*** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK 55363 *** WILD FLOWERS of Zion and Bryce Canyon NATIONAL PARKS and Cedar Breaks NATIONAL MONUMENT Text and Color Photographs by CARL E. JEPSON Chief Park Naturalist and LELAND F. ALLEN Park Naturalist [Illustration: NATIONAL PARK SERVICE] Published and Copyright 1958 by ZION-BRYCE NATURAL HISTORY ASSOCIATION in cooperation with the NATIONAL PARK SERVICE UTAH INTRODUCTION [Illustration: Mount Zion] In these areas of Zion and Bryce Canyon National Parks and Cedar Breaks National Monument, four life zones are found extending from low elevations of near 3,600 feet to extremes of over 11,300 feet. The area within elevations from the lowest point to 4,000 feet is the Lower Sonoran Zone; above that to 7,000 feet is the Upper Sonoran Zone; from 7,000 to 8,500 feet is the Transition Zone; above that to 10,000 feet is the Canadian Zone; and from 10,000 feet to the highest point on Brian Head Peak is the Hudsonian Zone. Native plants typical of desert, mesa and mountain grow within these extremes of elevation and include a wide variety of species. Of the three areas featured, Cedar Breaks National Monument contains the greatest variety, and frequently exhibits marvelous displays, depending on the amount of rainfall from year to year. The purpose of this booklet is to help visitors in their enjoyment of the flowers they find along the roadways and trails—flowers they observe, appreciate and probably photograph but leave UNPICKED for the pleasure of others. Through the mediums of color photography and color lithography one hundred and six species of wild flowers and plants most commonly seen are presented in closeup detail as an aid to identification. Brief descriptions of size, habitat, blooming period, use, economic value and other details are given. The flowers have been arranged in a general order of families, except that occasionally, for the convenience of preparing the color plates, flowers of similar color or density have been grouped on a page although they are not in the same family nor closely related. The Standardized Plant Names of the American Joint Committee on Horticultural Nomenclature has been followed as the guide. In case of locally used common names, such has been indicated in the text. This booklet on Wild Flowers has been produced by the Zion-Bryce Natural History Association in cooperation with the National Park Service. The Association has for its objective the fuller interpretation of the scenic, scientific, aesthetic and historic values of these National Parks, to the end that park visitors are provided with such information, audio and visual aids as will help them gain a better understanding and greater appreciation of the phenomena they find in them. It is hoped that this brief treatise on the flora may prove helpful to many visitors in learning more about some of the important species of plant life that they may discover during their visits to the Zion and Bryce Canyon National Parks and Cedar Breaks National Monument. [Illustration: Badlands] Credit for the photographic work goes to several individuals, all members of the interpretive staffs of these areas during the past few years. Park Naturalists Carl E. Jepson and Leland F. Allen have prepared the descriptive information given for each flower. The printing and color processing by the Wheelwright Lithographing Company, 975 So. West Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah. 1. SEGOLILY MARIPOSA Lily Family _Calochortus nuttallii_ The Segolily Mariposa was chosen as the State Flower of Utah probably because of the important use early pioneers made of the root bulbs of this plant in supplementing their meager diets during the early settlement period. The name “Sego” (pronounced see-go) is of Shoshonean origin, and this flower was sacred in Indian legend long before the arrival of Utah pioneers in 1847. This plant is found in rather dry, rocky soils and puts on a very showy display during May and June. It is more commonly known as the Mariposa Lily in other sections of the country, but in Utah it is called the Segolily. There are three species in color of white, pink and yellow found in the Zion Region. [Illustration: Segolily Mariposa] 2. YELLOW MARIPOSA Lily Family _Calochortus nuttallii var. aureus_ Found only in the petrified forest of the Coalpits Wash section of Zion National Park, this plant is not very abundant and probably suffered from overgrazing by livestock during the settlement period before Zion became a National Park. Mariposa in Spanish means butterfly. This species with bright-yellow flowers is associated with a specific geologic stratum—the Petrified Forest member of the Chinle formation. It is found in great abundance in the Petrified Forest National Monument near Holbrook, Arizona. [Illustration: Yellow Mariposa] 3. PRAIRIE SPIDERWORT Spiderwort Family _Tradescantia occidentalis_ In the sandy areas at elevations above 4,000 feet you may find this pretty, three-petaled, deep-blue flower on its slender stalk about a foot or more in height blooming early in June. The flowers bloom at night, so are not easily found except early in the mornings. The plant is fairly abundant along the Narrows Trail, the East Rim Trail and near the East Entrance Station of Zion National Park. Indians used the entire plant for food. [Illustration: Prairie Spiderwort] 4. BLUEDICKS Lily Family _Dichelostemma pulchellum_ This bright-blue flower, on its long, slender stalk, has a number of common names, such as Wild Hyacinth, Grass Nuts and Spanish Lily. The bulb of this plant has a nutty flavor. It was gathered by the Indians and early pioneers for food in some sections of the country. It is found sparingly in good soil areas. [Illustration: Bluedicks] 5. PURPLESPOT FRITILLARY Lily Family _Fritillaria atropurpurea_ A rather rare lily sometimes called Leopard Lily or Bronze Bell. Its drooping flowers on fairly tall stems are found growing in the Sagebrush areas or in alpine meadows. As they are not very conspicuous, they are often overlooked by visitors. The petals, with their mottled effect in brown, yellow and purple spots, present a remarkable pattern of beauty when observed closely. The odor of the plant is not pleasing to humans, but is no doubt attractive to insects. [Illustration: Purplespot Fritillary] 6. FINELEAF YUCCA Lily Family _Yucca angustissima_ The name “Our Lord’s Candlestick” was given to this tall, conspicuous plant of the desert by the early Spanish Padres, who were the first white men to see this region of Southern Utah. During May and June the waxy-white flowers bloom on tall stalks and soon mature into rather large seed pods. Indians made very good use of all parts of the plant. Its fiber was used for making sandals and clothing, the seeds provided food, and the roots were used for making soap. The Navajo Indian called it Yaybi-tsa-si, which means literally “Yucca of the Gods.” [Illustration: Fineleaf Yucca] 7. MOUNTAIN DEATHCAMAS Lily Family _Zigadenus elegans_ An onion-like plant with a long, loose cluster of small, creamy-white flowers. Its root is shaped much like that of the onion, but is odorless. The plant is poisonous to man and beast. Deathcamas is found mostly in meadows or wet places on the plateaus where it presents a serious danger to grazing cattle and sheep. At Cedar Breaks it blooms during July and August and is fairly common in the alpine meadows. [Illustration: Mountain Deathcamas] 8. WILD BUCKWHEAT Buckwheat Family _Eriogonum umbellatum_ Wild Buckwheat is commonly associated with Sagebrush and arid regions of the West. Many species of the genus are found blooming throughout the summer season. The spreading branches grow close to the ground and help reduce erosion, and the yearly accumulation of leaves adds humus to the soil. The flower head at the top of single stalks, with its many-branched, dense cluster in a lacy pattern, makes a fine floral display of yellow. The flowers are important to the honey bee, and the ripened seeds are diligently sought by the chipmunks, other rodents and several birds. [Illustration: Wild Buckwheat] 9. GREEN EPHEDRA Jointfir Family _Ephedra viridis_ Not a very showy plant with its pale-green stems, very small leaves and inconspicuous flowers. It is probably of greatest interest because of the use made of the plant by early pioneers in brewing a tea, which served as a tonic for various ailments. It was commonly called Brigham Tea, Squaw Tea or, more generally, Mormon tea. The plant is a relative of the Pines and Firs and is very able to withstand drouth. It is found fairly abundantly in the Sagebrush and Saltbush areas of the Upper Sonoran Zone. The drug ephedrine is obtained from some of the species of Ephedra found in China. [Illustration: Green Ephedra] 10. FOURWING SALTBUSH Goosefoot Family _Atriplex canescens_ A silvery-green, profusely branched shrub growing two to five feet high with conspicuous clusters (in late summer) of four-winged seeds about the same color as the leaves. It is very common in the Sonoran Zones and abundant in the alkaline flats of the Great Basin of Utah. In the lower portion of Zion Canyon it is abundant and often taken to be Sagebrush, which it resembles to some extent. This plant is of value as forage for livestock, and deer feed upon it to a limited extent. [Illustration: Fourwing Saltbush] 11. CALYPSO ORCHID Orchid Family _Calypso bulbosa_ If you travel to the mountains early in June or July, you may be lucky enough to find this beautiful flower, the dainty Calypso or Fairy Slipper Orchid, as it