Transcriber's Note:
The cover image was created by the transcriber and is placed in the public domain.
BEETON'S (Mrs.) BOOK OF HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT, comprising every kind of Practical Information on Domestic Economy and Modern Cookery, with numerous Woodcuts and Coloured Illustrations.
"Mrs. Isabella Beeton's 'Book of Household Management' aims at being a compendium of household duties in every grade of household life, from the mistress to the maid-of-all-work. It is illustrated by numerous diagrams, exhibiting the various articles of food in their original state, and there are also coloured plates to show how they ought to look when dished and ready for the table. The verdict of a practical cook of great experience, on returning the book to her mistress, was, 'Ma'am, I consider it an excellent work; it is full of useful information about everything, which is quite delightful; and I should say any one might learn to cook from it who never tried before."—The Athenæum.
BEETON'S DICTIONARY OF UNIVERSAL INFORMATION, A to Z. Comprising Geography, Biography, History, Mythology, Biblical Knowledge, Chronology, with the Pronunciation of every Proper Name.
"The 'Dictionary of Universal Information,' just published by Mr. S. O. Beeton, supplies a desideratum much and widely felt--that of a comprehensive yet portable dictionary of proper names. The 'Encyclopædia Britannica,' the 'English Encyclopædia,' and the other great digests of human knowledge, in consequence of their high price, are accessible only to a few. In such works no special provision is made for supplying short and comprehensive information regarding individual words, arranged in their alphabetical order, of the kind most likely to be required by the great mass of general readers. Mr. Beeton to some extent enters a new field in devoting a Dictionary exclusively to proper names in Geography, History, Biography, Mythology, Bible Knowledge, and Chronology. In these pages condensation has been in every way sought after, and we know of no work which supplies more information at a smaller cost."—The Times.
BEETON'S DICTIONARY OF UNIVERSAL INFORMATION, A to Z. Comprising the Sciences, Arts, Literary Knowledge, with the Etymology and Pronunciation of every Leading Term.
"Mr. Beeton has published quite a library of general knowledge and information, and his books of reference contain as much as many more elaborate works, though published at half the price, and with less than half the pretence."—The Saturday Review.
BEETON'S BOOK OF GARDEN MANAGEMENT AND RURAL ECONOMY. Embracing all kinds of Information connected with Fruit, Flower, and Kitchen Garden Cultivation, Orchid Houses, Bees, &c., &c., with numerous Cuts.
BEETON'S BOOK OF HOME PETS; showing How to Rear and Manage in Sickness and in Health--Birds, Poultry, Pigeons, Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, Dogs, Cats, Squirrels, Tortoises, Fancy Mice, Bees, Silkworms, Ponies, Donkeys, Goats, Inhabitants of the Aquarium, &c., &c. Illustrated by upwards of 200 Engravings and 11 beautifully Coloured Plates by Harrison Weir and F. Keyl.
HOUSEHOLD AMUSEMENTS AND ENJOYMENTS. Comprising Acting-Charades, Burlesques, Conundrums, Enigmas, Rebuses, and a number of new Puzzles in endless variety. With Folding Coloured Frontispiece.
BEETON'S DICTIONARY OF EVERY-DAY COOKERY. With numerous Illustrations. By Mrs. Isabella Beeton, Author of "The Book of Household Management." Being the First of the "All About It" Books.
⁂ Mrs. BEETON prepared this volume in compliance with the wishes of a great number of correspondents, who were desirous of possessing a Book of Economical Recipes, which might be thoroughly relied on, and which could be purchased for a lower price than the "Household Management." It has passed through numerous editions, and each day increases in favour with middle-class families.
BEETON'S BOOK OF POULTRY AND DOMESTIC ANIMALS. Showing How to Rear and Manage in Sickness and in Health--Pigeons, Poultry, Ducks, Turkeys, Geese, Rabbits, Dogs, Cats, Squirrels, Fancy Mice, Tortoises, Bees, Silkworms, Ponies, Donkeys, Inhabitants of the Aquarium, &c., &c.
⁂ This volume contains upwards of One Hundred Engravings and Five Coloured Plates from Water-Colour Drawings by Harrison Weir.
BEETON'S BOOK OF BIRDS; showing How to Rear and Manage them in Sickness and in Health.
