*** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK 63115 *** Note: Project Gutenberg also has an HTML version of this file which includes the original illustrations. See 63115-h.htm or 63115-h.zip: (http://www.gutenberg.org/files/63115/63115-h/63115-h.htm) or (http://www.gutenberg.org/files/63115/63115-h.zip) Images of the original pages are available through Internet Archive. See https://archive.org/details/thirdmassachuset03gamm Transcriber’s note: Text enclosed by underscores is in italics (_italics_). Changes to the text are noted at the end of the book. [Illustration: THE COMPILER, REV. JOHN G. GAMMONS, PH. D.] THE THIRD MASSACHUSETTS REGIMENT VOLUNTEER MILITIA IN THE WAR OF THE REBELLION, 1861-1863. by REV. JOHN G. GAMMONS, PH. D. Providence: Snow & Farnham Co., Printers. 1906. DEDICATED TO COLONEL SILAS P. RICHMOND WHOSE PRUDENCE, DISCIPLINE, AND DEVOTION TO THE WELFARE OF THE MEN UNDER HIS COMMAND, WON THEIR LASTING ESTEEM AND AFFECTION. _By the Committee._ PREFACE. To pick up the thread after it has been dropped; to supply the missing link after forty years; to step into the shoes of a dead comrade are things to be desired only by a conceited egotist, yet all these things were forced upon me by a unanimous vote of the Third Regimental Association at their annual meeting at Dighton Rock, in August, 1904. The Rev. Charles Snow, the Association’s first choice (and no one was better fitted than he to write the history of the Third Regiment), having been its chaplain and therefore acquainted with all the facts in the history of the field and staff officers, as also with that of nearly all of the line officers, both before and after the war, was the man of all the officers in the regiment to compile the Regimental History and publish the same. Moreover, he was retired from active service and considered it a privilege rather than a duty to recall the past and again live over the days with the “boys in blue” with whom he had marched and suffered; but God had decreed otherwise, and so Chaplain Snow was called to the great camping ground above. He died at Taunton, Mass., Nov. 28, 1903, at the ripe age of seventy-four years. Chaplain Snow had gathered much material and many facts relating to the outlines of the history of the regiment; he had written many letters and had chronicled their answers; yet at the time of his death only the history of Company A had been written. Several of the comrades appointed to write the history of their companies considered themselves incompetent for the task, and those who have written their company history had to be encouraged to finish their “course with joy.” Hundreds, if not thousands, of letters had to be written by the compiler and the writers of company histories, and in some instances it required all the elasticity of patience in waiting for an answer. But why wonder when we call to mind the many years since the close of the war, and the scattered condition of the young men who composed the rank and file of the Third Regiment. Some of them are treading the snows of Alaska and the ice flows of Point Barrows; some are bringing gold and silver from the mountains of Idaho, and oil from the valleys of Montana; some are in France, England, China, and many have answered the last roll call. Long, patient, and persistent has been the efforts of the writers of this history, to give to the comrades a book worthy to be placed in the libraries of every city and town in Massachusetts, and to be read by every surviving comrade and his descendants to the end of time. No one claims that the history is complete; no doubt there are many interesting facts written in diaries lying dust-covered, which would add great interest could they be found; much valuable history was long ago committed to the fire in house-cleaning time as worthless. Yet notwithstanding all these things your Committee believe that they have given as full and complete a history as could be written at this late date, and with the conscious belief that they have done their duty to the best of their ability, they submit this volume to the comrades of the Third Regiment, their friends, and posterity. “The cost of peace, Oh! who can tell its worth. The prosperity of a united South and North, The stain of slavery from the Old Flag gone, The Nation living happy, united, strong.” The compiler wishes to make mention of the great assistance rendered by Col. S. P. Richmond, Capt. William Mason, Lieutenant Lyle and Lieutenant Wilber, George A. Grant, Morton V. Bonney, and the writers of company histories, and corrected rosters up to date. We more than thank all for their work of patriotic effort with the one desire to serve the members of the Third Regiment, who served in the same from 1861 to 1863, and many of the same regiment who served in the various regiments and unattached companies until the close of the Rebellion. The aim of the compiler has been to make each chapter complete in its narrative and historical record, without referring to other chapters. The Compiler, REV. DR. JOHN GRAY GAMMONS. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PAGE. History of the Third Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, 1861--Three Months’ Service 6 CHAPTER II. History of the Third Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Militia--Nine Months’ Service in North Carolina, 1862-3 18 CHAPTER III. Historical Record of the Field and Non-Commissioned Staff Officers 49 CHAPTER IV. History of Company A 66 CHAPTER V. History of Company B 115 CHAPTER VI. History of Company C 133 CHAPTER VII. History of Company D 150 CHAPTER VIII. History of Company E 185 CHAPTER IX. History of Company F 205 CHAPTER X. History of Company G 221 CHAPTER XI. History of Company H 230 CHAPTER XII. History of Company I 251 CHAPTER XIII. History of Company K 272 CHAPTER XIV. History of Third Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Association 306 ILLUSTRATIONS. Rev. Dr. John G. Gammons Frontispiece Col. Silas P. Richmond Opposite page 49 Lieut.-Col. James Barton “ “ 53 Major John Morrissey “ “ 54 Adjutant Lucian L. Perkins “ “ 56 Surgeon Alfred A. Stocker “ “ 58 Chaplain Rev. Charles A. Snow “ “ 60 Capt. John W. Marble “ “ 66 Capt. Elihu Grant “ “ 133 Capt. Andrew R. Wright “ “ 150 Capt. John A. Hawes “ “ 185 Capt. George R. Hurlburt “ “ 205 Capt. William S. Cobb “ “ 221 Capt. Otis A. Baker “ “ 230 Capt. Barnabas Ewer, Jr. “ “ 251 Capt. Samuel Bates “ “ 272 Sergt. Patrick Cannavan “ “ 207 Sketch of the Goldsboro Expedition “ “ 26 INTRODUCTORY. At the annual reunion of the regimental association held in East Bridgewater, Aug. 6, 1903, the question of publishing the history of the Third Regiment was enthusiastically discussed and approved. Much valuable material had already been secured by one of the members and the prospect was bright and encouraging that an interesting and valuable narrative could be produced. A committee of ten, one from each company, was chosen to prepare histories and rosters of their respective companies, to aid in compiling the general history. It was unanimously voted that the work of compiling and publishing the history be committed to Chaplain Snow, under the supervision of the Committee. Several changes have since been found necessary to be made in the construction of the Committee, as some of the members first appointed were not able to do the work assigned them. No great delay, however, has been caused by these changes, and the preparation of the volume has been made with reasonable diligence and dispatch. In compiling this work the writer has acted as annalist rather than author. This is usually the fact in the narration of history, but particularly so in the present case, since the work has been largely to arrange materials, and in many portions in nearly verbatim form, as they were furnished by others. The labor has proved an agreeable pastime and this is the only remuneration sought or desired. Should the volume receive a gratified welcome from the comrades who served with me in the old Third Regiment this fact will be regarded as bonus in addition. The Third Regiment does not presume to claim, in any special sense, the honors of a very eventful career. Circumstances beyond its control made this impossible. Equipped with unserviceable arms, which were duly condemned but never exchanged for better ones, and being assigned mainly to garrison duty, the term of service of the Third Regiment was completed without the gravest hardships. I am sure, however, that the regiment had the _esprit de corps_ requisite for the sternest military service and sacrifice. It only lacked the opportunity to prove itself. This proof has been given in a measure at least, by those who re-enlisted and did noble service in other regiments, particularly the Fifty-eighth. I have been greatly assisted in the collection of materials, and in their verification, by many of my comrades, and their interest has been to me a decided stimulus. The names of the most prominent ones are given in connection with the articles which they have contributed. Besides the valuable aid rendered by the Committee, especial commendation is due to Major A. S. Cushman of East Orange, N. J., whose contributions are of eminent value as matters of history. CHARLES A. SNOW, _Chaplain,_ 1862-’63. NOTES.--Cities and towns mentioned in this volume may be understood as being in Massachusetts. Otherwise the states are designated in which they are located. The photos representing the field and staff officers, also the line officers, were taken at about the time of enlistment in 1862. OUR FLAG. “’Twas eighteen hundred sixty one, April the twelfth at six, Old Sumter’s gates were firmly barred, and water filled the ditch; And the sentinel with martial tread, the relief expected soon, When upon the air so calm and still, there came a cannon boom. “Beat the long roll,” the Major cried, “bid every man fall in, Secession’s work so long delayed, the Rebels now begin; But just as true as the Old Flag does from the flagstaff fly, We’ll show the Rebs true Yankee grit, we’ll whip them or we’ll die.” Boom! boom! the cannon loud did roar, the shot flew thick and fast, And many a shell of a hundred pounds close to Old Glory passed. Said Anderson, “My noble men, such things should never be, Those stars of light, those bars of gold are emblems of the free.” “That flag, the glory of our land, should we but pull it down, Would make our mothers weep for shame, and our sweethearts on us frown.” And every man he loud did shout, “Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah! No traitor’s hand shall touch that flag, or its glory ever mar!” Our dear Old Flag, in darkest days, inspired the old war song, “We’re coming Father Abraham, three hundred thousand strong.” And when the mud of the Sacred Soil made weary soldiers lag, Then new strength came to march again as we beheld the flag. When on the field of Winchester, in the thickest of the fight, The Stars and Stripes were seen aloft, it gave the soldiers might; And when we all were driven back and thought we’d lost the day, Then daring Sheridan came up, and unto us did say: “Right about march, just follow me, I’m with you although late; Fix bayonets, charge the Rebel lines, and all the ground retake.” And every man, on foot, on horse, looked like a son of Mars, As he shouted “Down the Rebel flag.” “Hurrah! the Stripes and Stars!” At Gettysburg, our dear Old Flag was riddled by the shot And men had fallen by the score, by roadside and in lot. For three long days we fought the Rebs, repelling Pickett’s charge, And the victory of the Old, Old Flag, did every heart enlarge. When in our country’s darkest hour, our Grant was heard to say: “Be true, my men, to the Old Flag, and you’ll shall see some day That victory like the morning sun, will rise and on us shine, For that Old Flag, so dear to me, I’ll fight upon this line.” At Appomattox, in sixty five, we charged the Rebel lines, And then in silence, there we stood waiting for further signs Until we saw General Grant pass, in arm with General Lee, For the Flag of Slavery had surrendered to the great Flag of the Free. Then wave, Old Flag, wave evermore, our fathers fought for thee; Thy very presence make us glad, as thy Stars and Stripes we see. Thou art the sign of liberty, the glory of our land, And long our institutions free, like bulwarks sure shall stand. Sentinel of old, stand at thy post, and from the flagstaff fly; For thee, and for thy honor bright, our comrades dared to die. Receive the honors due to thee, and may we all be true To the Stars and Stripes, our country’s flag: The Red, The White, The Blue. BY THE COMPILER. CHAPTER I. HISTORY OF THE THIRD REGIMENT, MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEER MILITIA, 1861--THREE MONTHS’ SERVICE. “PRIDE of New England! Soul of our fathers! Shrink we all craven-like, when the storm gathers? What though the tempest be over us lowering, Where’s the New Englander shamefully cowering? Graves green and holy around us are lying,-- Free were the sleepers all, living and dying! If we whispered the truth, whisper no longer; Speak as the tempest does, sterner and stronger; Still be the tones of truth louder and firmer, Startling the haughty South with the deep murmur; God and our charter’s right, freedom forever! Truce with oppression, never, O, never!” J. G. WHITTIER. The Third Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, as its number seems to indicate, claims relationship with the earliest forces of the Commonwealth. The claim is well sustained by the fact that seven companies from Bristol and Plymouth counties helped to compose the original regiment, and became the nucleus of the Third Regiment which served in the Civil War. These seven companies were: COMPANY A, HALIFAX LIGHT INFANTRY. Organized in 1792, receiving its charter from John Hancock, then Governor of Massachusetts. The officers at that time were: Capt. Asa Thompson, First Lieut. Cephus Washburn, Jr., Second Lieut. Charles P. Lyon. Captain Thompson was a mighty man of valor, of gigantic proportions, being six feet and seven inches in height in normal condition, and eight feet with his captain’s cap on. On parade and muster this company attracted attention, not only by the Saul-like appearance of its captain, but also by the large bearskin caps worn by the officers and men. Tradition says that when Captain Thompson marched his army across South Boston bridge, throngs of men, women, and children collected to see “the giant” and his men, and not a few trembled with fear lest the bridge should not be able to support the captain and his great company. When called into service in 1861 this company was officered by Capt. Joseph S. Harlow, of Middleboro; First Lieut. Cephus Washburn, Jr., of Kingston; Second Lieut. Charles P. Lyon, of Halifax. COMPANY B, STANDISH GUARDS, OF PLYMOUTH. At the opening of the War this company was officered by Capt. C. C. Doten, of Plymouth; First Lieut. Otis Rogers, of Plymouth; Second Lieut. William B. Alexander, of Boston. Officers and men, 69. COMPANY C, CAMBRIDGE LIGHT INFANTRY. Capt. James P. Richardson; First Lieut. Samuel E. Chamberlain; Second Lieut. Edward F. Richardson. Officers and men, 97. COMPANY G, ASSONET LIGHT INFANTRY, OF FREETOWN. Organized in 1850. Capt. John W. Marble; First Lieut. Humphrey A. Francis; Second Lieut. John M. Dean. Officers and men, 24. COMPANY H, SAMOSET GUARDS, PLYMPTON. On entering the three months’ service this company had as its officers: Capt. Lucian L. Perkins; First Lieut. Oscar E. Washburn, of Plympton; Second Lieut. Southworth, of Middleboro. Officers and men, 56. COMPANY K, BAY STATE LIGHT INFANTRY. Capt. William S. McFarlin, of South Carver; First Lieut. John Dunham, of North Carver; Second Lieut. John L. Porter, of New Bedford. Officers and men, 62. COMPANY L, CITY GUARDS. Organized in 1853. Capt. Timothy Ingraham, of New Bedford; First Lieut. James Barton, of New Bedford; Second Lieut. Austin S. Cushman, of New Bedford. Officers and men, 78. THIRD REGIMENT INFANTRY, THREE MONTHS’ MEN. [FURNISHED BY MAJOR CUSHMAN.] This regiment was under the command of Col. D. W. Wardrop, and was composed of troops residing in localities more widely separated from their commander’s headquarters and from Boston than any other regiment in the State, and therefore in any comparisons which may be made with other troops regarding the relative rapidity of their mobilization in responding to the President’s call for troops, this fact becomes important. It was on the afternoon of Monday, April 15th, that Special Order, No. 14, was issued by Governor Andrew and dispatched by mail, and a special messenger sent to the respective colonels of the Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Regiments. The colonel of the Third resided in New Bedford, a distance of fifty-six miles from Boston; that of the Fourth in Quincy, eleven miles; that of the Fifth in Medford, five miles; that of the Sixth in Pepperell, about thirty-seven miles, and that of the Eighth in Lynn, eleven miles. The order was received by Colonel Wardrop the same evening, and at once promulgated to Company L, and some members of his staff were dispatched to convey his orders to the other companies. Horace Scott, President of the Fairhaven Railroad, gratuitously tendered a special train as far as Tremont for the messengers going to Halifax, Carver, Plympton, and Plymouth. The last named place was fifty-eight miles from New Bedford, not accessible at that time of night by railroad, nor were the other places above named, yet Company A received its orders at two A. M., April 16th, and Company B received its orders at three A. M., April 16th, and both companies reported in Boston at noon of the same day. It has not been possible to ascertain when Company G at Freetown received its orders, but it is credited with having reported for duty “promptly.” The same may be said of Company H, of Plympton, and Company K, of Carver. The Freetown company had to travel forty-eight miles by rail, the Plympton and Carver companies thirty miles, and the Halifax company twenty-eight miles, after leaving their homes scattered miles apart and distant from the stations. It is surprising that with the limited railroad facilities of those days and without modern means of intercommunication by telegraph or telephone, in the midst of a cold spring northeaster, over roads almost impassible with mud and thawing snow, that the orders should have been so rapidly transmitted and so promptly obeyed. Col. David W. Wardrop was proficient in military tactics. He had first served as lance corporal in the old Boston Fusileers, and afterwards belonged to the City Guards of New Bedford. Some credited him with having a West Point education. At all events, he was in his element when performing any military duty, and inspired his men with confidence in his military ability. He was prompt, courageous, and energetic, but his regiment was small and widely scattered over two counties. At the time of promulgating Special Orders, No. 14, it consisted of but six companies, yet he strove with the governor for the honor of being the first regiment to leave the State. Captain Richardson’s company from Cambridge was attached to the regiment April 16th as Company C, and on May 9th at Fortress Monroe Captain Chipman’s company from Sandwich, Capt. Charles C. Doten’s company from Plymouth, Capt. W. D. Chamberlain’s company from Lynn, and Capt. J. K. Tyler’s company from Boston, all three years’ companies, were temporarily assigned to the Third Regiment, and designated as Companies D, E, I, and M, respectively. The original companies, including Company C, embarked on the steamer _S. R. Spaulding_ April 17th, from Central Wharf, in the early evening and dropped down the harbor to await supplies. She sailed under sealed orders the next forenoon, to find when nine miles out that her destination was Fortress Monroe, which was reached at eleven A. M., Saturday, April 20th, after a voyage of forty-seven and one-half hours. That afternoon the regiment embarked on the gunboat _Pawnee_, and at five o’clock proceeded to Gosport Navy Yard under orders from Washington to destroy the dry dock construction houses and all vessels and munitions of war which could not be secured against seizure by the rebels. As they approached their destination in the darkness the vessels there were uncertain whether the unexpected troops were friends or foes of the Union, and so the _Pawnee_ and all on board were for a while exposed to imminent peril of instant destruction by a broadside from the _Pennsylvania_ and a raking fire from the _Cumberland_, whose crews and some of whose officers remained loyal to the Union, and stood with shotted guns and lanyards in hand breathlessly awaiting some sign by which the character of the mission of the approaching troops could be assured. Finally the repeated hail of the _Pawnee’s_ boatswain convinced the loyal sailors that loyal troops had come to their support, and then the night air re-echoed with enthusiastic shouts and added volume to the inspiring strains of the “Star Spangled Banner,” which was played by the splendid band on the quarter-deck of the _Pennsylvania_. Time has satisfied the public that the place could have been held and the enormous loss avoided, which resulted from the attempt at destruction. It speaks well for the Third that its colonel was of that opinion at the time and volunteered to hold it with his small force until re-enforced. Commodore Paulding, however, felt compelled by his orders to decide otherwise, and soon buildings and ships were aflame as the various details proceeded with their several tasks. Even the detail taken from Company B to assist in mining the dry dock were driven from their work before its entire accomplishment by the extreme heat. Two companies, A and B, were on guard as a reserve, as it was known that two rebel companies were at Norfolk. Other details threw cutlasses, sabres, shot and shell into the river, and every man worked energetically at his allotted task in the light of the great conflagration until he was aboard the _Pawnee_ for return to Fortress Monroe, where she arrived Sunday, April 21st, at six A. M. Thus the Third had been the first northern volunteer troop to land aggressively on Southern soil. The duties at Fortress Monroe were very arduous and fatiguing, and consisted in strengthening its defences and unloading, handling, and storing the enormous amount of provisions and other supplies for troops, which it was foreseen must be concentrated there and in that vicinity. The regiment won the favor of the regulars, both officers and men, by its excellent discipline, strict attention paid to the details of guard duty and its precision in infantry drill. Colonel Dimick, the commandant, complimented Colonel Wardrop on commanding such a regiment, though the guard at sea battery had fired at the boat in which Colonel Dimick was returning from the _Minnesota_ and wounded the coxswain near whom Colonel Dimick was seated, for not answering his hail the night before. As soon as contrabands came into our lines in sufficient numbers (and Company G has the honor of turning in the first three, who applied for protection to Charles R. Haskins, of Myricksville, while on picket), they were assigned to the heavier labors of the quartermaster’s department. The regiment was thus enabled to pay more attention to its ordinary military duties. May 13th two companies and a fieldpiece held Hampton bridge, and May 24th Companies B and M made a reconnoissance with General Butler and took two prisoners. June 8th Companies B and C with loaded muskets suppressed insubordination in the Naval Brigade. They were finally relieved by Company E June 17th. July 1st the regiment was ordered to occupy Hampton during the remainder of its term, and Companies A, B, and C, constituted the main guard. Here during the remainder of its term it gained experience in entrenching with the thermometer at 114 degrees, and scouting with the thermometer one degree higher. On one occasion (July 5th) Companies L, B, and E, with a howitzer battery, were stationed on picket all night and an attack was expected. July 14th a private of Company E was shot and beaten, but not killed, when outside our lines. On July 16th the regiment marched to Fortress Monroe and embarked on the steamer _Cambridge_ for Boston. On the 19th touched at Long Wharf and was ordered into camp at Long Island. On the 22d the regiment was mustered out of the service of the United States. The next day it landed at Boston, marched to the Common amid great enthusiasm, and was dismissed. It had never failed to discharge its duty. CHAPTER II. HISTORY OF THE THIRD REGIMENT, MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEER MILITIA--NINE MONTHS’ SERVICE IN NORTH CAROLINA, 1862-3. This Regiment was, in fact, what its name represents, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia; not one drafted man was in its ranks. It was made up almost entirely of men from Bristol and Plymouth counties; young men who were raised in good homes and educated in the schools of Massachusetts. Quite a number were attending either high schools, seminaries, or colleges, or were graduates of the same. When the call was made for three hundred thousand men they left home, not for what they would get, but for what they would save; they went not for pay, but from principle; they went not because they were spoiling for a fight, but to save the country which they believed would be spoiled should they stay at home. It should be remembered that at this time there was no large bounties paid to recruits; indeed, few towns paid but a small bounty, and many towns paid no bounty to induce men to go to war; therefore, those who enlisted in 1862 enlisted from patriotic principles. It is fair to say that the Third Regiment was composed of as good men as ever shouldered a musket or wore a sword. Many of the officers had seen service in the three months’ regiments and in the State militia, and therefore were the better prepared to do efficient service in the nine months’ campaign. Both officers and men were loyal soldiers, true patriots, ever ready to serve their country and defend Old Glory. So far as known each officer and private always responded to orders, and faithfully performed the duties confided to him, whether pleasant and easy, or hazardous and hard. Each went when and where ordered, and did his duties without grumbling or “showing the white feather.” If at any time one was afraid he had the good sense to keep it to himself. If any one felt that he was selected to fill a position of unusual danger, he was wise enough to keep his own counsel, do his duty to the best of his ability, and acquit himself like a man. This regiment was recruited in the months of August and September, 1862, and as soon as each company was filled it went into Camp Joe Hooker. This camp, situated in the town of Lakeville, some three miles south of the village of Middleboro, occupied a large field near a beautiful pond, which was accessible to all who wished to enjoy the luxury of a daily bath. The camp was ample for forty companies to drill at one time. Here the companies were drilled in the setting-up drill, company movements, and practical guard duty. On the 23d of September the companies were mustered into the United States service by a regular army officer, and soon after were furloughed for one week, that they might visit their friends before going to the front. All but two men returned within the time of their furlough, one of whom deserted the service; the other was returned by the provost guard after the regiment reached Newbern, N. C. October 22d the regiment left Camp Joe Hooker and marched to the Lakeville depot, where they took cars for Boston. Marching to Long Wharf the right wing embarked on the steam transport _Merrimac_, and the left on the steamer _Mississippi_, for Newbern. Each of these steamers had on board one other full regiment, so that each steamer was taking out fifteen hundred men. One has only to imagine the crowded condition of the ships, when nearly the whole number were on deck at the same time, yet during the voyage there were no rows, no curse words, and no swaggering braggadocio. The sail down Boston Bay and around Cape Cod was anything but agreeable; many of the boys unwillingly paid their respects to Old Neptune. The remainder of the voyage was over a sea as smooth as a mill pond. Captain Baxter, of Hyannis, captain of the _Merrimac_, was the right man for the place he occupied. A born commander, he easily controlled not only his own officers and crew, but all on shipboard. There was no want that he could not supply. Was there contention as to which companies should first be served with cooked rations? He could determine to the satisfaction of all. Was there a clamor for fresh water? He would say, “Boys, I am condensing sixteen hundred gallons of water for you every twenty-four hours, and here you are shouting as if you were in an old-fashioned Methodist meeting,” and the boys would answer, “Yes, captain, but the water is too hot to drink,” and he would reply, “I have on board fourteen hundred barrels of pure Cochituate water, which I brought for you, call one of your officers and break out as much as you please.” Then taking his violin he would play and sing some home song which would pacify every discordant element and make everyone feel happy. Early on the morning of October 22d the shores of North Carolina were seen like a cloud rising from the ocean, and Captain Baxter remarked, “There is the land I expected to make at six o’clock this morning.” When within three miles of Beaufort harbor we encountered a strong southeast gale and it was with difficulty that the pilot boarded our ship. As it was his boat was smashed into pieces. When entering the harbor we were shown Fort Macon, which General Burnside in his early campaign had taken, and which Federal troops now occupied. At Morehead City we embarked on flat open cars for Newbern, and were shown the early battle grounds where General Burnside contested his right to enter and hold Newbern. Leaving the cars at the depot the Third Regiment marched to its camping ground on the east bank of the Neuse River, and near the city of Newbern. Here the regiment was given a hearty welcome by Captain Hart, of the Twenty-third Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia. This officer had erected tents and put the camp in fine order for the Third Regiment. Colonel Lee, also of the Twenty-seventh, extended greetings. Later on the Third was for a short time attached to his brigade, until transferred to the brigade of Col. J. Jourdan, where it continued during its term of service. Camp equipage and arms were received in a short time and the regiment was drilled several hours daily. Nearly all the drilling was the manual of arms, battalion and brigade movements. The arms distributed to the Third were not up to the standard. They were said to be Austrian rifle muskets captured from a blockade runner. Great improvements were made on them by the regimental and company armorers; yet the Confederate loss promised little gain to the Union forces, except in the moral force of showing that the regiment had arms and was prepared to use them at close quarters, at least when occasion required. These arms were duly condemned by an inspecting officer and efforts made to exchange them for serviceable ones, but without success. A variety of duties attested the intelligence and endurance of the regiment as a whole, and of its companies on detached service. October 30th Companies A and B were detached for picket duty at Newport Barracks, where they remained for more than a month, during which time they with a platoon of cavalry and a battery made an expedition to Peltier’s Mills, and for the first time learned the superiority of army shoes on the march in contrast to stylish boots. Picket duty taught the boys how to find their own beef and pork, and occasionally honey, which abounded in that part of North Carolina. In garrison duty, reconnoissances, engineering work, exhausting marches sometimes with the thermometer ranging over one hundred in the shade and the dust inches deep, and on the field of battle, the skill and bravery of the regiment was well displayed. One company sent to build a bridge over Bachelor’s Creek were so efficient in construction work that they finished their work and returned to camp in two days, notwithstanding it was supposed to take one company a month to accomplish the job. Many of the men of that company were bridge builders before the war. Thirty men sent to do picket duty at Creek No. 1 held that station for three months, although they were constantly in fear of being surprised, and nearly all the time slept with their muskets beside them. November 11th our pickets at Deep Gully were attacked and the Third Regiment were under arms all night. November 30th Company I was detailed for duty at Plymouth and Elizabeth City, N. C., where it did garrison duty five months, and suffered special casualties during a siege by the Confederates, losing in killed, wounded, and prisoners nearly thirty men. (See history of Company I.) At different times nearly every company in the regiment were detailed for picket or special duty. (See Company history.) During the month of December, 1862, the Third Regiment rendered good service in connection with the expedition made by General Foster into the interior of North Carolina, the object being to cut the Confederate means of supplies by the Wilmington and Goldsboro railroad. The following is a verbatim report of General Foster to the War Department. The accompanying sketch will help the reader to understand the march of the expedition and the battles fought. [Illustration: D. SKETCH showing route pursued in the advance to GOLDSBORO, N. C. in Dec. 1862.] From the report of Maj.-Gen. J. G. Foster, to the Joint Congressional Committee on the Conduct of the War. Copied from the report of that Committee, printed by the Government, supplement, part 2, page 11, of General Foster’s report: “EXPEDITION TO GOLDSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, IN DECEMBER, 1862.” “General Burnside having moved the army of the Potomac towards the Rappahannock with the intention of crossing, I was ordered by Major-General Halleck, general-in-chief of the armies of the United States, to advance with my whole available force and destroy the railroad bridge at Goldsboro, and as much of the track as possible; the movement to be made simultaneous with the crossing at Fredericksburg. Accordingly, having been reinforced by one brigade from Major-General Dix’s corps at Fortress Monroe, I advanced from Newbern on the 12th of December, 1862, with four brigades and forty pieces of artillery, in all about twelve thousand men. After removing the obstructions placed in the roads of the retreating rebels, I pushed a cavalry force directly toward Kinston, which surprised the main picket guard of the enemy and drove it in. Under cover of this feint the main body was moved rapidly by the left so as to strike Southwest Creek at the most westerly of the four bridges that cross it. As anticipated this bridge was found weakly guarded. While occupying this guard in front a regiment was thrown across the creek on a milldam, which by a vigorous and unexpected charge captured the artillery guarding the bridge, and thus opened it to our advance. This was late at night. At daylight on the following morning we advanced upon Kinston. The enemy was encountered in a chosen position on the south side of the Neuse River, where the road crossed a swamp closely filled with thick undergrowth. The enemy occupied a ridge just beyond the swamp. For over two hours our attack failed to dislodge the enemy. Finally, after strong demonstrations on both flanks, a decisive effort was made in the centre, in which one of my best regiments, the Tenth Connecticut Volunteers, gallantly charged through the enemy’s line and seized and held the bridge over the Neuse, in the rear. The enemy then broke. A part retreated rapidly up the south bank of the Neuse; the remainder were captured. We crossed the river at once and occupied Kinston. General Evans rapidly retreated, with the garrison of the defences of the town, up the north bank of the river, closely pursued by our cavalry. We captured during the day seven hundred prisoners, nine pieces of artillery, four heavy guns, and a large quantity of ammunition, which being stored in houses in the town, we could only partially destroy without destroying the town. The information obtained at Kinston went to show that General Burnside had been repulsed at Fredericksburg; that General Lee had telegraphed Gen. G. W. Smith, at Goldsboro; that he could send him thirty thousand men, if necessary, to resist our advance; and that strong defences had been constructed at Mosely Hall and other points where the road crosses difficult streams. Believing, however, that by deceiving the enemy and rapid marching, the object of the expedition could be attained, I determined to go on. As a feint, the army was pushed out a few miles on the Goldsboro road and encamped. At daylight it retraced its steps, crossed the river, burnt the bridge behind it, and rapidly marched up the south bank. At Whitehall a sharp affair took place. A rebel gunboat was being built at that point and a considerable force was there to defend it and prevent our crossing. Every attempt to cross infantry to burn the boat failed. All the artillery was then opened and soon completely riddled the vessel. It served also to give the impression that an attempt to force a crossing was made. Leaving a few men to keep up that impression, the main body marched rapidly up the river and reached the railroad bridge as the smoke was seen ascending from the Mount Olive station, which the cavalry had destroyed. The enemy was not prepared for us; their force was scattered; large numbers had been detached towards Whitehall and Kinston. The brigade on the south side at the bridge was soon whipped and driven from the field. The bridge was burned despite the efforts of the force collecting on the north bank; and before any considerable concentration could be made to disturb us, we had destroyed several miles of the track. As the column moved off on its return, having accomplished its purpose, a brigade made an attack on our rear guard, which repulsed it with severe loss. After that no attack was made and the column returned quietly to Newbern. The force in the department of North Carolina was now increased and constituted by the President, the Eighteenth Army Corps, under my command.” While General Foster’s report is a most excellent one, still it must be remembered that it is a report made from the standpoint of the whole expedition, and deals little with particulars only as seen in battles. It remains for the writer of the Third Regiment to state the part taken by that regiment in the expedition. On Dec. 11, 1862, at six A. M., in a dense fog, the Third Regiment formed line on the left of General Lee’s brigade, the third brigade in the column. No secrets were withheld from the boys. Everyone knew that a march was before them, that fighting was expected and hardships were anticipated, yet every officer and man cheerfully responded to the order, “March!” The obstacles mentioned by General Foster in his report were great trees felled across the road for several hundred yards, and it was impossible to pass until such obstacles were removed. This was soon accomplished by our “Black Pioneer Brigade.” Another obstacle was that nearly every bridge which crossed creeks and rivers was guarded by rebel pickets, who fired the bridges just before they retreated, making it impossible for either infantry or artillery to pass until the bridges were rebuilt, save in a few instances where the rivers were fordable. Over some parts of the march great turpentine trees were on fire, which falling across the road made marching that way quite dangerous; yet through fire and water the expedition made twelve miles the first day, notwithstanding our skirmishers were in constant action with the rebel pickets. Never were men more glad than the Third Regiment when ordered to bivouac for the night, and never was mattress or feather bed more acceptable than “Mother Earth” to the boys that night. Both fires and loud talking were forbidden. All save the men on picket duty slept; slept like tired children. Friday the Third was detailed to guard the baggage train, which it faithfully did until twelve at night. All this day our advance were face to face with the rebel pickets, which in some instances showed stubborn resistance; in others but a semblance of resistance, but always burned the bridges they were defending before retiring towards Kinston. These men seemed to be possessed more with the spirit of burning than with the spirit of patriotism. Consulting the sketch map you will find that when the column had passed Muscleshell Creek and Resolution Bayou the army had taken the Trent road (the most direct road from Newbern to Kinston) until near Bear Creek. It was from this point that General Foster “pushed a cavalry force directly toward Kinston, which surprised the main picket guard of the enemy and drove it in, into its fortified position south of Kinston. Under cover of this feint the main body was moved rapidly by the left so as to strike Southwest Creek at the most westerly of the four bridges that cross it. As anticipated this bridge was found weakly guarded. While occupying this guard in front a regiment was thrown across the creek on a milldam, which by a vigorous and unexpected charge captured the artillery guarding the bridge, and thus opened it to our advance.” It has been learned on good authority that the regiment which made the above mentioned charge was the Ninth New Jersey. This bit of information can be found in the Adjutant-General’s report of Massachusetts in the report of the Twenty-third Massachusetts Regiment and reads like this: “The Ninth New Jersey crossed through the old mill, charged the enemy, captured two pieces of artillery, and the rebels retreated.” General Foster says, “this was late at night.” “At daylight the following morning (Sunday) we advanced upon Kinston.” It should be remembered that the column after passing Wine Creek abandoned the main road leading to Kinston, took an unfrequented turpentine road through the woods, and came upon the right flank of the Confederate army, which was in line on the opposite side of the swamp, where their batteries were posted to resist our advance on Kinston. The road through this swamp was as straight as an arrow and covered with water nearly a foot deep. The position of the Third Regiment on the opposite side of the swamp was near the hospital and the sight of the dead and wounded was anything but reassuring, as they were carried to the rear; yet when the order was given “Forward!” not a man flinched, and the Third Regiment went through the swamp on the double-quick. The first brigade having turned the rebels’ right, and captured a battery and several hundred prisoners there was little left for the Third to do but to join in the shout of victory, view the prisoners, sympathize with the wounded in the Old Baptist Church, view the dead in the woods, and march into Kinston. As we marched over the beautiful bridge which spans the Neuse River, we saw the wise generalship of General Foster in coming upon Kinston through the swamp instead of the main road, where the rebels had erected earthworks and mounted guns, which would command the road for more than two miles. Our place of bivouac in Kinston was on the park, which was enclosed by a rail fence, five rails high. Captain Grant, of Company C, Third Regiment, being officer of the day, gave strict orders that only the topmost rails should be taken. This order was so strictly obeyed that in the morning not a vestige of the fence remained; each man had taken only the top rail. Words fail to describe the things seen on that park the next morning, feather and straw beds, mattresses, pillows, sheets, and bed clothes of nearly all kinds and description, china tea-sets, bottles of perfumery, and almost everything in the housekeeping line. Tobacco and cigars could be had without the asking. Feathers were seen all over the ground, indicating that someone had been engaged in the poultry business on an immense scale during the night. The bugle sounded very early and the command recrossed the bridge and resumed the march towards Goldsboro. An old colored woman standing by the roadside raised her hands as we were passing and shouted, “You honeys of Lincoln’s army need fear nothing from nobody between here and Richmond! De good Lawd bless you all!” At Whitehall we again encountered the Confederate forces, which General Foster handsomely outwitted. He gave them the