding, saith. [Sidenote: _Hor. lib. car. 1. od. 35._] ----diffugiunt cadis Cum fæce siccatis amici, Ferre iugum pariter dolosi. [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] After this, as the said Hubert would haue gone to S. Edmundsburie in Suffolke, where his wife as then remained, he was apprehended at Burntwood in Essex, within a chappell there (as saith Fabian.) But (as Matthew Paris saith) sir Robert de Cranecombe, with thrée hundred armed men was sent to apprehend him by the kings commandement, and so he was taken in a village belonging to the bishop of Norwich in Essex, and by the kings commandement cast into prison, but yet afterwards he was reconciled to the kings fauour, when he had lien foure moneths in prison, and thirtéene moneths banished the court. [Sidenote: A subsidie granted in a parlement holden at Lambeth.] [Sidenote: An. Reg. 17.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: Ranulfe earle of Chester departeth this life.] [Sidenote: Erle Ranulfe thrice maried.] [Sidenote: This Clemence was daughter to erle Ferrers.] In this yeare, on the exaltation of the crosse, at Lambeth, in the assemblie of the states there, a subsidie was granted to the K. of the fortith part of euerie mans goods towards the discharge of his debts which he owght to the earle of Britaine. Also in the beginning of the seauentéenth yeare of his reigne, Ranulfe earle of Chester and Lincolne departed this life the six and twentith day of October, whose bodie was buried at Chester, and his bowels at Wallingford where he died. This earle Ranulfe was thrice married, first to Constance daughter and heire to Conan earle of Britaine and Richmund, and so in right of hir was intituled earle of those two places: which Constance had béene first married vnto Geffrey the third son of king Henrie the second, by whom she had issue Arthur (as before yée haue heard.) But by earle Ranulfe she had no issue at all, but was from him diuorced, and afterwards married vnto Guy vicount de Towars. Then after earle Ranulfe was so diuorsed from the said Constance, he married a ladie named Clemence, and after hir deceasse, he married the third time the ladie Margaret, daughter to Humfrey de Bohun earle of Hereford and Essex, constable of England. [Sidenote: The partition of his lands.] Howbeit he neuer had issue by any of those his wiues, so that Iohn Scot his nephue by his sister Mawd succéeded him in the earldome of Chester, and William Dalbenie earle of Arundell, nephue to him by his sister Mabell, had the manour of Barrow, and other lands that belonged to the said Ranulfe, of the yerelie value of fiue hundred pounds. Robert Quincie, he that married his sister Hauisa, had the earledome of Lincolne, and so of a baron became an earle who had issue by his wife, Margerie countesse of Lincolne, that was maried to Edmund Lacie earle of Lincolne. William earle Ferrers and of Darbie, that had married Agnes, sister to the said Ranulfe, had the castell and manour of Chartley, togither with other lands for his pourpart. [Sidenote: This Roger Lacie is surnamed Helle.] Here is also to be remembred, that the afore mentioned earle Ranulfe (or Randulfe whether ye list to call him) atchieued manie high enterprises in his time, as partlie in this booke ye haue alreadie heard: he held sore warres against the Welshmen, till at length an agréement was concluded betwixt him and Leolin prince of Wales. I remember I haue read in an old record, that vpon a time as this earle passed into Wales with an armie, his chance was to be ouerset by the Welshmen, so that he was driuen to retire into a castell, wherein the Welshmen did besiege him. And as it fortuned at that time, Roger Lacie the constable of Chester was not then with him, but left behind at Chester to sée the citie kept in order (for as it should séeme, their solemne plaies which commonlie are vsed at Whitsuntide were then in hand, or else their faire which is kept at Midsummer.) Wherefore the earle sent a messenger in all possible hast vnto his constable, praieng him with spéed to come to his succour in that extreame point of necessitie. Lacie made no delaie, but assembling all the forreners, plaiers, musicians, and others which he could find within that citie fit to weare armor, went foorth with them, and in most spéedie maner marched toward the castell, where the Welshmen kept the earle besieged, who now perceiuing such a multitude of men comming towards them, incontinentlie left the siege and fled awaie. The earle then being thus deliuered out of that present danger, came foorth of the castell, returned with his constable vnto Chester, and in recompense of that seruice, gaue vnto his said constable Roger Lacie, the rule, order, and authoritie ouer all the forreners, plaiers, musicians, and other strangers resorting to Chester at the time, when such publike plaies (or else faire) should be kept & holden. Iohn Lacie the sonne of the said Roger married Alice the daughter of Gilbert de Aquila, and after hir deceasse, he married the ladie Margaret, the daughter of Robert Quincie earle of Lincolne, of whom he begat Edmund Lacie constable of Chester, which Edmund after the deceasse of his father, married Alice the daughter of the marquesse of Saluces in Italie, which ladie was surnamed the quéene, of whom he begat Henrie Lacie earle of Lincolne, which Henrie married the ladie Margaret, daughter to William Long espée earle of Salisburie, by whom he had two sons, Edmund and Iohn, and two daughters, Alice and Ioan, which Alice Thomas earle of Lancaster married, who claimed and had the same rights and priuileges which ancientlie belonged to the said Roger Lacie, and other the constables of Chester, concerning the fines of forreners and others. ¶ This haue I the more willinglie declared, that it may appeare in what estimation and credit the Lacies constables Chester by inheritance liued in their time, of whose high valiancie, and likewise of other of that familie, highlie commended for their noble chiualrie in martiall enterprises ye may read in sundrie histories at large. [Sidenote: The earle of Kent kept in prison within the castell of Vées.] But now to returne and speake of other dooings, which chanced about the time in which the said Ranulfe earle of Chester departed this life. The king in the meane while seized into his hands a great portion of the treasure which Hubert de Burgh earle of Kent had committed to the kéeping of the templers. But whereas there were that trauelled to haue had him put to death, the king in respect of the seruice which he had doone to him and to his predecessors king Richard and king Iohn, granted him life, with those lands which he had either by purchase, or by gift of king Iohn, but neuertheless he caused him to be kept in frée prison at the castell of the Vées, vnder the custodie of foure knights belonging to the earles of Cornewall, Warren, Penbroke, and Ferrers, which foure earles were become suerties for him. [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: A great thunder.] [Sidenote: 1233.] [Sidenote: A wet summer.] [Sidenote: Foure sunnes beside the accustomed sun.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: A strange woonder.] This yeare also about the same time, to wit, the morow after S. Martins daie, chanced great thunder and lightning, which continued for the space of 15 daies togither, to the great terrour and feare of the people, and namelie of the Londoners, which haue that kind of weather so familiar to them, that if there be anie abroad in the land, they haue their part thereof. Moreouer on the 23 of March, was heard an other great and terrible tempest of thunder, and after followed a maruellous wet summer with manie flouds. Also on the 8 daie of Aprill, in the parts about Hereford and Worcester, there appeared foure sunnes in the element, beside the naturall sunne, of red colour, and a great circle of christaline colour, the which compassed with his largenesse as it had béene the whole circuit almost of the whole realme of England, from the sides whereof went foorth certeine halfe circles, in whose sections appeared the said four sunnes. The naturall sunne was at the same time in the east part of the firmament, for it was about the first houre of the daie, or betwixt six and seuen in the morning, the aire being the same time verie bright and cleare. The bishop of Hereford, and sir Iohn Monmouth knight, and manie others beheld this woonderfull sight, and testified the same to be most true. And after this there followed the same yeare in those parts cruell warre, slaughter, terrible bloudshed, & a generall trouble through England, Wales, and Ireland. About the same time, to wit, in Iune, in the south parts of England néere to the sea coast, two huge dragons appeared fighting in the aire, and after a long fight the one ouercame the other, and followed him, fléeing into the depth of the sea, & so they were séene no more. [Sidenote: _Polydor._] [Sidenote: The king beginneth to fauour strangers.] [Sidenote: The bishop of Winchester.] Moreouer in this yeare great variance and strife rose betwixt the king and his barons, for the king tooke great displeasure against all other his officers, & so much the more mistrusted them, for that he found himselfe deceiued in the earle of Kent, to whom he had committed a further credit than to anie other, and had made him high iustice of England, onelie for the good will that he alwaies bare to him. Therefore perceiuing this, he was doubtfull whom he should trust, discharging the most part of those Englishmen that bare any office about him, and in their roomes placed strangers, as Poictouins and Britains, of the which there came ouer vnto him manie knights and other, to the number of 2000, which he placed in garrisons within castels of diuerse places of the land, and committed the order of all things for the most part to the bishop of Winchester, and to his nephue or sonne Peter de Riuales. [Sidenote: The earle of Penbroke.] [Sidenote: Strangers alwaies odious to ye home borne.] Herwith he offended so much the minds of his Nobles, that Richard Marshall earle of Penbroke (chiefe of that familie, & boldest to speake, now that Ranulfe of Chester was gone) as well in his owne name, as in the names of other, tooke upon him openlie to reprooue the kings dooings herein, as pernicious and dangerous to the state of the realme. Herevnto the bishop of Winchester (whose counsell as it séemed he followed) made answer, that the king had doone nothing in that behalfe vnaduisedlie, but vpon good and déepe consideration: for sith he might perceiue how the English nobilitie had first pursued his father with malicious hatred & open war, and now that he found diuerse of them whom he had brought vp and aduanced to high honours, vnfaithfull in the administration of their offices, he did not without iust cause receiue into his fauour strangers, and preferre them before those of his owne nation, which were not so faithfull in his seruice and obedience as they. [Sidenote: The lords yt withdrew into Wales.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: _Polydor._] [Sidenote: The king proclaimed them traitors.] [Sidenote: Strangers sent for.] This answer of the bishop so pricked and wounded the minds of the English Nobilitie, that manie of them (amongst whome the said earle of Penbroke was the chéefe) began an open rebellion, some of them resorting to one place, and some to an other, to gather people for their purpose. The names of such barons as stirred vpon this occasion were these; Richard Marshall earle of Penbroke afore named, Gilbert Basset and his brethren, men of great honor and right hardie capteins: also Richard Sward a warlike personage, trained vp in feats of armes from his youth, with Walter Clifford a worthie knight, and manie others. The king hauing knowledge of their dooings proclaimed them all traitors, confiscated their goods, and sent for a great power of men out of Flanders to serue him in his warre. [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: The earle of Kent escapeth and taketh sanctuarie.] [Sidenote: He is fetcht out.] Whilest king Henrie thus prouided himselfe of an armie, the lords with their capteine Richard Marshall ioined themselues to Leolin prince of Wales, & doubting the comming of the king, spoiled all the marshes next adioining to England, leauing no vittels nor cattell any where about in those parts wherby the kings armie might haue reléefe, and further made all things readie for their owne defense so well as they could deuise. The earle of Kent about the same time, by helpe of two yeomen that attended vpon him, escaped out of the castell of Vées. and tooke sanctuarie in the next church: but when those that had the charge of him and the castell in kéeping, missed him, and heard where he was, they fetcht both him, and the two yeomen that holpe him to make the escape out of the church, and bringing them backe to the castell, imprisoned the earle. [Sidenote: He is restored to sanctuarie.] [Sidenote: An. Reg. 18.] [Sidenote: The earle of Kent rescued and conueied into Wales.] And though the bishop of Salisburie came thither and threatened to accursse them, if they would not deliuer the earle, and restore him to sanctuarie againe: they made answer, that they had rather the earle should hang for himselfe, than they for him. And so bicause they would not deliuer him, the bishop did excommunicate them, and after riding to the court, and taking with him the bishop of London, and other bishops, preuailed so much by complaint exhibited to the K. that the earle was restored to the church againe the eightéenth day of October: but so, as the shiriffe of the shire had commandement to compasse the church about with men, to watch that no reléefe came vnto him, whereby he might be constreined through famishing to submit himselfe. Notwithstanding, shortlie after there came a power of armed men, and fetcht the said earle from thence (setting him on horssebacke in faire complet armour) and so conueied him into Wales, where he ioined with other of the kings enimies, the thirtith day of October. [Sidenote: _Polydor._] [Sidenote: The king entreth into Wales with an armie.] Within a few daies after came the king with his armie, and entring into Wales, for want of vittels was constreined to retire backe to the marshes, betwixt Worcestershire & Salopshire, where staieng certeine daies togither in those parts, his souldiers straied abroad in the countrie vnaduisedlie, and kéeping no watch nor ward about their campe, were surprised in the night by their enimies, and slaine on euerie side. The slaughter had béene greater, but that the residue which laie in campe, brake foorth about midnight, and in a plumpe togither fled into a castell which was néere at hand, called Grossemound, in the which the king himselfe was lodged. There were slaine aboue fiue hundred men, and all the trusse and baggage of the campe lost. Yet Matthew Paris saith there were but two knights slaine, which cast awaie themselues by their owne wilfulnesse, that would néeds stand to it and make resistance, where the residue being spoiled of all that they had with them, got awaie by flight, as the bishops of Winchester and Chichester, the lord chéefe iustice Stephan Segraue, Peter de Riuales treasurer, Hugh Bigot earle of Norfolke, William earle of Salisburie, William lord Beauchampe, and William Dalbenie the yoonger, who were witnesses of this losse amongst the residue. [Sidenote: _Polydor._] [Sidenote: The king returneth out of Wales.] Hereof, it came to passe, that manie of the kings armie (speciallie those which had lost their horsses, armour, monie, and other furniture, with their vittels) returned into their countrie, to their great confusion. For the Welshmen and other outlawes, hauing spoiled the campe, returned with the cariages and sumpters which they had taken, into places of safe refuge. The king hauing receiued this losse, and oftentimes tried fortune nothing fauourable vnto him in those parts, by reason of the streits and disaduantage of the places, thought good to reserue the reuenge of his receiued iniuries vntill a more conuenient time, and therevpon returned to Glocester, and furnished diuers castels and fortresses in the borders of Wales, with garrisons of souldiers, namelie Poictouins and other strangers to defend the same against William Marshall, and the other his complices, who vpon occasions dailie sought to suppresse and distresse the said strangers. [Sidenote: The earle of Penbroke in danger.] [Sidenote: He is rescued.] [Sidenote: The Poictouins discomfited.] And beside other encounters, in the which manie of those Poictouins and other strangers were slaine and oppressed by the said William Marshall and his adherents, it chanced that vpon saint Katherins day, the said William Marshall comming néere to the castell of Monmouth to view the same, was in danger to haue remained prisoner in the enimies hands, through an issue made by sir Baldwine de Guines, capiteine of that castell, with his Poictouins and Flemings. But by such rescue as came to his aid, he was deliuered out of their hands, and the Poictouins and other of the garrison discomfited. At this skirmish sir Baldwine himselfe being sore wounded, was borne out of the field into the castell, losing fiftéene knights of his part, and a great sort of other which were taken prisoners, besides no small number that were slaine in the place. [Sidenote: Dearth.] [Sidenote: Tempests. An earthquake.] [Sidenote: A death.] The same yeare chanced a great dearth, by reason that the growth of all things was much hindered with the extreame cold weather. Also there happened about the beginning of Nouember great thunder and lightning, and therewith folowed an earthquake to the great feare of the inhabitants of the towne of Huntington and other places thereabouts. After this, came a great death amongst the people, being commonlie a néere companion to great famine and dearth. [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: Iohn Monmouth receiueth an ouerthrow.] [Sidenote: 1234.] Richard Marshall erle of Penbroke in this meane time ceassed not to waste the marshes of England next adioining to Wales, and dailie diuerse of the English Nobilitie repaired to him, so that the king was sore troubled in his mind. It chanced at the same time, that one Iohn of Monmouth a right valiant capteine, who led the kings armie, receiued a great ouerthrow at the hands of Richard Marshall. For whereas the foresaid Iohn, hauing assembled a mightie host, made great hast towards his enimies, in hope to haue come vpon them at vnawares, and therefore marching by night, that he might be readie to assaile them somewhat afore the breake of the day, which in the summer season is the most silent time of all the night, it chanced farre otherwise than he looked it should haue doone. For the earle of Penbroke, hauing knowledge by his spies of his aduersaries intent, laie himselfe with his people within a wood in ambush by the way, where the said Iohn should passe, and setting vpon him as he approched, put his people in such feare by the sudden incounter, that they knew not what capteine or ensigne they might follow, and so immediatlie fell to running awaie. The slaughter was great on euerie side, both of Poictouins and others. Diuerse of them fléeing also into the next woods, were receiued by such as were laid there to cut them off, and so slaine or taken out of hand. Howbeit their chiefe capteine the forenamed Iohn of Monmouth escaped, with a few other in his companie. This ouerthrow chanced the morrow after Christmasse daie. [Sidenote: _Polydor._] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] The next daie Richard Marshall hauing thus got the victorie, destroied certeine houses and lordships there in the marshes which belonged to the said Iohn of Monmouth. About the same time also, Richard Sward with other outlawes destroied the possessions belonging to the earle of Cornewall beside Brehull, and burned a place there called Segraue, where Stephan de Segraue the lord chiefe iustice was borne, and likewise a village belonging to the bishop of Winchester, not farre from Segraue aforesaid. This was the maner of those outlawes, that they hurt no person, but onelie those councellers about the king by whom they were exiled, and therefore bearing stomach against them, they did not onlie excogitate but also execute this reuenge; which till they had obteined, they were no lesse ill appaid, than well pleased when the same was past, for ----minuit vindicta dolorem. [Sidenote: A part of the towne of Shrewsburie burnt.] [Sidenote: _Polydor._] Immediatlie within the octaues of the Epiphanie, the earle Marshall and Leolin prince of Wales wasted and robbed all the marshes betwixt Wales and Shrewsburie, a part of which towne they also burnt. King Henrie being hereof certified as yet soiourning at Glocester, was sore troubled in his mind, and calling togither his councell, asked aduise what waie he might best take to redresse such iniuries. After sundrie opinions amongst them declared, they agréed all in one sentence, that it should be most expedient to appease the minds of the rebels with gentle offers, to grant them pardon of their offenses, wiselie to winne them to tractablenesse, and not roughlie afflicting them to exasperat their fiersenesse, sith, ----sæpe acri potior prudentia dextra. Also to banish from his court diuerse that bare great rule, and namelie Peter the bishop of Winchester, and his sonne or nephue Peter de Riuales, by the counsell of which two persons all things had béene changed in the kings house. Moreouer, to put from him such strangers as bare offices, and to restore Englishmen againe to the same. [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: The earle of Penbroke passeth ouer into Ireland.] [Sidenote: He is taken prisoner.] [Sidenote: Geffrey Maurish.] [Sidenote: The death of the earle of Penbroke.] The king allowing this aduise to be good, followed it accordinglie, and first of all discharging the bishop of Winchester of all publike administration of things, he commanded him to repaire home to his diocesse, and to sée to the gouernement thereof, as to his dutie apperteined. He also banished from his presence Peter de Riuales, Stephan Segraue, Robert Passelew, and diuerse others of his chiefe councellers, by whose means he had procured the euill will of his Nobilitie. Then receiued he againe his old seruants & officers, & finallie sent the archb. of Canturburie, the bishops of Chester & Rochester vnto the barons in Wales, to offer them peace & pardon of all iniuries past, if they wold returne to his obedience. Thus in the end there was a truce taken betwixt the king and the rebels, to begin at Candlemasse, and to indure vntill Easter next insuing, in which meane time, Richard the earle of Penbroke, hearing that Maurish Fitz Gerald, with Walter Lacie, Richard Burgh and others wasted his lands and possessions in Ireland (according to such commission as they had receiued of late from king Henrie and his councell) passed ouer thither, and there incountering with his enimies, was sore wounded and taken prisoner, hauing entered the battell verie rashlie, and with a small companie of his people about him, onlie by the traitorous persuasion of Geffrey Maurish, who with other fled at the first brunt, and left him in maner alone, to stand to all the danger. Those that thus tooke him, brought him into his owne castell, the which the lord chiefe iustice Maurice Fitz Gerald had latelie woone. This incounter, in which Richard Marshall was thus taken, chanced on a saturdaie, being the first of Aprill; and on the 16 of the same moneth, by reason of the wound which he had receiued, he departed this life. We find also that the bishop of Winchester, and his sonne (or kinsman as some haue called him) Peter de Riuales had procured the king to send commission vnder his seale vnto the foresaid noble men in Ireland, that if the said Richard Marshall earle of Penbroke chanced to come thither, they should doo their best to take him, and in reward of their paines, they should inioy all his lands and possessions which he held in that countrie. But after his death, and when the king had remooued those his councellers from him, he confessed he had put his seale to a writing, but that he vnderstood what were the contents thereof he vtterlie denied. Finallie, this was the end of the worthie earle of Penbroke Richard Marshall, a man worthie to be highlie renowmed for his approued valiancie. His death suerlie was greatlie bewailed of king Henrie, openlie protesting that he had lost the worthiest capteine that then liued. [Sidenote: _Polydor._] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: Gilbert Marshall earle of Penbroke.] After this, the lords that had remained in Wales, by safe conduct came to the king, and through the diligent trauell of the archbishop of Canturburie, he receiued them into fauour. Amongst them were these men of name, Gilbert Marshall the brother of the foresaid Richard Marshall, Hubert earle of Kent, Gilbert Basset, and Richard Sward, beside diuerse other. Vnto Gilbert Marshall he deliuered his brothers inheritance, and vpon Whitsundaie made him knight, giuing vnto him the rod of the office of Marshall of his court, according to the maner, to vse and exercise as his ancesters had doone before him. And herewith the earle of Kent Gilbert Basset and Richard Sward were receiued againe into the court, and admitted to be of the kings priuie councell. [Sidenote: Officers called to accounts.] Soone after this, Peter de Riuales, Stephan Segraue, & Robert Passelew were called to accounts, that it might appeare how the kings treasure was spent, and how they had vsed themselues with the kings seale. The two last remembred kept themselues out of the waie, and could not be found. Stephan Segraue shrowding himselfe in secret within the abbeie of Leicester, and Robert Passelew feining himselfe sicke, kept within the new temple at London. Peter de Riuales also, with his father the bishop of Winchester, tooke sanctuarie at Winchester, for they were afraid least their bodies should not be in safetie if they came abroad, bicause they vnderstood that their manours and grange places were spoiled and burnt by those that bare them displeasure. Howbeit at length, vnder the protection of the archbishop of Canturburie, they came to their answer, & were sore charged for their vniust dealing, traitorous practise, and great falshood vsed in time of their bearing office, and (as it appeareth by writers) they could but sorilie cleare themselues in those matters wherewith they were charged: but yet by reason of their protection they were restored to the places from whence they came, or else otherwise shifted off the matter for the time, so that we read not of anie great bodilie punishment which they should receiue as then. In the end they were pardoned & reconciled to the kings fauor, vpon paiment of such fines as were assessed vpon them. [Sidenote: The truce ended.] [Sidenote: Welshmen sent ouer to the aid of the earle of Britaine.] [Sidenote: The earle of Britaine submitteth himselfe to the French king.] This yeare, bicause the truce ended betwixt the kings of England and France, king Henrie sent ouer to aid the earle of Britaine, thréescore knights, and two thousand Welshmen, the which when the French king came with his armie to enter and inuade Britaine, did cut off and take his cariage laden with vittels, armor, and other prouision, ouerthrowing also no small number of the Frenchmen, and taking from them their horsses, they returned backe in safetie, without any great damage receiued. Notwithstanding this, the French king inforcing againe his power, waxed too strong for the earle of Britaine, so that he was constreined to take a truce to indure till the feast of all saints, that he might in the meane time vnderstand if the king of England would come ouer with some puissant armie to his aid or no: but bicause it was perceiued in the end that the said earle of Britaine sought nothing else but how to get monie out of king Henries coffers, and to doo him no pleasure for it, bicause he was in manner at an other agréement alreadie with the king of France, king Henrie refused to satisfie his requests at such time as he came ouer vnto him (after the taking of that truce) for more monie. Herewith also the said erle being offended, got him backe into his owne countrie, and shortlie after apparantlie submitted himselfe to the French king, which (as the report went) he had doone before in secret. [Sidenote: An. Reg. 19. 1235.] [Sidenote: _Polydor._] [Sidenote: _Fabian._] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] These things being thus brought to passe, and all troubles quieted, the king as then being at London, there was brought before him by one Tolie, a complaint exhibited against the [2] Iewes of Norwich, which had stolen a yoong child, being not past a twelue moneths old, and secretlie kept him an whole yeare togither, to the end that he might (when Ester came) crucifie him in despite of our sauiour Iesus Christ, and the christian religion. The matter as it happened fell out well for the lad: for within a few daies before that those curssed murtherers purposed to haue shed this innocents bloud, they were accused, conuicted and punished, whereby he escaped their cruell hands. About the same time, to wit the seauenth of Februarie died Hugh de Wels bishop of Lincolne, a great enimie to moonks and religious men. Robert Grosted was then preferred to his roome, a man of great learning, and trained vp in schooles euen from his infancie. [2] Sée the like in pag. 96. [Sidenote: The emperor Frederike marieth the king of Englands sister.] [Sidenote: A great and sumptuous feast.] The same yeare, the emperour Frederike the second, maried the ladie Isabell the kings sister. This Isabell was a most beautifull ladie, of comelie personage, and of age about one and twentie years. She was affianced by procuracie, about the seauen and twentith of Februarie. And after Easter, the archbishop of Cullen, and the duke of Louane came ouer from the emperour, to haue the conueiance of hir vnto the emperors presence. There was such a feast holden, so sumptuous seruice, so rich furniture, and roiall banketting kept the day before hir departure from London towards the sea side, that more could not be imagined. The same feast was kept at Westminster on the fift day of May, and the day following she did set forward, and by easie iournies came to Sandwich, the king bringing hir thither with thrée thousand horsses. Finallie, she tooke the sea the eleuenth of May, the king taking leaue of hir not without teares, when they thus departed the one from the other. And so with prosperous wind and weather shée arriued at Antwerpe, and from thence passed forward, till shée came to hir husband the emperour, by whom shée was receiued with great ioy and comfort at Worms, where the marriage was consummate vpon a sundaie, being the two and twentith day of Iulie, or (as Matthew Westminster saith) the seauen and twentith of May, being Whitsunday. [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: Vsurers called Caorsini, of whome sée more in pag. 364.] This yeare the bishop of London pronounced the sentence of excommunication against certeine vsurers called Caorsini. But bicause the same vsurers shadowed themselues vnder the pretext of the popes merchants (as they named themselues) they preuailed so much by the fauour of the court of Rome, that the said bishop being sicke and féeble, was cited peremptorilie in the parts beyond the seas, before iudges chosen foorth by the same vsurers, to make answer for such high iniurie as he had here doone to the popes factors. The bishop willing by the example of Sem, rather to couer his fathers shame, than to reueale it to the whole world, did quietlie put vp the matter: and with commendable patience receiued the proffered wrong, hauing learned this lesson, that Gaudet patientia duris, [Sidenote: The bishop of London his doctrine.] and to pacifie the trouble, suffered their wickednesse, commending in the meane while the cause vnto his patrone S. Paule. And when he preached of the force of faith, he vttered this saieng: If an angell preach contrarie doctrine to vs in these things, let him be accurssed. [Sidenote: An. Reg. 20.] [Sidenote: 1236.] [Sidenote: King Henrie marrieth the ladie Elianor daughter to the earle of Prouance.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] In the twentith yeare of king Henries reigne, in the Aduent time, the noble baron the lord Robert Fitz Water departed this life, and so likewise did a noble yong man descended of most noble parentage one Roger de Somerie. On the fouretéenth day of Ianuarie insuing, the king married the ladie Elianor, daughter to the earle of Prouance named Raimond. This marriage was solemnised at Canturburie, and in the octaues of S. Hilarie next insuing being sunday, shée was crowned quéene of England at Westminster. At the solemnitie of this feast and coronation of the quéene, all the high péeres of the realme, both spirituall and temporall, were present there to exercise their offices as to them apperteined. [Sidenote: The earle of Chester.] [Sidenote: The constable of Chester.] [Sidenote: The earle of Penbroke.] [Sidenote: The ward[=e]s of the cinque ports.] The citizens of London were there in great arraie, bearing afore hir in solemne wise, thrée hundred and thréescore cups of gold and siluer, in token that they ought to wait vpon hir cup. The archbishop of Canturburie (according to his dutie) crowned hir, the bishop of London assisting him as his deacon. The earle of Chester bare the sword of saint Edward before the king, in token that he was earle of the palace, and had authoritie to correct the king, if he should sée him to swarue from the limits of iustice, his constable of Chester attended vpon him, and remooued where the presse was thicke, with his rod or warder. The earle of Penbroke high Marshall bare the rod before the king, and made roome before him, both in the church and in the hall, placing euerie man, and ordering the seruice at the table. The wardens of the cinque ports bare a canopie ouer the king, supported with foure speares. [Sidenote: The earle of Leicester.] [Sidenote: Erle Warren.] [Sidenote: The earle of Hereford.] [Sidenote: Lord William Beauchampe.] [Sidenote: The citizens of London.] [Sidenote: The citizens of Winchester.] [Sidenote: A parlement at London.] [Sidenote: _Polydor._] The earle of Leicester held the bason when they washed. The earle of Warren, in the place of the erle of Arundell, bicause he was vnder age, attended on the kings cup. M. Michaell Bellet was Butler by office. The earle of Hereford exercised the roome of high Marshall in the kings house. The lord William de Beauchampe was almoner. The chéefe iustice of the forrests on the right hand of the king remooued the dishes on the table, though at the first he was staied by some allegation made to the contrarie. The citizens of London serued out wine to euerie one in great plentie. The citizens of Winchester had ouersight of the kitchin and larderie. And so euerie person (according to his dutie) exercised his roome: and bicause no trouble should arise, manie things were suffered, which vpon further aduise taken therin were reformed. The chancellor and all other ordinarie officers kept their place. The feast was plentifull, so that nothing wanted that could be wished. Moreouer, in Tuthill field roiall iustes were holden by the space of eight daies togither. And soone after the king called a parlement at London, where manie things were enacted for the good gouernment of the realme, and therewith the king demanded a subsidie. [Sidenote: Strange sights.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] ¶ About the same time woonderfull strange sights were séene. In the northparts of England, not farre from the abbie of Roch or Rupie, there appeared comming foorth of the earth companies of armed men on horssebacke, with speare, shield, sword, and baners displaied, in sundrie formes and shapes, riding in order of battell, and incountering togither: and this sight was séene sundrie daies ech after other. Sometime they séemed to ioine as it had béene in battell, and fought sore; and sometime they appeared to iust and breake staues, as it had béene at some triumphant iusts of tornie. The people of the countrie beheld them a farre off, with great woonder: for the thing shewed so liuelie, that now and then they might sée them come with their emptie horsses sore wounded and hurt: and then men likewise mangled and bléeding, that pitie it was to sée them. And that which séemed more strange and to be most maruelled at, the prints of their féet appeared in the ground, and the grasse troden downe in places where they had béene séene. The like sight was also séene more apparentlie in Ireland, and in the parts thereabout. [Sidenote: Great raine.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: _Matth. West._] [Sidenote: A great thunder.] [Sidenote: A drie summer.] Immediatlie followed, or rather precéeded passing great tempests of raine, which filled the earth full of water, and caused monstruous flouds: for this raine continued all the space of the moneths of Ianuarie, Februarie, and a great part of March; and for eight daies it rained (as some write) in maner without ceassing: and vpon the tenth of Februarie, immediatlie after the change of the moone, the Thames rose with such an high tide, that boats might haue béene rowed vp and downe in Westminster hall. In the winter before, on the twentith of December, there chanced a great thunder, and on the first fridaie in December, which was the fift of that moneth, there was a counterfet sunne séene beside the true sunne. Moreouer, as in the spring precéeding there happened sore and excéeding great raines, so in the summer following there chanced a great drouth, continuing by the space of foure moneths or more. [Sidenote: Gilbert Norman founder of Merton abbeie.] [Sidenote: An. Reg. 21.] [Sidenote: High tides.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: Wisbech people perishing by rage of waters.] This yeare was a parlement holden at Merton, a towne in Surrie, distant from London 7 miles, where was an abbeie of regular canons founded by one Gilbert a lord of Normandie, that came into the realme with William conquerour. At this parlement, diuerse good & profitable lawes were made and established, which yet remaine in vse, bearing the name of the place where they were first ordeined. ¶ In the beginning of the 21 yeare of king Henries reigne, on the morrow after the feast of S. Martine, and certeine days after, the sea burst out with such high tides and tempests of wind, that the marrish countries néere to the same were drowned vp and ouerflowen: and beside great heards and flocks of cattell that perished, there was no small number of men lost and drowned. The sea rose continuallie in flowing the space of two daies and one night, without ebbing, by reason of the mightie violence of contrarie winds. At Wisbech also, and in villages thereabouts, the people were drowned in great numbers, so that in one village there were buried an hundred corpses in one daie. Also the daie before Christmasse éeue, there chanced a great wind, with thunder and raine, in such extreame wise, that manie buildings were shaken and ouerthrowen. [Sidenote: 1237.] [Sidenote: A subsidie.] In a parlement holden at Westminster about the octaues of the Epiphanie, the king required a subsidie of his subiects, which request was not verie well taken, but yet at length, vpon promise that he would be good lord vnto them, and not séeke to infringe and disanull the grants which he had made by pretense of want of the popes confirmation (as it was thought he meant to doo) they agréed to giue him the thirtith part of all moueable goods, as well of the spiritualtie as the temporaltie, reseruing yet to euerie man his readie coine, with horsse and armour, to be imploied for the profit of the common-wealth. In consideration of which grant, the king being of perfect age, and in his owne rule and full gouernance, of his frée and méere good will, at the request, and by counsell of the lords of his realme, eftsoones granted and confirmed the liberties and customes conteined in the two charters, the one called Magna charta, and the other Charta de foresta, with this addition following added in the end. The confirmation of the charters, vnder the kings acknowledgement and subscription of witnesses. Nvnc autem concessimus, & hac præsenti charta confirmauimus omnibus prædictis de regno nostro, omnes libertates & liberas consuetudines contentas in chartis nostris, quas eis fidelibus nostris fieri fecimus cùm in minori essemus ætate, scilicet in Magna charta nostra, quàm in charta de Foresta. Et volumus pro nobis, & hæredibus nostris, quòd præfati fideles nostri, & successores, & hæredes eorum habeant, & teneant in perpetuum omnes libertates & liberas consuetudines prædictas, non obstante quòd prædictæ chartæ confectæ fuerint cùm minoris essemus ætatis, vt prædictum est, hijs testibus, Edmundo Cant. archiepiscopo, & omnibus alijs in Magna charta nominatis. Dat. per manum venerabilis patris Cicestriensis episcopi, cancellarij nostri 28 die Ianuarij, Anno Regni nostri 21. * * * * * [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] Beside the confirmation of these charters, the king further to win the fauour of his people, was contented to remooue and sequester from him diuerse of his councellours that were thought not to be well minded towards the aduancement of the common-wealth, and in their places to admit the earle of Waren, William de Ferrers, and Iohn Fitz Geffrey, who were sworne to giue to the king faithfull counsell, and in no wise to go out of the right waie for any respect that might otherwise mooue them. ¶ About the first daie of March, there began sore raine and tempestuous weather, whereof insued great flouds, as before in the beginning of the yeare passed, had chanced, though not dooing so much hurt as before. [Sidenote: Iohn Scot earle of Chester departed this life.] [Sidenote: _Ran. Higd._] [Sidenote: His sisters.] Iohn Scot also earle of Chester and Huntington died at Deren hall the seuenth daie of Iune, without issue, and was buried at Chester. He was poisoned by the diuelish practise of his wife daughter to Leolin prince of Wales (as Matt. Paris saith.) He had foure sisters, of whom the first named Margaret was married to Allen of Gallowaie, by whom she had issue a daughter named Deuorgoill; which Deuorgoill was married to Iohn Balioll, by whom she had issue Iohn Balioll that was afterward king of Scotland. The second named Isabell, was married to Robert le Bruis. The third named Mawd, died without issue. And the fourth called Alda, was married to Henrie Hastings. But bicause the land perteining to the earledome of Chester, should not go amongst rocks and distaues, hauing such roiall prerogatiues belonging thereto, the king seized them into his owne hands, and in recompense assigned other lands to the forsaid sisters, as it had béene by way of exchange. Now sith the earles of Chester (I meane those of the line of Hugh Lupus) tooke end in this Iohn Scot; I haue thought it not impertinent for the honor of so noble a linage, to set downe the descent of the same earles, beginning at the foresaid Hugh the first that gouerned after the conquest, as I haue séen the same collected out of ancient records, according to their true succession in seauen descents one after another, as here followeth. The true genealogie of the famous and most honourable earles of Chester. Hugh Lou or Lupus, first earle of Chester after the conquest, nephue to William Conquerour by his sister Margaret, wife to Richard Vicount of Auranches, married a noble ladie named Armetruda, by whom he had issue Richard that succéeded him in the earledome, Robert abbat of saint Edmundsburie, and Otuell. He departed this life about the yéere of our Lord 1102, when he had béene earle about 40 yéeres. 2 Richard Lupus eldest son to Hugh Lupus, and second earle of Chester, married Maud the daughter of Stephan erle of Blois, Charters and Champaigne, and sister to K. Stephan. This Richard with his brother Otuell was drowned in the seas, in the yéere of our Lord 1120, as before hath béene shewed, after he had béene earle about nintéene yeares. 3 Ranulfe or Randulfe the first of that name called Bohun, and otherwise Mestheins, the sonne of John de Bohun, and of Margaret, sister to Hugh Lupus, succéeded Richard, as cousin and heire to him in the earldome of Chester, and was the third earle in number after the conquest. He married Maud the daughter of Auberie de Vere earle of Gisney and Oxenford, by whome he had issue Ranulfe surnamed Geruous the fourth earle of Chester. He died about the yere of our Lord 1130, after he had continued earle eight yeares. 4 Ranulfe or Randulfe Bohun, the second of that name, and fourth erle in number after the conquest, surnamed Geruous, succéeded his father, and married Alice, daughter to Robert erle of Glocester, base sonne to king Henrie the first by whome he had issue Hugh Keuelocke, the fift earle of Chester. He deceassed about the yeare of our Lord 1153, when he had béene earle 29 yeares. 5 Hugh Bohun otherwise Keuelocke, the sonne of the said Ranulfe, was the first earle of Chester after the conquest, and second of that name. He married Beatrice, daughter to Richard Lucie lord chéefe iustice of England, by whom he had issue Ranulfe the third of that name, and foure daughters, Mawd married to Dauid that was earle of Angus and Huntington and lord of Galloway, Mabell maried to William Dalbegnie earle of Arundell, Agnes maried to William Ferers earle of Derbie, and Hauisa ioined in marriage with Robert Quincie, a baron of great honour. This Hugh died about the yeare 1181, when he had béene earle eight and twentie yeares. 6 Ranulfe Bohun the third of that name, otherwise called Blundeuille, the sonne of Hugh Keuelocke, was the sixt earle of Chester after the conquest. He was also earle of Lincolne as next cousine and heire to William Romare earle of Lincolne. He had thrée wiues (as before yée haue heard) but yet died without issue, about the yeare of our Lord 1232, after he had béene earle 51 yeares. 7 Iohn Scot the sonne of Dauid earle of Angus & Huntington, was in the right of his mother the seuenth earle of Chester after the conquest. He died without issue (as before yée haue heard) by reason whereof, the erldome came into the kings hands in the yeare 1237. Thus much may suffice (with that which is said before) touching the descent of the earles of Chester. And now to procéed. * * * * * [Sidenote: Cardinall Otho or Othobon.] [Sidenote: The lords grudge at the king for receiuing the cardinall without their knowledge.] The same yeare that Iohn Scot died, cardinall Otho (by some writers named Othobon) about the feast of S. Peter and Paule came into England from pope Gregorie. He was receiued with all honour and solemne reuerence as was decent, yea and more than was decent, the king méeting him at the sea side. His comming was not signified afore to the nobles of the realme, which caused them to mislike the matter, and to grudge against the king, séeing that he did all things contrarie to order, breaking law, faith, and promise in all things. He hath coupled himselfe (said they) in mariage with a stranger, without consent of his fréends and naturall subiects, and now he bringeth in a legat secretlie, who will take upon him to make an alteration in the whole state of the realme. [Sidenote: The legat praised for his sober behauiour.] But this legat shewed himselfe a verie sober and discréet person, not so couetous as his predecessors, in so much that he refused diuerse gifts which were offered vnto him, though some he receiued, and indéed commanded the other to be reserued for him. He also distributed liberallie the vacant rents vnto such as he brought with him, as well persons worthie as vnworthie, and pacified such controuersies as were sproong betwixt the nobles and péeres of the realme, so that he made them fréends. ¶ An act memorable & to be kept in record, that the instrument and seruant of so bad a maister as he serued, namelie the pope, should be the procurer of so good a worke: considering that from the sée of Rome full tides and violent streames of seditions haue flowed, and verie seldome any occasion or means made to plant peace among men, which is the daughter of loue, and the worthiest thing that is, as one saith verie well in these words: Gignit amor pacem, pax est dignissima rerum. [Sidenote: A tournie at Blie.] [Sidenote: Earle Bigot.] The bishop of Winchester, the earle of Kent, Gilbert Basset, Stephan Siward & others were by him accorded, who had borne secret grudge ech to other a long time, which hatred was at point to haue broken foorth, and shewed it selfe in perilous wise at a tornie holden at Blie in the beginning of Lent, where the Southernmen stroue against the Northerne men, and in the end the Southerne men preuailed, and tooke diuerse of their aduersaries, so that it séemed not to be a triumphant iustes, but rather a sharpe challenge and incounter betwixt enimies. But amongst all others, earle Bigot bare himselfe verie stoutlie. [Sidenote: An. Reg. 22.] [Sidenote: The legat holdeth a synod at London.] [Sidenote: 1238.] [Sidenote: The legat commeth to Oxford.] [Sidenote: A fraie betwixt the legats men, and the scholers of Oxford.] After that the legat had thus agréed the noblemen, he assembled a synod at London, the morrow after the octaues of S. Martin, wherein manie ordinances were newlie constituted for the state of the cleargie, but not altogither verie acceptable to diuerse yoong préests and scholers (as some write) in somuch that the legat afterwards comming to Oxford, and lodging in the abbie of Osnie, it chanced as certeine scholers pressed to the gates thinking to come in and doo their dutie (as they tooke the matter) vnto the legat, the porter kept them backe, and gaue them ouerthwart words, wherevpon they rushed in vpon him, & so began a fraie betwixt them and the legats men, who would haue beaten them backe. [Sidenote: A cookes almes.] [Sidenote: The legats cooke slaine.] It fortuned in this hurlie burlie, that a poore Irish scholer being got in néere to the kitchin dresser, besought the cooke for Gods sake to giue him some reliefe: but the cooke (as manie of that calling are cholerike fellowes) in a great furie tooke yp a ladle full of hot broath out of a kettell wherein flesh had béene sodden, and threw it right vpon the Irishmans face, which thing when another Welsh scholer that stood by beheld, he cried out; "What meane we to suffer this villanie," and therewithall tooke an arrow, and set it in his bow, which he had caught vp in his hand at the beginning of the fraie, and drawing it vp to the head let flie at the cooke, and so slue him there outright. [Sidenote: The legat complaineth to the king.] [Sidenote: The earle Waren sent to apprehend the offendors.] Herevpon againe noise and tumult rose round about the house, the legat for feare got him into the belfraie of the abbeie, where he kept himselfe close till the darke of the night had staied the vprore, and then stale foorth, and taking his horsse escaped as secretlie as he could ouer the Thames, and rode with all spéed to the court, which laie not farre off at Abington, and there made his complaint to the king, in such lamentable wise, that he foorthwith sent the earle Waren with a power of armed men, to fetch awaie the residue of the legats seruants which remained behind in the abbeie, and to apprehend the chiefe offenders. [Sidenote: The legat curseth.] [Sidenote: The regents of ye Vniuersitie absolued.] [Sidenote: _Polydor_.] The earle comming thither, tooke thirtie scholars, with one master Odo a lawier, and brought them to Wallingford castell, and there committed them to prison. The legat also in reuenge of the iniurie in this wise to him doone, pronounced the cursse against the misdooers, and handled the matter in such wise, that the regents and masters of the Vniuersitie were at length constreined to come vnto London, & there to go bare-footed through Cheapeside, vnto the church of S. Paule, in such wise to aske him forgiuenesse, and so with much adoo they obteined absolution. This legat among other things demanded soone after the tenth part of all spirituall mens yearelie reuenues, towards the maintenance of the wars against the Saracens in Asia. [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris_. The emperor of Constantinople c[=o]meth into England.] [Sidenote: The countesse of Penbroke, sister to the king married to Simon de Montford.] [Sidenote: _Polydor._] Moreouer, the emperour of Constantinople, namelie, Baldwine sonne to Peter earle of Ausserre, being expelled out of his empire, came this yeare into England, to sue for aid: but at his first arriuall at Douer, he was told, that he had not doone well to come so presumptuouslie into the land of another prince, without his safe conduct. But when the said emperour séemed to be sorie for his offense, and to excuse his innocencie and sincere meaning, the king was pacified, & willed him to come to London, where at his comming thither, being the 22 daie of Aprill, he was honorablie receiued, and at his departure with rich gifts highlie honored, so that he had awaie with him to the value of about seuen hundred marks as was reported. About this time also, Elianor the kings sister (that was sometime wife vnto William Marshall earle of Penbroke) was now by the kings meanes married the second time to Simon Montford, a man of high parentage and noble prowesse. This Simon was indowed with such vertue, good counsell, courteous discretion, and other amiable qualities, that he was highly fauoured as was supposed, both of God and man: in somuch that he might right well, as for birth, so also for education and good demeanour be counted (as he deserued) a notable Noble man, for he was so qualified as standeth with the nature of true nobilitie, according to that of the poet, ----non census, nec clarum nomen auorum, Sed probitas magnos ingeniúmque facit. [Sidenote: The archbishop of Canturburie displeased with the marriage.] Notwithstanding all which noble indowments concurring in him, he was banished out of France, vpon displeasure, which Blanch the quéene mother conceiued against him. But now comming into England, he was ioifullie receiued of king Henrie, who not onelie gaue vnto him (as aboue is mentioned) his sister in mariage with the earledome of Leicester in name of a dowrie, but also aduanced him vnto offices of greatest honour within the realme of England. Howbeit, this marriage was verie displesant vnto Edmund the archbishop of Canturburie bicause that the foresaid Elianor, after the death of hir first husband, had vowed perpetuall chastitie, and betaken hir (as was said) to the mantell and the ring. [Sidenote: He goeth to Rome to c[=o]plaine of the king.] [Sidenote: The earle of Cornewall is also offended for the same marriage.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] As the prelat was not pleased with this match, so the king was as highlie offended with the archbishop for not fauouring the cause, in somuch that the archbishop went soone after to Rome, where he not onlie complained of certeine iniuries receiued latelie at the kings hands, but also signified the estate of this marriage, to procure a diuorce. In like manner, Richard the kings brother found great fault with the king for the same matter, but chieflie, that he stroke it vp without making him and other of the Nobles of councell therein. To be short, it was not long yer this grudge grew so far, that ciuill war was verie likelie to haue followed thervpon. But when the king saw that all the lords leaned to his brother, he sought to pacifie the matter by courteous means, and so by mediation of the legat, the king and his brother were reconciled, to the great griefe of the lords, which had brought the matter now to that point, that the king could not haue so resisted their force, but that they were in good hope to haue deliuered the realme out of bondage from all manner of strangers, as well of those Romans that were beneficed men, as of anie other. [Sidenote: The earle of Leicester gathereth monie.] [Sidenote: He goeth to Rome to get a dispensation or rather confirmation of his marriage.] Simon the earle of Leicester also perceiuing how the matter went, made shift another waie to get all the monie he could in prest or otherwise (insomuch that he had of one burges of Leicester, named Simon Curleuath, fiue hundred markes) and leauing his wife in the castell of Kelingworth, he secretlie departed out of the realme, and got him to Rome, to purchase a confirmation of his marriage which he easilie obteined, notwithstanding the archbishop of Canturburies former and verie vehement information against him, and so hauing brought his purpose about, in the latter end of this yéere, he returned into England, and was ioifullie receiued, first of the king and after of his wife, whome he found at Kelingworth, néere to the time of hir trauell, and shortlie after deliuered of a yoong sonne, whom they called Simon after the name of his father. [Sidenote: Aid sent foorth of England to the emperour.] [Sidenote: Henrie Trubleuille. Iohn Mansell.] [Sidenote: Wil. Hardell.] At the same time, Frederike the emperour going into Italie, had a great number of English souldiers with him, which king Henrie furnished for his aid, vnder the leading of a right valiant warriour, named Henrie de Trubleuille, with whome went also Iohn Mansell, whose valiancie in that iournie well appeared, and William Hardell a citizen of London was treasurer and paimaister to the souldiers. Herewith the pope was sore offended, and wrote his mind thereof to the king, who foorthwith returned an eloquent answer, requiring him to be more fauourable to the emperour, considering his cause was such as could not iustlie offend his holinesse. About the same time, or rather (as by some writers it should appeare) somwhat before, the kings sister Ioane quéene of Scotland, comming into England to sée hir brother, fell into a sicknesse, and died. [Sidenote: The bishop of Winchester departeth this life.] Moreouer, the archbishop of Canturburie returned into England, who at his comming to Rome, obteined little or nothing touching the suit which he had before the pope, for (as some haue written) the legat Otho being his heauie fréend, had so stopped the popes eares from hearing any of his complaints, that all his whole trauell did come to none effect. In like manner, Peter des Roches bishop of Winchester died this yeare in his manor at Farnham, about the ninth of Iune, which prelat had gouerned that sée about 32 yeares. He was a man of great wisedome and dexteritie in ordering of weightie affaires touching the state of temporall regiment. He builded manie goodlie monasteries, as the abbeies of Hales, Tikborne and Seleborne with the hospitall at Portesmouth. He made also a notable testament, and besides his bequests which were great, he left his bishoprike so stored and throughlie furnished, that there was not so much diminished of that which he found at his comming in value, as the cattell that serued to draw the verie ploughs. [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: A naughtie wretch meant to haue destroied the K.] About this time, a learned esquire, or rather a clearke of the vniuersitie of Oxenford, bearing some malice toward the king, fained himselfe mad, and espieng thereby the secret places of his house at Woodstoke where he then laie, vpon a night by a window he got into the kings bedchamber, and comming to the beds side, threw off the couerings, and with a dagger strake diuerse times into a pillow, supposing that the king had béene there, but as GOD would, that night the king laie in another chamber with the quéene. In the meane time, one of the quéenes chambermaids named Margaret Biset, hauing espied the traitor, made an outcrie, so that the K. seruants which came to vnderstand what the matter meant, presentlie apprehended the said clearke, who being conueied to Couentrie, was there arreigned, and by lawfull proofe had of his malicious intent, was condemned, and executed as a traitor. At his death he confessed, that he was sent from [3] William de Marisch the sonne of Geffrie de Marisch to murther the king by such manner of means, not caring what had become of himselfe so he might haue dispatched his purpose. [3] Sée his end in pag. 393. ¶ These practises of treason In summo gradu, which cannot be committed without irrecouerable detriment to the whole estate (speciallie where succession is vncerteine) are of an old brewing, though they be neuer so newlie broched. And truelie if the curssed miscreant which vndertaketh an enterprise of this qualitie, had the grace to consider how manie murthers he commiteth by implication in giuing the roiall person of the prince a deadlie wound; I doubt not, if he were a man and not a ranke diuell, he would be weaned from that outragious villanie. For, in wounding and killing the prince, he is guiltie of homicide, of parricide, of christicide, nay of deicide. And therefore a thousand woes light on his hart that shall stretch out his hand, naie that shall once conceiue in thought a murther so heinous, as both God and nature dooth abhorre; speciallie if it be commensed against a christian prince, and such a one as to whome true and vndefiled religion is no lesse pretious and déere than life itselfe. Princes therefore had néed to sée to the safegard of their persons, sithens the safetie of many millians dependeth therevpon. For certeine it is, that the state of a poore priuat man is lesse perillous by manie degrées than the state of a potentat, which is ment by this true allegorie following. [Sidenote: _Seneca in Octa. & Hippol._] Quatiunt altas sæpè procellæ, Aut euertit fortuna domos; Minùs in paruis fortuna furit, [Sidenote: An. Reg. 23. 