blooms in the dense woods of Spruce and Pine or in the deep canyons along shady streams at elevations above 6,000 feet. The flowers grow singly on stems 4 to 6 inches high and have only one large leaf. The plant takes part of its food from decaying wood or other organic matter. Thoughtless picking of this flower has made it very rare and in danger of becoming extinct. Please do your part to help save the Fairy Slipper Orchid. [Illustration: Calypso Orchid] 12. FOUR-O’CLOCK Four-O’Clock Family _Mirabilis multiflora_ Closely resembling the cultivated variety of Four-O’Clock, this plant, with its abundance of brilliant magenta-colored flowers, is one of the spectacular sights in May or early June. It is a sturdy perennial with thick, glossy-green leaves spreading low over the ground. The south-facing slopes in the Sonoran Zones are its most common habitat, but it is also found in the broken lava fields. Being a night bloomer, the flowers close during the bright daylight hours and open at about four o’clock in the afternoon. Its blooming season is generally brief, about two or three weeks, but it sometimes blooms twice in the same summer. [Illustration: Four-O’Clock] 13. SPRINGBEAUTY Purslane Family _Claytonia lanceolata_ Found abundantly at Cedar Breaks during May and early June and also in the shady canyons of Zion in the Transition Zone. Each plant has two narrow leaves near the base, each about 2 inches long, above which are four to five practically leafless branches with a single flower at the top of each. The plant is rarely over 6 inches high; more commonly it is flat to the ground. Flowers vary in color from white to pink or sometimes the white blossoms have pink veins or stripes which tend to accentuate their beauty. Usually one of the early blooming flowers of the high plateaus, along with the Indianpotato and Buttercup. [Illustration: Springbeauty] 14. BITTERROOT Portulaca Family _Lewisia rediviva_ This beautiful, dwarfed plant, never more than an inch or two high, is found during May mostly on the lava fields of the Transition Zone in Zion National Park. Its flower of white petals with pink veins is about 2 inches in diameter. The Bitterroot was discovered in 1805 by the Lewis and Clark expedition while passing through western Montana. It was later named _Lewisia rediviva_ by the botanist Pursh. The plant is of economic importance to the Northwestern Indians, who discovered that the bitter, parsnip-shaped roots possess a nutritious heart of starch, which cooking reduces to a pasty mass, palatable, at least, to Indian taste. [Illustration: Bitterroot] 15. MARSHMARIGOLD Buttercup Family _Caltha leptosepala_ A plant of the high elevations, generally above 9,000 feet, and found abundantly at Cedar Breaks, where it comes into bloom almost as soon as the first patches of bare ground appear. Coming out usually in April or May, depending on the season, Marshmarigolds are among the earliest blooming flowers of the high elevations and often carpet the alpine meadows with a spread of white blossoms. The white sepals, that make up the showy flower, are often mistaken for petals, which are absent. The mass of anthers of the stamens give the flower its brilliant yellow center. [Illustration: Marshmarigold] 16. BUTTERCUP Buttercup Family _Ranunculus sp._ A number of species of Buttercups bloom in these areas in early April or May on the Plateaus and later in the shady canyons. In their respective areas they are often the first flowers of Spring and are followed closely by the Springbeauties or sometimes preceded by the tiny white Indianpotato of the Parsnip Family. A thrilling sight is to find the waxy flowers of the early Buttercups at the very edge of the receding snowbanks. The blooming season for Buttercups is very brief, as a general rule, but the different species come into bloom successively. [Illustration: Buttercup] 17. COLUMBINE Buttercup Family _Aguilegia sp._ These beautiful flowers are well known because of their wide distribution and common use as cultivated species in flower gardens. They have conspicuously shaped petals with long, hollow spurs, which contain honey and thereby attract certain insects and especially the hummingbirds. Columbines are probably the most beautiful of the native flowers of Zion, Bryce Canyon and Cedar Breaks, as they bring forth very attractive displays during the summer months. The White Columbine at Cedar Breaks is extremely large. [Illustration: Columbine] 18. LARKSPUR Buttercup Family _Delphinium sp._ Larkspurs are found abundantly at Cedar Breaks during July and August in the alpine meadows of the Monument. The leaves are very similar to those of the Monkshood, but the flowers differ in color and shape. The single spur of one of the sepals is the marked feature of the Larkspur. Color and size vary greatly for the different species; but the most common variety at Cedar Breaks is 2 to 3 feet tall, and the flowers are a purplish blue. [Illustration: Larkspur] 19. MONKSHOOD Buttercup Family _Aconitum columbianum_ Found abundantly at Cedar Breaks in the more open forested areas where there is partial shade and plenty of moisture. The purple Monkshood rank almost as high as their cousins the Columbines and Larkspurs in charm and beauty, with a quaintness and individuality all their own. The flower features a modified sepal shaped like a hood or helmet that protects the stamens. Extracts from the thick, turnip-shaped root are used medicinally in the treatment of certain heart diseases. [Illustration: Monkshood] 20. WESTERN BANEBERRY Buttercup Family _Actaea arguta_ This plant may be found in the shady forest of good moisture. It is about one to two feet tall with handsome leaves but rather inconspicuous heads of creamy-white flowers. The conspicuous bright-red or waxy-white berries about the size of peas in a dense cluster make a very attractive display in late summer. The berries are somewhat poisonous, hence the name Baneberry. [Illustration: Baneberry] 21. SAND BUTTERCUP Buttercup Family _Ranunculus juniperinus_ One of the very early blooming plants in Zion in the Transition or Upper Sonoran Zone, which often appears from mid-February to April, in bare sandy places among the Junipers and Pinyons, is the Sand Buttercup. Along the trail to the Canyon Overlook above the Great Arch is perhaps the best place to find this plant in Zion. The flowers, a pinkish white, are found on short stems or spreading branches close to the ground. As the plants are rather small and not very showy, it takes careful searching to find them. [Illustration: Sand Buttercup] 22. OREGON GRAPE Barberry Family _Berberis repens_ Because of its hollylike leaves, this dwarf shrub is sometimes called the Holly Grape, but it is more commonly known as the Oregon Grape. A rather prostrate growth form accounts for a third common name; namely, Creeping Barberry. This plant is found sparingly scattered over the areas and is probably more abundant in Zion than in Bryce Canyon or Cedar Breaks. The fruit looks very much like a cluster of grapes and is often gathered for the making of jellies or wine. The woody stems were used by the Indians in making a yellow dye. The plants are helpful in holding the soil, as they spread close to the ground. [Illustration: Oregon Grape] 23. FREMONT BARBERRY Barberry Family _Berberis fremontii_ This rather tall shrub of the Sonoran Zones puts on a remarkable display in April and May with its bright yellow flowers. It is most commonly seen along the highway leading to Zion National Park from the west. Since the plant is a secondary host of the Blackstem Rust of cereals, it is not cultivated as an ornamental shrub. Indians used the wood of this shrub for various implements or tools. They utilized the root, which contains berberine, for a tonic, and they also made from it a brilliant-yellow dye. [Illustration: Fremont Barberry] 24. ELK THISTLE Sunflower Family _Cirsium foliosum_ This Thistle is widely scattered in these areas but is not very abundant. It is a stout plant, 2 to 3 feet tall, with large, prickly leaves. Its freshly budding flowers in deep pink are very attractive during the early summer. Hummingbirds and numerous insects gather food from its colorful flower head made up of many individual flowers. Some Thistles are very obnoxious and detrimental to agriculture. [Illustration: Elk Thistle] 25. CONEFLOWER Sunflower Family _Rudbeckia occidentalis_ At Cedar Breaks and in the high elevations of Zion and Bryce Canyon you can find this rank-growing plant in fair abundance. Its thimblelike, dark-brown flower head has numerous, inconspicuously small, yellow flowers that come out progressively up the cone from its base. The dark-brown cones, towering above the foliage of the plant, make a spectacular display against the deep-blue sky. The ripened seeds are very much sought after by rodents and numerous birds. [Illustration: Coneflower] 26. DESERT PRINCESPLUME Mustard Family _Stanleya pinnata_ During the months of May and June this very conspicuous plant in Zion Canyon and throughout the Sonoran Zones may be found sending up its tall spikes of lemon-yellow flowers. On the same stalk can be found the ripened and opened seed pods (siliques), fresh-blooming flowers and unopened buds all at the same time. It has tall, stout stems, rather woody at the base, and differs from many plants in that it is tolerant of soils containing gypsum. [Illustration: Desert Princesplume] 27. STONECROP Stonecrop Family _Sedum stenopetalum_ Found mostly in very dry, rocky soil, these small plants, with smooth, fleshy leaves and