Kentucky Rug Yarns, Vol. 5: New Visual Rugs
Kentucky Rug Yarns, Vol. 5: New Visual Rugs

Kentucky Rug Yarns

crochet with easy-to-follow charts

Easy to follow instructions and diagrams for colorful rugs, hats, pillows and other items

Vol. 5


This Book Has Been Especially Prepared For
Style #113—70 Yards per Skein

Manufactured by January and Wood Company Inc., Maysville, Kentucky and distributed in retail stores throughout the United States.

Vivid colors are tops this year. All Kentucky Soft Spun Rug Yarns come in clear, brilliant colors with harmonizing neutral shades for contrast.

_Kentucky_ Soft SpunYarn


A new idea in crochet. All you have to do is follow the squares on the chart. The basic stitch is the chain used for foundation to start your work. Then the single crochet stitch shown in the diagrams. 1-2-3-4.

{sample crochet chart}
Each little square = 1 stitch.
Change in colors are indicated.
Rows are numbered.

Chain Stitch

Hold work loosely between middle finger and thumb right under the hook, * twist hook on thread (this will be referred to as “thread over”) and pull thread thru loop on hook, repeat from * until chain is desired length.





Single Crochet

Chain for desired length, skip 1 ch., insert hook in 2nd st. from hook (Ill. No. 1), thread over hook and pull through ch.; there are now 2 loops on hook, (Ill. No. 2). Thread over hook (Ill. No. 3) and pull through both loops (Ill. No. 4).


Approx. 22″ × 35″


10 skeins white rug yarn;

2 skeins red rug yarn;

2 skeins royal blue rug yarn;

2 skeins col. green rug yarn;

2 skeins lemon yellow rug yarn;

size J crochet hook.

Directions: chart color numbers—1. white; 2. red; 3. blue; 4. col. green; 5. yellow; follow chart closely. Using double yarn throughout (two strands worked as one) using 1st. color. Ch. 41—sc. in 2nd ch. from hook and in each st. across. Ch. 1 turn.

Row 1: Sc. in 1st. sts. Let the 1st. color yarn hang and tie on 2nd color—1 sc. in next st. with 2nd. color. Now hold the 2nd. color along your work and using 1st. color work 1 sc. in next 3 sts. Working over the 2nd color let these two colors hang and tie on 3rd color. 1 sc. in 9th st. using 3rd. color—now let this color hang (to be there when you come back across) with 1st. color working over 2nd color, put 1 sc. in next 4 sts. Let first color hang and put 1 sc. of 2nd color in next st. Let this color hang (to be there when you come back across). With 1st. color put 1 sc. in each st. on across row—ch. 1—turn. Watch your chart—as we write the second row through for you.

Row 2: Still working with 1st. color—1 sc. in 1st. 26 sts. or as you see in chart back to 2nd color. Let 1st. color hang. Put 1 sc. in next st. using 2nd color (hanging from previous row.) Put 1 sc. with 1st. color (working over the 2nd color) in next 4 sts. Drop these two colors. Pick up 3rd. color (left hanging before.) Put 1 sc. in next st.—let this color hang as before. With 1st. color working over 2nd color put 1 sc. in next 3 sts. Drop 1st. color, using 2nd. color put 1 sc. in next st. (now let this color hang)—with 1st. color put 1 sc. in each st. to end of row—ch. 1—turn. Work in this manner watching the chart. When one color isn’t used for a while (note chart) as in 4th. row color no. 2 isn’t used again til the 17th. row—tie that color off and put it back on again in the 17th. row to keep from having to work over it all the way.

Border: Using a single strand of yarn—put sc. sts. evenly spaced all around the rug—putting 3 sts. in the corner to turn. Put 1 row of scs. around using each color—Using red first row; white second row; green third row; yellow fourth row; blue fifth row; tie off yarn.

This is a very useful way to crochet and many new ideas will open themselves to you using this method of carrying yarn and watching a chart. See visual chart on page 43.




3 skeins of Dark rug yarn;

2 skeins of Light rug yarn;

Size G crochet hook.

Directions: With light yarn ch. 3 join to form ring.

Round 1: Ch. 2—16 double croc. in ring. Join with slip st. in starting ch. 2.

Round 2: Ch. 2 *1 double croc. st. in 1 st.—2 double croc. sts. in next st. Repeat from *around, join with slip st. in ch. 2.

Round 3: Ch. 2 *1 double croc. st. in next 2 sts.—2 double croc. sts. in next st.—repeat from *around. Join with slip st. in ch. 2.

Round 4: Ch. 2 *1 double croc. st. in next 3 sts. 2 double croc. sts. in next st. Repeat from *Around. Join with slip st. in Ch. 2.

Round 5: Ch. 2 *1 double croc. st. in next 4 sts. 2 double croc. sts. in next st. Repeat from *around. Join with slip st. in Ch. 2.

Round 6: 1 sc. in each st. around. Join with slip st.

Round 7: Ch. 2—count this ch. 2 as part of the first puff st. using only 2 double croc. sts. in this puff (puff st.—work as double croc. st. only work off only the first 2 loops. Keep the other loops on needle and yarn over and start another double croc. st. Work off two loops again and yarn over and start a new double croc. st. Work off 2 loops and then all the loops. Ch. 1 to tie all loops together at top.) Put 1 loop st. in every other st. around. Ch. 1 between each st. Slip st. in top of lst puff st.

Round 8: Ch. 2—the starting puff is made using the ch. 2 as part of the lst puff st. Ch. 1—1 puff st. in between each puff st. Ch. 1 between each puff around. Join with slip st. in top of lst puff.

Rounds 9 and 10: Repeat Row 8.

Round 11: Attach dark color—make 10 rows repeating the pattern of 1 puff st. between each puff st. Ch. 1 between each puff. Join each row with slip st. in top of lst puff st.

Shell edge: Ch. 1—1 sc. in lst st. 1 double croc. in next st. 1 treble croc. in next st. Ch. 1, 1 double croc. in next st. *1 sc., 1 double croc., 1 treble croc., ch. 1—1 double croc. Repeat from *around. Tie off yarn.

Cord: Using both colors working as one—make a ch. 45″ long—make 2.

Tassels: Make 4. Wind yarn around 8″ cardboard 10 times. Slide off cardboard, fold in center and tie tightly about an inch from folded end. Around all strands—cut opposite end and tie on end of cords after they have been laced over and under around top of bag.

Line bag with colored cloth to match.


Directions on Page 6




6 skeins Cream rug yarn

6 skeins Red Brown rug yarn

crochet hook size G

Finished rug approximately 19″ by 38″


With Red Brown Ch. 72.

Row 1: 1 double croc. st. in 3rd. ch. st. from hook—1 double croc. st. in each st. across ch.—Ch. 3 turn.

Rows 2—5: 1 double croc. st. in each st. across. Ch. 3 to turn each row.

Row 6: Using Cream (work over the Red Brown yarn). Just lie flat along your work and go along as usual. Put 1 double croc. st. in each st. across—ch. 3 turn. Tie off Cream yarn.