1239.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: Variance betwixt the king and the earle of Penbroke.] [Sidenote: Simon earle of Leicester fled ouer into France.] In the thrée and twentith yeare of his reigne, king Henrie held his Christmasse at Winchester, where a great grudge arose betwixt him and Gilbert the earle of Penbroke, by reason that the said earle with his seruants (hauing tipstaues) in their comming to the court, were not suffered to enter within the gates but were kept backe by the porters and other. Of which iniurie when he had complained, the king made him such an ouerthwart answer, that the earle perceiuing him not to like verie well of his seruice, departed foorthwith, and rode into the North countrie, so that from that daie foorth, neither he nor his brother Walter loued the king as they ought to haue doone. Soone after this departure of earle Gilbert, vpon Candlemas day the king gaue the earldome of Leicester vnto Simon de Mountford, and inuested him thereinto, hauing first pacified earle Almerike that was elder brother to the same Simon. Yet about the beginning of the next August, the king was so incensed against earle Simon, that both he and his wife were glad to get them ouer into France, till the kings wrath were more pacified. [Sidenote: The birth of king Edward the first.] [Sidenote: _Polydor._] [Sidenote: A strange star.] Vpon the sixtéenth day of Iune, the kings eldest sonne named Edward, and after surnamed Longshanke by the Scots in mockage, bicause he was a tall and slender man, was borne at Westminster, who after his fathers decease, succéeded him in the kingdome. ¶ Before the birth of this Edward, there appeared earlie in the morning certeine daies togither before the sunne was vp, a star of a large compasse, the which with swift course was caried through a long circuit of the aire, sometimes shewing as it had borne fire with it, and sometimes leauing as it were smoke behind it, so that it was after iudged, that the great déeds which were to be atchiued by the same Edward, were by this wonderfull constellation foreshewed and signified. [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: Ranulfe Briton taken out of his house, and led to the tower.] About the same time, by reason of an accusation made by a prisoner against Ranulfe Briton (sometime the kings chancellour, but now leading a priuat life, being a canon of the cathedrall church of S. Paule in London) the same Ranulfe (by commandement from the king sent to the maior of the citie William Ioiner) was taken out of his house, had to the tower, and there imprisoned, whervpon the deane of Paules, maister G. Lucie, in absence of the bishop accurssed all those that had presumptuouslie attempted to laie hands on the said Ranulfe, and further, he put his owne church of saint Paule vnder interdiction. [Sidenote: Great raine.] To conclude, through threatning of excommunication to be pronounced against the king, and other for this fact by the legat and the bishops of the realme as namelie, Canturburie and London, the king was compelled to release and set at libertie the foresaid Ranulfe. Finallie, the prisoner that had accused the said Ranulfe and other, being one of the kings purseuants, when for his wicked dooings he came to suffer death, openlie confessed, how he had accused those persons, onelie in hope to deferre his owne execution, being conuicted as accessarie to the treason of the clearke that suffered at Couentrie the last yeare. He had accused not onelie the said Briton, but diuers of the nobilitie also to be priuie and giltie of the same conspiracie. ¶ This yeare for the space of foure moneths togither, fell excéeding great raine, yet at length it began to hold vp about Easter. [Sidenote: The legat beginneth to looke to his owne c[=o]moditie.] [Sidenote: Sir Robert de Twing.] In this while, the lords of the realme practised sundrie drifts likewise, as men that would faine haue béene rid of the legats companie: but the king did what he could on the otherside (by sending to the pope for licence) to haue him remaine still here, who began now indéed to look to his owne profit, as by waie of procuracies and other meanes, so that he got togither great summes of monie, although in the beginning he séemed to forbeare, and not to séeke for anie such gaine. Also, he tooke vpon him to bestow benefices without consent of the patrones that were temporall men, wherevpon complaint was made to the pope, namelie, by one sir Robert de Twing, who claimed as patrone the presentation of the rectorie of Luthun in Yorkeshire, and could not be permitted to inioy it, by reason of the popes prohibition, but vpon the hearing of his title in the popes consistorie, he obteined letters from the pope to be restored, and also an inhibition, that from thencefoorth no person should be promoted to anie spirituall benefice or church, without consent of the patrone. The king and the péeres of the realme vnderstanding themselues to be touched in this wrong offered to this knight, had written in his fauour to the pope, so that his suit had the better successe. [Sidenote: The Iewes punished by the pursse.] [Sidenote: A synod holden at London.] Moreouer, the Iewes in this yeare, for a murther which they had secretlie committed, were gréeuouslie punished, namelie by the pursse to buy their peace, & they were glad to giue the king the third part of all their goods. The legat also assembled a synod of the clergie at London vpon the last of Iulie, in the which he demanded procuracies, but the bishops vpon deliberation had in the matter, answered, that "the importunatnes of the Romane church had so often consumed the goods of the English church, that they could no longer suffer it," and therefore said they; "Let them giue you procuracies which vnaduisedlie haue called you into the realme, if they will, for of vs you shall be sure to come by none at all," howbeit he got his demand of the abbats and other religious men. About the feast of the assumption of our ladie, Thomas earle of Flanders, vncle to the quéene, arriued at Douer, and was receiued of the king with great ioy and gladnesse, who rode thitherward to méet him, and so brought him to London, where the citizens came foorth also, and méeting him in the waie, brought him into the citie with all honour that might be deuised. He did homage to the king (as authors write) and at his departure had in reward fiue hundred marks, and a pension assured him of as much yearelie out of the escheker of the kings frée gift. This earle Thomas was sonne to the earle of Sauoy, and a little before his comming into England, he had married Ione countesse of Flanders, which had first béene coupled in marriage with Ferdinando, as in the life of king Iohn may further appeare. [Sidenote: An. Reg. 24. 1240.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: _Matth. West._] [Sidenote: Baldwin de Riuers earle of the Ile of Wight.] [Sidenote: The woods about Leicester féeld.] In the 24 yeare of his reigne, king Henrie held his Christmasse at Winchester, where he made Baldwine de Riuers knight, and inuested him with the right of the earledome of the Ile of Wight, in the presence of the earle of Cornewall, who procured him this honour, bicause he had the wardship of him, and married him to his daughter in law the ladie Amicia, that was daughter to his wife the countesse of Glocester by hir former husband. The earle of Leicester also, meaning to go into the holie land, returned out of France, where he had remained a certeine time as an exile, but was now receiued honorablie of the king and other péeres of the realme, and after that he had séene the king and doone his dutie as apperteined, he went to his possessions to make monie for his furniture necessarie to be had in that iournie, for the which he sold at that time his woods about Leicester, vnto the knights of the Hospitall, and to the canons of Leicester, receiuing of them for the same about the summe of a thousand pounds. [Sidenote: Leolin prince of Wales departeth this life.] [Sidenote: Griffin ap Maddocke.] About the same time, to wit, the 14 of Aprill, died Leolin prince of Wales, and then followed contention betwixt his sons Griffin and Dauid for the principalitie, which at length Dauid obteined through king Henries support (though he were the yoonger brother) bicause he was begot in lawful bed on the sister of king Henrie. The whole countrie of Wales was maruellouslie in trouble about their quarels. At length, a daie of méeting was appointed betwixt them, to grow by waie of talke vnto some quiet end; and Griffin meaning no deceit, came in peaceable wise with Richard bishop of Bangor and others to the place assigned, where they should haue met. But Dauid by a traine tooke Griffin, and committed him to prison, wherevpon afterwards, the yeare insuing, by continuall plaint and earnest sute of the bishop of Bangor, king Henrie entred Wales with an armie, and constreined Dauid to submit himselfe, and to deliuer the said Griffin into his hands, and further also to put in suerties to appeare at London, there to receiue such order in the kings courts, as to him by law should be orderlie awarded. Griffin ap Maddocke and diuerse other great lords of Wales ioined with the king in this iournie against Dauid, as in the next yeare ye shall further heare. [Sidenote: King Henrie aided the pope with monie against the emperour.] About the same time, there was great strife and contention still remaining betwixt the emperour Frederike and pope Innocent the fourth that succéeded Celestine the fourth, in somuch that sore and mortall warre followed. But king Henrie by the procurement of the legat Otho, aided the pope with monie, though he was somewhat loth to doo it, bicause the said emperour had married his sister. Indéed, the emperour wrote to the king to staie his hand, but the diligence of that legat was such in furthering his masters businesse, that the monie was gone ouer yer the emperours letters came. At this time also, Edmund the archbishop of Canturburie greatlie disalowed the often exactions and subsidies which the legat caused dailie to be leuied of the English clergie. Howbeit, in hope to haue his purpose the rather against the moonks of Canturburie, with whom he was at variance, he first granted to the legats request made on the popes behalfe in a synod holden at Reading, for the hauing of the fift part of spirituall mens reuenues, and so by his example others were inforced to doo the like. [Sidenote: Complaint to the king of the collections made for the pope.] [Sidenote: The answer of the king.] Furthermore he gaue eight hundred marks to the pope, but whether of his owne frée will, or by constreint, I cannot saie; but now vtterlie misliking all things doone by the legat contrarie to his mind, after he had doone and said what he could for redresse, and when he saw no hope at hand for anie reformation either in the king or legat, who estéemed not his words, as a man not longer able to sée his countrie so spoiled, he went ouer into France, and got him vnto Pontney, there to remaine in voluntarie exile, after the example of his predecessour Thomas Becket, whose dooings he did follow in verie manie things. Verelie the collections of monie, which the pope in these daies by his legats gathered here in this realme, were great and sundrie, so that (as it appeareth by historiographers of this time) the cleargie and other found themselues sore grieued, and repined not a little against such couetous dealings and vnmeasurable exactions, in so much that they spake to the king of it, and said; "Right famous prince, whie suffer you England to be made a prey and desolation to all the passers by, as a vineyard without an hedge, common to the waifaring man, and to be destroied of the bores of the field, sith you haue a sufficient priuilege that no such exactions should be made in this kingdome. And suerlie he is not worthie of a priuilege which abuseth the same being granted." The king answered those that went thus about to persuade him, that "he neither would nor durst gainsaie the pope in any thing:" and so the people were brought into miserable despaire. [Sidenote: _Polydor._] [Sidenote: The causes that mooued archbishop Edmund to depart the realme.] [Sidenote: _Matth. West._] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: _Polydor._] There be that write how that there were other occasions of the archbishops departure out of the relme of the which this should be one; when he saw religion not to be regarded, and that préests were had in no honor, neither that it laie in his power to reforme the matter, sith the king gaue no eare to his admonitions, he determined to absent himselfe till the king (warned by some mishap) should repent him of his errours, and amend his misdooings. Other ioine an other cause herevnto, which was this; whereas the king by the insample of other kings (begun by William Rufus) vsed to kéepe bishops sées, and other such spirituall possessions in his hands, during the vacation, till a conuenient person were to the same preferred, the archbishop Edmund, for that he saw long delaies made oftentimes yer any could be admitted to the roome of those that were deceassed, or by any other means depriued, he was in hand with the king, that the archbishop of Canturburie might haue power onlie to prouide for successors in such roomes as chanced to be vacant, aboue the tearme of six moneths, which thing the king for a certeine summe of monie granted: but afterward perceiuing what hinderance he susteined thereby, he reuoked that grant, so much to the displeasure of the archbishop, that he thought good no longer to continue in the realme. [Sidenote: The death of Edmund archbishop of Canturburie surnamed of Pontney.] At his comming to Pontney, he so séemed to despise all worldlie pompe and honor, giuing himselfe wholie to diuine contemplation, to fasting and praier, that the former opinion, which men had conceiued of his vertues, was maruellouslie confirmed. At length being sore vexed with sicknesse, supposing that he might recouer helth by changing of aire and place, he caused himselfe to be conueied into an other house of religion, named Soisie, two daies iournie from Pontney, where finallie he died the sixtéenth of Nouember, and his bodie was brought againe to Pontney, and there buried, where also through sundrie miracles shewed (as they say) at his graue, he was reputed a saint, and at length canonized by pope Innocent the fourth. He was borne at Abingdon, beside Oxenford, and thereby some named him saint Edmund of Abingdon, and some of S. Edmund of Pontney, after the place where he was inshrined. The sée of Canturburie was void more than thrée yeares after his decease, till at length by the kings commandement, the moonks of Canturburie elected one Boniface of Sauoie vncle to quéene Elianor, being the 45 archbishop which ruled that church. [Sidenote: A Charterhouse moonke apprehended.] ¶ There was this yeare a certeine person of honest conuersation, and sober, representing in habit one of the Carthusian moonks, taken at Cambridge, being accused for that he refused to come to the church to heare diuine seruice, and vpon his examination, bicause he answered otherwise than was thought conuenient, he was committed to secret prison, and shortlie after sent vp to the legat to be of him examined. This man openlie protested, that Gregorie was not the true pope, nor head of the church, but that there was another head of the church, and that the church was defiled, so that no seruice ought to be said therein, except the same were newlie dedicated, and the vessels and vestments againe hallowed and consecrated; The diuell (said he) is losed, & the pope is an heretike, for Gregorie, which nameth himselfe pope, hath polluted the church. Herevpon (in the presence and audience of the abbat of Euesham, maister Nic. de Fernham, and diuerse other worshipfull personages) the legat said vnto him being thus out of the waie; "Is not power granted to our souereigne lord the pope from aboue, both to lose and bind soules, sith he executeth the roome of S. Peter vpon earth:" Now when all men looked to heare what answer he would make, beléeuing his iudgement to depend vpon the same, he said by waie of interrogation, and not by way of assertion; "How can I beléeue, that vnto a person spotted with simonie and vsurie, and happlie wrapt in more gréeuous sins, such power should be granted as was granted vnto holie Peter, who immediatlie followed the lord, as soone as he was made his apostle, and followed him not onelie in bodilie footsteps, but in cléerenesse of vertues." At which word the legat blushed, & said to some of the standers by; "A man ought not to chide with a foole, nor gape ouer an ouen." [Sidenote: Iustices itinerants. William de Yorke, Robert Lexinton iustices.] [Sidenote: The earle of Cornewall goeth into the holy land.] [Sidenote: The earle of Leicester goeth thither also.] [Sidenote: The earle of Albemarle.] In this season the king sent his iustices itinerants in circuit about the land, the which vnder pretext of iustice punished manie persons, and so leuied great summes of monie to the kings vse. Sir William of Yorke prouost of Beuerley was assigned to visit the south parts, and sir Robert de Lexinton the north parts. Also Richard earle of Cornewall the kings brother, with a nauie of ships sailed into Syria, where in the warres against the Saracens, he greatlie aduanced the part of the christians. There went ouer with him the earle of Salisburie William Long espée, and William Basset, Iohn Beauchampe, Geffrey de Lucie, Iohn Neuill, Geffrey Beauchampe, Peter de Breuse, and William Furniuall. The erle of Montford also went ouer the same time: but where the earle of Cornewall tooke the sea at Marsiles, the earle of Leicester passed through Italie, and tooke the water at Brandize, and with him went these persons of name, Thomas de Furniuall, with his brother Gerard de Furniuall, Hugh Wake, Almerike de S. Aumond, Wischard Ledet, Punchard de Dewin, and William de Dewin that were brethren, Gerard Pesmes, Fouke de Baugie, and Peter de Chauntenaie. Shortlie after also, Iohn earle of Albemarle, William Fortis, and Peter de Mallow a Poictouin, men for their valiancie greatlie renowned, went thither, leading with them a great number of christian souldiors. [Sidenote: The dedication of the church of S. Paule in London.] [Sidenote: The death of Isabell the countesse of Cornewall.] [Sidenote: The lord Iohn Fitz Robert.] [Sidenote: A comet. A battell betwixt fishes.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: The kings manour at Mortlake.] [Sidenote: A great wind.] In this yeare and vpon the day of S. Remigius, was the church of S. Paule in the citie of London dedicated by Roger bishop of that citie, the king and a great number of bishops and other Noble men being present, which were feasted the same day by the said bishop Roger and the canons. Moreouer, there died the same yeare the countesse Isabell, wife to Richard earle of Cornewall, and two earles, William earle Warren, and Iohn earle of Lincolne, also the lord Iohn Fitz Robert, one of the chéefe barons in all the north parts of the realme. ¶ Also in Februarie there appeared a comet or blasing starre verie dreadfull to behold, for the space of thirtie daies togither. Moreouer, on the coast of England there was a great battell amongst the fishes of the sea, so that there were eleauen whales or thirlepooles cast on land, beside other huge and monstruous fishes, which appeared to be dead of some hurts; and one of those mightie fishes, comming into the Thames aliue, was pursued by the fishers, and could scarse passe through the arches of London bridge. At length with darts and other such weapons, they slue him before the kings manour at Mortlake, whither they followed him. There was also a great sound heard this yeare in sundrie parts of England at one selfe time, as if it had béene the noise of some mightie mountaine that had fallen into the sea. And vpon the seuenth of Maie there chanced a great boisterous wind that sore troubled the skie. [Sidenote: An oth receiued.] [Sidenote: The seneshall of Aquitaine.] This yeare the king caused the citizens of London, and the gardians of the cinque ports, and manie other to receiue an oth to be true and faithfull to his sonne prince Edward. The friers preachers and minors, and other men of the church that were diuines, absolued such as had taken on them the crosse, receiuing of them so much monie as would suffice to haue borne their charges in that iournie, and this not without slander redounding to the church. The same meanes to get monie was practised also by the legat Otho, hauing authoritie therto of the pope. The same yeare the seneshall of Aquitaine came ouer to the king, and let him know, that if timelie prouision were not had, all those countries on the further side of the sea wold be lost. No other incident chanced the same yeare neither in warre abroad, nor in the state of gouernement of the common-wealth at home, whereof any great accompt is to be made, but that the legat Otho got great summes of monie diuerse waies, of religious men to the popes behoofe: wherevpon certeine abbats made complaints to the king, but in place of comfort they receiued discomfort, & after knowledge thereof giuen to the legat, he was more extreame with them than he was before. [Sidenote: Peter Rosso.] [Sidenote: Peter de Supino got a vintiesme, that is the 20 part of préests benefices.] Shortlie after one of the popes familiars and kinsman named master Peter Rosso came from Rome, taking England in his waie to go into Scotland, and vsed in both such diligence in the popes cause, that he got a fiftéenth granted here, which he spéedilie gathered. About the same time one Peter de Supino was sent into Ireland, and there likewise he got a vintiesme, bringing from these the summe of 115 marks, and aboue. But the collection which Peter Rosso got out of the Scotish confines doubled that summe, as was thought. In his returne also from thence, visiting the houses of religion, and searching the consciences of religious persons, by new shifts he craftilie got yet more monie to the popes vse, causing them to sweare to kéepe this mysterie secret, as it were some priuitie of confession for the space of one halfe yeare, whereby he turned the harts of manie men from the loue of the church of Rome, wounding them with great gréefe and remorse of conscience to sée this pillage. [Sidenote: An. Reg. 25. 1241.] [Sidenote: Boniface de Sauoie elected archb. of Canturburie.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] In the 25 yeare of his reigne, king Henrie kept his Christmasse at Westminster, at which time the legat was sent for to returne vnto Rome, and after he had béene honorablie feasted of the king, on the 4 daie of Christmasse he departed from London towards the sea side, after he had remained here aboue thrée yeares. Peter of Sauoie that was uncle to the quéene came into England, and was honorablie receiued and interteined of king Henrie, who had giuen to him the earledome of Richmont. His sonne Boniface was this yeare also elected archbishop of Canturburie, a tall gentleman and of a goodlie personage, but neither so learned nor otherwise méet for that roome. But such was the kings pleasure, who in fauour of the quéene, to whom he was coosen germane sought to aduance him, and getting the popes fauour in that behalfe, procured the monks & bishops to grant their consents, although much against their minds, if they might haue had their owne wils. [Sidenote: The earle of Cornewall an intercessor for a peace to be had betwixt the pope and the emperour.] [Sidenote: He returneth into England.] The earle of Cornewall returning out of the holie land in safetie, after he had settled things there, by concluding an abstinence of warre betwixt the Saracens and christians about the octaues of S. Iohn Baptist, he arriued in Sicill, and hearing there in what place the emperour as then soiourned, he repaired vnto him, of whom and of his sister the empresse he was most ioifullie receiued. Within a few daies after, he went to the court of Rome, to trie if he might driue some agréement betwixt the emperour and the pope, but finding the pope too hard, and nothing conformable, except he might haue had all his owne will (which was, that the emperour should haue submitted himselfe to the popes pleasure, and stand vnto what soeuer order the church should appoint) he returned backe to the emperour without concluding any thing with the pope, declaring vnto him as he had found. After this he remained two moneths with the emperour, & then taking his leaue was honoured with great gifts at his departure, and so returning towards England, at length arriued at the towne of Douer on the morrow after the feast of the Epiphanie in the yeare following. [Sidenote: Warres betwéene the Welshmen.] About the same time that the earle of Cornewall was in his returne foorth of the holie land, new wars suddenlie arose in Wales, which happened well for king Henrie. There were diuerse of the Welshmen that could not well like of the gouernement of Dauid, and therefore sore lamenting the captiuitie of his brother Griffin, whom before (as ye haue heard) he had by a traine taken and kept still as prisoner, began to make warre vpon the said Dauid, and those that tooke his part, the which on the other side sought to oppresse their aduersaries, so that there insued much bloudshed and slaughter betwéene the parties. The wife also of the said Griffin, and such other noble men as were become enimies vnto Dauid, sent and writ vnto king Henrie, requiring his aid, that Griffin might be deliuered out of his brothers hands, promising him great helpe and furtherance, with large conditions of submission, and assurance furthermore to be at his commandement, and to receiue him for their true and souereigne lord. [Sidenote: King Henrie goeth into Wales with an armie.] King Henrie vnderstanding all their dooings and intents, thought that this contention betwéene the two brethren for the title of Wales would serue verie well for his purpose, and therefore he hasted foorth with a spéedie armie of men in that countrie, purposing to reduce the same vnder his obeisance. Herewith Senena or Guenhera, the wife of Griffin (and other of the Welsh Nobilitie, that tooke part with hir) concluded a league with king Henrie, vpon certeine conditions as the same are conteined in an instrument or charter, the tenour whereof beginneth as followeth. * * * * * Conuenit inter dominum Henricum tertium regem Anglorum illustrem ex vna parte, & Senenam vxorem Griffini, filij Leolini, quondàm principis Northwalliæ, quem Dauid frater eius tenet carceri mancipatum, cum Owino filio suo, nomine eiusdem Griff. ex altera, &c. Articles of agréement betwéene Henrie the third of that name, king of England of the one partie, and Senena the wife of Griffin, the sonne of Leolin, sometimes prince of Northwales, whom Dauid his brother deteineth in prison, with Owen his sonne, in the name of the said Griffin of the other partie. In primis, the said Senena vndertaketh, that the said Griffin hir husband will giue vnto the king six hundred markes, vpon condition that the king doo cause the said Griffin and Owen his sonne to be deliuered from the prison wherein they are kept, and will stand to the iudgement of the kings court, whether by law he ought to be imprisoned or no. 2 Item the said Griffin and his heires will stand to the iudgement of the kings court, for and concerning that portion of the inheritance of the said Leolin his father, which of right ought to apperteine vnto him. 3 Item the said Senena vndertaketh for the said Griffin and his heires, that the said Griffin and his heires shall yéeld and paie yearelie to the king for the same lands, the summe of thrée hundred markes. Whereof the first third part to be paid in monie, the second in kine, and the third in horsses, by the estimation of indifferent men, and the same to be paid yearlie at Michaelmas and Easter by euen portions, by the hands of the shiriffe of the countie of Salop for the time being. 4 Item the said Senena vndertaketh further for the said Griffin and his heires, that they and euerie of them shall obserue the peace against the said Dauid, and suffer him quietlie to inioy such portion of his fathers inheritance as to him shall be found to be due. 5 Item the said Senena dooth further vndertake for the said Griffin hir husband and his heires, that in case anie Welshman hereafter shall happen to rebell against the king, they at their owne costs and charges shall compell the said offender to make satisfaction to the king for his disobedience. 6 Item for the performance of the premisses, the said Senena will deliuer vnto the lord the king, Dauid and Roderike hir sonnes for pledges, with prouiso that if the said Griffin and Owen or either of them shall happen to die before their deliuerie out of the said prison, it shall be lawfull for the said Senena to haue one of hir sonnes released, the other remaining with the king for pledge. 7 Item the said Senena hath sworne vpon the holie Euangelist, that the said Griffin hir husband and his heires, and euerie of them shall accomplish and performe all the premisses on their behalfe, and further vndertaketh that the said Griffin hir husband, vpon his deliuerie out of prison, shall take the same oth. 8 Item the said Senena in the name of the said Griffin hir husband, submitteth hir selfe concerning the obseruation of the premisses vnto the iurisdiction of the reuerend fathers the bishops of Hereford and Lichfield, so that the said bishops or either of them at the kings request shall compell the said Griffin and his heires to obserue all and singular the premisses on their behalfe, by sentence of excommunication vpon their persons, and interdiction vpon their lands. 9 Lastlie, the said Senena dooth vndertake and promise (Bona fide) to sée and procure the full performance of all the premisses, and that the said Griffin hir husband and his heires shall allow and performe the same, and thereof shall deliuer his instrument in writing to the king in forme aforesaid. To this charter both parties put their seales, Griffin and Senena to that part which remained with the king, and the K. to that part which remained with Senena. Finallie, for the performance of the articles in this instrument or writing conteined, the said ladie in name of hir husband procured diuerse Noble men to become suerties or pledges, that is to saie, Ralfe de Mortimer, Walter de Clifford, Roger de Monthualt seneshall of Chester, Mailgun ap Mailgun, Meredoc ap Robert, Griffin ap Maddoc of Bromefield, Houwell and Meredoc brethren, Griffin ap Wenuwen: which persons undertooke for the said ladie, that the couenants on hir part should be performed, and thervpon they also bound themselues by their writings obligatorie vnto the said king, in forme following. Omnibus hoc scriptum visuris Rogerus de monte alto senescallus Cestriæ salutem. Sciatis quòd ego me constitui plegium, &c. To all and singular, to whome this writing shall come, Roger de monte alto the steward of Chester sendeth gréeting. Know yée that I haue constituted my selfe pledge for Senena the wife of Griffin the sonne of Leolin, sometimes prince of Northwales, and haue vndertaken for hir to our souereigne lord Henrie king of England, that the said Senena shall accomplish and performe all and singular those couenants and articles, agréed vpon betwéene our said souereigne lord and the said Senena, for and concerning the deliuerance of the said Griffin hir husband and Owen his sonne out of the prison of Dauid his brother, and the portion of inheritance due vnto the said Griffin, which the said Dauid kéepeth from him by force. In witnesse whereof to this present writing I haue put my seale. Dated at Salop, the mondaie before the feast of the Ascension of the blessed virgin Marie, in the 15 yeare of his reigne. [Sidenote: Dauid driuen to his wits end.] But now to our purpose. When Dauid vnderstood of the kings approach with so puissant an armie, he was brought into great perplexitie, and the more in déed, not onelie bicause there chanced the same yeare for the space of foure moneths togither a great drouth, so that the marishes and bogges were dried vp and made passable for the kings people, but also for that manie of the Welsh Nobilitie, as chéefelie Griffin Maddoc and others, sought his destruction in fauour of his brother Griffin (whose deliuerance they earnestlie wished) and for that he stood excommunicate by the pope. All which things well considered, caused him to doubt of a further mischéefe to hang ouer his head: wherevpon he sent to the king, signifieng that he would deliuer his brother Griffin fréelie into his hands, but letting him withall to wit by manie good reasons, that if he did set him at libertie, he should minister manie new occasions of continuall warres. [Sidenote: Dauid deliuereth his brother to the K.] Moreouer, this couenant Dauid required at the kings hands, that the king should reserue him so to his peace vnder the bond of fidelitie and hostages, that he should not disherit him: which when as the king courteouslie granted, Dauid sent vnto him his brother Griffin, to dispose of him as he should thinke requisite. The king receiuing him, sent him to London, vnder the conduct of sir Iohn de Lexinton, togither with other men (whome he had receiued as hostages both of Dauid and others the Nobles of Wales) appointing them to be kept in safetie within the tower there. There was also a charter or déed made by the same Dauid vnto king Henrie, conteining the articles, couenants, and grants made betwixt the said prince and the foresaid Dauid, as followeth. The charter of the articles of Dauids submission to the king. Omnibus Christi fidelibus, ad quos præsentes literæ peruenerint, Dauid filius Leolini salutem. Sciatis quòd concessi domino meo Henrico regi Angliæ illustri, &c. 1 To all christian people, to whom these present letters shall come, Dauid the sonne of Leolin sendeth gréeting. Know ye that I haue granted and promised to deliuer vnto the lord Henrie the noble king of England, Griffin my brother with his sonne and heire whom I kéepe in prison, and all other prisoners, who by occasion of the said Griffin lie in durance. 2 Item I shall stand to the iudgement of the kings court, as well in that case, whether the said Griffin ought to be deteined prisoner or no, as also for and concerning the part of the inheritance of the said Leolin my father, claimed by the said Griffin according to the customes of Wales: so that the peace be mainteined betwéene me and the said Griffin. 3 Item I and the said Griffin, and either of vs shall hold our portions of land, of our said souereigne the king in Capite, acknowledging him chiefe lord therof. 4 Item I shall restore vnto Roger de monte alto steward of Chester, his land of Montalt or Mould, with the appurtenances. 5 Item I shall likewise restore to all other barons, all such lands, lordships and castels, as were taken from them since the beginning of the warres betwéene the lord Iohn king of England, and the said Leolin prince of Wales my father, sauing the right of all couenants and grants by writing, to be reserued vnto the iudgment and determination of the kings courts. 6 Item I shall giue and restore vnto our souereigne lord the king all his charges in this present voiage laid out. 7 Item I shall make satisfaction for all damages & iniuries doone by me, or anie of my subiects vnto the king or his, according to the consideration of the kings court, and shall deliuer such as shal be malefactours in that behalfe. 8 Item I shall restore vnto the said lord the king all the homages, which the late king Iohn his father had, & which the said lord the king of right ought to haue, especiallie of all the noble men of Wales: and if the king shall set at libertie anie of his captiues, the possessions of that man shall remaine to the king. 9 Item the land of Elsmer with the appurtenances shall remaine to the lord the king and his heires for euer. 10 Item I shall not receiue or suffer to be receiued within my countrie of Wales, any of the subiects of England, outlawed or banished by the said lord the king, or his barons of Mercia. 11 Item for confirmation and performance of all and singular the premisses on my behalfe, I shall prouide by bonds and pledges, and by all other waies and means as the said lord the king shall award, and will accomplish the commandement of the said king, and will obeie his lawes. In witnesse whereof to this present writing I haue put my seale: dated at Alnet by the riuer of Elwey, in the feast of the decollation of S. Iohn Baptist, in the fiue and twentith yéere of the reigne of the said king. For the obseruation of these 11 articles, the said prince Dauid and Edniuet Vachan were sworne. Also the said prince Dauid submitted himselfe to the iurisdiction of the archbishop of Canturburie, and of the bishops of London, Hereford, and Couentrie, for the time being. That all, or one of them, whom the king shall appoint, may excommunicate him, and interdict his land vpon breach of anie of the said articles. And therevpon he procured the bishops of S. Bangor, and S. Asaph to make their charters to the lord the king, whereby they granted to execute and denounce all sentences, as well of excommunication as of interdiction sent from the foresaid archbishop, bishops, or anie of them. The said Dauid also sent priuilie to the king, to desire him that he would suffer him being his nephue, and the lawfull heire of Leolin his father, to inioy the principalitie of Wales rather than Griffin, which was but a bastard, and no kin vnto the king. Giuing him withall to vnderstand, that in case he did set Griffin at libertie, he should be sure to haue the war renewed. Whervpon the king knowing these things to be true, and vnderstanding also that Griffin was a valiant stout man, and had manie fréends and fauorours of his cause, inclined rather to assent vnto Dauids request than otherwise to be in danger of further troubles, & therfore willinglie granted the same. [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._ page, 765.] Shortlie after Dauid did send his brother Griffin vnto the king, and other pledges for himselfe, for performance of the said articles, whom the king sent foorthwith to the towre of London, there to be safelie kept, allowing to Griffin a noble a daie for his finding. And within few dais after Michaelmas, prince Dauid comming to the kings court did his homage, and swore fealtie, who for so dooing, and in that he was the kings nephue, was sent home againe in peace. When Griffin saw how all things went, and that he was not like to be set at libertie, he began to deuise waies and meanes to escape out of prison. [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._ page, 830.] Wherefore deceiuing the watch one night, he made a long line of hangings, couerings, and shéets, and hauing gotten out at a window, let downe himselfe by the same from the top of the towre: but by reason that he was a mightie personage and full of flesh, the line brake with the weight of his bodie, and so falling downe headlong of a great height, his necke and head was driuen into his bodie with the fall: whose miserable carcasse being found the morow after, was a pitifull sight to the beholders. The king being certified thereof, commanded Griffins sonne to be better looked vnto, and punished the officers for their negligence. [Sidenote: Iohn Mansell.] About the same time there chanced a controuersie to rise betwixt the king and the bishop of Lincolne, for the bestowing of the benefice of Thame, the which Iohn Mansell the kings chapleine had gotten in possession by the kings fauour through prouision granted of the pope, where the bishop alleging priuileges to the contrarie, had granted it to an other. At length the king hauing his fathers trouble before his eies, and doubting the bishops words, threatning some euill mishap to follow, if he should stand long in the matter against the said bishop, gaue ouer his tenour: and therewithall prouided Iohn Mansell of a farre more rich benefice, that is to saie, of the personage of Maidstone, whereinto the bishop spéedilie inuested him. [Sidenote: Death of noble men.] [Sidenote: Lacie left no issue male behind him, so yt his daughters inherited his lands.] This yeare manie noble men ended their liues, as well such as were gone with the earles of Cornewall and Leicester into the holie land, and others remaining still at home. Amongst which number were these: William Fortz earle of Albemarle, Walter Lacie, one of the chiefest nobles in all Ireland, Stephan de Segraue, Gilbert de Basset and his sonne and heire named also Gilbert. Moreouer, Iohn Biset high iustice of the forrests, and Peter de Mallow, Hugh Wake, Robert Marmion, Peter de Bruis, Guischarde Laider, Eustace Stoutuill, Eudo Hamon surnamed Peccham, Baldwin de Betun, Iohn Fitz Iohn steward in household to earle Richard, Iohn de Beaulieu, Gerard de Furniuall. There died also the ladie Elianor the countesse of Britaine, wife vnto Geffrey, that was sometime earle of Britaine (which countesse had béene long kept prisoner at Bristow) with diuerse other. [Sidenote: Cardinall Somercote an Englishman.] [Sidenote: An eclipse.] [Sidenote: The death of the empresse Isabell.] Moreouer, there died this yeare Roger bishop of London, and Hugh bishop of Chester. Also Gilbert Marshall earle of Penbroke in a torneie which he had attempted at Hereford against the kings licence, was by an vnrulie horsse cast, and so hurt that immediatlie he died thereof. Neither was this yeare onelie mournefull to England for the losse of such high estates, but also in other places manie notable personages departed out of this transitorie life. As two popes, Gregorie the ninth and his successour Celestine the fourth, besides cardinals: amongst the which, Robert Somercote an English man was one. ¶ About the later end of this 25 yeare, the sixt daie of October, there appeared a right sore eclipse of the sunne, verie strange to the beholders. ¶ In the 26 yeare died the empresse Isabell, wife vnto Frederike the emperour. [Sidenote: An. Reg. 26.] [Sidenote: 1242.] [Sidenote: Wars renued betwixt the kings of England & France.] [Sidenote: The earle of March.] [Sidenote: _Gaguinus._] [Sidenote: _Matth. West._] In this yeare also began the wars againe betwixt king Henrie and Lewes the king of France for the quarell of Hugh earle of March, who refused to doo homage vnto Alfonse the brother of king Lewes, which Alfonse had married the onelie daughter and heire of Raimund earle of Tholouse, and therefore should succéed the same earle in his estate and inheritance. His brother king Lewes had also giuen vnto him the earledome of Poictou, with all the lands of Aluergne: and bicause the earle of March would not doo homage vnto him, king Lewes made warre vpon the earle of March, who thervpon sought to procure king Henrie (whose mother he had married) to come ouer with an armie vnto his aid. [Sidenote: Sundrie opinions in the kings councellers.] King Henrie being sollicited with letters, not onelie from his father in law, but also from diuerse other noble men of Poictou, who willinglie would haue béene vnder his gouernement, asked aduise of his councell what he ought to doo in the matter. Some were of opinion, that sith there had béene a truce taken betwixt the kings, it were not reason in anie wise to breake the same: but some other thought, that sith the Frenchmen in times past had taken from king Iohn his lawfull heritage in Normandie and Poictou, and wrongfullie deteined the same still in their possession without restitution, it could not be at anie time vnlawfull vpon occasion giuen to recouer the same out of their hands. This opinion was allowed for good, and the best that might be both of the king & also of the earle of Cornewall, who was latelie returned from his iournie which he had made into the holie land. [Sidenote: Charugage a certeine dutie for euerie plowland.] But now all the staie rested in gathering of monie, which being earnestlie demanded in a parlement begun at Westminster the tuesdaie before Candlemasse, was as stifflie denied, alledging in excuse their often paiments of subsidies and reléefes, which had béene gathered sith the comming of the king to his crowne, as the thirtéenth, fiftéenth, sixtéenth and fortieth parts of all their moueable goods, besides charugage, hidage, and sundrie escuages, namelie the great escuage granted for the marriage of his sister the empresse: and also beside the thirtieth within foure yeares last past, or thereabouts, granted to him, which they thought remained vnspent, bicause it could not be vnderstood about what necessarie affaires for the common-wealth it should be laid foorth and imploied, whereas the same was leuied vpon condition, that it should remaine in certeine castels, and not to be expended but by the aduise of foure péeres of the realme, as the earle of Warren, and others. Moreouer, they alledged, that the escheats and amercements which had béene gathered of late were such as must néeds fill the kings coffers: & so to conclude, they would not consent to grant any subsidie. [Sidenote: The bishop of Durham sent into Scotland.] [Sidenote: The king of Scots warden of the English marshes.] [Sidenote: The archbishop of Yorke gouernor of the realme.] Howbeit the king so handled the matter with the richer sort, and namelie those of the spiritualtie, that partlie by gift and partlie by borrowing, he got togither a great masse of treasure and so prepared an armie and ships to passe ouer into Gascoine with all conuenient spéed. In the meane time bicause he would leaue things in more suertie at home, he sent the bishop of Durham into Scotland, by whose diligence a marriage was concluded betwixt the lord Alexander eldest sonne to the king of Scots, and the ladie Margaret daughter to king Henrie. Moreouer the marshes of England adioining to Scotland were committed to the king of Scots as warden of the same, to kéepe and defend whilest king Henrie should abide in the parts beyond the seas. The archbishop of Yorke, in the kings absence, was also appointed chéefe gouernour of the realme. [Sidenote: Thirtie barrels of English coine.] When this prouision was once readie, about the middest of Maie, the king tooke the sea, togither with the quéene his wife, his brother Richard earle of Cornewall, and seauen other earles, and about thrée hundred knights or men of armes. The Poictouins had written to him that he néeded not bring ouer with him any great armie of men, but rather plentie of monie to reteine such as he should find there readie to serue him at his comming. Wherevpon he tooke with him thirtie barrels of sterling coine: and at length (but not without contrarie winds) he arriued on the coast of Gascoine, in the mouth of the riuer of Garon, and taking land, was ioifullie receiued of the people, and namelie of Reignold lord of Pons. [Sidenote: The king passeth ouer into France.] [Sidenote: The French king inuadeth the earle of Marches land.] [Sidenote: The number of the English armie.] The French king aduertised that the king of England was come ouer into France, to the aid of the earle of March, and other his subiects against him, prepared a mightie armie, in the which were reckoned to be to the number of foure thousand men of armes, well prouided and armed at all points, besides twentie thousand esquires, gentlemen, yeomen and crossebowes: and with the same immediatlie he entred the dominions of the earle of March, and tooke from him diuerse townes and castels, as Fountney, wherein he tooke one of the earls sonnes: also Meruant with diuers other. In the meane while the king of England was aduanced forward and come néere vnto Tailborge, lieng with his armie in the faire medow by the riuer side of Charent fast by the castell of Thonay: & he had there with him in campe sixtéene hundred knights, or rather men of armes, and twentie thousand footmen, with seauen hundred that bare crossebows. He made there his two halfe brethren, the sonnes of the earle of March knights, and gaue to the one of them fiue hundred marks, and to the other six hundred marks yearelie, to be paid out of his escheker, till he had otherwise prouided for them in lands and reuenues equall to that pension. [Sidenote: Tailborge.] [Sidenote: Xainctes. An encounter betwixt the English and the French.] Now the French king being aduertised that king Henrie laie thus néere to Tailborge, marched thitherwards with all his puissance latelie réenforced with new supplies, and approching to Tailborge, had the towne deliuered vnto him. This chanced about the latter end of Iulie. Then after the French king had gotten possession of Tailborge, he ment to passe the water, and if by mediation of a truce politikelie procured by the earle of Cornewall (and as it were at a narrow pinch) the king of England had not found means to remooue in the night season, he had béene in great danger to haue béene taken, through want of such aid as he looked to haue had at the hands of the Poictouins and other his confederats. But yet he got awaie (though with some staine of honour) and withdrew to Xainctes, whither also the French king folowed, and comming néere to the towne, there was a sharpe incounter begun betwixt the French and the English, wherein the Englishmen were victors, and in which by the Frenchmens owne confession, if the English power had béene like to theirs in number, they had fullie atchiued the honour of a foughten field, and for a light skirmish a sound and perfect victorie. [Sidenote: The valiancy of the earle of Leicester and others.] [Sidenote: Iohn Mansell.] [Sidenote: Sir Iohn Barris. Wil. de Sey. Gilbert de Clare slaine.] The high prowesse and valiancie of the earles of Leicester, Salisburie, Norfolke, with other Noble men, as Iohn de Burgh, Warren de Mount Chenill or Cheincie, Hubert Fitz Matthew, and Ralfe Fitz Nicholas did in this fight right well appeare: and likewise other of the English nation bare themselues so manfullie, that they deserued no small commendation. Amongst other also sir Iohn Mansell the kings chapleine, and one of his priuie councell did right worthilie, taking prisoner with his owne hands one Peter Orige a gentleman in good place. There was moreouer taken on the French part sir Iohn de Barris a man of good accompt, by William de Sey, beside sundrie others. On the English part was slaine Gilbert de Clare, and Henrie Hasting taken prisoner, with other, to the number of twentie knights, or men of armes, if I may so call them. [Sidenote: The earle of March is reconciled to the French king.] After this incounter, by reason the French armie increased by new bands still resorting to their king, the earle of March secretlie sought meanes to be reconciled vnto him: and finallie by the helpe of the duke of Britaine, his old acquaintance and fréend at néed, his peace was purchased, so that he had his lands againe to him restored, except certeine castels; which for further assurance the French king reteined in his hands by the space of thrée yeares. The king of England, perceiuing himselfe too much deceiued in that he had put such confidence in the earle of March and others of that countrie, which should haue aided him at this present, and againe aduertised, that the French king meant to besiege him within the citie of Xainctes, departed with all spéed from thence, and came to Blaie, a towne in Gascoigne, situat néere to the riuer of Garon, & distant seuen leagues from Burdeaux. [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: The countesse of Bierne.] [Sidenote: Sée Vol. I. pag. 495, 496, 497, 498, & pag. 681, of the historie of England.] Now whilest he laie here at Blaie, there came vnto him the countesse of Bierne (a woman monstruous big of bodie) bringing with hir to serue the king, hir sonne, and thrée score knights, in hope to get some of his sterling monie, whereof she knew him to haue plentie: and so couenanting for hir interteinment, remained still with him, and receiued euerie daie 13 pounds sterling, and yet she neuer pleasured him the woorth of a groat, but rather hindered him, in making him bare of monie, which she receiued, purssed vp and tooke awaie with hir when she departed from him. But if to hir making and stature she had bin indued with the courage of Voadicia, whom she excéeded (as it should seeme) in proportion, or with the prowesse of Elfleda, hir seruice had béene no lesse beneficiall to the K. than anie skilfull capteins marching vnder his banner. So that we sée in this woman a desire rather to satisfie hir hydropicall humour of couetousnesse, than anie true affection to set forward the kings affaires; therefore it may well be said of hir in respect of hir gréedinesse to get from the king for hir owne commodities sake, that she was Vt mare, quod das deuorat, nunquam abundat, Nunquam rependit. [Sidenote: The reuolting of other French lords.] [Sidenote: Death in the French camp.] [Sidenote: Truce renued betwixt the two kings.] [Sidenote: _Polydor._] In the meane time the lords de Pons, Mirabeau and Mortaigne suddenlie reuolted, & submitted themselues to the French king, with the vicount of Towars, and all other the lords and knights of Poictou, and the marches therabouts, that not long before had procured king Henrie to come ouer to their aid. The citie of Xainctes was likewise rendred to him immediatlie vpon king Henries departure from thence. At which season the French king meant to haue followed him to Blaie, but by reason of a great death which chanced in his armie, he was constreined to alter his purpose. Suerlie, as authors haue recorded, what through pestilence and vnwholesomnesse of the aire, a great manie of Frenchmen died at that time, and dailie more fell sicke. The number of them that died (as Matth. Paris, & Matth. Westminster affirme) amounted to twentie thousand persons, beside fourescore of the Nobilitie that bare banners or penons. King Lewes himselfe also began to waxe diseased and crasie, so that he was constreined to renew the truce with king Henrie & therewith departed home. [Sidenote: The quéene of England deliuered of a daughter.] [Sidenote: William Marisch executed.] [Sidenote: Sée pag. 385.] King Henrie remained at Blaie vntill the feast of the Assumption of our ladie, and then went to Burdeaux to visit the quéene, who in this meane while was brought to bed about midsummer of a yoong ladie, whom they named Beatrice after the quéenes mother. Now whilest king Henrie was thus occupied in Poictou and Gascoine, William Marisch the sonne of Geffrie Marisch (by commandement sent from the king) was put to death at London, with sixtéene of his complices on the euen of S. Iames the apostle. This William Marisch falling in to the kings displeasure, got him to the sea, and plaied the rouer, kéeping the Ile of Lundaie in the west countrie, till finallie he was taken and brought prisoner vnto the towre, where he was charged with sundrie articles of treason, as that he should hire that counterfeit mad man which sought to haue murthered the king at Woodstoke, as before ye haue heard. Howbeit when he should die, he vtterlie denied that euer he was priuie to anie such thing. He was first had from Westminster to the towre, & from thence drawne to the gibet, and there hanged till he was dead, and after being cut downe, had his bowels ripped out and burned, and when his head was cut off, the bodie was diuided into foure quarters, and sent vnto foure of the principal cities of the realme. His complices were also drawne through the citie of London vnto the same gibet, and there hanged. [Sidenote: The seas trobled with men of warre.] [Sidenote: Escuage gathered 20. shillings of euerie knights fée.] [Sidenote: _Matth. West._] [Sidenote: Death of noble men.] In the time of this warre also betwixt England and France, there was much hurt doone on the sea betwixt them of the cinque ports and the Frenchmen of Normandie, and other: as the Caleis men and the Britons, which did make themselues as strong as they could against the Englishmen by sea. Wherevpon diuerse incounters chanced betwixt them, but more to the losse of the Englishmen, than of the Frenchmen: in somuch that they of the ports were constreined to require aid of the archb. of Yorke the lord gouernour of the realme. About which time, and after the king was withdrawen to Burdeaux, diuerse noble men, as the earles of Norffolke and Winchester, with others, got licence to returne into England. Soone after whose arriuall, escuage was gathered through the realme towards the bearing of the kings charges. Moreouer, in this yeare of the king there died sundrie noble men of naturall infirmities, as the earle of Warwike, Gilbert de Gaunt, Baldwine Wake, Philip de Kime, and Roger Berthram of the north, with diuerse other. Howbeit the king himselfe returned not home, but laie all the winter time at Burdeaux, meaning to attempt manie enterprises, but he brought none to passe, sauing that in protracting the time, he spent much monie, and to little purpose. [Sidenote: An. Reg. 27.] [Sidenote: The earle of Cornwal and other returne home.] About the beginning of the seuen and twentith yeare of his reigne, his brother the earle of Cornewall, misliking the order of things which he saw dailie in the king his brothers procéedings, would néeds returne backe into England, but chieflie when he perceiued that his councell & aduise could not be heard. The king was sore offended herewith, but he could not well remedie the matter, nor persuade him to tarie. And so the said earle of Cornewall, togither with the earles of Penbroke and Hereford, and diuerse other noble men tooke the sea, and after manie dangers escaped in their course, at length on S. Lucies daie they arriued in Cornewall, though some of the vessels that were in the companie were driuen by force of the tempestuous weather vpon other contrarie coasts. ¶ About this season also, that is to saie, on the day of S. Edmund the king, there happened a maruellous tempest of thunder and lightening, and therwith followed such an excéeding raine (which continued manie daies togither) that riuers rose on maruellous heigth, and the Thames it selfe, which sildome riseth or is increased by land flouds, passing ouer the banks, drowned all the countrie for the space of six miles about Lambeth, so that none might get into Westminster hall, except they were set on horssebacke. [Sidenote: Prouision of graine and victuals taken vp and sent to the king.] [Sidenote: 1243.] [Sidenote: The king led by strangers.] [Sidenote: He is euill spoken of.] About the same time the king sent ouer into England to the archbishop of Yorke lord gouernour of the realme, to cause prouision of graine and bakon, to be conueied ouer vnto him, which he appointed to be taken out of the possessions of the archbishoprike of Canturburie, and other bishoprikes that were vacant, and out of other such places as séemed to him good to appoint. Herevpon were sent ouer to him ten thousand quarters of wheat, fiue thousand quarters of otes, with as manie bakons. Also there was sent vnto him great prouision of other things, as cloth for apparell and liueries, but much of it perished in the sea by one meane or other, that little thereof came to his vse, who remained still at Burdeaux to his great cost and charges, and small gaine, sauing that he recouered certeine townes and holds there in Gascoigne that were kept by certeine rebels. At which time, bicause he was inclined rather to follow the counsell of the Gascoignes and other strangers than of his owne subiects, and gaue vnto them larger enterteinment, not regarding the seruice of his owne naturall people: he was maruellouslie euill spoken of here in England, and the more in déed, bicause his iournie had no better successe, and was yet so chargeable vnto him and all his subiects. The Noble men that remained with him, as the earles of Leicester and Salisburie, with other, were constreined to borrow no small summes of monie to beare out their charges: and so likewise the king himselfe ran greatlie in debt, by taking vp monie towards the discharging of his importable expenses. [Sidenote: A truce taken for fiue years.] [Sidenote: Nicholas de Mueles his lieutenant in Gascoigne.] At length by mediation of such as were commissioners a truce was concluded betwixt him and the French king for fiue yeares, and then he returned toward England, but he arriued not there till the ninth of October, although the truce was concluded in March vpon S. Gregories day; for beside other occasions of his staie, one chanced by such strife and debate as rose amongst the Gascoignes, which caused him to returne to land, that he might pacifie the same when he was alreadie imbarked, and had hoised his saile immediatlie to set forward. He left in Guien for his