starry-yellow flowers, are fairly conspicuous as they bloom during the early summer months. These plants have the ability to store up moisture in their fleshy leaves and stems. They are, therefore, well adapted to withstanding long periods of drouth. The plants are sometimes gathered for treatment of certain ailments. [Illustration: Stonecrop] 28. PRICKLYPOPPY Poppy Family _Argemone platyceras_ You can find this plant, with its large, white flowers, most frequently along the road cuts or in abandoned fields where it has taken over as a weed. Its showy display is most abundant during midsummer or in July and August. The large, white flower, with its conspicuous yellow center, is sometimes called “The Cowboy’s Fried Egg.” The prickly leaves and stems account for another common name, Thistlepoppy. The plants are drought resistant and unpalatable to livestock. The seeds contain a narcotic drug more potent than opium. [Illustration: Pricklypoppy] 29. ROCKY MOUNTAIN BEEPLANT Caper Family _Cleome serrulata_ Along the roadsides of Southern Utah near these areas of Zion, Bryce Canyon and Cedar Breaks you may find this pleasing floral display of orchid or purple presented by fields of the Rocky Mountain Beeplant. It is probably an exotic that has been brought in during recent years. Because of the unpleasant odor of crushed herbage, this plant is sometimes called skunk weed. The flowers are an important source of honey, and the seeds are eaten by a number of birds, especially the doves. [Illustration: Rocky Mountain Beeplant] 30. YELLOW SPIDERFLOWER Caper Family _Cleome lutea_ The plants of this genus are often called Beeplants. There are two species of Spiderflower in these areas. Yellow Spiderflower is not quite as common as the purplish-pink species commonly known as the Rocky Mountain Beeplant. Both species are conspicuous roadside flowers in June and July. Although they are important sources of honey, they are not very sweet scented to humans. No doubt the odor helps attract insects to the flowers. [Illustration: Yellow Spiderflower] 31. ELDER Honeysuckle Family _Sambucus racemosa_ This red-berried Elder is found the most abundantly at Cedar Breaks. It is also common along the highways through forested areas of the region. The clusters of small white flowers that come on usually in June or July give way to bright-red berries in August and present a most attractive display. Most Elders are edible and are eaten by birds and rodents. Some people gather the berries for wines and jellies. This species, however, is considered poisonous, and cases of poisoning have been reported from eating the berries, flowers, roots and bark. The stalks of some Elders are pithy and fairly easily hollowed out. Indians used the stalks for making flutes. [Illustration: Elder] 32. LITTLELEAF MOUNTAINMAHOGANY Rose Family _Cercocarpus intricatus_ This low-growing shrub is fairly important as winter browse for deer and other browsing animals. The leathery leaves are evergreen, rather narrow, pointed at both ends and curled backwards from the sides. The flowers are very small and inconspicuous, but the fruits, with their long plumes, present an interesting display. The dead wood of this shrub is very useful to campers, as it burns with extremely hot flame and gives off very little smoke. [Illustration: Littleleaf Mountainmahagony] 33. STANSBURY CLIFFROSE Rose Family _Cowania stansburiana_ In Zion this shrub is usually found at elevations above 4,000 feet, and it generally grows to be 6 to 8 feet high. During May and June its creamy-white flowers are suggestive of the Wild Rose. The habitat of the Cliffrose is the warm, dry slopes among the Pinyon and Juniper. Its twigs and evergreen leaves are browsed extensively by deer and other animals. The fragrance of this plant in bloom is remarkable and reminds one of Orange blossoms. The fruits are achenes and have pale, silky-haired tails 2 or more inches in length, which at times are very showy. [Illustration: Stansbury Cliffrose] 34. ANTELOPE BITTERBRUSH Rose Family _Purshia tridentata_ This shrub looks much like the Cliffrose, except for size. It is lower growing, has smaller pale-yellow flowers and its fruits are not plumed. The stubby, fan-shaped leaves are three pointed like those of the Big Sagebrush. Bitterbrush is found most commonly on the warm, dry slopes above 4,000 feet, where it provides valuable year-round browse for deer and other animals. It is also known as Antelopebrush and Quininebush. [Illustration: Antelope Bitterbrush] 35. BLACKBRUSH Rose Family _Colegyne ramosissima_ A member of the Rose Family found mostly in the Sonoran Zones of Zion National Park. Several plants may be seen near the South Entrance Station. It is well named, as it has a burned and dead appearance during much of the year; however in late April and May it puts out minute grey-green leaves and creamy-yellow flowers made up of four sepals and no petals. The stamens are numerous. The Cliffrose, Bitterbrush and Mountain-mahogany are closely related to the Blackbrush. [Illustration: Blackbrush] 36. BUSH CINQUEFOIL Rose Family _Potentilla fruticosa_ Found most commonly at Cedar Breaks, this member of the Rose Family puts on a very showy display for a brief period of the summer, generally in July or earlier at lower elevations. It is a shrub commonly 2 to 3 feet high with leaves that are five-parted, hence the name Cinquefoil. The shrub is often dotted all over with rose-like flowers, about an inch across, with clear-yellow petals and deeper yellow anthers. The plant is common in the mountains, across the continent, up to altitudes of 10,000 feet or more. [Illustration: Bush Cinquefoil] 37. PRAIRIESMOKE Rose Family _Geum triflorum var. ciliatum_ This graceful plant, with its nodding, bell-shaped, pink-colored flowers, is found fairly abundantly in the alpine meadows of Cedar Breaks National Monument. The plant has a number of common names such as: China Bells, Oldman-Whiskers, and Grandfather’s-beard. The silvery, plumose tails of the fruit present an attractive display, especially as the sun’s rays light the waving plumes in late afternoon or early morning. Prairiesmoke plants are considered good forage for several animals, and the bumblebees gather its pollen for honey. [Illustration: Prairiesmoke] 38. WILD ROSE Rose Family _Rosa sp._ There are two species of the Wild Rose in Zion and two other species in Bryce Canyon, three of which are found at Cedar Breaks National Monument. Wild Roses are widely distributed in the northern hemisphere and are too familiar to need much description. The flowers are fairly fragrant and have bright-pink petals with a large cluster of yellow stamens. The fruit of the rose, shaped like a small apple, turns a deep-red color late in the season and adds beauty to this plant during autumn. [Illustration: Wild Rose] 39. SERVICEBERRY Rose Family _Amelanchier alnifolia_ One of the very early blooming shrubs or small trees in Zion Canyon, and often seen in March or April as conspicuous white masses on the canyon walls among the Pinyon and Juniper trees, is the Serviceberry. The white flowers occur in clusters and look much like a fruit tree in bloom. The berry is shaped like a very small apple, insipid to the taste, but nevertheless used extensively by the Indians and early settlers for food. The plant has a variety of common names, including the following: Juneberry, Shadbush, Saskatoon, Sarviceberry and Pigeonberry. [Illustration: Serviceberry] 40. CHOKECHERRY Rose Family _Prunus virginiana_ Chokecherry bushes or small trees are fairly common at elevations around 6,000 feet in these areas. Early in May, and sometimes even earlier, the white and fragrant blossoms present a pleasing sight. In July or August the ripened cherries supply food for humans, many birds and small animals. The first autumn colors are often the Chokecherry leaves as they turn scarlet, brown and red. These shrubs are browsed heavily by cattle and some by deer, especially if other forage is scarce. [Illustration: Chokecherry] 41. HONEY MESQUITE Pea Family _Prosopis juliflora_ A low-growing tree of the Lower Sonoran Zone. Uncommon in Zion but fairly abundant in the desert area adjacent to the park. In early spring during March and April bright-green leaves cover the tree, and often it is laden with catkinlike clusters of greenish-yellow flowers, which attract myriads of insects including the honey bees. The wood of this tree was used extensively by early settlers for fuel, building corrals and in making furniture and utensils. The fruit of the Mesquite, resembling a string bean, is used for food by many animals. Indians also made wide use of it by grinding the beans into a meal called “Pinole.” [Illustration: Honey Mesquite] 42. LUPINE Pea Family _Lupinus sp._ There are so many varieties of Lupine that it is most difficult to identify the numerous species. In this area they are found abundantly on the high plateaus, being especially plentiful at Cedar Breaks, where they fill whole meadows with a mass of blue color in midsummer. The Lupines range in color from pale pink to deep purple, with some white, cream or yellow, but most of them are blue. Like other plants of the Pea Family, Lupines add nitrogen to the soil and thereby improve the land on which they grow. The seeds of a few species contain alkaloids which are poisonous to livestock, especially sheep. [Illustration: Lupine] 43. LOCO Pea Family _Astragalus sp._ This very large genus of plants ranges from the hottest parts of the desert to high mountain peaks and far to the North. More than