Row 7: Using Red Brown yarn—1 double croc. in each st. across. Ch. 3 to turn each row.

Make 43 rows in this manner.

Repeat row 6—using Cream for the stripe.

Using Red Brown put 5 more rows. (1 double croc. st. in each st. across row, ch. 3 to turn each row.) Tie off yarn.

Repeat this piece starting with light color and putting the stripe in dark.

Join the two pieces together with sc. stitches evenly spaced around the outside using both colors alternating 1 sc. one color, 1 sc. of next color—put 3 scs. in each corner to turn the corner.

Fringe: 1¼ loop recommended.

Attach yarn to one end of rug—using double strand one light and one dark—with croc. hook pull both strands of yarn through the 1st. sc. st. and pull out to a 1¼ in. loop. Separate the two strands of yarn and bring one in front of the two loops. Pull snug and repeat across row. Do the other end of rug the same way. Photo on Page 5.


(approx. 26″ × 36″)


Dark Cardinal—3 skeins rug yarn

Velvet Rose—11 skeins rug yarn

Light Pink—5 skeins rug yarn

size J crochet hook

Gauge: Approx. 2 sts.—1 inch. 2 rows—1 inch

Directions: Velvet Rose—using double strand of yarn ch. 73—1 sc. in 2nd ch. from hook and in each st. of ch. Ch. 1 turn (72 sts. in all).

Rows 1-4: 1 sc. in each st. across. Ch. 1 turn each row.

Rows 5-6: Using light pink—1 sc. in each st. across row. Ch. 1 to turn each row.

Rows 7-8: Using Dark Cardinal 1 sc. in each st. across row. Ch. 1 turn each row.

Rows 9-10: Using dark cardinal working over the light pink put 1 sc. in lst 2 sts. Using light pink (working over the dark cardinal) put 1 sc. in next 2 sts. Repeat across row. Ch. 1 to turn each row.

Rows 11-12: Using light pink (working over the dark cardinal) 1 sc. in 1st. 2 sts. Using dark cardinal (working over the light pink) put 1 sc. in next 2 sts. Repeat across row. Ch. 1 to turn each row.

Rows 13-14: Repeat rows 9 & 10. Tie off yarn.

Rows 15-37: Using velvet rose 1 sc. in each st. across row. Ch. 1 to turn each row. (22 rows).

Rows 38-39: Repeat rows 13 & 14.

Rows 40-41: Repeat rows 11 & 12.

Rows 42-43: Repeat rows 9 & 10.

Rows 44-45: Repeat rows 7 & 8.

Rows 46-47: Repeat rows 5 & 6.

Rows 48-49-50-51-52: Repeat row 1. Using 1 strand of yarn sc. evenly spaced all around outside of rug. Put 1 row of scs. of each color to finish rug and make it lie nicer (put increases in the corner).

Visual Chart




1 skein Yellow rug yarn;

1 skein Red rug yarn;

size G crochet hook.

Directions: With Yellow, ch. 35—join to form ring.

Rows 1-16: Sc. in each st. around—join with slip st. ch. 1.

Row 17: Sc. in first 18 sts.—ch. 1 turn.

Row 18: Sc. across—ch. 1 turn.

Row 19: Sc. across decreasing 1 sc. at each end.

Row 20: Sc. across—ch. 1 turn.

Repeat rows 19 and 20 until 4 sc. are left. Break off.

On back side sc. across 18 sts.—ch. 1 turn. Work the same as front side, starting with row 18. Break off.

With red (inside mouthpiece), ch. 6—sc. across—ch. 1 turn.

Increase 2 sc. every other row until 17 sc.

Work 4 rows sc. (17 sc.) in each row. Starting next row, decrease 2 sc. every other row until there are 5 sc. Break off. Put this piece inside puppet’s mouth. Sc. around outside edge.

Slip st. with color to make eyes and nose.

Hair: *Ch. 16—sc. across ch. Make 1 row of loops—fasten on puppet above eyes.




3 skeins rug yarn;

size G crochet hook


Ch. 4—join to form ring—10 dc in ring.

Row 1: 2 sc. in every st. around—sl. st. to beginning ch. 1.

Row 2: *1 sc. in 1st. 4 st.—2 in 5th st. *Continue from *around. Sl. st.—ch. 1.

Row 3: Sc. around—join ch. 1.

Row 4: Sc. around—join ch. 1.

Row 5: Same as Row 2.

Row 6: 1 sc. in 1st. 7—2 in 8th st.—join ch. 1.

Row 7: 1 sc. in 1st. 4—2 st. in 5th st.—join ch. 1.

Row 8: 1 sc. in 1st. 9—2 st. in 10th st. Join ch.1.

Row 9: Same as Row 7.

Row 10: Same as Row 6.

Row 11: Same as Row 8.

Rows 12 thru 22: Sc. around—join—ch. 1.

Stitch—yarn over hook—down thru stitch and one loop. Yarn over and thru remaining st.

Rows 23-33: ½ dc. around—join—ch. 1.

Row 34: Decrease 3 st. around—join—ch. 1.

Rows 35 thru 38: ½ dc. around—join—ch. 1.

Row 39: Decrease 3 dc.

Rows 40 thru 43: ½ dc. around—join—ch. 1.

Row 44: Decrease 3 around.

Rows 45 thru 48: ½ dc. around—join—ch. 1.

Rows 49 thru 80: ½ dc. st.—decreasing 1 st. at beginning of every row. Break yarn. Make tassel and attach to end.




6 skeins white rug yarn;

3 skeins black rug yarn;

size J crochet hook.

Gauge: ¾″ = 2 sts. ¾″ = 2 rows.

School colors make excellent Shell

Directions: Written for small size. Large and medium direction in ( ). Using black yarn. Chain 45 (53) (61). 1 sc. st. in 2nd. ch. from hook and each st. of ch. across, ch. 1 to turn.

Row 1: 1 sc. st. in each st. across row. Ch. 1 to turn.

Row 2: 1 sc. st. in 1st. 2 sts. Pick up white yarn (work over the black), put 1 sc. st. in the next 6 sts. Using black (working over the white), put 1 sc. st. in the next 2 sts. Repeat across row in this manner, ending the row with 4 sts. of black. Ch. 1 to turn.

Row 3: Using black (working over the white), put 1 sc. st. in the first 2 sts. * using white (working over the black), put 1 sc. st. in the next st., using black (working over the white), put 1 sc. st. in the next st., using white (working over the black), put 1 sc. st. in the next 5 sts., using black (working over the white), put 1 sc. st. in the next st. Repeat from * to end of row, ending with 1 st. of black on the end. Ch. 1 to turn.

Row 4: Using black (working over the white), put 1 sc. st. in the first st. * using white (working over the black), put 1 sc. st. in the next two sts., using black (working over the white), put 1 sc. st. in the next 6 sts. Repeat from * across row, ending the row with 1 sc. st. of black on the end. Ch. 1 to turn.