⁂ This volume contains upwards of One Hundred Engravings and Six exquisitely Coloured Plates, printed fac-simile from Coloured Sketches by Harrison Weir. The engravings embrace every variety of cage, cot, trap, frame, diagrams illustrating methods of stuffing, and illustrating the principal species of birds kept as pets.
⁂ The name of Dower is as closely associated with Maps and Atlases as is Webster with Dictionaries. Dower's Maps are to be thoroughly relied upon, and great pains are taken by the publishers that, from time to time, these Maps shall be corrected and enlarged, as new discoveries and events render necessary additions to the names in an Atlas, or physical and political changes demand alterations in geographical boundaries.
DOWER'S SHORT ATLAS (for Younger Pupils). 17 Maps.
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In one handsome volume, cloth lettered, 15s.; elegantly bound in bevelled boards, gilt sides, back, and edges, 21s.; morocco, 31s. 6d.; half-morocco, 24s.
DALZIEL'S ILLUSTRATED ARABIAN NIGHTS' ENTERTAINMENTS, with upwards of 200 Pictures, drawn by J. E. Millais, R.A., J. Tenniel, J. D. Watson, A. B. Houghton, G. J. Pinwell, and T. Dalziel, together with Initial Letters, Ornamental Borders, &c., &c. Engraved by the Brothers Dalziel.
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⁂ The text having been very carefully revised, this Edition is undoubtedly the best one for families.
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OLD ENGLISH BALLADS. Illustrated with 50 Engravings from Drawings by John Gilbert, Birket Foster, Frederick Tayler, Joseph Nash, George Thomas, John Franklin, and other eminent Artists.
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BEAUTIES OF POETRY AND ART. Embellished with numerous Coloured and other Engravings.
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GEMS FROM PAINTERS AND POETS. Embellished with 4to Coloured and other Illustrations.
TREASURES OF ART AND BEAUTIES OF SONG. Beautifully Illustrated with Coloured and other Engravings.
THE ILLUSTRATED POETICAL GIFT-BOOK. With numerous Coloured Illustrations, printed by Evans.
CHOICE PICTURES AND CHOICE POEMS. Richly Illustrated with Coloured Pictures.
DALZIEL'S ILLUSTRATED GOLDSMITH, comprising "The Vicar of Wakefield," "The Traveller," "The Deserted Village," "The Haunch of Venison," "The Captivity: an Oratorio," "Retaliation," "Miscellaneous Poems," "The Good-Natured Man," "She Stoops to Conquer," and a Sketch of the Life of Oliver Goldsmith, by H. W. Dulcken, Ph.D. Illustrated with 100 Pictures, drawn by G. J. Pinwell, engraved by the Brothers Dalziel.
N.B. Dalziel's Goldsmith contains "The Captivity," and several Epilogues, &c., omitted in some Editions. ⁂ Be careful to order "Dalziel's Illustrated Goldsmith."
"Writing to the point of art, we find that this is one of the best illustrated books, of the popular sort, with which we are acquainted."—Athenæum, Oct. 29, 1864.
BEETON'S BOY'S ANNUAL (1868): a Volume of Fact, Fiction, History, and Adventure. With Coloured Plates and Steel Plates, comprising Portraits of the Editor of "The Boy's Own Magazine," and of the principal writers and illustrators of Boy's Literature.
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⁂ The best set of Volumes for Prizes, Rewards, or Gifts to English lads. They have all been prepared by Mr. Beeton, with a view to their fitness in manly tone and handsome appearance for Presents for Youth.
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THE HISTORY OF MARGARET CATCHPOLE, a Suffolk Girl. By the Rev. Richard Cobbold.
THE BUD AND THE FLOWER; or, Ellen Seymour. By Mrs. Savile Sheppard.
PRINCIPLE DEVELOPED; or, Katherine Douglas. By S. Selby Coppard.
FAITH GARTNEY'S GIRLHOOD. By the Author of "The Gayworthys."
THE GAYWORTHYS; A Story of Threads and Thrums. By the Author of "Faith Gartney's Girlhood."
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HOUSEHOLD HINTS; or, How to Make Home Happy. With 500 Odds and Ends Worth Remembering. By W. Jones, F.S.A.
THE UNABRIDGED ILLUSTRATED EDITION OF HENRY'S BIBLE, wherein each Chapter is summed up in its Contents; the Sacred Text inserted at large in distinct Paragraphs; each Paragraph reduced to its proper heads; the sense given, and largely illustrated; with Practical Remarks and Observations; besides Supplementary Notes to each Book in the Old Testament, to the Four Gospels, and the Acts of the Apostles, large additions to the Exposition of the Epistles and Apocalypse, and numerous Wood Engravings illustrative of Biblical Scenes, Customs, and Objects, and Accurate Maps of the Localities. Together with a Life of the Author.