lieutenant one Nicholas de Mueles or Moles, to defend those townes, which yet remained vnder his obeisance, for he put no great confidence in the people of that countrie, the which of custome being vexed with continuall warre, were constreined not by will, but by the change of times, one while to hold on the French side, and an other while on the English. Indéed the townes, namelie those that had their situation vpon the sea coastes, were so destroied and decaied in their walles and fortifications, that they could not long be any great aid to either part, and therefore being not of force to hold out, they were compelled to obeie one or other, where by their willes they would haue doone otherwise. This was the cause that the K. of England, oftentimes vpon trust of these townes, which for the most part were readie to receiue him, was brought into some hope to recouer his losses, and chéefelie for that he was so manie times procured to attempt his fortune there, at the request of the fickle-minded Poictouins, who whilest they did séeke still to purge their offenses to the one king or to the other, they dailie by new treasons defamed their credit, and so by such means the king of England oftentimes with small aduantage or none at all, made warre against the French king, in trust of their aid, that could, or (vpon the least occasion conceiued) quickelie would doo little to his furtherance. And so thereby king Henrie as well as his father king Iohn, was oftentimes deceiued of his vaine conceiued hope. [Sidenote: Death of Noble men.] [Sidenote: Hugh Lacie.] In this seauen and twentith yeare of king Henries reigne, diuerse noble personages departed this life, and first about the beginning of Ianuarie, deceassed the lord Richard de Burgh, a man of great honour and estimation in Ireland, where he held manie faire possessions, by conquest of that noble gentleman his worthie father. Also that valiant warriour Hugh Lacie, who had conquered in his time a great part of Ireland. Also the same yere on the seauenth of Maie, Hugh de Albenie earle of Arundell departed this life, in the middest of his youthfull yeares, and was buried in the priorie of Wimundham, which his ancestours had founded. After his deceasse, that noble heritage was diuided by partition amongst foure sisters. [Sidenote: _Fabian._] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: Stars fallen after a strange manner.] About the same time, to wit, on the twelfth day of Maie, Hubert de Burgh earle of Kent departed this life at his manor of Banstude, and his bodie was conueied to London, and there buried in the church of the Friers preachers, vnto the which Friers he had béene verie beneficiall. Amongst other things, he gaue vnto them his goodlie palace at Westminster adioining néere to the palace of the earle of Cornewall, which the archbishop of Yorke afterwards purchased. The moonks of the Cisteaux were this yeare somewhat vexed by the king, bicause they had refused to aid him with monie towards his iournie made into Gascoigne. Also the plées of the crowne were kept and holden in the towre of London. And in the night of the six and twentith day of Iulie, starres were séene fall from the skie after a maruellous sort, not after the common manner, but thirtie or fortie at once, so fast one after another and glansing to and fro, that if there had fallen so manie verie starres in déed, there would none haue béene left in the firmament. [Sidenote: An. Reg. 28.] [Sidenote: The countesse of Prouance mother to the quéene commeth ouer into England.] [Sidenote: The earle of Cornewall maried to the ladie Sanctia.] In the eight and twentith yeare of king Henries reigne, the quéenes mother the ladie Beatrice countesse of Prouance arriued at Douer on the fouretéenth day of Nouember, bringing with hir the ladie Sanctia hir daughter, and in the octaues of S. Martine they were receiued into London in most solemne wise, the stréets being hanged with rich clothes, as the maner is at the coronations of princes. On S. Clements day, Richard earle of Cornewall the kings brother married the said ladie Sanctia, which marriage was solemnized in most roiall wise, and with such sumptuous feasts and banketings, as greater could not be deuised. Finallie, the quéens mother the countesse of Prouance, being a right notable and worthie ladie, was honored in euerie degrée of hir sonne in law king Henrie in most courteous and sumptuous manner, and at hir departure out of the realme, which was after Christmasse, shée was with most rich and princelie gifts honourablie rewarded. [Sidenote: William Ralegh bishop of Norwich.] [Sidenote: He is consecrated bish. of Winchester by the pope.] About the same time also, whereas William de Ralegh was requested to remooue from the sée of Norwich vnto Winchester, and consenting therevnto, without the kings licence, obteined his confirmation of the pope: the king was highly displeased therewith, bicause he ment it to another. Wherevpon when the said William Ralegh was returned from Rome to be installed, the king sent commandement to the maior and citizens of Winchester, that they should not suffer him to enter the citie. Wherevpon he being so kept out, accurssed both the citie and cathedrall church with all the moonks and others that fauoured the prior, which had intruded himselfe onelie by the kings authoritie, and not by lawfull election and means, as was supposed. [Sidenote: 1244.] [Sidenote: He steleth out of the realme.] [Sidenote: He giueth to the pope 6000 marks.] At length the said bishop vpon gréefe conceiued that the king should be so heauie lord vnto him, got into a ship at London, and stale awaie into France, where he was well receiued of the French king, and greatlie cherished. Also he found such means that the pope in fauour of his cause wrote letters both to the king and to the quéene, naming hir his coosen, but which waie that kindered should come about, as yet it was neuer knowen. The bishop to shew himselfe thankefull for such fréendship, gaue the pope aboue six thousand marks (as is said) and the pope bicause he would not be accompted a disdainefull person, turned not backe one pennie of that which was so gentlie offered him. At length partlie at contemplation of the popes letters, and partlie by reason the bishop humbled himselfe in answering the articles which the king had obiected against him in cause of the controuersie betwixt them, he granted him his peace, and receiued him into the land, restoring to him all that had béene taken and deteined from him. [Sidenote: Martine the popes collectour.] Moreouer, in this meane while the pope trusting more than inough vpon the kings simplicitie and patience, who indéed durst not in any case séeme to displease him, had sent an other collector of monie into England named Martine, not adorned with power legantine, but furnished with such authorities and faculties as had not béene heard of. He was lodged in the temple, where he shewed what commission he had to gather vp the popes reuenues, and to exact monie by sundrie maner of meanes, and so fell in hand therewith, vsing no small diligence therein, vnto the great gréefe and hurt of conscience of manie: he had power to staie the bestowing of benefices, till he was satisfied to the full contentation of his mind. Benefices of small value he regarded not greatlie, but such as were good liuings in déed felt his heauie and rauenous hands extended towards them. He had power also to excommunicate, to suspend, and to punish all such as should resist his will, although neuer so wilfullie bent, in so much that it was said, he had sundrie blankes vnder the popes bulled seale, bicause that vpon the sudden he brought foorth such as séemed best to serue for his purpose. He vsed this his vnmeasurable authoritie to the vttermost, and therein did not forget his owne profit, but tooke palfries and other presents of religious men. ¶ But to declare all the practises of this the popes agent, as it would be too long and tedious a processe, so it is nothing strange that these his landloping legats and Nuncios haue their manifold collusions to cousen christian kingdoms of their reuenues. For if they were not furnished with foxlike fraud and wooluish rauine, they were no fit factors for him; sith it is required that like maister haue like man. And therefore he is aptlie described in the likenesse of a man, his head and face excepted, wherein he resembleth a woolfe; besides that, he is set foorth with a crosiers staffe in his hand, at the hooke whereof hangeth his Iudas pursse, wherein are powched vp his pilfered Peter pence, and I wot not what extorted paiments and pretended duties. As for his deceits and crafts, he hath more varietie of them, than the cat of the mounteine hath spots in his skin, or the pecocke hath eies in his taile. Wherevpon it is trulie said of a late poet, [Sidenote: _Antithesis de Christi & papæ facinorb. sub authore anonymo._] Sydera nemo potest quot sunt numerare polorum, Quot neq; vere nouo gramina campus habet, Sic quoq; nemo potest vafri ludibria papæ Eius & innumeros commemorare dolos: Huic scopus immensum seducere fraudibus orbem, Huic scopus humanum ludificare genus. [Sidenote: The nobles complaine to the king of the popes collector.] [Sidenote: The king writeth to the pope.] But to procéed, when men saw such vnreasonable couetousnes and polling, by the popes procurement; some of the nobility of the realme, not able longer to beare it, came to the king, and exhibited to him their complaint hereof, namelie for that the popes procurator bestowed diuers rich prebends and other rooms in churches vpon strangers knowne to be infamed for vsurie, simonie, and other heinous vices, which had no respect to preaching, nor to kéeping of any hospitalitie, for maintenance whereof their ancestors had giuen foorth their lands to the inriching of the church, not meaning to haue the same bestowed on such maner of persons. The king vnderstood that truth it was which was told him, and therefore writ to the pope in humble wise, beséeching him of his fatherlie care to take order for some redresse therein. [Sidenote: _Polydor._] [Sidenote: The king asketh counsell how to procéed in his warres against the French king.] [Sidenote: The possessions of the Normans confiscated.] About this time the king began to renew his imagination for the following of the warres against the French king, and therefore asked the aduise of his councell how he might best attempt the recouerie of those lands in France which were wrongfullie deteined from him. The most part of all his ancient councellors were of this opinion, that to make warre againe in trust of others aid, as had béene attempted so often before without any profit, should be no wisdome, and therefore he ought either to forbeare, or els so to prouide himselfe of power sufficient, without trusting to the support of strangers, as he might be able with his owne puissance and force to atchiue his enterprise, for otherwise his trauell should prooue but vaine and to verie small effect. The king persuaded with these sound reasons, thought not good to attempt any thing more touching the said warre vnaduisedlie: and to the end it should not be said how he trusted in vaine vpon the aid of strangers, he caused all such possessions as the Normans held in England to be confiscated, to the intent that as well the Normans as Britons and Poictouins might well vnderstand, that he minded not from thencefoorth to credit the false promises of rebels, as he that would now vse onelie the seruice of his owne people the Englishmen, which in respect of others painted promises he had before contemned. [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: The occasion why the Normans were disherited.] The occasion that mooued the king so to disherit the Normans, did chéefelie rise of the French kings dealing, who about the same time calling to him all those that had lands in England, required them either to sticke vnto him inseparablie, either else to the king of England, sith no man might serue two maisters. Wherevpon some forsaking their lands in England, liued on those which they had in France, and other forsooke those liuings which they had in France, and came ouer into England to liue on those possessions which they had here. But in the French kings dooings was no inforcing of men, either to forsake the one or the other: wherfore the procéedings of the king of England séemed somewhat more iniurious, and partlie sounded to the breach of the truce. Howbeit all was passed ouer without apparant trouble. [Sidenote: _Polydor._] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: _Matt. West._] [Sidenote: Dauid prince of Wales meaneth to submit himselfe to the pope.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._ pag. 880.] Whilest all things were thus in quiet, and the king himselfe not troubled with any outward wars, the Welshmen (who though they were subdued, yet could not rest in quiet) receiued againe the fornamed Dauid to their prince, the which for a policie determined himselfe to make offer to the pope to hold his land of him, yéelding therefore yearelie vnto him the summe of fiue hundred marks (as is said) to the end that vnder the wings of the popes protection he might shadow himselfe, and be defended against all men. At length by large gifts of no small summes of monie he purchased letters of the pope in his fauour, to the preiudice of the crowne of England, as touching the right which the king of England had to the dominion of Wales, as by the tenour thereof it may appeare, beginning as here insueth. Illustri viro domino Henrico Dei gratia regi Angliæ, &c. [Sidenote: The Welshmen discomfited.] [Sidenote: Dauid fled into Scotland.] [Sidenote: He prouoketh the king of Scots to make warre against England.] Thus Dauid being incouraged herewith and such other of the Welshmen as tooke his part, at time appointed did set vpon the kings capteins as they stragled abroad, whom at the first brunt they put to flight, and slue manie of them here and there as they tooke them at aduenture. The Englishmen when night was come, and that the Welshmen withdrew to rest, assembled themselues againe togither, and in the morning with new recouered force both of mind and bodie, came vpon the Welshmen, and began with them a new battell, which continued the space of thrée houres togither, till at length the Welshmen, which rashlie had entred the fight, began to shrinke backe, and fled to their woonted places of refuge, the woods and mareshes. Their chiefe capteine Dauid fled into Scotland, hauing lost in that battell the most part of all his souldiers which he had there with him. At his comming into Scotland, and whilest he there remained, he incensed king Alexander against king Henrie to his vttermost power, putting into his head how reprochfullie the Englishmen did speake of the Scots, reprouing them of cowardnes & lacke of stomach; also that they liued according to the prescript of the English nation, as subiects to the same: and manie other things he forged, which had béene able to haue mooued a most patient man vnto indignation and displeasure. [Sidenote: The king of Scots inuadeth Engl[=a]d.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: King Henrie requireth an aid of monie of his subiects.] Finallie, either by the prouoking of this Dauid, or by some other occasion, king Alexander meant to make warres vpon king Henrie indéed, and in raising an armie made a rode into England, and did some hurt by incursions, and further signified to king Henrie, as some write, that he neither ought nor would hold anie part or portion of Scotland of the king of England. King Henrie sore offended herewith, purposed in time to be reuenged, and shortlie after called a parlement at Westminster, in the which he earnestlie mooued the lords and other states to aid him with monie towards the furnishing of his coffers, being emptied (as they knew) by his excéeding charges in his last iournie into Gascoigne. He would not open his meaning which he had to make warre to the Scots, bicause he would haue his enterprise secretlie kept, till he should be readie to set forward. [Sidenote: New orders deuised by the lords.] But although the king had got the pope to write in his fauour vnto the lords both spirituall and temporall, to aid him in that his demand of monie, there was much adoo, and plaine deniall made at the first, to grant at that time to anie such paiment as was demanded: and eftsoones they fell in hand with deuising new orders, and namelie to renew againe their suit for the confirmation of the ancient liberties of the realme, so as the same might be obserued, according to the grant thereof before made by the kings letters patents, without all fraud or contradiction. They also appointed, that there should be foure lords chosen of the most puissant and discréetest of all other within the realme, which should be sworne of the kings councell, to order his businesse iustlie and trulie, and to sée that euerie man had right without respecting of persons. And these foure chiefe councellors should be euer attending about the king, or at the least thrée or two of them: also that by the view, knowledge and witnesse of them, the kings treasure should be spent and laid foorth, and that if one of them chanced to fall awaie, an other should be placed in his roome by the appointment of the residue. [Sidenote: Vnreasonable requests.] They would also that the lord chiefe iustice and the lord chancellour should be chosen by the generall voices of the states assembled, and bicause it was néedfull that they should be oftentimes with the king, it was thought they might be chosen out of the number of those foure aboue rehearsed conseruators of iustice. And if the king at anie time chanced to take the seale from the lord chancellour, whatsoeuer writing were sealed in the meane time should be of none effect. They aduised also, that there should be two iustices of the benches, two barons of the excheker, and one iustice for the Iewes; and these for that present to be appointed by publike voices of the states, that as they had to order all mens matters and businesse, so in their election the assents of all men might be had and giuen: and that afterwards, when vpon anie occasion there should be anie elected into the roome of anie of these iustices, the same should be appointed by one of the afore mentioned foure councellors. [Sidenote: The pope sendeth for some aid of monie to mainteine wars against the emperour.] [Sidenote: Escuage gr[=a]ted the king.] But as the Nobles were busie in thrée wéekes space about the deuising of these ordinances and other, to haue béene decréed as statutes, the enimie of peace and sower of discord, the diuell, hindred all these things by the couetousnesse of the pope, who had sent his chapleine master Martin, with authoritie to leuie also an aid of monie for his néed to mainteine his wars withall against the emperour; and the emperour on the other part sent ambassadours to the king, to staie him and his people from granting anie such aid vnto the pope: so that there was no lesse hard hold and difficultie shewed in refusing to contribute vnto this demand of the popes Nuncio, than vnto the kings. At length yet in another sitting, which was begun thrée wéekes after Candlemasse, they agréed to giue the king escuage to run towards the marriage of his eldest daughter, of euerie knights fée holden of the king twentie shillings to be paid at two termes, the one halfe at Easter, and the other at Michelmasse. [Sidenote: The K. with an armie goeth towards Scotland.] [Sidenote: The king of England and Scotland made fréends.] After this, the king minding to inuade the Scots, caused the whole force of all such as ought to serue him in the wars to assemble, and so with a mightie host he went to new castell vpon Tine, meaning from thence to inuade the same, in reuenge of such iniuries as the Scots had doone vnto him and his subiects, and namelie, for that Walter Cumin a mightie baron of Scotland and other noble men had built two castels néere to the English confines, the one in Galowaie, and the other in Louthian, and further had receiued and succoured certeine rebels to the king of England, as Geffrey de Marisch or Mareis an Irish man, and others. The king of Scots was aduertised of king Henries approch, and therefore in defense of himselfe and his countrie, had raised an huge armie. Herevpon certeine noble men vpon either side, sorie to vnderstand that such bloudshed should chance as was like to follow (and that vpon no great apparant cause) if the two kings ioined battel, tooke paine in the matter to agrée them, which in the end they brought to passe, so that they were made fréends and wholie reconciled. There was a publike instrument also made thereof by the king of Scots vnto king Henrie, signed with his seale, and likewise with the seales of other noble men, testifieng his allegiance which he owght to the king of England, as superiour lord, in forme following. The charter of Alexander king of Scotland made to Henrie the third. Alexander Dei gratia rex Scotiæ, omnibus Christi fidelibus hoc scriptum visuris vel audituris, salutem. Ad vestram volumus venire notitiam, nos pro nobis & hæredibus nostris concessisse, & fideliter promisisse charissimo & ligio domino nostro Henrico tertio Dei gratia regi Angliæ illustri domino Hiberniæ, duci Normaniæ & Aquitaniæ, & comiti Andegauiæ, & eius hæredibus, quòd in perpetuum bonam fidem ei seruabimus, pariter & amorem. Et quòd nunquam aliquod foedus iniemus per nos vel per aliquos alios ex parte nostra, cum inimicis domini regis Angliæ vel hæredum suorum, ad bellum procurandum vel faciendum, vnde damnum eis vel regnis suis Angliæ & Hiberniæ, aut cæteris terris suis eueniat, vel possit aliquatenus euenire: nisi nos iniustè grau[=e]t: stantibus in suo robore conuentionibus inter nos & dictum dominum regem Angliæ initis vltimo apud Eboracum in præsentia domini Othonis tituli S. Nicholai in carcere Tulliano, diaconi cardinalis, tunc apostolicæ sedis legati in Anglia. Et saluis conuentionibus super matrimonio contrahendo inter filium nostru & filiam dicti domini regis Angliæ. Et vt hæc nostra concessio & promissio pro nobis & hæredibus nostris perpetuæ firmitatis robur obtineant, fecimus iurare in animam nostram Alanum Ostiarium, Henric[=u] de Baliol, Dauid de Lindesey, Wilhelmum Gifford, quòd omnia prædicta bona fide firmiter & fideliter obseruabimus. Et similiter iurare fecimus venerabiles patres, Dauid, Wilhelmum, Galfridum, & Clementem sancti Andreæ Glasconiensem, Dunkeldensem, Dublin[=e]sem episcopos: & præterea Malcolmum comitem de Fife, fidelis nostros, Patricium comitem de Dunbar, Malisium comitem de Strathern, Walterum Cumin comitem de Menteth, Wilhelmum comitem de Mar, Alexandrum comitem de Buchquhan, Dauid de Hastings comitem de Athol, Robertum de Bruis, Alanum Ostiarium, Henricum de Baliol, Rogerum de Mowbray, Laurentium de Abirnethiæ, Richardum Cumin, Dauid de Lindesey, Richardum Siward, Wilhelmum de Lindesey, Walterum de Morauia, Wilhelmum Gifford, Nicholaum de Sully, Wilhelmum de veteri Ponte, Wilhelmum de Brewer, Anselmum de Mesue, Dauid de Graham, & Stephanum de Suningam. Quòd si nos vel hæredes nostri, contra concessionem & promissionem prædictam (quod absit) venerimus, ipsi & hæredes eorum nobis & hæredibus nostris nullum contra concessionem & promissionem prædictam auxilium vel consilium impendent, aut ab alijs pro posse suo impendi permittent. Imò bona fide laborabunt erga nos & hæredes nostros, ipsi & hæredes eorum, quòd omnia prædicta à nobis & hæredibus nostris nec non ab ipsis & eorum hæredibus firmiter & fideliter obseruentur in perpetuum. In cuius rei testimonium tam nos quàm prædicti prælati, comites & barones nostri præsens scriptum sigillorum suorum appositione roborauimus. Testibus prælatis, comitibus & baronibus superiùs nominatis, Anno regni nostri, &c. The same in English. Alexander by the grace of God, king of Scotland, to all faithfull christian people that shall sée or heare this writing, sendeth gréeting. We will that it be knowne to you, that we for vs and our heires haue granted and faithfullie promised to our most deare and liege lord Henrie the third, by the grace of God, the noble king of England, lord of Ireland, duke of Normandie and Guien, and earle of Aniou, and to his heires, that we will beare and kéepe vnto him good faith and loue for euer, and that we shall not enter into any league with our selues, or by others in our behalfe with the enimies of our said souereigne lord the king of England, or of his heires, to procure or make warre, whereby any damage may happen to come to them or to their kingdoms of England and Ireland, or to their other lands, except vniustlie they doo molest and oppresse vs. The couenants alwaies standing in force, which were concluded betwixt vs at our last being togither at Yorke, in the presence of Otho decon cardinall of saint Nicholas In carcere Tulliano, then legat of the sée apostolike in England, and sauing the couenants made vpon the contract of the mariage betwixt our sonne & the daughter of the said king of England. [Sidenote: The lords sweare to sée the couenants performed.] And that this promise and grant for vs and our heires may haue the force and confirmation of an euerlasting assurednesse, we haue caused these to sweare on our behalfe: Alan Porter, Henrie de Balioll, Dauid de Lindesey, Wil. Gifford, that we shall in good faith obserue all the premisses faithfullie and substantiallie, and we haue likewise caused to sweare the reuerend fathers, Dauid, William, Geffrey, & Clement, Bishops of S. Andrewes, Glascew, Dunkeld, and Dublane: and furthermore our faithfull subiects Patrike earle of Dunbar, Malcolme earle of Fife, Malisius earle of Stratherne, Walter Cumin earle of Menteth, William earle of Mar, Alexander earle of Buchquhan, Dauid de Hastings earle of Athol, Robert de Bruis, Alan Porter, Henrie de Balioll, Roger de Mowbraie, Laurence de Abirnethi, Richard Cumin, Dauid de Lindesey, Richard Siward, William de Lindesey, Walter de Murraie, William de Gifford, Nicholas de Sully, William de Veipont, William de Brewer, Anselme de Mesue, Dauid de Graham, and Stephan de Suningham. And if that either we or our heires, against the foresaid grant and promise, shall doo anie thing to the breach therof (which God forbid) they and their heires shall not imploie either aid or counsell against the said grant and promise, nor shall suffer other to imploie any such aid or counsell, so far as they may hinder them therein: yea rather they and their heires shall in good faith and plaine meaning endeuour against vs and our heires, that all the premisses may firmelie and faithfullie be obserued and kept of vs and our heires, and likewise of them and their heires for euer. In witnesse whereof as well we our selues, as the said prelats, our earles and barons haue confirmed this writing by putting their seales vnto the same, the prelats earles and barons before rehearsed béeing true witnesses therevnto, In the yeare of our reigne, &c. * * * * * The seales of king Alexander himselfe, of William de Brewer, William de Veipont, William de Lindesey, Stephan de Suningham, and the seales of the rest were set to afterwards, and the writing sent ouer to the king of England at Christmasse next insuing, by the prior of Tinmouth, who had trauelled diligentlie and faithfullie in this negotiation to the honour of both parts. This writing also was sent to the pope, that he might confirme the same in manner as followeth. A request made to the pope that he would vouchsafe to confirme the foresaid charter. Sanctissimo In Christo patri I. Dei gratia summo pontifici, Alexander eadem gratia rex Scotiæ, comes Patricius, comes de Strathern, comes Leuenox, comes de Anegui, comes de Marra, comes de Atholia, comes de Ros, comes de Catnes, comes de Buth, Rogerus de Mowbray, Rogerus de Abirnethiæ, Petrus de Mauuere, Richardus Cumin, Wilhelmus de veteri Ponte, Robertus de Bruis, Rogerus Auenel, Richardus de Sully, Wilhelm. de Murray de Dunfel, Wilhelmus de Muref de Petin, Iohannes Biset iuuenis, Wilhelmus de Lindesey, Iohannes de Vallibus, Dauid de Lindesey, Wilhelmus Gifford, Duncanus de Ergatilia, I. de Matreuers, Hemerus filius eius, Rogerus comes Wintoniensis, H. comes Oxoniensis, W. de Vescy, Richardus Siward, Wilhelmus de Ros, Rogerus de Clere, Henricus filius comitis de Brettere, Eustacius de Stoutville, Malcolmus de Fif come de Mentethshire, Walterus filius Alani, Walterus Olifar, Barnardus Fraser, Henricus de Bailliol, Dauid Cumin, Dauid Mareschallus, Dauid filius Ranulfi, Wilhelmus de Fortere, Ioannes de Bailliol, & Robertus de Ros, salutem & debitam cum omni honore reuerentiam. Sanctitati vestræ significamus, nos sacramentum corporaliter præstitisse coram venerabili patre Othone, tituli S. Nicolai in carcere Tulliano diacono cardinalium, in Anglia, Scotia, & Hibernia, nunc Apostolicæ sedis legato, ac chartam nostram confecisse, quæ ita incipit: Sciant præsentes & futuri, quòd ita conuenit in præsentia domini Othonis sancti Nicholai, &c. Quæ charta penes dominum regem Angliæ, & nos remanet chyrographata. Item aliam quæ sic incipit: Ad omnium vestrum notitiam volumus peruenire. Cum vt ex forma præcedentium nostrarum pateat obligationum subiecimus nos iurisdictioni vestræ, vt nos & hæredes nostros, per censuram ecclesiasticam possitis coërcere, si aliquo tempore contra memoratam pacem venerimus. Et si nonnunquam continget, quòd quidam nostrum omnes vel vnus contrauenire temerè præsumpserint vel præsumere nituntur vel nitentur; & ex hoc tam animabus nostris quàm hæredum nostrorum graue possit generari periculum, & corporibus nostris & rebus non minimum immineret detrimentum: sanctæ paternitati vestræ supplicamus, quatenus alicui suffraganeorum archiepiscopi Cantuariensis detis in mandatis, vt nos & hæredes nostros ad præfatæ pacis obseruationem compellat, prout in instrumentis inde confectis pleniùs continetur. Aliàs super eadem pace quod canonicum fuerit auctoritate vestra statuat contradictores, &c. Et ad istius petitionis nostræ consummationem præsenti scripto sigilla nostra apposuimus. In English thus. [Sidenote: The letter of the lords to pope Innocent.] To Our holie father in Christ I. by the grace of God, the highest bishop, Alexander by the same grace king of Scotland, earle Patrike, the earle of Stratherne, the earle of Leuenox, the earle of Angus, the earle of Mar, the earle of Athole, the earle of Ros, the earle of Catnesse, the earle of Buch, Roger de Mowbray, Laurence de Abirnethie, Peter de Mauuere, Richard Cumin, William de Veipont, Robert de Bruis, Roger Auenel, Nicholas de Sulley, William de Murray de Dunfel, William de Murray de Petin, Iohn Biset the yoonger, William de Lindesey, Iohn de Valeis, Dauid de Lindesey, William Gifford, Duncan de Ergile, Iohn de Matreuers, Eimere his sonne, Roger earle of Winchester, Hugh earle of Oxford, William de Vescy, Richard Siward, William de Ros, Roger de Clere, Henrie Fitz conte de Brettere, Eustace de Stouteuille, earle Malcolme of Fife, the erle of Mentethshire, Walter Fitz Alaine, Walter Olifard, Barnard Fraser, Henrie de Baillioll, Dauid Cumin, Dauid Mareschall, Dauid Fitz Randulfe, William de Fortere, Iohn de Bailioll, and Robert Ros, send gréeting and due reuerence with all honour. We doo signifie vnto your holinesse, that we haue receiued a corporall oth before the reuerend father Otho, deacon cardinall of S. Nicholas In carcere Tulliano, legat to the sée apostolike, in England, Scotland and Ireland, and haue made our charter or déed, which beginneth thus; Sciant præsentes, &c. Which charter or déed indented and sealed, remaineth with the king of England, and with vs. Also another déed or writing that beginneth thus; Ad omnium vestrum notitiam volumus peruenire. Whereas therefore by the forme of our precedent déeds obligatorie, we haue submitted our selues to your iurisdiction, that you may bridle and restraine vs, and our heires by the ecclesiasticall censures, if at any time we go against the said peace. And if it happen at any time, that any of vs all, or one of vs, shall fortune to presume rashlie and vnaduisedlie to go against it, or be about, or herafter shall be about so to presume, and therby may procure great perill as well to the soules of our owne selues, as of our heires, & no small danger may also be readie through the same our default to light vpon our bodies & goods, we beséech your holie fatherhood, that you will giue in commandement vnto some of the suffragans of the archbishop of Canturburie, that he doo compell vs and our heires vnto the obseruing of the same peace, accordinglie as in the instruments thereof more fullie is conteined, or else to order by your authoritie vpon the same peace, that which shall be agréeable to the canons, &c. And to the performance of this our petition, we haue to this present writing set our seales. * * * * * [Sidenote: The Welshmen stirre coles.] When all things were throughlie concluded, and order taken in what sort the assurances of this accord should passe, the king of Scots returned into the inner parts of his realme, and the king of England likewise returned to London. At the same time also the Welshmen were verie busie: for hearing that the kings of England and Scotland were agréed, they doubted least all the burthen of the warre would be turned against them. Wherefore (as it were to preuent the matter) they began to wast the English confines. The king aduertised thereof, sent Hubert Fitz Matthew with thrée hundreth knights or men of armes to defend the English marshes against the Welshmen, that made dailie war against those that dwelled on the marshes, and namelie against the erle of Herford, which chéeflie occasioned this warre, by deteining the land which apperteined vnto the wife of prince Dauid, as in the right of hir purpartie. [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: The deceasse of the bishop of Cicester.] Wherevpon when the Welshmen vnderstood that the king had broken vp his armie and was returned to London, they inuaded their enimies, namelie the said earle of Herfords men and the Mortimers, sleaing and cutting in péeces two valiant and noble knights, and maiming the third, they slue and ouerthrew of the footbands about an hundred, so that all the English armie was disordered, and the Welshmen with victorie returned to their places of refuge. Which when the foresaid Hubert Fitz Matthew vnderstood, the morrow after he made foorth with his thrée hundred waged men of armes, in hope to hem in and take the Welshmen at aduantage: but he was preuented and by them distressed, in so much that he was constreined with losse of men and horsses to returne to his holds, and scarse could be suffered to remaine there in safetie. This yeare Rafe Neuill bishop of Cicester and chancellour of England departed this life. [Sidenote: An. Reg. 29. P. V.] [Sidenote: A subsidie of the richer sort.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: The citizens of London.] [Sidenote: The seneshall of Gascoine vanquished the king of Nauarre.] [Sidenote: Anno, 1242.] [Sidenote: as _Matt. West._ saith, & _Matth. Paris._] In the 29 yeare of his reigne, king Henrie hauing spent much treasure with the great preparation of wars which he had taken in hand against the Scots, and also bicause he was constreined to be at further charges for the Welsh wars, he called a parlement to begin on the third daie of Nouember, in the which he demanded a great reliefe of monie, but the same being generallie denied of all men, he exacted it in particular of the richer sort of his subiects, & amongst other he caused the citizens of London to giue vnto him 15 hundred marks for a fine, bicause they had receiued a banished man, one Walter Bukerell into their citie, contrarie to the law and order: but this they denied, affirming that his brother had got his pardon, as by the kings owne letters patents they could prooue, but they were answered, that the king was vnder age when these letters were purchased, and therefore were of none effect. About the same time, sir Nicholas de Molis or Mules seneshall of Gascoigne, hauing warres against the king of Nauarre, got the victorie in battell. ¶ About the midst of Nouember, great thunder and lightning chanced, with a maruellous vntemperat season for the space of 15 daies togither, as a signe of some misfortune to succéed. [Sidenote: 1245.] On S. Hughs daie died Margaret countesse of Penbroke the widow of Gilbert Marshall late earle of Penbroke, & sister to the king of Scots, and shortlie after the bishop of Excester William de Brewer likewise deceased, as yet being in his florishing age, a man in manners, parentage, and knowledge right honorable, and highlie commended. ¶ On the daie of S. Marcellus was the quéene deliuered of a man child, which at the font was named Edmund. [Sidenote: Dauid king or prince of Wales.] In Lent following néere to the castell of Mountgomerie in Wales, thrée hundred Welshmen were slaine by them that lay in garrison there by a policie of the capteine, which faining a counterfeited flight, drew the Welshmen within danger of an ambush, which he had laid to surprise them vnawares as it came euen to passe according to his deuise. Dauid that tooke himselfe for king of Wales, coueting to be reuenged of this displeasure, ceassed not daie nor night to make incursions and to exploit enterprises to the damage of the marchers, the which valiantlie resisted the enimies, and droue them oftentimes into the mounteines, woods, bogs, and other places of refuge, and oftentimes the enimies hauing the aduantage of place, did much displeasure to the Englishmen. [Sidenote: Sir Hubert Fitz Matthew slaine.] [Sidenote: The castell of Monthault taken by the Welshmen.] [Sidenote: A generall councell.] Vpon a time as they (being got to the heigth of an hill, to cast downe stones and throw darts vpon the Englishmen that assailed them beneath) chanced amongst other to slea with a mightie stone (which they threw downe by the side of the hill) sir Hubert Fitz Matthew a right valiant knight, and a man of great accompt for his knowledge and seruice in warres. Thus the wars continued betwéene the parties, and oftentimes the Welshmen by the sudden inuasions got the better: their prince Dauid comming to the castell of Monthault besieged it, and within a short time wan it, slaieng or taking all those whome he found within it. The owner thereof the lord Roger de Monthault by chance was not at home, which happened well for him, where otherwise he had béene in great danger: but néere to the castell of Mountgomerie the Welshmen yet were eftsoons ouerthrowne and 200 of them slaine by an ambush that brake forth vpon their backs. About the middest of Lent the prelats of England were summoned to come to a generall councell, the which pope Innocent had appointed to be holden at the feast of S. Iohn Baptist next following. [Sidenote: The popes letters staied.] It chanced that about this time, a post comming from the pope with letters to his Nuncio maister Martin, conteining instructions how he should procéed for the gathering of monie, was staied at Douer, by the practise of such noble men as were gréeued to sée anie such summes of monie to be conueied out of the realme in sort as was vsed. He was had into the castell and his letters taken from him, wherein such secrets were conteined for the getting of monie, as ought not to haue béene reuealed. Maister Martin hearing that the post was thus staied and imprisoned, made a gréeuous complaint vnto the king, so that the post was set at libertie, had his letters to him restored, & so came vnto master Martin, and deliuered them vnto him that he might vnderstand the popes pleasure, which others to his griefe vnderstood now as well as himselfe. [Sidenote: The valuati[=o] of benefices taken, that perteined to strangers.] [Sidenote: This Gilbert was erle of Glocester, Hereford & lord of Clare.] [Sidenote: Ambassadors sent to the generall councell.] [Sidenote: These were barons.] The king this yeare caused inquisition to be made through euerie countie within the realme, to vnderstand the true valuation of all such benefices and spirituall promotions as were in the hands of anie incumbents that were strangers borne, and such as had béene preferred by the court of Rome, and the whole summe of all their reuenues was found to be sixtie thousand marks. On Whitsundaie the king made the earle of Glocester, Gilbert de Clare knight, and 40 other yoong gentlemen that attended vpon him. And perceiuing by the late inquisition what great reuenues the beneficed strangers had and possessed within the realme, and againe considering the excéeding great summes of monie which the court of Rome had recouered of his subiects, he began to detest such couetous dealing. And herevpon a letter was deuised by the whole bodie of the realme, wherein were conteined, the sundrie extortions and manifold exactions of the popes legats, and other of his chapleines, which vnder colour of his authoritie they had vsed. There were appointed also to go with these letters vnto the generall councell, certeine honorable and discréet personages, as Roger Bigod earle of Northfolke, Iohn Fitz Geffrey, William de Cantlow, Philip Basset, and Ralfe Fitz Nicholas, with other, the which presenting the same letters vnto the said assemblie, should declare the gréefe of the whole realme, and require some redresse and easement therein. [Sidenote: A iusts and tornie appointed, and by the kings commandement disappointed.] [Sidenote: Fouke Fitz Warren commandeth the popes Nuncio to auoid the realme.] Moreouer, it chanced that there was a great number of lords, knights, and gentlemen assembled togither at Dunstable and Luiton, to haue kept a martiall iusts, and triumphant tornie, but they had a countercommandement from the king, not to go forward with the same: wherevpon, when they were disappointed of their purpose héerin. Vpon occasion of their being altogither, on the morrow after the feast of Peter & Paule, they sent from them Fouke Fitz Warren, to declare vnto maister Martine the popes Nuncio, as then lodging at the temple in London, in name as it were of all the whole bodie of the realme, that he should immediatlie depart out of the land. Fouke dooing the message somewhat after a rough manner, maister Martine asked him what he was that gaue foorth the said commandement, or whether he spake it of himselfe or from some other? This commandment (saith Fouke) is sent to thée, from all those knights and men of armes which latelie were assembled togither at Dunstable and Luiton. [Sidenote: The kings answer vnto the popes Nuncio.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: _Matth. West._] [Sidenote: The popes Nuncio sent out of the realme.] Maister Martine hearing this, got him to the court, and declaring to the king what message he had receiued, required to vnderstand whether he was priuie to the matter, or that his people tooke it vpon them so rashlie without his authoritie or no? To whome the king answered, that he had not giuen them any authoritie so to command him out of the realme: but indéed (saith he) my barons doo scarselie forbeare to rise against me, bicause I haue mainteined and suffered thy pilling and iniurious polling within this my realme, and I haue had much adoo to staie them from running vpon thée to pull thée in péeces. Maister Martine hearing these words, with a fearefull voice besought the king that he might for the loue of God, and reuerence of the pope, haue frée passage out of the realme: to whome the king in great displeasure answered, The diuell that brought thée in carrie thée out, euen to the pit of hell for me. Howbeit at length, when those that were about the king had pacified him, he appointed one of the marshals of his house, called Robert North or Nores, to conduct him to the sea side, and so he did, but not without great feare, sithens he was afraid of euerie bush, least men should haue risen vpon him and murthered him. Wherevpon, when he came to the pope, he made a gréeuous complaint, both against the king and others. [Sidenote: S. Peters church at Westminster.] [Sidenote: The English ambassadors come to the counsell.] [Sidenote: The English ambassadors threaten the pope, that he should not haue any tribute out of England.] The church of saint Peter at Westminster was inlarged, and newlie repared by the king, speciallie all the east part of it, the old wals being pulled down, and builded vp in more comelie forme. ¶ The generall councell, according to the summons giuen, was holden this yeare at Lions, where it began about midsummer, in which the English ambassadors being arriued, presented to the pope their leters, directed from the whole bodie of the realme of England, requiring a redresse in such things, wherewith (as by the same letters it appeared) the realme found it selfe sore annoied. The pope promised to take aduise therein, but sith the matter was weightie, it required respit. Finallie, when they were earnest in requiring a determinate answer, it was giuen them to vnderstand, that they should not obteine their desires, wherevpon in great displeasure they came awaie, threatening and binding their words with oths, that from thencefoorth they would neuer paie, nor suffer to be paid, anie tribute to the court of Rome, nor permit the reuenues of those churches, whereof they were patrones, to be pulled awaie, by anie prouision of the same court. [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] The pope hearing of these things, passed them ouer patientlie, but he procured the English bishops to set their seales vnto that charter, which king Iohn had made concerning the tribute, against the mind of the archbishop of Canturburie Stephan Langton, who at that time, when king Iohn should seale it, spake sore against it. When king Henrie was informed hereof, he was gréeuouslie offended; and sware in a great chafe, that although the bishops had doone otherwise than they ought, yet would he stand in defense of the liberties of his realme, and would not so long as he had a day to liue, paie anie dutie to the court of Rome, vnder the name of a tribute. In this meane while, the king with a puissant armie inuaded the Welsh rebels, to reduce them to some quiet, whereas with their continuall incursions and other exploits, they had sore harried, vexed, and wasted the lands of the kings subiects. [Sidenote: The king inuades Wales. He buildeth a castell at Gannoke.] Herevpon the king being entred the countrie, inuaded the same, vnto the confines of Snowdon, and there he began to build a strong castell at a place called Gannoke, remaining there about the space of ten wéeks, during the which, the armie suffered great miserie through want of vittels and other prouisions namelie apparell, and other helps to defend themselues from cold, which sore afflicted the souldiers and men of warre, bicause they laie in the field, and winter as then began to approch. Moreouer, they were driuen to kéepe watch and ward verie stronglie, for doubt to be surprised by sudden assaults of the enimies, the which watched vpon occasion euer to doo some mischéefe. [Sidenote: The deceasse of the countesse of Oxford, and of the earle of Deuonshire. Geffrey de March deceaseth.] [Sidenote: The decease of Raimond earle of Prouance.] [Sidenote: The decease of the lord Humfreuile.] The morrow after the Purification of our ladie, Isabell de Boulbec countesse of Oxenford departed this life, and likewise the morrow after saint Valentines day died Baldwine de Riuers earle of Deuonshire and of the Wight. Moreouer, Geffrey de March, a man sometime of great honour and possessions in Ireland, after he had remained long in exile, and suffered great miserie, ended the same by naturall death. Also Raimond earle of Prouance, father to the quéenes of England and France deceassed this yeare, for whome was kept in England a most solemne obsequie. Also in the wéeke after Palmesundaie, died a right noble baron, and warden of the north parts of England, the lord Gilbert Humfreuile, leauing behind him a yoong sonne, the custodie of whome the king forthwith committed to the earle of Leicester, not without the indignation of the earle of Cornewall, who desired the same. [Sidenote: An. Reg. 30.] [Sidenote: The king returneth foorth of Wales.] [Sidenote: Irishmen destroied Anglesey.] [Sidenote: A dearth.] Finallie, after that the king had lien at Gannoke about the fortifieng of the castell there, the space of ten wéekes, and saw the worke now fullie finished, he appointed foorth such as should lie there in garison, and therewith, on the morrow after the feast of Simon and Iude, he raised his field, and returned towards England, leauing the Welshmen in great miserie, and like to starue for want of necessarie food. For the Ile of Anglesey, which is as a nursse to the Welshmen, those Irishmen that came to the kings aid, had vtterlie wasted and destroied. Againe, the king of purpose had consumed all the prouision of corne and vittels which remained in the marshes, so that in Cheshire, and other the parts adioining, there was such dearth, that the people scarse could get sufficient vittels to susteine themselues withall. [Sidenote: Brine pits destroied in Wales.] [Sidenote: The lord Maurice chéefe iustice of Ireland.] [Sidenote: Iohn Fitz Geffrey lord iustice of Ireland.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: The decease of Walter erle Marshall.] The king also gaue foorth commandement, that no prouision of corne or vittels should be conueied vnto the Welshmen, out of any parts, either of England or Ireland, on paine of forfeiting life, lands & goods. Moreouer, he caused the brine pits in Wales to be stopped vp and destroied. The king hauing thus ordered his businesse, returned into England, and shortlie after, taking displeasure with the lord Maurice, chéefe iustice of Ireland, bicause he had not made such spéed as had béene conuenient in bringing the Irishmen to his aid, he discharged him of the office of chéefe iustice, and placed in his roome Iohn Fitz Geffrey. In this thirtith yeare of king Henries reigne, Walter earle Marshall and of Penbroke departed this life: and shortlie after, to wit, thrée daies before Christmasse, his brother Anselme that succéeded him in the inheritance, deceassed also without issue: and so all the fiue sonnes of the great earle William Marshall, being departed this world without heires of their bodies begotten, the whole heritage descended to the sisters, and so was diuided amongst them as coparteners. [Sidenote: 1246.] The king this yeare held his Christmas at London, and had there with him a great number of the nobilitie of his realme, which had béene with him in Wales, that they might be partakers of pastime, mirth and pleasure, as they had béene participants with him in suffering the diseases of heat, cold, and other paines abroad in the fields and high mounteines of Wales, considering with himselfe (as the truth is) that [Sidenote: _Mal. Pal. in suo Cap._] ----vita est quàm proxima letho, Quàm meritò spernenda animum si nulla voluptas Mulceat, atq; leuent solatia nulla laborem. [Sidenote: The pope requireth the French king to make war against England.] [Sidenote: The French king refuseth to gratifie the pope therein.] But that no plesure shuld passe without some staine of gréefe, there was a rumor spred abroad, that the pope conceiued fresh rankor in his stomach against the king and realme of England, for the complaints which had béene exhibited in the councell at Lion by the English orator, for the oppression doone to the church of England: that therevpon, minding now to be reuenged, as was said, he earnestlie mooued the French king to make warre against the Englishmen and to subdue them vnder his dominion: which enterprise the French king vtterlie refused, both for that he and the king of England were coosens, and againe, bicause the king of France had no iust title or right to make claime to England. [Sidenote: The countesse of Prouance dealeth vniustlie with the king of England hir sonne in law.] Further, there was as then a truce betwixt England and France, and before that England could be subdued, much giltlesse bloud should be spilt. Also, the christians in the holie land were sore oppressed, and looked dailie for the arriuall of the king of France, and therefore he would be loth to attempt any new enterprise to hinder his iornie thither. But about the feast of the Epiphanie, other news came out of Prouance, that troubled the king of England worse than the other before, as thus, That the countesse Beatrice his wiues mother had deliuered vp the countie of Prouance into the French kings hands, togither with sixtéene castels, which in right of the quéene ought to haue remained vnto the king of England. For the safe kéeping wherof to his vse, the said countesse Beatrice had receiued yéerelie for the terme of fiue yeares last past, the summe of foure thousand marks of the king of England, and yet now in the deliuering of them, with the residue of the countrie vnto the French king, she neuer made any mention of his right. [Sidenote: Charles the French kings brother is made earle of Prouance.] [Sidenote: The archb. of Canturburie purchaseth grant of the pope to leuie monie.] Shortlie after also, Charles the French kings brother maried the ladie Beatrice, yoongest daughter of earle Raimond, and had with hir the same countie of Prouance, and so was intituled earle thereof, as in the French historie appeareth. Moreouer, the archbishop of Canturburie procured a grant from the pope to recouer for one yeare the first fruits of all cures that chanced to be void within the citie, diocesse, and prouance of Canturburie, by and during the tearme of seauen yeares then next following, till the summe of ten thousand marks were leuied, towards the discharge of the said archbishops debts. The collection of the which ten thousand marks was assigned by the popes bulles vnto the bishop of Hereford, who should also leauie two thousand marks of the reuenues belonging to the church of Canturburie, to be conuerted to the same vse. The king at the first was sore offended herewith, but shortlie after, he was pacified and so the archbishop had his will. [Sidenote: Dauid prince of Wales departeth this life.] [Sidenote: Ap Griffin chosen prince of Wales.] [Sidenote: Iews robbed in Oxenford.] [Sidenote: The Londoners paie a talage.] After this, about the beginning of the next spring, Dauid prince of Wales departed this life, after great pensifenesse of mind, for the destruction and miserie into the which his countrie had béene brought through the present warres with the Englishmen. After his deceasse, the Welshmen elected to succéed in his place, the sonne of Griffin, whom king Henrie had reteined in seruice, and honourablie vsed, euen of a child: but now that he heard that the Welshmen had elected him to their prince, he stale away, and fled into Wales. ¶ On the day of the purification of our ladie, a robberie was committed vpon certeine Iewes at Oxenford, for the which fact, fiue and fortie of the offenders were put in prison, but at the suit of Robert bishop of Lincolne, they were deliuered by the kings commandement, bicause no man impeached them of anie breach of peace, or other crime. The citizens of London also about the beginning of the spring, were compelled to paie a talage, wherewith they found themselues sore aggréeued. [Sidenote: A parlement.] [Sidenote: A statute against hunters.] About the middest of Lent, there was a parlement holden at London, wherein diuerse statutes and ordinances were deuised, as penalties for those that offended in other mens parks and warrens: but the chéefest occasion of assembling this parlement, was to take aduise in matters touching the gréefes wherewith the church of England séemed to be oppressed by the pope and the court of Rome. The pope indéed to quiet the English ambassadors, and to put the king and realme in some good hope of reléefe and deliuerance out of such oppressions, as were opened vnto him in the face of the whole councell, did not onelie promise largelie, but also caused diuerse priuileges to be made and deliuered vnto the said ambassadors verie fauorablie, in the behalfe of their request. But yet the same notwithstanding, sith the breaking vp of the said generall councell, and return to the ambassadors, manie things were doone, to the increasing and continuation of the former gréefes, so that they stood in doubt of further oppressions to follow, rather than in hope of the promised redresse. Herevpon they concluded eftsoones to write vnto the pope, and to the cardinals, both in name of the king, of the bishops and prelats, of the earles, barons, and other estates of the temporaltie, and of the abbats and priors. In the meane time, the pope for a while somewhat relented in the point of bestowing benefices here in England, for when any of his fréends or kinsmen was to be preferred to any benefice within this realme, he would sue to the king for his grant and good will, that such a one might be admitted, and not séeme of himselfe to grant it without the kings consent. [Sidenote: The earle of Sauoy dooth homage to the K. of England.] [Sidenote: Roger Bigod intitled to the office of earle Marshall.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: Harold king of Man.] [Sidenote: Welshmen receiued to the kings peace, vpon their submission.] The earle of Sauoy in the presence of the archbishop of Canturburie, and the bishop of Hereford and others, did homage to the king of England, acknowledging to hold of him certeine fées, as those of Suse, Auillian, S. Maurice de Chablais, and the castell of Bard, which he might well doo, not preiudicing the right of the empire, sith he held nothing of the same empire, except Aigues and the passages. This yeare, the office of the earle Marshall was giuen to Roger Bigod, earle of Northfolke, in right of his wife the countesse, that was eldest daughter vnto the great earle William Marshall. ¶ Moreouer, in this yeare the king holding his Easter at London, honored Harold king of Man with the order of knighthood. About the same time, diuerse noble men of Wales submitted themselues, and were receiued vnto the kings peace. ¶ On saint Markes day was a great frost and snow, which nipped the leaues of trées and hearbes in such extreame wise, that for the more part they withered and faded awaie. [Sidenote: A decrée of the pope.] Furthermore, bicause the pope vnderstood, that diuerse rich beneficed men were of late dead in England intestate, as Robert Hailes the archdeacon of Lincolne, Almerike the archdeacon of Bedford, and Iohn Hotospe archdeacon of Northhampton, he ordeined a decrée, that all such spirituall persons as died intestate, their goods should remaine to the pope. The execution of which decrée he commanded to the friers preachers and minors: but the king would not suffer it to take place, bicause he saw that it should redound to the preiudice of him and his kingdome. Wherein the popes oppression and wrong offered to the dead (by whose deceasse their suruiuing fréends should be benefited) and his cruell couetousnes extending to the verie senseles corpse dooth manifestlie appeare, so that it was verified of him, by waie of comparison, Carniuorax tumidis vt gaudet hyæna sepulchris, Sic instat putidis ille cadaueribus. Also, where the pope required a talage of the clergie, the king flatlie forbad it by his letters inhibitorie. [Sidenote: A proclamation inhibiting monie to be sent to the pope.] In this meane while, William Powis chapleine, and sir Henrie de Lamere knight, which were sent with the second letters, deuised in the late parlement (as ye haue heard) to be preferred vnto the pope and cardinals, returned againe without obteining anie towardlie answer, but rather (as they declared) they found the pope sharp and rough in spéech, saieng, "The king of England which now kicketh against the church, & beginneth to plaie Frederikes part, hath his counsell, & so likewise haue I, which I intend to follow." Other answer they cold not obteine. Againe, the Englishmen that were sutors in the court of Rome, were strangelie vsed, and could not get anie dispatch in their businesse, but were rather put backe as schismatikes, and with rebukes reuiled. Herevpon the king called a parlement at Winchester, to haue the aduise of his lords in this matter, where how soeuer they agréed, proclamation was immediatlie set forth, and published in euerie shire & countie through the realme, that no man should consent to the popes contribution, nor send anie monie out of the realme to his aid. When the pope heard of this, he wrote verie sharplie to the bishops, commanding them on paine of excommunication and suspension, to satisfie his Nuncio remaining at the new temple in London, before the feast of the Assumption of our ladie. And whereas the king minded to haue stood in the matter through threats of his brother the earle of Cornewall, and of certeine prelats, namelie, the bishop of Worcester (who had authoritie as was said to interdict the land) he yéelded and suffered the pope to haue his will, to the great griefe and discomfort of manie. [Sidenote: A sore tempest of haile.] [Sidenote: Isabell the kings mother departeth this life.] [Sidenote: Roger de Quincie earle of Winchester. Iohn lord Neuill departed this life with diuers other.] On S. Margarets daie, there fortuned a maruellous sore tempest of haile, raine, thunder and lightning, which being vniuersall through the realme, did much hurt, & continued the space of 16 houres togither without ceassing. This yéere, sundrie noble personages departed this world, as Isabell the kings mother, wife to the earle of March in Poictou. Also, the countesse of Albemarle, the daughter of Alaine of Galloway, and sister to the countesse of Winchester: wherevpon, a great part of Gallowaie that belonged to hir (for that she died without issue) remained to Roger de Quincie earle of Winchester, that married the eldest sister. Moreouer, Iohn lord Neuill died this yeare, which had béene chiefe forrester of England: but he was not onelie put out of that office for certeine transgressions, but also out of the kings fauor before he died, where (at first) none was more estéemed in the court than he. The bishop of Salisburie, named master Robert de Bingham, died also this yeare, and sir Richard de Argenton knight, a right noble personage, which in the holie land had shewed good proofe of his high valiancie, manhood, & prowesse: likewise sir Henrie Bailioll of the north, and diuerse other. [Sidenote: An. Reg. 31.] [Sidenote: 1247.