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Title: The Trinity Archive, Vol. I, No. 7, May 1888

Author: Trinity College

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7, MAY 1888 ***

Transcriber’s Notes:

  Underscores “_” before and after a word or phrase indicate _italics_
    in the original text.
  Equal signs “=” before and after a word or phrase indicate =bold=
    in the original text.
  Small capitals have been converted to SOLID capitals.
  Typographical errors have been silently corrected.

              VOL. I.      MAY, 1888.      No. 7.

                        TRINITY ARCHIVE.


    MONTHLY.      TRINITY COLLEGE, N. C.      PRICE, 15 cts.


    EXTRACT FROM PEPYS’ DIARY                                123-124
    READING MAKETH A FULL MAN                                124-125
    THE INFINITIVE                                           125-127

    EDITORIAL—Greek and Latin in Our Colleges;
                      “Parallel Reading”;
                       Phrenology                            128-129

    REVIEWS: Psychology;
                      A Tramp Trip;
                      Slips of Tongue and Pen;
                      Poetical Geography of North Carolina;
                      Life of P. T. Barnum                   130-131

    EXCHANGES                                                132-133
    ALUMNI                                                   134-135
    LOCALS                                                   136-138


Correspondents will please send all matter intended for publication to
Prof. J. L. Armstrong, Trinity College, N. C.


One dollar, per scholastic year (nine issues), if paid in advance; if
not paid in advance, one dollar and twenty cents.

To any one who will send us a Club of Five cash yearly subscribers, we
will give a year’s subscription, free.

Remittances should be made by postal note, postal order, or registered
letter, and made payable to “Business Managers of the TRINITY ARCHIVE.”


    1   column, per issue, $3.00; per scholastic year, $20.00
    ½     “        “        1.75;         “             12.00
    ⅓     “        “        1.25;         “              9.00
    1    inch,     “         .75;         “              5.00

All business communications should be forwarded to

     _Business Managers_,

_Entered as second-class matter in Post Office at Trinity College, N.

                       Spring and Summer


                 _We are now ready to show you
               the largest, finest and cheapest
                           stock of_

                        CLOTHING, HATS,


                       Furnishing Goods

                 ever seen in North Carolina.

          Our buyer has been in New York for the last two
     months, selecting our stock, and we can guarantee you
     we have everything in the very latest styles out. All
    our goods were bought from the very best manufacturers
    at the lowest cash prices, and we intend to sell our
    customers better goods for less money than they have ever
    bought before. And as we are the only Exclusive Clothiers
    in Greensboro, we intend to keep everything in the
    clothing line for

                      MEN, YOUTHS & BOYS

     from size 50 for men, down to age 3 for boys. All we ask
     is to come and examine our stock and we will guarantee
     you will save money by buying from us.

                      Very Respectfully,
                         F. FISHBLATE,

                               LEADING CLOTHIER,
                                   GREENSBORO, N. C.


         P. S. Suits made to order from samples a specialty.
      Orders by mail will receive prompt attention.

                           A FREE TICKET
                       Farrior & Crabtree’s
                       Boot and Shoe Store,
               South Elm St.,      GREENSBORO, N. C.

                          SOLE AGENTS FOR
                  Zeigler Bros., Jas. Means’ $3,
                      And Wm. Dorsch & Son’s
                            FINE GOODS.

                          C. B. HAYWORTH,
                     _The People’s Liveryman_,
                         HIGH POINT, N. C.

          Good Stock and conveyances. Prices reasonable.
             Patronage of Trinity Students solicited.

                        MOFFITT & BRADSHAW,
                   _DRUGGISTS AND PHARMACISTS_,
           Next Door above Bank,      _High Point N. C._

                            DEALERS IN
                     PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINES,
            Toilet and Fancy Articles, Perfumeries, &c.

    We cordially invite students and friends of Trinity College
     to call and see us when in need of anything in our line.

                        FRIENDS OF TRINITY,
                           SUBSCRIBE FOR
                      _THE TRINITY ARCHIVE_.
                          $1.00 PER YEAR.

            _Business Friends Send us Advertisements._

                Richmond Straight Cut No. 1 Cigarettes.


    Cigarette smokers who are willing to pay a little more than the
    price charged for the ordinary trade cigarettes, will find this
    brand superior to all others.

              The Richmond Straight Cut No. 1 Cigarettes

    are made from the brightest, most delicately flavored and highest
    cost gold leaf grown in Virginia. This is the old and original
    brand of Straight Cut Cigarettes, and was brought out by us in
    the year 1875. Beware of imitations and observe that the firm
    name as below is on every package.

                       ALLEN & GINTER, MANUFACTURERS,
                                         RICHMOND, VIRGINIA.

                           Female College,
                          GREENSBORO, N. C.

      The Sixty-Sixth Session of this well-equipped and prosperous
    School will begin on the 11th of January, 1888. Faculty (consisting
    of three Gentleman and eleven Ladies) able, accomplished and
    faithful. Instruction thorough in all departments. Superior
    advantages offered in the departments of

             Music, Art, Elocution and Modern Languages.

      Location, healthful and beautiful; fare good. Premises large,
    with ample walks for out-door recreation. Buildings large,
    convenient, comfortable, and furnished with all the appliances of

       Special attention paid to physical health, comfort, and
     development, and moral and spiritual culture.

       For catalogue apply to

                  T. M. JONES, PRESIDENT.

                      Group Photographs.

      I would announce to the students of Trinity College
    that with a view to doing school work I have specially
    fitted myself for making

                         LARGE GROUPS,

    such as Classes, Fraternities, Literary Societies, &c.
    Will be glad to serve with whatever they need in
    Photography, in that or any other line of work.
    I also make

              Portraits Frames and Mats to Order.

                    =S. L. ALDERMAN=,
                            GREENSBORO, N. C.