Row 5: * Using black (working over the white), put 1 sc. st. in first st., using white (working over the black), put 1 sc. st. in the next 2 sts., using black (working over the white), put 1 sc. st. in the next st., using white (working over the black), put 1 sc. st. in the next four sts. Repeat from * across row, ending the row with 1 st. of black. Ch. 1 to turn.

Rows 6, 7, 8: Repeat row 5.

Row 9: Using black (working over the white), put 1 sc. st. in the first st., using white (working over the black), put 1 sc. st. in the next 2 sts., using black (working over the white), put 1 sc. st. in each st. to end of row. Ch. 1 to turn.

Row 10: Using black (working over the white), put 1 sc. st. in the first 2 sts. * using white (working over the black), put 1 sc. st. in the next 7 sts., using black (working over the white), put 1 sc. st. in the next st. Repeat from * across row, ending the row with one black st. Ch. 1 12 to turn.

Row 11: Using black (working over the white), put 1 sc. st. in the first 2 st. * using white (working over the black), put 1 sc. st. in the next 7 sts., using black (working over the white), put 1 sc. st. in the next st. Repeat from * across row, ending the row with 3 sts. of black. Ch. 1 to turn.

Row 12: Using black (working over the white), put 1 sc. st. in the first 4 sts. * using white (working over the black), put 1 sc. st. in the next 7 sts., using black (working over the white), put 1 sc. st. in the next st. Repeat from * across row, ending row with 1 sc. st. in black. This completes one pattern. Using your gauge as a guide, start at row one and complete the pattern as many times as your length requires. This is measured from the under arm seam. The small sizes uses four pattern repeats. Now starting from under the arm seam this is the next row.

Row 1: Using black yarn put 1 sc. st. in each st. across row, decreasing 2 sts. on each end. Ch. 1 to turn.

Row 2: Using white yarn put 1 sc. st. in each st. across row decreasing 1 st. on each end of row. Ch. 1 to turn.

Row 3 through Row 18: Using white yarn put 1 sc. st. in each st. across row. Ch. 1 to turn each row, tie off yarn, one side complete make one more the same way.

Sew side seams together, to the arm hole. Sew shoulders together leaving enough space for your head. With black yarn put sc. sts. evenly spaced around arm hole and neck. If you have made a long shell and want to leave side slits start your sewing after you measure the side slit. Put sc. sts. evenly spaced around this slit also.

Visual Chart




4 skeins of rug yarn green;

4 skeins of rug yarn ivory;

size G crochet hook

Directions: This is a four row repeat pattern. Note chart. Carry both colors as you work, working over one and then the other as the pattern directs or use chart. Chain 60, using Ivory. Single croc. in 2nd ch. from hook and each st. across chain 1 turn.

Row 1 of pattern: Using Ivory put 1 sc. st. in 1st. 2 sts. * attach Green (work over Ivory) 1 sc. in next st. using Ivory 1 sc. in the next 4 sts. repeat from * across row ending with 1 Ivory st. ch. 1 turn.

Row 2: Using Ivory (working over Green) put 1 sc. st. in 1st. st. Using green (working over Ivory) put 1 sc. st. in the next 2 sts. using Ivory working over green 1 sc. in the next 2 sts. repeat from * across row ending with 1 sc. st. in Ivory. Chain 1 to turn.

Row 3: Using green (working over Ivory) 1 sc. st. in 1st. 4 sts. Using Ivory (working over green) 1 sc. st. in next st. repeat across row. Ch. 1 turn.

Row 4: * Using green (working over Ivory) 1 sc. in the first 3 sts. using Ivory (working over green) 1 sc. in next 2 sts. repeat from * across row, ending with 1 sc. st. of Ivory. This is the four row repeats. Start at row 1 and repeat the first four rows of pattern, make 9 repeats in all. Finish with a row of sc. using Ivory all the way across row. Make two sides for your pillow. Crochet together using one strand of each color yarn, make alternate sts. using first one color then the next one three sides, insert pillow and sc. on around. Tie off yarn. Photo on Page 14.

Visual Pattern

This is one repeat. Cont. rows 1 through 4 to the desired size for pillow. Check pillow pattern chart—each sq. = 1 st. The rows are numbered.





Four colors:

4 skeins Forest Green rug yarn;

4 skeins Dark Green rug yarn;

4 skeins Aqua Green rug yarn;

4 skeins Colonial Green rug yarn.


Ch. 42—sc. in 2nd ch. from hook and each st. of ch. Turn.

Row 1: Using forest green, 1 sc. in back loop of each st. across row. Ch. 1 turn.

Row 2: 1 sc. in each st. across row.

Row 3: Repeat Row 1.

Row 4: Repeat Row 2. Tie off yarn.

Row 5: Pick up dark green. Repeat last two rows alternating rows. Tie off yarn.

Row 9: Pick up Aqua Green. Repeat the same thing.

Row 13: Pick up Colonial Green. Repeat four rows again. Repeat in this manner using each color 4 times. Tie off yarn.

Border: Sc. evenly spaced around outside of rug. 1 row with each color putting increases in corners to make rug lie flat. Tie off yarn.




Red Brown

Dark Brown




Red Brown




Indian Orange

Light Pink

Dusty Rose

Velvet Rose

Dark Cardinal


(approx. 27″ × 36″)


8 skeins 1st. color rug yarn

9 skeins 2nd. color rug yarn

size J crochet hook

Gauge: 2 sts. to inch, 2 rows to inch

Directions: Use 2 strands of yarn throughout rug. Using 1st. color, ch. 54—1 sc. in 2nd ch. from hook and each st. across ch. Ch. 1 turn. Pattern rows:

Rows 1 & 2: Using 1st. color, 1 sc. in first 3 sts. Attach 2nd. color (work over 1st color) 1 sc. in next 7 sts. * using 1st color (work over 2nd. color) 1 sc. in next 3 sts. Using 1st. color (working over 2nd color) put 1 sc. in next 7 sts. Repeat from * across row. Ch. 1 to turn each row.

Rows 3 & 4: * Using 2nd color (work over 1st. color) put 1 sc. in 1st. 3 sts. Using 2nd color (work over 1st. color) put 1 sc. st. in next 2 sts. Repeat from * across row. Ch. 1 to turn each row.

Rows 5 & 6: Using 2nd color (work over 1st color) put 1 sc. in 5 sts. * Using 1st. color (work over 2nd) put 1 sc. in 3 sts. Using 2nd color (work over 1st. color) put 1 sc. in next 7 sts. Repeat from * across row. Ch. 1 to turn each row.

Rows 7 & 8: Repeat rows 3 & 4. This is the end of 1st. pattern. Repeat this pattern all eight rows 8 more times—9 patterns in all. Put 1 sc. using 1st. color in each st. across row. Tie off yarn. Using 1 strand of yarn, put 2 rows of sc. stitches evenly spaced all around rug, increasing in corners to keep rug flat. Put 2 inch fringe on each end following directions for fringe.

Visual Chart


Picture on front cover of book


3 skeins of rug yarn to make Tam and Muff

Buy 2 skeins if made separately. Size G crochet hook.