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: Intollerable exactions.] [Sidenote: Peter de Sauoy earle of Richmond.] In the beginning of the one and thirtith yeare of king Henries reigne, the pope sent into England to haue the third part of one yeares profit of euerie beneficed man that was resident, and of euerie one not resident the one halfe. The bishop of London should haue séene this aid and collection leuied, but it would not be granted. And in a parlement called this yeare on the morrow after the Purification of our ladie, it was ordenied, that new letters sealed with the common seale of the citie of London should be sent by sufficient messengers, from all the estates of the realme, vnto the pope and cardinals, requiring a moderation to be had in such exactions as were intollerable for the realme to beare. Whilest this parlement yet lasted, there came ouer the lord Peter of Sauoy earle of Richmond, bringing with him certein yoong ladies and damsels, to be bestowed in marriage on such yoong lords and gentlemen as were wards to the king. [Sidenote: An earthquake.] [Sidenote: A strange woonder.] [Sidenote: Continuall raine.] On S. Valentines euen, a great earthquake happened here in England, and namelie about London, on the Thames side, with the which manie buildings were ouerthrowen. These earthquakes, the seldomer they chance in England, the more dreadfull the same are, and thought to signifie some great alteration. A litle before this earthquake, the sea had ceassed from ebbing and flowing for the space of thrée moneths togither, by a long tract néere to the English shore, to the great maruell of many, for either it flowed not at all, or else so little that it might not be perceiued. And after the earthquake, there followed such a season of foule weather, that the spring séemed to be changed into winter for scarse was there anie daie without raine, till the feast of the translation of S. Benet. [Sidenote: Acts made to restraine presumptuous authoritie of the spiritualtie.] [Sidenote: The popes collectors.] [Sidenote: A shift by forbearing the name of legat.] There were at this time diuerse ordinances decréed and enacted by waie of prohibition, to restreine the authoritie of spirituall persons, as that no ecclesiasticall iudge should determine in causes of anie temporall man, except touching causes of matrimonie and testaments. They were also prohibited to sue anie actions touching tithes, before anie spirituall iudge, and the writ whereby they were prohibited, was called an Indicauit. Sundrie other such ordinances were deuised, which for bréefenesse we omit. What spéed or answer so euer the messengers had that were sent to Rome with the letters deuised in the late parlement, truth it is, that the pope sent ouer into England such of his agents as gathered no small sums of monie amongst the cleargie, as one Marinus, and an other named Iohannes Anglicus a frier minor, the which were not intituled by the name of legats, to saue the priuileges which the king had, that no legat might come into the realme without his licence. The comming ouer of these men, bicause it was to gather monie, contented not manie mens minds, as well appeared in a parlement called at Oxford about reformation thereof, but yet notwithstanding it was there agréed, that the pope should haue eleuen thousand marks to be leuied amongst them of the spiritualtie, exempt persons and places reserued. [Sidenote: The emperor of Constantinople commeth into England.] [Sidenote: A cardinall c[=o]meth into England, receiuing an oth not to preiudice ye realme.] [Sidenote: The kings halfe brethren came to sée the king.] [Sidenote: The cardinall maketh shift for monie.] About the same time, Baldwine naming himselfe emperour of Constantinople, came againe into England, to procure some new aid of the king, towards the recouerie of his empire, out of the which he was expelled by the Gréekes. ¶ Also, there arriued in England a cardinall that was bishop of Sabine, hauing first receiued an oth, that he came not for anie hurt to the king or his realme, for otherwise being a legat he might not be suffered to enter the land: he came this waie to passe ouer into Norwaie, whither he went to crowne and annoint Hacon king of that realme. There arriued here with him the thrée halfe brethren to the king, Guy de Lucignan, William de Valence, & Athelmare a préest, with their sister Alice. All these were begotten by Hugh Brun earle of March, of quéene Isabell the kings mother, and were therefore ioifullie receiued of the king, with faithfull promise, that he would be to them a beneficiall good brother, which his saiengs with effectuall déeds he after fullie performed. The cardinall hauing saluted the king, tooke leaue of him and came to Lin, where he staied at the point of thrée moneths, making such purchase amongst religious men, that what by procuracies and other shifts, he got as was thought, a foure thousand marks towards his charges, and so departed. Edmund Lacie earle of Lincolne, and Richard de Burgh, as then wards to the king, were married vnto two of those yoong ladies of Prouance, which Peter de Sauoy earle of Richmond brought ouer with him, whereat manie of the English nobilitie grudged. [Sidenote: William de Valence marrieth lord Montch[=e]cies daughter.] [Sidenote: Gaston de Bierne maketh war against the kings lieutenant.] [Sidenote: Préests of the prouince of Canturburie suspended.] [Sidenote: Sir Fouke de Newcastell the kings coosen by his mother departeth this life.] Also, about the thirtéenth of August, the ladie Ione daughter to the lord Guarine de Montchencie, was married vnto William de Valence the kings halfe brother. The same ladie was heire to hir fathers lands, by the death of hir brother the sonne of the said lord Guarine. Sir William de Bueles knight a Norman borne, was made seneshall of Gascoigne about this season, and was sore vexed with wars by Gaston the sonne of the countesse of Bierne and others, which Gaston shewed himselfe verie vnthankefull, for the king had giuen both to him and to his mother (a woman of a monstrous stature) verie large interteinement to serue him in his wars at his last being in that countrie (as before ye haue heard.) The archbishop of Canturburie suspended the préests of his prouince, bicause they would not consent (according to the grant which he had purchased of the pope) that he should haue the first fruits for one yeare, of euerie benefice that chanced to be vacant within the same prouince. The earles of Cornewall and Penbroke got much monie by waie of a collection, towards the reliefe of the warres in the holie land, hauing purchased of the pope certeine buls of indulgence for the same. Sir Fouke de Newcastell a valiant knight, and coosen germane to the king on the mothers side died at London, during the time of the parlement. [Sidenote: Pardon granted by bishops.] On the thirtéenth of October was a portion of the holie bloud of Christ (as it was then supposed) shewed in most reuerent wise in a solemne procession, for the king comming to the church of S. Paule in London, receiued there the same bloud conteined in a christalline glasse, the which he bare vnder a canopie supported with four staues, through the stréets, vnto the abbeie church of Westminster. His armes were also supported by two lords as aids to him all the waie as he went. The masters of the Templers and Hospitallers had sent this relike to the king. To describe the whole course and order of the procession and feast kept that daie, would require a speciall treatise. But this is not to be forgotten, that the same daie the bishop of Norwich preached before the king in commendation of that relike, pronouncing six years and one hundred and sixtéene daies of pardon, granted by the bishops there present, to all that came to reuerence it. [Sidenote: Knights made.] [Sidenote: An. Reg. 32.] [Sidenote: The earle of Winchester besieged in Galloway by his owne tenants.] Also the same daie and in the same church, the king made his halfe brother William de Valence, and diuerse other yoong bachelors, knights. Vnto the said William de Valence, for his further aduancement and maintenance, he gaue the castell of Hertford, and the honor therto belonging, with great treasure: & to the elder brother Guy de Lucignan, which about the same time returned into France, he gaue verie great and honorable gifts, lading his sumpters with plate and treasure of sterling monie, which in those daies in all countries was verie much estéemed. The earle of Winchester remaining in Gallowaie, where he had faire possessions in right of his wife, was besieged of his owne tenants, within a castell wherein he lodged, and being in danger either to die through famine, or else at the discretion of the enimies, he burst forth, and making way with his sword, escaped, and comming to the king of Scots, complained of the iniurie doone to him by his people, wherevpon the king tooke such order, that the rebels were punished, and the earle set in quiet possession of his lands againe. [Sidenote: William earle Ferrers departeth this life.] [Sidenote: 1248.] [Sidenote: The countesse of Prouance commeth into England.] [Sidenote: A parlement.] Toward the latter end of Nouember, William earle Ferrers & of Derbie departed this life, a man of great yeares and long troubled with the gout, a iust man and a peaceable. The same moneth the countesse his wife died also, a woman of yeares, vertue and fame like to hir husband: Thomas Becket the archbishop of Canturburie did minister the priests office at their marriage. Their eldest sonne William succéeded his father in the earledome, a good man and a discréet, but vexed with the gout verie pitifullie, hauing that disease also as it were, by inheritance from his father. There died likewise other of the nobilitie, as Richard de Burgh, and William Fitz Ham. Beatrice the countesse of Prouance mother to the quéene and Thomas de Sauoy late earle of Flanders, came into England to visit the king and quéene and were honorablie receiued, and at their departure backe towards home, richlie rewarded. This yeare in the octaues of the Purification, a parlement was holden at London, where all the nobilitie of the realme in manner was present. There were nine bishops, as the archbishop of Yorke, with the bishops of Winchester, Lincolne, Norwich, Worcester, Chichester, Elie, Rochester and Carlell, with the earles of Cornewall, Leicester, Winchester, Hereford, Northfolke, Oxford, Lincolne, Ferrers, and Warwike, with Peter de Sauoy earle of Richmond, besides lords and barons. The archbishop of Canturburie was at the court of Rome, & the bishop of Duresme was letted by sicknesse. [Sidenote: A subsidie demanded.] [Sidenote: _Polydor._] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: The king charged for his immoderate inriching of strangers.] [Sidenote: The parlem[=e]t proroged.] In this parlement king Henrie earnestlie required a subsidie, in reliefe of the great charges which he had diuerse waies susteined, wherevpon he was streightwaies by the péeres of the realme noted both of couetousnesse, vnthankfulnesse, and breach of promise, bicause he neuer ceassed gathering of monie, without regard had to his people: and where he had promised manie things, as that he would not be burdenous vnto them, and such like; he had performed verie little of those his gaie promises. Manie misdemeanors, and wrongfull dooings, to the gréeuance of his people were opened and laid before him, as cherishing and inriching of strangers, & vsing his prerogatiues too largelie, to the great decaie & hinderance of the common-wealth. The king abashed herewith, and supposing that the confession of his fault should make amends, & aswage the displesure which his Nobles and other had conceiued at his misgouernance, to content them all with one answer, he promised that he would reforme all that was amisse, and so quieting the minds of his barons, the parlement was proroged till the quindene of the natiuitie of S. Iohn Baptist. Wherein his prudence and wisedome was to be commended, but his patience deserueth excéeding great praise, whereby he shewed himselfe princelike-minded, in that he could tollerate the exprobation and casting of his faults in his face, euen by such as should rather haue concealed than disclosed them: wheras it had stood with his roialtie to haue giuen them the counterchecke, and in angrie mood to haue tamed their malapertnese: but that he prouidentlie considered that ----parit ira furorem, Turpia verba furor, verbis ex turpibus exit Rixa, ex hac oritur vulnus, de vulnere lethum: ----patientia virtus, Qua quicúnq; caret, careat probitate necesse est. Qui nil ferre potest, hominum commercia vitet. [Sidenote: An ordinance for monie.] [Sidenote: Inquirie made for washers & clippers of monie.] About the same time, by reason that the sterling monie was generallie so clipped, that the inscription was cut off for the most part euen to the inner circle, a proclamation was set foorth, that no péeces thereof should passe from one to an other, nor be receiued as currant and lawfull monie, except the same were of iust weight and fashion. Herewith also inquirie was made for those that had so defaced it, and sundrie Iewes bankers, and cloth-merchants of Flanders were found giltie. Also, the French king caused serch to be made within his realme for the same offendors, and such as were found giltie, were hanged, so that he was more seuere in punishing those falsifiers of the king of Englands coine, than the king of England was himselfe. [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: The parlem[=e]t dissolued.] [Sidenote: The king driuen to sell his plate.] The parlement began againe at the day appointed, but nothing to accompt of was then concluded, but rather a displeasure kindled betwixt the king and his barons, for that they looked for a reformation in his dooings, and he for monie out of their coffers, which would not be granted, and so that parlement brake vp. The king herevpon for want of monie, was driuen to so hard a shift, that he was constreined to sell his plate and iewels (which the Londoners bought) so much to his hinderance, that diuers péeces (the workemanship whereof was more woorth than the value of the stuffe) were sold notwithstanding after the rate as they weied. [Sidenote: S. Edwards faire at Westminster.] This yeare, the king caused a faire to be kept at Westminster at saint Edwards tide, to indure for fiftéene daies, and to the end that the same should be the more haunted with all manner of people, he commanded by proclamation, that all other faires, as Elie, and such like holden in that season, should not be kept, nor that any wares should be shewed within the citie of London, either in shop or without, but that such as would sell, should come for that time vnto Westminster: which was doone, not without great trouble and paines to the citizens, which had not roome there, but in booths and tents, to their great disquieting and disease, for want of necessarie prouision, being turmoiled too pitifullie in mire and dirt, through occasion of raine that fell in that vnseasonable time of the yeare. The bishop of Elie complained sore of the wrong doone to him by suspending his faire at Elie aforesaid. [Sidenote: Sir Richard Sward deceasseth.] [Sidenote: Death of bishops.] [Sidenote: An eclipse.] [Sidenote: Newcastell burnt by casuall fire.] [Sidenote: The archb. of Cant. curseth.] Sir Richard Sward died this yeare, after he had laien a long time vexed with the palsie, which sir Richard had in his daies béene a right worthie and famous knight. There died also the bishops of Bath and saint Dauids. In the first day of Iune, the moone immediatlie vpon the setting of the sunne, was almost wholie eclipsed, so that little of hir might appeare. The towne of Newcastell vpon Tine was almost whollie consumed with fire, togither with the bridge there. The archbishop of Canturburie remaining still with the pope by his procurator the deane of Beauueis, denounced all them accurssed which went about to impeach him of receiuing the first fruits of benefices that voided, which he had by the popes grant, the king and quéene, with their children, and the kings brother the earle of Cornewall onelie excepted out of that cursse. [Sidenote: An. Reg. 33.] [Sidenote: An erthquake.] [Sidenote: 1249.] There chanced another earthquake foure daies before Christmasse, namelie in the west countrie about Bath and Welles, which shooke and ouerthrew some buildings, speciallie the tops and summets of stéeples, turrets and chimnies were shaken therewith, and not the bases or lower parts. ¶ In Christmasse following, the earle of Leicester returned out of Gascoigne, where he had béene as generall against Gaston de Bierne, whom he had so afflicted and put to the worse, that the same Gaston was glad to sue for an abstinence of warre, where before he had doone much hurt to the kings subiects. The said earle had also with the aid of the kings subiects apprehended an other rebell, one William Berthram de Egremont who had doone much hurt in the parts of Gascoigne, and in the confines there, whome he had left in prison within the castell of the Rioll. [Sidenote: The bishop of Durham resigneth his bishoprike.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: The king practiseth to get monie.] [Sidenote: A nest of théeues brok[=e].] This yeare a little before Candlemas, the bishop of Durham being a man of great yeares, by licence obteined of the pope, resigned his miter, reseruing to himselfe onelie thrée manors, Houeden with the appurtenances, Stocton and Euerington. The king hauing the last yeare receiued of his subiects a deniall of a generall subsidie to be granted him, practised this yeare to get some reléefe at their hands, in calling each of them apart: but first he got two thousand marks of the citie of London, and after fell in hand with the abbats and priors, of whome he got somewhat, though sore against their willes. By occasion of two merchant strangers of Brabant, which chanced to be robbed about the parts of Winchester, whilest the king was there, vpon their importunate suit and complaint, there was a great nest of théeues broken, amongst the which were manie wealthie persons and fréeholders, such as vsed to passe on life and death of their owne companions, to whom they were fauourable inough you may be sure: also, there were some of the kings seruants amongst them. About thirtie of those offendors were apprehended, and put to execution, besides those that escaped, some into sanctuarie, and some into voluntarie exile, running out of and vtterlie forsaking the countrie. [Sidenote: The archbish. of Rone.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: Great raine.] About Easter, the archbishop of Rone came ouer into England, and dooing homage for such reuenues as belonged to his church here within this realme, had the same restored vnto him. In Iune there fell such abundance of raine, speciallie about Abington, that the willow trées, milles, and other houses standing néere to the water side, were borne downe and ouerturned, with one chapell also: and the corne in the field was so beaten to the ground, that bread made thereof after it was ripe, séemed as it had béene made of bran. [Sidenote: The earle of Salisburie & other go into the holie land.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: The spite of the French towards the Englishmen.] About the same time, William de Longespée earle of Salisburie, and Robert de Véer, with other Englishmen, to the number of two hundred knights, hauing taken on them the crosse, went into the holie land, the said earle being their chéefe capteine, and had so prosperous spéed in their iornie, that they arriued safe and sound in the christian armie, where (the French king being chéefe thereof) they were receiued ioifullie. But yet (as Matthew Paris writeth) the pride and disdaine of the Frenchmen was so great, that vpon spite and enuie conceiued at the Englishmens glorie, which bare themselues right worthilie, the Frenchmen vsed the Englishmen nothing fréendlie; & namelie the earle of Arras sticked not to speake manie reprochfull words against the said William de Longespée and his people, whereat they could not but take great indignation. [Sidenote: Peter de Geneure.] [Sidenote: The decease of Roger Fitz Iohn.] [Sidenote: The death of Hugh le Brun.] Also the same season, the earle of Leicester, who had likewise receiued the crosse, deferred his iournie for a time, and sailing into Gascoigne, mightilie there subdued the kings enimies, as Gaston de Bierne, also one Rusteine, and William de Solares. This yeare died Peter de Geneure, a Prouancois borne, whome the king had preferred in marriage vnto the ladie Maud, daughter and heire of Walter Lacie a man of faire possessions in Ireland. Of which marriage there came issue a sonne and a daughter. Also about Whitsuntide died a noble baron of the north parts, named the lord Roger Fitz Iohn, whose sonne and heire being yoong, was giuen in wardship to William de Valence the kings halfe brother. Also this yeare Hugh earle of March, father to the same William de Valence died in Cipres, whilest the French armie wintered there, as then going into the holie land. [Sidenote: An. Reg. 34.] [Sidenote: The archb. of Canturburie inthronized.] [Sidenote: A tornie holden at Brackley, or (as some copies haue) at Barkley.] [Sidenote: 1250.] [Sidenote: Edmond son to Richard earle of Cornwall borne.] [Sidenote: An ambassage sent to the pope.] In the feast of All saints, the archbishop Bonifacius was inthronized at Canturburie, and kept a solemne feast, at the which the king and quéene, with the more part of all the prelats of the land were present. About this season was a great tornie and iusts holden at Brackley, where the earle of Glocester (contrarie to his accustomed maner) fauoured the part of the strangers, whereby they preuailed. In somuch that William de Valence handled one sir William de Odingesselles verie roughlie, the same sir William being a right woorthie knight. About the same time, the countesse of Cornewall at Berkehamstéed was deliuered of a sonne named Edmund. This yeare about the beginning of the spring, the kings brother the earle of Cornewall with other Noble men of the realme, as the earle of Glocester, Henrie Hastings baron, & Roger Thurkebie, went ouer into France in princelie arraie and furniture to visit the pope, who held his court still at the citie of Lions. The bishop of Lincolne also and the bishop of Worcester went thither. For what cause the other went, it was not openlie knowne. But the bishop of Lincolne went thither about such businesse as he had in hand against the Templers, Hospitalers, and such other which had appealed from him to the court of Rome, where he could not bring his purposse to passe, for his aduersaries with monie had purchased the iudges fauour. And so the bishop returned, hauing spent his trauell and monie in vaine. [Sidenote: The king taketh on him the crosse.] [Sidenote: The lord Roger de Monthault.] On the 6 of March being sundaie, the king tooke vpon him the crosse, with his brother de Valence, and a great number of other Noble men, and amongst other the abbat of Burie, to the preiudice (as was thought) of his order. Roger de Monthault, a baron of great honour, meaning verelie to go in that iournie, to recouer monie towards his necessarie furniture, set and sold the most part of his liuings. His woods and possessions, which he had about Couentrie, he sold and let to fée farme vnto the couent there. The like chieuance was made by sundrie noble men, which prepared themselues to go in that iournie. [Sidenote: Gaston de Bierne submiteth himself to the king.] [Sidenote: The earle of Leicester his seruice in Gascoigne.] Vpon the 27 day of Aprill those that had taken on them the crosse, assembled at Bermondsey besides London, to treat of their setting forward, determining that the same should be at Midsummer next: but by the popes letters which the king procured, they were commanded to staie till the king himselfe went. Thus their iournie for that time was disappointed. There was of them and their retinues that meant thus to haue gone, fiue hundreth knights, besides yeomen or demilances and other common souldiers in great numbers. Gaston de Bierne was so driuen to his shifts by the high prowesse of the earle of Leicester, that in the end he was constreined to come ouer into England, and submit himselfe to the king, whom he found at Clarendon, where he gat such mercie at the kings hands, that he was pardoned and restored to his lands. But the earle of Leicester put the king in possession of the castels of Fronsacke, Egremount, and others, and banished Rustein, and William de Solares, with diuerse other stubborne and disloiall rebels, depriuing them of their lands and inheritance in that countrie. [Sidenote: The bishop of Lincolne.] [Sidenote: An inhibition procured by the king of the pope.] The bishop of Lincolne did excommunicat a préest within his diocesse, that was accused of incontinencie. And bicause the same préest continued fortie daies without séeking to be reconciled, the bishop sent to the shiriffe of Rutland, within whose bailiwike the same préest dwelled, to apprehend him as a disobedient and rebellious person: but the shiriffe winked at the matter, and would not execute the bishops commandement, wherevpon the bishop did also excommunicat the shiriffe: whereof the king being informed, tooke displeasure, and sending to the pope, procured an inhibition, that no archbishop nor bishop should compell anie officer belonging to the king, to follow anie suit afore them, for those things that apperteined to the kings iurisdiction, or giue sentence against them for the same. [Sidenote: The earle of Cornwall returneth from the pope.] [Sidenote: The king spareth to bring himselfe out of debt.] The mondaie before the Rogation wéeke, Richard the kings brother earle of Cornewall, returned from the court of Rome, where he had béene about certeine businesse unknown to most men: but whatsoeuer the same was, the pope gaue him most courteous and honorable interteinement for his welcome, and made him great cheare during his abode at Lions, where the popes court as then laie. ¶ About this season, the K. to rid himselfe out of debt, wherein he was indangered to certeine merchants, lessened the charges of his houshold, and kept but a meane port, diminishing euen the accustomed almesse of the poore, and also the great number of tapers and lights in his chappell, so that he was noted with the blame of too much niggardlie sparing and pinching: but in that he discharged his debt to the merchants, he was thought to doo wiselie and charitablie, for that he would not sée them hindered to whom he was so indebted; besides the opinion that he had concerning himselfe, namelie that Profectum faciunt rarum quos debita stringunt. [Sidenote: The Iewes constreined to helpe the king with monie.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: A generall chapter of ye friers preachers.] About the same time also, he caused the Iewes to giue vnto him a great portion of their goods, so that they were greatlie impouerished. There was one of them named Aaron borne in Yorke, the which since the kings last returne out of Gascoigne, had paied to the king the summe of thirtie thousand markes, ouer and besides two hundred marks which he had giuen to the quéene, as the same Aaron protested to Matthew Paris, vpon his faith and truth which he bare to his law. In the Whitsunwéeke was a generall chapter holden of the friers preachers at London in Holborne, where out of sundrie parts of the world were assembled aboue foure hundred of them, and they had meat and drinke found them of almesse, bicause they possessed nothing of their owne. On the first daie the king came into their chapter, that he might be partaker of their praiers, and found them meat and drinke that day, and dined there with them, to doo them the more honour. Another day the quéene likewise fed them, and afterwards the bishop of London, the abbats of Westminster, S. Albon, and Waltham, with others. [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: Strife betwixt the L[=o]doners and the abbat of Westminster.] [Sidenote: William de Kilkennie kéeper of the great seale.] About the same season the citizens of London found themselues gréeued verie sore, for such liberties as the king granted to the abbat of Westminster, to the great hinderance and decaie of the franchises of their citie. The maior and communaltie resisted all that they might against those liberties, and finallie by the good helpe and fauour of the lords, as the earles of Cornewall and Leicester, they obteined their purpose. This yeare maister William de Kilkennie, a sober, faithfull and learned man, was made kéeper of the great seale. ¶ The same yeare vpon inquisition made by Geffrey de Langley, one of the kings councell of transgressors in forrestes and chases, manie that had offended were presented, and most gréeuouslie punished by imprisonment, fines, and excéeding great amercements, and namelie in the north countrie. [Sidenote: Robert de Lexinton departeth this life.] [Sidenote: The lord Henrie Hastings deceaseth.] [Sidenote: Robert Muschampe.] [Sidenote: Athelmarle the kings half brother made bishop of Winchester.] [Sidenote: The earle of Salisburie slaine by the Saracens.] On the ninetéenth of Maie died Robert de Lexinton clearke, the which hauing continued a long time in the office of a iudge, purchased to himselfe great fame, and also most large possessions. But certeine yéeres before his death, bicause he was diseased with the palsie, he gaue ouer that office, and drew himself into a quiet trade of life, so ending his daies in praiers and dooing of almesdéeds. About the feast of S. Margaret died Henrie Hastings a noble baron, and one Robert de Muschampe a man of great renowne in the north parts. Also Walter bishop of Winchester departed this life, about the feast of S. Matthew, in whose place (through the kings earnest suit) his halfe brother Athelmare was promoted to succéed. Moreouer, in the east parts, that valiant erle of Salisburie William de Longespée, with Robert de Véer, and others, was slaine in that vnfortunate battell in the which the Saracens vanquished the christian armie, and tooke Lewes the French king prisoner. [Sidenote: A mightie wind.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: The sea séemeth to burne.] [Sidenote: Ships lost. Hertburne. Winchelsey.] On the first day of October, the moone vpon hir change, appearing excéeding red and swelled, began to shew tokens of the great tempest of wind that followed, which was so huge and mightie, both by land & sea, that the like had not bene lightlie knowne, and sildome or rather neuer heard of by men then aliue. The sea forced contrarie to hir naturall course, flowed twice without ebbing, yéelding such a roring noise, that the same was heard (not without great woonder) a farre distance from the shore. Moreouer, the same sea appeared in the darke of the night to burne, as it had béen on fire, and the waues to striue and fight togither after a maruellous sort, so that the mariners could not deuise how to saue their ships where they laie at anchor, by no cunning nor shift which they could deuise. At Hertburne thrée tall ships perished without recouerie, besides other smaller vessels. At Winchelsey, besides other hurt that was doone in bridges, milles, breakes and banks, there were thrée hundred houses, and some churches drowned with the high rising of the water course. The countrie of Holland beyond the sea, and the marish land in Flanders, susteined inestimable damage, and in manie other places; by reason that riuers beaten backe and repelled (by the rising of the sea) swelled so high that they ouerflowed their chanels, and much hurt was doone in meadowes, bridges, milles, and houses. [Sidenote: An. Reg. 35.] [Sidenote: The practise of the bishops to disappoint the archbi. of Canturburie of his purpose.] About the beginning of the fiue and thirtith yeare of king Henries reigne, the bishops of England, vnderstanding that the archbishop of Canturburie was about to purchase of the pope a grant to gather monie through his whole prouince of the cleargie and people for synods and procuracies, they thought to preuent him, and therefore made a collection euerie one through his owne diocesse, of two pence in euerie marke which any beneficed man might dispend, which money so collected, they ment to imploie about charges in the popes court, for the staie of the archbishops suit, that the grant should not passe. [Sidenote: An erthquake at S. Albons.] [Sidenote: The pope sueth for licence to soiorne at Burdeaux.] [Sidenote: The popes presence more like to impaire than amend things.] About, the same time, to wit, vpon saint Lucies day, there was a great earthquake at S. Albons, and in the parts thereabouts with a noise vnder the ground, as though it had thundred. This was strange and maruellous, bicause the ground there is chalkie and sound, not hollow nor loose, as those places be where earthquakes for the most part happen. Doues, rookes, and other birds that sat vpon houses, and in boughes of trées fearing this strange wonder, flickred vp, and flue to and fro, shewing a token of feare as if a goshauke had béene ouer their heads. The pope required by solemne messengers sent to the king of England, that he might come to the citie of Burdeaux in Gascoigne, & there for a time remaine. The king wist not well what answer to make, for loth he was to denie anie thing that the pope should require and againe he was not willing for sundrie respects, that the pope should come so néere vnto him. Indéed, manie were in doubt, least if he came to Burdeaux, he would also come into England, and rather impaire the state thereof than amend it by his presence, sith by such vsurers and licentious liuers as belonged to him, the realme had alreadie béene sore corrupted. Howsoeuer the matter went there was delaie and such meanes deuised and made, that the pope came not there at that time. [Sidenote: 1251.] [Sidenote: Thunder and lightening.] [Sidenote: Guy de Lusignan brother to the king.] On Christmasse day in the night, great thunder and lightning chanced in Northfolke and Suffolke past measure, in token as was thought of some euill to follow. ¶ The king kept his Christmasse at Winchester, but without any great port or liberalitie, for hospitalitie with him was greatlie laid aside. About this time, Guy de Lusignan the kings halfe brother came ouer into England, after his returne out of the holie land, and was of the king ioifullie receiued. Towards the reléefe of his expenses made in that iournie, the king gaue him fiue hundred pounds which he got of the Iewes. Moreouer, he gaue to his brother Geffrey the custodie of the baron Hastings lands, and so by such liberall and bounteous gifts as he bestowed on them and other strangers, he greatlie incurred the hatred of his naturall people the Englishmen. [Sidenote: The earle of Leicester returneth.] [Sidenote: He had of the king 3000 marks.] [Sidenote: Rutters.] On the day of the Epiphanie, the earle of Leicester came to the king in great hast out of Gascoigne giuing him to vnderstand, that the Gascoignes were reuolted in such number, that, if spéedie succour were not prouided, the whole countrie would fall from the English subiection. Héerevpon the king furnished him with monie, and the earle himselfe got all that he could make of his owne reuenues, and likewise of the Vmfreuilles lands, the heire whereof he had in custodie. He made no long abode, but with all spéed returned, and reteined two hundred Rutters out of the duke of Brabants countries, and with them certeine crosbowes. These were eger souldiers, and bloudie, but yet the Gascoignes prepared themselues to resist them all that they might: howbeit the earle put them still to the worse. Before his last returne from thence, he had raced the castell of Fronsacke flat with the ground, and likewise left desolate the castell of Egremount. [Sidenote: A iustice accused for taking bribes.] About this season, one of the kings iustices named Henrie de Bath fell in the kings displeasure, bicause he was accused that he had not exercised his office vprightlie, but to his owne priuat gaine, and peruerted iustice through bribes, vpon occasion, of a suit mooued betwixt him and one Euerard de Trumpington: he was appealed of falsehood and treason by sir Philip Darcie knight. His wife was of kin to the Bassets and Samfords, the which procured him great fréendship at the hands of the earle of Cornewall, and of Iohn Mansell, and other of the kings councell. But for all that they could doo, he was in great danger to haue lost his life at the parlement holden that yeare, and begun on the sixtéenth day of Februarie. For the king was so sore mooued against him, that he caused proclamation to be made, that if any man had any thing to laie against the said Henrie de Bath, they should come foorth, and their information should be heard. Herevpon diuerse came and presented their complaints, and amongst other, one of his owne fellowes, that was a iustice also, declared that he had suffered an offendor conuict, to escape vnpunished, for a bribe, which he receiued to the preiudice of the king, and the danger of his associats the other iustices, whereas it is required of one put in trust with the administration of lawes, to be vncorrupt and sound in iudgement, according to this true position, Iudicis est recti nec munere nec prece flecti. [Sidenote: Henrie de Bath put to his fine.] The king herewith rose vp in a great fume, and said openlie: "If any man will slea Henrie of Bath, he shall not be impeached for his death: for I doo here planelie declare him acquit and guiltlesse for the same." Herewith diuerse would haue run vpon him to haue murdered him, but that Iohn Mansell staied their outrage, shewing them that the king might well herafter repent the words which he spake thus in his furie, and those that should doo any violence vnto the man, were not like to escape punishment: for both the bishop of London would suerlie accurse them, and other of his fréends would not faile to séeke reuenge by temporall force: and thus was Henrie of Bath in the kings high displeasure for the time. Howbeit at length, through intercession of the earle of Cornewall, and the bishop of London, he was put to his fine, and pardoned. [Sidenote: Athelmare or Odomare bishop of Winchester confirmed.] [Sidenote: A conuocati[=o] of the bishops.] [Sidenote: Six thousand marks giuen to the pope.] About the same time, Athelmare the kings halfe brother was confirmed bishop of Winchester by the pope, although he was thought scarselie sufficient to haue the place, for lacke of learning and ripe yeares. About this time also, the bishops assembling at Dunstable, tooke aduise togither, how to preuent the archbishop of Canturburie, that he should not visit: and in the end they concluded to send their procurator vnto the court of Rome, to trie what purchase might be made there for monie to staie the licence, and not to sticke for the disbursing of foure thousand marks, if néed required. Their procurator did so much in the matter, that he found the pope fauourable vnto his cause, though no determinate answer was giuen of a long time, till at length, to gratifie the archbishop and his kin, as the duke of Sauoy and other, the pope granted him licence to visit, but not generallie: for he might not visit anie parish church, except the person required him thereto. And whereas he had libertie to visit conuentuall churches, yet might he not receiue for procuracies aboue foure marks. For this moderation to be had, the procurator for the bishops gave vnto the pope six thousand marks. [Sidenote: The bishop of Lincolne visiteth abbeies.] [Sidenote: The bishop of Lincolne suspended by the pope.] [Sidenote: Wales subiect to the English lawes.] [Sidenote: Alain lord Zouch.] [Sidenote: Vsurers called Caorsini.] The same yeare the bishop of Lincolne visited the religious houses within his diocesse, to vnderstand what rule was kept amongst them, vsing the matter somewhat strictlie (as they thought:) for he entred into the chambers of the moonks & searched their beds. And comming to the houses of the nuns, he went so néere as to cause their breasts to be tried, that he might vnderstand of their chast liuings. In Lent following he was suspended by the pope, bicause he would not suffer an Italian that had no skill of the English toong to inioy a prebend in his church, which the pope had giuen to the same Italian. In this season, Wales was brought to be subiect vnto the English lawes, and that part which ioineth to Cheshire, was committed to the custodie of Alain lord Zouch, the which gaue, for hauing of the profits thereof to farme, 11 hundred marks, and supplanted lord Iohn Graie which should haue had it for fiue hundred. Certeine vsurers and strangers borne called Caorsini, had bought faire houses at London, and so remained there as inhabitants, occupieng their trade without controlment, for the prelats durst not speake against them, bicause they alleged themselues to be the merchants of the popes highnesse: and the citizens durst not trouble them bicause they were defended by certeine noble men, whose monie (as was said) they occupied, to gaine after the manner of the court of Rome. Howbeit at length they were called before the ciuill magistrate by the kings procurement, and grieuouslie accused for their vnlawfull occupieng of vsurie, and some of them committed to prison, the residue hid themselues out of the way, till at length for a summe of monie they were licenced to be at rest, and so continued for a season. The Iewes reioised hereat, to haue fellowes with them in their miserie. [Sidenote: Controuersie betwixt prelats.] [Sidenote: The earle of Leicester prospereth in Gascoigne.] In this season also there depended a controuersie betwixt the archbishop of Canturburie with the bishop of London and his canons of Paules, so that the said bishop of London & the deane of Paules, and other of the canons were excommunicated. But the bishop perceiuing which way the world went, reconciled himselfe: as for the deane, he stood long in the matter, & at length went himselfe to the pope to vtter his gréefe. This controuersie hanged long betwixt them, and was handled in such wise, that laie men laughed at their dooings, for now and then whom the pope commanded to be absolued, their aduersaries by colour of the popes authoritie would command to be excommunicated. The first daie of Iulie the earle of Leicester in Gascoigne ouercame manie of the kings enimies, and tooke from them a fortresse called Chattellon. [Sidenote: A sore tempest of thunder & lightning.] [Sidenote: Windsore.] [Sidenote: High tides.] On S. Dunstans day there was a maruellous sore tempest of weather, the aire being darkened on euerie side from the foure corners thereof, and withall chanced such a thunder as few the like had béene heard of. First it began as it had béene a great way off, but after it burst out with such terrible crackes as was woonderfull. But one amongst the rest excéeded, and withall such lightening flashed foorth, as put men in great feare and terror. The chimnie of the chamber, wherein the quéene and hir children then were, was beaten downe to dust, and the whole building sore shaken. This was at Windsore, where in the parke, okes were rent in sunder, and turned vp by the roots, and much hurt doone; as milles with the millers in them, shéepfolds with their shepheards, and plowmen, and such as were going by the way were destroied and beaten downe. About the same time the sea on the coasts of England arose with higher tides than the naturall course gaue, by the space of six féet. [Sidenote: The nunrie of Marran founded.] [Sidenote: Paul Peiuer.] [Sidenote: The lord Will. Graie marrieth the wife of Paule Peiuer.] About Michaelmasse quéene Dowager of Scotland, that was daughter to Monsieur de Cousie a Frenchman, came through England to returne into France where she was borne, and was of the king honorablie receiued and welcomed. This yeare the nunrie of Marran not farre from Lin was founded by the ladie Isabell countesse of Arundell. ¶ Also this yeare the lord William de Cantlow departed this life, in whose heritage his sonne also named William succéeded. ¶ Moreouer, Iohn Cobham & Geffrey Spenser (that was a man of great fame, and one of the kings councell) departed this life, Cobham before Easter, and Spenser shortlie after the same feast. Also in the octaues of Pentecost, Paul Peiuer or Peure departed this life, he was one of the kings chéefe councellors, and lord steward of his house. This man at the first was not borne to anie great possessions, but by purchase atteined to great reuenues. The ladie Ione his wife compounded with the king for the marriage of hir son named Paule, after his father, but the lord Iohn Graie paied the monie, being fiue hundred marks, and so discharging hir of that debt, maried hir sonne to one of his daughters at his manor of Eiton, and afterwards at London married the mother of his sonne in law, wherewith the king was sore displeased, for he had giuen the marriage of hir vnto a stranger, one Stephan de Salines, so that the lord Graie was glad to giue to the king the summe of fiftie marks, by way of a fine to haue his good will. [Sidenote: An. Reg. 36.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: The church of Hales dedicated.] [Sidenote: The charges of the building of the church of Hales.] [Sidenote: Tournies and iusts in those daies were handled in more rough manner than is vsed in our time.] In the six and thirtith yéere of king Henries reigne, the church of Hales was dedicated of the foundation of Richard earle of Cornewall. At which dedication he kept a solemne feast on the euen of saint Leonard being Sunday. There was present the king and the quéene, and almost all the Nobilitie of England, both spirituall and temporall. The building of that church, all charges accounted, stood the earle in ten thousand marks, as he himselfe confessed vnto Matthew Paris. ¶ About the same time the earle of Leicester and Guie de Lusignan the kings halfe brother came into England out of France, and landed at Douer, whom the king receiued with great ioy and gladnesse. He gaue to his brother at his returne great rewards, as he was euer accustomed. In the feast of the Conception of our ladie at a iustes holden at Rochester, the strangers were put to the worse, and well beaten by the English batchlers and men of armes, so that the dishonour which they did to the Englishmen at Brakley was now recompensed with interest. For the strangers fléeing to the citie for succour, were met by the way by the English knights seruants and yeomen, which fell vpon them, beat them sore with clubs and staues, and handled them verie euill. Hereof sprang a great hatred betwixt the Englishmen and strangers, which dailie grew and increased more and more, the rather bicause the king had them in so good estimation, and reteined so manie of them within the realme. [Sidenote: 1252.] [Sidenote: The house of Coucie] [Sidenote: The king of Scots did homage to the K. of England.] The king did celebrate the feast of Christmasse at Yorke, whither came Alexander the yoong king of Scots, and was there made knight by the king of England, and on saint Stephans day he married the ladie Margaret, daughter to the king of England, according to the assurance before time concluded. There was a great assemblie of noble personages at that feast. The quéene Dowager of Scotland mother to king Alexander, a French woman of the house of Coucie, had passed the sea, & was present there with a faire companie of lords and gentlemen. The number of knights that were come thither on the king of Englands part were reckoned to be at the point of one thousand. The king of Scots had with him thrée score knights, and a great sort of other gentlemen comparable to knights. The king of Scots did homage to the king of England at that time for the realme of Scotland, and all things were doone with great loue and fauour, although at the beginning some strife was kindled about taking vp of lodgings. [Sidenote: Sir Robert Norice, and sir Stephan Bausan.] [Sidenote: An excéeding great wind.] [Sidenote: The bishop of Rochest. bull.] This assemblie of the princes cost the archbishop verie déerelie, in feasting and banketting them and their traines. At one dinner it was reported he spent at the first course thréescore fat oxen. ¶ At request of the K. of Scots, the K. of England receiued Philip Lunell againe into fauour, or rather Louell (as I take it) one of his councell, against whome he had conceiued displeasure in the yeare last past, for such briberie as he was thoght to be giltie of for shewing fauour to the Iewes. The king of Scots when he should depart, tooke his leaue in most courteous maner, and led with him his new married wife, on whome attended sir Robert Norice knight marshall of the kings house, and sir Stephan Bausan, and also the ladie Mawd, the widowe of the lord William Cantlow, with others. On the octaues of the Epiphanie chanced an excéeding great wind, which did much hurt in diuerse places of the realme. The bishop of Rochester returning fr[=o] the court of Rome, brought with him a bull, authorising him to receiue to his own vse the fift part of the reuenues of all the beneficed men within his diocesse. [Sidenote: The Gascoignes make warre against the English subiects.] [Sidenote: The earle of Leicester dauteth his enimies.] In this meane while the earle of Leicester remaining in England, the Gascoignes made sore warre against such as he had left behind him, and withall gaue information to the king that the earle of Leicester was a traitor, and one that had spoiled the kings subiects: and furthermore by his uniust dealings had giuen to the Gascoignes cause of rebellion. The king to boult out the truth of this matter, sent first his chapleine Henrie Wingham, and afterwards sir Nicholas de Moles de Valence, as commissioners to inquire of the earles dooing, who went and returned without finding any manifest crime in the earles demeanor. The earle was much offended that his innocencie should be thus suspected; but at length being appointed to returne into Gascoigne, he obeied and hauing a great summe of monie, he reteined a power of men of warre, as well Frenchmen as others, and meaning to be reuenged of those that had giuen the information against him, he strengthened himselfe with the aid of the king of Nauarre, and of the earle of Bigorre and other, so that he oppressed his aduersaries on ech hand, and so abated their pride, that if conuenientlie they might, they would haue yéelded themselues to some other prince, and vtterlie haue renounced the K. of England for euer. Whereby it should séeme that he was throughlie reuenged of them euen to their no small smart, not in word and threatning, but with sword and bloud-shedding, defending his innocencie, and manfullie shewing his warlike mind. But yet he had purchased to himselfe a greater portion of praise, if he had not with weapon but with wisedome made a conquest of the enimie: according to this sound counsell of a sage writer; [Sidenote: _Mal. Pal. in suo cap._] Ingenio studeas magè quàm superare furore, Ingenio vires cedunt, prudentia victrix Cuncta domat. [Sidenote: A strange wonder of the new moone.] [Sidenote: A great drought.] On the thirtéenth day of March, the new moone was séene, whereas the prime change by naturall course should not haue béene till the sixtéenth day following; and for the space of fiftéene daies that then next insued, the sunne, the moone, and starres appeared of a red colour. And herewith the whole face of the earth séemed as it had béene shadowed with a thicke mist or smoke, the wind notwithstanding remaining north and northeast. Then began a sore drought, continuing a long time, the which togither with morning frosts, and northerlie winds, destroied the fruits and other growing things, which were blasted in such wise, that although at the first it was a verie forward yeare, and great plentie towards of corne and fruit, yet by the means aforesaid, the same was greatlie hindered and speciallie in the summer season, when the sunnes heat increased, and the drought still continued. [Sidenote: Manie diseases reigned.] [Sidenote: A murren of cattell.] The residue of such fruits as then remained, withered awaie, so that scarse a tenth part was left, and yet there was indifferent store. For if the abundance which the blossomes promised had come forward, the trées had not béene able to haue borne the same. The grasse was so burned vp in pastures and medowes, that if a man tooke vp some of it in his hands, and rubbed the same neuer so little, it streight fell to poulder, and so cattell were readie to starue for lacke of meat. And bicause of the excéeding hot nights, there was such abundance of fleas, flies, and gnats, that people were vexed and brought in case to be wearie of their liues. And herewith chanced manie diseases, as sweats, agues, and other. In the haruest time fell there a great death and murren amongst cattell, and speciallie in Northfolke, in the fens and other parts of the south. This infection was such, that dogs and rauens féeding on the dead carrens, swelled streightwaies and died, so that the people durst eat no béefe, least the flesh happilie might be infected. [Sidenote: The cause of the death of cattell.] Also this was noted not without great woonder, that yoong heifers and bullockes followed the milchkine, & as it had béene calues sucked the same kine. Also appletrées and pearetrées, now after the time of yéelding their ripe fruit, began againe to blossome, as if it had béene in Aprill. The cause of the death of cattell was thought to come hereof. After so great a drought (which had continued by all the space of the moneths of Aprill, Maie, Iune, and Iulie) when there folowed good plentie of raine, the earth began to yéeld hir increase most plentiouslie of all growing things, though not so wholesome nor of such kindlie substance, as in due time and season she is accustomed to bring foorth, and so the cattell which before were hungerstarued, fed now so gréedilie of this new grasse sproong vp in vndue season, that they were suddenlie puffed vp with flesh, and such vnnaturall humors, as bred infections amongst them, whereof they died. [Sidenote: The bishop of Lincolne.] [Sidenote: The Gascoigns meane to complaine of the earle of Leicester.] [Sidenote: The earle disproueth the allegations of his accusers.] The bishop of Lincolne would haue inforced all the beneficed men within his diocesse to be préests, but they purchased a licence from Rome, to remaine at the Vniuersities for certeine yeares, without taking the order of préesthood vpon them. ¶ The king meaning to go (as he pretended) into the holie land, had grant of the pope to leuie a tenth of his subiects both spirituall and temporall. The Gascoignes sore repining at the earle of Leicester his streict gouernance (who handled them more roughlie than they had béene accustomed) sent the archbishop of Burdeaux ouer into England to exhibit a complaint against him in all their names. The earle of Leicester aduertised thereof, followed him, and comming to the court, found the archbishop readie to aduouch the information which he had made against the said earle, chéefelie in that he had sought the destruction of those to whom the earle of Cornewall when he was ruler there, had granted life and peace, and whom sir Henrie Trubleuile, and Waleran the Dutchman, late stewards of Gascoigne, vnder the king, had cherished and mainteined. With manie other things the archbishop charged him, the which the earle wittilie refelled and disprooued, so as he was allowed in his iustification by those that stood by, as the earle of Cornewall and others. [Sidenote: The bishop of Lincolns authoritie to institute vicars in churches impropriate.] The bishop of Lincolne got authoritie of the pope to institute vicarages in churches impropriat to religious men, where no vicars were; and where such were as séemed too slenderlie prouided of sufficient allowance, to augment the same as he thought expedient: which his authoritie he vsed more largelie than stood with the pleasure of religious persons, bicause he shewed great fauour to the vicars. The copie of the letters which the bishop had procured of the pope, authorising him herein, followeth as we find the same in the chronicles of Matthew Paris. The tenor of the Popes grant. Innocentius episcopus, &c. Cùm sicut accepimus in tua ciuitate & diocoesi, nonnulli religiosi & alij collegiati ecclesias perochiales in proprios vsus obtineant, in quibus nimis exiles aut nullæ taxatæ sunt vicariæ; fraternitati tuæ per authoritatem summam mandamus, quòd in ijsdem ecclesijs de ipsarum prouentibus vicarias instituas, & institutas exiles adaugeas vice nostra: prout iuxta consuetudinem patriæ secund[=u] Deum videtur expedire, non obstantibus si prædicti exempti sint, aut aliàs muniti apostolicis priuilegijs siue indulgentijs, per quæ id impediri vel differri possit; & de quibus speciale oporteat in præsentibus fieri mentionem: contradictores per censuras ecclesiasticas apostolica potestate compescendo. Datum Lugduni 7 Octob. pontificatus nostri, An. 8. * * * * * [Sidenote: The earle of Leicester sent eftsoones into Gascoigne.] [Sidenote: Rusteine taken.] [Sidenote: The kings eldest son Edward created duke of Aquitaine.] [Sidenote: Sir Arnold de Monteinie slaine.] The earle of Leicester was eftsoones sent into Gascoigne by the king, who had not cared if he had fallen into his enimies hands, as should appeare. But the earle hired souldiers in France, and comming into Gascoigne, preuailed against his enimies, though in one conflict he was in danger of loosing both life and the honour of the field. But yet through his good hap, Gods fauour, and the valiancie of himselfe and some of his retinue, he got the vpper hand, and put his enimies to flight, taking Rusteine, one of the chéefe ringleaders, whom he caused to be presented to the king. At the same time had the king inuested his son Edward with the duchie of Aquitaine to the offense of the earle of Cornewall, to whom by charter he had before giuen and confirmed the same. In a iusts holden at Walden, sir Arnold de Monteinie a right valiant knight was slaine by sir Roger de Lemborne, for which mischance all the Nobles there assembled made great lamentation, and namelie the said sir Roger: but yet he was suspected to be in blame, bicause the socket of his staffe was polished, & not abated. Hereby it should appeare, that in qualitie of weapon, and not in maner of their running togither, these iusts and tornies in those daies practised differed from the verie order of warre. [Sidenote: The church of Elie dedicated.] [Sidenote: A parlement. The king demandeth the tenths of the spiritualtie.] The 17 of September the cathedrall church of Elie was dedicated, which the bishop of that sée named Hugh had builded of his owne proper costs and charges, togither with the palace there. The king and a great number of the péeres & nobles of the realme both spirituall and temporall were present at this solemne feast, which was kept in most plentifull manner. The 13 day of October, the king held a great feast at London, and had called the states of the realme, then and there to assemble in parlement, wherein he opened to them the popes grant, which he had obteined of the tenths due to the church, to be receiued by him for thrée yeares, towards his charges in his iournie which he meant to make into the holie land. The bishops, and namelie Lincolne, vtterlie refused to be contributarie to his grant. [Sidenote: The bishops refuse to yéeld to the popes grant.] [Sidenote: The king highlie offended with the bishops.] They alledged sundrie reasons for their excuse, as the pouertie of the English church being alreadie made bare, with continuall exactions and oppressions; but chéeflie they excused themselues by the absence of the archbishops of Canturburie and Yorke, of whom the one was beyond the sea, and the other at home in the north parts. All th'other English bishops were there, except Hereford & Chester, which Chester was sicke, and therefore without the consent of those that were absent, and namelie their primat the archbishop of Canturburie, they could not conclude vpon any generall point touching the kings demand. And although the king fretted and stormed against them, yet could he not bring them to his purpose, so that the parlement for that time was dissolued. Yet before their departure from London, he communed with the bishops apart, to sée if he might persuade them to giue him some portion of monie towards his charges: but they had tuned their strings all after one note, discording all from his tenor, so that not a penie could be got of them: wherefore he tooke high displeasure against them, reuiling them in most reprochfull maner, and amongst other he vpbraided his halfe brother (the elect of Winchester) of great vnthankefulnesse, who also amongst the residue stood against him. [Sidenote: The king assaieth to get monie of the lords temporall.] [Sidenote: The Londoners helpe at a pinch.] The king hauing this repulse at the bishops hands, began to fall in talke with the lords of the temporaltie touching the troubles in Gascoigne, where things were in broile by the hard dooings or the earle of Leicester, against whom the Gascoignes ceassed not to make warre still, and of late hauing besieged him in the castell of Mountalbon, droue him to such shift, that to escape the present danger he was glad to set at libertie certeine rebels, which he had before taken captiues. Therefore to reduce that countrie vnto quietnesse, the king determined to go thither himselfe, and to remooue the earle of Leicester out of his office: but when he came to the pith of the matter, which was to desire their aid both of men and monie, the lords would not agrée to grant him anie. And where he sought to burthen the erle of Leicester with misgouerning things against his honour, they excused the same earle, and so the lords also departed in displeasure of the king as well as the bishops. Howbeit the king got of the Londoners by way of princelie praier twentie thousand marks of gold at that time. And to their further gréefe for better meane to be reuenged against the bishop of Elie, he caused the said Londoners to kéepe saint Edwards faire for fiftéene daies togither at Westminster, and in the meane time to kéepe their shops shut through all the citie. Which thing (by reason of the foule weather chancing at that time) was verie gréeuous vnto them, albeit there was such repaire of people thither, that London had not béene fuller to the iudgement of old ancient men neuer at anie time in their daies to their remembrance. [Sidenote: The death of sir Nicholas Samf] [Sidenote: The countesse of Hereford departeth this life.