impression that his whole force was engaged, while the fact was that only a few regiments with nearly all his batteries were in action; the bulk of the command were pushing on toward Goldsboro. Failing to find any way for the infantry to cross the river and burn the gunboat in the process of building, orders were given for all the batteries to concentrate their fire on the gunboat, which was soon destroyed. A few men were left to keep up the impression that it was General Foster’s purpose to cross the river, the main army marching rapidly on toward Goldsboro. At Everettsville we again came upon the rebel pickets, who fled without firing a gun. Shells from our battery hastened their retreat toward the railroad bridge. This they crossed and joined the main force, which so far as we could learn were in the woods near the railroad. After shelling the woods for nearly three hours, the Third Regiment was ordered to take position near the Wilmington railroad and parallel with it. Here it remained until a railroad monitor was destroyed by our batteries and the railroad bridge burned; then we were ordered to stack arms and proceed to tear up the track and burn the ties. This order was executed with such vigor that in less than one hour three miles of ties were on fire. Had the rebels not lost their heads they could have captured the Third Regiment, for it was without arms. As it was, Captain Marble, of Company A, barely escaped being captured by a rebel picket post in the woods, not a hundred yards from the railroad. After executing its orders the regiment was ordered to its arms and marched back over the hill. While here it was reported that the enemy was advancing with a flag of truce and a company of cavalry went to receive it. Judge our surprise when it was fired upon by a rebel brigade, ambushed on the opposite side of the railroad. Immediately the brigade crossed the railroad and charged on Morrison’s and Belger’s batteries. At this time the writer was standing near Captain Belger and heard that officer say, “There they come, now we will have some fun,” and, without waiting for orders from General Lee, the commander of the only brigade then on the field (the so-called rear guard), Captain Belger gave the order, “Action front, double shotted canister! Load! Aim! Fire!” At this time the enemy were within two hundred yards of his guns and the Third Regiment was supporting this and Morrison’s Battery, with their two batteries firing upon the advancing brigade. I need not say that they were long in wiping it out. Two other brigades which charged on the left centre of our brigade were soon driven back in disorder. It is supposed that seeing Morrison’s and Belger’s batteries still on the field, they thought it a fine thing to capture those two popular batteries; it being quite dark they did not notice that these batteries were supported by infantry. Moreover, they had opened a mill gate, which created a torrent through which the batteries must pass in going from the field, but they were too badly punished to follow out their plans. When the Third came to the stream they found it a roaring torrent; yet through the icy cold water they went, and when the whole brigade with the batteries were over, we were only too glad to be told that we would have to march ten miles before bivouacking for the night. At nine o’clock we reached the main army and laid down in our frozen clothes until the following morning, when we began our march toward Newbern. We reached Newbern without molestation on the twenty-first day of December, having been absent eleven days, and having marched over one hundred and fifty miles. In the engagements had the only casualties suffered by the Third as reported, were six wounded. By special order of General Foster the names of “Kinston,” “Whitehall,” and “Goldsboro” were inscribed upon the regimental flag. December 30th the Third Regiment was attached to General Heckman’s brigade in anticipation of going further south, but when inspected by Captain Abel, of General Heckman’s staff, the arms were found to be of such poor quality that they were for the second time condemned, and failing to get them replaced by good arms, General Heckman sent the following communication to Colonel Richmond: _To_ COLONEL S. P. RICHMOND, _Commanding Third Regiment, M. V. M., Headquarters First Brigade, Nagle’s Division, Newbern, N. C., Jan. 12, 1863._ COLONEL: In the report of my Assistant Adjutant-General who inspected your regiment last muster, the arms you now have were condemned. I have made every effort since to have the arms changed to retain you in my brigade, but time would not permit and another regiment has been assigned. Accept my regrets that your regiment was not in condition to remain (as regards equipments). The soldierly appearance and conduct of your officers have made a favorable impression, and I part with you with regret. Very respectfully yours, C. A. HECKMAN, _Brigadier-General Commanding First Brigade,_ _Nagle’s Division, Eighteenth Army Corps._ General Foster says, “The Third Regiment always obeys orders and performs all its duties promptly and without grumbling.” General Prince says, “The Third Massachusetts Regiment and its commander can be trusted with important duties with a certainty that they will be performed promptly and well.” Colonel Jourdan says, “The Third Regiment is always ready for duty.” On January 28th the regiment moved to Camp Jourdan, near Fort Totten. This location was not a desirable one; neither was the ground in a condition for the dwelling place of men. It was considered a very unhealthy locality, but it was one of the most important points in the defences of Newbern. The first thing done was the removal of more than five hundred cords of the refuse from stables, dumped there. Many ditches were made, the camp graded and trees planted until the medical director pronounced it one of the cleanest, prettiest, and most healthy camps near Newbern, and he also made a report to that effect, complimenting the regimental commander and medical staff highly. March 6th the regiment was ordered to go with General Prince’s division on an expedition into Jones and Onslow counties, where they remained five days. The Third with other troops under command of Colonel Richmond was twice detailed for important detached service, and received the thanks of General Prince for the able manner in which the duty was performed. Several hundred prisoners were taken and brought to Newbern. While the men were quite affable, the officers were very sullen and did not care to talk with “Yankee mudsills.” In the attack at Deep Gully, March 14th, and also on Fort Anderson, on the opposite side of the Neuse, the Third were under marching orders until the next day at one P. M., and then went on a reconnoissance to Pollocksville, returning to camp on the evening of the 16th in the rain, with the mud more than a foot deep. So muddy were the roads that the regiment was eight hours marching ten miles. On the 17th Companies A, B, K, and H were ordered to march to Deep Gully for picket duty, where they remained eight days. They were relieved by the One Hundred and Fifty-eighth New York Regiment, and marched back to Newbern. From April 2d on until the time of leaving this department (except when on expeditions), the Third Regiment furnished a detail of one hundred and fifty men daily for intrenchment work. April 5th orders were received to march to Foster’s Wharf with three days’ rations. The regiment was there on time, expecting to go to Washington, N. C., but at six P. M., orders were received from General Foster to go back to camp. April 7th at six P. M. orders were received to march immediately with three days’ rations, and the regiment proceeded to Foster’s Wharf, were transported across the Neuse River, and bivouacked for the night. The next day we joined a column commanded by General Spinola, and made a forced march to Blount’s Creek, rear of Washington, to attempt to break the siege and relieve General Foster, who was there at the time. At the point of attack it was found that the rebels occupied a strong position on a hill, the only approach being a narrow defile with heavy woods on either side. These conditions at the outset forbade hope of success. An engagement was made, the Third taking part in the movement, but they were met by so fierce a fire from the rebel batteries on the hill that it was thought expedient to retire. Captain Belger’s horse was shot under him, and he was severely wounded, yet as he passed Colonel Richmond he said, “Give it to them, Colonel, we’ll pay them off for this.” Later we were informed that the rebels, believing that the Yankees would play some Yankee trick on them, left their position from fear of a flank movement. Of one thing we were assured, the siege of Washington was raised, and General Foster returned to Newbern. This expedition was regarded as the most adventurous and exhausting of any in which the Third participated during its term of service. More than thirty miles were covered by a hurried march and the battle fought on the same day. So exhausted were the men that several had to be assisted to the place of bivouac for the night. April 13th Company D was sent on an expedition by steamer, forty miles down the Neuse River, to explore the opposite shore. On leaving, General Foster said, “I want you to go down the river on a pleasure trip; it may be, however, that you will find other than pleasure somewhere.” The company obeyed orders, but finding no rebels, it returned the following night. April 16th the Third Regiment received orders to march with a column under General Prince to Core Creek, where it remained six days, and was engaged in several skirmishes with the enemy. It was this movement combined with another column on the opposite side of the Neuse River, which caused the rebels to evacuate their positions in front of Washington, North Carolina, thereby relieving the Forty-fourth Massachusetts Volunteer Militia from their uncomfortable position. May 11th four companies were detailed for picket duty at Deep Gully, where they remained ten days. May 23d orders were received at eight P. M. to march immediately to a certain point near Batchelder’s Creek, and await orders. Arriving at the point indicated they rested on arms. This hurried movement was made in consequence of our pickets being driven in, and Colonel Jones, commander of the Fifty-eighth Pennsylvania, being killed during the engagement. The enemy having retired during the night, the regiment was ordered back to Newbern. This march was made through the dust six inches deep, and with the thermometer one hundred and ten degrees in the shade. We arrived in Newbern at twelve o’clock, a tired, besmeared, dust covered lot of soldiers. May 31st four companies marched to Deep Gully for picket duty, but being relieved by a detachment from Lee’s brigade, they returned to Newbern the same evening. Newbern was twice threatened with assault, apparently for the purpose of retaking the city. The first occurred on the evening of Nov. 11, 1862, while the main army was absent on a reconnoitring march to Tarboro, in the northern part of the state, leaving the Third almost alone in the defence of the city. The regiment was under arms all night, and re-enforcements were brought up from Newport. The alarm was caused by a fierce attack made upon the pickets at Deep Gully, a few miles out on the Trent road, one man being killed and several wounded. The regiments that had been absent for nearly two weeks were now returning and the rebels withdrew the following day. The second assault was made on March 14, 1863, operating from different directions; one by the way of the Trent road, the other approaching from across the Neuse River. The latter division was vigorously handled by the garrison at Fort Anderson, on the north bank of the river, and by gunboats, and finally repulsed. Many shells were thrown into the city, some of which tore up the ground occupied by the Third Regiment but a little time before as their camp. A flag of truce was sent asking the surrender of the city, but General Foster’s answer was, “If you want Newbern, come and take it.” These assaults seemed to be more like “feelers” of the Union strength than any serious menace to Newbern. Various places were garrisoned and much picket duty done by the Third Regiment, besides the services already mentioned, which proved the fidelity of both officers and men, and the readiness of the regiment to measure up at all times to the trusts committed to its keeping. Being ordered to Boston, Mass., the regiment left Newbern June 11, 1863. As they marched from their camp to the place of taking train and boat, they were escorted by the One Hundred and Fifty-eighth New York Volunteers, preceded by the band of the Forty-ninth Massachusetts Regiment, General Foster and Colonel Jourdan honoring the column by a standing review. The Forty-fifth and Forty-first Massachusetts Regiments were in line on the other side of the Trent River, and cheered us with music and voice on our homeward journey. Seven companies went by rail to Morehead and embarked on the steamer _S. R. Spaulding_. Three companies with the sick went on board the steamer _Tillie_, at Newbern, and sailed by the way of Roanoake Sound. The voyage for the most part was rough and most of the officers were seasick until we rounded the shores of Cape Cod, when the sea became smooth, and new life was imparted to all. Landing in Boston we received a very enthusiastic reception by her citizens and were escorted to the Common by the Forty-fourth Massachusetts Rifle Club. The Governor being absent, Adjutant-General Schouler reviewed the column from the State House steps, after which the regiment marched to Beach Street barracks and partook of a collation. At one P. M. the regiment took the cars for Camp Joe Hooker, but being furloughed on the train and ordered to report in camp on the 22d, each man turned his face toward the old home and the dear ones he had left there when he went to serve his country. June 22d the regiment reported at camp, where it remained until the 26th and was mustered out of the service by Capt. J. K. Lawrence, being dismissed by a complimentary and affecting speech from Colonel Richmond. The men dispersed quietly, maintaining their excellent character and discipline to the last. Many of these men showed their patriotism by re-enlisting, some going the third and fourth time. During the campaign the regiment was transported by steamer and railroad more than two thousand miles, and marched more than four hundred miles over the swampy roads of North Carolina, most of this being done during the inclement season. It bivouacked upon the ground without shelter when the water froze in canteens, and also marched when the thermometer ranged at one hundred and twelve degrees in the shade. During the most of the time more than two hundred men were furnished for extra duty, as mechanics, and quite a number were detailed as overseers of contrabands and other duties of a governmental nature. The regiment which left home with a roster of one thousand and fifteen men returned with nine hundred and twenty-seven. “Oh Life! Oh Death! Oh World! Oh Time! Oh Grave, where all things flow! ’Tis yours to make our lot sublime, With your great weight of woe. Through sharpest anguish hearts may wring, Though bosoms torn may be; Yet suffering is a holy thing, Without it, what were we!” CHAPTER III. HISTORICAL RECORD OF THE FIELD AND NON-COMMISSIONED STAFF OFFICERS OF THE THIRD REGIMENT, MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEER MILITIA. _FIELD AND STAFF._ COL. SILAS P. RICHMOND. SILAS PEIRCE RICHMOND, son of Isaac and Lucinda (Peirce) Richmond, was born in Freetown, June 19, 1831, on the Richmond homestead, which has been owned in the family continuously since 1775. His grandfather, Samuel Richmond, was a soldier in the War of the Revolution, and his father, Isaac Richmond, was a soldier in the War of 1812-15. Silas P. Richmond was educated in the public schools of Freetown and at Peirce Academy, Middleboro. [Illustration: COL. SILAS P. RICHMOND.] He was engaged in farming and lumber business early in life. He was the first man to enlist in Company G, Third Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in May, 1850. He was appointed corporal in April, 1851; commissioned fourth lieutenant of same company in August, 1851; third lieutenant in August, 1853; first lieutenant in May, 1854; captain in May, 1855; major and inspector, Second Brigade, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, July 29, 1856. He was in Kansas in 1858-9, and served with John Brown in repelling the “Border Ruffians” and was badly wounded in the knee at the battle near Lawrence, Kansas. He returned to Massachusetts and was appointed captain and aide-de-camp, Second Brigade, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, Sept. 15, 1859, and in that capacity responded to the call of the “Minute Men,” April 15, 1861, serving at Fortress Monroe and Hampton, Virginia, and taking part in the battle of Big Bethel, June 10, 1861. At the end of the campaign he returned to Massachusetts and was honorably discharged. On the 8th of May, 1862, he was commissioned lieutenant-colonel, Third Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, and as such responded to the call to re-enforce the Army of the Potomac at the time of General Bank’s retreat in the Shenandoah Valley. In July, 1862, he was ordered by Governor Andrew to reorganize and recruit the Third Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, to the maximum for service in the field. He completed that work and the regiment was mustered into the United States service, one thousand and forty strong, Sept. 15, 1862. He was commissioned colonel of the Third Regiment Oct. 7, 1862, and, on Oct. 22, 1862, he proceeded with the regiment by steamer to Newbern, North Carolina. During that campaign he participated in the battles of Kinston, Whitehall, Goldsboro, Deep Gully, Blount’s Creek, and in repelling the bombardment of Newbern. During a part of that time he commanded a brigade. At the end of this term of service he returned to Massachusetts. On the 28th of September, 1863, he was commissioned colonel of the Fifty-eighth Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers, and proceeded to recruit that regiment. On Nov. 21, 1863, he was appointed superintendent of recruiting in Bristol, Plymouth, Barnstable, Nantucket, and Dukes counties, and as such continued the recruiting of the Fifty-eighth Regiment, until it was ordered to join the Army of the Potomac, April 28, 1864; but as the Fifty-eighth had only eight companies at that time, he could not be mustered into the United States service as colonel of it, and so resigned. On July 19, 1864, he was appointed assistant provost marshal of the Department of the South, with the rank of colonel, and served as such at Beaufort, North Carolina, Hilton Head, Savannah, Georgia, and Charleston, South Carolina. He was on the first steamer that reached Savannah when it was taken, and on the first steamer that landed at Charleston when that city was captured. He was honorably mustered out of service in September, 1865. He engaged in the lumber and grain business in Indiana and Michigan in 1867-9, and lost a nice property by fire in Michigan in 1869. He returned to Massachusetts in 1870. Colonel Richmond has been a justice of peace for more than forty years, and is also a notary public. He was for ten years chairman of the board of selectmen of Freetown. As auditor in 1854 he prepared the first printed report ever made of the finances of Freetown. He has also served as assessor, town clerk, school committee, and overseer of the poor of Freetown. He served eighteen years as moderator at annual town meetings. He served two terms as United States census taker, and two terms as state census taker. He was chairman of the trustees of the First Christian Church in Assonet for several Years. He was a representative in the legislature from the sixth Bristol district in 1892, and served as chairman of the taxation committee. He was a delegate to the National Republican Convention in 1892; a turnkey in Massachusetts State Prison, 1871-9; deputy keeper in the Bristol County House of Correction, 1879-82; general traveling agent for the C. C. G. Co., 1882-89; president of Bristol County Agricultural Society 1889-91; charter member of Post No. 1, Massachusetts G. A. R., and member of the Loyal Legion of the United States. He is a Mason and Knight Templar since 1865. On Jan. 1, 1896, he was appointed deputy sheriff and court crier of the Supreme and Superior Courts in Bristol County, and now holds that position. His address is Richmond Road, Assonet, Mass. LIEUT.-COL. JAMES BARTON. [Illustration: LIEUT.-COL. JAMES BARTON.] LIEUT.-COL. JAMES BARTON came from a military family. Among his ancestors was Gen. William Barton, of Revolutionary fame, who captured the English General Prescott and his aide-de-camp in the town of Portsmouth, R. I., for which act Congress presented him with a beautiful sword as an acknowledgment of his hazardous and successful achievement. In his early years Colonel Barton resided in Newport, R. I., and was a member of the Newport Artillery, which was chartered in 1741. He accompanied this organization to Providence at the time of the Dorr War. In 1853 he removed to New Bedford and carried on the business of a marine blacksmith, and this he continued after as well as before the war. The breaking out of the war in 1861 found him holding the position of first lieutenant in the New Bedford Guards (minute men), afterwards Company E, Third Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia. With this company he served twice, first as first lieutenant of the company, and second as lieutenant-colonel of the regiment of which the company made a part, and served with the regiment through its campaign in North Carolina. He was a good, conscientious officer, faithfully performing every duty, and always in his place on battalion drill, on the march, and in battle. He was one of the earliest members of William Logan Rodman Post, No. 1, G. A. R., New Bedford, Mass. He died March 5, 1887. MAJ. JOHN MORRISSEY. [Illustration: MAJOR JOHN MORRISSEY.] MAJOR MORRISSEY was forty-five years of age when he entered the service of his country in the Third Regiment. He was a native of Plymouth, where he resided at the time of his commission. His position as sergeant-at-arms in the State House, Boston, shows that he went to war for pure patriotic principles. He was well liked by all the regiment, and never failed to do his duty on drill, on the march, and in camp. After the war he was given his former position, which office he filled acceptably until his death. He died in his own town, beloved and highly respected by all who knew him. His force of character was more in good acts than in many words. ADJ’T. LUCIAN L. PERKINS. [Illustration: ADJ’T. LUCIAN L. PERKINS.] ADJUTANT PERKINS was born in Plympton, Mass., July 1, 1835. At the age of eighteen he joined Company H, Third Regiment of Plympton Rifles. He served in different positions in this company, and at the time of President Lincoln’s call for seventy-five thousand troops he was first lieutenant. He went to Fortress Monroe in command of his company, and was there elected captain. He served through the three months’ service and was discharged at the expiration of enlistment. He served as adjutant of the Third Regiment nine months’ service, and was discharged at the expiration of the same. He will ever be remembered as the soldier, the gentleman, and the officer, who faithfully performed every duty assigned to him. On dress parade and battalion drill he knew his place and filled it to the satisfaction of every officer and man. After the close of the war, he, with his brother Charles A. S. Perkins, went to Newbern, N. C., purchased several acres of land there, and was engaged successfully in the cotton business at the corner of Broad and Middle Streets. He died in Newbern, N. C., in October, 1864, of yellow fever, and his remains were afterwards brought to Plympton for burial. QUARTERMASTER BETHUEL PENNIMAN. BETHUEL PENNIMAN was commissioned Oct. 10, 1862, being forty-three years old and a resident of New Bedford. He was a successful business man, and because he was such was commissioned to look after and care for the supplies of the regiment. He remained with the regiment and was mustered June 26, 1863. After the war he was active in mining, manufactures, and real estate business. Of his own life he says, “There has been nothing eventful in my life,” and yet at eighty-six, we find him hale and hearty and ready to beat the boys in a good, profitable, straight bargain. His welcome was always cordial, especially to any member of the Third Regiment. He represented New Bedford in the legislature, and served one term on the Board of Aldermen in 1862. He was also a member of the New Bedford Protecting Society, and of the organization of firemen, and was for five years attached to the old hand engine, Veteran, No. 1. He was an attendant and member of the Unitarian Church and belonged to the Wamsutta Club. He was a charter member of Post No. 190 G. A. R., and a member of the Loyal Legion. He visited Washington, D. C, and witnessed the inaugural ceremonies of President Roosevelt. On returning to his home in New Bedford he was taken sick and died April 15, 1905, being eighty-seven years old. SURGEON ALFRED AUGUSTUS STOCKER. [Illustration: SURGEON ALFRED A. STOCKER.] ALFRED STOCKER was forty-three years of age when commissioned and a resident of Cambridge. He graduated at Harvard University with the degree of M. D. in the class of 1853. In 1861 he assisted in raising the Twelfth Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia. He was nominated by Colonel Webster major-surgeon, but unavoidable circumstances compelled him to decline. By request of Governor Andrew in May, 1862, he went to the front in Virginia, and joined the “Army of the Potomac.” Arriving at the White House on the Pamunkey River he was placed in charge of a division of the great field hospital then established there. On the breaking up of the hospital he was assigned to the Thirty-first Pennsylvania as acting surgeon, July 20th to October 1st, passing through the whole Peninsula campaign. He was at South Mountain and Antietam. He was commissioned surgeon of the Third Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, Oct. 16, 1862, serving in North Carolina until mustered out with the regiment, and during the winter of 1863-4 he was at Readville on the staff of General Pierce, serving as special inspector of recruits. Oct. 16, 1863, he was commissioned major-surgeon of the Fifty-eighth Massachusetts Volunteer Veterans in the Ninth Army Corps with General Burnside. He was with General Grant from the Wilderness to Petersburg, Va. On account of physical debility contracted in the service, he resigned Aug. 1, 1864, and was honorably discharged. He has now retired from professional practice on account of age and growing disability and resides in Cambridge, Mass. ASST. SURGEON WOODBRIDGE R. HOWES. WOODBRIDGE R. HOWES was commissioned Oct. 21, 1862, being forty-five years old and residing in Mattapoisett. He was in the service of the United States from Nov. 13, 1862, and with the regiment until it was mustered out. He practiced professionally in Hanover until his death, and served on the school committee of Hanover. He was a member of the Joseph Wilder Post, No. 83, G. A. R., and at one time commander; member of North River Lodge, I. O. of O. F., holding various offices, and censor for several years of the Massachusetts Medical Society. He died in Hanover, Feb. 4, 1898, and was buried in the cemetery of that town. He left one son, Clarence L. Howes, M. D., practicing in Hanover, and one daughter, Mary W., wife of J. W. Beal, architect in Hanover. CHAPLAIN CHARLES ANDREW SNOW. [Illustration: CHAPLAIN REV. CHARLES A. SNOW.] CHAPLAIN SNOW was thirty-three years of age when commissioned, and resided in Fall River. He was appointed chaplain Oct. 10, 1862; commissioned October 16th, and sworn into the United States service October 22d. He was on duty with the regiment until it was mustered out. Since that time he had been in professional service as pastor of churches in Fall River, Providence, R. I., South Abington (now Whitman), New Bedford, and West Harwich. In 1898 he retired from full ministerial service on account of ill-health. He is the author of many miscellaneous papers, essays, sermons, important historical sketches, etc. He was a life member of the Old Colony Historical Society. He died in Taunton, Nov. 28, 1903. _NON-COMMISSIONED STAFF._ SERGT.-MAJ. JOSEPH E. NYE. JOSEPH E. NYE was commissioned at the age of twenty-four, while residing in New Bedford. He was promoted from Company E, May 29, 1863, vice Robbins having been discharged to enable him to accept a lieutenancy in the Heavy Artillery. Sergeant-Major Nye was a most faithful officer, and performed his duty to the entire satisfaction of his superior officers. He was always on time and always kept good time when on dress parade and when marching in review. After the war he was engaged in the livery business in Fall River, and died there about twelve years ago. QUARTERMASTER SERGT. THEODORE A. BARTON. QUARTERMASTER SERGEANT BARTON was twenty-one years old when commissioned and a resident of New Bedford. He was the youngest son of Lieut.-Col. James and Mary Barton, and came from a renowned military family. He was born in 1842 and received a private and public school education. His parents moved from Newport to New Bedford when young Barton was eleven years old. He was a member of the High School in New Bedford, and graduated from the same near the beginning of the war. He enlisted in the Third Regiment and was appointed quartermaster-sergeant, in which office he served during the nine months’ campaign in North Carolina, and was mustered out with the regiment. He re-enlisted in the Fifty-eighth Regiment and was appointed quartermaster with the rank of first lieutenant. He was at one time the youngest regimental quartermaster (and one of the best) in the Army of the Potomac. He served faithfully to the close of the war and was mustered out with his regiment. Soon after the war he took up his residence in Providence and engaged in the hardware business with Freeman P. Little, forming the firm of Little & Barton. The governor of Rhode Island selected him as one of the staff officers with the rank of colonel, in which office he served with honor, and was distinguished for his soldierly bearing. Subsequently he removed to Ashton and became bookkeeper in one of the Goddard’s mills. In 1868 he entered the employ of the Gorham Company and was their confidential clerk and bookkeeper, remaining in that position until failing health compelled him to take a long rest. When the new State House was being constructed he was chosen assistant to E. K. Glezen, secretary of the commission, and when it was completed and a new commission formed he was elected its secretary, in which office he remained until his death, Jan. 24, 1905. He was prominent in G. A. R. and Sons of Veterans circles and was department commander of Rhode Island in 1886. In 1894 he was elected senior vice-commander-in-chief of the national body of Sons of Veterans, and was the first man to receive that honor from Rhode Island. A widow and daughter survive him, residing in their beautiful home in Providence. COMMISSARY SERGT. ARTHUR HOOPER. COMMISSARY SERGT. ARTHUR HOOPER was born in Bridgewater, May 18, 1843, and was nineteen years old when he enlisted in Company K, Third Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, for nine months. He was promoted to regimental commissary sergeant, Oct. 28, 1862, and discharged with the regiment June 26, 1863. He re-enlisted Dec. 11, 1863, in Company A, Fifty-eighth Massachusetts Third Veteran Regiment for three years, and was detailed regimental commissary sergeant. The regiment left Readville, Mass., April 28, 1864, and was assigned to the First Brigade, Second Division, Ninth Army Corps, Gen. Ambrose E. Burnside commanding. Sergeant Hooper was with the regiment in the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, North Anna River, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, Welden Railroad, and Poplar Grove Church. He was furloughed Dec. 11, 1864, and was ordered to report to the commissary department of the United States General Hospital at Readville, Mass. He was mustered out June 13, 1865. He lived in Bridgewater until June, 1882, when he went to work as salesman for Carter & Company, paper dealers in Boston. He was elected to the legislature from the districts of Bridgewater and East Bridgewater in 1880. He has been secretary of the Fifty-eighth Massachusetts Regimental Association since 1888. He joined the G. A. R. in 1868, and for the past four years has been quartermaster of E. W. Kinsley Post, Boston. He was the compiler of a history of Bridgewater during the Rebellion, which was published in 1880, a work that reflects honor on the author and is of great value to the town. His place of business is No. 100 Federal Street, Boston, where he is a clerk and director of the firm, respected, trusted, and honored. HOSPITAL STEWARD EUGENE WHITTEMORE. HOSPITAL STEWARD EUGENE WHITTEMORE was commissioned at the age of twenty and resided in Boston. He served with the regiment and was mustered out with the same. He is now letter carrier in South Boston. SERGT.-MAJ. EDWARD L. ROBBINS. SERGT.-MAJ. EDWARD L. ROBBINS was twenty-seven years of age when commissioned, and a resident of Plymouth. He was discharged May 29, 1863, to enable him to accept a lieutenancy in the heavy artillery. He was a good, faithful officer, and enjoyed the good-will of all the officers and men in the regiment. He now resides in Wollaston, Mass. (Lincoln Avenue). CHAPTER IV. COMPANY A, THIRD REGIMENT, MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEER MILITIA. [WRITTEN BY CORPORAL JOHN G. GAMMONS.] The early history of this company is of such importance and interest as to claim more than a passing notice. Company A, known as Halifax Light Infantry, was organized in 1792 when George Washington was President of the United States and John Hancock Governor of Massachusetts. It was one of the first companies in the State to receive its charter from Governor Hancock, and therefore takes rank as one of the oldest among the militia companies in the State at that time. It was well armed, equipped and drilled and was in active service in the war with England in 1812-14, being on duty at Boston, Mass., where for faithful service rendered, it received the thanks of Governor Hancock and the commendation of the citizens of Boston. It was commanded by Capt. Asa Thompson of Halifax, a “mighty man of valor” of gigantic proportions, being six feet seven inches in normal condition, and eight feet tall with his captain’s hat on. On parade and at musters this company attracted attention, not only by the Saul-like appearance of its captain, but also by the large black bearskin caps worn by its officers and men. Tradition says that when Captain Thompson marched his company across South Boston bridge throngs of men, women and children would collect to see “the giant” and his men, and not a few would tremble with fear that the bridge would not be able to support the captain and his great company. When President Lincoln issued his first proclamation for troops, Company A (as minute men) reported for duty April 16, 1861, being commanded by Capt. Joseph Harlow of Halifax, whose height was six feet two inches. This zealous and patriotic officer rode all night through the towns in which the members of the company resided, summoning them to meet on Boston Common the next day, by order of Governor John A. Andrew. This midnight ride has been fittingly compared to that of Paul Revere. Company A was assigned to the Third Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers, three months’ men, Col. David S. Wardrop commanding, and was ordered to Virginia, where it did its full share in destroying Gosport Navy Yard. It afterward served there under Major-General Butler and was doing guard duty when the slaves coming into our lines were declared “contraband of war” by that officer. [Illustration: CAPT. JOHN W. MARBLE.] Sept. 18, 1862, Company A, having united with Company G, of Assonet, went into camp at Lakeville, Mass., known as Camp Joe Hooker. John W. Marble, of Assonet, receiving eighty-seven votes, was declared elected captain of the company; Charles P. Lyon of Halifax was elected first lieutenant, and Nathaniel Morton of the same town was elected second lieutenant; each of these officers receiving the same number of votes as Captain Marble. Never was there a more democratic election and never were men better pleased with their officers. Captain Marble proved a kind-hearted man, caring for his men and giving them his best in military drill, discipline, clothing and rations. He also kept an eye on his men when on the march and in battle. He was never known to fall out on the march, or to be taken suddenly sick on the eve of a battle, or ride in an ambulance on the long and weary forced marches. His men had confidence in him and were always ready to obey his commands without asking questions; and, although not a graduate of West Point, no battalion or brigade movement ever puzzled him to know where to place his company, either on drill or in the evolution of field movements. Lieutenant Lyon was not only a good officer, he was a good man. No day was so hot or stormy, and no night was so dark or cold, that he did not fulfill his duty beyond the letter of the law, whether that duty was in camp, on picket, or on the march. His interest in the company is reciprocated by “The Old Boys” to this day, and will continue as long as one of the company is left to tell of war events and our reunions are characterized by fraternal greeting rather than “paying off old scores.” Lieutenant Morton had, and still continues to have, a large place in the esteem of the company. He was always ready to serve when and where his service was wanted and needed. He was the gentleman, the officer, the friend of every man in the company. Always at his post of duty, on the march, everywhere; and in everything he proved himself worthy of the confidence of his superiors, equals, and inferiors. In battle he had no fear of all the rebels “this side of perdition.” Like the commissioned officers, the non-commissioned officers were men of worth and usefulness. No company could boast of a better orderly sergeant than Company A. For proficiency in drill, promptness at guard mount and discipline, Orderly Sergt. James H. Hathaway stood number one. Danger to him was a thing unknown. Duty before pleasure, and obedience to his superior officers was his slogan. Sergt. William A. Lyon was always ready to go when and where ordered and do as ordered. He was a well drilled man, a true soldier, beloved and honored by the whole company. Sergt. Stephen Hathaway was known as “The man of money,” yet he never allowed money to become his stepping stone to preferment. He was as ready as any one to do his duty with the company, regardless of toil, deprivation or danger, when not on detached duty. Sergt. Morton V. Bonney could outlift any man in camp. I once saw him stand astride a full barrel of pork which others could not lift, and, taking it by the chimbs, raise it clear from the ground, saying, “There, I have lifted your darned old barrel of pork.” In drill he was accurate, and on dress parade the perfect soldier; and, like Israel’s second king, he “behaved so wisely” that every one respected and loved him. Ordnance Sergt. Frederick Thayer was not only a master of his trade, but prompt in every detail of his work. Every weapon was always ready when wanted for guard mount, dress parade or for the march, and not one of Company A was ever sent to quarters because of a rusty or dirty gun. Corporals Uriel Haskins, Ephraim Haskins, Thomas Gurney, James E. Arnold, Soranus Thompson, David B. Hill, and John G. Gammons, were always ready and faithful in the discharge of every duty assigned to them. Asa Kilbreth could blow “The Flowers of Michigan” through a fife as no other musician in the regiment, if in the world. His time was so perfect that every one could keep step when marching in review. John G. Bonney was as good with his drum as “Uncle” Kilbreth with his fife, and when these two musicians sounded reveille every man was ready for roll call. The whole company was made up of exceptionally good and true men, “soldiers from the word go.” Company A could truthfully boast of more musical talent than any other company in the regiment. Singing could always be had for the asking, without money and without price. Stringed instruments were in evidence. A double quartette was always ready and willing to entertain and enliven what otherwise would have been dull hours of camp life. Miller Briggs was a knight of the bow, and he could make the “old campaign fiddle” talk, sing, weep or shout, as occasion required or his fancy dictated. Al. Ashley was always ready to make a speech, play a game of euchre, go on guard or go into a fight. Pearly Haven was born with a thirst that water had no power to quench. Pearly was always weak when near anything strong. Edward H. Rennis went to “his own place” when he went into the cook-house. His boiled dinners and his baked beans remain as things joyfully to be remembered. Few were the cooks who could deal out better rations than Rennis. Die Mason, while a good company clerk, would stand before a heated stove and burn the whole front of his uniform, absolutely oblivious of what was going on. In the battle of Goldsboro, he filled his musket with cartridges from breech to muzzle and returned to Newbern with it full. When apprised of the fact, he simply said, “I marched two hundred miles to snap at the rebels.” Corp. Thomas Gurney was a most painstaking and accurate diarist. Benjamin H. Bearse could roast a fowl or a pig to perfection. John Boyce was so squint-eyed that he could see “the rebels” on either flank and in front of him. Henry Cook, notwithstanding he had lost his voice, would not ask to be discharged, whispering, “If I cannot speak with my voice, I can speak to the rebels with my musket.” John Drayton could provide fun for the whole company. Herculese Dean was the staid gentleman; Timothy French the man of affairs. Bradford G. Hathaway was known as the “big man with curly hair.” Daniel L. Hathaway would not shake hands with a rebel prisoner, who, recognizing him as a fellow workman in the Live Oak Swamps, extended his hand. Dan declared he never would shake hands with a d----d rebel. Shubael G. Howland will be remembered as the man who carried six rebel muskets seventy miles on his shoulder and sent them home to make sure that the rebels would never get them again. Aaron D. Hathaway could bring a mule team out of the mud when every one else had given up in despair. He performed this feat by pushing the mules’ heads under the mud and keeping them there until they were glad to jump out to breathe. Alamanzer Osborne had queer notions about sardines. Isaiah Stetson could scent a battle afar off. James H. Petty, while never perfect in the manual of arms on dress parade, in battle could shoot as straight as any one. He was never known to fall out on the march because of sore feet and was in his glory when in a battle. Jacob P. Hill was known as “the tall man;” William T. Marston as the man who grew so corpulent that Uncle Sam had no uniform that would fit him. Francis Briggs, when “in trim,” could outrun any deer and yell louder than an Ute Indian. Horatio N. Hood never got stuck in the mud with his team. The first night in Camp Joe Hooker was a sweater to many, a conundrum to a few, and a go-as-you-please to all. Every one kept good-natured for the most pessimistic knew that all things that have a beginning have an end; and so it came to pass that, before reveille, the silence was broken only by the tremendous snoring of the tired merrymakers. The first day in camp was one of laborious duty. How many tons of stones were buried by Company A no one will ever know, for it is safe to say no one will ever resurrect them; but when the job was completed Company A had as level and as smooth a street as any company in camp. Some amusing things occurred on the guard line. Some of the officers detailed for guard duty would give one set of orders and some another set, and it was hard for the guards to tell which was right and which was wrong. Some of the guards would not be relieved at “arms aport” but would persist in standing at a “charge.” One such was left to enjoy his “charge bayonet” until the