Ch. 4 to form ring.

Round 1: Put 8 sc. sts. in ring, join with slip st.

Round 2: 2 sc. sts. in each st. around don’t join mark end of row with safety pin. From here on don’t join unless told.

Round 3: * 1 sc. st. in 1st. 2 sts. 2 sc. sts. in next st. Repeat from * around ending with 1 sc. st. in last st.

Round 4: * 1 sc. st. in first 3 sts., 2 sc. in next st. Repeat from * around ending with 1 sc. st. in last st.

Round 5: * 1 sc. st. in first 4 sts. 2 sc. sts. in next st. Repeat from * around.

Round 6: * 1 sc. st. in first 5 sts. 2 sc. sts. in next st. Repeat from * around.

Round 7: Repeat in this manner watching your increases in the round behind you and increase 1 st. ahead each time. Work through Round 14 (for larger size add more rows).

Round 15: 1 sc. in each st. around.

Round 16: 1 sc. st. in each st. around decreasing 1 sc. st. by working two sts. together in the top of each increase of previous rounds.

Rounds 17, 18, 19: Sc. in each st. around decreasing 1 sc. st. in the st. before your decreases of the last row (5 decreases in each row).

Rounds 20, 21: 1 sc. st. in each st. around.

Round 22: 1 slip st. in each st. around. Tie off yarn. Make Pom Pom to sew on top.


End piece—make two: Chain 20 join with slip st.

Round 1: * 2 sc. in 1st st. of ch., 1 sc. in next st. Repeat from * around. Join with slip st.

Round 2: * 1 sc. in st. 5 sts., 2 sc. sts. in the next st. Repeat from * around. Join with slip st.

Round 3: 1 sc. st. in each st. around. Join with a slip st.

Round 4: * 1 sc. st. in st. 10 sts. 2 sc. sts. in the 11 st. Repeat from * around, ending with 1 sc. st. in the last 2 sts. Join with a slip st. and tie off yarn.

Chain 38 join with a slip st. to form ring.

Round 1: 1 sc. st. in each st. of ch. join with a slip st. Repeat this round for 18 rounds, tie off yarn. Fit the end pieces in the circle and sew together with a sc. st. around the outside edge.

Make two Pom Poms by the pattern for making Pom Poms and attach to top of Muff as shown in picture on the cover.




8 skeins avocado rug yarn; 8 skeins orange rug yarn;

8 skeins red brown rug yarn; size J crochet hook.

Gauge: approx. 2 sts. = 1 inch; 2 rows = 1 inch.


Border: Using double strand of yarn throughout ch. 53 using avocado.

Row 1: 1 sc. in 2nd ch. from hook and in each st. across ch. Ch. 1 turn. Repeat row 1—five more times (6 rows in all). Tie off yarn.

Main RugRow 1: Using orange put 1 loop st. in each st. across. Ch. 1 turn.

Row 2: 1 sc. in each st. across. Ch. 1 turn. Tie on red brown.

Row 3: Using red brown working over the orange, put 1 loop st. in each st. across, ch. 1 turn.

Row 4: 1 sc. in each st. across row still working over the orange. Ch. 1 with orange turn.

Row 5: Working over the red brown put 1 loop st. in each st. across row. Ch. 1 turn.

Row 6: Still working over red brown put 1 sc. st. in each st. across row. Tie off orange. Ch. 1 turn.

Row 7: Using red brown put 1 loop st. in each st. across row. Ch. 1 to turn.

Row 8: 1 sc. in each st. across row. Ch. 1 to turn.

Row 9: Repeat row 7.

Row 10: Repeat row 8.

Row 11: Repeat row 7.

Row 12: Repeat row 8. Tie off red brown.

Row 13: Tie on orange—1 loop st. in each st. across row. Ch. 1 turn.

Row 14: 1 sc. in each st. across row. Ch. 1 turn.

Row 15: Tie on avocado—work over the orange. Put 1 loop st. in each st. across row. Ch. 1 turn.

Row 16: Still working over the orange, put 1 sc. in each st. across. Ch. 1 with the orange. Turn.

Row 17: Working over the avocado, put 1 loop st. in each st. across row. Ch. 1 turn.

Row 18: Still working over the avocado put 1 sc. in each st. across. Ch. 1 with avocado to turn. Tie off orange.

Rows 19, 20, 21: Using avocado 1 sc. in each st. across row. Ch. 1 to turn each row.

Row 22: Tie on red brown and work over avocado—put 1 sc. in each st. across row. Ch. 1 turn.

Row 23: Still working over the avocado put 1 loop st. in each st. across row. Ch. 1 with the avocado. Tie off red brown.

Rows 24, 25, 26: Using avocado 1 sc. in each st. across row. Ch. 1 to turn each row. Tie off yarn.—Repeat the last 26 rows.—Now repeat the first 14 rows.—

Row 67: Working over the orange using red brown put 1 loop st. in each st. across. Ch. 1 turn.

Row 68: Still working over the orange put 1 sc. in each st. across row. Ch. 1 with orange. Tie off red brown.


Row 69: With orange put 1 loop st. in each st. across row. Ch. 1 turn.

Row 70: 1 sc. in each st. across row. Ch. 1 turn. Tie off orange.

Rows 71-76: Repeat six rows of sc. as in border at the start of rug. Tie off yarn.

Finishing Rug: Using any of the colors you have left, 1 strand only sc. evenly spaced around rug. On each end of rug put 2 inch looped fringe if desired.




4 skeins White rug yarn

1 skein Colored rug yarn

size G crochet hook

To Make Petals:

(Ch. 6—ch. 1 to turn) Ch. 7—1 sc. in 3rd ch. from hook and in each st. across ch. Ch. 2 turn—(5 sts. in all).

Row 1: 1 sc. in 1st. 2 sts.—2 sc. in next st. 1 sc. in next 2 sts. ch. 2 turn (6 sts.).

Row 2: 1 sc. in 1st. 2 sts.—2 sc. in next 2 sts.—1 sc. in next 2 sts. (8 sts. in all) ch. 2 turn.

Row 3: 1 sc. in each st. across, putting 2 sts. between the two increases of the last row (9 sts. in all) ch. 2 turn.

Row 4: Put 2 increasing in next row; one on each end and one in middle (12 sts. in all) ch. 2 turn.

Row 5: 1 sc. in each st. of row increasing one st. in center. Ch. 2 turn (13 sts.).

Row 6: 1 sc. in 1st. 4 sts. 2 sc. in next st. 1 sc. in next (3) 4 sts. 2 sc. in next st. 1 sc. in each st. on across row. (Leaves 4 st. at end) Ch. 2 turn (15 sts.).

Rows 7-8-9: Sc. in each st. of row increasing over the increases of previous row. Ch. 2 turn. After Row 9 you should have 21 sts.

Row 10: 1 sc. in each st. across. Ch. 2 turn.

