*** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK 55512 *** OXFORD WATER-COLOURS JOHN FULLEYLOVE, R.I. [Illustration: TOM TOWER, CHRISTCHURCH COLLEGE The Tower to the level of the finial of the ogee-headed window is of the date of Wolsey’s foundation; the remaining part was added by Sir Christopher Wren.] OXFORD WATER-COLOURS By JOHN FULLEYLOVE, R.I. A. & C. BLACK, LTD. 4, 5 & 6 SOHO SQUARE, LONDON, W. 1 _Published October_, 1916 LIST OF VOLUMES IN BLACK’S “WATER-COLOUR” SERIES BERKSHIRE. By Sutton Palmer BIRKET FOSTER BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. By Sutton Palmer BURNS COUNTRY. By George Houston, A.R.S.A., R.S.W. CAMBRIDGE. By William Matthison CHANNEL ISLANDS. By H. B. Wimbush CHESTER. By E. Harrison Compton CORNWALL. By G. F. Nicholls COTSWOLDS. By G. F. Nicholls COTTAGES OF ENGLAND. By Helen Allingham DICKENS COUNTRY. By various Artists EDINBURGH. By John Fulleylove. R.I. ENGLISH LAKES. By A. Heaton Cooper ESSEX. By Burleigh Bruhl ETON. By E. D. Brinton GALLOWAY. By James Faed. Junr. HAMPSHIRE. By Wilfrid Ball, R.E. HARDY COUNTRY. By Walter Tyndale HOLY LAND. By John Fulleylove, R.I. ISLE OF MAN, By A. Heaton Cooper ISLE OF WIGHT. By A. Heaton Cooper KENT. By Biscombe Gardner LIVERPOOL. By J. Hamilton Hay LONDON, By various Artists MESOPOTAMIA, By Edith Cheesman NILE, THE. By Ella du Cane NORTH WALES. By Robert Fowler OXFORD. By John Fulleylove. R.I. SCOTT COUNTRY. By various Artists SCOTTISH HIGHLANDS. By various Artists SURREY. By Sutton Palmer SUSSEX. By Wilfrid Ball. R.E. SWITZERLAND. By various Artists WARWICKSHIRE. By Fred Whitehead WINDSOR. By G. M. Henton WORCESTERSHIRE. By Thomas Tyndale WYE, THE. By Sutton Palmer A. & C. BLACK, LTD., 4, 5 & 6 SOHO SQUARE, LONDON, W. 1. _Printed in Great Britain by_ BILLING AND SONS, LTD., GUILDFORD AND ESHER LIST OF WATER-COLOURS By JOHN FULLEYLOVE, R.I. 1. Tom Tower, Christchurch College _Frontispiece_ 2. Oxford, from South Hinksey 3. Broad Street, looking West 4. Oxford, from the Sheldonian Theatre 5. The University Church of St. Mary 6. St. Giles’s, looking towards St. Mary Magdalen (South) 7. Oriel College 8. Interior of the Bodleian Library 9. The Cloisters, Magdalen College 10. Magdalen Tower and Bridge 11. All Souls’ College and the High Street 12. Corpus Christi College 13. Christchurch: Peckwater Quadrangle 14. The Radcliffe Library, or Camera Bodleiana, from All Souls’ College 15. Entrance Gateway of Hertford College and the Radcliffe Library 16. All Saints’ Church from Turl Street 17. The Entrance to Queen’s College from Logic Lane 18. The River Isis 19. The Library, Oriel College 20. The Clarendon Building, Broad Street _On the Cover_ [Illustration: OXFORD, FROM SOUTH HINKSEY] [Illustration: BROAD STREET, LOOKING WEST] [Illustration: OXFORD, FROM THE SHELDONIAN THEATRE] [Illustration: THE UNIVERSITY CHURCH OF ST. MARY The buildings on the extreme right of the picture are those belonging to Oriel College.] [Illustration: ST. GILES’S, LOOKING TOWARDS ST. MARY MAGDALEN (SOUTH)] [Illustration: ORIEL COLLEGE] [Illustration: INTERIOR OF THE BODLEIAN LIBRARY] [Illustration: THE CLOISTERS, MAGDALEN COLLEGE] [Illustration: MAGDALEN TOWER AND BRIDGE] [Illustration: ALL SOULS’ COLLEGE AND THE HIGH STREET] [Illustration: CORPUS CHRISTI COLLEGE In the centre of the quadrangle rises a cylindrical dial surmounted by a “pelican in her piety,” the badge of the Founder of the College.] [Illustration: CHRISTCHURCH: PECKWATER QUADRANGLE] [Illustration: THE RADCLIFFE LIBRARY, OR CAMERA BODLEIANA, FROM ALL SOULS’ COLLEGE This dome may compare with some of the finest in Europe.] [Illustration: ENTRANCE GATEWAY OF HERTFORD COLLEGE THE RADCLIFFE LIBRARY] [Illustration: ALL SAINTS’ CHURCH FROM TURL STREET All Saints’ Church was built in 1708 from a design by Dr. Aldrich, Dean of Christchurch.] [Illustration: THE ENTRANCE TO QUEEN’S COLLEGE FROM LOGIC LANE The statue is that of Queen Caroline, Consort of George II.] [Illustration: THE RIVER ISIS On the right is the gold and white barge of Magdalen College undergoing repair. The masts and barges of other colleges line the side of the river, and Folly Bridge closes the prospect.] [Illustration: THE LIBRARY; ORIEL COLLEGE A dignified building of the Ionic order of architecture, designed by James Wyatt about 1788.] End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of Oxford Water-Colors, by John Fulleylove *** END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK 55512 ***