a dozen species are found in the Zion Region. Some of the species contain a poisonous constituent causing, the often fatal, loco disease of livestock, particularly in horses. Loco is a Spanish word meaning “Crazy.” Other species known as Poisonvetch, prefer soils rich in selenium, and take up enough of that toxic mineral to make them poisonous to livestock, especially sheep. The harmless species are called Milkvetch. Nearly all the species are colorful and spectacular when in blossom, but some of them have a rank, disagreeable odor. [Illustration: Loco] 44. POISONVETCH Pea Family _Astragalus sabulonum_ This showy species of Astragalus is locally called Rattleweed because, when it is in fruit, its large, bladder-like, thin-walled pods become very brittle and give a distinct rattling sound when shaken. The pods are about one and a half inches long and heavily mottled reddish-brown in color. The genus of Astragalus has been divided into three groups: Loco, Milkvetch and Poisonvetch. The species poisonous to livestock are commonly called Loco Weeds. [Illustration: Poisonvetch] 45. NEW MEXICO LOCUST Pea Family _Robinia neomexicana_ This shrub or small tree is fairly common in Zion Canyon. It was probably brought in by the early settlers. Its large, showy flower grows in clusters at the ends of slender branches. The blooming season is during May and June. The tree is very thorny and has the habit of sprouting from roots or stumps and of forming dense thickets which are valuable in controlling erosion. The foliage serves as food for browsing animals, especially the deer. [Illustration: New Mexico Locust] 46. DESERTBEAUTY DALEA Pea Family _Dalea johnsoni_ Sometimes confused with the Desert Sage or more commonly called the Purple Sage, which it resembles to some extent, this small shrub with light-gray bark, small, gray-green leaves and terminal spikes of brilliant-purple flowers is one of the most pleasing sights in early summer. In Zion it is found mostly in the Coalpits Wash and Shunes Creek areas and blooms generally during May. Desertbeauty is a close relative of the “Smoke Tree” of the Desert. [Illustration: Desertbeauty Dalea] 47. FREMONT GERANIUM Geranium Family _Geranium fremontii_ This beautiful, midsummer-blooming plant, growing about two feet high, is common on the plateaus and in the cool canyons. The pink, veined petals, deeply lobed leaves and characteristic geranium odor help identify this plant. Some species have white flowers, but they are not common in this area. The flowers are perfect with five sepals, five petals, and five to ten stamens. The fruit is a long capsule and has given rise to the common name Cranesbill. Cultivated Geraniums are really Pelargoniums from South Africa. [Illustration: Fremont Geranium] 48. ALFILERIA Geranium Family _Erodium cicutarium_ This low-growing plant, spreading close to the ground, with its finely divided leaves and small, starry-pink flowers, puts on a remarkable display in the open meadows of the large canyons. It is one of the earliest blooming species in Zion Canyon, and in seasons of abundant rain it often presents the appearance of a pale-purple lawn. On ripening, the seed capsules split open and shoot out the seeds—each with a tiny hook in its nose and a tail with successive tight coils like a corkscrew. The seed is apparently screwed into the ground by alternating moisture and dryness which winds and unwinds the seed plume. [Illustration: Alfileria] 49. LEWIS FLAX Flax Family _Linum lewisii_ Here in Zion during May and June, growing along the trails on the plateaus and in cool canyons, you will find the beautiful and delicate blue flowers of the Wild Flax. The flower is nearly an inch across and has five sepals and five petals borne at the top of a slender stem having narrow leaves. At Bryce Canyon this plant is more abundant than at Zion or Cedar Breaks. Wild Flax was named in honor of Captain Meriwether Lewis, who first discovered it, near the continental divide, during the famed Lewis and Clark expedition of 1804-1806. [Illustration: Lewis Flax] 50. CREOSOTEBUSH Caltrop Family _Larrea tridentata_ Probably the most characteristic shrub of the arid valleys and mesas of the Southwest is the Creosotebush, which is sometimes erroneously called Greasewood. At times this plant fills the air with a peculiar pungent aroma that gives rise to the common name Creosotebush. Mexicans call it “Hediondilla” the (Little Bad Smeller.) A sticky resin on the leaves is used as a poultice for bruises and sores. A resinous gum or lac deposited by scale insects on the branches is used by the Indians as a cement for fixing arrow points and mending of pottery. [Illustration: Creosotebush] 51. WHITEMARGIN EUPHORBIA Spurge Family _Euphorbia albomarginata_ This low-growing plant with abundant small, round or oval leaves and tiny white flowers is commonly called Carpetweed because of the manner in which it spreads over the ground. Found mostly in the dry sandy soils, this plant serves as an excellent soil binder and is very helpful in preventing erosion. The milky juice of this species is considered toxic and may cause dermatitis in susceptible persons. It is also known as Rattlesnake Feed and popularly supposed to be efficacious in treating snake bite. [Illustration: Whitemargin Euphorbia] 52. SCARLET GLOBEMALLOW Mallow Family _Sphaeralcea coccinea_ Very commonly found along the roadsides and especially prominent in the campgrounds or other disturbed areas. This member of the Mallow Family presents a lovely coral-red display as early as May, and it continues blooming throughout much of the summer. Cotton belongs to this large and important family, which also contains such ornamental plants as the Hollyhock. Extensive fields of this flower present brilliant displays of orange. [Illustration: Scarlet Globemallow] 53. DESERT GLOBEMALLOW Mallow Family _Sphaeralcea ambigua_ Found most commonly along the roads and trails, this member of the Mallow Family is known by a variety of common names such as: Rose of Sharon, False Mallow and Wild Hollyhock. It generally blooms in late summer, especially in the Cedar Breaks region. The plants sometimes grow to be 4 to 5 feet tall and have a great profusion of pink-colored flowers, really a very colorful and attractive display. [Illustration: Desert Globemallow] 54. FIREWEED Evening-primrose Family _Epilobium angustifolium_ This tall, willowy plant, called Fireweed, is frequently the first plant to come in after a forest fire. Its colorful bloom gives new life to the blackened ground. Fireweed is one of the world’s most widely disseminated wild flowers, being found throughout much of northern North America, Europe and parts of Asia. Its seeds are scattered by the wind. In these areas it is found mostly on the high plateaus. [Illustration: Fireweed] 55. WOODLAND PINEDROPS Indian Pipe Family _Pterospora andromedea_ In the rich soil of the Ponderosa Pine forest of the high plateaus you may occasionally see this peculiar plant called Pinedrops. It has a single reddish-brown stalk (no green parts at all) about a foot or two high, apparently without leaves (they are mere scales), and numerous round or bell-shaped blossoms or seed pods hanging from short stems. The stalk is generally sticky with a material much like the pitch of the pine trees. It is a parasite that lives on the roots of pine trees. [Illustration: Woodland Pinedrops] 56. YELLOW VIOLET Violet Family _Viola praemorsa_ There are five different species of Violets in Zion, two of them with yellow flowers and the others with white or purple. They are found blooming in May or June on the high plateaus or sometimes later in the wet meadows of Cedar Breaks or in shady canyons. Violets are closely related to the cultivated Pansies. The flowers are irregular, as one petal has a saclike spur which contains nectar. They have five sepals, five petals and five stamens. This species is found most commonly in the shady forest, while the purple and white species are more common in the very moist and cool areas of the shady canyons. [Illustration: Yellow Violet] 57. DESERT BLAZINGSTAR Loasa Family _Mentzelia multiflora_ Blazingstars, sometimes called “Stickleaf” because of their rough, hairy leaves, are plants well suited to the drought conditions of this area, as they adapt well to dry, rocky soil. They are often found in roadside cuts or other newly disturbed soils and are found blooming usually in July and August. They are conspicuous with their yellow flowers consisting of five long petals and a large number of stamens almost as long as the petals that attract the eye as they blaze forth in the bright sunlight of midsummer. These plants are found mostly in the Transition Zone. [Illustration: Desert Blazingstar] 58. A HEDGEHOG CACTUS Cactus Family _Echinocereus coccineus_ This family is well represented in Zion, where ten prominent species are found, six of which are illustrated in this booklet. This species is sometimes called the Cucumber Cactus. It is found blooming in bright-red clumps as early as April or on occasion in March when the winters are not severe. Its favorite habitat appears to be the rocky slopes of the lava fields below 5,000 feet. As cactus flowers mature into fruit, they form bulb-like bodies called tunas. The fruits of this species are about an inch or more in diameter and serve as important food for many rodents. [Illustration: A Hedgehog Cactus] 59. PURPLETORCH CACTUS Cactus Family _Echinocereus engelmannii_ Found mostly on the rocky slopes in the Lower Sonoran Zone, this cactus is fairly common and