Published under Supervision of the Professor of English.




“He showed me a very excellent argument, to prove that our importing
less than we export does not impoverish the kingdom, according to the
received opinion: which, though it be a paradox, and that I do not
remember the argument, yet methought there was a great deal in what he
said.” (Feb., 1664.)

“He also made me fully understand that the old law of prohibiting
bullion to be exported is, and ever was, a folly and injury rather than
good. Arguing thus, that if the exportations exceed the importations,
then the balance must be brought home in money, which, when our
merchants know cannot be carried out again, they will forbear to bring
home in money, but let it lie abroad for trade, or keep in foreign
banks; or, if our importations exceed our exportations, then to keep
credit the merchants will and must find ways of carrying out money by
stealth, which is a most easy thing to do, and is everywhere done, and
therefore the law against it signifies nothing in the world.” (Jan.,


“About eleven o’clock, knowing what money I have in the house, and
hearing a noise, I began to sweat worse and worse, till I melted almost
to water. I rung, and could not in half an hour make either of the
wenches hear me; and this made me fear the more lest they might be
gagged; and then I began to think that there was some design in a stone
being flung at the window over our stairs this evening, by which the
thieves meant to try what looking there would be after them, and know
our company. These thoughts and fears I had, and do hence apprehend the
fears of all rich men that are covetous, and have much money by them.
At last, Jane rose, and then I understood it was only the dog wants a
lodging, and so made a noise.” (July, 1664.)


“Called upon Doll, our pretty change woman, for a pair of gloves
trimmed with yellow ribbon, to [match] the petticoat my wife bought
yesterday, which cost me 20s.; but she is so pretty, that, God forgive
me! I could not think it too much, which is a strange slavery that I
stand in to beauty, that I value nothing near it.” (Sept., 1664.)

“To the King’s house, to a play, _The Traitor_, where unfortunately, I
met with Sir W. Pen, so that I must be forced to confess it to my wife,
which troubles me.” (Jan., 1665.)

“To Clerkenwell church, and there, as I wished, sat next pew to the
fair Butler, who indeed is a most perfect beauty still; and one I do
very much admire myself for my choice of her for a beauty, having
the best lower part of her face that ever I saw all days of my life.
After church, I walked to my Lady Sandwitch’s. * * My Lady asked me my
opinion about Creed, whether he would have a wife or no, and proposed
Mrs. Wright for him. * * She desired I would take a good time and
manner of proposing it, and I said I would, though I believe he would
love nothing but money. * * So away back to Clerkenwell church, * * and
home, and there my wife was angry with me for not coming home, and for
gadding abroad to look after beauties.” (Oct. 2nd, 1664.)

[For the ARCHIVE.]


BY W. P. A.

Mirrored in the epigram at the head of this article, is the _soul_ of
the great man to whose force of intellect the world is indebted for the
“Inductive Method” of investigation, which has made man a prince over
the mysteries of science and a minister of nature’s sweet and bountiful

Never did Bacon philosophize more wisely, or frame epigram more
in accordance with comprehensive truth than when he uttered this
sentiment: “_Reading_ maketh a _full man_.”

Let us stress for a few moments the abstract idea of reading, and the
consequent concrete idea of a full man. The vexatious problem which
immediately confronts us with mountainous proportions, is how can we
make the vast number of scientific languages and dialects, in which
are couched so many thousand volumes of literature, wholesome, pure
and classic, compatible with the brief period allotted to human life,
and the miniature portion of even this time that can be spared from
the bread-and-butter warfare to the reading of other men’s thoughts?
We do not propose a solution of this problem, nor do we believe it
possible for any man to indulge in one grand review of the world’s
literature; but it is the blessed privilege of _every_ man to become
moderately well read, in proof of which we would have only to cite
illustrious names already familiar. “In books lies the soul of the
past,” and if we would quaff the sweet ambrosia which is the world’s
inestimable heritage, and develop in ourselves minds which shall prove
everlasting sources of profit and pleasure, we must wed ourselves, with
unmistakable devotion, to the acquisition of useful knowledge; if we do
not inherit opportunities, we must _make_ them, and read selectively,
comprehensively and retentively.

One individual can’t select for another the books best adapted to the
mental growth of that person; individuality of taste is an idiosyncrasy
of the human race. Give a person free access to a well-regulated
library, and you need not fear but that person will suit himself.
Let the flocks graze at will upon the verdant plains where grow the
herbs both bitter and sweet, and where flow the waters of both life
and death, and an unerring instinct will always avoid the bad and
feast upon the good; then is the _reason_ of man less to be relied
upon than the _instinct_ of the dumb brute? But far be it from us to
argue that any man should cloister himself within the walls of his own
imagination, feasting upon his own secluded judgment, and thus refuse
to lend an ear to a _wise_ suggestion.

A lack of space forbids a more thorough discussion of this tempting
subject—reading; so let us pass to a brief contemplation of the
sequel—a _full man_. If a young man is devoid of a _noble ambition_,
he would do well to examine himself and bring about a correction as
soon as possible. Honest labor is praiseworthy in whatever field it
may be expended, but there is something nobler, more inspiring, more
appreciated, and more remunerative than hewing wood or drawing water;
and if a man can, by thorough preparation, ally himself with the
_intellectual_ aristocracy of the country, then are the possibilities
of a _true_ life spread before him.

What a sublime and God-like spectacle is a _full man_. These are the
men that wear the crowns of earth; in their hands are the sceptres of
state; and in their lives are the world’s treasures.

The Alps may be hard to scale, but the Italy that lies beyond is worthy
of the most giant effort; and those who put on the whole armor for
the contest and stand as _full_ and _well-rounded_ men will be the
Hannibals of unrecorded history.