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: The deceasse of the countesse de Lisle de Wincht.] [Sidenote: An. Reg. 37.] [Sidenote: The pope offereth the kingdome of Sicill vnto the earle of Cornewall.] This yeare died sir Nicholas Samford knight, a man of great reputation and valiancie. Also on the twentith day of October, the countesse of Winchester daughter to the earle of Hereford departed this life at Grobie, a manour place belonging to hir husband the earle of Winchester, a little besides Leicester, and was buried at Braklie. The said earle shortlie after married an other wife in hope of issue. For neither by this his last wife, neither by his first that was daughter to the lord Alane de Galowaie had he any children. Also the same yeare, that noble ladie Margaret countesse of Lisle surnamed Riuers, somtime wife to Fouks de Brent, departed out of this world, about the second day of October. In the seauen and thirtith yeare of king Henries reigne, one of the popes notaries called Albert came into England to offer vnto Richard earle of Cornewall the kings brother, the kingdoms of Naples and Sicill. But the earle supposing it not to stand with his honour, to depriue his nephue Henrie, sonne to the emperor Frederike the second, by his wife the empresse Isabell that was sister to the said erle, refused to take that honour vpon him. About the same time, that is to say, on the octaues of saint Martin, Boniface the archbishop of Canturburie arriued in England, comming from the court of Rome, where he had béene long resident. ¶ At the same time there chanced a great occasion of strife betwixt the said archbishop, and the bishop of Winchester. For where maister Eustace de Lin, officiall to the said archbishop had first excommunicated, and after for his contumacie caused to be attached a préest which by authoritie of the elect of Winchester as diocesane there, was entred into possession of an hospitall in Southwarke, as gouernour thereof, by the name of prior, without consent of the officiall: who pretended title as patrone in his maisters name. The said elect of Winchester caused a riotous sort of persons after the maner of warre to séeke reuenge hereof, the which after manie outrages doone, came to Lambeth, and there by violence tooke the said Eustace out of his owne house, and led him to Farnham, where he was kept as prisoner. The archbishop thus serued at his first comming ouer, and taking the same but for a homlie welcome, was maruellouslie offended, and comming to London accompanied with the bishops of Chichester and Hereford, in the church of saint Marie bowe, being reuested in pontificalibus, pronounced all those accurssed, which were authours or fauourers of such a rash and presumptuous déed, and further commanded all the bishops within his prouince, by vertue of their obedience, to denounce the same in their churches euerie sundaie and holie day. The bishop of Winchester on the other part, sent commandement to the deane of Southwarke, to resist the archbishop to his face, and to denounce his cursse to be void, vaine, and of no force, but deuised of a craftie purpose and wicked meaning. The archbishop continuing in his conceiued displeasure, went to Oxenford, and there on the morrow after saint Nicholas day, renewed the same cursse in solemne wise before all the learned men, students, and scholers of the Vniuersitie. [Sidenote: 1253.] [Sidenote: The archb. of Canturburie and the bishop of Winchester made fréends.] [Sidenote: William de Valence, and Iohn de Warren.] [Sidenote: The value of spirituall liuings in strangers hands.] Howbeit, at length the matter was taken vp betwixt them, for the king in his brothers cause, and the quéene for hir vncle the archbishop, tooke some paine to agrée them: and so in the octaues of the Epiphanie they were made fréends, and those absolued that were excommunicated, in which number William de Valence, and Iohn de Warren were thought to be conteined, as those that should be present in vsing the force against the officiall (as before ye haue heard.) By inquirie taken about this time by the diligence of the bishop of Lincolne, it was found that the yéerlie profits and reuenues of spirituall promotions and liuings resting in strangers hands preferred by the popes prouisions, amounted to the summe of thréescore and ten thousand marks, which was more by two third parts, than the kings reuenues belonging to his crowne. [Sidenote: The new moone appeared before hir time.] The earle of Glocester and the lord William de Valence went ouer into France in most triumphant manner, to conclude a marriage betwixt the sonne of the said earle of Glocester, and the daughter of the lord Guie of Engolesme. Which marriage the king had motioned for the affection which he bare towards the aduancement of his linage, by the mothers side. Whereat bicause they were strangers, the English nobilitie somewhat repined. And whereas like lustie yoong gentlemen they attempted a iusts and tornie to shew some proofe of their valiant stomachs, they were well beaten by the Frenchmen, that disdained to sée yoong men so presumptuous, to prouoke old accustomed warriours to the triall of such martiall enterprises. About the beginning of Lent, the new moone was séene foure daies before shée ought to haue appeared by hir due and common course. [Sidenote: Running at the quintine.] [Sidenote: The Londoners called Barons.] The king by a shift got of the Londoners 1000 marks. For as it happened about the same time the youthfull citizens (for an exercise and triall of their actiuitie) had set foorth a game to run at the quintine, and whosoeuer did best, should haue a peacocke which they had prepared for a prise. Certeine of the kings seruants, bicause the court laie then at Westminster, came (as it were in spite of the citizens) to the game, and giuing reprochfull names to the Londoners (which for the dignitie of the citie and ancient priuileges which they ought to haue inioied were called barons) the said Londoners not able to beare so to be misused, fell vpon the kings seruants, and bet them shrewdlie, so that vpon complaint, the king caused the citizens to fine for their rash dooings. Wherein the Londoners followed the counsell of him that in a case of strife, said Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito, Audaces fortuna iuuat. [Sidenote: The earle of Leicester resigneth his gouernment of Gascoigne.] [Sidenote: The Rioll, S. Million, townes in Gascoignes.] [Sidenote: Knights to be made.] Moreouer, about the same time, the king vpon displeasure conceiued against the earle of Leicester, had caused him to resigne his office of the wardenship of Gascoigne: and bicause the earle had it by patent, the king not able to find any iust cause of forfeiture, agréed to paie vnto him for the resignation no small portion of monie. And whereas the Gascoignes had charged the earle with too much streict handling of them, whereby they were occasioned to raise tumults, the matter was now nothing at all amended. For after the earle had resigned, they continued still in rebellion, so that the Rioll with S. Millions and other places were taken by the aduersaries out of the kings hands, and great slaughter of people made in those parts: wherefore the king minding to go thither, caused musters to be taken, and men put in a redinesse according to the custome, that he might vnderstand what number of able men furnished for the warre were to be had. He also tooke order that euerie man that might dispend yéerlie fiftéene pounds in lands should be made knight. [Sidenote: An ordinance against robbers.] [Sidenote: The cause yt mooued the Gascoignes to rebellion.] Moreouer, for the better preseruation of peace and quietnesse amongst his people, he appointed watch to be kept by night in cities and borough townes. And further by the aduise of the Sauoisines, which were about him, he ordeined that if any man chanced to be robbed, or by any meanes damnified by any théefe or robber, he to whom the kéeping of that countrie chéefelie apperteined where the robberie was doone, should competentlie restore the losse: and this was after the usage of Sauoy, but was thought more hard to be obserued here, than in those parts, where are not so manie bypaths and starting corners to shift out of the waie. ¶ The Gascoignes continued in their seditious dooings, and namelie Gaston de Bierne, who renouncing his dutie and obedience to the king of England ioined himselfe to the king of Spaine, through his helpe to be the stronger & more able to annoie the English subiects. The euill intreating vsed towards the Gascoignes which brought hither wines, in that the same were oftentimes taken from them by the kings officers, and other, without readie monie allowed for the sale, gaue occasion to them to grudge and repine against the king. [Sidenote: A parlement.] [Sidenote: A tenth granted of the spiritualtie. Escuage granted.] [Sidenote: _Magna charta._] In the quindene of Easter a parlement began at London, in which all the states being assembled, the matter was mooued for aiding the king with some reléefe of monie towards the iournie which he ment to make into the holie land: and so at length it was agréed that a tenth part of all the reuenues belonging to the church was granted to him for thrée yeares space, and that escuage should be leuied for that yeare, after thrée markes of euerie knights fée, and the king on the other part promised faithfullie to obserue and mainteine the grant of the great charter, and all the articles conteined within the same. For further assurance whereof, on the third day of Maie, in the great hall at Westminster, in the presence and by the assent of the king and the earles of Norfolke, Hereford, Oxford, Warwike, and other Noble men, by the archbishop of Canturburie as primate, and by the bishops of London, Elie, Lincolne, Worcester, Norwich, Hereford, Salisburie, Durham, Excester, Carliell, Bath, Rochester, and S. Dauies, reuested and apparelled in pontificalibus, with tapers, according to the maner, the sentence of excommunication was pronounced against all transgressors of the liberties of the church, and of the ancient liberties and customes of the realme of England, and namelie those which are conteined in the great charter, and in the charter of forrest. [Sidenote: Godlie counsell no doubt.] Whilest the sentence was in reading the king held his hand vpon his breast with glad and chéerefull countenance, and when in the end they threw awaie their extinct and smoking tapers, saieng, "So let them be extinguished and sinke into the pit of hell which run into the dangers of this sentence;" the king said, "So helpe me God, as I shall obserue and kéepe all these things, euen as I am a christian man, as I am a knight, and as I am a king crowned and annointed." But afterward when he through other counsell brake his promise therein, he was aduised by some to giue a portion of that monie which he got at this time, to the Pope, that he might of him be absolued. [Sidenote: The king purposeth to go himselfe into Gascoigne.] Immediatlie after the breaking vp of the parlement, that is to saie, about the first of Iune, the king being earnestlie called vpon by messengers sent from the Gascoignes to prouide in time for the defense and safegard of that countrie, sith otherwise he stood in danger to loose it, with all spéed he resolued to go thither; and therevpon caused summons to be giuen to all those that held of him by knights seruice, to prepare to be at Portesmouth, with horsse and armour in the octaues of the Trinitie. Herewith he made great prouision of ships, the which being assembled, and the armie likewise come togither, through lacke of conuenient wind he was inforced to stay a long time, to his great gréefe and no lesse charges. [Sidenote: He taketh the sea.] [Sidenote: He arriueth at Burdeaux.] [Sidenote: Ambassadors sent into Spaine.] Finallie, on the 6 of August he tooke the sea, leauing his brother the earle of Cornewall, and the quéene in charge with gouernance of the realme, and of his sonne the lord Edward. There departed with him from Portesmouth thrée hundred sailes of great ships, besides a number of other smaller vessels. And thus accompanied, he tooke his course to Gascoigne, & about our ladie day named hir Assumption, he arriued at Burdeaux, where he was of the citizens honorablie receiued. Immediatlie after his arriuall there, he caused the towne of the Rioll to be compassed about with a strong siege, within the which a great number of rebels were inclosed, which valiantlie defended the place in hope of rescue, which Gaston de Bierne that was fled to the king of Spaine had promised to procure for them. But the king of England to preuent them in that point, sent the bishop of Bath, and his trustie chapleine sir Iohn Mansell vnto the said king of Spaine, to conclude fréendship and aliance with him, so that the lord Edward his eldest sonne might marrie the king of Spaine his daughter. [Sidenote: A marriage concluded betwixt the K. of Englands sonne & the K. of Spaines daughter.] [Sidenote: A dearth in the kings campe.] After long treatie, by the diligence of the said ambassadors, a full conclusion followed of their motion. And whereas the king of England had giuen and assigned the dominion of Gascoigne to his said sonne the lord Edward, the king of Spaine in the instrument that conteined the couenants of the marriage, resigned and quite claimed all the right and title within Gascoigne which he had or might haue by the gift of king Henrie the second, and by confirmation of the kings, Richard and Iohn. In this meane while, the townes and castels which the rebels held, were won and deliuered into the kings hands, and herewith followed a great dearth in the kings armie, so that a hen was sold for six pence sterling, a pound weight in bread was at two pence or thrée pence, a gallon of wine at two shillings, a coome of foure bushels of wheat at twentie shillings, so that a knight with his esquire, and coistrell with his two horsses, might scarse be competentlie found for two shillings in siluer. Wherefore the king to relieue his people there with him on that side the sea, sent the prior of Newbourgh with other into England, to cause prouision of vittels and other necessaries to be conueied and brought vnto him into Gascoigne, and so there was a great quantitie of graine and powdred flesh taken vp and sent awaie with all conuenient spéed. [Sidenote: The Gascoigns begin to humble themselues.] The earle of Leicester came to the king, bringing with him out of France where he had remained for a time a faire companie of souldiers and men of warre to the kings aid, and was verie courteouslie receiued. The Gascoignes then perceiued the kings power to increase, and saw how not onelie the castels wherein they trusted to haue refuge were woone and gotten out of their hands by the king of England, but also that their vines (wherein chéeflie consisted their hope of sustentation) were burned vp and destroied, they began to humble themselues, and so by little and little returned to their due obedience, after that the authors of their seditious tumults were either apprehended, or chased out of the countrie. [Sidenote: The bishop of Chichester Richard Witz and Grosted b. of Lincolne depart this life.] [Sidenote: The praise of Grosted.] This yeare died Richard Witz the bishop of Chichester, a man of great vertue and singular knowledge. Also that famous clearke Robert Grosted bishop of Lincolne departed this life on the day of S. Denise in the night, at his manor of Bugdon, whose learning coupled with vertue and vprightnesse of life wan to him perpetuall commendation. He was a manifest blamer of pope and king, a reproouer of prelats, a corrector of moonks, a director of préests, an instructor of clearkes, a susteinor of scholers, a preacher to the people, a persecutor of incontinent liuers, a diligent searcher of the scriptures, a contemnor and a verie mallet of such strangers as sought preferment in this realme by the popes prouisions: in housekéeping liberall, in corporall refection plentifull, and in ministring spirituall food, deuout and godlie affected: in his bishoplike office diligent, reuerend, and neuer wearied: a singular example of a bishop, speciallie in those daies, and at whose life our reformed bishops may fetch light to abandon their darkenesse, and to amend that which is amisse in them, sith [Sidenote: _Leo papa._] Validiora sunt exempla quàm præcepta, Et pleniùs docemur vita quàm verbo. [Sidenote: The L. Wil. Vescie departeth this life.] [Sidenote: Great wet.] [Sidenote: Great drout.] [Sidenote: An. Reg. 38.] [Sidenote: The ladie Katherin the kings daughter borne.] Moreouer there died in Gascoigne, William de Vescie a baron of great fame in the north parts. Also in the spring and summer of this yeare was a great drought, and in the haruest season fell such wet, that great floods by the rising of the riuers, and ouerflowing their banks, did much hurt in sundrie places of the realme. Againe in the later end of haruest about Michaelmasse, there was eftsoones such a drought, that men could get no grinding at the milles, but were constreined to go in some places a daies iournie off, to haue their corne groond. In the eight and thirtith yeare of king Henries reigne, the quéene was deliuered of a daughter which was called Katherin, bicause the same was borne on saint Katherins daie. [Sidenote: Winter thunder.] [Sidenote: 1254.] [Sidenote: The quéenes liberalitie towards the K. A strang sight in the aire.] [Sidenote: Redborne.] [Sidenote: A death of shéepe.] On S. Lucies daie, there fell a great snowe, and withall a winters thunder, for a token of some euill to follow. The king to settle the state of the countrie of Gascoigne in better order, tarried there all the winter, and repared certeine decaied townes and castels. The quéene kept hir Christmasse at London, where she laie in child-bed, and was purified on the euen of the Epiphanie, making a roiall feast, at the which manie great lords were present, as the archbishop of Canturburie, the bishop of Elie, the earls of Cornewall and Glocester, and manie other. She sent ouer at the same time to hir husband for a new yéers gift the summe of fiue hundred marks of hir owne reuenues, towards the maintenance of his warres. On the euen of the Circumcision of our Lord, in the night season, whilest the aire was most cleare and bright with shining starres, the moone being eight daies old, there appeared in the element the perfect forme and likenesse of a mightie great ship, which was first séene of certeine moonks of saint Albons, who remaining at saint Amphibalus, were got vp to behold by the starres, if it were time for them to go to mattens; but perceiuing that strange sight, they called vp such of their acquaintance as lodged néere at hand, to view the same. At length it séemed as the bourds and ioints thereof had gone in sunder, and so it vanished awaie. There followed a maruellous sore later end of a winter, through cold and ouersharpe weather, which continued till the feast of S. Gregorie in March next insuing. Also there chanced the same yeare a great murren and death of shéepe and déere, so that of whole flocks and heards scarse the one halfe escaped. [Sidenote: The king demandeth a subsidie.] Whilest the king remained still in Gascoigne, he sent for his wife quéene Elenor, with his eldest sonne Edward, but bicause he could not make an end of all his businesse that winter, he continued there the summer also. And forsomuch as he stood in néed of monie, to haue some reasonable pretense to demand a subsidie, in the beginning of March, he sent to his brother Richard the earle of Cornewall (which was come ouer before chéefelie for that purpose) certeine instructions, to declare how there was like to follow great warre, by means of Alfonse the tenth of that name king of Castile, who manaced verie shortlie to inuade the confines of Gascoigne perteining to the English dominion, and therefore he required of his faithfull subiects some aid of monie, wherby he might be able to resist his aduersarie the said K. of Castile. Earle Richard did what he could to persuade the people to this paiment, but he cast his net in vaine before the face of the feathered foule, as the old prouerbe saith, Apparens rete fugêre volucria quæq;. For though he set forth the matter to the vttermost in the presence of the Nobles and other estates, yet would they not heare of anie paiment to be made, as those that smelled out the feined fetch and forged tale of the kings néed. For they had intelligence that there was an agréement concluded betwixt him and the king of Spaine. And for the same cause the quéene and the lord Edward were gone ouer, that the king of Spaine might haue a sight of him, as he had required, when the couenants of the marriage were accorded. [Sidenote: The king offended with them that refused to helpe him with monie.] [Sidenote: Edward the kings sonne is sent to the K. of Castile.] The states of the realme were twise assembled at London about the grant of this paiment, but all in vaine; so that they were constreined to passe it ouer with silence, and to surceasse in the matter to their great gréefe, and namelie the earle of Cornewall, who had taken great paines therein. Yet for that he would not returne with emptie hand, he leuied by rigorous means a great summe of the Iewes (of whom a maine multitude inhabited at that season in London) and therewith returning to his brother king Henrie, shewed him how he had sped. The king was not a little offended with them that thus had denied to helpe him with monie, insomuch that vpon euerie light occasion, he was readie to reuenge his displeasure towards them, in taking awaie such grants of priuileges and liberties as before he had made. But now to auoid suspicion of his feined pretense of war betwixt him and king Alfonse, he sent his sonne Edward into Castile vnto the same Alfonse, vnder a color to compound with him for peace, wheras the verie occasion of his going thither, was to purchase him the ladie Elenor to wife, that was sister to the said king Alfonse. [Sidenote: He marrieth the ladie Elenor daughter to K. Alfonse.] [Sidenote: _Ran. Higd._] [Sidenote: _Polydor._] [Sidenote: Edward the kings sonne created prince of Wales, and earle of Chester.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: Edmund the kings yoonger sonne created duke of Lancaster.] At his comming to the court of Spaine, he was verie honorablie receiued of the king, and in the end, vpon conference had of his message, obteined his suit, so that king Alfonse was content to bestow vpon him his daughter in marriage, with the countie of Pontieu in France, which she held in right of hir mother quéene Ione, the second wife of Ferdinando the king of Castile, father vnto this king Alfonse, which Ione was the onelie daughter and heire of Simon earle of Pontieu, and had issue by hir husband the said Ferdinando two sonnes, Ferdinando and Lewes, with one daughter; to wit, the foresaid Elenor, the which by reason hir brethren died yoong, was heire to hir mother. The lord Edward hauing dispatched his businesse according to his desire, returned with a ioifull hart to his father, and declared to him what he had doone. His father most glad thereof, for an augmentation of honour, created him prince of Wales and earle of Chester, and appointed him to be his deputie and generall lieutenant both in Guien and in Ireland, and gaue to him the townes of Bristow, Stamford and Grantham. Hereof came it, that euer after the kings eldest sonne was made immediatlie vpon his birth prince of Wales and earle of Chester. He created also his other sonne named Edmund earle of Lancaster. [Sidenote: Ships of a strange mold.] About this season were certeine ships driuen by force of wind and weather into certeine hauens on the north coasts of England towards Barwike, which ships were of a verie strange forme and fashion, but mightie and strong. The men that were aboord the same ships were of some farre countrie, for their language was vnknowne, and not vnderstandable to any man that could be brought to talke with them. The fraught and balast of the ships was armour and weapon, as habergeons, helmets, speares, bowes, arrowes, crosbowes and darts, with great store of vittels. There laie also without the hauens on the coast diuerse other ships of like forme, mold and fashion. Those that were driuen into the hauens were staied for a time by the bailiffes of the ports. But finallie, when it could not be knowne what they were, nor from whence they came, they were licenced to depart without losse or harme in bodie or goods. [Sidenote: Gaston de Bierne attempteth to take the citie of Baion.] [Sidenote: A mutinie in the English armie.] About Candlemasse, Gaston de Bierne, assembling togither a multitude of the kings enimies, thorough the intelligence of some of the citizens of Baion that fauoured not the king, wrought so, that certeine of his number entred that citie, meaning to haue bereft the king of the dominion thereof. But other of the citizins (namelie those of the meaner sort which fauoured the king) made such resistance, that the enimies which were entred, were apprehended, and diuerse of them suffered punishment, as they had well deserued. After this, there chanced a mutinie in the English armie, bicause the kings brethren and the bishop of Hereford tooke vpon them to punish certeine Welshmen, for that without commission they had béene abrod to spoile within the French confines. Therfore in asmuch as the punishment séemed to excéed the degrée and qualitie of the offense; and againe, for that the earle of Hereford being constable of the host by inheritance ought to haue had the order of all corrections in cases of such offenses, the Englishmen were in mind to haue slaine all the Poictouins in despite of the kings brethren, if the king had not in humble wise sought to haue appeased their furie. [Sidenote: A mightie storme of haile.] [Sidenote: An. Reg. 39.] [Sidenote: The king returneth homewards thorough France.] [Sidenote: The countesse of Cornewall.] The wind continuing this yeare for the space of thrée moneths and od daies northerlie, did greatlie hinder the growth and increase of floures and fruits: and about the first of Iulie there fell such a storme of haile and raine, as the like had not béene séene nor heard of in those daies, breaking downe the tiles and other couerings of houses, with boughes of trées, by the violent aboundance and force of the water and hailestones, which continued aboue the space of an houre powring and beating downe incessantlie. After this, when the king had remained a whole yeare in Guien, he returned homewards through France, and comming vnto Charters, was honorablie there receiued of Lewes the French king, as then latelie returned out of the holie land, and from thence he was roiallie by the same king Lewes brought vnto Paris. The countesse of Cornewall went ouer with a noble traine of lords, gentlemen, and others, to be present at the méeting of hir two sisters, the quéenes of England and France, so that the roialtie of the assemblie on ech part was great. [Sidenote: 1255.] After that king Henrie had continued there for his pleasure certeine daies, he returned to England, landing at Douer in Christmasse wéeke. This iournie into Gascoigne was verie costlie, and to small purpose (as writers haue recorded) for the kings charges amounted to the summe of 27 hundred thousand pounds and aboue, except lands and rents, which he gaue vnaduisedlie to those which little deserued, but rather sought the hinderance both of him and his realme, besides the gift of 30 thousand marks, which he bestowed vpon his halfe brethren by the mothers side, not reckoning the lands nor rents, neither yet the wards nor the horsses, nor iewels which he gaue to them besides, being of price inestimable. Thus in two iournies which he made, the one into Poictou, which countrie he lost; and the other into Gascoigne, which he hardlie preserued; he spent more treasure than a wise chapman would haue giuen for them both if they had béene set on sale (as Matthew Paris writeth) so that it might be verified in him that is meant by the old prouerbe, Qui procul excurrit, sed nil mercatur ibidem, Si via longa fuit, rediens tristatur hic idem. [Sidenote: The pope offereth ye kingdome of Sicill vnto the king of England.] [Sidenote: The K. maketh great shift for monie to send to the pope.] Moreouer to increase the kings vaine charges, so it fell out, that pope Innocent bearing grudge towards Conrade king of Sicill, offered that kingdome (as before is partlie touched) to Richard duke of Cornewall, who refused the offer, as well for other causes, as chieflie for that the pope would not agrée to such conditions as earle Richard thought necessarie for his assurance. Wherevpon the pope granted that kingdome vnto king Henrie, with manie goodlie promises of aid to his furtherance for atteining the possession thereof. King Henrie ioifullie receiued that grant, and called his sonne Edmund openlie by the name of K. of Sicill, and to furnish the pope with monie for the maintenance of his war against Conrade, he got togither all such sums as he could make, as well out of his owne coffers, and out of the excheker, as by borrowing of his brother earle Richard, and likewise what he could scrape from the Iewes, or otherwise extort by the rapine of the iustices itinerants: all which he sent to the pope, who not content herwith (when he began eftsoons to want) wrote againe to the king for more. [Sidenote: He sendeth to the pope a warant to take vp monie.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: The pope is liberall of an others mans pursse.] [Sidenote: Manfred proclaimed king of Sicill.] The king through the instinct of the diuell, to answer the popes auarice, sent him letters patents obligatorie, signed with his roiall seale, by which he might take by way of lone such summes of monie, as would largelie serue his turne of the merchants Italians, willing him not to sticke at the disbursing of treasure, nor at the great quantitie of the interest rising vpon the vsurie, for he would discharge all: and herevnto he bound himselfe vnder paine to forfeit his kingdome and other his heritages. The pope consenting herevnto, accepted this large offer. If he did well herein (saith Matthew Paris) the Lord the iudge of all iudges iudge it, to whom apperteineth the care of all things. To conclude, much monie was spent, for the pope spared not the king of Englands pursse, though little good was doone therewith. At length Conrade died, not without suspicion of poison. The pope being aduertised of his death, reioised greatlie, as he well vttered in plaine words, saieng; "Let vs all that be the children of the Romish church reioise, for now two of our greatest enimies are dispatched out of the waie; the one a spirituall man, that is to saie, Robert bishop of Lincolne; and the other a laie-man, that is Conrade king of Sicill." But yet the pope missed of his purpose, for Manfred the bastard sonne of the emperour Frederike the second, was shortlie after proclaimed king of Sicill, and so the second errour was greater than the first. [Sidenote: A parlement.] [Sidenote: The states refuse to grant a subsidie.] About the quindene of Easter, there was a parlement holden at London, at the which were assembled all the states of the realme in greater number than had béene commonlie séene. This parlement was chéefelie called, to let them vnderstand the kings necessitie of monie for discharging of his debts, and to require them of their aid towards the same. But whereas he requested more than was thought stood with reason, they would not agrée therevnto, but desired that he would confirme, and without all cauillation sweare to obserue the liberties which by the charter he had promised to hold. Moreouer they required, that by the common councell of the realme they might choose to them the chéefe iustice, the chancellour and treasuror, but they were answered plainelie by some of the priuie councell, that this request would at no hand be granted. [Sidenote: The parlem[=e]t adiourned.] [Sidenote: Rob. de Ros & Iohn Bailioll accused.] [Sidenote: Reignold de Bath a physician.] Furthermore, the prelats complained, that they were driuen to paie the tenths which they promised conditionallie, as it were now by constreint and of dutie, to the preiudice of the liberties of the church. The Nobles also found themselues gréeued for the exactions which they saw at hand, but finallie, after manie things had béene debated touching these matters, the parlement was adiourned till Michaelmas next, and euerie man departed to his home, with no great trust of the kings good will towards them, nor anie hartie thanks receiued of him for their paines, as may be thought by that which writers haue recorded. Two Noble men, to whom the custodie and guiding of the king and quéene of Scots was committed, that is to say, Robert de Ros, and Iohn de Bailioll, were accused, for misusing themselues in the trust and charge which they had taken vpon them. King Henrie was the same time at Notingham. The information came foorth by a physician, who was sent from the quéene of England, vnto hir daughter the quéene of Scots, to be about hir for gard of hir health, but bicause the same physician (whose name was Reignold of Bath) perceiued the quéene of Scots to be impaired in health through anguish of mind, by reason of the misdemeanor of such as had the gouernement of hir and hir husband, he sticked not to blame and reprooue them in their dooings, for the which he was poisoned, as some thinke: for the truth was, he shortlie after sickened and died, signifieng vpon his death-bed vnto the quéene of England what he misliked and thought amisse in those that had the dooings about hir daughter and hir husband the Scotish king. [Sidenote: An eclipse.] [Sidenote: The earle of Glocester & Iohn Mansell sent into Scotland.] The moone suffered a maruellous eclipse on the night following the day of S. Margaret in Iulie. It began afore midnight, and continued foure houres. The king in the behalfe of his daughter the quéene of Scots raised a power, and drew northwards, sending before him the earle of Glocester, and Iohn Mansell that was his chapleine and one of his councell. These two so vsed the matter, that they came to Edenburgh, where the king and quéene of Scots then laie in the castell, into the which they entred, and altered the order of the houshold, so as stood with the contentation of the king and quéene, which were in such wise vsed before that time, that they were not suffered to lie togither, nor scarse come to talke togither. [Sidenote: Robert de Ros summoned to appeare.] Robert de Ros was summoned to appeare before the king of England, to answer to such things as might be laid to his charge. At the first he withdrew himselfe, but afterwards he came in, and submitted himselfe to the kings pleasure. Diuerse of the nobles of Scotland tooke it not well, that the earle of Glocester and Iohn Mansell should thus come into the castell of Edenburgh, and order things in the kings house in such sort at their pleasure: wherevpon they assembled a power, and besieged the castell, but at length perceiuing their owne error, they raised their siege and departed. Iohn de Bailioll being accused of the like crime that was laid to the charge of his fellow Robert de Ros, for a péece of monie bought his peace and was pardoned, but the lands of Robert de Ros were seized into the kings hands. Finallie, the king and quéene of England came to an enteruiew with the king of Scots and the quéene their daughter, and setting all things with them in such order as was thought conuenient, they returned towards the south parts. [Sidenote: A shift to get monie of the bishops deuised by the bish. of Hereford.] In the meane season, the bishop of Hereford deuised a shift to helpe the K. with monie, towards the paiments of his debts, by obteining certeine autentike seales of the prelats of this land, wherewith he signed certeine instruments and writings, wherein was expressed, that he had receiued diuerse summes of monie for dispatch of businesse perteining to them and to their churches, of this and that merchant of Florence or Siena, whereby they stood bound for repaiment thereof by the same instruments and writings so made by him their agent in their names. This shift was deuised by the said bishop of Hereford, with licence obteined therevnto of the king, and also of the pope, vnto whome for the same intent the said bishop was sent, with sir Robert Walerane knight. The pope was the sooner persuaded to grant licence for the contriuing of such manner of shift, bicause the monie should go to the discharging of the kings debts, into the which he was run, by bearing the charges of the warres against the king of Sicill. [Sidenote: A parlement.] [Sidenote: Richard earle of Cornewall standeth against his brother for the grant of a subsidie.] [Sidenote: The liberties of London seized into the kings hands.] About the feast of saint Edward, the parlement began againe at London, in which the states treated of a subsidie to be granted to the king, but they could not conclude thereof, neither would Richard earle of Cornewall disburse anie monie at that season to his brother the king, bicause he allowed not the maner of laieng it out for the warres against Manfred, being taken in hand without his consent. The same yeare, the king by the procurement of his brother Richard earle of Cornewall, had seized the liberties of the citie of London into his owne hands, vnder colour that the maior had not doone his dutie in the iust punishing of bakers for breaking of the assises of their bread. Herevpon, where the maior and communaltie of the citie had by the kings grant the citie to farme, with diuerse customes and offices, at a certeine rate and stinted summe of monie; now the king set officers therein at his pleasure, which were accomptable to him for all the reuenues and profits that grew within the citie. [Sidenote: The shiriffes of London imprisoned.] But whereas the malice which the earle of Cornewall bare to the citie, was, for that they would not exchange with him certeine grounds that belonged to their communaltie, they were glad to agrée with him, and paie vnto him six hundred marks. After which agréement concluded, about the nintéenth daie of Nouember, they were shortlie after restored to their liberties. This chanced before the kings comming ouer, who at his comming to London, lodged in the tower, and vpon new displeasure conceiued against the citie for the escape of a prisoner (being a clearke conuict) out of Newgate, which had killed a prior, that was of aliance to the king, as cousine to the quéene, the king sent for the maior and the shirifs to come before him to answer the matter. The maior laid the fault from him to the shiriffes, for so much as to them belonged the kéeping of all the prisoners within the citie: and so the maior returned home againe, but the shiriffes remained there as prisoners by the space of a whole moneth or more, and yet they excused themselues, in that the fault chéefelie rested in the bishops officers: for whereas the prisoner was vnder his custodie, they at his request had granted him licence to imprison the offender within their ward of Newgate, but so as his officers were charged to sée him safe kept. The king notwithstanding demanded of the citie thrée thousand marks for a fine. [Sidenote: The king demandeth monie of the Iewes.] [Sidenote: The kings debt 300000 marks.] [Sidenote: The earle of Cornewall lendeth the king monie.] Moreouer, whereas he stood in great néed of monie, he required by way of a tallage eight thousand marks of the Iewes, charging them on paine of hanging, not to deferre that paiment. The Iewes sore impouerished with gréeuous and often paiments excused themselues by the popes vsurers, and reprooued plainelie the kings excessiue taking of monie, as well of his christian subiects as of them. The king on the other side, to let it be knowne that he taxed not his people without iust occasion, and vpon necessitie that droue him thereto, confessed openlie, that he was indebted by his bonds obligatorie, in thrée hundred thousand marks: and againe, the yearelie reuenues assigned to his sonne prince Edward, arose to the summe of fiftéene thousand marks and aboue, where the reuenues that belonged vnto the crowne were greatlie diminished, in such wise, that without the aid of his subiects, he should neuer be able to come out of debt. To be short, when he had fléeced the Iewes to the quicke, he set them to farme vnto his brother earle Richard, that he might pull off skin and all; but yet considering their pouertie, he spared them, and neuerthelesse, to relieue his brothers necessitie, vpon a pawne he lent him an huge masse of monie. These shifts did the king vse from time to time, not caring with what exactions and impositions he burthened the inhabitants of his land, whereby he procured vnto himselfe the name of an oppressor and couetous scraper. But what woonder is it in a king sith [Sidenote: _Hor. lib. 2. serm._] Maxima pars hominum morbo iactatur eodem? [Sidenote: An elephant sent to the K.] [Sidenote: An ewer of pearle, peraduenture an agat.] [Sidenote: Strange wonders. High tides. A comet.] [Sidenote: The decease of Walter archbishop of Yorke.] About the same time, Lewes the French king sent vnto king Henrie for a present an elephant, a beast most strange and woonderfull to the English people, sith most seldome or neuer any of that kind had béene séene in England before that time. The French quéene also sent for a present vnto the king of England an ewer of pearle like to a peacocke in forme and fashion, garnished most richlie with gold, siluer, and saphires to furnish him foorth in all points of fine and cunning workemanship, to the verie resemblance of a liuing peacocke. ¶ Manie woonders chanced about this time. The sea rose with most high tides, riuers were so filled with abundance of water, by reason of the great continuall raine, that maruellous flouds followed therevpon. A comet also appeared, and manie high buildings were striken by force of tempests. The death of Walter archbishop of Yorke followed these prodigious wonders, who had gouerned that sée the space of fortie yeares. After him succéeded one Seuall the 34 archbishop of that citie. [Sidenote: Elianor the wife of prince Edward c[=o]meth to the citie.] [Sidenote: The liberties of the citie restored to the Londoners.] About the feast of S. Etheldred, the ladie Elianor wife of prince Edward the kings son, came to London, where she was honorablie receiued of the citizens, & conueied through the citie to S. Iones without Smithfield, and there lodged for a season, and yer long she remooued to the Sauoy. It was not long after, that the king seized the liberties of the citie of London into his hands, for certeine monie which the quéene claimed as due to hir of a certeine right to be paid by the citizens, so that about the feast of S. Martine in Nouember, they gaue vnto the king foure hundred marks, and then had their liberties to them againe restored, and the kings vnder-treasuror discharged, which for the time was made custos or kéeper of the citie. [Sidenote: A legat from the pope named Ruscand a Gascoigne.] [Sidenote: Tenths gathered for the pope.] [Sidenote: The crosse preached against Manfred.] About the same time came another legat from the pope, namelie, one Ruscand a Gascoigne borne, to whom, with the archb. of Canturburie, and the bishop of Hereford, the pope had granted authoritie to collect and gather the tenths of the spiritualtie within England, Scotland, and Ireland, to the vse of the pope and the king, notwithstanding all priuiledges, for what cause or vnder what forme of words so euer the same had passed. This Ruscand also absolued the king of his vow made to go into the holie land, to the end he might go against Manfred king of Sicill. He also preached the crosse against the same Manfred, promising all those remission of their sins which should go to war against Manfred, as well as if they should go into the holie land, to warre against Gods enimies there, whereat faithfull men much maruelled, that he should promise as great méed for the shedding of christian bloud, as the bloud of infidels. [Sidenote: A councell called at London by the legat.] The craftie and slie fetches which were vsed in this season by this Ruscand, the bishop of Hereford, and other their complices, to get monie of the prelats and gouernors of monasteries within this realme, were wonderfull, & verie gréeuous to those that felt themselues oppressed therewith; and namelie, for the debt which the said bishop of Hereford had charged them with, they being not priuie to the receipt, nor hauing any benefit thereby. Ruscand called a councell at London, & propounded great causes why the prelats ought to aid the pope, and so therevpon demanded great summes of monie. Amongst other summes, he demanded six hundred marks of the house of S. Albons. [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: The churchmen being pinched by their pursses, fret and fume against the popes procéedings in that behalfe.] [Sidenote: The bishops would rather become martyrs, than lose their monie.] To conclude, his demands were estéemed vnreasonable, so that the bishops and abbats were in a maruellous perplexitie, perceiuing into what miserable state by reason of immoderate exactions the church of England was brought. The bishop of London sticked not to saie, that he would rather lose his head, than consent that the church should be brought to such seruitude as the legat went about to inforce. And the bishop of Worcester openlie protested, that he would sooner suffer himselfe to be hanged, than to sée the church subiect to such oppression by their examples. Other also taking a boldnesse vnto them, affirmed, that they would follow the steps of Thomas sometime archbishop of Canturburie, which for the liberties of the church suffered himselfe to haue his braines cut out of his head. Yet were those prelats euill troubled, for the king was against them on the one side, and the pope gaping after monie was become their vtter enimie on the other: neither were the Noble men much mooued with pitie towards the church their mother (as the terme then went) now thus in miserie. [Sidenote: Ruscand c[=o]plaineth to the king of the frowardnesse of the prelats.] [Sidenote: The bishop of London his saiengs.] Finallie, the prelats appealed from Ruscand, vnto the popes presence, and would not obeie the wilfull and violent oppressions of the same Ruscand, so that much adoo there was, and a great complaint made to the king by Ruscand, of the stubborne disobedience of the prelats, and namelie of the bishop of London. The king was in a great chafe with him, and threatned that he would cause the pope to punish him according to that he well deserued: but the bishop answered thereto; "Let the pope and king (saith he) which are stronger than I am, take from me my bishoprike, which by law yet they cannot doo: let them take awaie my miter, yet an helmet shall remaine." [Sidenote: An. Reg. 40.] [Sidenote: Edmund the kings sonne inuested king of Sicill and Naples.] [Sidenote: _Chro. Dun._] This yeare after S. Lukes daie, the king assembled a great number of the nobilitie at London, and thither came the bishop of Bologna la grasse from the pope, bringing with him a ring, with the which he inuested Edmund the kings sonne king of Sicill and Naples. About the same time, the burgesse of Darbie obteined of the king for a summe of monie to haue the iustices itinerants to hold their assises at Darbie for the countie of Darbie, and likewise the shiriffes to kéepe their tournies there, and not at Nothingham, as before they had béene accustomed for both the shires. But now to returne to the bishops. [Sidenote: The councell proroged.] [Sidenote: The K. lieth in wait for mens goods.] In the meane time, the bishop of Hereford and Ruscand sought to set variance and discord amongst the English prelats, whereby being diuided in parts, and not consenting togither, they should be lesse able to giue true information to the pope, how the verie truth rested. But finallie, bicause the archbishop of Canturburie was in the parts beyond the sea, and for that also the sée of Yorke was vacant, and diuerse bishops were absent, the councell was proroged till the feast of S. Hilarie, and so they departed euerie man to his home in a maruellous doubt what waie were best for them to take, sith they saw themselues in great distresse, if Ruscand did suspend or excommunicate any of them either iustlie or otherwise. For sure they were, that the king as a lion lieng in wait whome he might deuoure (to get monie) after fortie daies were past, if they submitted not themselues, would spoile them of all their goods as forfeited. So that the pope and the king séemed as though the shéepheard and woolfe had béene confederate togither to the destruction of the poore flocke of shéepe, threatning euerie mans vndooing, to their owne inriching: and not ceasing, till with fulnesse they were forced to fall from the flesh, much like bloudsucking horsléeches of whose nature it is notablie noted, that Non missura priùs carnem, quàm plena cruoris, Quando hæret teneræ mollis hirudo cuti: Sic ignara dolis emungitur ære caterua, Imbelles populi quid nisi præda manent? [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: The Lord Gray forsaketh the court.] Thus by reason of couetous gréedinesse to get monie for the furnishing of the popes warres against Manfred king of Sicill, both the pope and the king of England ran in slander and hatred of the English nation, namelie, of the spiritualtie, so that such as recorded the acts and dooings of that time, spared not to make manifest to the world by their writings, how iniuriouslie they were handled, blaming the practises of the court of Rome in plaine terms, and affirming that the pope had power in those things which worke to edification, and not to destruction. About this season, Iohn lord Grey, being one of the chéefe councellors to the king, a right honourable knight, and for his good demeanor and high valiancie greatly commended of all, withdrew himselfe from the court, either by reason of age that desireth rest, or rather (as was thought) for that he doubted to beare blame for such errors as were dailie committed by them that bare rule about the king, which could not but bring the authors into great infamie at length, and therefore was he loth to be partaker with them of such slander as might haue redounded to him also, if he had still continued and taried amongst them. [Sidenote: Iewes accused & executed for crucifieng a child at Lincolne named Hugh.] [Sidenote: Eightéene Iews hanged.] Also, vpon the two and twentith of Nouember, were brought vnto Westminster a hundred and two Iews from Lincolne, that were accused for the crucifieng of a child in the last summer, in despight of Christes religion. They were vpon their examination sent to the towre. The child which they had so crucified was named Hugh, about an eight yeares of age. They kept him ten daies after they got him into their hands, sending in the meane time vnto diuerse other places of the realme, for other of their nation to be present at the crucifieng of him. The murther came out, by the diligent search made by the mother of the child, who found his bodie in a well, on the backe side of the Iews house, where he was crucified: for she had learned, that hir sonne was lastlie séene plaieng with certeine Iews children of like age to him, before the dore of the same Iew. The Iew that was owner of the house, was apprehended, and being brought before sir Iohn de Lexinton, vpon promise of pardon, confessed the whole matter. For they vsed yearelie (if they could come by their preie) to crucifie one christian child or other. The king vpon knowledge had hereof, would not pardon this Iew that had so confessed the matter, but caused him to be executed at Lincolne, who comming to the place where he should die, opened more matter concerning such as were of counsell and present at the crucifieng of the poore innocent. Wherevpon at length also eightéene of them that were so brought to London, were conuinced, adiudged and hanged, the other remained long in prison. [Sidenote: 1256.] [Sidenote: The prolocutors answer to the popes legat.] [Sidenote: The prelats appeale.] [Sidenote: Marke the cause of martyrdome.] When the feast of saint Hilarie was come, the cleargie met againe at London, and fell to intreat of their former businesse, at what time one maister Leonard aliàs Reignold that was chosen prolocutor for all the prelats, amongst other answers made to the legat Ruscand, when the same Ruscand alledged that all churches were the popes; "Truth it is," said Leonard, "to defend, and not to vse and appropriate them to serue his owne turne; as we saie, that all is the princes, meaning that all is his to defend, and not to spoile: and such was the intent of the founders." Ruscand sore offended herewith, said, he would that euerie man should speake afterwards for himselfe, that as well the pope as the king might vnderstand what euerie man said in their businesse and matters. The prelats were striken in a dumpe herewith, for they perceiued how the matter went: they appealed yet against the demands that were made by Ruscand, who would not change a word of that he had written, in which was conteined, that the prelats had acknowledged themselues to haue borrowed of the merchant strangers, no small summes of monie, and the same to be conuerted to the vse of their churches, which was most vntrue as all men well vnderstood: wherevpon the prelats affirmed, and not without reasonable cause, that there was a greater occasion in this cause of martyrdome, than in that of Thomas sometime archbishop of Canturburie. [Sidenote: The deane of saint Paules sent to Rome on the behalfe of the prelats.] Ruscand at length, perceiuing their manner, became somewhat more mild, and promised that he would talke with the pope of this matter. But first there was sent to Rome the deane of Pauls in London, and certeine others, as attornies or agents for the whole cleargie of England. These sped so in their suit, that the pope tooke order that if the prelats paid the monie by force of the contriued writings, whereby they stood bound for them, their houses, and churches; then, to ease their burthen, they might reteine in their hands such parcell of tenths as they ought to paie to the king, for furnishing of his wars against the Saracens, amounting to the summe which they should be constreined to paie for the bonds made to the merchants, by the bishop of Hereford (as before is recited.) [Sidenote: Mens deuotion towards the pope waxeth cold.] In this season the deuotion, which manie had conceiued of the pope and the church of Rome, began to wax cold, reputing the vertue which he shewed at his entring into the papasie, to be rather a colourable hypocrisie, than otherwise, sith his procéedings answered not to his good beginnings: for as it was manifest, where sutors brought their complaints into the court of Rome, such sped best as gaue most bribes, and the two priors of Winchester, the one expelled, and the other got in by intrusion, could well witnesse the same: and all the world knoweth that the viperous generation of Romanists, reckoning from the ringleader to the simplest shaueling, haue made gaine the scope of their holinesse, and as it is truelie said, [Sidenote: _Antith. de precl. Christi, &c._] Quæ libet arripiunt, lucri bonus est odor ex re Qualibet, imponunt, hos scelus omne iuuat: Accipiunt quoduis, si non sonat ære crumena, Siue siligo adsit, sordida siue pecus, &c. [Sidenote: The b. of Salisburie departeth this life.] [Sidenote: Suit of court when it was first receiued for a law.] This yeare died William of Yorke bishop of Salisburie, which had béene brought vp in the court, euen from his youth. This bishop first caused that custome to be receiued for a law, whereby the tenants of euerie lordship are bound to owe their suit to the lords court, of whom they hold their tenements. [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: Magnus king of Man.] In the feast of Easter this yeare, the king adorned Magnus king of Man, with the order of knighthood, and bestowed vpon him great gifts and honors. ¶ The countesse of Warren Auesia or Atesia (as some bookes haue) sister to the king by his mother, departed this life in hir flourishing youth, vnto the great griefe of hir brother, but speciallie of hir husband Iohn earle of Waren that loued hir intierlie. ¶ About the midst of Maie, the Iewes that were in the towre, and in other prisons for the murther of the child at Lincolne, and had béene indited by an inquest vpon the confession of him that had suffered at Lincolne, were now dismissed and set at libertie, to the number of foure and thirtie of them. ¶ In Whitsuntide was holden a great iusts at Blie, where the lord Edward the kings eldest sonne first began to shew proofe of his chiualrie. There were diuerse ouerthrowen and hurt, and amongst other William de Longspée was so brused, that he could neuer after recouer his former strength. [Sidenote: A proclamation for knighthood.] [Sidenote: A sore tempest of wind and raine.] The king caused a proclamation to be set foorth, that all such as might dispend fiftéene pounds in lands, should receiue the order of knighthood; and those that would not or could not, should paie their fines. This yeare, thrée daies after the feast of S. Ciricus, a maruellous sore tempest of wind, raine, haile, and thunder chanced, that did excéeding much hurt. Mill-whéeles by the violence of waters were carried away, and the wind-milles were no lesse tormented with the rage of wind. Arches of bridges, stackes of haie, houses that stood by water sides, and children in cradels were borne awaie, that both woonderfull and no lesse pitifull it was to sée. At Bedford the riuer of Ouse bare downe six houses togither, and did vnspeakeable hurt thereabouts. [Sidenote: The king of Scots commeth into England.] [Sidenote: Iohn Mansell feasted the two kings.] Alexander the third king of Scots with his wife quéene Margaret, came about the beginning of August into England, and found the king at his manor of Woodstoke, where he solaced him a season, and had the lands of the earle of Huntington restored vnto him, which his grandfather king William in his time lost and forfeited. Here he did homage to king Henrie. Upon the daie of the decollation of S. Iohn, the two kings with their quéenes came to London, where they were honorablie receiued, and so conueied vnto Westminster. On the day of S. Augustine the bishop, being the eight and twentith of August, Iohn Mansell the kings chapleine besought the two kings, and other states, to dine with him on the morrow following, which they granted, and so he made a maruellous great dinner. There were seuen hundred messes serued vp, but the multitude of ghests was such, that scarse the same sufficed; his house was not able to receiue them all, and therefore he caused tents and booths to be set vp for them. The like dinner had not béene made by any chapleine before that time. All those that came were worthilie receiued, feasted and interteined, in such sort, as euerie man was satisfied. [Sidenote: Orders deuised for the appearance of shiriffes.] [Sidenote: The shiriffes fined.] [Sidenote: The king of Scots returneth into his countrie.] About foure daies before the feast of S. Edward, K. Henrie came into the excheker himselfe, & there deuised order for the appearance of shiriffes, and bringing in of their accompts. At the same time also, there was fiue marks set on euerie shiriffes head for a fine, bicause they had not distreined euerie person that might dispend 15 pounds land, to receiue the order of knighthood, as was to the same shiriffes commanded. The king of Scots, after he had remained a while with the king of England, returned backe into Scotland, and left his wife behind with hir mother till she should be brought to bed, for she was as then great with child. [Sidenote: An. Reg. 41.] [Sidenote: Richard earle of Cornewall elected emperour.] [Sidenote: 1257.] [Sidenote: The great treasure of Richard king of Almaine.] In the 41 yeare of the reigne of king Henrie, his brother Richard earle of Cornewall was elected emperour, by one part of the Coruosters: and diuerse lords of Almaine comming ouer into this land (vpon the daie of the innocents in Christmasse) presented vnto him letters from the archbishop of Colen, and other great lords of Almaine, testifieng their consents in the choosing of him to be emperour, and withall, that it might stand with his pleasure to accept that honor. Finallie, vpon good deliberation had in the matter, he consented therevnto: whervpon the lords that came with the message, being right glad of their answer, returned with all spéed to signifie the same vnto those from whom they had béene sent. The treasure of this earle Richard now elected king of Almaine, was estéemed to amount vnto such a summe, that he might dispend euerie day a hundred marks, for the terme of ten yeares togither, not reckoning at all the reuenues which dailie accrewed to him of his rents in Almaine and England. [Sidenote: The Welshmen choose them a gouernour, and rebell against the king.] In this meane time the vnquiet Welshmen, after the death of their prince Dauid, chose in his stéed one Leolin, that was son to the same Griffin that brake his necke as he would haue escaped out of the towre of London; and herewith they began a new rebellion, either driuing out such Englishmen as laie there in garisons within the castels and fortresses, or else entring into the same by some traitorous practise, they slue those which they found within them, to the great displeasure of their souereigne lord Edward the kings eldest sonne, who coueting to be reuenged of their rebellious enterprises, could not bring his purpose to passe, by reason of the vnseasonable weather and continuall raine which fell that winter, so raising the waters & setting the marishes on flouds, that he could not passe with his armie. [Sidenote: The king wanteth monie.] [Sidenote: Sir Geffrey de Langlies hard dealing, cause of the Welshmens rebellion.