next relief: the two hours taught him a lesson which he never forgot. Occasionally some of the guards would fix their muskets firmly in the ground, and, putting coat and hat on the same, go off on a “lark,” returning in time to come in with the relief; but such things were not considered as a grave offense, since we were not mustered into service. In a few days an inspecting officer came and we were mustered into the service of Uncle Sam. Soon we were uniformed and began the role of soldiers. It took us less time to get used to our rations than to get used to our beds, which at that time consisted of the soft side of a hemlock board, quite different from those beds we had left at our homes. One afternoon just after recall the boys took umbrage at something the sutler had said or done, and, magic-like, the two regiments in camp gathered with the avowed purpose of demolishing his place of business. I waited with bated breath to see what a few officers would do with two thousand enraged men. Just at the critical moment I saw the stalwart form of Colonel Richmond standing on a box, and with a voice like that “of many waters” and of mighty thunders, he proclaimed, “There will be a roll call in each company’s barracks within five minutes and every one not present will be marked.” Company A was in line in less than two minutes. The roll was called and every member answered “Here.” That little incident has always remained with me as an exhibition of the ready wit and good sense of our beloved Col. S. P. Richmond. Our stay in camp was of short duration for we were wanted for active service and were ordered to prepare for the South Land. The morning of our last day in camp brought many of the wives, mothers, fathers, sisters, and sweethearts to say the last good-bye to the boys who were to defend the Old Flag on southern battlefields. Alas! that some of the boys who marched away that day, suppressing their tears in a manly way, were never again to look on the dear faces which tearfully said good-bye, silently praying God that they might return again to the old home and to their loved ones. At Lakeville station we took the train for Boston, where we received an ovation through the city. The right wing of the regiment was assigned to the _Mississippi_, the left wing went on board the _Merrimac_. The bell rang, the whistle sounded, and we found ourselves going down the river, our destination being Newbern, N. C. With the exception of nearly running down two schooners and breaking our foreyard arm into three pieces in contact with a vessel going through the “Narrows,” our voyage was uneventful. Company A did her full share of duty, notwithstanding that the rough water in Boston Bay gave to many of the boys all the business they could manage on their own private account. Our ship, after rounding Cape Cod, anchored in Vineyard Haven. Seeing our consort pass in the early dawn of the following morning, we prepared to follow, and, just as the steam was applied, a large schooner came across our bow. The engines were reversed and we barely escaped a collision. Captain Baxter hailed with this sarcastic remark, “I believe some captains would run all night for the sake of running across a ship’s bow and being run down.” When we overtook the _Merrimac_ we were hailed with, “How did you break your foreyard arm?” and Captain Baxter replied, “Carrying sail, sir.” Our run to North Carolina was over a sea as smooth as a mill-pond. The voyage could have been made in safety in a canoe; but when within five miles of the harbor, we encountered a southeast gale, which drove thousands of porpoises into the harbor. Our pilot, either through ignorance or carelessness, ran our ship upon the bar. I was standing beside the Captain when the thing happened, and Captain Baxter, quietly drawing his revolver and placing it close to the pilot’s head, soberly remarked: “I have a good mind to put a little light into your stupid rebel brain.” I need not tell you that that pilot trembled like a whipped dog. With the rising tide and the assistance of a tug, we were soon off the bar; and, as we headed for the wharf, I heard Captain Baxter say, “I did not care half as much for getting stuck on that bar, as I do for having the captain of the _Merrimac_ get alongside the wharf before the _Mississippi_, for I shall never hear the last of it.” At Morehead City we took train for Newbern and camped on the banks of the Neuse River. Here for the first time, we were drilled in the evolutions of the brigade, preparatory to going on the march and into battle. After a few days of camp life, Company A and Company B were detailed for picket duty at Newport Barracks, one mile distant from Newport City, which consisted of three houses, two barns and a five-by-ten store. Newport City was the trading mart for that section, and many times have I seen a barrel of pitch sold for thirty dollars and a barrel of tar sold for twenty dollars. Our camp consisted of two companies of infantry, a battery of four guns and a platoon of cavalry. A detail from Company A went every day to a post called Havelock, and the boys from there kept the company well supplied with fresh beef and pork. One night one of Company A being on picket, thought he saw some one stealthily approaching the post. “Who goes there?” rang out on the still night. Receiving no answer, he fired. Alas! his aim was only too sure, for, on inspection, there in the throes of death lay a large black cow. I believe that was the only rebel that Company A ever roasted and ate. Some of Company A will never forget David B. Hill and the hive of bees and honey he brought into camp one night. The following morning, when his namesake came to inquire after his missing hive, Dave met him on the parade ground, and, passing himself off as commandant of the camp, solemnly declared that he had no men who would be guilty of stealing; but said he: “If I find that one of my command has done so mean an act, I will have the offender punished severely.” This satisfied Mr. Hill, and he was never seen in camp after such positive assurance of the honesty of the soldiers. Our first march taught Company A the superiority of army shoes over fashionable boots to march in, for the first ten miles found many of the men, as well as the officers, with their boots slung over their shoulders, their feet without stockings, and their heels raw to the quick. The lesson was never forgotten. At Peltier’s Mills the fortunate ones luxuriated on a supper of bread and bacon. The less fortunate were allowed to pass the night in a hog field, where the fleas were thicker than the stars in the “Milky Way.” “Pollocksville Express” marked another episode in our marching history, and we learned that being a soldier did not mean “flowery beds of ease.” Some of these marches were attended with rain, not like the gentle rains at the North, but downpours, mud ankle-deep, baggage wagons with the wheel-hubs rolling on the surface, horses balking, teamers saying everything but their prayers. But we were being hardened for more active and laborious service. Our first real march began Dec. 11, 1862, at six A. M. In a dense fog our line was formed and soon the march began. There were twelve thousand, all told, infantry, artillery, and cavalry. These, with one hundred and sixty wagons occupied four miles, for we were moving in single column. Just at sunset our skirmishers captured one captain and two privates. This we believed to be a good omen, and some of the boys were heard to say, “We shall capture every rebel we find.” At eleven P. M. we stacked arms and laid down near them for the night; and no one had to resort to opiates to sleep. The next morning a sorer and more jaded set of men could not be found than Company A. Every belt, every strap had chafed to the quick, and water was not to be had to bathe the inflamed parts. But for all this, Company A did not flinch nor cry, “I have seen all the marching I want to see; I want to go home.” The second day Company A, with the other companies of the Third, was detailed as baggage guard, and vigilantly did we perform our duty from early dawn to twelve at night, when we again halted and were allowed to sleep “on our arms.” We were getting into that part of the country where our enemy might pounce on us at any moment; and we soon learned that it was wiser to build no fires, than to illuminate the sky and thus show “the rebs” our position. As a little recompense for our hard march the previous day, we were allowed to kill quite a number of fat hogs; and in this, Company A was always ready and willing to do her full share. I recall a little ruse I played on a soldier of a New York regiment. Finding a dead hog still warm, with its hams and shoulders gone, I determined to secure a piece to roast; but, to my chagrin, I found that I had left my knife in my haversack. Then came to me the old conundrum: If you had a bottle of water, how would you get the water without drawing the cork or breaking the bottle? and, knowing the answer, I said, “Push in the cork.” Then taking the initiative, I called to a soldier, saying, “I have a good fat hog here, and if you will loan me your knife to cut out a roast, I will give you all you want.” This he gladly did, so I got my pork and it made a fine roast. Sunday, December 14th, at twelve o’clock, near Kinston, the Third Regiment went into her first real fight in North Carolina. Being the second regiment in the First Brigade, we had not long to wait before being ordered to take position on the opposite side of a swamp through which was a straight road with water a foot deep. The rebel batteries on the opposite side made it dangerous for passers that way; but through we went in good order. Then the rebels, learning that the Third with Company A were after them, limbered their guns and ran for their lives. Before going into battle, we saw the wounded brought past us, and further on we saw many a brave fellow lying dead at our feet; but each soldier was careful to step aside and not tread on our dead comrades. Our forces captured five hundred prisoners, nine guns which the rebels had spiked, and saved the beautiful and costly bridge over the Neuse River which the rebels had set on fire. The adjutant-general reports two hundred and ten killed and wounded; but to know, one had to see the dead on the field and in the wood, and the wounded in the old Baptist Church. Some were so severely wounded that they begged their officers to end their misery by a shot from a revolver. As Company A was marching past the prisoners, one was heard to say, “Oh! here goes the Third Massachusetts Regiment. They are all drafted men.” This was too much for Corp. Uriel Haskins, and, turning like an enraged lion, he said to the man, “Say that again and I will knock every tooth in your lying jaw down your throat.” The fellow did not repeat his words, for had he, Uriel would have been as good as his word. What a scene the Common presented the following morning. The nice rail fence had strangely disappeared. Beds, crockery, and even ladies’ silk dresses were strewed over the ground; and I suspect that many a fowl that went “crowing to bed” never saw the sun rise. The morning saw us again on the march. We were as glad to be gone as the people were to have us go; our blood was up and we were ready to go into another battle. Our second battle at Whitehall was an artillery duel, forty battery guns being in action; and, although the Third did not take position on the field, the shot and shell from the rebel batteries were quite as thick as we cared to have them for comfort. Yet not a man of Company A was seen to dodge or try to gain cover. During the battle Colonel Richmond sat on his horse as calm and straight as if on inspection. I saw General Foster walking along the line of fire with the reins of his horse on his arm occasionally giving orders to the officers commanding the batteries. I saw the dead and wounded horses lying on the ground. I saw one batteryman load his gun with canister, and, aiming it at a tree in which were thirty sharpshooters doing deadly work, bring them down as apples fall to the ground; and they didn’t come down because they wanted to. But few of our soldiers were killed or wounded. Again we proceeded on our march, and, after marching ten miles, we halted at six P. M. and prepared for the night. We were allowed to build fires, make coffee and enjoy a good warm supper. To reach and cut communications between Wilmington and Goldsboro was our objective point, so that the rebels could not send re-enforcements, while General Dix attacked the rebels at Blackwater. December 16th we resumed our march, reaching Everettsville about twelve o’clock, where we encountered quite a strong picket force. These men escaping to the woods our batteries shelled the same. The Third Regiment was ordered to take position near the railroad and on a line parallel with it. Here we remained until an iron-clad car with a battery was demolished and the bridge across the river was fired. At one time I counted nine shells fusing within two hundred feet of Company A, yet no one sought shelter behind the many great stumps of trees where we were lying (according to orders) on the ground. The main army retiring, our brigade was ordered to remain on the field to make sure that no rebels would harass our rear. After the demolition of the iron-clad, the Third Regiment was ordered to stack arms, overturn the railroad track and set the ties on fire. This was so expeditiously done that in half an hour the ties were on fire as far as one could see. A mill also did not escape the flames. During this time General Magruder, coming from Wilmington on the cars with ten thousand men and finding the railroad on fire, disembarked his men and batteries, and marched them to the scene of action, on a road parallel to the railroad and on the opposite side of it. We did not know this then as well as we did one hour later. The Third Regiment, having done as ordered, marched to the rear just over the brow of the rising ground. Hardly had we gained this position when we were told that the rebels were advancing with a flag of truce, and a battalion of cavalry went to receive it. When near the railroad, which was six feet high at this point, a brigade of rebel infantry fired a volley without hitting either man or horse. The cavalry returned the fire and then returned to cover. At this time I was standing near Colonel Richmond and Captain Belger. The rebel brigade lost no time in getting over the railroad, and with charged bayonets they came up the slope on a double-quick. “Action front!” shouted Captain Belger, “Double canister! Load!” Never did soldiers present better alignment than that rebel brigade; but when they saw that Belger’s battery was supported by infantry, they made the fatal mistake of making a right half wheel. “Aim! fire!” commanded Captain Belger, when the rebel bayonets were not more than two hundred yards from his battery. As the battery sent forth its deadly contents great gaps were made in the rebel ranks. Three times the colors were shot down and three times they were raised; but the fourth time they remained on the ground for want of any one to raise them. Some fifty of the men who had taken refuge behind a stack of fodder were served with grape and solid shot. It took but a moment to send both stack and men flying towards the woods; fifty men becoming entangled by a fence were treated to spherical case, which bursting in their midst killed many of them. During all this time the rebel batteries on the opposite side of the railroad were raining shot and shell at us, the most of which passed harmlessly over our heads, enough, however, falling short to give us a sprinkling of “the sacred soil” of the South. We were ordered to lie down, and this order was so effectively obeyed that no daylight could penetrate between us and “Mother Earth.” Looking to the left, I saw three other brigades approaching our left center. These were about one hundred yards in the rear of each other. The Twenty-seventh Regiment lay as quiet as death until the first brigade showed breast high, when rising they poured such a withering volley into the rebel ranks that those who could turned and ran, reaching the second brigade; that turned and ran; and these two brigades reaching the third brigade, that turned and ran. Neither Belger’s nor a thirty-two-pounder brass battery of six guns allowed them to run without helping them to run faster. Darkness drawing its mantle over the scene we were ordered to march back to the main army. The rebels left their dead and dying on the field. The brook over which we had come dry shod was now a roaring torrent, and we, for the first time, saw the trap the rebels had set for us by opening the gate at the mill-pond. In their charge they no doubt expected to drive us into the brook, and there slaughter us at their own sweet will and pleasure; but we had punished them so severely that they thought it best to let the Yankees alone. But through the brook we had to go; and those who were sure-footed went, with the water up to their arm-pits. These, both officers and men, did heroic service in rescuing those who were carried down with the raging current. With all our cartridges wet and our clothing frozen, we had to stand and patiently wait for the whole brigade to cross the flood before we were ordered to march, and were only too glad when told that we would have to march several miles before we would bivouac for the night. Being ordered to build no fires, we stretched ourselves on the frozen ground, slept like tired, healthy children and arose at daylight, our clothes steaming, and commenced the weary homeward march. No one but a soldier can tell how mean it makes one feel to be in an enemy’s country without ammunition to defend oneself with should an attack be made; but we neither saw nor heard any rebels on the homeward march. On this march Company A was three days without food. Toward evening of the third day, the writer, leaving the marching column, marched straight for a sweet potato mound, and, taking all he could carry, hastened to his company. This was no easy matter as the column was marching nearly as fast as himself. But fortune favoring the brave, he regained his place at dark. Nearly all the potatoes were divided among the boys, and I can say that the best thing I ever tasted in my life was a sweet potato, skin, dirt and all. After dark I secured two hogs’ heads, and these with the sweet potatoes made an excellent stew for several of the men, including the commissioned officers of Company A. Nothing special occurred on our return march. The footsore boys left at Kinston were ready to resume the homeward march. The last night of the march we slept on the ground where the water in the ditches made ice one inch thick. As often as we awoke shivering with the cold, we would up and run until bodily heat would allow us to sleep again. We arrived in Newbern at 12.30, Dec. 21, 1862. Not long after our return, Company A with another company of the Third Regiment, were ordered on picket duty at Deep Gully, where the rebels had made an attack. Here we stayed two weeks, when we were relieved by the other companies sent from Newbern. On Tuesday, Jan. 27, 1863, our regiment was moved from our first place of encampment to Fort Totten. Here we were protected by an embankment twelve feet high and forty feet wide at the base. Our marches from this place to various points, especially that to Swansboro over almost impassible roads, will never be forgotten by Company A. When, in the language of Colonel Richmond, “eight men make a company,” Company A was always sure to exceed that number, notwithstanding that the mud was so deep that we made but five miles in ten hours. Wednesday, April 8th, we crossed the Neuse River and commenced our march to Blount’s Creek, where we encountered quite a body of the enemy; but after an artillery demonstration for one hour, both armies began a retreat at the same time, and neither knew why the other retreated, unless it be that the rebels caught sight of General Spinola (our commanding general) with his high red shirt collar, and, mistaking him for Sitting Bull, imagined retreat the better part of valor. I remember his saying to Colonel Richmond, “Colonel, your men stand as straight in battle as old veterans of the regular army.” In this battle Captain Belger had his horse shot from under him and he himself was badly wounded; but as he was being led past the Third, he said, “Give it to them, colonel, we will pay them for this.” While the march to Blount’s Creek was a hard one, the going to Core Creek was as easy as a train of cars could make it. Here we stayed two days and took two hundred rebel prisoners. Two incidents still remain fresh in my memory: one was, that when going out, some break about the engine caused a stop and the engineer, finding it beyond his power to mend it, asked if there was any man on the cars who knew how to fix it up. Hardly were the words out of his mouth when a man stepped forward saying, “I guess I can fix this machine. I helped make it.” The other incident was that of a very young soldier, in fact, the youngest soldier I ever saw in the army. Speaking to me about the killed, he innocently said, “I think I killed one of them, for the hole in his head was made by a very small bullet, and you see I have a musket smaller than the others.” Our last march was to Batchelder’s Creek, where the rebels attacked our men, and Colonel Jones, commanding the post, was killed. May 23, 1863, at eight P. M., we commenced our march and when within a safe distance, learning that the rebels were two brigades strong with a battery of six guns, we halted for the night. The following morning Company A was sent one mile in advance of the regiment, and the writer with six men was sent one mile in advance of the company. But at nine A. M., word being received that the rebels learning of our coming had politely retired, we were ordered to join our regiment. As I was sitting beside Captain Marble, Captain Hawes and Lieutenant Mason being present, Corp. Uriel Haskins came up, and, saluting Captain Marble, asked permission to go foraging, saying, “We have nothing to eat.” “No,” said Captain Marble with a frown, “Not one of you shall go. I brought a minister with me and when I want any stealing done I will send him. It is no harm for a minister to steal.” The return march to Newbern was exceedingly hot and the road was so dusty that at times it seemed impossible to breathe. We reached our camp at one P. M., a tired, dust-covered and sweat-stained set of soldiers. June 10, 1863, was our last day on southern soil. Several of the non-commissioned officers being on the sick list, I was ordered to act as orderly sergeant in detailing and marching the last detail from Company A to guard mount in North Carolina. And so I have this honor. The next morning found us on the train for Morehead City, where seven companies embarked on the steamer _S. R. Spaulding_. The other three companies went on board the steamer _Tilley_ at Newbern. Our passage home was for the most part of the voyage rough, so much so that a majority of both officers and men were seasick. One morning the adjutant of the regiment came to me and asked, “Will you take the guard to-day?” remarking at the same time, “I know you have done double duty, but the fact is, about all the officers are so seasick that they cannot take care of themselves, much less take charge of the guard.” My reply was, “Yes, adjutant, I will do it.” As I left Company A’s quarters, I heard several saying, “Is there anything that Corporal Gammons cannot and will not do, when emergency so requires?” and I remember answering, “It is a pretty poor soldier who would not prefer to do double duty than to be seasick.” How good the shores of Cape Cod looked to us; even the sand on the tail-end of grand old Massachusetts looked far more glorious to us than all the magnolia swamps of North Carolina; and the surf, as it broke on the beach, seemed to say, “This is the land of the free, the loyal, the brave North.” Tuesday, June 16, 1863, we again marched the streets of Boston with the glad consciousness of having done our duty as soldiers when our services were needed. We had proved ourselves worthy of the country of which we were citizens, and of the Old Flag we had defended; and of our record we were not a little proud. Our march through Boston was one continued ovation from the start to finish. Often we heard the people saying, “This is the Old Third Regiment;” and from doors, balconies, and windows came the glad “Welcome home again to our brave Massachusetts soldiers.” Many times our ranks were broken by the hand-shaking of fathers, the embraces of mothers, and the kisses of sweethearts. And because the officers were equally served with the rank and file, no one said anything about perfect alignment or perfect marching. To be home again and see our own, who had come fifty miles to welcome home the war-stained boys, who had served nine months in Uncle Sam’s army, correcting their mistaken and misled brothers, was more than anything else, more than everything else. On all the marches, both trying and dangerous, in battle, on picket and guard duty, Company A acted the part of brave, true and patriotic soldiers; worthy the name of “sons of noble sires” and of the grand old State of Massachusetts; and with the other companies of the Old Third Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, takes its place on the roll of honor. I do not recall of one instance of a member of Company A being punished for disobedience to orders, overstaying a pass, “standing on a barrel,” “riding the wooden horse,” or “carrying dirt on their heads in a mess pan.” Company A escaped all such punishment for two reasons; first, because the men willed to be soldiers; and second, the officers knew how to use men. After the close of the war Company A continued its organization and was well uniformed, well officered, and well drilled until July 6, 1876, when by order of Governor Rice, it was disbanded to reduce the expenses of the volunteer militia of the State, the six companies being reduced to two, those of Brockton and Plymouth remaining. Company A, which was usually full, has been commanded since the close of the war by Capt. Cephus Washburn, of Halifax; Capt. Charles P. Lyon, of Halifax; Capt. Morton V. Bonney, of West Hanover; and Capt. George H. Bonney, of Kingston. These men are still alive and are honored and beloved by all their fellow-citizens. A CORRECTED ROSTER OF COMPANY A, LIVING AND DEAD, TO OCTOBER 1, 1903. [The first figures indicate age at enlistment. As the whole company were Massachusetts men, the towns only will be mentioned. Mustered out June 26, 1863, will be considered the time, unless otherwise indicated. A star (*) before the name stands for service in the three months’ regiment.] *JOHN W. MARBLE, Captain; Freetown; 36. For many years foreman of Anthony and Swift’s Slaughter House, Assonet. Ex-member of Legislature. A man of staunch qualities. Died June 18, 1900. *CHARLES P. LYON, First Lieutenant; Halifax; 36. A great admirer of and worker for the interests of Company A; has held nearly every office in the company from corporal to captain. He rendered such timely assistance to Captain Harlow in notifying the members of the company to report on Boston Common, that, notwithstanding the order was received at night, the following morning saw Halifax “Minute Men” on the early train armed and equipped, according to the call of the “War Governor” and President Lincoln, with every man present. For years after the war he served as captain of the company. His town honored him and itself in sending him to the Legislature, where his voice and his vote was always on the right side. By trade a bootmaker, his work stood first-class. Born and always residing in Halifax, he has always enjoyed the confidence and good-will of his fellow-citizens; and now in the sunshine of a grand and fully rounded out life, he awaits orders to the higher and better life, honored and loved by all his associates, including every member of Company A. *NATHANIEL MORTON, Second Lieutenant; Halifax; 21. The gentleman, the scholar, the officer, the soldier, “The modest man,” who proudly wears the “Minute Men’s Medal,” presented to him by the commonwealth for meritorious service. He participated in the burning of Gosport Navy Yard and assisted Captain Lyon in recruiting the company in 1862. Has held all the higher offices in the towns of Halifax and Pembroke for the last twenty-seven years; prominent in probate business; honored and respected by his townsmen. He resides in Bryantville, Mass., where, with his accomplished wife, he cordially welcomes all his friends. *JAMES H. HATHAWAY, First Sergeant; Freetown; 25. Mustered out with regiment. For many years foreman in factory at Walpole, Mass. Employee Consolidated Railroad. Resides at East Walpole, Mass. *WILLIAM A. LYON, Sergeant; Halifax; 25. Respected and beloved by the whole company. For several years an employee of the Old Colony Railroad. Killed by the cars. A widow living. STEPHEN HATHAWAY, Sergeant; Freetown; 24. Died in Illinois. Widow, son, and daughter. *MORTON V. BONNEY, Sergeant; Hanson; 21. A leading business man in his town. Ex-member of Legislature, trusted and honored by his fellow-citizens; an influential member of the Third Regiment Association. Resides at West Hanover, Mass. *FREDERICK THAYER, Ordnance Sergeant; Freetown; 22. A boss workman in Mason’s Machine Shop, Taunton. In Soldiers Home, Togus, Maine. *URIEL HASKINS, Corporal; Freetown; 19; tack-maker. Ex-member of City Government; honored by all his associates. Resides in Taunton, Mass. EPHRAIM H. HASKINS, Corporal; Freetown; 18. He enlisted in Fifty-eighth Massachusetts Infantry; commissioned second lieutenant in same. Killed at battle of Weldon Railroad, Sept. 30, 1864. Widow and one daughter. THOMAS GURNEY, Corporal; Hanson; 28. He enlisted in the Fifty-eighth Massachusetts Volunteers; mustered out at close of war. A successful merchant; member of school board. Past Master of Atlantic Lodge, A. F. & A. M. A man of sterling worth. JAMES E. ARNOLD, Corporal; Berkley; 29. A good, faithful soldier, a zealous patriot. Nothing of his history since the war known. SORANUS THOMPSON, Corporal; Hanson; 25. Died and was buried with G. A. R. honors at Brockton, Mass. Left a family. *WILLIAM W. HOOD, Corporal; Hanson; 28. Discharged for disability, April 22, 1863. Boot and shoemaker. An honest and respected citizen. Member of Post No. 127. G. A. R. Has a family. Resides in Hanson, Mass. *DAVID B. HILL, Corporal; Freetown; 26. A genius, a good soldier, an aspirant for shoulder straps. Was a member of Company G, Freetown “Minute Men,” Third Regiment, three months’ men, and was corporal of the guard in Virginia, when the first three slaves coming into our lines were declared “contraband of war” by Gen. Benjamin Butler. JOHN G. GAMMONS, Corporal; Westport; 26. Recruiting officer for Fifty-eighth Regiment. Re-enlisted in Company F, Third Massachusetts Heavy Artillery. (Sergeant.) Commissioned second lieutenant in Fifty-eighth Regiment (never mustered). Commissioned second lieutenant in Eighteenth Unattached Company Massachusetts Volunteers. Mustered out at close of war. Taught military school one year. Graduated from Taylor University, receiving degree of Ph. D. Pastor of several Methodist Episcopal churches; president of several corporations; writer of local histories; pastor of Arnold’s Mills Methodist Episcopal Church. Resides at Arnold’s Mills, R. I. *ASA KILBRETH, Musician; Pembroke; 62. A splendid musician; a great friend of all the boys; never “fell out on the march.” Respected by his townsmen. Died and buried at Pembroke, Mass. Left a widow and son. JOHN G. BONNEY, Drummer; Pembroke; 29. Punctual to duty. A favorite of the company, and highly respected by his fellow-citizens. Died at Pembroke, Mass. Left a widow and daughter. HORATIO N. HOOD, Wagoner; Hanson; 30. Never got stuck in the mud; was proud of his team, using his horses with humanitarian consideration. Died at Greene, Maine, April 15, 1900. Buried in Maine. Left widow and four sons. _Privates._ ANTHONEY, NICHOLAS B., Westport; 40. First officer of ship. A man of high moral character, a true soldier and a respected citizen. Died at Westport, Mass., 1868. Two daughters living. ASHLEY, ALBERT B., Freetown; 24. A natural orator, with great magnetic powers. Shipped in United States Navy May, 1861. Served on United States Frigate _Mississippi_, Gulf Squadron, Lieutenant Dewey (now Rear Admiral), executive officer. Participated in capture of New Orleans. Discharged from Navy, June, 1862. Enlisted in Company A, Third Massachusetts Volunteer Militia. Mustered out with regiment. Re-enlisted. Orderly sergeant, Company B, Fourth Massachusetts Cavalry from August, 1863, to March, 1865. Commissioned lieutenant in Twenty-first United States Colored Troops, March, 1865. Mustered out May, 1866. Went West, 1869. Manager of several coal mines and coal companies for twenty-two years. Grand Lecturer, State of Illinois, for sixteen years. Owner and manager of Ashley Heights since 1892. A man of wealth and influence. Popular with the mystic orders. Post Office (Summers). Ashley Heights, Lake Huron, Mich. (Winters), La Grange, Ill. BEAL, BERNARD C., Hanson; 29. A man of noble character. Chairman of Selectmen. For many years quartermaster of Post No. 127, G. A. R. Farmer and poultry raiser. BEARSE, BENJAMIN H., Hanson; 40. A giant in stature, large-hearted, a favorite of all the company, respected by all his fellow-citizens. Died at South Hanson, Feb. 12, 1903. Widow and son. BONNEY, ALLEN F., Hanover; 42. A man of noble character. Died at West Hanover, July 5, 1885. Buried at Hanover. Widow and daughter. BOURNE, THOMAS W., Hanson; 28. An esteemed citizen. Farmer and road builder. Post Office, South Hanson, Mass. BOYCE, JOHN, Berkley; 42. A man of strong moral character. A pronounced Prohibitionist. Respected by his townsmen. Died at Berkley April 9, 1893. Buried at Assonet, Mass. Several children living. BRIGGS, FRANCIS G., Freetown; 25. A hustler. Lived in Assonet. Wife, two sons and two daughters. A gentleman of leisure. Died in Assonet, July 27, 1905, age, sixty-eight years. BRIGGS, SETH M., Hanson; 25. An excellent violinist. Printer, Town Auditor. A grand good fellow, highly esteemed by his many friends. Member of T. L. Bonney Post, G. A. R. Resides at South Hanson, Mass. BROADBENT, SAMUEL S., Westport; 18. A ready speaker. Member of G. A. R. Janitor of school building in New Bedford, Mass. Resides in New Bedford, Mass. BROOKS, THOMAS J., Westport; 39. A faithful soldier. Nothing of his history known since the close of the war. BURGESS, THEOPHILUS J., Rochester; 23. History since muster out unknown. CHACE, FRANKLIN J., Freetown; 18; Remembered as a faithful soldier. History since war unknown. CHIPMAN, SUMNER J., Freetown; 21. Resides in Pelham, N. H. No family. COOK, HENRY, Hanson; 34. A man of sound principles. Member of G. A. R. Retired. Post office, Plymouth, Mass. Has a family. DEAN, HERCULES, Berkley; 27. A gentleman and soldier. Strong temperance man. Respected by his many friends. Died Oct. 21, 1890. One daughter, postmistress, Assonet, Mass. DRAYTON, JOHN, Hanson; 40. An agreeable comrade, a ready wit, full of mirthfulness. An esteemed citizen, beloved by a large circle of friends. Died at South Hanson May 11, 1898. Widow and children. DREW, GEORGE, 3d, Halifax; 21. Re-enlisted. Killed in battle. A good brave soldier. DUFFEE, GEORGE, Freetown; 21. A good honest man, a faithful soldier. Employed in Census Bureau, Washington. Resides in Washington, D. C. FOSTER, CALVIN, Pembroke; 37. Reported living at Pembroke. Has a family. Remembered as a faithful soldier, ready and willing to do every duty assigned him. FRENCH, TIMOTHY E., Berkley; 34. A man of strong moral character with pronounced temperance principles. No storm was cold enough, no rain wet enough, no march so exhausting that cold water was not the most refreshing beverage for him. Died in Berkley, Mass., Dec. 7, 1899. *FULLER, ELDRIDGE G., Hanson; 41. A “good soldier.” Died October, 1867. FULLER, FREDERICK E., Halifax; 18. Died in Newbern, N. C., Dec. 1, 1862. This being the first death in Company A and Fred being so young, it made a lasting impression on the company. We buried him under a tree near our camp. HAMBLEY, ANDREW T., Freetown; 21. Died March 10, 1892. HATHAWAY, AARON D., Freetown; 19. A successful lumber dealer in the west. Acquired wealth. Died in California in 1900. HATHAWAY, ANDREW J., Freetown; 21. Died at Dighton, Mass., June 15, 1903. Widow, son, and daughter living. HATHAWAY, BRADFORD G., Berkley; 39. For many years on the police force in Providence, R. I. A farmer and poultry fancier. Died in Berkley, March 30, 1887. HATHAWAY, DANIEL L., Berkley; 30. As brave a soldier as ever fought in battle. Died in Taunton, Mass. Left several children. HATHAWAY, LYNDE, Freetown; 43. A faithful, bold and true soldier. Died at Assonet, Mass., Jan. 22, 1887. Sons and daughters living. *HASKELL, JAMES H., Freetown; 28. Died Sept. 10, 1880. HASKELL, OTIS, Lakeville; 33. A soldier true to orders. Lives in Taunton, Mass. Several children living. *HASKINS, GEORGE H., Freetown; 38. A good soldier; an honest farmer. Resides in Freetown, Mass. HAVEN, PERLEY, Halifax; 25. Farmer. Resides at Thomastown. Post office, Middleboro, Mass. HAYWARD, LUTHER W., Halifax; 23. Died at Halifax, July 6, 1863. Buried at Hanson, Mass. Unmarried. HAYWARD, LYSANDER W., Halifax; 18. A brave soldier, a trusted citizen. Farmer and coal dealer. Has a family. Post office, Halifax, Mass. HILL, JACOB P., Hanson; 39. One of the “Minute Men” of 1861, known in Company A as the “tall man on the right.” A genial comrade and companion. Member of A. C. Monroe Post, No. 212, G. A. R. Died suddenly at his home in East Bridgewater, Aug. 9, 1903. Left a family. Buried with military honors at East Bridgewater, Mass. HOLMES, MARTIN L., Halifax; 18. Boot and shoemaker. An honored citizen, industrious and frugal. Has a wife. Post office, Rockland, Mass. HORR, ANDREW J., Freetown; 26. Lives in East Freetown. Farmer. Widower. One daughter. HOWLAND, ALONZO; Hanover; 23. Boot and shoemaker. Respected by his many friends. Member of Post 74, G. A. R. Post office, Rockland, Mass. Wife and four children. HOWLAND, SHUBAEL G., Freetown; 44. A man of strong will powers, of great endurance; respected by his townsmen. Died in 1901. A widow living. KEEN, THATCHER, Hanson; 23. He never disappointed his friends nor helped his enemies. A worthy citizen. Died at Abington, Mass., June 3, 1868. Buried at Rockland, Mass. LAMBERT, FRANCIS M., Bridgewater; 24. Discharged for disability. May 27, 1863. Died in Brockton. Mass., Nov. 6, 1864. LAMBERT, ZACCHEUS, Bridgewater; 40. Discharged for disability, May 27, 1863. Died at Brockton, Mass., Nov. 1, 1882. *MARSTON, WILLIAM T., Halifax; 27. Discharged for disability, May 27, 1863. A good, faithful soldier. Reported living in Bridgewater, Mass. MASON, DARIUS B., Pembroke; 26. Company clerk, mirthful and sunny, ready to go anywhere and do anything ordered to do. A good citizen. Died and buried in Whitman, Mass. Widow and son living. MURTAUGH, THOMAS W., Freetown; 24. A faithful and true soldier. Superintendent of the culinary department in Fall River Hospital. Resides in Fall River, Mass. Son and daughter. NILES, TRUMAN E., Hanover; 35. A good soldier and honored citizen. Died in Middleboro, Mass., Oct. 31, 1902. Widow and children living. OSBORNE, ALAMANZER, Bridgewater; 21. A faithful soldier, a respected citizen, a successful trader. Resides in Brockton, Mass. Member of Post No. 13, G. A. R. Has a family. PACKARD, HORACE F., Halifax; 20. A soldier “who needeth not to be ashamed.” Resides in Brockton, Mass. PAINE, GEORGE A., Freetown; 28. A man of splendid habits, a true soldier. Died about 1873. Widow, son, and daughter living. PERRY, MARCUS T., Pembroke; 32. Died in South Hanson, Oct. 24, 1894. Buried in Pembroke, Mass. Left widow and daughter. PETERSON, ALGERON A., Hanson; 30. Migrated west. Present history unknown. PETTY, JAMES H., Westport; 52. A soldier who never feared to go into a battle and never fell out on the march. Died in Westport, Mass., Aug. 2, 1893. Four sons and one daughter living. PHILLIPS, SAMUEL W., Berkley; 41. Never was known to shirk duty. Died in Taunton Insane Asylum, April 1, 1899. PORTER, OLIVER C., Halifax; 35. A good all-round soldier. Died Feb. 18, 1873. Buried in Halifax, Mass. RECORD, CHARLES, Berkley; 22. A faithful soldier. Veterinary Surgeon. Excellent character. Resides in Fall River, Mass. RENNIS, EDWIN H., Freetown. A most excellent company cook, a brave man in battle, a good citizen. Died in Dartmouth, Mass., about 1885. A widow living. RICHMOND, JOSEPH S. W., Halifax; 18. Died --. ROUNSEVILLE, EDWIN S., Freetown; 24. A faithful soldier; a thrifty farmer. Resides in Freetown. Has a wife and daughter. ROUNSEVILLE, SIMON D., Freetown; 24. Died in Freetown on returning from the war, June 20, 1863. Buried with military honors. SAMPSON, AUGUSTUS M., Hanson; 36. A brave soldier. A clean cut temperance man and a highly respected citizen. A boot and shoemaker. SOULE, CHARLES W., Halifax; 18. Died in Hospital, Newbern, Dec. 2, 1862. Buried near our camp. Body sent home and buried in family cemetery. SPOONER, ASA J., Freetown; 30. Was mustered in, went home sick and never reported to the company for duty. Lives in East Freetown, Mass. STETSON, CHARLES H., Hanson; 20. Discharged for disability, March 27, 1863. Superintendent of almshouse. Member of Post No. 127, G. A. R. Post office, South Hanson, Mass. STETSON, ISAIAH, Hanson; 44. Died in Hanson, September, 1889. Left a family. *STETSON, WILLIAM F., Hanson; 30. Discharged for disability, March 13, 1863. Dealer in stoves, etc. Son and four daughters. Post office, West Hanson, Mass. STOWELL, RICHARD P., New Bedford; 18. Lives in New Bedford, Mass. STUDLEY, JUDSON, Hanover; 31. Farmer and poultry raiser. An honored citizen. Has a family. Post office, West Hanover, Mass. THAYER, CHARLES H., Kingston; 18. A good soldier. Believed to have died fifteen years ago. THOMPSON, JAMES H., Kingston; 25. A good soldier and a good citizen. Died, leaving a family. THOMPSON, MORTON, Halifax; 18. Teacher. Died in Halifax, Mass. Left a family. TORREY, LEANDER, Hanover; 24. Faithful to every duty, a true and staunch patriot, respected wherever known. Died at Rockland, Mass., April 8, 1879. A widow, son, and daughter living at Brockton, Mass. VINAL, JOSEPH, Hanover; 37. Farmer. A good, quiet citizen. Wife and children. Post office, West Hanson, Mass. WHITNEY, ABEL H., Hanover; 19. Died in West Hanover, July 19, 1863. Buried in Hanover. Unmarried. WHITNEY, CHARLES T., Halifax; 27. Discharged for disability, March 4, 1863. Boot and shoemaker. A respected citizen. Has a family. Post office, Halifax, Mass. WHITNEY, OREN T., Hanover; 28. Re-enlisted in Company E, First Battalion, Heavy Artillery. Mustered out at close of war. Farmer and wood dealer. Past Commander Post No. 83, G. A. R. Post office, West Hanover, Mass. WILCOX, GEORGE F., Freetown; 20. As good a soldier as ever marched with a company. Died in Providence, R. I., February, 1897. Widow living. WILCOX, MARCENAH B., Freetown; 18. A good soldier and a successful business man. Married. Lives in New York. *WINSLOW, BENEDICT A., Freetown; 19. For many years ticket agent, Old Colony Railroad. Lighthouse keeper. Cook in City Hospital, Fall River, Mass. WOOD, CYRUS, Halifax; 40. Died and was buried in Halifax. One son living. CHAPTER V. COMPANY B, THIRD MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEER MILITIA. [WRITTEN BY SERGT. BENJAMIN S. ATWOOD.] This company was formed by consolidation of three companies of the Third Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Militia. Company K from Carver furnished captain and forty-six enlisted men; Company B, of Plymouth, furnished first lieutenant and thirty-one enlisted men, and Company H, from Plympton, furnished second lieutenant and twenty-one enlisted men, making a total of one hundred and one. These three companies served under Col. David A. Wardrop the first three months of the war at Fortress Monroe and Hampton, Va. The Third Regiment was detailed immediately upon its arrival at Fortress Monroe for service on United States gunboat _Pawnee_, which went up to Gosport Navy Yard, there helped destroy the Navy Yard, sink the ships and pulled the _Cumberland_ out, when they returned to Hampton Roads. At that time the Third Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers were the only troops in the enemy’s country, and were the first troops to invade the same, being at that time the Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, not having been sworn into the United States service. Company