distinguished chiefly by its waxy and brilliantly colored purple flowers. The stems of this species are similar to those of the Cucumber Cactus except for being generally taller. The fruits are also similar, but the flowers differ as they are much larger and bright purple instead of red in color. They bloom generally during the month of May. [Illustration: Purple Torch Cactus] 60. A PRICKLY PEAR CACTUS Cactus Family _Opuntia rhodantha_ The most common cactus in Zion is this species of the Prickly Pear. It is found in a great variety of habitats, even at the higher elevations. The flowers, large and spectacular in various shades of red, salmon or yellow, bloom late in May to July. Because of its long blooming season, this species is more often found in flower than any other cactus in the park. Its pear-shaped fruit, red to purple in color, is eaten by many animals as well as by the native peoples. [Illustration: A Prickly Pear Cactus] 61. BEAVERTAIL CACTUS Cactus Family _Opuntia basilaris_ One species of cactus that at first sight does not seem to be a cactus is the Beavertail, for it is lacking the long spines characteristic of most cacti. Upon close examination, however, you will find that it is protected by numerous, fine spines. The name of this species is derived from its flat stems shaped somewhat like a small beaver’s tail. The conspicuous magenta flowers mark this species as one of the most beautiful in the park. The fruit of this species is important as animal food, especially for chipmunks and ground squirrels. [Illustration: Beavertail Cactus] 62. BUCKHORN CHOLLA CACTUS Cactus Family _Opuntia acanthocarpa_ The Cholla (pronounced Choya) Cactus is the only “tree” cactus found in Zion. It is fairly common in the Lower Sonoran Zone, especially in Coalpits Wash. Strangely enough this plant is a favorite nesting place of some desert birds, including sparrows, wrens and finches. The spreading branches seem to reach out and grab the careless hiker, and the barbed spines stick so fast in the flesh that the joint of the plant is separated from the main stem before the spines can be withdrawn. Cholla blossoms come in many shades of color with the accent on yellows and reds. [Illustration: Buckhorn Cholla Cactus] 63. ENGLEMANN PRICKLYPEAR CACTUS Cactus Family _Opuntia engelmannii_ As one of the largest of the flat-jointed or Pricklypear Cacti of Zion, this species is fairly abundant in Zion Canyon and is probably the most frequently observed species because of its dense growth in certain habitats and its fairly immense size as well as its colorful display of blossoms. It is locally called Elephant Ear Cactus. In June in produces large yellow flowers, very waxy in texture. (See Figure 64 for information concerning the fruit of this cactus.) [Illustration: Engelmann Pricklypear Cactus] 64. CACTUS FRUIT Cactus Family _Opuntia engelmannii_ The fruit of the Engelmann Pricklypear Cactus is similar to the fruits of many other species of cacti; it is conspicuous, being deep red in color and about the size of a large Crab Apple. It is called Tuna or locally “Cactus Apple” and ripens as early as June but more abundantly during July. Indians of the Southwest use this fruit as an important item of their diet. Many people living in the desert have come to learn that this cactus fruit makes excellent jellies and candies. It is also feasted upon by several rodents, especially the Antelope Ground Squirrel. [Illustration: Cactus Fruit] 65. ROUNDLEAF BUFFALOBERRY Oleaster Family _Shepherdia rotundifolia_ A low, evergreen shrub with small, oval leaves that appear to have been painted with a thin coat of aluminum paint through which the green shows faintly. It is most common in the Upper Sonoran Zone and may be found along the Canyon Overlook and Emerald Pool Trails in Zion National Park. The pale-yellow flowers, not much over ¼ inch across, are often hidden by the leaves. They bloom early in April or sometimes in March. The fruit of a similar shrub has a tart berry that was gathered by the early pioneers and used as a sauce on Buffalo steaks, hence the name Buffaloberry. [Illustration: Roundleaf Buffaloberry] 66. WHITE EVENING-PRIMROSE Evening-primrose Family _Oenothera caespitosa_ This member of the Evening-primrose Family, with its fragrant, large white flowers, bloom early in the evening and lasts only a few hours the next day, as it turns pink and wilts. The flowers grow close to the ground on stemless plants. They have long, slender and hairy calyx tubes that resemble stems. This plant is found mostly in very rocky and dry habitats, which are often devoid of all other plants. [Illustration: White Evening-primrose] 67. YELLOW EVENING-PRIMROSE Evening-primrose Family _Oenothera strigosa_ You will find this plant most commonly in the road cuts or in places where the soil has been disturbed. This species and other members of this family have very showy flowers with four broad, thin petals. Generally they bloom at night but sometimes in the daytime if growing in deep shade. The Evening-primroses are among the comparatively few flowers blooming in Zion Canyon during the heat of midsummer, and many of them are usually found on sandy or rocky soil in the Upper Sonoran Zone. [Illustration: Yellow Evening-primrose] 68. PORTER LIGUSTICUM Parsley Family _Ligusticum porteri_ Locally called “Wild Parsley,” this fairly tall plant, with its fernlike leaves, is very common at Cedar Breaks National Monument. It grows at very high elevations. Other plants in this family, useful as food, are the carrot, parsnip, dill and anise. However, one member of the family, the Water Hemlock, is very poisonous. [Illustration: Porter Ligusticum] 69. GREENLEAF MANZANITA Heath Family _Arctostaphylos patula_ Many people are attracted to this plant by its bright mahogany-red bark. Its oval-shaped leaves are a bright green throughout the year. The flowers grow in clusters and sometimes are very numerous on the shrub. The fruit resembles a tiny apple, and the name Manzanita is Spanish for “Little Apple.” Indians use the berries for food and for making a pleasant, sour drink. [Illustration: Greenleaf Manzanita] 70. GREEN GENTIAN Gentian Family _Frasera speciosa_ Found in the open meadows of the Cedar Breaks highlands and on the high plateaus of Zion and Bryce Canyon. The tall stalks, with their intermixture of pale-green leaves and similarly colored flowers, present a rather conspicuous sight as they tower to heights of 5 feet. The flowers have four sepals and four petals and nectar glands that attract many insects. The petals are flecked with brown and purple. [Illustration: Green Gentian] 71. PARRY PRIMROSE Primrose Family _Primula parryi_ This outstanding member of the Primrose Family is found only at high elevations, generally above 10,000 feet. In this region it grows fairly abundantly on Brian Head Peak but is found sparingly at Cedar Breaks. Its brilliant display of rose-red flowers is a remarkable and rewarding sight for those who gain the high places and see this alpine beauty. The smooth, thick leaves, which are quite long, all grow in a rosette at the base of the plant. The fragrance of this flower is disappointing, for it does not match its splendid color. [Illustration: Parry Primrose] 72. INDIANPOTATO Parsnip Family _Orogenia linearifolia_ As the snow melts on the plateaus, at elevations above 7,000 feet, you may find one of the very first flowers of spring. This member of the Parsnip Family often carpets the alpine meadows with a mass of tiny white flowers never more than an inch or two high. The root bulb was eaten by the Indians and gives rise to the common name Indianpotato. Another common name is Salt and Pepper Plant because of the speckled appearance of the flowers. The blooming period of this plant is very brief, and soon after the flowers have faded the leaves disappear and the plant lies dormant during most of the year. [Illustration: Indianpotato] 73. SHOOTINGSTAR Primrose Family _Dodecatheon pauciflorum_ Shootingstars are one of the early blooming flowers in the alpine meadows of Cedar Breaks and on the high plateaus. They also come on very early in the moist canyons of Zion. Along with the Columbine and Monkeyflower they are the predominant plants of the Hanging Gardens found on many of the Canyon Walls. The basal leaves spread close to the ground, while the flowers in a variety of colors, white, pink or purple grow on stems 6 to 8 inches high. The down-pointed stamens of the flower center and the reflexed or turned-back petals gives the flower its common name Shootingstar. [Illustration: Shootingstar] 74. FRINGED GENTIAN Gentian Family _Gentiana thermalis_ One of the most beautiful of all mountain flowers, the Fringed Gentian is commonly found in the moist meadows of Cedar Breaks at elevations near or above 10,500 feet. The flower stalks are generally 6 to 10 inches tall, and each bears a handsome flower about two inches long with four fringed petals. At times the Fringed Gentian carpets the alpine meadows with a waving mass of deep-blue color. This species is the Park Flower of Yellowstone National Park. [Illustration: Fringed Gentian] 75. BUTTERFLY MILKWEED Milkweed Family _Asclepias tuberosa_ There are four fairly common species of Milkweed in Zion, but the one pictured is the most common. This variety is found in the dry places above 4,000 feet and is especially abundant in Birch Creek Canyon. The conspicuous orange flowers grow on fairly tall stalks about two feet in height and make this plant very easy to find. The stems are quite hairy, leafy and