Row 11: Skip the 1st st. 1 sc. in next 5 sts. 2 sc. in next st. 1 sc. in the next 3 sts. Slip st. in next st. 1 sc. in next 3 sts. 2 sc. in next st. 1 sc. in next 4 sts. Skip the last st. Ch. 2 turn.

Row 12: Skip the 1st. st. 1 sc. in next 4 sts. 2 sc. in next st. 1 sc. in next 3 sc. 1 slip st. in next st. 1 sc. in next 3 sts. 2 sc. in next st. 1 sc. in next 4 sts. Skip the last st. Ch. 2 turn.

Row 13: Skip the 1st. st.—1 sc. in next st. 2 sc. in next st. 1 sc. in next 6 sts. 1 slip st. in next st. 1 sc. in next 6 sts. 2 sc. in next st. Skip the last st. Ch. 2 turn.

Row 14: Skip the first st. 2 sc. in next st. 1 double croc. st. in the next 4 sts. 1 sc. in next 2 sts. 1 slip st. in next st. 1 sc. in next 2 sts. 1 double croc. in next 4 sts. 2 sc. in next st. Skip the last st. Make 8 petals—sc. with a color evenly spaced around each petal leaving the starting ch. (note picture). Arrange petals to form a circle. Pin or baste in place. Put sc. sts. evenly spaced around ring. Put another row of sc. sts. around this ring. Make center and sew to this last row with a slip st., going through the centerpiece and the row of sc. you put in circle.

Center: Ch. 3—join to form ring.

Round 1: Put 7 sc. sts. in ring.

Round 2: 2 sc. in each st. around.

Round 3: 1 sc. in each st. around, increasing as often as necessary to keep work flat.

Round 4: Continue in this manner until the circle fits the ring at top of petals.


Back of Pillow: Do the same as center, just continue until the piece fits pillow. We made 23 rows—increase just enough to keep your work flat. Put pillow inside and slip st. bottom to top. Photo on Page 19.

(22″ x 29″)


9 skeins Lavender rug yarn;

2 skeins Violet rug yarn;

size J crochet hook.

Gauge: 2 st. = 1 inch. Approx. 2 rows = 1 inch

Directions: Use double strand of yarn throughout working as one strand with background color. Chain 43, sc. in 2nd ch. from hook and in each st. of ch. Ch. 1 to turn.

Rows 2 through 8: 1 sc. in each st. across row. Ch. 1 to turn each row.


Rows 1 and 2: Attach border color (working over the background color) 1 sc. st. in 1st. 2 sts. change colors (work over the other color each color change) 1 sc. st. in next 2 sts. repeat across row. Chain 1 to turn.

Rows 3 and 4: Using border color working over the background color 1 sc. st. in each st. across row. Ch. 1 to turn.

Rows 5 and 6: Using border color 1 sc. st. in 1st. 2 sts. change color 1 sc. st. in next 2 sts. repeat across row. Detach the border color. For the next 32 rows use the background color and 1 sc. st. in each st. across ch. 1 to turn each row. Attach the border color again (work over the background color as you did before and repeat the six rows of the border). Finish the rug with 8 rows of the background color 1 sc st. in each st. Tie off yarn. Put 2 rows of sc. evenly spaced around the rug using 1 strand of yarn. This rug also looks well with a fringe use the directions on how to make a fringe (in the book) Page 44.

To increase the length of rug, add extra rows between the two borders. See visual chart on page 42.








1 skein rug yarn = 3 blocks. Size G crochet hook.

Take approximately 15 skeins rug yarn for 50 blocks

1 skein rug yarn to sew together and put border.


3 rows = 1 in.—3 st. = 1 in. Size G crochet hook.

Each block approx. 5 in. across.

Directions: Ch. 4—join with slip st. to form ring. Put 24 pull double croc. st. in ring. (Pull st. is like a double croc.) (Pull st. yarn over, put needle through ring, pick up yarn, pull through ring and pull to desired length 1½″ yarn over, pull through first two loops on needle, yarn over and pull through remaining two loops.) Join with slip st. to top of ch. 4.

Round 2: Ch. 1—1 sc. in 1st. st. 2 sc. in 2nd. st. Repeat around row—join with slip st. in top of ch. 1.

Round 3: Ch. 1 * 1 sc. in 1st. 5 sts.—2 sc. in next st. Repeat from * around row. Join with slip st.

Round 4: Ch. 1 * 1 sc. in 1st. 6 sts.—2 sc. in top of next st. (over increases in previous row). Repeat from * around row—join slip st.

Round 5: Ch. 1—1 sc. in 1st. 7 sts.—2 sc. in next st. (over increase of previous row)—repeat from * around. Join with slip st.

Border: Put sc. sts. evenly spaced around work. Make 50 blocks—sew together as in the picture. This one is heavy enough to be used as a rug if so desired. Photo on Page 22.


Light Pink

Old Rose

Dusty Rose

Velvet Rose

Dark Cardinal



Red Brown

Dark Brown

Lemon Yellow




Indian Orange


Forest Green

Dark Green

Aqua Green

Col. Green

Avocado Green




12 skeins White rug yarn;

9 skeins Blue rug yarn;

size J crochet hook

1st Block: Using 1st. color—ch. 15 turn.

Work over your 2nd color (lay the strand of yarn along your work and sc. with the 1st. color as usual). This is done throughout—using alternating colors as the block indicates.

Row 1: 1st. color—1 sc. in 2nd ch. from hook and in each st. across ch. Ch. 1 turn. Pull the strand of yarn you’re working over to the back of your work after the Ch. 1 in each row. (To keep your work smooth on the edges.)

Rows 2 to 14: 1 sc. in each st. across row—ch. 1 to turn each row. Tie off yarn. Keep the yarn you are working over just tight enough not to pull your work. It is supposed to show through (note picture).

The next block is made the same way only alternating your colors.

Make 54 blocks in all. (27 blocks of color).

Work in loose strands around each block so they will sew together neatly.


Take two squares of different colors and slip st. together on corner using any color you like. We used a light color to show pattern of stitches in picture. With yarn on back side of your work pull the loop on your needle from the slip st. out long enough to reach 1st. st. in 1st. row of 2nd block (on the right). Put needle through st. Pick up yarn and pull through loop on needle (slip st). Pull loop on needle long enough to reach 1st. st. in 2nd row of 1st. block (left one). Put needle through st. Pick up yarn from the block and pull through st. and loop (slip st). Pull loop long enough to go to 1st. in 3rd. row of right block. Slip st. Repeat, skipping every other row. Alternate in each block. When you reach the top of the two blocks add two more and repeat till the length is reached (9 blocks high—6 blocks wide). Then working from the side repeat the same st. down each row until the whole Afghan is together (note picture).

Border: Put 3 rows of sc. evenly spaced all around—putting 3 sts. in each corner to turn—tie off yarn. Photo on Page 23.




7 skeins of Dark Cardinal rug yarn.

8 skeins of Velvet Rose rug yarn.

Size J crochet hook.

Dark Cardinal Color No. 2

Velvet Rose Color No. 1

Directions: Using double strand of yarn throughout working over the color not in use. Follow pattern. Chain 49, 1 sc. st. in second ch. from hook and each st. across ch. Ch. 1 turn.