B formed of the three companies aforementioned, reported for duty at Camp Joe Hooker and organized as follows: Capt. Thomas W. Griffith, from Co. K. First Lieut. Charles A. S. Perkins, from Co. B. Second Lieut. William S. Briggs, from Co. H. First Sergt. Asa Shaw, from Co. K. Second Sergt. Charles W. Griffith, from Co. K. Third Sergt. Job B. Oldham, from Co. B. Fourth Sergt. Benjamin S. Atwood, from Co. H. Fifth Sergt. James R. Robbins, from Co. B. Corp. George A. Shaw, from Co. K. Corp. John M. Cobb, from Co. K. Corp. Hosea S. Bumpus, from Co. K. Corp. Andrew T. DeMerritt, from Co. K. Corp. Amasa M. Bartlett, from Co. B. Corp. Charles M. Perry, from Co. B. Corp. William S. White, from Co. H. Corp. Gideon Shurtleff, from Co. H. Musician John Murdock, from Co. K. Wagoner Lorenzo N. Shaw, from Co. K. The members of the company were recruited from seven different towns as follows: Carver, 30; Plymouth, 29; Middleboro, 11; Plympton, 10; Wareham, 12; Rochester, 3; Kingston, 5; East Bridgewater, 1. The ages of the company were as follows: 22, less than 20 years old; 29, from 20 to 24 years inclusive; 16, from 25 to 29 years inclusive; 18, from 30 to 34 years inclusive; 8, from 35 to 39 years inclusive; 8, from 40 to 44 years inclusive. Average age, 26 years, 9 months. CORRECTED ROSTER OF COMPANY B. [The first figures indicate age at enlistment: the city or town, the place of enlistment.] THOMAS B. GRIFFITH, Captain. Born in Carver, May 17, 1823. When three months old his parents moved to Middleboro. When seventeen years old he went on a whaling voyage around Cape Horn. On his return he clerked for the Ellis Foundry Company several years, and was postmaster at South Carver at the same time. In 1853 he with Jesse Murdock and Matthias Ellis, formed a partnership called the Murdock Parlor Grate Company, in South Carver. He was interested in that business while he was in the service. He was connected with the Massachusetts militia for a number of years before the war. Also after the war he served as major in the Third Massachusetts Volunteer Militia. His business after the war was in connection with the Murdock Parlor Grate Company. He was one of the pioneers in importing bananas from Jamaica. He held a large amount of the stock of the company at the time of his death. He was also interested in real estate at Onset, and one of the original cottage owners at Onset. He died in Roxbury, February, 1897, and was placed in the tomb at South Carver. CHARLES A. S. PERKINS, First Lieutenant. Born in Plympton, Mass., June, 1828. When a young man he went to Plymouth and learned the printer’s trade. During President Buchanan’s administration he served as postmaster in the town of Plymouth. He was for many years publisher and editor of the _Plymouth Rock_, a publication quite extensively circulated throughout Plymouth County. He was commissioned first lieutenant of Company B, and served with the regiment through its nine months’ service. After being mustered out he together with his brother Lucian, adjutant of the regiment, purchased a business enterprise at the corner of Broad and Middle Streets, Newbern, N. C., where he died of yellow fever, October, 1864. Afterwards his remains were brought to Plymouth for burial. WILLIAM S. BRIGGS, Second Lieutenant. Born in Middleboro and was twenty-eight years old when he enlisted. At the time of the consolidation of the three companies he was second lieutenant of Company H. He was quite an extensive dealer in fast horses before and at the time of his service. He continued the same after being mustered out. He located at Providence, R. I. He bought a large farm in Raynham, Mass., and died there Aug. 27, 1897, at the age of seventy years. ASA SHAW, First Sergeant; 29. Born in Carver. Died April 25, 1865. CHARLES W. GRIFFITH, Second Sergeant; 27. Born in Carver. Died Dec. 31, 1893. JOB B. OLDHAM, Third Sergeant; 29. Served with Company B in the three months’ service. Died in Plymouth, Feb. 8, 1879. Buried in Vine Hill Cemetery. BENJAMIN S. ATWOOD, Fourth Sergeant; 29. Born in Carver, June 25, 1840. He lived in Plympton at the time of the first call and went as private in Company H, Third Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, Plympton Rifles. He served full term and was discharged with the regiment. Soon after his discharge he was commissioned first lieutenant in Company H. On consolidation of Company H with B and K he was appointed fourth sergeant; served his time as such and was mustered out with the regiment. After the close of the war he settled in Abington, and has been a manufacturer of wooden boxes in Whitman (formerly South Abington) for many years, where he now resides. JAMES H. ROBBINS, Fifth Sergeant; 31. Born in Plymouth. Died in Plymouth, Jan 1, 1901. Buried in Vine Hill Cemetery. GEORGE H. SHAW, Corporal; 28. “The Tall Corporal on the Right.” Carver. Resides at 205 Centre St., Middleboro. JOHN M. COBB, Corporal; 18. Born in Carver. Resides in Carver. HOSEA C. BUMPUS, Corporal; 24. Born in Wareham. Died at Wareham. Buried in Centre Cemetery. AMASA M. BARTLETT, Corporal; 23. Born in Plymouth. Has lived in the Old Colony since the war. Now lives in the vicinity of Boston. ANDREW DEMERRITT, Corporal; 29. Born in Carver. Lives in Middleboro. CHARLES M. PERRY, Corporal; 19. Born in Plymouth. A bright, smart young man. Died soon after being mustered out. GIDEON SHURTLEFF, Corporal; 38. Born in Middleboro. While in the service Gid’s laugh was as good as an extra ration of whiskey. After being mustered out he lived in Duxbury. Died in North Duxbury, Mass., in 1897; age, seventy-two years. WILLIAM S. WHITE, Corporal; 44. Born in Plympton. Served many years with the Massachusetts militia before his enlistment. Died in Brockton, May 3, 1897, and was buried in Plympton. JOHN MURDOCK, Musician; 38. Born in Carver. Died in Carver, Feb. 22, 1886. LORENZO M. SHAW, Wagoner; 39. Born in Carver. Died in Carver in 1893. _Privates._ ATWOOD, STEPHEN; 19. Born in Carver. Died in Middleboro, Sept. 15, 1899. ATWOOD, EBENEZER E.; 25. Born in Carver. Resides in Kingston. ATWOOD, JOSIAH W.; 19. Born in Carver. Resides in Carver. BUMPUS, HIRAM W.; 33. Born in Wareham, June 24, 1829. He lived in Wareham a few years after being mustered out, and then went to Pennsylvania for about twenty years. He returned to Wareham, where he now lives. BRYANT, CHARLES E.; 34. Born in Plympton, Oct. 27, 1827. Resides in Kingston. Farmer. BRIGGS, JAMES W.; 35. Born in Middleboro. Moved to Plympton a few years after being mustered out. Died in Plympton, Jan. 2, 1901, age, seventy-four years. BARNES, BENJAMIN F.; 18. Born in Plymouth. Nurse in a hospital while in service. Lives at 450 Cottage St., New Bedford. BATES, NATHANIEL B.; 24. Born in Carver. Died in Carver, Sept. 27, 1882. BATES, JAMES H.; 18. Born in Carver. Died in Carver, July 15, 1865. BRYANT, ZENEAS FRANK; 29. Born in Plympton. Acted as company clerk during the service. Died at Chelmsford about ten years ago. BRADFORD, EBENEZER N.; 25. Born in Plymouth. Killed on railroad at Cape Horn, Canada, Jan. 28, 1870. Buried at Burial Hill, Plymouth. BARTLETT, JOHN N.; 29. Lived in Wareham, where he died in 1894. Buried at Centre Cemetery. BRADFORD, WILLIAM H.; 21. Born in Plympton. Died in Middleboro, June 5, 1892; age, fifty-two years. BURGESS, EBENEZER; 18. Born in Wareham. Resides in Wareham. CHANDLER, JOHN B.; 32. Born in Carver. Killed in railroad accident at Brockton, May 12, 1896. Buried in Middleboro. COBB, CHARLES S.; 22. Born in Charlestown. Resides in Kingston. CHASE, CHARLES H.; 34. Born in North Carver, April, 1828. Died in Boston, Oct. 4, 1897. CHAPMAN, JOHN F.; 22. After being mustered out of the nine months’ service, he enlisted for one hundred days and was stationed at Marblehead. He was taken sick with consumption and was sent to the hospital at Rainsford, Boston, where he died November, 1866. COBB, SIDNEY O.; 18. Born in North Carver, Nov. 13, 1844. He enlisted in September, 1862, as a private, served nine months and was mustered out with his regiment June 26, 1863. After being mustered out he lived in Carver and Plympton, and finally settled in South Abington, now Whitman. He served as constable and police officer for many years, and more than twenty years as deputy sheriff of Plymouth County. He died Jan. 19, 1899, and was buried in Colebrook Cemetery, Whitman. CHANDLER, WILLIAM B.; 18. Born in Carver. Resides in Middleboro. COBB, ALLEN; 44. Born in Middleboro. Died in Middleboro, Aug. 10, 1890. COBB, JOSEPH F.; 26. Born in Carver. Died in Middleboro, Dec. 30, 1878. CORNELL, WILLIAM H.; 18. Born in Carver. Discharged for disability, May 9, 1863. DOTEN, GEORGE H.; 30. Born in Plymouth. Died in Plymouth, Dec. 25, 1896. Buried in Vine Hill Cemetery. DONNELLEY, JAMES; 31. Born in Kingston. Died in Kingston, Oct. 16, 1877. Buried in Vine Hill Cemetery, Plymouth. DARLING, GEORGE; 34. Lived in Middleboro. Died Mar. 3, 1879. DEMPSEY, ROBERT M.; 23. Lived in Middleboro, where he was employed by the Murdock Parlor Grate Company. Died Dec. 22, 1893. DUNHAM, HENRY A.; 30. Born in Carver. Resides in Middleboro. DUNHAM, ELLIS D.; 21. Born in Carver. Died in Middleboro, Oct. 26, 1904. ELLIS, BARZILLAI F.; 44. Lived in East Bridgewater. Died July 8, 1887. GAMMONS, EDWARD A.; 20. Born in Wareham, Jan. 15, 1842. After being mustered out of the service he went into the employ of the Wareham Bank and Wareham Savings Bank. In 1885 he was appointed cashier of the Wareham Bank, now the National Bank of Wareham. He was also appointed treasurer of the Wareham Savings Bank, which office he held until July, 1904, when he resigned. He is still cashier of the Wareham National Bank. Ned is evidently as young as when he was out at Newbern, although he is a good deal larger, and hasn’t as much hair on his head. He sticks to business so close that he can’t get to the reunion. He is very much interested in anything that is for the benefit of the old soldiers. GAMMONS, JOHN W.; 22. Born Feb. 12, 1840, at Wareham, Mass. After being mustered out of the service he worked at his trade as a nailer in different factories. He then went to sea, and took in several passages around Cape Horn. He was captain of several vessels. The last fifteen years of his life was spent in the coasting trade, making passages to the various ports on the Atlantic coast. Died and was buried at Centre Cemetery, Wareham. GRIFFIN, HARVEY B.; 22. Born in North Plymouth. Resides in North Cambridge. HALL, SYLVESTER S.; 34. Born in Litchfield, Me. He died April 26, 1877, at Wareham. He first enlisted in Company G, Eighteenth Massachusetts Infantry. He was discharged for disability, and re-enlisted in Company B, Third Massachusetts Infantry. HARLOW, MARTIN L.; 18. Plymouth. He served the term of his regiment and was mustered out in Lakeville, Mass., June 26, 1863. He lived in the different towns around the Old Colony, and finally settled in Whitman. He was appointed postmaster by Grover Cleveland, and afterwards by President McKinley. He died Aug. 12, 1899, and was buried in Carver. HOLMES, NATHANIEL; 27. Born in Plymouth. Died in Plymouth, Jan. 21, 1887. Buried in Oak Grove Cemetery. HARLOW, IVORY W.; 23. Born in Plymouth, where he now resides and works at his trade as a carpenter. HOLMES, GEORGE H.; 21. Middleboro. Born in Greenwich, R. I. Died in the Massachusetts Soldiers Home at Chelsea, April 6, 1904. Buried at Wareham. HOLMES, SAMUEL N.; 19. Plymouth. Discharged for disability, May 4, 1863. Unknown. HOLMES, ISAAC S.; 43. Plymouth. Discharged for disability, May 27, 1863. Unknown. IRVING, WILLIAM; 31. Born in Carver. Went West soon after being mustered out, where he died a number of years ago. JENKINS, BENJAMIN S.; 18. Born in Plymouth, where he died Nov. 14, 1877. JOHNSON, CHARLES W.; 27. Resides in Plymouth. Mass. JACKSON, GEORGE F.; 21. Born in Plymouth. Died in Plymouth, Sept. 11, 1884. Buried in Vine Hill Cemetery. JEFFERSON, SALEM; 44. Rochester. Born in Douglas, Mass., Sept. 16, 1805. Died Aug 4, 1893, in Rochester, Mass. Buried in East Rochester, Mass. LUCAS, ADONIRAM B.; 24. Middleboro. Born in Carver. He served full time with the regiment and was mustered out of same. He has always lived in Plymouth County and still resides in Whitman. LEACH, THOMAS M.; 24. Born in Plympton. Died at Crescent Grove, Minn. LOBDELL, ISAAC F.; 27. Born in Plympton, where he died Nov. 9, 1876. MANGE, WINTHROP H.; 24. Born in Kingston, where he now resides. Occupation, a slitter. MANTER, JOHN D.; 36. Born in Wareham. Died in Newbern, N. C., Feb. 6, 1863. Buried in Centre Cemetery, Wareham. MURDOCK, JOHN; 36. Carver. NEAL, JAMES; 37. Born in Plymouth, where he died Jan. 15, 1885. Buried in Vine Hill Cemetery. NICKERSON, JOSEPH S.; 18. Wareham. OLDHAM, JOHN R.; 18. Born in Wareham. After being mustered out he enlisted in the Twenty-fourth Massachusetts. Killed at Petersburg, Va. PERKINS, HENRY F.; 27. Born in Kingston. Died in Plympton, March 22, 1877. Buried in Soldiers Home Lot, Forest Dale Cemetery, Malden. PLACE, CHARLES C.; 33. Plymouth. PLACE, ISAAC H.; 37. Born in Plymouth. Died at Plymouth, May, 1888. Buried at Vine Hill Cemetery. PIERCE, MOSES W.; 19. Born in Rochester. Lives in East Rochester, Mass. PENNIMAN, PRINCE E.; 33. Cook for the officers while in service. Lived in Middleboro. Died at Onset, Mass., Aug. 17, 1904. PAULDING, JAMES S.; 42. Born in Plymouth. Died Oct. 19, 1880. Buried in Burial Hill, Plymouth. RAYMOND, THOMAS W.; 21. Born in Rochester. Has lived recently in Brockton and Plympton. RAMSDELL, CORNELIUS, Plympton. Resides in Whitman. ROBBINS, HERBERT; 18. Born in Plymouth, where he now resides. RAYMOND, SAMUEL B.; 34. Born in Plymouth. Died in Plymouth and was buried in Burial Hill. SHERMAN, LEANDER L. Born in Plymouth, where he now resides. SPOONER, WILLIAM F.; 19. Born in Plymouth. Died in Plymouth, Jan. 27, 1872. SMITH, THOMAS; 23. Born in Ireland. Died in Plymouth, Mar. 30, 1894. Buried in Vine Hill Cemetery. SHERMAN, JAMES E.; 22. Born in Plympton. He resided in Plymouth after being mustered out, where he kept a store. He died May 31, 1897, and was buried at Oak Grove Cemetery. SEARS, JAMES F.; 21. Died in Lynn. SHAW, ALONZO D.; 21. Born in Carver. Died at Newbern, N. C., April 18, 1863. SHAW, EDWARD W.; 24. Born in Carver. Died in Carver, Jan. 29, 1902. SHAW, EZRA; 21. Born in Middleboro. Died in Carver, Aug. 15, 1893. SHAW, JESSE M.; 18. Born in Carver. Resides in Fall River. SHAW, NATHANIEL JR.; 25. Born in Carver. After being mustered out he kept a grocery store in Plymouth. He died April 13, 1903. STRINGER, ANDREW; 19. Born in Carver, where he now resides. SAMPSON, JOHN; 42. Born in Wareham. Died in 1880 and was buried in Centre Cemetery. SHURTLIFF, BENJAMIN, JR.; 22. Born in Middleboro. Unknown. TILLSON, GEORGE W.; 18. Born in Carver. Died in Middleboro, May 13, 1895. WASHBURN, PHILIP M.; 23. Born in Kingston. Resides in Somerville. By occupation, a carpenter. WASHBURN, JOSEPH G.; 21. Born in Carver. Resides in Maine. WARD, ANSEL B.; 19. Born in Carver. After being discharged from Company B he re-enlisted in Company M, of the Fourth Massachusetts Cavalry, Feb. 16, 1864, and was taken prisoner Nov. 1, 1864, and confined in Libby Prison. He was paroled Mar. 3, 1865. He died in Carver, November, 1878. WILLIS, MARCUS M.; 34. Born in Middleboro. Unknown. WRIGHTINGTON, HENRY; 23. Lived in Brockton. Died Dec. 8, 1892. WRIGHT, EDWARD S.; 40. Born in Plympton, where he always lived. He served many years with the Massachusetts militia. He died in Plympton, May 19, 1901. CHAPTER VI. COMPANY C, THIRD REGIMENT, MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEER MILITIA. [WRITTEN BY JAMES B. SMITH, MEMBER OF THE COMPANY.] The raising of Company C was unique, and in a sense highly sensational and dramatic. The President’s call for three hundred thousand men made it necessary for Fall River to furnish two hundred recruits; this in a manufacturing city of fifteen thousand with the cotton business booming was not an easy task. The question was asked, “How are we to persuade men to leave their lucrative employment and become soldiers?” But the “Fathers of the City,” rising to the occasion, called a mass meeting in City Hall, Aug. 13, 1862, where inspiring and patriotic speeches were made by several of the leading men of the city, among whom was Elihu Grant. After the speech-making a call was made for volunteers. A great silence pervaded the meeting, and no one moved until a young man ascended the platform, and throwing his hat vehemently upon the floor shouted, “I will volunteer to go to war.” This so electrified the people that before the close of the meeting more than enough for one company had put their names on the roll of volunteers. The young man who said “I will volunteer to go to war” (according to the best authority at hand) was William Deplitch, the first man wounded in battle. So high ran the fever of enlistment that another company was started and raised in a few days. These two companies are known in local and military history as Companies C and D, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, Nine Months’ Men. They were attached to the Third Regiment, and served with the same in North Carolina during its campaign. At the election of officers for Company C (as was anticipated) Elihu Grant was elected captain, and, being a West Point graduate, he was eminently fitted for that position. Benjamin A. Shaw was elected first lieutenant, and Charles D. Copeland second lieutenant. The choice of officers was well made, and the company were pleased with their selection. Be it remembered that at this time the Governor of Massachusetts, John A. Andrews, instead of appointing the officers left it to the company to elect their own officers. Captain Grant was a kind-hearted, considerate man, with high ideas of military discipline; those men who obeyed the letter and spirit of the law were treated accordingly, and those who disobeyed were punished according to military law and usages. Captain Grant could not look with any degree of leniency on disobedience to orders. He was the pronounced enemy of liquor drinking in any form or by any one; so the transgressors on these lines received condign punishment. No doubt that the captain’s zeal like David of old, sometimes “eat him up;” but he was a true friend to every man in his company and sought their well being. No man of Company C could say that he did not have his full share of rations in food and clothing. Lieutenants Shaw and Copeland were God’s noblemen. They were true and kind to the men, and were greatly beloved by both officers and men in the regiment. They were always in their places with the company on the march and in battle. They took a great interest in the company, visiting the sick in tent and hospital. The non-commissioned officers were a good set of fellows from the orderly sergeant to the eighth corporal. Indeed, the whole company was made up of good men who were ever ready to obey orders, to go anywhere and to do anything reasonable; but, like all other men, they liked a little fun when not on duty. I never knew one of them to shirk duty, or fall out just before going into battle. At a meeting for drill in Fall River on the 17th of September, 1862, an order was read for Company C to report for duty at Camp Joe Hooker, and the following day the company went into camp at Lakeville, Mass., as a part of the Third Regiment. The company was assigned to a barrack on the extreme right of the regiment, and, like all the other companies coming into camp, they did their part to make the first night in camp memorable by songs and speech-making until early the next morning, when tired nature asserted her right and there was silence until reveille. September 23d, Company C with the other companies of the regiment, were mustered into the service of the United States for nine months. On Saturday, the 27th, the whole company was given a furlough until the following Monday, when it returned to camp. The men were then uniformed and at once commenced the various duties of camp life to prepare themselves for the more serious duties of soldiers on Southern soil. Company C, like all the other companies, was from time to time on special detached service; with these exceptions the history of the company is the history of the regiment. At the expiration of the service Company C, with Company D, returned to Fall River, where they received an ovation, and all were glad that they had served their country in her time of need and were at home again with their friends. As the corrected history will indicate, quite a number re-enlisted for the second, and some for the third time. CORRECTED ROSTER OF COMPANY C. [The first figures indicate age at enlistment: the city and town, the place from which the recruits came, or are credited as belonging.] NOTE.--It should be remembered that several of the men from Westport were citizens of Fall River credited to the quota of Westport, the town of Westport paying them a bounty. [Illustration: CAPT. ELIHU GRANT.] ELIHU GRANT, Captain; 42; Fall River. The preacher; the soldier; the man of affairs. A Westerner by birth, an Easterner by practice. He was first known in Fall River as a popular preacher, where he ably served several churches. Later he became one of the firm of Flint, Grant & Nichols. Tin, Crockery and Furniture Dealers. He graduated from West Point and also from one of the Western colleges. He was a bookkeeper, agent for soldiers and sailors, probation officer for the Second District Court, a member of the School Board, and a member of the G. A. R. He was a Free Mason and belonged to several other mystic orders. He married Amanda Gifford, of Westport, for his first wife, and Mary Read, of the same town, for his second wife. His death occurred at New Bedford, March 13, 1897, at the ripe age of seventy-five years, and was caused by his being thrown from his carriage at Westport Harbor, Mass. One daughter and three sons, fifteen grand and eight great grandchildren survive him. BENJAMIN A. SHAW, First Lieutenant; 30; Fall River. He served his full term of enlistment and was mustered out with the regiment. He was commissioned in the Second Heavy Artillery, went with the company to Portsmouth, Va., and died there July 26, 1864. His grandfather was in the Revolutionary War, and his father was a soldier in the War of 1812. CHARLES D. COPELAND, Second Lieutenant; 33; Fall River. A patriotic soldier; a model officer. His son is a doctor of medicine and resides in Bridgewater, Mass. He has one son and two daughters living. ALPHONSO BORDEN, First Sergeant; 30; Fall River. He was discharged for disability March 27, 1863. He died in Fall River, being run over by a fire engine. A widow survives him, living on Rock Street, Fall River. CHARLES G. REMINGTON, Sergeant; 25; Fall River. He was mustered out with the regiment, came home, and after a while went West. Nothing can be learned of his present residence. He is supposed to be living in the West. ISAAC L. HART, Sergeant; 41; Fall River. He was for years a prominent manufacturer. He was superintendent of Seaconnet Mills for many years. He died Dec. 20, 1886. Two sons survive him. J. E. CUNNEENE, Sergeant; 30; Fall River. A prominent manufacturer; superintendent of cotton mills in Fall River; a good soldier; a good citizen, and a good friend. LESTER LAMSON, Sergeant; 22; Fall River. He resides in Paris, France, where he acts as an artist in portrait painting and practices medicine as occasion may require. E. F. MANCHESTER, Sergeant; 20; Westport. A soldier, a patriot, a true man in everything and everywhere. He was engaged in business in Fall River several years. He moved to Portsmouth, R. I., where he died after a lingering sickness. A widow and several children survive him. THOMAS WISEMAN, Corporal; 25; Fall River. He re-enlisted in Fifth Unattached Company, Heavy Artillery. He resides in Fall River and is janitor of the post office and custom house in that city. NATHANIEL FORD, Corporal; 23; Fall River. A contractor and builder. Resides in Fall River. ROBERT C. NEGUS, Corporal; 32; Fall River. Both before the War and after he followed a seafaring life in a whaling ship. He died in Fall River several years ago. ROBERT FIELDEN, Corporal; 26; Fall River. For several years he was engaged in the mill business. He retired from active business and lives in Swansea. FREDERICK A. NORTON, Corporal; 18; Fall River. He resides in Fall River and is clerk in the city office, street department. SAMUEL F. DURFEE, Corporal; 28; Fall River. He resides in Fall River. He carries on the teaming business and is janitor of the G. A. R. Hall. JAMES MCGUIRE, Corporal; 31; Fall River. Died several years ago. GEORGE G. GRUSH, Corporal; 20; Fall River. In the employ of the Bell Telephone Company (long distance). A very busy man when on duty; a genial companion when off duty. He resides in Fall River. CHARLES S. WEAVER, Wagoner; 20; Fall River. He went West; since then nothing has been heard of him. _Privates._ ALTHAN, GEORGE; 18; Fall River. Dead. ANDREWS, THOMAS; 44; Westport. Dead. AUSTIN, FRANCIS S.; 30; Fall River. He resides in Fall River, where for many years he was boss machinist. He retired from business in good circumstances. He has two sons and three daughters living. BORDEN, STEPHEN B.; 23; Fall River. Dead. BUTLER, JAMES; 32; Fall River. Died at Soldiers Home, Togus, Maine, July 10, 1904. BAKER, ABRAM H.; 18; Westport. He went to California and is supposed to be living. BUCKLIN, GEORGE W.; 37; Fall River. Dead. BRAYTON, STEPHEN F.; 21; Fall River. Resides in Fall River. BOWERS, JOSEPH; 21; Fall River. A machinist for M. C. D. Borden. BOHAN, JAMES; 22; Fall River. Resides in Providence, R. I. BORDEN, JOHN A.; 21; Fall River. Nothing known of him since the war. BRADBURY, WILLIAM; 18; Fall River. Resides in Providence, R. I. He is an efficient member of the police force of that city. Is a comrade of Slocum Post, No. 10, G. A. R., and past grand of Westminster Lodge, No. 27, I. O. O. F. A fluent speaker and earnest worker in the Order. BROW, FRANK E.; 16; Fall River. He went to Los Angeles, Cal., where he is supposed to be living. CLARK, HENRY; 36; Fall River. Died a long time ago. CLARKSON, EDWIN; 18; Fall River. Resides in Central Falls, R. I. COGGESHALL, EDWARD D.; 25; Fall River. A blacksmith, Jamestown, N. Y. CASWELL, THOMAS N.; 32; Fall River. Dead. COOK, CHARLES H.; 25; Fall River. He resides in Fall River and is janitor of the Veteran Firemen’s Building. CHASE, GEORGE N.; 23; Fall River. Dead. CRAPO, FRANCIS H.; 22; Fall River. Died in Chicago years ago. CALDWELL, WILLIAM; 30; Fall River. A farmer, living just out of Fall River. CAMERON, JOHN A.; 18; Fall River. Resides in Fall River. CASH, WILLIAM; 35; Fall River. Resides in Fall River. He was company bugler. CROWLEY, PATRICK; 40; Westport. Resides in Fall River. CRIGHTON, THOMAS J.; 18. He re-enlisted Aug. 17, 1864, and was discharged July 27, 1865. He was on detached service as aid to surgeon-general. He resides in Fall River and is foreman of a brass foundry there. DAVOL, JOHN; 40; Fall River. Fife major of regiment. Died in Taunton, April 20, 1904. DAVOL, JOHN N.; 18; Fall River. Drum major of regiment. John N. was the son of John Davol. There is a story current that one day there was a little difference between father and son, the son saying that being drum major, he outranked him (the father), whereupon the father retorted that he was his father and would give him (the son) a sound licking, which he did, after which harmony reigned between father and son. For many years after the war John Davol was in the clothing business in Fall River and John N., his son, was in company with him. The last named died in the Soldiers Home, Togus, Maine, Oct. 24, 1904. DELMAGE, JAMES L.; 29; Fall River. He lives on a farm in Swansea, where he is spending his remaining days in the quiet of a well-earned rest. DIXON, JAMES; 30; Fall River. Dead. DOLMAN, JOSEPH; 43; Fall River. Dead. DARLING, JOHN A.; 29; Fall River. He was for years a sailor on a coasting vessel, then a carpenter, and later a grocer. He was a member of the G. A. R. He died in January, 1896, leaving a widow, one daughter and three sons. DAVIS, JOHN R.; 19; Fall River. Resides in Fall River. DEPLITCH, WILLIAM; 35; Fall River. He was discharged May 27, 1863, on account of wounds received in the Battle of Goldsboro, N. C., Dec. 17, 1862. For years he held a good position in Washington in one of the Government Buildings, receiving a good salary. He died in Fall River, Nov. 14, 1882. EATON, JOSIAH J.; 24; Westport. He died in 1902 or 3, leaving a widow and one daughter. FISKE, BENJAMIN S.; 21; Fall River. Nothing known of him since he was mustered out. FITZGIBBONS, THOMAS; 43; Fall River. Dead. GRAHAM, WILLIAM; 26; Fall River. Dead. GILBERT, THOMAS; 26; Fall River. He re-enlisted in Twenty-first Unattached Company. He died Oct. 7, 1904. GRANT, GEORGE A.; 20; Fall River. He re-enlisted in Company D, Sixtieth Massachusetts. He resides in Brockton, a prominent man of the city, chairman of the board of assessors for several years, a man of affairs with an honorable record. GREEN, DENNIS; 18; Westport. Dead. HORSMAN, JOHN; 22; Fall River. Dead. HORSMAN, FRANCIS; 44; Fall River. He was for many years a gardener and a mill hand. He resides in Fall River and is hale and hearty at the age of eighty-seven. HILL, JOSEPH; 38; Fall River. Died in Bristol, R. I. IRVING, ELI; 22; Fall River. A painter. Resides in Fall River. JENNINGS, THOMAS J.; 21; Fall River. Dead. JENNINGS, CORNELIUS D.; 35; Fall River. Supposed to be dead. KENNEY, THOMAS; 27; Fall River. For many years a mill hand; now retired. LAWRENCE, JAMES; 27; Fall River. He re-enlisted in Twenty-first Unattached Company Heavy Artillery. He resides in Fall River and is a collector for the Singer Sewing Machine Company. LAWTON, DAVID; 26; Fall River. Agent for the Providence Steamboat Company for many years. Dead. LEWIS, WILLIAM H.; 34; Fall River. Dead. LORD, GEORGE; 27; Fall River. Dead. LOCK, JOHN B.; 18; Fall River. Supposed to be living out West. MONROE, ALBERT F.; 18; Fall River. A popular artist of Fall River. Residence, 181 Elm St. MCKINNON, THOMAS; 28; Fall River. Dead. MURPHY, DENNIS B.; 36; Fall River. Resides in Fall River. MALONE, HENRY; 21; Fall River. Resides in Fall River. MALLISON, JOHN; 30; Fall River. Unknown. MARTIN, GEORGE; 40; Fall River. Dead. MARTIN, PETER; 26; Westport. Resides in Fall River. MARS, REUBEN; 19; Fall River. Fell from a team in New York and was killed. NARY, JAMES; 28; Fall River. Dead. NEWMAN, WILLIAM; 28; Fall River. Dead. PECKHAM, WILLIAM W.; 22; Fall River. Re-enlisted and was killed in the Battle of Cold Harbor, Virginia. PECKHAM, PELEG H.; 29; Fall River. Boss painter in Fall River. PHELAN, JOHN; 25; Fall River. Dead. PELL, JABISH; 25; Fall River. Died in New Bedford, 1903. PACKARD, WILLIAM H.; 26; Fall River. He carried on the blacksmithing business in Fall River for many years. Dead. PLATT, EDWARD; 35; Fall River. Resides in Fall River. READ, JOHN P.; 19; Fall River. Died of typhoid fever in 1863. REGAN, TIMOTHY; 18; Fall River. Resides in Fall River. REGAN, MORTY; 23; Fall River. Dead. SMITHSON, JOHN; 18; Fall River. Resides in Fall River. SMITH, LAFAYETTE; 27; Fall River. Dead. SHARPLES, LAWRENCE; 20; Fall River. Dead. SIDLEY, JOHN P.; 25; Fall River. Re-enlisted in Fifty-eighth Regiment. Resides in Fall River. SMITH, JAMES B.; 23; Fall River. A stirring business man; writer of history of Company C. Resides in Providence, R. I. TERRY, EDWARD P.; 21; Fall River. Resides in Somerset, Mass. THACKRAY, WILLIAM; 38; Fall River. Re-enlisted in Fifth Unattached Company, Heavy Artillery. Retired from all business and resides in Fall River. TRACY, WILLIAM; 38; Fall River. Resides in Fall River. He believes he can outrun any boy of his age. He is now 82 years old. TAYLOR, JOHN; 36; Fall River. Discharged for disability, March 2, 1863. Died in Fall River. WALKER, JAMES; 18; Fall River. Driver for Fire Engine, No. 7. Resides in Fall River. WALLACE, RICHARD D.; 28; Fall River. Dead. WAITE, ISHMAEL; 36; Fall River. Painter. Resides in Fall River. CHAPTER VII. COMPANY D, THIRD REGIMENT, MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEER MILITIA. [The following historical sketch of Company D, Third Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia (a nine months’ campaign during the War of the Rebellion), was prepared by Capt. ANDREW R. WRIGHT, and read by him at the reunion of the Third Regiment, held at Lincoln Park, Mass.] In the month of August, 1862, a call was made by the President of the United States for three hundred thousand troops to aid in suppressing the rebellion then still existing, and to serve for a term of nine months, or during the war. In compliance with that call the Commonwealth of Massachusetts proceeded to mobilize the militia of the State, by reorganizing the old regiments not then in the field, and by forming a number of new regiments for service under that call. Among the old regiments included in that call was the Third, which was located in the Old Colony district. Company D of this regiment was recruited up to the maximum, one hundred and one men, as required at that time by the laws of the United States governing the service in time of war. The company was composed of men enlisted from Fall River and Westport. When nearly the full number had been recruited, an election of officers was held in the City Hall in Fall River, at which election Col. Silas P. Richmond presided. The election resulted in the choice of Andrew R. Wright as captain, Thomas McFarland as first lieutenant, and George Reynolds as second lieutenant. In a few days afterwards the ranks having reached the required number, the company was ordered to proceed to the camp of instruction at Lakeville, which had been prepared by the State for such instruction to the raw troops as might be given to them previous to being called into active service at the front, and also to issue necessary clothing and equipments. The camp was known as “Camp Joe Hooker.” While there the company was drilled in the setting-up drill and company movements, also practical instruction in guard duty. [Illustration: CAPT. ANDREW R. WRIGHT.] On the 23d of September, 1862, the company was mustered into the United States service by a regular army officer; the company was paraded in two ranks, the ranks were opened and the front rank faced the rear; the mustering officer, having the muster roll, passed between the ranks from left to right critically examining each man as he came before him. Not one was rejected. After the identification and inspection the men collectively were required to remove their caps, hold up their right hands and take the oath to support the laws and constitution of the United States. The parade was then dismissed, and the company was then truly a portion of Uncle Sam’s army for the defence of the Union. The non-commissioned officers were appointed as follows: Sergeants: Samuel B. Hinckley, First; Francis McGraw, Almanzor S. Elsbree, James Holt, Thomas A. Austin. Corporals: Ashael M. Borden, Cornelius Kelley, Jr., Philip Chase, Charles E. Slade, William H. Wright, William H. Monroe, Sierra L. Braley, Charles F. Tripp. After the muster the company was furloughed for one week that they might make a last visit to friends before leaving for the front. At the expiration of the furlough all returned to camp except two; one of whom deserted the service, the other was returned to the company by the provost guard after they reached Newbern. After all preparations had been made the company had orders to break camp and proceed to Newbern, N. C., via Boston, and thence by steamer to point of destination. On the morning of departure from Camp Joe Hooker, the regimental line was formed for the first time, Company D being upon the extreme left of the line. The company with the rest of the regiment marched from the camp to the railroad station at Lakeville on the line of the Old Colony road and embarked upon cars and were transported to Boston, marched through the city and went on board the steamer _Mississippi_ that was to convey the whole of the Fifth and half of the Third Regiments to North Carolina. To say that the steamer was full conveys but a faint idea of the crowded condition of the vessel, and many of the men realized for the first time the discomforts and privations of campaigning; and this was but the beginning of hardships they endured during their nine months’ campaign in the swamps and pine barrens of the old “North State.” After an uneventful voyage by steamer, the company arrived at Morehead City and disembarked, then were transported on flat, uncovered freight cars to Newbern; arriving there they were marched to the first camp occupied by the regiment in Dixie. In honor of the colonel it was named Camp Richmond. It was located on the banks of the Neuse River and on the left of the Forty-fourth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, who had preceded the Third a few days. During all this time neither the regiment nor the company had been supplied with arms, and were not so supplied until some days after the arrival, when early one evening the long roll was sounded and report came in from the front, some six miles away, that our pickets had been driven in and the enemy was then marching upon Newbern. Then the arms and ammunition were issued to the regiment and as soon as possible the company was paraded in the company street, anxiously awaiting the call to form regimental line; but the alarm proved false and the company was dismissed to quarters, and the camp quieted down for the night. Subsequently, upon critical examination of the arms that had been issued, they proved to be a lot of Austrian rifles, and were nearly worthless. The men were very much discouraged, as the springs in the locks of some of the rifles were so weak that it was impossible to explode a percussion cap with the hammers; but by the skill of Sergeant Austin and the use of tools procured from the ordnance officers of the department the guns of the company were got into quite serviceable condition, but were far from satisfactory at any time during the company’s term of service. From this time forward until early in the month of December, 1862, the company was engaged in the regular camp and garrison duty, among which were company, battalion, and brigade drills. To vary the monotony of camp life somewhat, the company with Company C were detailed for picket duty on the railroad between Newbern and Beaufort, occupying a deserted rebel cavalry camp. The company remained there two weeks and then returned to Newbern. On the evening of December 10, 1862, after dress parade, the colonel commanding gave orders to prepare three days’ cooked rations, and, upon the following day, to issue the same to the men, and also to see that they were provided with serviceable shoes and two pairs of new socks for each man, that forty rounds of ammunition be supplied each cartridge box, that the trunks of all officers and the knapsacks of enlisted men be packed with all necessary articles and made ready for the wagoners who would take them on the following afternoon. All these unusual orders could mean but one thing, and that was an expedition into the enemy’s country; and, acting upon these orders, Company D made requisitions upon the quartermaster and commissary for the requisite amount of supplies to comply with the order. The camp was stripped of everything not absolutely necessary for use by the men. Before daylight on the morning of the 11th, the regimental line was formed and troops marched out into the Neuse road that ran from Newbern out into the enemy’s country. Very little apparent progress was made that day, much time being consumed straightening out the column, and it was late when the company went into bivouac, passing under a magnificent arch of fire formed by the blazing trunks of turpentine trees that lined either side of the road and almost as far as the eye could reach on the right and left of the column. The next day the regiment was detailed to guard the baggage train and slow progress was made. On the 14th occurred the battle of Kinston, and the company being in line of battle for the first time, it was attached to the brigade commanded by Colonel Lee of the Twenty-seventh Massachusetts Regiment, and was on the extreme left of the line, it being in close proximity to a field hospital. The sight of the wounded and dying being brought from the front and through the lines to the hospital was not a cheerful prospect, nor one calculated to enliven the spirits of the men while expecting at any moment to receive the order to advance into the circle of fire, but no man flinched and all were ready for whatever duty might be required of them. The brigade being in the rear line of battle was not actively engaged with the enemy. The enemy was defeated and the Union column entered Kinston early in the evening of that day and went into bivouac in a large field or common in front of the town. There they remained until the following morning. After going into bivouac strict orders were promulgated from general headquarters forbidding foraging in the town, but sometime in the middle of the night the company was mysteriously supplied with a most bountiful supply of all needful provisions and many of the luxuries of life in the shape of canned jellies, fruits, and preserves, and for once at least the company reveled in a grand banquet. The next morning the company with the rest of the troops evacuated the town and took up the line of march toward Whitehall, which was reached the following day in the afternoon. Here a fierce artillery fight took place, the right brigade of the column and most, if not all of the artillery, being engaged with the enemy. The brigade to which the Third Massachusetts Regiment and Company D was attached, passed around the base of a hill in the rear of the line of battle (but well within range of the enemy’s sharpshooters, as the singing of their rifle bullets passing just above the heads of the company so eloquently testified) to the right of the position held by the enemy, and which they evacuated that night. The company bivouacked the same night upon a sandy plain on the edge of a forest, with hungry stomachs and empty haversacks; but they were very fortunate in finding the commissary wagons that night and securing a fifty-pound box of hardtack and a few pounds of mixed coffee and sugar, which proved a very welcome supper. On the next day, the 17th of December, the company met the enemy; the brigade to which the regiment was attached being upon the right of the column, found itself in the immediate vicinity of the enemy early in the forenoon, the skirmishers driving in their pickets and developing their position near a bridge on the Wilmington and Welden Railroad that crosses the Neuse River near the town of Goldsboro. After a sharp engagement the enemy retired; the Union Infantry Regiments were marched to a position near the railroad, stacked arms, and commenced to destroy the road, which was effectively accomplished for a number of miles. At the same time the bridge was fired and destroyed, thus for the time crippling the road, which was supposed to be one of the leading lines of communication of the Confederate army of Northern Virginia with the southern portion of the Confederacy. When preparing to leave the field an alarm was made that the enemy had rallied, reformed their lines, and were about to make an attack. The alarm proved to be correct, our lines were hastily reformed to resist such attack. It was at this time that the company first met the enemy face to face, as they came down the railroad embankment like a swarm of immense gray ants. They formed line of battle in the open fields as on parade, and started with a yell to make a charge upon the Union lines some three hundred yards in their front. These lines were composed of troops of which Company D of the Third Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Militia formed a part. Sections of the New York Artillery and Belger’s Rhode Island battery of Parrott guns were rapidly placed in position in the immediate front of the infantry lines formed to resist the charge of the enemy, and hurled such terrible charges of grape and canister into the faces of the enemy that no human courage could withstand, and, before more than half the distance that separated the contending lines had been traversed, the enemy’s lines were broken, and those of the enemy who were able to do so sought shelter in the thick woods on their left, followed by showers of bullets from the rifles of the infantry. While this scene was terribly exciting, so far as known not a man left the ranks of Company D, with the exception of one man slightly wounded by a fragment of an exploded shell. This action ended the active hostilities of this expedition of the Eighteenth Army Corps into the enemy’s