Much hinges on the question, “Is the Infinitive a Mood?” It is
necessary first to define mood. Harvey says that ‘mood’ is the mode
or manner in which the action, being or state is expressed. He says
further, “The infinitive mood expresses action, being, or state without
affirming it.” Though he defines the manner in which the indicative,
the subjunctive, the imperative mood expresses action, being, or state,
he fails to state in what manner the infinitive expresses the same. If
he means to say that it _expresses_ action, being, or state without
affirming it, while the indicative, subjunctive and imperative moods
_affirm_ any of these, and that in this difference lies its claim to be
called a mood, why does he not call participles and gerunds moods, as
they also express action, being or state without affirming it? Mason
says: “Moods are certain variations of form in verbs by means of which
we can show the mode or manner in which the action or fact denoted by
the verb is connected in our thought with the thing that is spoken
of;” furthermore, that the infinitive may be attached to a subject in
a dependent phrase, as ‘I saw him _fall_,’ and that this would justify
us in calling it ‘mood.’ According to Mason, in the sentence, ‘I saw
him _falling_,’ it would be justifiable to call a participle, which
is sometimes called the ‘infinitive in-_ing_,’ a mood. Why then does
Mr. Mason not call it a mood? Besides, in a great majority of cases
the infinitive is used, as in the sentence, ‘I will _go_,’ without
this subject accusative, as Mason calls it. His definition of the word
‘mood,’ though phrased with a view to include the infinitive, does not
give any more light on the question than the definition of Harvey.
Clark holds: “The infinitive mode differs from the other modes in this:
It has no grammatical subject and therefore can not be a predicate.”
Brown, in his “Grammar of English Grammars,” says that the infinitive
mood is that form of the verb which expresses action, being or state
in an unlimited manner. It seems that these authors ought certainly
to have given a clearer or at least a more consistent distinction
between the infinitive, participle and gerund on the one hand, and the
indicative, subjunctive and imperative moods on the other. They make
the infinitive a mood along with these three moods because its manner
of expression is unlimited, while these mood forms are limited, and yet
neglect the participle and gerund, which have, by their definitions,
just as much right to the distinction.

The preposition ‘to’ is not an essential part of the infinitive,
for it is not an invariable sign of it. Many verbs, especially
the auxiliaries, are followed by the infinitive without ‘to.’ The
infinitive in Old English ended in-an and did not have ‘to’ before it.
It was treated as a declinable abstract-noun, and a dative form (called
the gerund) was used with the preposition ‘to’ to denote purpose, as
‘He that hath ears _to hear_’; to hear = _to gehyranne_. This gerundive
infinitive passed into modern English with the loss of the dative
ending. From denoting purpose, the ‘to’ came to denote the ground of
an action, and may indicate the cause or condition of an action. Thus
the gerund (the infinitive with ‘to’) came to be used in place of the
simple infinitive. The preposition ‘to’ has in this manner come to be
nothing but an inflection for the nominative and accusative cases, and
to lose the notional idea of a preposition except with the infinitive
of purpose.

The infinitive is a verb-noun. The authority for this begins with the
fact that it was in Old English declined as an abstract-noun. Prof.
Whitney, of Yale, says that the infinitive is a verbal-noun expressing
in noun-form the action or condition which the verb asserts. Welsh
also calls it a verbal-noun. Both of them say that mood serves the
purpose of showing a difference in the mode or manner of assertion.
These two authors do not consider that the difference in the manner
in which an infinitive and the indicative, subjunctive and imperative
express action is of the same nature as the difference between the
indicative and subjunctive, or between the subjunctive and imperative.
These differences, as any one can plainly see, are altogether unlike.
The distinction between the infinitive and the three moods is by far
greater than any distinctions that the moods have among themselves. The
infinitive, gerund and participle have their verb natures alike. All
three are unlimited to person, number, or order of time. It is only in
the other half of the compound that they differ. The gerund partakes
of the nature of a verb and a noun, while the participle partakes of
the nature of a verb and an adjective, and the infinitive is verbal
in the dependence of other words upon it and has the nature of a noun
in its dependence upon other words. From this it is seen that, if the
term ‘mood’ can be applied to the infinitive, as it pertains only to
its verbal nature, it can be applied to participles and gerunds. If
all three are called moods, then there is a nomenclature which is
not needed and still not such as will separate the two great classes
of verb-forms (finite and infinite) and show the difference in their
expression of action, being or state. The name ‘infinitive,’ it is
true, would denote its manner of expression, but the participle and
the gerund have nothing in their names to denote this same quality.
What is needed is a distinction between the two great classes. If the
infinitive is not called a mood, there is this distinction; if it is
called a mood, then there is need of some other names by which to
distinguish the two classes.

The infinitive has the principal uses of a noun. It may be used as the
subject or object of a verb; it can be used as a noun in the accusation
to modify a noun, ‘A house _to let_;’ it may be used in the accusative
as an adverb, ‘That is hard _to do_.’

All these reasons go to show that the infinitive is a verbal-noun, and
that no one will ever have to contradict himself if he calls it by this
name and does not call it a mood.

    R. D. M.


    M. C. THOMAS, _Hesperian_,}
                              } EDITORS.
    D. C. ROPER, _Columbian_, }

The amount of Greek and Latin required in our colleges is necessary
and expedient. The extension of the curricula to include more French
and German is indeed commendable; but the study of the English
language in most of our colleges has been, to say the least of it,
too circumscribed. The earnest English student is not satisfied with
giving the Greek and Latin literatures only a passing notice, but
studies them as languages, both for the mental training they afford,
and for the influence which they have had on the development of his own
language. So the study of English should be the study of a language,
rather than the study of a literature. The old-time curriculum looked
upon the study of English as a “belles lettres” course—merely the study
of literature. This, indeed, is good enough as far as it goes, but it
is neither commensurate with the claims upon the consideration of an
Englishspeaking person, nor with the benefit that is to be derived from
the study of the language, pursued historically. A knowledge of English
in its less developed condition, accompanied by a fair understanding
of the modifying influences and developing changes which have from
time to time been brought to bear upon it, is indeed necessary. It
is as impossible for a person _thoroughly_ to comprehend the English
language without a knowledge of Old English as it is to understand
the Latin language without a fair knowledge of its word-agreement.
The study of either the “belles lettres” or the historical course,
however, to the exclusion of the other is not at all commendable. What
we need and _should_ have in our colleges is a simultaneous study
of these courses accompanied by a thorough study of the grammar of
Modern English so measured out and distributed as mutually to aid in a
thorough comprehension of each other and, consequently, of the language.