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: The number of the Welsh enemies.] [Sidenote: The Welshmen diuide their power into two parts.] Moreouer, his father the king wanted monie and treasure to furnish him withall, howbeit prince Edward borrowed of his vncle erle Richard four thousand marks towards the maintenance of that war. The rebellion of the Welshmen speciallie rose by the hard dealing of sir Geffrey de Langlie knight, the kings collector amongst them, who handled them so streightlie, that in defense of their countrie, lawes, and liberties (as they pretended) they put on armour. They tooke and destroied the lands and possessions which were great and large, of Griffin Brunet, being fled for safegard of his life vnto the king of England. There were of those Welsh rebels at the point of twentie thousand men, and of them ten thousand were horssemen, the which perceiuing the season to make for their purpose, defended themselues so manfullie, that they droue backe prince Edward and his armie, & so continuing the wars, did much hurt to the English marishes. Their power so increased, that at length they diuided the same in two equall parts, the better to recouer vittels, and in either armie there were estéemed thirtie thousand armed men, after the maner of their countrie, of the which there were fiue hundred men of armes in either host, with barded horsses all couered in iron. Thus being of such puissance, they did much mischéefe to the Englishmen that inhabited on the marshes, neither were the lords marchers able to resist them, although the earle of Glocester aided the same lords all that he might. [Sidenote: _Nic. Treuet._] [Sidenote: Stephan Bauzan, aliàs Baucan.] [Sidenote: Englishmen ouerthrowne.] [Sidenote: Northwales and Southwales ioined togither in league.] King Henrie being hereof aduertised, sent with all spéed Stephan Bauzan, a man skilful in feats of warre, with a great number of soldiers into Wales, against the rebels who comming into that countrie, and entring into the lands of a Welsh lord named Rise Vaughan, was intrapt by such ambushments as his enimies laid for him, and thereby was slaine with the more part of his armie. This ouerthrowe chanced by the treason of Griffin de Brunet, who at that present reuolting from the English side to his countrimen, instructed them in all things, how they might vanquish their enimies. At that time, Northwales and Southwales ioined in league and fréendlie amitie togither, which commonlie was not séene in those daies, they being for the more part at variance, the one rather séeking still how to indamage the other: but now in defense of their liberties (as they pretended) they agréed in one. [Sidenote: The king passeth himselfe in person into Wales.] [Sidenote: The lord Mortimer the kings lieutenant in Wales.] [Sidenote: _Polydor._] The king sore mooued herewith, determined to go himselfe into Wales, that he might take worthie punishment of those his aduersaries, that could neuer be sufficientlie chastised. Wherevpon raising a great power, he hasted foorth, and comming into Wales, put the rebels in such feare, that they withdrew to their accustomed places of refuge, I meane the woods and mareshes. The king would faine haue had them foorth, that he might haue punished them according to their deserts, and therefore to bring his purpose the better to passe, he sent for an armie of soldiers into Ireland, and tarried for their comming at the castell of Brecknoke, but the yeare was farre spent yer his people could be gathered, so that by the aduise of his lords he strengthened certeine castels, and so returned for that yeare into England, leauing the lord Roger Mortimer his lieutenant in Wales, to resist the rebels. But now let vs speake of other dooings which chanced in the meane while that the warres thus continued and lasted betwixt England and Wales. [Sidenote: A legat from Rome.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: A new order of Friers.] Yée shall vnderstand, that in the Lent season, the archbishop of Messina came as legat from the pope hither into England, with letters of procuration, to demand and receiue, and also with power, to punish such as should denie and séeme to resist, and so being here arriued with a great traine of seruants and horses, he sent foorth his commandements in writing to euerie prelat, to prouide him monie by way of proxie so that of the house of S. Albons, and of the celles that belonged therevnto, he had one and twentie marks, and when the moonks of S. Albons came to visit him in his house, they could not be permitted to depart, but were kept as prisoners, till they had satisfied his couetous demand: for whereas they alledged that they had not brought any monie with them, he asked them whie they were such beggers, and further said, "Send yée then to some merchant, that will lend you monie," and so it was doone: for otherwise they might not haue libertie to depart. This archbishop was of the order of the Friers preachers, in whome (saith Matthew Paris) we had hoped to haue found more abundant humilitie. About the same time, there appeared at London a new order of Friers, not knowen till those daies, hauing yet the popes autentike bulles, which they openlie shewed, so that there séemed a confusion of manie orders, as the same Matthew Paris recordeth, and bicause they were apparelled in sackecloth, they were called sacked Friers. [Sidenote: A parlement.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] About the middest of Lent, there was a great parlement holden, to the which the maisters of the Vniuersitie of Oxford were summoned, that peace might be concluded betwixt them and the bishop of Lincolne, which had them in suit about their liberties. There came to the same parlement, the earle of Glocester, and sir Iohn Mansell, latelie returned out of Almaine, where they had béene on ambassage from Richard the elect king of Almaine. Thither came also the same elect king of Almaine, and almost all the Nobilitie of the realme, so that scarse might the citie of London receiue the number that repaired to that parlement. The king of Almaine meant to take his leaue at that time of the lords and péeres of the realme, purposing shortlie after, to take his iournie towards Almaine, and to ordeine the bishop of London gouernor of all his lands and possessions within England. [Sidenote: The lord Edmund the kings sonne.] [Sidenote: A subsidie demanded.] [Sidenote: The offer of ye spiritualtie.] In this parlement, the lord Edmund the kings yoonger sonne was shewed as king of Naples and Sicill, for the obteining of the possession of which dominions and kingdoms, his father king Henrie demanded no small subsidie and aid of monie, both of the temporaltie and also of the spiritualtie, but namlie, he required to haue the tenths of spirituall mens liuings for the terme of fiue yeares, according to the new taxations without any deductions to be allowed except necessarie expenses: also, the fruits for one yeare of benefices that chanced to fall void within the said terme of fiue yeare. Moreouer, sundrie other duties he required to haue of the spirituall men, sore to their gréeuance, and speciallie, bicause they knew that such tyrannie first tooke beginning from the pope. In the end (though loth they were to consent) yet conditionallie that the king would confirme the liberties conteined in the great charter, and obserue the same throughlie, now after it had béene so manie times brought out and redéemed, they offered to giue him towards his instant necessitie two and fiftie thousand marks, to the irrecouerable danger of impouerishing the church. And yet, as it is said, the king refused the gift, as that which he thought not to be sufficient. ¶ Truelie it should séeme, that there was a great vntowardlie disposition in the subiects of that time, for the helping of their king with necessarie aid of monie, towards such great charges as he had béene diuers waies occasioned to be at, since his first comming to the crowne. But bicause it was perceiued that he bestowed no small quantitie of his treasure to the aduancing of his kinsfolke and aliance, namelie strangers, and againe defraied great summes in vaine hope to obteine the kingdoms of both the Sicils which the pope offered to him fréelie inough in words, as before yée haue heard, the English subiects conceiued a great misliking of the whole gouernement, and namelie, for that he séemed to be led and ruled by the aduise and counsell of those strangers, who being not throughlie acquainted with the nature of the English people, nor fullie instructed in the lawes and customes of the realme, caused him to doo manie things, that procured both to him and them much ill will as well of the hie states as of the commons, which as occasion serued, they were readie inough to discouer, and therefore they were verie inquisitiue, both to learne what he receiued, and also in what sort he bestowed that which he did receiue and take. It was therefore knowne, that since he first began to waste his treasure, his charges amounted vnto the summe of 950000 marks, as the bookes of accompts remaining in the hands of the clearks of his closet plainelie witnessed, and yet of all those vaine expenses no great aduantage was growne thereby to the king or realme, but rather disaduantage, as the most part of men then tooke it, and no maruell: for there was such hartburning amongst the nobilitie, one enuieng an others aduancement, & repining at each others dooings, that it was not possible to bring any good drift forward amongst men so far at ods togither. But we will let this passe as a thing manifest inough to them that shall well consider the course of that time, and will returne to the parlement aboue mentioned. [Sidenote: The archbish. of Cullen and other ambassadors of Almaine.] Before the end of this solemne assemblie of states, the archbishop of Cullen with a duke, & an other bishop came ouer out of Almaine, vnto their elect king Richard, to whome they did fealtie and homage, as to their souereigne liege lord and gouernor, which thing once doone, he gaue to the said archbishop fiue hundred marks to beare his charges, with a rich miter set with stones, & furnished with plates of beaten gold; which miter when the archbishop had set it vpon his head; "He hath (saith he) giuen a rich gift to me and to my church, and verelie, euen as I haue put this miter on my head, so will I set on his head the crowne of the kingdome of Almaine; he hath mitered me, and I will crowne him." The other lords of Almaine, which at the same time did homage vnto earle Richard, were also presented with great and rich gifts. [Sidenote: Six archbish. present at London in time of the parlement.] [Sidenote: The elect K. of Almaine taketh his leaue of the king his brother.] [Sidenote: He landeth at Dordreigh.] Héere is further to be noted, that there were present at this parlement six archbishops, Canturburie, Yorke, Dubline, Messina, Tarento and Cullen. The archbishop of Messina was come to the king to set him on dotage for the businesse about the conquest of Naples and Sicill. At the feast of Ester next following, the archbishop of Cullen returned into his countrie, and the third day after Easter, the elect king of Almaine tooke his leaue and departed toward Yarmouth, where he purposed to take the sea, to saile ouer into Almaine, but by reason of contrarie winds he was driuen to remaine there a long time, to his great gréefe and inestimable charges before he could passe ouer; yet finallie, about the latter end of Aprill, he got foorth to the sea, and landed at Dordreigh the first of Maie next insuing. [Sidenote: A synod.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] About the same time, the archbishop of Canturburie called a synod of the bishops and abbats inhabiting within his prouince, that inuocating the grace of the Holie-ghost, they might foresée some redresse for reléefe of the English church, now in these late yeares sore disquieted by new oppressions, more gréeuous than had béene accustomed: for the king by counsell, or rather by the whispering of some flatterers and enimies to the realme, was so induced, that he permitted certeine euill customs, as thornie brembles to increase in the fruitfull garden of pleasure, and to choke vp the trées that brought foorth fruit in great plentie. Moreouer in this yeare, king Henrie caused the walles of the citie of London, which were sore decaied and destitute of turrets, to be repared in more séemelie wise than before they had béene, at the common charges of the citie. [Sidenote: A decrée made by the pope.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: The moonks of Durham that were exc[=o]municated are now absolued.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] There was an ordinance made at Rome by the pope and his cardinals (which verie diligentlie foresaw to aduance their temporall commodities, not much passing for other mens aduantages) that euerie one which should be chosen an exempt abbat, should come to the court of Rome to be there confirmed, and receiue the popes blessing, by which heinous ordinance, religion was laid open to great danger, and the church depriued of temporall prosperitie (as saith Matthew Paris) for by this means (saith he) it was néedfull for religious men, to choose to their gouernour a man not religious, but rather halfe temporall, and such a one as to whome rather Iustinians lawes than Christes which conuerteth soules should be familiar. The moonks of Durham, who onlie with the canons of Gisborne resisted the wicked procéedings of the popes exactors, and stood therefore interdicted a long time, at length, after manie altercations, were absolued. Oh (saith Matth. Paris) if in that their tribulation they might haue had fellows, and in their constant doings aidors, how happilie had the church of England triumphed ouer hir tormentors and oppressors! You haue heard how Richard earle of Cornewall being elected king of Almaine, sailed thither, where on the Ascension day last, he was crowned king by the archbishop of Cullen, of whom, and diuerse other great princes of Germanie he was holden for their lawfull king and gouernour (as in the Dutch histories you may find more largelie expressed) though other of them had chosen Alfonse king of Castile, the which Alfonse wrote to the king of England, as his confederate and alie, requiring aid of him against the said Richard that was his owne brother, to the which vnreasonable request the king would in no wise consent. [Sidenote: _Fabian._] [Sidenote: An information against the lord maior of London.] [Sidenote: The lord maior and shiriffes of London discharged.] [Sidenote: The lord maior and shiriffes fined.] Moreouer, in this fortie one yeare of king Henries reigne, by reason of a roll closed in gréene wax and found in the kings Wardrobe at Windsor, conteining as it were an information against the maior and shiriffes of London, for oppression and wrongs doone to the communaltie of the citie, the king tooke great displeasure, and caused streit inquisition to be made, as well by Fouke Moots, as Ward Moots, & diuerse other means. At length, the maior and shiriffes, with the chamberlaine of the citie, were discharged by Iohn Mansell, one of the kings iustices, afore whom and other the kings councell, the inquisition was taken, and then was the custodie of the citie assigned vnto the constable of the tower, and in place of the shiriffes were appointed Michaell Tonie, and Iohn Audrian. At length, the maior, shiriffes and Aldermen that were accused, perceiuing the kings displeasure towards them, submitted themselues wholie to his mercie, sauing to them and to all other the citizens their liberties & franchises, and so in the excheker chamber at Westminster afore the king, there sitting in iudgement vpon the matter, they were condemned to paie their fines for their offenses committed, and further, euerie of them discharged of his ward and office. Shortlie after was William Fitz Richard by the kings commandement made maior, and Thomas Fitz Thomas, and William Grapisgate shiriffes. [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: The archbish. of Yorke accursed.] [Sidenote: The constancie of the archbishop of Yorke.] The archbishop of Yorke was accurssed by the popes commandement through all England, with booke, bell and candle, that by such terror his constancie might be weakened. But the archbishop (saith Matthew Paris) informed by the example of Thomas Becket, and by the example and doctrine of saint Edmund sometime his instructor, and also taught by the faithfulnesse of blessed Robert, late bishop of Lincolne, despaired not of comfort from heauen, in bearing patientlie the popes tyrannie; neither would he bestow the wealthie reuenues of his church vpon Italians, being vnworthie persons and strangers; neither would he obeie and incline to the popes will like a faint-harted person, by leauing and setting apart the rigor of the law, least thereby he might séeme to result from his pastorlike office, and animate the woolfe of Rome to breake into the shéepfold of the church, whose purpose was to sucke the verie bloud quite and cleane out of euerie veine, yea to bite out bowels and all. Which qualitie to rest in him, wofull experience hath taught, and the testimonie of written verities hath shewed, among which this one for the truth thereof is worthie to be reported euen to the praise of the deuiser for his prettie deuise therein comprised, and here set downe as fit for the purpose: Non pontifex sed potifex, Non potifex sed panifex, Non panifex sed carnifex, Est papa pater pontifex. [Sidenote: The lord Audelie warreth vpon the Welshmen.] [Sidenote: Ambassadors sent into France.] [Sidenote: The marshes of Wales some impouerished.] About the beginning of the two and fortith yeare of king Henries reigne, the lord Iames Audelie that had béene ouer with the king of Almaine, and was latelie returned home in companie of the lord Henrie, sonne to the said king (who came backe from his father about the feast of saint Michaell last past) vnderstanding how the Welshmen in his absence had burnt, wasted, and destroied his lands, possessions, and castels, which belonged vnto him in the confines of Wales, he meant to be reuenged of those injuries, and inuading them, he slue a great number of them, so reuenging the death of those his fréends, seruants and tenants, whome they before had murthered. The Welshmen were not so discouraged herewith, but that they brake vpon him out of their starting-holes and places of refuge through the marishes, and slaieng their enimies horsses, put them backe to their power, & ceassed not to doo what mischéefe they could, by spoiling, killing, and burning houses and castels where they might come vnto them, and so the realme of England was dailie put to losses & hinderances. For out of Wales, England was accustomed to be furnished with horsses, cattell, and other things, to the great profit of both the countries. About the same time there was an ambassage sent from the king of England to the French king by the bishop of Worcester, the elect of Winchester, the abbat of Westminster, the earle of Leicester, & Hugh Bigod earle Marshall, with Peter de Sauoy, and Robert Walcron. The effect of their message was to require restitution of those countries, lands, cities, and townes which had bene euicted out of the hands of king Iohn and others, apperteining by right of inheritance to the king of England. These lords did their message, but as was thought, they had no towardlie answer, but rather were put off with trifling words & scornefull tawnts, so that they returned shortlie again all of them, the abbat of Westminster onelie excepted, who remained there behind for a fuller answer, not onelie to those requests exhibited on the part of the king of England, but also on the behalfe of the king of Almaine. The marshes towards Wales in this season were brought almost desert, by reason of the continuall wars with the Welshmen, for what with fire & sword, neither building nor liuing creature, nor any other thing was spared, that fire & sword might bring to ruine. [Sidenote: A great dearth.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: 1258.] [Sidenote: The gréedie dealing of the Londoners to the hurt of the c[=o]mon-welth.] In this yeare was an excéeding great dearth, in so much that a quarter of wheat was sold at London for foure and twentie shillings, whereas within two or thrée yeares before, a quarter was sold at two shillings. It had béene more déerer, if great store had not come out of Almaine, for in France and in Normandie it likewise failed. But there came fiftie great ships fraught with wheat and barlie, with meale and bread out of Dutchland, by the procurement of Richard king of Almaine, which greatlie reléeued the poore; for proclamation was made, and order taken by the king, that none of the citizens of London should buy any of that graine to laie it vp in store, whereby it might be sold at an higher price vnto the néedie. But though this prouision did much ease, yet the want was great ouer all the realme. For it was certeinelie affirmed, that in thrée shires within the realme, there was not found so much graine of that yeares growth, as came ouer in those fiftie ships. The proclamation was set foorth, to restreine the Londoners from ingrossing vp that graine, and not without cause: for the wealthie citizens were euill spoken of in that season, bicause in time of scarsitie they would either staie such ships as fraught with vittels were comming towards the citie, and send them some other way foorth; or else buy the whole, that they might sell it by retaile at their plesure to the néedie. By means of this great dearth and scarsitie, the common people were constreined to live vpon hearbs & roots, and a great number of the poore people died through famine, which is the most miserable calamitie that can betide mortall men, and was well marked euen of the heathen, but notablie by Ouid, who making a description of famine, setteth hir foorth in most ouglie and irkesome sort, intending thereby the dreadfulnes of that heauie plague, saieng: [Sidenote: _Ouid. lib. 8. Meta. fab. 11._] Quæsitámque famem lapidoso vidit in antro, Vnguibus & raris vellentem dentibus herbas, Hirtus erat crinis, caua lumina, pallor in ore, Labra incana situ, scabri rubigine dentes, Dura cutis, per quàm spectari viscera possent, Ossa sub incuruis extabant arida lumbis, Ventris erat pro ventre locus, pendêre putares Pectus & à spinæ tantummodo crate teneri, Auxerat articulos macies, genuúmque tumebat Orbis, & immodico prodibant tubere tali, &c. [Sidenote: A parlement.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: Hurtred, a messenger fr[=o] the pope.] [Sidenote: The Welshmen spoile Penbrokeshire.] This yeare after Easter a parlement was holden at London, in the which manie weightie matters were intreated of touching the kings causes, namelie, about the conquest of the realme of Naples, the pope having sent a messenger named Hurtred for the discharge of monie, which the pope had receiued of merchants, as it were to the kings vse, and entred bonds for the paiment thereof. Also, whereas the king was sore disquieted for the warre which the Welshmen made against him, he asked aduise of the states, how he might procéed to séeke his iust reuenge of them, who by reason of their good hap were become verie stout and loftie, and had of late by the expiring of a truce which had béene accorded betwixt them, spoiled and wasted the most part of Penbrokeshire, of which iniurie the earle of Penbroke, namelie William de Valence, sore complained. [Sidenote: Variance betwixt the earle of Penbroke and others.] But whereas the king knowing him to be rich, willed him to lay out some great portion of monie, towards the maintenance of his wars, the erle tooke great displeasure therewith, as though the king had made that request by the suggestion and setting on of some of the English lords, in somuch that words passed in displeasant sort betwixt him and the earles of Glocester and Leicester, so far foorth, that the earle of Penbroke called the earle of Leicester traitor, who therewith made towards him, to haue reuenged the iniurie, and so would haue doone indéed, if the king had not béene moderator betwixt them. Finallie at this parlement the lords told the king that they might not aid him with any great summes of monie, except it should redound to their great impouerishment: they told him also, that he had not doone wiselie to enter into couenants, for the purchase of the kingdome of Naples for his sonne, without their consents. [Sidenote: The archbishop of Yorke depriued of his crosse.] [Sidenote: Mansuetus the popes Nuncio.] They also declared to him, what articles it should be good for him to propone vnto the pope, if he would haue him to continue in bearing the charges of the wars against Manfred. But when those articles were afterwards presented to the pope, he allowed them not, & so the matter remained without any certeine assurance of the promises, which had béene and still were from time to time made to set the king on dotage. The archbishop of Yorke had his crosse taken from him by the popes commandement, but the archbishop would not yet bow his knée vnto Baall, to bestow the benefices of his church vpon aliens, and such as were vnworthie persons, as it had béene to cast pearles vnto swine. ¶ There came from the pope as his Nuncio, vnto king Henrie, a frier minor named Mansuetus, furnished with great power and authoritie, in somuch that he tooke vpon him to absolue men for changing their vowes, and to iustifie those that were exc[=o]municated persons, false periured, and such like. Wherevpon, manie of euill disposition presumed to offend: for easinesse to purchase pardon bred boldnesse in manie, howbeit the wise séemed to laugh at such dooings. [Sidenote: The parlement proroged.] The parlement still continued, till the sundaie after the Ascension day, with hard hold betwixt the king and the lords, who laid it sore to his charge, that he had not performed the promises which he made touching the obseruing of the liberties conteined in the great charter. They also complained greatlie of his misgouernance, in that he so much aduanced the Poictouins and other strangers, to the impouerishment of himselfe, and the whole realme, and further, mainteined them so far foorth, that they were readie to offer wrong vnto other, vpon presumption of his favour and bearing with them, he hauing by commandement restreined that no processe should passe out of the chancerie against certeine of them that were his coosins, as the earle of Penbroke and others. Finallie, when the lords were in doubt which way to worke for their owne safeties, they caused the parlement to be proroged till the feast of saint Barnabe, then to begin againe at Oxford. In the meane time the lords of the realme, as the earles of Glocester, Leicester, Hereford and Northfolke, with other, did confederate themselues togither, bicause they stood in feare to be intrapped by the kings subtill sleights, and by the craftie wiles of those strangers whom he reteined against them. [Sidenote: A late growth.] [Sidenote: A dearth accompanied with a death.] In the same yeare by the wind, which continuallie certeine months togither kept northerlie, the flours, with other growing things, were so hindered, that scarselie they appeared to anie purpose, till the most part of Iune was past, wherevpon the hope of receiuing the fruits of the earth was quite taken away, & so vpon the great dearth that happened, a sore death and mortalitie followed, for want of necessarie food to susteine the pining bodies of the poore people. They died so thicke, that there were great pits made in churchyards to laie the dead bodies in one vpon an other. [Sidenote: Seuall archb. of Yorke departeth this life.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: The kings halfe brethren.] About the feast of the Ascension, Seuall the archbishop of Yorke departed this life, who constantlie had resisted the tyrannie of the court of Rome, in defense of his church, suffering in this world manie gréeuous tribulations, but now was remooued from thense vnto the kingdome of heauen, to be crowned with the elect for his good deseruings, as was then certenlie beléeued. About this time a great number of Poictouins were come into England, by reason of their aliance and coosinage to the king, the which by the kings fauour being highlie aduanced, began to wax proud thereof, and to require to be restored vnto such lands and liuings as before time they had possessed: namelie the kings halfe brethren, Athelmare or Odomare, that was a préest, with William, Geffrey and Guie, these were the sonnes of Hugh le Brun earle of Marsh, by his wife quéene Isabell, the mother of king Henrie, and being come into England, they shewed themselues verie loftie & high-minded, partlie, bicause of their coosinage to the king, & partlie by reason of his courteous interteining of them, insomuch that forgetting themselues, they began to despise (vpon a presumptuous pride) the English nobilitie, looking still for preferment of honor aboue all other. And surelie Odomare obteined at the first a great péece of his purpose, being made by the kings gift bishop of Winchester, and by that means bare a stout port, and greatlie holpe and mainteined his other brethren. [Sidenote: _Insanum parliamentum._] [Sidenote: The demand of the lords.] The English barons not well able to suffer such presumption in strangers, who séemed to haue them in derision, complained to the king, in so much that at length, as well for a reformation hereof, as in other things, a parlement was called (as before you haue heard) first at London, and after reiorned to Oxenford, there to be assembled about the feast of saint Barnabe in the moneth of Iune. This (of some writers) is named Insanum parliamentum, that is to say, The mad parlement; for at this parlement (to the which the lords came with great retinues of armed men, for the better safegard of their persons) manie things in the same yeare enacted contrarie to the kings pleasure, and his roiall prerogatiue. For the lords at the first determined to demand the confirmation of the ancient charter of liberties, which his father king Iohn had granted, and he himselfe had so often promised to obserue and mainteine, signifieng plainelie, that they meant to pursue their purpose and intent herein, not sparing either for losse of life, lands or goods, according to that they had mutuallie giuen their faiths by ioining of hands, as the manner in such cases is accustomed. Besides the grant of the great charter, they required other things necessarie for the state of the common-wealth, to be established and enacted. [Sidenote: Ordinances made.] [Sidenote: An oth exacted of the king.] It was therefore first enacted, that all the Poictouins should auoid the land, togither with other strangers, and that neither the king nor his sonne prince Edward should in anie secret manner aid them against the people. Moreouer, that the king & his sonne should receiue an oth, to stand vnto the decrées and ordinances of that parlement, and withall spéed to restore the ancient lawes and institutions of the realme, which they both did, rather constreined therevnto by feare, than of anie good will. Thus not onelie the king himselfe, but also his sonne prince Edward receiued an oth, to obserue the ordinances of that parlement. But Iohn earle Warren, and the kings halfe brethren, namelie the earle of Penbroke refused that oth; and likewise the lord Henrie, sonne to the king of Almaine, excused himselfe by his fathers absence, without whose consent he would not receiue it, vnto whome this answer was made, that if his father would not consent to the agréement of the baronage, he should not possesse one furrowe of land within this realme. [Sidenote: The earle of Leicester threateneth the earle of Penbroke.] [Sidenote: The kings halfe brethren shift awaie.] [Sidenote: They depart the Realme.] Also, whereas the earle of Leicester resigned the castels of Killingworth and Odiham into the kings hands, which he had latelie receiued by his gift, and newlie repaired, the earle of Penbroke and his other brethren sware déepelie, that they would for no mans pleasure giue ouer such castels, rents, and wardships of theirs, as they had of the kings gift. But the earle of Leicester told the earle of Penbroke flatlie and plainlie, that he should either render them vp, or else he should be sure to lose his head. This saieng was confirmed by the generall voices of all other the barons, bicause it was a speciall article concluded amongst other in that parlement. The kings halfe brethren, perceiuing which waie the world went, stood in doubt of themselues, and secretlie therevpon departing from Oxenford, first withdrew vnto Winchester, where Odomare, one of the same brethren was bishop, through whose support, and by reason of the strength of such castels as he held, they trusted to be in more safetie: but finallie, perceiuing themselues not to be so out of danger, sith the barons minded to pursue them, about the eightéenth daie of Iulie they departed the realme with a great number of other of their countriemen; and amongest those, William de saint Herman the kings caruer was one. [Sidenote: Henrie M[=o]ntfort pursueth the kings half brethren.] [Sidenote: They sent to the French K.] [Sidenote: Richard Gray capteine of Douer castell, and lord warden of the ports.] Henrie Montfort, sonne to the earle of Leicester, vnderstanding of their departure out of the realme, followed; and hearing that they were arriued at Bullogne, he landed in those parts, & by such fréendship as he found there amongst those that bare good will vnto his father, he got togither a power, and after a manner besieged the Poictouins within Bullogne, laieng watch for them in such sort, both by sea and land, that there was no waie left for them to escape. When they saw themselues in that danger, they sent a messenger with all post hast to the French king, requiring his safe conduct, to passe fréelie through his realme, as they trusted he would be content to grant vnto such, as for refuge and safegard of life should repaire vnto him for comfort. The French king courteouslie granted their request, and so they were in safetie permitted to passe quietlie through the countrie. In the meane while one Richard Gray, chatellaine of Douer castell, a right valiant man and a faithfull, suffered no man to passe that waie vnsearched, according to that which he had in commandement: wherevpon he tooke & seized into his hands a great portion of treasure, which was brought thither to be transported ouer to the Poictuins that were fled out of the realme. Also, there was found a great quantitie of treasure in the new temple at London, which they had gathered & hoorded vp there, which also was seized to the kings vse. [Sidenote: _Matt. West._] [Sidenote: Foure and twentie gouernurs.] [Sidenote: The abuses of those gouernurs.] But now to returne vnto the dooings in the parlement holden at Oxford. It was ordeined (as some write) that the king should choose twelue persons of the realme, and the communaltie of the land should choose other twelue, the which hauing regall authoritie in their hands, might take in charge, the gouernance of the realme vpon them, & should from yeare to yeare prouide for the due election of iustices, chancellors, treasurors, and other officers, and sée for the safe kéeping of the castels which belonged to the crowne. These foure and twentie gouernours appointed as prouiders for the good gouernement of the realme, began to order all things at their pleasure, in the meane time not forgetting to vse things chéeflie to their own aduantages, as well in prouiding eschets and wards for their sonnes and kinsfolks, as also in bestowing patronages of churches (belonging to the kings gift) at their pleasures, so that these prouiders séemed to prouide all for themselues, in so much that neither king nor Christ could receiue ought amongst them: and as for iustice they regarded nothing lesse, their minds were so rauished with desire of priuat wealth; which who so hunteth after, being in place of magistracie, he must néeds neglect the law and course of equitie, and therefore this counsell is good which a good writer giueth in this behalfe, saieng; [Sidenote: _M. Pal. in Virg. Fabian._] Si iustus vult esse aliquis non vtile quærat, Iusticia est multis laudata, domestica paucis. There be that write, how there were but twelue of these gouernours chosen; whose names were as followeth. First, the archbishop of Canturburie, the bishop of Worcester, Roger Bigod earle of Northfolke and marshall of England, Simon de Mountfort earle of Leicester, Richard de Clare earle of Glocester, Humfrey Bohun earle of Hereford, the earles of Warwike and Arundell, sir Iohn Mansell chéefe iustice of England, sir Roger lord Mortimer, sir Hugh Bigod, sir Peter de Sauoy, sir Iames Audeley, and sir Peter de Mountfort. To these was authoritie onelie giuen to punish and correct all such as offended in breaking of any the ordinances at this parlement established. [Sidenote: Contention betwixt the earles of Leicester and Glocester.] [Sidenote: The lords come to the Guildhall to haue their ordinances confirmed.] It was not long after the finishing of this parlement, but that strife and variance began to kindle betwéene the king and the earles of Leicester and Glocester, by reason of such officers as the said earles had remooued, and put others in their roomes: among the which Iohn Mansell was discharged of his office, and sir Hugh Bigod, brother to earle Marshall, admitted in his roome. Also bicause the foresaid gouernours had knowledge that the king minded not to performe the ordinances established at Oxford, they thought to make their part as strong as was possible for them to doo, and therefore vpon the morrow after the feast of Marie Magdalene, the king as then being at Westminster, the earle Marshall, the earle of Leicester, and diuerse other came to the Guildhall of London, where the maior and aldermen, with the commons of the citie were assembled, and there the lords shewed the instrument or writing sealed with the kings seale, and with the seales of his sonne prince Edward, and of manie other lords of the land, conteining the articles of those ordinances which had béene concluded at Oxford, willing the maior and aldermen to set also therevnto their common seale of the citie. The maior and aldermen vpon aduise amongst them taken, required respit till they might know the kings pleasure therein, but the lords were so earnest in the matter, and made such instance, that no respit could be had; so that in the end the common seale of the citie was put to that writing, and the maior with diuerse of the citie sworne to mainteine the same, their allegiance saued to the king, with their liberties and franchises, according to the accustomed manner. [Sidenote: A proclamation against purueiers.] [Sidenote: A parlement.] [Sidenote: The iustices sit at S Sauiours.] [Sidenote: Bailiffes and other officers punished.] [Sidenote: Bakers punished.] Vpon the ninth day of August, proclamation was made in diuerse places of the citie, that none of the kings takers should take any thing within the citie, without the will of the owner, except two tunnes of wine, which the king accustomablie had of euerie ship comming from Burdeaux, paieng but 40 shillings for the tun. By meanes of this proclamation, nothing was taken by the kings officers within the citie and liberties of the same, except readie paiment were made in hand, which vse continued not long. Herevpon the king held a parlement at Westminster, and another at Winchester, or else proroged and remoued the same thither. Also sir Hugh Bigod lord chéefe iustice, with Roger Turksey, and other called Itinerarij, kept the terme for plées at saint Sauiours: for you must vnderstand, that in those daies they were kept in diuerse places of the realme, which now are holden altogither at Westminster, and iudges ordeined to kéepe a circuit, as now they kéepe the assises in time of vacation. The foresaid iudges sitting on that maner at saint Sauiours, punished bailiffes, and other officers verie extremelie, which were conuict afore them for diuerse trespasses, and speciallie for taking of merciaments otherwise than law gaue them. After this, the same sir Hugh came vnto the Guildhall, and there sat in iudgement, and kept plées without order of law; yea contrarie to the liberties of the citie, he punished bakers for lacke of true size, by the tumbrell: where before they were punished by the pillorie, & manie other things he vsed after such manner, more by will than good order of law. [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: The Poictouins suspected to haue poisoned ye English lords.] [Sidenote: Walter Scotonie arreigned and condemned.] [Sidenote: He suffereth.] There was a bruite raised (whether of truth or otherwise we leaue to the credit of the authors) that the Poictouins had practised to poison the most part of the English nobilitie. Indéed diuers of them were gréeuouslie tormented with a certeine disease of swelling and breaking out, some died, and othersome verie hardlie escaped, of which number the earle of Glocester was one, who laie sicke a long time at Sunning a place besides Reading. At length he recouered: but his brother William died of the same disease, and vpon his death-bed laid the fault to one Walter Scotenie, as the occasioner of his death, which afterwards cost the said Walter his life. For although he was one of the chéefe councellors, and steward also to the said earle of Glocester, yet being had in suspicion, and thervpon apprehended and charged with that crime, when in the yeare next following in Iune he came to be arreigned at Winchester, and put himselfe to be tried by a iurie, the same pronounced him guiltie: and when those that were impanneled vpon that iurie were asked by the iudges how they vnderstood that he should be giltie, they answered, bicause that where the said Walter was neuer indebted, that they could heare of, either to William de Valence, or to any of his brethren, they were fullie certified that he had of late receiued no small sum of monie of the said W. de Valence to poison both his maister and other of the English nobilitie as was to be thought, sith there was no other apparant cause why he should receiue such a gift at the hands of their enimie the said William de Valence, and so was the said Walter executed at Winchester aforesaid. [Sidenote: A late haruest.] [Sidenote: Dearth of corn increaseth.] [Sidenote: Fasts & processions vsed.] The haruest was verie late this yeare, so that the most part of the corne rotted on the ground, and that which at length was got in, remained yet abrode till after Alhallowentide, so vntemperate was the weather, with excessiue wet and raine beyond all measure. Herevpon the dearth so increased, that euen those which had of late reléeued other, were in danger to starue themselues. Finallie solemne fasts and generall processions were made in diuerse places of the realme to appease Gods wrath, and (as it was thought) their praiers were heard, for the weather partlie amended, and by reason the same serued to get in some such corne as was not lost, the price thereof in the market fell halfe in halfe. A good and memorable motiue, that in such extremities as are aboue the reach of man to redresse, we should by and by haue recourse to him that can giue a remedie against euerie casualtie. For Flectitur iratus voce rogante Deus. [Sidenote: Richard Gray, lord warden of the ports.] [Sidenote: Erlotus the popes Nuncio returneth home.] Richard Gray the chattellaine of Douer looking diligentlie vnto his charge, tooke a thousand marks which the bishop of Winchester had sent thither to haue béene transported ouer into France. Erlotus the popes Nuncio perceiuing the trouble that was like to insue within the realme would no longer tarie, but wiselie departed and got him home. Herewith certeine wise personages were sent to Rome on the part of the king and baronage, to informe the pope in what state the realme stood, and to giue him to vnderstand how gréeuouslie the people had béene handled by the practise of certeine Romane prelats promoted in this land. [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: The lord of Kedwellie slaine.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] This yeare néere to Carmardin Patrike of Chauton lord of Kedwelli, Hugh de Viun, and diuerse other both horsmen and footmen were slaine through treason by the Welshmen: yet it should appeare by Matthew Paris that the Englishmen procured this mischéefe to light on their owne heads, through their disloiall dealing. For where they were come to the place to talke of an agréement, some of the marchers supposing they had béene too strong for the Welshmen, persuaded the said lord of Kedwellie to assaile them vpon the sudden, in hope to haue destroied them all: but in the end the Englishmen were distressed through the valiancie of Dauid one of the sonnes of the great Leolin and other capteines of the Welsh nation. Neuerthelesse Matthew Westminster saith brieflie, that the English men were treasonablie slaine: so that it séemeth that Matthew Paris speaketh rather of an affection and good will which he bare to the Welsh procéedings in those daies, than otherwise. [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._ not well affected towards the gouernement of the realme as it then stood.] For who so marketh the course of his historie, shall perceiue that he had no good liking of the state in those daies, neither concerning the ecclesiasticall nor temporall policie, in somuch that he sticketh not to commend the Welshmen greatlie for their holding togither, against the oppression (as he meaneth it) of the English gouernement, and no doubt there was cause that mooued him to such misliking, namelie the often paiments and collections of monie by the popes agents, and other such misorders as dailie were permitted or rather mainteined to the impouerishing of both estates spirituall and temporall. [Sidenote: Godfrey de Kinton archbishop of Canturburie.] [Sidenote: An ordinance against extortion.] Godfrey de Kinton was consecrated archbishop of Canturburie at Rome, about the feast of Christmasse last past, and so returned from thence home to his cure. There was an ordinance made about this time, for punishment to be had of the extortion of shiriffes, so that as well the receiuer as the giuer of bribes was punishable. Which law if it were now executed vpon all officers & occupiers whatsoeuer, there would not be so much wealth and substance, so great riches and treasure raked vp togither in the possession of some few men, as the old sage saieng importeth, Quisquis ditatur rapidos miluos imitatur. [Sidenote: An. Reg. 43.] [Sidenote: Ambassadors sent to the councell at Cambrey.] The bishops of Worcester and Lincolne, with the earles of Norfolke and Leicester, were sent ouer in ambassage vnto a councell holden at Cambrey, for a league and peace to be concluded betwixt the kingdoms of England and France, and also the empire: but bicause the French king looked to haue the king of England there, when he heard that the same king came not, he also staied at home, and so no conclusion followed at that assemblie. [Sidenote: Ione countesse of Penbroke.] [Sidenote: A great tempest of lightning and thunder.] [Sidenote: Guy de Rochford banished.] [Sidenote: Variance and debat betwixt the stud[=e]ts of Oxford.] [Sidenote: The Welshmen séeke to agrée with the king.] [Sidenote: Henrie de Wingham elected bishop of Winchester.] Ione countesse of Penbroke, the wife of William de Valence the kings halfe brother, demanded hir right of dower, in such lands as belonged to hir by title of inheritance. At length she had to the value of fiue hundred marks assigned hir of the same lands, notwithstanding hir heritage amounted to the sum of a thousand marks and aboue of yearelie reuenues, but for that she should not aid hir husband with part thereof, the one halfe was thought sufficient for hir maintenance. About Aduent next insuing, she went ouer vnto hir husband, either for the desire she had to inioy his personall presence, or for that she thought hirselfe not well dealt with, to be abridged of those reuenues, which by right of inheritance were hir owne. In the first night of December, there chanced a maruellous sore tempest of lightning and thunder, with mightie winds and raine, as a token and signe of the troubles that after followed, the more noted, for that thunder in the winter season is not commonlie heard of. Guy de Rochford a Poictouin, to whom about two yeares before the king had giuen the castell of Rochester, was now banished the realme, and depriued of all that he held in this land. About this season there rose great variance amongst the scholers of Oxford being of sundrie countries, as Scotishmen, Welshmen, Northern men, and Southern men: who fell so farre at square, that they raised baners one against an other, and fought togither, in somuch that diuerse were slaine, and manie hurt on both parties. ¶ The Welshmen this yeare, notwithstanding their good successe had in these late wars, considered with themselues, that if the barons of England did once ioine in one knot of fréendship, they would with maine force easilie subdue them, wherefore to preuent that which might chance vnto them by stubborne resistance, they made suit to be receiued into the kings peace, offering to giue vnto him the summe of foure thousand markes, and to his sonne the lord Edward thrée hundred marks, and to the quéene two hundred marks. Yet the king would not accept those offers, and so the matter depended in doubtfull balance a certeine time. The Welshmen in the meane season attempted not any exploit, but rather sate still in hope to come at length to some reasonable agréement. ¶ The moonks of Winchester meaning to prouide themselues of a bishop, now that Athelmare aliàs Odomare the kings halfe brother was banished the realme, elected one Henrie de Wingham the kings chancellor, in hope that the K. would be contented with his election, and so he was, but yet conditionallie, that if the pope would allow his said halfe brother for bishop, then should the other giue place. [Sidenote: 1259.] [Sidenote: Ambassadors sent to the K. of Almaine.] [Sidenote: His protestation to their demand.] About the feast of S. Hilarie, when knowledge was giuen that king Richard of Almaine meant to returne into England, there were sent ouer vnto him the bishop of Worcester, the abbat of saint Edmundsburie, Peter de Sauoy, and Iohn Mansell, as ambassadours from the baronage and communaltie of the realme, to require of him an oth, to stand vnto and obeie the ordinances of the late parlement holden at Oxenford. When the said ambassadors came before his presence, and declared to him the effect of their message, he beheld them with a sterne looke, and frowning countenance, saieng (and binding it with an oth) that he would neither be sworne, nor kéepe any such ordinances as had béene made without his consent; neither would he make them of counsell how long his purpose was to staie within the realme, which the ambassadours required also to vnderstand. Herevnto he further added, that he had no péere in England, for he was the sonne of the deceased king, and brother of the king that now reigned, and also earle of Cornewall, and therefore if the barons of England ment to reforme the state of the kingdome, their duetie had béene first to haue sent for him, and not to haue procéeded so presumptuouslie in such a weightie cause, without his presence or consent. When one of the ambassadours was about to haue made answer somewhat roundlie, and also nippinglie vnto this spéech vttered by the king of Almaine, he was staied by one of his associats. And so the ambassadours vnderstanding his mind, returned with all conuenient spéed. [Sidenote: He changeth his purpose and commeth ouer into England.] [Sidenote: He receiueth an oth not to infringe the statutes of Oxford.] The king of Almaine had assembled a great host of men on the further side the sea, meaning with all expedition to haue passed hither into England: but when he had aduertisement giuen that there was a power raised in England, and bestowed both by sea and land to resist him, he changed his purpose by aduise of his fréends, so that he consented to receiue such manner of oth as the barons required, and herewith taking the sea, he arriued at Douer on saint Iulians daie with his owne houshold seruants, bringing with him no traine of strangers, except onelie two earles of Almaine, which brought with them but onelie thrée knights, and he himselfe had but eight knights: his brother king Henrie was readie to receiue him, and brought him from Douer vnto Canturburie, for neither of them was suffered to enter into the castell of Douer, the lords hauing them in a gelousie, least they should be about to breake the ordinances which were concluded. On the morow after, the king of Almaine receiued the oth in the presence of Richard earle of Glocester and others, within the chapter house of Canturburie. And on the day of the Purification of our ladie, the two kings with their quéenes and a great number of noble personages made their entrie and passage into the citie of London. [Sidenote: A parlement.] [Sidenote: A peace concluded vpon betwixt the kings of England & France.] [Sidenote: The countesse of Leicester.] [Sidenote: Contention betwixt the earles of Glocester and Leicester.] In the octaues of the said Purification, the parlement began at London, to the which came the earle of Leicester from the parts of beyond the sea, where he had for a certeine time remained. There came also an ambassador from the French king, one that was deane of Burges, and so there was an earnest treatie had touching a peace to be concluded betwixt the two kings of England and France, which on the day of saint Valentine was accorded and put in articles, with condition that the same should remaine firme and stable, if the kings would assent to that which had béene talked of and agréed vpon by their speciall and solemne agents. For the further perfecting of this agréement and finall peace betwixt the kings of England and France, about the begining of Aprill, the earls of Glocester and Leicester, Iohn Mansell, Peter de Sauoy, and Robert Valerane were sent ouer into France, hauing also with them letters of credence, to conclude in all matters as had béene talked of by their agents. But when the countesse of Leicester would not consent to quite claime and release hir right in such parcels of Normandie as belonged to hir, which king Henrie had couenanted with the residue to resigne vnto the French king. The earle of Glocester fell at words with the earle of Leicester, about the stubborne demeanor which his wife shewed in that matter, and so by reason that either of them stood at defiance with the other (although by meane of fréends they staied from further inconuenience) they returned backe without concluding any thing in that whereabout they were sent. [Sidenote: The friers preachers begin to inhabit at Dunstable.] [Sidenote: The moonks hindred by the comming of the friers.] About the same time there was a certeine mansion house by waie of deuotion giuen vnto the friers that are called preachers within the towne of Dunstable, so that certeine of them thrusting themselues in there, began to inhabit in that place, to the great annoiance of the prior and conuent of Dunstable, & as it were by the example of the other order called minors (which in the last precéeding yeare, at saint Edmundsburie in Suffolke had practised the like matter against the willes of the abbat and conuent there) they began to build verie sumptuous houses, so that in the eies of the beholders such chargeable workes of building, so suddenlie aduanced by them that professed voluntarie pouertie, caused no small woonder. The said friers building them a church with all spéed, and setting vp an altar, immediatlie began to celebrate diuine seruice, not once staieng for the purchase of anie licence. And so building from day to day, they obteined great aid of such as inhabited néere vnto them, of whome the prior and conuent ought to haue receiued the reuenues that were now conuerted to be imploied on the said friers towards their maintenance. Thus by how much more their house increased, by so much more did the prior and conuent decrease in substance and possessions: for the rents which they were accustomed to receiue of the messuages and houses giuen to the friers, were lost, and likewise the offerings (which were woont to come to their hands) now these friers being newlie entred by occasion of their preachings, vsurped to themselues. [Sidenote: Richard Gray discharged of his office of lord warden.] [Sidenote: Walascho a frier sent from the pope.] Richard Graie constable of the castell of Douer, and lord warden of the cinque ports was this yeare remooued by the lord chéefe iustice Hugh Bigod, who tooke into his owne hands the custodie of the said castell and ports. The cause whie the said Richard Graie was discharged, we find to haue fallen out by this means. He suffered a frier minor called Walascho, comming from the pope (bicause he had the kings letters vnder the great seale) to enter the land, not staieng him, nor warning the lords of his comming, contrarie (as it was interpreted) vnto the articles of their prouisions enacted at Oxenford. This frier indéed was sent from the pope to haue restored Athilmarus or Odomarus (as some write him) the kings halfe brother, vnto the possessions of the bishoprike of Winchester, to the which he had béene long before elected. But the lords were so bent against him, that vpon such suggestions as they laid foorth, Walascho refrained from dooing that which he had in commandement, and returned to make report what he vnderstood, so that