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Ditto, | ditto, marbled edges | 67 | 0 |
⁂ This very valuable Standard Commentary, now published without the slightest abridgment, is rendered by the addition of Supplementary Notes from recent sources a most desirable Modern Copyright Edition.
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⁂ All the above can be had with Scotch Psalms, at 6d. per book extra.
THE POCKET COMMENTARY: The Authorised Version. With 15,000 Critical and Illustrative Notes and 50,000 References and Readings; IXtogether with a History connecting the Old and New Testaments, various useful Tables, and Nine Coloured Maps, by the Rev. Ingram Cobbin, M.A.
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Roan embossed | 5 | 0 |
French morocco | 6 | 0 |
Turkey do. | 8 | 6 |
Turkey morocco, with clasp | 10 | 6 |
Ditto, do. bevelled | 10 | 6 |
Ditto, do. do. with clasp | 12 | 0 |
⁂ All the above can be had with Scotch Psalms, at 6d. per book extra.
THE COMPANION BIBLE: The Authorised Version. Illustrated by Notes on Oriental and Scriptural History, Scenery, and Customs. Numerous Page Engravings and Maps.
s. | d. | |
Roan, gilt edges | 10 | 0 |
French morocco plain, gilt edges | 11 | 0 |
Morocco plain, gilt edges | 15 | 0 |
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Morocco circuit, gilt edges | 18 | 6 |
Morocco antique, gilt edges | 19 | 6 |
⁂ The Companion Bible meets the wants and means of a numerous class of readers, and, indeed, forms a complete Cyclopædia of Oriental intelligence. The reader will here find ample information respecting the Manners, Customs, and Geography of the Holy Land, and of those countries which were in some way associated with it in the Historical pages of Scripture, and a good Index will facilitate every inquiry.
THE HOUSEHOLD BIBLE: The Authorised Version. Illustrated by Graphic Engravings and Maps, containing the Old and New Testaments, Translated out of the Original Tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, by His Majesty's special command. Appointed to be read in Churches. With the most approved Marginal References and Historical and Descriptive Illustrations appended to each book. By the Rev. Ingram Cobbin, M.A.
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Roan, gilt edges | 9 | 0 |
French morocco, gilt edges | 10 | 6 |
Morocco plain, gilt edges | 14 | 0 |
Calf antique, red edges | 15 | 0 |
Morocco circuit, red edges | 18 | 0 |
Morocco antique, gilt edges | 19 | 0 |
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Roan imitation | 3 | 6 |
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Do. do. with Maps | 5 | 0 |
French morocco | 6 | 0 |
French morocco, with Maps | 6 | 6 |
Turkey morocco | 7 | 0 |
Do. do. with Maps | 7 | 6 |
Ditto, do. do. circuit edges | 11 | 6 |
⁂ All of the above can be had with Scotch Psalms at 6d. per book extra.
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THE CHILD'S FAMOUS PICTURE BOOK. Plenty to laugh at, and plenty to learn. Upwards of 500 Pictures, and many pretty little Verses and Stories.
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THE HOLIDAY PICTURE BOOK, with pretty Verse and Merry Rhymes, cleverly and comically Illustrated with large Pictures in Colours by Edmund Evans, and many other charming Engravings.
THE PRETTY COLOURED PICTURE BOOK, containing a Series of pretty Coloured Pictures to please Good Little Folks.
THE PRETTY PAGE SCRAP-BOOK, with Pictures and Rhymes, to amuse Little People at all sorts of Times.
Small 4to, numerous large Illustrations, fancy Wrapper in Colours, boards, half cloth, 3s. 6d.; with beautiful Illustrations printed in Colours, boards, half cloth, gilt edges, 6s.; half coloured, red edges, 5s.; with plain Illustrations, cloth, full gilt sides, 5s.; extra cloth, gilt edges, with all the Pictures Coloured, 7s. 6d.
THE BOOK OF ANIMALS. By Harrison Weir.
⁂ It is sufficient to state that Mr. Weir's hand is in this book to know that it is a good book, interesting, and well done.