       *       *       *       *       *

Among the latest features of the present system of teaching English in
our colleges, may be mentioned the introduction of what is generally
known as “parallel reading.” Formally the student was required during
the great part of his college course, at least, to study only text
books, which tend to train rather than fill the mind. No question
should be of greater importance to a developing mind than what should
I read? This is a question which the student cannot decide without
help. If the mind were originally able to grapple with great subjects,
this would not be a perplexing question, but like other things, the
mind has its infancy, at which period the directing hand of one more
experienced, is quite indispensable. The professor of English and a
good library unite in college, as no where else, to do this important
work of mind-training and mind-filling. This parallel, which is read at
such spare moment as would probably otherwise be lost, not only enables
the student to learn what he _should_ read, but also gives him a fair
knowledge of the leading English authors. For example, if, in this way,
one book is read per month, the student, at the end of his four years
college course will have read about forty books, which having been
carefully selected by his professor will give him _some_ knowledge of
English literature.

       *       *       *       *       *

Phrenology may have some truth in it as a science, but implicit
confidence, to say the least, should not be placed in the statements of
so-called phrenologists. A phrenologist has recently visited Trinity
and examined the heads of a good many of the students, and as a rule
to their _supreme satisfaction_. The strange part about it is that
all the students, with a few exceptions, had _special_ talents for
the professions—would make first-class lawyers, doctors, preachers,
&c.; but lo and behold! scarcely a single one was told that he would
make a good farmer. Such taffying pays the phrenologist very well
financially, but may do harm to the young man who is thus flattered,
as he will often conceive that he is indeed a genius, and imagine that
he will become a distinguished professional man if he only turns his
_marvellous_ talents in that direction, when he is not suited for such
in the least. There _may be_ something in phrenology, but the young
man who relies upon the fine marks given him by a phrenologist as
conclusive proof of the fact that he will make a grand success, will
eventually find himself left in the race of life. Energy is the great
thing after all. The boy who has energy will be certain of some success
at least. So it does not matter so much whether you have a fifty-four
or forty-nine ounce brain, but whether you improve what you have. You
have an opportunity here at college to improve your mind; make use of

       *       *       *       *       *

Let _outward_ and _inward_ improvements keep pace! Away with
“Smoky-row”! This filthy den is a disgrace to a community whose object
it is to bring up young men in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.


    J. S. BASSETT, _Hesperian_,}
                               } EDITORS.
    W. J. HELMS, _Columbian_,  }

    PSYCHOLOGY. By John Dewey, Ph. D.,
        Assistant Professor of Philosophy in Michigan University.
        New York: Harper & Brothers, 1887. pp. xii, 427.

This book is designed purely for class-room instruction. The author has
endeavored to produce a work free from metaphysics, which he tells us
has no place in psychology. With this in mind, he has also endeavored
to make his work an introduction to philosophy in general. He has
attempted, by his mode of presenting his subjects, to form in the mind
of the student the habit of looking at questions, which may present
themselves to him, in a philosophical manner. The _obscurity_ which
characterizes most books on this subject, and which always leaves the
mind of the beginner in a state of bewilderment, is to a great extent
gotten rid of. The definitions are plain and simple; the disquisitions
are full but not tedious. At the end of each chapter, numerous
references are given to parallel works on the subjects treated. A
writer on psychology may reject some of the matter which that subject
includes, as for instance, the _will_, but he cannot make new material;
he can only present in an _attractive manner_ that which men have used
for centuries. The author has done this admirably.

       *       *       *       *       *

    A TRAMP TRIP. How to see Europe for fifty cents a day.
        By Lee Meriweather. Harper & Bros.
        For sale by De Wolfe, Fiske & Co., Boston, Mass.
        pp. iv. 276. 1886.

There are many young men who desire to broaden their field of knowledge
and more strongly impress upon their minds historic scenes by traveling
in Europe, and yet these young men are prevented by not having the
amount of money generally requisite for traveling. To such “A Tramp
Trip” will be especially interesting. The author tells how he has made
a trip in which he saw all the objects of interest, was enabled to
study the masses from a standpoint totally inaccessible to the wealthy
traveler, and all for the exceedingly low sum of fifty cents a day. A
number of tables show the result of his investigation of the social
conditions, and therein are some instructive illustrations of the
tariff question as applied to foreign countries. The style is the free
and easy and there is enough wit to make the work very interesting.

       *       *       *       *       *

        By J. H. Long, M. A., LL. D.
        New York: D. Appleton & Co. pp. 100. 1888.

Here we have an unusually well selected list of the more common
mistakes of our language, such as _expect_ for _think_, _presume_
for _believe_, _per_ with an English word, as _per day_; we should
say _a day_ and _per annum_. Beside such as these are also added
grammatical points, suggestions upon composition, synonymous words
often confused, objectionable words and phrases, and a few simple rules
for punctuation. Many of us would be surprised if we should read it and
learn how much carelessness and inexactness injure the purity of our

       *       *       *       *       *

            Cold Water, Reply to Gray’s Elegy, and other Poems.
        By Needham Bryan Cobb, of North Carolina. Cambridge:
        Printed at the Riverside Press. pp. 61, 1887.