Row 1: Using color No. 1 put 1 sc. st. in first 32 sts. Using color No. 2 put 1 sc. st. in each st. to end of row. 48 sts. in all. Ch. 1 to turn.

Row 2: Using color No. 2 put 1 sc. st. in first 17 sts. Using color No. 1 put 1 sc. st. in each st. to end of row. Ch. 1 to turn.

Row 3: Using color No. 1 put 1 sc. st. in first 30 sts. Using color No. 2 put 1 sc. st. in next 2 sts. Using color No. 1 put 1 sc. st. in each st. to end of row. Ch. 1 to turn.

Row 4: First 16 sts. in color No. 1, next 3 sts. in color No. 2, use color No. 1 to end of row. Ch. 1 to turn.

Row 5: First 28 sts. in color No. 1, next 4 sts. in color No. 2, use color No. 1 in each st. to end of row. Ch. 1 to turn.

Row 6: First 16 in No. 1 color. Next 5 sts. in No. 2 color. Use No. 1 color to end of row dh. 1 to turn.

Row 7: First 26 sts. in color No. 1, next 6 sts. in color No. 2, use color No. 1 to end of row. Ch. 1 to turn.

Row 8: First 16 sts. in color No. 1, next 7 sts. in color No. 2, use color No. 1 to end of row. Ch. 1 to turn.

Row 9: First 8 sts. in color No. 1, next 25 sts. in color No. 2, use color No. 1 to end of row. Ch. 1 to turn.

Row 10: First 16 sts. in color No. 1, next 25 sts. in color No. 2, last 7 sts. in color No. 1. Ch. 1 to turn.

Rows 11 through 34: Ch. 1 to turn each row.

Row 11: 6 color No. 1, 2 color No. 2, 16 color No. 1, 8 color No. 2, 16 color No. 1.

Row 12: 16 color No. 1, 8 color No. 2, 16 color No. 1, 3 color No. 2, 5 color No. 1.

Row 13: 4 color No. 1, 4 color No. 2, 16 color No. 1, 8 color No. 2, 16 color No. 1.

Row 14: 16 color No. 1, 8 color No. 2, 16 color No. 1, 5 color No. 2, 3 color No. 1.

Row 15: 2 color No. 1, 6 color No. 2, 16 color No. 1, 8 color No. 2, 16 color No. 1.

Row 16: 16 color No. 1, 8 color No. 2, 16 color No. 1, 7 color No. 2, 1 color No. 1.

Row 17: 8 color No. 2, 16 color No. 1, 8 color No. 2, 16 color No. 1.

Row 18: 16 color No. 1, 8 color No. 2, 16 color No. 1, 8 color No. 2.

Row 19: 8 No. 2, 16 No. 1, 24 No. 2.

Row 20: 23 No. 2, 16 No. 1, 8 No. 2.

Row 21: 8 No. 2 color, 16 No. 1, 22 No. 2, 2 No. 1.

Row 22: 3 No. 1, 21 No. 2, 16 No. 1, 8 No. 2.

Row 23: 8 No. 2, 16 No. 28 1, 20 No. 2, 4 No. 1.

Row 24: 5 No. 1, 19 No. 2, 16 No. 1, 8 No. 2.

Row 25: 8 No. 2, 16 No. 1, 18 No. 2, 6 No. 1.

Row 26: 7 No. 1, 17 No. 2, 16 No. 1, 8 No. 2.

Row 27: 24 No. 2 color, 16 No. 1, 8 No. 2.

Row 28: 9 No. 1, 16 No. 2, 23 No. 2.

Row 29: 22 No. 2, 16 No. 1, 10 No. 2.

Row 30: 11 No. 2, 16 No. 1, 21 No. 2.

Row 31: 20 No. 2, 16 No. 1, 12 No. 2.

Row 32: 13 No. 2, 16 No. 1, 19 No. 2.

Row 33: 18 No. 2, 16 No. 1, 14 No. 2.

Row 34: 15 No. 2, 16 No. 1, 17 No. 2. This is the first repeat. Start with row 1 and repeat to the desired length you want your rug. Then put one row all the way across using color No. 1. Tie off yarn. Border: Put three rows of single crochet around edge of rug using one strand of yarn only be sure to increase in corners so rug will lie flat.

Visual Chart
Each square = 1 stitch.
Rows are numbered.


24″ x 36″


4 skeins forest green rug yarn;

6 skeins avocado rug yarn;

6 skeins aqua rug yarn;

5 skeins yellow rug yarn;

2 skeins maize rug yarn;

1 skein orange rug yarn.

Size J crochet hook.

Directions: Use double strand of yarn—1 strand avocado, 1 strand forest green—Ch. 50—sc. in 2nd ch. from hook and in each st. of ch. Ch. 1 turn.

Row 1: 1 loop st. in each st. of row. Ch. 1 turn.

Row 2: 1 sc. st. in each st. across. Ch. 1 turn.

Rows 3—11: Repeat row 1 & 2—(1 row sc. and 1 row loops). Ch. 1 to turn each row.

Row 12: 1 sc. in 1st. 20 sts. Tie on aqua. With aqua and avocado work over forest green. Put 1 sc. in next 9 sts. Drop the aqua (let it hang from your work). Pick up forest green. Using forest green and avocado, put 1 sc. in next 20 sts. Ch. 1 turn.

Row 13: sc. back across row—Ch. 1 turn. (Picking up the aqua and working with the avocado as you did in last row.) Ch. 1 turn.

Row 14: 1 loop st. in next 18 sts. Pick up aqua and working over the forest green using aqua and avocado, put 1 loop st. in next 13 sts. Drop the aqua, pick up forest green. With forest green and avocado put 1 loop in each st. to end of row.—Ch. 1 turn.

Rows 15—24: Work in pattern, watching the chart for the number of added avocado and aqua sts. in each row. Until in row 25 the aqua and avocado go all the way across rug. Drop forest green.

Row 26: You pick up yellow—Do this the same way as the avocado and aqua watching the chart for the sts.

Row 37: The yellow and aqua go all the way across row on one side (so you will drop the avocado when you pick up the yellow and pick it up on the next row back.)

Row 39: Pick up maize (follow chart). You are now working with olive, aqua, yellow, maize, as they appear on chart.

Row 48: Pick up orange (follow chart). You are now working with olive, aqua, yellow, maize, orange.

Row 56: Carry forest green all the way across row, working over it as necessary as it is used on both ends of row.

Row 58: Pick up forest green again. Just follow the chart, each square is a st. The colors are marked with the stitch line of each patch. Do 76 rows in all to complete rug. Watch the chart closely.

Border: Using single strand of forest green single croc. evenly spaced all around outside of rug, putting 3 sc. in each corner. Tie off yarn.

Fringe: Put 2 in. looped fringe on each end.

Fringe instructions on page 44.

Photo on Page 30.


See visual chart on page 41.