country. It failed of its co-operative purpose, as the Army of the Potomac had been disastrously defeated at Fredericksburg a short time previous, thus enabling the commander of the Confederate forces to reinforce at any point. The expedition returned to Newbern without incident, and shortly after were ordered to inscribe upon their colors the words “Kinston,” “Whitehall,” and “Goldsboro,” to commemorate the battles that were fought at the locations indicated. An inspiring sight gladdened the hearts of the company when approaching Newbern on the return from the expedition, in the appearance of the Stars and Stripes floating in the air from the flagstaff on Fort Totten; it seemed to welcome the column home from the dangers and hardships it had endured in its defence. The company went into its old quarters at Camp Richmond, and the regular routine of camp duty commenced. The trunks and knapsacks were again returned by the wagoners, and the company were housekeeping comfortably once more. Nothing of great interest occurred until early in the year of 1863, the company in the meantime participating with the regiment in two or three marches into the enemy’s country, but with no apparent results. In the late winter or early spring of 1863 the enemy made a reconnoissance in force along the whole line of the department, and seemed determined to make an assault upon Newbern from the left flank of the Neuse River and directly opposite of the town, but they were held at bay by a comparatively small force, when, with the assistance of the gunboats, they were compelled to retire. A strong demonstration was made upon the lines immediately in front of Newbern, strong reinforcements, among whom were the Third Regiment with Company D attached, were hurried to the front, remaining under arms all night, and momentarily expecting an attack, but no assault came and the enemy withdrew. They seemed more determined upon the extreme right of the lines of the department, as they erected batteries upon the river bluff opposite the town of Little Washington, thus cutting off communication with the troops occupying that position, and the rest of the department, also holding the general commanding the department at the time the enemy closed the river. To relieve this condition of affairs, a column was formed of all the available troops then in Newbern, among whom was the regiment to which Company D was attached, and an attempt was made to reach the rear of the enemy’s position in front of Little Washington by way of a road crossing Blount’s Creek in the rear of the position held by the enemy; but the attempt failed, although the artillery attached to the column and the right of the brigade to which the company was attached, were actively engaged with the enemy perhaps for a half hour. Yet, for some unexplained reason, the order was given to retreat on Newbern, which the column reached without molestation by the enemy, and the troops in a dispirited frame of mind, as they could not understand the grand strategy exhibited upon this expedition. About this time a number of regiments returned to the department from South Carolina, where they had been sent some months before to re-enforce General Hunter in his operations against the rebel position in and about Fort Sumter and the approaches to Charleston. About the time that these troops returned to the department General Foster bravely succeeded in running the blockade at Little Washington, and suddenly appeared at Newbern. Affairs quickly assumed a different aspect. He immediately organized two expeditions, one to reach the rear of the rebel position that was besieging Little Washington, the other to make a demonstration on Kinston. Company D was attached to the latter column, and with the rest of the troops was transported by train to Batchelder’s Creek, the extreme front line of the department. The company remained here a few days, and with the rest of the regiment and other troops, made threatening demonstrations upon the enemy’s position in front of Kinston. No decisive action was had, but the demonstrations there and at Little Washington had the effect of raising the siege of that place, and the enemy retreated from his threatening positions before the whole line, and quiet reigned again. In the early spring an order was received by the commanding officer of Company D from regimental headquarters to report to General Wessels, then in temporary command of the department, for instruction in some special duty. The officer so ordered immediately reported, and, in the interview with the general, the officer was told that information had been received that the enemy were preparing to erect fortifications at a locality some twelve or fourteen miles below Newbern, on the northerly bank of the Neuse river, and known as Wilkinson’s Point, for the purpose of blockading the river, thus closing this very important line of water communication by which the department received a very large part of its supplies of all kinds. He then gave the following order, “You will take with yourself your first lieutenant, two or three non-commissioned officers and fifty privates; see that they are provided with three days’ cooked rations in their haversacks and forty rounds of ammunition in their cartridge boxes. You will leave camp at five o’clock in the morning, march to the government wharf in the rear of general headquarters and go on board a steamer which you will find awaiting you there. A topographical engineer will be taken on board from the surveying steamer lying in the stream; you will then proceed down the river, being convoyed by one of the gunboats, the commanding officer of which has been given his instructions. Arriving near the point, your steamer will come to anchor, and you will observe closely whether signs of the enemy can be seen from the steamer; if there are indications that the enemy are in force then the gunboat will shell the place vigorously to drive them back from the point, when you will land your command under cover of the fire of the gunboat, and make a thorough inspection of the work that has been done by the enemy, and effectually destroy any fortifications that may have been begun. The engineer will land with you and make such plans and drawings as he may think proper. If upon your arrival at the point no signs of the enemy are apparent, you will land half of your command and endeavor to ascertain whether any unusual number of people, either soldiers or civilians, have visited or made surveys of the point; thoroughly examine the location one or two miles back from the point and upon either side of it, and make report to these headquarters through your regimental commander.” The officer, after receiving these instructions, was dismissed by the general with the significant remark that “this duty may be a pleasant excursion, or it may prove to be a very serious matter. Let us hope that it will turn out to be the former.” The captain immediately returned to the regimental camp and the detachment was fully prepared that night. It was off bright and early the next morning; the point was reached in due time, but no signs of the enemy were seen. A detail of twenty-five men and sergeants, under the command of Lieutenant McFarland, was landed from the steamer and spent several hours seeking for knowledge of the enemy, but none was obtained and the detail was re-embarked and the steamer and detachment returned to Newbern the same day, the detail reaching camp about dusk, much pleased with this pleasant tour of duty. Sometime in the month of May Company D with E and F companies was detailed for a tour of two weeks’ picket duty at Deep Gully, at the extreme front of this department. Nothing of moment occurred during the time occupied in this duty. At the expiration of two weeks the detail returned to camp at Newbern. The term of service was now drawing near its close. Quite naturally the members of the company were impatient to return to the dear friends at home. In due time the order came to break camp and proceed to Boston. All camp and garrison equipage was collected and turned over to an officer detailed from general headquarters to receive it. All articles belonging to the company not otherwise needed was distributed to the comrades of other regiments in the department. Early in June the regiment paraded in heavy marching order and marched out of the camp, where, upon the whole, so many pleasant days had been passed, and lasting friendships had been formed. The regiment marched through the town and gayly gave a marching salute to the brigade commander as it passed his headquarters. The colonel, staff, colors and right wing of the regiment marched to the railroad station in Newbern and was transported to Morehead City, thence took the steamer _S. R. Spaulding_ to Boston. The left wing, to which Company D was attached, proceeded to the wharf in rear of general headquarters and went on board the steamer _Tillie_ and sailed down the river to Hatteras Inlet, remaining inside the bar until the following morning, then proceeded to sea and reached Boston in due time. Escorted by the Forty-fourth Regiment, the Third marched to the Old Colony railway station, saluting the Governor of the Commonwealth when passing the State House. Company D with the rest of the regiment was furloughed for one week with orders to report at Camp Joe Hooker, Lakeville, at that time, there to be mustered out of the United States service. Companies C and D were transported to Fall River, where a very cordial reception awaited them by the city government. Upon the expiration of the furlough the company returned to Camp Joe Hooker, and, on June 26, 1863, was mustered out of service and returned to their several homes; and it is to be believed none regretted the duty which he had been able to perform for the country in its time of need. CORRECTED ROSTER OF COMPANY D. [WRITTEN BY COMRADE VERNON WADE.] [The first figures indicate age at enlistment: the city and town, the place of enlistment.] ANDREW R. WRIGHT, Captain; 30; Fall River. Attended Fall River schools. Learned the trade of a machinist. In 1853 went to California, where he remained four years. On his return to Fall River worked at his trade. A man of staunch character. Organized Company D, which was attached to Third Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, and was with his company during the North Carolina campaign; participated in all the battles of the regiment and was mustered out of the same. Returned to Fall River. Worked four years at his trade in Providence, again returned to Fall River, and was associated with A. G. Thurston in mechanical business. Was City Marshal of Fall River nine years. Was elected high sheriff of Bristol County, which office he held eighteen years. Keeper also of Taunton jail. Died in Fall River, July 3, 1899, leaving a widow and two children. Was a member of Mount Hope Lodge, A. F. & A. M., Richard Borden Post, G. A. R., the Unitarian Society, and Fall River Board of Trade. Highly respected by all, as a citizen, soldier, and business gentleman, he lived beloved, and died lamented by his company and his large circle of friends. THOMAS MCFARLAND, First Lieutenant; 36; Fall River. Born in Scotland, 1826. Came to Fall River and worked in one of the cotton mills. Enlisted in Company D, and was elected first lieutenant in same, served with his company through the nine months’ campaign. Re-enlisted and was promoted captain of Company G, Fifty-eighth Massachusetts Infantry. Killed at battle of Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864, leaving a widow and two children. GEORGE REYNOLDS, JR., Second Lieutenant; 24; Fall River. He was a faithful officer and a true friend to every man in the Company. He is engaged in the wholesale fish business in Fall River and lives in Tiverton, R. I. He is a great admirer of horses and but few can tell all the points of a good blooded horse better than George. SAMUEL B. HINCKLY, First Sergeant; 30; Fall River. He re-enlisted and was promoted captain of Company G, Fifty-eighth Regiment, where he proved himself a brave, discreet officer, who won the confidence of all his men in battle by his cool courage, devotion to his country, and his unlimited patriotism for country and the Old Flag. Soon after the war he went to Riverside, California, where he now has an orange grove of ten acres. Samuel always has on hand a treat for all who visit him, and an extra box of the best fruit for any member of the old Third. ALMANZA S. ELSBREE, Sergeant; 28; Fall River. For many years after the war he had charge of a stationary engine. He died Dec. 26, 1893, respected by a large circle of friends, leaving a widow and two children. FRANK MCGRAW, Sergeant; 30; Fall River. He was born in Ireland and came to America a strong, vigorous youth. He enlisted in Company D, Sept. 23, 1862; served in the nine months’ campaign, and was mustered out with the regiment. He re-enlisted in 1864 and was detailed in the signal corps with Sherman, marching with him to the sea. After the war for many years he was in business in Fall River, where he was highly respected. He was appointed inspector of the Fall River police force. He died in Fall River, May 26, 1892, leaving three children. By request Rev. J. G. Gammons conducted the funeral service. Gen. O. O. Howard was present and made complimentary remarks on the soldierly character of Comrade McGraw. A large concourse of people were present including Richard Borden Post, G. A. R., of which he was an honored and an active member. He was buried with military honors in the beautiful Oak Grove Cemetery, Fall River. JAMES HOLT, Sergeant; 24; Fall River. He was taken sick with typhoid fever in Newbern and carried to the hospital, from which he was discharged and returned to the company. He died April 30, 1869. A widow and two sons survive him. THOMAS AUSTIN; age, 26; Fall River. Unknown. ASHIEL M. BORDEN, Corporal; 24; Fall River. He was a good, true soldier, served his time of enlistment, and was discharged with the regiment. He died Aug. 9, 1871, leaving a widow and four children. The widow was burned to death several years ago; two children are now living. CORNELIUS KELLEY, JR., Corporal; 31; Fall River. Died several years ago. PHILIP CHASE, Corporal; 28; Fall River. He was a member of the Seventh Massachusetts Regiment Militia, June 15, 1861. He enlisted in the Third Regiment Sept. 23, 1862. He enlisted in the Thirteenth Regiment, Company K, Sept. 1, 1864. He was mustered out Nov. 23. 1865. He is now a hotel clerk. CHARLES E. SLADE, Corporal; 26; Fall River. He was taken sick and sent to the Stanley Hospital, Newbern, soon after he arrived there. When sufficiently recovered he was detailed as nurse. He returned home with the regiment and mustered out with the same. After the war he went into business. He was elected superintendent of Grant Mill in Fall River, a position which he filled to the satisfaction of the corporation. He died Feb. 8, 1895. He left a son who resides in Providence, R. I., and a daughter who is the wife of George W. Bliss, a grocer in Fall River. WILLIAM H. WRIGHT, Corporal; 26; Westport. He re-enlisted in Company G, Fifty-eighth Massachusetts Volunteers. He wore a medal which had been presented to him by Queen Victoria. He was a prisoner of war and was confined in Salisbury Prison, North Carolina, Jan. 23, 1865. WILLIAM H. MONROE, Corporal; 22; Fall River. He was also lieutenant in the Sixtieth Massachusetts Volunteer Regiment. On returning home he engaged in the painting, decorating, and paper hanging business. He resides in San Pedro, California, and has one son living in Trinidad, Colorado. SIERRA L. BRALEY, Corporal; 19; Fall River. He re-enlisted Dec. 11, 1863, as sergeant, Battery L, Heavy Artillery. He was promoted to second lieutenant, April 16, 1865. He was lieutenant United States Colored Troops, June 3, 1865. He was first lieutenant of Company D, State Militia in 1866, and captain in 1868. He was quartermaster of the Third Battery, Sept. 1, 1876. He was captain of Company M, Dec. 17, 1878, and resigned Jan. 1, 1879. He was bookkeeper for George E. Hoar until his death, which occurred Feb. 27, 1901, in Fall River. A widow and one daughter survive him, living in Fall River. CHARLES P. TRIPP, Corporal; 21; Westport. He is by trade a carpenter. He served during the nine months’ campaign. He was badly injured while tearing up the railroad track at the battle of Goldsboro. He came home and was mustered out with the regiment. He was a contractor and builder for many years in Fall River. He served five terms as councilman in the City Government. He was a member of several mystic orders, G. A. R., and Red Men. He died April 29, 1895. EDWIN J. DYER, Musician; 18; Fall River. He re-enlisted twice and was for a time in the commissary department. After muster out he went into the machinery business. He was a clothier, a mercantile agent, and is now president of a life insurance company. He is a member of Post No. 2, G. A. R., Boston. He resides in Dorchester, Mass. CHARLES C. BORDEN, Musician; 17; Fall River. Unknown. VALENTINE PERRY, Wagoner; 39; Fall River. Died Jan. 19, 1901. _Privates._ ASH, THOMAS; 20; Fall River. Unknown. BAKER, JEREMIAH D.; 40; Fall River. At the time of enlistment he was a nailer. He re-enlisted in Company G, Corporal, Fifty-eighth Regiment, March 26th and was mustered out July 14, 1865. He went into the quarry business. He died leaving a widow, now eighty-five years old, and three children. BRIGHTMAN, WILLIAM B.; 21; Fall River. A fisherman in Alaskan waters. BRIGHTMAN, JAMES; 20; Fall River. Re-enlisted in Company I, Second Regiment Heavy Artillery as Corporal, Sept. 3, 1865. BROWN, SAMUEL; 22; Westport. He re-enlisted in Company G, Fifty-eighth Massachusetts. He died of wounds May 12, 1864. BORDEN, ISAAC S.; 23; Westport. He re-enlisted in Fifty-eighth Regiment, March 12, 1864. He was wounded in battle and discharged July 14, 1865. He is a grocer. BRADBURY, ROBERT; 37; Westport. Discharged May 12, 1863. Dead. COOGAN, JAMES; 40; Fall River. Dead. CLARKSON, THOMAS; 27; Fall River. Wounded in the battle of Goldsboro. Died Jan. 6, 1897. CANNADY, WILLIAM J.; 18; Fall River; Moulder. Resides in Fall River. CURREN, JAMES; 19; Westport. Dead. CASEY, MICHAEL; 23; Westport. Re-enlisted in Company F, Fifty-eighth Massachusetts Regiment. Mustered out July 16, 1865. CORDINGLY, THOMAS R.; 36; Westport. Dead. CUTLER, ISRAEL; 26; Westport. Unknown. DAVIS, JOHN P.; 44; Fall River. Known as company’s poet. Dead. DACY, TIMOTHY; 40; Fall River. Dead. DEMARANVILLE, STEPHEN E.; 21; Westport. Supposed to be living in New Bedford. DONOVAN, EDWARD M.; 25; Fall River. He re-enlisted in Company G, Fifty-eighth Regiment. He was wounded and taken prisoner Sept. 31, 1864. He died in Petersburg. DAVAL, HENRY S.; 23; Westport. Dead. DWYER, WILLIAM; 27; Westport. He re-enlisted in Company G, Fifty-ninth Massachusetts Volunteers. He was wounded June 18, 1864. Dead. DOLAN, ANDREW; 36; Westport. Dead. DILLON, JOHN; 22; Westport. Deserted Sept. 25, 1862. DYER, STEPHEN K.; 18; Westport. Died in Newbern, June 6, 1863. EARL, ANDREW R.; 23; Westport. Known as the “large man” (265 pounds), had his suits made to order--“the baby of Company D.” A brave and fearless soldier, who was faithful to every duty and was never scared. Resides at Soldiers Home, Santa Monica, Cal. Fell down an elevator well and broke his legs while at work in San Francisco. FOLGER, DAVID J.; 23; Fall River. He re-enlisted in Company M, Second Massachusetts Cavalry. He was a prisoner in Libby and Andersonville nine months with twenty of his comrades who were taken at the same time, and was the only one to survive the hardships of prison life. He was a carriage manufacturer and continued in that business until his death, June 4, 1901. A widow and one daughter living in Amesbury, Mass., survive him. FRANCIS, WILLIAM; 19; Fall River. Died in Fall River. FRAWLEY, PATRICK; 32; Fall River. Unknown. FREELOVE, RICHMOND D.; 24; Fall River. Died in Fall River. FAY, EDWARD; 23; Westport. Farmer, grocer, business man; lives with his son in Bolton, Mass. FLAHERTY, JOHN; 33; Fall River. Died in Fall River, Dec. 15, 1893. GRUSH, FREDERICK A.; 22; Fall River. He re-enlisted as First Sergeant in Company G, Fifty-eighth Massachusetts Infantry. He was taken prisoner at the battle of Crater July 30th, and died at Annapolis, Md., October, 1864. HACKLEY, JOHN; 40; Westport. Died in 1863. HAYSTON, THOMAS; 31; Fall River. Dead. HANSON, GEORGE; 18; Fall River. Re-enlisted July 21, 1864, in Sixtieth Unattached Company, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia. Oil merchant. HARRINGTON, TIMOTHY; 23; Westport. Dead. HARRINGTON, DANIEL; 19; Westport. Lives in Fall River. HARRINGTON, JOHN; 18; Westport. Dead. HOOLHEN, MICHAEL; 21; Westport. Unknown. JORDEN, JAMES; 18; Fall River. Discharged June 10, 1863. Transferred; did not return with the regiment. KIDD, THOMAS; 40; Fall River. Resides in Fall River. Clerk. KAYLOR, WILLIAM; 24; Westport. Known as “Lawyer Kaylor;” very active in learning and expounding army regulations, services to be rendered and rations due each man. Died Feb. 8, 1898. LEADWITH, JAMES; 20; Fall River. He re-enlisted in Company H, Seventeenth Massachusetts Regiment. He was discharged at the end of the war. He is a painter and lives in Fall River. LEVALLY, BENJAMIN W.; 18; Fall River. He re-enlisted in Captain Hurlburt’s company of cavalry. He died in Fall River, Aug. 17, 1900. LEARY, JAMES; 18; Fall River. He re-enlisted in Company G, Fifty-eighth Massachusetts Infantry. He was wounded May 12th and taken prisoner Sept. 30, 1864. He was killed on railroad crossing at Fall River, Mass. MANCHESTER, GILBERT; 19; Westport. Unknown. MURPHY, JEREMIAH E.; 21; Fall River. Unknown. MILLER, GEORGE; 34; Westport. Supposed to be dead. MARSHALL, JOHN; 24; Westport. Unknown. MURPHY, TIMOTHY; 32; Fall River. Dead. MORTON, CHARLES H.; 21; Fall River. Commissioned second lieutenant, October, 1863; assigned to duty as adjutant of recruiting, and was on duty at Readville, Mass. Mustered first lieutenant of Company G, Fifty-eighth Regiment and was with the regiment through the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor, and in the march across the James; in engagements June 16th, 17th, 18th, in front of Petersburg and the Battles of the Mine, July 30th; taken prisoner September 30th at Poplar Grove fight. In prison at Libby and Danielsonville, Va., and Salisbury, N. C. Exchanged Feb. 22, 1865. Went to oil fields, Pennsylvania. Proprietor of a store in New Bedford; in the real estate business in Boston; deputy state constabulary from 1866 to 1870. On account of poor health retired from all business until 1873, when he was appointed postmaster of Fair Haven, which position he held fourteen years. Director of National Bank of Fair Haven, and its president from 1881 until July 1, 1904. Treasurer of Fair Haven Institution for Savings since 1886. Chairman of School Board. MOWRY, WILLIAM I.; 18; Fall River. Re-enlisted in Fourth Cavalry, Aug. 20, 1863. Discharged at Richmond, Va., Nov. 14, 1865. Boss carpenter at Tecumseh Mills. Lives in Fall River. MILLERICK, JOHN; 25; Fall River. Re-enlisted in Company F, Fifty-eighth Regiment, and was in all the battles of the regiment; wounded in battle; captured and had his arm amputated in a Rebel prison; paroled Aug. 10, 1864, and mustered out July 13, 1865. Night watchman for several years. Died Mar. 31, 1878, leaving a widow and seven children. MELLOR, CHARLES H.; 18; Fall River. Unknown. MCKENNY, FELIX. JR.; 21; Fall River. He was wounded at Blount’s Creek by the falling of the limb of a tree, which was cut off by a Rebel shell. A barber in Fall River. MCDERMOTT, THOMAS; 28; Fall River. Re-enlisted March 12, 1864. Died of wounds July 5, 1864. MCPHEE, THOMAS; 40; Fall River. Dead. MCDONALD, DANIEL; 28; Fall River. Unknown. MCNAUGHTON, CHARLES; 38; Westport. Died Feb. 11, 1894. MCGUINNESS, EDWARD; 37; Fall River. Died Jan. 3, 1900. A widow and several children survive him. MCGOWAN, JOHN; 30; Westport. Unknown. OGDEN, HENRY; 25; Fall River. Died in 1893. PAGE, HATHAWAY B.; 20; Fall River. Re-enlisted in Sixtieth Infantry. Dead. POOL, JOHN; 44; Fall River. Dead. PETERS, JOHN; 29; Fall River. Re-enlisted March 12, 1864, in Company F, Fifty-eighth Regiment. Died in Salisbury prison, North Carolina, Jan. 15, 1865. PLATT, CHARLES; 19; Fall River. Unknown. PETTY, HIRAM S.; 30; Westport. Re-enlisted in Second Heavy Artillery, Company I. Mustered out Sept. 3, 1865, at the expiration of his term of service. Dead. PICKLES, JAMES; 26; Westport. Unknown. RYAN, JEREMIAH; 44; Westport. Believed to be dead. ROBOTHAM, JAMES; 18; Westport. Dead. SHEHAN, DANIEL; 25; Fall River. Dead. SHERMAN, WILLIAM H.; 25; Fall River. Lives at the Soldiers Home, Togus, Maine, and has charge of the steam in connection with the Home. SHAY, MICHAEL W.; 19; Fall River. Dead. SARGENT, JOHN; 23; Fall River. Dead. SANFORD, SYLVESTER; 22; Fall River. Re-enlisted in Company G, Fifty-eighth Regiment. Works at carpentering and stone work in South Westport, Mass., where he resides. SOULE, ROBERT F.; 18; Westport. Lives in Bakerville, Dartmouth. Farmer. SHAW, CHARLES; 42; Westport. Dead. SMITH, ROBERT; 35; Westport. Supposed to be dead. TRIPP, ALLEN H.; 25; Westport. Died in Providence, R. I. WISE, WHITLOCK; 27; Westport. Unknown. WADE, VERNON; 28; Fall River. Re-enlisted, sergeant in Sixtieth Massachusetts Regiment. A faithful soldier, a true patriot, a successful business man, trusted and respected by all. Resides in Fall River, where he carries on a grocery business. WOODCOCK, JONAS; 36; Fall River. Dead. CHAPTER VIII. COMPANY E, THIRD REGIMENT, MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEER MILITIA. [BY FREDERICK F. MAXFIELD.] This company was made up of New Bedford men with three exceptions, Capt. John A. Hawes, of Fairhaven; Daniel H. Tripp, of Westport; and Albert M. Allen, of Westport. For the greater part the company was composed of young men and men in the prime of life. It is well for us to remember that New Bedford has an unique history, among the military companies of the State. First, the New Bedford Guards were organized in 1842. They were disbanded, and out of that organization came many who served as officers during the War of the Rebellion. At the present time there are two of the New Bedford Guards living; viz., James E. Blake, druggist, corner of Second and Middle Streets, New Bedford; William Balis, grain dealer, foot of Middle Street. In 1853 the City Guards were organized and drilled. This company, known in history as Company L and City Guards continued in commission, answered to the call of President Lincoln, and served three months in the Third Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Militia. On its return to New Bedford all its commissioned officers resigned, and William E. Mason, sergeant of the company, was in command. When the call was made for three hundred thousand men, Sergeant Mason recruited the company to its maximum number, but, being a modest man, and knowing that John A. Hawes was an adept in military matters, he asked Mr. Hawes to be captain of the company, which being agreed to by all, Sergeant Mason was made first lieutenant, and James L. Sharp second lieutenant. [Illustration: CAPT. JOHN A. HAWES.] Captain Hawes was a man eminently fitted for the commander of the company. Born in a home of wealth, educated in the schools of his own town, and in Harvard Law College, and having practiced law, he was well prepared to deal with all the difficult questions of military and army life; yet notwithstanding his wealth, he never asked his company to go where he would not lead, nor to suffer hardships which he would not share with them. He went to war not for pay, but for the honor of the old flag, which he loved more than wealth, more than ease, more than honors. That his services were appreciated by his superior officers will be seen by the following: “HEADQUARTERS SECOND BRIGADE, FIFTH DIVISION, EIGHTEENTH ARMY CORPS, NEWBERN, N. C., May 6, 1863. CAPTAIN JOHN A. HAWES: It is with much pleasure and I may say pride, inasmuch as your splendid company is part of my brigade, that I congratulate you on the remarkable good condition of your company, both in reference to drill, discipline, and soldierly bearing. To command such a fine company must certainly be an honor of which you may well feel proud. I have the honor to be, Captain, Very respectfully your obedient servant, J. JOURDAN, COLONEL, _Commanding Brigade_.” Captain Hawes looked after the rights and well being of his men, in camp and on the march. He never allowed one of his company to do a dare-devil act just for the notoriety of the thing, neither did he allow any one to shirk his duty. Each man must do his duty, and each man must be given his rights in rations, in recreations, and in social enjoyments. On the march he took always the left side of his company, and, if for any good reason, one of his boys became unable to continue the march from sickness, he always found a place for him in an ambulance, instead of leaving him by the roadside to care for himself. He has been heard to say, “Mrs. ---- intrusted her boy to me, and I must so care for him, that should we live to go home, when I meet her I can look her in the face with the consciousness that I did my duty.” Such was Captain Hawes as an officer of the army. On returning home he took up his citizen life quietly, and enjoyed the comfort of his luxurious home. For several years he was president of the Bristol County Agricultural Society at Myricks, where his good judgment and kindly acts will long be remembered. A little incident explains his character. One morning a representative from the church in Myricks went to him and suggested that a rope be put across one of the driveways on the Agricultural Society grounds, as some of the people of Myricks were nearly run over by the careless driving on the previous day. Turning to one of his officials, he said, “Mr. ---- says a rope should be put across the road to prevent people from being run over.” “If he wants a rope across the road, let him put it there,” said the official. Turning to the official he said, “This is my friend, you see that a rope is put across the road,” and the proud official had to obey orders. For years he was commodore of the New Bedford Yacht Fleet, where by his gentlemanly courtesies to his superiors, inferiors, and equals, he endeared himself to all. After a well-rounded out life, with his loved ones around him, he quietly passed from works to reward, lamented by a large circle of friends, who to this day regard him as a model man, a good officer, and a true friend to all with whom he had to do. The same that is said of Captain Hawes can be said of First Lieutenant Mason, who will be remembered by every man in the company and regiment, also, as a man of high moral character, and a true officer. Modest, yet firm in discipline; gentle, yet insisting that every man must do his duty; bold, when duty called; careful, when care became the better part of valor, he would not allow himself, nor the men under his command, to imperil life just for the name of being called bold; but when duty called no braver man could be found and no one who could be trusted better with an important duty. True to himself, he was true to his men. On the march Lieutenant Mason was always at the head of the company. He never ordered his men to go where he would not lead. He served his company and his country as a man who believed that shoulder straps are honorable only when honored by the wearer. His slogan was that every man has rights, which must be respected by all regardless of rank or position, and he should be protected in those rights. After serving his nine months in the Third Regiment and being mustered out, he recruited Company G, Fifty-eighth Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, being second lieutenant Sept. 18, 1863, and captain in the same company Jan. 22, 1864. Here the same good traits as an officer continued. At the battle of Cold Harbor he was severely wounded, and again at the battle of Crater the same year, and for his bravery in these and other battles he was invested major. He was mustered out in 1865, returned home, and was made inspector in the Custom House, Boston, where he remained until failing health compelled him to resign. In his home in New Bedford, in the calm and serene beauty of a life of seventy-eight years well and conscientiously spent, he died May 27, 1905, beloved and honored. Second Lieut. James L. Sharp was a good officer, who readily responded to every duty. Before the war he carried on the business of a tinsmith in New Bedford and was very successful; after the war he went to New York and continued in the same business. He is known as the patentee of the celebrated Gas Burner Stove. He died several years ago. HISTORY OF COMPANY L, THIRD REGIMENT, MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEER MILITIA, AFTERWARDS COMPANY E. [BY MAJOR CUSHMAN.] Company L was generally known as the “New Bedford City Guards.” The first meeting for its organization was held July 22, 1852, and, on the 31st of August following, George A. Bourne was commissioned its captain. He had previously been commissioned captain of Company K, in the Third Light Infantry, Second Brigade, First Division, which existed in New Bedford and was known as the “City Guards.” Captain Bourne resigned Jan. 19, 1847, and the company was disbanded Aug. 8, 1849. Captain Bourne commanded the “New Bedford City Guards” till 1854, when he resigned, and was succeeded by Captain Timothy Ingraham, who was in command at the time of the receipt of Special Order, No. 14, dated April 15, 1861, which ordered the company to report immediately in Boston. The New Bedford City Guards under Captain Ingraham soon became noted for proficiency in drill. His son was a cadet at West Point and the company not only adopted the complete uniform of the cadets, but excelled in the new tactics afterwards promulgated by the War Department as _Hardee’s Tactics_, which formed a part of the instruction at West Point. As a part of their fatigue dress the Guards wore a unique scarlet jacket, from which they were jocularly termed when in exercise drills, the lobster backs. Besides their complement of company officers they had an independent staff and a full band. They drilled as a battalion as well as a company. They acquired many of the improvements which characterized the noted Ellsworth Zouaves, and prided themselves upon excellence in skirmishing drills, the “silent manual” bayonet exercise, and guard duty. When Governor Andrew issued his preparatory order of Jan. 16, 1861, almost the entire company volunteered to respond to any call for duty without the borders of the state, so that when Special Order, No. 14, was promulgated late that Monday evening, April 15th, they flocked to their armory as the news spread, to learn of the arrangements for their departure. There was little sleep that night in the homes of the Guards. What might be their ultimate destination none could decide. An ominous darkness shrouded the immediate future into which they were being ushered, trusting in Providence and confident in their acquired military knowledge. The few short hours before their departure were devoted to hasty arrangements to provide for their families and business while absent. Early the next morning they responded to the call and at eight o’clock left the armory. Meanwhile the citizens had organized a fitting public demonstration of patriotic feeling to bid them God-speed, so they were not permitted to leave until the city’s great heart found expression by a popular clergyman’s craving Divine protection for its gallant youth, and Ex-Governor John Henry Clifford had eloquently bade a final farewell with thrilling assurances of civic pride and neighborly love, pledging the united support of the entire community. Then to the inspiring music of its own band the company marched to Fairhaven ferry, accompanied by such an enthusiastic crowd as never before had been seen in the city. Owing to the extraordinary duties imposed upon the railroads which interfered somewhat with the regular schedules, the company did not reach Boston until noon. It was quartered temporarily near the Old Colony depot, and that night through the courtesy of the New England Guards, slept in their quarters over the Boylston Market. Lieutenant Porter then returned to New Bedford. The next day (Wednesday, the 17th) Lieutenant Barton joined the company in Boston. In the afternoon Company L marched to the State House, received its colors, and was addressed by Governor John A. Andrew, and then amid the most enthusiastic demonstrations of the excited populace, proceeded to Long Wharf, where it embarked on the steamship _S. R. Spaulding_, which dropped down the harbor awaiting supplies. While at anchor down the bay on the 18th of April, a boat came alongside and a young man climbed over the side, who stated that he wanted to enlist. He was recognized instantly by Lieutenant Cushman as Edward L. Pierce, a former college mate, and was at once enrolled in Company L. At Fortress Monroe, as soon as “contrabands” came flocking around the fort for protection, he was assigned to the congenial duty of caring for their welfare, and proved a most useful acquisition. At the end of his duty at Fortress Monroe he was appointed to perform similar service at Port Royal, South Carolina, and during the war aided materially in developing the former slaves of the South into defenders of the Union and useful citizens. On arrival at Fortress Monroe Company L efficiently performed every duty to which it was assigned, although its costly uniforms were quickly ruined by the mounting of heavy guns, and the handling of immense quantities of quartermaster’s supplies, besides the ordinary routine of military duty. From the company many were detailed for duty at post headquarters, scouting, and unusual guard duty. Captain Ingraham, who had been compelled by sickness to return on the tug-boat, April 18th, and Lieutenant Porter, accompanied by several recruits reached Fortress Monroe on May 5th, the former resumed command, but Lieutenant Porter (the fourth lieutenant), being supernumerary under the army regulations, was with the recruits mustered into Company K. July 22d the regiment was mustered out of the service of the United States. On the return of the company to New Bedford at the end of its tour of service, it received a popular ovation, and was heartily welcomed home. Many of its members served subsequently as officers in regiments which were formed during the war. The state finally reimbursed the Guards for their ruined uniforms. CORRECTED ROSTER OF COMPANY E TO MARCH 31, 1905. [The first figures indicate age at enlistment: the city and town, the place of enlistment.] JOHN A. HAWES, Captain; 29; Fairhaven. Dead. WILLIAM E. MASON, First Lieutenant; 35; New Bedford. Resides at 118 Acushnet Ave., New Bedford. Died May 24, 1905. JAMES L. SHARP, Second Lieutenant; 33; New Bedford. Dead. DAVID A. BUTLER, First Sergeant; 25; New Bedford. Carpenter for many years. Chief of New Bedford police force. Elected colonel First Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, 1888; resigned. Died in New Bedford, Feb. 6, 1906. Widow and adopted child living. CHARLES H. TOBEY, Sergeant; 23; New Bedford. Captain in Fifty-eighth Regiment. Superintendent of Star Mills, Middleboro, for many years. Shipper in Leonard’s Shoe Factory. Resides in Middleboro. JAMES C. HITCH, Sergeant; 25; New Bedford. Dead. ISAAC H. JENNINGS, Sergeant; 27; New Bedford. Commissioned captain after nine months’ service. Dead. JOSEPH E. NYE, Sergeant; 24; New Bedford. Promoted to sergeant-major. May 29, 1863. Dead. JOHN H. M. BABCOCK, Corporal; 30; New Bedford. Dead. FRANCIS HERLEY, Corporal; 33; New Bedford. Dead. GEORGE R. PADDOCK, Corporal; 27; New Bedford. Dead. ALEXANDER M. BROWNELL, Corporal; 20; New Bedford. Detective in Richmond, Va. FRANK H. KEMPTON, Corporal; 19; New Bedford. Captain in Fifty-eighth Regiment. Clerk in Providence. Resides in Providence, R. I. HENRY H. POTTER, Corporal; 21; New Bedford. Captain of New Bedford City Guards. Dead. FRANKLIN K. S. NYE, Corporal; 23; New Bedford. Residence, Soldiers Home, Hampton, Va. SYLVESTER C. SPOONER, Corporal; 23; New Bedford. In the clothing business, Millbury, Mass. STEPHEN P. SAWYER, Musician; 34; New Bedford. In the fine ware business in New Bedford. CHARLES G. ALLEN, Musician; 14; New Bedford. Motorman on electric cars in New Bedford. HENRY C. BAKER, Wagoner; 25; New Bedford. Baker. Resides in Fall River. _Privates._ ALLEN, THOMAS L.; 23; New Bedford. Steward. Astor House, New York. ALLEN, ALBERT M.; 20; Westport. Dead. ANGELL, WILLIAM H.; 19; New Bedford. Dead. BLY, WILLIAM L.; 21; New Bedford. Retired merchant. Returned to New Bedford at the close of the war. Resides in Medford. BRIGGS, CHARLES H.; 19; New Bedford. Clerk in a furniture store. BRAYTON, CHARLES F.; 20; New Bedford. Invalid, lives in New Bedford. BROWN, JACOB; 36; New Bedford. Dead. BARKER, WILLIAM T.; 25; New Bedford. Dead. BULLARD, AMASA; 45; New Bedford. Dead. BRIGGS, LEONARD; 33; New Bedford. Dead. COGGSHALL, GEORGE; 19; New Bedford. Clerk. Lives in New York. CRAPO, PHILIP M.; 19; New Bedford. Sailor. Died in Iowa. CHRISTIAN, STEPHEN E.; 19; New Bedford. Killed in battle June 18, 1864, while in action in the Fifty-eighth Regiment. CHADWICK, ISAAC; 47; New Bedford. Retired whaling master. Dead. COVELL, BENJAMIN B., JR.; 24; New Bedford. Dead. CUSHMAN, FREDERICK E.; 19; New Bedford. Served in the Fifty-eighth Regiment. Attorney-at-law. Resides in Austin, Texas. CHAPMAN, EDWARD T.; 19; New Bedford. Served in the Fifty-eighth Regiment and lost his arm June 2, 1864, while on skirmish duty. Dead. CRANE, CHARLES F.; 18; New Bedford. Died in Newbern, North Carolina, Jan. 29, 1863. Was complimented by General Foster during inspection for soldierly bearing and neatness. DEXTER, LUKE; 30; New Bedford. Dead. DAVIS, GEORGE H.; 20; New Bedford. Dead. DEDRICK, CHARLES M.; 29; New Bedford. Lives in New Bedford. DEXTER, THOMAS D.; 22; New Bedford. Carriage painter in Mattapoisett. FORBES, CHARLES H.; 20; New Bedford. Dead. FOLGER, REUBEN C.; 21; New Bedford; Mason. Lives in New Bedford. GRINNELL, ENOCH N.; 22; Policeman in Lowell, Mass. GIFFORD, THOMAS J.; 22; New Bedford; Plumber. Lives in New Bedford. Re-enlisted in ninety days’ service. HOWE, WILLIAM W.; 22; New Bedford. Dead. HITCH, ALFRED G.; 22; New Bedford. Dead. HAFFORDS, JOSEPH T.; 21; New Bedford. Dead. HATHAWAY, SAVORY C.; 25; New Bedford. Dead. HATHAWAY, JAMES S.; 30; New Bedford. Carriage manufacturer in New Bedford. HARGRAVES, JOHN; 36; New Bedford. Dead. HANOVER, WALTER; 28; New Bedford. Dead. HILLER, ALFRED; 19; New Bedford. Lawyer. Lives in Nebraska. HUSSEY, THOMAS; 19; New Bedford. Workman in a shoe factory in New Bedford, Mass. HOWARD, ABNER L.; 23; New Bedford. Dead. HATCH, WILLIAM W.; 23; New Bedford. Served in the Fifty-eighth Regiment. Dead. HANDY, GEORGE F.; 19; New Bedford. Resides in Rutland, Mass. HALL, GILBERT N.; 22; New Bedford. Retired merchant. Lives in New Bedford. HOWLAND, NICHOLAS E.; 19; New Bedford. Re-enlisted in Company C, Fifty-eighth Regiment; wounded and discharged. Expressman in New Bedford. HOWLAND, CHARLES H.; 25; New Bedford. Lives near Boston. HUDSON, JACK; 22; New Bedford. Blacksmith in Chicago. JENKINS, GEORGE W.; 21; New Bedford. Re-enlisted as sergeant in the Fifty-eighth Regiment and wounded in battle June 16, 1864. Lives in Malden, Mass. JACKSON, WILLIAM M.; 32; New Bedford. Deserted Oct. 20, 1862, immediately after bounty was received. KELLEY, JOSEPH H. A.; 23; New Bedford. Dead. LEACH, WILLIAM H. H.; 23; New Bedford. Drummer. Lives in New Bedford. LAWRENCE, WILLIAM; 43; New Bedford. Dead. LOVEJOY, AMOS F.; 43; New Bedford. Discharged for disability April 24, 1863. Carpenter. Lives in New Bedford (Wamsutta Mills). MANN, WILLIAM M.; 25; New Bedford. Dead. MANN, JOHN E.; 19; New Bedford. Works in a shoe factory, Brockton, Mass. MUNROE, JOSEPH V. G.; 31; New Bedford. Dead. MENDALL, CHARLES W.; 22; New Bedford. Dead. MAXFIELD, FREDERICK F.; 22; Clerk. Lives in New Bedford. MANCHESTER, JOHN B.; 28; New Bedford. Keeper of the police station, New Bedford. MOSHER, JOHN M.; 23; New Bedford. Lives in Natick, Mass. NEGUS, CHARLES H.; 28; New Bedford. Re-enlisted in Company E, Fifty-eighth Regiment. Dead. PAISER, JACOB; 23; New Bedford. Dead. POTTER, SIMEON W.; 23; New Bedford. Dead. PURRINGTON, PHILIP B.; 23; New Bedford. Dead. PIERCE, JOHN W.; 20; New Bedford. Discharged for disability, March 12, 1863. RIGBY, SAMUEL; 19; New Bedford. Dead. ROBBINS, THOMAS C.; 21; New Bedford. Letter carrier, New Bedford. RICE, ADONIRAM J.; 28; New Bedford. Blacksmith in New Bedford. REYNOLDS, WILLIAM F.; New Bedford. Workman. Lives in