As the author states in his preface, the object of this work is to aid
the pupils of North Carolina to memorize the geography of their native
State. The first thirty pages are devoted exclusively to this purpose,
and hence can be of local interest only. The chief characteristic
of the style of this part of the book is that it rimes in couplets.
The subject-matter falls far below the true standard of poetry, but
this is perfectly excusable when it is remembered that the author’s
intention was not to weave in beautiful poetic figures with smoothly
flowing rhythm, but to produce a brief, concise aid to the memory. The
remainder of the book, which consists of poems on various subjects,
contains more of the real poetic sentiment. The “Reply to Gray’s
Elegy,” “Cold Water,” and “Worldliness and Worth, or the Butterfly and
the Bee,” which closes with fine moral on Bible-reading, are especially
to be admired. This little book should be in the library of every
student in our State. It contains a number of good illustrations, and
its general _make-up_ is attractive.

       *       *       *       *       *

    LIFE OF P. T. BARNUM. Written by himself,
            including his golden rules for moneymaking.
        Brought up to 1888. Illustrated.
        Buffalo: The Courier Company. pp. 357, 12m. 1888.
        Price 60 cents.

It is always interesting to watch the struggles of men who would
grow wealthy. Then there will be found much interest in the account
of the struggles of “The Greatest Showman on Earth.” His life reads
like a novel, so full is it of incident. He makes the keynote of his
success the fact that Americans admire nothing more than to be cleverly
humbugged, and he knows how to satisfy them. His avowed object, a good
one, is to furnish a moral show. When this can be attained, shows will
become an educational feature by no means to be despised.

       *       *       *       *       *

“The greatness of London is in no respect more strikingly illustrated
than by the range of its literary activity,” says the May number of
_Harper’s Magazine_ at the close of that interesting article entitled
“London as a Literary Centre.” Few people are aware of the fact that
to-day 14,000 persons in the great metropolis earn their living by
their pens. London is the centre of action of many whose names have
become household words wherever the English language is spoken. Read
the article.


    A. M. SHARP, _Hesperian_, }
                              } EDITORS.
    G. N. RAPER, _Columbian_, }

Diversity seems to have been ordained of God. This is especially
evident in the animal, vegetable, and mineral kingdoms, and the same
law, with some modifications, underlies the world of thought. No two
men think alike, act alike or pronounce exactly alike. The difference
between the lexicographers of England and America is very apparent,
although the two countries are very closely connected by means of rapid
communication. Even American orthoëpists differ. Usage has established
in New England, for instance, a pronounciation somewhat different
from that in the South. Dictionaries do not _establish_ usage, but
_record_ usage, and no dictionary is complete if it records the
usage of simply a few States. How great a diversity there is between
Webster, Worcester, and Stormonth, commonly recognized authorities!
The person to whom ‘accessory’ (ak-seśso-ri, Webster) is applied,
Worcester calls ak´ses-so-ri. Both Webster and Worcester prefer to
accent the first syllable of ‘access,’ while “The Academy Orthoëpist”
accents the second. In pronouncing ‘Christianity’ the usage of the
South is in accordance with Worcester (kris-ti-ańi-ti), and not
Webster (krist-yań-i-ti). The words ‘rise’ (noun) and ‘revolution’
for instance, are pronounced by the South riz and rev-o-loó-tion by
Webster and Worcester ris and rev-o-lútion. The Archive was pleased to
see the stand which the _Roanoke Collegian_ had taken on the subject
of orthoepy. In many instances in pronunciation, when in Rome, it is
better to do as Rome does.

       *       *       *       *       *

Some one has been collecting facts about the fathers of United States
Presidents, with this result: Grover Cleveland is the only Clergyman’s
son who has ever been elected President, though Arthur’s father was a
clergyman. He was not, however, elected President. The fathers of the
Virginia Presidents—Washington, Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe—were
planters. John Tyler’s father was a lawyer and a statesman, and John
Adams, the father of John Q. Adams, was by profession a lawyer.
Grant was a tanner. Hayes’s father a merchant, and the fathers of
Garfield, Lincoln, Pierce, Fillmore, Polk, Van Buren and Jackson were
farmers.—_Charlotte Chronicle._

       *       *       *       *       *

Napoleon, while at St. Helena, when asked how the condition of unhappy
France could be bettered, replied in his laconic style “Educate the
mothers.” The same remark will apply to every country, and it is with
special interest that THE ARCHIVE notices _The Monitor_, a monthly
brim full of plain, pointed common-sense articles. This new magazine
hails from Henderson, and is devoted to the interests of “Our Homes.”
One of its aims is to make better cooks and better mothers. To know how
to cook is more necessary to a truly educated woman than a knowledge
of painting and wax-work. A man that marries a wife who has no idea of
culinary affairs will either be poor all his life or die early with the

       *       *       *       *       *

Intelligence among the masses is very essential to the success of a
newspaper as well as to a great many other benefits. A weekly paper
will succeed in many places where a daily would fail, especially is
this so when a majority of the people are engaged in rural pursuits.
The success and high tone of such dailies as the _Charlotte Chronicle_,
_Wilmington Messenger_, _News and Observer_, and the _Twin City Daily_
argue well both for the ability of their editors and the intelligent
spirit of the people. What State that has no more city population than
North Carolina can show a larger list of newsy and literary dailies?

       *       *       *       *       *

The third anniversary issue of the _Daily Argus_ is full of interesting
news and wood cuts of Goldsboro’s churches, fine buildings, &c. It is
another of the successful dailies.

       *       *       *       *       *

The subject of Kissing is treated at great length in an article in
the _South Carolina Collegian_. This unique subject is a good one
and one which should receive more attention. The author says: “I feel
that my subject will commend itself to the majority of college-boy
readers.” His feelings did not deceive him in the least; but why not
say college-girl readers as well? The girls must feel slighted. Does
he mean to say that boys are the only ones who enjoy kissing? It is to
be supposed that the fair sex derive some benefit from it or it would
soon fall into a state of “innocuous desuetude.” At present, from all
indications, it seems to be in a flourishing condition, and who could
desire it to be otherwise?

