*** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK 60013 *** INDEX OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG WORKS OF MANGASAR MUGURDITCH MANGASARIAN Compiled by David Widger CONTENTS ## THE TRUTH ABOUT JESUS ## THE BIBLE UNVEILED ## WHAT IS CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ## THE STORY OF MY MIND HOW THE BIBLE WAS INVENTED IS LIFE WORTH LIVING WITHOUT IMMORTALITY IS THE MORALITY OF JESUS SOUND MORALITY WITHOUT GOD THE CHURCH IN POLITICS THE STORY OF JOAN OF ARC WHAT WAS THE RELIGION OF SHAKESPEARE TABLES OF CONTENTS OF VOLUMES THE TRUTH ABOUT JESUS IS HE A MYTH? Illustrated By M. M. Mangasarian 1909 CONTENTS PREFACE PART I. A PARABLE IN CONFIDENCE IS JESUS A MYTH? THE PROBLEM STATED THE CHRISTIAN DOCUMENTS VIRGIN BIRTHS THE ORIGIN OF THE CROSS THE SILENCE OF PROFANE WRITERS THE JESUS STORY A RELIGIOUS DRAMA THE JESUS OF PAUL IS CHRISTIANITY REAL? PART II. IS THE WORLD INDEBTED TO CHRISTIANITY? CHRISTIANITY AND PAGANISM PART III. SOME MODERN OPINIONS ABOUT JESUS. ANOTHER RHETORICAL JESUS "WE OWE EVERYTHING TO JESUS" A LIBERAL JEW ON JESUS APPENDIX FROM THE SUNDAY PROGRAMS LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS 005 Woman Crucified. In the Church of St. Etienne, France. For a Long Time This Bearded Woman Was Supposed to Be The Christ 010 Picture in Herculaneum, of the Days Of Pompeii, Showing Cupid Crowned With a Cross. 022 Swastika. Earlier Form of the Cross. 023 the Lamb in The Holy Sepulchre, Mosaic of The Iv Century, Sarcophagus of Luc de Bearn. Showing the Lamb on The Cross. 029 the Lamb Standing Upon The Gospels. Viii Century. 035 in Use Upon Heathen Altars Centuries Before Christianity. 037 Ascension of Jesus, Ninth Century. 038 Juno Nursing Her Divine Child, Mars. 041 the Persian God, Mithra. All The Gods Have The Solar Disc Around Their Heads, Showing That Sun-worship Was One of The Earliest Forms of Religion. 043 Isis Nursing Her Divine Child, 3000 B. C. 048 the Unsexed Christ, Naked in The Church of St. Antoine, Tours, France. 061 Portion of Manuscript Supposed to Be Copy Of Lost Originals. 072 073 the Goddess Mother in The Grecian Pantheon. 076 the Annunciation, Birth, and Adoration of Amenophis Of Egypt, Nearly 2000 Years Before Christ. 078 the Nativity of The God Dionysius, Museum Of Naples. 080 Prehistoric Crosses Discovered in Pagan Sepulchres (italy). 081 House of Goodness, With Cross. Egyptian, 2000 B. C. 082 Pagan Priest of Herculaneum Wearing the Cross. 083 Cross of the Chinese Emperor Fou-hi,2953 Years Before Christ; and an Ancient Pagan Cross Discovered in Newgrange, Ireland. 084 Used by a Priest of Bacchus, Showing the Cross. 085 Engraving of the Xi Century; Lamb on Cross; a Lamb Carrying the Cross; The Lamb and The Cross, Ix Century. 086 Mosaic of St. Praxedes, V Century, Showing The Lamb Christ; the Lamb Slowly Becoming Human; The Lamb Multiplying The Loaves and Fishes, Iv Century Sarcophagus. 087 the Lamb Resurrecting Lazarus, Iv Century Sarcophagus. 088 Modern Christ. 089 Christ and the Twelve Apostles, Carrying Swastikas And Solar Discs Instead of the Cross. Sarcophagus, Milan. 117 Coin of the Xii Century, Showing Halo Around Lamb's Head. 122 St. Margaret of the Catholic Church, Westminster, England; the Goddess Astarte Carrying a Cross, British Museum. 142 Italian Sculpture of the X Century. 160 the Hindu Trinity. 170 Engraving of Xv Century Representing the Trinity. 175 Trinity in Xiii Century. 182 Conception of Trinity, Ninth Century. 195 Figures on a Phoenician Vase, Showing the Use Of The Cross, Evidently in Some Ceremony of a Religious Nature. 218 Christ, Half Woman, at Baptism in Jordan. Cathedral Of Chartres, France. 255 Head of a God With Horns. Museum Of St. Germain. THE BIBLE UNVEILED By M. M. Mangasarian 1911 CONTENTS An Extraordinary Book A Word with the Reader—Protestant and Catholic A Word with the Jews PART I. I. The Neglected Book What Makes a Book Inspired? The Sects and Their Bibles Catholic and Protestant Bibles Catholics Make Their Own Bible PART II. I. The Tercentenary of the English Bible Some Lay Defenders of the Bible—Bryan's Challenge Bryan's Defense of the Bible II. Roosevelt on the Bible III. "Let Them Produce It" What Is the Best Thing That Can Be Said in Favor of the Bible? IV. How to Test a Book Speak According to Knowledge PART III. I. The First Chapter of the Bible The First Verse of the Bible Theologians Discover That Six Days Means Six Periods The Great Tragedy II. Taboo and Totem. The Totem III. The Bible and Magic The Unbelievable in the Bible IV. The Strangest Story in the Bible PART IV. I. God and His Book The Deity Demands Human Flesh II. The Portrait of God in the Bible A Bible Saint III. The Bible and Judaism IV. Bible and Talmud V. The Masterpiece of the Bible—Solomon's Temple PART V. Contradictions in the Bible Serious Discrepancies in the Story of Jesus One Writer Makes Jesus Affirm What Another Made Him Deny PART VI. I. What Was The Bible Meant to Teach? II. The Bible and Religion III. Does the Bible Teach Morality? IV. Righteousness in the Bible V. The Ten Commandments VI. The Commandments Broken VII. Thou Shalt Despise Women VIII. The Sermon on the Mount IX. The Parables of Jesus PART VII. I. A Better Bible Conclusion. The Book of God and the Book of Man WHAT IS CHRISTIAN SCIENCE? By M. M Mangasarian CONTENTS What is Christian Science? Why I Discuss Christian Science Mrs. Eddy's Mentality "Mortal Mind" Mrs. Eddy's Prayer Is Christian Science Scientific? Is Christian Science "Christian"? Arrested Mentation Do Christian Scientists Use their Minds? Examples of "Reasoning." Do Christian Scientists Practise what they Preach? Christian Science Cures Christian Science Testimonials Get-Well-Quick Christian Science Fashionable Christian Science and Witchcraft Marriage and Death in Christian Science "Suffer it to Be So Now" The New Autocracy The Menace of Christian Science Christian Science and Morals THE STORY OF MY MIND How I Became a Rationalist By M. M. Mangasarian 1909 CONTENTS CHAPTER I In the Cradle of Christianity CHAPTER II Early Struggles CHAPTER III New Temptations CHAPTER IV The Critical Period CHAPTER V Anchored at Last CHAPTER VI Some Objections to Rationalism CHAPTER VII Rationalism and the World's Great Religions End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of M. M. Mangasarian, by Mangasar Mugurditch Mangasarian *** END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK 60013 ***