Bourne, Mass. RICHARDS, WILLIAM D.; 23; New Bedford. Keeps a livery stable in New Bedford. SOULE, RUFUS A.; 24; New Bedford. Member of the legislature. Speaker of the Senate. Senior partner of the firm of Hathaway, Soule & Harrington, shoe manufacturers in New Bedford and Middleboro. A man of staunch character and influence in New Bedford, where he resides. SPOONER, SAMUEL H.; 23; New Bedford. Dead. SIMMONS, CHARLES H.; 22; New Bedford. Bookkeeper in Express Office, New Bedford. SADDLER, WILLIAM G.; 28; New Bedford. Invalid, lives in New Bedford. SWIFT, LEANDER; 24; New Bedford. Dead. TABOR, LYMAN G.; 19; New Bedford. Dead. TOPHAMS, PHILIP M.; 24; New Bedford. Unknown. TRIPP, THOMAS G. C.; 30; New Bedford. Dead. TRIPP, DANIEL H.; 30; Westport. Blacksmith. Dead. TRIPP, EDWIN C.; 22; New Bedford. Dead. TUCKERMAN, ROBERT, JR.; 31; New Bedford. Discharged for disability, Oct. 28, 1862. Dead. WILKINSON, WILLIAM; 32; New Bedford. Lives in Alabama. WILCOX, HENRY P.; 22; New Bedford. Lives in Indianapolis, Ind. WASHBURN, WILLIAM H.; 19; New Bedford. Died in New Bedford, Feb. 14, 1906. WOOD, THOMAS F.; 19; New Bedford. Member of the firm of Wood, Brightman & Co., New Bedford. WATSON, SAMUEL J.; 19; New Bedford. Re-enlisted as second lieutenant in the Fifty-eighth Regiment and taken prisoner in the Battle of the Crater, July 30, 1864. Died on parole in New Bedford. CHAPTER IX. COMPANY F, THIRD REGIMENT, MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEER MILITIA. [WRITTEN BY F. P. VINCENT, EDGARTOWN.] This company, which was recruited in New Bedford, was composed of men from New Bedford, Dartmouth, Edgartown, Westport, and Acushnet. Several of the men from New Bedford were sailors, and after returning from their nine months’ service either enlisted in the navy or went to sea. Several such never returned again to America; they were what are known as “roving characters.” We would say, however, that many of this company re-enlisted and served until the end of the war. [Illustration: CAPT. GEORGE R. HURLBURT.] Captain Hurlburt and his lieutenants recruited the company, and were elected as its commissioned officers. No one ever had cause to regret the choice made. They were bold, true officers, and the non-commissioned officers also were as true and faithful as any company could wish. Captain Hurlburt, whether seen on horse or on foot, was an officer of which no company need be ashamed. He was of good build, and quick to learn the evolutions of the company, whether on company, battalion, or brigade drill. His men believed in him, and I think would have followed him anywhere he might lead. In evidence of his standing as a military officer, I have only to refer to an order from his brigade commander, just before leaving for home. HEADQUARTERS JOURDAN’S BRIGADE, EIGHTEENTH ARMY CORPS, NEWBERN, N. C., June 10, 1863. CAPTAIN: Inasmuch as the term of enlistment of the Third Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia is about to expire, I cannot permit you to go to your home and its endearment without some slight recognition of your valuable services as a commanding officer, and it is with pleasure that I call the attention of your friends at home and abroad to your splendid company, for there is the proof of your ability as an officer. With kind regards for your future happiness, believe me to be, Respectfully, your obedient servant, J. JOURDAN, _Colonel Commanding Brigade_. Before the war Captain Hurlburt pursued the business of a ship carpenter in New Bedford, was for some time deputy sheriff of Bristol County, in which latter position he remained four years. After being mustered out he raised a company of cavalry and was captain of the same. After the war he was manager of a hotel in Hartford for seventeen years. Failing health caused him to seek the quiet of a home at the Vineyard, where he died in 1900, at the age of eighty-two years. First Lieut. William H. Allen was in the harness making business for years, and later was known in New Bedford as the popular “piano tuner and repairer.” He died in New Bedford in 1892, and was buried with military honors. Second Lieut. Jonathan W. Davis was detailed for signal corps service during his nine months’ campaign. He returned with his company and for many years was bookkeeper at the Parker House, New Bedford. He died in New Bedford, in 1898, and was buried in the family cemetery. [Illustration: SERGT. PATRICK CANNAVAN.] But few, if any company in the Third Regiment, could boast of so proficient an orderly sergeant as Sergeant Cannavan, of Company F. From 1855 to 1860 he was in her Majesty Queen Victoria’s army; he saw much hard fighting in the Crimean War and was honored with two medals for his bravery at that time. After his return from his nine months’ service for Uncle Sam, like a true soldier he engaged in such business as he could command. He recruited for the army and drilled both men and officers. At one time it looked as though he would receive a commission in the heavy artillery with Captain James L. Wilber, with whom he had spent several weeks of recruiting, but Captain Wilber was ordered to consolidate his company with a portion of a company near Boston. Sergeant Cannavan was offered the sergeancy in the company but declined. Being determined to see more active service, he went with his former captain, George R. Hurlburt in Company B, Fourth Massachusetts Cavalry. This time he enlisted as a private, all the sergeants’ places being filled. Soon he was made sergeant and sent with a company to Hilton Head, Florida, where he was ordered to drill officers, both commissioned and non-commissioned. On the morning following Sergeant Cannavan’s promotion, First Sergeant Ashley went to the hospital, and, as he never returned to the company, Sergeant Cannavan performed the duties of that officer. Sergeant Cannavan distinguished himself during an engagement at Gainesville, Florida, on the 17th of August, 1864. In the absence of his superior officer he led his company in a desperate sabre charge, thus saving his comrades in the rear from capture by the rebel cavalry, who outnumbered his cavalry two to one. For this act of bravery he was commissioned Second Lieutenant in Company A, Fourth Cavalry. In this engagement he was unhorsed, his carbine shot away by a rebel bullet which destroyed the hook holding the carbine to the belt, and he received a slight wound. Seven days later Sergeant Cannavan with a few of his men reached the main command, and when they rode into camp the company thought these men must have come from the dead. Two months after this battle he was promoted to First Lieutenant Fourth Cavalry, Company B. After the surrender of Lee Lieutenant Cannavan was detailed to flag all trains going from Richmond to see if there were any deserters on board. He also had the supervision of families going from Richmond to their old plantations, sometimes going as many as forty miles into the interior. Returning home in the latter part of November, 1865, he engaged in the grocery business. In 1875 Mr. Cannavan was appointed assistant city marshal, which office he occupied for two years. In 1878 he was for the second time appointed on the police force, in which capacity he has served the City of New Bedford continuously since that time, viz., thirty years. During all these years he has never met the man whom he could not handle alone, and in some instances he has had some pretty hard cases with crazy drunks, but in no instance has he cracked a skull or broken flesh with his policeman’s club. He is honored and respected by all the citizens of New Bedford. Even the rough classes yield when Cannavan is known to be after them. Now in the sixty-eighth year of his age he is hale and happy. He has never indulged in the ardent and never used tobacco. He spends his spare time with his family reading instructive books. He is held in high esteem by all the children of his patrol, for he always carries strings for tops, and marbles in his pockets for the little ones. The city honored him in 1905 by making him chief marshal on Memorial Day. Taking all in all we believe we make no mistake in writing so extended a history of this remarkable man, of whom in our long acquaintance we have heard only good things. In the near future he expects to receive a medal of honor from this government for meritorious service rendered during the War of the Rebellion. His address is 427 North Chauncy Street, New Bedford, Mass. These officers are but samples of the whole company. They were good fighters because they were well drilled; they were good soldiers because they were well disciplined; they are (those still living) good citizens, because they were good patriots; they have succeeded and made their mark in the world because the spirit of success is in them. Good officers make good soldiers, good soldiers make good citizens, and good citizens make a good country. Is it asked, “Where are the men who made the rank and file of Company F?” the answer comes, “Many have joined the great majority, who as young men responded to their country’s call in the hour of need.” They did their work well; peace to their ashes. A great and mighty Nation is reaping the fruits of their toil, and the haughty South has been brought back, not the raging maniac she was in ’61, but, cured of the past, she sits at the feet of Uncle Sam, “clothed and in her right mind.” “God of the nations, be with us yet, Lest we forget, lest we forget.” Lest we forget what war has cost, When we our greatness loudly boast. Lest we forget our noble sons, Who died to hold our nation one. CORRECTED ROSTER OF COMPANY F, NEW BEDFORD. [BY F. P. VINCENT AND SERGT. PATRICK CANNAVAN.] [The first figures indicate the age at enlistment: the city and town, the place of enlistment.] GEORGE H. HURLBURT, Captain; 38; New Bedford. Died in 1900. WILLIAM H. ALLEN, First Lieutenant; 25; New Bedford. Died in 1892. JONATHAN W. DAVIS, Second Lieutenant; 25; New Bedford. Died in 1898. PATRICK CANNAVAN, First Sergeant; 25; New Bedford. Lives in New Bedford. JAMES H. WILLIAMS, Sergeant; 26; Dartmouth. Photographer, Nantucket Beach. FREDERICK A. PLUMMER, Sergeant; 29; New Bedford. Dead. JOSEPH C. BROTHERSON, Sergeant; 21; New Bedford. Re-enlisted in Company B, Fourth Massachusetts Cavalry. Promoted captain of Company D, April, 1865. Died with the United States Civil Engineers out West in 1900. CHARLES H. WALKER, Sergeant; 40; New Bedford. Dead. CHARLES A. GOULD, Corporal; 27; New Bedford. In the New York Custom House, New York. JAMES SMITH, Corporal; 31; Edgartown. Mason by trade. Contractor in Boston. ZACHEUS H. WRIGHT, Corporal; 32; Acushnet. Carpenter. Dead. ANDREW DEXTER, Corporal; 28; New Bedford. Lives in Ohio. JOHN H. RICKETSON, Corporal; 26; Dartmouth. Re-enlisted in Company B, Fourth Cavalry. Died in Dartmouth. FREDERICK HOFFMAN, Corporal; 26; New Bedford. Went to California and died in San Francisco. CHARLES W. CLEVELAND, Corporal; 32; Edgartown. Went to sea; mate of whaling vessel. Died in New Bedford. HENRY KOHN, Corporal; 19; New Bedford. Lives in New York City. FRANCIS P. VINCENT, Chief Bugler; 30; Edgartown. Postmaster, Cottage City, Mass. One of the leading men of the town. JAMES WESTERN, Wagoner; 27; New Bedford. Died in 1867. _Privates._ BOOTH, NATHANIEL A.; 18; New Bedford. Died in New Bedford in 1870. BURNS, JAMES A.; 35; New Bedford. Dead. BESSIE, GEORGE A.; 19; Dartmouth. Sailor. Unknown. BRIGHTMAN, JOHN H.; 40; Westport. Fisherman. Died in Westport, Mass. BURKE, WILLIAM; 30; New Bedford. Weaver. Lives in Fall River. BRANNAN, PATRICK; 18; New Bedford. Dead. BUSWELL, JAMES E.; 28; Edgartown. Dead. BARRETT, JOHN; 29; New Bedford. Supposed to be living in New Hampshire. Farmer. BEATLE, EDWARD E.; 22; Edgartown. Unknown. CLARK, PATRICK; 31; New Bedford. Went to Fall River. Unknown. CARD, BENJAMIN F.; 19; New Bedford. Died in New Bedford, February, 1905. Painter and storekeeper until he died. CHASE, ALVAH H.; 23; Dartmouth. Farmer. Lives in Middleboro. CLARK, HENRY E.; 27; Dartmouth. Dead. Leaves a widow living in Hicksville. CUSHING, WILLIAM B.; 18; Acushnet. Dead. CORNELL, SOLOMON; 32; Dartmouth. Lives in South Dartmouth. CAMERON, JOHN; 21; Berkley. Unknown. DURFEE, GEORGE L.; 18; New Bedford. Carpenter. Lives in New Bedford. DONOVAN, JAMES; 20; New Bedford. Inspector of cars. Killed on railroad. DEKAY, RICHARD; 21; Dartmouth. Deserted Oct. 3, 1862. DAVIS, GEORGE W.; 19; New Bedford. Re-enlisted in Third Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, Company F. Carpenter. Lives in North Dartmouth. FISHER, JOHN P.; 20; Edgartown. Dead. FOSTER, DANIEL O.; 26; Warren, R. I. Re-enlisted as sergeant in Fourth Cavalry. Dead. GIFFORD, JAMES B.; 21; Westport. GIFFORD, ABRAM; 18; Westport. Re-enlisted in ninety days’ regiment. Carpenter and surveyor. Lives in New Bedford. GIFFORD, LEVI K.; 22; Dartmouth. Dead. GORDON, JOHN; 22; New Bedford. Discharged March 21, 1863, for disability. Dead. GAMMONS, CHARLES W.; 18; Dartmouth. Discharged March 24, 1863, for disability. Dead. GRAVES, PERRY; 33; New Bedford. Re-enlisted in Capt. Allen’s Company Heavy Artillery stationed at New Bedford and Washington, D. C. Dead. HAMMOND, HENRY; 38; New Bedford. Dead. HOLMES, SAMUEL B.; 30; New Bedford. Dead. HATHAWAY, GEORGE W.; 28; New Bedford. Died in New Bedford, Nov. 14, 1905. HOFFMAN, WILLIAM; 29; New Bedford. Re-enlisted in Fourth Cavalry. Died in Boston, 1901. HOLMES, JOSEPH B.; 18; New Bedford. Re-enlisted and was commissioned second lieutenant in a colored regiment. Sash and blind manufacturer. Lives in Providence, R. I. HOWLAND, ABRAM H.; 19; New Bedford. Lives in New Bedford. HAMER, WILLIAM; 35; New Bedford. Dead. JENKINS, GEORGE; 25; New Bedford. Went to California. Unknown. JANNEY, WILLIAM A.; 36; New Bedford. Re-enlisted as sergeant in Fourth Cavalry. Died in New Bedford. KENNER, HENRY G.; 27; Dartmouth. Supposed to be living in Maryland. LUSCOMB, ABRAM R.; 23; New Bedford. Dead. LAKEY, THOMAS; 20; New Bedford. Drummer. Dead. LAWTON, JOSEPH M.; 33; Dartmouth; Painter. Lives in New Bedford. LEWIS, HENRY S.; 23; Dartmouth. For many years overseer in a cotton mill in New Bedford. Died in 1900. MITCHELL, JOHN S.; 39; New Bedford. Died at sea. MASON, HUMPHREY S.; 27; New Bedford. Dead. MACOMBER, LYMAN A.; 18; Dartmouth. Lives in Providence, R. I. MACOMBER, ALDEN T.; 30; Dartmouth. Died April 21, 1863. MOSHER, FREDERICK P.; 28; New Bedford. Dead. MUSPRATT, JOHN; 20; New Bedford. Lives in New Bedford on Sixth Street. OLIVER, HORATIO G., JR.; 23; New Bedford. Re-enlisted as sergeant in Fourth Cavalry, was wounded and captured. Died in prison. OLIVER, CHARLES H.; 31; New Bedford. Re-enlisted in Fourth Cavalry as sergeant. Died in Salisbury Prison. ORNE, GEORGE; 42; New Bedford. Died in Boston Hospital, Jan. 3, 1863. PLUMMER, HORACE M.; 22; New Bedford. In post office, New Bedford. PECKHAM, SAMUEL G.; 29; Dartmouth. Died in New Bedford. PECK, WILLIAM B.; Dartmouth. Died at Smith Mills, Mass. PIERCE, ALEXANDER O.; 26; Acushnet. Painter. Died Dec. 20, 1905. PECKHAM, JOHN B.; 21; Dartmouth. Dead. POTTER, THOMAS, JR.; 40; Acushnet. Dead. QUICK, JAMES S.; 20; New Bedford. Went to Michigan. Supposed to be living. RODMAN, SAMUEL J.; 20; New Bedford. Carpenter. Lives in New Bedford. RYAN, EDWARD; 19; New Bedford. Dead. RYDER, DAVID; 44; Dartmouth. Re-enlisted in Fourth Cavalry, captured and died in a rebel prison. RIPLEY, JOSEPH A.; 21; Edgartown. Contractor in Providence, R. I. Member of Prescott Post, No. 1, G. A. R. STOWELL, COLUMBUS; 44; New Bedford. Re-enlisted in Fourth Cavalry, taken prisoner and died in rebel prison. SOULE, EDWIN P.; 24; New Bedford. Special police in New Bedford. SMITH, JOHN W.; 18; New Bedford. After the war went to Illinois. Resides in Chicago. STILES, JAMES; 26; New Bedford. Lives in Nantucket. SANFORD, LEONARD M.; 22; New Bedford. Lives in Westport, Mass. SHEA, MATTHEW; 26; New Bedford. Soldier of Crimean War. Supposed to be living in Attleboro. SHAW, CHARLES H.; 30; New Bedford. Dead. STEPHENS, WILLIAM H.; 22; Dartmouth. Re-enlisted in Fourth Cavalry. Died in New Bedford. SPOONER, JOSEPH S.; 36; Acushnet. Supposed to be dead. TRIPP, PHILIP M.; 23; New Bedford. In the jobbing business. Died June 29, 1906. TEACHMAN, SIDNEY M.; 18; New Bedford. Dead. WEBB, WILLIAM H.; 24; New Bedford. Unknown. WILSON, JAMES; 31; New Bedford. Resided many years in New Bedford on Ash Street. Died March 5, 1906. WELCH, WILLIAM H.; 25; New Bedford. Re-enlisted in Heavy Artillery. Died in hospital, Boston. WADY, WILLIAM I.; 19; Dartmouth. Went to sea. Unknown. WORDELL, ANDREW L.; 19; Dartmouth. Re-enlisted in Fourth Cavalry. Died in prison in South Carolina. WORTH, JETHRO; 25; Edgartown. Went into Navy; officer. Dead. WILBUR, JOSEPH H.; 19; Edgartown. Painter. Vineyard Haven. WOOD, GEORGE H.; 19; Dartmouth. Went to sea; returned, and is now living on a farm in Westport with his twin brother. Both are bachelors and possess quite a handsome property. CHAPTER X. COMPANY G, THIRD REGIMENT MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEER MILITIA. This company was recruited by its captain, William S. Cobb; first lieutenant, Henry W. Briggs; and second lieutenant, James L. Wilber. In the days of 1862 in passing City Hall, New Bedford, one might notice four tents on the north side of the hall. In these four tents companies were being recruited, viz., Companies E, F, and G, and another company which was being recruited by Major Cushman. In six weeks the recruiting was accomplished, and Companies E, F, and G, went into Camp Joe Hooker, Lakeville, Mass., and were made a part of the Third Regiment. To say that there was no rivalry in this recruiting would be far from the truth, but as each man had his choice of the four companies the officer who could show the greatest advantages succeeded soonest in getting his company filled. [Illustration: CAPT. WILLIAM S. COBB.] William Cobb who went as captain of Company G was for several years in the outfitting business in New Bedford and was well known by a large circle of admiring friends, and, being at one time city marshal, he enjoyed the right of way in recruiting his company. He never lost his hold on his men, nor his popularity as commanding officer. His men never failed of getting their rations of every sort. He was a kind, considerate officer, and loved his men as though they were his own sons. After the war he was for many years high sheriff of Bristol County, in which place he performed his duties acceptably, without fear or trembling, neither was he a slave to any political party. His shibboleth was duty before pleasure. First Lieut. Henry W. Briggs was a faithful officer during his term of service, and after the war was a contractor and builder in New Bedford for a number of years. He was a good, honest man, and those who intrusted their interests to him had no cause to regret or to find fault with the work. Second Lieut. James L. Wilber was not only a faithful officer, but after serving nine months in the Third he recruited part of a company for the Heavy Artillery, was commissioned captain of the same, and went to North Carolina, where he did good service. After the close of the war Captain Wilber was elected on the police force, in which position he served as deputy of the day force. He was an able officer, and was respected by all the citizens of New Bedford where he resided. After thirty-two years a police officer he died July 23, 1905, and was buried with G. A. R. honors. The make up of Company G were mechanics, and, on returning home, their services were in such demand that but few of them comparatively re-enlisted for the second time. They were nearly all New Bedford and Dartmouth men, and as the world goes they were a fine set of fellows. Like all others of the companies of the Third Regiment, more than fifty per cent. of this company have answered the last roll call, while their relatives are reaping the benefits of their sacrifice and toil in the Southland. Some of those still living have gone to distant parts never to return. So far as known they have all been good citizens, while many of them have made their mark in the world of finance, and are well to do business men. CORRECTED ROSTER OF COMPANY G, NEW BEDFORD. [The first figures indicate the age at enlistment: the city and town, the place of enlistment.] [CORRECTED BY CAPT. JAMES L. WILBER, SAMUEL S. BROADBENT, AND LIEUT. PATRICK CANNAVAN.] WILLIAM S. COBB, Captain; 43; New Bedford. Dead. HENRY W. BRIGGS, First Lieutenant; 33; New Bedford. Dead. JAMES L. WILBER, Second Lieutenant; 28; New Bedford. Died in New Bedford, July 23, 1905. CHARLES WEST, First Sergeant; 30; New Bedford. Dead. WILLIAM F. CHACE, Sergeant; 28; New Bedford. Dead. JOHN W. LOOK, Sergeant; 30; New Bedford. Carpenter. Lives in Marion. ABEL SOULE, Jr., Sergeant; 34; New Bedford. Ship Carpenter. Lives in New Bedford. ROLAND W. SNOW, Sergeant; 29; New Bedford. Dead. SIMEON WEBB, Corporal; 36; New Bedford. Dead. THOMAS F. HAMMOND, Corporal; 21; New Bedford. Dead. WILLIAM G. DUNHAM; Corporal; 28; New Bedford. Letter Carrier, New Bedford. ANDREW PORTER, Corporal; 29; New Bedford. Dead. WILLIAM ELDRIDGE, Corporal; New Bedford. Dead. JOHN L. FLYNN, Corporal; 32; New Bedford. Dead. GEORGE W. PERRY, Corporal; 33; New Bedford. Carpenter. Resides in New Bedford. IRA P. TRIPP, Corporal; 34; New Bedford. Salesman in store corner of Union and Sixth Streets, New Bedford. _Privates._ ALLEN, JOSEPH H.; 21; New Bedford. Supposed to be living in Brockton. ALLEN, GEORGE F.; 22; New Bedford. Unknown. ALGER, CHARLES, JR.; 18; New Bedford. Re-enlisted. Unknown. ATCHISON, MARTIN; 18; New Bedford. Re-enlisted in Fourth Cavalry. Lives in Colorado. ALBRO, ALFRED; 21; Dartmouth. Unknown. AKIN, CHARLES R.; 37; New Bedford. Served in Fourth Cavalry. Dead. ATWOOD, LUTHER; 38; New Bedford. Deserted Oct. 22, 1862. Dead. BACON, DAVID B.; 31; New Bedford. Dead. BEARSE, ZACHARIAH S.; 21; New Bedford. Unknown. BESSE, DANIEL; 34; New Bedford. Dead. BOWMAN, JOSEPH B.; 42; New Bedford. Dead. BOLING, JOHN M.; 27; New Bedford. Unknown. BLISS, CHARLES; 36; New Bedford. Dead. BOLLES, JAMES C.; 20; New Bedford. Lives in California. BURDICK, BENJAMIN F.; 27; New Bedford. Lives at Nantucket. BRADLEY, DAVID; 28; New Bedford. Dead. CARROLL, JAMES N.; 18; New Bedford. Unknown. COLLINS, JAMES; 21; New Bedford. Unknown. CHASE, COLLINS; 30; New Bedford. Wheelwright. Lives in New Brunswick. COBB, WILLIAM S., JR.; 21; New Bedford. Dead. CONNOLLY, JAMES; 30; New Bedford. Unknown. CHASE, WILLIAM H.; 40; New Bedford. Unknown. CROY, WILLIAM D.; 22; Dartmouth. Discharged May 30, 1863, to re-enlist. Unknown. CLARK, JAMES; 26; New Bedford. Discharged May 30, 1863, to re-enlist. Unknown. DAVIS, JAMES A.; 26; New Bedford. Dead. DUNHAM, THOMAS S.; 18; New Bedford. Dead. DURPEE, BENJAMIN; 18; New Bedford. Went to California. Unknown. DEXTER, EZRA F.; 43; New Bedford. Lives near Boston. EDWARDS, JOHN; 29; New Bedford. Dead. FLAHAVEN, JOHN; 28; New Bedford. Unknown. FRENCH, JOHN F.; 27; New Bedford. Unknown. FLEET, JAMES; 33; New Bedford. Dead. FREEMAN, JOSIAH; 23; New Bedford. Lives at Nantucket. GIFFORD, WILLIAM F.; 20; New Bedford. Dead. GIFFORD, SAMUEL T.; 30; New Bedford. Dead. GIFFORD, CHARLES C.; 18; New Bedford. Sergeant of the police. Lives in New Bedford. GARLICK, REUBEN A.; 19; Dartmouth. Unknown. HAZARD, JOHN F.; 27; New Bedford. Dead. HASKINS, WILLIAM A.; 18; New Bedford. Unknown. HATHAWAY, FREDERICK A.; 18; New Bedford. Sailmaker. Lives in New Bedford. HARRINGTON, DANIEL; 23; New Bedford. Deserted Oct. 21, 1862. JENNY, SANFORD, JR.; 23; New Bedford. Dead. JOSEPH, WILLIAM R.; 19; New Bedford. Dead. KING, ISAAC; 44; New Bedford. Dead. KEENE, EBENEZER S.; 20; New Bedford. Dead. KING, ALFRED C.; 21; New Bedford. Unknown. LINEHAN, JOHN; 37; New Bedford. Dead. LEWIS, BENJAMIN F.; 25; New Bedford. Dead. LOOK, GILBERT A.; 31; New Bedford. Dead. LONG, GEORGE R.; 34; New Bedford. Dead. LYNG, WILLIAM; 18; New Bedford. Laborer. Lives in New Brunswick. MACK, ANDREW N.; 18; New Bedford. Dead. MOSHER, FOLDER B.; 36; New Bedford. Dead. MOSHER, CALEB P.; 34; New Bedford. Dead. MATTHEWS, BARAK E.; 41; New Bedford. Dead. MCCANN, EDWARD; 35; New Bedford. Dead. MAXFIELD, CHARLES H.; 18; New Bedford. In clothing store. Lives in Providence, R. I. MOLTRAM, JOHN; 29; New Bedford. Resides in Providence, R. I. MINOR, BARNEY; 35; New Bedford. Deserted and discharged for disability. NORTON, FRANCIS; 35; Edgartown. Dead. PAINE, HENRY K.; 25; New Bedford. Dead. PACKARD, GEORGE F.; 31; New Bedford. Unknown. PARKER, GEORGE W.; 22; New Bedford. Unknown. PERRY, LYMAN C.; 42; New Bedford. Dead. PIERCE, CHARLES C.; 21; New Bedford. Unknown. PIERCE, CHARLES H.; 18; New Bedford. Dead. PARSONS, LEWIS G.; 22; New Bedford. Discharged March 3, 1863, for disability. PRATT, HENRY B.; 21; New Bedford. Discharged March 19, 1863, for disability. RICHARDS, SILAS N.; 20; New Bedford. Dead. SALISBURY, ROBERT; 31; New Bedford. Unknown. SMITH, SAMUEL D.; 43; New Bedford. Supposed to be dead. SMITH, JOHN S.; 44; New Bedford. Dead. SISSON, GEORGE F.; 41; New Bedford. Unknown. SLOCUM, WILLIAM; 19; New Bedford. Dead. SPOONER, SAMUEL K.; 44; New Bedford. Dead. TABER, CORNELIUS G.; 32; New Bedford. Dead. TABER, THEODORE A.; 21; New Bedford. Unknown. TABER, DANIEL G.; 41; New Bedford. Unknown. TAYLOR, WILLIAM W.; 24; New Bedford. Dead. TIGHE, JAMES D.; 19; New Bedford. Unknown. TRIPP, SYLVANUS A.; 41; New Bedford. Supposed to be dead. TRIPP, GEORGE H. W.; 26; New Bedford. Discharged April 30, 1863, for disability. Dead. TILLINGHAST, WILLIAM A.; 19; New Bedford. Fire Engine Driver. Dead. WILKIE, DAVID; 20; New Bedford. Unknown. WHITEHEAD, THOMAS; 41; New Bedford. Dead. WILBUR, HENRY C.; 21; Edgartown. Unknown. CHAPTER XI. COMPANY H, THIRD MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEER MILITIA. [WRITTEN BY WILLIAM H. LUTHER, MEMBER OF COMPANY H.] [This is not claimed to be a perfect history, but it is believed to be as perfect a record as can be secured at this late date. When not otherwise indicated, the person is supposed to have been mustered out with his regiment.] The immediate cause for the raising of Company H was the call of President Lincoln for three hundred thousand men to put down the Rebellion, and the incentive was a bounty of two hundred dollars offered to every man who enlisted. The formation of a company from the towns of Rehoboth, Somerset, Dighton, and Swansea, was a happy thought, as the quota called for from these four towns would make a full company. Meetings were held in each of these places and recruiting offices were opened. Nathaniel B. Horton was the recruiting officer for Rehoboth, Noah Chase for Dighton, William P. Hood for Somerset, and Allen Mason for Swansea. These four officers with their towns seemed to vie with each other in raising the required number, and so great was the enthusiasm that within a very short time the company was full. Then came the question of a captain and two lieutenants. Somerset having the largest number, was supposed to have the first choice to the captaincy, and the other three towns were to select the lieutenants and non-commissioned officers according to their best judgment. A Mr. Davis, of Somerset, was mentioned for captain, and it was graciously accorded to him, while the first lieutenancy was accorded to Otis A. Baker, of Rehoboth; but on the day of organization Mr. Davis declined his position and the way was left clear for the election of Otis A. Baker. No records can now be found giving the date of election of officers. The best that can be learned is that it was held on a very hot Saturday afternoon in the old Hornbine Church in Southeast Rehoboth, about the last of August or the first of September, 1862. Otis A. Baker was unanimously elected captain; Robert Crossman, 2d, of Dighton, first lieutenant; and Joseph Gibbs, of Somerset, second lieutenant. Swansea was accorded her full share of the non-commissioned officers. [Illustration: CAPT. OTIS A. BAKER.] The choice of Captain Baker was a happy one. His father, Ira S. Baker, was one of the foremost men of Rehoboth, having held the first offices of the town for years. He was also a member of the House of Representatives in Boston. After graduating from the public schools of Rehoboth Captain Baker learned the trade of a mason, in which business he was very successful; notwithstanding, when the war broke out he left his remunerative business in Providence, R. I., and enlisted in Company A, First Rhode Island Detached Militia, for three months. He served his full term, being engaged with his regiment at the battle of Bull Run, where he received a wound in his arm. Having been discharged and having recovered from his wound, he re-enlisted as first sergeant in Company A, Fourth Rhode Island Infantry, September, 1861, and was promoted to second lieutenant, Nov. 20, 1861. He was with his regiment in the well remembered Burnside Expedition, taking part in the capture of Roanoke Island and the battle of Newbern, and remaining with his regiment until Aug. 11, 1862, when he resigned his commission. The cause of his resignation, together with over half of the commissioned officers of the regiment, was the action of Governor Sprague in taking an officer from another regiment and giving him a place over them as one of the field officers. Soon after his arrival home I met Lieutenant Baker in Providence and invited him to go with Company H as first lieutenant, it being understood then that the captaincy was settled; his answer was that he intended to see the war through and was ready for anything that might offer. Lieutenant Baker at that time was twenty-four years old; he was indeed a giant, standing six feet four in his stockings, straight as an arrow, well versed in military tactics; and, although the youngest of the captains in the Third Regiment, his ability as officer was never questioned, nor had the company any reason to regret its choice of him as their captain. Resolute by nature, kind in heart, he was a man who did things; always doing his duty regardless of consequences to himself. He exacted from every man of his company a strict and impartial obedience to himself and to all officers with whom they were to render duty. At the battle of Kinston, N. C., as we were formed into line of battle, expecting momentarily to be ordered to the front to take a more active part, Captain Baker made this little speech, “In a few moments we shall be where we shall see more active and more dangerous work, but no matter what we may meet let not a man of you run until I run, but when you see me run then let every man run like the devil.” Suffice it to say, no man was seen running. Lieutenant Crossman was highly esteemed by the whole company. His quiet, unassuming manner caused every one to love him and to confide in him; he was a true man and a true soldier. He demonstrated his patriotism by re-enlisting in the Fifty-eighth Regiment, in which he was elected captain, and was with his company at the battle of Cold Harbor, where he was wounded terribly in the shoulder; an injury from which he never recovered. There can be little doubt that this shortened his life many years. He died at Taunton, July 25, 1876. Lieutenant Gibbs was a whole-hearted, first-class man, against whom there was never heard a word of censure, nor was there one spot on his splendid character. Being detached early for signal service, he was with us but a short time, almost all of his term of nine months being spent in Charleston Harbor, S. C., where he rendered very satisfactory service to his commanding officer. But a few days elapsed after our organization before we were ordered to go into camp at Lakeville, Mass. We were to meet at Somerset village, from which place we were to be conveyed across the river in rowboats to take the cars for camp. Arriving there late in the afternoon, we found the most of the regiment in barracks, and were assigned our place among the other companies for the night. Such a night. The boys were full of sport and determined to have a good time, which they did to their heart’s content. It is safe to say no one slept that night within a radius of a quarter of a mile. There was every kind of a noise imaginable, and some that were never heard before nor since. Speeches were made, songs sung, hens cackling, roosters crowing, turkeys gobbling, ducks quacking, pigs squealing and bulls bellowing; but all this was due to leaving home, and still having home with us. What could be expected of a hundred men just leaving home, and as yet having no military restraint put on them? The following night some of us were put on guard, with a four-foot cord stick as our weapon of defense; what great things we declared we would do should the Rebs come down on us suddenly; but we were getting ready for the hard and dangerous work before us, upon which we were soon to enter. In a few days the mustering officer came and we were inspected and mustered into the service of Uncle Sam. Some of our men were beyond the forty-five year limit, but all passed except one, Samuel H. Vial, who had in the company a son George, and who upon being asked his age gave it honestly as forty-nine. Of course he was rejected. The oldest man in the company was Peleg Swift of Somerset, a giant in size and strength, but gray-haired. Upon being asked his age, he replied, “Forty-four.” “Is that all?” asked the mustering officer. “That is what my good mother called me,” replied Peleg. He was accepted, although fourteen years beyond the law limit. No better soldier ever carried a musket, and no one ever knew of his dropping out on the tiresome marches. He was killed at Petersburg by a rebel shell. The material composing Company H were worthy, steady farmers’ boys, with the addition of several iron workers from Somerset and Dighton. Many of the men were old neighbors at home, several of them being from the same families. For instance, there were four pairs of brothers, and when one heard from home all the others were interested to hear the news. No more rugged or better men than Company H ever enlisted. Accustomed from early life to hard work, plain, and good fare, and the best of health, they were already fitted for the hardships of the march and the privations of soldier life. They were an honest set of men, and anything left in their tents was sure to be found where it was left. Of the military experiences of Company H I will say nothing, as the history of the company is the history of the regiment. It was never on detached or detailed duty, and wherever the regiment went there went Company H. There are no tragic events to record. The company has the unique distinction of bringing home every man that went out with it. It is the only company of which I have any knowledge that served so long a period in the war and never lost a man, either by sickness or by bullet. I believe this is due largely to the early life and temperate habits of the men of this company; but we cannot close our eyes to the fact that since the close of the war more than fifty-two per cent. have answered the last call. In conclusion, let me extend my thanks to those comrades who so ably assisted me in gathering facts, especially to Captain Baker, Comrade Walker, of Dighton, and Samuel L. Buffington of Swansea. Those men, together with the record of the company in 1862, and notes and facts preserved in diaries, has made it possible at this late date to write such a correct history of the company. We are growing old, our ranks are fast thinning, our roll calls are growing shorter and shorter, it behooves us to quit ourselves like men. Like all other men I have done many things for which I am sorry, and some things for which I am ashamed, but there is one incident in my life of which I am neither sorry nor ashamed, and that is the fact that I enlisted and served in Company H, Third Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Militia. CORRECTED ROSTER OF COMPANY H, THIRD REGIMENT, MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEER MILITIA. [The first figures indicate age at enlistment: the city and town, the place of enlistment.] OTIS A. BAKER, Captain; 24; Rehoboth. Enlisted as a private in Company A, First Rhode Island Detached Militia, April 16, 1861. Wounded at battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861. Discharged. Re-enlisted in September, 1861, first sergeant of Company A, Fourth Rhode Island Infantry. Promoted second lieutenant, Nov. 20, 1861. Resigned, Aug. 11, 1862. Re-enlisted Sept. 18, 1862. Chosen captain of Company H, Third Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia. Mustered out June 26, 1863. Re-enlisted Aug. 1, 1864; captain of the Eighteenth Unattached Company. Massachusetts Volunteer Militia. Discharged Nov. 14, 1864. Re-enlisted Dec. 10, 1864; captain of Eighteenth Unattached Company for one year, or until the close of the war. Mustered out May 12, 1865. Resides in Rehoboth, Mass. ROBERT CROSSMAN, 2d, First Lieutenant; 34; Dighton. Mustered out with regiment, June 26, 1863. Re-enlisted and was chosen captain in the Fifty-eighth Massachusetts Infantry. Wounded at battle of Cold Harbor. Discharged for disability, Oct. 11, 1864. For many years one of the State Constabulary. Died in Taunton, July 25, 1876. JOSEPH GIBBS, Second Lieutenant; 35; Somerset. Detached Nov. 21, 1862, for signal corps service. On duty at Port Royal and at Charleston Harbor, during the bombardment of Charleston. Died Apr. 7, 1863. ARNOLD D. BROWN, First Sergeant; 24; Rehoboth. Enlisted May 26, 1862, as a private in Co. B, Tenth Rhode Island Infantry. Discharged Sept. 1, 1862. Re-enlisted in Company H, Third Massachusetts Volunteers. Discharged June 26, 1863. Re-enlisted sergeant-major Third Rhode Island Cavalry, Aug. 7, 1863. Promoted second lieutenant Feb. 6, 1864. Discharged 1865. Died Oct. 26, 1874. GEORGE F. M. FORRESTER, Sergeant; 38; Somerset. Farmer; for many years a resident of Somerset. Dead. EDWIN HASKINS, Sergeant; 24; Dighton. Moulder. Resides in North Dighton. JONATHAN W. THURBER, Sergeant; 23; Swansea. Re-enlisted. Sergeant of Eighteenth Unattached Company, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, Aug. 1, 1864. Discharged Nov. 14, 1864. Died in Seekonk, January, 1904. SAMUEL W. GIBBS, Sergeant; 23; Somerset. Farmer. Resides in Somerset. HENRY H. LOTHROP, Corporal; 24; Rehoboth. Re-enlisted in navy. Lost at sea from a United States Transport in 1865. SYLVANUS D. JONES, Corporal; 34; Dighton. Re-enlisted Dec. 10, 1864; corporal in Eighteenth Unattached Company, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia. Discharged May 12, 1865. Dead. JAMES MCNEIL, Corporal; 34; Swansea. Detailed corporal of Pioneer Corps. Dead. ISAIAH B. CASE, Corporal; 20; Seekonk. Lives in Philadelphia, Penn. Proprietor of a restaurant. JOSIAH L. HORTON, Corporal; 21; Dighton. Died Dec. 28, 1890. CHARLES B. PECKHAM, Corporal; 36; Somerset. Dead. DANIEL BRIGGS, Corporal; 21; Dighton. Dead. HORACE L. HORTON, Corporal; 19; Swansea. Farmer. Resides in Rehoboth. JAMES M. EVANS, Musician; 25; Dighton. For many years a grain dealer in Taunton; also connected with the Nickel Plate Works. Dead. ALLEN B. LUTHER, Musician; 20; Rehoboth. Died Oct. 13, 1864. MARK P. CHASE, Wagoner; 19; Somerset. Unknown. JASON W. FULLER, Wagoner; 37; Rehoboth. Discharged for disability, Nov. 27, 1863. Died May 30, 1896. _Privates._ BLISS, JOSHUA S.; 21; Rehoboth. Re-enlisted as first sergeant in Eighteenth Unattached Company, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, Aug. 1, 1864. Discharged Nov. 14, 1864. Re-enlisted in Eighteenth Unattached Company, Dec. 10, 1864. Discharged May 12, 1865. A lumber dealer in Buffington, N. Y. BUFFINGTON, SAMUEL L.; 18; Swansea. Mustered out with regiment. Supposed to be living in Swansea. BUFFINGTON, GEORGE O.; 18; Swansea. Re-enlisted in Eighteenth Unattached Company, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, Aug. 10, 1864. Discharged Nov. 14, 1864. Farmer. Resides in Swansea. BABBITT, NATHANIEL M.; 39; Dighton. Farmer. Resides in Dighton. BRIGGS, OLIVER H.; 28; Dighton. Re-enlisted Aug. 10, 1864, in Eighteenth Unattached Company, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia. Discharged Nov. 14, 1864. Re-enlisted Dec. 10, 1864. Discharged May 12, 1865. Sutler. Resides in Washington, D. C. BELDEN, WILLIAM H.; 22; Dighton. Re-enlisted Aug. 10, 1864, and made a corporal. Discharged Nov. 14, 1864. Resides in Fall River. BULLOCK, GILBERT D.; 34; Rehoboth. Farmer. Died in Hebronville, Mass., Dec. 25, 1904. CHACE, GEORGE F.; 18; Somerset. Dead. CHACE, GEORGE A.; 18; Somerset. Treasurer of Chace Corporation. CHACE, BENJAMIN F.; 28; Somerset. Dead. CHACE, WILLIAM P.; 32; Swansea. Resided in Somerset for years. Dead. CHACE, EDWIN; 19; Dighton. Resided in Dighton for years. Dead. CHACE, BAYLIES R.; 20; Somerset. On detached duty at Plymouth, N. C. Originally a member of the Twenty-ninth Massachusetts. Discharged for disability. Inspector in Providence. CHACE, HERBERT A.; 20; Dighton. Discharged for disability Mar. 27, 1863. Re-enlisted Aug. 10, 1864, in Eighteenth Unattached Company, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia. Died June, 30, 1879. CARMICHAEL, JOHN B.; 19; Somerset. Residence, unknown. CURTIS, GEORGE E.; 23; Rehoboth. Re-enlisted Dec. 10, 1864, in Eighteenth Unattached Company, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia. Discharged May 12, 1865. Resides in East Providence. CARROLL, MICHAEL; 26; Somerset. Dead. DAVIS, NATHAN S.; 33; Somerset. Dead. FARRELL, DOMINICK; 45; Rehoboth. Resided in Somerset. Dead. FRANCIS, DARIUS P.; 22; Rehoboth. Died in Attleboro, Apr. 12, 1891. FRANCIS, DAVID W.; 21; Rehoboth. Re-enlisted Aug. 10, 1864. Discharged Nov. 14, 1864. Farmer. Resides in Rehoboth. GOFF, HENRY N.; 39; Dighton. Detailed in Pioneer Corps. Re-enlisted Aug. 10, 1864, in Eighteenth Unattached Company, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia. Discharged Nov. 14, 1864. Died in Dighton, Mar. 8, 1889. GOFF, ANDREW J.; 22; Rehoboth. Re-enlisted Aug. 10, 1864. Discharged Nov. 14, 1864. Died Nov. 25, 1899. GREEN, GEORGE; 36; Rehoboth. Died in East Providence, Jan. 7, 1900. HOOD, DAVID B.; 18; Somerset. Unknown. HARRINGTON, DANIEL; 33; Rehoboth. Re-enlisted in Company C, Third Rhode Island Cavalry, Oct. 13, 1863. Discharged Nov. 29, 1865. Died in Warren, R. I., Apr. 12, 1891. HATHAWAY, GEORGE W.; 39; Somerset. Detailed in Pioneer Corps. Unknown. HATTEN, JOHN R.; 25; Somerset. Dead. HOLTEN, MICHAEL; 29; Somerset. Dead. HORTON, ALFRED A.; 20; Rehoboth. Re-enlisted Aug. 10, 1864, in Eighteenth Company, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia. Discharged Nov. 14, 1864. Farmer. Resides in Dighton. HICKS, JOHN F.; 24; Rehoboth. Re-enlisted Aug. 10, 1864, in Eighteenth Unattached Company, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia. Discharged Nov. 14, 1864. Resides in East Providence. HARDY, SAMUEL; 39; Dighton. Died Aug. 31, 1881. HALL, WILLIAM H.; 22; Somerset. Residence unknown. HILL, THOMAS; 44; Rehoboth. Re-enlisted Dec. 10, 1864, in Eighteenth Unattached Company, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia. Discharged May 10, 1865. Died Nov. 10, 1897. HANDLEY, EDWARD; 19; Rehoboth. Re-enlisted in Eighteenth Unattached Company, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, Aug. 10, 1864. Discharged Nov. 14, 1864. Farmer. Resides in East Providence. HANDLEY, ANDREW A.; 18; Rehoboth. Re-enlisted in Third Rhode Island Cavalry, Sept. 15, 1863. Discharged Nov. 29, 1865. Died Apr. 21, 1892. KINGSLEY, AMOS N.; 18; Swansea. Re-enlisted. Unknown. KENT, ALVA B.; 19; Rehoboth. Died in Providence, August, 1871. LUTHER, WILLIAM H.; 22; Rehoboth. Re-enlisted as corporal of Eighteenth Unattached Company, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, Aug. 10, 1864. Discharged Nov. 10, 1864. Re-enlisted as sergeant of Eighteenth Unattached Company, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, Dec. 10, 1864. Discharged May 12, 1865. Town Clerk of Rehoboth for eighteen years. Bookkeeper in Pawtucket. Resides at 132 Grove Ave., East Providence. LUTHER, HALE S.; 32; Rehoboth. Detached in Signal Corps, Nov. 14 1862, with Lieutenant Gibbs. One of the selectmen of Rehoboth. Elected to General Court, 1875. Died Apr. 22, 1895. LINCOLN, ALVIN C.; 20; Dighton. In Alaska when last heard from. LAHNE, PETER F.; 23; Somerset. Lived and died in Somerset. LAMPSON, JOHN R.; 20; Somerset. Resides in Maine. MARBLE, GEORGE W.; 24; Somerset. Dead. MARBLE, ALEXANDER H.; 21; Somerset. Oysterman. Resides in Somerset. MOSHER, EDWARD F.; 28; Somerset. Believed to be dead. MARTIN, ALBERT F.; 20; Swansea. Re-enlisted Dec. 10, 1864. Discharged May 10, 1865. Dead. MOULTON, JAMES F.; 22; Rehoboth. Died May 4, 1883. MAKER, WILLIAM H.; 25; Swansea. On detached service at Plymouth, N. C. Discharged for disability Nov. 13, 1863. Resides in Warren, R. I. PIERCE, ABRAHAM; 31; Rehoboth. Died Dec. 1, 1890. PIERCE, EZRA V. B.; 21; Swansea. Farmer. Resides in Rehoboth. PIERCE, WILLIAM C.; 