Odomarus was now as farre from his purpose as before. [Sidenote: The bishop of Bangor sent fr[=o] the prince of Wales to king Henrie.] [Sidenote: The Welshmen offer to resort vnto Chester.] [Sidenote: An. Reg. 44.] [Sidenote: A parlement.] [Sidenote: The statutes of Oxenford read, and the breakers of the same denounced accurssed.] [Sidenote: Escuage granted.] [Sidenote: Knights fées how manie were then in England.] About the feast of saint Michaell, the bishop of Bangor was sent from Leolin prince of Wales vnto the king of England, to make offer on the behalfe of the said Leolin and other the lords of Wales, of sixtéene thousand pounds of siluer for a peace to be had betwixt the king and them, and that they might come to Chester, and there haue their matters heard and determined, as in time past they had béene accustomed. But what answer at his returne was giuen to this bishop by the king and his nobles, it is vncerteine. In the fortie and fourth yeare of king Henries reigne, the fridaie following the feast of Simon and Iude, in a parlement holden at Westminster, were read in presence of all the lords and commons, the acts and ordinances made in the parlement holden at Oxenford, with certeine other articles by the gouernours therevnto added and annexed. After the reading whereof the archbishop of Canturburie being reuested with his suffragans to the number of nine bishops, besides abbats and others, denounced all them accurssed that attempted in word or déed to breake the said statutes, or anie of them. In the same parlement was granted to the king a taske called scutagium, or escuage, that is to saie, forty shillings of euerie knights fée throughout England, the which extended to a great summe of monie. For as diuerse writers do agrée, there were in England at that time in possession of the spiritualtie and temporaltie beyond fortie thousand knights fées, but almost halfe of them were in spirituall mens hands. [Sidenote: _Fabian._] [Sidenote: A folkemote.] [Sidenote: The king asketh licence to passe the seas.] [Sidenote: _Matth. West._] [Sidenote: The king saileth ouer into France.] [Sidenote: 1260.] [Sidenote: He compoundeth all differences with the French K.] Vpon the sixt day of Nouember the king came vnto Paules, where by his commandement was the folkemote court assembled, and the king (according to the former ordinances made) asked licence of the communaltie of the citie to passe the sea, and promised there in the presence of a great multitude of people, by the mouth of Hugh Bigod his chéefe iustice, to be good and gratious lord vnto the citie, and to mainteine the liberties thereof vnhurt. Herewith the people for ioy made a great shout. The eight day of Nouember he rode through the citie towards the sea side, and vpon the thirtéenth daie of Nouember, he tooke the sea at Douer and arriued at Whitsand, and so from thence he rode vnto Paris, where, of the French king he was most honorablie receiued. The cause of his going ouer was chéefelie to conclude some assured peace with the French king, that he should not néed to doubt any forren enimies, if he should come to haue warre with his owne people, whereof he saw great likelihoods, and therefore he made such agréement with king Lewes (as in the French historie more at large appeareth) which (to be short) I here omit. [Sidenote: _Polydor._] [Sidenote: _N. Triuet._] [Sidenote: _Wil. Risang._] [Sidenote: _Matt. West._] This one thing is here to be noted, that besides the monie which king Henrie had in hand, amounting to the summe of an hundred and fiftie thousand crownes for his resignation then made vnto Normandie, Aniou and Maine, it was accorded, that he should receiue yearelie in name of a tribute the sum of ten thousand crownes. ¶ Others write that he had thrée hundred thousand pounds of small Turon monie, which he receiued in readie paiment, and was promised restitution of lands to the value of twentie thousand pounds of yearelie rent: and that after the decease of the French king, that then was, the countrie of Poictou should returne vnto the English dominion. Some write that immediatlie after king Henrie had concluded his agréement, he began to repent himselfe thereof, and would neuer receiue penie of the monie, nor leaue out of his stile the title of duke of Normandie. But it is rather to be thought that such an agréement was at point to haue béene concluded, or at the leastwise was had in talke, but yet neuer concluded nor confirmed with hands and seales, as it ought to haue béene, if they had gone through with it. [Sidenote: Dissention betwixt prince Edward and the earle of Glocester.] [Sidenote: Prince Edward and the earle of Glocester are not suffered to come within the citie of London.] In the meane time that king Henrie was thus occupied in France, dissention fell in England betwéene prince Edward and Richard earle of Glocester, for the appeasing whereof a parlement was called at Westminster, to the which the lords came with great companies, and speciallie the said prince and earle. They intended to haue lodged within the citie: but the maior going vnto the bishop of Worcester, to sir Hugh Bigod, and to sir Philip Basset (vnto whome, and to the archbishop of Canturburie, the K. had committed the rule of the land in his absence) required to know their pleasure herein. Wherevpon they thought it good to haue the aduise of Richard the king of Almaine, and therevpon went to him, where they concluded, that neither the said prince nor earle nor anie of their partakers should come within the citie, the gates whereof were by the maiors appointment closed and kept with watch and ward both day and night. Soone after also, for the more safegard of the citie, the gates were by the maiors appointment closed and kept with diligent watch and ward both day and night. Soone after also for the more safegard of the said citie, and sure kéeping of the peace, the king of Almaine with the said sir Hugh and sir Philip came and lodged in the citie with their companies, and such other as they would assigne, to strengthen the citie if néed required. Wherin their prouident consent to withstand so foule a mischéefe as sedition might haue bred in the citie, deserueth high commendation, for it was the next waie to preserue the state thereof against all occasions of ruine, to vnite harts and hands in so swéet an harmonie, which the law of nature teacheth men to doo, and as by this sage sentence is insinuated and giuen to vnderstand, Manus manum lauat & digitus digitum, Vir virum & ciuitas seruat ciuitatem. [Sidenote: The king returneth into England.] [Sidenote: The earle of Glocester confederateth himselfe with the earle of Leicester.] Shortlie after, the king returned out of France, and about the feast of S. Marke came to London, and lodged in the bishops palace. And bicause of certeine rumors that were spred abroad sounding to some euill meaning, which prince Edward should haue against his father, the king brought ouer with him a great power of men in armes being strangers, howbeit he brought them not into the citie, but left them beyond the bridge in the parts of Surrie, notwithstanding being entred the citie, he so kept the gates and entries, that none was permitted to enter, but such as came in by his sufferance. The earle of Glocester by his appointment also was lodged within the citie, and the prince in the palace at Westminster. Shortlie after by the kings commandement he remooued to S. Iohns, & all the other lords were lodged without the citie, and the king of Almaine remooued againe to Westminster. In which time a direction was taken betwéene the said parties, and a new assemblie and parlement assigned to be kept in the quindene of S. Iohn Baptist, and after deferred or proroged till the feast of saint Edward, at the which time all things were pacified a while, but so as the earle of Glocester was put beside the roome which he had amongst other the péeres, and so then he ioined in fréendship with the earle of Leicester, as it were by way of confederacie against the residue, and yet in this last contention, the said earle of Leicester tooke part with the prince against the earle of Glocester. [Sidenote: _Chr. Dunstab._] [Sidenote: _Matth. West._] [Sidenote: A Iew at Teukesburie falleth into a iakes.] This yeare the lord William de Beauchampe the elder deceassed. ¶ The lord Edward the kings sonne, with a faire companie of knights and other men of armes, passed the seas to exercise himselfe in iusts, but he himselfe and his men were euill intreated in manie places, so that they lost horsse, armour, and all other things to his great griefe and disliking (as may be estéemed) yet (as some write) he returned home with victorie in the iusts. This yeare at Teukesburie, a Iew falling by chance into a iakes vpon the saturdaie, in reuerence of his sabboth would not suffer any man to plucke him foorth, wherof the earle of Glocester being aduertised, thought the Christians should doo as much reuerence to their sabboth which is sundaie, and therefore would suffer no man to go about to take him foorth that day, and so lieng still till mondaie, he was there found dead. [Sidenote: _Matt. Westm._] [Sidenote: Death of Noble men.] [Sidenote: Bach rather.] [Sidenote: _Matth. West._] [Sidenote: An. Reg. 45.] [Sidenote: The king of Scots commeth to London.] [Sidenote: _Matt. West._] Diuers Noble men departed this life in this yeare, as the earle of Albemarle, the lord William Beauchampe, Stephan de Longespée lord chéefe iustice of Ireland, and Roger de Turkeby one of the kings chéefe councellors and iustices of the land, William de Kirkham bishop of Durham, and Iohn de Crakehale treasurer of England, a spirituall man, but rich beyond measure: also Henrie de Ba another of the kings iustices of the bench. In the 45 yeare of king Henries reigne, Alexander king of Scotland came to London anon after the feast of St. Edward, with a faire companie of Scotishmen, and shortlie after his wife the quéene of Scots came thither also. Moreouer king Henrie kept a roiall feast at Westminster, where he made to the number of foure score knights, amongst whome, Iohn sonne to the earle of Britaine, who had maried the ladie Beatrice, one of the kings daughters was there made knight. Shortlie after was sir Hugh Spenser made lord chéefe iustice. [Sidenote: 1261.] [Sidenote: _Chro. Dun._] [Sidenote: _Fabian._] [Sidenote: A folkemote holden at Pauls crosse.] [Sidenote: An oth to be true to the king.] After Christmasse the K. comming into the towre of London, fortified it greatlie, & caused the gates of the citie to be warded, sending forth commandement to his lords that they should come to the towre, there to hold a parlement; but they denied flatlie so to doo, sending him word that if it pleased him, they would come to Westminster, where vsuallie the parlement had béene kept, and not to anie other place, whervpon there rose dissention betwixt him and the barons. After the feast of the Purification, at a folkemote holden at Paules crosse (where the king was present in person, with the king of Almaine, the archbishop of Canturburie, and diuerse other of the Nobles) commandement was giuen to the maior, that euerie stripling of the age of 12 yeares and aboue, should before his alderman be sworne to be true to the king and his heires kings of England, and that the gates of the citie should be kept with armed men, as before by the king of Romans was deuised. [Sidenote: The lord Spenser discharged of his office.] [Sidenote: An. Reg. 46.] [Sidenote: The presumptuous procéedings of the bar[=o]s against the king.] [Sidenote: 1262.] [Sidenote: A bull read at Pauls crosse.] About Easter the barons of the land with consent of the péeres, discharged sir Hugh Spenser of his office of chéefe iustice, and placed in his roome sir Philip Basset without the kings assent, he being not made priuie therevnto. Wherevpon a new occasion of displeasure was ministered to kindle debate betwixt the king and his lords, but by the policie of the king of Almaine and some prelats, the matter was quieted for a time, till after at Hallowentide next insuing, which was the 46 yeare of K. Henries reigne. At that time the barons tooke vpon them to discharge such shiriffes as the king had elected & named gardians of the countries and shires, and in their places put other shiriffes, and besides that would not suffer the iustice which the king had admitted, to doo his office in kéeping his circuit, but appointed such to doo it, as it pleased them to assigne, wherwith the king was so much offended, that he laboured by all means to him possible about the disanulling of the ordinances made at Oxford, and vpon the second sundaie in Lent, he caused to be read at Paules crosse a bull, obteined of pope Vrbane the fourth, as a confirmation of an other bull before purchased of his predecessour pope Alexander, for the absoluing of the king, and all other that were sworne to the maintenance of the articles agréed vpon at Oxford. This absolution he caused to be shewed through the realmes of England, Wales & Ireland, giuing streight charge that if any person were found that would disobeie this absolution, the same should be committed to prison, there to remaine till the kings pleasure were further knowne. [Sidenote: _Matth. West._] [Sidenote: Many gouernors pernicious to a common-wealth.] Suerlie the most part of those péeres which had the rule of the king and kingdome thus in their hand, perceiuing the enormitie that dailie grew of so manifold heads and gouernours, were minded of themselues to dissolue those prouisions and ordinances so made at Oxford, in somuch that there were but fiue which stiffelie stood in defense of the same, that is to saie, the bishop of Worcester, and the earles of Leicester and Glocester, with Henrie Spenser, and Peter de Montfort, the which by no meanes could be brought to confesse that they might with a safe conscience go contrarie to those ordinances which they had confirmed with their solemne oth, notwithstanding the popes dispensation; whereas the same oth was rather a bond of iniquitie (as saith Matth. Westminster) deuised to conspire against Christ and his annointed, that is to saie, their naturall liege lord and lawfull king, than any godlie oth aduisedlie taken, or necessarie to be receiued of good meaning subiects, yea and of such a friuolous oth it is said, that In aqua scribitur & in puluere exaratur. [Sidenote: The king of Almaine goeth ouer into Germanie.] [Sidenote: _Fabian._] [Sidenote: The king hauing licence passeth ouer into France.] [Sidenote: He falleth sick of a feuer quartane.] [Sidenote: _Chro. Dun._] [Sidenote: Death of noble men.] In Iune the king of Almaine tooke shipping and sailed ouer into Dutchland, and king Henrie at a folkemote holden at Paules crosse the sundaie after S. Peters day, had licence to saile into France and the morrow after he departed from London towards the sea side, with the quéene and other lords, his two sonnes prince Edward and the earle of Lancaster being at that present in Guien. When he had béene a season in France, he went vnto Burdeaux, and there fell sicke of a feuer quartane, by occasion whereof he taried in those parties till S. Nicholas tide next following. There were few that went ouer with him that escaped frée without the same disease, so that in maner all his companie were taken and sore handled therewith. Manie died thereof to the number of thréescore, and amongst them as chéefe were these, Baldwine de Lisle earle of Deuonshire, Ingram de Percie, and William de Beauchampe. [Sidenote: The earle of Glocester departeth this life.] [Sidenote: An. Reg. 47.] [Sidenote: Iewes slaine.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Westm._] [Sidenote: The Welshmen warre against ye lord Mortimers tenants.] [Sidenote: He séeketh his reuenge against them.] In this yeare died Richard the Clare earle of Glocester, and his sonne sir Gilbert de Clare was earle after him, vnto whome his father gaue great charge that he should mainteine the ordinances of Oxford. In the 47 yeare of king Henries reigne, by reason that a Iew had wounded a christian man at London within Colechurch, in the ward of cheap, not onelie the said Iew was slaine by other christians that followed him home to his house, but also manie other Iewes were robbed and slaine in that furie and rage of the people. The Welshmen with their prince Leolin made wars against the men and tenants of Roger de Mortimer; and tooke two of his castels (the one called Kenet) and raced them both to the ground. The said Roger being sore gréeued herwith, got such assistance as he could of other lords there in the marches, and watching the Welshmen at aduantage, distressed diuerse companies of them, sometime thrée hundred, sometime foure hundred, and other whiles fiue hundred. But at one time he lost thrée hundred of his footmen that were entred the countrie, and so inclosed that they could make no shift to escape. [Sidenote: _Fabian._] [Sidenote: 1263.] [Sidenote: Thames frosen.] [Sidenote: Variance betwixt the citizens of London and the constable of the towre.] Vpon the euen of S. Thomas the apostle, the king landed at Douer, and came to London the Wednesdaie before the twelfe day in Christmasse. In this yeare the frost began about S. Nicholas daie, and continued for the space of a moneth and more, so extreamelie, that the Thames was frosen, so that men passed ouer on horssebacke. ¶ The same winter the kings little hall at Westminster, with manie other houses therevnto adioining, was consumed with fire, by negligence of one of the kings seruants. Variance rose betwixt the citizens of London, and the constable of the towre, for that contrarie to the liberties of the citie he tooke certeine ships passing by the towre with wheat and other vittels into the towre, making the price thereof himselfe. The matter was had before sir Philip Basset lord chéefe iustice and others, who vpon the sight and hearing of all such euidences and priuiledges as could be brought foorth for the aduantage of both the parties, tooke order that the constable should (when he lacked prouision of graine or vittels) come into the market holden within the citie, and there to haue wheat two pence in a quarter within the maiors price, and other vittels after the same rate. [Sidenote: _Matth. West._] [Sidenote: Prince Edward goeth against the Welshmen.] [Sidenote: The archb. of Canturburie goeth to Rome.] [Sidenote: _Fabian._] [Sidenote: The lord maior of London sworne to be true to the king.] Prince Edward the kings sonne returning from the parts beyond the sea, went with a great power (as well of Englishmen as strangers) against the Welshmen towards Snowdon hils: but the enimies withdrawing themselues to their strengths within the woods and mounteines, he could not much indamage them, wherevpon after he had fortified certeine castels in those parts, with men, munition, and vittels, he returned being sent for backe of his father. The archbishop of Canturburie foreséeing the trouble that was like to insue betwixt the king and his barons, got licence of the king to go vnto Rome, about such businesse as he fained to haue to doo with the pope, and so departed the land, and kept him awaie till the trouble was appeased. Vpon midlent sundaie, at a folkemote holden at Paules crosse, before sir Philip Basset and other of the kings councell, the maior of London was sworne to be true to the king, and to his heires kings of England, and vpon the morrow at the Guildhall euerie alderman in presence of the maior tooke the same oth. And vpon the sundaie following, euerie inhabitant within the citie, of the age of 12 yeares and aboue, before his alderman in his ward was newlie charged with the like oth. [Sidenote: Cloked malice bursteth out.] [Sidenote: The barons raise people. The lord Clifford.] [Sidenote: _Chron. Dun._] Then began the displeasure betwéene the king and his barons to appeare, which had béene long kept secret, diuers of whom assembling togither in the marches of Wales, gathered vnto them a power of men, and sent a letter vnto the king, vnder the seale of sir Roger Clifford, beséeching him to haue in remembrance his oth and manifold promises made for the obseruing of the statutes ordeined at Oxford. But although this letter was indited and written verie effectuallie, yet receiued they no answer from the king, who minded in no wise to obserue the same statutes, as by euident tokens it was most apparant. Wherevpon they determined to attempt by force to bring their purpose to passe. The king and the quéene for their more safegard got them into the towre of London, and prince Edward laie at Clerkenwell, but in such necessitie and discredit for monie, that neither had they anie store to furnish their wants, neither was there anie man that would trust them with a groat. [Sidenote: Prince Edward taketh monie out of ye treasurie of the temple.] Prince Edward not able to abide such dishonor, in the feast of the apostle Peter and Paule, taking with him Robert Waleran, and certeine others, went to the new temple, and there calling for the kéeper of the treasure-house, as if he meant to sée his mothers iewels, that were laid vp there, to be safelie kept, he entred into the house, and breaking the coffers of certeine persons that had likewise brought their monie thither, to haue it in more safetie, he tooke away from thence the value of 1000 pounds. [Sidenote: _Mart. lib. 11. Hor. lib. car. 3. ode 24._] ----ô quantum cogit egestas! Magnum pauperies opprobrium iubet Quiduis & facere & pati, Virtutísque viam deserit arduæ. [Sidenote: The Londoners rob the house of the lord Gray.] The citizens of London were so offended herewith that they rose in armour against him and other of the kings councell, in somuch that they assailed the lodging of the lord Iohn Gray without Ludgate, and tooke out of his stables 32 horsses, and such other things as they might laie hold vpon, kéeping such stur that the lord Gray himselfe was forced to flie beyond Fléetbridge. The like rule they kept at the house of Iohn de Passelew. [Sidenote: Iohn M[=a]sell fléeth into France.] Iohn Mansell departing foorth of the towre to the Thames, with the countesse de Lisle, and other ladies that were strangers borne, sailed into France, and landed at Whitsand, where the said Mansell hearing that the lord Henrie, sonne to the king of Almaine, that then held with the barons was in those parts, he caused the lord Ingram de Fines to staie him as prisoner, and so he remained, till king Henrie vpon the agréement betwixt him and the barons, found meanes to get him released, and so then he returned into England. [Sidenote: The barons that rose against the king.] [Sidenote: Their chéefe capteins.] [Sidenote: The barons that tooke part with the king.] But now touching the barons, they procéeded in their businesse which they had in hand with all earnest diligence of whom these were the chéefe that vndertooke this matter: yoong Humfrie de Boun, the lord Henrie son to the king of Almaine, Henrie Montford, Hugh Spenser, Baldwin Wake, Gilbert Gifford, Richard Gray, Iohn Ross, William Marmion, Henrie Hastings, Haimon le Strange, Iohn Fitz Iohn, Godfrey Lucie, Nicholas Segraue, Roger de Leiborne, Iohn Vesie, Roger de Clifford, Iohn de Vaus, Gilbert de Clare, Gilbert de Lacie, and Robert Vepont, the which with one generall consent elected for their chéefe capteins and generall gouernours, Simon de Mountfort earle of Leicester, Gilbert of Clare earle of Glocester, and Robert Ferries earle of Darbie, and Iohn earle of Warren. On the kings part these persons are named to stand with him against the other. First, Roger Bigod erle of Norffolke and Suffolke, Humfrie de Boun earle of Hereford, Hugh Bigod lord chéefe iustice, Philip Basset, William de Valence, Geffrey de Lucignan, Peter de Sauoy, Robert Walrand, Iohn Mansell, Geffrey Langley, Iohn Gray, William Latimer, Henrie Percie, and manie other. The barons notwithstanding hauing assembled their powers, resolued to go through with their purpose. [Sidenote: _Risanger_ noteth this to be 1264.] [Sidenote: The barons make hauoch] The first enterprise they made was at Hereford, where they tooke the bishop of that sée named Iohn Breton, and as manie of his canons as were strangers borne. After this they tooke sir Matthew de Bezilles shiriffe of Glocester, a stranger borne; and kéeping on their waie towards London with baners displaied, so manie as came within their reach, whom they knew to be against the maintenance of the statutes of Oxford, they spoiled them of their houses, robbed them of their goods, and imprisoned their bodies, hauing no regard whether they were spirituall men or temporall. In diuerse of the kings castels they placed such capteins and soldiers as they thought conuenient, and displaced others whom they either knew or suspected to be aduersaries to their purpose. [Sidenote: The diligence of the lord maior of London.] About Midsummer when they drew néere to London, they sent a letter to the maior and aldermen vnder the seale of the earle of Leicester, willing to vnderstand whether they would obserue the acts and statutes established at Oxford, or else aid and assist such persons as meant the breach of the same. And herewith they sent vnto them a copie of those articles, with a prouiso, that if any of them were preiudiciall, or in any wise hurtfull to the realme and common-wealth, that then the same by the aduise of discréet persons should be amended and reformed. The maior bare this letter and the copie of the articles vnto the king, who in this meane time remained in the towre of London, togither with the quéene and the king of Almaine, latelie returned out of Almaine; also his sonne prince Edward, and manie other of his councell. The king asked of the maior what he thought of those articles? Who made such answer as the king séemed well pleased therewith, and so permitted the maior to returne againe into the citie, who toke much paine in kéeping the citie in good quiet now in that dangerous time. [Sidenote: The misdemeanor of lewd persons toward the quéene.] [Sidenote: _Chron. Dunst._] All such the inhabitants as were strangers borne, and suspected to fauour either of the parties, were banished the citie, but within a while after, prince Edward set them or the most part of them in offices within the castell of Windsore. On the saturdaie next after the translation of saint Benet, as the quéene would haue passed by water from the tower vnto Windsore, a sort of lewd naughtipacks got them to the bridge, making a noise at hir, and crieng; Drowne the witch, threw downe stones, cudgels, dirt, and other things at hir, so that she escaped in great danger of hir person, fled to Lambeth, and through feare to be further pursued, landed there, and so she staied till the maior of London with much adoo appesing the furie of the people, repaired to the quéene and brought hir backe againe in safetie vnto the tower. And (as some write) bicause the king would not suffer hir to enter againe into the tower, the maior conueied hir vnto the bishop of Londons house by Paules and there lodged hir. [Sidenote: _Matth. West._] [Sidenote: _Chron. Dunst._] [Sidenote: Bishops trauell to make peace.] The barons in this meane time hauing got the citie of Worcester and Bridgenorth, with other places, were come into the south parts, to the end that they might win the castell of Douer, and find some meanes to set the lord Henrie (sonne to the king of Almaine that was prisoner beyond the seas) at libertie. In the meane time the bishops of Lincolne, London and Chester, trauelled betwixt the king and barons for a peace; but the barons would not agrée, except that the king and quéene would first cause the lord Henrie to be set at libertie, and deliuer into their hands the castels of Windsore, Douer, and other fortresses, and send awaie all the strangers, and take such order that the prouisions of Oxenford might be obserued, as well by the king as others. [Sidenote: Strangers kéepe the castell of Windsore.] The king although these conditions séemed verie hard and displeasant to his mind, yet was he driuen to such an extremitie that he granted to accept them, and so an agréement was made and had betwixt him and the lords. But now all the difficultie was to appease the lord Edward, and to remooue the strangers which he had placed in the castell of Windsore, which they had not onelie fortified, but also in manner destroied the towne, and doone much hurt in the countrie round about them. There were to the number of an hundred knights or men of armes (as I may call them) beside a great number of other men of warre. But now after that the king had agréed to the peace, the barons entred the citie on the sundaie before S. Margarets daie; and shortlie after the king came to Westminster with the quéene, and those of his councell. And immediatlie herevpon, by consent of the king and the barons, sir Hugh Spenser was made chéefe iustice and kéeper of the tower. During the time that the lords remained in London, manie robberies and riots were doone within the citie, and small redresse had in correcting the offendors, they were so borne out and mainteined by their maisters and others. [Sidenote: The great disorder in the citie of London.] [Sidenote: _Abington._] [Sidenote: _Nic. Treuet._] The commons of the citie were farre out of order, for in the assemblies and courts, as well at Guildhall as in other places, the matters and iudgement of things went by the voices of the simple and vndiscréet multitude, so that the substantiall and worshipfull citizens were not regarded. The barons on the morrow following the feast of saint Iames, departed from London toward Windsore, in which meane while prince Edward was gone to Bristow, & there thinking himselfe to be out of danger, by mishap there rose variance betwixt the citizens & his men, so that the whole citie reuolted from him, and prepared to besiege him in the castell, not doubting but easilie to win it. When he saw how the world went, he sent to the bishop of Worcester that was of the barons side, promising that he would agrée with the barons, if he would helpe to deliuer him out of the Bristow mens hands. The bishop taking his promise conueied him foorth in safetie toward the court; but when he came néere vnto Windsore, he turned thither, greatlie to the misliking of the bishop: yet neuerthelesse when the barons came forward to besiege that castle, the lord Edward met them not farre from Kingston, offering them conditions of peace. Some write that he was staied and not suffered to returne againe to Windsore, after he had ended his talke with the barons: but howsoeuer it was, the castell was surrendred, with condition that those that were within it should safelie depart, and so they did, and were conducted to the sea by Humphrey de Bohun the yoonger. ¶ About the same time, Leolin prince of Wales destroied the lands of prince Edward in Cheshire, and the marshes thereabouts. The two castels of Disard and Gannoc he tooke and destroied, being two verie faire fortresses. [Sidenote: A parlement.] [Sidenote: _Abington._] [Sidenote: The kings protestation against the articles at Oxenford.] About the feast of the Natiuitie of our ladie, there was a parlement holden at London, at the which all the nobles of the realme both spirituall and temporall were present; and then the citie of London, and the cinque ports ioined in league as confederats with the barons: but the king plainly protested before all the assemblie, that by the statutes and prouisions (as they termed them) made at Oxenford, he was much deceiued. For contrarie to that which the barons had promised, he felt himselfe rather charged with more debt than anie thing reléeued: and therefore sith he had obteined of the pope an absolution of the oth both for himselfe and his people, his request was to be restored vnto his former estate of all such prerogatiues as in time past he had inioied. The barons on the other side stiffelie mainteined, that they could not with safe consciences go against their oth, and therefore they meant to stand in defense of the articles aforesaid euen so long as they had a daie to liue. [Sidenote: The matter put to the French king.] [Sidenote: The French king giueth sentence against the barons.] Thus whilest both parts kept so farre from all hope of agréement, and were now in point to haue departed in sunder, through mediation of some bishops that were present a peace was concluded, and the parties so agréed, that all matters in controuersie touching the articles, prouisions, and statutes made at Oxenford should be ordered and iudged by the French king, whom they chose as arbitrator betwixt them. Herevpon, on the thirtéenth of September, both the king and quéene, with their sonnes, and diuerse other of the nobles of this land, tooke shipping, and sailed ouer to Bullongne, where the French king as then was at a parlement, with a great number of the nobles and péeres of France. The earle of Leicester also with diuerse of his complices went thither, and there the matter was opened, argued, and debated before the French king, who in the end vpon due examination, and orderlie hearing of the whole processe of all their controuersies, gaue express sentence, that all and euerie of the said statutes and ordinances deuised at Oxford, should be from thencefoorth vtterlie void, and all bonds and promises made by king Henrie, or anie other for performance of them, should likewise be adnihilated, fordoone, and clearelie cancelled. [Sidenote: An. Reg. 48.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Westm._] The barons highlie displeased herewith, refused to stand to the French kings award herein, bicause he had iudged altogither on the kings side. Wherevpon after they were returned into the realme, either partie prepared for warre: but yet about the feast of S. Edward, the king and the barons eftsoones met at London, holding a new parlement at Westminster, but no good could be doone. Then when the king of Almaine and prince Edward, with others of the kings councell saw that by rapine, oppression, and extortion practised by the barons against the kings subiects, as well spirituall as temporall, the state of the realme and the kings honour was much decaied, and brought in manner vnto vtter ruine, they procured the king to withdraw secretlie from Westminster vnto Windsore castell, of which his sonne prince Edward had gotten the possession by a traine. From Windsore he went to Reading, and from thence to Wallingford, and so to Oxford, hauing a great power with him. [Sidenote: The lords that reuolted to the king.] At his being at Oxford there came vnto him the lord Henrie, son to the king of Almaine, Iohn earle Warren, Roger Clifford, Roger Leiborne, Haimond le Strange, and Iohn de Vaux, which had reuolted from the barons to the kings side, Iohn Gifford also did the like: but he shortlie after returned to the barons part againe. The kings sonne the lord Edward had procured them thus to reuolt, promising to euerie of them in reward by his charter of grant fiftie pounds lands to aid the king his father and him against the barons. [Sidenote: _Chron. Dun._] [Sidenote: _Abington._] [Sidenote: 1264.] [Sidenote: The king goeth again ouer to the French king.] [Sidenote: _Fabian._] After this the king went to Winchester, and from thence came backe vnto Reading, and then he marched foorth with his armie vnto Douer, where he could not be suffered to come into the castell, being kept out by the lord Richard Gray that was capteine there. Herevpon he returned to London, where the barons againe were entred, through fauour of the commoners, against the will of the chéefe citizens, and here they fell eftsoones to treat of agréement, but their talke profited nothing. And so in the Christmasse wéeke the king, with his sonne prince Edward and diuerse other of the councell sailed ouer againe into France, and went to Amiens, where they found the French king, and a great number of his nobles. Also for the barons, Peter de Montford, and other were sent thither as commissioners, and as some write, at that present, to wit on the 24 daie of Ianuarie, the French king sitting in iudgement, pronounced his definitiue sentence on the behalfe of king Henrie against the barons: but whether he gaue that sentence now, or the yeare before, the barons iudged him verie parciall, and therefore meant not to stand vnto his arbitrement therein. [Sidenote: _Nic. Triuet._] [Sidenote: Castels gotten by prince Edward.] The king hauing ended his businesse with the French king, returned into England, and came to London the morrow after S. Valentines day. And about seuen or eight daies after, the lord Edward his eldest sonne returned also, and hearing that the barons were gone to the marshes of Wales (where ioining with the Welshmen, they had begun to make warre against the kings fréends, and namelie against his lieutenant Roger lord Mortimer, whome they had besieged in the castell of Wigmore) the lord Edward therevpon, with such power as he could get togither, marched thitherwards to raise their siege: but the lord Mortimer perceiuing himselfe in danger, fled priuilie out of the castell, and got to Hereford, whither the prince was come. The barons inforced their strength in such wise that they wan the castell. Prince Edward on the other side tooke the castels of Haie and Huntington that belonged vnto the earle of Hereford yoong Henrie de Boun. [Sidenote: Winchester taken.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Westm._] [Sidenote: The citie of Glocester recouered and put to fine.] The castel of Brecknoc was also deliuered into his hands, which he béetooke to the kéeping of the lord Roger de Mortimer, with all the territorie thereto belonging. Robert earle of Darbie that tooke part with the barons, besieged the citie of Worcester, and tooke it by the old castell, sacked the citizens goods, and constreined the Iewes to be baptised. The citie of Glocester also was taken by the barons: but prince Edward following them and reparing the bridge ouer Seuerne, which the barons had broken downe after they were come ouer, he entred the castell of Glocester with his people. The next day by procurement of Walter bishop of Worcester, a truce was taken betwixt prince Edward and the barons that had taken the towne, during the which truce the barons left the towne, and the burgesses submitted themselues vnto prince Edward: and so he hauing the castell and towne in his hands, imprisoned manie of the burgesses & fined the towne at the summe of a thousand pounds. Then he drew towards his father lieng at Oxford or at Woodstoke, gathering people togither on ech hand. [Sidenote: The c[=o]moners of the citie of London agrée with the Barons.] [Sidenote: _R. Fabian._] [Sidenote: The manor of Thistleworth spoiled.] [Sidenote: The chéefe cause that set the K. of Almaine so sore against the barons.] In the meane time the lords drew towards London, and the new assurance by writing indented was made betwéene the communaltie of the citie and the barons, without consent of any of the rulers of the citie. The commoners herewith appointed of themselues two capteins, which they named constables of the citie, that is to saie, Thomas Piwelsdon & Stephan Bukerell, by whose commandement and tolling of the great bell of Paules all the citie was warned to be readie in harnesse, to attend vpon the said two capteins. About the beginning of Lent the constable of the towre sir Hugh Spenser, with the said two capteins, and a great multitude of the citizens and others went to Thistleworth, and there spoiled the manour place of the king of Almaine, and then set it on fire, and destroied the water milles, and other commodities which he there had. This déed was the cause (as some haue iudged) of the warre that after insued. For where before this time the said king of Almaine had béene, by reason of the alliance betwixt him and the earle of Glocester, continuallie an intreater for peace, he was now euer after this time an vtter enimie vnto the barons, and vnto their side, so farre as laie in his power. [Sidenote: The lords that followed the king.] The king hearing of this riotous act, and being informed that Peter de Mountfort was at Northampton, assembling people to strengthen the barons part, he got togither such men of warre as he could from all places, and so he had with him his brother Richard king of Almaine, his eldest sonne the lord Edward, William de Valence his halfe brother on the mothers side, & Iohn Comin of Ward in Scotland with a great number of Scots, Iohn Ballioll lord of Gallowaie, Robert Bruis lord of Annandale, Roger Clifford, Philip Marmion, Iohn Vaux, Iohn Leiborne, Henrie Percie, Philip Basset, and Roger Mortimer. [Sidenote: Northampton taken by force.] Thus the king hauing these Noble men about him, with his armie sped him towards Northampton, and comming thither tooke the towne by force, slue diuerse, and tooke prisoners Peter Mountfort, and Simon Mountfort the earle of Leicesters son, William Ferries, Baldwin Wake, with Nicholas his brother, Berengarius de Wateruile, Hugh Gubiun, Robert Buteuilein, Adam of Newmarch, Robert Newton, Philip Dribie, Grimbald Pauncefoet, Roger Beltram, Thomas Mansell, and diuerse other, to the number of 80 knights (or as Matthew Westminster hath 15 barons, and 60 knights) besides a great number of esquires and burgesses, the which were bestowed abroad in sundrie prisons. The towne (as some write) was taken by this meanes. Whilest diuerse of the capteins within were talking with the king on the one side of the towne towards the meadowes, the lord Philip Bassett approched the walles néere vnto the monasterie of S. Andrew, and there with his people hauing spades, mattocks, and other instruments prouided for the purpose, vndermined a great paine of the wall, and reuersed the same into ditches, making such a breach, that fortie horssemen might enter afront. Some put the blame in such moonks of the abbeie as were strangers, as though they should prepare this entrie for the enimie: but howsoeuer it was, the king got the towne out of his enimies hands. [Sidenote: Scholers fight against the king.] [Sidenote: Some write that Iohn de Balioll and Robert de Bruis, and Peter de Bruis, came to him here and not before.] This also is to be remembred, that where by reason of variance, which had chanced that yere betwixt the scholers of Oxford and the townesmen, a great number of the same scholers were withdrawen to Northampton and there studied. They had raised a banner to fight in defense of the towne against the king, and did more hurt to the assailants than anie other band; wherevpon the king threatened to hang them all, and so had he doone indéed, if by the persuasion of his councell he had not altered his purpose, doubting to procure the hatred of their fréends, if the execution should haue béene so rigorouslie prosecuted against them: for there were amongst them manie yoong gentlemen of good houses and noble parentage. Thus was the towne of Northampton taken on a saturdaie being Passion sundaie euen, and the morrow after the daie of S. Ambrose which is the fift of Aprill. On the monday following, the king led his armie towards Leicester, where the burgesses receiued him into the towne at his comming thither. From thence he marched to Notingham, burning and wasting the houses and manors of the barons and other of his enimies, and speciallie those that belonged to the earle of Leicester. Here he also gathered more people, and so increased his power: in somuch that diuerse Noblemen, as Roger Clifford, Henrie Percie, Richard Gray, Philip Basset, Richard Sward, and Hubert earle of Kent, doubting the lacke of power in their companions, reuolted incontinentlie to the kings side. [Sidenote: _Matt. West_.] [Sidenote: The castell of Tutburie defaced.] [Sidenote: The castell of Warwike taken.] [Sidenote: The castell of Warwike raced.] [Sidenote: The Iewes are killed.] He sent his sonne prince Edward into Darbishire and Staffordshire with a strong power, where he wasted the manours and possessions of Robert de Ferrers earle of Darbie, and namelie he ouerthrew and defaced the castell of Tutburie. Wheresoeuer the kings armie, or that which his sonne prince Edward led, chanced to come, there followed spoiling, burning, and killing. The barons on the other side sate not still, for the lord Iohn Gifford, with others that were appointed by the earle of Leicester to kéepe Killingworth castell (which was furnished with all things necessarie, maruellouslie, and with such strange kind of engines as had not béene lightlie heard of nor séene in these parts) tooke by a policie the castell of Warwike, and William Manduit earle of Warwike, with his wife and familie within it; and leading them to Killingworth, there c[=o]mitted them to prison. The cause was, for that they suspected him that he would take part with the king against them. The castell of Warwike they raced downe, least the kings people should take it for their refuge. In the Passion wéeke the Iewes that inhabited in London being detected of treason, which they had deuised against the barons and citizens, were slaine almost all the whole number of them, and great riches found in their houses, which were taken and caried awaie by those that ransacked the same houses. [Sidenote: Rochester besieged.] [Sidenote: _N. Triuet._] [Sidenote: _Matth. West._] [Sidenote: The kings halfe brethren come out of France to his aid.] [Sidenote: The king incampeth at Lewes.] After Easter the earle of Leicester, hauing London at his commandement, went to Rochester and besieged that citie, but the capteine thereof Iohn earle of Warren did manfullie resist the enimies; till the king aduertised thereof, with the power of the marshes of the north parts and other came and remooued the siege. This doone, he left a conuenient garrison within the citie to defend it, and comming to Tunbridge, wan the castell, and taking the countesse of Glocester that was within it, permitted hir to depart. This doone, he repaired to the sea side towards France, to staie there till his brethren, Geffrey and Guie, the sonnes of the earle of Marsh should arriue with some band of souldiers, for whom he had now sent and reuoked into the realme, being latelie before banished by the Nobles, as before yée haue heard. They shortlie after landed, wherevpon the king hauing his power increased, came to Lewes, and pight downe his field not farre from that towne. [Sidenote: The barons send a letter to the king.] [Sidenote: The answer to ye barons.] [Sidenote: He defieth them.] In the end of Aprill the barons hearing where the king was, departed from London with a great multitude of the citizens, whom they placed in the vantward, and marched foorth towards the king, and comming néere to the place where he was lodged, set downe their tents, and incamped themselues a little beside him. Either here or by the waie as they came forward, the barons deuised a letter, and sent it vnto the king, conteining an excuse of their dooings, and a declaration of their well meanings, both towards him, and the wealth of the realme; and herewith accused those that were about him; and with euill counsell misinformed him, both against them, against the publike wealth of the land, and his owne honor. This letter was dated the tenth of Maie, and subscribed with the names of a great number of noble men, of the which the more part doo here insue, but yet not all; Sir Simon de Montfort earle of Leicester and high steward of England, sir Gilbert de Clare earle of Glocester, Robert Ferrers earle of Darbie, Hugh Spenser lord chéefe iustice, & Henrie Montfort sonne and heire to the earle of Leicester, Richard Grey, Henrie Hastings, Iohn Fitz Iohn, Robert de Véepont, Iohn Ginuile, Robert Roos, William Marmion, Baldwine Wake, Gilbert Gifford, Nicholas de Segraue, Godfrey de Lucie, Iohn de Veisie, William de Mountchensie, with other. The king answered this letter, in charging them with rebellion, and moouing of open war against him, to the great disquieting of the realme. Also he laid vnto their charge, the burning of the manours, houses and places of his nobles and councellors; and herewith defied them by the same answer, which was dated at Lewes aforesaid on the twelfth of Maie. [Sidenote: _Math. West._] [Sidenote: _N. Triuet._] [Sidenote: The ordering of the battels.] Also the king of Romanes, and prince Edward sent their defiance to the barons at the same time in writing vnder their seales, for that the barons in their letter to the king, had burthened them and other with misleading the king with vntrue informations and sinister counsell. Thus as they writ to and fro such nipping letters, all the treatie of peace was forgotten and laid aside, so that they prepared to battell. The king had indéed the greater number of armed men, but manie of them were vnfaithfull, and cared not greatlie though the losse fell to his side, and so whilest they went to it without order, & vnaduisedlie, they fought at aduenture, & continued but faintly. His capteines made thrée battels of their armie, the lord Edward led the foreward, and with him William de Valence earle of Penbroke, and Iohn de Warren erle of Surrey and Sussex. In the second, the K. of Almaine, with his sonne Henrie were chéeftaines. The third the king gouerned himselfe. [Sidenote: The battels ioine.] [Sidenote: _Chron. Dunst._] [Sidenote: Prince Edward pursueth the Londoners.] The barons diuided their host into foure battels, the first was vnder the gouernment of the lord Henrie de Montfort and others. The second was led by the lord Gilbert de Clare, the lord Iohn Fitz Iohn, and the lord William de Mountchensie. The third, in which the Londoners were placed, the lord Nicholas de Segraue ruled. The fourth was led by Simon Montfort earle of Leicester himselfe, and one Thomas de Peuelston. Thus being ordered, on the fourtéenth of Maie being Wednesdaie, they ioined in fight, and at the first incounter, the L. Henrie de Hastings, the lord Geffrey de Lucie, & Humfrey de Bohun the yoonger were wounded, and the Londoners forthwith were beaten backe: for prince Edward so fiercelie assailed them, that they were not able to abide the brunt. He hated them indéed aboue all other, namelie for that of late they had misvsed his mother, reuiling hir, and throwing durt and stones at hir, when she passed the bridge (as before ye haue heard) which wrong and abuse by them committed was peraduenture on their parts forgotten, but of prince Edward (as it séemeth) remembred, for Puluere qui lædit, sed læsus marmore scribit. [Sidenote: The kings part put to the worse.] [Sidenote: _Matt. West._] [Sidenote: _Nic. Triuet._] [Sidenote: _Matth. Paris._] [Sidenote: Seuen hundred hath _Abington._] [Sidenote: Prince Edward commeth backe to his father.] Herevpon prince Edward now to be reuenged of them, after they began to flie, most egerlie following them, chased & slue them by heaps. But whilest he separated himselfe by such earnest following of the Londoners too farre from the residue of the kings armie, he was the onelie cause of the losse of that field: for the earle of Leicester, perceiuing that the prince with the chiefest force of the kings armie was thus gone after the Londoners (of whom he made no great account) he exhorted his people to shew their valiancie at that instant, and so comming vpon his aduersaries with great courage, in a moment put them to flight. There were taken the king of Almaine, the lords Iohn de Burgh and Philip Basset with all other the chiefest that were about the king, but the king himselfe retired with those few about him that were left, into the priorie of Lewes, and other there were that withdrew into the castell. The barons pursuing them, entered the towne, and tooke or slue so manie as they found within the castell and priorie. At length, prince Edward returned from the chase of the Londoners, whom he had pursued for the space of foure miles, and finding the field lost, began a new battell: but the earle of Surrie, William de Valence, and Guy de Lucignan, with Hugh Bigod and others, hauing with them thrée hundred armed men, streightwaies fled vnto the castell of Pemsie. Prince Edward then perceiuing slaughter to be made on each hand, cast about the towne, and with his companie got into the priorie to his father. [Sidenote: Friers suborned to treat a peace.] In the meane time the barons gaue assault to the castell, but they within valiantlie defended themselues, with whose hardie dooings prince Edward incouraged, gathered his people togither againe, and meant eftsoones to giue battell; but the subtill head of the earle of Leicester beguiled them all, for he caused certeine friers to take in hand to be intreators betwixt them, which comming to the king and to the prince his sonne, declared that the barons, to auoid that more christian bloud should not be spilt, would be contented to haue the matter put in compromise of indifferent persons; but if it were so, that the king and his sonne would néeds stand to the vttermost triall of battell, they would not faile but strike off the heads of the king of Almaine and other prisoners, which they would set vpon the ends of their speares in stéed of standards. [Sidenote: An agréement taken.] [Sidenote: _Matth. West._] The king and his people hauing the respect of pitie before their eies, changed their purposed intent to fight, and falling to a parle (which continued for the most part of all the night next following) at length it was agréed vpon, that the French king with thrée prelats and thrée other noble men of the temporaltie, should choose foorth and name two noble men of France, which comming into England should take a third person to them whom they thought good, and they thrée should haue the hearing of all controuersies betwixt the king and the barons, and what order so euer they tooke therein, the same should stand, and be receiued for a perfect conclusion and stable decrée. This agréement was confirmed, and prince Edward and Henrie sonne to the king of Almaine were appointed to remaine as hostages with the barons. [Sidenote: _Polydor._] [Sidenote: _Matth. Westm._] [Sidenote: Lords taken on the kings side.] ¶Other write otherwise of this battell at Lewes, affirming, that not onelie the king of Romans, but also king Henrie himselfe, hauing his owne horsse thrust through on both sides, was taken, and likewise his sonne prince Edward with other on their side, to the number of fiue and twentie barons and bannerets: and that moreouer, there died on the kings side that day in the battell and chase, six thousand and fiue hundred men, as Polydor noteth: howbeit, Richard Southwell saith, there died on both parts onlie 3400. But Matth. Westminster waiteth, that as the report went, there died fiue thousand on both sides, and amongst other, these he nameth as chéefe, William de Wilton one of the kings iustices, & the lord Fouke Fitz Waren a baron that tooke the kings part. On the barons side, the lord Rafe Heringander a baron also, and William Blunt the earles standard bearer. Of them that were taken on the kings side, beside such as before are recited, we find these named, Humfrie de Bohun earle of Hereford, William lord Bardolfe, Robert lord of Tatshale, Roger lord Somerie, Henrie lord Percie, Iohn de Balioll, Robert de Bruis, and Iohn Comin, with other barons of Scotland, hauing lost all their footmen whom they had brought with them to the kings aid. [Sidenote: _Fabian._] [Sidenote: _N. Triuet._] [Sidenote: _Matth. Westm._] Moreouer, it should appeare by some writers, that the king being thus in captiuitie, was constreined to make a new grant, that the statutes of Oxford shuld stand in force, and if any were thought vnreasonable, the same should be reformed by foure Noble men of the realme of France, two of the spiritualtie and two of the temporaltie. And if those foure could not agrée, then the earle of Aniou and the duke of Burgoigne shuld be iudges in the matter. ¶ But if either those or the other were appointed to be arbitrators, like it is, that the former report touching the successe of the battell is true; for if both the king and his sonne had béene taken prisoners in the field, the barons would suerlie haue constreined him to haue consented to the obseruance of the statutes, without putting the same in compromise, to be altered at the discretion of any arbitrators, and namelie strangers. [Sidenote: Peace proclaimed.] [Sidenote: A new deuise of the barons.] But howsoeuer it was, on the tuesday before the Ascension day, peace was proclaimed in London, betwéene the king and the barons; and whereas the king either by constreint for safegard of himselfe or his fréends, either vpon assurance of the barons promise, committed himselfe vnto the companie of the same barons, at their comming with him to London they went from this last agréement, and foorthwith deuised other ordinances as thus. They ordeined, that two earles and a bishop, which being elected out by the communaltie, should choose to them nine other persons, and of these, thrée of them should still remaine about the king, and by their order and the other nine, all things should be gouerned both in the court and in the realme. They constreined the king and his sonne prince Edward (menacing to depose the one, and to kéepe the other in perpetuall prison) to consent and agrée to this last ordinance: and so the earles of Leicester and Glocester, and the bishop of Chichester were ordeined there the chéefe rulers, and letters sent with all spéed vnto the cardinall Sabinensis the popes legat, and to the king of France, to signifie to them, that the compromise agréed vpon at Lewes was vtterlie reuoked, and that a new peace in fréendlie wise was concluded. But although the bishops of London, Winchester, and Worcester instantlie required the said legat, that he would helpe to further the same peace, yet he sore rebuked them, in that they would giue their consent, so much to abase and bring vnder the kings roiall power. And bicause he might not be suffered to enter the realme, he first cited them to appeare before him at Bullongne. And whereas they séemed to contemne his authoritie, and appeared not, he both suspended the said thrée bishops, and excommunicated the said earles of Leicester and Glocester, and their complices, with the citie of London, and the cinque ports: but the foresaid bishops, earles and barons, feigning to make their appeales to the popes consistorie, or if néed were, vnto a generall councell and so foorth, though indéed trusting more to the temporall sword, than fearing the spirituall, they did not forbeare to saie and heare diuine seruice in churches and else-where, as before they had doone, till the comming of the cardinall Othobone. [Sidenote: _Matth. West._] [Sidenote: _N. Triuet._] [Sidenote: The Londoners spoiled at Croidon.] The capteines and men of warre, whom the king had left at Tunbridge, immediatlie vpon the agréement concluded betwixt the king and the barons, were commanded by the K. to depart, & repaire euerie man to his home; but they fearing the malice of their enimies, would not breake in sunder, but kéeping togither, went straight to Bristowe, and there remained, till the lord Edward the kings sonne was escaped out of captiuitie. But this is to be remembred, that before their departure from Tunbridge, when by report of William de Saie, who escaping from the battell at Lewes, was come thither, they vnderstood how the matter had passed on both sides, and that the Londoners being chased out of the field, were lodged at Croidon, about the euening tide they came thither, and assailing them in their lodgings, slue manie, and wan a great spoile. The earle of Leicester and the barons hauing the rule of the king and realme in their hands, sought to oppresse all such as they knew to be against them, and not to like of their procéedings; namelie, the northerne lords, and those of the marshes of Wales, as the lord Mortimer and others: but waxing herewith wilfull, they vsed things with small discretion, which at length brought them to confusion. For the foure sonnes of the earle of Leicester, Henrie, Guie, Simon, and an other Henrie, which had serued right worthilie indéed on the daie of the battell, began to waxe so proud, that in comparison of themselues, they despised all others. [Sidenote: _Matt. West._] [Sidenote: The earle of Darbie commeth to Chester with 20 thousand men.] The lords of the marshes of Wales, as Roger de Mortimer, Iames de Audelie, Roger de Clifford, Roger de Leiborne, Haimon le Strange, Hugh Turberuile, and other that had escaped from the battell at Lewes, began to make against them that had thus vsurped the rule of the land, vnder colour of hauing the king in their hands. The earle of Leicester aduertised hereof, ioined in league with Leolin prince of Wales, and comming with the king into those parts, entered into the castell of Hereford, into the which he remooued the lord Edward from Douer, where he was first kept in ward, after he had yéelded himselfe at Lewes. After this, the earle of Leicester recouered the castell of Haie, and wasting the lands and manours of the lord Mortimer, constreined Hugh Mortimer to yéeld himselfe, so that his castell called Richar, and other his possessions, were committed to the kéeping of the lord Iohn Fitz Iohn. Robert de Ferrers earle of Darbie, with a great puissance of horssemen and footmen came to Chester, in fauour of the earle of Leicester, against whome although William de Cousche, and Dauid brother to the prince of Wales, taking the contrarie part with the lord Iames Audelie and other, came to incounter, yet they durst not abide him, but fled, and lost an hundred of their men. [Sidenote: The lords Mortimer and Audelie banished.] [Sidenote: An armie lodged on Barham-downe.] [Sidenote: _Matth. West._] [Sidenote: 1265.] [Sidenote: _Chr. Dunstab._] In the meane time, the earle of Leicester procéeding in his businesse, wan the castell of Ludlow, and after marching towards Montgomerie, whither the lords Roger de Mortimer, and Iames Audelie were withdrawne, he constreined them at length to a feigned agréement, so that they gaue hostages, promising to come to the next parlement that was appointed to be holden, where they were banished the land for a twelue moneths, and all the castels on the marshes, in manner from Bristow to Chester, were deliuered to the earle. After this (as by Nicholas Triuet it appeareth) there was a great assemblie of men of warre made out of all parts of the realme, to resist such strangers as the quéene (remaining in the parts beyond the seas) had got togither, meaning to send them into England to aid the king against the barons, and for that purpose had caused a great number of ships to be brought into the hauen of Dam. But now that the king was in the barons hands, and that such a multitude of horssemen and footmen were assembled on Barham-downe (as a man would not haue thought had béene possible to haue found within the whole relme) to resist the landing of those strangers, the said strangers were sent home againe, without hauing doone anie pleasure to the quéene, other than spent hir monie. The king held his Christmas at Woodstoke; and the earle of Leicester, who séemed then to rule the whole realme, kept his Christmasse at Killingworth. [Sidenote: _Abington._] After this a parlement was holden at London in the octaues of saint Hilarie, and manie things were concluded, couenants accorded, and oths taken for performance by the K. and his sonne prince Edward, which shortlie after came to little effect. Yet prince Edward, and Henrie the sonne and heire of the king of Almaine, which had béene kept as pledges about the tearme of nine moneths and od daies, were in the Lent following set at libertie, vpon assurance made, that the said prince Edward should remaine in the kings court, and not depart from thence without licence of the king and certeine of the barons. He was also constreined to giue vnto the earle of Leicester the countie Palantine of Chester before he might obteine to haue so much libertie. Betwéene Easter and Whitsuntide, the earles of Leicester and Glocester fell at variance, through the presumptuous demeanour of the earle of Leicesters sonnes, and also bicause the earle of Leicester would not deliuer the king of Almaine and other prisoners vnto the earle of Glocester, requiring to haue the custodie of them, bicause he had taken them in the battell at Lewes. [Sidenote: Prince Edward escapeth awaie.] [Sidenote: _Matth. West._] The earle of Glocester, perceiuing himselfe not well vsed, secretlie entred into confederacie with the lord Mortimer, and other of the marshes: wherevpon the earle of Leicester hauing thereof some inkeling, came to Hereford, in purpose to haue taken the earle of Glocester, and to haue put him in safe kéeping, as latelie before he had serued the earle of Darbie. But by the practise of the lord Mortimer, shortlie after the lord Edward or prince Edward (whether yée list to call him) assaieng abroad in the fields an horsse or two, such as he should vse at iusts and tornies, which were appointed to be holden, he mounted at length vpon a light courser, which the said lord Mortimer had sent to him; and bidding the lord Robert Roos and other (that were appointed to attend on him, as his kéepers) farewell, he galloped from them, and could not be ouertaken of them that pursued him, till at length he came to the lord Mortimer, who with a great troope of men was come foorth of his castell of Wigmore to receiue him. This was on the thursdaie in Whitsunwéeke. [Sidenote: The earle of Leicesters sonne raiseth an armie. He wan Winchester.] About the same time, the earle of Warren, with William de Valence earle of Penbroke, the kings halfe brother, and others, who (as yée haue heard) fled from the battell at Lewes, were now returned into the realme, landing first in Southwales with a power of crossebowes and other men of warre, the which hearing that the lord Edward was thus escaped out of captiuitie, came to Ludlow, and there ioined with him, and so likewise did the earle of Glocester. Now after they had communed togither, and were made fréends and confederats, they caused all the bridges to be broken, that the enimies should not come to oppresse them, till they had assembled all their forces, and passing forward towards Glocester, wan the citie, and still came people vnto them from all sides, namelie those lords and capteins, which all the time sincce the battell of Lewes had laine in Bristow. After this they came to Worcester, and entred there also. When the earle of Leicester was hereof aduertised (who in all this meane time by order taken, was about the king, and ruled all things in the court) he sent in all hast vnto his sonne Simon de Montfort to raise a power of men, the which accordinglie assembled to him much people, and comming with the same vnto Winchester, wan the citie by surrender, spoiled it, and slue the more part of the Iewes that inhabited there. Then he laid siege to the castell, but hearing a feigned rumor that prince Edward was comming thither with his power, he departed from thence with his companie, and went to Killingworth. [Sidenote: The armie of the earle of Leicesters sonne is discomfited.] [Sidenote: _N. Triuet._] [Sidenote: The castell of Monmouth taken.] [Sidenote: The battell of Euesham.] [Sidenote: _Polydor._] On the last day of Iulie, prince Edward with his host came to Killingwoorth aforesaid, and there fighting with the said Simon de Montfort and his armie, with little slaughter discomfited the same, and tooke prisoners the erle of Oxford, the lords William de Montchensie, Adam de Newmarch, Baldwine Wake, and Hugh Neuill, with diuers others: the lord Simon himselfe fled into the castell, and so escaped. In this meane while the earle of Leicester hauing raised his power, came to the castell of Monmouth, which the earle of Glocester had latelie taken and fortified: but they that were within it being driuen to yéeld, it was now raced downe to the ground. This doone, the earle of Leicester entring into Glamorganshire, and ioining his power with the prince of Wales, wasted and burned the lands of the said earle of Glocester: but hearing what his aduersaries went about in other places, he returned from thence, and came forward towards the said prince Edward, who likewise made towards him, and at Euesham they met on the sixt day of August, where was fought a verie fierce and cruell battell betwixt the parties. [Sidenote: The Welshmen fled.] [Sidenote: The earle of Leicester slaine.