9 skeins Brown rug yarn

4 skeins Cream rug yarn

size G crochet hook

Directions: With main color—ch. 85—sc. across ch. Ch. 1 turn.

Row 1: sc. in each sc. across—ch. 1 turn.

Row 2: Using main color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. Changing to contrasting color—1 sc. in next 6 sc. (working over main color). Using main color—working over contrasting yarn—sc. in next 54 sc. With contrasting color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. Using main color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. Using contrasting color, 1 sc. in next sc. Ch. 1 turn.

Rows 3 thru 7: Using main color—working over main color—and contrasting color over contrasting color, repeat Row 2.

Row 8: Using contrasting color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With main color, 1 sc. in next 54 sc. Using contrasting color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With main color 1 sc. in next 6 sc. Using contrasting color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. Ch. 1 turn.

Rows 9 thru 13: Using main color over main color and contrasting color over contrasting color, repeat Row 8.

Row 14: Using main color, 1 sc. in next 54 sc. With contrasting color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. Using main color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With contrasting color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With main color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With contrasting color 1 sc. in next 6 sc. Ch. 1 turn.

Rows 15 thru 19: Repeat Row 14—using main color over main color and contrasting color over contrasting color.

Row 20: 1 sc. in next 48 sc. Using main color. With contrasting color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. Using main color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With contrasting color 1 sc. in next 6 sc. Main color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With contrasting color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With main color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. Ch. 1 turn.

Rows 21 thru 25: Repeat Row 20 using main color over main color and contrasting color over contrasting color.

Row 26: With main color, 1 sc. in next 42 sc. Using contrasting color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With main color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With contrasting color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With main color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With contrasting color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. Using main color, 1 sc. in next 12 sc. Ch. 1 turn.

Rows 27 thru 31: Repeat Row 26—working main color over main color and contrasting color over contrasting color.

Row 32: With main color, 1 sc. in next 36 sc. With contrasting color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With main color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With contrasting color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With main color, 1 sc. 32 in next 6 sc. With contrasting color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With main color, 1 sc. in next 18 sc. Ch. 1 turn.

Rows 33 thru 37: Repeat Row 32 using main color over main color and contrasting color over contrasting color.

Row 38: Using main color, 1 sc. in next 30 sc. With contrasting color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With main color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With contrasting color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With main color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With contrasting color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With main color, 1 sc. in next 24 sc. Ch. 1 turn.

Rows 39 thru 43: Repeat Row 38 using main color over main color and contrasting color over contrasting color.

Row 44: Using main color, 1 sc. in next 24 sc. With contrasting color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With main color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With contrasting color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With main color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With contrasting color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With main color, 1 sc. in next 30 sc. Ch. 1 turn.

Rows 45 thru 49: Repeat Row 44 using main color over main color and contrasting color over contrasting color.

Row 50: With main color, 1 sc. in next 18 sc. With contrasting color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With main color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With contrasting color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With main color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With contrasting color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With main color, 1 sc. in next 36 sc. Ch. 1 turn.

Rows 51 thru 55: Repeat Row 50 using main color over main color and contrasting color over contrasting color.

Row 56: With main color, 1 sc. in next 12 sc. With contrasting color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With main color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With contrasting color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With main color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With contrasting color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With main color, 1 sc. in next 42 sc. Ch. 1 turn.

Rows 57 thru 61: Repeat Row 56 using main color over main color and contrasting color over contrasting color.

Row 62: With main color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With contrasting color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With main color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With contrasting color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With main color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With contrasting color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With main color, 1 sc. in next 48 sc. Ch. 1 turn.

Rows 63 thru 67: Repeat Row 62 using main color over main color and contrasting color over contrasting color.

Row 68: Contrasting color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With main color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With contrasting color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With main color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With contrasting color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With main color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With contrasting color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With main color, 1 sc. in next 54 sc. Ch. 1 turn.

Rows 69 thru 73: Repeat Row 68 using main color over main color and 33 contrasting color over contrasting color.

Row 74: With main color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With contrasting color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With main color—1 sc. in next 6 sc. With contrasting color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With main color, 1 sc. in next 54 sc. With contrasting color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. Ch. 1 turn.

Rows 75 thru 79: Repeat Row 74 using main color over main color and contrasting color over contrasting color.

Row 80: With contrasting color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With main color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. Contrasting color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With main color, 1 sc. in next 54 sc. With contrasting color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. With main color, 1 sc. in next 6 sc. Ch. 1 turn.

Rows 81 thru 85: Repeat Row 80 using main color over main color and contrasting color over contrasting color.

Row 86: 1 sc. in each sc. across. Ch. 1 turn.

Row 87: Repeat Row 86.

Border: Sc. evenly around. Sew pieces of ½ in. elastic across each corner to hold on table.


22″ x 35″


18 skeins background rug yarn

2 skeins border rug yarn

size J crochet hook

Gauge: 2 sts. = 1 inch—2 rows = 1 inch

Directions: Using two strands of yarn working as one. Start with background color chain 46, single croc. in the second ch. from hook and in each ch. across row. ch. 1 to turn.

Row 1: 1 single croc. st. in each st. across row. Ch. 1 to turn. Repeat this row six more times. Eight rows in all.

BORDER: Row 1: Using background color, 1 sc. st. in 1st. 4 sts. * pick-up border color (work over the background color) 1 sc. st. on the next 5 sts. use background color (work over the border clr) 1 sc. st. in the next 3 sts. repeat across row from * ending with 1 sc. st. in the last 4 sts. with background color. Ch. 1 to turn.

Row 2: Using background color, (working over the border color) 1 sc. st. in the 1st. 3 sts., using border color (working over background color) 1 sc. st. in the next st. (change colors the same way working over the other color) * 1 sc. st. in the next 5 sts. change colors, 1 sc. st. in the next st. (change colors) 1 sc. st. in the next st. change colors, 1 sc. st. in the next st. repeat from * across row ending with 3 sts. of border color. Ch. 1 to turn.

Row 3: * With background color (working over the border color) 1 sc. st. in the 1st. 2 sts., change colors 1 sc. st. in next st., change colors 1 sc. st. in the next 2 sts., change colors 1 sc. st. in the next 3 sts. repeat across row from * ending with 2 sc. sts. in the background color. Ch. 1 to turn.

Row 4: * Using border color, 1 sc. st. in 1st. st. change colors, 1 sc. st. in the next 2 sts. change color, 1 sc. st. in the next 2 sts. change color, 1 sc. st., 3 sts. change color, repeat across row ending with 2 sts. of border color. Ch. 1 to turn.

Row 5: Using background color, 1 sc. st. in 1st. two sts. change color 1 sc. in the next st. change color 1 sc. st. in the next 2 sts. change color, 1 sc. st. * change color 1 sc. st. in the next 2 sts. change color 1 sc. st. in the next st. change colors 1 sc. st. in the next 2 sts. change colors 1 sc. st. in next st. change color 1 sc. st. in next st. change color 1 sc. st. in next st. repeat across row., ending with 1 sc. st. of the background color in the last st.