39; Somerset. Discharged for disability, Mar. 2, 1863. Dead. PADELFORD, SILAS M.; 28; Somerset. Resides in Dighton. PURINGTON, SAMUEL C.; 21; Somerset. Re-enlisted as sergeant in Eighteenth Unattached Company, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia. Discharged Nov. 14, 1864. Residence unknown. READ, JAMES O.; 18; Dighton. Re-enlisted in Eighteenth Unattached Company, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, Aug. 6, 1864. Discharged June 10, 1865. Superintendent of City Asylum, Pawtucket, R. I. REYNOLDS, WILLIAM; 30; Swansea. Re-enlisted Aug. 10, 1864. Discharged Nov. 14, 1864. Died 1893. ROACH, JAMES; 29; Rehoboth. Died in Coventry, R. I., 1868. RYAN, WILLIAM; 37; Somerset. Discharged for disability, May 27, 1863. SHOVE, CHARLES H.; 25; Swansea. Believed to be living; residence unknown. SLADE, ALFRED L.; 21; Swansea. Dead. SWIFT, DANIEL E.; 18; Somerset. Dead. SWIFT, PELEG; 44; Somerset. Re-enlisted in Eighteenth Unattached Company, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia. Discharged Nov. 14, 1864. Re-enlisted and was killed before Petersburg. SMITH, STEPHEN N.; 26; Dighton. Re-enlisted in Eighteenth Unattached Company, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia. Discharged Nov. 14, 1864. Died Oct. 7, 1894. SMITH, LEPRILET C; 28; Dighton. Died Nov. 25, 1893. SULLIVAN, JEREMIAH; 18; Somerset. Unknown. SIMMONS, OLIVER; 35; Somerset. Re-enlisted Dec. 10, 1864, in Eighteenth Unattached Company, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia. Discharged May 12, 1865. Died. SHERMAN, IRA M.; 35; Somerset. Dead. THURBER, JEREMIAH; 22; Rehoboth. Farmer. Resides in Swansea. TRIPP, JOHN E.; 19; Swansea. Re-enlisted Aug. 5, 1864, in Company G, Second Regiment, Massachusetts Heavy Artillery. Discharged Sept. 3, 1865. Dead. TRIPP, GEORGE A.; 32; Rehoboth. Dead. TALBOT, CHARLES H.; 20; Dighton. Farmer. Resides in Somerset. VIAL, GEORGE H.; 24; Rehoboth. Died in Barrington, R. I., 1890. WALKER, NATHAN O.; 23; Dighton. Farmer. Resides in Dighton. WALKER, GEORGE A.; 32; Dighton. Died in Dighton, July, 1863. WINK, ADAM; 24; Dighton. Detailed in Pioneer Corps. Re-enlisted Dec. 10, 1864. Discharged May 12, 1865. Residence unknown. WELCH, JOHN W.; 37; Somerset. Residence unknown. WESTCOTT, HENRY N.; 29; Dighton. Detailed as corporal of carpenters, Oct. 30, 1862. Re-enlisted in Eighteenth Unattached Company, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, and promoted to second lieutenant. Died Sept. 13, 1888. WILLIAMS, HENRY A.; 30; Dighton. Re-enlisted in Eighteenth Unattached Company, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, Aug. 10, 1864. Discharged as sergeant Nov. 14, 1864. Selectman in Dighton for many years. Died July 3, 1895. WILLIAMS, CALEB; 41; Rehoboth. Re-enlisted Jan. 21, 1864, in Company B, Third Rhode Island Heavy Artillery. Died May, 1903. WILLIAMS, EDMUND; 25; Rochester. Believed to be dead. WELDEN, SILAS H.; 23; Swansea. On detached service at Plymouth, N. C. Discharged for disability Nov. 2, 1863. Re-enlisted in Company D, Sixtieth Massachusetts. Farmer. Resides in Dighton. CHAPTER XII. COMPANY I, THIRD REGIMENT, MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEER MILITIA. [WRITTEN BY LIEUT. JABEZ M. LYLE.] The signal service rendered by Company I, and the casualties suffered by it, make it quite proper to give a somewhat detailed history of its formation and of the general character of the men composing it. The following account is taken from an interesting paper written by Lieutenant J. M. Lyle, and is given in almost his own words: “In the summer of 1862, President Lincoln, notwithstanding the prophesies of the wise men by whom he was surrounded,--that the rebellion would be crushed in a very short time,--found that the Civil War had lasted more than a year, and that it was necessary to use more extreme measures if the war was to be closed in favor of the North, so he called for three hundred thousand men; but still having in mind the idea that the war must soon be brought to a close, he offered to take a large part of this vast number as volunteers for nine months. “The Third Regiment of Militia which had already served one term at the front and been honorably discharged again volunteered, and Col. Silas P. Richmond was authorized to recruit the regiment to the full standard to serve nine months. [Illustration: CAPT. BARNABAS EWER, JR.] “Capt. Barnabas Ewer, Jr., obtained authority to recruit a company from Fairhaven and adjoining towns, to be known as Company I, Third Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia. I think it was in the month of August when Captain Ewer opened an office in Centre Street, under the old Town Hall, and invited volunteers to come forward and sign their names on the company roll. After a time of more or less discouragement a company of one hundred and one officers and men was raised, of which number forty-two were from Fairhaven, twenty from Mattapoisett, fourteen from Rochester, twelve from Lakeville, five from Marion, two from Falmouth, two from New Bedford, and one each from Acushnet, Wareham, and Litchfield, Me. “The company officers were at first, Barnabas Ewer, Jr., captain; Solomon K. Eaton, first lieutenant; and Jabez M. Lyle, second lieutenant. Feb. 23, 1863, Lieutenant Eaton resigned on account of ill-health, and, on April 8, 1863, Lieutenant Lyle was commissioned first lieutenant, and Joshua H. Wilkey was commissioned second lieutenant. “This company was composed of men from many different walks in life, farmers, mechanics, business men, clerks, students in college, and teachers. Their ages as given ranged from eighteen to forty-five years. Too many troublesome questions along this line were not asked. With one exception they were American born; this one exception, poor fellow, was the first one killed. No one was discharged before the expiration of the term of service, and no one was punished for misbehavior. Since their muster out, the men, so far as I have been able to learn, have proved themselves of no mean order, filling their different stations with honor from humble citizens of toil to judge upon the bench of the Supreme Court. “Sept. 22, 1862, the company reported at Camp Joe Hooker, in Lakeville, where it remained until October 22d, when the regiment broke camp and proceeded to Boston with orders to report to Major-General Foster, at Newbern, North Carolina. “November 30th we were detached from the regiment, and, with about thirty men from the different companies who were found unable to do full duty, we started at night on board steamer _Northern Light_, for Plymouth, N. C. We reached there December 1st, relieving a large body of infantry, artillery, and cavalry, who returned to Newbern. Here our numbers were increased by a small company of infantry and thirty cavalry recruited from the natives in that vicinity, and known by us under the title of “Buffaloes.” Lying in the waters, of the Roanoke, there were rarely less than three or four, sometimes many more gunboats. Commander Flusser, of a first-class reputation as a fighting man, was in command of the naval force. We found our duty to be patrol, guard, and picket. The arrangement between the land and naval forces was that the land force was to give immediate alarm to the naval force of the approach of the enemy, and then at once retire to the Custom House on the bank of the river, when the gunboats would shell the woods, and, if need be, the town; and in this manner keep the rebels from entering the place. “On the 10th of December at 5.30 A. M., a most beautiful moonlight morning, an alarm was sounded by the picket, and soon we heard the patrol calling, ‘The rebels are coming.’ Lieutenant Eaton was off duty sick; so Captain Ewer ordered me to go to company headquarters and get the men in line, while he visited the other companies and notified the gunboat. I was quickly at the quarters of the company and found the men already in line in charge of Sergeant Wilkey. We waited in this position, hearing nothing more of the rebels. Presently Captain Ewer came to the company and asked if anything new had occurred; I told him everything was as quiet as death. At this point it is well to state that the evening before all the gunboats save one, which had just arrived and was a very large one with a full complement of men and a very heavy armament, had gone down the river to coal. In a few minutes Captain Ewer ordered me to take an escort and visit a picket about half a mile from where we were, and on a road parallel to the one where the alarm had been given, and see if anything could be heard of the cause of the alarm. Calling for volunteers, Corporal Mendell, Albert Wilcox, and Elisha Dexter came forward. We visited the picket named, and could learn only that a sound of moving wagons had been heard some time previous, but as nothing further had been heard the noise must have been made by wagons going up the country outside of our lines. As we started to return to the company, we heard the rebels coming down the road at the foot of which Company I was posted. This force of the enemy was composed of the Sixteenth Regiment of North Carolina Infantry with two pieces of artillery, and one hundred and five cavalrymen under Colonel Lamb. The cavalry charged on Company I, yelling like demons. As they were about to strike the company, Sergeant Wilkey ordered the men to make a half wheel to the right and fire. This was done and they retired to the Custom House. Before the company had time to start, the cavalry had run across the line, taken fourteen prisoners, and wounded a number of others. On reaching the Custom House the balance of the garrison were found already there. Up to this time the gunboat had done nothing. The enemy located one piece of artillery on the bank of the river and opened fire on her. The first shot went through her smokestack and the second into her steam chest; when the cry came that her boiler had burst, upon which her captain ordered her cable slipped, and she was soon drifting down the river, meanwhile firing into the town as she slowly drifted away. On reaching the Custom House our men at once occupied the windows, and when the cavalry attempted to pass a little later, they found it too hot for them and retired. The rebel infantry on entering the village, picketed each cross street to prevent anyone escaping, and also set fire to the houses. A piece of artillery located on a rise of ground where it had the range of the Custom House, sent nine shots into the upper corner, one which fatally wounded young Francis Stoddard. At this time the rebels suddenly retreated. In this action the company lost two men killed, Sullivan and Stoddard, several wounded, fourteen taken prisoners; a number of citizens were drowned or killed. “After this we had a quiet time, engaged in picket and guard duty, but somewhat apprehensive of a visit from a ram, christened by the boys “Roanoke Sheep,” that we knew was only a few miles up the river waiting for a chance to visit us. This ram did come down later, clearing all before it until Lieutenant Cushing succeeded in blowing it up. “We had a large number of contrabands, horses and mules to look after, and as Captain Ewer did not feel authorized to feed them with government rations we did considerable foraging outside the lines. Three foraging expeditions fell to my lot to conduct. One of these occasions is worth relating. We started early in the morning with a number of wagons and volunteers from Company I to go several miles outside of our lines to a barn where there was a large lot of corn that we wanted. After we had proceeded some distance beyond the picket line we saw a man coming on the run waving his hands and acting very much excited. We halted until he reached us and gave us the information that the rebels were at the barn where we were going, and were loading up the corn to carry up the country, and that the best thing for us to do was to go back to camp. After carefully considering the matter, we concluded to go on and see what we could discover. On reaching the vicinity of the barn we dismounted and so arranged the men as to surround the premises, and if possible capture all hands. Our attempt proved a grand success. We took some thirteen wagons of all descriptions, with all hands connected with them. After finishing the loading of the captured wagons and our own, we started on our return. While still outside our picket line, we saw a body of horsemen coming on the gallop toward us. We halted, and formed our wagons and men in the best shape we could to care for ourselves. They proved, however, to be a body of our own cavalry who were coming to look for us. The contraband whom we had met earlier in the day had worked his way into the town and told his story to Captain Ewer, and he had become anxious about us. We soon formed line again and took up our camp campwards. After entering within the lines we met the infantry coming out to see where we were: these so increased our numbers that when we reached Plymouth we had a large column of cavalry, infantry, rebels, with our train of wagons, and as we passed headquarters received a royal welcome from the men from the gunboats and citizens who were gathered on the street. “One other expedition we will mention, caused by our guide, a man named Giles, having been shot while he and Corporal Mendell were entering the gate leading to the guide’s house. Giles was a native and his home was outside our lines. Corporal Mendell reported the incident to Captain Ewer, and it was not known for a certainty whether or not the guide was dead. I was ordered to take a boat and crew from Company I, in which were a number of sailors, and visit the home of the guide to render him any needed aid and bring him to town if possible. We started early in the morning, were all day until ten o’clock at night. On reaching the house we found the guide dead, and that there was nothing we could do. “In these ways we spent our time until one day in March we saw a steamer coming up the river carrying a general’s flag at the fore. When the boat was made fast Company I was ordered to get ready to go somewhere, we did not know where. It seems, however, that General Palmer wanted to visit some of the outposts. One of these was Edenton, and the men were allowed here to go ashore. On returning to the steamer, some of the citizens reported to the general that some silver was missing. The company was ordered to fall in line on the wharf; knapsacks were unslung and carefully inspected, but no silver was found. On swinging off, the steamer headed for Elizabeth City. Here the company disembarked and spent about two months in garrison duties, similar to those performed at Plymouth. The major of the Eighth Massachusetts Volunteer Militia had command of the post. Foraging became a part of our duty. One expedition in this line is worthy of mention, showing how the innocent may suffer imposition. We started one day under command of an officer of some North Carolina troops. The expedition was made up of a detail from the Eighth Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, and Company I. We were absent two days and a night, and the object was to procure rations as our commissary was getting short. We were successful in finding corn, bacon, and some very nice hams. These last were found by Company I. As we were about to go ashore on our return, we noticed that the men of the Eighth Regiment had on their overcoats, but in our innocence thought it not strange, presuming they thought that the better way of carrying them. The next day when we applied to the commissary for a share of the hams, he informed us that none were turned in. It seems that the men with overcoats had carried them away under their capes. “We formed a part of an expedition sent one day to break up a camp of guerillas, located some distance up the Dismal Swamp canal. We used a little noisy steamer which gave a decided notice of our coming, and, as might be expected, the guerillas took the hint and left. All we could do was to burn the camp, which we did, and then returned in safety. “After about five months of garrison duty in Plymouth and Elizabeth City, Company I was ordered to report at Newbern, when its services became again a part of the regimental history.” CORRECTED ROSTER OF COMPANY I, MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEER MILITIA. [WRITTEN BY CORPORAL JAMES F. TRIPP AND COMRADE HENRY P. CROWELL.] [The first figures indicate age at enlistment: the city or town, the place of enlistment.] BARNABAS EWER, JR., Captain; 50; Fairhaven. For years before the war he was in the outfitting business. He raised Company I, and was its captain during its nine months’ campaign in North Carolina. He assisted in raising the Fifty-eighth Regiment and was commissioned major of the same. He went with the regiment to the front and was killed in action at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864. SOLOMON R. EATON, First Lieutenant; 55; Mattapoisett. For many years he was engaged in the architectural business, where he gained success and renown. He resigned his office as first lieutenant February 23d, on account of failing health, and died at Mattapoisett, Oct. 9, 1872. JABEZ M. LYLE, Second Lieutenant; 30; Fairhaven. He was promoted to first lieutenant, Apr. 3, 1863, and afterwards to captain in the Twenty-third Unattached Company, One Hundred Days’ Men. After muster out he taught school in Fairhaven. He was for quite awhile in the oil business; then engaged in the real estate and insurance business, which he still continues in New York City successfully. His address is 1550 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Of Company I he says, “The men of this company were quite the equal of any company in the Old Third. Many of them were college graduates, and others were pursuing their studies in college, which for the time they ceased to take up again after they were mustered out of service. Since the war many of these men became doctors, lawyers, one a judge in the courts of Massachusetts, one the honored principal of the Friends Academy in New Bedford; many have made their mark in business; and not one has ever disgraced himself by misbehavior. A large number re-enlisted and went to the front. All the officers save Lieutenant Eaton went the second time, and some the third time into the service.” As captain, Lieutenant Lyle recruited Company I to its fullest strength. During his service he was acting adjutant for one month in camp at Lakeville, acting quartermaster, commissary, ordnance officer at Plymouth, N. C., and lastly he commanded two companies at Readville, Mass., at the time of the second election of President Lincoln. JOSHUA M. WILKEY, Second Lieutenant; 26; Fairhaven. He was promoted from first sergeant to second lieutenant, Apr. 3, 1863. He was promoted first lieutenant in the Twenty-third Unattached Company; also promoted captain in a company raised for one year. He died in Fairhaven, Nov. 12, 1901. JIRAH KINNEY, JR.; First Sergeant; 26; Mattapoisett. He was in the First Rhode Island Detached Militia and took part in the battle of Bull Run. After the war he returned to Mattapoisett, where he lived until he moved to Buffalo, N. Y., his present residence. LAWRENCE R. RANKIN, Sergeant; 23; Rochester. Believed to have been killed in the battle of Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864. THOMAS H. BOWEN, Sergeant; 21; Fairhaven. Died in Fairhaven, Apr. 30, 1879. NELSON I. SWEET, Sergeant; 21; Fairhaven. After muster out he worked for the Standard Oil Company until pensioned and retired by the same. He resides in Brooklyn, N. Y. ELISHA COPELAND, Sergeant; 26; Fairhaven. Died in Fairhaven, Apr. 3, 1886. GEORGE, F. ROGERS, Sergeant; 21; Fairhaven. Died in Newbern, N. C., June 2, 1863. SYLVANUS D. WATERMAN, Corporal; 21; Litchfield, Me. Died in Kentucky several years ago. HORACE P. TRIPP, Corporal; 24; Fairhaven. Died in Fairhaven, Apr. 29, 1864. JESSIE A. WARNER, Corporal; 44; Fairhaven. Died in Fairhaven, June 13, 1892. NATHAN H. MENDALL, Corporal; 30; Marion. Believed to be living in Rochester, Mass. BENJAMIN H. STROWBRIDGE, Corporal; 40; Lakeville. Unknown. JAMES N. COX, Corporal; 18; Fairhaven. Re-enlisted in Fifty-eighth Massachusetts Volunteer Militia as sergeant. Wounded in the Battle of the Wilderness. Resides in Calmut, Mich. BENJAMIN F. ROBINSON, Corporal; 20; Mattapoisett. Employed at State Farm, Bridgewater. JAMES F. TRIPP, Corporal; 28; Fairhaven. Prominent in town affairs. Real estate agent. One of the officials at Dry Dock, Fairhaven. Resides on Walnut Street, Fairhaven. BENJAMIN BURT, Musician; 18; Fairhaven. Resides in New Brunswick, N. J. _Privates._ ALLEN, WILLIAM F.; 21; Fairhaven. Engaged in the life insurance business in New York. Resides in Omaha Menger, N. Y. ALLEN, CHARLES A.; 19; Marion. Resides in Marion. BAKER, BENJAMIN T.; 18; Fairhaven. Resides in Whitinsville, Mass. BARROWS, ALPHEUS; 21; Mattapoisett. Resides in Mattapoisett. Re-enlisted in Second Heavy Artillery. BENTON, CHARLES H.; 18; Lakeville. Unknown. BOWEN, MARTIN; 18; Fairhaven. Died in Franklin, Pa., Aug. 25, 1899. BRALEY, CHARLES G.; 22; Fairhaven. Living in Fairhaven. BRIGGS, GEORGE P.; 20; Fairhaven. Resides in Cottage City. BUTTS, JOSEPH A.; 20; Mattapoisett. Resides in New Bedford. BENTON, WILLIAM H.; 41; Lakeville. Supposed to be dead. BRALEY, GEORGE B.; 23; Fairhaven. Died in Marion, Mass. BLANKENSHIP, JAMES W.; 19; Marion. Nothing known of his history since muster out. BISHOP, ISRAEL S.; 43; Rochester. According to best information he died several years ago. BOURNE, SYLVANUS, JR.; 22; Falmouth. Believed to be living in Falmouth. BOURNE, THOMAS B.; 19; Rochester. So far as known he still lives in Rochester. BISHOP, MICAH S.; 27; Rochester. Unknown. CROWELL, THOMAS C.; 27; Fairhaven. Died in Fairhaven, March 26, 1879. CROWELL, HENRY P.; 21; Fairhaven. An honored and respected citizen of Fairhaven, where he still resides. CARSON, REUBEN; 22; Fairhaven. Died in Hyde Park, in 1904. Buried in New Bedford. COLE, CHARLES G.; 38; Lakeville. Unknown. CRAPO, HENRY E.; 23; Rochester. Unknown. COLE, THEODORE W.; 24; Rochester. Resides in New Bedford. COLE, ALBERT L.; 44; Lakeville. Believed to be dead. COLE, NELSON F.; 43; Lakeville. Unknown. CARVER, GILBERT; 24; Lakeville. Unknown. CRAPO, FRANCIS N.; 21; Rochester. Unknown. CASWELL, WILLIAM F.; Fairhaven. Resides in New Bedford. CROSBY, EDWARD F.; 18; Mattapoisett. Unknown. DAMON, EDWARD F.; 21; Fairhaven. Died in Fairhaven, March 23, 1866. DAVIS, ALDEN; 32; Fairhaven. Died in Fairhaven, Sept. 13, 1901. DEAN, WILLIAM; 36; Lakeville. Unknown. DEXTER, ALBERT M.; 25; Mattapoisett. Died July 25, 1899. DEXTER, ELISHA L.; 28; Mattapoisett. Unknown. DEXTER, JAMES W.; 44; Mattapoisett. Died in 1890. DODGE, GILBERT A.; 26; Marion. Resides in Orleans, Mass. DILLINGHAM, EDWARD H.; 37; Fairhaven. Re-enlisted in Fifty-eighth Massachusetts Veteran Volunteers. Died in Petersburg, Va., March 8, 1865, and was buried in Virginia. DUNHAM, GEORGE; 18; Fairhaven. Unknown. ELLIS, DANIEL S.; 21; Mattapoisett. Died in Mattapoisett, Mar. 21, 1893. ELLIS, WILLIAM T.; 20; Rochester. Died soon after muster out. ELLIS, JOHN; 42; Acushnet. Unknown. FREEBORN, JOHN P.; 22; Fairhaven. Resides in Newport. GILLETT, ALBERT D.; 21; Fairhaven. Lives in Soldiers Home, Chelsea. GILLETT, CHARLES W.; 24; Fairhaven. Resides in New Bedford. GIFFORD, CHARLES H.; 23; Fairhaven. Died in Fairhaven, Jan. 20, 1904. GIFFORD, WILLIAM C.; 18; Mattapoisett. Re-enlisted in Third Heavy Artillery. Resides in Fairhaven. HITCH, FREDERICK H.; 22; Fairhaven. Resides in New York. HOLMES, HEMAN G.; 25; Mattapoisett. Master’s Mate at close of the war. Member of school committee in Mattapoisett, where he still resides. HILLER, EBEN R.; 31; Mattapoisett. Died in Mattapoisett, May 1, 1890. HAMMOND, JOHN W.; 24; Mattapoisett. One of the judges of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts. Resides in Cambridge, Mass. HAMMOND, ROWLAND; 20; Mattapoisett. Died in Campello, July 8, 1900. INGRAHAM, WILLIAM H.; 35; Wareham. Died in Wareham. INGRAHAM, ANDREW; 20; New Bedford. Resides in Cambridge, Mass. JENKINS, WILLIAM; 22; Falmouth. Unknown. LUCE, LEANDER; 24; New Bedford. Unknown. LOBIE, FRANKLIN A.; 44; Mattapoisett. Died in Newbern, N. C., Jan. 19, 1863. MARVELL, SAMUEL M.; 18; Fairhaven. Re-enlisted in Fifty-eighth Regiment. Promoted sergeant. Taken prisoner and died in Salisbury Prison, N. C., Dec. 29, 1864. NYE, JOHN L.; 27; Rochester. Unknown. POTTER, WILLIAM H.; 30; Marion. Resides in Marion. PIERCE, LUCIUS; 30; Rochester. Unknown. PAULL, ROGER; 23; Lakeville. Unknown. PARIS, CALEB; 27; Lakeville. Died in Myricksville, Feb. 19, 1900. PURRINGTON, WILLIAM B.; 19; Fairhaven. Died in Fairhaven, Apr. 1, 1865. PURRINGTON, JOHN A.; 44; Mattapoisett. Died in New Bedford, Dec. 14, 1899. RYDER, MADISON N.; 18; Rochester. Unknown. RANDALL, FAYETTE E.; 18; Mattapoisett. Resides in Mattapoisett. RANDALL, GEORGE W.; 26; Mattapoisett. Resides in New Bedford. SAMPSON, ZABDIEL S.; 20; Fairhaven. Died in New York, 1900. SMITH, ROLAND; 24; Fairhaven. Resides in Rock Station, Middleboro, Mass. SEARS, STEPHEN C.; 23; Rochester. Resides in Somerville, Mass. SULLIVAN, MICHAEL; 26; Lakeville. Killed in action at Plymouth, N. C., Dec. 10, 1862. STODDARD, FRANCIS M.; 18; Fairhaven. Died in Plymouth, N. C., December 16th, from wounds received in action Dec. 10, 1862. TINKHAM, CHARLES H.; 20; Mattapoisett. Died in Newbern, Nov. 30, 1862. TABER, LORING P.; 18; Fairhaven. Died of wounds in Washington, D. C., June 23, 1864. TOBY, JOHN A.; 23; Falmouth. Town Clerk of Falmouth. TRIPP, HANDEL J.; 43; Rochester. Died in Foxboro, 1904. WILBER, ISAIAH T.; 27; Rochester. Died in Mansfield, Mass., Feb. 9, 1901. WESTGATE, STEPHEN; 18; Fairhaven. Resides in New Bedford. WRIGHTINTON, THOMAS W.; 25; Fairhaven. Resides in Fairhaven. WESTGATE, ANDREW; 33; Fairhaven. Died in Fairhaven, Feb. 16, 1904. WILCOX, ALBERT M.; 30; Fairhaven. Resides in Fairhaven. WOOD, LEMUEL C., JR.; 33; Fairhaven. Died in New Bedford in 1897. WINSLOW, LEANDER; 27; Lakeville. Died in 1904. CHAPTER XIII. COMPANY K, THIRD REGIMENT, MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEER MILITIA. [WRITTEN BY CORPORAL HENRY MANLEY, MEMBER OF THE COMPANY.] Company K was a new company recruited for the purpose of filling the quota of the towns of East Bridgewater, West Bridgewater, and Bridgewater. It was not connected with the Third Regiment of Massachusetts Militia either before or after its term of service. In the call for 300,000 three years’ men early in the summer of 1862, the combined quota of the above-named towns was 102, and taking it for granted that about the same number would be required under the call of August 4th, for 300,000 men for nine months, concerted action was taken in town meetings in each of those towns. A very enthusiastic war meeting was held on the evening of Aug. 18, 1862, in the town hall in East Bridgewater, at which Joseph Chamberlain was president and Sergt. Morton D. Mitchell was secretary. It was voted that it is expedient that East Bridgewater, together with Bridgewater and West Bridgewater, should endeavor to raise by voluntary enlistment a company to enter into the United States service for nine months. _Voted_, That Messrs. James Mitchell, Benjamin W. Harris and George Bryant be a committee to wait upon the governor and request him to appoint some person or persons, to engage in the enlistment of such volunteers. _Voted_, That Messrs. Richard M. Smith and William Allen be a committee to consult with the citizens of Bridgewater and West Bridgewater in relation to a meeting of the three towns for the purpose of forming a military company. It is probable that similar meetings were held in each of the other towns, but no record of them has been found. In West Bridgewater a town meeting was held on Aug. 22, 1862. It was voted that a bounty of $150 be paid to volunteers for nine months’ service, and it was recommended that the volunteers unite with Bridgewater and East Bridgewater to form a company. It was also recommended that the whole town attend a meeting to be held at Agricultural Hall in Bridgewater on the following Wednesday (August 26th) for the purpose of forwarding the formation of a military company. A committee had been chosen at a previous meeting to take charge of recruiting, consisting of the Selectmen (James Howard, Albert Copeland and George T. Ryder), together with one man from each school district, as follows: William O. Alger, J. Q. Hartwell, Nahum Snell, Samuel N. Howard, Charles E. Howard, Galen K. Richards, Thomas Ames, Leavitt T. Howard. In East Bridgewater at a town meeting held on Aug. 23, 1862, it was voted to pay a bounty of $100 to volunteers for nine months’ service, and a committee of three was chosen to procure enlistments. The committee consisted of Samuel Bates, John B. Fisher, and George Bryant. The meeting also recommended to such of its inhabitants as may enlist for nine months’ service that they unite with the volunteers from the towns of Bridgewater and West Bridgewater in forming a company. [Illustration: CAPT. SAMUEL BATES.] A town meeting was held in Bridgewater on Aug. 26, 1862, to raise volunteers under the call for men to serve nine months. It was voted that a committee of seven be chosen by the town to take in charge the business of raising the number of volunteers necessary, also to pay a bounty of $150 to each volunteer who shall enlist to the credit of the town for nine months’ service. The committee chosen at this meeting were F. B. King, Edward W. Bassett, Nathan Fobes, Almansor Osborne, Lewis Holmes, and Holden W. Keith. Shortly after this time a number of men from North Bridgewater and Easton who had arranged to join the Fourth Regiment, learning that this company was nearly full, and that the regiment was nearly ready to leave for the seat of war, joined the company, completely filling its ranks. The mass meeting alluded to in the town meeting in West Bridgewater was held in Agricultural Hall, Bridgewater, on the evening of August 26th. The presiding officer was B. W. Harris, Esq., of East Bridgewater. The vice-presidents were Hon. Artemas Hale, Col. Samuel Leonard, Hon. J. H. Mitchell, Samuel G. Alden, James Howard, and Capt. Joseph Kingman. The meeting is represented as of an enthusiastic character, but no account of the addresses has been discovered. The company thus recruited was assigned to the Third Massachusetts Infantry and named “Company K.” It went into Camp in Lakeville, Mass., on Sept. 16, 1862, and was the second company of the regiment to arrive at the camp. It was given a patriotic and affectionate send-off by the people of the Bridgewaters, and was escorted to the train and from the train at Haskins Station to Camp Joe Hooker by the Bridgewater Cornet Band. The barracks at Camp Joe Hooker were new. The main buildings, twenty in number, were each about 70 × 25 feet on the floor and nine feet high in the walls. They were built of matched boards, planed on the inside, with good tight floors, and shingled roofs. The bunks were built double “like two sinks, one above the other,” and each accommodated four men, two in the upper and two in the lower berth. Each barrack held one hundred men, or a company. They were well ventilated and comfortable. The barracks, cook-houses, officers’ quarters, stables, etc., fifty buildings in all, were built in one week. The company consisted of one hundred and one men, exactly the legal maximum for an infantry company. The towns furnishing the men were as follows: Bridgewater, thirty-four; East Bridgewater, twenty-four; West Bridgewater, twenty-five; North Bridgewater, eleven; Easton, four; Middleboro, one; Boston, one; Gloucester, one; total, one hundred and one. It will be seen from the above that the members of the company were from contiguous territory with only two exceptions; First Sergt. Winter was imported from Gloucester as a trained and drilled man and was almost the only man in the company with military experience even in the militia, and he had never been in the United States service. With him came his friend “Natty” Ackerman who hailed from Boston. The remainder of the company was recruited amongst friends and neighbors. Nearly all were of American parentage, and most of them were men of standing in the community both before and since the war. They were “men of their hands,” too, and there are few things that could not be built, or machines that could not be run by members of the company. The occupations of the recruits were given as follows: Boot and shoe workers in some form, forty-six; farmers, seventeen; moulders, seven; machinists, four; laborers, four; carpenters, three; salesmen, three; students, three; bookbinders, two; druggist, one; “railroader,” one; civil engineer, one; surveyor, one; butcher, one; nailer, one; wheelwright, one; painters, two; box maker, one; stone cutter, one; teacher, one. The officers were as ignorant of military usages as the men, and, as may be supposed, the discipline at first was not of the most rigid character. But the members of the company as a rule were disposed to do the right thing, and perhaps enjoyed themselves better and did just as good service as they would have done under more severe officers. The men of the company owe a debt of gratitude to their officers who were all kind-hearted men and devoted to the welfare of the company, and whose mildly used authority was much better adapted to a company of intelligent men of pronounced Yankee blood than would have been that of military martinets. Fifty-two members of the company were married and forty-nine were single. The average age was between twenty-eight and twenty-nine years. Twenty were twenty years old and under, twenty-four were between twenty and twenty-five, nineteen were between twenty-five and thirty, twenty-two were between thirty and forty, and sixteen were more than forty. Company K was the color company throughout its service, and its position was therefore on the right centre when the regiment was in line of battle. The record of the company in the service is not a bloody one. No one was killed, wounded, taken prisoner, or missing, and no one deserted. Two men died from disease in the service and six men were discharged for disability before the regiment was mustered out. The story of the regiment as a whole will be given elsewhere, and that part of the company’s history which also means the regimental history, has been omitted in this account. Company K followed the fortunes of the regiment closely. The only time that it was on detached duty, except for picket, or service of that nature, was early in its service after it arrived in Newbern and before the arms had been distributed, when it was ordered to some mythical point to build a bridge. After groping around outside the picket line, entirely unarmed, for two days, the company returned, having found the bridge nearly completed. The members of the company had an exceptional opportunity to see the details of warfare. At the Battle of Kinston the company with the regiment was in reserve, and, while under fire, was unharmed. After the action they had an opportunity, from the view point of the victors, to examine a well-fought field with many killed, wounded and prisoners, and also to explore the captured town of Kinston. At Whitehall the company was again under fire, and, as was reported, the inferior character of its arms saved it from a more intimate acquaintance with the enemy. At Goldsboro the company had an opportunity of seeing a charge repelled under sensational circumstances and with severe loss to the enemy, a sight which many soldiers of longer service have never seen. The circumstances of this charge have been traditional in the company and the results have been much exaggerated, the enemy’s loss being set all the way from five hundred to fifteen hundred. The unadorned facts are that after the burning of the bridge and during the withdrawal of the Union forces, by a blunder of the enemy a charge was made by two regiments of General Clingman’s brigade against a much superior force, and it was the fortune of Company K as a part of the regiment, to act as guard to Belger’s Rhode Island battery, which with another light battery had a fair chance to destroy the attacking force as it charged up a long slope. The Third Regiment lay on the ground in front of the battery (which was firing over the regiment), and Company K had an unobstructed view of the premises, and nothing to do but look on. The writer in a letter written at the time estimated that the nearest rebel came within fifty rods of the regiment. The attacking force consisted of the Fifty-second North Carolina Regiment, Colonel Marshall, and the Fifty-first North Carolina, Colonel Allen. These regiments, with two others which did not participate in the charge, made the brigade commanded by Gen. Thomas E. Clingman. His report, printed in the “Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies,” First Series, Vol. XVIII, page 117, gives the losses as follows: Killed Wounded Missing Marshall’s Regiment 11 58 10 Allen’s “ 6 43 8 ---- ---- ---- Total, 17 101 18 making a total loss of 136. The writer has not succeeded in learning the total strength of the two regiments at the time of the charge. The company’s most potent enemies during its service were the severe marches to which it was subjected and the malarious climate. The effects of both of these are still felt by many of the survivors. On the return of the regiment a public reception was given to Company K on Saturday, June 20th, at the Agricultural Hall by citizens of Bridgewater, East and West Bridgewater. The company met at the town hall, Bridgewater, and was escorted to the Fair grounds by the Bridgewater Cornet Band under the marshalship of Dr. Asa Millett, where twelve or fifteen hundred people had assembled to receive it. For the gratification of their friends the soldiers spent about half an hour in drilling. At about half past two o’clock, after stacking arms the company was drawn up in front of the judges’ stand on the track to listen to the speech of welcome. The president of the day, James Howard, Esq., of West Bridgewater, after stating the object of the meeting, introduced Hon. B. W. Harris, of East Bridgewater, who, in an appropriate speech in behalf of the citizens, welcomed the soldiers on their return home. A procession was then formed which marched to the hall to partake of a collation which had been prepared by the ladies of the several towns. After the repast the company adjourned to the upper hall to listen to the speeches. This hall as well as the lower was tastefully decorated with flags and pendants. The soldiers occupied seats directly in front of the speakers and were here presented each with a bouquet of flowers by the school children, the presentation speech having been made by one of the young ladies. Speeches were made by Hon. John A. Shaw, Hon. Benjamin W. Harris, and others. Later in the afternoon, Major Morrissey entered the hall, and, taking his seat on the platform, was received with great applause, Company K giving him three hearty cheers. He was then introduced and addressed the soldiers. The entertainment was closed by singing “America” by the whole audience under the direction of Mr. Wilde. After the arrival home of the company and before it was mustered out came the death of one of its members, Mr. James Henry Packard, of North Bridgewater (now Brockton). He was buried in the Marshall’s Corner Cemetery with military honors from his comrades. Twenty members of the company entered the military service after being mustered out of Company K. Ten of this number joined Company D, Fifty-eighth Massachusetts Infantry, three of them forming the commissioned officers of the company. Of these ten, one was killed in action, five were wounded, seven were taken prisoners, of whom two died in rebel prisons. All but one of the ten is included in one or more of the above categories, and whether the tenth man was taken prisoner or wounded the writer has not been able to learn. The remaining ten enlisted in various organizations, but none of them lost their lives in the service. In June, 1906, thirty-six members of Company K were known to be living. One has not been heard from by his relatives for about twenty years, and the remaining sixty-four are known to be dead. The commissioned officers are all dead. Of the non-commissioned officers, two corporals survive. Fourteen of the surviving men of the company are past labor by reason of age or infirmities, or both. Twenty are “still in the ring” pursuing their usual avocations; one has retired, and one is in the Soldiers Home, in Togus, Maine. The company was mustered into the United States service on Sept. 23, 1862, and was mustered out on June 26, 1863. The members of Company K were mustered on the above dates unless otherwise noted. CORRECTED ROSTER OF COMPANY K. SAMUEL BATES, Captain; born in East Bridgewater, June 3, 1828. Boot-cutter; married; commissioned Sept. 3, 1862; died in Whitman, Mass., Sept. 26, 1879. After the war, Capt. Bates passed several years in the employ of the interior department in Washington, ending in September, 1879. NATHAN FOBES, First Lieutenant; salesman; twenty-two; single. Enlisted from Bridgewater. Commissioned Sept. 3, 1862; died in East Orange, N. J., Oct. 14, 1899. Lieutenant Fobes was a traveling salesman for Boston and New York merchants. CHARLES E. CHURCHILL, Second Lieutenant; thirty-eight; married; shoe-cutter. Enlisted from West Bridgewater. Commissioned Sept. 3, 1862. Lieutenant Churchill served as aid on the staff of Brig.