contain a milky juice. As the fruits develop in large boat-shaped pods, the seeds burst forth bearing long, silky hairs that assist the wind in scattering them over wide areas. [Illustration: Butterfly Milkweed] 76. PINK PHLOX Phlox Family _Phlox canescens_ Four kinds of phlox are common in Zion, and other species are found at Cedar Breaks and Bryce Canyon. The plants are generally small, but the flowers are fairly showy with their five bright, pink-colored petals. They are found generally in dry, rocky soils and bloom mostly in early summer or during May and June. Sometimes Phlox will cover extensive areas with a bright carpet of pink or white. A special display of Phlox may be found on the summit of Brian Head Peak near Cedar Breaks. These plants are very helpful in holding the soil and in preventing erosion. [Illustration: Pink Phlox] 77. SKYROCKET GILIA Phlox Family _Gilia aggregata_ This plant is found most commonly in the Ponderosa Pine belt of these areas where its star-shaped, scarlet flower adds a bit of brilliance to the scene. The individual flowers, with their long, tubular corollas and star-shaped petals, are masterpieces of beauty. Their shape and color have given rise to such common names as Trumpet Phlox and Scarlet Gilia. In their search for nectar, hummingbirds are noticeably attracted to the flowers of the plant. Birds and insects in taking the nectar, help in the pollination of many flowers. [Illustration: Skyrocket Gilia] 78. MOUNTAIN BLUEBELLS Borage Family _Mertensia ciliata_ A fairly tall perennial growing to be from 2 to 3 feet high and found only in moist places at high elevations of the plateaus. It is common at and near Cedar Breaks along the streams or in the swampy meadows. The small clusters of drooping, delicate-blue flowers come mostly in May and June or even later at the higher elevations of Brian Head Peak near Cedar Breaks. Before maturing the flowers may be pinkish to white in color. [Illustration: Mountain Bluebells] 79. NARROWLEAF PUCCOON Borage Family _Lithospermum incisum_ This member of the Borage Family is well adapted to the dry habitats. The plants are commonly found in clumps, but they are generally widely scattered rather than in dense growths as in the case of the Bluebells or Mertensias that belong to the same Family. Its showy trumpetlike yellow flowers attract many insects as they bloom during April and May. The seeds are hard, white and shiny, hence the name Lithospermum, meaning stone seed. [Illustration: Narrowleaf Puccoon] 80. DESERT SAGE Mint Family _Salvia carnosa_ Although looking very much like a clump of Sagebrush, this small shrub is a member of the Mint Family and not closely related to the Common Sagebrush. The clusters of bright purple flowers, as they come on in May or June, certainly add brilliant adornment to this sage-green plant. It is fairly common in the Sonoran Zones and well scattered throughout much of the Southwest. This is the plant referred to in the storied Land of the Purple Sage. One of the best places to look for this plant is along the Emerald Pool Trail in Zion National Park. [Illustration: Desert Sage] 81. MULLEIN Figwort Family _Verbascum thapsus_ This rather unusual-appearing plant is not a native but rather an introduced species from Europe that has spread over most of Western America. It is fairly common along the roads and trails. The Hopi Indians are said to dry and smoke the leaves, and this is thought to cure people who are mentally unbalanced. Early Greeks and Romans dipped dried mullein stalks in tallow to make lampwicks. The English named it “Torchweed” and the Spanish called it “Candelaria.” [Illustration: Mullein] 82. ROYAL PENSTEMON Figwort Family _Penstemon speciosus_ This species, also known as Purple Penstemon, is found in much the same habitats as the Blue Penstemon. It is generally abundant along roadsides at elevations above 4,500 feet. It is fairly common at Cedar Breaks and at Bryce Canyon. The flowers vary in color from deep blue to dark purple, and the stalks vary in height from 12 to 20 inches. [Illustration: Royal Penstemon] 83. EATON PENSTEMON Figwort Family _Penstemon eatoni_ Found mostly in the cool canyons, this plant is sometimes confused with the Skyrocket Gilia or the Western Cardinalflower, which it resembles somewhat. Penstemon usually has a greater number of blooms on each flower stalk than do these flowers that appear like it. This variety is not nearly as common as many other Penstemons in these areas. It is far more brilliantly colored, however, which accounts for such common names as Scarlet Bugler and Scarlet Penstemon. [Illustration: Eaton Penstemon] 84. THICKLEAF PENSTEMON Figwort Family _Penstemon pachyphyllus_ The penstemons are sometimes called Wild Snapdragons because of the close resemblance to related cultivated species. They are also called Beardstongue because one of the five stamens is covered with numerous hairs. This blue variety, Thickleaf Penstemon, is found mostly at higher elevations or on the plateaus where they bloom during June and July. [Illustration: Thickleaf Penstemon] 85. PALMER PENSTEMON Figwort Family _Penstemon palmeri_ This is one of the very beautiful and conspicuous flowers of Zion National Park. The flowers are borne on tall spikes and are brightly colored. This is the largest and most common Penstemon found along the trails and roadways of Zion below 6,000 feet. It is especially common in freshly disturbed soils as the road cuts. The leaves are grey-green, and each pair with the exception of the lower ones is joined at the base, creating the impression that it is one leaf with the stem growing through the center. The fairly large flowers, which are pale lavender in color, begin blooming in May and are found in bloom throughout most of the summer. [Illustration: Palmer Penstemon] 86. SACRED DATURA Potato Family _Datura meteloides_ A conspicuous plant with very large, white, sometimes lavender-tinted flowers that open at night and wilt in the bright morning sunlight. A single plant may have as many as 100 blooms at one time. Datura is one of the few plants that blooms during the hot summer in Zion Canyon. Many different names are locally applied to it, and include the following: Zion Lily, Moon Lily, Jimson Weed and Thornapple. The plant is poisonous to eat, especially the seeds, and was used by several Indian tribes to induce stupor and dreams as a part of a widespread religious cult. It contains a deadly narcotic principle akin to atropine. [Illustration: Sacred Datura] 87. MONKEYFLOWER Figwort Family _Mimulus cardinalis_ One of the very beautiful flowering plants along the Zion Narrows Trail and in cool, damp places of the shady canyons is this Crimson Monkeyflower with its orange-red blossoms and deep-green leaves. Its flowers are 1 to 2 inches long and the wide-toothed leaves are 3 to 5 inches long. It is the largest Monkeyflower in the park. Some plants are found blooming throughout much of the summer season, especially along the canyon walls where there are seeps of water most of the year. [Illustration: Monkeyflower] 88. INDIAN PAINTBRUSH Figwort Family _Castilleja coccinea_ From early March until May the warm hillsides below 6,000 feet are made brilliant by clumps of deep-red flowers often found next to patches of Mountain Mahogany. They are the Dwarf Indian Paintbrush and are by far the most conspicuous early spring flower in Zion. Found very abundantly along the park road from the East Entrance to the Zion Tunnel, they present a most pleasing sight early in the season. Other species are very plentiful at Cedar Breaks and often carpet the meadows in showy orange or red. Several species are also found at Bryce Canyon National Park. [Illustration: Indian Paintbrush] 89. SNOWBERRY Honeysuckle Family _Symphoricarpos utahensis_ This low, spreading shrub is recognized by its shreddy bark, small, oval, opposite leaves on very short petioles, and in late summer or fall by its white berries. The small, pinkish flowers are not at all conspicuous and are often overlooked. The plant is browsed by deer and other animals and is sometimes called Buckbrush. It is found mostly in the high plateaus of Zion and is fairly common at Cedar Breaks and Bryce Canyon. The fruit, although very showy, is not very tasty. [Illustration: Snowberry] 90. BEARBERRY HONEYSUCKLE Honeysuckle Family _Lonicera involucrata_ This member of the Honeysuckle Family has a number of common names such as Twinberry Honeysuckle, Ink-berry and Pigeon-bush. The flowers, which are yellow and always come in pairs, are very attractive to the hummingbirds. Mature fruits are black berries about the size of peas and are partially enclosed by reddish bracts. The plants are unpalatable and browsed very slightly, but the fruits are eaten by birds and chipmunks. [Illustration: Bearberry Honeysuckle] 91. ELEPHANTHEAD PEDICULARIS Figwort Family _Pedicularis groenlandica_ You will find this strange-looking plant in the wet meadows of the alpine areas of Cedar Breaks and on the Plateaus of the Kolob Section and the Horse Pasture Plateau of Zion National Park. Its blooming season is July and August. The peculiarly modified petals of the corolla resemble the forehead, ears and waving trunk of an elephant, hence the common name Elephanthead. [Illustration: Elephanthead Pedicularis] 92. AMERICAN HAREBELL Bellflower Family _Campanula rotundifolia_ In the drier habitats of the alpine regions around Cedar Breaks and generally along the roadsides in large clumps you may find this beautiful blue flower. The lovely deep-blue flowers, drooping