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EFFIE'S FAVOURITE BOOK OF PRETTY FAIRY TALES. With 155 Pictures, by H. K. Browne, J. Absolon, J. A. Pasquier, W. Harvey, T. B. Dalziel, W. McConnell, and Harrison Weir, engraved by the Brothers Dalziel.
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"Care appears to have been especially taken 'to tell the stories,' if we may so speak, as much as possible in the language of the Bible, and this, of course, gives additional value to the compilation. Where explanation is required, it has been introduced, and where comment is necessary to render the subject, or any portion of it, easier of comprehension, such comment is, so far as our examination has led us to observe, both carefully and well appended."—English Churchman.
EASY TALES AND PLEASANT STORIES FOR OUR YOUNG FRIENDS. Embellished with upwards of 200 Engravings.
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SACRED READING FOR YOUNG CHILDREN. Selected from the Old Testament. With numerous Engravings.
NURSERY RHYMES, OLD AND NEW. A Collection of all the most Favourite Nursery Rhymes, Jingles, and Stories; also many New Ones now for the first time printed. Numerous Clever and Characteristic Illustrations.
WEBSTER'S UNIVERSAL PRONOUNCING AND DEFINING DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Condensed from Noah Webster's large Work, with numerous Synonyms, carefully discriminated by Chauncey A. Goodrich, D.D., Professor in Yale College. To which are added "Walker's Key" to the Pronunciation of Classical and Scriptural Proper Names; a Vocabulary of Modern Geographical Names; Phrases and Quotations from the Ancient and Modern Languages; Abbreviations used in Writing, Printing, &c., &c.
⁂ This comprehensive work is beautifully printed on good paper, in a clear and distinct type, in double columns, and has had the benefit of revision to the present time.
"This Dictionary is one which must commend itself to every intelligent reader, containing, as it does, all the recently-adopted words in common use up to the end of last year. Let us add, it is carefully and well printed, and very cheap; and having said so much, we feel assured that further commendation is unnecessary. It is good, useful, and cheap."—Liverpool Mail.
"This volume of Webster's Dictionary has been framed expressly for the benefit of those who are cultivating English composition on a broad scale. Obsolete words have been cut out; and the space thus gained has been devoted to definitions and synonyms, carefully discriminated in many instances. The merits of this special edition of Webster's learned work are cheapness, comprehensiveness of scheme, portability of form, and carefulness of typography."—Critic.
"This is a well-printed and convenient volume, for which students of English will be grateful."—Leader.
WEBSTER'S POCKET PRONOUNCING DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE; condensed from the Original Dictionary by Noah Webster, LL.D.; with Accented Vocabularies of Classical, Scriptural, and Modern Geographical Names. Revised Edition, by Wm. G. Webster, son of Noah Webster.
WEBSTER'S PEOPLE'S PORTABLE DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. By Noah Webster, LL.D. Condensed and adapted to the English Orthography and Usages, with Additions from various sources by Charles Robson.
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⁂ Messrs. Ward, Lock, and Tyler justly claim the priority of producing Webster's Dictionary in a compact and portable form, and have much pleasure in recording the fact that Tens of Thousands have been sold within the past few years, and that it is now the Acknowledged Dictionary.
WEBSTER'S (NOAH) IMPROVED PRONOUNCING DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Condensed and adapted to English Orthography and Usage, with Additions from various accredited sources by Charles Robson. To which are added Accentuated Lists of Scriptural, Classical, and Modern Geographical Proper Names.
⁂ This carefully revised edition of Webster's great work was undertaken, at considerable outlay, by the late David Bogue, and embraces all the best points of the English and American authorities. It must supersede all its predecessors, and is admirably adapted for School Use.
WEBSTER'S ILLUSTRATED READER. Containing Two Hundred Lessons on General Subjects, suited to the capacity of Young Learners, with Explanatory Introduction and Questions for Examination, on the plan of Noah Webster, the Lexicographer. Embellished with numerous first-rate Engravings from designs by eminent English and Foreign Artists.
WEBSTER'S ILLUSTRATED SPELLING-BOOK. New and accented type, upon the principle of "Webster's Dictionary of the English Language," Embellished with upwards of 250 splendid Engravings, by Gilbert, Harvey, Dalziel, and other eminent Artists.