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Westm._] ¶ Some write that the earle of Leicester placed king Henrie in the front of his battell, whom he had there with him as captiue, and had arraied him in his owne cote-armour, that if fortune went against him, whilest the enimies should be earnest to take the king bearing the semblance of the chéefe capteine, he might himselfe escape: but king Henrie, when they came to ioine, fought not, but called to his people, and declared who he was, whereby he escaped the danger of death, for being knowne of them he was saued. The Welshmen which in great numbers the earle of Leicester had there on his side, at the first onset fled and run awaie; which their demeanor, when the earle saw, he exhorted those that were about him to plaie the men, and so rushing foorth into the prease of his enimies, he was inclosed about and slaine, togither with his sonne Henrie. Herevpon, his death being knowne, his people tooke them to flight as men vtterlie discomfited. There died in that battell about 4000 men (as Polydor saith.) But Richard Southwell saith, there were killed of knights or rather men of armes 180, and of yeomen or rather demilances 220, of Welshmen 5000, and of such footmen as were of the earle of Leicesters owne retinue 2000, so that there died in all to the number of ten thousand men, as the same Southwell affirmeth. Among whom of noblemen, these are reckoned, Hugh Spenser lord chéefe iustice, the lord Rafe Basset, the lord Peter de Montfort, the lord Iohn Beauchampe, sir William Yorke, the lord Thomas de Esterlie, the lord Walter de Creppings, Guie de Balioll a Frenchman, the lord William de Mandeuill, the lord Roger S. Iohn, the lord Robert Tregoz, and others. [Sidenote: The pride of the earle of Leicesters sons bringeth the barons to confusions.] This ruine fell to the barons by the discord which was sproong latelie before, betwixt the earles of Leicester and Glocester, through the insolencie and pride of the earle of Leicesters sonnes, who (as I said before) despising other of the nobilitie, and forgetting in the meane time the nature of true and vnstained noblenesse, wherof it is said and truelie remembred, that Nobilitas morum plus ornat quàm genitorum, spake manie reprochfull words by the said earle of Glocester, and vsed him in such euill sort, that he vpon displeasure thereof, had not onelie procured the scape of prince Edward, but ioined with him in aid, against the said earle of Leicester, and other of the barons, to the vtter confusion, both of them and of their cause. The bodie of the same earle was shamefullie abused & cut in péeces, his head and his priuie members were cut off, and fastened on either side of his nose, and presented vnto the wife of the lord Roger Mortimer. [Sidenote: _Polydor._] [Sidenote: _Matth. West._] The people conceiued an opinion, that this earle being thus slaine, fighting in defense of the liberties of the realme, & performance of his oth, as they tooke it, died a martyr: which by the bruted holinesse of his passed life and miracles ascribed to him after his death, was greatlie confirmed in the next age. But the feare of the kings displeasure staied the people from hastie honouring him as a saint at this time, where otherwise, they were inclined greatlie thereto, reputing him for no lesse in their conscience, as in secret talke they would not sticke to vtter. There were wounded & taken, besides the other that were slaine at that battell of Euesham, Guie de Montfort, the earle of Leicesters sonne, the lords Iohn Fitz Iohn, Henrie de Hastings, Humfrie de Bohun the yoonger, Iohn de Vescie, Peter de Montfort the yoonger, and Nicholas de Segraue with others. The king being deliuered out of his aduersaries hands, and likewise the king of Romans, went vnto Warwike, and there increasing his power, determined to pursue his enimies. [Sidenote: A parlement at Winchester.] But first, about the Natiuitie of our ladie was a parlement holden at Winchester, where the statuts of Oxford were cléerelie repealed. Also, all such as had fauoured the barons, and were as then either in prison or abroad, should be disherited. It was also ordeined at this parlement, that the wealthiest citizens of London should be cast into prison, and that the citie should be depriued of hir liberties. Also, that the stulps and cheins, wherewith the stréets were fensed, should be had awaie, bicause that the citizens had aided the earle of Leicester against the king and his realme. All this was doone, for the chéefe citizens were committed to ward within the castle of Windsore, till they had paid no small summes of monie for their fines. The liberties of the citie were suspended, and the towre of London was made stronger by the stulps and cheins which were brought into it out of the citie. Moreouer, bicause Simon de Montfort might not agrée with the king, being come to this parlement vpon assurance, he was restored to the castell of Killingworth. [Sidenote: A parlement at Westminster.] [Sidenote: Erle Ferrers.] [Sidenote: _Fabian._] [Sidenote: An. Reg. 50.] [Sidenote: The citie of London submitteth hirselfe to the K.] [Sidenote: The Londoners put to their fine.] After this, in the feast of the translation of S. Edward, a parlement was holden at Westminster, and the sentence of disheriting the kings aduersaries was pronounced against them, whose lands the king forthwith gaue vnto his trustie subiects, where he thought good. Some of the disherited men redéemed their possessions, with a portion of monie, in name of a fine. Other of them flocking togither, got them into the woods and desart places, where kéeping them out of sight as outlawes, they liued by spoiles and robberies. The chéefest of them was Robert erle of Ferrers, who neuerthelesse was restored to his lands, but yet with condition, that if afterwards he fell into the like crime, he should forfeit his earldome for euer. The Londoners with much adoo, at length, obteined pardon of the king. The maior and aldermen of the citie were glad to submit themselues, though the commons, without consideration of the great perill which they were in, would haue stood still at defiance with the king, and defended the citie against him. It was no maruell though they were of diuerse and contrarie opinions, for in those daies, the citie was inhabited with manie and sundrie nations which then were admitted for citizens. At length, vpon their submission, the king tooke them to mercie, vpon their fine, which was seized at twentie thousand marks. [Sidenote: Cardinal Othobone the popes legat.] [Sidenote: _Fabian_.] [Sidenote: One Othon made gardian of the citie of London.] [Sidenote: _Matth. West._] About Alhallowentide, cardinall Othobone came from the pope into England as his legat; to helpe towards some agréement to be had betwixt the king and his barons. He was committed to prison (as some write) by the Londoners, for that he spake against their dooings, when they shut their gates against the king; but he was shortlie released as should appeare. On the sixt day of Nouember in the fiftith yeare of his reigne, king Henrie came to Westminster, and shortlie after, he gaue awaie the number of thréescore houses, with the household stuffe in the same conteined, so that the owners were compelled to redéeme them againe of those his seruants, to whome he had giuen the said houses, togither with all such lands, goods and cattels, as the same citizens had within any part of England. Then was one called sir Othon made custos or gardian of the citie, who was also conestable of the tower, he chose to be bailiffes, and to be accomptable to the kings vse, Iohn Adrian, and Walter Henrie, citizens of the same citie. The king also tooke pledges of the best mens sonnes of the citie, which pledges he caused to be put in the tower, and there kept at the costs of their parents. ¶The king by aduise of his councell ordeined, that within euerie shire of the relme, there should be a capteine or lieutenant appointed with necessarie allowance of the king for his charges, the which, with the assistance of the shiriffe, should punish and kéepe downe the wicked outrage of théeues and robbers, which in time of the late ciuill warres were sproong vp in great numbers, and growen to excéeding great boldnesse; but now, through feare of deserued punishment, they began to ceasse from their accustomed rapine, and the kings power came againe in estimation, so that peace after a manner tooke new root and increase. [Sidenote: _Nic. Treuet._] [Sidenote: The legat holdeth a synod at Northampton.] [Sidenote: _Matt. West._] [Sidenote: This suspension was pronounced in a councell holden by the said cardinall at Paules as _Fabian_ saith.] [Sidenote: _Matth. West._] [Sidenote: _N. Triuet._] Vpon S. Nicholas euen, the king departed from Westminster, towards Northampton, where the cardinall Othobone held a synod, and according to that he had in commandement, pronounced all the kings aduersaries accurssed, and namelie all the bishops which had aided the barons against the king, in time of the late warres, of whome afterward he absolued the most part. But Iohn bishop of Winchester, Henrie bishop of London, and Stephan bishop of Chichester were sent to Rome, to purchase their absolution of pope Clement the fourth, as well for other points of disobedience, as chéeflie for that, where the quéene had procured a cursse of pope Vrbane the fourth, that was predecessor to this Clement, to accursse all the barons and their supporters, which warred against the king hir husband: the said bishops (to whome the commission was sent to denounce that cursse) for feare of the barons deferred the execution. Walter bishop of Worcester, chancing to fall sicke at that time, died about the beginning of Februarie, confessing first, that he had gréeuouslie erred, in mainteining the side of the erle of Leicester against the king, and therefore directed his letters to the popes legat, requiring to be absolued, which his petition the legat granted. Moreouer, in this councell at Northampton, there was published by the cardinall a grant, made to the king by the pope, of the dismes of the english church for one whole yeare then next insuing. [Sidenote: The Londoners pard[=o]ed.] [Sidenote: 1266.] [Sidenote: _Fabian._] A little before the kings departure from London now in this last time, he ordeined sir Iohn Linde knight, and maister Iohn Waldren clearke, to be gardians of the citie and tower, by the names of seneshals or stewards: but such earnest suit was made to the king, to obteine a perfect pardon for the Londoners, that at length after the aforesaid seneshals had taken suerties for the paiment of their fine, the K. caused his charter of pardon to be made vnder his broad seale, and sent it vnto them, wherein all former trespasses committed by them in the last warres was cléerelie pardoned; certeine persons, whose bodies and goods were giuen vnto his eldest sonne Edward, excepted out of the same pardon. This charter was dated at Northampton, the tenth day of Ianuarie, in the fiftith yere of king Henries reigne. Then also were discharged the foresaid seneshals, and the citizens of themselues chose for maior, William Fitz Richard; and for shiriffs, Thomas de la Fourd, and Gregorie de Rockesleg. [Sidenote: Simon de Montfort.] [Sidenote: _Matth. West._] [Sidenote: _Polydor._] Whilest the king laie at Northampton, the lord Simon de Montfort put himselfe vpon the doome and order of the legat Othobone, and was therefore permitted to be at large in the kings court: but at the kings comming to London, he suddenlie departed out of the court, and rode to Winchelsie, where he associated himselfe with rouers, and after some prices taken, departed from them, and went into France, where he offered his seruice to the French king, and was receiued. Thus saith Matthew Westminster, and other. But Polydor saith, that by Othobons means, he was reconciled to the kings fauour; and therevpon to auoid occasion of further displeasure, he commanded, that the castell of Killingworth should be restored vnto the king, which the capteine refused to deliuer, hauing fortified it with all manner of prouision, and things necessarie to defend a siege. [Sidenote: _Fabian._] [Sidenote: The wardens of the fiue ports reconciled to the king.] [Sidenote: _Matth. West._] [Sidenote: Douer castell deliuered to the king.] [Sidenote: Winchelsie won by force.] The wardens of the cinque ports, which (during the time of the barons warre) had doone manie roberies on the sea, as well against the Englishmen as other, were at length reconciled to the king, who was faine to agrée with them vpon such conditions as they thought good, bicause at that time (as the c[=o]mon fame went) they had the dominion of the sea in their owne hands. But in some writers we find it thus recorded, that when certeine prisoners which were kept by the barons of the cinque ports in the castell of Douer, heard how all things prospered on the kings side, they got possession of a tower within the same castell, and tooke vpon them to defend it against their kéepers; whereof when aduertisement was giuen to the king and to his sonne the lord Edward, they hasted forth to come & succour their fréends. The kéepers of the castell, perceiuing themselues beset with their enimies, sent to the king for peace, who granting them pardon of life and limme, with horsse, armour, and other such necessaries, the castell was yéelded vnto his hands. From thence, prince Edward departing, visited the sea coasts, punishing diuerse of the inhabitants within the precinct of the cinque ports, and putting them in feare, receiued diuerse to the king his fathers peace. The inhabitants of Winchelsie onelie made countenance to resist him, but prince Edward with valiant assaults entred the towne, in which entrie much guiltie bloud was spilt, but yet the multitude by commandement of prince Edward was spared. And thus hauing woone the towne, he commanded that from thencefoorth they should absteine from piracies, which they had before time greatlie vsed. Thus were the seas made quiet, and those of the cinque ports brought to the kings peace, and throughlie reconciled. [Sidenote: _Matth. Westm._] [Sidenote: The Ile of Oxholme.] [Sidenote: _Abington._] [Sidenote: Lincolne taken.] [Sidenote: _N. Triuet._] [Sidenote: Killingworth castell fortified against the king.] [Sidenote: The kings purseuant had his hand cut off.] In this meane while diuerse of the disherited gentlemen, sore repining at the sentence and order giuen against them, had taken the Ile of Oxholme in Lincolneshire, whither a great number of euill dooers immediatlie resorted, and began to doo mischéefe in all the countries next adioining. They tooke and sacked the citie of Lincolne, spoiled the Iewes, and slue manie of them, entred their synagog, and burnt the booke of their law. At length prince Edward, or (as other saie) his brother earle Edmund, was sent against them, who compelled them by force to come to the kings peace, which to obserue, they receiued an oth shortlie after at London, but neuerthelesse were as soone readie to breake and renounce the same, and began a new broile in sundrie parts of the realme. Diuerse of them fortified the castell of Killingworth, prouiding themselues of all things necessarie for defense out of the countries adioining. The king aduertised hereof, sent vnto them a purseuant, commanding them to cease fr[=o] such rebellious attempts, but the messenger had one of his hands cut off, and so with a contemptuous answer was sent backe againe. [Sidenote: Adam Gurdon.] [Sidenote: _Matth. Westm._] [Sidenote: The battell of Chesterfield.] Prince Edward in passing through the forrest of Aulton, got sight of sir Adam Gurdon one of the disherited men, with whome he coped and tooke him prisoner with his owne hand, yet sauing him, and pardoning the offence of rebellion, in respect of the valiancie which he tried by proofe to rest in him: but his soldiers and complices being there taken, he caused to be hanged vpon trées within the same forrest. Robert earle Ferrers contrarie to his oth of late receiued, accompanied with the lord d'Euille and others, did much hurt by way of open war against the kings fréends in the north parts. Against whom the lord Henrie, sonne to the king of Almaine was sent with a great power: the which comming to Chesterfield fell vpon his enimies in such wise on the sudden, that they had not time to arme themselues, and so were distressed and ouercome. [Sidenote: _Euersden._] Yet the lord Iohn d'Euille brake out, and incountring with sir Gilbert Hansard, ouerthrew him, and escaped out of danger. Great slaughter was made on ech hand, and in the meane while the Nobles and gentlemen sought to get out of perill by flight. The earle of Darbie got into a church, but he was descried by a woman, and so was taken. There were manie other also taken: & amongst them the lord Baldwine Wake, and sir Iohn de la Haie with much paine escaped. This battell was foughten about the midst of Maie, or vpon Whitsun éeue, as the Chronicle of Dunstable saith. Those that escaped, as the lord d'Euille and others, gaue not ouer yet, but assembling themselues togither in companies, kéeping within woods and other desert places, brake out oftentimes, and did much mischéefe. On the ninth of August they tooke the Ile of Elie, and so strengthned it, that they held it a long time after, spoiling and robbing the countries round about them, as Norffolke, Suffolke, and Cambridgeshire. [Sidenote: Norwich sacked.] [Sidenote: _Chron. Dunst._] [Sidenote: The siege of Killingworth castell beginneth.] [Sidenote: The lord Hastings.] [Sidenote: An. Reg. 51.] [Sidenote: Killingworth castell deliuered to the K.] The bishop of Elie had vndertaken to kéepe the Ile to the kings vse, but being now dispossessed thereof, he got him awaie, and fell to cursing them that were thus entred against his will, but they séemed to passe litle vpon his thundering excommunications. On the 16 of December, they came to the citie of Norwich; and spoiling it, tooke manie of the wealthie citizens, and ransomed them at great summes of monie. The lord Henrie Hastings and Simon de Pateshull, with diuerse others, got them into the castell of Killingworth, and dailie went forth at their pleasures, spoiling and wasting the townes about them, or causing them to fine with them to be spared. And this they forced not to doo, although the lord Edmund the kings sonne laie in Warwike, to cut them short of such their licentious doings. The king therfore mening to haue the said castels of Killingworth by force, began his siege about the same vpon the éeuen of S. Iohn Baptist. But the lord Henrie Hastings, the capteine of that castell, and other his complices defended it so stronglie, that though the king inforced his power to the vttermost to win it of them, yet could he not anie thing preuaile, till at length vittels began to faile them within, and then vpon the éeuen of saint Thomas the apostle before Christmasse, the lord Henrie Hastings deliuered the said castell into the kings hands, vpon condition that he and all other should haue life and limme, horsse and armour, with all things within the place to them belonging. And thus this siege had continued from the 26 of Iune vnto the 20 day of December. [Sidenote: Dictum de Killingworth.] [Sidenote: _Abington._] [Sidenote: _Matth. Westm._] [Sidenote: 1267.] [Sidenote: A parlement at Westminster.] [Sidenote: Earle Ferrers disherited.] ¶ Here is to be remembred, that at the beginning of the siege, there were within the castell a thousand and seuen hundred armed men, and eight score women, beside lackies and coisterels. Here is also to be remembred, that whilest the siege laie before Killingworth, by the aduise of the kings councell, and of the legat Othobone, there were twelue péeres appointed and chosen foorth, which should deuise and make ordinances touching the state of the realme, and the disherited persons, who according to their commission, ordeined certeine prouisions, the which are conteined within the statute intitled Dictum de Killingworth. The king after that the castell of Killingworth was deliuered to his hand, left therein his sonne Edmund, and went himselfe to Couentrie or (as other haue) to Oxford, and there held his Christmasse. Shortlie after comming to Westminster he held a parlement there, studieng to set a quietnesse in all matters and controuersies depending betwixt him and the barons. In this parlement sentence was giuen against earle Ferrers for the forfeiture of his earledome: then was Edmund the kings yoonger sonne put in possession both of the earledome of Darbie and Leicester. [Sidenote: The earle of Glocester with an armie commeth to London.] On the sixt of Februarie being sundaie, the king came to S. Edmundsburie, and staieng there till the two and twentith of the same moneth, set foreward that day towards Cambridge, where he laie with his armie, the better to bridle them that kept the Ile of Elie against him. He laie there all the Lent season. And in the meane time the earle of Glocester taking great displeasure, for that he might not haue his will, as well for the banishing of strangers, as for restitution to be made vnto the disherited men of their lands, he began a new sturre, and assembling a great power in the marshes of Wales came néere vnto London, pretending at the first as though he had come to aid the king, at length he got licence of the maior and citizens to passe through the citie into Southwarke, where he lodged with his people, and thither came to him shortlie sir Iohn d'Euille, by Southerie side, bringing with him a great companie. [Sidenote: The legat admonisheth the earle of Glocester to obeie the king.] The maior caused the bridge and water side to be kept and watched both day and night with armed men, and euerie night was the drawbridge drawne vp: but within a while the earle vsed the matter so, that he was permitted to lodge within the citie with certeine of his men, by reason whereof, he drew more and more of his people into the citie, so that in the end he was maister of the citie, and in Easter wéeke tooke the keies of the bridge into his hands. The legat comming foorth of the towre, repaired to the church of S. Paule, vnder a colour to preach the croisey, but in the end of that his exhortation, he turned his words to the earle of Glocester, admonishing him to obeie the king as he was bound by his allegiance. And further, whereas the earle had giuen commandement that no victuals should be suffered to be brought into the tower where the popes legat was lodged, he thought himselfe euill vsed in that behalfe, sith he was a mediator for peace, and no partaker. But when the earle séemed to giue small regard to his words, he got him secretlie againe into the tower, with certeine noble men the kings fréends, meaning to defend it vnto the vttermost of their powers. [Sidenote: The legat & other meane to defend the tower against the earle of Glocester.] [Sidenote: The citizens of London in vprore chose new officers.] [Sidenote: Prisoners set at libertie.] There entred also into the tower a great number of Iewes with their wiues and children, vnto whome one ward of the tower was committed to defend, which they did in that necessitie verie stoutlie. Manie of the citizens fearing a new insurrection, auoided out of the citie, whose goods the earle seized into his owne vse, or suffered his men to spoile the same at their pleasures. The most part of all the commons of the citie tooke part with the earle, and in a tumult got them to the Guildhall, and there chose for their maior or custos of the citie, Richard de Colworth knight, and for bailiffes, Robert de Linton and Roger Marshall, discharging the old maior and shiriffes of their roomes. Diuerse aldermen were committed to prison, and their goods sequestred, and much part thereof spoiled. Also all such persons as were prisoners in Newgate, Ludgate, Creplegate, or in any other prison about the citie, for the quarrell of the barons warre, were set at libertie. [Sidenote: The legat accurseth ye troublers of the kings peace.] [Sidenote: The king laie at Cambridge.] [Sidenote: Ramsey.] The legat perceiuing such disorder, accurssed generallie all such as thus troubled the kings peace, shewing themselues enimies to the king and the realme. He also interdicted all the churches within the citie and about it, licencing onlie diuine seruice to be said in houses of religion, and without ringing of any bell or singing: and whilest seruice was in hand, he appointed the church doores to be shut, bicause none of them that stood accurssed, should enter and be present. The king in the meane time laie at Cambridge to defend the countries about from iniuries, which were dailie attempted by them that held the Ile of Elie against him, of whome at one time he distressed a certeine number at Ramsey. And bicause now after that the earle was thus come to London, another companie of them brake out to rob and spoile, and were stopped by the kings power from entring into the Ile againe, they repaired streight to London, dooing mischéefe inough by the waie. [Sidenote: The king maketh hard shift for monie to hire soldiers & men of war to assist him.] [Sidenote: The K. remooueth towards Windsore.] [Sidenote: The king commeth to Stratford.] [Sidenote: _Fabian._] [Sidenote: _Matth. Westm._] The earle of Glocester greatlie incouraged by their assistance, fell in hand to assaile the tower, within the which the popes legat Othobone, and diuerse other were inclosed, taking vpon them to defend it against the earle and all his puissance. The king vpon the first newes of the earle of Glocester his commotion, ingaged the shrines of saints, and other iewels and relikes of the church of Westminster vnto certeine merchants for great summes of monie, with the which sending into France and Scotland, he reteined men of warre to come to his aid. Herevpon his sonne prince Edward came to his succour vnto Cambridge, bringing thither with him thirtie thousand able men out of the north parts, Scots and other. The king then leauing a conuenient number to defend Cambridge, marched from thence toward Windsore. After his comming thither, his armie dailie increased. The earle of Glocester and his complices began to feare the matter, and sent to him for peace, which could not be granted: wherevpon they appointed to giue him batell vpon Houndslow heath. The king comming thither in the morning, found no man there to resist him, and therefore, after he had staied there a certeine space, he marched foorth and came to Stratford, where he was lodged in the abbeie: his host incamped and laie at Ham and therabouts. [Sidenote: Westminster spoiled.] [Sidenote: Soldiers sacked and throwen into the Thames.] This chanced about thrée wéekes after Easter. The souldiers which laie in London and in Southwarke, did much hurt about in the countrie of Southerie, & else-where. They also spoiled the towne of Westminster, and the parish-church there: but the moonks and the goods belonging to the abbeie they touched not, but made hauocke in the kings palace, drinking vp & destroieng his wine, breaking the glasse windowes, and defacing the buildings most disorderlie, yea scarse forbearing to set the house on fire. Also there were of them that brake vp & robbed certeine houses in London, of the which misgouerned persons there were foure taken, that ware the cognisance of the earle of Darbie, whome the earle of Glocester caused to be put in sackes, and so throwne into the Thames. [Sidenote: The earles of Bullongne & S. Paule.] [Sidenote: A fléet of Gascoins come to the kings aid.] [Sidenote: _Abington._] [Sidenote: A peace concluded.] [Sidenote: The Londoners pardoned.] As the king thus laie at Stratford, there came vnto him from the parts of beyond the sea, the earle of Bullongne, and S. Paule, with two hundred men of armes, and their suit of other souldiers. Also there ariued in the Thames a fléet of great vessels fraught with Gascoins, and laie afore the tower, abiding the kings pleasure. ¶ The earle of Glocester had caused bulworks and barbicans to be made betwixt the tower and the citie; and also in sundrie places where néed required ditches and trenches were cast, so that the citie was stronglie fortified. Howbeit now that the said erle and his complices perceiued themselues in manner as besieged, they sought for peace. And by mediation of the king of Almaine, the lord Philip Basset and the legat Othobone, the same was granted, the ordinance of Killingworth in euerie condition obserued. The Londoners were pardoned of their trespasse for receiuing the earle, though they were constreined to paie a thousand marks to the king of Romans, in recompense of the hurts doone to him in burning of his house at Thistleworth. [Sidenote: _Chron. Dun._] [Sidenote: Buderesch.] [Sidenote: The lord Graie.] Whilest the earle of Glocester kept the citie of London against the king, one Henrie de Guderesch, steward to the said earle, departing from London, came to the manour house of Geffrey saint Leger at Offeld, which he burnt, and turning from thence came to Brickhill. The lord Reignold Graie that held of the knights part, aduertised hereof, followed him with his retinue of men of warre, and comming vpon his enimie at vnwares, tooke the said Henrie, and slue thirtie of the chéefest of his companie, some he tooke, howbeit manie escaped. But now to our purpose. By this agréement concluded betwixt the king & the earle of Glocester, he also accepted to his grace the lord Iohn Eineley, the lord Nicholas de Segraue, the lord William Marmion, the lord Richard de Graie, the lord Iohn Fitz Iohn, and the lord Gilbert de Lucie, with others: so that all parts of the realme were quieted, sauing that those in the Isle of Elie would not submit themselues: yet at length by mediation of prince Edward they were reconciled to the king, and all the fortresses and defenses within that Isle by them made, were plucked downe and destroied. [Sidenote: _Euersden._] [Sidenote: An. Reg. 52.] But it appeareth by other writers, that immediatlie after the agréement concluded betwixt the earle of Glocester, prince Edward the kings sonne, by setting workemen in hand to make a caussie through the fens with boords and hurdels, entred vpon them that kept the Ile of Elie, so that manie of them got out, and fled to London vnto the said earle of Glocester, and other their complices. The residue submitted themselues, as the lord Wake, Simon Montfort the yoonger, the Pechées and other, vpon condition to be pardoned of life and member: and further, that prince Edward should be a meane to his father to receiue them into fauour. But by other it may rather séeme, that some of them kept and defended themselues within that Ile, till after the agréement made betwixt the king and the earle of Glocester. By order of which agréement there were foure bishops and eight lords chosen foorth, which had béene first nominated at Couentrie, to order and prescribe betwixt the king and the disherited men a forme of peace and redemption of their lands. And so in the feast of All saints, proclamation was made of a full accord and agréement, and what euerie man should paie for his ransome for redéeming his offense against the king. [Sidenote: A parlement at Marleborough.] [Sidenote: 1268.] [Sidenote: The legat Othobone returneth to Rome. Othobone chosen as pope.] [Sidenote: _Abington._] In the octaues of S. Martine, the king held a parlement at Marleborough, where the liberties conteined in the booke called Magna charta were c[=o]firmed, and also diuerse other good and wholesome ordinances concerning the state of the common-wealth were established and enacted. ¶ In the moneth of Aprill there chanced great thunder, tempestuous raine, and flouds, occasioned by the same, verie sore & horrible, continuing for the space of fiftéene daies togither. The legat Othobone, after he had in the synods holden at Northampton and London, deuised and made manie orders and rules for churchmen, and leuied amongst them great summes of monie, finallie in the moneth of Iulie, he tooke leaue of the king and returned to Rome, where after the deceasse of Innocent the fift, about the yeare of our Lord 1276 he was chosen pope, and named Adrian the fift, liuing not past 5 daies after. He went so néere hand to search out things at his going awaie, that he had inrolled the true value of all the churches and benefices in England, and tooke the note with him to Rome. [Sidenote: Prince Edward receiueth the crosse.] [Sidenote: _Fabian._] [Sidenote: A fraie in L[=o]don betwéene the goldsmiths and tailors.] Prince Edward the kings sonne, and diuerse other great lords of England before this legats departure out of the realme, receiued the crosse at his hands in Northampton on Midsummer day, meaning shortlie after according to promise there made, to go into the holie hand to warre against Gods enimies. In this yeare fell great variance betwéene the corporations or fellowships of the goldsmiths and tailors within the citie of London, wherevnto euill words flowing from the toong gaue originall, for Pondus valde graue verbosum vas sine claue, so that one euening there were assembled to the number of fiue hundred in the stréets in armour, and running togither made a fowle fraie, so that manie were wounded and some slaine. But the shiriffes hearing thereof, came & parted them, with assistance of other trades, and sent diuerse of them being taken vnto prison, of the which there were arreigned to the number of thirtie, and thirtéene of them condemned and hanged. [Sidenote: An. Reg. 53.] [Sidenote: Thames frosen.] [Sidenote: 1269.] In the fiftie & third yeare of king Henries reigne, there was such an excéeding great frost, beginning at saint Andrewes tide, and continuing till it was néere candlemasse, that the Thames from the bridge vpwards was so hard frosen, that men and beasts passed ouer on féet from Lambeth to Westminster, and so westward in diuerse places vp to Kingston. Also merchandize was brought from Sandwich and other places vnto London by land. For the ships by reason of the yce could not enter the Thames. ¶ And about the feast of S. Vedast, which falleth on the 6 of Februarie, fell so great abundance of raine, that the Thames rose so high, as it had not doone at any time before, to remembrance of men then liuing: so that the cellars and vaults in London by the water side were drowned, and much merchandize marred & lost. [Sidenote: _Abington._] [Sidenote: A parlement holden at London.] [Sidenote: Prince Edward appointeth the maior and shiriffes of London.] About S. Georges day there was a parlement holden at London, for the appeasing of a controuersie depending betwixt prince Edward the kings son and the earle of Glocester: at the which parlement were present almost all the prelats and péeres of the realme. At length they put the matter in compromise, into the hands of the king of Almaine, vndertaking to be ordered by him high and low touching all controuersies: and likewise for the iournie to be made into the holie land, but the king of Almaine did little in the matter to any great effect. ¶ In the beginning of Lent the king gaue to his sonne prince Edward the rule of the citie of London, with all the reuenues and profits thereto belonging. After which gift, the said prince made sir Hugh Fitz Othon constable of the towre and custos of the citie of London. ¶ Vpon the ninth day of Aprill, Edmund the kings sonne, surnamed Crouchbacke, married at Westminster Auelina the daughter of the earle of Aumarle. Prince Edward commanded the citizens of London to present vnto him six citizens, of the which number he might nominate two shiriffes, and so appointed William de Hadstocke and Anketill de Alberne, which were sworne to be accomptants as their predecessours had béene. [Sidenote: An aid granted to the king.] [Sidenote: The liberties of the citie confirmed.] [Sidenote: The rent of the farme of the shiriffes of London increased.] [Sidenote: _Chron. Dunst._] In those daies a new custome or toll was vsed to be paid, which prince Edward let to farme vnto certeine strangers, for the summe of twentie marks by yeare. Wherefore the citizens being gréeued therewith, bought it of him for two hundred marks. Also this yeare there was granted to the king towards his iournie by him purposed into the holie land, the twentith penie of euerie mans mooueable goods thoroughout the realme of the laie fée, and of the spiritualtie was granted by the assent of pope Gregorie the tenth, thrée dismes to be gathered within the terme of thrée yeares. This yeare the kings sonne the lord Edward obteined a confirmation for the citie of London of the charter of the ancient liberties, so that the citizens did then choose vnto them a maior and two shiriffes, which shiriffes by vertue of the same charter, had their office to farme, in maner as before time was accustomed: sauing that where they paid afore but thrée hundred and fiftie pounds, they paid now foure hundred and fiftie pounds. After which confirmation granted and passed vnder the kings broad seale, they chose for their maior Iohn Adrian, and for shiriffes Walter Potter and Iohn Tailor, the which were presented the 16 day of Iulie vnto the king at Westminster by his sonne prince Edward, and there admitted and sworne. Then was sir Hugh Fitz Othon discharged of the rule of the citie. The citizens of their owne fréewill gaue vnto the king an hundred marks, and to his sonne prince Edward fiue hundred markes. There was no great disorder attempted this yeare to the disquieting of the realme, sauing that certeine of the disherited gentlemen that belonged to the earle of Darbie, withdrew vnto the forrest of the Peake in Darbishire, and there making their abode, spoiled and wasted the countries next adioining. [Sidenote: An. Reg. 54.] [Sidenote: 1270.] [Sidenote: _Wil. Risham._] [Sidenote: Prince Edward setteth forward towards the holie land.] [Sidenote: _Matth. West._] [Sidenote: The king sick.] In the moneth of Maie, prince Edward the kings sonne set forward on his iournie towards the holie land, and taking the sea at Douer, passed ouer into France, and came to Burdeaux, where he staied a while, and after went to Agues Mortes, and there tooke shipping, first sailing (as some write) vnto Thunis, where the christian armie, which Lewes the French king as then deceassed had brought thither, was readie to depart, and so prince Edward, with the new French king Lewes and other princes passed ouer into Sicill, where he soiourned for the winter time. In this yeare the king was vexed with a gréeuous sicknesse: and the Irishmen in rebellion slue a great sort of Englishmen, as well magistrats as others in that countrie. [Sidenote: An. Reg. 55.] [Sidenote: 1271.] [Sidenote: Prince Edward arriueth at Acres.] [Sidenote: _Abington._] [Sidenote: Arsacide, of some named Assassini. Prince Edw. is traitorouslie wounded.] When the spring of the yeare began to approach, prince Edward eftsoones tooke the sea, and finallie arriued at Acres with a thousand chosen men of warre, though there be writers that affirme, how there arriued with him of sundrie countries fiue thousand horsemen, and double the same number of footmen. But amongst those that went out of England with him, these we find as principall, Iohn de Britaine, Iohn de Vescie, Otes de Grantson, and Robert de Bruse, besides other. Of his noble chiualrie there atchiued, yée shall find a bréefe note in the description of the holie land, and therefore here we omit the same. Howbeit this is to be remembred, that whilest the lord Edward soiorned there in the citie of Acres, he was in great danger to haue béene slaine by treason: for a traitorous Saracen of that generation which are called Arsacidæ, and latelie reteined by the same lord Edward, and become verie familiar with him, found means one day as he sat in his chamber, to giue him thrée wounds, which suerlie had cost him his life, but that one of the princes chamberleins staied the traitors hand, and somewhat brake the strokes, till other seruants came to the rescue, and slue him there in the place. [Sidenote: Part Iapha.] [Sidenote: The generation of the Arsacide, or Assassins.] [Sidenote: An. Reg. 56] ¶ There be that write, how prince Edward himselfe, perceiuing the traitor to strike at his bellie, warded the blowe with his arme: and as the Saracen offered to haue striken againe, he thrust him backe to the ground with his foot, and catching him by the hand, wrested the knife from him, and thrusting him into the bellie, so killed him, though in strugling with him, he was hurt againe a little in the forhead: and his seruants withall comming to helpe him, one of them that was his musician, got vp a trestill and stroke out the braines of the traitor, as he laie dead on the ground, and was blamed of his master for striking him, after he saw him once dead before his face, as he might perceiue him to be. Some write, that this traitor was sent from the great admerall of Iapha, on message to the prince Edward, and had béene with him diuerse times before, & now making countenance to take forth letters, got foorth his knife, and attempted so to haue wrought his feat. Whatsoeuer the man was, the prince was in great danger, by reason of the enuenimed knife wherewith he was wounded, so that it was long yer he could be perfectlie whole. These Saracens called Arsacidæ, are a wicked generation of men, infected with such a superstitious opinion, that they beléeue heauenlie blisse is purchased of them, if they can by anie means slea one of the enimies of their religion, & suffer themselues for that fact the most cruell death that may be deuised. ¶ Prince Edward, after he was whole and recouered of his wounds, perceiuing that no such aid came into these parts out of christendome, as was looked for, tooke a truce with the enimies of our faith, and returned towards England, as hereafter shall be shewed. [Sidenote: 1272.] [Sidenote: _Nic. Triuet._] [Sidenote: _Matt. West._] [Sidenote: The decease of the king of Almaine.] [Sidenote: His issue.] [Sidenote: Edmund, erle of Cornewall.] On the fourth nones of Aprill (as some saie) or in the moneth of Februarie (as other write) in the six and fiftith yeare of K. Henries reigne at Berkhamstéed, died Richard king of Almaine and earle of Cornewall, and was buried in the abbeie of Hailes which he himselfe had founded: he was a worthie prince, and stood his brother king Henrie in great stead; in handling matters both in peace and warre. He left behind him issue begotten of his wife Sanctla two sonnes, Edmund and Henrie. This Edmund was he that brought the blood of Hailes out of Germanie: for as he was there vpon a time with his father, it chanced that as he was beholding the relikes, and other pretious monuments of the ancient emperors, he espied a box of gold: by the inscription whereof he perceiued (as the opinion of men then gaue) that therein was conteined a portion of the bloud of our sauiour. [Sidenote: The blood of Hailes.] [Sidenote: Ashrug abbeie built.] [Sidenote: Bonhommes.] He therefore, being desirous to haue some part thereof, so intreated him that had the kéeping of it, that he obteined his desire, and brought it ouer with him into England, bestowing a third part thereof after his fathers deceasse in the abbeie of Hailes, as it were to adorne and inrich the same, bicause that therein both his father and mother were buried; and the other two parts he did reserue in his owne custodie, till at length mooued vpon such deuotion as was then vsed; he founded an abbeie a little from his manour of Berkhamstéed: which abbeie was named Ashrug, in the which he placed moonks of the order of Bonhommes, being the first that euer had béene séene of that order here in England. And herewith he also assigned the two other parts of that bloud to the same abbeie. Wherevpon followed great resort of people to those two places, induced therevnto by a certeine blind deuotion. [Sidenote: The L. Henrie sonne to the K. of Almaine murdered in Italie.] [Sidenote: Robert Kilwarbie archbh. of C[=a]turburie.] Henrie the brother of this Edmund, and sonne to the foresaid king of Almaine, as he returned from Affrike, where he had béene with prince Edward, was slaine at Viterbo in Italie (whither he was come about businesse which he had to doo with the pope) by the hand of Guie de Montfort, the sonne of Simon de Montfort earle of Leicester, in reuenge of the same Simons death. This murther was committed afore the high altar, as the same Henrie knéeled there to heare diuine seruice. The foresaid Guie vpon that murther committed, fled vnto his father in law, the earle of Anguilare, then gouernour of Tuskain. There was at Viterbo the same time Philip king of France, returning homewards from the iournie which his father made into Affrike, where he died. Also Charles king of Sicill was there present, whome the said Guie then serued. Both those kings were put in much blame, for that the murther and wilfull escape was doone and suffred in their presence and no pursuit made after the murtherer. Boniface the archbishop of Canturburie, when he had ruled the sea seauen and thirtie yeares, departed this life: and after his deceasse, about two yeares or more, was one Robert Kilwarbie appointed in his place by pope Gregorie, which Robert was the six and fortith archbishop that had gouerned the sée of Canturburie. [Sidenote: A fraie betwixt the moonks and citizens of Norwich.] [Sidenote: Thirtie of the citizens of Norwich hanged and burnt.] About the moneth of Iune there fell great debate and discord betwixt the moonks of Norwich and the citizens there; which increased so farre, that at length the citizens with great violence assaulted the monasterie, fired the gates, and forced the fire so with réed and drie wood, that the church with the bookes, and all other ornaments of the same, and all houses of office belonging to that abbeie were cleane burned, wasted, and destroied, so that nothing was preserued except one little chapell. The king hearing of this riot, rode to Norwich, and causing inquirie to be made thereof, thirtie yoong men of the citie were condemned, hanged and burnt, to the great gréefe of the other citizens, for they thought that the priour of the place was the occasion of all that mischéefe, who had got togither armed men, and tooke vpon him to kéepe the belfraie and church by force of armes: but the prior was well inough borne out, and defended by the bishop of Norwich, named Roger, who (as it is likelie) was the maister of the mischéefe, though hands were not laid vpon him nor his adherents: perhaps for feare, peraduenture for fauour; & no maruell though the lesse faultie lost their liues as most guiltie, for ----rarus venator ad vrsos Accedit, tutos conseruat sylua leones, Debilibus robusta nocent, & grandia paruis, Ales fulminiger timidos infestat olores, Accipiter laniat turdos mollésq; columbas, Versicolor coluber ranas miserásq; lacertas, Irretit muscas transmittit aranea vespas. [Sidenote: A iusts and tornie holden at Chalons.] The king returning by saint Edmundsburie, after he had doone his deuotions to S. Edmunds shrine, began to waxe somewhat crasie: but after hauing a little recouered his health, he called a councell there, wherein he went about to haue taken order for the punishment of rebels: but his sicknesse againe renewing, he brake vp the assemblie, and with all spéed hasted to London. Prince Edward vpon his returne out of the holie land came to Chalons in Burgogne, & at the request of the earle he did attempt with his companie panic to hold a iustes and tournie against the said earle & all other commers. And though through disdaine and spite there was homelie plaie shewed, vpon purpose to put the Englishmen to the foile & reproch; yet by high valiancie prince Edward and his companie bare themselues so worthilie, that in the end the aduersaries were well beaten, and constreined to leaue the honor of that enterprise to the said prince Edward and his partakers. After this, he kept on his iornie till he came vnto Paris, where he was honourablie receiued of the French king, and from thence he went to Burdeaux, and there remained till after his fathers death. [Sidenote: An. Reg. 57.] [Sidenote: King Henrie departeth this life.] [Sidenote: The earle of Glocester.] [Sidenote: The issue of king Henrie the third.] In this meane time king Henrie, being returned to London from saint Edmundsburie (as before yée haue heard) his sicknesse so increased vpon him, that finallie he departed at Westminster on the sixtéenth day of Nouember, in the yeare of our Sauiour 1272, after he had liued thréescore and fiue yeares, and reigned fiftie and six yeares, and seauen and twentie daies. A little before his death, when he perceiued that he could no longer liue, he caused the earle of Glocester to come before him, and to be newlie sworne to kéepe the peace of the land, to the behoofe of his sonne prince Edward. His bodie was buried at Westminster. He had issue by his wife quéene Elianor two sonnes, the foresaid Edward, prince of Wales, that succéeded him; and Edmund earle of Lancaster, by some authors surnamed Crouchbacke, though (as other affirme vntrulie) that this Edmund was the elder brother: but bicause he was a deformed person, therefore his yonger brother Edward was preferred to the kingdome, which was deuised of purpose to conueie a right to king Henrie the fourth, which fetched the descent from the said Edmund, and by force vsurped and held the crowne, as after it may appeare. Moreouer, king Henrie had thrée daughters by the said Elianor, as Margaret maried to Alexander king of Scots, Beatrice whom the duke of Britaine had to wife, and Catharine which died before she was mariable. [Sidenote: His proportion of bodie.] [Sidenote: His conditi[=o].] He was of bodie well cast and strong, of a good stature in heigth, well fauoured of face, with the lid of one of his eies comming downe, so as it almost couered the apple of the same eie. Of nature he was courteous, and of stomach rather noble than stout; a deuout prince and liberall towards the poore and néedie. Yet he wanted not dispraise in some points, namelie for that in ordering of things and weightie affaires, he vsed small consideration. He was also noted to be a great taker of monie by loanes, taxes, and subsidies: but therevnto he was inforced by necessitie, to beare the charges of warre and other publike affaires, than of any couetous mind or purpose to serue his owne turne. ¶ What capteins of honour among the nobilitie liued in his time, it may appeare by the course of the historie of his age. Of sundrie learned men these we find mentioned in maister Bales centuries and others. Walter of Couentrie an historiographer: Radulphus Niger that wrote both histories and other treatises, Geruasius de Melkelie, Albricius of London, Robert Curson a man excellentlie learned both in diuine and humaine letters, so that comming to the court of Rome he there grew in such estimation, that he became a cardinall, of whom we find this recorded by Matthew Westminster and Matthew Paris. [At the taking of Damiate, a citie in Aegypt, there was with Pelagius, the cardinall of Alba, the popes legat, master Robert Curson an Englishman a most famous clerke, borne of a noble house, and cardinall of the church of Rome.] These are reported to florish in the daies both of king Iohn and king Henrie his sonne. In the said kings time also there liued other learned men, as these; Hugh Kirkestéed, Richard of Elie, Peter Henham, Iohn Giles or de Sancto Egidio an excellent physician, Caducan a Welshman borne and bishop of Bangor, Alexander a singular learned man that wrote diuerse and manie treatises as well in diuinitie as philosophie and humanitie, both in verse and prose; also Stephan Langton, that for his singular knowledge was made high chancellor of the vniuersitie of Paris, and at length was admitted archbishop of Canturburie, against the will of king Iohn, in which quarell so great trouble insued, as before yée haue partlie heard; Rafe Coggeshall also liued in king Henries daies, that wrote the appendix vnto the chronicle of Ralfe Niger, he was abbat of Coggeshall abbeie in Essex, whereof he tooke his surname: William Lanthonie, Peter of S. Sauior, a canon of the house called S. Sauior, or of the trinitie by London; Alexander Hailes a frier of the order of the minors, who wrote manie treatises in diuinitie; Richard surnamed Medicus a most learned physician, and no lesse expert in philosophie and the mathematicals. There be also remembred by maister Bale, Randulfe the earle of Chester, the third and last of that name, who hauing great knowledge and vnderstanding in the lawes of this land, compiled a booke of the same lawes, as a witnesse of his great skill therein: Alexander Wendocke bishop of Chester, Iohn Blund, Edmund Rich, Robert Rich, Henrie Bracton, that excellent lawier, who wrote the booke commonlie called Bracton after his name, intituled De consuetudinibus Angiicanis; Richard surnamed Theologus, Walter de Euesham, Ralfe Fresborne, Laurence Somercote, brother as it is thought to Robert Somercote, at that time a cardinall of the Romane church; Nicholas Fernham a physician, Robert Bacon a notable diuine, Simon Langton, brother to the archbishop of Canturburie Stephan Langton; Richard Fisaker, Simon Stokes, Iohn of Kent or Kantianus, William Shirwood, Michaell Blaunpaine, Iohn Godard, Vincent of Couentrie, Alberike Véer, Richard Wich, Iohn Basing aliàs de Basingstoke, Roger Waltham, William Seningham, Robert Crosted that learned bishop of Lincolne, whose memorie amongst the learned will remaine while the world lasteth. Thus farre Henrie the third. Transcriber's Notes: Simple spelling, grammar, and typographical errors were corrected. Punctuation normalized. Anachronistic and non-standard spellings retained as printed except as noted below. The author's usage of accents was inconsistent. Specifically accented "ée" is far more prevalent than "ee" even for the same word. Changed all instances of "ee" to "ée" Italics markup is enclosed in _underscores_. P. 341 footnote is actually "Sée pag." in the original. As it doesn't appear cutoff this must have been a typo by omission. Symbols for Diacritical Marks (In the table below, the "x" represents a letter with a diacritical mark.) diacritical mark sample above below macron (straight line) ¯ [=x] [x=] End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (8 of 12), by Raphael Holinshed *** END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK 46667 ***