       *       *       *       *       *

The _Binghamite_ for March presents a marked improvement upon any
number previously received. It is clothed throughout in a new dress and
is now as neat a magazine as could be desired. With the improvement of
its outward appearance, the reading matter has also undergone a change
for the better. The majority of the articles are very good. The one
entitled “India: Her Past and Present,” being especially worthy of note.

       *       *       *       *       *

_The Christian Educator_ for April has been received. It is full of
very interesting articles. “The Bible in the Schools,” by J. W. Baylis,
D. D., and “Something for Everybody to do for Trinity,” by Pres. J. F.
Crowell, are articles of worth. The _Educator_ is published, it seems,
in the interest of all the colleges in the State.


    G. T. ADAMS, _Hesperian_, }
                              } EDITORS.
    E. K. WOLFE, _Columbian_, }

—H. M. Alford, ’62, is a successful physician in Greensboro, N. C.

—W. F. Stevens, who was here in ’86, is merchandising with his father
at Stevens, N. C.

—B. Y. Rayl, ’61, is an enterprising lawyer at Winston, N. C.

—A. S. Peace, ’66, is an active and prosperous lawyer at Oxford, N. C.

—F. D. Swindell, after leaving Trinity, began work in the ministry. In
spite of difficulties, he has worked his way to prominence and is one
of the first ministers of the North Carolina Conference. He is pastor
of Tryon St. Methodist church, Charlotte, N. C.

—J. O. Walker has been studying medicine for the past three years,
and has recently graduated from the Medical Department of Vanderbilt
University. He intends locating in his native town (Randleman, N. C.)
for the purpose of practicing medicine.

—C. W. Robinson, ’86, is one of the growing young ministers of the
North Carolina Conference. He is pastor of the West End church,
Winston, N. C., and is quite popular. Bro. Robinson is yet unmarried,
but if the reports concerning the frequency of his “pastoral calls,”
which are so essential to the success of every minister, be true, we
may reasonably expect in the near future a change—for the better.

—M. A. Gray, ’75, graduated with high honor, and choosing the law
as his profession, he entered the law school of Judge Pearson, at
“Richmond Hill,” and was licensed to practice in the courts of this
State. He represented Lenoir county in the last Legislature and is a
member of committees on the Judiciary and salaries and fees. It is a
fact worthy of note that every member of the class to which Mr. G.
belonged, while at Judge Pearson’s, has since represented his own
county in the Legislature.

—John C. Everett is book-keeper for one of the leading merchants in
Bennettsville, S. C. In June, ’87, he went from Trinity to Lexington
Business College, Lexington, Kentucky, where he obtained a first-class
business education. After completing his business course at Lexington
he returned to his home at Bennettsville, where he has since been
engaged in book-keeping. J. F. Everett, his employer, is also an old
student of Trinity.

—R. B. Clark, ’79, is principal of Gibson Station High School, Gibson
Station, N. C. He has a flourishing school.

—T. N. Ivey, ’79, is stationed at Lenoa, N. C. After graduating he
began teaching, which he continued until a few years ago, when he
entered the ministry.

—W. D. Turner, ’76, is an active, successful lawyer in Statesville,
N. C. He represented his district in the last session of the Senate,
and is chairman of the committee on Enrolled Bills. The legislative
biographical sketch book of the session of 1887 pays him the following
high compliment: “Mr. T. is a leader on his side of the Senate, and
mentally, physically and socially has few equals and no superiors in
our present Assembly of law-makers. With striking personal appearance,
excellent mental attainments, pleasant and engaging social qualities,
he commands that recognition to which these and other qualifications so
justly entitle him.”

—B. G. Marsh, 84, is principal of a successful school at Troy, N. C.
In a letter recently received from Mr. Marsh he has this to say: “The
ARCHIVE is well edited. It is a neat paper and reflects credit upon
its editors and the Institution. I am truly in sympathy with you all,
and hope and pray that our beloved Alma Mater will soon be the college
for all Methodists of North Carolina. I shall send all the boys I
can to Trinity, because I know they will be well cared for and well
instructed, not only in literary attainments, but also in all things
pertaining to a full Christian gentleman.”

—F. M. Shamburger, ’83, is in charge of Plymouth Station in Washington
District, N. C. Conference. This is his second year at this place. He
has proved a faithful pastor and has accomplished lasting good. His
love for Trinity, like that of all her true and worthy sons, has not
abated, and he continues to work for the promotion of her interests.

—F. C. Frazier, ’57, after graduating from College, took a thorough
course in dentistry in the Baltimore Dental College. He is located
near Trinity, and has quite an extensive practice in the counties of
Randolph and Davidson.

                          LITTLE RIVER ACADEMY, N. C.
                                         April 5th, 1888.

      MR. EDITOR:—I am heartily in sympathy
    with the object so worthy the earnest efforts
    which the students are putting forth for its
    accomplishment—the Society and Library Building. Old
    students, one and all, let us not turn a deaf ear to
    their timely and earnest appeals, but let us prove
    our loyalty and devotion to our Institution, and
    manifest our interest in the proper education of the
    young men who shall attend it by lending our aid in
    the erection of the proposed building. You may put me
    down for $50.00.

                                     B. B. ADAMS.

—Capt. D. M. Payne is one of the industrious, level-headed farmers and
mill owners of Trinity Township.


    T. E. McCRARY, _Hes._,  }
                            } REPORTERS.
    L. L. BURKHEAD, _Col._, }


Where is that Senate?

President Crowell’s mother is down on a visit.

Dred Peacock is a happy father. It’s a girl.

