Dyer's Guide
Thomas Packer
Elementary Study of Chemistry
William McPherson and William Edwards Henderson
Elements of Agricultural Chemistry
Thomas Anderson
Elements of agricultural chemistry and geology
Jas. F. W. Johnston
Elements of Blowpipe Analysis
Frederick Hutton Getman
Elements of Chemistry,
Antoine Laurent Lavoisier
Elements of Qualitative Chemical Analysis, vol. 1, parts 1 and 2.
Julius Stieglitz
Elements of the Theory and Practice of Chymistry, 5th ed.
Pierre Joseph Macquer
Endless Amusement
examination of some methods employed in determining the atomic weight of Cadmium
John Emery Bucher
Experiments and Observations on Different Kinds of Air
Joseph Priestley
Experiments and Observations on the Following Subjects
Thomas Henry
Experiments upon magnesia alba, Quicklime, and some other Alcaline Substances
Joseph Black
Familiar Letters on Chemistry, and Its Relation to Commerce, Physiology, and Agriculture
Freiherr von Justus Liebig
Familiar Letters on Chemistry, and Its Relation to Commerce, Physiology, and Agriculture
Freiherr von Justus Liebig
Forty Centuries of Ink
David Nunes Carvalho
Fragments of Science: A Series of Detached Essays, Addresses, and Reviews. V. 1-2
John Tyndall
Further Investigation of the Symmetrical Chloride of Paranitroorthosulphobenzoic Acid
William Edwards Henderson
Gases of the Atmosphere: The History of Their Discovery
William Ramsay
Golden Calf, Which the World Adores, and Desires
Johann Friedrich Helvetius
handbook of laboratory glass-blowing
Bernard D. Bolas
handbook of soap manufacture
W. H. Simmons and H. A. Appleton
Handbuch der chemischen Technologie (German)
Johannes Rudolf Wagner
Heads of Lectures on a Course of Experimental Philosophy: Particularly Including Chemistry
Joseph Priestley
hell bomb
William L. Laurence