-Gen. J. Jourdan from Feb. 26, 1863, until the return of the regiment. Lieutenant Churchill entered the service the second time and served as captain of Company D, Fifty-eighth Massachusetts Infantry. He was wounded and taken prisoner Sept. 3, 1864, and discharged for disability, Feb. 10, 1865. Lieutenant Churchill lived in West Bridgewater, and died there on Feb. 4, 1901. GEORGE F. WINTER, First Sergeant; twenty-nine; bookbinder; married. Enlisted from Gloucester; died in Gloucester of heart disease Jan. 9, 1886. He was a bookbinder by occupation. JOHN B. FISHER, Sergeant; twenty-one; law student; single. Enlisted from East Bridgewater; died June 13, 1882, in East Bridgewater. He also served in the Thirty-sixth United States Colored Troops, known as the Second North Carolina Regiment. LINUS E. HAYWARD, Sergeant; forty; married; farmer. Enlisted from West Bridgewater. Enlisted a second time in the Fifty-eighth Massachusetts as first lieutenant and was promoted captain. Was wounded and taken prisoner. Was exchanged and returned home with the regiment. Died in West Bridgewater, July 16, 1904. SAMUEL E. HAWES, Sergeant; salesman; twenty-five; single. Enlisted from Bridgewater. Died in Brockton, Feb. 9, 1886. JOSEPHUS L. FREEMAN, Sergeant; thirty-five; shoe-cutter; married. Enlisted from West Bridgewater. Lived in Brockton and followed the occupation of a mechanic in the shoe manufacturing shops of that city. Died in Brockton, March 18, 1892. NAHUM WASHBURN, JR., Corporal; twenty-three; single; druggist. Was proprietor of a drug store in Bridgewater, and died there Oct. 14, 1893. ALFRED H. PERKINS, Corporal; moulder; thirty-one; married. Enlisted from Bridgewater. Promoted regimental wagoner Dec. 9, 1862. Died in Bridgewater, March 8, 1902. THOMAS P. RIPLEY, Corporal; twenty-one; single; farmer. Enlisted from West Bridgewater. Carried on the business of manufacturing boots and shoes in Cocheset, West Bridgewater. Died Aug. 23, 1891, in West Bridgewater. ELIJAH HINKLEY, Corporal; “railroader;” forty-four; married. Enlisted from East Bridgewater; was a shoemaker, and later a gate tender for the Old Colony Railroad Company and its successors, until his death, on Dec. 16, 1893, in East Bridgewater. GEORGE M. KEITH, Corporal; thirty-one; married; shoemaker. Enlisted from East Bridgewater; was foreman in shoeshops for seventeen years; superintendent of Bridgewater Water Company for ten years, ending in 1900, and since then president of the East Bridgewater Savings Bank. Mr. Keith is still living in the house in which he was born in East Bridgewater. MARCELLUS G. HOWARD, Corporal; student; twenty-five; single. Enlisted from Bridgewater. Corporal Howard was detailed as a member of the color guard and as such carried the State colors. He carried on the market business in Bridgewater; died of consumption in Palatka, Fla., Dec. 24, 1881. SETH B. EDSON, Corporal; surveyor; twenty-seven; single. Enlisted from East Bridgewater. Mr. Edson lived in East Bridgewater, where he carried on the nursery and farming business. Died Feb. 21, 1905, in East Bridgewater. HENRY MANLEY, Corporal; teacher; twenty-one; single. Enlisted from North Bridgewater. He is a civil engineer, assistant engineer engineering department city of Boston. Member American Society of Civil Engineers. Lives in West Roxbury (Boston), Mass. DAVID P. REYNOLDS, Private, promoted Corporal, Dec. 9, 1862; shoemaker; twenty; single. Enlisted from East Bridgewater. Died Sept. 6, 1867, of consumption, in East Bridgewater. ALFRED GURNEY, Company Wagoner; farmer; forty-four. Enlisted from East Bridgewater. Was a farmer in East Bridgewater, and died there Feb. 28, 1901. _Privates_. ALDEN, CALEB, 42; single; farmer. Enlisted from Bridgewater. Died in Soldiers Home, in Togus, Me., on Jan. 3, 1899. Buried in Bridgewater. ALDEN, ISAAC R., painter; 18; single. Enlisted from Bridgewater. Was the company drummer; enlisted a second time and served as drummer in Company F, Fifty-sixth Massachusetts Infantry; has carried on the business of grocer in Bridgewater since the war. ALDEN, LUCIUS F., 18; single; shoemaker. Enlisted from West Bridgewater. Carried on the business of shoe manufacturing in Brockton, as a member of the firm of Churchill & Alden for many years. Died in Brockton, Dec. 28, 1903. ALDEN, WILLIAM S., JR., farmer; 18; single. Enlisted from Bridgewater. Went to California many years ago. His relatives have not heard from him for about twenty years. ANDREWS, MANASSAH LLOYD, machinist; 18; single. Enlisted from Bridgewater. Lives in East Bridgewater (Elmwood), in good health, and busily employed at his trade. ACKERMAN, NATHANIEL, bookbinder; 38; married. Enlisted from Boston. Discharged for disability, March 1, 1863. Died --. BARNEY, HIAL, farmer; single; 26. Enlisted from Bridgewater. He carried on the meat business in Wareham, Mass., for twenty-five years. Was selectman, assessor, and overseer of the poor in Wareham for six years. Retired from business in 1891. Lives in Manchester, N. H. Address, 708 Pine St. BARTLETT, EZEKIEL R., shoe stitcher; 22; single. Enlisted from West Bridgewater; absent sick when company was mustered out. Honorably discharged June 26, 1863. Enlisted and served in Company C, Sixtieth Regiment, 100 days’ service; followed business of workman in shoe factory. Lives in East Bridgewater. BEALS, CHARLES T., shoemaker; 18; single. Enlisted from East Bridgewater. Has been a carriage painter for thirty-six years; has lived in Massachusetts, Ohio, and California. Is now living at No. 17 West Second St., Mansfield, Ohio, in poor health, his lower limbs being paralyzed. BEATON, JAMES W., shoemaker; 22; married. Enlisted from East Bridgewater. Lives in Boston (Dorchester); has been a teamster and stage driver. Is in the employ of the New York and New Haven Railroad Company as gate-tender. BIRD, HENRY W., shoemaker; single; 19. Enlisted from East Bridgewater, lives in East Bridgewater. BLACKMAN, ANDREW G., carpenter; 29; married. Enlisted from East Bridgewater. Has worked in a shoeshop for twenty-five years. Lives in East Bridgewater. BRAINARD, JOHN M., shoemaker; 39; married. Enlisted from West Bridgewater. He was drowned in the stream near his residence in East Bridgewater, on Oct. 23, 1878. BRIGGS, GEORGE D., shoemaker; 19; single. Enlisted from Bridgewater. Also served as corporal in Eighteenth Unattached Company, Massachusetts Infantry; one year’s service. Has been foreman in shoe factory and is now janitor of The Union Trust Building, Brockton, Mass. BRIGGS, WALTER C., salesman; 18; single. Enlisted from West Bridgewater. Served in Twentieth Unattached Company for one year, and in Eleventh United States Infantry. Died --. CALDWELL, GEORGE, shoe cutter; 43; married. Enlisted from West Bridgewater. Died in the service from disease in the Foster Hospital, Newbern, N. C., on June 7, 1863. CALDWELL, CHARLES H., shoemaker; 20; married. Enlisted from West Bridgewater. Lives in West Bridgewater, near Westdale Station. CALDWELL, MELVIN, shoe cutter; 18; single. Enlisted from West Bridgewater. Died in West Bridgewater, May 25, 1864. CONANT, SETH W., farmer; 40; married. Enlisted from Bridgewater. Enlisted and was mustered into United States service as private in Company D, Fifty-eighth Regiment, March 12, 1864, and was killed in action in front of Petersburg, July 30, 1864. In _Bridgewater in the Rebellion_, a book written and published by Arthur Hooper, a member of Company K, it is related that after the Battle of Spottsylvania, May 12, 1864, Conant was detailed with others to bury the dead. The first one found was his son Lucius, a private in the same company. COPELAND, EZRA S., farmer; 27; single. Enlisted from West Bridgewater. He was a member of the Pioneer Corps. Died March 2, 1874. COPELAND, JOHN, butcher; 43; married. Enlisted from West Bridgewater. Lived on his farm in West Bridgewater and died there on June 3, 1904. COUGHLIN, BARTHOLOMEW, laborer; 29; married. Enlisted from East Bridgewater. Died in Bridgewater Mar. 12, 1871. COUGHLIN, GEORGE T., farmer; 18; single. Enlisted from East Bridgewater. Lives in Brockton; has carried on a real estate business and is a special police officer. CRAFTS, FRANCIS T., machinist; 21; single. Enlisted from Bridgewater. Has been a teacher and farmer; is a clerk in the office of the Secretary of State, State House, Boston. Resides in Quincy, Mass. CUSHMAN, NEWELL F., carpenter; 38; married. Enlisted from Bridgewater. Enlisted and served in Company D, Fifty-eighth Massachusetts Infantry. Is an inmate of the Soldiers Home, Togus, Maine. DAVENPORT, AUGUSTUS H., bootmaker; 21; married. Enlisted from North Bridgewater. Lives in Brockton, Mass. DAVENPORT, NATHANIEL M., shoemaker; 26; married. Enlisted from North Bridgewater; also served as corporal in Company C, Sixtieth Massachusetts Regiment, 100 days’ service. Proprietor of Hillside Farm (hotel), Jefferson, N. H. Post office address, Standing, N. H. DELANO, HENRY H., shoemaker; 22; single. Enlisted from Easton. Was at home in Easton sick when the regiment was mustered out. Is a box and trunkmaker. Lives at 226 B Washington St., Malden, Mass. DYSON, WILLIAM A., shoemaker; 28; married. Enlisted from East Bridgewater. Lived in East Bridgewater and was well known in all nearby localities as a tin peddler. Died in East Bridgewater May 31, 1899. ELLIS, WATERMAN J., shoemaker; 36; married. Enlisted from East Bridgewater. Died in Pembroke, Mass., Apr. 3, 1891. FRENCH, ALBERT W., moulder; 40; married. Enlisted from West Bridgewater. He was popularly known as “Old Hockomock” from the name of the extensive meadows near his home in West Bridgewater. He was a heavy and strong man and was a member of the Pioneer Corps. Died --. FRENCH, GEORGE H., moulder; 18; single. Enlisted from West Bridgewater. Died in West Bridgewater, Sept. 13, 1879. FRYES, JAMES, laborer; 42; married. Enlisted from West Bridgewater. Absent sick when the company was mustered out. Died --. HANCOCK, ELIJAH, farmer; 42; married. Enlisted from West Bridgewater. Was superintendent of the Town Farm in West Bridgewater for twenty-five years, and also superintendent of the Town Farm of Sandwich, Mass., for fifteen years. Died in Brockton, Mass., April 7, 1906. HARDIN, LUTHER, shoemaker; 37; married. Enlisted from East Bridgewater. Lived in East Bridgewater and died there Mar. 7, 1899. HAYWARD, BEZA, 44; nailer; married. Enlisted from Bridgewater. He was a farmer and died in West Bridgewater, Nov. 7, 1895. HAYWARD, EDWIN, machinist; 22; single. Enlisted from Bridgewater. Died at Soldiers Home, Togus, Me., Nov. 21, 1900, and his remains were sent to Bridgewater for interment. HINSMAN, WILLIAM VAN BUREN, shoemaker; 43; married. Enlisted from Bridgewater. Was the company officers’ cook. Has lived mostly in Boston since the war, serving as house agent and janitor. Present address, 15 Pierce Street, Norfolk Downs, Quincy, Mass. HOLMES, JOHN, shoemaker; 38; married. Enlisted from Bridgewater. He was living in Bridgewater, in his own house, in July, 1905, but made his home with a daughter in Whitman, Mass. He was the company cook, and performed his duties as such to the entire satisfaction of the company, and his cook house was always a model for the company cooks of the regiment. Died in Bridgewater March 17, 1906, age eighty-one years and five months. HOOPER, ARTHUR, painter; 19; single. Enlisted from Bridgewater. Promoted Regimental Commissary Sergeant, Oct. 27, 1862. Enlisted and served as Commissary Sergeant in Fifty-eighth Massachusetts Regiment from Jan. 14, 1864, to June 14, 1865. Lives in Dorchester (Boston), Mass. Clerk and director of John Carter & Co. (incorporated), dealers in paper, 100 Federal St., Boston. HOWARD, CYRUS S., shoemaker; 27; married. Enlisted from East Bridgewater. Has lived in Easton; at present living in Middleboro, Mass. JONES, SAMUEL, farmer; 38; single. Enlisted from Middleboro. Died in Newbern (in Foster Hospital), of measles, May 26, 1863. Buried at Hillside Cemetery, Bridgewater. KANE, JOHN, farmer; 21; single. Enlisted from West Bridgewater. Lives in East Bridgewater. KEITH, EDGAR D., shoemaker; 36; single. Enlisted from Bridgewater. Died Jan. 9, 1896, in Bridgewater. KEITH, GEORGE T., civil engineer; 19; single. Enlisted from Bridgewater. Is a civil engineer living in Olean, N. Y. Member American Society Civil Engineers. Is resident engineer Barge Canal, Gates, Monroe County, N. Y. KING, FRANCIS D., wheelwright; 39; married. Enlisted from Bridgewater. Kept a public stable in Bridgewater and was a deputy sheriff. Died in Bridgewater, July 10, 1896. KINGMAN, HOSEA, 19; student; single. Enlisted from Bridgewater. Was detailed on the Signal Corps and served thereon from Nov. 26, 1862, to June 25, 1863. Mr. Kingman was an eminent lawyer and was easily the leader of the Plymouth County bar. He was a member of the Metropolitan Sewerage Commission at the time of his death. Died in Bridgewater, March 29, 1900. A memorial tablet on the walls of the building of the Old Bridgewater Historical Society in West Bridgewater, reads as follows: “Hosea Kingman, Born in Bridgewater, April 11, 1843, enlisted in State Volunteers, 1862; mustered out of service 1863; graduated at Dartmouth College, 1864. Admitted to the bar 1866, appointed judge 1878. Died in Bridgewater, 1900. He inherited patriotism from his ancestors and served his country in the field before his majority. A faithful and devoted friend, a good citizen, affable, free in manner and absorbed in his profession. He was a discreet and wise counsellor, a powerful advocate with keen judgment. Towns, counties, and states, sought his services.” LACKEY, GEORGE A., painter; 23; married. Enlisted from Easton. He also served as private in Company H, Seventh Massachusetts Regiment, and as sergeant in Company D., Fifty-eighth Regiment. In the Battle of Spottsylvania Court House, May 4, 1864, Sergeant Lackey was severely wounded, losing his left leg. He was discharged for disability March 11, 1865. Has lived in Easton since the war, was representative in the Massachusetts Legislature in 1883, and has been a member of the Board of Registration of Voters in Easton since 1884. Is proprietor of a general store and janitor of school. Address, South Easton, Mass. LINCOLN, ISAAC H., shoemaker; 21; married. Enlisted from East Bridgewater. He was absent sick at East Bridgewater when the company was mustered out. He also served in the band of the Twentieth Massachusetts Regiment, and in the Fourth Heavy Artillery. Shoemaker and carpenter; lives in East Bridgewater. MARSHALL, ALBERT L., farmer; 19; single. Enlisted from North Bridgewater; also served as private in Fourteenth Massachusetts Battery from Feb. 27, 1864, to June 16, 1865. He is a patient in the State Insane Asylum, Taunton, Mass. MITCHELL, HENRY M., carpenter; 27; married. Enlisted from West Bridgewater. Died in Oakland, California, June 13, 1904. MORSE, LUTHER M., bootmaker; 26; married. Enlisted from North Bridgewater. Died in Lynn, Mass., Oct. 13, 1894. MURPHY, WILLIAM T., farmer; 19; single. Enlisted from Bridgewater. Also served in Company D, Fifty-eighth Massachusetts Infantry; was taken prisoner in battle in front of Petersburg, July 30, 1864. Died a prisoner of war at Danville, Va., Nov. 27, 1864. NORTON, JOSEPH C., farmer; 43; married. Enlisted from Bridgewater. He was the company fifer, also served as fifer in Company C, Fifty-sixth Massachusetts Infantry, where his name is recorded as “Naughton.” Died in Bridgewater, Aug. 3, 1887. O’NEIL, JOHN, moulder; 27; single. Enlisted from West Bridgewater. OSBORNE, ISAAC P., bootmaker; 37; married. Enlisted from North Bridgewater. He was detailed in command of a gang of forty negroes and built a blockhouse and numerous corduroy roads near Newbern. Isaac, as he was always called, was a great dancer, and, with the weight of eighty years, is still light enough on his feet to be the envy of many a young man. Lives in Brockton, and has been a member of the Common Council in that city. PACKARD, BRADFORD, farmer; 44; married. Enlisted from West Bridgewater. Lived and died on his farm in West Bridgewater. Died Aug. 26, 1884. PACKARD, JAMES H., bootmaker; 27; married. Enlisted from North Bridgewater. Discharged for disability, March 12, 1863, and died in North Bridgewater, June 23, 1863. His death occurred during the few days’ interval between the arrival of the regiment in Massachusetts and before it was mustered out. He was buried with military honors in the Marshall’s Corner Cemetery. PACKARD, NATHAN F., farmer; 24; single. Enlisted from North Bridgewater. Lived in North Bridgewater, and died there of consumption, Oct. 1, 1873. PHELAN, GEORGE, bootmaker; 27; married. Enlisted from North Bridgewater; died in Raynham, Mass., June 16, 1903. QUIGLEY, PATRICK, laborer; 36; married. Enlisted from East Bridgewater. He also served in Company E, Fifty-eighth Regiment. Died in East Bridgewater, June 30, 1894. REED, JOHN N., boxmaker; 20; single. Enlisted from East Bridgewater. Lives in Brockton and is employed in the insurance business. REYNOLDS, JOSIAH E., shoemaker; 19; single. Enlisted from East Bridgewater. Died in East Bridgewater of consumption, Oct. 4, 1879. Also served in Company O, Sixtieth Regiment, 100 days. REYNOLDS, ELISHA, laborer; 44; married. Enlisted from North Bridgewater. Discharged for disability March 27, 1863. Died --. RIPLEY, EDWARD H., moulder; 23; single. Enlisted from Bridgewater. Died in Soldiers Home in Togus, Me., June 5, 1905. SAMPSON, EZRA F., shoemaker; 34; married. Enlisted from East Bridgewater. Discharged for disability, May 9, 1863. Lives at East Bridgewater; was a member of the “Pioneer Corps.” SHARPE, EDWARD O., shoemaker; 34; married. Enlisted from East Bridgewater. Died June 3, 1889, in East Bridgewater. SHAW, ASA T., shoemaker; 29; married. Enlisted from West Bridgewater. Also enlisted in Company B, Fifty-eighth Massachusetts, and died a prisoner of war at Salisbury, N. C., Dec. 22, 1864. SHAW, GEORGE T., shoemaker; 26; married. Enlisted from West Bridgewater. Lives at Cocheset, in West Bridgewater. Is proprietor of a grocery store. SHIPMAN, JOHN, moulder; 34; single. Enlisted from West Bridgewater. Shipman was the company armorer. The quality of the rifles furnished were such as to make his office no sinecure, and a large amount of work was necessary to put the arms in condition to be used at all. He was, however, equal to the occasion, as he was a trained man, and, if necessary, could make any part of a rifle. He enlisted in Company D, Fifty-eighth Regiment, was wounded in both legs in the Battle of the Wilderness, and was taken prisoner on May 12, 1864. He was a prisoner in Andersonville and other prisons for six months and nineteen days, and when exchanged weighed only eighty pounds. He was a large man and his usual weight was 200 pounds. He died in West Bridgewater, Dec. 3, 1905. SNELL, ISSACHER K., shoemaker; 22; married. Enlisted from Easton. Discharged March 12, 1863, for disability. Lived in Brockton and Boston, and died in Boston, Oct. 11, 1902; buried in Cocheset, West Bridgewater. STURTEVANT, DEXTER M., farmer; 39; married. Enlisted from Bridgewater. Absent sick when the company was mustered out. Honorably discharged June 23, 1863. Lives in Bridgewater; has always been a farmer there and has kept the grocery store at “Sturtevant’s Corners,” Bridgewater. When the writer called on him in the last days of June, 1905, he found him engaged in mowing with a scythe. STURTEVANT, ZENAS W., shoemaker; 39; married. Enlisted from East Bridgewater. Absent sick at East Bridgewater when the company was mustered out. Lived in East Bridgewater, and died there Aug. 21, 1899. TOWNSEND, JOHN P.; machinist; 26; single. Enlisted from Bridgewater. Was commissioned second lieutenant in Company D, Fifty-eighth Massachusetts Infantry, Mar. 2, 1864; promoted first lieutenant, Aug. 8, 1864, and captain, May 3, 1865. Was taken prisoner in battle near Poplar Spring Church, Sept. 30, 1864; was confined in Petersburg, Libby Prison, Salisbury, N. C., and Danville, Va. Released Feb. 22, 1865; came home on furlough, returned to the regiment Apr. 9, 1865, and was mustered out of the service July 18, 1865. Mr. Townsend is foreman of a large machine shop and foundry in Bridgewater. WASHBURN, JOHN M., shoemaker; 19; single. Enlisted from Bridgewater. Has been in business mostly in the west; now with the American Clock Company, Chicago. Lives in Chicago; address, 2885 North 46th Street, Jefferson Station. WASHBURN, NATHAN H., stonecutter; 26; single. Enlisted from Bridgewater. Lives in Brockton, “Campello.” Has been employed in various capacities in shoe factories since the war. WASHBURN, SELDEN M., cutter; 26; single. Enlisted from West Bridgewater. Has been employed in shoe factory. Died in Bridgewater, Feb. 8, 1900. WINSLOW, JOHN A., moulder; 27; married. Enlisted from Bridgewater. Enlisted in Company D, Fifty-eighth Regiment. Arthur Hooper in _Bridgewater in the Rebellion_ gives the following account of his service: “Wounded in the head in the battle of Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864; returned to his regiment and served faithfully until he was taken prisoner Sept. 30, 1864, in battle near Poplar Spring Church. Was taken to Richmond, Va., and from there to Salisbury, N. C., where he was confined about four months; returned to Richmond and was released Feb. 22, 1865, and went to Annapolis, Md. Winslow was a man six feet, four inches tall, and weighed 165 pounds at the time of his capture, but was reduced to seventy-five pounds while in rebel prisons. He remained at Annapolis about a month when he was able to come home on a furlough where he remained until Apr. 9, 1865; returning to his regiment he remained until the regiment was ordered home and mustered out of service July 14, 1865, as corporal. He lived in Bridgewater and died there on Apr. 11, 1887.” WENTWORTH, HORACE, shoemaker; 45; married. Enlisted from Bridgewater. He was John Holmes’s efficient assistant in the cook house. His two sons, Horace E. and Lucian, were soldiers in the same company. Died in Bridgewater, Mar. 3, 1896. WENTWORTH, HORACE E., shoemaker; 19; single. Enlisted from Bridgewater. Died Sept. 11, 1876, in East Bridgewater. WENTWORTH, LUCIAN T., shoemaker; 18; single. Enlisted from Bridgewater. Died at Caspar, Wyoming, Feb. 8, 1904. WILBUR, SHEPARD B., shoemaker; 22; single. Enlisted from North Bridgewater. Died in Brockton, July 3, 1899. WHITMAN, JOSEPH M., shoemaker; 22. Enlisted from West Bridgewater. Lives in East Bridgewater. His was the last name shouted at roll call, and as he was the shortest man in the company his post was on the extreme left, the last in the ranks. CHAPTER XIV. HISTORY OF THE THIRD REGIMENT, MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEER MILITIA ASSOCIATION. The surviving members of the Third Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia met at Dighton Rock, Simmons Grove, August, 1890. Invitations had been sent to all the comrades and a goodly number were present, the object of the meeting being the formation of an association to perpetuate past events, and to hold together the members of the Association until they should answer the last roll call. Col. S. P. Richmond was chosen temporary chairman and George F. Coughlin, clerk. N. P. Norton, B. S. Atwood, E. Grant, William Mason, Patrick Cannavan, B. F. Lewis, Otis A. Baker, J. M. Lyle and L. F. Alden were chosen a committee to nominate officers for a permanent organization. They reported as follows: President--Col. Silas P. Richmond; Vice-Presidents--Capt. Andrew R. Wright, Maj. Thomas B. Griffith, Maj. William E. Mason; Secretary--Chaplain Charles A. Snow; Treasurer--Sergt. James C. Hitch. The report was adopted and the officers nominated were declared elected by the temporary chairman, Col. S. P. Richmond. The following were chosen an Executive Committee: C. P. Lyon, C. D. Copeland, R. A. Soule, J. L. Wilber, J. W. Hammond, B. S. Atwood, F. M. McGraw, P. Cannavan, J. Gibbs, C. E. Churchill. The Fruit Growers Association of Bristol County served a bountiful clam dinner, which was highly appreciated by the comrades. At the afternoon session it was voted that the Executive Committee secure some design for an Association badge. After voting that the time and place of the next meeting be left with the Executive Committee, the meeting adjourned and the comrades expressed their joy at being granted once more the privilege of meeting each other. C. A. SNOW, _Secretary_. * * * * * The second meeting of the Association was held at Fort Phœnix, Fairhaven, July 30, 1891. The address of the President, Col. S. P. Richmond, was most hearty, cheering and encouraging. He exhorted the boys to continue the Association meetings so long as two were able to meet together. The Executive Committee asked for more time to complete arrangements for Association badge. Comrades George A. Grant, of Brockton; Chase, of Fall River; and B. F. Atwood, of Whitman, were appointed a special committee to secure badge. It was voted to secure a record book. It was voted that the Executive Committee consider the feasibility of an excursion to and over the old battlefields in North Carolina, and report at the next meeting. It was voted that the present board of officers continue for another year and that the several companies elect a secretary to aid the secretary of the Association, and that the last named officer be allowed a salary of $25. The treasurer’s report showed a balance on hand of $22.45. It was voted that the expenses incurred by the secretary for printing, etc., be paid from the funds of the treasury. After dinner the members present with their families to the number of over four hundred listened to an excellent address by Professor Andrew Ingraham, of Company I. The meeting adjourned to meet at the call of the Executive Committee. CHARLES A. SNOW, _Secretary_. * * * * * The third meeting of the Association was held at Onset, July 28, 1892. The business session opened at 11.30 A. M., Col. S. P. Richmond in the chair. His address of welcome was received with applause. The records of the last meeting were read and approved. A letter from Treasurer Hitch regretting his inability to be present, and declining re-election was received. His report showed $35.70 in the treasury. The report was accepted and placed on file. The committee on badge reported that they had secured a badge. This was adopted by the Association, and members gave orders for badges to the committee. The Executive Committee reported the changes during the year by reason of resignations and deaths. After enjoying a splendid shore dinner, two hundred and twenty-five persons being present, the Association was called to order at 2.30 P. M. It was voted that the expenses for printing be paid from the treasury funds. Lieutenants Gibbs and Lyon, who were appointed by the president to collect funds, reported having received $15.36. It was voted that the present board of officers be elected to serve another year. The resignation of Sergeant Hitch was unanimously rejected. Sergeant Hitch positively declining, the Executive Committee were authorized to fill all vacancies which may occur during the year from any cause. It was voted that the next Association meeting be held in Brockton. The committee on badges were ordered to contract for two hundred badges. The President and comrades Ingraham, Taber, and Alden, were elected a committee to prepare memorials of those members who have died during the year. The meeting adjourned at 3.15 P. M. CHARLES A. SNOW, _Chaplain and Secretary_. * * * * * The Third Regimental Association met at Brockton, July 27, 1893. They were received royally by Fletcher Webster Post, G. A. R., who entertained them in their Post Hall, presenting each with a neat white badge bearing the inscription, “Brockton, Third Massachusetts Regimental Association, 1893.” After the exchange of greetings, quite a number meeting their comrades for the first time since the mustering out of the regiment thirty years ago, the members of the Association took the electrics to Highland Park, where the business of the day was transacted. At 11 A. M. the meeting was called to order by the president, who in his address emphasized the necessity and the duty of the living to stand firm and exhibit the spirit of fraternity, loyalty, and charity, ever keeping in mind those noble principles of patriotism which prompted them to enlist in the service of our country. The report of the last meeting was read and adopted. The treasurer reported cash on hand at the beginning of the present year, $37.40; paid out $6.25; balance on hand, $31.15. The report was adopted. Comrade Atwood reported that two hundred badges had been procured, and fifty were still on hand for members who wished to purchase. His report was accepted. It was voted that the names of deceased members be placed on the Roll of Honor, and that notice of the same be sent to the family of each. It was voted that the present officers be continued another year. They are as follows: President--Col. Silas P. Richmond; Vice-Presidents--Capt. A. R. Wright, Maj. T. B. Griffith, Maj. W. E. Mason; Treasurer--J. C. Hitch; Secretary and Chaplain--C. A. Snow. Capt. A. R. Wright was added to the Executive Committee. Executive Committee--C. P. Lyon, B. S. Atwood, S. F. Brayton, R. A. Soule, P. Cannavan, J. L. Wilber, J. Gibbs, A. Ingraham, C. E. Churchill, G. A. Grant, T. B. Griffith, A. R. Wright, C. C. Doten and A. S. Cushman. Comrades Gibbs and Lyon were appointed to solicit funds from the members, and they succeeded to the amount of $45. It was voted that the next meeting be held in Plymouth on the last Thursday in July, 1894. Business being ended the Association adjourned at 12.15 P. M., and the comrades sat down to tables in the grove, where a splendid dinner had been prepared by the Fletcher Webster Women’s Relief Corps, No. 7. The comrades will long remember the cordial greetings of the G. A. R. Post and the W. R. C. of Brockton. CHARLES A. SNOW, _Secretary_. * * * * * PLYMOUTH, July 26, 1894. The place and time for the Association Meeting was all that comrades could desire. The hot wave was softened by a refreshing breeze from the bay; every one seemed happy. Members of the Association and their friends to the number of two hundred were present. The hall of Collingwood Post, G. A. R., was tendered as headquarters for the Association. The business session was called at 11 A. M. Brief but cheerful remarks were made by the president, and his youngest son Mark Harrison was unanimously voted an honorary member of the Association. The records of the last meeting were read and approved. The treasurer’s report showed all bills paid and $12.64 in the treasury. The committee to solicit funds reported $23.43, with all expenses paid. The present board of officers were re-elected for the ensuing year. It was voted that our next meeting be held in Bridgewater on the last Thursday in July, 1894. The usual vote of thanks was given to Collingwood Post, G. A. R., for the use of their hall. The meeting adjourned at 12 P. M. After enjoying an excellent dinner the comrades visited Pilgrim Hall, by invitation from C. C. Doten, and other places of historic interest in Old Plymouth received their share of attention. CHARLES A. SNOW, _Secretary_. * * * * * BRIDGEWATER, July 25, 1895. The annual reunion of the Third Regiment Association was held in Bridgewater with Post 205, G. A. R., in its hall. In the absence of the president and vice-presidents, Lieut. Charles P. Lyon was chosen president _pro tem_. Vernon Wade, E. T. Chapman and B. S. Atwood were appointed to arrange for the reunion in 1896. Sergt. B. S. Atwood was chosen secretary _pro tem_, and Maj. Thomas B. Griffith was chosen treasurer _pro tem_. Sergt. M. Bonney was elected on the committee for reunion of 1896. Resolutions of sympathy to the family of our late treasurer, Sergt. J. C. Hitch, were ordered sent to New Bedford. The usual G. A. R. collation was served to the comrades by the entertaining Post. Mr. King, son of Comrade King, of the Association, invited the comrades to ride through the town in barges provided by him. A vote of thanks was given to Mr. King, also to Mr. Vaughn for collation and to Post 205 for use of its hall. Mr. Vaughn was voted an honorary member of the Association. Owing to the heavy rain in the morning the attendance was small. No action was taken to re-elect officers as the By-laws of the Association required the old officers to retain their positions until others were elected to fill their places. B. S. ATWOOD, _Secretary pro tem_. * * * * * LINCOLN PARK, July 29, 1896. The Association met to-day in this attractive resort. The order of the day was called at 11.30 A. M., Col. S. P. Richmond in the chair. In his address of welcome he admonished every comrade to maintain the existence of the Association by attending its meetings. Prayer was offered by Chaplain Snow. The records of the two previous meetings were read and approved. It was voted that a Roster of the Association be printed and a copy be sent to each company secretary for distribution. It was voted that we meet next year at Dighton Rock Park. The treasurer’s report showed all bills paid and a balance of $14.06 on hand. Comrades Gibbs and Lyon reported that they had solicited $19.45, making the amount now in the treasury $33.51. The election of officers as follows: President--Silas P. Richmond; Vice-Presidents--Capt. A. R. Wright, Maj. T. B. Griffith, Maj. William E. Mason; Treasurer--Lieutenant Joseph Gibbs; Secretary and Chaplain--C. A. Snow; Executive Committee--Charles P. Lyon, B. S. Atwood, S. F. Brayton, Rufus Soule, Patrick Cannavan, J. L. Wilber, Joseph Gibbs, Andrew Ingraham, George M. Keith, Geo. A. Grant, A. R. Wright, C. C. Doten, A. S. Cushman and T. B. Griffith. A good dinner was served. The History of Company A was read by Lieut. C. P. Lyon; Company D, by Capt. A. R. Wright; Company E, by Maj. W. E. Mason. The meeting adjourned. CHARLES A. SNOW, _Secretary_. * * * * * DIGHTON ROCK, July 29, 1897. The Association met at Dighton Rock Park this day. Owing to the rain only thirty were present. The order of the day was called at 12.15. Prayer, by Chaplain Snow. The welcome words of the president were timely and to the point. It was voted that the funds in the treasury did not warrant the publication of Association Roster. Treasurer Gibbs reported having received $33.50; paid out, $10.73; balance on hand, $22.77. Dighton Rock Park was suggested to the Executive Committee as the place of our next meeting. A splendid shore dinner was enjoyed by the members of the Association and others. At the two P. M. meeting the old board of officers were re-elected. The afternoon was bright, and the comrades expressed their appreciation of the place, and the satisfaction of meeting again. CHARLES SNOW, _Secretary_. * * * * * The Third Regiment Association held its annual meeting at Dighton Rock Park, July 28, 1898. The order of business was called at 10.30 A. M., President Richmond in the chair. Capt. A. R. Wright was chosen assistant secretary. Prayer, by Chaplain Snow. Words of welcome by the president. The treasurer reported $8.88 on hand; all bills paid to date. The old board of officers were re-elected with the exception of Maj. T. B. Griffith, who died during the year. Capt. O. A. Baker was chosen to fill the vacancy. George A. Grant was chosen secretary _pro tem_ and George M. Keith was added to the Executive Committee. Captain Baker and Lieutenant Lyon were chosen a committee to solicit funds. They reported $21.51 contributed. At 12 P. M. the President declared a recess until 1.30 P. M. Full justice was done to the ample dinner by the comrades and their friends. At the appointed hour the Association reassembled. The place of the next meeting was left with the Executive Committee. A vote of thanks was tendered to the officers for their services. It was voted that an expression be made of the respect and esteem of the character and efficient service of the late David W. Wardrop, colonel of the Third Massachusetts three months’ men. Remarks were made by Major Cushman and Colonel Richmond. The meeting adjourned at 2.30. GEORGE A. GRANT, _Secretary pro tem_. * * * * * The Association met in Brockton, July 27, 1899. They were given a royal welcome. Business session at 10.45. The President, in his address, referring to the soldiers of the Spanish war, while complimenting them for their patriotism and courage, said, “But they are hardly to be compared with the rank and file of the soldiers of ’61 to ’65.” The records of the last meeting were read and adopted. The treasurer reported $10.57 on hand. A list of the members who have died during the past year was read. Secretary Snow, declining further service on account of increasing infirmities, George A. Grant was chosen secretary. The election of officers was as follows: President--Col. S. P. Richmond; Vice-Presidents--Maj. William E. Mason, Capt. O. A. Baker, Capt. Linus Hayward; Chaplain--C. A. Snow; Treasurer--Lieutenant Joseph Gibbs; Secretary--George A. Grant. Executive Committee--Same as last year with the exception of the election of George A. Lackey, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Capt. A. R. Wright. Communications from Quartermaster Penniman and Honorable Philip M. Crapo expressing their regrets at being unable to be present were received. The meeting adjourned. GEORGE A. GRANT, _Secretary_. * * * * * The Third Regiment Association held its meeting this year in Fall River, July 26, 1900. They were the guests of Richard Borden Post, G. A. R. Fall River is the home of Companies C and D. The morning rain made it hard for many to attend. Order was called at 11 A. M. The president’s speech was full of tenderness. Invocation by Chaplain Snow. The treasurer reported $28.03 on hand. The comrades stood at attention with uncovered heads while the secretary read the names of those who have passed away during the year. The old board of officers was elected to serve another year, with the exception of G. A. Grant, who was elected treasurer to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Lieut. Joseph Gibbs. It was voted that our next reunion be held in Middleboro on the last Thursday in July, 1901. Mrs. Jennie Gibbs was voted an honorary member of this Association. The treasurer reported $29 in the treasury. The meeting adjourned to partake of an excellent dinner prepared by the Women’s Relief Corps of Richard Borden Post. GEORGE A. GRANT, _Secretary_. * * * * * According to vote at our previous meeting, the Association met at Middleboro, July 25, 1901. The weather was stormy. The meeting was opened by the president at 11 A. M. Prayer by the chaplain. Remarks by the president. The records of the last meeting were read and approved. The treasurer reported $16.68 on hand after paying the expenses of last year. The election of officers was as follows: President--Col. Silas P. Richmond; Vice-Presidents--Maj. W. E. Mason, Capt. O. A. Baker, Capt. Linus Hayward; Chaplain Emeritus--C. A. Snow; Chaplain--John Gray Gammons; Secretary and Treasurer--G. A. Grant; Executive Committee--C. P. Lyon, B. S. Atwood, James B. Smith, Vernon Wade, Fred T. Maxfield, P. Cannavan, Leander Wilber, Edwin Haskins, Ezra F. Sampson, Uriel Haskins. A collection was taken amounting to $16.08. A vote of thanks was tendered to the Y. M. C. A. for the use of their hall for the day. Maj. C. S. Allen of Whitman, and Thomas Waring of Fall River, were voted honorary members of the Association. It was voted that we hold our next reunion at Whitman. The meeting adjourned for dinner. After dinner an electric car ride to our first Camp Joe Hooker had been planned, where the comrades reviewed the experiences of thirty-nine years ago. GEORGE A. GRANT, _Secretary_. * * * * * The reunion of the Third Regiment Association was held in Whitman, July 31, 1902. This being the home of our genial comrade, B. S. Atwood, nothing was wanting to make the day all that could be desired by the boys. Order was called at 10.30 A. M., Col. Silas P. Richmond in the chair. His earnest greeting was received with the old-time applause. A hearty welcome was given to all the comrades by Sergt. B. S. Atwood. Prayer by the chaplain. The records of the last meeting were read and approved. The treasurer’s report showed $17.77 on hand. Comrade Ezra F. Sampson extended a cordial invitation to the Association to meet at East Bridgewater in 1902. This was accepted. The board of officers for the last year were re-elected. James S. Tripp and J. P. Hill were added to the Executive Committee. A collection of $9.09 was taken. The Women’s Relief Corps of Whitman furnished an excellent dinner. The remainder of the day was given to speech-making by several comrades. The reunion in Whitman passes into history as a very pleasant one, long to be remembered. GEORGE A. GRANT, _Secretary_. * * * * * The Association met in East Bridgewater, Aug. 5, 1903. The day was rainy and the call to order by the President at 10.10 A. M. found but fifty-six members present. The records of the last meeting were read and approved. The treasurer’s report showed $10.11 on hand, with all bills paid. The publication of the regimental history received the sanction of all members present. It was voted that a member from each company be elected to write its company history. The following were elected: Company A, John G. Gammons; Company B, B. S. Atwood; Company C, James B. Smith; Company D, Vernon Wade; Company E, Fred T. Maxfield; Company F, Benjamin Card; Company G, Ira B. Tripp; Company H, William H. Luther; Company I, Jabez M. Lyle; Company K, Henry Manley. Chaplain Snow was elected to prepare the history of the field and staff, also the history of the regiment, and publish the same in book form. The comrades stood at attention while the secretary read the names of those who had died during the past year. Greetings were ordered sent to Capt. Otis Baker (the only living captain), now in the distant West. The following is the list of officers for the year: President--Col. Silas P. Richmond; Vice-Presidents--Maj. W. E. Mason, Capt. O. A. Baker, Capt. Linus Hayward; Chaplain--John Gray Gammons; Musician--Seth Miller Briggs; Executive Committee--C. P. Lyon, B. S. Atwood, James B. Smith, Vernon Wade, F. T. Maxfield, P. Cannavan, Leander Wilber, Edwin Haskins, Ezra F. Sampson. It was voted that we hold our reunion next year at Dighton Rock Park, July 21, 1904. GEORGE A. GRANT, _Secretary_. * * * * * The Association held its fifteenth annual reunion at Dighton Rock Park, July 21, 1904. The day was fine and the transportation by electrics easy. The order of the day was called by the president at 11.05 A. M. The greeting of the president indicated that he was not growing old, infirm, or forgetful of his boys who marched at his command through the mud of North Carolina forty-three years ago. The records of the last meeting were read and approved. It was voted that the thanks of the Association be tendered to the family of our late Chaplain Snow for the work done by him on Regimental History. It was voted that all the historical manuscript be forwarded to Chaplain J. G. Gammons to enable him to complete the work with such assistance as he may desire in compiling the history. A collection of $20.42 was taken. After the reading of the list of those who died last year, the president spoke with much feeling on the death of Chaplain Snow, referring to his many good qualities as an officer and a man. The old board of officers were re-elected to serve another year with the exception of Stephen P. Sawyer who was chosen in place of Linus Hayward, deceased. The Executive Committee is the same as last year. Sergt. B. S. Atwood suggested that an entertainment after the business session and dinner would be of interest to the comrades, and it was left with him to provide what he thought best in such line for our reunion in 1905. It was voted that we hold our next reunion at Dighton Rock Park. The treasurer’s report showed $13.26 on hand with all bills paid. GEORGE A. GRANT, _Secretary and Treasurer_. * * * * * The Third Regiment Association held its reunion at Dighton Rock Park, July 20, 1905. The meeting was called at 11.20 A. M. The greetings of the president were as fraternal and cordial as ever; years seem to make no impression on either his health, voice, or memory. His recital of the war days so thrill the boys that they all seem young again, and should war demand their services, they would follow their old leader anywhere he asked them to go. The records of the last meeting were read and approved. The treasurer reported $44.36 in the treasury. The names of those who died during the year were read by the secretary. Chaplain Gammons reported that the Regimental History was nearly completed. A letter from Surgeon A. A. Stocker, now in his eighty-sixth year, was read regretting his inability to be at the reunion, and sending his kind regards to Colonel Richmond and all the other members of the Association. With the exception of William E. Mason the old board of officers were re-elected. Sergt. B. S. Atwood was chosen vice-president. It was voted to hold our reunion next year at Fort Phœnix, Fairhaven. The dinner was fine, and the entertainment which followed it was very pleasing. Masters Ralph and Benjamin Atwood and Miss Blanche Atwood, grandchildren of Sergeant Atwood; also Miss Clara A. Goodwin, did themselves great credit in the rendering of their parts, which were pleasing to all who heard them. GEORGE A. GRANT, _Secretary and Treasurer_. * * * * * Since the organization of the Association one hundred and ninety have answered the last roll call. Their names and the dates of deaths will be found in the History of the Field and Staff, and the corrected history of the several companies. During the meetings of the Association no liquors have been used at dinner, neither sold nor used by the comrades, nor has any one been seen under the influence of liquor. All the meetings have been characterized by unanimity and cordial greetings. THE COMPILER. * * * * * * Transcriber’s note: Obvious typographical errors and punctuation errors have been corrected after careful comparison with other occurrences within the text and consultation of external sources. Some portrait illustrations have been moved closer to the relevant biographical information for that person. Except for those changes noted below, all misspellings in the text, and inconsistent or archaic usage, have been retained. Frontispiece caption: ‘The Complier’ replaced by ‘The Compiler’. Pg iii: ‘Third Rgiment)’ replaced by ‘Third Regiment)’. Pg 16: ‘made a reconnoisance’ replaced by ‘made a reconnoissance’. Pg 21: ‘swaggering braggadocia’ replaced by ‘swaggering braggadocio’. Pg 25: ‘were atacked and’ replaced by ‘were atacked and’. Pg 41: ‘on a reconnoisance’ replaced by ‘on a reconnoissance’. Pg 42: ‘Foster returnd’ replaced by ‘Foster returned’. Pg 50: ‘and aid-de-camp,’ replaced by ‘and aide-de-camp,’. Pg 53: ‘and his aid-de-camp’ replaced by ‘and his aide-de-camp’. Pg 54, illustration caption: ‘MORRESSEY’ replaced by ‘MORRISSEY’. Pg 73: ‘accurate diarian’ replaced by ‘accurate diarist’. Pg 84: ‘had he, Urial’ replaced by ‘had he, Uriel’. Pg 86: ‘rebels would harrass’ replaced by ‘rebels would harass’. Pg 95: ‘Corporal Gamons’ replaced by ‘Corporal Gammons’. Pg 96: ‘brave Massachusets’ replaced by ‘brave Massachusetts’. Pg 99: ‘he has alwas’ replaced by ‘he has always’. Pg 100: ‘an employe of’ replaced by ‘an employee of’. Pg 104: ‘Ashley Hights,’ replaced by ‘Ashley Heights,’. Pg 160: ‘in the immdiate’ replaced by ‘in the immediate’. Pg 208: ‘but Captain Wilbur’ replaced by ‘but Captain Wilber’. Pg 235: ‘pigs squeeling and’ replaced by ‘pigs squealing and’. Pg 265: ‘Promnent in town’ replaced by ‘Prominent in town’. Pg 291: ‘39; shoemaker;’ replaced by ‘shoemaker; 39;’. Pg 295: ‘Died in Brigewater’ replaced by ‘Died in Bridgewater’. Pg 302: ‘of the Willerness’ replaced by ‘of the Wilderness’. Pg 313: ‘adjourned at 12 M.’ replaced by ‘adjourned at 12 P. M.’. Pg 317: ‘At 12 M. the’ replaced by ‘At 12 P. M. the’. *** END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK 63115 ***