on their hairlike stems, have such perfect shape and simple grace. The Harebell is very wide spread, being found in Scotland, Northern Europe and Asia as well as over much of North America. [Illustration: American Harebell] 93. WESTERN CARDINALFLOWER Lobelia Family _Lobelia splendens_ A pleasant surprise to many park visitors is to find this spectacular flower, with its abundant scarlet blooms on long stalks, presenting a colorful display during the late summer when most plants have ceased blooming. This colorful species, known also as Scarlet Lobelia, is very abundant along the Narrows Trail of Zion Canyon and also along water courses of other shady canyons. The long, tubular corollas and pointed petals arranged in irregular pattern of two and three identify this plant from the Scarlet Penstemon which it resembles. [Illustration: Western Cardinalflower] 94. RABBITBRUSH Sunflower Family _Chrysothamnus sp._ Rabbitbrush is fairly common along roadways and trails in the arid regions. Because rabbits find this plant a favorite shelter, it has been named Rabbitbrush. Indians boil the plant for yellow dye, and white man found certain species of Chrysothamnus to contain rubber. Consideration was given to the production of rubber from Rabbitbrush during the First World War and up until the discovery of synthetic rubber. [Illustration: Rabbitbrush] 95. CURLYCUP GUMWEED Sunflower Family _Grindelia squarrosa_ An exotic plant probably brought into the area by vehicles, as it is found most commonly along the roadways or in cultivated fields. Once started it spreads very rapidly along the highways or in cultivated areas. The plant is suspected to be toxic to livestock, but is rarely eaten. It is used in the treatment of asthma in humans. In addition, external use is made of it to relieve the irritation caused by Poison Ivy. The plants have probably migrated to this area from the central plains states. [Illustration: Curlycup Gumweed] 96. PURPLE ASTER Sunflower Family _Aster sp._ The Asters and Fleabanes are sometimes confused, but they can generally be recognized by the difference in the number of ray flowers. That is, Asters have only about half as many ray flowers as do the Fleabanes. Species of Purple Aster form an important part of the late summer floral display at Cedar Breaks and Bryce Canyon. They come on after the Lupine, Columbine, Indian Paintbrush and other early bloomers have faded. [Illustration: Purple Aster] 97. FLEABANE Sunflower Family _Erigeron speciosus_ There are numerous species of Fleabane in this region. Some particular kind may be found at any time of the growing season, for certain species bloom very early and others continue late in autumn. Some species of Fleabane grow in dense masses and, in early spring, carpet the meadows and roadsides. The ray flowers of the Fleabanes are generally twice as numerous per head as are the ray flowers of the Asters. The plants are quite similar in other respects. [Illustration: Fleabane] 98. MOUNTAIN SUNFLOWER Sunflower Family _Helianthella uniflora_ Sunflowers abound in these parks during the late summer. As the early summer flowers, mostly in blues and purples, fade, the yellow and red flowers come on. This is especially true in the alpine meadows of Cedar Breaks in August when the predominant species are the Sunflowers. The seeds of the Sunflowers supply abundant food for many birds and small mammals. [Illustration: Mountain Sunflower] 99. COMMON SUNFLOWER Sunflower Family _Helianthus annuus_ The very large flowers of these plants sometimes present a colorful display as they take over the roadways or abandoned fields. Members of this group are generally considered weeds because of their habit of crowding out the more desirable species. Certain species of Sunflowers are now being developed for commercial purposes and produce oil for cooking and meal for livestock feed. Indians in some areas of North America cultivated sunflowers for food and for trade. [Illustration: Common Sunflower] 100. GAILLARDIA Sunflower Family _Gaillardia parryi_ This handsome and conspicuous plant is found growing in the Sonoran Zones of Zion. It has a slender, rough stalk, about a foot tall, and stiff, rather hairy, dull-green leaves growing mostly from the root. The beautiful flowers, about three inches across, have golden-yellow rays which are three pointed. The center of the flower is a shaded maroon and yellow, very velvety, and becoming an attractive fuzzy, round, purplish head when the rays drop off. This plant blooms mostly in May and June. [Illustration: Gaillardia] 101. DESERT MARIGOLD Sunflower Family _Baileya multiradiata_ These golden-yellow flowers, measuring about three inches across, are fairly common along the trails and roadways of Zion Canyon and in other low-elevation areas of the park. They bloom during May and June. The ray flowers become bleached and papery as they mature, thus accounting for the name Paper Daisy. This attractive composite is also known as Desert Baileya. In California this plant is cultivated for the flower trade. It has been found poisonous to sheep, although horses crop the flower heads, apparently without harmful effects. [Illustration: Desert Marigold] 102. WESTERN YARROW Sunflower Family _Achillea lanulosa_ Western Yarrow is very widespread and can be found in much of Western America. It is more common at elevations above 5,000 feet in these areas. It grows to be 12 to 20 inches high, and the fernlike leaves, which have a pungent odor when crushed, and the umbrella-shaped clusters of flowers are characteristics of this plant that help to identify it. Since ancient times the plant has been highly regarded for its healing properties. Legend ascribed the discovery of this virtue to Achilles, in whose honor the plant is named. [Illustration: Western Yarrow] 103. HEARTLEAF ARNICA Sunflower Family _Arnica cordifolia_ A common flower in the Pine and Spruce forest of Cedar Breaks and the alpine areas of Zion and Bryce Canyon is the Heartleaf Arnica. The yellow ray flowers are few, while the disk or central flowers of the flower head are numerous. The flowers measure about three inches across and are often mistaken for sunflowers. The heart-shaped leaves help distinguish this flower from its close relatives. Tincture of arnica is obtained from certain species of Arnica. [Illustration: Heartleaf Arnica] 104. MEADOW SALSIFY Sunflower Family _Tragopogon pratensis_ This interesting plant, known also as Oyster Plant, has been naturalized from Europe and is now quite common in the West. It has a smooth, stout hollow stem about 2 feet tall, rather dark-green, smooth leaves clasping at the base, and handsome flowers from 2 to 4 inches across. The flowers open early in the morning, closing at midday, to remain closed until the next morning. Meadow Salsify is most commonly found along the roadways or in other places where the native soil has been disturbed. See Figure 105 for description of the seed of this flower. [Illustration: Meadow Salsify] 105. MEADOW SALSIFY Sunflower Family _Tragopogon pratensis_ This habitat view of the Meadow Salsify illustrates one of the important ways in which plants scatter their seeds about. As the flower matures into seeds in a conspicuous and very large, dandelion-like head, each seed is equipped with a perfect parachute of silky fibers. Winds often sweep these flight-equipped seeds for many miles and result in wide dissemination of this species, which was introduced into this country from Europe not very long ago. The seeds of many plants are scattered about in various ways—some by wind, others by water and many by the birds and animals. [Illustration: Meadow Salsify Fruit] 106. ARROWLEAF BALSAMROOT Sunflower Family _Balsamorhiza sagittata_ This plant, with its large, showy yellow flowers, is often found on the southern exposures of steep hillsides or in the Sagebrush flats. It was first discovered by Lewis and Clark on their expedition across the continent in 1804-1806. The rind of the root contains a turpentiny balsam, but the heart of the root is edible and was used by the Indians and early pioneers. The plant is called Mormon Biscuit in Utah. The seeds of the plant were used by the Indians to make “Pinole” or meal, and the stems and leaves were eaten as greens. [Illustration: Arrowleaf Balsamroot] 107. WESTERN WALLFLOWER Mustard Family _Erysimum capitatum_ There are two kinds of Wallflowers in Zion National Park. Their bright-yellow flowers, which grow on stalks taller than those of most other mustards, make them among the most attractive members of this family. They are usually found on rather dry slopes in the Upper Sonoran and Transition Zones. Notice how the petals are arranged as a cross which is a characteristic of all members of the Cruciferae or Mustard Family. [Illustration: Western Wallflower] 108. BITTERCRESS Mustard Family _Cardamine hirsuta_ You may find this plant blooming during April and May in the Sonoran Zones of Zion National Park. Its habitat is generally the dry sandy hillsides rather than the deep canyons. The wide-spreading, circular, doom-shaped clumps present an attractive display in pure white flowers. The petals of four are arranged like a cross. Being a perennial, the clumps seem to expand from year to year and often reach a spread of four to five feet across. The plants are useful in building soil and in preventing erosion. [Illustration: Bittercress] 109. HUMMINGBIRD TRUMPET Evening-primrose Family _Zauschneria garrettii_ One of the late blooming plants in Zion National Park is the Hummingbird Trumpet, also