Row 6: Using background color, 1 sc. st. in the 1st. 2 sts. change color 1 sc. st. in the next st. * change color 1 sc. in the next 2 sts. change color 1 sc. st. in the next 2 sts. repeat from * 35 across row, the fourth st. from the end of row. Should be in the border color, the last three sts. of row in the background color, ch. 1 to turn.

Row 7: Using background color 1 sc. st. in 1st. four sts. * change color 1 sc. st. in the next st. change color 1 sc. st. in the next 4 sts. change color 1 sc. st. in the next st. change color 1 sc. st. in the next 2 sts. repeat across row ending in 3 sts. of background color. Ch. 1 to turn.

Row 8: * Using background color 1 sc. st. in 1st. 4 sts. change color 1 sc. st. in next 4 sts. repeat from * across row ending in 5 sts. of background color ch. 1 to turn. Border is complete, fasten off the border color. Using background color 1 sc. in each st. across row, ch. 1 to turn. Repeat this row from 57 more rows. (58) rows in all. Then start at Row 1 of the border and put the border in again just as you did before finish with 8 rows of sc. in the background color, tie off yarn. This rug is nice with or without a fringe (see in book “how to make fringe”) to finish off the rug put 2 rows of sc. sts. evenly spaced around the outside using 1 strand of yarn. Either color.

See visual chart on page 40.




9 skeins of rug yarn

size G crochet hook

Cover size 20½ by 31 inches

Directions: Chain 75. 1st. Row: 1 sc. in third stitch from the needle. 2 dc. in the same stitch, ch. 2, and 3 dc. in the same stitch as 2 dc. (making a shell). Skip 2 ch. and 1 sc. in next ch., * 3 dc., ch. 2, 3 dc. in the 3rd ch. and skip 2 ch. and 1 sc. in the following ch. Continue until you have twelve shells. Ch. 3 and turn. (If the rug seems to circle some this will straighten out as each row is added.)

2nd to 46th Rows: 1 sc. in last dc. of last shell. 2 dc. in same stitch, ch. 2, 3 dc. in same stitch (making a shell). * 1 sc. in ch. 2 of previous row. 3 dc., ch. 2, and 3 dc. in sc * and ch. 3 and turn.

47th Row: 1 dc. in last stitch of last shell, 2 dc. in the same stitch. * 1 sc. in ch. 2. 1 dc., 1 hdc., 1 sc., 1 hdc., 1 dc. in the sc *. Continue to the end of row and tie.

By adding more rows this makes a beautiful Afghan done in a combination of 4 colors—4 rows of each throughout.



1 skein rug yarn

size 8 knitting needles

Directions: Using two strands of yarn knitting them as you would one strand, cast on 20 sts.

Knit 4 and purl 4 across row, repeat for 12 rows or until the cloth is the desired size, bind off.




14 skeins Red rug yarn

1 skein Ivory rug yarn

crochet hook—Boye G

Styrofoam Pillow—20″ by 20″ by 4″

20″ zipper

Directions: Half double croc. st.—yarn over as you would in a double croc. stitch—go through st. Pick up yarn and pull through all loops on hook. Top & Bottom: Make two pieces using red ch. 68.

Row 1: 1 half double croc. st. in 3rd st. of ch. 1 half double croc. st. in each st. of ch. across row. (66 st. in all.) Should measure 20″—ch. 2—turn. Continue for 50 rows putting 1 half double croc. st. in each st. across ch. 2 to turn each row (measure 20″). Strips for sides (make 4): Ch. 14—1 half double croc. st. in 3rd st. of ch. and in each st. across ch. (12 sts.) (measures 4 in.) ch. 2 turn. Continue putting 1 half double croc. st. in each st. across ch. 2 to turn each row until your work measures 20″.

Tassels: Make 4. Cut a piece of cardboard 5 in. wide and wrap yarn around 30 times—use either color or both. Slide off cardboard carefully and tie with string as tightly as possible about an in. from top and around all the strands—cut the other end too and trim evenly with bottom of pillow—finish tassel—(note picture). Tie to each corner of pillow.

Put together: using ivory yarn, croc. all seams together with sc. st. With seams to outside put several stitches in corners so work will lie flat. Leave on edge open for zipper. Pin zipper in, then baste before stitching—on sewing machine.


4 inches of yarn makes 1 inch of belting.

Buckle of your choice.

Measure your yarn, double what you need so you can loop it on your buckle, note diagram 1. Page 39.

You will need 12 strands to work with to make a 2 inch belt.

This is a square knot, so you work with 4 strands at a time, just follow the diagrams. The first row will have three knots, on the next row skip the first two strands and work with the next four, only two knots in the second row, then three knots in the third and so on bind off yarn at the end.







Border Rug—Visual pattern.
Directions on page 34.
Each square=1 st.
The rows are numbered.


Autumn Rug—Visual pattern.
Directions on page 29.


22 x 29 Rug—Visual pattern.
Directions on page 21.


22 x 35 Rug—Visual pattern.
Directions on page 3.



All visual patterns can be knitted. Look at the croc. pattern, find out how many ch. sts. you start out with and cast on one st. less. Use number 8 large size knitting needle. This makes the same gauge—2 sts. to the inch, 2 rows to the inch. When just the border pattern is given, look at the croc. pattern to find out how many rows to make. Most of the patterns for rugs use a double strand of yarn; just hold them together and knit as you would one strand.

(1¼″ Loop Recommended)

Working with wrong side of rug up, attach two strands of yarn to edge of rug, and with crochet hook pull both strands of yarn through a single crochet stitch and form the 1¼″ loop. Then wrap one strand of yarn back under the loop. Pull the strands up snug; then to form the next 1¼″ loop, pull both strands of yarn through the next stitch to the left, and again wrap one strand under the last loop made. Proceed this way all around the rug.


*Loop st.—Put your needle through st. wrap yarn over your finger twice counter clockwise. With needle go under 1st. strand through loop on finger, pick up last strand, pull through loop on finger and through st. Finish like a sc and on to the next.


ch. chain
st.(s) stitch(es)
sc. single crochet
h dc. half double crochet
dc. double crochet
* Repeat whatever follows the * as many times as specified.
( ) Do what is in parentheses the number of times indicated.


Wrap yarn around a 4 inch piece of cardboard, carefully slide off the cardboard and tie in the middle all around the yarn very tightly. Trim each end with scissors and shape into a puff. Sew on top of tam over the hole.


Scatter rugs and throw pillows are fashionable and are an inexpensive way of putting warmth and color in your room. Sturdy, long-wearing Kentucky Soft Spun Yarns work up particularly well for rugs and pillows. Kentucky Soft Spun patterns are simple and interesting.

Yarns vary in color from one dye lot to the next. Buy enough at one time to finish the particular design.

Always wash finished item in warm water with mild soap.

Every effort has been made to have crocheting directions accurate and complete. We cannot be responsible for variance of individual crocheters, knitters, human error or typographical mistakes.

_Kentucky_ Soft Spun Yarn

Transcriber’s Notes