THE SELF-AID CYCLOPÆDIA FOR SELF-TAUGHT STUDENTS. Comprising General Drawing; Architectural, Mechanical, and Engineering Drawing; Ornamental Drawing and Design; Mechanics and Mechanism; the Steam Engine. By Robert Scott Burn, F.S.A.E., &c., Author of "Lessons of My Farm," &c. 690 pp., demy 8vo.
Suitable for Presents and School Prizes, and especially adapted for Young People. Each Volume beautifully illustrated, well printed, efficiently edited, and handsomely bound in extra cloth, gilt sides, back and edges.
1 The Wonders of the World, in Earth, Sea, and Sky, as related to his Young Friends. By Uncle John.
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4 The Life and Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, Mariner. By Daniel Defoe. With a Biographical Sketch of the Author.
5 The History of Sandford and Merton. By Thomas Day. Illustrated with 100 Engravings by Dalziel Brothers.
6 A Boy's Life Aboard Ship, as it is Told by Himself. Full of Adventure and Daring Deeds.
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8 Great Inventors; the Sources of their Usefulness, and the Results of their Efforts.
9 Household Stories. Collected by the Brothers Grimm; to which is added "The Caravan;" an Eastern Tale. By William Hauff.
10 The Marvels of Nature; or, Outlines of Creation. By Elisha Noyce. With 400 Engravings by Dalziel Brothers.
11 Evenings at Home; or, The Juvenile Budget Opened. Consisting of a variety of Miscellaneous Pieces for the Instruction and Amusement of Young Persons.
12 The Boy's Book of Industrial Information. By Elisha Noyce. With 365 Engravings by Dalziel Brothers.
13 Fern Leaves from Fanny's Portfolio. First and Second Series, complete.
14 Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress (from this World to that which is to come). A New Edition, with a Memoir. Illustrated with 100 Engravings by the Brothers Dalziel.
15 Famous Boys, and How they Became Famous Men. By the Author of "Clever Boys."
16 The Triumphs of Perseverance and Enterprise. By Thomas Cooper.
17 Boy's Book of Travel and Adventure. By Meredith Jones.
18 Edgar's Crusades and Crusaders.
19 Fanny Fern's New Stories for Children. By the Author of "Fern Leaves."
⁂ The Books in this Library are most carefully selected, and will be found very suitable for Birthday Gifts and School Prizes. Each Volume is illustrated and well printed on toned paper, and handsomely bound in extra cloth, gilt side, back, and edges, thick fcap. 8vo. These Volumes being all of a highly moral and instructive character renders them especially adapted as Present Books for Young Ladies.
1 I've Been Thinking; or, The Secret of Success. By A. S. Roe. Revised and Edited by Rev. C. B. Tayler, M.A.
2 A Daughter's Love; or, The Star and the Cloud. By the Author of "I've Been Thinking."
3 Holiday House. By Catherine Sinclair.
4 The Heart Triumphant; or, How Could He Help It? By the Author of "I've Been Thinking."
5 The Young Marooners. A Book for Boys. By F. R. Goulding.
6 The English Governess; a Tale of Real Life. By the Author of "The School Girl in France."
7 Freston Tower. A Tale of the Times of Cardinal Wolsey. By the Author of "Margaret Catchpole."
8 The £5 Note; An Autobiography. By the Author of "Naomi."
9 The Wide, Wide World. By Miss Wetherell. With 12 Illustrations. With Preface by the Rev. C. B. Tayler.
10 To Love and to be Loved. By the Author of "I've Been Thinking."
11 Uncle Tom's Cabin. By Mrs. Stowe. With 24 beautiful Engravings.
12 Self-Sacrifice; or, The Chancellor's Chaplain. By the Rev. Erskine Neale, M.A.
13 The Lamplighter. By Miss Cumming.
14 The Journey of Life. By Catherine Sinclair. With Portrait of the Author.
15 The School Girl in France. By Miss McCrindell.
16 Julamerk; a Tale of the Holy Land. By the Author of "Naomi."
17 The Young Islanders. By Jeffreys Tayler.
18 The Merchant's Clerk, Mark Wilton. A Book for Young Men. By the Rev. C. B. Tayler, M.A.
19 The Mothers of Scripture; or, Maternal Influence on Sons. By Dr. Robert Philp, Author of "The Lydias," "Marthas," &c.
20 Maternal Counsels to a Daughter. By Mrs. Pullan, Author of "The Lady's Library," &c.
21 The Battle for Truth; or, Emma de Lissau. By the Author of "Miriam and Rosette."