called Fire-chalice, or sometimes the Wild Fushia. It can often be found on the Canyon Overlook Trail or on the West Rim Trail at elevations near 6,000 feet. It can be identified by the narrow oval leaves pointed and toothed, and the fushialike flowers, narrowly funnel-shaped, with the pistil and stamens extending beyond the petals. The brilliant scarlet of this flower in fairly dense clusters makes a very attractive display in late August and September. [Illustration: Hummingbird Trumpet] INDEX Common Name Scientific Name Figure Number A Alfilera Erodium circutraium 48 American Harebell Campanula rotundifolia 92 Antelope Bitterbrush Purshia tridentata 34 Arnica, Heartleaf Arnica cordifolia 103 Arrowleaf Balsamroot Balsamorhiza sagittata 106 Aster, Purple Aster sp. 96 B Balsamroot, Arrowleaf Balsamorhiza sagittata 106 Baneberry, Western Actaea arguta 20 Bearberry Honeysuckle Lonicera involucrata 90 Beavertail Cactus Opuntia basilaris 61 Bitterbrush, Antelope Purshia tridentata 34 Bittercress Cardamine hirsuta 108 Bitterroot Lewisia rediviva 14 Blackbrush Coleogyne ramosissima 35 Blazingstar, Desert Mentzelia multiflora 57 Bluebells, Mountain Mertensia ciliata 78 Bluedicks Dichelostemma pulchellum 4 Buckhorn Cholla Cactus Opuntia acanthocarpa 62 Buckwheat, Wild Eriogonum umbellatum 8 Buffaloberry, Roundleaf Shepherdia rotundifolia 65 Bush Cinquefoil Potentilla fruticosa 36 Buttercup, Sand Ranunculus juniperinus 21 Buttercup Ranunculus sp. 16 Butterfly Milkweed Asclepias tuberosa 75 C Cactus Fruit Opuntia engelmannii 64 Calypso Orchid Calypso bulbosa 11 Cardinalflower, Western Lobelia splendens 93 Cinquefoil, Bush Potentilla fruticosa 36 Chokecherry Prunus virginiana 40 Cliffrose, Stansbury Cowania stansburiana 33 Columbine Aquilegia sp. 17 Coneflower Rudbeckia occidentalis 25 Creosotebush Larrea tridentata 50 Curlycup Gumweed Grindelia squarrosa 95 D Deathcamas, Mountain Zigadenus elegans 7 Desertbeauty Dalea Dalea johnsoni 46 Desert Blazingstar Mentzelia multiflora 57 Desert Globemallow Sphaeralcea ambigua 53 Desert Marigold Baileya multiradiata 101 Desert Princesplume Stanleya pinnata 26 Desert Sage Salvia carnosa 80 E Eaton Penstemon Penstemon eatoni 83 Elder, Red-berried Sambucus racemosa 31 Elephanthead Pedicularis Pedicularis groenlandica 91 Elk Thistle Cirsium foliosum 24 Engelmann Pricklypear Cactus Opuntia engelmannii 64 Ephedra, Green Ephedra viridis 9 Euphorbia, Whitemargin Euphorbia albomarginata 51 Evening-primrose, White Oenothera caespitosa 66 Evening-primrose, Yellow Oenothera strigosa 67 F Fineleaf Yucca Yucca angustissima 6 Firechalice Zauschneria garrettii 109 Fireweed Epilobium angustifolium 54 Flax, Lewis Linum lewisii 49 Fleabane Erigeron speciosus 97 Four-O’Clock Mirabilis multiflora 12 Fourwing Saltbush Atriplex canescens 10 Fremont Geranium Geranium fremontii 47 Fremont Barberry Berberis fremonti 23 Fringed Gentian Gentiana thermalis 74 Fritillary, Purplespot Fritillaria atropurpurea 5 G Gaillardia Gaillardia parryi 100 Gentian, Fringed Gentiana thermalis 74 Gentian, Green Frasera speciosa 70 Geranium, Fremont Geranium fremontii 47 Gilia, Skyrocket Gilia aggregata 77 Globemallow, Scarlet Sphaeralcea coccinea 52 Globemallow, Desert Sphaeralcea ambigua 53 Green Ephedra Ephedra viridis 9 Green Gentian Frasera speciosa 70 Greenleaf Manzanita Arctostaphylis patula 69 Gumweed, Curlyleaf Grindelia squarrosa 95 H Harebell, American Campanula petiolata 92 Heartleaf Arnica Arnica cordifolia 103 Hedgehog Cactus Echinocereus coccineus 58 Honey Mesquite Prosopis juliflora 41 Honeysuckle, Bearberry Lonicera involucrata 90 Hummingbird Trumpet Zauschneria garrettii 109 I Indianpotato Orogenia linearifolia 72 Indian Paintbrush Castilleja coccinea 88 L Larkspur Delphinium sp. 18 Lewis Flax Linum lewisii 49 Ligusticum, Porter Ligusticum porteri 68 Littleleaf Mountainmahogany Cercocarpus intricatus 32 Loco Astragalus sp. 43 Locust, New Mexico Robinia neomexicana 45 Lupine Lupinus sp. 42 M Manzanita, Greenleaf Arctostaphylis patula 69 Mariposa, Segolily Calochortus nuttallii 1 Mariposa, Yellow Calochortus nuttallii var. aureus 2 Marigold, Desert Baileya multiradiata 101 Marshmarigold Caltha leptosepala 15 Meadow Salsify Tragopogon pratensis 104-105 Mesquite, Honey Prosopis juliflora 41 Milkweed, Butterfly Asclepias tuberosa 75 Monkeyflower Mimulus cardinalis 87 Monkshood Aconitum columbianum 19 Mountain Bluebells Mertensia ciliata 78 Mountain Deathcamas Zigadenus elegans 7 Mountainmahogany, Littleleaf Cercocarpus intricatus 32 Mountain Sunflower Helianthella uniflora 98 Mullein Verbascum thapsus 81 N New Mexico Locust Robinia neomexicana 45 O Oregon Grape Berberis repens 22 Oysterplant - Meadow Salsify Tragopogon pratensis 104-105 P Palmer Penstemon Penstemon palmeri 85 Parry Primrose Primula parryi 71 Penstemon, Eaton Penstemon eatoni 83 Penstemon, Palmer Penstemon palmeri 85 Penstemon, Royal Penstemon speciosus 82 Penstemon, Thickleaf Penstemon pachyphyllus 84 Phlox, Pink Phlox canescens 76 Pinedrops, Woodland Pterospora andromedea 55 Poisonvetch Astragalus sabulosus 44 Porter Ligusticum Ligusticum porteri 68 Prairiesmoke Geum triflorum var. ciliatum 37 Prairie Spiderwort Tradescantia occidentalis 3 Pricklepoppy Argemone platyceras 28 Pricklypear Cactus Opuntia rhodantha 60 Princesplume, Desert Stanleya pinnata 26 Puccoon, Narrowleaf Lithospermum incisum 79 Purplespot Fritillary Fritillaria atropurpurea 5 Purple Torch Cactus Echinocereus engelmanii 59 R Rabbitbrush Chrysothamnus sp. 94 Rocky Mountain Beeplant Cleome serrulata 29 Rose, Wild Rosa sp. 38 Roundleaf Buffaloberry Shepherdia rotundifolia 65 Royal Penstemon Penstemon speciosus 82 S Sacred Datura Datura meteloides 86 Sage, Desert Salvia carnosa 80 Saltbush, Fourwing Atriplex canescens 10 Sand Buttercup Ranunculus juniperinus 21 Scarlet Globemallow Sphaeralcea coccinea 52 Segolily Mariposa Calochortus nuttalli 1 Serviceberry Amelanchier alnifolia 39 Shootingstar Dodecatheon pauciflorum 73 Skyrocket Gilia Gilia aggregata 77 Spiderflower, Yellow Cleome lutea 30 Snowberry Symphoricarpos utahensis 89 Spiderwort, Prairie Tradescantia occidentalis 3 Springbeauty Claytonia lanceolata 13 Stansbury Cliffrose Cowania stansburiana 33 Stonecrop Sedum stenopetalum 27 Sunflower, Common Helianthus annuus 99 Sunflower, Mountain Helianthella uniflora 98 T Thickleaf Penstemon Penstemon pachyphyllus 84 Thistle, Elk Cirsium foliosum 107 V Violet, Yellow Viola praemorsa 56 W Western Baneberry Actaea arguta 20 Western Cardinalflower Lobelia splendens 93 Western Wallflower Erysimum capitatum 107 Western Yarrow Achillea lanulosa 102 Whitemargin Euphorbia Euphorbia albomarginata 51 Wild Buckwheat Eriogonum umbellatum 8 Wild Rose Rosa sp. 38 Woodland Pinedrops Pterospora andromedea 55 Y Yarrow, Western Achillea lanulosa 102 Yellow Mariposa Calochortus nuttallii var. aureus 2 Yellow Spiderflower Cleome lutea 30 Yellow Violet Viola praemorsa 56 Yucca, Fineleaf Yucca angustissima 6 REFERENCES Arnberger, Leslie P. (Drawings by Jeanne R. Janish) _Flowers of the Southwest Mountains_. Southwestern Monuments Assoc., Globe, Arizona, 1952. Armstrong, Margaret _Field Book of Western Wild Flowers_. G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1915. Bailey, H. E. and Bailey, V. L. _Woody Plants of the Western National Parks_. The University Press, Notre Dame, Indiana, 1949. Benson, Lyman _The Cacti of Arizona_. University of New Mexico Press, 1950. Clements, Frederic E. and Clements, Edith S. _Rocky Mountain Flowers_. The H. W. Wilson Co., New York, 1928. Coulter, John M. and Nelson, Aven _New Manual of Botany of the Central Rocky Mountains_. American Book Company, New York, 1919. Dodge, Natt N. (Drawings by Jeanne R. Janish) _Flowers of the Southwest Deserts_. Southwestern Monuments Association, Globe, Arizona, 1954. Jaeger, Edmund C. _Desert Wild Flowers_. Stanford University Press, Revised Edition, 1944. Joint Committee on Horticultural Nomenclature _Standardized Plant Names_. Second Edition 1942. J. Horace McFarland Co. Kearney, Thomas H. and Pebble, Robert H. _Arizona Flora_. University of California Press, 1951. McDougal, W. B. and Baggley, Herma A. _Plants of Yellowstone National Park_. Revised Edition, Yellowstone Library and Museum Association, 1956. McDougal, W. B. and Sperry, Omar E. _Plants of Big Bend National Park_. Government Printing Office, 1951. McDougal, W. B. _Checklist of Plants of Grand Canyon National Park_. Bulletin No. 10. Grand Canyon Natural History Association, 1947. Patraw, Pauline M. (Drawings by Jeanne R. Janish) _Flowers of the Southwest Mesas_. Southwestern Monuments Association, Globe, Arizona, 1954. Presnall, C. C. and Patraw, Pauline M. _Plants of Zion National Park_. Bulletin No. 1. Zion-Bryce Natural History Association, 1937. Preston, Richard J. _Rocky Mountain Trees_. The Iowa State College Press, Ames, Iowa, 1947. Saunders, Charles Francis _Western Wild Flowers and Their Stories_. Doubleday, Doran Co., 1933. Tidestrom, Ivar _Flora of Utah and Nevada_. Government Printing Office, 1925. WHEELWRIGHT LITHOGRAPHING COMPANY SALT LAKE CITY UTAH [Illustration: Mountain meadow] Transcriber’s Notes —Silently corrected a few typos. —Retained publication information from the printed edition: this eBook is public-domain in the country of publication. —In the text versions only, text in italics is delimited by _underscores_. End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of Wild Flowers of Zion and Bryce Canyon National Parks and Cedar Breaks Natio, by Carl Elmer Jepson and Leland Francis Allen *** END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK 55363 ***