Mr. T. P. Sharp came over and spent the 11th with us.

The old White house has been repainted.

Lawn-tennis has about usurped the place of base-ball.

“Uncle Ben” has painted the roof of his ware-house.

Some of the students spent Easter at home.

Mr. J. F. Jones has left college on account of his health.

Bear-man and the Siders are to be seen daily.

Five seniors were born in the same year—1867.

Sure enough, we had to pull “Possum” out of the mud.

Throwing bean-bags is now a popular game at the Parker House.

President Crowell is to deliver the address at the Winston
Graded-school commencement, May 17th, 1888.

Gen. J. M. Leach and Capt. F. C. Robbins, of Lexington, stopped here a
short while last month.

An old student wants to know why the boys go to Archdale so often to
play “Lord Tennyson.”

About $75.00 worth of books have been purchased for the Library by the

It rained so hard recently that several holes were found in Crawford’s

The Crowell Nine are having uniforms made for the coming season.

Major Robbins, of Statesville, spent a few days with us last month.

Mr. T. M. Jones has been elected Business Manager in place of J. F.

Mrs. McClane and neice were here on a short visit to relatives and

The Black Diamond Quartette No. 2 gave an entertainment for the benefit
of the Crowell Nine on the 3rd ult. It was a rare treat.

Tell it not in Gath! A Junior thought Christmas commemorated the
resurrection; and Easter—well, he didn’t know.

    Prof. to a promising Prep. “What is commerce?”
    Prep. “Commerce is some kind of vegetable.”

Pres. Crowell delivered an address before the Y. M. C. A., at
Charlotte, on the 20th ult.

A large number of the students attended the Masonic services held at
the grave of Mr. Thomas Finch last Sunday at Hopewell.

Miss Kate Craven has returned from Winston, where she has been visiting
Col. Allspaugh’s family for several weeks.

Games are good for exercise, but they should not be played on the
Campus, because they kill the grass. Go to the play-ground, boys.

Local Editor Burkhead resigned the office of Chief Manager and will
leave for Alabama soon to go into business there. We are sorry to lose
Dick, especially from the staff of THE ARCHIVE.

Mr. W. J. Helms was elected by the Columbian Society to fill the
vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. Burkhead.

Five Freshmen and five Sophomores will deliver orations at
Commencement. The Faculty choose two out of the ten, and the Societies
choose the rest. The contest for representatives will come off May 10th.

Are you going to Asheville? “Yes, next Summer.” We will not have
the pleasure of describing the Asheville trip in this issue, as the
boys didn’t go. The Richmond and Danville Rail Road Company would
not charter a car to run on the regular trains, but offered special
inducements to a party of thirty or more. The excursionists have
postponed the trip until after commencement.

The College Christian Association was admitted into membership with
the Y. M. C. A., and sent Messrs. Roper and Adams as delegates to the
Convention at Charlotte on the 19th ult.

Sent in to the Local Editors:

    In the spring, the just weaned Freshman,
        Longeth for his father’s shed;
    In the Spring, the Classic Soph’more,
        Sees his Math goal just ahead;
    In the spring, the Junior’s mustache sets
        Itself to grow;
    In the spring the trembling Senior
        Fears his thesis is no go.

[Original, tho’ you mightn’t think so.]

Prof. W. A. Blair, of Winston, delivered a lecture here on the 14th of
last month. Everybody was well pleased and said that it was the best
lecture of the year. If you have any of the “Elements of Success” in
you, such a lecture will bring them out. We will be glad to hear the
gentleman again, and that soon too.

An Athletic Association has been formed for the development of the
physical man, and the boys are zealously taking hold. We hope soon to
have a Gymnasium and also to have a record which will head the State

Prof. English, with three Seniors and a special in tow, went to
Greensboro last Saturday. Won’t they shine in their Prince Alberts!

Interesting and successful meetings, began by the delegates returned
from the Y. M. C. A. Convention, are being carried on.

Rev. Mr. Bays, of Asheville will deliver the address before the
graduating class at Commencement; and Rev. W. H. Moore, of Washington,
N. C., will preach the sermon before the Theological Society.

Dr. McCanless is building a house nearly opposite Prof. Gannaway’s. We
are glad that the Doctor will make his home with us.

A goodly number of the students propose to attend on May 5th the
celebration in commemoration of the battle of Guilford Court House.

A new catalogue will appear in May. There will be changes in the
requirements, changes in the courses and changes in the arrangement of
these. Send your address to the President, and one will be forwarded

Several of the boys attended the Quarterly Meeting held by the Friends
at Springfield a Sunday or two ago.

Do not forget the Re-union announced in circular No. 3. Unusual
attractions await those who attend. Not a single old student should
fail to be present, for the pleasure in store promises to be an ample

The Hundley-House boys and the Gannaway crowd are at dagger-points. It
is all about one girl.

                   DIKE BOOK COMPANY,

          Opp. National Bank, GREENSBORO, N. C.

         Fine Books and Stationery OF ALL KINDS.

        Base-Ball Goods, Croquet Sets, Hammocks.

        Books of great value, including History,
        Biography, Poetry, Travels, &c., for
        young men and students, at low prices.

             _FULL LINE OF THE POETS._

    Latest Publications of Lovell’s Library, Munro’s
                   Library and others.


      To reduce our stock of clothing, we offer
      same for 30 days at =PRIME COST=

    50 Suits $4.50, $5.50, $6.50; 50 Suits $8.50,
    $10.50, $12.50; 25 suits, Corkscrew Worsted,
    $6.50, $8.50, $12.50, up.

    150 pairs Men’s Pants, 75c to $5.
    50 prs children’s pants, 35.

                                R. J. LINDSAY & BRO.

                        _GRIMES  & STRICKLAND_,
                     Pharmacists and Apothecaries,
                           THOMASVILLE N. C.

                        Keep constantly on hand

                  PURE and FRESH DRUGS and MEDICINES.

          Best brands of Cigars and Tobaccos always on hand.
              Prescriptions carefully filled at all hours

                            BELLEVUE HOTEL.

                       J. N. CAMPBELL, MANAGER.

                    Headquarters for Sportsmen and
                         Commercial Travelers.

                           HIGH POINT, N. C.

                        JOHN H. TATE,
               Leading Retailer and Jobber of
                 Staple and Fancy Groceries,

                      FINE CONFECTIONS,

           _Foreign and Domestic Fruits_, _Nuts_,


     _Best Line of Green and Roasted Coffees and Teas._

     I also keep in stock a good line of the celebrated

                     “Agate” Iron Ware,

                    WOOD AND WILLOW WARE,

    Lamps and Lamp Goods, Brooms, Kingan’s Fine Hams,
    Bacon and pure kettle rendered Lard. Prices as low
    as the lowest.

    New Corner Store, next door to Post Office,

                                      HIGH POINT, N. C.

                    R. C. CHARLES,


                Groceries of all Kinds.

       He has a large and well selected stock of
                 bought low for cash.

    He can and does sell as low as the lowest.
    Will deliver goods at Trinity free of charge.

             Send Your Orders to Charles.

            Dr. H. C. PITTS,

      _High Point, · · N. C._

    ☞ Gas or Ether used if Desired. ☜

      Office over Wrenn Bros’. Store.

                        HIGH POINT, N. C.

    _Solicits any kind of work of Trinity
       students. Challenges comparison with
       any work in the world. Groups, any size,
       of the very best. Satisfaction in every
       case guaranteed._

           CALL AT                       CALL AT
                        WRENN BROS.

             and see the spring attractions in

               Men’s, Youths’ and Children’s

             Clothing and Gents’ Furnishings.

                     Latest styles in

                   SOFT AND STIFF HATS.

       ☞ Elegant assortment of Neckwear. Shirts to order
    on short notice. A line of S. Gardner Jones’

                 Calf and Kangaroo Shoes.

             HELLO, METHODISTS!

           Piedmont Poultry Yard,

             KNOB CREEK, N. C.,
            and get prices of our

        _Pure Blood Stock and Eggs_,

       Brown Leghorns, Light Brahmas,
      Langshans and Scotch Collie Dogs.

    ☞ _Eggs for Hatching our Specialty._

                         TRINITY COLLEGE,

                   TRINITY COLLEGE, N. C., U. S. A.

      FACULTY.—Separate chairs in History
            and Political Economy, Latin and French,
            English and German, Greek and Metaphysics,
            the Natural Sciences, Mathematics and
            Engineering, Business and Pedagogy.

      DEPARTMENTS.—_Collegiate_, leading to Degrees of A. B. and Ph. B.
        _Preparatory_, preparing for admission to college.
        _Business_, five months’ training for business life.
        _Post-Graduate_, advanced studies beyond graduation.
        _Pedagogics_, lectures and special work for teachers.
        _Theological_, preparatory training for the Christian Ministry.

      EXPENSES.—_Tuition_, $3 to $5 per month.
           _Board_, $8 to $12 per month.
            Tuition should be paid in advance, and books at
               the time of purchase.

      SPECIAL LECTURES are given weekly to all who may wish
            to attend, free of extra charge, on topics of
            interest. The lecture program of prominent speakers
            for the weeks will be announced later.

        EXAMINATIONS.—Examinations in course
      are held twice a year or at the completion of any
      particular subject. Examinations for admission to
      college in 1888 to any of the regular classes will
      be held in June on the day following Commencement,
      and in September on the day before the opening of
      college. Students are admitted to the Preparatory and
      Business Departments without examination, but to no

        The requisites for admission to the Freshman class
      in 1888 are Arithmetic, including the Metric System;
      Algebra to Quadratics; U. S. History; English Grammar
      and Analysis; Geography, Descriptive and Physical;
      Natural Sciences, Physiology and Hygien; Latin, three
      Books of Cæsar and Latin Grammar, including Prosody.

        An extra year’s work in Latin and Greek will be
      required for admission in 1889 to the classical
      course only (A. B. degree.)

        LOCATION.—In Randolph county. Reached _via_ High Point, N. C.,
      over the Piedmont Air Line. Healthfulness and quiet location
      render it peculiarly safe and well adapted to the education
      of youth and young men.

        INFORMATION.—Special circulars issued quarterly, and the
      regular annual catalogue will be sent or any desired information
      given respecting the Institution, upon application to

                                     JOHN F. CROWELL, A. B. (Yale),

                   WM. PARTRIDGE,
                  HIGH POINT, N. C.

                Makes a specialty of

            FRENCH CALF SHOES,
                HAND WELT SHOES,
                    GOODYEAR WELT SHOES,
                        McKAY SEWED SHOES,

            J. FAUST & SON’S FINE SHOES.

      Dunlap & Youman’s block of STIFF HATS,
      also a fine line of CRUSH HATS.

                    _WM. PARTRIDGE_,
                       Boot, Shoe and Hat Store.

                           BROWN & MATTON,


    Invite the students and friends of Trinity College to examine
                       their complete line of

               Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Stationery,

     and all articles usually found in a first-class drug store.

    THE BEST.                                      THE BEST.

      Holmes’ New Readers, Maury’s Geographies, and
      Holmes’ New History are recommended by the State
      Board of Education for exclusive use in the schools
      of North Carolina. Best books at lowest prices. Every
      school should have them.

                                        UNIVERSITY PUB. Co.,
    19 Murray St.,                                NEW YORK.

               THOMAS BROS.,
    Successors to Thomas, Reece & Co.,

          Book AND Job Printers,

             GREENSBORO, N. C.
       _Printers of “The Archive.”_

MAY 1888 ***

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